❀ bree || jehan
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jehanparnasse (& les mis) blog read pinned for more infoartist, editor, cosplayer, writer and daydreamer.
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prouvairesverse · 1 hour ago
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fml jehans death shattered me to pieces
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prouvairesverse · 1 hour ago
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"Enjolras made sure I did not lose what I need. “
“My shadow."
More Jehanparnasse art who cheered- !!
This was originally based on a really cute headcanon from @prouvairesverse :D Then omg a fic was written for it !?!! 🥹 (I still can’t believe this)
pls go read it if y’all have the chance it’s so good <3
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prouvairesverse · 1 day ago
my jehan prouvaire headcanons
because i feel like sharing them
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flower tattoos over top scars
agender & acespec
autistic w/anxiety
HAS HETEROCHROMIA. brown and green eye’s are personally what i hc
one of my biggest hc’s is that they suffer from joint pains (aka me projecting) but i just think it makes sense!!!
is hellenic polytheistic!!! i hc they worship Persephone and Aphrodite
highly allergic to animals but this doesn’t stop them from owning them
relating to pets, hc they have a bearded dragon. it’s real to me
regularly experimenting with new hairstyles
has a little spring ritual to celebrate it (i saw this in a fic and i loved it)
big big thrifter . 90% of what they own is thrifted
used to do dancing when they were younger (before the joint pains kicked in) and still practices some of the moves in their apartment as they’re doing stuff
most of their apartment is just books and papers strewn about with random trinkets everywhere (half are probably cursed)
knows a lot of flower meanings and flower language
lots of their clothes are hand embroidered
cuffs of sleeves/hands are stained with ink
carries a little notebook everywhere (bookmarked with a flower like in the french production!)
tends to doodle on anything. napkins in the musain aren’t even safe (or their friends hands)
fear of his eyes being covered (iykyk)
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prouvairesverse · 2 days ago
writing montparnasse for the first time this is lowkey terrifying
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prouvairesverse · 2 days ago
i am NOT replying to this late whattt….. ANYWAYS prouvairesverse is mainly a reference to of course, jehan’s chapter in the brick
but also just because yk!!! he’s a poet!!! he writes verses!!!! and i like usernames relating to him and poetry
tag - anyone who wants to add to it (my way of saying i’m too scared to tag people)
Tag game🎉
Tag your moots and ask them where they got the idea for their tumblr accounts name!
For my name it was a nickname I was giving back in middleschool! One of our teacher had a system where we worked with 'wifi' eachtime we talked in class we lost a bar of the "wifi" (was a weird joke and we never held count on that) All the kids usually joked if they needed 'wifi' , they would borrow mine if they wanted to talk more. (I was incredibly shy in middle school, I only talked to like 3 people at school;^;)
They called me Ms. Wifi because of that. I just thought it would be funny if I put 'miss' instead of 'ms' because of my terrible actual wifi connection I have at home lol.
That's my story! Now moots, only if you guys want to, tell us your story.
Tags-> @slipping-lately @firequeenofficial @noagskryf @twinklstarrrr @halfbakedspuds @polterwasteist @rokushi-san @mygedagtes +anyone that sees this and wants to do this as well
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prouvairesverse · 2 days ago
averting my eyes from the jehanparnasse hate this time around i can do it
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prouvairesverse · 2 days ago
i’m half asleep rn but quick propaganda poster
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same arts sorry i don’t have anything new 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but there is a lil keychain sketch idea ….
Les Mis Shipping Showdown: Quarter Finals
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Learn how to steal this poll here!
enjoltaire art by @hater-era
jehanparnasse art by @prouvairesverse
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prouvairesverse · 3 days ago
If Neil didn’t die but Keating still got fired, the rest of the movie would have been like this
Video credits to @jtfriedman1 on tiktok
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prouvairesverse · 3 days ago
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Weird mammals
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prouvairesverse · 3 days ago
thinking about persephone
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prouvairesverse · 3 days ago
im in quite the creative block at the minute and really want to get making stuff, especially writing, SO pick a number off this list (linked below) and a les mis ship to create something based off it!! will be either a mini fic or a drawing (if i have the time but no promises! more likely to be a fic)
prompt list + send a ship!
preferably send it into my ask box or replies ;D
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prouvairesverse · 3 days ago
who believes in me to make a comic (possibly an animation if it works out) for the next poll within a week
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prouvairesverse · 3 days ago
Les Mis Shipping Showdown Round of 16: Official Winners Reveal
What an enjoyable week and a bit we've had in this round! We're absolutely thrilled to have seen people get so thoroughly on board with the poll stealing mechanic. The creativity & dedication on display has been amazing - and fear not, this will not be your last opportunity to steal polls for your favourite ships!
Without further ado, the Official Winners of the round of 16 are...
Combeferre/Enjolras (61%) vs. Bahorel/Bahorel's Laughing Mistress (39%)
Valjean/Javert (75.6%) vs. Jehan/Bahorel (24.4%)
Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta (88.5%) vs. Courfeyrac/Grantaire (11.5%)
Enjolras/Grantaire (85.6%) vs. Courfeyrac/Enjolras (14.4%)
Cosette/Marius (62.6%) vs. Enjolras/Feuilly (37.4%)
Cosette/Éponine (77.8%) vs. Enjolras/Marius (22.2%)
Jehan/Montparnasse (81.6%) vs. Bahorel/Feuilly (19.4%)
And finally, I need to give a shout out to fans on both sides of our final match up, Turnchetta vs. Courfius. Turnchetta fans, you took a stupid little joke ship from 2013 that I put in this poll for the bit, and you put forward an absolute outpouring of incredible fanworks that totally do not betray this ship's stupid origins. But Courfius fans were not cowed so easily, and joined the steal game with formidable enthusiasm to try and claw the battle back in favour of their OTP. All in all, I will tell you guys that when I'm not running Les Mis ship polls I'm a big Formula One fan, and tracking the #lmss steal tag over the past hour gave me emotions I haven't felt since I got so stressed during the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix that I literally went and hid in my friend's bathroom rather than watch the race on the telly. We've literally invented sports again. But for Les Mis shipping.
Anyway, enough about me. You all want to know how this match up ended. And I can say now that the final tally IS...
Courfeyrac/Marius (51.5%) vs. Turning Woman #3/Musichetta (48.5%)
Congratulations to both teams on such a hard fought battle! Turnchetta, you may not be proceeding in this bracket, but I have a feeling that the 2025 Turnchetta Revival has not reached its conclusion just yet. Now, with your head held high, sashay away.
Courfius, you're not out of the woods yet. Though you managed to claw back a thrilling victory in this poll, the narrow margin means that you will shortly be facing off against Courferre in a 24 hour fight to the death to see who will proceed to the semi finals. Keep your eyes peeled as this will be dropping in approximately 25 minutes!
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prouvairesverse · 3 days ago
andddd back to the design board i no longer like my montparnasse design
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prouvairesverse · 4 days ago
Montprouvaire Week # 7: "AU"
“…wears a mask, a porcelain mask, and nobody’s ever seen his face…”
“…eyes like fire, eyes that burn right through you…”
“…got a magical lasso, a Punjab lasso- so you’ve got to keep your hand at the level of your eyes…”
Prouvaire knew that the dancers were superstitious- they were convinced that the Persian who roamed the Opera had the evil eye, and made a point of touching an iron horseshoe as they entered the building for fear of the ghost- and yet he couldn’t help being intrigued by the rumours that surrounded the Phantom. He’d seen him only once, granted, a slender figure in dark evening dress that made no sound when he walked, gliding along a catwalk above the stage, and even then he couldn’t be sure- but there had to be some truth to the rumours.
And that was why he was wandering the lesser used rooms of the Opera with a lantern, long after everybody else had left.
“Spirit!” The flickering lamp cast an eerie orange glow on his features. “Spirit, are you there?”
He heard a noise behind him, like fabric rustling, and turned.
“Are you there?” His voice shook slightly as he held the lantern higher.
“Curious, aren’t you?” The voice came from behind him, smooth and catlike.
Prouvaire spun in a circle. “Who’s there?”
An amused laugh, from above him this time. “Three guesses…”
“The Phantom,” Prouvaire whispered, eyes wide, remembering a moment later to raise his hand and keep it at eye level.
A slender figure stepped into the circle of lamplight. Prouvaire could make out a dark cloak and an eerie porcelain mask, dark eyes that seemed to burn from within.
“How very clever.” A wry smile twisted the figure’s lips.
Prouvaire stepped forward hesitantly. “Who are you?”
“The Phantom.” A smirk. “You said it yourself…”
“Have you got a name other than Phantom?”
A laugh in response. “You sound far less afraid than you should.”
“Need I be afraid?”
“Perhaps.” The Phantom stepped closer, that same crooked smirk on his face, less than three feet away now. “And you, Jehan… don’t you know it’s foolish to go looking for spirits?”
“You’re no spirit.” Prouvaire’s tone was growing bolder.
A genuine grin now. “A regular Sherlock Holmes. I don’t mean to strangle you, Jehan. You needn’t keep your hand up.”
“How generous of you.” Prouvaire grinned, lowering his hand slowly. “You must have a name.”
“Montparnasse.” The Phantom’s smile was softer, more gentle.
“Montparnasse.” Prouvaire said it slowly, carefully. He stepped closer once more, so close that he could have reached out to touch the mysterious opera ghost now.
“I hope you don’t mean to tell anybody.” Montparnasse laughed. “I’ve had to put quite a bit of effort into cultivating an air of mystery.”
“I’ll tell nobody.” Prouvaire smiled back, reaching out to rest his fingertips cautiously against the Phantom’s cheekbone where his face wasn’t covered by the mask, shocked at his own bravery even as he did it. Montparnasse flinched but didn’t back away.
And then, more emboldened, Prouvaire caught hold of the edge of the Phantom’s mask and tugged it away before he could think better of it.
Montparnasse let out a horrified cry, something that sounded like pain and desperation as the mask clattered to the floor.
Prouvaire watched him with wide eyes, unable to look away from the mass of scars that marred the side of Montparnasse’s face.
“I- I’m sorry-”
“Sorry.” Montparnasse’s mouth twisted into a bitter smile. “Aren’t you horrified? Disgusted?”
Prouvaire shook his head slowly, moving closer. His fingertips grazed the ruined skin stretching across Montparnasse’s left temple and Montparnasse flinched.
“Brave, aren’t you?” The Phantom’s voice was bitter.
Growing bold again, Prouvaire rested his hand on Montparnasse’s cheek. “For what it’s worth, I still think you’re rather dashing.”
The Phantom was caught off guard. “You think…”
His hand drifted up to cover Prouvaire’s, an expression of wonder on his face, and Prouvaire gave him a shy little smile.
There was a noise in the next room, and Montparnasse stepped back, picking up his mask and fitting it into place.
“Is anybody there?” A guard’s voice.
Prouvaire caught Montparnasse’s wrist just before he disappeared into the darkness. “‘Parnasse…”
“Will I see you again?” Montparnasse sounded hesitant, almost shy.
“I imagine you will.” Prouvaire smiled again.
The guard’s footsteps were drawing closer.
Just before Montparnasse vanished into the shadows, Prouvaire stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek carefully.
The door burst open. “Who’s there?”
Prouvaire straightened the collar of his shirt, turning to face the guard with a sheepish smile. “Only me.”
The guard nodded. “Evening.”
The door shut again and Prouvaire looked around one last time before heading toward the door.
And just before he left the opera, he heard a voice from the shadows behind him:
“I imagine I will, Jehan Prouvaire.”
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prouvairesverse · 4 days ago
jehanparnasse fae au but it’s similar to the story of queen clarion and lord milori from tinker bell secret of the wings
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prouvairesverse · 4 days ago
🥀📜 Jehanparnasse playlist for @lesmisshippingshowdown
my personal view on their relationship through songs :] haven’t revised this so if anything’s a mess uh. ignore it thanks <3
notes under cut
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1. A Night To Remember - Beabadoobee
Remembering seeing each other in glances in the past and small meetings and being unable to forget each other's faces. Having a night together that’s unforgettable.
2. Bite The Hand - Boygenius
Montparnasse who isn’t as certain on their relationship (perhaps a bit insecure about it). The lyrics make me think of Montparnasse attempting to show off his most flawless parts and creating that mask of himself to hide his vulnerability from Jehan.
3. Fair - The Amazing Devil
UGH. I can’t express how much this song makes me think of them. it’s so sweet and sarcastic, the whole song is very domestic and a more calming view of what their relationship/life could be like together. i can so imagine them dancing together under the stars and just enjoying each other's company without any other care (and perhaps one of them breaking the moment with a dumbass joke). Seriously this whole song is just so perfect for them to me.
4. We’ll Never Have Sex - Leith Ross
Honestly i don’t have much notes to this song but i see it from either of their views and i just. think it’s really sweet and could easily work. “Oh, you kissed me just to kiss me”, for example, a realisation of just being there for the other without much going past a kiss.
5. Ordinary - Alex Warren
Honestly take one look at the lyrics for this, i can see it in either of their views and just an overall look at their relationship. This whole song has a theme of worship and well. yeah it works for them.
6. Work song - Hozier
They are DEDICATED to each other btw. Honestly think this hozier song really represents them and nothing really will break them up!!! (not even death) Also the lyrics mention not asking what wrong they did, and i see that as Jehan not asking Montparnasse of what he’s done unless he talks about it first.
7. Evermore - Beauty & The Beast soundtrack
okay please hear me out on this one. This whole song from Montparnasse’s view, “I never needed anybody in my life”, believing he doesn’t need love or vulnerability in his life past perhaps the patron minette and that he can get by just fine until meeting Jehan and they haunt him.
I very specifically imagine parts of this song in canon era (“Now i know she’ll never leave me, Even as she fades from view.” after Jehan’s death in canon era that even as they disappear they’re always with him). Honestly i could really go on about this whole song being Montparnasse’s view of Jehan i just adore it so much for them.
8. I See The Light - Tangled soundtrack
Okay ngl this one fully inspired by the fact i have a tangled au for them LOL but i think this song can show a meaning of them both having a realisation of their worlds shifting with a new view. Also Montparnasse is so eugene coded.
9. Real Love Baby - Father John Misty
Jehan! Take one listen to this song and try tell me they don’t convince Montparnasse to dance around their apartment to this. Jehan is just so happy to be in his company and having that feeling of freedom with one another.
10. Kill The Director - The Wombats
(Thank you Stevie for this one!) 100% Montparnasse’s view and feeling like being in a romcom for such a cliche love! “Kill the director” of disbelief that he fell for them.
11. Please Be Rude - Gigi Perez
This song is just. so them to me. Just an overall take on their relationship. Just being utterly in love through the course of time and wanting to be around the other.
12. My Boy Builds Coffins - Florence + The Machine
Just take a look at the song title. Montparnasse “building” coffins for all the people he’s killed.
13. Dancing Barefoot - Patti Smith
Honestly this song is just so Jehan to me, dancing barefoot and feeling intoxicated with their love and interest as if it draws them in and they can’t figure out why but deciding to allow it to happen.
14. Slide - The Goo Goo Dolls
Just the vibes of wanting to be around each other and admiring the other, considering living in their own bubble and running away as long as they’re with each other. Just sliding into place with each other, perfectly.
15. Touch Tank - Quinnie
Montparnasse having a different vibe around Jehan and being softer than he has been with anyone. Jehan viewing him as beautiful and unable to think properly around him. Wanting to be with each other every morning.
16. Ruin My Life - Zara Larsson
Jehan who’s more than happy to let Montparnasse ruin their life and always wanting to be with him, missing him when he isn’t around because he gave a spark to their life they hadn’t experienced before.
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