#meant to be a like down w the system type vibe
goosefeathered · 2 years
I know , I KNOW, it's like an edm classic or whatever but something about "don't you wanna know me? Be a friend of mine?" Just gets to me idk
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goddessofwaifus · 1 year
Red means I love you
⚠️ W A R N I N G ⚠️
This word vomit of a fic will most likely contain: mentions of self-harm, deranged levels of obsession, possessive behavior, stalking mention, love sick vibes, blood, mentions of physical fighting, implied brainrot, scopophobia, pre-established relationship???
Taiju shiba x reader (from the reader's perspective)
Reader goes by they pronouns to avoid establishing a gender for inclusion of all.
Pet names will be mentioned because who doesn't give their love a little name that's only meant for them?
Divider by @benkeibear (always coming with banger after banger, check them out!)
Art by @innaillus (Talented fucking artist, check out their blog as well 💕💕)
without further ado, let's go!
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Upon my first encounter of you, I saw nothing but speckles of red flying through the air. You were laughing like the deranged man you are, demolishing the face of a kid who i can't even recognize due to the intense damage to his features. It's only a matter of time before he scampers away like a startled rat once you drop him. Honey eyes dart to the spot where I peeked from to watch you, I was quick to hide before you even caught a glimpse of my hair.
Your intense scrutinizing glare on the wall gave me a rush through my system, my body shaking with excitement at the thought of you finally catching me in the act of staring from afar. The way your hair flows in the wind when you're riding your motorcycle or moving fast on foot gives off the visual illusion of crashing waves against the shoreline.
If only you would hold me that way, look at me with that piercing glare, the image alone is enough to send me into a crazed mania. The staring of anyone that isn't you is irrelevant to me. Their eyes make my skin itch so badly, I scratch my skin until the friction from my nails turn it red before the irritated flesh finally gives at the persistence of my fingers, a small stream of blood running down my exposed forearm. Scratching and scratching until the itching stops, leaving droplets on my clothes. I hate their eyes, the eyes I know that aren't yours staring gazing at what isn't theirs. How dare they gaze upon your angel with such perverse eyes? I'm so sorry, my dear blueberry.
Your gaze makes me swoon. I giggle and breathe heavily to calm my rising heart rate whenever we're in close proximity to one another. I'm jealous of the girls who get to be in the same space as you. I know I shouldn't be so greedy, but your scent ,when you pass, smells of the ocean breeze and I couldn't get enough of it. I've looked for the cologne and I found it when i managed to catch sight of the bottle in your hand one time. You said it was your favorite one, but I'm always keeping an eye and ear open in the case you change your mind later. I spray it on my sheets and favorite things so I can smell you at home. Isn't that romantic~? I have a life-sized shark plush that smells like you, I cuddle him every night imagining he's you and you're cuddling me.
Lately, you've changed colognes so your scent is different. Did you maybe notice that I've been paying attention to the smell you wear? Did you do it for me? Today, you smelled of citrus and tobacco. Bitter but sweet with all the different ingredients blending together to compliment each other. I accidentally washed the smell of you out when my sheets got dirty, but you left a bottle of some mystery cologne on my desk. I thought it might have been a mistake, but the note left behind said otherwise... "I picked out a smell that I thought would fit your personality type. I hope I picked the right one and it isn't too strong or harsh on your nose." I've memorized your handwriting! So neat and perfect yet easy to read and fancy.
I decided the next day I'd wear it to surprise the both of us, I spritz some on my clothes and go the whole day wearing your surprise perfume. I pass you, hoping the smell isn't bad but I hear you inhale as we continue to go our separate ways and let out a pleased hum. You like what you picked for me? I decide to take a whiff of the perfume for myself. I gasp softly, you're always so thoughtful and observant! From that day, I wore that perfume and it made you crack a tiny smile that only I get to see. My blood boils something furious when girls would talk about how good looking you were, even making bets to see who would get to have you. I don't think they know you're already with someone~ Our relationship is special, they don't know you like I do. They don't love you, they only want. They don't need you to live.
I think you secretly loved the attention I gave you, you didn't stop at the bottle of perfume that smells of a cozy winter night cuddled in warm blankets with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Over the next few days, different gifts would pop up at my desk. All of them were red gifts. A single red hibiscus, one of my favorite flowers. The next day, you left a soft, red velvet sweater that came over my fingers just how I liked the sleeves. Red hoodies ranging from dark to light shades with dark and cute themes. The one that really stuck out was a red sweater dress that had no back, but what really caught my attention was the red bandana with the black dragon insignia in the middle of it. Your symbol, your brand, I will wear it anytime the occasion calls for them.
It seems that the group of girls,who have been harassing you and trying to get into territory that only belongs to me, are getting more desperate. A shame they'll never get the chance because you're already in a relationship. One of them threatened to out me to you, so I would get the hint to leave you alone. You don't have a problem with me, so I don't think I'll be listening to her. Apparently she got severely hurt falling down the stairs, that beautiful splotch of red she left upon hitting her head at the bottom of the staircase. It made me think of you, I blush and go on about my day. I wonder how I would look in that color. I've always liked dark colors and colors that remind me of the night sky or stars, but with the splashes of red I see, I think I want to sport that color too! I want to match you so we can be closer. Even from a distance, I feel like we're being kept apart and I hate it when I'm far from my love. The color that pulls me in and is so aggressive yet can be gentle on the eyes.
I spotted you fighting someone again. Some kid named Hanagaki or something. Hidden behind a wall further away, but close enough to give me a perfect view, you're wearing the coat I love so much! I wanna wear it one day, just to know what your natural musk smells like and burn your smell into my nose.
That sound. The red splatters and droplets that fly with each impact you make. He's bruised and bloody, while you remain spotless but still donning your red uniform. I think no one would ever know you committed a murder wearing that, because it's already red. That sadistic grin of yours that makes me wish you'd bite me until the same beautiful crimson ,that drips every second from that boy, runs like a river and stains my skin. Hope your teeth are stained with it too, that the taste of it on your tongue is as sweet as I am to you.
It makes me wonder why you call the men in white the murder squad. They wouldn't get away with murder wearing pure white uniforms, they can't explain their ways out of arrest because their uniforms stain easily. Red is not an easy stain to wash out of pristine white clothes. Blood especially or even wine spills. That's why you get warnings to not spill red stuff on white carpets when you visit another person's home or get your home carpeted with white carpet. It's even harder to clean out of white couches and furniture that is white. That's a stain that will stick no matter how hard you scrub at it.
I also love the sound of your fist breaking bones from the sheer power of your punches. You look so beautiful and calculated in your movements, violent but artistic in your display. I'm falling in love all over again, I wish to see you stained in red one day. I'll stain myself with it too, so we can match. Maybe I should get into fights so I could be roughed up like that and bloodied with angry red bruises covering me. No, I won't just let anyone touch me and coax the running red stream from my body. It has to be you, my bloodthirsty shark. Only you are allowed to beat me and make me bleed out the color I associate with us. A red flag they call you, unlucky for them, I love red. I love you. I love when you fight and make others bloody and bruised. You're showing them our love and our favorite color.
The boys you beat up at school are the same ones who would call me a pig or a cow, but also loved to talk about how my body was perfect for their sinful thoughts and fantasies.
Degenerates, you beat them black and blue for me. Bloody noses that made pools of red, puddles of the metallic tasting fluid. I felt so happy seeing you break them and teach them not to speak such unholy things about an angel. Those boys have girlfriends who are temptresses and pick on students like me for sport. They are also the same girls who've been ogling you at school, but also run away when you glance at them with your scary eyes. Look at me like that. Just a glance. Maybe a minute of eye contact between us. I don't want you to beat them up and bloody their pretty snobbish faces.
The inevitable did come to pass. I beat up one of those bitches until she was spilling my favorite color from her nose and busted lips. It made her prettier than before, I froze when I saw you walking down the hall. You saw me, you grinned and let out a laugh. Words can't describe the rush that came over me when you did that. I wanted more of that grin, so more girls got beat up and bruised to satisfy that insatiable desire to please you. Not just bruised, beaten until their faces were disfigured. Blood caked their lips and flowed from scratches made in their struggle.
When those girls tried to tell the teachers or student council about what I did to them, I could just cry and tell them I was only acting in self-defense. It wouldn't be far from the truth. They believed me every time and I never got in trouble. How could someone so sweet and innocent ever hurt another person? They can't hurt a fly. They're an angel, get along with other students, and have the purest heart you could ever be honored to be in the presence of.
A few more of those girls ended up badly hurt from "accidents" at school. I'm gonna paint this world red and my entire being begged for you to join me in painting our canvas. Guys who were known to make nasty comments about me, regardless of the nature of said comments, ended up just like the girls who messed with me. Bloody, disfigured, or worse in critical condition. I started leaving letters in red ink, doodles, notes for you to find in places I could often find you hanging around. They revealed my darkest desires, my love for you, how I thought you looked good in red, and the feelings you caused me. The strong urge to tell you that stuff in person was just too much for my heart to handle that day, I would tell you soon. Turns out I wouldn't have to do that since you found a way to meet me in the middle. A blood stain styled note was left in my locker, its contents are for my eyes only and only you and I will know what it said.
Rumors were going around about me being a bloodthirsty wolf pretending to be as sweet as a bunny. They grew and grew until they reached your ears. After that, they died down mysteriously after several reports of male and female students being injured with involvement of the rumors. Others were scared of being next to wind up in the hospital. Some even started new rumors around the stories of the teens being targeted for gossiping about me. They say I'm responsible for all of it. That I did it for your attention and approval. Oh, if only I could take credit for an impressive display or maybe it was just karma. Red truly is a beautiful color on you and in general. A color associated with anger, passion, love, and more often than not, is labeled a violent color. You can find it anywhere. In a rainbow, a candy store, a clothing store, restaurants, and even inside your own body.
Seeing you fight really is a beautiful sight to behold. You're wild, unhinged, quick on your feet, so angry and volatile. You strike with a unchained wrath and many victims say your hits feel like they've been struck by a freight truck or a train. One day, I hope to see blood dripping from your knuckles. Whether it be your own or from your newest punching bag, I truly believe red is the color best for you. Who knows, maybe it's personal bias but I believe you could look good in many colors. Red is just a perfect combination with your striking yellow eyes and it pops out against your wild ocean blue hair. I really love your tattoos against your skin and the one that no one but I knows lies hidden on your back.
Maybe when I see you again, I'll wear that red backless sweater you gave me that day. I remember you said that bright colors reflect off my eyes and certain shades make my skin glow with a heavenly radiance only an angel could have. I give a whole new meaning to the deadly yet furious primary color. I make it look sweet and inviting like a red velvet cheesecake. Soft and fluffy, but sweet and smooth to the tongue.
I am nothing without you.
I need you like I need food.
I need you like water.
I need you like oxygen in my lungs.
You are the pulse in my wrist, keeping my heart alive.
You are the very air I breathe.
The red I see in a rage or fit of anger is you
My powerhouse, my blueberry, my angry ocean, my animalistic partner, my mountain, my shark.
Your angel of life and darkness, your bloodthirsty bunny, your princess, your sweetheart, and your babydoll.
Your Darling Angel
You are the Hand of God and anyone who touches or defiles your angel will be seeing you and meeting our father above or perhaps fighting for their lives against the demon of a man you can be.
Till death do us part, we rain hell on those who oppose us.
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Sunday Records, 2022.
It’s early June and I’m in the middle of eleven days off from work. I cannot tell you how stunning these last few weeks have been for me. For the first time in a long time I’ve been feeling great about many things. I have been at the top of my game. Relaxed, tranquil, and level like never before. I went to Sacred Bones’ 15th Anniversary and experienced a feeling like no other. I’ve met a few friends from the alternative-music circle whom I haven’t seen in years. I’ve been tasked to do an amazing amount of summer radio shows at WUSB. The Roman goth girl who’ve I’ve been in contact with since February taught me to face my fears, to not be afraid of bad news, and see the greatest, truest value in people. It’s not even halfway to June and I feel something great is yet to happen.
I’ve been spending money on music without worry. It’s a winner-take-all tour of Long Island’s record stores and at this point I’ve hit up three so far with astonishing results. Sunday Records would be my fourth on the list to visit and it had to be. It’s my only Sunday off in the foreseeable future and, still true to its name, only opens on that one day. I didn’t have a choice, did I? It took me only 30 minutes to get there and closing time was 5PM. It’s 2PM as I walked through those doors so I had three hours to Autobahn it through the entire store. No shelf or rack was left unsifted by me.
The layout of Sunday Records hasn’t changed one bit. Nothing’s re-arranged. Upper wall racks of 7” singles and 45’s hovered above the 12” vinyl bins. There was a maze of LP’s front to back, side to side, and in the middle. What also hasn’t changed was the owner’s system of classifying records unique to the store. If not a genre, it’s chart position, week, and radio station. Brian (the owner) was obsessive to detail and nostalgic like that. Then again, so am I.
There’s a section on the front left side of the entrance. It’s where the electronic, dusty classics, and un-priced arrivals sections were. Less than .01% of its stock was electronic and I sure wasn’t going to waste time sifting through Fifties and Sixties jazz greats. I just knew. I turn to my right and there were plenty of funk, groove, and R&B LP’s and 12” singled there. I looked under the bins and there were boxes of records not priced out. That’s where I found various hip-hop and rap singles, uncharacteristic for a store that specialized in vintage jazz, Seventies radio rock, and everything Eighties. It was all fair game and I took what I could. Unstickered singles by Black Moon, Big Daddy Kane, Kurtis Blow, Jeru The Damaja, Fu-Schnickens, Double XX Posse, and an early pre-fame DMX e.p. (“Born Loser”). I knew Brian wasn’t the type who was into West Coast jams or boombox anthems and made me think why he took them in the first place. No matter. It was a lucky out for someone like me to easily stock up on hip-hop and rap vinyl.
Now the 45’s. Sunday Records was always good with pricing them on the cheap. What I purchased in 7” singles from West Babylon’s Looney Tunes, I tripled that here. These 7” singles of Eighties hits from my Atari / Nintendo childhood meant not having to purchase full albums for one or two songs. Why not acquire them? Plenty of synth-pop, new wave, and pop rock. One 7” I might have passed up the last time around was Re-Flex’ “The Politics Of Dancing”. The single that gave me these Sunday vibes was finally in my hands. This visit’s surprises? Gary Numan’s “I Die: You Die” b/w “Down In The Park” and Killing Joke’s “Adorations” for $4.00. Then I came across The Normal’s “T.V. OD” b/w “Warm Leatherette” The good news was that I discovered it. The bad news? It was a $14.00 hit…and without an original artwork sleeve. The price you pay to take home synthpop history.
When that was over, I took a deep breathe and dove into all the vinyl inventory. The great thing about Brian was that almost nothing was out of place. He’s incredibly meticulous in that everything was in alphabetical order and with almost nothing in the wrong bin. Also with Looney Tunes, a good amount of records were alphabetized or sorted by artist, allowing me to fly right over large chunks of sections and straight to the others. What wasn’t hip-hop / rap and categorized by chart position, week, and radio station ended up on the lesser expensive side. Like the 45’s, I sped through furiously through the LP bins and acquired a lot of hits from my childhood. A recent discovery now in my hands? Captain Sensible’s “Wot” for $5.00.
And what I made up in value, I would lose later with some essential finds. That’s even avoiding the new vinyl section. Towards the end of searching was where it started to hurt. The least of my worries? The Cars’ Panorama for $8.00. The Shirts’ debut and Anti-Nowhere League’s The Perfect Crime for $9.00 each. But that’s not all. I found essentials in The Young Gods and Pere Ubu where it stopped at the $10.00.
Now the heavy stuff. No one remembers or know who The Innocent was. The Roman goth girl I mentioned earlier? She’s insanely obsessed with Tent Reznor. While doing a Nine Inch Nails run, I learned he was part of said band right after leaving Option 30. The Innocent’s only album was found in one of the bins and I grabbed it for $14.00. Had I not known about them, I would’ve zipped past it without even knowing. One album I passed up during my last record-store tour was Cabaret Voltaire’s The Crackdown. I found it twice in unopened condition for $20.00 at several stores and gave it up at least twice, thinking I could l buy it for less. Well, four years later I was right on that one. I finally found it again and for $14.00 opened I wasn’t going to pass it up a second time. While there, Sunday Records still maintained a good selection of other industrial and related releases. They had more Cabaret Voltaire records including The Pressure Company (!) and even the new ones (Shadow Of Fear and Dekadrone) which I was impressed that Brian carried. Front 242 e.p.’s were also in the bins and several Ministry records starting with Work For Love (the overseas pressing of With Sympathy), some Twitch-era singles, and all the way up to Psalm 69.
Here comes another unexpected hit in the kneecaps: Kraftwerk’s The Man-Machine for $20.00. Any time I buy Kraftwerk on vinyl I pay that price; nothing less. That’s how much I paid for a used copy of Radio-Aktivitat at a record fair held in Amityville’s veteran hall. Again, take no chances. Finally, a record that I hoped to find in the wild because it was so good: The Raveonettes’ Pe’ahi; $20.00 asking price. Decisions had to be made but not necessarily now. I held on to it for the time being, having to decide to take it now or pass it up and find it again somewhere else for less. Looks like I will take my chances.
It’s not an understatement when I say this, but 99.99% of Sunday’s stock was all vinyl. The other .01% were used cassettes and CDs placed right near its listening station at the front-right of the entrance. I passed it all up as nothing there interested me. So far, Sunday- is the only store where it was all vinyl.
Ten minutes to closing. It’s about time to make some decisions. Brian greeted me and started counting everything up. Of the 75 I had in my arms, I gave five back to him including the Raveonettes album. He was amazed. He tried selling it back to me because he also knew it was a great album. Oh, I agreed. But as I told each and every one of you, I held off just in case. His laptop lost its’ juice so there was no easy way for him to add it all up and keep track of what he sold me. He ended up taking photos of everything I bought and took him about a good fifteen minutes to calculate it all. Then I gave in. I’d take the Raveonettes’ album after all. Take no chances, right?
“You should come here more often!” he told me in an exasperated manner. “Really?” I laughed. It’s not every year that I do this, Brian. I’d try real hard to keep up if I did. Now I knew why he said that.
“That’ll come to $348.00”. Yikes. That was at least triple of what I spent at my last visit here. I was sweating like Rodney Dangerfield on his worst night. (Plot twist: he never had one.) Despite Brian giving me all the hip-hop records for $20.00, the other records made up for it. No coupons, either. But, I had all the confidence in the suburbs to spend with no worry. The stack was so hefty that Brian got me a box from the back to hold all the 12” records in and bagged all of my 45’s so that they wouldn’t slip out of position. I was relieved in the end to nail that Sunday like I wanted to. But the day wasn’t over yet.
After I thanked Brian for everything, I loaded my purchase in the trunk. I had plans on seeing Candy, a Jewish ginger whom I haven’t seen since we left Brentwood. She has a family-owned restaurant out in Calverton and I promised I’d visit the next time I was nearby. I went west on Route 25 and started the peaceful, sunny journey to her eatery. It’s not every day I’m out in Riverhead or Calverton. I took all the time in the world driving through the scenic route of vast farmland and sparse local businesses along the long, quiet roads; ready to catch up with her and walk down a beautiful but bittersweet and tattered memory lane.
Prince: “1999” b/w “How Come U Don’t Call” 7”
Re-Flex: “The Politics Of Dancing” b/w “Flex It” 7”
Normal, The: “TV Overdose” b/w “Warm Leatherette” 7”
Gary Numan: “I Die: You Die” b/w “Down In The Park” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “It’s A Sin” b/w “You Know Where You Went Wrong” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Simply Irresistible” b/w “Nova” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “What Have I Done To Deserve This” b/w “A New Life” 7”
Bananarama: “Cruel Summer” 7”
Belinda Carlisle: “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” 7”
Dead Or Alive: “Brand New Lover” 7”
Joan Jett: “Little Liar” 7”
Killing Joke: “Adorations” b/w “Exile” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Silent Running (On Dangerous Ground) b/w “Par Avion” 7”
Tone Loc: “Funky Cold Medina” 7”
Suzanne Vega: “Luka” 7”
Human League: “Don’t You Want Me” b/w “Seconds” 7”
Escape Club: “Wild Wild West b/w “We Can Run” 7”
Erasure: “Chains Of Love” b/w “Don’t Suppose” 7”
Don Henley: “All She Wants To Do Is Dance” b/w “Building The Perfect Beast” 7”
Starship: “We Built This City” b/w “Private Room” (ins.) 7”
Todd Rundgren: “Hello It’s Me” b/w “Cold Morning Light” 7”
Huey Lewis: “Stuck With You” b/w “Don’t Ever Tell Me That You Love Me” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “The Finer Things” 7”
Wings: “With A Little Luck” b/w “Backwards” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Addicted To Love” b/w “Let’s Fall In Love Tonight” 7”
Bananarama: “Venus” b/w “White Train” 7”
Joan Jett: “I Hate Myself For Loving You” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Through The Living Years” b/w “Too Many Friends” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “Higher Love” 7”
Don Henley: “Dirty Laundry” b/w “Lilah” 7”
J.J. Fad: “Supersonic” 12”
Black Moon: “I Got Cha Opin” b/w “Reality” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: Raw ‘91 12”
Kurtis Blow: “If I Ruled The World” 12”
Jeru The Damaja: “Come Clean” b/w “D. Original Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” 12”
Fu-Schnickens: “Ring The Alarm” 12”
Young MC: “Bust A Move” 12”
Chaka Khan: “Crush Groove (Can’t Stop The Street)” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: “I Get The Job Done” 12”
Double XX Posse, The: “not Gonna Be Able To Do It” b/w “The Pure Thing” 12”
Domino: “Sweet Potato Pie” 12”
Masta Ace Incorporated: “Jeep Ass Niguh” b/w “Saturday Night Live” 12”
Fonda Rae: “Over Like A Fat Rat” 12”
River Ocean ft. India: The Tribal EP
Grandmaster & Melle Mel: “White Lines” b/w “Melle Mel’s Groove” 12”
DMX: “Born Loser” 12”
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five: “On The Strength” 12”
Anti Nowhere League, The: The Perfect Crime 12”
Mr. Mister: “Is It Love b/w “Broken Wings” 12”
Thompson Twins: “Lies” 12”
Roxette: “The Look” 12”
T’Pau: “Heart And Soul” 12”
Dire Straits: Extended Dance EP 12”
Flora Purim: “Stories To Tell” 12”
Raveonettes, The: Pe’Ahi 12”
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark: “If You Leave” b/w “La Femme Accident” 12”
Nu Shooz: “Point Of No Return” 12”
Falco: “Vienna Calling” b/w “Rock Me Amadeus” 12”
Shirts, The: self-titled 12”
Belinda Carlisle: “I Get Weak” 12”
Captain Sensible: “Wot!” 12”
Young Gods, The: self-titled 12”
Men Without Hats: “The Safety Dance” 12”
Level 42: “Something About You” 12”
Killing Joke: “Sanity” b/w “Eighties” 12”
Pere Ubu: The Art Of Walking 12”
Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine 12”
Innocent, The: Livin’ In The Street 12”
XBXRX: Gop Ist Minee 12”
Cabaret Voltaire: The Crackdown 12”
Cars, The: Panorama 12”
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Longass Crop Circles Notes (for Lately, I've Been Thinking and I Don't Think I've Changed Chapter One
Finally delivered to @spicymiilk our king. My apologies that these longass notes are not as detailed as last time. I shall endeavor to get more detailed as I read more of the fic. I will post my rage thoughts on chapter eight of for the nights and days of life by @mochalottie tomorrow though, and that shit will be novel length. Anyways:
Lately, I've Been Thinking:
-Me when Andrei says Spider will have a bad time: but does he ever have a good time for you??
-NORM CONTENT. *airhorn blares*
-I gotta love the tragic Shameless vibes you bring into my Spider fics, man. 
-Retweet, Spider, we all hate men. We are all scared of men. 
-Rip Paz, the fandom tries to tell me you weren’t a bitch but I don’t buy it. You totally were. Justice for Trudy, who was way cooler.
-Wait, did Spider do drugs too? The needles are around his bed? Or did he steal his moms bed?
-Lol, Paz is in and out, there is SO MUCH Shameless in this story. You can't hide from me, bastard.
-Also, Andrei, what is it about beating the natural joy and zest for life out of Spider that gets u off?
-Neteyam will lOVE fixing this guy tho. Spider is his wet dream at this point. 
-I actually know a kid in my grade who was placed with one of my family friends when he was seventeen, he is fantastic. He’s the oldest of like, seven kids and the littlest ones go to the elementary school I work at now. My mom works there too and she always says you can tell when this kid is home because the little ones are showered and on time, and he takes them to get haircuts and stuff. He used to walk 45 minutes to work every day. He’s a great guy but he doesn’t stay. He doesn’t let them drag him down. :/
-Spider, on the brink of death, unloved and abused and neglected, dirty and with one single tangle of hair: hi
Neteyam: that is my soulmate. 
I Don't Think I've Changed Chapter One:
-WHATS YOUR DAMAGE THE FIC? That’s the one line I quote more from any other type of media. Every day I go “WHAT IS YOUR CHILDHOOD TRAUMA??” 
-Also the fear I felt when I saw Miles and Norm are best friends actually, I’m comforting myself like “no no, he meant Spider it’s okay.”
-The hilarity of getting rid of Lo’ak and Kiri who are the canonically closest to Spider and leaving us with Tuk and Neteyam and Jeytiri. That excited me lITERALLY SO MUCH. The fast food au did start with only Tuk and Neteyam, and that’s juicy. We are forced to develop and explore relationships that are underdeveloped in canon and are harder to justify as instant sparks. You took away his natural in canon support systems so he has to learn to develop even faster with the other Sully's and that is a banger idea.
-W H E E L C H A I R J A K E. God I love wheelchair Jake aus, I love making them positive because I don’t like the way the first movie just fixed his disability. Give me Jake Sully being a positive disabled male father figure in his kids lives, just as present and happy and in love with his wife while paralyzed then he would be with mobility. What creative stuff has changed in their lives to accomidate? I need to know.
-Delighted by this Neytiri pov, my god. I feel like less people than I need in my life just let Neytiri have no bad blood at all with Spider in modern aus. She would be all over a neglected child.
-GET THE STICKY TOYS, thats so cute. And useful, I need him to get the magnets some kids got stuck to the ceiling in the gym at my work.
-Tuk is already bullying Neteyam about liking Spider and he isn’t even there yet. I’m lOVING the little bits of the fast food au I spot. She is going to be a menace. And clearly Neteyam is a lovesick clown.
-He is indeed about to get the shit loved out of him, and that is what every Spider Sully writer says before writing their fic. 
-Love the descriptions of how Spider feels when Norm’s body relaxes, just noting the way he backs off. So specific and accurate to any abused child. That tension and hypersensitivity to anyone's emotions, even people you implicitly trust, like never goes away.
-Norm thinking someone didn’t let Spider pee in the bathroom is so tragic and funny I feel bad for laughing. 
-Spider: heart palpitations upon seeing Neteyam
I am picturing Norm and Tuk in the back of a Burger King setting up an elaborate plan while Neteyam sighs and watches Spider from a booth while writing Neteyam Socorro on all of his notebooks.
-i am cACKLING. You’ve never seen rizz as strong or as intense as “MILES??” and “WHOS THAT? WHAT’S SCHOOL, I DON’T KNWO WHAT THAT IS?” Their dumb clown asses belong together.
-In all seriousness though, I can't imagine how humiliating it would feel to Spider to know some random acquaintance at school was now privy to all your personal problems and business.
-I want to know how often Neteyam frequents the local Burger King. He's probably so embarrassed at how ready he was to big brother this kid. He's gonna be like "looking hot today, uh, I mean, did you need help with your homework champ???"
-This is now like To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, Neteyam can call Kiri and Lo’ak on the phone and gossip about boy problems
-Also wow does Norm not know Spider’s dad was former military and he way not vibe with that at all?
-The way that Neteyam is still stalking Spider at McDonalds Or Burger King we can’t be sure. The mention of both places has sent me to space because it makes it seem like Spider used to work at McDonalds and then switched to Burger King and deeply obsessed stalker Neteyam Sully switched establishments to frequent.
-Spider’s fear of Tuk is hilarious and deeply sad, that is your bestie. 
-I LOVE love the idea of Kiri and Neteyam watching video essays. I love video essays, I wish my brothers did gOD. Also love a late night owl Neteyam head canon.
-Spider really is a wet rat. Have you ever actually seen a wet rat? The saying is so accurate. Kid was fed properly for the first time in years and then it killed him. Love kills Spider at first, as we have learned from all Spider Sully fics. He's like a dog eating chocolate, it's good, but at what cost.
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,076
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Sunday Records, 2022.
It’s early June and I’m in the middle of eleven days off from work. I cannot tell you how stunning these last few weeks have been for me. For the first time in a long time I’ve been feeling great about many things. I have been at the top of my game. Relaxed, tranquil, and level like never before. I went to Sacred Bones’ 15th Anniversary and experienced a feeling like no other. I’ve met a few friends from the alternative-music circle whom I haven’t seen in years. I’ve been tasked to do an amazing amount of summer radio shows at WUSB. The Roman goth girl who’ve I’ve been in contact with since February taught me to face my fears, to not be afraid of bad news, and see the greatest, truest value in people. It’s not even halfway to June and I feel something great is yet to happen.
I’ve been spending money on music without worry. It’s a winner-take-all tour of Long Island’s record stores and at this point I’ve hit up three so far with astonishing results. Sunday Records would be my fourth on the list to visit and it had to be. It’s my only Sunday off in the foreseeable future and, still true to its name, only opens on that one day. I didn’t have a choice, did I? It took me only 30 minutes to get there and closing time was 5PM. It’s 2PM as I walked through those doors so I had three hours to Autobahn it through the entire store. No shelf or rack was left unsifted by me.
The layout of Sunday Records hasn’t changed one bit. Nothing’s re-arranged. Upper wall racks of 7” singles and 45’s hovered above the 12” vinyl bins. There was a maze of LP’s front to back, side to side, and in the middle. What also hasn’t changed was the owner’s system of classifying records unique to the store. If not a genre, it’s chart position, week, and radio station. Brian (the owner) was obsessive to detail and nostalgic like that. Then again, so am I.
There’s a section on the front left side of the entrance. It’s where the electronic, dusty classics, and un-priced arrivals sections were. Less than .01% of its stock was electronic and I sure wasn’t going to waste time sifting through Fifties and Sixties jazz greats. I just knew. I turn to my right and there were plenty of funk, groove, and R&B LP’s and 12” singled there. I looked under the bins and there were boxes of records not priced out. That’s where I found various hip-hop and rap singles, uncharacteristic for a store that specialized in vintage jazz, Seventies radio rock, and everything Eighties. It was all fair game and I took what I could. Unstickered singles by Black Moon, Big Daddy Kane, Kurtis Blow, Jeru The Damaja, Fu-Schnickens, Double XX Posse, and an early pre-fame DMX e.p. (“Born Loser”). I knew Brian wasn’t the type who was into West Coast jams or boombox anthems and made me think why he took them in the first place. No matter. It was a lucky out for someone like me to easily stock up on hip-hop and rap vinyl.
Now the 45’s. Sunday Records was always good with pricing them on the cheap. What I purchased in 7” singles from West Babylon’s Looney Tunes, I tripled that here. These 7” singles of Eighties hits from my Atari / Nintendo childhood meant not having to purchase full albums for one or two songs. Why not acquire them? Plenty of synth-pop, new wave, and pop rock. One 7” I might have passed up the last time around was Re-Flex’ “The Politics Of Dancing”. The single that gave me these Sunday vibes was finally in my hands. This visit’s surprises? Gary Numan’s “I Die: You Die” b/w “Down In The Park” and Killing Joke’s “Adorations” for $4.00. Then I came across The Normal’s “T.V. OD” b/w “Warm Leatherette” The good news was that I discovered it. The bad news? It was a $14.00 hit…and without an original artwork sleeve. The price you pay to take home synthpop history.
When that was over, I took a deep breathe and dove into all the vinyl inventory. The great thing about Brian was that almost nothing was out of place. He’s incredibly meticulous in that everything was in alphabetical order and with almost nothing in the wrong bin. Also with Looney Tunes, a good amount of records were alphabetized or sorted by artist, allowing me to fly right over large chunks of sections and straight to the others. What wasn’t hip-hop / rap and categorized by chart position, week, and radio station ended up on the lesser expensive side. Like the 45’s, I sped through furiously through the LP bins and acquired a lot of hits from my childhood. A recent discovery now in my hands? Captain Sensible’s “Wot” for $5.00.
And what I made up in value, I would lose later with some essential finds. That’s even avoiding the new vinyl section. Towards the end of searching was where it started to hurt. The least of my worries? The Cars’ Panorama for $8.00. The Shirts’ debut and Anti-Nowhere League’s The Perfect Crime for $9.00 each. But that’s not all. I found essentials in The Young Gods and Pere Ubu where it stopped at the $10.00.
Now the heavy stuff. No one remembers or know who The Innocent was. The Roman goth girl I mentioned earlier? She’s insanely obsessed with Tent Reznor. While doing a Nine Inch Nails run, I learned he was part of said band right after leaving Option 30. The Innocent’s only album was found in one of the bins and I grabbed it for $14.00. Had I not known about them, I would’ve zipped past it without even knowing. One album I passed up during my last record-store tour was Cabaret Voltaire’s The Crackdown. I found it twice in unopened condition for $20.00 at several stores and gave it up at least twice, thinking I could l buy it for less. Well, four years later I was right on that one. I finally found it again and for $14.00 opened I wasn’t going to pass it up a second time. While there, Sunday Records still maintained a good selection of other industrial and related releases. They had more Cabaret Voltaire records including The Pressure Company (!) and even the new ones (Shadow Of Fear and Dekadrone) which I was impressed that Brian carried. Front 242 e.p.’s were also in the bins and several Ministry records starting with Work For Love (the overseas pressing of With Sympathy), some Twitch-era singles, and all the way up to Psalm 69.
Here comes another unexpected hit in the kneecaps: Kraftwerk’s The Man-Machine for $20.00. Any time I buy Kraftwerk on vinyl I pay that price; nothing less. That’s how much I paid for a used copy of Radio-Aktivitat at a record fair held in Amityville’s veteran hall. Again, take no chances. Finally, a record that I hoped to find in the wild because it was so good: The Raveonettes’ Pe’ahi; $20.00 asking price. Decisions had to be made but not necessarily now. I held on to it for the time being, having to decide to take it now or pass it up and find it again somewhere else for less. Looks like I will take my chances.
It’s not an understatement when I say this, but 99.99% of Sunday’s stock was all vinyl. The other .01% were used cassettes and CDs placed right near its listening station at the front-right of the entrance. I passed it all up as nothing there interested me. So far, Sunday- is the only store where it was all vinyl.
Ten minutes to closing. It’s about time to make some decisions. Brian greeted me and started counting everything up. Of the 75 I had in my arms, I gave five back to him including the Raveonettes album. He was amazed. He tried selling it back to me because he also knew it was a great album. Oh, I agreed. But as I told each and every one of you, I held off just in case. His laptop lost its’ juice so there was no easy way for him to add it all up and keep track of what he sold me. He ended up taking photos of everything I bought and took him about a good fifteen minutes to calculate it all. Then I gave in. I’d take the Raveonettes’ album after all. Take no chances, right?
“You should come here more often!” he told me in an exasperated manner. “Really?” I laughed. It’s not every year that I do this, Brian. I’d try real hard to keep up if I did. Now I knew why he said that.
“That’ll come to $348.00”. Yikes. That was at least triple of what I spent at my last visit here. I was sweating like Rodney Dangerfield on his worst night. (Plot twist: he never had one.) Despite Brian giving me all the hip-hop records for $20.00, the other records made up for it. No coupons, either. But, I had all the confidence in the suburbs to spend with no worry. The stack was so hefty that Brian got me a box from the back to hold all the 12” records in and bagged all of my 45’s so that they wouldn’t slip out of position. I was relieved in the end to nail that Sunday like I wanted to. But the day wasn’t over yet.
After I thanked Brian for everything, I loaded my purchase in the trunk. I had plans on seeing Candy, a Jewish ginger whom I haven’t seen since we left Brentwood. She has a family-owned restaurant out in Calverton and I promised I’d visit the next time I was nearby. I went west on Route 25 and started the peaceful, sunny journey to her eatery. It’s not every day I’m out in Riverhead or Calverton. I took all the time in the world driving through the scenic route of vast farmland and sparse local businesses along the long, quiet roads; ready to catch up with her and walk down a beautiful but bittersweet and tattered memory lane.
Prince: “1999” b/w “How Come U Don’t Call” 7”
Re-Flex: “The Politics Of Dancing” b/w “Flex It” 7”
Normal, The: “TV Overdose” b/w “Warm Leatherette” 7”
Gary Numan: “I Die: You Die” b/w “Down In The Park” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “It’s A Sin” b/w “You Know Where You Went Wrong” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Simply Irresistible” b/w “Nova” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “What Have I Done To Deserve This” b/w “A New Life” 7”
Bananarama: “Cruel Summer” 7”
Belinda Carlisle: “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” 7”
Dead Or Alive: “Brand New Lover” 7”
Joan Jett: “Little Liar” 7”
Killing Joke: “Adorations” b/w “Exile” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Silent Running (On Dangerous Ground) b/w “Par Avion” 7”
Tone Loc: “Funky Cold Medina” 7”
Suzanne Vega: “Luka” 7”
Human League: “Don’t You Want Me” b/w “Seconds” 7”
Escape Club: “Wild Wild West b/w “We Can Run” 7”
Erasure: “Chains Of Love” b/w “Don’t Suppose” 7”
Don Henley: “All She Wants To Do Is Dance” b/w “Building The Perfect Beast” 7”
Starship: “We Built This City” b/w “Private Room” (ins.) 7”
Todd Rundgren: “Hello It’s Me” b/w “Cold Morning Light” 7”
Huey Lewis: “Stuck With You” b/w “Don’t Ever Tell Me That You Love Me” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “The Finer Things” 7”
Wings: “With A Little Luck” b/w “Backwards” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Addicted To Love” b/w “Let’s Fall In Love Tonight” 7”
Bananarama: “Venus” b/w “White Train” 7”
Joan Jett: “I Hate Myself For Loving You” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Through The Living Years” b/w “Too Many Friends” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “Higher Love” 7”
Don Henley: “Dirty Laundry” b/w “Lilah” 7”
J.J. Fad: “Supersonic” 12”
Black Moon: “I Got Cha Opin” b/w “Reality” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: Raw ‘91 12”
Kurtis Blow: “If I Ruled The World” 12”
Jeru The Damaja: “Come Clean” b/w “D. Original Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” 12”
Fu-Schnickens: “Ring The Alarm” 12”
Young MC: “Bust A Move” 12”
Chaka Khan: “Crush Groove (Can’t Stop The Street)” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: “I Get The Job Done” 12”
Double XX Posse, The: “not Gonna Be Able To Do It” b/w “The Pure Thing” 12”
Domino: “Sweet Potato Pie” 12”
Masta Ace Incorporated: “Jeep Ass Niguh” b/w “Saturday Night Live” 12”
Fonda Rae: “Over Like A Fat Rat” 12”
River Ocean ft. India: The Tribal EP
Grandmaster & Melle Mel: “White Lines” b/w “Melle Mel’s Groove” 12”
DMX: “Born Loser” 12”
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five: “On The Strength” 12”
Anti Nowhere League, The: The Perfect Crime 12”
Mr. Mister: “Is It Love b/w “Broken Wings” 12”
Thompson Twins: “Lies” 12”
Roxette: “The Look” 12”
T’Pau: “Heart And Soul” 12”
Dire Straits: Extended Dance EP 12”
Flora Purim: “Stories To Tell” 12”
Raveonettes, The: Pe’Ahi 12”
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark: “If You Leave” b/w “La Femme Accident” 12”
Nu Shooz: “Point Of No Return” 12”
Falco: “Vienna Calling” b/w “Rock Me Amadeus” 12”
Shirts, The: self-titled 12”
Belinda Carlisle: “I Get Weak” 12”
Captain Sensible: “Wot!” 12”
Young Gods, The: self-titled 12”
Men Without Hats: “The Safety Dance” 12”
Level 42: “Something About You” 12”
Killing Joke: “Sanity” b/w “Eighties” 12”
Pere Ubu: The Art Of Walking 12”
Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine 12”
Innocent, The: Livin’ In The Street 12”
XBXRX: Gop Ist Minee 12”
Cabaret Voltaire: The Crackdown 12”
Cars, The: Panorama 12”
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fandommomhater · 3 years
i meant to do this earlier but forgot but!! umm essay time let me tell you about animation cels!
so, hand drawn animation as you most likely know is done by using cels, which are a more transparent type of plasticky substance. cellulose nitrate—the older variant of material used—was actually very flammable and produced toxic gas if left around for too long in subpar circumstances. i couldn’t find any articles related to fires of anything resulting from the hazardous nature of the compound, but if being an animator wasn’t taxing enough the shit you draw on even blows up 🙄 anyways
i got interested in the topic of cells while researching the production of the first spongebob season, which is well known to be hand drawn. i was actually quite surprised that it wasn’t just drawn on paper. no clue why i thought that, that’d be kind of insane... imagine hand painting sponges for like a year straight... i love mr spongeboy but that would ruin me. besides the point
old cels tend to have their color evaporate, which causes huge problems w/conservation and like a whoooole bunch of scientific research has gone into preservation of old disney cells. if you thought paying $1000 for spongebob cells sounded kind of crazy, auctions of these types of old cels can reach up to $50000.
the sort of paint compounds used to compose the color of the films are typically kept secret, and even earlier in the industry all types of different systems were used to add color to film. toning, tinting, additive and subtractive color formation, god i could read abt it for hours. love researching this type of stuff because i get to try and decipher phrases like “complex beam-splitting prism” in an article about original seven dwarves cels losing their color slightly due to evaporation and i just have to accept that.
if we want to go on the topic of how these works are sold to the public, god there are so many terms for the different pieces of work and how they relate to the shows and movies itself it’s kind of mind-numbing but very fun. the fact that there are people so passionate about conserving and owning these sorts of production remnants that a term called serigraphy had to be invented to describe the process of transferring the colors of original cels onto acetate to sell back is... a testament to the inherent value of nostalgia. i would and probably will blow a thousand dollars on spongebob production cels and i just have to live with that.
okay there’s my ap language analysis essay for today <33 this is probably ungodly long as an ask but i like to ramble um bye
WHAAAA okay gonna admit. i did not know like anything about old time animation but this is geniuenly so cool whata the hell..... first off i love the evil toxic animation cels. literally funny as fuck that you’re drawing on evil terrible shit that will explode if it doesnt like ur vibes.
cel conservation seems so cool what... i love learning about things that i didn’t even know existed. it is so cool that people are so passionate about learning and collecting these things it makes me really emo about 2d hand drawn animation considering how. absolutely terrible modern animation has become.
this was so fun to learn abt im definetly gonna go down a wikipedia hole later thx for sharing!!! <33
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stcrmybastard · 4 years
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✦ ▓ AND WHO GOES THERE? oh, it’s just [ EDRIC STORM ]. some say [ HIS ] resemblance to [ TOMMY MARTINEZ ] is almost uncanny, but the [ TWENTY-SIX ] year old has been in the capital for [ HIS ENTIRE LIFE ]. many suspect that they are the notorious [ ASSOCIATE ] of the [ BARATHEON ] family: perhaps that has made them [ COMPETITIVE ] && [ DEFIANT ] of late, when they used to be so [ AFFABLE ] && [ CAREFREE ]. during the daylight hours, [ EDRIC ] can be found working as a [ CAR RESTORER ], but when night falls over king’s landing, they are best remembered listening to [ WRONG MAN BY MATT CORBY ]. may the gods be with them in these dark streets. 
H I S T O R Y ;
Growing up with the knowledge that neither of your parents want you is to be born with a chip on your shoulder.  A chip that despite all the attempts of sanding away by the hands of Renly and Stannis, still blemishes the marbled statue of Edric to this day.  
Edric was born out of a night of wine and lust between his father Robert Baratheon and mother Delena Florent.  Robert was married, Delena engaged.  Robert’s relationship with his wife was already fractured beyond repair, but she refused to have the living, breathing reminder of his constant habit of straying in her house.  And Delena, just on the verge of her own happy ending, soon to be married to a Norcross, didn’t want to constantly remind Hosman of the mistake he had only barely forgiven her for.  If not for Stannis and his utter loyalty to blood, Edric would have most likely ended up in the system, a boy to be passed around from foster family to foster family until eventually aging out.   Often times Edric finds himself wondering what his life would have been like, if Stannis hadn’t been such a staunchly honorable man.
But those thoughts, and the feelings that come with them are quickly crushed when he remembers on the way he did end up growing up.  Stannis was the closest thing to a father figure, and despite Renly’s constant degradation of the man and his personality, Edric always has and will appreciate what he did for him.  Sure, he may not be the most fun person to be around, nor was he one to hand out hugs and read bed time stories to the boys, but he did what he had to do to keep things going, and that’s what counts.
Edric also had Renly.  He always feels odd calling the man ‘my uncle, Renly’, as the man has always been more like a brother to him than anything else.  The two only 6 years apart, kept them close.  Of course, when Renly was a teenager and Edric still a child the two drifted, but Renly was still always around to provide the love and care that Stannis simply could not.  But as the two grew older, and Renly began to join the ranks of the family ‘business’ as the Baratheon name (a name Edric refused to use, despite being told it was his right if he so chose), and Edric turned down one of his own, the two remained close.  To this day, Renly is the only person Edric would do anything for.
As a teenager, he often tried to go out of his way to soil his father’s name: getting arrested, kicked out of the schools he was sent to, setting up illegal street races (okay, fine, he still does this, but now it’s only because he has a taste for speed), but he realized that his refusal of the Baratheon name also meant that his actions simply fell on deaf ears.  His actions were those of a bastard.
But as Edric has grown, the chip on his shoulder has as well, turning into fractures that run towards his heart.  Despite his love for Renly and appreciation for Stannis, he hates the Baratheon name, namely due to his father wearing it.  He may be an associate for the Baratheon family, passing along secrets he hears and helping when needed, but he does that only for Renly and Stannis, and not for the benefit of the Baratheon name. 
For the most part, Edric stays out of the family business by choice.  His hands aren’t clean by any means, but the stains on them tend to be grease rather than blood.  Mostly.  His garage is his so-called safe space, a space that is for the most part free of politics.  Of course he services members of other syndicates, restoring or finding beautiful vintage cars for them to have as status symbols.  And yes, if he hears anything that can be passed along to Renly, he does so.  Sure, once or twice he’s been asked to slip something illegal into a car only to be ‘found’ a week later by the cops.  But for the most part, the garage is exactly what it looks like.
P E R S O N A L I T Y ;
There is only one person that can tell Edric what to do, and that’s Stannis, which is borne purely out of respect for the man.  But, even then his sway only reaches so far, as now that Edric’s full grown, he has his own ideas on things.  Renly can ask things of Edric and he’ll most likely do them, but mostly because the man knows Edric, and knows if he were to attempt to ‘command’ him to do anything, it would result in that task not only not being done, but with Edric probably going out of his way to do the opposite.  To say that Edric has an issue with authority probably would be an understatement.  It stems both from an inherent need to piss off his father, and from a fairly young age being able to do whatever he wanted.  He was fortunate to be a boat on the rising tide of the name Baratheon, but he was not tied to them the same way Renly or Stannis were, he had choices on what he wanted to become or do.  
But even with this rebellious, defiant streak in the man, he is an easy going guy.  He may not carry the love of excess like some other members of his family have, but he does love to have fun.  That could be hanging out at the Red Keep with beers in hand, or racing his growing collection of vintage cars, or doing any number of things.  But overall he is fairly easy to get along with.  His lack of involvement in syndicate politics allows him to socialize with whoever he chooses, loving or hating them not for their loyalties but for who they are. 
But overall he is a romantic and has an addictive personality, and has a tendency to fall fast and hard for people who usually aren’t the best for him.  He craves a life of deep meaning, and tends to fall for artistic, poetic types.  He wants to be the muser and the muse, he wants to know what consumes people, wants to be consumed himself. 
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S ; 
OLD FRIENDS/RIDE OR DIE; The first half or so decade of his life was during a time when Baratheon didn’t mean much to anyone, and the friends he made during this time would have been those of the playground variety, but would have also been completely true.  I would love for him to have a friend that, 20 years later is still a staple in his life.  Due to his overall lack of participation in the syndicate, this person could be from any family or a civilian.
PAST LOVES; As mentioned previously, Edric tends to specialize in passionate, destructive type romances.  The type where you’re so deep in it, you didn’t realize that you were drowning in it until you’ve gotten out.  We can plot how it started, ended, etc.  Open to any one of any/all genders and from any family or a civilian.
LOVERS TO FRIENDS; Would love a friendship that was perhaps one of romance first, and while we could go casual romance to friends, I think a deep, true love that had to end but the two still wanted the other in their life, even as friends would be *chef’s kiss*.  Because I mean, c’mon who knows you better than a person you loved like that?  And have that innate sense of what you need in that moment?  Beer?  A good cry?  Ugh.    Open to any one of any/all genders and from any family or a civilian.
HOOKUPS; While he may be the type to fall fast, not every romantic interaction leads to love.  What’s on the tin, past or current hookups, can be friends with benefits, enemies with benefits, don’t talk other than to hookup, or even just casual non-monogamous dating.
ENEMIES; Edric is a very easy guy to get along with, doesn’t pay attention to family lines, and generally doesn’t like conflict because it ruins the vibe (VIBE CHECK!!), so something would have had to go seriously wrong between these two for Edric to consider them an enemy.  Open to any and all.
CUSTOMERS; A fairly nondescript and easy going connection, just a way to have them know each other, simply someone who is also a lover of vintage cars, just like Edric, and has bought some of his restored cars, or had him restore one of their own.  
NEW FRIENDS; Edric makes new friends all the time, both with his business, outgoing nature, and tendency to end up at all sorts of establishments (no matter who owns them), so if you’re looking for some casual friendship, here you go.
READY SET GO; His defiant streak may have ended (well, mostly), but some things stuck around, and racing was one of them.  He got a taste of speed and became addicted.  As often as he can, Edric organizes and partakes in some street racing, where there’s betting, drinks, drifting, and a whole lot of showing off.  Your character could be a fellow racer or just someone who enjoys going to the races.
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crafiet · 5 years
1-50 OC questionnaire !!
ill use ary
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?anyone else paranoid about people stealing their unpublished work or ideas or name bc me. her name is ary and i found it from a generator [lmao so original] and i thought it was cute. her last name is like pretty standard for fantasy and it inspired me to have everyone elses last names in a similar vibe2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?WELL lmao shes had a lot. prisoner #22876, the wraith, princess ary. ive scrapped all except the prisoner one and u can guess how she got it3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? she was raised among royals and nobles so she has a lot of good memories with her parents and other kids her age running around doing dumb shit. most of her bad memories happen once she becomes a teenager4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? she has an overwhelming love for her parents, she idolizes them heavily and is grateful for how much they taught her. a good memory is probably them teaching her how to use magic for the first time and she being unable to control it and almost burning her eyebrows off lmao5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?no siblings6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?tbh i havent thought much about their education system as young kids, since its not really relevant and i dont tend to worldbuild stuff that never shows up. however she did attend an academy specifically for her magic caste and she had a fun time up until some shit went down and she deserted. shes pretty competitive and liked versing her friends7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? she was one of those weird kids who preferred hanging out with her parents over everybody else. so she had one good friend in the academy whos still her friend today, but otherwise she would race home and annoy her mum lol8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? no pets. she has a soft spot for horses though, because she has had so many in her “career”9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? horses like her, i guess they can sense shes good with them. at one point in the novel she sees some jackals and is afraid of them so shes probably not a dog person10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?she doesnt have anything against kids, but shes not very good with them, shes never been one for baby talk or dumbing herself down. in one draft she takes care of some adolescents and lets cyri take over bc he loves kids lol11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?nahh12. What is their favourite food? uhhhhhhhhhhhhh13. What is their least favourite food?uhHHHHHH14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?man idk, its not like my characters arent well rounded realistic people but im not gonna know her favourite fucking colour bc it doesnt matter in the story lmao15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?i would say shes ok, she doesnt burn anything but shes not a gourmet chef [despite having lessons as a child]16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? ohh i used to have an answer for this but she probably doesnt now just bc shes pretty nomadic and usually only has the clothes on her back lmao17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?cameras dont exist in her world my dudee. but if she lived in modern day which ive thought of, shed be the type to take a bunch of pics of her friends and stuff she likes bc she likes having the memory in a solid form, her actual memory is shit lol18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything elsehmm i suppose shed be a horror fan, and shed love making fun of stupid characters19. What’s their least favourite genres?man idk. romance? shes kinda #2edgy4me20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?hmm i think shes more a soft music fan, just something idly playing in the background. ex. a bard playing something for the crowd while she kicks back w friends21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?she has a short temper. shes easily triggered with any emotion so shes quick to argue or whatever22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?id like to think shes witty, and she always says stuff to peoples faces bc a bitch has rabies and wants to fight apparently23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?bad memory, shes gone through physical torture and isolation [wew] so. shes better at names, growing up with royals she got to learn a bunch of family names etc24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?a light sleeper. crazy light. and she can sleep anywhere, so she has no problems sleeping on the ground unlike others25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?she pretends to be stoic but when u get to know her her humour’s pretty lame, shell laugh at anything if just to make u feel better26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? she tends to hide them under an indifferent mask27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?despite being able to hide her emotions, she does succumb to fear a lot and cries openly, but will continue to do whatever shes doing through tears so shes scary in that regard28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?abandonment is a huge one. shes not a fan of predatory animals. shes brave though, and will do whatevers necessary, kinda like unwilling exposure therapy lol29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? she doesnt like exploiting people so shell never use someones fear against them. for friends, shell protect them and warn them if something like that is gonna happen30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?lmao she walks or goes horse riding everywhere and is severely malnourished31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?i just wrote a scene like this!! shes louder in general, laughs more. her guard comes down more and more with every drink. she can hold her liquor pretty well but when shes blacked out shes pretty much useless32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?she prefers comfort and mobility over everything else. she tends to dress pretty masculine, and never does anything with her hair. does she know what a brush is?33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?...................ask her lol idk. probably just basic comfy ones34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?she is 5′9. when shes healthy, she has a willowy figure but more on the boxy side than curvy. she doesnt really attribute much to her body [imagine living life without dysmorphia mfg]35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? i dont she counts anything as a ‘guilty’ pleasure. she just enjoys what she enjoys, fuck whatever people think36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?she loves fishing! she used to do it a lot with her dad. i dont think shes a particularly good singer37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?yeah she likes reading. she reads pretty fast and prefers nonfiction. she thinks poetry can get too pretentious lmao38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?#deep but i think she admires kindness and care in others. she wishes she was a better person at times and wants to be able to express how much people meant to her39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? lmao letters are the only thing in her world. if she lived w us shed probably be all about texting 600 in a row and then calling when u dont reply “what do u mean you cant answer. its called INSTANT messaging for a reason!!”40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?she stays awake through sheer willpower shes a beast41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?shes bi/pan. not really a thing about labels in her world. she loves long hair and soft personalities42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?plot spoilers!!43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?shes not religious. there is a heavy theme of religion in the novel [which i need to write better in the second draft] but she was kinda skeptical as a child and probably lost faith entirely after she went through some harrowing stuff 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? winter. she prefers the cold and hates heat45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? i think people see her as scarier than she is. shes a formidable opponent and does not give a fuck what you say, but her reputation precedes her a little bit, a lot of things she did out of fear or force are seen as ‘badass’ and ‘brave’46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?shes a compulsive liar, and a good one at that. so she tends to show herself differently to almost everyone she meets, but usually its a false potrayal47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?ugh she haaaaaates formal stuff and parties. she grew up royal and had to suffer through many a dinner and gathering. at this point in her life youd never get her in a dress that impeded her movement. shes ok with dresses but really big poofy ones she refuses to wear48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? in our world shed be one for a chill house party. show up with a case of beer, sit outside by the barbie, listen to music and talk shit. shes not good at organising so she doesnt tend to host, and if she were dragged by a friend itd probably be to a formal event or with people she didnt know so shed just sulk in the corner49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?she abandoned her material possessions before the story a. bc she was forced and b. they bring back way too many painful memories50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? food, change of clothes, weapons. thats about it. she tries not to be super nasty and find an inn to shower and stuff but shes also poor af
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wanna-one-imagine · 7 years
Wanna One Kang Daniel Prince! AU (Part 4)
And here we go, the last part of the Prince AU! Get ready for a wall of text, this is about 50% longer than the other parts (oops). Anyway, this has been such a fun series to write. You can find links to other parts here: 1, 2, 3. Enjoy! (You + Kang Daniel)
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“(Y/N), do you like me?”
oh my god no nO NO non non ono noono nO NO NO what do i s ay oh myg od
“Uh, no I don’t, weirdo,” you nervously laughed, backing away from him, turning your face away from him so he couldn’t see the blush that was running to your cheeks
Daniel stood up, eyes curving playfully, his gaze boring into you
“Hmmm... I heard everything, though, (Y/N),” he walked closer and closer to you, you carefully backing up in response
What the hell does he think he’s doing right now oh my god
“What did you hear? You must be hearing things, I never said that I like you, you should get your ears checked out,” you replied, unable to meet his strong gaze
“There are different ways to say you like someone... and I heard,” Daniel began, poking your cheek, “someone here saying they wouldn’t mind marrying me... at all,” he finished, smirking
Suddenly, you had a sudden rush of confidence, standing up straight and looking Daniel right in the eye
“Well, last time I checked, “wouldn’t mind” doesn’t mean the same thing as “want to”, in fact all it means that I’m completely neutral about marrying you mister,” you replied, wiggling your eyebrows at him, walking right past him to take a seat on the bed
You were too focused on stopPING YOUR OWN HEART from exploding out of your chest to notice Daniel’s quiet “oh” in response to your comeback
And Daniel was having problems of his own: for some reason, he was... disappointed by your response
Suddenly, he didn’t want to talk with you anymore or finish his homework/lesson with you, and silently walked to his own end of the bed, climbing under the comforter, resting his head on the pillow to face away from you
He honestly felt like punching something or slamming his body against the bed but willed himself to complete stillness, not wanting to communicate his feelings to you in any way
He didn’t realize how excited and happy and built up he had gotten when you had whispered to him, thinking he was asleep
And now he knew he shouldn’t be mad, but here he was, unable to talk to you for some reason
You were shaken up as well, on the opposite side of the bed, and climbed in without a word, confused as to why Daniel had suddenly stopped talking to you... was he angry?
You laid down there, unable to fall asleep for some reason sometimes sneaking glances at Daniel’s huge curled up body
You fell into sleep, emptily staring at him from afar, confused about what was happening
Daniel, on the other hand, was unable to rest and forget about the night’s previous events
He tossed and turned in the dimly-lit room, sometimes facing you, looking at your sleeping face
Why am I feeling like this... 
He silently raged at himself, never having felt this way before, before one clear and frightening thought entered his mind
I wanted her to like me.
That was it. That’s the entire explanation, and he still struggled to understand why he wanted that
Daniel fell asleep out of exhaustion, his last thoughts before he drifted off being a complete mess
zzzz good night you two
The next morning, you groggily opened your eyes, only to find yourself face to face with Daniel’s shirt
It took a couple seconds for you to process the position you were in: all snuggled up in Daniel’s chest, his arms holding you against him
You two slept in the same bed literally every night, and this had never once happened in all that time
Keep in mind the bed is huge, and you two are all the way shifted to one side, leaving the other side completely empty
Nevertheless, you couldn’t will yourself to move out of Daniel’s grasp, you wanting to stay in this position... for as long as possible
You didn’t make a move, and closed your eyes again
In your logic, you two were on your side of the bed, so whatever happened wasn’t because of you, so you just went with it
You had no idea that Daniel was also awake and pretending to be asleep LOL
He was equally shocked when he woke up; he had no idea how he ended up in this position over the night, but he found himself enjoying the feeling of your body warming him up
He hoped you wouldn’t feel his heart racing, your face right on his chest
And the both of you just laid there, trying to keep yourselves perfectly still, secretly appreciating the other’s presence as much as possible
Y’all dumb af lol
You two would have just laid there forever until you turned into corpses, if not for the intercom interrupting your peaceful silence
“Prince Kang, Miss (Y/L/N), please wash up and join the family for Lunch at noon.”
that dAMN security system... the Queen and King are probably watching us like we’re characters in a movie, deciding to “wake you up” now
You both twitched in shock from the noise, sitting up in the bed, eyes finally meeting one another (and you two were both pretty much wide awake by now lol)
“Oh- um hey,” Daniel greeted you, the first words he had spoken to you since last night
You cleared your throat, “hey, good morning”
It wasn’t every day you saw Daniel at a loss for words – he was quiet and you two just looked at each other before getting up, mutually agreeing to pretend like last night and this morning never happened...
...or so you thought.
You were on your way out of his room, mumbling that you would go wash up first, when you heard Daniel’s voice call out from behind you
You stopped, and turned around, to come face to face with Daniel – when had he gotten so close?
You looked at him, not having time to say anything, when his bunny teeth poked out from between his lips
“You like me. You totally do.”
wait. what? where was this coming from...
This time, you had nothing to say to Daniel, and just blankly stared at him, waiting for an explanation
Daniel smugly smirked at you, before continuing
“Maybe you don’t realize it, but you totally like me, I just get this vibe from you,”
“What are you babbling, get ahold of yourself man” you said, kicking his leg and running away
You didn’t know what Daniel was trying to pull here, and honestly he wasn’t sure himself
He just wanted not to be awkward with you, and for things to go back to normal – and that meant teasing you, even if it was over something that wasn’t... confirmed
And maybe, he was hoping to himself that it was true, and telling you that you liked him made him take his mind off the fact that there was a possibility you didn’t, serving as a source of comfort for him
Over the next couple weeks, you could count on Daniel to catch literally any small action you did and turn it into a “you like me” thing
Every night he would set up a pillow barrier between you two, claiming that other night that you jumped him and he was trying to “protect” his “purity”
Even if your hand slightly touched him for one reason or another, he would get all on your case about that
“OH I CAUGHT YOU!!!” or “What can I do, I’m so charming, even you couldn’t resist me”
Sometimes he’d purposely set you up, asking if you wanted some of his drink, and when you agreed he’d tease you for sharing a drink with him
Most of the time you were just too done to respond to him, only managing an eye roll or glare
Ong and Jaehwan saw all of this happen, and would give Daniel the "really bro” look every time (just to go unnoticed by him)
To them, it was obvious that all this teasing was just a sign that he had a huge crush on you (which they had picked up a while ago)
They’d whisper about Daniel right in front of him lmao
“Daniel is good looking, but really bad at dating”
“I have no idea what he’s doing”
“What a freak”
“It’s funny how he claims (Y/N) likes him over the dumbest things but he can’t realize he likes her over the same teasing he does to her”
“That’s dumb Daniel for ya”
Daniel was really like a little kid, unable to figure himself out
He was the type to tell someone directly when he liked them, but he hadn’t seemed to have figured out his feelings for you... weirdo
So you were stuck with all this teasing, but you were in too deep in your own feelings for him that you didn’t even care at this point LOL
Everything was stuck in this strange limbo between friendship and dating until one day, when you were to take a multi-day trip to attend a competition for one of the clubs you were in at school
And of course, Daniel made this big deal about you going to miss him
“If you get too sad while I’m not there with you, feel free to call me or anything (Y/N), I’ll make sure my phone is always turned on for you, I wouldn’t want you to be sad on your trip,” he teased, poking your cheeks (he tended to do that a lot lol)
The line between joking and serious was completely blurred at this point, and for the time being you didn’t make an effort to clear it
“Sure thing, fella, I could say the same to you,”
You went on your trip, and on your end it was for the most part uneventful
After all, you were already self-aware of your emotions for him, and you had already come to terms with missing him for a few days
He had laughed at his own jokes over sending you off, but once you had left, he was an absolute mess
That afternoon at the coffeeshop, Daniel barely spoke a word to Ong and Jaehwan, and kept checking his phone and putting it back in his pocket over and over again
After a while, Daniel couldn’t take it anymore, and told Ong and Jaehwan that he had to leave
"I think I’m feeling sick, I have no idea why, my head hurts for some reason, I’m going to go home early today guys”
Jaehwan and Ong already knew that if they told Daniel he liked you, he would just deny it and tell them they were crazy
This one, he had to figure out on his own
Daniel couldn’t focus at all; when he arrived back at the palace, he had no idea what to do
For some reason, he couldn’t remember what he used to do after school before you lived with him
He tried playing computer games and eating food but couldn’t stop checking his phone
“She definitely misses me, why isn’t she texting?”
He even checked his temperature, trying to find the cause of the weird feeling that was taking over his body
He flopped on his bed, staring at his phone and flailing his limbs around because he’s strange
Daniel found himself mindlessly tapping his phone to almost call you multiple times before catching himself and stopping
But on one attempt, he failed to stop himself and the call went through, unbeknownst to him LOL
“Hello?” Your voice called out from the other line
wa w ahat (Y/N) how is she here what why is she on the call
He quickly came to the wrong conclusion, that you had finally called him, quickly getting cocky again
“Ah, (Y/N), looks like you finally caved in and called me, I know you couldn’t resist, you totally missed me, but what can I expect if you like me so much,” he cackled out
You were, obviously, extremely confused as to what was happening
“Daniel? I didn’t call you though,” you replied
“Yes you obviously did, Miss (Y/N)”
“Daniel. Literally check your phone, you’re the one who called me, if anything, according to your own logic, this means you are the one who misses me and you like me, idiot”
wait, what? Daniel checked his phone log, the outreaching arrow indicating that he was the one who had started the call, his eyes nearly popping out of his head when he saw the symbol
He sat there in silence, shocked, still on the call
“Daniel? Are you still there?” your voice reclaimed his attention
“yeah,” he responded, shocking you – in that one word, you heard softness and vulnerability
“Uh- are you okay? Did something happen?”
Without thinking, Daniel finally let loose the words that had been sitting on the tip of his tongue for so long, shocking the both of you
“I think I like you, (Y/N).”
Everything was becoming clear to Daniel – how had I not figured this out earlier? You’re literally such a fool, he thought, scolding himself
More confidently this time, he repeated himself
“(Y/N). I definitely like you. I miss you too.”
“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is happening now, Daniel I’m literally on a bus right now,” you quietly laughed into the phone, hoping the sounds of the bus were too loud for others to hear your conversation
Hearing your laugh made Daniel’s heart literally flutter, his feet kicking his bed in happiness
Everything was finally making sense, and that was in itself comforting
“Sorry I didn’t tell you before, (Y/N), I literally just figured it out. Like 30 seconds ago,” he giggled back at you
“You’re so dumb; this whole time you were the one making fun of me and telling me that I was the one who liked you, you fool”
“Well, I mean, you do, right? Like me?”
“No, I don’t, and now I’m going to tease you about liking me for months!” (you couldn’t hold back at this momentary revenge on him)
But Daniel felt his heart drop at your answer
“Wait, you don’t? But- but you always stare at me and joke with me and we’re just perfect together you have to like me!” Daniel cutely protested, and you completely gave in – you were a total sucker for him
“I’ve literally liked you since that holiday party months ago, don’t even I’ve deadass been waiting for a sign from you since forever” you replied, unintentionally confessing more than you had intended
“Wait what? Since the party? Oh my god, you’re SO into me, and I’m never going to forget it”
“Ugh I’m hanging up, I can’t believe I told you that,” you said angrily, but Daniel heard the smile in your voice
“Okay, we can continue this juicy information session later then, dumbo”
“Bye sweetheart”
“...never call me that again or I will end you”
“I thought you were leaving? Can’t seem to end the call with me? You really are in too deep girl”
“Shut up I’m going now” you hastily hung up
And the both of you just sat in your respective locations, with huge grins covering your faces
Not once could you two have a prolonged nice moment without turning to harass the other... but nevertheless, it felt so right
For the next couple days of that trip, you two called each other every night, but throughout the day solely communicated through those sticker emojis on the text message app (wtf)
When you returned to the palace after what seemed like the longest 4 days of both of your lives, Daniel was the first one to greet you, opening the doors of the palace himself, urging the servants to let him do it himself
You began to greet Daniel with a simple “hey”, but he immediately smothered you in a tight hug, making the servants giggle in shyness behind him
“Dan- dude I can’t breathe” you mustered out, your face smushed against his chest
All he did was laugh in response and drag you to his room, quickly closing the door behind him and holding you still in front of him, his hands cupping your shoulders
He looked like a complete puppy, happy and shy and excited at the same time
He still hadn’t said anything, and was still laughing, breathing heavily at the shameless running the both of you had just done
And just like that, you felt his lips on your forehead, there one second and gone the next
“Oh my gosh, that felt as good as I imagined,” he breathed out, sTILL LAUGHING LIKE HE WON’T STOP LAUGHING
You could only look at him, taken completely by surprise, rapidly blinking due to the closeness between the two of you
“Can I do it again?” Daniel asked, finally getting a hold of himself
“Like you asked the first time,” you muttered, feeling your heart dance as he wrapped a hand around your waist, pulling you closer to him
“Good point. Sorry about that. Can I do it again though?” he cockily asked
You snatched up some confidence you didn’t know you had, and pecked his lips in response, making the both of you pink
“Um- I couldn’t reach your forehead,” you sheepishly explained, leaving Daniel the one in shock this time
“Oh, sorry, I should’ve asked,” you apologized to Daniel, confused at what he was silently thinking
“No. It’s fine.” he rasped back at you, his eyes changing to something more... intense, before nodding at himself and simply embracing you in a hug, patting your hair with one of his hands
“I’m glad you’re back,” he mumbled into the top of your head
“I was only gone for a couple days, Dan”
“Still cmon you missed me too,” he prodded, slightly nudging your leg with his knee
“Yes I am aware”
“I mean, not like I had to ask, you’re the one who’s liked me since the holiday party, jeez”
You stepped away from him in response
“Oh, you wanna go there? Really? You’re the one who confessed over the phone after calling me and proceeding to claim that I was the one who called and missed you”
Welp, there goes that moment NICE ONE GUYS
And the two of you were all weird again, bickering as usual...
but you wouldn’t have it any other way :’))
The both of you officially dated from then on, making the King and Queen very happy about the development
And yes, they did tell you to begin preparing for grandchildren after you two got married, making you two very embarrassed LOL
You two actually didn’t talk about marriage, but it was looming over your heads
Jaehwan and Ong were relieved that Daniel had finally figured himself out, and they complained to him about all the times he annoyed them over it LOL
You two actually went out alone sometimes now, but for the most part your relationship was the same as before... except for the occasional attempts at romance and... intimacy aHEM
Daniel would do the cringiest things, like say dumb pickup lines and help you put on your shoes, calling you “princess” (which makes sense)
You would be mesmerized or disgusted by these efforts, and frequently made fun of him, but you both just liked each other so much so it didn’t matter much LOL
The King and Queen absolutely adored the two of you, and were incredibly satisfied that their master plan had resulted in fruits of success
They caught you exchanging your first “love you”s and blushes and the Queen literally screamed jfc
(why Daniel said “love you” instead of “thank you” when you passed him the juice at dinner one day was still unknown to this day)
And slowly, over the course of weeks, the both of you drifted together before sleeping, getting closer and closer until one day you both just began falling asleep in the other’s arms, both of you extremely content
And one night, as you two were drifting off together, Daniel’s voice softly called out to you
“Hmmm?” you groggily responded, about to fall asleep
“I already call you my princess, why don’t we just make it official?”
Suddenly, you were wide awake – did... did he just propose to me?
Like you two were already set to have an arranged marriage in the next year according to the parents, but why were these words making you so happy?
“W-what?” was all you managed to get out, a smile already forming on your lips
“(Y/N), you know what I mean. Let’s get married?”
You couldn’t hold back your excited squeal as you pulled yourself into Daniel’s warm chest, quickly nodding in response
A year ago, you couldn’t imagine being proposed to, in the middle of the night, cuddling with the nation’s literal Prince Kang Daniel, but here you were... and now this life seemed not only normal, but necessary
“Okay, sounds good. Good night Princess (Y/L/N),” Daniel whispered, as if he didn’t just propose to you a minute earlier... 
And you loved him for that.
“Night, Daniel.”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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A/N: Ahh I hope that ending was alright... guess I wanted to keep it a simple contrast to what happened right before that 😉 This part came out to be longer than the others, but I really wanted to finish it up this time. Hope you enjoyed!
I haven’t been updating as frequently as I am preparing for pre-college things, but I also don’t want to rush so that I can make sure to put out quality writings that I feel confident about. Hope that makes sense!
Thank you once again for all of the patience! I know many of you have been waiting for a while 💖
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
SAN FRANCISCO, California — I spent my first few hours driving the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt mostly hating it. Somehow, it seemed as though Ford had managed to tune in solid-axle behavior to the car’s independent rear suspension; it sashayed over bumps and Botts’ dots like a drunken cowboy. The Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires were taxed to the limit even in moderately spirited driving, singing a pre-disaster squeal at just six tenths and allowing the ABS to intervene in surprisingly mild situations. The extra 20 horsepower generated by the Bullitt’s lightly massaged 5.0-liter V-8 felt all but imperceptible, and in-gear acceleration in anything past third was pokey at best from below 4,500 rpm—despite its 420 lb-ft of torque rating.
UPDATE: Now with video below.
!function(e,n,t){var o,c=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];e.getElementById(t)||(o=e.createElement(n),o.id=t,o.src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.2",c.parentNode.insertBefore(o,c))}(document,"script","facebook-jssdk");
But then it hit me. I was completely missing the point. The Mustang Bullitt isn’t meant to be a hardcore sports car. It’s not a GT350 or GT350R nor is it meant to be. Instead, it’s a slightly hotter GT, thanks in large part to a Mustang Performance Pack 1 upgrade and that 20-hp bump (now 480 hp arriving at its 7,000-rpm redline) courtesy of the intake manifold from the GT350, a larger throttle body, and an open airbox. The Bullitt also gets a 3.55:1 Torsen-type limited slip rear end (normally only available with the 10-speed auto on the Mustang GT) and top speed is up 8 mph over the standard GT to 163 mph. (The only caveat to those power figures is that they were generated on 93-octane fuel.)
And what could possibly fulfill the legend of “Bullitt” any better than a Dark Highland Green (it’s also available in black if being movie color authentic isn’t that important to you) Mustang with the right hood vents, the right grille, and the right setup to make you briefly feel as though you’re opening the door to SFPD Detective Frank Bullitt’s famous ’68 Fastback? He had to get groceries from time to time, too, right?
Even if you’re not a fan of the film—or at least not enough of one to spend some $4,000 on top of a similarly configured GT—this still might be the right car for you if for no other reason that it’s currently the best-looking factory Mustang money can buy. The Bullitt’s clean, blank grille, American Racing-style throwback wheels, cue ball shift knob, and green accent stitching inside are all small but important touches that really improve the Mustang GT’s look and feel. Those in the know will nod and wave; those with no clue will still turn their heads to watch you drive by.
The best single aspect of the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt, however, is probably one of the things you’ll remember most from the movie: its sound. “Bullitt” was an Oscar nominee for best sound, and for good reason. While the movie’s chase scene itself is a brilliant display of realistic driving, it was the roaring engines and squealing tires that landed the gut-punch. Thanks to those talkative Pilot Sport 4S tires and the standard-for-the-Bullitt adjustable exhaust, you can now play your very own live version of that soundtrack every time you start it and can ratchet it up by selecting the car’s Sport+ or Track modes.
Should you wish to hush things down a bit—don’t want to wake the baby or that grouchy neighbor—the adjustable exhaust also lets you select “quiet mode.” Though not exactly silent, it’s definitely quiet enough to sneak out of the neighborhood well before the sun comes up without anyone the wiser. For those of you prone to shenanigans on the street, it’s also the least likely to get you busted for roasting the tires down your favorite back road. Sound travels faster than smoke, after all.
Given it’s an already well-equipped special edition model, there aren’t a lot of options available for the Bullitt, but one you’ll want to test drive for yourself—and an extended test, if you can—is the Recaro seat option. They look good and have a much sportier vibe than the standard seats, but the Recaros are firmer and more aggressively bolstered than the standard GT seats and could wear thin with you as they wear in. Also, the original Bullitt didn’t have Recaros, so there’s that.
The MagneRide suspension damping system is another option, one you should most definitely pony up for. The difference is clear and significant, with the MagneRide system handling just as well and riding much more comfortably, especially over the sort of pavement you’re likely to find in and around San Francisco.
Not optional? Its six-speed manual transmission. Can’t row your own? Then you don’t get to play Frank Bullitt. I’m perfectly fine with that. Its slick cue ball shifter would look weird on a slushbox lever, anyway. The only beef to be had with the manual, aside from some general clumsiness to its shifts, is the inability to turn off the rev-matching downshift feature with an actual button.
As Mustang chief engineer Carl Widmann put it, “When making a Bullitt, there are certain things it absolutely must have. It has to have the right attitude and it has to be unique in some way from a Mustang GT. More than anything, it has to be badass.”
There’s room to quibble with just how badass the new Bullitt might be if it were trying to chase down, say, a Camaro SS 1LE instead of a Charger. But there’s no doubt that taken on its own merits and as a tribute to a film legend that a normal person can afford to park in their driveway, the new Mustang Bullitt is as badass as it gets.
  2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
ON SALE Fall 2018 PRICE $47,495 ENGINE 5.0L DOHC 32-valve V-8/480 hp @ 7,000 rpm, 420 lb-ft @ 4,600 rpm TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual LAYOUT 2-door, 2+2-passenger, front-engine, RWD fastback EPA MILEAGE 15/24 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 188.3 x 75.4 x 54.4 in WHEELBASE 107.1 in WEIGHT 3,705 lb (base Mustang GT) 0-60 MPH 4.0 sec (est) TOP SPEED 163 mph
The post First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2nbwgCi via IFTTT
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
SAN FRANCISCO, California — I spent my first few hours driving the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt mostly hating it. Somehow, it seemed as though Ford had managed to tune in solid-axle behavior to the car’s independent rear suspension; it sashayed over bumps and Botts’ dots like a drunken cowboy. The Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires were taxed to the limit even in moderately spirited driving, singing a pre-disaster squeal at just six tenths and allowing the ABS to intervene in surprisingly mild situations. The extra 20 horsepower generated by the Bullitt’s lightly massaged 5.0-liter V-8 felt all but imperceptible, and in-gear acceleration in anything past third was pokey at best from below 4,500 rpm—despite its 420 lb-ft of torque rating.
UPDATE: Now with video below.
!function(e,n,t){var o,c=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];e.getElementById(t)||(o=e.createElement(n),o.id=t,o.src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.2",c.parentNode.insertBefore(o,c))}(document,"script","facebook-jssdk");
But then it hit me. I was completely missing the point. The Mustang Bullitt isn’t meant to be a hardcore sports car. It’s not a GT350 or GT350R nor is it meant to be. Instead, it’s a slightly hotter GT, thanks in large part to a Mustang Performance Pack 1 upgrade and that 20-hp bump (now 480 hp arriving at its 7,000-rpm redline) courtesy of the intake manifold from the GT350, a larger throttle body, and an open airbox. The Bullitt also gets a 3.55:1 Torsen-type limited slip rear end (normally only available with the 10-speed auto on the Mustang GT) and top speed is up 8 mph over the standard GT to 163 mph. (The only caveat to those power figures is that they were generated on 93-octane fuel.)
And what could possibly fulfill the legend of “Bullitt” any better than a Dark Highland Green (it’s also available in black if being movie color authentic isn’t that important to you) Mustang with the right hood vents, the right grille, and the right setup to make you briefly feel as though you’re opening the door to SFPD Detective Frank Bullitt’s famous ’68 Fastback? He had to get groceries from time to time, too, right?
Even if you’re not a fan of the film—or at least not enough of one to spend some $4,000 on top of a similarly configured GT—this still might be the right car for you if for no other reason that it’s currently the best-looking factory Mustang money can buy. The Bullitt’s clean, blank grille, American Racing-style throwback wheels, cue ball shift knob, and green accent stitching inside are all small but important touches that really improve the Mustang GT’s look and feel. Those in the know will nod and wave; those with no clue will still turn their heads to watch you drive by.
The best single aspect of the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt, however, is probably one of the things you’ll remember most from the movie: its sound. “Bullitt” was an Oscar nominee for best sound, and for good reason. While the movie’s chase scene itself is a brilliant display of realistic driving, it was the roaring engines and squealing tires that landed the gut-punch. Thanks to those talkative Pilot Sport 4S tires and the standard-for-the-Bullitt adjustable exhaust, you can now play your very own live version of that soundtrack every time you start it and can ratchet it up by selecting the car’s Sport+ or Track modes.
Should you wish to hush things down a bit—don’t want to wake the baby or that grouchy neighbor—the adjustable exhaust also lets you select “quiet mode.” Though not exactly silent, it’s definitely quiet enough to sneak out of the neighborhood well before the sun comes up without anyone the wiser. For those of you prone to shenanigans on the street, it’s also the least likely to get you busted for roasting the tires down your favorite back road. Sound travels faster than smoke, after all.
Given it’s an already well-equipped special edition model, there aren’t a lot of options available for the Bullitt, but one you’ll want to test drive for yourself—and an extended test, if you can—is the Recaro seat option. They look good and have a much sportier vibe than the standard seats, but the Recaros are firmer and more aggressively bolstered than the standard GT seats and could wear thin with you as they wear in. Also, the original Bullitt didn’t have Recaros, so there’s that.
The MagneRide suspension damping system is another option, one you should most definitely pony up for. The difference is clear and significant, with the MagneRide system handling just as well and riding much more comfortably, especially over the sort of pavement you’re likely to find in and around San Francisco.
Not optional? Its six-speed manual transmission. Can’t row your own? Then you don’t get to play Frank Bullitt. I’m perfectly fine with that. Its slick cue ball shifter would look weird on a slushbox lever, anyway. The only beef to be had with the manual, aside from some general clumsiness to its shifts, is the inability to turn off the rev-matching downshift feature with an actual button.
As Mustang chief engineer Carl Widmann put it, “When making a Bullitt, there are certain things it absolutely must have. It has to have the right attitude and it has to be unique in some way from a Mustang GT. More than anything, it has to be badass.”
There’s room to quibble with just how badass the new Bullitt might be if it were trying to chase down, say, a Camaro SS 1LE instead of a Charger. But there’s no doubt that taken on its own merits and as a tribute to a film legend that a normal person can afford to park in their driveway, the new Mustang Bullitt is as badass as it gets.
  2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
ON SALE Fall 2018 PRICE $47,495 ENGINE 5.0L DOHC 32-valve V-8/480 hp @ 7,000 rpm, 420 lb-ft @ 4,600 rpm TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual LAYOUT 2-door, 2+2-passenger, front-engine, RWD fastback EPA MILEAGE 15/24 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 188.3 x 75.4 x 54.4 in WHEELBASE 107.1 in WEIGHT 3,705 lb (base Mustang GT) 0-60 MPH 4.0 sec (est) TOP SPEED 163 mph
The post First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 https://ift.tt/2nbwgCi via IFTTT
0 notes
jesusvasser · 6 years
First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
SAN FRANCISCO, California — I spent my first few hours driving the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt mostly hating it. Somehow, it seemed as though Ford had managed to tune in solid-axle behavior to the car’s independent rear suspension; it sashayed over bumps and Botts’ dots like a drunken cowboy. The Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires were taxed to the limit even in moderately spirited driving, singing a pre-disaster squeal at just six tenths and allowing the ABS to intervene in surprisingly mild situations. The extra 20 horsepower generated by the Bullitt’s lightly massaged 5.0-liter V-8 felt all but imperceptible, and in-gear acceleration in anything past third was pokey at best from below 4,500 rpm—despite its 420 lb-ft of torque rating.
UPDATE: Now with video below.
!function(e,n,t){var o,c=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];e.getElementById(t)||(o=e.createElement(n),o.id=t,o.src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.2",c.parentNode.insertBefore(o,c))}(document,"script","facebook-jssdk");
But then it hit me. I was completely missing the point. The Mustang Bullitt isn’t meant to be a hardcore sports car. It’s not a GT350 or GT350R nor is it meant to be. Instead, it’s a slightly hotter GT, thanks in large part to a Mustang Performance Pack 1 upgrade and that 20-hp bump (now 480 hp arriving at its 7,000-rpm redline) courtesy of the intake manifold from the GT350, a larger throttle body, and an open airbox. The Bullitt also gets a 3.55:1 Torsen-type limited slip rear end (normally only available with the 10-speed auto on the Mustang GT) and top speed is up 8 mph over the standard GT to 163 mph. (The only caveat to those power figures is that they were generated on 93-octane fuel.)
And what could possibly fulfill the legend of “Bullitt” any better than a Dark Highland Green (it’s also available in black if being movie color authentic isn’t that important to you) Mustang with the right hood vents, the right grille, and the right setup to make you briefly feel as though you’re opening the door to SFPD Detective Frank Bullitt’s famous ’68 Fastback? He had to get groceries from time to time, too, right?
Even if you’re not a fan of the film—or at least not enough of one to spend some $4,000 on top of a similarly configured GT—this still might be the right car for you if for no other reason that it’s currently the best-looking factory Mustang money can buy. The Bullitt’s clean, blank grille, American Racing-style throwback wheels, cue ball shift knob, and green accent stitching inside are all small but important touches that really improve the Mustang GT’s look and feel. Those in the know will nod and wave; those with no clue will still turn their heads to watch you drive by.
The best single aspect of the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt, however, is probably one of the things you’ll remember most from the movie: its sound. “Bullitt” was an Oscar nominee for best sound, and for good reason. While the movie’s chase scene itself is a brilliant display of realistic driving, it was the roaring engines and squealing tires that landed the gut-punch. Thanks to those talkative Pilot Sport 4S tires and the standard-for-the-Bullitt adjustable exhaust, you can now play your very own live version of that soundtrack every time you start it and can ratchet it up by selecting the car’s Sport+ or Track modes.
Should you wish to hush things down a bit—don’t want to wake the baby or that grouchy neighbor—the adjustable exhaust also lets you select “quiet mode.” Though not exactly silent, it’s definitely quiet enough to sneak out of the neighborhood well before the sun comes up without anyone the wiser. For those of you prone to shenanigans on the street, it’s also the least likely to get you busted for roasting the tires down your favorite back road. Sound travels faster than smoke, after all.
Given it’s an already well-equipped special edition model, there aren’t a lot of options available for the Bullitt, but one you’ll want to test drive for yourself—and an extended test, if you can—is the Recaro seat option. They look good and have a much sportier vibe than the standard seats, but the Recaros are firmer and more aggressively bolstered than the standard GT seats and could wear thin with you as they wear in. Also, the original Bullitt didn’t have Recaros, so there’s that.
The MagneRide suspension damping system is another option, one you should most definitely pony up for. The difference is clear and significant, with the MagneRide system handling just as well and riding much more comfortably, especially over the sort of pavement you’re likely to find in and around San Francisco.
Not optional? Its six-speed manual transmission. Can’t row your own? Then you don’t get to play Frank Bullitt. I’m perfectly fine with that. Its slick cue ball shifter would look weird on a slushbox lever, anyway. The only beef to be had with the manual, aside from some general clumsiness to its shifts, is the inability to turn off the rev-matching downshift feature with an actual button.
As Mustang chief engineer Carl Widmann put it, “When making a Bullitt, there are certain things it absolutely must have. It has to have the right attitude and it has to be unique in some way from a Mustang GT. More than anything, it has to be badass.”
There’s room to quibble with just how badass the new Bullitt might be if it were trying to chase down, say, a Camaro SS 1LE instead of a Charger. But there’s no doubt that taken on its own merits and as a tribute to a film legend that a normal person can afford to park in their driveway, the new Mustang Bullitt is as badass as it gets.
  2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
ON SALE Fall 2018 PRICE $47,495 ENGINE 5.0L DOHC 32-valve V-8/480 hp @ 7,000 rpm, 420 lb-ft @ 4,600 rpm TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual LAYOUT 2-door, 2+2-passenger, front-engine, RWD fastback EPA MILEAGE 15/24 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 188.3 x 75.4 x 54.4 in WHEELBASE 107.1 in WEIGHT 3,705 lb (base Mustang GT) 0-60 MPH 4.0 sec (est) TOP SPEED 163 mph
The post First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2nbwgCi via IFTTT
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
SAN FRANCISCO, California — I spent my first few hours driving the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt mostly hating it. Somehow, it seemed as though Ford had managed to tune in solid-axle behavior to the car’s independent rear suspension; it sashayed over bumps and Botts’ dots like a drunken cowboy. The Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires were taxed to the limit even in moderately spirited driving, singing a pre-disaster squeal at just six tenths and allowing the ABS to intervene in surprisingly mild situations. The extra 20 horsepower generated by the Bullitt’s lightly massaged 5.0-liter V-8 felt all but imperceptible, and in-gear acceleration in anything past third was pokey at best from below 4,500 rpm—despite its 420 lb-ft of torque rating.
But then it hit me. I was completely missing the point. The Mustang Bullitt isn’t meant to be a hardcore sports car. It’s not a GT350 or GT350R nor is it meant to be. Instead, it’s a slightly hotter GT, thanks in large part to a Mustang Performance Pack 1 upgrade and that 20-hp bump (now 480 hp arriving at its 7,000-rpm redline) courtesy of the intake manifold from the GT350, a larger throttle body, and an open airbox. The Bullitt also gets a 3.55:1 Torsen-type limited slip rear end (normally only available with the 10-speed auto on the Mustang GT) and top speed is up 8 mph over the standard GT to 163 mph. (The only caveat to those power figures is that they were generated on 93-octane fuel.)
And what could possibly fulfill the legend of “Bullitt” any better than a Dark Highland Green (it’s also available in black if being movie color authentic isn’t that important to you) Mustang with the right hood vents, the right grille, and the right setup to make you briefly feel as though you’re opening the door to SFPD Detective Frank Bullitt’s famous ’68 Fastback? He had to get groceries from time to time, too, right?
Even if you’re not a fan of the film—or at least not enough of one to spend some $4,000 on top of a similarly configured GT—this still might be the right car for you if for no other reason that it’s currently the best-looking factory Mustang money can buy. The Bullitt’s clean, blank grille, American Racing-style throwback wheels, cue ball shift knob, and green accent stitching inside are all small but important touches that really improve the Mustang GT’s look and feel. Those in the know will nod and wave; those with no clue will still turn their heads to watch you drive by.
The best single aspect of the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt, however, is probably one of the things you’ll remember most from the movie: its sound. “Bullitt” was an Oscar nominee for best sound, and for good reason. While the movie’s chase scene itself is a brilliant display of realistic driving, it was the roaring engines and squealing tires that landed the gut-punch. Thanks to those talkative Pilot Sport 4S tires and the standard-for-the-Bullitt adjustable exhaust, you can now play your very own live version of that soundtrack every time you start it and can ratchet it up by selecting the car’s Sport+ or Track modes.
Should you wish to hush things down a bit—don’t want to wake the baby or that grouchy neighbor—the adjustable exhaust also lets you select “quiet mode.” Though not exactly silent, it’s definitely quiet enough to sneak out of the neighborhood well before the sun comes up without anyone the wiser. For those of you prone to shenanigans on the street, it’s also the least likely to get you busted for roasting the tires down your favorite back road. Sound travels faster than smoke, after all.
Given it’s an already well-equipped special edition model, there aren’t a lot of options available for the Bullitt, but one you’ll want to test drive for yourself—and an extended test, if you can—is the Recaro seat option. They look good and have a much sportier vibe than the standard seats, but the Recaros are firmer and more aggressively bolstered than the standard GT seats and could wear thin with you as they wear in. Also, the original Bullitt didn’t have Recaros, so there’s that.
The MagneRide suspension damping system is another option, one you should most definitely pony up for. The difference is clear and significant, with the MagneRide system handling just as well and riding much more comfortably, especially over the sort of pavement you’re likely to find in and around San Francisco.
Not optional? Its six-speed manual transmission. Can’t row your own? Then you don’t get to play Frank Bullitt. I’m perfectly fine with that. Its slick cue ball shifter would look weird on a slushbox lever, anyway. The only beef to be had with the manual, aside from some general clumsiness to its shifts, is the inability to turn off the rev-matching downshift feature with an actual button.
As Mustang chief engineer Carl Widmann put it, “When making a Bullitt, there are certain things it absolutely must have. It has to have the right attitude and it has to be unique in some way from a Mustang GT. More than anything, it has to be badass.”
There’s room to quibble with just how badass the new Bullitt might be if it were trying to chase down, say, a Camaro SS 1LE instead of a Charger. But there’s no doubt that taken on its own merits and as a tribute to a film legend that a normal person can afford to park in their driveway, the new Mustang Bullitt is as badass as it gets.
  2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt ON SALE Fall 2018 PRICE $47,495 ENGINE 5.0L DOHC 32-valve V-8/480 hp @ 7,000 rpm, 420 lb-ft @ 4,600 rpm TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual LAYOUT 2-door, 2+2-passenger, front-engine, RWD fastback EPA MILEAGE 15/24 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 188.3 x 75.4 x 54.4 in WHEELBASE 107.1 in WEIGHT 3,705 lb (base Mustang GT) 0-60 MPH 4.0 sec (est) TOP SPEED 163 mph
The post First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2nbwgCi via IFTTT
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
SAN FRANCISCO, California — I spent my first few hours driving the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt mostly hating it. Somehow, it seemed as though Ford had managed to tune in solid-axle behavior to the car’s independent rear suspension; it sashayed over bumps and Botts’ dots like a drunken cowboy. The Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires were taxed to the limit even in moderately spirited driving, singing a pre-disaster squeal at just six tenths and allowing the ABS to intervene in surprisingly mild situations. The extra 20 horsepower generated by the Bullitt’s lightly massaged 5.0-liter V-8 felt all but imperceptible, and in-gear acceleration in anything past third was pokey at best from below 4,500 rpm—despite its 420 lb-ft of torque rating.
But then it hit me. I was completely missing the point. The Mustang Bullitt isn’t meant to be a hardcore sports car. It’s not a GT350 or GT350R nor is it meant to be. Instead, it’s a slightly hotter GT, thanks in large part to a Mustang Performance Pack 1 upgrade and that 20-hp bump (now 480 hp arriving at its 7,000-rpm redline) courtesy of the intake manifold from the GT350, a larger throttle body, and an open airbox. The Bullitt also gets a 3.55:1 Torsen-type limited slip rear end (normally only available with the 10-speed auto on the Mustang GT) and top speed is up 8 mph over the standard GT to 163 mph. (The only caveat to those power figures is that they were generated on 93-octane fuel.)
And what could possibly fulfill the legend of “Bullitt” any better than a Dark Highland Green (it’s also available in black if being movie color authentic isn’t that important to you) Mustang with the right hood vents, the right grille, and the right setup to make you briefly feel as though you’re opening the door to SFPD Detective Frank Bullitt’s famous ’68 Fastback? He had to get groceries from time to time, too, right?
Even if you’re not a fan of the film—or at least not enough of one to spend some $4,000 on top of a similarly configured GT—this still might be the right car for you if for no other reason that it’s currently the best-looking factory Mustang money can buy. The Bullitt’s clean, blank grille, American Racing-style throwback wheels, cue ball shift knob, and green accent stitching inside are all small but important touches that really improve the Mustang GT’s look and feel. Those in the know will nod and wave; those with no clue will still turn their heads to watch you drive by.
The best single aspect of the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt, however, is probably one of the things you’ll remember most from the movie: its sound. “Bullitt” was an Oscar nominee for best sound, and for good reason. While the movie’s chase scene itself is a brilliant display of realistic driving, it was the roaring engines and squealing tires that landed the gut-punch. Thanks to those talkative Pilot Sport 4S tires and the standard-for-the-Bullitt adjustable exhaust, you can now play your very own live version of that soundtrack every time you start it and can ratchet it up by selecting the car’s Sport+ or Track modes.
Should you wish to hush things down a bit—don’t want to wake the baby or that grouchy neighbor—the adjustable exhaust also lets you select “quiet mode.” Though not exactly silent, it’s definitely quiet enough to sneak out of the neighborhood well before the sun comes up without anyone the wiser. For those of you prone to shenanigans on the street, it’s also the least likely to get you busted for roasting the tires down your favorite back road. Sound travels faster than smoke, after all.
Given it’s an already well-equipped special edition model, there aren’t a lot of options available for the Bullitt, but one you’ll want to test drive for yourself—and an extended test, if you can—is the Recaro seat option. They look good and have a much sportier vibe than the standard seats, but the Recaros are firmer and more aggressively bolstered than the standard GT seats and could wear thin with you as they wear in. Also, the original Bullitt didn’t have Recaros, so there’s that.
The MagneRide suspension damping system is another option, one you should most definitely pony up for. The difference is clear and significant, with the MagneRide system handling just as well and riding much more comfortably, especially over the sort of pavement you’re likely to find in and around San Francisco.
Not optional? Its six-speed manual transmission. Can’t row your own? Then you don’t get to play Frank Bullitt. I’m perfectly fine with that. Its slick cue ball shifter would look weird on a slushbox lever, anyway. The only beef to be had with the manual, aside from some general clumsiness to its shifts, is the inability to turn off the rev-matching downshift feature with an actual button.
As Mustang chief engineer Carl Widmann put it, “When making a Bullitt, there are certain things it absolutely must have. It has to have the right attitude and it has to be unique in some way from a Mustang GT. More than anything, it has to be badass.”
There’s room to quibble with just how badass the new Bullitt might be if it were trying to chase down, say, a Camaro SS 1LE instead of a Charger. But there’s no doubt that taken on its own merits and as a tribute to a film legend that a normal person can afford to park in their driveway, the new Mustang Bullitt is as badass as it gets.
  2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt ON SALE Fall 2018 PRICE $47,495 ENGINE 5.0L DOHC 32-valve V-8/480 hp @ 7,000 rpm, 420 lb-ft @ 4,600 rpm TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual LAYOUT 2-door, 2+2-passenger, front-engine, RWD fastback EPA MILEAGE 15/24 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 188.3 x 75.4 x 54.4 in WHEELBASE 107.1 in WEIGHT 3,705 lb (base Mustang GT) 0-60 MPH 4.0 sec (est) TOP SPEED 163 mph
The post First Drive: 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 https://ift.tt/2nbwgCi via IFTTT
0 notes