#meant to answer this last night sorry
rubbcrhosemoved · 11 months
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💭 (Any of the angels's thoughts on meeting a repentant sinner?)
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Michael and Gabriel might not be convinced right off the bat as someone who has sin once may be likely to sin again. You’ll have to prove you really intend to repent to earn their favor. Raphael is more inclined to believe them as they know it isn’t easy to have sinned and then want to repent for your sins. Ultimately they’ll say it’s up to GOD whether or not you’ll be forgiven (but Raphael believes in you! They all do in their own special way).
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reyesstrand · 1 year
Something about how TK says in the pilot about “grand gestures” and “big swings” and how when he proposed to Carlos is was the simplest perfect thing. And something about how the way Carlos gets down on one knee to ask to call the wedding back on and how it being in their home alone, which is so simple and sweet, but also such a grand gesture in itself because calling it back on could have just been a simple conversation. But he took the extra step and reproposed because not only hasn’t he wanted to do that since he met TK, but because he knows how important that gesture would be to TK.
And I’m just FINE.
but yeah. YEAH. just….carlos proposing to tk really felt like the pivotal scene to me. here’s carlos making that choice to find something happy amid tragedy. here’s carlos knowing tk would postpone the wedding indefinitely if that’s what carlos needs despite him being so excited he’s been bouncing off the walls since the proposal. here’s carlos making that step and being so scared and grief-stricken but finding that moment to choose love, to be so sure in it, to show tk that this is what he needs. and the fact that tk gets to be proposed to and have someone do that gesture for him…pain. they’re soulmates for a reason.
i also have to say your ask with gestures also made me think of both the grandeur and intimacy in tk asking tommy to sing to them all but specifically carlos and have it be gwyn’s favourite song. one of the most beautiful gestures ever.
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squuote · 6 months
playing portal for the first (kinda second? my brother played it some with me when it first came out but I was v young) time bc you've blogged so much about it and I love lesbians <3
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Clari did you see the new reveal about Dabi’s quirk. I’m fucking dying. Screaming, crying, throwing up.
He was always perfect :,(
But we already knew that
bnha manga spoilers
i did, kind of! i honestly try not to look too far into them & make assumptions until i can read the whole chapter for myself (because sometimes i find the leaks summaries are misleading or poorly explained) so i’m not 100% sure how i feel about this! i have a lot of questions. for example, based on the summary we got, it says that new abilities are awoken only close to death. so how far, theoretically, would enji had had to push touya to get this to manifest/show up/come out of him? would he had to push him to the brink of death to get it? why didn’t it show up when touya was 13 and nearly burned to death? or did it show up then at age 13, somehow, and dabi’s just been conveniently hiding it until now? additionally, does this actually have any impact on neutralizing his flames and the fact that his body was not built for them? does it help in that aspect? can it help in that aspect? many many maaaany questions.
i said this last night in my little rant/vent post but if dabi ends up living i will be thoroughly and immensely disappointed. as much as i love dabi with every fiber of my being and my whole entire heart, and as much as i wish there was a way for him to continue living, him having a well written and impactful ending to his story matters more to me and it’s what he deserves as a character. he deserves a GOOD ending. dabi surviving this makes absolutely zero sense and would be such a horrid ending for his story as a whole, especially considering the fact that, logically, if he were to live the only place he’d end up is jail for life; he can’t claim insanity, not when they have a video of him fully and lucidly explaining and admitting to his crimes. he knew exactly what he was doing all along, obv. letting him off with a slap on the wrist because he has ~trauma~ (aw, boohoo, so do i and i don’t murder innocents) and is the number one hero’s son is so fucking stupid, not to mention extremely unfair and goes against pretty much all of dabi’s beliefs (false heroes, heroes being treated differently etc).
anyway sorry i went off on a tangent there HAHA i could write u an entire essay on why i think dabi’s end should be his (and enji’s!) death so i tried to keep it brief while still explaining myself properly but!! honestly, i’m extremely critical when it comes to dabi’s character arc/story, and him not getting the well written, heart wrenching ending he deserves has been a heavy fear of mine preeeetty much since i picked up this series.
in sum: not sure how i feel about the sudden ice quirk thing, trying not to overreact or make any serious judgements until this whole bit of the story has played out. trying v hard to have faith and trust in hori and his skills as a storyteller because i know he has the capacity to make this phenomenal and i hope to whatever god is out there that it doesn’t get fucked up by fan service.
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
I love your Graves/OC renders, but I am wondering what is the lore/story behind them? I’m only picking up crumbs from the dialogue you give them lol
hahdsgkjdgbj thank youu 🥺
I've made a few sporadic lore posts here and there, I went back to tag them and made a little masterlist in my pinned post!
But essentially, they start working together a little after the Armistice collapse in 2020 after Alex tipped off Jackie to some gas shipments still in Urzikstan. Shepherd doesn't their own armies to chase rumors and maybes so he gets Shadow Company on it, and Laswell gives the assignment to Jackie who acts as their Watcher, providing intel, etc. Graves brings a team of Shadows to Urzikstan and they work together with Alex and Farah to chase down the gas, and eventually they find blueprints to more gas factories in Urzikstan, Russia, and the UK
After all of that, they help set up the events of MWII by trying to set up a fake arms deal with Gorbhani via one of his trusted generals and they then split off to do their campaign stuff, Graves gets sent to Mexico and Jackie stays with Laswell, helping Price and Gaz on the side
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fxllingout · 11 months
Hi idk if you’re still doing these but top 5 artificial flavors
1. banana
2. coconut
3. strawberry
4. lemon
5. cherry
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hawkinslibrary · 2 years
Do you have the gif of Jonathan and Joy in 1x08 and he sees the lights in his house and says “mom is that you?”
hi !! so i have this set that i did quite a while ago. i think my gif style has changed quite a lot since then and i'd do it differently if i posted it again now. bigger gifs, different coloring, different gif speed, etc. i'm sure i've reblogged another gifset of it, too, somewhere
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elvisabutler · 2 years
would you ever consider proofreading/editing for other writers?:)
i mean maybe? trust me when i tell you that i'm a shit editor, though. like i can catch proofread issues easily, my brain thrives on doing nitpick-y things like that, so i'll catch your misspells, your repeated words your i forgot a word here and there bits. but overall while i have been known to help people get unstuck with fic/push people to get going through them i can barely help myself through my own issues of pacing/chopping off bits that might be unneeded.
but you only live once and i never really did get to beta read the last time i wrote fic so sure i'd consider it. with the other asterisk of me not being willing to look over minors' fics because i'm old and this isn't a minor safe blog. and you know, when my time allows me to in between my own life and everything.
so, yes i'd consider it!
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glitteringstardust · 5 months
3, 4, 5, 18, and 30 from the ask game?
3. what are your favorite stims to include in stimboards? i love to include cake/cookie decorating gifs, glittery things (especially glittery liquids like this or this), crystals, and nature-related stims!
4. what’s your favorite unpopular stim (that you’d really like to see more gifs of 👀)?
hmm i honestly have not really thought about this! i feel like there's such a wide variety of stim content out there nowadays. OH but i guess one thing i can think of is that in one board i made i used this flipbook gif. it's so stimmy and fun to watch but it's like, the only flipbook gif i've ever seen? so, it'd be nice to see more like that.
5. what’s your least favorite stim to include in a board?
off the top of my head, i've never liked reversed gifs or frozen paint. but especially the former because something about them is just strangely unsettling to me. like seeing a cupcake get undecorated or a coloring page get uncolored? no thanks. i'd try to include them, or frozen paint, if asked but they're the opposite of stimmy to me.
18. describe your general process for making stimboards.
oh man i feel like i suck at explaining things but let's see... so, i make all of my boards on my PC--i know some people do it on mobile, but desktop is what's always worked best for me. and when i get to working on a request or an idea that i have in mind, the first thing i do is think about the aesthetic and types of stims that i think might fit. when it's a fictional character (particularly if it's a character i'm really familiar with) i like to try and include aspects of their character in it if i can, for example when i made this malleus draconia board i have the ice cream, the gargoyle, and the tamagotchi in there because those are things malleus himself really likes! i'll have a list on my computer of ideas for what i think i may wanna include, though sometimes i'll also search up boards other people have made to get inspiration, especially if i have a lot of ideas that i'm having trouble narrowing down or if i don't really know the character.
and then as i'm finding gifs i think i might wanna use, i save all the posts with them into my drafts so that i'll be able to link the sources later, and then save the ones i like best into a computer folder and if i've ended up with too many gifs (which is often, because i'm indecisive), i play around with them in the post editor and just swap them out until i'm able to decide which gifs i like the best. then i move them around and adjust the composition of the board until i'm happy with how it looks. i do also make some of the gifs myself sometimes if i've looked on here and can't find something i really want to include, like the gargoyle gif from the malleus stimboard i linked. oh, and i also make sure they're all sized properly and crop some of them if need be, because i personally don't like when the rows in stimboards are uneven sizes! like if some of the gifs i wanna use have long rectangular dimensions i'll need to go into ezgif and crop them to be squares, so that the gifs around them will all stay square and match with everything else. sometimes they still show up uneven on my desktop theme for some reason, but if a board looks right in the editor then i know it'll look right on mobile/on the dashboard. i hope this all makes sense and isn't a terrible explanation lol, feel free to ask if you want more specific details or anything.
30. what’s your favorite method of finding stim gifs?
hmm i honestly just search either my own blog or the tags on tumblr for gifs to use! i try to search for specific terms and then if i'm using tumblr search add "stim" to the end of it. like if i'm looking for gifs of pink slime i'll go on my own blog and search for "pink slime" and look through the posts for a bit, or if i'm using tumblr's search i'll type in "pink slime stim" and scroll through.
(for this ask game)
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schauerromantik · 7 months
I'm happy to hear that!!
I'm feeling quite good tbh. Thanks for asking 💕
aw that's good to hear!!! hope today is going well for u too <3
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nevvdrinksteaa · 2 months
PLEASE Spencer answering a work call in the middle of sex??? Super smutty
just wanna say that this is my first request and it makes me feel special so thank you !!! hopefully you like this <3
pairing: spencer reid x reader
warnings: 18+ nsfw smut, porn with small plot, afab reader, fingering, p in v sex, post prison spence, riding, doggy style, and missionary (yall were busy), spitting kink !!, spanking (once?), face slapping (i’m not sorry), slight oral (f receiving), lots of pet names (baby, angel, pretty girl), let me know if i missed anything !!
word count: 1.8k (got a little carried away)
also note to everyone- y’all absolutely devoured my spencer post the other day, a little less than 800 notes last i checked, and i just want to say i was very caught off guard and appreciate it so much !!
+ i apologize for the overuse of commas & very limited vocabulary,, i feel like i used the same 10 words smh
“i was able to talk to the brass about getting the week off. the past few weeks have been tough and i think we all need a well deserved break.”
you were all gathered in the round table room for a meeting emily called. in the past two weeks, the team had been assigned three back to back cases; which meant three different unsubs, three different cities, and three different hotel rooms. you hadn’t slept in your own bed in fifteen days, already feeling giddy at the thought of snuggling up in your bed, binge watching mindless reality tv, and fueling yourself with nothing but sweet treats.
matt was the first to speak, already standing up gathering his things from the table, “as much as i love you all i’m going to rush home to the wife and kids, i miss their little faces”
you all followed suit, collecting all of your belongings and saying your goodbyes, all of you raving about your week off plans. you walked to your desk, grabbing your bag and keys. you walked towards the elevator, pressing the down button, watching it slowly fall from floor 10 to floor 9, before tapping your foot, slightly agitated about how long it seemed to be taking.
you heard footsteps heading your way, small taps on sneakers on the slick marble floor, before felt a slight nudge at your side “you know, being mad at it won’t make it work any faster”
you chuckle looking up, making eye contact with spencer before giving him a small grin. “i’m just really ready to get home.”
the elevator doors open, spencer waved his hand up, allowing you to go first, before following you in and pressing the main lobby button. “you in such a rush because you have a hot date to get to?”
you looked up at him and grinned, you felt spencer’s hand move to your back, rubbing the center in small circles with your thumb. you felt your face get hot and you allowed yourself to slightly lean into his touch. the elevator stopped at the lobby, a small chime signaling the doors opening, and you felt spencer’s hand fall back to his side before you both stepped out of the box.
you both made your way to the parking garage, spencer walking you to your car before he headed towards the station to take the subway. you got to your car, unlocking it and throwing your purse inside before looking up at him with a slight smirk “text me when you’re on your way”
he shook his head and laughed as he gave you a small wave goodbye and headed towards the subway.
it had only been three days since you were given the week off, enjoying the company of spencer in your bed two thirds of those nights. he texted you the same night as the encounter in the parking garage, eager to see you in a private setting.
“look how pretty you look sitting on my cock”
you were straddling him, your head thrown back with both hands on his shoulders as you tried to keep a quick pace. he had his hands pressed deep into your hips, helping you move in a fluid motion. you felt him hit your sweet spot every time you made your way down, letting out tiny whimpers at the feeling.
“i love when you use me like this, getting yourself off like a good girl”
you couldn’t hold in the loud moan you had been holding, feeling your stomach flutter at his words. you felt a slight burning in your thighs and you knew spencer’s shoulders held tiny crescent shapes from how tight your grip had become. you felt one of spencer’s hands move to your clit, rubbing small circles on the bundle of nerves.
he grabbed your chin, making you look him in the eyes. you looked at him and grinned, fucked out and eager before you felt a sudden surge against your cheek before he let his hand rest there, rubbing his thumb to ease the pain.
“you gonna cum for me angel?”
“fuck- yes spence, i’m so- so close” you couldn’t even hear the words coming out of your mouth, your heartbeat beating so loud your hearing going out.
you moved your head down pushing your forehead to spencer’s with your eyes tight.
“cum for me baby, wanna feel you tighten around my cock.”
you felt that tight feeling in your stomach, the mix of his skilled fingers and his thick cock rubbing against your walls caused your breath to stop in your throat, your release making you see stars. you stopped your movement, breathing heavily as you leaned down into spencer. you felt soft kisses on your head and face, peppering you all over.
“did so good for me baby, love watching you use me”
you smiled against his neck, starting to do your own kissing. you felt his breath hitch when you found the sweet spot behind his ear, the small mole behind it always guiding you to the exact spot. you took your time, sucking and biting at the spot, grinding your hips, ready to keep going.
spencer gave your thigh a quick tap, before telling you to bend over. you were quick to roll over, propping yourself up on your hands and knees before slowly wiggling yourself back and forth to him.
you felt a sharp pain on your ass, a slight stinging feeling before you felt a tight grip run through your hair. you felt your body being pulled tightly to his, his chest flushed against your back. he moved one of his hands to your chest, a his fingers glazing your nipple, his other moving to your neck, pushing his thumb and middle finger to just the right spot to apply pressure.
“i let you use me, now it’s my turn to use you angel” spencer had leaned down to your ear, kissing your jaw before pushing you back down onto the bed.
spencer leaned down slightly, gripping your ass with both hands before spreading them. he let a trail of spit fall to your eager hole, before he rubbed it onto your pussy, giving your clit extra attention.
you moaned and pushed back into his touch before you felt him enter you quick and unforgiving, your ass jiggling with every move of his hips.
“fuck- so fucking deep” you arched your back, begging your body to somehow take him deeper. you felt his firm calloused hands rub against your back before settling into a position on your hips, his thumbs pressing small bruises into your skin.
“taking me so fuck-”
spencer’s voice was cut off by his phone ringing, vibrating on the nightstand beside you, and you felt his hips slow down, letting out a soft sigh as he was considering stopping completely.
you felt him hesitate but needed him to keep going, pushing your hips back into his trying to keep both of your focus.
“spence, please don’t stop” your voice still unsteady, “just ignore it”
spencer pulled out of you, and you let out a whine as the loss of contact. you rolled yourself over, making yourself comfortable on the pillows expecting him to walk away to return the call.
instead he leaned back over you and pulled you into a deep kiss, holding your face in both hands. your lips parting slightly when you felt his tongue lick your bottom lip, allowing your tongues to meet.
spencer grabbed his dick, rubbing over your clit before he lined himself up with you, gasping when he pushed himself in.
“you’re so fucking perfect angel”
he pulled away, lifting your legs up to your shoulders and latching his hands to your thighs. he found himself moving slow and deep, like he was trying to memorize the way you felt around him.
you moved your hands to play with your nipples, rolling the hard buds between your finger tips. he bent down, pushing his weight into you, almost like he was folding you. he pooled spit into his mouth before he let it go to your clit, moving his hand to the bundle of nerves.
“want you to cum again for me pretty girl, want one more before i fill you up”
you let out a moan, sighing before you went to speak “gonna fill me-”
you were cut off by the phone ringing again, the buzzing sound making you forget your thoughts. spencer dropped your thighs and leaned over before giving you a quick kiss before he reached over to grab phone.
“spencer do not answer that”
he moved his finger to his lips, making a shushing motion “it’s emily”
you rolled your eyes, ready to kick him out and finish yourself off before heading to bed when you felt him move again. he moved his hand to cover your mouth before answering the phone.
“doctor reid”
you felt yourself get wetter, the sound of your slick filling the room, your moan mumbled behind his hand. spencer’s motion was relentless, his pace quick and brutal, jabbing your sweet spot with every push.
“i thought we were getting the week off”
your leg was lifted up, making the angle even deeper and you felt your eyes roll back, out of pleasure or annoyance you couldn’t tell. there was no way you were getting called in.
“i can get a hold of her for you, i remember her mentioning something about having a date this week”
you grinned, giggling behind his hand before spencer moved the phone to hold it on his shoulder, letting his now free hand to move back down. he never took his eyes off you, holding a shit eating grin as he felt you squeezing him tighter, squirming at how close you were. you furrowed your brows and pinched your eyes shut.
“i’ll be there in an hour”
you heard the phone beep, signaling the call was disconnected. spencer moved his hand away from your mouth down to your neck, cursing as he heard you gasp.
“did so good for me pretty girl”
his hips stopped deep inside you as you felt his cock twitch, filling you up. he groaned as he felt you cumming again, keeping his thumb in place to help your orgasm finish and you let a loud moan out in response. spencer gave you a long kiss, nipping at your bottom lip before he trailed his lips down your neck. he pulled himself out of you, grinning at the soft sigh you let out. he kept his lips on your body, trailing them down your stomach before reaching your thighs and nipping at the sensitive skin.
he moved his tongue and licked a long strip up your pussy, sucking on your clit before pulling up to look at you, shit eating grin on his face. “we’ve got roughly 30 minutes, that’s enough time for me to help you clean up, right angel?”
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kamaluhkhan · 6 months
THE GRUDGE (or: the 7 things luke castellan hated about you)
read part two GET HIM BACK! (or: the 7 reasons you want revenge on luke castellan)
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pairing: luke castellan x child of nemesis!reader (gender not specified)
word count: 8.5k
summary: luke hated your guts. he really did. he just hoped that no one could tell how, even after all this, you're still everything to him.
warnings/disclaimer: luke's POV. spoilers for the lightning thief and season 1 of pjo. some heated make-out sessions but no actual smut - MDNI / 18+. mentions of blood + death + alcohol. luke is 19 during tlt but i wrote this with him + reader being 21 by the end of this (this is important for the next part lol). anyways, luke + reader share clothes and lots of intense emotions they maybe possibly don't process in the best way. lots of ANGST - it's a greek tragedy fr!
author's note: welcome to my new hyperfixation! this fic is LONG but i hope she's worth it ♡
♪: the grudge by olivia rodrigo
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(i. you have a sharp tongue)
fourteen year old luke was overwhelmed when he first stepped into the hermes cabin. it was loud and overcrowded and no one really seemed to care that they had a new cabinmate. the head counselor showed luke to an empty bed at the back, told him to get settled in, and left without another word. luke dropped his backpack before collapsing on the mattress. it was so thin that he could feel the springs dig into his back.
"you'll get used to it."
luke sat up to see you climbing through the window. 
you had a band-aid stuck on your chin, chipped nail polish the color of blackberries, and leather combat boots that looked way too heavy to be wearing in the heat of summer. 
“the shitty mattress?”
“i meant the whole chaos of cabin 11, and the way things work around here in general. if you can get used to the shitty mattress, all power to you.” 
your tone was friendly enough, playful even. you smiled at him so comfortably it made luke nauseous. 
“good to know.” he tried to smile back at you, but his heart wasn’t in it. “i’m luke, by the way.”
“yeah, i know. i’m —”
you seemed entirely unfazed as the blond who called your name stormed over to you. you rolled your eyes, something only luke could notice, before turning to her.
“someone stole my candy.”
“i’m very sorry to hear that, maddy. gotta be careful around here.” your voice dripped like poisoned honey, deceptively innocent and sweet.
maddy was not having it. she huffed at you. “it was you, wasn’t it?”
“that depends. did you cheat at poker last night? again?” 
some of the chatter throughout the cabin paused, heads turning to listen in. 
“what? n-no!” 
“then you have your answer, maddy.” you exaggerated a sigh, as though you had already won the fight and were annoyed that she came back for more. “now, if you’ll excuse me, i have a new camper to show around.”
chiron had already given them a tour, but luke didn’t protest when you grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the window with you. your hand was warm in his as you dragged him along to the corner of the cabin where a poorly made ladder waited for you. 
“come on.” you started climbing, and only stopped to look down when you realized luke wasn’t following you. “best view of camp. trust me.”
a shiver passed through luke. trust didn’t come easy to him. he also didn’t particularly want to return to a stuffy cabin where all he would do was count reasons he did not want to be there.
 so, luke followed you. he sat down next to you on the roof and looked out at the sun shining on his new home, but he couldn't help but be slightly bitter. the gods had gotten all of you into this life of endless danger and battles and monsters, and this was all they had to offer in return: a summer camp. 
it just didn't seem fair. 
there was something else he noticed then. what was it that chiron had said? camp half-blood was supposed to be a safe haven for all demigods. 
“i don’t get it. there are only twelve cabins, but aren’t there, like, a million other gods?”
you straightened your posture then, and turned to luke with a newfound interest. 
“camp half-blood only has cabins representing the twelve olympians. apparently, they’re the only ones important enough to have children worth recognizing, and they can’t even do that half the time,” you explained, impertinence laced throughout your words. it seemed like something you could never quite get off your chest. 
every  demigod knew that the gods didn’t appreciate sarcasm. they  didn’t particularly like being called out on their bullshit, either.
you didn’t seem to care; you even rolled your eyes up at the sky, as if challenging zeus himself. 
“anyways, that’s why the hermes cabin is so crowded. it takes in campers who are unclaimed or whose parent doesn’t have a cabin at camp. like me.”
“so, who’s your godly parent?”
you fiddled with the leather cord on your neck. it held a few clay beads like the other campers, but there was one silver charm he noticed only you wore — scales, by the looks of it. you clutched onto it.
luke realized that, despite your own advice, maybe you resented having to get used to the way things worked around here, and having to hide your resentment. maybe that was worse than having to sleep on an uncomfortable bed for the rest of your life.
"nemesis. goddess of revenge."
you scoffed and moved on to twisting the silver ring on your index finger. "a lot of people take it that way, and i think it scares them a bit.”
“so that’s why you’re extra nice to new campers, huh?” 
“no, i was just in a good mood today.” you smirked.
“guess i was just lucky, then.”
luke couldn’t help but smile at your laugh — sharp, biting. you nudged your boot against his sneaker, which shifted you closer to him, shoulders practically touching. 
“what people don’t understand is that it's more about balance, you know? you do good things, and good things happen to you. at least, they should. you do bad things and….” you pulled out an outrageously big bag of candy, dropped it between you and luke, and winked at him. “you face the consequences.” 
“that makes sense.” luke leaned over to grab a handful of gummy bears. “like karma.”
“yeah. exactly.” 
you bit the head off a red bear, both of you chewing in silence before you added:
“by the way, i’m sorry about your friend.” you swallowed and caught luke’s gaze. 
chiron warned him that word would travel fast around camp about what happened to thalia, and luke had prepared himself for anything — anything but your reaction. there was no pity in your eyes; instead, there was a hint of rage, as though thalia had been your friend, too. 
“she deserved more.” 
luke’s eyes caught the glint of a knife strapped to your belt. he took another handful of the candy you stole, and he thought about the fire and fearlessness behind your words, and, despite everything, it felt right to be with you then and there. 
“yeah,” he finally whispered back. “she did.”
we all do. 
neither of you said those words, but the suggestion was there, and it felt like a promise. 
(ii. you hold on to every stupid, little detail)
“slow down, tiger.” 
your voice echoed throughout the arena, and if luke had been fighting a real opponent, it might have gotten him killed. instead, he just stopped mid-swing, sparing another straw dummy from losing its arm. 
“left hand,” you noted as you walked past him towards a bench. “you, my friend, are in need of a break.”
luke loosened the grip on his sword. the only time luke fought with his non-dominant hand was when he had overworked the other. he must have switched an hour ago, but judging by how heavy his arm felt, it could have very well been two.  
his curls were stuck to his forehead with sweat, his shirt soaked through. he could feel a dull pain behind his eyes, and luke was worried that if he stopped to catch his breath, he would pass out. or, even worse, have to face the reality of the shitty news he’d gotten early that day. 
“come sit with me,” you urged. “you’re exhausted, tiger.” 
luke bristled at your nickname for him. 
sure, luke loved that there was something only you called him, a secret kept between you in plain sight, but it was also a reminder that it was harder to hide behind the hero act when you were around.
everyone else at camp figured the nickname was a playful attempt at calling him strong and charismatic. the truth was that luke once told you that his favorite cereal as a kid was frosted flakes and that he would dream of playing sports as well as tony the tiger. for better or for worse, like most things, you wouldn’t let it go. 
case in point: if it was anybody other than you trying to get him to take a break, luke could have just brushed them off with a charming smile and continued swordfighting until his arms fell off, but in the two years since meeting you, luke had never met anyone as stubborn and convincing. like him, it seemed you were willing to fight and shed blood to get your way. luke was never really in the mood to make you bleed, even when feeling like he could burn the entire world down, so he usually gave in to your demands.  
as soon as he sat down next to you, you handed him an orange flavored energy drink — his favorite. anything other than water was hard to come by at camp without the enchanted goblets in the dining pavilion, or the right connection in the hermes cabin. he ran out of his stash the other day, but you must have noticed and gotten one of the stoll brothers to smuggle more in. 
“thanks,” luke said, ignoring the jolt of electricity that passed through him when your fingers brushed together briefly. 
 the two of you looked out at the sword arena, and all the straw dummies that luke had destroyed. you wait for him to take three big gulps of his drink before speaking again. 
“i guess chiron and your dad decided you weren’t ready for a quest.”
luke exhaled sharply. “how did you —”
“the only time you’d skip out on capture the flag is if something really shitty happened.” you looked down at luke’s clenched fists, and that seemed to be all the confirmation you needed. “you promised annabeth you'd be there, and it's not like you to let her down."
fuck. he had completely forgotten that tonight was annabeth's first time as team captain. this entire week, she had been prepping a winning strategy. it wasn’t like annabeth needed him to win, but luke was her big brother, and he should have been there. you were right — he had let her down. 
the realization made luke’s day go from bad to worse. 
"i told her you were helping a new camper with an emergency. she didn't believe it, but she adjusted her strategy and we still won.”
“well, thank the gods everything worked in the end,” luke grumbled. 
“don’t thank the gods,” you quipped. “thank annabeth chase for her brilliant mind, and me for covering for your sorry ass.”
when luke didn’t indulge in your usual playful banter, you moved closer to him and brushed some curls away from his eyes. your skin warmed his forehead, and the small gesture made him feel better than he had all day.
“look, i’m not going to give you some bullshit inspirational speech about how the gods don’t get to define what a hero is, or how you don’t need a quest to prove that you’re worthy of being one. we’ve each been through that before, and i have a feeling this won’t be our last time, either.”
“then why are you here?” the question came out harsher than luke had intended it to.
“because she’s trying her best to hide it, but annabeth is really hurt that you didn’t show up for the game. i figured the least you could do is suck it up, come to the campfire, and make her those signature luke castellan s’mores. you could probably use one, too, since you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.” 
you were right, again. luke was exhausted, he was furious, but most of all, he was starving.  
later that night, luke sat next to annabeth and vowed to make her as many s’mores as she wanted. you’d gone to sit with the hephaestus kids, trying to convince beckendorf and nyssa to join your cabin’s post-campfire party at the beach, even though they had to work in the forges early the next morning. 
when chiron made his weekly speech, congratulating the winners of capture the flag and thanking the gods for keeping everyone safe, you and luke caught each other’s gaze from across the fire. you rolled your eyes and luke bit back a smile as you turned back to beckendorf. he noticed your knees were practically touching. did you sit that close to everyone? 
luke was looking at you for so long that the marshmallow he was roasting fell into the fire, despite annabeth’s warnings. she handed him another one. 
"you should tell her how you feel," annabeth said. "stop being a coward." 
whether it was the smell of burnt sugar, the heat of the fire, or annabeth’s comment, luke started to feel dizzy. he did his best to shake it off, asking annabeth for a play-by-play of her strategy earlier that night, but he couldn’t quite get rid of the thought of you. 
(iii. you don't care if your clothes are stained with blood)
“i just….i can’t fucking believe you, luke.”
“i don’t get why you’re so upset — you’ve never cared about quests before.”
luke was hoping to break the news to you after capture the flag. unfortunately for him, word travels fast around camp. 
annabeth had the two of you scouting the east side for the flag, while she and some other athena kids took the west. you hadn’t found anything so far, which meant that you’d spent the better part of an hour bickering over luke’s choice of companions for his quest. a choice that included charles beckendorf and chris rodriguez, and purposefully did not include you, much to your fury.  
before you could continue arguing, luke heard the sound of footsteps approaching. he looked over to you, and you already had your shield and sword at the ready. 
a few red defenders emerged from the trees. one charged at luke, but you stepped in so he could deal with the other two. one of his opponents went down fairly easily, but the other put up much more of a fight. metal clashed behind him as you kept fighting as well. you might not have been as skilled a swordfighter as luke, but he knew that you could hold your own, at least until he was finished with the person in front of him. 
luke parried his opponent’s strike, causing them to take a step closer. he was preparing to disarm them, just as he heard you yelp and stumble to the ground. it only took a millisecond of his attention, but it gave his opponent the opportunity to elbow him in the face. luke felt a crack upon impact, and pain radiated from his nose; he powered through. 
he had to finish this fight, and he had to do it fast. you needed him. 
his ears were ringing as he finally knocked over his opponent, kicking away their sword and keeping his foot on their chest. luke turned around to see you having turned the tides, the blade of your sword dangerously close to your opponent’s neck.
you locked eyes with luke, and you both understood — it was time to go. the two of you ran through the forest, as far away as you could before having to stop and catch your breath.
luke removed his helmet to get some air, and dropped his weapons. you did the same. you looked at him, brows furrowed.
“your nose.”
luke licked his lips, tasting blood. the triumph of winning that last fight overshadowed the ache of his potentially broken nose. in fact, he liked the image of a ruthless warrior emerging from the glory and gore of battle, that even though he did not bleed ichor like a god, he still had power. 
you, on the other hand, didn’t look impressed. instead, you stepped forward and offered the sleeve of your shirt to wipe away the blood. 
“you don’t have to —”
“i know you think you’re a badass walking around all broken and bloody, but you shouldn’t deny your admirers your pretty face,” you teased. 
it was no secret that luke had numerous admirers around camp, a fact you loved to tease him about. he was sure that you relished in how flustered that made him. all you had to call him was pretty boy, and luke could be reduced to a blushing mess. 
it was pathetic how much power you had over him.
“besides, i wouldn’t have gotten out of that last fight if you hadn’t taught me that disarming technique earlier. i owe you. it’s what we do. we take care of each other, right?”
he couldn’t argue with that.
a few moments of silence passed as you cleaned his face. something shifted as you worked, the flirtatious grin fading away. when you pulled away, your sleeve was stained a dark crimson. 
“just tell me honestly,” you finally murmured. “why don't you want me to join your quest?” 
luke was genuinely taken aback by the softness of your voice, now devoid of its usual fire. you wouldn’t meet luke’s eyes, but being that close to you, he noticed they were slightly glazed over.
he had expected you to be angry at his decision. he expected you to yell and argue and try to change his mind. luke hadn’t expected you to be so hurt. so broken. 
he hadn’t planned on it, but luke decided to tell you the truth then.
“look, karma, if you come with me, my heart wouldn’t fully be in the quest. i’d be so caught up in….well, you.”
a pause.
“is that a bad thing?”
“not usually, no.” 
you smirked a little at that, and luke’s heart skipped a beat. it also made his decision even clearer. 
“but i need to be focused for this. i need….” he let out a deep sigh. “i need to prove myself. this is my first real chance, and i can’t fuck it up.”
you met his gaze and smiled brightly at him, your signature spark of confidence returning.  
“you won’t.”
you reached a hand up to play with his necklace. luke hadn’t noticed how close you’d gotten until your fingers started tracing over those four clay beads. it made his entire body burst into flames.
“i’ve been wanting to do something for a while. and, aphrodite save me, it might be really stupid, but —”
luke took a lucky guess as to where you were going, and crashed his lips against yours. aphrodite knows that he'd been wanting to do that for a while, too. 
he often got drunk on the adrenaline of battle, the glory of winning, but nothing was quite like the rush of kissing you for the first time. 
it was messy and urgent, both of you aware that, at any moment, you could be interrupted. your noses were bumping together, teeth clacking against each other. the metallic tang of blood lingered on luke’s tongue, but neither of you seemed to care. you even bit his lip slightly, as if you wanted more. armor sat heavy and cold between your chests, preventing you from getting closer. luke had never loathed the protective gear more. 
he made up for it by lodging one hand underneath your jaw, and snaking the other beneath the celestial bronze, beneath the cotton of your shirt, admiring how your pulse quickened under his thumb when he grazed the soft skin of your stomach. you tangled your hands into his hair, nails scraping against his scalp. he groaned and felt you smirk against his lips. 
luke had kissed a few people before, sure, but never like this: like a knife to the gut, and if you pulled away, luke would surely bleed out and die. 
it wouldn’t be a hero’s death, in the traditional sense, but at least he’d die happy. 
how many heroes could claim that?
when luke ran out of air, feeling like his lungs were burning, he had to pull away. 
you glanced down at luke’s kiss-bitten lips, then back to his eyes. luke flushed under the intensity of your gaze. 
“just promise me something, tiger,” you whispered, voice hoarse. 
“come back alive.”
luke leaned forward and placed another kiss on your lips, this one much gentler than before.
“i promise.”
(iv. you love like a scar that won't fade)
the nightmares were getting worse. 
luke woke up in a cold sweat, taking gulps of air in an attempt to steady his breathing.
your whisper did little to quell the pit of dread growing in his stomach, but it did enough to bring him back down to reality. 
he was at camp half-blood (fuck the gods of olympus), in the hermes cabin (fuck you, dad), in a bed next to yours (fuck, if he could tell you what — who — was going through his head, he would).
“i’m…i’m fine,” he murmured back, voice catching slightly on the lie. 
like clockwork, you shifted from your bed to his, slipping under the covers. it didn’t matter that it was a hot summer night, and the minute your legs touched his, he could feel himself starting to overheat. 
your thumb brushed over the thick edge of his scar, up his cheekbone to the corner of his eye. it had been a year, living with this reminder. a reminder that he had failed, just as much as his father and the olympians had failed him. 
luke tried to pretend that he didn’t come back from his quest as a shell of who he once was. after all, it was meant to be his shining moment as a demigod, meant to gain him all the glory and father’s praise he once wished for. 
what a fucking joke.
every morning, luke would crawl into a different skin. he welcomed new campers and taught sword-fighting. he laughed with chris and his other siblings and strategized with annabeth for capture the flag. he would be the easy-going, charming, skillful senior counselor who respected the gods and honored them in everything he did. 
again: a fucking joke.
nights were different, though, with you so close to him, you who could always see right through him.
every night, luke was a fourteen-year old boy again, with so much rage and resentment he didn't know what to do with it. 
of course, you were always you - a bleeding heart underneath layers of armor. you didn't care about fate, or the gods, or the titans. you cared about justice, you cared about what was right and fair. 
most of all, you cared about luke.
“you were screaming,” you told him, voice barely cutting through the soft snores and sleeptalkings of your other cabinmates. 
“sorry,” he managed. looking at you in the dull moonlight, luke noticed the deep shadows under your eyes. 
“it’s fine. you just….you scared me, tiger.” 
your hand still rested on his cheek, and for a second, luke hoped you would kiss him, but you didn’t. instead, you told him to try and get some sleep, and sank further into his bed before closing your eyes. 
for the hundredth night in a row, luke hoped you couldn’t hear his heart hammering in his chest as you fell asleep next to him.
since coming back from his quest, luke didn’t have it in him to suggest being anything other than friends, and you didn’t push it. there had been a few....moments between you, sure, but nothing more.
luke thought you might have changed your mind, because who would want to be with a bitter, worthless, wannabe hero? then again, that voice haunting his dreams…. luke could change that. 
but, at what cost?
(v. you protect people as ruthlessly as a starving dog)
luke could hear you talking to percy jackson outside. though he couldn’t quite determine what was being said, as much as he tried.
you entered the bathroom and instantly caught luke’s eyes in the mirror. you were wearing your faded pyjama shorts with cartoon crows, and a flannel shirt that luke had a sneaking suspicion might have been his. you smiled at him before setting up at the counter, one sink between you. 
“what was that about?” luke asked after spitting out a mouthful of minty toothpaste.
“oh, nothing.” you were searching through your toiletry bag for something, and seemed to come up short. “hey, do you have any extra dental floss?”
luke threw some over to you. as you effortlessly caught it, he noticed your knuckles, bruised and bloodied.
“what happened?” 
you finished flossing and briefly examined your hands before pulling out your toothbrush. 
“it’s not a big deal,” you assured. “some ares kids were picking on percy, and then they started pushing him around, like, really pushing him around, so….” 
“....you decided to send them to the infirmary.”
you squeezed some toothpaste on your brush before continuing. “i don’t need you to lecture me about how i shouldn’t be fighting with other campers because i’ve been here longer and i should be a good role model. you know what a good role model does? not let kids beat up other kids and think the worst punishment they’ll get is no dessert for a week.”
luke watched carefully as you jammed the toothbrush in your mouth and brushed with such force, he was worried your teeth might dislodge. he knew that you would shed blood for someone you loved, and that you didn’t particularly care if you had to break rules in doing so, because you believed that what was written was not necessarily what was right. 
in fact, luke loved that about you.
no, it wasn’t the fighting that luke cared about — it was who you were fighting for. 
percy was a good kid, he really was. luke just didn’t want you getting attached. 
“i wasn’t going to lecture you. i’m guessing chiron already did?” 
you nodded and spat out what looked like a combination of toothpaste and blood. you rinsed your mouth until the water lost its pinkish hue. once you were done, luke continued his train of thought.
“i just didn’t realize you cared so much about him.”
“about percy?” 
luke could tell that he didn’t have your full attention. you were packing your stuff back up, accidentally tossing luke’s dental floss into your bag, but he had more pressing matters to deal with.
“yeah. the kid’s only been at camp for three days, and you’re already acting like his guard dog.”
you finally turned to luke and glared at him. 
“maybe. but percy’s sweet and he doesn’t seem like the type to put up with bullshit. he’s been through a lot, and annabeth seems to like him, too. as far as i’m concerned, percy’s one of us, and i’m not going to let anyone push him around.”
luke raised an eyebrow at you. “he’s sweet?”
“yeah. like, just now, he gave me some blue raspberry jelly beans as a thank you. said his mom used to work at a candy store. he also wanted me to apologize to you for him. he feels bad about beating you in sword-fighting earlier.” 
you scoffed, like you resented luke for having to apologize to him on percy’s behalf. you definitely did not appreciate that guard dog comment. luke clenched his jaw, seething over what you had just said. 
satisfied with his reaction, you gave luke that nauseating smile of yours, tilted your head towards the exit. a truce, because you never liked to fight with luke for too long, and a order, because you knew luke would always follow. 
the two of you began walking back to your cabin in the warm mid-june air. 
“i wouldn’t say he beat me,” luke huffed. “it was beginner’s luck.”
“sure, tiger. it was beginner’s luck that disarmed the best swordsman we’ve had in the last 300 years.”
you nudged luke’s shoulder with yours, but he recoiled from your touch. 
“are you trying to make me feel worse?” luke tried his best to avoid snapping at you, keeping his tone measured.
“i’m just saying that maybe the kid has natural talent and that doesn’t make you any less talented. there’s no need to get jealous.”
luke resisted the urge to growl at your suggestion. 
to be clear, he was not jealous. it’s just that luke had spent years of blood, sweat, and tears getting to where he was then, and percy jackson had just gotten to camp. 
and, to be even more clear, luke was not jealous of how you were already defending percy with your whole body and your whole heart, the way you did for him. 
by then, you reached the front of the hermes cabin. luke could already hear the commotion of what he would need to deal with as soon as he walked in. the burden of being head counselor, one he approached with an elastic smile that could snap at any moment. 
you tugged on luke’s sleeve before he could open the door. 
“hey. are we okay?”
luke looked down at your fingers grasping the fabric of a sweatshirt he was just realizing was yours. your nails were painted a dark red, now chipped after a week of wear. you had begged luke to paint his nails then, and once again, he gave in. he even started to like the purple you had chosen just for him, so deep it was almost black. the same color you were wearing the first time you and luke met.
he smiled at the memory — a real smile, no plastic — and then smiled back up at you.
“we’re fine, karma.” and he moved to enter the cabin. luke could hear the threat of an argument bubbling up, what sounded like a petty one over a prank gone wrong.
“wait.” you tugged at his (your) sweatshirt once more. “there’s something i wanted to talk to you about, about tomorrow night—”
“annabeth called a meeting during free time.”
“yeah, i know, it’s just —”
“she’ll run through strategy for capture the flag then.”
“one of the aphrodite senior campers asked me to the campfire,” you blurted it out, and luke decided to ignore the sound of a fight breaking out from behind the wooden door.
what in the name of hades were you talking about?
“they asked you out? like…like a….” luke didn’t even want to speak the word, scared it would make it real.
“a date,” you said casually, as if that one word didn’t rip luke’s heart in a million pieces. “i said yes.” an admission that took all those pieces and set them on fire. 
sure, in the seven years since you and luke met, you’d each talked about boys, about girls, about dating and kissing them and going further. but there was something about this one that felt different. something about the way you told him.
“but, listen, i wanted to let you know it’s not —”
“good for you,” was all luke said through gritted teeth before someone started calling his name again, louder and more urgently, and he had to duck inside.  
(vi. you taste like burning cherries and righteous anger)
your team had won capture the flag, of course. the biggest news of the evening, though: percy jackson was the son of the sea god. 
he was a forbidden child, the hero of the great prophecy. 
everything was falling into place. 
all luke should be thinking about is kronos’ plan, and his role in it, and how a world without the gods of olympus was that much more in reach.  
unfortunately, for the time being, he was so consumed by you. 
you, from across the campfire, sporting cutoff denim shorts and fresh wounds from the game earlier. you, who had wrapped your knuckles in gauze, concealing their bruising, fixed the chips in your nail polish and stacked rings on your fingers. (for the record: luke had gifted you the one on your left thumb.) you, with dark lips that whispered too closely and laughed too loudly with a child of aphrodite— jordan li.
you hadn’t so much as looked at luke since congratulating each other on another win. when chiron announced his weekly gratitude to the gods at the start of that night’s campfire, you didn’t punctuate your resentment with your usual eye-roll or biting remark. you were too busy giggling at something jordan said.
luke wanted to be the one to whisper jokes in your ear. he wanted to be the one you left lipstick stains on later, along his jaw and down his neck. he wanted to be the one who kissed the blade mark on your shoulder and the bruises on your knuckles. 
and yet, hours passed and it seemed that the thought of luke had never so much as crossed your mind. he found himself at an after hours party with a few senior campers on the beach. a lethal recipe: a poorly crafted bonfire, some contraband drinks and you in jordan li’s lap, playing with their hair and pretending luke castellan did not exist. 
meanwhile, luke had katie gardner’s full attention. she was talking to him about the strawberry season, potentially leaning a bit too close into luke’s personal space, definitely flirting with him. 
luke could have done a lot worse than the head counselor of the demeter cabin, who always smelled like fresh lavender, whose eyes were the bright green of spring grass and whose lips tasted like golden honey. 
the problem was that luke only wanted you, and his eyes kept sliding over to where you were kissing jordan’s cheek, and he accidentally called the girl he was kissing by your name, which did not make her happy. 
katie threw her drink in his face, told him to wake the fuck up, and walked away.
a chorus of gasps and chuckles erupted as luke stood there, diet coke and vodka seeping into his shirt. the commotion seemed to capture your attention, because you suddenly appeared next to luke, an empty bottle of cherry soda in your hand.
“rough night, tiger?” your voice, that nickname, made luke sick, his face twisting into a frown. you don’t seem to notice or care. instead, you switched your bottle with luke’s and took a sip.
“looks like you were having a pretty good time,” luke practically sneered. “where’s your date?” 
 “they went to bed.” you swallowed a mouthful of beer, grimacing at its bitterness. “gods, this is terrible. you and i should go on the drink run next time — we have better taste.”
“so, are you and jordan like a thing now?”
you gave luke a smile he didn’t quite understand, but made his stomach churn in ways only you could. “would that be a problem?”
“of course not.” he answered way too quickly for that to be true. 
“let’s get out of here,” you suggested. “i think katie is about this close to strangling you with a tree branch.”
luke glanced over your shoulder to where green eyes glared back at him. 
nowhere could luke find it in him to care. he wasn’t even sorry. he just shrugged, took the bottle back from you, took his first sip all night. luke almost gagged (because of course you were right, and the stoll brothers had better fake ids than they had taste) but he suppressed it. 
“no. i’m good.”
biggest lie he ever said. like there wasn’t anger caught in his throat and jealousy swelling between his ribs.
“go find jordan,” he taunted. “kiss them, show them a good time! isn’t that the reason why you got all pretty?”
you narrowed your eyes at him carefully. your nostrils were slightly flared, and luke took a bit of pride in being able to rile you up.
“look, we haven’t really talked lately, and i think we should.”
“go find jordan,” he mocked once more. “almost all the aphrodite kids are here, and i’m sure you can be quiet enough to sneak into their cabin and if you want a quick fu—”
“luke.” you clipped his name, obviously getting to the limit of your patience with him. “if you want to stay here all night and be an asshole, you’re welcome to. you should know, though, that your happy-go-lucky hero mask is starting to crack and i don’t know if you could deal with the fallout from it shattering completely.”
you leaned in close and whispered that last part, very aware of the chattering that stopped and the eyes that watched the pair of you anxiously. luke was usually good at hiding that part of himself who wanted to burn the world down. 
in ways you didn’t realize, you were right: he couldn’t risk revealing it, not now.
not yet. 
“do whatever you want, castellan,” you spat out his last name, the combination of letters foreign in your mouth.“i’m leaving.”
luke should be proud of himself. he waited a whole two seconds before following you like a stray dog. 
luke didn’t know if he’d ever felt you that enraged by him, and it horrified him. it also made him hungry for more. 
“i’m not sure that jordan would want the two of us alone together at night,” he shouted after you, words echoing into the starless sky.
“gods, enough about jordan!” luke practically ran into you with how fast you turned around to confront him. “i was helping them with that stupid aphrodite tradition!”
“you….” luke faltered, all the snark leaving his body. “what?”
luke remembered silena beauregard once explaining the rite of passage to him: to prove themselves, a child of aphrodite had to make someone fall in love with them, and then break their heart.
“why…why would you agree to do that?”
you had reached the dining area by then, and you sat on one of the steps leading to the pavilion. luke stayed a few feet away, looking at you cautiously. 
“jordan and i are already friends, and they figured a fake relationship would be the way to avoid anyone from actually getting hurt in the process.”
“you seemed so…so into it, though,” luke stammered, the memory of you in jordan’s lap, laughter bubbling from your lips, still fresh.
“it’s called acting, dumbass.” the camp didn’t rely on electricity, but there were enough torches around that luke could see you roll your eyes. “anyways, i was trying to give you a heads-up last night, but you wouldn’t listen.” you took a deep breath. “and, honestly, i didn’t push it because….i figured i should test a hypothesis.”
a hypothesis? you’d known annabeth for too long.
“what hypothesis?”
you hesitated. 
“it doesn’t matter. fuck, this was stupid,” you muttered, and without another word, stormed through the dining pavilion, a short cut to the hermes cabin. your footsteps fell heavy against the marble, and luke’s not far behind. 
“what hypothesis?” he asked again.
nothing but rushed footsteps.
“what hypothesis?” luke finally yelled.
third time was the charm, because you stopped in your tracks and faced luke once again. a fire burned in the bronze brazier, where campers were forced to offer up portions of your food to the gods at every meal. its roaring seemed to captivate you, and the flames danced across your face, illuminating all your curves and edges.
“i’m angry at the gods,” you stated. 
this caught luke off guard. from the day the two of you met, luke knew you shared that feeling. you’d gotten quieter with your rage as you’d gotten older. luke supposed he got better at hiding it himself, as well. 
“i’m angry at the gods for letting bad shit happen even if they can stop it, and for building this world in the fucked up way they did. i’m angry at your dad for the way he’s treated you, but — you, luke castellan.” you finally met luke’s eyes with a gaze so sharp, luke almost felt himself bleed. “i’m also angry at you, and not just for your bullshit tonight.” 
your admission felt like a punch to the stomach, and luke was left with no air to breathe.
did you know?
“you haven’t been the same since your quest,” you continued, words slow and deliberate, the way you spoke when you were worried your voice would shake. “and i’ve come to terms with that in the past few years, but you….you’ve never tried to ice me out before. you’ve been acting distant since december, and it’s been driving me insane. do you realize how much i miss my best …..” you swallowed the word friend. “how much i miss you?”
luke hesitated, because what could he say? i know i’ve been distant, but i’ve been busy trying to start a war between the gods. sorry babe! 
would you hate him, if you knew? 
you had to have known that, despite the distance, luke missed you. for tartarus sake, in the last two days, he’d driven himself mad at you calling a fourteen year old boy sweet, and he was about to combust at the image of you dating someone else, with little care as to the collateral damage. 
"you can't just avoid me, makeout with katie fucking gardner, and then….” you trailed off, hiding your face in your hands. whether it was to hide embarrassment or tears, luke wasn’t sure.
a smirk spread across luke’s face at the revelation that he hadn’t been the only one jealous at the bonfire that night. it lit luke up with the confidence he needed to not completely fall to his knees in front of you, beg for your forgiveness for everything he’s done.
“why do you care if i make out with katie fucking gardner?” 
as he waited for a response, luke walked towards you until your back hit one of the marble columns. 
“why do you care if i’m with jordan fucking li?” you clenched your jaw and looked right through luke. a clear indication that you wanted him to break down first; it wouldn’t be you who yielded this fight.
“because i want to be the one you’re with.” at that point, luke was so close to you that he swore he could hear your heartbeat. he reached out and played with the hem of your shorts. “why do you care if i make out with katie gardner?”
“because.” you drew in a sharp breath when luke’s fingers brushed underneath the denim, across the warm skin of your thigh. you closed your eyes. “don’t make me say it, tiger.” 
the desperation in your voice made luke want to do unholy things with you, to you. luke knew you didn’t think of him as a saint, and you never expected him to be one. the reality was that you weren’t much better, either. what was essentially an altar to the gods burned bright next to you, but it seemed neither of you had ever cared less about it than in that moment. 
luke would watch olympus fall. he would dethrone the gods and watch their glass castle shatter and find glory in a new world. in the grand scheme of things, he was willing to lose this battle.
in fact, he would have rather betrayed the titan lord himself than waste another second not kissing your lips. 
so, he kissed you, and you kissed him back with such force, such hunger, it was ungodly.
no, you certainly weren’t a saint — but you were divine, in the most brutal, intoxicating way. in the way you shuddered when luke lodged a leg between your thighs; in the way you threaded your fingers through the belt loops of his jeans to bring him closer; in the way the metal of your rings burned through the skin of his hip, right to the bone, which made him shudder, and you smile triumphantly against his jaw.
the more he tasted your smirk flavored by cherry soda and the ashes of nearby flames, the more he felt your feral teeth against his neck and your wicked nails digging into his shoulders, the more you tugged on his curls, the more luke thought: maybe. 
maybe you would give into your seething resentment, live up to those eye-rolls and snarky comments that got you in trouble with chiron, on the edge of hot water with the gods. maybe you would join the titan army. maybe, just maybe, this time, you would follow luke.
and yet — maybe wasn’t enough if it meant he could lose this. luke wouldn’t risk it, not until he kissed every battle scar and bruise on your body, and you did the same to his. 
it was the last thing luke wanted to do, but he complied. he took the opportunity to appreciate the chaos he created: your shirt in disarray, your lipstick a mess, your chest heaving and desperate to catch a breath. 
“i promised jordan that we’d keep up our charade for a week, two at the most. do you think we could keep this…” you tightened your fist around the fabric of his shirt. “a secret until then?”
luke responded by pressing his lips to yours once more, because there were definitely worse secrets to keep.
(vii. you wouldn’t hesitate to make him bleed)
luke had just left percy jackson to die.
he should be leaving camp, now, but he needed to see you one last time. 
the universe works in mysterious ways, because you were out on a run through the forest, and you crossed paths before he even had time to wonder where you were.
“hey, tiger.” you smiled as if this was a regular afternoon. the two of you would teach your afternoon activities, sneak away during dinner so luke could kiss you in that spot that made you gasp. “wanna join me? i was just wrapping up, but i could be convinced to go longer.”
for a second, he was tempted to. very tempted. 
“i don’t have much time.”
you seemed to notice luke’s sullen mood and you dropped your playful demeanor. 
luke explained: the messages from kronos in his dreams, him stealing the lightning bolt and helm of darkness to start a war between the gods and framing percy. the plan to destroy olympus that luke had pledged his life to.
percy was surprised at what luke had done, and luke could imagine that the rest of camp would be, too. luke was the golden boy of camp half-blood, everyone’s big brother. 
you, on the other hand, didn’t express any sense of shock. 
“luke.” you said his name like you weren’t quite sure it was poison. “i’m going to give you five seconds to tell me that you’re joking.”
five seconds of silence passed. you took a few steps back from luke.
“i….i should have told you sooner.”
“yeah,” you scoffed. “you should have. but, you didn’t. did it feel good, having the titan king whispering sweet nothings in your ear? all the lies about how this war is the only way to get the glory you so desperately want? it’s fucking delusional.” 
“it’s not delusional—”
“yes, it is!” you glared at him. “you’re on the wrong side of a war you made the mistake of starting.”
luke straightened his posture, thinking about how hypocritical you were being. 
“isn’t this what you’re all about? revenge, karma. your mom will probably join us, too. don’t you want to see the gods finally get what they deserve?”
“not like this. i can’t believe how desperate you are, to believe that kronos is going to make everything right. it’s pathetic,” you spat. “i’m not saying the gods don’t deserve to be taken down a notch. their fucking obsession with power and glory….it’s sick and twisted, but i don’t think your titan king is any better. i don’t think you are any better.” 
“it’s time that the gods fall. this is the only way, even if it isn’t perfect,” luke countered. his voice was firmer now as he absorbed your anger. your mother was the goddess of revenge, but you clearly didn't understand the sacrifices, pain, and blood that was required to make the world a better place.  
luke just needed to convince you.
“we’ve talked about this for years,” he continued. “nothing is balanced! there’s no justice here, for anyone.  we can build a better world where we don’t have to burn our scraps and throw ourselves at monsters to get attention. we can fight together like we always have. y/n, i love—”
“don’t,” you snapped. “don’t you fucking dare. you should have died on your quest.” your voice laced with venom. one hand gripping the knife you always kept on your belt. “that dragon should have fucking sliced through you and saved us all the trouble.”
something pricked in the back of his throat, down to his stomach.
“you don’t mean that.”
“i do,” you promised. “at least you would have died with all of us thinking you’re a hero instead of the traitor you really are.”
you grabbed your knife, took a fighting stance. 
“i’m not going to fight you,” was all luke could say. he noticed your hand tremble, and you tightened the grip on your knife to prevent emotion from slipping through your invisible armor. 
in that moment, you have could slice through luke, and it would hurt less than everything you just said, less than the murderous look you were giving him, like he was just another monster you wouldn’t think twice about sending to tartarus.
luke didn’t even have a chance to unsheathe his sword before you charged at him, but he quickly had you pinned to the ground, the tip of your own knife pointed at you. he hesitated. the blade pressed harder against your cheek than he intended, enough to break the skin and let a few droplets of dark crimson escape. 
“please come with me,” he pleaded. you didn’t answer, but you did seem surprised by the softness of his voice. 
a few moments passed, the celestial bronze still between you. luke waited for you to see his way, to yield to his proposal.
you didn’t. instead, you took advantage of the situation. you wrapped your leg around his and flipped your position. in the process, you regained possession of your knife. without the hesitation that held luke back, you sliced through his cheek, deep. luke bit his lip to suppress a groan, tasting blood. your gaze set his whole body on fire as he waited for your next move. that was when you glanced down at his camp necklace, and the new clay bead added to commemorate this summer.
a turquoise trident.
“percy told me he was on his way to see you,” you realized. “what did you do?”
luke didn’t answer. he knew then that a choice ran through your head. 
and it stung, just a little, watching you sprint away through the trees in a last ditch effort to save percy’s life. 
there was a small, pathetic part of luke that wanted you to choose him, even if it meant you would have plunged the knife into his chest.
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt. 5
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9]
“So you’re that dead kid everyone’s talking about.”
Danny smacked a trash bag into the purple clad vigilante. “You can pick up the glass.”
“Wait, I’m just here to-”
“Bother me when I’m working? At least the litterer brings me cash. You can help clean or you can leave. Plastics go over there.”
Danny pointed at a pile of plastics, ignoring Spoiler’s bemused look. Hard to tell, really, considering her mask.
“I’ll help clean if you answer some questions!” Spoiler chirped, already moving to pick out the glass in the general trash pile Danny’s managed to gather. He nodded.
“Alright. At least you’re helping. The other one just bothers me and leaves his stuff on the beach.”
Spoiler snorted. “I’m Spoiler. Is the litterer Batman?”
“Sure. I don’t really care what his name is,” which was a complete lie, Danny was a fan. It’s just that messing with Batman (especially after he couldn’t clean up after himself, honestly!) overrode his fan behavior. “But if I catch him leaving shit in the waters again…”
Danny frowned, eyes glowing. He could feel- even with his partial tangibility, the muck of Gotham's waters seeping into his boots. It was not giving 'Live, Laugh, Love' to Danny, and he needed it gone.
“Whatever. They dropped a lot of guns down here. You can deal with those too, yeah?”
“I'm pretty sure that's evidence?!”
“If you could call it that.” Danny plucked away the Styrofoam and the hazardous (more than regular, anyways) materials away from the trash pile so Spoiler could dig through with her gloves without contracting sixteen different sorts of illnesses.
“So, what brings you to Gotham?”
Danny pointed at the water. “Came for school. Stayed because you losers polluted the water with dead bodies and gross chemicals.”
“You go to school?”
“Hey, that’s discriminatory.”
“Oops! No, sorry! I meant-”
Danny waved her off, irritably separating a bottle cap from the crushed bottle. Seriously, what’s the point of putting the cap back on if you were going to throw it in the bay anyways?
“It’s fine. How else am I supposed to learn about the advancements made in the scientific industry otherwise?”
Even if Danny wasn’t too sure that science could sure stupidity, but a halfa could dream, right?
"So... do you just... listen in on lectures?"
Danny stared at her. "What else would I do in a class??"
"Oh. I just thought since you're dead and all, you'd do something more... fun?"
"I mean, I could terrorize the local villains for kicks, if that's what you meant."
Spoiler brightened. "Actually, yeah! That would be helpful! If Mr. Freeze keeps bringing the cold during my latte Thursdays, I'm gonna snap and wring his cold little chicken neck."
Danny snorted. "Alright. I will keep an eye out for this Mr. Freeze." Danny paused. "Hey, tell your friend to come down and help us."
"What- oh. Black Bat!" Stephanie waved her partner down. Black Bat gracefully slipped down towards the bay, casually knocking out two goons gunning for Spoiler.
'Careful,' Black Bat signed.
"Thanks!" Spoiler bounced on the heels of her feet. She swept an arm out. "Wanna help?"
Black Bat tilted her head and, after placing Danny under quick but thorough scrutiny, nodded.
'You can get the salvageable stuff. Anything you can't lift, leave to me.' Danny signed clumsily, placing emphasis on can't.
"You know sign language?"
"I'm not too good at it, I just learned this version."
He knew ghost-sign first, after all.
"Chop, chop. I don't have all night."
Danny learned that Black Bat had the skill to knock cans into their designated piles if he threw them in the air so she could kick at them.
"You two can come back anytime."
Spoiler whooped while Black Bat leaned back, smug.
"Wait, tell the litterer he owes me $200. He was short last time."
"...Are you telling me Batman owes you money?"
"Yeah. He might be in financial straights, so I gave him some lee-way."
Black Bat and Spoiler looked at each other.
"Hey, so guess what I learned about sea boy!"
Bruce's head swiveled to her with startling intensity. The rest of the clan tuned in.
"He knows sign language! Maybe he even knows ancient sign language! And goes to school, but since he's like, dead, he could only listen to the lectures."
"Bruce, Bruce, do not start a ghost-education plan. Stop. We don't even know if he even-" Dick tackled Bruce, who was already writing a petition as Bruce Wayne to give partial credit to students that diligently goes to class.
"Oh, yeah!" Stephanie shouted over the unraveling chaos. "He promised to fuck with our Rogues for a bit so we can get a break! And we also got a bunch of guns!"
"Where? Gimme!" Jason demanded.
"Do not give Todd more firearms!" Damian cut in.
"Also!" Stephanie grinned as Cass shook with laughter. "Batman's a debtor! He owes Phantom $200!"
"Ain't no fucking way." Tim cackled. "Hear that Bruce? That's karma! For not defending me when he called me broke!"
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taeghi · 3 days
wrong number
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𓇼 pairing : roommate's best friend!jake x reader
𓇼 summary : a mistaken text might not always be a bad mistake.
𓇼 genre : smut, angst. sexting, nudes, lots of talk ab being stretched out, degrading, slight spanking ;)
𓇼 wc : 12.3k!
𓇼 taglist : @jaehoonii @ikeuverse @soobinsnovia101 @river-demon-slayer @criminalyun @idkmaybeimgay @flowerlvrs-blog @miszes @koralira-kira  @dreamiestay @vevelu @niniissus @i2sunric @belovedsthings @yeonzzzn  @littlefluu @breadlover01 @kookify @j3nnypng @crpasta @isabellah29 @starggukies @fakeuwus @yongbokified @jjakeylattee @shiningnono @lilifiedeans @simpjay @kirinaa08 @hoonneyyzz @hwanchaesong @cupidscourt @luvsweet78 @jayshadoww @cha0thicpisces @eloelooo
your roommate, sunghoon, had just said goodnight to you as you both headed off to your separate bedrooms for the night. there had been a long awaited movie night for the both of you and somehow both of you had managed to stay up so late, that both of you were going to be exhausted for university tomorrow. 
as soon as your head touches your pillow and your blanket pulls up to your chin, your phone vibrates from your nightstand. you sigh, wanting to ignore the notification, but the curiosity of who was texting you after midnight intrigued you so much that you just had to reach over and look. 
unknown : [image.jpg] [12:46]
instantly your jaw drops as you realize what the image was. this was the last thing you had expected from an unknown number. 
in the picture, was obviously a man’s hand covering his apparent large bulge in his black boxers. you could see the tan skin of his defined abs in the light glow of the room he was in. the picture showed up to his neck, his face being cut off. you wondered briefly if his face would have distracted you more than his bulge. 
unknown : [i told you i was good at taking pics, vera ;)] [12:47]
vera? you had no idea who vera was but you were definitely not her and this picture was definitely not for you. after debating on what to do about this mistaken text, another one rolled in. 
unknown : [what? cat got your tongue now?] [12:50]
you sigh but decide to answer, your thumbs moving briskly across the keyboard of your phone. sleep completely leaving your mind now as your eyes keep glancing up at the stranger’s picture. 
you : [hey, uh, this isn’t vera? so sorry] [12:50]
it only took a second after pressing send for the stranger’s texting bubble to pop up, indicating that he was typing. your nervously sat up in bed, brushing your hair out of your face. 
unknown : [oh my god i’m so sorry] [12:50] unknown : [my idiot friend gave me this number saying it was this girl vera im so sorry] [12:51]
you chuckle to yourself at his texts, feeling his obvious stress through the screen. his excessive apologies were relaxing you, knowing this wouldn’t have to be more awkward than it was. until, 
unknown : [but you must’ve thought i was good at taking pics too, i mean you stared at the pic for so long ;) ] [12:52]
you had no idea who this was but he was so cocky. but he was so right. you couldn’t take your eyes off of his picture for more than a minute. the angle it was taken at teased you to want to see more of his body. it felt wrong since the picture was obviously not meant for you. but how could you not look at a picture that made him look this good. still, you cursed yourself for having read receipts on. 
you : [i wasn’t looking at it] [12:53] you : [but it’s definitely the most interesting wrong number i’ve ever gotten ] [12:53] unknown : [oh really? how many wrong numbers do you get?] [12:54] you : [not many, but def not ones with ab pics] [12:54] unknown : [with hot ab pics?? ;)] [12:55]
your jaw drops again. how many wink faces will he send? but you sigh, because you know he’s right. 
you : [fine, not many with hot ab pics] [12:56] unknown : [glad i could be your first ;)] [12:57] unknown : [sorry i guess i’m pretty… self assured?] [12:57]
you roll your eyes at him now. this guy was definitely something else. how could he not be so embarrassed that he sent such an intimate picture to not only the wrong person, but a complete stranger at that. 
you : [i think i would use the word cocky instead] [12:58] unknown : [heyy be nice, you got that hot pic for free!] [12:58] you : [yeah well thanks a lot, now i can’t sleep] [12:59] you : [i’m wide awake bc of you] [12:59] unknown : [you’re welcome!] [1:01] unknown : [i couldn’t leave a pretty girl like you being tired!] [1:01]
you scoff at his text, but it was true. you didn’t think you could lay back down and fall asleep with this much adrenaline running through you. you were curious about this boy. he seemed to be so different compared to you. you couldn’t guess what his next text or reaction would be. you were intrigued and had nothing else to do at 1am, so you texted him again. 
you : [how do you know if i’m pretty or not??] [1:03] unknown : [i’ve got a good feeling ;)] [1:04] you : [yeah? what else does your good feeling tell you about me?] [1:04]
you realized your text could have sounded a bit flirty. maybe a bit cringey, but you figured if this stranger could be so indifferent and flirtatious then why couldn’t you?
unknown : [that you’re into dirty, nasty things] [1:06] unknown : [like riding a guys’ abs, getting yourself off] [1:06]
you felt your eyes bulge out of your head as you read his texts. your mouth felt dry as you realize he was right. you couldn’t stop staring at his pic. the way the abs were so defined just in a picture you couldn’t imagine what they looked like up close. 
you : [were you planning to get vera to do that with you?] [1:08] unknown : [nah] [1:08] unknown : [just with you] [1:08]
you have to reach over to your bedside table to get some water. you gulp it down as you keep your eyes on his texts. reading them over and over, not believing they were real. 
unknown : [would you want that?] [1:09]
you hesitantly type back. 
you : [maybe] [1:10] you : [but i usually only fuck guys with big cocks] [1:10]
you felt like you had to lower his ego somehow with the way he has been so cocky (self assured) over these texts. you could tell from the bulge in his accidental picture that he wasn’t lacking in the size department. but letting him think that it was, would justify your need to decrease his ego. 
unknown : [you don’t think i could fill you? haha] [1:11] unknown : [i would stretch you out so good] [1:12]
you would be lying if you said his texts weren’t turning you on. because truth be told, you hadn’t had sex in a while. you had gone on dates, went to parties, tried to talk to your mutual friends but no one ever seemed worth your while. 
except for this complete stranger that accidentally texted you. 
you : [hmm maybe you’ll get to show me some day] [1:13] unknown : [oh i definitely will ;)] [1:13]
after another minute another text comes through. 
unknown : [since you have a pic of me to drool over] [1:14] unknown : [how about you send me a pic? ;)] [1:14]
you instantly knew that you would not be sending this guy a picture tonight– maybe even never. you liked flirting with him. and you definitely liked his picture. but no way in hell would he be seeing you tonight. 
you : [hahaha] [1:15] you : [goodnight :)] [1:15] unknown : [goodnight] [1:16]
with that, you slid your phone onto your bedside table again and laid back down in bed. you thought of his texts and his forwardness and how it was something that you almost admired in a way. you thought that maybe it wouldn’t have been the worst idea to send him a teasing picture. you might not ever meet the guy or know who he is. but before you could think more of him and his texts, sleep crept onto you finally.
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the next day, you had practically forgotten all about the flirty stranger from the night before. 
you ended up being late to class since you had slept in from staying up late the night before. which meant that you had forgotten your textbooks on your kitchen table at home. which meant each class of yours was messed up since you didn’t have your books.
you were completely frazzled the whole day, seemingly never being able to catch a break. 
you felt mentally and physically exhausted when you finally got to lay down for bed that night. you were ready for sleep when the same event happened. your phone vibrated from a notification on your bedside table. 
you sighed and reached over, not lifting your head from your pillow as you did so. and there on your phone’s screen, is another text from the unknown number.
unknown : [i can’t stop thinking about you and this convo] [10:36]
you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face. the sleep that once consumed you was leaving your body once again due to this stranger’s text. you thought for a second, and then texted back. 
you : [what exactly have you been thinking about?] [10:38]
he was quick with his reply, no hesitation to your question. 
unknown : [what your voice sounds like] [10:38] unknown : [what it sounds like when you whisper my name] [10:38]
you : [what would i be whispering to you?] [10:40]
unknown : [all the things you’d let me do to you] [10:41] unknown : [i’ve been thinking about how much i wanna kiss you and touch you] [10:41] unknown : [make you feel good] [10:41]
after the day you had, you thought maybe this would be a good ending to it. you could feel yourself get more aroused by each of his texts coming through. 
you : [hmm] [10:42] you : [and what if i told you i’ve been thinking the same things] [10:42]
unknown : [then we definitely have to do something about it] [10:43] unknown : [sooner, rather than later] [10:43]
you : [and what exactly did you have in mind?] [10:44]
you tapped your fingers on your phone as you waited for his reply. you were getting anxious for some reason as you waited for his text longer than usual. you had wondered if he had fallen asleep or had completely forgotten about you and this convo. 
unknown : [image.jpg] [10:50]
you pressed the picture notification faster than you’d ever admit to anyone. you weren’t disappointed at the picture to say the least. 
it was a downview angle, portraying his abdomen and legs laying in bed. he was wearing nothing but a set of light gray boxers. his bulge was so very evident in the picture that it made your thighs tighten together. 
unknown : [i think it’s only fair for you to send me a pic now ;)] [10:51]
you bit your lip as you read his second message. knowing that he was right. it would be only fair at this point. 
you thought for moment of what to send him. you sat up and took your shirt off, leaving you in only your bralette. you slid your thumb to the camera on your phone and held it up. making sure to leave your face out of it, you took a picture of your breasts pushed together in your pretty bralette. 
thinking that you couldn’t do any better you sent it. and you waited for his answer which came surprisingly quick. 
unknown : [holy shit] [10:55] unknown : [you’re so hot] [10:55] unknown : [i’m actually so hard right now] [10:56]
you : [i’m so wet right now] [10:56]
you weren’t lying, you could feel your panties start to drip at the situation you were in. his texts and pictures made it easy for your panties to start to get soaked. you haven’t had any action lately, which made it even easier for you to get so wet. 
unknown : [god i bet you are] [10:56] unknown : [i wish i was there right now] [10:57] unknown : [are you touching yourself?] [10:57]
you : [yes] [10:58] you : [with my fingers] [10:58]
unknown : [let me see] [10:59]
this time, you moved with a little less hesitance. you sent a picture of your body laying down on your bed. your fingers covered by your panties as they circled your clit. he could see exactly how you were touching yourself now. 
unknown : [fuck me] [11:02] unknown : [your body’s perfect] [11:02] unknown : [image.jpg] [11:03]
you pressed the image he sent quickly. his hand was wrapped around the base of his cock as the camera pointed down at it. you could see it unveiled for the first time. it was definitely better than you would’ve ever thought. it was long, and veiny and the tip was pink and leaking precum. 
when you clicked out of the photo, he had already continued texting you. 
unknown : [it’s a shame that i’m not there with you rn] [11:03] unknown : [your thighs look so soft and warm i wish i was between them] [11:04] unknown : [i’d kill to have my tongue between your thighs] [11:04]
you tried to think of what his face would have looked like with his body and cock looking so delicious. you figured his face would have to compare to them. 
you : [i want it so bad] [11:05] you : [i want your tongue and your cock and you] [11:05] you : [i need it] [11:06]
unknown : [god i can tell how naughty you are] [11:06] unknown : [i know you like it rough] [11:06] unknown : [you wanna be pounded into the mattress] [11:07]
you continued to massage your clit in quick, small circles as you watched him type out everything you thought of. everything that turned you on, he seemed to know. 
unknown : [i have a feeling you like to be choked] [11:08] unknown : [do you want me to do that to you?] [11:08] unknown : [choke you while i fuck deep inside of you?] [11:08]
you : [god i’d love that] [11:09] you : [i wanna feel you deep inside of me] [11:09] you : [i’d take it like a good girl] [11:10]
you decided to record a video of yourself to send it to him this time. you knew he’d continue texting you as you swiped to the camera app again. you record yourself, thinking completely and only of him, even though you don’t know what he looks like or his name. 
you focus the camera on your hand in your panties. the microphone picks up on your heavy breaths and whines and the wet sounds your pussy makes as you continue your movements. 
“please sir, i want your cock deep inside of me. i know you’d stretch me out so fucking good!” you moaned loudly for him, your fingers not stopping as you stopped recording and sent it to him. 
as he watched your video, you looked back on the texts he had sent you. 
unknown : [yeah you’d be such a good girl for me right?] [11:11] unknown : [i’d have to slide my fingers into your first i bet] [11:12] unknown : [so you’d be able to take my cock] [11:12]
you : [video.mp4] [11:13]
unknown : [sir?!?!] [11:15] unknown : [god your voice is so hot] [11:15] unknown : [you’re such a dirty girl] [11:16] unknown : [you even sound so wet and creamy fuck] [11:16]
you almost laugh at his texts as you start to slide your fingers into your pussy. your middle and ring fingers easily find your g spot everytime you push them back into your core. you try to image they are this stranger, pleasuring you. 
before you could answer him, he sent a video of his own. you instantly pressed it, wanting to see him, to hear him, so bad. 
it was a video of his hand wrapped around his cock. you could see his cock glistening in the flash on his camera from his precum and most likely his spit. his hand was moving up and down his cock at a decent pace. a grunt left his mouth when his hand glided over his tip. 
you thought the video was over, but then he spoke. 
“you’re making it so hard for me to not cum. i could cum any second, but i want to hear you cum first. i wanna see it. i wanna see your- fuck, fingers soaked with your juices.” 
you replayed the video once more, needing to hear his low voice grunt out each word as he continued to pleasure himself to the things you had sent him. 
you : [you’re so fucking hot] [11:20] you : [i’m so close to cumming] [11:20] you : [i’ll cum whenever you want, sir] [11:20]
unknown : [keep pleasuring yourself baby] [11:21] unknown : [do you have your fingers deep inside of you??] [11:21] unknown : [you know they won’t stretch you as much as my cock can] [11:22]
you could tell by the pictures and his video that he was definitely telling the truth. the stretch that his cock could do had your fingers moving faster, your palm rubbing against your clit as you pushed your fingers in and out of you. 
unknown : [you’re so nasty i bet you’d like to be choked] [11:23] unknown : [my one hand on your throat] [11:23] unknown : [and my other one would be rubbing your clit] [11:23] unknown : [as i fuck you] [11:24]
you : [fuck] [11:24] you : [that’s all i want sir] [11:25] you : [can i cum for you?] [11:25] you : [please sir] [11:25]
unknown : [fuck, you cum baby] [11:25] unknown : [let sir see you cum] [11:26]
not a second later, you’re recording yourself again. making sure to get a good shot of your fingers entering and leaving your pussy. making sure he can see just how wet he has gotten you. you can’t help but whine and moan as your hips buck against your fingers. 
you’re so desperate for an orgasm. you’ve been so deprived of anything recently that you knew from the start it wouldn’t take long or much to get you to cum. but this man, this stranger, seems to know exactly what to do to get you to cry and shake and moan. 
“fuck, sir!” you cry out to him. your hips bucking against your fingers more at the thought of him watching this. at the thought of him touching you, choking you, slapping your clit, his cock stretching you so fucking good. “i’m cumming! fuck i’m cumming just for you!” 
you let your camera record your entire orgasm, pressing stop with your body still shaking and your chest heaving to catch your breath. you watch as the recording sends to him. 
it takes a minute for him to respond. your eyes becoming sleepy but your heart racing at the same time with anticipation. 
unknown : [omg] [11:30] unknown : [fuck im so close] [11:30] unknown : [fuck you’re so hot] [11:30]
you : [please cum for me sir] [11:31] you : [i wanna see it so bad] [11:31] you : [i wanna see your cum drip all over you into a little mess] [11:31]
another minute passes before you get a response and you don’t hesitate to press play. 
unknown : [video.mp4] [11:33]
the video has him jerking his cock faster than he was in the previous video. his grunting has turned into moans that are almost whiney. he’s hissing and cursing under his breath as his camera shakes. his hips are practically fucking into his hand. 
you were drooling at his video. 
“fuck you’re such a dirty slut.” he grunts out, his voice like honey despite the situation. “i- i’m so close. i wish you were here to lick up my cum.” his admission makes you wish you could lick it up. you wondered if it would taste sweet on your tongue. you feel like you’d do anything to pleasure him now, without even knowing what his face looks like. 
“fuck baby, i’m cumming.” he grunts out, his throat getting tighter as his cum spurts out of the red tip, landing on his sheets, his thighs and fingers. he curses some more as his hand comes to a halt on his cock. he moves his phone in for you to get a closer look at his mess. his breaths heavy in the microphone. “this is all for you baby.” he says finally before the recording unfortunately ends. 
you wanna watch it again but he’s already texting you again. 
unknown : [that was so good] [11:34] unknown : [i haven’t came that hard in so long] [11:35] unknown : [you’re so hot] [11:35]
you : [that was really good] [11:36]
you catch yourself smiling at your phone. between your thighs still a mess as you lay on your bed. you feel relieved in a way. you’ve been so pent up for so long that you really needed this and you didn’t even know. 
unknown : [so] [11:37] unknown : [since you made me cum so hard] [11:37] unknown : [will i get to know your name?] [11:37]
you bite your lip as you read his question. you figure that he was right, you both had seen and heard such intimate parts of one another. he had made you cum so hard, too. 
you : [y/n] [11:38]
instantly he replies. 
and his replies make your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach. 
unknown : [holy shit y/n?] [11:38] unknown : [its jake] [11:39]
you sit up in your bed, your hand gripping onto your phone tight with sudden nervousness as you take in his messages. your other hand holds your loose hair out of your face as you try to take in all the information. your brain trying to process it all. 
unknown : [holy shit] [11:39] unknown : [fucking dumbass sunghoon gave me the wrong number] [11:39] unknown : [holy shit] [11:40]
you’re reading his messages as they come through but you can’t stop yourself from hyperventilating in your bedroom that is right next door to sunghoon’s. 
the supposed stranger that you had just sexted. that had heard your moans and see your body shake from pleasure. that you had imagined their cock inside of you. was your roommates best friend. 
your roommates best friend that you were strictly told to absolutely, under no circumstances, to get involved with in any way besides friends. 
though you weren’t even sure if you and jake were friends to begin with. 
sure, you had hung out a few times when sunghoon or other mutual friends were present. you had gone to the same parties. you had said hello in your hallway before he left with sunghoon to go somewhere else. you had heard a few of his drunk stories. 
and there was that one time you had made out in his kitchen. 
you swear you had only made out for two minutes before sunghoon called jake’s name, causing both of you to pull apart before sunghoon could catch you. thankfully, sunghoon was so drunk that he didn’t sense the awkward shock that was between you two when he walked in the kitchen. 
though, those two minutes were something you thought about often, though you would never admit that to anyone. 
it was lustful and passionate and you knew you shouldn’t be doing it. you have no idea how it started, but you know it was amazing. his plush lips on your own as you let his tongue enter your mouth. you didn’t fight for dominance, letting him take over so easily. his hands roamed your body and rested on your ass, pulling you closer to him. your arms wrapped around his neck so naturally, keeping his face against yours. 
sometimes, you let yourself think about what might have happened if sunghoon hadn’t walked in. would he have taken you to his room? would you have let him? or would you have both come to your senses at some point and realize that you definitely shouldn’t have been doing that? 
you and jake had met sunghoon separately at different parts in sunghoon’s life. jake had grown up with sunghoon in their small town. while you had met sunghoon during your freshman year at university. sunghoon and you had the great idea of moving in with each other since you got along so well. he was basically your best friend. you told him everything (except for you making out with jake), he had seen you cry, he had seen you blackout drunk and he really cared about you. 
when jake started going to your university a during sophomore year, sunghoon had told you to not get involved with jake with anything more than friends. he cared about both of you equally.
you understood where he was coming from, both of his best friends dating could potentially be a disaster for him if things went wrong. he would become the middleman, and could lose both of his friends. it’s just an uncomfortable position. 
so, you knew that you could not have any feelings for jake at all before you even met him. but that was so hard since he was so attractive (and now because you knew what he sounded like when he orgasms). 
after trying to piece at least some of it together you glance back at your phone. 
unknown : [are you still there?] [11:44] unknown : [i swear i didn’t know it was you y/n] [11:44] unknown : [but you are really so hot] [11:44]
you suddenly felt like crying. you feel like you had betrayed sunghoon and his trust. but you feel like you were betraying yourself by not allowing yourself to do what you want. which you want to allow yourself to give in to jake. 
you never knew your exact feelings for jake since you always told yourself it was forbidden. but now that you’ve explored it, you know you want- need more. 
you feel like ripping your hair out. but you decide to do what is right. 
you : [night jake ] [11:45]
jake : [night y/n :( ] [11:46]
you decide to not think about what the sad face meant in his text and turn off your phone completely, putting it in it’s spot on your bedside table and rolling over for the night. you want to scream into your pillow, but you don’t. you force yourself to go to sleep, just like you force yourself to ignore anything you feel or think about jake. 
you’re doing what’s right. for the sake of your friendship with sunghoon, who was asleep just meters away from you. you could hear his snoring through the wall.
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you go to bed early friday night. 
you decline sunghoon’s offer for another movie night. you practically crawl into bed, shutting your phone off completely before falling asleep, finally escaping the thoughts of jake and your betrayal to sunghoon. 
you manage to stay in bed all of saturday. you haven’t been able to face sunghoon since you apparently sexted jake a few days ago. you knew jake would not tell sunghoon about your texts, but that didn’t exactly clean your moral code. you felt wrong for lying to sunghoon while sleeping under the same roof with him. 
it’s late into the afternoon when there’s a quick, faint knock on your bedroom door. you mumble into your pillow for him to come in, knowing it was sunghoon. 
when he pushes the door open his hair is wet over his forehead and he has a towel wrapped around his slim waist. a sight that you were used to. 
“hey,” sunghoon smiles at you with a concerned expression on his face from the doorway, “you feeling alright? you’ve been in bed all day.” 
you wanna tell him that that’s the point but instead you say, “yeah i’m fine, just tired.” 
sunghoon nods and then leans on the door frame with his muscular arms crossed over his bare chest, water droplets trailing down his skin from his shower, “well we’re going to a party tonight, i wanted to see if you wanted to come.” 
you want to groan at the thought of being a party, especially at a party that jake would certainly be at, but instead you shake your head at your roommate, “nah i’m okay, i just wanna get some rest tonight, hoon.” 
sunghoon pouts at you, “aw, okay.” 
“i’m sorry, you know you’ll have fun whether i’m there or not.” 
he shrugs, “yeah, jake and sunoo will be there, too, so.” 
you smile at him, noting that you were right that jake would be at the party. he’s always at a party and he’s always with sunghoon. 
“okay, have fun, hoon.” 
“have a good rest, y/n.” 
sunghoon teasingly waves his fingers at you as he closes the door again, leaving you alone in your dark bedroom. you cover your face with your hands as you let out a groan. you hate the feeling of hiding something from someone. and this was exactly that. 
what are you supposed to do in this situation? lie to your best friend and not tell him about sexting his best friend? or tell him that you betrayed his trust? 
you roll over and go back to sleep, the darkness in your room and the tireless thoughts racing in your mind make it easy. 
you wake up again a few hours later to laughter coming from outside your bedroom, probably from your living room. you search for your phone and notice that it’s the time that sunghoon usually leaves at when he goes to parties. 
instead of only hearing sunghoon, you hear another person as well. you can tell by the two distinct voices talking back and forth, the multiple footsteps walking around your apartment. you briefly wonder who it is and stand up to go look. 
your hand wraps around the doorknob when you still, your body tensing when you hear the all too familiar voice that you were supposed to be avoiding and pretending never existed. 
“what’s taking so long, i wanna leave!” jake’s voice whines out, obviously annoyed with how slow sunghoon gets ready. 
“ok! ok! i’m coming, let’s go.” sunghoon’s voice replies, sounding like he’s walking right past your room and into the living room on the other side of your door. 
“and, uh, why isn’t y/n coming?” you hear jake ask. your name coming out of his mouth makes your heart pick up its pace. 
it takes a second for sunghoon respond, probably busy putting his shoes on, “i don’t think she’s feeling well, she seemed pretty tired when i talked to her earlier.” 
you don’t hear jake reply to sunghoon’s explanation about your absence. just some more shuffling and murmuring and then the front door to your apartment closing and locking after they leave. it’s then that you can let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. your palm sweaty as you finally let go of the doorknob. 
you feel so confused and alone. you have no one to talk to about this problem since the problem includes your best friend– your best friend and roommate that you tell everything to. every problem you have, you go straight to him. 
you know you couldn’t possibly keep avoiding hanging out with sunghoon, not going out and pretending jake doesn’t exist. sunghoon would catch on too quick. he knows you too well. he’s probably already suspicious as to why you didn’t want to go out tonight. 
you sigh as you try to sort out your brain. but since the apartment was now officially empty for at least a few hours, you could leave your isolated bedroom to at least get a drink of water.
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you are halfway through your third episode of Gossip Girl when your phone vibrates in its usual spot on your bedside table. without tearing your eyes away from chuck brushing blair’s hair behind her ear, his lips leaning close to hers, you grab your phone. 
you glance down at it, expecting it to be an insignificant notification, but you jolt when you read the name “jake”. you’re slamming your laptop shut in an instant, pausing it when blair is about to cuss chuck out for kissing her. your entire focus is on this message now. 
jake : [hey] [12:07] jake : [hoon told me u aren’t feeling well??] [12:07] jake : [but i wanted to tell u that i wish u were here] [12:07] jake : [i’d do anything to have ur lips on mine rn] [12:08]
you want to text back and tell him that he shouldn’t be texting you this or texting you at all. that he can’t be thinking of you like this. especially when he’s out drinking with sunghoon right now. you wonder if sunghoon could see jake’s texts right now. 
jake : [can i come over?] [12:09]
your mouth goes dry when you read his text. you contemplated every single con of him coming over right now. leaving the party he’s at with sunghoon, drunk, and coming over to your apartment where there’s tension between you two when there definitely shouldn’t be. 
you : [sure] [12:10]
jake : [i’ll be there in 10] [12:11]
you had ten minutes to clean up your room that you had rotted in all day, to brush your hair and put on a clean shirt. you didn’t know what jake wanted to come over for, but you assumed it wouldn’t do you any good with fixing the betrayal you had done to sunghoon. if anything, letting jake inside this apartment right now would only make things worse for you and your roommate. 
but sure enough, ten minutes later, you let jake inside your apartment after he softly knocked on the door. 
he’s wearing a black shirt that clings to torso and dark jeans that fit him well. his hair is tousled, as if he ran his fingers through it a few times during the night. he smells like his familiar cologne mixed with a faint smell of alcohol, instantly reminding you of the party he came from. 
“i’m sorry if i woke you,” jake speaks first as you close the door behind him. 
“it’s fine,” your voice comes out quiet and shaky and both of you pick up on how anxious and reserved you’re being. so different from your usual self. you clear your throat, “was the party not fun enough for you?” 
jake scoffs as he leans against the back of the couch, so confidently, as he looks at you practically folded into yourself, “it was fine. i just couldn’t stop thinking about you.” 
you shake your heads thim, “jake, we can’t do this. sunghoon would be really upset.” 
jake moves closer to you, his scent getting stronger. his voice is soft but intense when he speaks, “sunghoon isn't here right now. it’s just us.” he looks around the apartment to prove a point, “and i want you y/n. i want you so bad.” 
you take a step back, your back hitting the closed apartment door, your heart is racing as you look up at him. “he’s our best friend, jake. this,” you gesture between your bodies, “could really mess things up with our friendship with him.” 
jake steps forward again, closer to you. he slowly, almost hesitantly, reaches out and gently cups your face, almost scared you’re gonna disappear on him. it’s the first time jake and you have touched since you’ve made out so many months ago. “i know, but i can’t stop thinking about you,” his voice gets deeper, “ever since i’ve heard the way you moan and beg for more, i need you.” you gasp quietly at his words, your eyes not being able to leave him as he finishes, “don’t you feel the same?”
your resolve weakens as you look at his puppy-like features, “jake, i do. you know i do. but it’s complicated.”
“it doesn’t have to be. just one night. let’s see where this goes. we can figure out the rest later.” jake tsks at you, his whole body pressing against yours now, pinning you against the door. when you don’t (can’t) answer, jake smiles, his lips brush against your ear, “let me show you how good i can make you feel, baby.”
you close your eyes, feeling the pull of desire overpowering you, “jake… i…” 
jake starts kissing your neck softly, whispering into your skin, “just say yes y/n. i’ve been thinking about this all week. all i want is you. i wanna know how you taste.” 
you can’t help the moan that escapes your lips, your arms wrapping around his neck, “please.” 
you feel jake smile against your skin. he’s lifting you up and carrying you out of the living room in a second. your squeal of shock and excitement fill your shared apartment. 
jake puts you down onto your bed. his lips meet yours with fast passion. they’re moving against yours with need. you can slightly taste the alcohol on his breath mixed with a mint flavour. both of you can tell that you’ve been wanting this forever. 
“can i take this off?” jake asks you, his fingers pulling on the bottom hem of your tank top. you nod in response, lifting your back off the mattress for him to pull it off completely. it leaves your chest exposed to him, his eyes widening as he stares at you. “fuck you’re so perfect.” 
before you can respond jake leans his head down and starts to nip and suck at one of your nipples. his other hand tweaks your other nipple with his fingers, pulling on it gently. he gets both of your nipples erect and hard, the feeling of them having attention makes your stomach tighten with pleasure. 
“are you gonna show me how much of a naughty girl you are, y/n? or were you just being a tease in those texts?” jake asks you, his voice deeper than ever. 
“what i said in the texts were true.” you tell him, your hands staying at your sides. 
“yeah? so you want my tongue, baby? want me to taste your pretty pussy?”
“please, wanna feel your tongue on me so bad.” 
jake presses a soft kiss onto your lower abdomen with a smirk before he starts to undo the string on your shorts and pull them down alongside your panties. you’re completely bare and exposed just for him, while he’s still completely dressed on top of you. 
the tension between you two is unmatchable as jake’s eyes switch from looking at your wet core to your eyes. he lets out a guttural groan as he leans down to press his tongue flat onto your pussy and licks a strip right up. you let out a moan of relief as you finally get to feel him. 
“oh fuck, you taste better than i imagined,” jake groans out before diving back in between your legs. he keeps his hands on your thighs, making your legs stay spread apart for him to pleasure you. his tongue does circles around your clit quickly. he alternates circling your clit with sucking it into his mouth and moving his head side to side. his pace is quick and rough and it’s all that you’ve wanted. “do you know how many times i’ve thought about this?” 
“fuck, probably as much as i have.” you hate how your voice already sounds out of breath. 
jake is licking long stripes up your entire pussy, making sure to get all of it wet, making sure to taste all of it. he groans out against your clit at your answer. 
“i’ve wanted my tongue on you since before i even met you– since sunghoon showed me a picture of you.” jake confesses, you aren’t sure if he’d tell you this if he wasn’t intoxicated, but you don’t regret hearing it. “and then it turns out i got to see your dirty pictures, got to read your dirty texts.” 
you moan out, you throw your head back as he continues to lick and suck in between his sentences. he’s really making such a mess in between your legs. his salvia mixed with your juices and spreading it all over. 
“you don’t know how many times i’ve looked at the pictures you sent me, y/n. they get me so hard so quick.” jake moves his tongue around and around your clit, hard and fast. 
“oh fuck, that feels so good, sir.” 
jake groans out at the name, his eyes closing as he continues to eat you out. he’s practically making out with your core at this point. he’s moaning into your pussy, his tongue and lips are sucking and swirling everywhere. his chin and lips are shining with your juices and his saliva. he almost looks beautiful. 
you reach down and let your hand tangle in his hair, pulling his face even closer to you, wanting and need more. 
“do you like the way i taste, sir?” 
“fuck, i love the way you taste. wish i could taste you forever.” jake moves his head up and down as he drags his tongue all over you. your inner thighs feel drenched, you’re sure there’s a wet spot on your blanket below you. 
jake pulls away for a second, his hand gliding around your thighs and abdomen, “fuck look at this little pussy– so fucking tight. you know you won’t be able to take my cock properly right?” 
you nod down to him, your fingers tweaking your nipples for pleasure, “fuck i know, sir. i need to be stretched out so bad. need to be stretched out by you.” 
jake bites his lip as he lets out a groan, your words obviously having an effect on him. his fingers pinch your lips together gently, “fuck it’s so small.” he can feel his cock twitch in his pants against your mattress. 
“please sir, i need you in me. i’ve wanted it for so long.” 
“okay, baby, okay.” jake nods and starts to slide his middle finger into you slowly. his finger glides in easily with how wet you are. he moves it out slowly again, warming you up for his big cock. “you tell me when i find your g spot, okay?” 
you nod at him, your fingers continuing to tweak your nipples, pulling on them gently as you watch him concentrate on making you feel good. his finger continues to prod until it hits your g spot, making your thighs spasm for a second. 
“fuck, right there, sir.” 
jake’s finger hits the same spot again, “right there?” 
“mhm,” you nod to him, “right there feels so good.” 
jake then eases another finger in alongside the first one. even the smallest stretch from his fingers makes you cry out. his fingers are so much wider and longer than your own. it’s been so long since you’ve been touched, stretched out, pleasured. 
“fuck! oh my god,”
jake leans down and starts sucking your clit into his mouth. his fingers pick up their pace slowly, making sure to hit your g spot everytime. he keeps one of his hands on your lower abdomen, keeping you from moving your hips too much. 
“i want you to cum for me, baby.” jake speaks into your pussy, his lips massaging you core. 
“i’m so close, sir. i want to cum so bad!” you figure if you weren’t so touch deprived and turned on, the higher pitch and desperation of your voice would humiliate you. but for right now, all you could think about was cumming on jake’s fingers and mouth. 
“give it to me, cum for me, let me see how much of a slut you can be.” jake grunts out to you. 
jake’s fingers start to pump faster and harder into you. the squelching noises of your wet pussy filled the room, mixing with your cries of pleasure and jake’s name. his tongue starts to flick your clit side to side before circling it and repeating. your grip on his hair tightens as your stomach starts to convulse with pleasure. 
“fuck i’m cumming, oh my god!” 
your body stills as waves of pleasure start to wash over you,jake never stopping his movements, wanting you to ride out the pleasure. you gasp and cry as your mind goes numb, the orgasm hitting you harder than ever. 
when the final wave of pleasure finishes, jake pulls away from you. your body is high on adrenaline and pleasure and all you can think about is jake’s cock finally filling you up. 
“fuck that was so hot,” jake stares at you with his mouth agape. 
you laugh breathlessly at him, “thank you?” 
jake leans over your body, pressing his lips to yours. the kiss is different this time. it’s sweet and nice in comparison to how dirty your actions were just seconds before. you can taste your juices on his lips and can feel how wet his chin is from eating you out. it’s so passionate that if your head wasn’t consumed by the thought of his clothed, hard cock rubbing against your bare pussy, that it would’ve scared you. 
“i wanna feel you inside of me,” you pull away from him, your hand cupping his jaw. 
jake bites his plush lip, “god this is like a dream.” 
you push him away, rolling your eyes with a laugh. jake stands, pulling his shirt off of his body first. his tan skin visible to yours eyes, allowing you to scan his upper half. you’ve seen him shirtless before. like last summer when you all went to the beach. of course, you couldn’t have checked out his body as freely as you can now– sunghoon wasn’t here to reprimand you. 
jake bends over to pull off his pants and boxers in one go– his cock springing free and hitting his stomach. it’s so much bigger in person than in the pictures and videos he had sent you. 
you wonder if it would even fit inside of you. if the teasing jake had said about it being too big for you was real instead. 
“are you sure you wanna do this, y/n?” jake’s voice brings you out of your thoughts. his head is tilted to the side as he looks down at you. 
you bite your lip as you nod your head, “i do, i want this. it’s just…” you trail off, not being able to form the words while he’s so concentrated on you. 
jake kneels onto the bed right beside you, your legs touching. “what is it, pretty girl?” jake’s hand brushes your hair behind your ear. 
you sigh, “it’s just, it’s been awhile since… i’ve had sex.” jake smirks instantly at your confession. you groan at his expression and cover your face, “stop!” 
jake laughs as he pulls your hands away, wanting to see the blush on your cheeks, “it’s okay! i’m not making fun of you!” he moves so he’s over top of your laying body. “you’re so cute.” he leans down so your lips meet. it’s a soft kiss, like neither of you are naked and needy right now. 
he pulls away and rests his forehead on your own, looking into your eyes, “do you trust me y/n?”
his chocolate eyes are so pretty and warm like his body on yours that you don’t hesitate to nod, “yeah, i do.” 
“then let me make you feel good, you know i wouldn’t hurt you.” 
you nod again, your lips touching his again, letting him know that this is what you want. 
jake brings his hand up to your mouth, “spit.” 
you do as he says, letting a pool of your spit collect in his hand from your lips. he brings it to his cock, wetting it by mixing your spit with his precum. 
you lay on your back again as jake moves closer to you, spreading your legs. the air on your exposed, wet pussy makes you shiver. he holds onto your legs as he spits down onto your pussy, making you moan out as his actions degrade you. 
while he keeps one hand on your thigh, the other one holds his cock, guiding it to your pussy. he slowly, teasingly, drags his cock up and down your slit, wetting his cock more. you let out a hiss when he glides over your clit. 
“tell me how much you want my cock,” jake tells you, his eyes switching from your cunt to your face. 
“i want it so bad, sir! i’ve thought about having you inside of me so many times, i need it!” you admit, his cock being so close to your hole making you more desperate than ever. 
“rub your clit for me, baby.” 
you snake your hand in between your legs, starting to rub slow circles onto your already sensitive clit. 
you feel the tip of jake’s cock start to enter your hole. you can already tell that it’s gonna be a tight fit. you try to focus on the pleasure aspect instead. 
“oh my god,” jake groans out, his own eyes rolling to the back of his head as he eases inside of you. “fuck you’re so tight, baby. feels like heaven.” you can only nod in response, your voice gone as he fills you up completely. 
once he’s fully inside, his stills, letting you both adjust to the feeling. he leans down over you, his mouth pressing kisses into your neck. your hand moves slow circles on your clit, distracting you from the feeling of your walls adjusting around him. 
“i told you i’d stretch you out good.” jake chuckles into your ear. 
“shut up,” you say breathlessly, “just fuck me.” 
jake’s lips meet yours before, “as you wish.” 
jake sits up, his cock still lodged inside of you. he slowly moves his hips back, pulling his cock out until only his large tip is inside of you. he picks up one of your legs, holding it to keep your legs spread and pussy exposed to him. 
jake gradually sets a pace, sliding in and out of you with the help of your saliva’s mixing with your juices. he makes sure to hit your sensitive spots every time he slides back inside of you. when you start being unable to keep your moans quiet, he reaches down and encircles your neck with his hand and squeezes. 
“i knew you like being choked,” jake nods down at you, “you know how?”
“how?” you asked him, remembering his texts to you about how he would fuck you, how he would choke you and make you cum. 
“because i know you like being treated like a whore.” 
jake continues to thrust in and out of you as his hand leaves your neck and instead cups your jaw, his thumb pushing past your lips to enter your mouth. you don’t hesitate to suck on his thumb, using it to cover your moans from how well he’s fucking into you. 
you keep both of your hands on your nipples as you look up at him. his bangs are pushed out of his forehead, and his eyebrows are pulled together as he concentrates on making both of you feel good. 
your tongue swirls around his thumb before sucking on it, a moan leaves his lips at the feeling of your mouth around his digit. 
“god i wish i could feel your mouth around my cock, i know you’d make me cum so fast.”
he pops his thumb out of your mouth and puts his hand on the mattress, holding himself up. 
“i’d suck you until you couldn’t take it anymore,” you tell him honestly, his pace picking up at your admission.
“fuck baby, you’re so dirty it turns me on so much.” jake groans out, his hips moving faster now that he’s holding himself up with both of his hands. his head leans down so we can watch where both of your bodies are meeting. your pussy spread open just for him. the mess between your legs glistening in the faint light in your room. god, he’s wanted this for so long. wanted to feel what your walls would feel like around him. 
jake wants more, he wants to do everything he’s ever thought of with you, and he knows that tonight may be the first and last time he ever gets you, “ get up and turn around, baby.” jake tells you, the thought of your ass makes his cock twitch. 
you roll over, propping yourself up on your elbows and knees, your entire lower half being visible to him. jake’s hands land on your ass, making you cry out in pain and pleasure. 
“holy shit, this looks so good,” jake groans out at the sight, “who’s pussy is this?” he spanks your ass again, the skin starting to turn red now. 
“i-it’s yours sir, only yours.” you tell him, looking at him over your shoulder. his whole demeanor was dominant and masculine as he grips his cock and slides it back into you. the stretch this time less painful than before, your walls practically suck him in. 
jake starts to thrust in and out of you. his balls slapping against your clit every time he shoves himself back inside of you. his alternates slapping your ass and gripping your waist so he can pull himself harder into you. you have to grip onto your sheets to not move up the bed from how hard he is fucking you. 
“god i love your pussy, fucking made for me, stretched out just for me to fit in perfectly.” jake grunts out to you. 
“fuck!” you cry out into your sheets, “i love your cock, sir, please keep fucking me.” 
jake places his hand on your back, holding your body down against the mattress as he fucks into you. your bedroom is filled with so many wet noises, skin slapping, and both of yours and jake’s moans. 
jake grabs both of your hands, putting them so they are on your ass, “hold your pussy open for me while i fuck you.” jake demands you. your fingers curl over the slope of your ass, pulling the skin so your pussy is more exposed for him to see how much he is filling you up. “that’s it, that’s a good girl just like that.” 
jake’s hands grip your waist, using it as a leverage for him to start fucking into you. he finds your sensitive spot better with this angle, making you cry out his name, want him to keep going and never stop. your fingers tighten on your skin, the pleasure making you need to have a hold of something as he fucks you. 
jake pulls out of you, his hands staying on your waist as he leans down and spits right onto your pussy. the action makes you cry out, makes you feel so dirty that it turns you on even more. 
your hands leave your ass as jake slides back into you again, his cock so hard and wet and heavy inside of you. your one hand goes underneath you and starts to rub your clit back and forth as jake continues as his hard and fast pace.
“fuck that’s a good girl,” his accent strong as he watches you rub your clit. 
“i’m gonna cum, sir!” you cry out, looking up at him from your head on your mattress. 
“that’s right, fucking give it to me like a good girl, cum all over my cock.” he nods back at you, his thrusts getting harder as he fucks right into your g spot. 
it only takes a few more thrusts for you to come undone on his cock, loud moans leaving your agape mouth. your eyes close as the pleasure washes through you. 
jake stills inside of you as he feels your walls compulse over his cock, his own moans increasing as he feels you cream all over his cock. he pulls him closer to his own orgasm. 
when the initial pleasure of your orgasm subsides, jake pulls out of you again, gently turning you over onto your back again. he starts to kiss all over your face and neck, wanting you to not drift off into subspace.
when your mind feels less hazy, you cup his jaw with your hand, bringing his lips to yours. you make out sloppily for a minute as your body recharges from the sensitivity of two orgasms. 
“want you to cum, sir.” you tell him, your voice quiet as you look into his eyes. 
jake doesn’t say anything as he kisses you again before he leans up. he grips his cock as he pushes inside your used pussy. a loud moan leaves his mouth once he’s back inside of you. 
“fuck you’re so creamy, baby. makes me feel so good.” he nods down at you, his cock starting to thrust in and out of you again. 
“just for you sir, only you.” you mumble to him, your hands gripping his upper arms that cage your body. your nails dig into his skin as he fucks you, getting himself off with your walls wrapped around him. 
“that’s right baby, only sir can fuck you this good, can stretch you out so fucking well.” his thrusts start to get sloppy as he continues to moan out to you, his thumb starts to flick your clit back and forth. “where do you want sir to cum, baby?”
your back arches at his touch on your clit, “on my face, sir. want you to make a mess all over me. make me a dirty girl.” 
“oh fuck,” jake grunts out, “you’re such a slut, such a fucking slut just for me.” jake could feel your walls start to tighten around him again, “you gonna cum again, baby?” 
you nod to him, your head moving against the mattress, messing up your hair even more. your body was sweating all over, his thumb on your clit drove you insane as he cock filled you up like never before. “yes sir, g-gonna cum.” 
this orgasm, your third one, was a lot softer than the first two. you made no noise as you came, the pleasure taking over your body so strongly. 
“fuck, that’s it, that’s it.” jake encouraged you, your walls suctioning around his cock, squeezing and creaming all over it. 
before you could even come down from your high, jake was pulling out of you. his hand jerking his cock at a fast pace as worked himself to an orgasm. 
“let me see your face,” jake demanded. you scrambled to your knees, lowering your face so his hard, red cock was over your face. “look at me.”
your eyes locked with his as you opened your mouth, wanting to catch some of his cum as he finally came. his grunts loud and mixed with curses and your name. his warm cum spurted and landed all over your face and tongue. 
“oh my god,” jake groans, watching his cum paint your face. he felt like he could cum again just from the sight. “fuck you’re such a good girl for me.” 
jake taps his sensitive cock on your tongue, letting your mouth enclose around it. you gently start to circle your tongue around the tip, wanting to clean up some of the mess he made. you could tell he was so sensitive, the way a long hiss left his mouth as he watched you. 
you popped his cock out of your once there was no more left over cum on his cock or in your mouth. jake leans down and kisses you, brushing your sweaty hair out of your face. “i’ll be right back, y/n.” 
you lay back on your bed as jake leaves to go to the bathroom. after a minute he comes back, a wet cloth in his hand. “let me clean you.” 
he starts with your face and neck, smearing off all his cum before it dries all over you. the sight of it makes his used cock twitch. then he trails the cloth down your body, teasing you almost before he spreads your legs. he gently wipes all the wetness in between your legs before he presses a kiss into your stomach and closes your legs again. he turns and leaves your bedroom. 
your eyes start to droop closed, tired from the activity that just occurred. 
you feel jake lay beside you, completely naked like you as he covers both of your bodies in your blanket. you feel his warmth beside you, and see how his bare chest moves up and down with each one of his breaths. 
jake’s the first one to break the silence. 
“i swear you’ll be the death of me.” 
you turn to look at his face, slightly sweaty with a red hue on his cheeks, “what do you mean?” 
“you’re just so hot, and sexy and cute. i never cum as hard as i do with you.” 
you bite your lip as you look at him, “you make me feel really good, jake. i’ve never came three times before.” both of you laugh, the feeling of your sore pussy leaves for a second as you hear his melodious giggle. 
jake’s eyes met yours and they turned serious, you heard him swallow harshly before speaking, “look, y/n,” his voice is soft but steady, “do you think we could do this again? i mean, i’d really like it if it could.” 
his question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions. you thought about if it would be a good idea. thoughts of sunghoon and your friendship with him crossed your mind. but jake’s warm hand grazing across the thigh and the ache in your body reminded you that jake makes you feel good. “i want to, jake. but…” your voice trails off. 
“but what?” 
“but what about sunghoon?”
jake nodded against your pillow, “i get it. he’s our best friend, and i don’t want to hurt him or our friendship.” 
you sigh, your hand wrapping around jake’s bare torso, feeling unsure of when you would ever get to feel him again. “i know, it’s complicated. but i don’t want to give this up, jake. i want to see you again, wanna feel you again.”
jake leaned closer to you, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “we’ll be careful then. don’t worry about it, he won’t find out.”
you nodded against his chest, “okay, we’ll keep this between us for now– whatever this is.” 
you could feel jake smile on the top of your head. his arms wrapping around you and pulling your body against his. you hold each other close as sleep pulls you in. both of you tired and needy for each other. 
sunghoon crosses your mind for a second before you fall asleep. 
meanwhile, jake takes in the scent of your shampoo and laundry detergent, thinking about how lucky he is to have finally gotten you in some way. he’d like to call you his girlfriend one day– but he’ll take what he can get. and if sex and sneaking around behind sunghoon’s back is all you can give him, then he wouldn’t complain, as long as he gets to hold you close like this.
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the morning light stream softly through your curtains. you stir in your bed from the sun hitting your eyes. you feel something warm wrapped around your waist and your eyes flutter open to see a tan arm tucked in. you suddenly remember your actions with jake from the night before. and how he is still currently in your bed. 
your eyes follow his arm to where his face was pressed against your pillow beside you. he is still relaxed in sleep, his dark hair tousled and a gentle smile playing on his lips. jake has always been very attractive, but right now he looks so handsome that it makes your stomach feel weird. 
from your subtle movements, jake’s eyes flutter open, meeting yours with a sleep affectionate gaze. "good morning," he murmurs, his voice husky from sleep. you hum back to him in response, your own smile on your face. 
but reality soon intruded on the serene moment. your heart skips a beat as you remember sunghoon. he must be home by now, and he would be awake any minute. panic flares in your chest, and you sit up abruptly, pulling the covers off yourself. "jake, we need to go," you whisper urgently, your eyes wide with alarm. "sunghoon can't know you stayed over."
jake's eyes widens with understanding, and he quickly moves to get dressed. you both scramble around the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. you glance at the clock, your heart racing. you have to be quick to avoid waking up sunghoon.
once you are both dressed, you tiptoe to the front door of the apartment. you open it slowly, making sure it doesn't creak. jake gives you a quick, reassuring kiss before slipping out. you watch him go, your heart heavy with a mix of longing and anxiety. you feel confused towards your feelings with jake. as soon as jake disappears around the corner, you close the door quietly, hoping you haven't made too much noise.
just as you are turning to head back to your room, you hear a voice behind you. "what are you doing?" sunghoon asks, emerging from his room and stretching. your heart skips a beat, but you quickly compose yourself, turning to face him with a casual smile.
"just...getting some water," you lie, trying to sound nonchalant. "i'm going back to bed now."
ou force a chuckle, feeling the awkwardness settle in your chest. "that sounds great. i'll see you later," you say, your voice slightly strained. you make your way back to your bedroom, closing the door behind you and leaning against it with a sigh of relief from avoiding sunghoon. but now, you need to think about what it is that you want with jake. 
a relationship that may or may not ruin your friendships with sunghoon? or a secret friends-with-benefits thing that seemingly would keep everyone happy? 
you sigh and know that it has to be the latter– despite the feelings in your heart that tell you you want more than just friends with jake.
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a few weeks into your mutual-friends-with-benefits relationship with jake, your living room buzzes with laughter and chatter as you and sunghoon's friends gather for your a movie night. you and jake sit on opposite ends of the room, doing your best to act like just friends. it’s a delicate balance, hiding your feelings amidst the group. jake’s eyes occasionally flick over to you, a silent longing in his gaze that he tries to mask with casual conversation and laughter. you hope no one picks up on his staring. 
halfway through the movie, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. you discreetly pull it out and glance at the screen.
jake:[you look so good right now][8:57]
you bite your lip to suppress a smile. you look over at jake, who is watching you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. from across the room, you mouth, "stop." to him. 
jake:[please i need you so bad][8:58]
jake:[want my cock in your mouth][8:58]
you sigh, feeling your stomach start to flutter and know that you’re giving into him again.  you stand up, feigning a wince. "hey guys, i'm not feeling too well," you announce to the group, your voice wavering just enough to be convincing. "i think i'm going to head to my room and lie down for a bit."
concerned voices rise in a chorus, but you assure everyone you are fine and just need some rest. as you leave the room, you can feel jake's eyes on you, a promise that he will follow. you make your way to your bedroom, closing the door behind you, sitting on your bed and waiting for jake. 
the minutes feel like hours as you wait, the muffled sounds of the movie and your friends' laughter barely reaching you through the walls. eventually, you hear the sound of the movie ending and the goodbyes being exchanged. your heart races in anticipation to see him, to feel him.
finally, the apartment door clicks shut, signaling the departure of the last guest. moments later, your bedroom door creaks open, and jake slips inside, closing it softly behind him. the tension in the room shifts immediately, replaced by a charged, intimate atmosphere. jake crosses the room in a few quick strides, pulling you into his arms.
“hoon thinks i left,” he whispers, his breath warm against your ear. you laugh, burying your face in his shoulder. 
“i can’t stand seeing you and not being able to touch you.” you confess to him, your heart palpitating. 
“i know,” jake replies, pulling away to look at you, “i feel the same.” jake’s hand traces your jaw. 
you can’t look at him when you speak again, “i miss you when you aren’t with me. i think, i like you a lot more than just friends jake. a lot more than just hiding and, doing what we are doing.” 
jake feels like he could faint when the words leave your mouth. he’s had serious feelings for you since sunghoon had introduced him to you. it’s been so hard for him since he always thought you would never look at him more than just sunghoon’s other friend. but here you are, confessing your feelings to him first. 
jake doesn’t answer at first, he only pulls you closer to him, leaning down to kiss your now oh so familiar lips. you don’t reject his kiss, only allow yourself to relax into him. 
“i’ve liked you for so long, y/n. you have no idea.” 
“yes, since the day i met you.” 
you press your lips to his again, happiness filling both of you as you are hidden away in your room, away from the rest of the world and sunghoon. 
“now can you please suck me off? i’ve been hard since you walked out in those little shorts.”
you don’t hesitate to drop to your knees for him.
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the next week, you and jake find yourselves feverishly making out on your couch. sunghoon has gone to the gym, giving you and jake a precious window of time to be together.
as soon as jake’s hands start to travel underneath your shirt, he front door opens unexpectedly. sunghoon steps in, gym bag slung over his shoulder, his eyes widening at the sight before him.
you and jake jump apart, your faces flushing with a mix of embarrassment and fear. you know you have been caught. sunghoon has seen the kiss, and there is no way to hide it now. "sunghoon, we can explain," jake begins, his voice filled with anxiety after a moment of silence between the three of you. all of you taking in what is happening. 
sunghoon sighs deeply, dropping his gym bag on the floor and sitting down in the chair across from you. "i know you guys have been seeing each other," he says, his tone surprisingly calm. a rush of guilt and anxiety washes over you and jake. you exchange worried glances, both certain that your friendship with sunghoon is over. 
"we're sorry," you say, your voice trembling. "we know you wouldn't want us together, and we didn't mean to betray you."
jake nods in agreement. "we just didn't want to hurt you or our friendship."
sunghoon shakes his head, a small, sad smile on his lips. "i'm not upset that you guys are together." you and jake look at each other in surprise.
"you're not?" you ask in unison, disbelief evident in your voices.
"no," sunghoon replies, his eyes meeting yours. "i'm upset that you guys didn't tell me. that you were sneaking around our apartment together and not letting me know."
you feel a pang of guilt. "how long have you known?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
sunghoon sighs again, leaning back in his chair. "since i came back from that party when you were 'resting.' i heard you guys in your room."
you and jake feel a deeper sense of remorse. sunghoon has known from the beginning, and you underestimated him. "we felt like we couldn't tell you because we didn't want you to be caught in the middle if things went bad between us," jake explains, his voice filled with regret.
sunghoon shakes his head, a look of understanding in his eyes. "i don't care about that. i just care that both of my best friends are happy."
you stand up and move toward sunghoon, pulling him into a heartfelt hug. jake joins you, and for a moment, the three of you stand there, wrapped in an embrace that feels like a renewal of your friendship. you feel like the three of you can start fresh, but differently. differently in a good way. 
"we promise to tell each other everything from now on," you say, your voice thick with emotion.
"and no more sneaking around the apartment," jake adds with a chuckle, his relief evident.
sunghoon smiles, the tension lifting from his shoulders. "deal," he says, squeezing you both tightly. “but could you guys give me a warning before you guys have sex from now on, i’m so tired of putting earplugs in at 3am.” 
you cover your face in embarrassment, not being able to look at either of them as they burst out laughing together. 
maybe the mistaken text was a bad mistake after all if you have to deal with them making fun of your moans any longer.
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@ taeghi, 2024. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :)
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tetsuskei · 15 days
⟣insufferable husband – kuroo tetsurō [nsfw]
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synopsis: your husband invests in other activities as you pack his lunch for work
notes: repost from old account. working on newer kuroo things in the meantime
warnings: established relationship, female reader, creampie, oral sex (female receiving), pet names, fingering
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"there you are."
you shift your head in the direction of the voice to see your sleepy husband standing in the opening to the kitchen. he rubs his eyes tiredly, a frown on his face as he looks at you inquisitively.
"good morning, grumps." you smile before looking back to what you're doing.
kuroo mumbles, shuffling over to you, "what are you doing up so early?"
"i'm making your lunch for work today," you answer, feeling his body warmth from behind you, "i forgot to do it last night, sorry."
"'is okay," he says, resting his chin on the top of your head, wrapping his arms around your waist.
it's normal for kuroo to cling to you while you do things. even normal for him to pet at you and get a little touchy. but today, this particular morning, he seems...different. more needy than usual.
his fingers rub circles into your hipbone before he moves his hands up your sides. knowing him, it's only a matter of time before he would try something.
you feel him press some of his weight into you, and you take that as a sign of him being drowsy.
"hey, if you're still tired go back to bed. okay? i'll make sure i wake you up when it's time." you pat his arm, and he only grunts, moving to hide his face in your side.
"m'not tired." he says, breath tickling your skin. the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
"okay..." you sigh, shivering when his large hands move under the large t-shirt you wear. his t-shirt. the cold metal of his wedding band forces a hiss from your mouth and you click your tongue.
"tetsu, you're cold."
he smiles into your neck, his mischievous nature practically emitting off of him. "sorry...but, i know a way to warm us up."
"that's...not what i meant."
he laughs, a free hand grabbing at your boob. "yeah, well, i did."
you sigh, rolling your eyes. "you're insufferable and an idiot."
"you married this insufferable idiot, sweetheart." he hums, hand wandering down to your shorts. his hands finger at the waistband before hooking in them, pulling them down.
"i guess you're right about that." you say. he pulls off your panties and you step of them and kick them away.
he hums, "glad you agree. let's see if 'she' does too."
"you're so corny." you giggle, a small moan escaping when his thick fingers tease your opening.
"and you're so wet. just like i'd knew you'd be."
you go to retort, but stop when he pushes two fingers into you. a gasp leaves your mouth and you put your hand up to your face to suppress a moan.
kuroo makes a sound of disapproval, removing your hand from your face. "wanna hear you.”
and it isn't long before another moan slips out of you, louder than you initially wanted it to be. he's pushed in a third finger, making you feel almost as full as his cock.
"you're always so tight, it's a miracle i can ever fit in you." he mutters, pumping his fingers leisurely. you whine, trying to move your hips against his hand, but the steel grip of his free hand on your side prevents you.
you try your best to focus on your task at hand, but with the way your husband is moving his fingers vigorously against you is almost too distracting.
the feeling is shallow and slow, you can feel the knot in your stomach wanting to break, but he purposely is depriving you of it.
"tetsu, stop teasing me..." you pout, looking back at him with a small frown.
"m'sorry, i couldn't help it." he chuckles before he moves his thumb over your nub, circling it generously.
a sharp whine leaves you and your back instinctively presses into his chest.
"i-i'm—" you gasp.
he hums, kissing your temple. "let go for me, baby."
you waste no time cumming, quivering and shaking in his hold. you have to stop what you're doing and grip onto his forearm for stability.
"good girl," he praises, watching in awe as you cream on his fingers, mesmerized by the throbbing of your clenching muscles. he can't wait to feel that around his cock.
he slowly pulls out his fingers, sucking on them with a groan.
you normally would reach back and pull him out, but due to the preoccupied nature of your hands making his food, you don't. you only hear the sound of clothing being removed and discarded away. the audible 'slap' of his shaft hitting his skin makes you shiver.
your breath hitches when you feel the heat of kuroo's thick cock before he rests it on your butt. he slowly strokes himself, groaning at the sensitivity.
"you don't mind if your 'insufferable' husband fills you up, do you?" kuroo asks, his voice low in your ear.
"i think you know the answer." you huff, parting your legs slightly.
the tension in the atmosphere is so thick, a knife could cut it. but it slowly dissolves away with your husband entering you. and as much as you try to remain composed at him pushing himself inside of you, it's impossible when handling his thickness and length.
a small whimper escapes you and he leans over to kiss you on the lips, mumbling soft words of encouragement as he slowly presses himself into you.
the stretch is always so worth it when he finally fills you up all the way. instinctively you clench around him, pleasant euphoria washing over you at being full.
"shit," kuroo hisses, pressing his pelvis completely flush to you. he closes his eyes, sighing at the welcoming nature of your warmth and gently rubs the fat of your ass.
the two of you stay like that for a moment, kuroo pressing kisses over the bare skin of your neck.
he squeezes your hip, "is it okay for me to move, baby?"
you nod frantically, losing your voice. "please."
and when he does, it's not fast, and hard. it's slow and deep enough that your toes are left curling. his now bruising grip on your hips makes up for the lack of roughnesses present.
the only sounds present aren't ones of any innocence. the slight squelch coming from how wet you are makes the both of you more aroused. small whines and whimpers escape you paired with the sound of his balls slapping against your skin.
kuroo, usually the charmer with words, is silent. the only sounds are his heavy breathing and quiet moaning.
"more tets, more," you plea, and you feel him shake his head.
"don't...don't want this to end so soon," he groans, "if i move any faster i'll cum. wanna feel you longer," he explains, tone ending in a whine.
his words nearly make your eyes tear up and you understand, relishing in the way his cock carves itself repeatedly into you. the knot in your stomach there, but not quite present.
"always feel so good, sweetheart," he's moving a bit faster now, his movements rocking you against the counter a bit. "love being inside of you."
your heart flutters at this statement, humming, "always feels so good being filled up by you, 'ro..."
his heart swells at the praise and he grips you harder, his lips sneaking to nibble and bite at the column of your neck
"just a little more, i promise." he assures, kissing your shoulder. his thrusts switch to being slow and shallow and the feeling of your impending orgasm is slipping from your hands.
"kuroo," you warn.
he rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue, "don't call me that. you have the same last name, kuroo."
"tetsu," you try, "baby, please. i want to cum..."
he nearly stalls at the pet name, eyes wide, "don't..don't say that without warning me..."
"what? my sweet tetsu, my handsome man..." you coo, reaching back to run a hand through his hair, tugging on the roots.
"i'm gonna cum," he groans, head bowing back for a moment, "if you don't stop..."
you squeeze his hand, batting your eyes innocently, "inside?"
"f-fuck, wherever you want me to. whatever you want." he's twitching uncontrollably by this point, just about ready to burst.
you smile back at him, pouting a little, "then can my husband cum for me? for his wife?"
at the feeling of your hand pulling on his hair again, he cums instantly, warmth spilling inside of you quickly as he fills you up.
you squeeze your cunt, milking every bit that he gives you greedily, as you don't want to miss a drop.
kuroo slowly pulls out of you, groaning when part of his cum leaks down your thighs. that's a sight he'll never get tired of.
by that point you were done fixing his lunch and you lean against the counter to hold up your jello legs.
"god woman, were you trying to kill me just then?" he huffs catching his breath.
you grin, "no, not today."
he looks at you dumbfounded but laughs, grabbing your face to kiss you. you giggle and he slips his tongue in your mouth, hand holding your jaw as he greedily tastes you.
when you both pull away for air, you speak, "you—"
"yeah yeah, i'll clean you up." he mumbles before you can complain.
but what you aren't expecting is for your husband to kneel right there in the kitchen and use his mouth to do so.
you gasp, knuckles gripping the counter and jaw going slack as you try to look back at him. "t-tetsurō!"
he only hums, grinning lazily, "itadakimasu," hands firmly keeping you in place as he licks and sucks up every bit of you and his cum from between your legs.
you cry at the way his nose bumps against your clit and shamelessly grind back on his face. he moans at this, feeling his cock twitch back to life but pays it no mind, only touching himself occasionally.
"i know you got another in you, pretty girl," he says, before promptly reaching around your front and toying with your clit.
you lean forward on the counter for support, bracing yourself with your elbows as your legs start to give with how good he's making you feel.
it should not surprise you at this point that kuroo is able to bring you to an orgasm so quickly even when you just had one. as your husband, your lover, your eternally bounded soulmate, he knows your body inside and out.
he's sucking and licking at your cunt like a starving man. slurping and gulping all together and making a mess between your legs. the grip he has on your ass cheeks is brutal with how spread they are.
it hits you before you can even think, and you wail, feeling your orgasm wash over your harder than the other times.
"fuck, that's it. cum for me like a good girl." he praises as you do. he pulls away slowly, kissing your hip and stands back up.
he wipes his mouth, smirking at you, "don't think i'll need to eat breakfast after that."
"g-get out of here before you're really late to work." you stammer, cheeks hot with embarrassment as you try not to look down.
"as you wish, princess. love you," kuroo laughs at how cute and shy you've become, swooping down to plant a quick kiss on your mouth so you can taste you both. he takes both of your clothes off the ground before proceeding to your shared bedroom to start his day.
you can't help but slap him on the butt, making an uncharacteristic yelp leave him.
"love you too!"
a dazed smile sits on your face. it's mornings like these that remind you just how grateful you are to have a man like him in your life.
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gnabries · 1 year
i love u so much it physically pains me ........have i ever mentioned that
right back at you!!!
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