#means enlightenment or bright light
poseiben · 3 months
life updates ??? in MY blog ????? insane behavior
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3uthym1c · 4 months
𓆩⚝𓆪 ☒ 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐀 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝! 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘍𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳
𓏲 ๋࣭     ࣪ ˖    ⋆ ࣪.     ˖ ࣪⭑  ˖ ࣪ ٬     ุ๋ ⸱    ִֶָ . ָ࣪   ˑ ֗⭑  ˖ ࣪ ٬     ุ๋ ⸱    ִֶָ . ָ࣪   ˑ ֗ ˖    ⋆ ࣪.     ˖ ࣪⭑      ࣪ ˖    ⋆ ࣪. ⸱    ִֶָ . ָ࣪  
Ꮺ Read before getting into your group please! THERE IS A MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE AT THE END!!!
Hey y'all, it's me and I'm back. I told y'all I don't have a PAC uploading schedule 😭. I honestly just do it whenever I feel that I have the energy and then recharge. Perhaps when I'm in my "tarot reading hibernation" I'll take free requests so stay tuned (I'll have to figure out rules for requests first 😭).
Remember that you can pick more than one and to choose what resonates and STAY HYDRATED!!! I've never done a love reading before so feedback would be very appreciated.
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⋆。° ✮ ᴘɪʟᴇ ᴏɴᴇ
For physical features I see that they have brown hair (light or dark brown). For some, your partner might have dreads, locs, or very intricate braids. Their skin may be brown or tanned (or tan easily). They have such an infectious and bright smile, it's like their whole face lights up and it's so beautiful to everyone seeing it. They're muscular, but in skinny way? I don't know how to explain it. Kind of like runners? As for their clothes or clothing style, they might wear either all black or white with a few pops of color. Like an example would be a dark t-shirt with a bright red collar thing and a necklace with a big yellow crystal.
They carry so so so much enthusiasm. Right off the bat they just bring a light very few can bring. They bring so much to people just by existing. inspiration, hope, enlightenment even? They don't even have to be extroverted they just have and give so much energy. They have so many silly little thoughts they share every now and then that seem to come out of nowhere. Their biggest character strength is gratitude. They feel so thankful for everything and everyone and they'll let you know. Oh my god pile 1 you're so lucky this person is so in love with life and will make you in love with life even more than you currently do. They will make you love being human the and feeling and tasting and dancing and experiencing that come with it. It'll have you seeing beauty in the everyday things.
Right now they're going through some really intense spiritual transformation. They need to learn to ask for help when they need it. They'll do well though. They'll find a lot of things could've been solved by just asking for help. Both you and them are at the beginning of your journeys (that doesn't mean your journey is long though), so if you guys think things are already good then I'm thinking of the phrase "universe, show me how good it can get". They're such a good cook & baker by the way. They have a lot of earth and fire placements. Extremely romantic in both the loveydovey type and the artsy sense.
When you come into their life it's very much random and unexpected. My sister just unexpectedly found an item that cleans her flute so I'll take it as a sign that you guys meet at a music / dance event or concert. Perhaps in the same class taking music lessons. Also random message: this meeting is just unavoidable, no matter what you do they'll find their way to you so don't worry. Even if you guys meet, have a conversation, and leave, you guys will keep bumping into each other. Months into your relationship, both of you will look back at this meeting as something purely magical. If they don't believe in fate or magic or some higher power, this will change their mind.
I'm also hearing, "It's so beautiful how deeply you feel." You may have been looked down on for being "overly sensitive" and "caring too much" but they very much appreciate it. Also hearing "Whatever you say, beautiful." like if you told them to do something crazy they wouldn't even question it. Literally remembered this image:
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🍈 ☒ Key Words / Items / Etc: The Chariot (representing them), Ruby, the word "baroque", Soprano, Clownfish, Horses, Bells, Lemons, roses, letter S.
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⋆。° ✮ ᴘɪʟᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ
Straight dark brown or black hair, they like wearing more simple outfits most of the time with neutral colors but there will be days where they're like "screw it I'm going to dress all fancy just to go to the library". Often carries a backpack or suitcase or purse everywhere. Worst case of RBF (resting bitch face) ever, but their face is so gentle and pretty too. Maybe wears black glasses (maybe prescription maybe not). A little random but you might find that they look so hot when they're focused? Really nice hands, they might like to wear rings or gloves. Would probably let you paint their nails.
But when you get to know them they're actually goofy and sometimes they don't even know it. "Apartment complex? I find it quite simple actually." vibes. I think a lot of people don't like how confident they look and say stuff like "They think they're better than us." when they never even act like that. Warning they have so many haters and it isn't because they even did or said anything, people see them and their confident energy and assume so so SO much about them. They don't know that though, because to them it seems like they hate your S/O for no reason and they're so confused. In reality they're so soft and kind hearted.
Random thing - they might really like penguins? They have ungodly amounts of patience for everything and everyone it's mind boggling. They're either interested or uninterested in things, so if they're interested they will put their heart and soul into whatever it is. You can see it so well in their work and career, whatever it may be. Embodiment of the word "Meraki". Btw your S/O doesn't want me to "spoil any surprises" take it as you wish.
EDIT: Holy shit there was whole entire paragraph about what I'd guess is the "surprise" that somehow didn't end up in the reading when I copy / pasted it from Notion to tumblr?????
Going to add more to this, it seems that your partner is super shy and a little awkward if that makes sense? Like, if you ever have done readings about specific people, while you may not HEAR their voice, you can kind of feel the vibes of them talking? They kind of remind me of the smell after the rain (which if you're curious, no it was not raining at the time of me doing this reading).
🍈 ☒ Key Words / Items / Etc: Meraki (obviously), Cats, purple & blue, the letter R, birds visiting your backyard often, 777,
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⋆。° ✮ ᴘɪʟᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ
Instead of starting with physical appearance I think I want to start off with what they're like. Right off the bat their energy is very easy to tap into (in a good way). In fact, after I was done with pile two, I kept on getting intuitive messages for two whole days on what they're like. This whole entire pile I didn't even have to draw a single card. at all. They're extremely talkative, and I wouldn't be surprised if you constantly recieved messages and signs from them. I'd imagine it would be like recieving a loud notification on your phone because honestly whatever chance they get, their higher self constantly is there checking in on you.
They have an incredible sense of humor first of all. They will never fail to make you laugh. I hope this makes sense, but they're almost like a walking four leaf clover or lucky charm. Wherever they go they just bring good luck to themselves and people around them. Perhaps their very existence is a miracle. Their birthday may be in May. This is going to sound weird and no shade to your S/O but they're the type of person you wouldn't expect to be so smart. Usually people think of smart people as like, these serious nerdy looking people, but this person is genuinely so so smart and good at talking to others.
I bet how you guys will meet is that you'll be struggling with something and they'll walk into your life and help you. They have the sort of magic of a teacher that can explain the hardest topics so easily. One of their weaknesses is that they're a little too afraid to ask help for themselves. This person isn't JUST good boy/girl/joyfriend material, but also a great spouse.
Wouldn't be surprised if they have light hair or are ginger. If they have dark hair it's probably dyed. Their hair is so fluffy and if it's long it's very nice to just run your hand in. A very comfortable style, I could imagine that they sometimes wear soft pastel colors (Blue, green, orange mostly) or neon. Hoodlies, loose clothing, handmade clothes.
🍈 ☒ Key Words / Items / Etc: Four leaf clovers, 444, cats with different colored eyes (kinda specific), spiders, random light colored yarm / wool.
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⋆。° ✮ ᴘɪʟᴇ ꜰᴏᴜʀ
Your partner is probably much taller than you. They probably have silver jewelry and long hair. They put in a LOT of effort into how they look, they always look so fashionable. They also take great care of their body too. I don't think it's to the point where they're vain though, they just take care of themselves and like dressing cool. They may have blue, green, or grey eyes.
First of all, this may come to a shock to you but your partner is very spiritual. When you meet them they'll probably have already spent years learning about and practicing their spirituality. Everyone that meets them thinks that they're mentally just wise beyond their years, and I don't mean when it comes to academics (though that might be the case). There's just something about them that makes them feel like they've been on this earth for a long long time and have witnessed many things and met many people.
They may actually be a historian, anthropologist, archivist, librarian, psychologist, or sociologist. Okay I've just been having this stuck in my head while doing this reading but I'm imagining like, a rock or statue with moss growing on it. Also I'm feeling strangely calm and warm right now. I don't know if "calm" would even describe it, it's like complete serenity.
When you meet them it might be in somewhere incredibly crowded, but it'll feel like it's just the two of you. You could maybe meet them through a friend and have a nice long night drive talking to each other. They genuinely love you. I mean obviously this is a future partner reading so of course they would, but this love runs so deep. There's not any way that I can get you to fully understand the depths of this love, so you'll just have to wait and see!
They're the type of person that makes people comfortable enough to be themselves without worrying about judgement, mostly because to be honest this person is seen as "weird" themselves. You make them love humanity, is another message I'm getting.
Also a note that I didn't even pull cards for this, it was all intuitive so usually I take it as a sign this person's energy / presence is strong and you probably receive messages and signs from their higher self a lot. Or maybe their 3d human self consciously sends positive energy your way, a sign of this is randomly feeling warm and cozy and calm for no reason. P.S. they probably think about you as much as you think about them.
ALSO!!!! PILE 4 don't stop reading it yet there's a message I got for you guys but I feel called to put it at the end separately for all of the piles!
🍈 ☒ Key Words / Items / Etc: 888, blueberry, lights that flicker for no reason, or maybe dreams where you see some sort of light floating around, rainbows, bees, Magician card, the word "arbiter"
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𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝔼𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕐 ℙ𝕀𝕃𝔼!!!
I know someone (not all of you) is thinking "Nahh this sounds too good to be true", well 1. that's the magic of soul connections and love & 2. Please stop lowering your standards because it's "unrealistic" because I swear you're not asking for much from a person. You deserve something "too good to be true" bestie (And also, remember, YOU are a dream come true for them too 😭).
"Why me what's so special about me 🫤 " on god you're the type of person who asks for signs from your spirit guides and then ignores them like they're tiiiireeedddd. Real talk though, you don't know how beautiful you are to a strangers eyes because you grow accustomed to your face. You don't know how smart and amazing you are (and yes knowing a lot about a random show or book or random subject counts as being smart shhh).
You are so perfectly human you just DON'T KNOWWW. I
f you think like this (or even if you don't because we should all do this), I'm giving you homework. Make a list of everything you are grateful for yourself for doing / being, what topics and interests you have, your favorite fashion style, achievements, color, animal, your favorite song, things you have around the house that you like and why, etc.
YOU ARE AN INTERESTING PERSON!!!! If you have a good relationship with your parents / guardians or grandparents or aunts or siblings, ask them what they love about you. Get to know yourself!!! A lot of things are cool and special about you!!!!!!!!!
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saekkas · 1 year
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summary: dates with michael kaiser are fun, more so when they turn into a three-hour sanrio shopping spree.
notes: this is my attempt at spoiling him <3 also big thanks to @mirahua for the inspo! go ahead and *grabby grabby*
[wc: 915]
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"do you really need to buy that much?" you honestly don't know what you're looking at, and you honestly don't know whether to be concerned or amused. "you're going to rob this whole store clean."
currently, it's the beginning of july, and kaiser, being the lovely boyfriend that he is, insisted on taking you out to the mall. window shopping, he called it.
more correctly, you're taking him shopping. especially with the way he's currently filling up your trolley with sanrio plushies.
"stop judging." kaiser glares, all pout and no bite. in his hand is a small cinnamoroll plush, one that looks suspiciously like him with blue eyes and blue star patterns on its ear.
he's holding it with such love and care, and you have to stop yourself from snorting when he lifts it so that they're face-to-face. "besides, how can you resist? he looks exactly like me!"
"that's exactly why i can resist."
your words catch his attention, and he scowls, playfully hitting your face with the plush toy's hand. "how dare you!"
"i'm kidding," you laugh, nudging him back with the hand that's not pushing the trolley. "but when i see headlines of you robbing a miniso, i'm totally sending them to ness."
his lips aren't the only one smiling. his eyes are bright, his shoulders seemingly light. your boyfriend looks like a child here, comfortably in his element, even with the people staring oddly at him.
it makes you happy that he's happy. it's enlightening to see the mikka that could be. the mikka that should be.
"yeah, yeah, whatever." even his words hold a sweet lilt to them, and you can't even bring yourself to complain when he throws a hello kitty themed soda can into the trolley. "i think i'm done."
you quirk an eyebrow, giggling as you survey every item he's managed to throw in. "aren't you forgetting something?"
you watch the flurry of emotions that pass through his face. confusion, confusion, and more confusion.
his eyes stray behind you, brightening as he extends a hand to show another sanrio plushy, this one modeled with him beside it.
"no," you laugh, wrestling the very cute toy out of his hand. "you've bought enough already!"
he pouts, and it's eerily similar to the toy he was holding earlier. "but don't you want a mini me at our house? a very special, limited addition mini me, part of the sanrio collaboration?"
"nice try but we should get the thing we actually came here for." you hold back a squeal when he tilts his head, looking oddly lost.
his cheeks have grown in lately, courtesy of your cooking, and now he's looking too much like baby mikka from the photos his mom showed when you came over. too cute to say no to.
"the very special, very limited addition hello kitty headband you wanted?" you watch as he perks up at the words, making a beeline to the other side of the shop right after.
you discreetly throw the plushy into the trolly as he leaves.
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you suppose bringing your big baby of a boyfriend has its perks. not only does he come with a black card, but his fans are everywhere, letting him cut through the ridiculously long line of adults holding onto stuffed sanrio dolls.
"you should do some fanservice," you hum, holding onto a bag as he holds onto another, your free hands intertwined together. "blow some kisses or something."
there's a ruckus of screams as kaiser does just that, a smug smirk on his lips as he waves to his fans, tugging you to the exit with him. "they love me."
"careful, there." the screaming doesn't stop, not until you're both out of the mall and in the parking lot.
even then, there are a group of girls following you both around, smiling and giggling shyly, trying to catch his attention. "your head's going to become so big it won't fit through our door."
"why are you so mean?" he whines, pinching your cheek when you both finally get into his car. "don't you love me too?"
"nope." the words are out of your mouth in a second and he glares, taking your hand to squeeze it tightly. he backs out of the space, a hand on the wheel and the other in yours but the pout on his lips never fade.
you sigh. "okay. fine. i love you too."
he squeezes your hand every few seconds after that, his head turning back and forth, torn between wanting to look at you and having to look at the street.
when the car meets a red light, he steps on the breaks, leaning over the console to kiss your cheek. "what are you reading?"
you quickly show him your phone, laughing when his jaw falls at the headline written on the screen.
"the nerve," he grumbles, continuing to glare at the street when you take your phone back. "what's wrong with me collecting? can't people have a hobby these days?"
he stares when you show him your phone again, this time of a comment someone posted on the article.
user mirahua: can't believe i actually simp for this blue painted red flag. can't believe he looks like hello kitty too. i hate hello kitty.
kaiser can only grumble, muttering curse words under his breath as you laugh the rest of the way home.
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bugboioli23 · 5 months
Swerve x Human!Reader
Disclaimer: I haven't written fic for a few years so my skills are gonna be a bit shit to be honest, any criticism is welcome and id love to hear what you guys think 💚
THIS IS 18+ - size difference, valveplug, oral sex, fingerfucking, doggy style, riding - 2911 words - AFAB reader but no pronouns are used
You and Swerve had been friends since you stepped foot on the Lost Light. Something about his chatterbox personality and sitcom-like humor had you beaming whenever you were around him. The best nights were spent perched on the edge of the bar counter, rambling for hours on end with Swerve. Tonight was one of those nights. It was after the doors had closed, the bar empty and silent aside from the laughter ricocheting from the both of you. 
“Really?!” You yelped, eyes wide in surprise as you stared at the grinning minibot.
“I'm telling you! You wouldn't believe the amount of mechs who come by here asking for you!” Swerve replied with a chuckle, shaking his helm in shared disbelief. “Not only that but they actually think they could frag you! I'm probably one of the few bots on here who could frag you full sized.” Swerve paused, face freezing for a second as he quickly backtracked on his statement. “I mean- not that we would- NOT THAT I WOULDN'T WANT TO- I'm sure you’d make a lovely frag- NOT LIKE THAT- I JUST MEANT- im sorry- ” Swerve seemed to shrink in on himself as he continued to mumble to himself anxiously.
Your face burned red at the idea. The thought of a bot being stuffed between your folds, trembling at the foreign sensation of the wet flesh of your cunt. You wondered about the anatomy that laid hidden under the panels of your metallic friends. How similar are you compared to them? Just how compatible are your species? You already had gotten an enlightening talk from Brainstorm about Cybertronian anatomy after you explained human anatomy to him. (For his holoforms of course. No other reason.) You knew what you could take, but the fresh reality that this could happen left blood rushing south. 
“Uhm…  ____? You good? I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable or anything. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, I’m sorry.” Swerve looked at you apologetically. His light pout and the puppy eyes you could barely see behind his visor brought forth images that made warmth surge through your body once more. How would Swerve act if you asked him to fuck you? He seemed like the type of Cybertronian who wouldn’t mind a little experimenting with humans. He seemed like the type to whimper; the type to beg. 
Heat flushed through your face as reality caught back up to you. You flashed him a bright smile and waved your hand dismissively.
“Don’t worry about me, I’m alright. Just thinking.” You glanced at Swerve, who looked unconvinced. “Hey, weren’t you and Blurr going to open a bar before you came here?” You asked out of nowhere, hoping to turn his attention onto something else. It seemed to work because he was already telling you about how Blurr was secretly his best friend. While the bartender was distracted, you let your thoughts turn back to the ideas at hand. You found Swerve to be adorable, the way he seemed to always work with a smile despite people talking poorly about him. His fascination with your species’ tv and music and how he would light up when you offered another film for movie nights. After tonight’s conversation, you decided it’s now or never to shoot your shot with him.
“Swerve?” You looked him up and down with a smile, interjecting his speech on Blurr’s latest record break. “Do you think fragging a human would be possible?” You spoke sweetly, letting your voice fall an octave to emphasize your intentions. 
“Uhm, wouldn't Ratchet be better at answering that than I would?” Swerve thought he was hearing things. In his mind there was no possible way that you just asked what you had asked. His head must've made that up. It had to be some kind of self inflicted auditory hallucination. The way you smiled softly and rested a hand on his arm before leaning closer must also be a trick of the optics.
“Swerve, darling. I asked you for a reason.” You replied coyly, glancing up at him with an endearing grin. He felt his intake hitch and a sliver of charge run down his frame. 
“Oh.” He choked out, face tinted with the rush of energon. His cooling fans kicked on with just the mere suggestion of what tonight could entail. “I- I suppose we could- figure it out…” He grinned shyly.
“That’s a good mech.” You purred, wide grin never faltering as you hopped down from the counter. You sauntered out of the bar with a new sense of confidence, only pausing to gesture to him to follow before the doors closed behind you. Swerve had to take a minute to collect his thoughts before practically sprinting after you.
Your habsuite was uniquely modified for your species. Instead of a hard metal berth, you had a cushy soft bed adorned with a mass of plushies, pillows and blankets. Soft lighting glowed from lower points in the room instead of one harsh light from above. It had your special charm to it, and Swerve wanted to spend every moment he could in there with you. 
“So,” You started plopping yourself down on the edge of your bed, patting the spot next to you, “I’m going to skip all the pleasantries here, I want you to fuck me.”
Swerve let out a whine, feeling a surge of arousal flooding through his systems. His spike pressurized quickly, becoming heavy behind his panels with an embarrassingly loud thud. “Did you have to be so bold about it?” He hissed through clenched dentae as you gazed at him with desire. 
“I think it’s more fun to watch your reactions.” You hummed contentedly before climbing into his lap, “Can I kiss you? Would that be okay?” You spoke softly, but your eyes never left his face. Swerve nodded hastily, servos hovering above your body anxiously. His intake opened to start a flood of questions but you cut him off with a kiss, exploring the foreign texture of his pliable metallic face. The strange rubbery feeling of his glossa felt wonderfly new against the soft muscle of your tongue. You let out a soft noise of pleasure against his mouth before you were interrupted by a snap of panels retracting and an enticing pressure laying heavy on your thigh. 
“Oh- Slag, sorry I- you’re so- I wasn’t able to-,” Swerve began, but you pressed a finger to his lips as you looked down to study the new part of him. It was about 8 inches long, the red tip of it already leaking prefluids. It was mostly white, with a stripe of red along the underside decorated with biolights which pulsed needily. You trailed your hand lightly along the length, your fingers barely unable to touch around the girth of it. You looked back up at Swerve who was hiding behind his servos, face tinted pink with energon. 
“Listen… I know I’m not as big as other bots but please… don’t stop whatever you were planning to do.” Swerve mumbled shyly, peeking at you between his digits.
“Oh, hun. You don’t have to worry about anything. You’ve got more than enough for me to enjoy.” You smiled, sliding off his lap to kneel between his legs. “May I?” You asked, wanting to explore his anatomy further. 
He let out a shaky exvent with a nod and you ran your fingers along the grooves and panels of the Cybertronian anatomy. It wasn’t until you had gotten eye level with his spike that you had noticed his valve. It was dripping with transfluid and the hooded node was glowing a beautiful blue. You looked up at him from your position, eyes full of lust. 
“Change of plans. Lean back for me, I’ve gotta taste you.” You purred, firmly pushing against his midsection lightly as he rested his back against the wall of pillows. You gently pushed his thighs open and trailed two fingers against the slick folds of his valve, coating your fingers in the sticky substance. You studied your digits before popping them into your mouth. The pink fluid was metallic and sour, but addicting in a strange way. You wanted more. Spreading his folds with one hand, you delved into his valve. Swerve watched, entranced by the way you slid the flat of your tongue against him. The sensation made him let out soft groans, which encouraged you more. You took your other hand and gently circled his anterior node, ghosting the edges of it teasingly. Your tongue dove into his entrance and you felt the inner calipers twitch and throb with need. 
“Oh frag… you’re good a-at this. I’m- hnghh… I don’t have enough stamina for t-this!” Swerve whined as you moved the hand separating his folds and you backed away from his plush valve.
“Don’t worry, you are doing so good. Just lie back and let me take care of you, okay?” You cooed and went back to lapping at the transfluid that fell from his folds. One hand finally gave his anterior node pressure while your other hand went up to stroke at his spike lazily. The result of your combined actions had Swerve clawing at the sheets, his intake falling open as he gasped and mewled out so many words you couldn’t tell what he was saying until it was too late. 
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Warm fluid gushed over your face as he overloaded while you were still tongue deep in his valve. His spike throbbed in your hand as you felt more transfluid land in your hair and shoulder. 
“FRAG- Ah- hah…!” Swerve whined as his frame trembled through the aftershocks. “Oh slag im so sorry!” His visor came back online just in time to witness your mouth and jaw covered in dripping pink fluids.
You licked your lips and wiped your face with your shirt before taking it off and tossing it aside. “Hey.. hey no worries. It’s okay. You’re okay.” You kissed his cheek, patting his thigh softly. “You did amazing. I’m so glad I could make you feel good.” 
Swerve let out another high whine, seeing your chest bare before him. He slowly raised his servos to graze the flesh around your nipples. You sighed softly and raised your hands to press his servos more firmly to your skin. Swerve was still panting from his previous overload but he leaned in to press his lips gently against your sternum. His servos wandered up to press and massage at your nipples, circling them like you did to his node earlier. Your back arched, pushing your chest further into his servos as your mouth fell open softly. Swerve looked up at you, visor glowing with excitement and awe. “You’re stunning. I mean- frag, look at you, coated with my overload. Mine…” He breathed out, eyes trailing down your body to rest at your pants. He seemed to swallow before shakily continuing. “D-Do you still want me t-to..you know.. t-”
“I still want you to fuck me, Swerve.” You finished for him, moving your hands to swiftly undo the buttons of your pants, pulling off your undergarments at the same time and tossing them behind you. You grabbed onto his wrist and guided his fingers up towards your wet folds. Swerve got the hint and gently worked one finger into the tight heat of your cunt. He could feel the gentle pulse and pull of your walls around his digit, and he could barely imagine what it would feel like around his spike. After he felt you loosen up a bit, he slid in a second digit. You let out a gasp and a soft groan at the stretch, knowing that this was just the beginning if you wanted to be prepared to take his spike. 
Swerve gently curled and flexed his digits, exploring your sex thoroughly as his processor worked overtime to memorize which movements felt the best for you. His audials turned to max sensitivity to be sure he could hear every whine and murmur of praise that fell from your lips. He could feel the second rush of energon repressurising his spike the more he pumped his digits into you. You glanced down between the both of you to smirk at his array before leaning in and pressing another kiss to his jaw.
“Awh, look at you,” You cooed, lifting your hips up to grind the tip of his spike against your clit. Swerve let out a strained whine as his hips bucked up involuntarily. Your smirk only grew. “You’re such a pretty mech for me.”
“Hnf s-stop…” Swerve whispered bashfully, turning his helm away as energon rushed to his faceplates once more.
“I mean it.” You continued, slowly easing yourself down on his spike as you guided his gaze to meet yours. Swerve’s intake fell open and his spinal struts arched as your body enveloped his length. His servos flew to your hips when he finally bottomed out inside you. The heat of your cunt pressed upon every sensor and node on his spike with such certainty that he could barely concentrate on your words. 
“Hhoh fraggghh, how are you s-so- so-ooHHFRAG-” Swerve had started to speak but you decided that now was the time to lift your hips and slam yourself back down. You started to ride the mech like an animal, your hips popping up halfway only to quickly push him back inside. Swerve let out a chorus of moans and yelps as his servos twitched against the soft plush of your thighs, squeezing every now and then to ground himself. It wasn’t until your legs started to burn that you were reminded of something. You quickly stopped your movements and grinned down at Swerve as he abruptly gasped and looked at you with a beautiful expression of desperation. 
“Wh-why- why’dya stop?” Swerve asked, his speech slurred from the sudden absence of pleasure.
“Sorry, but I just remembered that you’re the one who’s supposed to be fucking me.” You pulled yourself off of his spike and he let out a pathetic mewl at the loss of your body. His pout was quickly wiped from his face when he witnessed you getting down on all fours and slyly shaking your hips at him. You turned to smirk over your shoulder at him as he gawked at you. Not another second had passed before Swerve was on top of you, his spike easily finding its way back into your slick folds. He started pounding into you, the weight of his body pressing down nicely on your back as he mounted you.
“Mnh, there you go, good boy Swerve.” You moaned out as his spike pistoned in and out of you, shoving your body into the mattress. Swerve was brought to a mindless ramble as your pussy sucked him in deeper and tightened around him.
“Ahfraggingprimusyouretight-“ Swerve whimpered as you clenched around him harder. Your body trembled as you felt his spike throb inside you. Swerve hovered over you, intertwining his servos over your fingers as he thrust into you rapidly. “F-Frag, ____ I’m not gonna l-last much longer-“
“Good, keep going. I want you to fill me with your transfluid. Overload in me like the good mech you are.” You grinned against the mattress, turning to look at him smugly, reaching down between your legs to rub at your clit. Swerve leaned down to mewl and whine against the back of your neck as he chased his own pleasure, pushing your hips further up with every pump of his hips. 
“Fuck, Swerve- I’m-!“ You felt your eyes roll back at the drag of his thickness against your walls and you let out a filthy moan as you hit your climax. You felt the slick of your cum coat his panels as your sex tightened  around him. The whimper that left his vocalizer was angelic as he let his spike empty itself within you. Thick ropes of transfluid coated your insides, the warm sensation of sheer fullness bringing you back down from your high. Your body continued to pulse around his spike, milking him of the last of his overload as he gave a few final lazy thrusts. 
The two of you lay there panting for a while before he slowly pulled out of you, watching in awe as his cum started to slide down your thighs. You slowly turned and sat up, feeling your combined fluids seeping out of you and onto the sheets. 
“Ah… that was… let me get you a towel.” Swerve gasped, stepping to the closet to grab a towel to wipe you down with, wetting it with warm water before gently cleaning you. He lifted and placed you on the other side of the bed, putting the used towel over the wet spot after cleaning and closing his panels. 
You stared at the red and white mech with unveiled adoration as he finally sat next to you again. You leaned in and peppered his face with kisses as he gently rubbed your thigh. 
“Swerve, you do know how to keep your mouth shut about some things, right?” You murmured sleepily, hoping the bartender could keep his mouth shut for at least a week or two before word got out that the human is a mechfucker.
“Uhuh, yeah. Definitely.” Swerve nodded with determination. You sighed with a small smile, already accepting that your next appearance in the bar would not be the same after this.
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juanarc-thethird · 3 months
Zen Jaune
Jaune: *Meditating in the distance on the cliff looking at the Emerald Forest*
Nora and Yang are looking at him from afar.
Yang: What's up with Jaune?
Nora: Remember the time you, me ,and the other girls almost broke Jaune's sanity with your double meaning jokes?
Yang: Yeah
Nora: Well, this is his prize. Infinite enlightenment.
Jaune: *Shining bright*
Yang: *Pfft* No way he got "infinite enlightenment".
Nora: If you don't believe it, you can try making bad.
Yang: How?
Nora: I don't know. Say or do something that can make him angry?
Yang: Like?
Nora: If I knew, I would have done it already.
Yang: True. Ok lets try something... light.
Yang walks up to Jaune and says.
Yang: Hey Jaune, Cardin is talking shit about you again. He says you're still a loser! Let's go beat him up!
Jaune: No thank you.
Yang: Come on! He said you're fight like a girl! He deserves it!
Jaune: "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact." "Everything we see is perspective, not the truth." "Our understanding of situations is filtered through our prejudices."
Yang turns around and walks past Nora.
Nora: Wait. *She takes Yang's arm* What did he tell you?
Yang: *Stunned* He… He is a real man.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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“The aura is an extension of a person’s personality and emotional, mental and physical landscape, so it will change from day to day.”
Aura colours and their meaning.
The aura is an extension of a person’s personality and emotional, mental and physical landscape, so it will change from day to day. It can be affected by external factors as well as the general disposition and character of the individual.
There are no hard and fast rules as to what these visual variances ‘mean’, as, with all psychic practices, it depends on the intuition and knowledge of the reader. But there are certainly common themes. For instance, those who practice yoga tend to have a ‘still’ aura or people with serious illness have a fainter aura than someone vital. Moreover, auras tend to have a ‘texture’ to them. They may be sparkly, treacly, in lines, waves or arcs.
Below, I have given a rough guide to how you might interpret auric colours only, but it is no mean a fixed manual:
The Aura Colors Meaning Chart:
Red ~ Pertains to circulation, the heart and the physical body. In its higher aspect, it is an indicator of a healthy ego, stability and being strong-willed. In its lowest aspect, red energy can give way to anger, unforgiving, anxiety or nervousness.
Orange ~ points to the reproductive organs and feelings. It is the colour of vigour, vitality and enthusiasm. In its higher aspect, orange energy shows creativity, confidence and gregariousness. In its lowest aspect, it can give way to stress and addictions.
Yellow ~ represents life energy – qi or prana. The colour of optimism, awakening, inspiration and intelligence. It has no lower aspects.
Green ~ connects to the heart centre and lungs. It is the comfortable and healthy colour of nature, representing growth, balance, healing, and depicting a love for all sentient beings and Mother Earth.
Blue ~ Pertains to the throat and the thyroid and is therefore indicative of communicators. Writers, public speakers and linguists will often have a lot of blue in their auric field. It is also a cool, calm and collected energy.
Indigo ~ Pertains to the third eye and therefore is a colour of deep feelings, intuition and sensitivity.
Violet/Lavender ~ Relating to the crown, pineal gland and the nervous systems. It is the most sensitive colour in the aura. People with a lot of violet in their auras are usually highly artistic, psychic, intuitive, visionary and magical.
“The aura is an extension of a person’s personality and emotional, mental and physical landscape, so it will change from day to day.”
Other Aura Colours:
Turquoise ~ is associated with the immune system and usually found in the auras of healers and therapists. It is a sensitive, compassionate colour.
Silver ~ pertains to spiritual and physical abundance. A lot of bright silver in an aura may indicate a spiritual awakening or financial gain.
Gold ~ typical of divine protection and enlightenment. This colour points towards strong spiritual and universal guidance, intuition, wisdom and inner peace.
Black ~ points towards pulling, capturing and transforming energy. It can indicate unreleased anger, grief or health problems. It also shows an unforgiving nature (to themselves and others) and possible past-life issues that remain unresolved.
White ~ linked to protection and deflecting other energies. Flashes of white within the auric field often signal that angels are nearby. As with most associations with white, it symbolizes purity, truth and a healthy individual.
Earth Tones/Brown ~ Colours of soil, wood, minerals and plants highlights very grounded energy and someone who works with the earth, such as a gardener or farmer. However, a more brownish hue can point to greediness, self-absorption or ignorance in its lowest aspect.
Rainbow ~ auras with stripes of colour emanating as beams of light from the hands, heart, or head indicate someone who is a healer.
Solar Aura Peter Solarz
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gaypirate420 · 11 months
Moonshine and Starlight //Dream*
Dream* of the Endless x witch!GN!reader.
Summary: Morpheus helps you sleep.
Angst/Fluff. Dream and Reader being divorced..
A/N: Probably ooc because I haven't written for my husband for so long.
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"What's the matter, Matthew?" The words of the King of Dreams echoed through the wide halls of the entrance to his palace.
The Dream Lord found his raven very busy in another matter, that being melting onto your touch while he nuzzled on your lap.
"We have a visitor, my lord." Was all the raven could respond as your gentle fingers brushed down the feathers of his head making him caw.
"Why are you here?" He asked not really knowing what tone should he use with you.
"I'm afraid I'm not here because I wanted to see you, but because I have a problem with dreams, my lord." You said mockingly as you caressed the feather's of the new raven before standing up and meeting his star filled eyes and long figure, those black ropes dripping down the marble floor.
"Enlighten me then. What kind of problems are dreams causing you, dream witch?" Morpheus muttered with the silky smooth voice that you adore, you took his arm and begin to walk, seeming so normal, muscle memory perhaps.
"It must be something important if it makes you come to my palace after two hundred years. Something that goes beyond the centuries of knowledge you possess." He spoke gently. You smirked and looked at him and although his gaze remained emotionless but you know when your ex-husband is teasing you.
"A client of mine. She's been having this— weird dreams about her family telling her very specific things." You explained as you begin to walk alongside the Endless, the night sky that lied above your head on the palace's ceiling captured your eyes.
You stoped for a moment to look at it, missing it's beauty.
"I've been looking inside her dreams, trying to decipher their meaning." You continues with a tone of slight frustration before meeting his gaze, noticing his starry eyes looking at your every moment.
"You came here just to ask the meaning of some mortal's dream?" Morpheus asked as his eyes took in your image, you smirked again and shaked your head.
"No. I don't give up that easily, Oneiros." You smirked with smugness, the Dream Lord mimicked your smirk.
"I never said you did. Why is it that you're here then, moonshine?" He asked as he walked you through to the large halls of the palace.
Moonshine, what a nickname to give someone, specially coming from the Lord of Dreams. The Endless that finds you as bright as the shine of the moon, a signal of light in darkness.
It's been so long since he's mutter such nickname.
"Well, It's been costing me my sleeping hours, but that's not new— the things is when I do sleep I have dreamless rest or the most horrible nightmares." You whispered, there was a linger of anger on your tone.
"I came here to ask you something, Dream."
"Ask away, moonshine."
"Have I done something wrong? Something to deserve this punishment, perhaps?" Your whispers makes him stop on his tracks, his eyes meet yours. The Lord of Dreams face had an expression one of confusion and deep sadness.
"Do you think that is my doing? You think of yourself worth of a punishment so severe?" He whispers back, his eyes looking at your tired eyes, the darks circles under them.
"Do you think I would do such thing as that to you?"
You stayed silent, looking away from his gaze. His pale hand cupped your cheek, you gasped and a silent tear fell down your cheek which was wiped by his thumb that consequently held your chin and make you meet his eyes once more.
"The answer is no. I am not punishing you because those night terrors that invade your sleep were not send by me, moonshine." He whispered with such conviction.
As in saying "Believe me. I could never harm you."
"And you have never wrong me nor this realm. You've been an impecable aid and- companion for me." He stated, you smiled and felt yourself blushing, a yawn scaped your lips and his gaze softened.
"Am I boring you, moonshine?" Morpheus smirked you looked at him with sleepy eyes.
"It's not my fault your voice is so comforting and I'm- exhausted for my work and the horrible sleep I've had." You explained before smiling.
"Comforting?" The Dream Lord asked, you nodded and looked up at him with a smile.
"Soothing. Perfect for listening while you fall asleep." You explained before yawning again.
Feeling his hand on the back of your neck and in a matter of second you were lied down on the softest of mattresses, resting your head on a pillow that could pass for a cloud.
You looked up and met the most beautiful night sky you've ever seen, pink and purple surrounded with constellations.
The bed itself was almost floating in between marble floors and the night sky.
This is the room of Dream of the Endless himself.
"Why are you not sleeping yet?" Morpheus's voice snap you back to reality, you meet his eyes that now shine with the reflections of the galaxy that surrounds you.
"I dunno, maybe you've lost your touch." You teased, The Dream Lord furrowed his eyebrows but his lips let out a soft chuckle.
"Perhaps you're just stubborn." He whispered while his slim finger caress your cheek, you leaned on his touch so quickly that it made you disappointed in yourself but it felt so good.
"Those nightmares won't bother you again, my moonshine." Morpheus stated as his fingers kept moving across your face with delicacy.
"Why am I in your room? There's like two hundred guest rooms." You asked as your eyes closed. Dream fell silent for a second.
"Because I- want you here." He started speaking so softly almost as if he was embarrassed to say it, you nodded for him to continue.
"Your precense on The Dreaming has been missed, the creatures of the dreaming had voiced that sentiment many times." The Endless continued, his mouth still slight open, you could picture him trying to find the right words.
You nodded once more, it always difficult for him to speak his emotions and needs.
"The haunted dolls of my shop miss you." You spoke sleepy, The Dream Lord arched his eyebrow and smirked as his hand moved to your hair, touching it with a hint of shyness, thinking if he's still allowed to do such motion. Afraid of crossing any lines or boundaries.
"The- dolls? Do you miss me, perchance?" He asked with a uncharacteristically shy and insecure voice, you opened your eyes.
"Do you, Oneiros? Or just the creatures of your realm?" You snapped back with a smirk. He leaned closer to you, the stars in his eyes shining bright, his thumb stroked your bottom lip as his eyes got lost on yours.
"Yes." Morpheus whispered with a discreet but playful smile once that 'yes' was heard by you.
"I do miss you, moonshine."
You closed your eyes once more after his words, so much sincerity and raw devotion within such a short sentence.
"I miss you too, starlight." You whispered back with a smile, Morpheus smirked and kept stroking your hair.
How has he missed that nickname.
A play of words with the one he has for you.
Starlight. The light of a start that accompanies the shining moon at night. He wonders how, of all things, you could see him as a star.
The drowsiness was unbearable now for you.
The last thing you felt before falling asleep was a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Sleep well, moonshine." Morpheus whispered against your ear, making you fall into a deep and much needed rest, filled with the sweetest dreams one could imagine of.
And of course, The Dream king holding your hand all the time, supervising these dreams.
A/N: Heyyyyyyy, it's been a while since I've wrote for my husband, ugh, I love him, I always enjoy writing for him, it just so right. Hope you liked this!
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fatkish · 1 month
Hii,could you do a part 2 of Aizawa x suicidal child? Please :)
Maybe they did hurted themselves or just confort
Father Aizawa x Suicidal Reader Pt.2
I’ll Never let you go
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You and your dad went to the hospital the next day to get your mental health evaluated. Turns out it’s shit. The doctors suggested that you should be on suicide watch and be put in the psychiatric ward for the mean time until they deemed you safe for the partial hospitalization program. While you were in the psychiatric ward the doctors suggested that you see a therapist and create a safety plan. So you asked if you could bring an instrument or at least a pen and paper to write with so you could write songs and journal.
It took some time but you got settled and your dad visited you every day. As the days went by you were writing and journaling. Things didn’t seem that bright right away but that was fine.
(Play the song)
You light a candle just to see in the dark
You're only running on a fuse, and it's been falling apart again
I'm by your side, I hope at least that helps
And life sucks sometimes, it's feeling more like hell
When your dad would visit he would tell you about your cats at home, the mischief his students got into, etc. sometimes Uncle Hizashi would come with him and you two would pretend to jam out to music he’d play. But even though you smiled and laughed there was still a darkness lurking beneath the surface of your mind.
And all the walls around you are turning to ashes
And the flames surround you when everything crashes
Don't hold your head, 'cause it'll all work out
And don't let go of my hand, I won't let you down
The silence is deafening
Keep fighting, you're trembling
But it's fine, it'll be alright
See the pain in your eyes, but we still survive
As you talked to your therapist about the reasons why you feel like dying the relief of getting it out in the open was momentary before the weight of your feelings would come crashing down. You and your therapist would talk about how your dad found you as you were planning to end it all. You talked about how your dad would feel if you went ahead with it and he was too late. How it would affect him and others and how they would feel if you died.
Just don't forget about me
When you feel like you're drowning
I know it's hard to try
If it gets rough, I'm by your side
As the days passed and you talked to the doctors they eventually saw that you were ready for a partial hospitalization program. This program would have you visit the hospital and have a certain amount of hours you would need to spend in the classes at the hospital. These classes had other people in them and was a sort of rehab program for many different people. The classes were about a bunch of different topics that focused on mental health.
When everything
Is falling apart, put your head on my shoulder
Don't cry, just another bad night
You'll make it out alive
When everything is taking its toll, I'll pull you a little closer
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go (never let you go)
You learned a lot of different things like how different mental disorders affected the brain and its functions. You took art therapy and music therapy classes where you would draw something based on the prompt or you’d share a song and explain how it made you feel. All in all, it was very enlightening and helpful.
If your clouds are grey then so are mine
Your smile faded but still you shine
Got my path again into your soul
It's a place that I call home
I can feel your fingertips, they're burnin' my skin again
But I still take your hand
And we'll run away from this mess
I'll bury my heart in the hole in your chest
Your dad would talk with you about your classes and what you learned. You’d show him your notes and he loved seeing the art you made even if it sucked. He found the techniques for panic attacks very useful and decided to have you teach them to him so he could teach his class.
Just don't forget about me
When you feel like you're drowning
I know it's hard to try
If it gets rough, I'm by your side
You spent more time with your dad and he took more time to focus on you and your mental health. He put time aside to make sure to spend with you. You guys would cuddle on the couch and you’d help him grade papers. Sometimes you’d need his help to understand what someone wrote. Apparently you read the students bad handwriting better than your dad. You decided to write feedback on some of the papers like ‘practice your handwriting on separate paper. Heroes need legible handwriting’ or you’d make small corrections and show them how to fix it for next time. Overall, grading papers with your dad was fun.
When everything
Is falling apart,
put your head on my shoulder
Don't cry, just another bad night
You'll make it out alive
When everything
is taking its toll, I'll pull you a little closer
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go again
You told your dad that you still have bad thoughts but now, every time you did, you’d follow your safety plan and talk to him or Hizashi. You’d find someone who you trust and talk to them. Your dad would let you snuggle up to him with your head on his shoulder as you told him everything you needed to.
You don't have to cry alone
And I'll hold this weight above you
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go
Some of the best things you learned were to just live day by day. You don’t have to worry about tomorrow and you don’t have to be hopeful about tomorrow either, it’s enough to just be curious about what’s next. You decided that you wanted to see your friends become heroes and that you had to see if Bakugou became the next number 1. That was enough for both you and your dad. And he promised that he would always be here for you and he’d never let you go.
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luveline · 1 year
Jade! I’m obsessed with your Zombie au!! I’d love to see something where r uses some survival skills and gets crafty, and Steve being impressed with her problem solving! Hope this inspires you in some way! <3
thank you for your request! steve zombie!au ♥︎ fem!reader 0.9k
"We're lost." 
Steve pokes his cheek with his tongue. He knows you're lost. It is completely unnecessary for you to point out the obvious, and yet. 
"We wouldn't be if–" 
"I didn't take us down the wrong side road," you finish. "I know. Thank you for being so gracious about my mistake. You're always so nice to me, Steve." 
It's not all your fault. Steve is twenty two years old and doesn't know one Indiana road from the other. He couldn't tell you how to get from Hawkins to Indianapolis if you paid him too, and he can't really read maps any better than you can. 
"I think," he says, throwing the map out to get a better look, "we're here." He points to a place just under Columbia City. 
"And we want to cut through until we get to… Churubusco?" 
He nods. He's gonna keep you both off of the highway and back into small towns and residential spaces for a while. You need food and toiletries and some space from one another for sure. 
The issue you and Steve are having currently is a distinct lack of road signs or natural indicators. The sun is moving slowly down in the sky, a sticky yolk-yellow through bright white. It would be less depressing if it were even slightly blue. At least it's finally stopped raining. 
"Does the sun set in the East or the West?" he asks. 
"East. No, West. Uh. Pass." 
"You don't know?" he asks. 
"You don't, either!" You frown down at your shoes as you kick the wet road beneath. "This is what I mean when I say I think you're a secret sexist." 
"I love women," he says defensively. 
"But you don't trust them," you say dramatically, like a heartbroken actress from a transatlantic movie. 
He snorts and shoves the map back into his coat. "Let's go that way," —he points toward the sun— "and hope we don't starve to death, I guess." 
"No, wait, wait. Turn around." 
"Turn around!" you demand. 
Steve lets you boss him around these days. When you've been the sole company of someone for a full month, you learn to let go of the things that might irk you rather than suffer from constant arguing. And, Steve's decided he's been a little moody and you may not strictly deserve it. But he's not gonna tell you that. 
He turns around and you rummage through his pack. You pull out the first aid kit, and he doesn't bother asking as you click it open. You take out a needle, which is a little worrying. He doesn't care until you're edging it toward him.
"Woah, what the fuck. I thought we were getting along," he protests, flinching backward. 
"I need to rub it against your hair." 
"Right, and when it slips into my eye, we'll call that friendly fire." 
"Steve! I know what I'm doing." 
You might, but you won't enlighten him. You rub the eye of the needle against a piece of his hair pinched taught in your fingers. It goes on for so long he starts to wonder if you're trying to light him on fire, or summon a stroke of lightning to strike him, but then you pull away and look around the road searchingly. You grab a leaf near the edge of the road and walk away from him determined. 
And look, Steve has his inhibitions, but he really doesn't want you to leave him there. Say whatever you want, he doesn't have to explain it to himself and he refuses to, only rushes to follow you and wrap his hand around your backpack strap. 
You stop short and crouch on the floor.
"Hey," he says, concerned, "are you alright?" 
"Come here."
"It's wet." 
"Come on, Harrington, get on your knees." 
The way you say it makes him feel a certain emotion. He blames it on the apocalypse and kneels down. 
You've dropped your leaf on the surface of a shallow puddle. Steve stares as you place the needle on top of the leaf carefully, waiting as the leaf spins in the water. He thinks that the needles weight is pushing it down, until it stops sudden and stays pointing the way you came. You look up at the sky and smile when you find the sun. 
"Okay, sun must set in the west, then." 
"What just happened?" 
"I made a compass." 
Steve looks at your needle. "What?" 
"I made a compass! Your hair magnetised the eye, and it's pointing north because of the Earth's magnetic field. Tada." 
He states at you. His stomach hurts, and his ears are ringing, and you look adorable when you're feeling smug but it's your knowing it in the first place that really gets him. Steve's always had a soft spot for dorks. 
"Nice job, nerd," he says genuinely. 
"Ha! Though I was a dummy?"
"Oh, you are." He stands up and tugs your backpack strap. "Grab your needle, witch, we might need it the next time you fall on your ass." 
"I slipped one time, Steve." 
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visualtaehyun · 3 months
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏 ...also, not an expert on tarot and astrology btw djsdhsj
Fortune favors the bold
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- XXI The World (-> Earth/Ongsa) = accomplishment, seizing opportunities the universe presents, confidence in one's place in the world - XIX The Sun (-> Sun) = joy, positivity, enlightenment, light illuminating the truth - X Wheel of Fortune = destiny, soulmates, change, growth, the wheel turning in one's favor
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ก็เหมือนกับโลกที่มันต้องมีแสงสว่างจากพระอาทิตย์ไง /gaaw meuuan gap lohk thee man dtawng mee saaeng sa waang jaak phra aa thit ngai/ -> โลก /lohk/ = Earth, the world -> แสงสว่าง /saaeng sa waang/ = (bright/brilliant) light
And that's what she's been doing all episode 🥺♥ Sun's brightness and warmth give her confidence!
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ชอบสิ /chaawp si/
AAAAAAAAHHHHH this can be read as both 'They/That person does like you' and 'I do like you'
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ถึงดวงอาทิตย์ของเรา จากโลกของเธอ /theung duaang aa thit khaawng rao, jaak lohk khaawng ter/
Sun's horoscope
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How is Sun a Gemini, you may ask? It's me, I asked, so I went and researched it for everyone lol
In astrology, there's two ways to divide the ecliptic into the 12 signs - tropical and sidereal.
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Western astrology generally follows the tropical zodiac which is based on the Northern hemisphere's seasonal cycle, lining up the equinoxes and solstices with the ecliptic. Vedic/Hindu astrology follows the sidereal zodiac which is based on the observable sky and thus accounts for the Earth's axial precession and the seemingly backwards movement of fixed stars over time, caused by the Earth's axial tilt of ✨ 23.5 degrees ✨
All of this to say- Sun is a Gemini in sidereal astrology!
First contact
Aylin's coming out of her shell!! I loved her this episode, trying to make friends, expressing herself more and being genuinely funny.
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มนุษย์พี่นี่โคตรไร้สาระ /ma noot phi nee khoht rai saa ra/ เมื่อกี้น้องว่าไงนะ /meuua gee nong waa ngai na/
-> ไร้สาระ /rai saa ra/ = nonsensical, lacking meaning/substance, which got subbed as "That's bull." earlier in the same scene??, combined with โคตร /khoht/ here, which is an impolite colloquial intensifier, sounds like "You're full of crap, senior human." lmao
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1) ฉันกับยัยเจริญพรจะคอยช่วยแกแล้วกัน /chan gap yai Charoenporn ja khaawy chuuay gae laaeo gan/ 2) เจริญพร /ja reern phaawn/ = Yes.
2) Charoen's full first name is เจริญพร /ja reern phaawn/: เจริญ /ja reern/ = to prosper, prosperous, to pray/chant; พร /phaawn/ = blessing, benediction เจริญพร /ja reern phaawn/ is a word used by Buddhist monks for 'yes'/assent/response, just like ครับ /khrap/ or ค่ะ /kha/ are used, for example. There's a whole set of vocabulary/register that's specifically used by and with monks and in the context of Buddhism. 1) Tin calls Charoen ยัยเจริญพร /yai Charoenporn/ several times this episode lmao - ยัย /yai/ stems from ยาย /yaai/ = grandma, and can be used in a friendly way to call a woman or derogatorily (kinda like 'hag', I guess?) It's all in the context but that can be said about a lot of things in Thai language djsdhsjh It's comparable to colloquial ไอ้ /ai/, a prefix for mostly male names, e.g. ไอ้ติณห์ Ai'Tin, to call someone in a friendly or- cursing way:
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ไอ้มนุษย์บุลลี่ /ai ma noot bully/
Obligatory 1st person pronoun moments because there's only the two three*, she doesn't use any otherwise:
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1) เรา /rao/, 2) calls herself alien again, 3) ข้า /khaa/, which sounds old timey *edited to add her fortune teller shtick
Quick translation of the preview texts
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Well... I like [the roses?] That's nice You liking [?] makes me happy Thank you so much, Earth Earth, it'll be my birthday in a few days. If I asked you for one thing, would you give it to me? What is it? Can we meet?
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hammeredalcoholic · 2 years
Prince Zuko / Reader
based on Nails by Call Me Karizma
warning: nsfw text. zuko is 18 in this, with reader being 19. 
desc: you two had a deal. maybe it wasn’t the most innocent, but you might have made it a little too good to resist. the rest of the group didn’t need to know your dirty little secret, anyways.
word count: less than 1k
“You’re so fucking useless, you know?” 
The words were bitter and filled with venom, dripping from your tongue like poison. “Can’t firebend, can’t teach the Avatar, truly, what the hell are you doing here?” Your voice was breathless, sweat dripping from your brow. 
“Oh, I don’t know, what am I doing here?” Zuko’s voice was laced with sarcasm, his arms reaching to pull you closer, your foreheads connecting with a light bump.
 The tree you were pushed up against shook slightly, the branches swaying in the midnight breeze. “Seems like you have forgotten about our little deal, do I need to remind you?”
No, he really didn’t need to remind you, but you weren’t going to let him get the satisfaction of knowing that– he probably already knew. But still, as the prince’s hands drifted down your hips, settling on the tight knot of your skirt, you let a smirk cross your lips. “You’re right, I seem to have forgotten. Why don’t you enlighten me, Prince Zuko?” 
A shove, and your legs went to wrap around the prince’s waist. He was holding you up by the hips, leaving rough bruises in the shape of fingerprints. 
“Let's see,” He leaned down to bite at your neck, sending quick shivers down your spine. “You decided that you weren't going to tell the others you were a firebender–” He licked the bite roughly, moving to another spot. “And since I know your dirty little secret, I get to make you mine. However I want.” 
Your head jolted back against the tree, your body finally giving in to his touches.
 “Banished prince.” 
“Lying little girl.”
You all but snarled at him, crashing your lips together with a rough tug on his hair. Teeth met teeth, and it was sweltering. You could feel the air around the two of you heat up, and you prayed to the spirits that the others in the camp couldn't tell. 
Zuko tore your skirt up, moving to grind his hips against yours. The heat and friction was all you needed, and the stunted gasp you let out was downright sinful. 
“Spirits, you're so wet.” The prince’s words were full of lust and underlying need. You could feel his hardness pressing against your thigh, his hand moving to caress between your legs. 
“Do something about it then, Prince.” 
The sound of cloth ripping filled your ears, and you had to use every ounce of your being not to moan. This is what you wanted– what you've looked forward to during the days filled with stress. Zuko knew what you wanted– no, needed. 
And you'd never give him the satisfaction of knowing that. 
You were exposed to him, ready and willing to do exactly what he wanted. His eyes were like golden pools, glistening in the soft light held by the moon. He may be the banished prince, son of Lord Ozai, but he looked nothing short of godlike. 
It all happened too fast, the shifting of his clothing, the look in his eye, and then the feeling of being filled to the brim. 
God, damn it. 
You were his. 
And you couldn't find a problem with that. 
He started fast, breakneck pace– eyes locked on you. You couldn't stop the noises now, or help the way your nails dragged across his back. Bright red marks, hot from the touch. It made him groan, gripping your hips with frenzied lust. 
“Such a dirty, lying little girl. Can't keep your mouth shut.” The prince cupped your chin, leaning your head back against the tree. It was shaking uncontrollably now, and the sounds you two were making were heard throughout the forest. 
“What are you going to do about it, Prince Zuko? Banish me?”  Your words mean nothing anymore, just solemn banter, heating the space between your faces. Zuko was quick to smirk, and he slid two finger between your lips. 
“Suck. Now.” 
Your eyes glazed over. Unable to focus on anything but how good he felt inside you– thrusting hard and relentless, and the taste of his hot skin against your tongue. 
It was almost too much. 
But not enough.
Then those golden eyes– darkened, and warmed by Zuko’s own passion, stared through you. Through your being, and everything you've tried to forget. 
“You’re mine.” 
That did it. 
Your legs felt almost numb, orgasm rolling through your body like a blistering heat wave. Head thrown back and Zuko’s fingers slipped from your mouth, instead a gust of flames flew and sizzled. 
You couldn't see straight, not anymore. The prince was overcome not soon after, his hips sputtering and a sharp intake of air– and he slumped into your chest. 
Breath hot and the moon still overhead, you both sat against that tree for what felt like years. Listening to the sounds of creatures and bugs, craving the warmth you both created. 
“Sometimes I miss it.” 
Zuko’s words were muffled against your shirt. You almost didn't catch it, but you still understood. Reaching your hand up, you carded your fingers through his locks. 
It was soft– go figure. 
“Miss my family. My room.” 
You almost wanted to laugh at him. Criticize him for being a spoiled little prince. Missing his life of luxury. 
But you didn't. 
“Sometimes, I miss it too.” 
Your words were truthful, sitting on your tongue like a sour candy. You didn't want to miss it, didn't even want to think about it. But yet– when Zuko held you in his arms, heat and warmth caressed your body and mind. 
He felt like home.
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voidarchivefiles · 11 months
Ancient void practices
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I went through some success stories and tagged the ones that entered the void through yoga nidra and lucid dreaming cos these two ancient practices have always fascinated me since they're deeply centred around our state of consciousness and are also known portals to out of body experiences/shifting/the void. Read them if you need some motivation! Also see my recent post on lucid dreaming if you're interested in entering the void through that.
Anyway, if you have doubts about the void, I think a great anchor is leaning into practices that have roots dating back to ancient times and researching them and of course, reading more widely than just Tumblr. When you do this, you'll know that this state isn't something that was invented by Tumblr and has existed since.. forever because well, it's pure consciousness lol. And the void/turiya/samadhi has been known way before Neville's time. From my research, it's the main goal of yoga practitioners as well but they pursue it for the purpose of enlightenment and peace as opposed to manifesting desires.
The rest of this post is a dump of interesting excerpts from my research on yoga, samadhi and turiya and its links to manifesting, reality shifting and the void state. You can also do your own research although there's no need to overdo it :)
This extract seems to be talking about reality shifting/manifesting/instant creation. I am curious on where we could learn more about yogis doing this!
Trapped in Your Own World Many yogis have created their own worlds and been trapped in realities like this. I am going into an area which is a twilight zone, but there are many yogis who have created their own world around themselves. A yogi goes into a cave and actually creates his own universe and lives there. This is not a joke. He creates everything that he wants – his own kind of planets, his own kind of earth, his own kind of everything – and lives there very happily. A universe is contained inside the cave. You can create a whole universe in an atom’s space because “here and there” and “this much and that much” are a creation of the mind. There are many yogis like this, but they are no closer to realization than you. He lives in a different world, that is all. He is probably more caught up than you, because he is also the creator. He has learned the art of creation. This does not become an ultimate release. This just becomes a different kind of action, a different way of doing things. An artist draws a new world on a canvas. A yogi actually creates it. The artist’s creation is two-dimensional, whereas the yogi’s is three-dimensional. This is more deceptive. An artist can get so involved in the world he is creating that he starts believing it is true, and it is true for him. A poet believes that whatever he writes is the truth. Similarly, a painter deeply involved in what he is doing believes what he is painting is the truth. When two-dimensional things are like this, if you create three-dimensional things around yourself, you are definitely going to be more caught up with them. Source
To be honest, I have no idea what the difference is between samadhi and turiya in yoga terms. I tried looking into it but it's still not clear to me. If you research into both terms, they come up with very similar definitions.
Yoga nidra and the void (turiya)
By means of Yoga Nidra, skilled practitioners seek to access Turiya, not just when in meditation or absorbed samadhi states, but in all variations of consciousness- encompassing waking, dreaming and deep sleep. They seek lucidity in all states. Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice that guides us beyond mind and in fact turns mind upon itself where its obscuring nature is dissolved to reveal the inner Light that is perennially Bright, with eyes closed or open. Source
What is turiya?
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Source: Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity by Tracee Stanley
Turiya is not a state apart from the grosser states but pervades all levels of reality as superconsciousness. Ramana Maharshi interprets turiya as the natural state that permeates the other states, the only whole reality. The Mandukya Upanishad discusses turiya as pure consciousness, which is indescribable, incomprehensible, and unthinkable by the mind, but ultimately realized as the one true self. Source
The four states of consciousness are jagrat, svapna, shushupti and turiya. Jagrat is waking consciousness, svapna is the dream consciousness, shushupti is the deep sleep consciousness and turiya is higher consciousness which is beyond all previous states. Entering the state of turiya requires inner silence. It can be achieved when the mind is free of mental blocks and bondages with time and space. The goal of yoga and meditation is to achieve turiya, where oneness is felt with the universe. Source
There are three states only, the waking, dream and sleep. Turiya is not a fourth one; it is what underlies these three. But people do not readily understand it. Therefore it is said that this is the fourth state and the only Reality. In fact it is not apart from anything, for it forms the substratum of all happenings; it is the only Truth; it is your very Being. The three states appear as fleeting phenomena on it and then sink into it alone. Therefore they are unreal. Source
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Tenjiku Izana x little haitani sister
Izana is the king and she is his unhinged queen 💜
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Noble blood
Summary: Haitani sister! Reader x Tenjiku! Izana Kurokawa.
WARNING : 18+, MINORS DNI. Smut, heavy language, spanking, cursing, nicknames, mention of violence, mention of assault.
To say Ran and Rindou were bewildered when they saw you entering the meeting room in Tenjiku's hideouts would be an understatement, Ran's usual smile faltered immediately, and Rindou's chair fell to the ground when he saw Shion's hand wrapped around your forearm, holding you still.
Everyone's eyes widened, except for Shion, Kakucho, standing next to the door behind you, and Hanma sitting in front of your two brothers who's smile grew wider.
But never mind, the latter was just an asshole.
-" The fuck, Shion ?" Rindou made a step toward where you were standing, only for Kakucho to step in and put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
-" Kakucho ?" Ran asked, pushing his chair to get up, that one shifted his eyes from the younger brother to look at the eldest, Ran could see through his impassive face a certain silent apologie .
-" Shion, get your fucking hands outta my sister " Rindou peered at Shion over Kakucho's shoulder. You remained unmoved, staring at the gang leader who was observing you in the same way, and you would never let it show, but his empty gaze and his silence intimidated you.
-" Boss what the hell ?" Ran shifted his eyes from Kakucho toward Izana, if Kakucho took part of it, it means the order was coming from the head of Tenjiku.
The white haired man kept his eyes on you, orchid hues burning your body from head to toe, drinking in the sight of your body in the Yves saint Laurent dress you were wearing at your friend's birthday party, before Shion came searching for you. He didn't bothered looking at Ran to answer, he never bothered hiding the way he kept staring at you everytime you were around.
-" I'll let your sister enlighten you as for why she's standing here today ".
Your brother's eyes landed on you, Rindou with a raised eyebrow and Ran giving you a suspicious look.
You couldn't help but smirk, sucking your teeth and looking at the corner of the room for a second before facing the gang leader again.
-" He's mad 'cause one of his slaves got knocked the hell out" your soft smile remained on your face, much to Izana's displeasure since he only wanted to wipe it away.
He didn't reacted to the " insult " you gave his men, since that was honestly the way he considered them, what was playing on his nerves on another hand was the way your big eyes shone bright despite the wicked thoughts he could see behind them, and the fact that he couldn't just take his eyes off of you, or how your cheekbones glowed by the soft light seeping through the windows, how you stood proud and head held high despite being a prey under almost all his subordinate's pleased eyes.
-" is that all you got ?"
His question came more as a warning, advising you silently to keep talking, but you really had not a lot of things to add. You peered at your confused brothers, a worried expression obvious on their face that got your heart squeezing in your chest. Holding your head high, you looked back at Izana and proudly puffed your chest, making some of his men's jaw nearly fall to the ground because of your next words.
-" I beat him up. "
The room fell silent, almost all of their eyes widening except for the one's who already knew about it, namely Izana, Kakucho and Shion tightening his grip around your forearm.
You knew it wasn't meant to hurt you, he was one of your brothers friends, he was just warning you to behave, or maybe to use a less sharp tone, but all the hatred you have been holding for the white haired man was at its spike now, and behind your good composure and adorable smile, anger was growing inside you.
Rindou's anxious eyes turned to look at Izana, silently asking for whatever, yet that one kept them on you, nodding faintly.
-" Stand up for yourself. "
He commanded you to explain why you did this, you gritted your teeth. There was no way you would tell them the reason that drove you to turn violent. Your brothers taught you to fight, but you had no will to beat people for fun, it was more as a way to protect yourself. If they knew, they would understand why you did this and even beat him more, yet you would never say it there, admit defeat in front of your brothers and their friends, and him.
He was insufferable, you didn't liked him since the first day you saw your brothers around him, and you knew he reciprocates the feeling, words between the two of you would be very few, almost only death glares thrown at each other when you would find him in your kitchen or your living room.
-" Sorry, Not sorry. "
Even Hanma's smile faltered, to tell how serious the situation was, how blank Izana's gaze went, even more than usually. Though it was hard, you held his gaze, arms hanging lose on both sides of your body while one of them started turning red because of Shion's grip.
Inside Izana, it started with twigs. The weakened tree debris, a flicker of heat, matchstick intensity, burns in sulphur beats, heart incendiary.
It was primal, savage, raw. That inner need, the incessant thoughts, then the spiralling obsession. He grew with a lot of hatred in his heart for such a small body, always holding grudges, always blaming people and pointing fingers, but this, what you created, was nothing like the hatred he has known before.
It was wild, big, consuming. Coming back at night, waking up with it in his head, striking every time he saw you again, and unlike the other feelings and grudges he held, he found no way to tame this one.
It was untamed, wild, just aw you were, and no hatred ever ate him alive this way. It didn't helped that you were how you were, namely a bitch, someone who never shuts up and never lowered the head.
That was the main reason why both of you never got along, unlike how most of your brothers friends seemed to like you. He was the King , and you were everything that he wanted to banish, he never really had the time nor the chance to, but now, it was the perfect moment.
-" Stand up for yourself. "
He repeated, his voice didn't changed, yet you could tell his patience was getting thin, and it was scary because he was not in the verge of exploding, rather calm and cruel, as if standing in front of him was similar to standing in the eye of a storm.
Both your brothers were losing their patience too, Rindou's face grew redder, he made a step toward you just to be stopped again by Kakucho, Rindou called your name to get your attention but nothing to do, you were still focused on the white haired man.
-" Shit, stand up for yourself! ".
No. Something was off, from the way Izana's lips were slightly curved at the corner to how he was eyeing you, he knew, he wanted you to appear weak in front of everyone.
His smile fell a little in a blank stare when he saw you smiling in return, staying silent, he would not take too much to figure out you understood what he was doing.
-" Say Chucky, why did you hit him ?"
Hearing Ran's voice calling you in that nickname made it harder to not look at him and give up. It all started as a joke you made, telling him he looked like Annabelle, the haunted doll, starting therefore to call him Annabelle and him calling you Chucky. Ran was chiller about your protection than Rindou, it was the main reason why your heart squeezed when you heard the worry in the next words he uttered.
-" Did he do something to you ?"
Do not look at them, you reminded yourself. You would only see how Rindou stiffened at your other brother's words, how the latter would be clenching his fists, maybe even gripping his baton because of your silence.
It pained you, honestly not to be able to tell them everything. If you three were alone, you might would have told them. But with him who apparently knew and wanted to make you look weak in front of everyone, you would rather die.
You didn't bother about Shion's grunts when you finally decided to free yourself from his grip, elbowing him in the stomach. You held yourself steadily and approached the other end of the table, directly facing Izana , putting your hands flat on the table and holding your head high, despite your following words.
-" whatever punishment you would give me, I'll take it. "
-" Shit, Izana, she doesn't mean-"
-" Shut up, Haitani. "
Rindou's shut up reluctantly, eyes throwing daggers at you and Ran who was only holding his fists tightly to his nose.
Izana's gaze fell on you again, as a silent request to continue what you were saying, you held it, smirking at him as if you were not just digging your own grave.
-" whatever you got in store. I'm ready to face this".
His lips pressed in a thin line. That was what he was waiting for, taming you, having you at his mercy.
Fuck, he hated you.
That was not how someone tamed should look like. You shouldn't be holding his gaze, not holding your head so high, you shouldn't be standing there so proud.
This didn't looked like a slave submitting to his king, like he wanted it to do with everyone he had ever met. Ridiculously ironic, how the very faint wind was blowing your hair around your face, fierce eyes and small smirk, it looked like a damn queen waiting for her crown to be put on her damn head.
Your voice didn't quiver, your will never faltered, a true leader. He could only blame your brothers for how they raised you, the Haitani princess. How they spoiled you rotten, taught you to never shut up, to never sit and take it. How could he expect you to surrender to him, when you have been dragged by them everywhere they went since you three were children ? You practically were just a classier and thinner version of their madness, the Haitani princess would not become the Kurokawa's slave.
And it did something to him, as always, igniting wild flames inside him. Something he failed to control the more and more he looked at you.
-" boss, she's young, she doesn't know what she's saying " Ran tried to remain calm, his knuckles were turning white from how hard he was clenching them, while Rindou was already having a silent eye war with Kakucho, puffed chest to puffed chest, ready to start throwing punches in case anyone would dare touching their precious princess.
-" Answer the question." He insisted, remaining unmoved by everything that was going around, ignoring every attempt his men took to talk to him or calm the situation.
-" my fists, my business. " You deadpanned with your eyes still stuck on him, he answered in the same tone you did, though way scarier.
-" my men. My business. "
-" your men. But if you think they looking at you, they're looking at me".
Immediately, all his men eyes left your shape to focus on him, but he already knew, and since so long. You were just eye-catching, stealing everyone's attention, just as he did, just as a noble blood should according to Izana. He could never knew if it was jealousy or admiration that he felt everytime he would see them losing their focus when you would walk by, one of the main reasons meetings wouldn't get place at the Haitani's house so often. The worst was that you didn't even tried, you just had to be there, and everything was yours, you just had to breath to have everyone wrapped around your finger.
There was jealousy, and he has thought for so long it was jealousy of you, but figured out it was jealousy for you. When he heard about what that man of his tried to do to you, he figured out, he knew. That no matter if you would be his slave, or his nemesis, the point was being his, only his.
Ran's voice rarely rose up when he talk to you, Ran's voice rarely rose anyway. But this time, when he called your name, there was a certain danger you could hear, an uncontrolled demeanor, he was warning you to not go any further. Really now? Asking for the punishment instead of explaining ? Talking about stealing his men's attention in front of someone with such a god complex ?
He started seriously wondering what they had missed in your upbringing, everything, probably. But this was what was clearly expected from a Haitani, you were doing nothing more than what they raised you to.
You felt yourself touching the ground again when the leader's eyes left yours to settle on Kakucho's face. Finally, you were able to release your breath, but only for a short amount of time.
-" Kakucho. Clear the room. "
Though the latter was bewildered by his king's request, he would never dare to question him, unlike Ran who this time stood up, starting to walk toward Izana but quickly being stopped by Kakucho.
-" don't go feral now. Don't do something stupid. "
He put his hand on Ran's tensed shoulder, starting to push him back slightly, under Izana's unmoved stare.
-" The fuck he wants her alone for ?"
-" He won't hurt her. She's family, it's our code of honor".
And he was right, moreover, Ran respected Kakucho too much to not trust his words, yet he still felt anxious to leave you alone with his leader after you disrespected him, but was it really something he could have done anyway?
Seeing that the elder started coming to his senses, he turned to the younger one who was throwing death glares at him, at Izana,Ran, at you , and nearly everyone in the room.
-" she's my friend, too " Kakucho's other hand found Rindou's shoulder. " I'll never let anything happen to her".
Shit, and he was right too. Started all with working out with both of them, Kakucho and Rindou being total sport simps training you, then Kakucho being younger and closer to your age, you two started getting along and he quickly turned into a good friend of you. He would never tell them to leave if he knew Izana would hurt you in any way, even if he would never betray his king.
-" Don't break the code, Izana." You looked at Rindou while he spoke, heart thumping loud in your chest, it hurt you to see the anxiety in his eyes.
-" Let's go " Kakucho muttered to both of them, when at the same time every other man there left the room, and soon, only you and the leader remained there.
The silence was deafening, and you hoped he wouldn't be able to hear how your heart was racing from where he was sitting. The man looked from to you the spot right next to him, you understood what he meant and reluctantly, walked toward him and stood up where he wanted you to be.
His eyes on yours were unsustainable, and you didn't knew it but he was in the same state. Looking at you was as pleasure as poison, for he couldn't just get enough.
-" Why didn't you told them ?"
-" Told them what ?" You played dumb, tilting your head to the side, but honestly he was not in the mood for playing anymore.
-" Why didn't you told them he almost raped you ?"
You flinched, too quickly for him to miss it. You knew it, you were not wrong, he knew what happened since the beginning and wanted to flaunt it in front of everyone. You fisted your dress, feeling your hatred toward the man increase even more.
-" Do I look like whining to my brothers ? " You tried to keep your voice as calm as possible, yet it could be heard that you were losing it. For some reason, it hurt you coming from him that he would want you to look small.
-" isn't being a princess all about the whining? " You loathed the smile he had on his face while telling this, you hated that he looked so good, still made your heart flutter in your chest by the way his eyes were eyeing you.
You made a step forward, put your hands on the big meeting table and leaned over it. You locked your eyes on his, and your eye color was the new red to him. You could have burned him with just a stare.
-" That was long ago. Queens nowadays take down kings and empires ".
-" Is it ?"
He leaned a little bit over the table too, drawn to your face as a moth to a flame, feeling his heart beats racing. Your words should earn you his thunder, why was it that the wild fire seemed to take place inside him ?
-" Hm " you nodded, your eyes lost it for a second, shifting toward his lips that he slowly licked, to come back to his orchid hues right after. " You know I look nothing like one of your disciples . By the end of this, my knees won't be bend down".
His smile disappeared behind his stoic face, could it be your rising tone ? Or your provocative words ? Whatever, you would never admit he was pretty scary that way.
-" raise it again, I'll give you a good reason to scream. "
This shouldn't have made you smile and lick your lips, and that should never have made his breath almost getting caught in his throat.
-" I'm just finishing what you started, Kurokawa. " You leaned in a little more, and tapped your index finger against his forehead. " Get it inside your head. I don't need a man to fight my battles. I handle it, then send you your men crying like a bitch ".
At this point, he honestly couldn't tell why in hell you were even still alive. Maybe because your finger trailing down his cheeks was such a satisfying tingling sensation, all he could tell was that it was not your brother's faces that he saw when he looked at you, but his own face.
He knew you could fight your battles, you already did. He had seen the state you left that man in, after he tried to take advantage of your drunken state in your brothers' party. Much to that one's misfortune, the Haitani's anger issues gets usually amplified by the booze.
But it hasn't been enough to ease his wrath. He had needed more, to put that man back in his place for daring to touch you. His nemesis, who did he think he was ?
-" Dead don't cry " he stated matter-of-factly. And through your confident expression, he caught a glimpse of something pure crossing your face.
Murder, did he just implied murder ? He must be lying, who else than him would dare killing his own men ? Why would he do this, if he blamed you in the first place for hurting him ?
Somewhat, you knew what it was about, deep inside. Your own brothers committed murder, they have went off the deep end to protect you once, but they are your brothers, why would he have done this for you ?
You should maybe stop playing the fool, since you knew, you saw his usual lingering stare on you.
-" Why... " You struggled to take the words out, which made the corner of his lips twitch in a small smile. " Why have you done this ?"
-" you're only mine to hurt ."
Tilting your head to the side, you looked at him as if he was crazy. He never did, hurt you despite all the previous jabs and death glares, and he still didn't do it now, despite the disrespect, you doubted he would ever do, after all, hadn't he just said he killed a man for you ?
-" you're a total freak. I'm not one of your slaves, if you want me to be your anything, better treat me like a queen ".
And he had enough of your so-full of yourself demeanor, he couldn't stand that you were so close yet so untouchable, always reminding him that he seemed to have an equal, someone he couldn't reach.
With his foot, he tripped you as if you weighted nothing, and instead of falling to the ground, he caught you, steadying you on his lap as your hands in a quick reflex clung on his coat. His hands gripped your hips to prevent you from getting up, he couldn't do much to ignore the feeling of your skin on his fingertips under the soft fabric of your dress.
-" You fuckin-"
-" what makes you think I would want you to be my anything ?"
Apart from the position he got you in ? No more than his lingering stare on you everytime you would be around, or than the way any other one who dared to disrespect him as you did would be six feet under, or the man he had killed for you. You were far from being dumb, you chose to keep your hands on his chest, despite being quite shy about how he was holding you and leaned a little bit closer, brushing your lips against his ear.
-" I can tell when someone been eyefucking me, 'Zana".
You couldn't tell from where your sudden boldness came, you always have been a little provocative but never this way, and never with one of your brothers' friends. Still, the way he stiffened under you gave you enough courage to push it a little further.
And he swore he had felt his pants tightening, he was one second away from losing it, how couldn't he when he has been dreaming about your pretty face being that close, about holding your body this way ?
He truly has been eyefucking you all along, and as bold and confident as he was to do it in front of everyone openly, his cheeks heated when he heard your following words.
-" tell me about those lonely nights, Izana " your previously firm voice was now nothing but a soft whisper against his slightly red ear, and one of your hands on his chest started trailing down his body, down his waist, down. " Tell me how good you've been touching yourself, thinking about me ".
Shit, he was hard. The burning flames spread to the south, the king was nothing but a limp body under you when your fingers brushed against the zipper of his pants.
-" was I riding you this way ?" Mimicking your words, you grounded your hips against his, pushing yourself up and down, a groan left Izana's lips, his hands gripped your hips tighter, trying to keep you steady, or maybe to help you move.
-" Shit, don't do this " He buried his nose in your neck, and closed his eyes inhaling your perfume, starting to feel light headed.
-" why is it ?" You pulled your head back making him let out an exasperated sound. " Am I wrong? " You inquired and didn't bothered about his protests when you straightening and got up from his lap, standing up in front of him.
-" My mistake, I should've known better".
As if he was burned, his hands found your waist again in a stronger grip, his mind racing with so many thoughts but the only one he could make out was you, your need.
-" Shit, don't move " he pulled you closer to him, ignoring how his heart skipped a beat seeing your mischievous smile. " I'm fucking aching for you, 'kay ?"
Swallowing hard, his words hit you like a truck though you already knew it. For some reason, hearing him saying this while being this close to him, having his pretty face staring up at you as if you were the moon and the stars wiped away everything you've been blaming him for. The only thing left was the heat that had you discreetly squeezing your thighs.
-" I want you, I... need you ".
And so did you, as much as you would ignore it and as much as you hated him, it was just too strong, too intense to be only about hatred. He looked good, no one not even you could have denied it, but it was about so much more than just this...
His parted lips, his expecting eyes on you, hands tight around your waist, and the bulge on his pants were everything you needed to let go. Your hands removed his from your hips, and before he could say anything, your hands flew to the straps of your dress, sliding them down your shoulders.
Izana's pupils expanded seeing your dress fall to the floor. His breath got caught in his throat, and almost too slowly, to keep the pleasure as long as possible, his eyes started trailing down your shape, cheeks growing redder every second that passed.
He drank in the sight of your curves he had imagined so many times before, from your bare breasts to your black lace panties, his crotch now painful, heavy, it was better than any dream.
-" You better impress now " you whispered when his hand found your waist, and it was the only thing he needed to get up and lift your body in his arms, his breath hitching just as you wrapped your legs around his waist and your clothed cunt touched his bulge.
-" got no idea what you do t'me " you heard him whisper, and the next second, he felt your smirk against his lips, an explosion taking place inside him. Finally, after so much time, he struggled to believe he was having you this way. He found that you tasted sweet, for someone so spicy, his fingers gripping your thighs harder until almost bruising them when you playfully tried to pull back.
You had hoped to figure out how the hell did that happen, one second you were throwing death glares, jabs and implicit threats at each other, the following one, he had you sitting on the meeting table, panties stuffed in his pocket and fingers going inside and out of you. His other hand orchestrated bruising squeezes around your breast, his mouth kissed you everywhere it could reach, lips, neck, he needed you all over him.
-" you ruin me in so many fucking ways, princess" the struggle could be heard in his voice, it was hot, too hot, and for whatever reason he was taking his time, while you were searching for more friction, needing more than just his fingers but would never swallow the pride and admit you needed him too.
Good for you he desired you so much, because his aching cock needed to be free, he couldn't take it anymore while hearing you moaning his name, body so perfect for him. He started undoing his belt, you decided to help him with it, teasing him and gaining a dark glare from him while you took your time to free his member, brushing your fingers lightly against him.
That fierce gaze, he just couldn't believe all he had to do was to lean and kiss you now, exactly what he did. He thought too much about taming your beast, when he only needed to embrace it. He thought he hated your fire when the only thing he had been dying for was to burn in it. He lined up his throbbing member to your entrance, your hands wrapped around his neck and you rubbed yourself against him, teasing him just the right amount to got him hooked before stopping to make your request.
You had your ways.
-" Stop."
His heart skipped a beat, he pulled back a little and looked at you, silently wondering what was wrong.
-" If you wanna fuck me, I'm getting your seat."
As much as he hated you, you made his heart race faster, made his chest fill with pride because even when you were about to let go, you still took the lead, and Izana figured out that was exactly what he needed for his new world, a queen.
-" Wanna get fucked on the throne?" His blank stare bore in your eyes, he looked at you as you nodded, biting your swollen lip and ignored the warmth in his chest. " Fine, take my cock as if you mean it ".
Everyone knew about the king's seat, Izana Kurokawa's throne, the one that should be shining, the one their maids polished everyday, no one was allowed to touch it otherwise, no one deserved it.
Until now.
He sat you on the high seat, being in the right perfect height where his cock lined up with your entrance again, you wrapped your legs around him, and in an instant, you both moaned in unison as he pushed himself inside you.
-" I... swear, best fucking pussy I've had" he groaned and buried his head in your neck, marking the skin and starting to pound inside you, he warned you after all, you had to take it.
The pleasure was beyond compare, he truly never felt something like this, the only thought running in his head now was that you were made for him, his queen, his pussy only could take him that perfectly.
His thumb reached for your clit, drawing circles on it, your nails sunk in the skin of his back, both sensations making you two moan your names.
-" Love " he called for you, through your drunken state, you moaned his name. " Would pay to see Ran's face, seeing his- Uh fuck ! Seeing his little sister bouncing on my cock ".
His words should have made you feel guilty, but the only thing you could feel now was how his tip was hitting every deep spot inside you. Your hands left his back and cupped his cheek, drinking in his beautiful face without ever knowing he was doing the same, just looking at your wet eyelashes, your watering bright eyes, your swollen lips made him feel like he would come faster than expected.
-" What would my brothers think if they knew how their boss have been dreaming about their baby ?" You teased in the same way, holding your moans to get the words out right, Izana smiled and thrusted harder inside you, making you bite his shoulder suddenly to avoid being heard.
-" what would Rin' say, seeing- shit. How good I stretch this pussy ".
A laughter left your lips, Izana didn't felt his smile widening, but he felt his heart squeezing at that sight.
-" Would never let me see you again ".
And it was a joke, but just thinking about it got him pounding almost angrily in you. He was hooked, he knew he was way too far gone now to let something like this happen.
Once he saw how his name sounded coming from your swollen lips, once he saw your pleasured face being so beautiful for him, and he felt how tightly your walls hugged his cock, he could never stop.
Once he felt how his heart raced faster when you were closer, how a single word from you got his head buzzing, and how you found a way to get everything you wanted from him, it was too late.
-" Too bad, m'love got me obsessed".
His words made you clench around him harder, feeling your release so close and placing a kiss on his neck. Izana softened because of the gentle touch, something he never had and you provided for the first time, he knew he could grow addicted to how careful your touches seemed to be toward him.
He tightened his grip around your hips, pushing deeper inside you and grunting your name endlessly, and before you were to release, he added.
-" And a king never let go of his queen".
Network : @tokyo-ballroom @downtown-roponggi
Honestly ? Idk if i like this or not, idk if I think it's pure shit or not😭 but I hope you like it, Anon.
My requests are still open for that one anon who asked, and sorry if I might take some time to answer, but I will answer them all don't worry !
Have a nice day !
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
Seasonal Color Analysis: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
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Going into this, I knew David didn’t have a… good fashion sense (even his sister would concur); but it’s always enlightening to see just how bad his fashion sense is. It’s charming, really. 
Meanwhile, Gillian (or her stylist) pinpointed which were her worst colors or worst looks and went crazy with the rest-- an excellent example of knowing the rules in order to break them.
I will be referencing all the information compiled in this Seasonal Color Analysis post to determine their undertone: Hue, or the coloration of their skin; Value, or the lightness and darkness of their saturation; and Chroma, or the bright and low value of their undertone.
TLDR: David is a Soft Autumn, and Gillian is a Clear Winter.
The Trickiness of This Technique
True pigmentation is often disguised or distorted under differing light sources--examples provided by the edits below--
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thanks to @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, post here--
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and thanks to @gillyscloset, post here--
but, though I don't have DD or GA in person, I do have a wide sampling of all types of lighting (natural, direct, artificial.) With my bases pretty much covered, I venture forth into the unknown and take whoever along with me~.
Step One to determining one's seasonal palette: analyzing the levels of warmth or coolness in an undertone.
David and Gillian have one aspect (of two) in common: a red undertone. And, while it would be true and incredibly easy to say his red leans more apricot or cinnamon-- a Warm Hue indicator-- and hers leans more pink or blush-- a Cool Hue indicator-- that might not be the best vehicle to broadly determine undertone.
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So, here we go on the long route.
First, we must calculate the balance of yellow (warm) and blue (cool) in his undertone.
The top left shirt is cool and vibrant, the top right shirt is cool and muted, the bottom left shirt is warm and vibrant, and the bottom right outfit is warm and muted.
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The first thing I notice about David's skin is how red it is, even without a tan (top right photo.) The second thing I notice is how red it is in the top left photo, meaning the color is clashing with, not blending into, his undertone. The third thing I notice is how "overpowered" David is by the pink shirt (it wears him instead of him wearing it.) The fourth thing I notice is that the vibrancy of the bottom left warm outfit overpowers him, too, especially compared to its counterpart on the right. The fifth thing I notice is that this principle holds firm with the top right shirt, as well.
This leads me to a few conclusions: David's undertone is red, which becomes more uneven with bright, cool colors. Moreover, vibrancy in general does not suit him, drowning him out in its potency.
Overall, David has a Warm Hue with muted undertones. His worst colors would be Cool Hues with bright undertones.
Let us calculate the yellow and blue value in her undertones.
The top left bathing suit is warm and vibrant, the top left suit is warm and muted, the bottom left outfit is cool and vibrant, and the bottom right dress is cool and muted.
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Again, the first thing I notice about Gillian's skin is how red it is, even if the only picture sporting a tan is the top left. The second thing I notice is how pale and washed out it is in the top right, the muted warmth of the suit visibly dragging her down. The third thing I notice is that principle applies to the bottom right dress compared to the bottom left outfit. The fourth thing I notice is how alive Gillian looks in both the top left and bottom left photos-- the vibrancy of the yellow and blue compliment the vibrancy of her skin perfectly. The fifth thing I noticed is how the cool, vibrant blue melts beautifully with her skin while the warm, vibrant yellow brings out more uneven redness.
This leads me to these conclusions: Gillian's undertone is red, which becomes quickly desaturated with muted, warm colors. Moreover, its vibrancy is elevated by both warm and cool colors; but the Warm Hues bring out more uneven pigmentation compared to both the vibrant and muted Cool Hues.
These conclusions also apply to The X-Files's (bad) wig she disliked: the undertone was warm compared to the cooler undertones of her 90s dye.
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Overall, Gillian has a Cool Hue with vibrant undertones. Her worst colors would be Warm Hues with muted undertones.
To quote my previous post (because I'm lazy):
Higher Values usually have lighter or more "translucent" hair, allowing light to pass through it, as well as finer or sparser brows. Golden, grey, strawberry, or silver hair would all suit Higher Values, whereas they would overwhelm the Lower ones. High Value tones look great in lighter colors such as cool pure white, warm ivory white, and other lighter colors. Deep colors near the face tend to drag down and dominant the "presence" of the outfit, making it appear as if the clothes were wearing the person rather than the other way around.
Lower Values usually have darker or more "opaque" hair when in direct lighting, as well as darker or bushier brows. Medium or low value hair colors such as auburn, brown, or black would suit and enhance Lower Values, whereas they would dull or drag down the Higher ones. Low Value tones look great in darker colors such as navy blue, pure black and deep brown. Light colors near the face gives them an exaggerated pale, tired appearance.
Medium Value tones are an exception to the rule. Medium values look too overwhelmed in both very High Value (light) and very Low Value (dark) outfits; and look great in "medium" colors such as grays, lighter browns, and camel colors.
(Sidenote: If a person falls into the Medium Value range, they have exponentially lightened-- heh-- their workload by cutting out unnecessary guess work. David's Seasonal Subtype section will show off this handy dandy little trick later~.)
Now, we compare and contrast David in different values, Cool Hues to the left and Warm Hues to the right.
Light Value
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Light Value doesn't blend with David, washing out his skin tone (in spite of the presence of darker stubble in the second picture.)
Medium Value
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Medium Value makes David seem most at home, blending seamlessly in with his mid-tone hair (and even emphasizing his brows and lighter stubble in the first picture, despite the glaring sun directly overhead.)
Dark Value
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Dark Value is the most uncomplimentary to David, making him appear dragged down, overly tired, and older than his years (even with the enhanced darkened and cool filter on the first picture.)
David, we see, is a Medium Value.
Now, we compare and contrast Gillian in different values, Cool Hues to the left and Warm Hues to the right.
Light Value
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Gillian is incredibly suited to the Light Value, her vibrant skin coming alive under the dewy, fresh, "natural" makeup style and lighter colored hair and outfits.
Medium Value
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Gillian isn't really suited to Medium Value, appearing separate and more muted by its lack of vibrancy.
Dark Value
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And Gillian really isn't suited to Dark Values, appearing "overdone", fatigued, and older than her years.
Gillian, we see, is a Light Value.
The Difference in Black and White (and Gray)
And now, we compare and contrast David's and Gillian's Values against each other.
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Flash photography rarely makes anyone look pretty, but here it at least amplifies Gillian's "translucent" Light Value and David's middle-of-the-road, Medium Value. The lines and shadows of both their faces are unfairly pronounced; and, in short, they both look like wax figures.
Yet GA has an unexpected exception: because of the vibrancy of her tone (to be further discussed in the Chroma section~), she is able to pull off black if, and only if, she sticks to Light Value hair and makeup. DD stays doomed-- doubly so, because he gravitates to black for his day-to-day wear.
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Gillian rarely wears gray or middle-of-the-road browns-- astute of her or her stylist, as it is the hardest of the three Values for her vibrancy to pull off with any degree of success-- appearing waxy and sickly compared to David-- at home in his own skin-- on the left.
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David is, again, not looking his best-- not as tired or shadowy as the black shirt, but more pale and washed out compared to the gray-- and, again, his shirt seems to be wearing him. Gillian, on the other hand, shines in this (almost) white shirt, her Light Value complimented by her blonde hair and very light background.
Chroma measures the brightness and clearness or softness of a Hue.
Again, I shall quote my other post:
High Chromas have a brighter, clearer appearance-- with very little brown or gray pigmentation in their skin tone-- and a "dewy" or bright skin texture. Their darker brows usually have a deeper coloration; and their irises are usually "richer" and clearer with defined "edges" next to the whites of the eyes. Supposedly, this gives Higher Chromas an "alert and eye-catching expression. "
Low Chromas have a desaturated or muted appearance-- with a prominent gray or "ashy" pigmentation-- and a "matte" or softer skin texture. Their finer brows usually have a "sparser" appearance; and their irises have a softer, blurred "edge" next to the whites of the eyes. Supposedly, this gives Lower Chromas a "softer gaze" and more "delicate charm."
Now, we must assess the chroma level of David's skin, Cool Hues on the left and Warm Hues on the right.
High Chroma
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He does not blend cohesively with High Chroma, becoming lost in the vivacity and punch of the pink and black (left) and yellow (right.)
Low Chroma
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But he does blend cohesively with Low Chroma, equaling the chroma's scale and becoming whole with his overall look.
Now, we must assess the chroma level of Gillian's skin, Cool Hues on the left and Warm Hues on the right.
High Chroma
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She blends cohesively with High Chroma, her lit-from-within glow coming alive in the white and black (left) and pink (right.)
Low Chroma 
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But she does not blend cohesively with Low Chroma, either contrasting against it quite starkly (muddying her distinct features, left) or warring with it and ultimately appearing more "mousy" (right.)
Makeup: Values and Chromas
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How does one balance or play with their Values and Chroma using hair, makeup, accessories, or other articles of fashion?
Gillian Anderson has High Value: meaning she will look amazing in lighter makeup-- which creates a natural, refreshing, and airy appearance-- preferably in purplish pink, pink, coral, light berry, peach, and nude shades. Because of the natural prominence in her face, darker makeup would muddy the clarity and create disharmony by having "too much" on her face. Of course, she can wear whatever she wants; but knowing this information clarifies why she and her stylists likely keep her makeup minimal.
Gillian also has High Chroma: meaning, she will look amazing in captivating, bold, and energetic looks meant to draw the eyes toward her, preferably in hot pinks, rosy reds, warm reds, and rich reds. Glossy, dewy, pearlescent, shiny, or very reflective finishes draw attention to the vivacity of her appearance; and anything too matte or satin detracts from that energy significantly. Hence, there was a balancing act for her character Dana Scully: even amidst the rage of the matte 90s, GA still had a glossy lip or a sheen to her cheeks in conjunction with her more matte or skin-like foundations.
Combining both, GA can pull off High Chroma makeup if done in more reflective, dewy finishes-- deep red or hot pink lip gloss, for instance. The balancing act she strikes between both aspects will give her an individual, unique "style" all her own.
(Sidenote: Although David Duchovny does not wear makeup, one of his characters did. If you search up Denise Bryson, you'll see the makeup artists gave David a Medium Value makeup look: the lipstick gave a Dark Value punch, and the Light Value cheeks and eyelids provided perfect counterbalance to the overall look.)
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The Seasonal Color system takes all three qualities of undertone-- Hue, Value, and Chroma-- to determine what Seasonal subtype a person is. One will be most dominant, taking the primary position; the second will obviously be secondary; and the least impactful aspect of the three will take up tertiary position (and, therefore, can be set to the side when determining one's subtype.)
Again, I recommend trottin' on over to this post to learn more about primary, secondary, and tertiary qualities; however, if that's not your speed, keep reading.
Testing the Options
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We're going to do something a little different.
Usually this post starts out with David each section. However, Gillian's Season subtype is a bit trickier to figure out than his.
First up: Gillian.
We've discovered she's a Cool Hue, High Value, and High Chroma'd individual... but which of the three is primary, and so on?
There are only six seasons with Cool Hue; and of those six, only half combine with either High Value or High Chroma: Light Summer (High Value primary, Cool Hue secondary); Cool Winter (Cool Hue primary, High Chroma secondary); and Clear Winter (High Chroma primary, Cool Hue secondary.)
Since I'm far from an expert, it's time to fire up the editing app and start (badly) swatching comparison colors!
Light Summer
Summer and Winter, both Cool seasons, are differentiated by their saturation: Summer takes Winter's palettes and mixes it with gray, appearing more muted or "desaturated" compared to its twin.
So: does a "grayed down" palette suit Gillian?
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...Not really, no. It's not bad, and she can probably borrow a few of these colors; but they seem to drag down her High Value (like the Medium Value grays colors did.)
And because neither Cool nor Clear Winter look good with "murky" or muted colors, that's another point in Winter's favor.
Cool or Clear Winter
As you can see, GA is dolled up in Cool Winter colors on the left and Clear Winter colors on the right.
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What's the difference between the two?
Cool Winter is primarily Cool Hue and secondarily High Chroma-- meaning, it is filled with exclusively cool colors.
Clear Winter is primarily High Chroma and secondarily Cool Hue-- meaning, it is filled with primarily high chroma colors with leniency towards warmer colors.
If Gillian is Cool Winter, she will always look out of place in warmer hues; if she is Clear Winter, warmer colors aren't as damaging as hues with Low Chroma.
At a glance, I prefer Clear Winter (on the right.) Put to the test:
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Notice how GA still looks pretty good with the warm, High Chroma red on the left but becomes grayer and more "shadowy" with the cool, Low Chroma blue on the right?
That proves Gillian is primarily High Chroma and secondarily Cool Hue-- able to pull off cool or warm colors as long as the primary feature (Chroma) is kept intact.
Thus, Gillian Anderson is (I think) Clear Winter.
And last but not least: David.
He's a Warm Hue, Low Value, Low Chroma kinda guy... but, again, which of the three is primary, secondary, and tertiary?
There are only six seasons with Warm Hue, and only three that combine with his Low Value and Low Chroma. And all three roads lead to one destination: Autumn-- Soft Autumn, True/Warm Autumn, and Deep Autumn.
Soft Autumn is primarily Low Chroma and secondarily Warm Hue.
True/Warm Autumn is primarily Warm Hue and secondarily Low Chroma.
Deep Autumn is primarily Low Value and secondarily Warm Hue.
But guess what? A surprise jumps out from the woodwork: because David has Medium Value, it cancels out Deep Autumn as a consideration (very handy in these situations.)
So, only two choices left:
Soft or Warm Autumn?
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Can David pull off Warm and Cool Hues as long as they have Low Chroma (Soft Autumn), or can he pull off Low and High Chromas as long as they have Warm Hues (True/Warm Autumn)?
It's time to bring in some "worsts" and see which looks the least jarring.
Observe the disparateness of chromas on his skin: the Cool, Bright Chroma pink shirt (left) is the first thing you notice from a distance, rivalling and overpowering David's skin tone. Compare his pink to Gillian's in the above section and you'll notice the striking difference: that she is equal to the intensity of bright pink, but he is erased by it. Meanwhile, the Cool, Low Chroma blue shirt (right) is not as "separate" nor as glaringly obvious-- in fact, because it borders on Medium Value, DD can almost pull it off better than some others.
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This means that David is primarily Low Chroma and secondarily Warm Hue-- able to pull off warm or cool colors as long as his primary feature (Chroma) is kept intact.
Thus David Duchovny is (I think) a Soft Autumn.
(Sidenote: This is two-folds hilarious because 1. DD never picks "his colors", which proves his sister right; and 2. DD's infamous pumpkin shirt has been axed from his "Best Dressed" list. Ahhhh, don't ever change, Mr. Duchovny.)
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David and Gillian can play around with their colors and values as long as their chromas remain the same (the pic included, for example.) Also, Gillian scoped out her worst colors ("gray" or "murky" tones) and avoids them fairly well while David only ever picks the worst colors for himself and wears them with pride. And would we, the people, have it any other way?
What does this mean in the long run?
Well, I got to sharpen my color analysis skills; hopefully you enjoyed the journey with me; and we have some answers to the infinite number of unanswerable questions in this universe. That's good progress, I'd say.
Thank you for reading~
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griffin-girl-r · 9 months
Be a family
Created: 11.02.2022
Finished: 22.08.2022
Edited: 13.09.2023
Age: 9
Word count: 1,854
Warnings: Getting lost, Strangers
Request: No
Pairing: WinterWidow
Summary: You get lost, but luckily, a kind stranger helps you find your mother.
After being a part of the Avengers for a few years, Natasha decided that she wanted to retire and try to live a normal life for you. She was done with all the fighting and after everything, the retirement had been long overdue for her. She deserved that normal life she wished so much for her and you.
So she did.
That was two years ago and Natasha had lost any contact with the Avengers, besides Clint, so she mainly had no idea of what was going on over there.
Fury had indeed tried several times to make her reconsider her choice and come back to the agency but Natasha didn't even want to hear about it, leaving no other choice for Fury than to give up on the hope of bringing her back to the team.
Today your mom decided to take you to the park.
It was the perfect spring day for a walk in the park. It was warm despite the gentle cold breeze, the sun shining the brightest he had in the last 3 months and everything looked so lively.
You both had so much fun walking and talking and eating ice cream. This day couldn't get any better.
But there was one catch.
And it was that the park was rather a really big one. I mean, it was Central Park in New York, of course it was going to be huge.
It only took one second of distraction and you got separated from your mother and found yourself lost.
You were not so little anymore, but you still got scared when your mom wasn't by your side.
She provided you with the much-needed feeling of safety and love and now that Natasha suddenly disappeared from beside you, you felt very vulnerable.
Anything could happen.
With no idea of what to do you sat down on a side and put your head in your hands about to start crying when all of a sudden a voice startled you.
"Hey, kid. Are you okay?" A soft and deep voice was heard from somewhere near you
You raised your head and found a man in front of you.
His brown hair reached out almost to his shoulders, his sky-blue eyes looked at you with softness. His tall, muscular body was crunched in front of you and his left arm looked funny.
Very funny actually.
And what was even more funny was that a red star was painted on it.
You shook your head "In a second I was next to my mama and in the next one, I couldn't find her." You burst out crying
"So you got lost? Umm... Okay... Look!" The man slightly smiled at you "What if I help you find her? What do you say? She must be so worried right now." He proposed
"Mommy told me to not trust strangers." You sniffed as you remembered what your mom always tells you before going out
"And she's right!" The man raised a finger as if a little light from above had just enlightened him "Here..." He extended his arm "I'm Bucky. What's your name, doll?"
" Y/N." You shook his hand
"See?! We're not strangers anymore." He  excitedly cheered
Bucky had a weird feeling about you.
But in a good way.
There was something in you that made him want to protect you. He looked deep into your bright green eyes, which reminded him of someone he lost a long time ago.
And your red-brown hair looked like it was the perfect mix between his hair color and the one of...
Bucky shook his head.
He can not think about her right now. He needs to stop thinking about her... About them...
They're gone.
You hesitantly agreed to go with him to find your mom.
Not that you had a better option. But something in Bucky made you feel safe.
It's funny.
The safe feeling Bucky was emanating to you felt a lot like the one your mama offered you.
After telling him how your mom looked, he offered to carry you on his shoulders, saying that it would help to see at a longer distance.
Taking his offer, you and Bucky started to look for your mom.
After fifteen minutes of searching, you finally spotted your mom.
It was like you had seen an angel when you caught that glimpse of bright red hair of hers that absolutely fascinated you.
Natasha was desperately looking for you and she was on the verge of crying.
How could she lose you so quickly? Damn it! She was a Russian spy and yet she lost her own daughter in a park?! What kind of mother is she?
"Look. It's my mom." You said and Bucky quickly put you down on the ground
He was still focused on you, until you shouted to catch your mom's attention.
"Mama!" You yelled as you started running to her
Natasha quickly turned on her heels and let out a cry of relief when she saw you.
You jumped in her arms and she hugged you so tightly, happy that you were okay, safe, and in her arms once again.
"Oh, baby. I was so scared. Please, don't do that again." She said as she kissed the side of your head
"I promise." You nodded "Some nice man helped me find you."
You turned around to point at Bucky.
But as soon as Bucky's eyes met Natasha's both adults froze in shock.
The memory of the last time they had seen each other playing in their heads.
*9 years ago*
"Run, my love! Run!" Bucky shouted, hitting one of the guards
"I am not going to leave you." Natasha shouted back, with tears in her eyes
"It's your only chance." He pleaded
Bucky looked at his pregnant girlfriend with sadness in his eyes. But if they wanted their baby to have a normal life, Natasha had to escape this hell hole. He was ready to sacrifice himself for his girlfriend and unborn child.
The love of his life and their baby deserved the world and he was ready to offer his life in exchange for their freedom.
"I promise we will see each other again one day, Natalia. Until then take good care of our baby and protect them like I know you will." Bucky took down another guard
"James..." Natasha cried, not wanting to leave the love of her life and the father of her child, alone
"Please, Natalia..." He breathed out
The couple could see more reinforcements coming.
It was now or never.
"I love you." Natasha said to her boyfriend
"I love you too." Bucky called back "Both of you."
With one last look at her lover, Natasha made her escape towards freedom.
You were born six months after the escape.
"Natalia?" Bucky cried out, not believing his eyes
"James?" Natasha breathed out in disbelief
"I found you." He laughed relieved as a few tears made their way down his cheeks
Natasha sprinted and jumped in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.
He helt her as close to him as he could.
The girl that was his only true love, was back in his arms again.
It was like a dream. And if it was a dream, Bucky hoped he never wake up again.
The woman pulled back and pressed her soft lips against his rough ones in a passionate, but full of emotions, kiss.
You just quietly watched them interact, not knowing why your mom just kissed a stranger.
"Mama?" You asked confused
Bucky gasped at the realization and Natasha smiled at the sound of your voice, pulling away from Bucky.
"Is that..." Bucky choked out, the rest of the sentence getting stuck in his throat
Natasha smiled at Bucky then climbed down of his arms and came next to you
She knelt to your level, taking your face in her hands and stroking your cheeks with her thumbs.
"Baby, remember when I told you that Papa saved Mama from the bad guys, but he couldn't save himself?" She sadly smiled at you, talking to you as if you were 3 once again
You nod your head.
"Well, he came back now." She sat up and turned to face Bucky
You were fast in hiding behind her, wrapping your arms around her waist like you used to do when you were nervous around someone new as a small child.
As on cue, Bucky fell to one knee and dumbfoundedly stared at you.
"He's Papa." Natasha pointed to the soldier "James, meet our daughter." She pushed you to come out from behind her, with tears in her eyes at the anticipation of what was about to happen
Bucky was speechless. He has a daughter. One that is a perfect copy of her mother. A little girl. A baby girl with the woman of his life.
You looked between him and your mom and found both of them crying their hearts out.
Confused and unsure of what you were supposed to do you took a shy step forward and towards Bucky.
When the soldier saw it, his eyes grew wide and his mouth hung open.
Bucky felt like his heart was racing a thousand miles a second, like it was about to jump out of his chest and run away with the speed of light. His mind still trying to process everything.
After years and years of asking himself about Natasha and their child, he finally got an answer.
After daydreaming about what they had together, a boy or a girl, on trying to picture what their baby looks like and how it grows.
Whenever his memories would come back before they wiped him again, Bucky would make false happy memories for himself.
Memories where he was with his loves.
After a little debate with yourself, you took a step closer to Bucky and then another and another, finally running in his open arms.
Your father lifted you in his arms, hugging you and crying, taking in your smell.
"Papa...." You whispered as soon as he put you back down on the ground, a few tears slipping away from your eyes
Bucky looked like a bolt of lightning had struck him at that moment.
"I...Bucky...Daughter...Have...You...Natalia...Baby...Ours?" Bucky mumbled in shock
You laughed at his reaction to you calling him 'papa' and turned your head to look at your mom.
She was silently crying happy tears and she had a big smile on her face seeing the two loves of her life hugging.
You motioned to her to come and join you and she didn't give this chance a second thought.
"My girls..." Bucky whispered, kissing the top of your and your mother's head while holding you both tight against his body
At that moment everything was peaceful and beautiful.
The perfect family reunion anyone could ask for.
You guys finally had the chance to be a family.
The family the three of you always wanted and deserved. The dream was finally a reality.
"Just wait until Steve finds out." Natasha laughed
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Archangel Metatron
Archangel of the white ray of enlightenment
Archangel Metatron’s white ray of enlightenment is the highest ray of all, containing all colours. This clear bright white light brings spiritual evolution and enlightenment and activates our light bodies through our soul star chakras to reach cosmic consciousness.
It clears away all negativity, balances our emotions and brings inner peace, making way for remarkable spiritual growth by raising our energy frequency and intuition.
When we reach this new level of consciousness, we will be able to choose our true life’s desires and live a balanced, healthy life. Archangel Metatron helps us to prioritize, get organized and motivated, so we will use our newly discovered personal spiritual power for the highest good of ourselves and others.
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