#mean bitch and beautiful toddler
marsabillions · 1 month
all of you who headcanon pandora to apparently be like 8 years old mentally are some of the most annoying mfers on this side of the fandom. learn how to write women, weirdo
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girlwitheconverse · 6 months
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Pairing: Keegan x singlemom!reader
Genre: fluff
Story type: one shot
Word count: 2k
TW: unexpected pregnancy
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You take a sip of your iced coffee, well deserved you must say, as you look around the coffee shop finally relaxing after a stressing day.
Then you remember that it’s still 10 in the morning and that your work break ends in ten minutes.
The life of a single mother of a toddler of four isn’t easy by any means but you wouldn’t change it for the world, you love Ellie, your daughter, too much to even think of a life without her. You remember all the emotion you felt the day you discovered you were pregnant: shock, fear, and excitement; in this precise order. Ellie’s father probably stopped at shock, because the day after you told him you were pregnant you received a break-up message and he ghosted you.
He disappeared. Completely. Even moved out of his apartment.
Your parents? Like the religious people they are…They kicked you out of the house because you had a kid outside marriage! How outrageous of you.
“Sorry? Is this seat free?” a deep voice makes you come back with your mind on earth, you look at the man and damn is he handsome. Black hair, blue eyes, athletic…Definitely your type. Before answering you look around: the place is almost empty and there are plenty of free tables. Is he…Does he like me? Is the first explanation that comes to your mind but you can’t be sure of it: maybe he just doesn’t like to sit alone.
You nod with a polite smile “Yes.”
The mysterious handsome man sits in front of you and places his cappuccino on the table. The air between you two is awkward so you decide to say something.
Because standing up and leaving seems mean.
But before you can say anything he speaks, “My name is Keegan.”
You blink a few times, then smile “I’m Y/n”
He’s definitely trying to flirt with me.
“I’m not usually one to flirt like this so forgive me if I'm straightforward but that's just how I am.” He says, leaving you shocked. “But…I think you’re beautiful”
You notice his ears getting red and smile at the cuteness. “Thank you, Keegan.”
When was the last time a man flirted with you? You can’t even remember. Every time you go out you have Ellie glued to the hip and that makes most men run away. You’d be lying if you said you didn't like the attention.
“Would you…like to go on a date with me?” He asks as he looks into your eyes, he is indeed very straightforward.
“I…” You try to buy yourself time by taking the last sip of your coffee, should I say yes? He’s totally my type…But what if he drops me as soon as I tell him I have a daughter? Maybe I should just see how the date goes and then decide how to procede. Yes. Definitely that. “Why not?” you say with a smile.
He smiles too and Oh God, his smile is so pretty you feel like you’ve already fallen in love. He hands you his phone to put your number in it, you do so and then stand up.
“I need to go back to work, it was a pleasure meeting you, Keegan…I’ll wait for your text then.” You smile at him and walk outside the cafe, already calling your best friend.
“Girl, I need you to babysit Ellie someday…I don’t know when but I’m going on a date with this super handsome guy and-” before you can finish talking your best friend screams.
“Going out with a guy? An handsome one? You? Damn I’ll babysit Ellie anytime! You go get that D while me and your daughter have a tea party while we talk shit about Cinderella, never liked that bitch anyway.” You laugh and can’t help but feel grateful for having her as best friend.
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A week later
“Do I look cute?” You ask as you show your best friend your outfit “it’s a picnic date, I wanted to stay on theme”
“You really went for the slutty sundress, uh” she says with a smirk, your eyes shoot wide and you look down at Ellie, hoping she didn't hear the swearword.
“Mommy pretty!” She says as she hugs your legs, you pick her up and kiss her round cheek, chuckling as you need to clean your lipstick off her cheek.
“Mommy loves you.” you say before placing her on the ground, “Mommy is going out with a friend okay? I’ll see you later.”
The doorbell rings and you hold back a scream of excitement before picking your purse and walking outside, making sure that Keegan couldn't see Ellie from the door.
“H-hi.” You stutter as you see his outfit, a white t-shirt and brown pants, he’s holding a picnic basket, nothing spectacular but he looks so handsome. His bicep is so big.
He smiles and you notice him looking at you from head to toe, “Hi…Let’s go, I know you can’t wait to see my secret spot.” He says with a chuckle and you two start walking side by side. You and him have been texting each other for the past week and you discovered that he’s in the military, it now makes sense why he has such perfect physique, you also told him about your job as a banker.
As you walk, you chat about anything and everything, from your favorite books to the most embarrassing moments of your childhood. Keegan is easy to talk to, and his warm laughter puts you at ease. You can't help but wonder what he would be like with Ellie, but you quickly shake off the thought, reminding yourself that it's too early to think about that.
The spots he brings you to is a beautiful park with green grass and flowers, “it’s beautiful!” You say as you look around while he puts a blanket over the grass.
“Next time I’m taking you to the beach.” He says as you both sit down on the blanket.
“I love the beach!” You say excited, it’s been so long since you felt like this…Like a woman and not only a mother. “And I love sushi too…” You say as he takes the food out of the basket.
“Yeah, you already told me that a few times by message.” He says with a chuckle, remembering how you spent more than twenty messages talking about sushi.
“It was my worst craving when I was-” You stop before you can say too much, you still haven't told him about Ellie “When I was sick a few months ago, but the doctor said I couldn't eat any.”
He shakes his head and hands you a pair of chopsticks, “Oh, I almost forgot” he says as he picks from the basket a bottle of white wine and two glasses.
“The wine too?” You say shocked but with a smile on your face.
“Of course.” Keegan puts some wine in a glass and hands it to you, “to this date.”
“Hoping that this will be the first of many.” You add before you take a sip of the wine.
You two spend an hour eating and chatting before you lay down on the blanket with a sigh and a smile “I’m so full!”
“Even for these?” Keegan asks as he takes out of the basket strawberries that have been dipped in chocolate.
“I’m never full for these” you say with a chuckle.
“Say ah…” He says as he picks a strawberry and places it near your mouth, you blush but let him feed you the strawberry.
The sweet taste of chocolate and strawberry floods your mouth, followed by the warmth of Keegan's gaze. You blush profusely, your heart pounding in your chest as he chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You sit up and pick a strawberry, “say ah…” you say as you feed him the strawberry, he laughs but lets you feed him. “ops, you’ve got chocolate here” you say before kissing his lips. He’s frozen at first and you think you’ve gone too far, but then he places his hand on the back of your head and deepens the kiss.
The kiss is a heady, intoxicating rush that seems to consume every part of you, spiraling through you and leaving you breathless, your senses filled to the brim. The world narrows down to just the two of you, and for that moment, nothing else matters. As you reluctantly pull away, still caught in the lingering haze of the kiss, you can't help the bubbling laughter that escapes your lips. Keegan, ever so stoic, stands there looking utterly bemused, that stunned expression on his face worth a thousand words.
"That was... unexpected," he murmurs, his voice a low, husky whisper that sends a thrill running down your spine. There's a hint of a smile playing on his lips, a soft, almost shy admission that echoes your own feelings.
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A month and a half later
You’re panicking as you text to Keegan, cancelling the date (one of the many you two had in the past month and half) last minute because your best friend just told you she has a fever and can’t babysit Ellie. Is also too late to call a a babysitter, so you don’t have any other choice if not to stay at home with Ellie…Ellie, whom you still haven't told anything to Keegan.
I’m getting deployed tomorrow after lunch, we won’t see each other for two month after that…You really can’t come?
I’m sorry but my stomach hurts so much, I just got my period :(
Then I’m coming at your place with some chocolate ice cream and chips
You really don’t have to
Too bad I'm already in my car.
You sigh you look at the text and sit on the couch, damn him and his perfect personality. Maybe it’s the universe telling you to stop hiding the truth from him, to stop ignoring the elephant in the room.
“Mommy look!” Ellie says as she shows you the drawing she just made: some yellow on top of the paper and then blue on the bottom, “It’s sea!” With that you realize that you were holding the drawing upside down.
“Oh my! It’s so pretty! This definitely goes on the fridge” you say as you stand up to put her drawing on the fridge, next to your favorite drawing she made: the one with the two of you.
“Yay! Mommy likes it!” She says as she jumps up and down happily, you pick her up and kiss her cheek.
“Listen, Ellie, mommy’s friend is coming here and you need to be a good girl okay?”
“Auntie?” she immediately thinks of your best friend.
“No, not Auntie, another friend.” As soon as you say those words the doorbell rings.
You place Ellie down and walk towards the door, when you see Keegan standing outside with his hands full of snacks your heart breaks because of all the lies you told him but now is the moment of the truth. Will he run away? Will he get mad? You couldn't really blame him if he did so, not after all the lies.
You smile, “Thank you, really but…I need to tell you something…”
“What’s wrong?” He asks worried, but before you can speak a little voice behind you speaks and a little head pokes out the door.
“Mommy friend came?” Ellie asks as she looks up at Keegan with her big eyes. The man looks at you confused and you give him an awkward smile.
“I think it’s better if you come in.” You say as you let him in, Keegan enters and places the snack on the coffe table in front of the couch in the living room.
You place your hands on Ellie’s shoulder and take a deep breath, “Keegan, this is Ellie…My daughter”
To say that he’s shocked is an understatement, he stutters for the first time since you have started dating him, “w-what?”
“I shouldn’t have hidden this from you and i’m so sorry for my stupid actions I was just…afraid I guess at the thought of losing you.” You admit and Ellie looks up at you with a confused expression, you don’t want her to think that you don’t love her.
“You thought I’d leave you because you have a daughter?” He says even more shocked than before.
“That’s what most men do when I tell them.”
“I am not the type to do something like that, I love you and the fact that you have a daughter? Just makes me love you more” your heart flutters as he drops the l-word and your cheek flush red.
“You love me?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Damn if I do!”
“I love you too…And I was so scared of losing you, I’m so sorry…” You say with a smile, he smiles back and then crunches down to Ellie’s height, smiling at her.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Keegan, mommy’s…friend” Keegan says with a smile as he holds out his hand towards Ellie.
“Hi I’m Ellie” Your daughter says as she puts her small hands in his, shaking it clumsily.
It was such a sweet moment and you were almost tearing up when, “Are you my daddy?” Ellie suddenly says. You choke on your own saliva and Keegan laughs, shaking his head.
“No…Not yet at least” Keegan says as he smiles up at you.
“Watch Mulan with me?” Ellie changes subject immediately, very much toddler like, and pulls Keegan towards the couch. You can’t help but laugh as you look at the two of them playing together, feeling like you just found the missing piece of your puzzle, which is now perfect.
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Ugh, this probably sucks and I’m sorry but I recently got back to writing and I’m trying to stay consistent to it :(
If you liked the story don’t forget to like, reblog and maybe even leave a comment :)
And remember, my inbox is always open for requests! even anonymous ones (emoji anon too!)
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writing-fanics · 7 months
I'm loving your works so faaaar! Especially that one where the reader is charlie's mum and that snippet where the reader leaves heaven to save her daughter😭
So I'm here like: what if the reader was reborn in heaven and meant to be Adam's wife but she refuses and is forced to be in Heaven, and it doesn't matter how many times Adam tries to woo her, she's loyal to Luci.
Then when she sees her daughter is in danger, she chooses to leave Heaven,(Emily sets her free, with the Entity's approval, like the god in that universe) knowing the consequences of her actions.
I imagine after saving her daughter, Adam is furious, a chain forms around her neck and Adam pulls her in roughly.
Charlie screams for her Mum and is like "LET HER GO"
"Remember our deal you-" the reader spits on him.
Got inspired by a Lucifer x Lilith tweet where Lucifer goes bersek when the exorcists want to kill Lilith for treason and Lucifer embraces his demon's side to protect her.
I see the reader embracing her demonic side just for Charlotte.
"Say goodbye to your offspring you whore!"
Adam holds reader by the hair, as the exorcists surround Charlie, spare at her troath.
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The quality is so bad but I didn't want to look like I was stealing this beautiful artwork to this artist in twitter.
"Yes the great noble angel" Adam chants as you say that you'll accept any punishment, even dead if that means sparring your daughter's life
"Your pure heart won't spare your daughter!"
The rest of the members of the hotels tries to catch up with you to no avail.
"Mum!" Charlie screams and as you see blood, her blood, you lose your mind.
You break free from Adam's iron grip, eyes red and shatter his mask.
yes I’m still working on it and will for sure be adding this
mama bear will be coming out and then adam threatens the two toddlers y/n has.. the babies she was pregnant with before she died protecting her people.
and goes sicko mode and goes ham like her demon form isn’t her true demon form she turns into some primordial being and just destroys him
it takes Lucifer to stop her the little ones hiding behind Angel Dust scared. She notices and calms down breathing heavily then she remembers Charlie
She’s okay I healed her
Lucifer glares at Adam as she flew out of the crater, “You’re lucky I stopped her, I should’ve let her finish you off”
“Don’t ever come near me or my family again, and don’t you think about laying a hand on my wife!”
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ugly-pickle · 8 months
Good morning, Pickle.
Please kindly consider this Ayato request: Your spoilt and pampered sister who has always destroyed every marriage prospect you have isn't happy that Ayato chose to marry you instead of her. So, on your wedding day, she has her servants destroy your wedding kimono as a fit of petty jealousy.
Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests.
lovely ☆ ayato
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CHARACTERS: ayato x f!reader
SYNOPSIS: your sister seems to be upset when she finds out that you and ayato are engaged, so she casually ruins your wedding
GENRE: fluff 💿
W/C: 1.4k
C/W: cussing, betrayal, scissors, and physical touch (let me know if ive missed anything!)
A/N: OMG MY FIRST REQUEST AHRGHDSHH im currently working on your other request @sailorstar9 so just hold on tight! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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your sister is your everything, from the moment of her birth, when you held her in your arms you just knew you had to protect her until the sun and the moon collided, no, even after that you have to protect her. you thought all of the compassion youve shown your sister would help her bloom to be an elegant young lady, but has instead grown into a carrion flower.
your sister is certainly a bitch from time to time, but maybe it's because she doesnt have any suitors that truly love her, on the other hand you do. only an imbecile wouldnt want to be your lover, youre charming, funny, loving, intelligent, and beautiful. it could be out of jealousy that your sister had ruined your relationships with men who want your hand in marrige.
one day, you were having a fancy dinner with ayato, his family (plus thoma), you, and your family, when he suddenly got down on one knee and held out a ring with a fat diamond to you. you obviously accepted his proposal, and everyone in the room applauded for the two of you, except your sister.
for the next couple of months of your engagement with ayato, youve noticed that your little sister has become, well, bitter. her state worsens more and more the closer that the date of your wedding day approaches.
the week of your wedding day has finally arrived. the first gift youve received is from ayaka; you open the gift, you laid your eyes on the most beautiful kimono that has ever been made. the embroidery is truly one of a kind, the floral patterns was simply gorgeous, and the hair ornament looks so delicate that even the softest gush of wind could shatter it into pieces.
“oh my— ayaka this is beautiful…” youre at a loss of words, “im glad it’s to your liking,” ayaka responds with a sweet smile gracing her lips. “i will make sure that this kimono will never know what a blemish is,” you tell her solemnly, she giggles, “i wish i could talk to you longer, but im afraid that i have unavoidable duties to attend too,”
you bid ayaka farewell. you close the door behind you, you place the kimono back into its box and store it safely away. oh how you cannot wait to tells your friends and family about this gift, especially your sister.
when she heard about the news of your kimono that descended from celestia she threw an entire fit, one more immature than a toddler’s, but she does have her manners and did it once you had left the estate. her servants were comforting by her and calming her down, until one suggested to, perhaps, ruin the kimono?…
now that this idea has been implemented into your sister’s brain, nothing could lure it out. during the days leading up to your big day your sister has been ordering scissors so sharp that it could leave a scratch on the geo archon’s shield. your sister had selected her most loyal servants fit for the task to to shred your beloved wedding kimono to pieces.
your big wedding day is finally here! your bridesmaids are helping you get ready, they took you to the bath first, leaving your bedroom unattended.
the servants took this opportunity to sneak into your sleeping chambers and rummage through your things, looking for your kimono. after some time, one had found it; calling the others over, they started to get to work.
the embroidery now looks like the handwriting that belongs to a toddler, the floral designs had certainly seen better days, and the ornament is now smashed into pieces. the kimono now looks like the ghost from the ring would wear. your sister’s servants, pleased with their artwork, placed the kimono back into the box and storing it where they first found it.
you hear something scurry away, you open the door to see nothing. you shrug it off, “ladies, would you please bring my kimono? it’s in that box over there,” your bridesmaids nod there head, one of them grabs the box and places it on your bed. you open the box to find your kimono in a strange state.
your eyes widened in horror, you wanted to cry but you were in too much shock to do so. your bridesmaids were just as terrified as you are. the maid of honor instantly sent out two ladies, trying to order another kimono in such short notice. the ceremony is soon, you want someone to comfort you, but not the ladies with you. your sister? not a good idea, ayato? yes. but, hes busy.
you tell everyone to get out of the room, not wanting to shed tears infront of them, "but y/n, the wedding is soon, we cant afford to waste time, especially now." you acknowledge this for a moment, but with no dress you cant have the perfect wedding youve always dreamt of; besides the ladies cant get another kimono in time. "out. i already told you, get out," they cant do anything but put their heads down and listen to you, they exit the room one by one.
after the last one shuts the door, the tears fall down your face, you cant help it, you really cant. who did this? who would be so cruel, so jealous, so petty to do this? not even the tsaritsa would be this evil. the only person you know of who would do this is,
your sister?
how can she be so cruel?… but, jumping to conclusions is never good for anyone, and even if she did do this, it couldve been out of jealously.
oh FUCK THAT SHIT, she just ruined your wedding for archons sake. you look at the clock. oh archons. the ceremony had started, but who cares, even a trash bag looks better than your wedding kimono.
tears are continuously rolling down your face, like a river that will never stop flowing. your sniffles are quiet, but it is the only rolling that can be heard in this room.
ayato is standing there at the alter, waiting for the love of his life, but she never shows up. worry suddenly floods his mind, what if something happened? he excuses himself and rushes to find you.
your sister sees him dashing towards her. have the archons finally answered her prayers? “oh ayato! i knew you would come to your senses sooner or later!” she exclaims. ayato, a bit disgusted, brushes her off and says politely, “i love y/n dearly and im currently searching for her, do you have any idea where she might be?”
one of your bridesmaids is running towards ayato, “over there ayato! quickly!” she shouts and points from across the room, unable to catch her breath. ayato nods, running towards where you are.
he slams the door open, “y/n—“ he cuts himself off when he sees your glossy eyes, tears falling down your face, your sniffles and breath trembling. “oh ayato,” you walk to your not-so-soon-to-be-husband and embrace him. the wet stain on his shoulder slowly growing.
for the first time in a while, ayato is genuinely shocked, hes seeing his lover upset, crying, and he cant do anything about it. “my love, whats wrong? what happened?”
you point to your bed, ayato takes a look and sees why— he and ayaka spent hours searching for a dress thats one of a kind and meant for you. his eyes widen a bit then relax again. he places his hand on the small on your back and rubs it in small circles.
he comforts you by saying, “i am beyond lucky to have you as my bride, even the most expensive jewels cannot be compared to your beauty because you outshine all, so please dont be too upset about this matter. i will find a dress made in celestia just to please my wonderful my darling.” he kisses your temple and pulls say, his face looks a bit more eerie now.
“your sister, right?” ayato asks you. “i think so—” ayato cuts you off, “i’ll cut off that bitches head as soon as possible, dont worry y/n.”
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A/N: this was VERY rushed but i hope you still enjoyed it ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
imagine a plot twist where the sister is in love with you lol (i dont write incest)
TAGLIST: @sailorstar9 @gummy-dummy @hopefulceladon @username-try-3
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optimisticartistic · 3 months
Let's talk about Voices
I'm sure someone's already made a perfect post about Harlan's voice acting ability and the fact that all of his characters are so unique and distinct, that even characters with similar voices can be told apart. It is in fact a plot point that when we do meet a new character with a similar voice to a previous one, that it is a point of in-universe suspicion for Arthur.
This means that, rather than voice, we tell characters apart by cadence: not just what they say but how they say it. What weight their personality brings to their voice.
With that in mind, let's talk about our golden boys: John, the King, and Yellow.
A relatively flat affect: his pitch doesn't tend to have many particularly noteworthy or abrupt highs or lows, unlike Arthur. A good, even narrator.
Emotions come in bursts of extremes; John runs hot and cold, and his emotions tend to remain fairly obvious due to his word choice. While he can harbour grudges, for the sake of progress he will usually let them go.
Word choices tend to be blunt or straight-forward, reflecting the urgency with which he often has to say them. This also leans directly into his very dry sense of humour.
When more “poetic” words do come into play, they're treated with something like reverence, beautiful things he doesn't want to shatter.
SWEARS. This bitch swears like it’s fucking punctuation, Jesus Christ. What the fuck Arthur.
The King
Grandiosity. He knows he's hot shit, he is confident in the fact he is hot shit, and has no self doubt whatsoever about his powers or capacity to ruin your life. All of his words come with an edge of condescension, even during intense emotions.
Eloquence. He talks like he's reciting poetry or Shakespeare, and while his cadence remains relatively even, he's a lot more prone to distinct shifts in pitch to make himself sound more lyrical or important.
Put your tentacles in the air and step away from the thesaurus, sir.
Resentful. The King actively looks down on anything lesser than him, and acts like everyone is. Plus, like- Arthur stole his shit*. This god has a grudge the size of Azathoth and will make it your problem, and this underlines all of his dialogue with Arthur.
*Arthur did not steal his shit, the King is just a petty bitch and a sore loser
Explosive emotions, that he struggles to engage with. When he is upset or angry those emotions linger, and this makes him come across as capricious and immature.
A constant sense of self-doubt in trying to describe things, that comes up as hesitancy and defensiveness.
Grandiosity but like. In the way where he knows he is not, in fact, hot shit, and is desperate to try and prove it to control his situation.
A genuine sense of curiosity. While he and John both share this, John is much less reserved with it, while Yellow has learned to hesitate first.
Also swears! Not as much as John, but Arthur is teaching so many toddler gods to swear it's so fucking funny.
So, with John and the King in mind specifically, here's a pop quiz courtesy of episode 18:
Who does this sound more like?
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
au masterlist
notes: written while extremely tired
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liked by tofff73, lhughes_06, and 245,187 others
i mean— Devils won 5-4 tonight against those island guys!
we got on the board by a goal made by my favorite ginger tea! and even more than he likes scoring, doug-doug likes to lay on the ice and gossip like a schoolgirl 🫶
uncle toffee got his very first goal as a devil tonight and i’m SO PROUD OF HIM! despite the fact that he’s actively in kahoots to steal my man (see: slide 9) (i’ve got my eye on you, toffoli 👁️👁️)
bestie number 2 pushed a man to defend babygirl, tonight— my heart is so filled with love ❤️
MY SMUSH GOT HIS FIRST GOAL OF THE SEASON!! LOOK AT HIM GO! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, I WANNA SMUSH HIS CHEEKS AND KISS HIS FOREHEAD! he, however, did not appreciate my words of encouragement (see: slide 6). little spit-fire, you! don’t ever do that again 🫶
not pictured: timothy got his shit rocked… yet ended up with a roughing penalty?? i’m actively suing the refs FOR him. @tmeier96 i hope you appreciate me
p.s. my heart is filled with hate, and for once, barzy the bald is not enemy #1. Ryan Pulock, however? count your days and say your hail mary’s bitch, cause you hurt my slut
tagged dougieham, tofff73, john.marino97, lhughes_06, and jackhughes
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lhughes_06 you already DID smush my cheeks and kiss my forehead…. in front of the entire team
y/ndevils00 AND I’LL DO IT AGAIN!! C’MERE!
lhughes_06 was that 6th picture taken on a toaster?
y/ndevils00 listen, you brat, the islanders fans don’t like me because i threaten their bald man— i was working with where i was because they wouldn’t let me through, which meant taking an extremely zoomed in picture from across the rink
lhughes_06 maybe if you, idk, stopped threatening their players?!
y/ndevils00 i can’t do that.
user10 y/n and luke are so siblings already 😭
user72 dougie is so me
john.marino97 your heart can’t be filled with love and hate at the same time
y/ndevils00 don’t tell my heart what it can and cannot do?? stop policing my body, asshole
john.marino97 i wasn’t policing your body?! do what you want with your body!
y/ndevils00 thank you, i will!
john.marino97 so what are you gonna do with your body?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes
john.marino97 i expected too much from you
y/ndevils00 what DID you expect?
john.marino97 “spread love”
y/ndevils00 well i mean, i AM spreading love iykwim
john.marino97 delete your social medias
y/ndevils00 i can’t, it’s my job 🤷‍♀️
barzal97 you know i’m not BALD right? it’s just a buzzcut
barzal97 okay, i tried
y/ndevils00 👨🏻‍🦲 <- you
barzal97 @/jackhughes your girl is a little messed up, but i think i like her
jackhughes step off, barzal! that’s MY messed up feral raccoon
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me 🥹
user94 toffoli has kissed jack before nico has kissed jack… nico is fuming
user08 i’m gonna frame the 5th picture and put it on my wall oh my god
jackhughes why the 7th picture?
y/ndevils00 you look like how i imagine a toddler playing soccer… like you just stopped in the middle of the game to chase a butterfly
jackhughes i-
jackhughes i got something off of my visor, BEFORE A FACEOFF
jackhughes i’m sorry, i love you to pluto
y/ndevils00 because….
jackhughes because pluto IS a planet
tofff73 i promise, i’m not trying to take your man
y/ndevils00 well why not?! he’s a catch!
tofff73 i’m a bit confused here
dawson1417 she’s always confusing. you learn to live with it
dougieham i DO like laying on the ice!
y/ndevils00 i can’t blame you! that’s what i do too!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 that’s cause you have no other choice. you can’t skate
tmeier96 i appreciate you, i love you, please do not sue the refs
y/ndevils00 you just said two nice things and then proved them untrue
dawson1417 i’ll do better next game, i promise! i’ll earn a feature!
y/ndevils00 you did great, bestie! don’t listen to ruff-ruff, you deserve top-line, babycakes!
dawson1417 no “do better”?
y/ndevils00 never “do better” for you!
dawson1417 but like 3 weeks ago…
y/ndevils00 i have no recollection— short term memory loss— hi, my names dory!
dawson1417 you’re a special little nutcase
y/ndevils00 thank you 🥰
nicohischier i have a name?
y/ndevils00 yes!
nicohischier so you KNOW i have a name…
y/ndevils00 indeed!
nicohischier so why don’t you USE IT?!
y/ndevils00 okay i think YOU don’t know your name
nicohischier my name isn’t slut
y/ndevils00 that is your given name and you will like it!
nicohischier i don’t wanna like it!
y/ndevils00 tough luck, slut
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mymelodymia · 1 year
Daddys little girl Dad!Tony stark x baby!daughter!reader
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Summary: you are tony starks baby girl <3
Warnings: nothing just fluff 🥰
A/N: my acc hasn't been getting much attention lately. I hope this gets as big as my fics used to be. Also im using the same way you met tony as in toddler years
Being tony starks daughter had lots of benefits, but also lots of bad parts as well. But for now we're focusing on the good parts. Let's start at the beginning.
One day, mid (birth month) the door bell rang. Tony, the famous billionaire playboy, walked out of his garage and turned the corner. Given that the whole wall of the front door was glass, tony saw right through it.
No one was there. Only a small cardboard box, layered with a multi colored blanket. He stepped closer, Jarvis opening the door. He saw a baby looking like it was fresh out the womb.
You, had a envelope in your tiny hands. Tony bent down and took it from your grasp. And along with this note (and angel) came a bag. Which held a single bottle, three diapers, a white onesie, identical to the one you were wearing, and your birth certificate. Only his name was on the paper. You didn't even have an identity yet. Tony opened the letter and read it.
'Dear tony. Shes only 2 weeks old and driving me insane. I dont care what you do with her, whether you put her up for adoption i dont care what you do. But shes yours now, feel free to get a DNA test. Just get her the fuck away from me.'
"What a bitch" tony muttered under his breath, looking down at you, he couldn't help feel the need to take you in. You were his after all.
"Sir, if you do not want the child, we can send it to mr rhodes" Jarvis suggested, tony immediately turning him down "no, no dont do that"
He picked you up, and took your blanket as well, quickly he wrapped you in the small blanket.
He walked over to the couch, staring at you the whole way there.
You began to flutter your eyelids. Tony gasped for no reason at all, his heart began to race slightly. He was about to meet his daughter.
You opened your eyes, and they locked with tonys, you both just stared at each other for a while. Before you, the curious little baby, reached up as high as you could. Your fingers brushing his cheeks.
You cooed, making him smile, which made you smile. You let out a small happy noise. Before tony stood up, and walked toward the front door.
He grabbed the bag and headed upstairs to his bedroom, not taking his eyes off of you.
He sat down on his bed, that was three times his size. And set you down on the mattress. And turned on a movie on the plasma tv mounted to the wall.
After a few minutes, he had noticed you had completely soiled your diaper, he picked you up and put a towel on his dresser, after a few failed attempts, he successfully changed you.
He called happy and pepper, who came as fast as they could given that he called and said "hey so i just found out im a father, i need you to come quick, thanks bye" and hung up.
They both arrived at the same time, and after a small argument over his choice of words on the phone call. Tony sent them out to go get bottles, diapers, formula, etc.
And for the meantime, tony spent some time with you. Your large e/c eyes looking around on awe.
You were beautiful. (Still are) and tony made sure you knew that.
He felt quite stressed given that you did not have a name, and that he had to choose one. He would definitely be one of those guys who picks a name with a meaning.
Eventually, he settled for y/n y/m/n stark. Your first and middle names perfectly fitting in with your last. It had a nice ring to it.
After a moment your eyes began to droop. Tony took note of this and held you to his chest, patting you on the back (be careful tony)
He rocked you to sleep, and once you fell into this slumber, he whipped out his laptop. And after a few hours of online shopping and a couple thousand dollars, everything he needed to take care of you was on its way.
The next few days, most of the packages were there. Including the crib. The past days he had been forced to put you in a laundry basket, that he stuffed had with his pillows. (The first time you fell in love with his scent)
It took both happy and tony to get it through the house. And after multiple arguments, being ended by you crying because they were loud. And pepper taking care of you in the meantime. five hours later the crib was officially in one piece.
Tony also bought a crib that was transparent on the sides so he could keep an eye on you in the living room, but sadly you were too small for that so they decided to save another 7 hours and not put that together now.
Once all of the packages had arrived, tony had happy took all of the packages to tonys bedroom. Then went home.
Tony put your crib right next to his bed, and in a corner he had the changing table, which doubled as a dresser, put in a corner next to a rocking chair for him to lull you to sleep.
He heard you whimper from across the room, he turned to the clock, and it read 10:48 pm.
He walked over to you as you started to cry. He immediately sprung into action and grabbed you, resting you on his chest patting your back.
"You must be hungry, my little y/n" (ahaha. Do you see the connection)
He walked downstairs to feed you. Once he was done with this task, he sat at the rocking chair and sung you a lullaby (or AC/DC in a soft tone 🤷‍♀️)
When you fell asleep, he decided he needed sleep to (for once) though it was quite early for him, he did need to sleep given that he now had you, and thought he needed some extra sleep.
The next morning he was woken up at four in the morning by you screaming your head off. He jumped up (dad instincts already kicking in huh) tripping over his blanket that wrapped around his foot, looked at you. And could smell it before he could get there. Oof.
After he finished changing you, he walked downstairs cradling you in his arms, that engulfed your tiny body. Your head resting in the crook of his arm.
He fed you while sitting at the couch, he thought, might as well stay up. He'll probably just be woken up by you anyways 😆
You fell asleep in his arms not long after. And he swung his head back, closing his eyes. And fell asleep on accident. And a few hours later, he woke up to you once again, screaming your head off.
once your eyes fell upon his, you calmed down immediately. Making a small happy noise. Making him smile.
He had ordered some clothes for you online. And now that the baby carrier thingy was there, he could now bring you into public. He was nervous given that paparazzi follow his every move. But he didn't really care if they saw him with you, you were his.
He went out with just you in his arms, and came back with tons of bags full of clothing.
He then went ahead and put a car seat in place, along with a mirror so he could see you if he was driving. Which he wouldn't be doing for a while.
He had took time off of stark Industries for a few months, so he now worked at home.
After two months of having your presence in tonys home, you were both inseparable. Tony couldn't do anything without you because he was hooked, and you couldn't do anything without him because you were only two months old.
The first time you sat up, he was so proud of you. Same for when you first rolled over, but his favorite achievement you had made so far has got to be when you first giggled 🤭
At seven months you began to crawl. (I know that's kind of early but i started crawling early and i know almost nothing about babies so..)
You had been sitting up, playing with tony when he scooted away from you, you gave him a look and leaned on your hands. You pushed you knees up and started army crawling to tony. Bouncing yourself with your arms.
He gasped and cheered you on. "Come on baby, come to daddy, aaaaahh, you got this sweetheart, come on" when you reached him he scooped you into his arms, smothering you with kisses.
Then his kisses became tickles, he pulled away from you and put his hand on your stomach and began to wiggle them all around.
You started giggling, which fell into deep baby belly laughter when he blew a giant raspberry right above your belly button.
You, only being seven months, couldn't do anything but wait for him to stop. Which he probably won't do anytime soon given that he loves your laughter 🥰
At 11 months old, tony went back to stark Industries. He had made a very large portion of his office dedicated to you.
Toys everywhere, there were a few books, he had that "transparent crib" in there as well. Which doubled as a playpen for you, mainly soft toys like stuffed animals and such were in there.
Many times pepper stopped a meeting mid way through, just to give you to tony. You had been screaming your head off but the second you were in tonys arms you calmed down immediately.
He would continue the meeting with you clung to him. Wrapping your arms around him, your head resting in the crook of his neck.
When you celebrated your first birthday, tony was having very mixed emotions, he loved you, and was so happy to see you made it this far. But he missed the days with his baby, and he wanted them back. He missed feeding you while you rested in the crook of his arm. Or rocking you to sleep while singing to you.
He is definitely the guy who throws magnificent parties that were long and big. But for his baby girls first birthday he only invited Rhody, pepper, and happy.
Watching everyone singing happy birthday and seeing you smothering cake and frosting all over yourself was one of the best times of his life. And he would never forget it.
A/N: i might do another Dad!Tony stark x baby!daughter!reader cause it's so fluffing cute! And here are the few things I forgot while writing this
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover //
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vomitingstars · 7 months
It's a Sleepover Baby! Pt.2
FunShine Jill x Fem!Reader
Contains: cupcakes, guilt, manipulation, bitch you know why you're here, fem reader, sapphic relationship, toxic yuri
Cupcake decoration and gossip time is a blast. Jill crafts her cupcake into a decent Love-A-Lot Bear and with a lot of luck you somehow managed to recreate a Finn cake. Jill coos and awes at your creation despite not knowing what it is. A little too much in fact. You were starting to feel babied or maybe a little patronized in a way. Jill's praises felt excessive sometimes. Like a mom giving an exaggerated "Good Job!"" in exchange for their toddler's unidentifiable scribbles.
Your very tall gal pal breaks you out of the confines of your thoughts and takes a dab of pink icing on her finger then boops you on the nose with it. You cock an eyebrow in her direction, challenging the action with a confused smile and looking for an explanation.
"Gee, sunshine. I didn't realize you were my number one fan~" She jokes with a teasing smirk while looking you up and down with interest. You assume she must be admiring your sleep attire. It's a very nice set. You then realize what she meant as you caught your reflection on the microwave. The pink spot of icing on your nose resembled her face paint.
It was almost as if Jill could read your mind. You looked to see her perk up with an idea. She dipped a yellow glove into more pink icing and continued to paint your face. It was as if she were marking you in a way and you weren't quite sure how to feel about it. Being this close, you felt tempted to stare at her and take in all of her lovely features. Yet, you kept your eyes on everything but your ghostly girlie. She's so pretty it just isn't fair. Everything about her is mesmerizing and it twists your stomach uncomfortably. The sweet scent of icing floods your nostrils as you were hit with inspiration.
Dipping your fingers into a bowl of red icing, you began to write on her face as well. Let's just say your doodles and writings weren't exactly the cutesy doodles Jill had been hoping for. She chuckles lowly.
"You're such a goober. I think it's time we book it to the next activity." Oh no, it feels weird. Has the mood been ruined? She's still smiling but it feels a bit intense. Why did you do that? Why do you feel like this? Jill grabs you by the waist and lifts you up onto the kitchen counter effortlessly. Even with this boost in height, Jill still towers over you. Looking down into your eyes thoughtfully as if calculating her next actions. She's so close. She's always close. Her body was slotted in between your thighs, and they were spread wide to accommodate her. This feels so intimate. So familiar.
"Jill, are you mad at me? I didn't mean to-" Jill leans in close. Your lips almost touching as she interrupts.
"I could never be mad at you. You were just joking around." A flood of relief washes over you. And yet, you found it hard to meet her gaze for a moment.
"Right. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." And you meant it too. You don't know what happened. Maybe you wanted to take Jill down a peg. Maybe you were a bit jealous of her confidence, her beauty, strength. Jill pulls you out of your thoughts with a gentle hand lifting your chin upwards to look at her.
"It's okay Sunspot. I know you didn't mean it. I think you just wanted my attention. And you will always have it. All I want is to make you happy. To make you feel good. You want to feel good right? Don't you think you deserve to?" You weren't quite sure how to answer but you nodded yes. Her voice was soft and so comforting. Feeling the sudden urge to lean into her more, you attempted to suppress it. Jill seemed to notice and smiled sweetly as she carried you off to the couch.
"Truth or dare?" She asks calmly. You answered truth and Jill pauses for a moment. Thinking of her question as she crosses her longer legs to make room for yours. You faced each other in the dim room, lit up with color changing fairy lights.
"Who do you love most?" Jill asks casually as if she didn't ask the most invasive question known to man. She flutters her eyelashes at you expectantly.
"Jill, that's so intense! Especially for the first round." You avoided the question hoping she would move on.
"Do you love me?" Jill asks suddenly as if she had been holding onto that question for ages just dying to let it out. She somehow looked eager and smug all at the same time.
"Love is such an intense emotion. I think maybe I need to choose dare." Her smile only seems to falter for half a second until shifting into something a bit mischievous.
"Alright. Then I dare you to clean me up. And you can only use your tongue!" Is she serious? Her face was still covered in icing and maybe this embarrassing task would be easier than admitting how you feel. Or at least how you think you feel.
You leaned forward and stuck out your tongue for an experimental lick. She lets out a shaky exhale. "I didn't think you'd actually do it. Go on. If you're going to do something, you should do it right." Her large hands pulled your body closer and kept you steady as your tongue explored the surface of her face. Sweet icing coats your tongue and you feel extremely silly. You can't help but burst out into a fit of laughter mid lick, and failing to stifle your giggles when you finish.
Jill suddenly grabs your face and pulls you in roughly to connect your lips together. Your brain short circuits from a slurry of intense emotions. Her mouth is warm and wet and sweet. Her lips are impossibly soft and slick with gloss. Her hand cradles your face gently, keeping you close. You couldn't pull away if you wanted to. Jill remembers you need to breathe and pulls back waiting for your reaction. Pleasantly surprised when you lean back in for more.
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sailor moon season 5 if they had tumblr
🎤 @threelights4eva follow
The three lights have transferred to their new high school today. They will start in 2 days. Rumors say they didn’t even have to take the entrance exams because of their status, soooo understandable with those dreamy boys. 🥹
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🌹 @butyoudidntevendoanything follow
Is it corny to pop the question to Usako with a pink heart ring? She loves this sort of thing- but what if it’s wrong? Man, I’m so nervous. I hate being away from her, but it will make receiving her letters when I’m gone so worth it.
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🪞@beautywithin-nellie follow
this stupid aah bitch is about to lose her stupid beautiful blue eyes soft haired tall stunning man. can’t wait 2 see her vague me LMAOOO
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🌙 @usagitsukinoz follow
Mamo left for his studies in America! I’m soo excited for him to send love letters and post cards !!!!!!!!! He also proposed to me ;) don’t tell too many people girls! I know you’re reading my blog <3
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🎮 @built-differentshingo follow
have you guys seen this 😂 the boys gotta get on the grind
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🌙 @usagitsukinoz follow
Mamo hasn’t replied to any of my letters… he actually hasn’t sent any either. This guy I’ve never heard of who’s insanely popular really wants to go out with me, but I am loyal to Mamo! He’ll answer me soon! I’ll admit that it’s making me really depressed though…..
also can someone tell shingo to stop posting that weird doom scrolling middle schooler boy stuff? He won’t listen to me because I’m his “annoying stupid sister” ._.
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🗯️ @sailor-moon-updates follow
The three lights have been spotted in various areas where Sailor Moon has been fighting off local villains. The famous SEIYA KOU of the three lights seems to particularly fancy her.
Tuxedo Mask has been no where to be seen in several weeks. Did Moon finally call it quits on her comp het?
Read my thread on why Tuxedo Mask really doesn’t add anything to villain battles: 🧵 (1/67)
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🏎️ @tenoh-haruka follow
gotta take care of my kitten while Mamoru is fucking around doing god knows what in America :) I’ve been told by her little brother that I could be a “discord admin” whatever that means 😎
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🏳️‍⚧️ @search-for-your-love
Imagine leaving your GORGEOUS “fiancé” to study and not even bother to write her back. Couldn’t be me.This is soo embarrassing for him. Like: go boy! give us nothing!
She should just go out with me you know? She looks bisexual enough, dunno. Her little sister is really strange by the way. Do toddlers usually only ever say their name??? what the hell does “chibi!” mean I’m trying to rizz up your big sis 😣
Has anyone seen a bright red haired girl by any chance? No reason. Just curious.
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cupidscrule · 9 months
Adam stanheight / reader.
Tw - eating disorder, bathroom trap.
Saw 2004
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"Hey- sweetie- com'on Hun? Please you need help, we can't keep supporting you if you're just killing yourself." Your mother said to you over the phone, god you didn't care, it wasn't hurting them. All you wanted was one thing, to be a beautiful model, find love, to be loved jeez, and we all know the only way to do that is to be skinny. You were 45kg, 5'4. Yeah, most people would say you're horribly underweight, but fuck them and there stupid opinions, they didn't know you. They couldn't get a say in what shit you pulled, doesn't even matter? Who would care?
Whatever that's besides the point, you were underweight. Still starved yourself, didn't care how people felt, hell you could basically fit toddlers clothes, I mean you always wanted to get in kawaii fashion nows the perfect time. Okay okay back to the point,
You always hated yourself, ugly, pig, god those words you heard all your life. You hated yourself, your loving family, left all your friends, you were alone. Well not really, no I mean like not alone. See everything was going fantastic, i was crying on the bathroom floor like every night, when the shower curtain pulled back and a thing wearing a pig mask shoved a needle in your neck, well probably my neck
Was a bit too hazy to fully remember, so that's how we ended up here.
Little ol me, in a black room, ankle chained, smelled like shit, like actual fucking shit. Jesus, where the fuck am I.
Still haven't figured it out yet. "Hello?? Where the fuck am I??" Oh shit there's someone else here?? Too dark to notice, didn't really think to scream, y'know just in case. It was a males voice, sounded about 20-25. The details don't matter "WAIT I FOUND A LIGHT" he shouts before the bathroom lights flicker on. Jesus no wonder it smelled like shit you were actually in a bathroom, I was just joking earlier. The man was a few meters away from me, he was wearing a white shirt, weird blue button up shirt and was undone, and jeans. His ankle was also cuffed? Fuck whats going on, is this some sick prank? He had short brown hair, and looked tired. Guess you had one thing in common?
"Hey- what's your name??" I asked him with an awkward smile, y'know trying not to start CRYING. "MY NAME IS VERY FUCKING CONFUSED WHAT ABOUT YOU?" jeez, wasn't he just a ball of sunshine? "Well do you remember how you got here?" I said after a few seconds, honestly I didn't even care if he was pissed all I wanted to do was get out of here. I looked around, saw fuck all. Well besides a man in the middle of me and mystery man who killed himself. Yeesh hope it didn't get that unbearable. "Nothing. Fucking nothing. I went to bed in my shithole apartment and woke up in an actual shithole??" He says looking over at me. He looked upset, but who wouldn't if they woke up in a bathroom with your ankle cuffed to a poll. "But- what's your name." Mystery man calmly says, wow what a change in emotion. Went from crazy bitch to sweet little charmer
"The less you know about me the better. What about you?" I say rubbing my eyes, before reaching down to my foot trying to break the chain. "Adam." He says after a solid 40 seconds, god finally something useful. "Huh, well nice to meet you Adam, NOW HOW THE FUCK DID WE END UP HERE?" I gotta admit I did sound a bit angry there but fuck if I care? Seems like a life or death scenario either way. Doubt this guy cares about kindness the way he acted before, "well - nice to meet you.. Adam. Now, do you know anything? Like why we're here?" A good minute passed before I said that, I guess I did feel a bit bad. He looked over at me, looking confused but not at me? "No, I really don't but-" he says before cutting himself off "wait he has something in his hand??" Adam continued speaking, pointing at the corpses hand. Yeesh it was a tape player, what a weird thing to hold onto, it also looked like there was a gun? Well I mean kinda expected that, given the head shit wound. "Can you reach it??" I shout to him, before getting on my stomage Trying to reach for it "No- Wait - actually" he says going over to a bathtub, grabbing the drainer. Using it to grab the small player, "smart.." I said putting on a half smirk, he grabs it with his wet hands, he pulls out two tapes, one with Adam written on it, and the other with yours. He inserts the one that has his name on it and presses 'play'
"Rise and shine, Adam. You're probably wondering where you are. I'll tell you where you might be. You might be in the room that you die in. Up until now you simply sat in the shadows watching others live out their lives. But what do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror? Now, I see you as a strange mix of someone angry, yet apathetic. But mostly just pathetic. So are you going to watch yourself die today, Adam, or do something about it?" Wow, that's fucking harsh. Poor guy honestly? "Hey toss me the one with my name on it-" I say to him holding out my hands, he throws it with the tape.
" Y/n , this is your wake-up call. Every day of you've starved yourself to look hotter, you have people worried that today might be your last day alive. Now, it's your job to end someone other then yourself,  Your aim in this game is to kill Adam. You have until six on the clock to do it. There's a man in the room with you. When there's that much poison in your blood, the only thing left to do...is shoot yourself. There are ways to win this hidden all around you. Just remember, X marks the spot for the treasure. If you do not kill Adam by six, then Cathy and Paul will die, Y/n ... and I'll leave you in this room to rot. Let the game begin. Follow your heart."
"Follow your heart -?" I say under my breath, looking over to Adam who is just staring "listen.. girl- we don't have to do what it says. Okay? We can figure this out and both live-?" He says oddly calm, "it said follow your heart- and there's ways to win everywhere?" You say looking around, "you said heart?" He says looking over at you "yeah?" I reply just kinda staring, what the fuck is he doing.
He stretches over towards a toilet bowl which has a heart smudged on it, sticking his hand in the toilet "Adam- no- ew-" you say gagging looking away from him. "Fuck nothing.." he says before opening the top of the shitter,  grabbing a black bag with various things in it, "The fuck is that?" I said to him looking back at him, a big ass trash bag which he dumped on the ground as two saws fall out of it, and a little case, with unknown things in it.
Adam immediately goes to cut off the chain, unfortunately the saw flimsily breaks In half. "What the fuck??" He shouts tossing it away, "they aren't meant to cut metal. They're meant to cut off our-" I say staring at the little saw, eyes wide, who the fuck would come up with this sick game? This is torture, hell on earth. What did I do to deserve this?
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idiot-mushroom · 4 months
You want the type of peace where people don’t have to suffer or die for unrighteousness things
Or like the drama of someone wicked being brought down to size
i mean yeah i think? like wars are disgusting and are for world leader that don’t know how to do there job and act like toddlers. if you’re a world leader and can’t come to a civil and distinguished decision with another world leader, and someone needs to die for your inability of a good conclusion? then you’re bad at your job and should never be allowed to be so high ranked. i think unruly and unjust murder and torture is disturbing and disrespectful and should have the highest consequences in any right. don’t even talk to me about rape and shit like that, that is the highest offense, how can you look at someone, another human person, a being with a soul and heart, someone’s baby, someone’s lover, someone’s wife, husband, niece, nephew, child, spouse, and just disgrace and defile them?
what i want though? more petty bitch fights. i hate when it gets boring. humans are made to bruise, be passionate, to bicker. i am certainly not one to get rid of such a beautiful thing. i live to hearing rumors and stories curled and twisted and broken. my school doesn’t get many fights, more just the rumors and verbal affairs, but the real juicy stuff?? that rlly makes me feel alive. don’t get me wrong, i’m a hypocrite that won’t sully my own hands, but i would love for someone to fight at my school, hair ripping, bloody noses, abrasions, and black eyes. i’m all for it.
but i draw the line at death, at lacerations, sexual threats or pointing out people’s skin tone or ethnicity or religion, sexuality, gender, sex, just to win an argument. i have standards.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Truth or Dare/ 1
Pairing- Minhyuk x Named Reader
Word count- 4k
Includes- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @itsshaydeekaydee @seokwoosmole @wisejudgedragonhairdo @seonghwasstar @kpop-bambi @meowmeowminnie
Tag List- Voyeurism, oral, clit sucking, pussy eating, cum eating, riding, sex from behind, squirting, multiple orgasms, tiny speck of fluff, This man BIAS WRECKED me so hard in Beautiful Lie and this fic just came to my mind.
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝Monsta X Masterlist
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Minhyuk POV
"Fuck yes", Jooheon moans as Ara sucks on his dick
I just roll my eyes, waiting for this shit to be over
"She's going hard", my best friend snickers, "Wonder how long she wanted to suck Joo's dick"
"A long time apparently"
"Is this supposed to be turning us on?"
"Apparently", I answer
"Are you turned on?"
"No", I say, not turned on in the slightest, "Are you?"
She snorts, "Not from dick sucking"
I get turned on by watching dick sucking porns
But not when I don't like the girl or I'm not attracted to her
And I do not like Ara nor do I think she's pretty
She's a bitch
Changkyun's friend
Makes me question his taste in friends
"You invited me over for this?", she asks, from her spot next to me on the couch
I sigh, "To hang out. Each one of us was gonna bring a friend"
"To fuck", she interjects
"No. Not that I was aware of"
The guys wanted to have like a mini party after before our comeback
We agreed to invite one friend as to not make the party huge
Of course I brought Joanne, my best friend since I was a toddler
She's obviously a girl
It just so happens the other guys brought girls too
Maybe they expected to fuck but I didn't
One of the girls, Eun, Hyungwon's friend, suggested playing truth or dare and we all begrudgingly agreed
At first it was tame
Asking questions, doing stupid dares
Then it went to kissing
Joanne kissed Hyungwon, I kissed Kihyun's friend Mina
Everyone got a kiss
Then it went to touching through clothes of which Changkyun groped Joanne's boobs and she grabbed Jooheon's dick
I didn't get a chance to do anything as Jooheon's friend Aera dared Ara to suck Jooheon's dick until he cums
It went from zero to a hundred real quick with Ara immediately on her knees
Before it happened, we all agreed not to breathe a word of this game or whatever happens
That'd be bad if our fans found out any of this happened
Of course Ara agreed as did the rest of us, then Ara pulled Jooheon's clothes down and she's been sucking him for the last eight minutes with the rest of us watching or not
The rest of them are watching but since I don't like Ara I don't care to watch
"He needs to hurry up", Joanne whispers making me laugh
It goes on for two more minutes then Jooheon cums down her throat with Ara swallowing hard
"Ok who's next?", Eun asks
"Changkyun needs to answer truth or dare", Hyungwon answers
Apparently he's keeping track
"Ok. Truth or Dare Changkyun", Eun asks
"Dare", he says
"I dare you to fuck Mina", Eun smirks
"Oh god", Joanne sighs
"Yeah really. Is everyone gonna fuck now?", I say
"Yes", Eun snaps, glaring at me
"Great", I mutter
Apparently I'm surrounded by horny idiots
I mean I'm an horny idiot too, just not at the moment
"What's your answer Changkyun?", Eun ask, looking back at Changkyun
"I'm game if she is"
"I totally am", Mina says getting up
She gets over to Changkyun, sitting in his lap
She leans to him, her mouth against his
His hands move under her skirt, pulling her underwear down
They maneuver around and Mina ends up on her back on the floor, Changkyun over her, fucking her
She moans while he groans, the sound of their skin slapping hard
We however, can't see anything as all their clothes are as still on
Her skirt is blocking the view, his bottom clothes down to his thighs
So something that might possibly have turned me on isn't
"Can you see anything good?", Joanne asks, leaning over me, looking at them
"Fuck, me neither. This is so boring", she murmurs to me
I agree
When they finish, they separate, going back to their spots
Hopefully that was more satisfying for them than for the rest of us
"Minhyuk", Mina calls
I look over at her, my eyebrow raised, "Yeah?"
"Truth or Dare?"
Oh what the fuck?
"Say dare", Joanne whispers
"What?", I whisper back, turning my head to her
"Say dare. Get some action", she says wiggling her eyebrows
"What?", I repeat
"You can get some action with either Eun or Aera. Say dare"
I roll my eyes but say, "Dare"
Eun is pretty but Aera is beautiful
I wouldn't mind fucking her
"I dare you to suck on Jo's clit until she cums in her underwear"
"What?", Joanne and I shriek at the same time as the guys snicker
"No", she says as I shake my head, "Absolutely not"
"Why not?", Mina asks
"She's my best friend! We do not-"
"Do things like that!", she finishes while I nod
"There is no feelings like that between us"
"Bullshit", Ara says, "You guys have had to think about it before"
"Guys and girls can't just be best friends. At some point, they fuck", Ara says like she's dropping some pearl of wisdom
"Are you stupid?", Joanne asks for me, "Of course guys and girls can be friends without wanting to fuck each other! What if I'm gay? There'd be no way I'd want to fuck Minhyuk if I liked girls"
"Do you?", Eun asks
"No but that's not the point!", Joanne exclaims, "Even straight guys and girls can be just friends"
She's right
I've never thought about her like that before
She's always been my best friend, the one I went to for help, advice, to have fun with
Non-sexual fun
I talked to her about girls and she tells me what to do so I don't act like a complete moron
It'd be way too weird to do anything with her
"No they can't. And it doesn't matter anyway. You were dared and you have to do the dare"
"No", I repeat
"Yes", Eun snaps again
I look at Hyungwon, "Some help here?"
Hyungwon shakes his head, "You chose dare. Do the dare"
I look at the other guys and one by one they all shrug
Fucking great help they are
"Just do it", Ara pushes
"We're all doing things we wouldn't normally do", Aera adds
"Don't be such a boring prude", Mina rolls her eyes
"Oh my god fine!", Joanne yells and I turn to her in complete shock
"Fine?", I ask, "Fine?"
She looks over at me, "If you want to then fine. It's up to you"
"Do it", Ara persuades
"Yeah do it", Eun echoes
"Just fucking do it man", Changkyun says
"Fine", I yell, giving in
"Good. Do it", Eun snaps
"Shove her against the wall and get on your knees", Mina says, excitedly
God they are so fucking cliche
"C'mon Hyuk", Joanne says getting up, "Let's get this over with"
We both stand up and she goes to lean against the wall
Thank god
I don't know how I would have shoved her against the wall so I'm glad she decide to help me out
And I like the fact that the rest of them aren't getting the satisfaction of seeing that
Still, I get in front of her and kneel down
I'm a little- ok- a lot nervous
This is Joanne and I'm worried so much more about my skills than I should be
But I care about what she thinks
I move my hands to her pants, hooking my fingers in her pants and panties waistbands
It hits me that I'm going to be seeing my best friend's pussy in less than a second
And that I'm putting my mouth on her
This is so surreal
Pulling everything down slowly, I jump when one of the girls yells at me to stop
"Just her clit. You have to make her cum in her panties remember"
Pulling her clothes down, I stop as soon as her clit is exposed
I stare at it in disbelief at how...cute it is....small
It's then I notice her breathing has become rapid and I look up at her to find her already looking down at me
My eyes meet hers and she nods
Moving my gaze back to her clit, I move closer, sticking my tongue out and softly licking her to get her wet
It feels soft and I lick it again and again, feeling her bump start to pulse softly
I like that a lot
After a few licks, I wrap my lips around her clit and suck once
And it's like once I do, I can't stop
Sucking faster, I move my hands around her, squeezing her ass, pulling her closer to me
"Fff..fuck", she whimpers, my eyes shooting up to her
She's biting her lip, watching me, pleasure on her face
I don't stop, feeling her clit throb against my lips, each pulse sending pleasure straight to my hardening cock
I can't believe this is turning me on
I can't believe I'm actually doing this
I can't believe I'm liking this
Switching things up, I lick her clit a few times before attaching my mouth back to her bump, slurping on her desperately
I want her to cum
I want to be the reason why she cums
She lets out a soft moan and that sound is so fucking pretty, turning me on more and fueling me to go harder
"Oh my god", she whimpers, her hand moving into my hair, holding on tightly
I move my eyes up, watching her, wanting to see her cum
I keep playing with her bump, her hand tightening in my hair, her breathing labored, eyes closed as she presses her head against the wall
"Hyukie....fuck...Hyukie", she moans
Oh fuck, I didn't know I'd love hearing my name in her voice
Her body shakes, her legs buckling, her moans louder as she cums
She's so fucking beautiful, I can't believe it
I suck her through her orgasm, only letting go of her when I'm sure she finished
"That was hot", Mina yells
Joanne's eyes open and she looks down at me, in surprise
I'm surprised too
Surprised I actually loved doing it
Surprised that I don't want to get up
I want more of her
"I want to taste you", I say softly, "Can I?"
I need to taste her
I can't just make her cum with my mouth and not see what she tastes like
She nods right away, "Yes"
Immediately, I pull her pants and panties all the way down, taking them completely off
"Hey that wasn't part of the dare!", one of the girls say but I ignore them
"Shut up and watch", another snaps
Moving one of her legs over my shoulder, I bury my face in her pussy, my tongue licking up her cum
As soon as it hits my tongue, I moan at how surprisingly fucking amazing she tastes
So fucking good and I love how her cream feels sliding down my throat
Licking faster, I grip her hips hard, her pussy getting so wet, all of it all over my face
I can't stop, I want more of her cream
"Minhyuk!", she yells, one hand still in my hair, the other gripping my wrist hard
Sliding my tongue down, I plunge into her hole, wiggling in as far as I can, listening to her scream of pleasure
Her pussy clenches around my tongue and I moan into her
Pulling my tongue out, I dive back in, fucking her with my tongue
"Fuck, fuck, fuck", she moan, her body shivering
Sliding out of her hole, I lick up to her clit, flicking the throbbing bump with the tip of my tongue
"Oh fuck", she cries, her hips snapping, shoving her pussy into my face more
"Mm baby", I murmur, moving my tongue faster into her clenching hole
She keeps moving her cunt against my mouth, fucking my face and I had no clue that I'd fucking love this
I move my tongue faster, wanting her to cum right now
"Please, baby, cum in my mouth", I whine
"Holy shit", Jooheon gasps
Moving back inside her, she calls my name, her cunt tightening on my tongue
I moan when I taste her cum, swallowing it greedily and dipping back in for more
"Minhyuk, fuck. Oh fuck"
"Jesus Christ he's going at it hard", Kihyun says
"She's so fucking lucky", one of the girls says
No, I'm lucky
I get to taste her and swallow her delicious cream
When she finishes, I lick her a few times to make sure I got everything
Only then do I stand up, leaning towards her
She's leaning against the wall, breathing hard, her eyes opening and looking right at me
For some reason I fall into her eyes and I can't look away
"I dare you to ride him until you cum!", Eun yells at her
Desire comes back into her eyes, desire for me and fuck do I like seeing that
She pushes me back and I walk until the back of my legs hit the couch
She shoves me down, raising her eyebrow
"Yes", I agree
I'm so fucking horny and fuck, I want her
This is the first time I'm ever feeling like this towards her
And I'm going with it
Her hands move down to my sweatpants, pulling them and my boxers down, my cock rock hard, sticking straight up
"Holy shit Minhyuk! You're packing that thing?", Aera gapes
"Jesus it's so fucking big!", Eun says
"Thick too. God Jo's gonna have so much fun", Mina breathes
I hear them but I'm not taking my gaze off of her
The surprise in her eyes, the want in them, the way her hand slowly slides up my thigh, wrapping around my length
She pumps my dick a few times and I moan from how good it feels
"Get on my cock now", I growl, craving to be inside her
I don't know where this feeling is coming from but I can't wait to be inside her
"Ccc..condom?", she asks
I shake my head
No, I want to feel her
Feel everything
"I don't have anything", I tell her
"Me neither", she answers
"So sit on my dick", I tell her
She nods, climbing on my lap
I feel her cunt dripping juice all over me as she hovers over me, moving my length to her hole
She starts taking me right away, sinking down on my cock, her tight cunt stretching around me
"Oh my god", I cry as she slides down, circling her hips to make a little room
It's such a tight fit, her cunt barely opening for me before she's sucking me in and clamping around me
"Hyukie, oh fuck, fuck", she gasps as she bottoms me out, sitting right against my skin
My hands grip her hips, fingers digging into her skin as I feel her pulse around my cock rapidly
Fucking amazing
How does she feel this good?
This tight?
And this wet?
So wet and it's all over me
"Fuck him!", Mina yells impatiently
"Hhh...hold on!", she snaps, grinding against me
My head slips along a spot inside her that has her moaning and shaking on top of me
"Right there baby", I murmur, moving her hips on my cock to make her grind faster as I lift my hips up, making sure I'm buried inside her as far as I can be
"Yes, yes", she whines
She's so fucking pretty, gripping my wrist hard, her other hand leaning back on my leg
"Mm baby. This pussy feels so good. So goddamn tight for me"
"Yes Hyukie", she breathes, changing her movements to rock on me
Her cunt is going crazy, tightening over and over, her breathing getting faster with every move
"Wanna cum on my cock baby?"
"Yes", she whimpers, her head tilted back, eyes closed, mouth slightly open
"Ok jagi. Gonna make you cum on my dick", I murmur, moving her as fast as I can
"Oh god, Minhyuk, oh fuck", she cries
An incredible pleasure slams into me as she cums, flooding my cock in her spasming pussy
"Holy shit", I groan, feeling her orgasm and watching her at the same time
She's fucking gorgeous
"Holy crap she fucking stunning", I hear Changkyun says
"Look at how she cums on him. She's in so much pleasure", Mina adds
"That cock has to be fucking amazing", Ara says
When she finishes, her eyes open and she looks down at me in amazement
"Felt good?", I ask
She just nods
"Wanna ride me now?"
She nods excitedly, leaning on my stomach
She starts bouncing and I moan from the feeling of her cunt splitting open on my cock over and over
As soon as I'm back inside her, her cunt tightens on me so fucking pleasurably
"My god, look how much she's creaming his cock", Jooheon gasps
"That has to be the creamiest pussy I've ever seen", Kihyun murmurs
Moving my eyes down, I bite my lip
They're right, her cunt is creaming me so perfectly
Every time she slides up, she leaves my cock completely coated in white cream- It's all over my cock, all over my lap, most of it sliding down to my cock base, leaving a thick creamy ring around it
Kihyun is right, she has the creamiest pussy I've ever seen
And I get to be in it
Honestly the sight is just turning me on more
She hops up and down my cock, taking me all in every move, the bliss fucking intense
"She looks like a bunny, jumping on his dick like that", Changkyun mutters
"I wouldn't mind her jumping on my dick like that", Jooheon says
She's not jumping on anyone's dick but mine
"You're mine", I say softly
Her eyes move to me and she nods, "Yours"
This possessiveness is coming from no where but I don't want her to be with any of the guys
I shouldn't feel this way, shouldn't care who she fucks but I do
She rides me harder, slamming her pussy down my cock, my head smashing her spot and making her scream in pleasure
"Fuck your spot baby. Make yourself cum on my cock"
I thrust up when she comes down, meeting her and plunging so deeply into her
"Hyukie! Don't stop!", she shouts, bouncing so fucking hard
I'm so hot, sweat covering every inch on my body, making my shirt stick to my skin, drenching my hair, plastered to my forehead
But I'm not stopping
Not until she cums
"Cum on my cock now!", I demand, wanting that pleasure this instant
"Minhyuk! Oh oh fuck, yes! Yes oh god yes!", she screams, releasing all over me, her body shaking
"Ffff...fff", I trail off, her orgasming cunt feeling so good
So fucking tight
"Minhyuk don't cum!", one of the girls yells
"Wha?", I breathe
"Fuck her from behind!", Mina yells
Then all of them start yelling out demands
"Fuck her on the floor!"
"Make her squirt!"
"Wreck her pussy"
"Then cum inside her!"
"Fill that pussy!"
"Fuck me Hyukie", she murmurs, "Want your cum inside my pussy"
I groan, sitting up, pulling her against me
Holding her, I move off the couch to the floor, laying her on it
"Oh god he's gonna do it!", one of the girls squeals
I forget that the guys and their friends are watching us
That's how into her I am
Grabbing her shoulder, I flip her over, pulling her ass up, getting my dick inside her in seconds
"Fuck", she cries, moving onto her hands and knees
"Spread your legs", I tell her
She does and I get a fucking full on graphic view of my cock buried in her cunt
Pull back, my cock is dripping with her cream
So pretty
Shoving my cock back in, I fuck into her hard, mesmerized by the sight of us
Her swollen lips are wrapped so prettily around my length, her little hole straining around my cock when she takes me in
There's cream around her hole and inside feels fucking amazing
Wrapping my arm around her waist, I hold her in place as I mercilessly fuck my cock into her tight pussy
She yells for more, yells my name, begging me to fuck her harder
I oblige, pounding my cock deep inside, wrecking her spot over and over
Her cunt is pulsing so fucking beautifully, so intensely
It all feels too good and I'm gonna cum real soon
"You have to cum", I tell her, "I...I can't hold it much more"
She whines and I snap my hips faster, the sound of our skin hitting each other's so fucking loudly
"I said cum now!", I demand, hitting her spot
"Minhyuk!", she screams, my entire pelvis getting soaked
I watch in amazement as she squirts all over me and the floor, her cunt choking my cock
I just keep fucking into her, making her squirt fly everywhere
"She's squirting!", Eun yells
"Holy fuck he did it!", Hyungwon gapes
"It's so much. All over the floor. Shit", Changkyun adds in awe
Her pussy looks so fucking pretty gushing around my cock
And I can't hold it back
"Fuck! Joanne!", I yell, slamming back inside as complete ecstacy blinds me, my cum shooting in her pussy, "Fuck! Oh god fuck!"
"Holy shit!", someone yells
"Milk his cock!", a girl yells
"Is she milking your cock?", one of the guys asks
I nod
Oh fuck is she
Sucking on my cock, pulling every drop of cum from me
And I'm gladly giving it to her
When it's over and I've come back to my senses, I pull out
She starts to fall forward but I pull her back, holding her up as my arm is still around her
"Oh my fucking God!", Ara yells
"That was better than porn", Jooheon comments
As they talk, I pick her up and get us back on the couch
She moves onto my lap, laying her head on my shoulder, her face in my neck
I hold her tightly, softly playing with her hair
"I wanna fuck him", Ara exclaims
"No me first!", Eun yells
"Hey what about us?", Kihyun asks
"I want Minhyuk!", Mina says, "That cock looks amazing"
"Yeah well I want her", Hyungwon declares
They continue to argue over the both of us while I hold her, both of us catching our breathes
"You're mine", she says softly, "They can't have you"
"I don't want them", I answer, "And you're mine. You said you were. The guys can't have you"
She nods, "Good"
"Yeah", I agree
The arguments get louder but I'm completely tuning them out
I'm fucking tired
Being with her was intense and my orgasm took a lot out of me
I know she's sleepy
If one orgasm is taking me out, then the many she had has to exhaust her
"You wanna go to sleep? In my room?", I ask softly, "With me?"
She nods, "Yeah"
Getting her in my arms, I stand up, carrying her as I move around the guys and girls, heading out of the living room
"Where are you going?", Ara asks
"We're going to bed", I announce
"What? No fair! I wanna fuck you!", Ara exclaims
"Me too!", Mina agrees
"Yeah well we want a chance with her", Jooheon says
"No", I immediately respond, shutting that down right away, "She's mine. I'm hers. You can't have her or me. That's not how it works"
"But...", Aera starts
"No", I say sharply, "If you wanted to fuck me then you should of dared me to fuck one of you, not her. You didn't. Not my problem. Not her problem"
"Seriously?", Changkyun scoffs
"Seriously", I answer, "Now bye"
I turn away from them, ignoring their calls and get to my room
Closing and locking the door, I placed her in my bed, her eyes opening sleepily
"You're staying with me right?"
I nod, shutting off the light and getting into bed next to her, "Yeah"
She rolls over to me, snuggling into my body, her legs tangling with mine, her head on my shoulder, her arm around me
I'm surprised but I wrap my arms around her, holding her close
"Night Hyukie"
"Night Jo"
She falls asleep fairly quickly, soft snores coming from her
Guess she was really tired
Me on the other hand, I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep and trying to ignore the fact that she fits so perfectly in my arms
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pakhnokh · 1 year
The folks coming at you over SessRin need to knock it off. It squicks me personally but, unless otherwise canonically stated, Rin was of the legal age in most places when they got together, AFTER Naraku was killed Rin was raised by Kaede, making Sess a benefactor not a parent, and IT'S A FICTIONAL STORY SET IN FUCK OFF ANCIENT JAPAN.
GODS, they need to go touch some grass and fight ACTUAL pedophilia in the real fucking world instead of bitching about gdamn cartoons.
Let Pak vibe peacefully with the ship and go pick up your tinker toys.
Agree so much lol
SessRin is such an old ship, I remember back in 2006 I stumbled on it as a 13 year old (my otp was actually Miroku and Sango) and it really seemed as a beautiful relationship possibility to me. I always imagined her to be of legal age lol, somewhere around 20 even.
But years later when Yashahime aired and it was made cleared that SessRin is canon, as an older person I had doubts cause it was really weird, I mean, how can a man be in love with someone he constantly saw grow up from a child to a woman?
And then I realized that I forgot he left her to be raised by humans as a child, so of course he rarely saw her so that made sense.
And tbh I was so shocked the compared it to danmei, MDZS especially. Cause first, like I said, shizun-student relationships are such a huge core of danmei???? And second, did they not read the extra where LWJ dreamed of f****ing WWX when they were 15, or WWX telling to himself that he should've done this with LWJ at 15??? So is in Inuyasha, they are all teens. I think Miroku and Sango got to business right after they defeated Naraku, cause their two older girls already are toddlers before Kagome and Inuyasha figured their relationship out got together, meaning Sango was about 16/17.
Like why is it so hard to understand that history, culture and goddamn fiction play a role in all of that? 🤣 if they ever go on Ao3 they won't last 🤣🤣🤣
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Baby Boy (Derogatory) | Eddie Munson x Reader HCs
Plot:  jason carver is a little shit, but you're something worse- a condescending bitch [Eddie Munson x GN!Reader]
Word count:  763
Warnings:  none
A/N: it's always been funny to me that jason was so antagonistic to someone who was like, at least two years older than him. it's very, "who's this sassy toddler?" to me. i know he's an actual threat in canon, but also,,,, haha, he's 12. anyway, if anyone has a better name for these hcs, lmk
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Jason Carver is a fuckin dick
Calls people freaks, leads mobs against innocent men, threatens to break people’s fingers
Thing is, compared to steve and eddie
He’s like
Six years old?
Now, it’s not like eddie can do anything with this, he’s still trapped by the confines of high school 
If he fights back on any level, it'll be worse for him
And Steve, well
Steve loses every fight he gets into (if he’s not trying to kill)
And even if he tried to go all mean girl on jason, he would make a fatal mistake-
He would treat jason like a peer
Not like a friend, but like a person his age
You, however?
You are two things
1) aware that jason carver is Little
2) Fed Up With His Shit
And, y'know, bonus third thing
So, one day, when he decides to provoke eddie while you’re picking the kids up from hellfire
You just kinda 
You wander up beside your metalhead 
Completely ignoring the little jock man
And you go 
“Hi :D”
Wrapping an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and giving him a pat on the chest
A silent
“Dw bby, i got this”
Jason is not impressed
He clears his throat and glares at you when you finally turn to face him
And he gives you his most privileged 
“Do you mind?  We were in the middle of something.”
You don’t answer just yet
You look the little shit up and down 
Not so subtly judging him
You squint at his face a little, too, as if you can’t figure out who the fuck he is
And then you go
“Hey, you’re that little jock kid, from the baseball team!”
And you have another big smile on your face
Though this one is completely fake, unlike the one you gave eddie
Jason doesn’t seem to give a shit about your falsified cheshire grin
He just huffs out a, “It’s the basketball team, actually.”
And crosses his arms
You nod, pretending to care
And you go
“Oh, I’m so sorry young man,” in the tone one would use to address a grumpy fourth grader
His face goes red
But before he can even begin to retaliate, you check your watch
And you go
“Oh no, it’s getting late.  Do you need a ride home, kiddo?”
And you give jason just
This death stare 
Fake smile, wide eyes
And it’s just this beautiful mixture of piss-your-pants levels of terrifying, mythic bitch, and condescending Karen
Eddie sees it and falls even more in love, jason falls into hate
He can barely stutter out a, “I-I’m fine,” in the face of your face
Once he does your smile widens 
You give him a little, “Aww, you can drive all by yourself?”
And you do that thing where you pat his face in a way that’s just, just short of a slap
Which you follow up with an even more bitchy, “Aw, Jayden!  I’m so proud of you!”
Then you back off before he can respond, pulling eddie with you
You can hear jason yell out, trying to correct you on his name, but you
Don’t care
You’re too busy trying to hide your massive- and now genuine- smile
You and eddie manage to get yourselves into your car before you lose it
The kids are sitting in the back, very confused, and very annoyed that you aren’t driving yet
But hey, tough tiddies, they’re notorious for making you wait for them to finish hellfire
They can wait five minutes while you and eddie cackle over jason’s pissed off face
Jason stops stomping around his car and drives off
Eddie gets into his van, and you drive the kids home
And later that night
When you stop by Eddie’s trailer 
You’re standing in his doorway for all of two seconds before he’s got you against the wall with his lips on yours
You giggle a bit
And you ask
“What’s this for?”
He responds, breathlessly 
“You’re amazing, you know that?  Amazing.”
You laugh now, fully
And you say, “I don’t know why you even bother to humor that kid.  He’s like, six years old, just push him, or something.”
The smile he gives you is perfect, you just wanna lick him or something, but he’s talking, so you let him speak:
“Yeahhh, if I do that Higgins will have my head, so…”
“Man, we can’t let her do that- you have so many nice features there!”
You proceed to prove your point by kissing him on those nice features
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fractallogic · 3 months
Also I’m realizing that I need to step carefully about outdoorsy topics (and that REI is slightly triggering)
So imagine: friend goes “we should hike clear lake next weekend!!” and I’m googling and just awed by the pics I’m seeing, and it’s a five mile walk, basically, with well maintained trails and virtually no elevation gain, and she’s also like “AND hopefully Other Friend can come too, because she’s so fun to hike with” and I’m like oh hell yeah that would be GREAT
And so given that I think well, next weekend is actually the last weekend I’ll spend with scone on zoom, which will actually free up a lot of exploring-nature time, and I’ve kinda wanted to get back into hiking (just chill ones, though. I’m not talking about camping. Still don’t want to go camping when I have a perfectly good house at home.), and everyone always prattles on about Oregon’s natural beauty, blah blah blah, and actually scone also likes going on hikes but is even less experienced than I am (because he didn’t have a dad who would rather just turn into a moose and live in Yellowstone, or a mom who took her toddler on long hikes, and camping, and whatever, until I decided that I’d had enough of having to either pee all over my shoes or use those massive scary permanent port-a-potties)…
…so I was like you know what. This could be a fun new hobby to do. You pack water. You pack snacks. You pack a first aid kit and a compass and some sunscreen and a hat and you’re good to go!
It would be nice if I had something smaller than my normal backpack and more useful for hikes than my cross-body purse though. So idk REI always has sales, I should see what’s going on. Oh they have a nice SMALL daypack for much less than I was expecting, this is perfect, I’m going to get it.
And then because I wanted it in my hot little hands right that second, I went down to the local REI and also looked around, because sometimes it’s fun to do that
No, it turns out that I have absorbed as part of the experience of my mom dying that she started dying WHILE GODDAMN CAMPING and camping was a huge part of her life and then became a huge part of her life again with her new partner; she had a ton of outdoors equipment and loved REI; she would do multi-day bike races for charity across mountains; she would report to me that the basically camping MREs weren’t so bad, actually!; etc etc etc
Now also, there’s q, who I dated for YEARS and ended up being emotionally and sexually abusive and whose name I curse every time I feel broken about sex (which is a lot). HE was also very outdoorsy, worked in americorps during hurricane sandy, loved jeeping, camping, hiking, you name it; he eventually took a job working for saguaro national park where he’d leave the house at 3:30 AM and spray for buffelgrass and other invasive plants; he’s now doing some other kind of naturalist work outside of Austin and is married to a Texas state congressperson (who he met in Tucson and cheated on me with and HAPPILY and freely admitted that at the time, so of course I was the coldhearted bitch who kept him from being happy when I told him no, I did not appreciate that and I did not want to have an open relationship so he could continue dating her) (no I’m not still traumatized YOURE still traumatized)
HIS favorite store was ALSO REI and would regularly come back with buffs and sun shirts and whatever fun new gadgets he could find; he was SO GODDAMN ANNOYING to walk around the store with because ugh Shiloh you don’t even like being outside why would you need any of this, are you actually going to USE it (derogatory, not helpful)
So maybe this is what’s making my brain Funky and Off. I mean it’s been happening longer than just like Thursday afternoon, when my friend called and was like “let’s go hiking!”, but still. This doesn’t help. I keep poking at it like a bruise. This is part of the reason I think that emotionally immature parents video got to me, because I already had mom on the mind.
It’s just fucked all the way around.
But at least now I have tentative plans to go hiking next weekend AND I have a very cute purple backpack to hold my water and snacks. So. You know.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 8 months
I Mean, They Kinda Had A Point
This is mainly about Leona and Vil, since I haven’t gotten past Chapter 5.
So…. Leona and Vil kinda had a point with which to be upset over.
Leona was always (kinda) cast aside in his family because he’s second born, so working hard didn’t really get him much in that family.
And Vil was also kinda right when he said hard work doesn’t always mean getting what you want.
They both had points, and I can’t help but agree with him.
Leona had a fair reason to overblot.
Jamil also had a fair reason to overblot. (With the way his life had been where he couldn’t be better than Kalim? Yeah, he had a good reason.)
Riddle didn’t have a fair reason to overblot. (He acted like a toddler.)
Azul didn’t have a fair reason to overblot. (Karma bitch)
And Vil doesn’t (cause I’m not there yet) have a fair reason to overblot. (Yes, he’s upset that Neighj…. Neije… Neigjh… however you spell that fucking name, had more comments with “beautiful” in them, which is stupid and Vil was being dumb)
So yeah, that was two strange takes I had.
Man, I should not make posts as soon as I wake up.
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