#meadow scene is a classic
divyasoup · 3 months
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also the meadow scene! I'm going thru the movie and making these and posting them at various points on different social media 🫣
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citizenscreen · 8 months
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Audrey Meadows and Jackie Gleason behind the scenes of 'The Honeymooners', 1956.
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mother-lee · 2 years
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dim light
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mlleclaudine · 28 days
Dreamlike Impasto Paintings Evoke Artist’s Childhood Memories of Rural Life
by Emma Taggart - My Modern Met, August 14, 2024
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Artist Anastasia Trusova uses bright acrylics to create colorful, nature-inspired impasto paintings that look like something from a dream. From rolling hills and meadows to winding rivers and serene lakes, each psychedelic scene offers a modern twist on classic impressionist paintings, reminiscent of the works of Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh.
Trusova grew up in a small town in Russia, where she remembers the simplicity of rural life. “We didn’t have much, like everyone else back then,” she recalls, “but we were surrounded by abundant nature—forests, lakes, and swamps.”
Her passion for art began in childhood, leading her to study design at university. After graduating, Trusova spent eight years in China working as a shoe designer. Eventually, she moved to Belgium to join her husband. Now a mother of three, Trusova is fully dedicated to her painting practice, having developed a unique style she calls “textured graphic impressionism.”
By applying layers of thickly applied acrylic paint to her canvas, Trusova is able to capture nature’s abundant textures. She says, “I want to show the variability of nature, the beauty of the moment, as I see it.” Flowers and leaves are brought to life with thick daubs of pigment, while swirling clouds are formed by skillfully swiping paint across the canvas with a textured scraping tool.
Trusova seeks to capture and preserve her childhood memories of rural life in her art, hoping that future generations will also come to appreciate the beauty of nature through her work.
“Watching young people leave for big cities in search of opportunities, leaving behind quiet streets and abandoned homes, is a sad reality of our time,” she writes on Instagram. “When I return to these familiar places, now as a parent with my children, I feel a strange mix of joy and sadness. Joy from the memories of my childhood spent here, and sadness from the realization that my children will likely never experience this.”
The artist continues, “This painting is an attempt to preserve those memories and pass them on to the next generation. May they remember their roots, even if their lives are far from these places.”
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Anastasia Trusova: Website | Facebook | Instagram
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Pan - Greek God of Shepherds, Hunters & the Wilds Talon Abraxas
PAN was the god of shepherds and hunters, and of the meadows and forests of the mountain wilds. His unseen presence aroused panic in those who traversed his realm.
Pan idled in the rugged countryside of Arkadia (Arcadia), playing his panpipes and chasing Nymphs. One of these, Pitys, fled his advances and was transformed into a mountain-pine, the god's sacred tree. Another, Syrinx, escaped but was turned into a clump of reeds from which Pan crafted his pipes. And a third, Ekho (Echo), was cursed to fade away for spurning the god, leaving behind just a voice to repeat his mountain cries.
Pan was depicted as a man with the horns, legs and tail of a goat, a thick beard, snub nose and pointed ears. He often appears in scenes of the company of Dionysos.
In the classical age the Greeks associated his name with the word pan meaning "all". However its true origin lay in an old Arcadian word for rustic.
Pan was closely identified with several other rustic deities including Aristaios (Aristaeus), the shepherd-god of northern Greece who shared the god's titles of Agreus (Hunter) and Nomios (Shepherd), the pipe-playing Phrygian satyr Marsyas who challenged Apollon to a musical contest, and Aigipan (Aegipan), the goat-fish god of the constellation Capricorn. Sometimes Pan was multiplied into a host of Panes, or a triad of gods named Agreus, Nomios, and Phorbas.
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trekmupf · 3 months
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"We're all mad here" 🐇👸🔫🐯
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The famous massage intro
Sulu and McCoy taking a lovely little walk together
Sulu is such a botany nerd; I love these small character moments
McCoy thinking he's loosing his last marbles
Spock literally thinking that humans go on shore leave to run up and down meadows like dogs
The way Kirk smiles when he thinks Bones is pranking him is lovely
Kirk's facial journey when he realizes McCoy and Spock played him
The first time Kirk calls McCoy Bones
The way the running is filmed and the way they run – and boy do they run in this episode
Sulu, gun enthusiast
The easy friendship between Kirk and McCoy- the way they joke and laugh with each other is so beautiful
McCoy is so beautiful in this episode, I could screenshot every second. He smiles so much and is so at ease, I mean
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Continuing what we know from E3 Kirk wasn't the super cool Bro at the academy but actually the bookworm people bullied
Kirk saying that Ruth hasn't aged a day since they last were together ages ago, and the actress being the same age as Shatner when we see her... canon Kirk being into older woman okay.
McCoy rolled a natural 20 on charisma
me @ yeoman Borrows being super into McCoy's flirting: same girl same
Also I actually like that for once McCoy is the one having a little romance and getting to flirt / be desired, which is rare (because he's older and not the leading man; Tumblr, of course, disagrees)
every time the tiger is on screen I remember that Shatner literally wanted to fight it and it makes me laugh
fake character death trope! (also Bones is a beautiful corpse)
Spock like no offence lady, I'm to gay for this, Spock out
“Did you have fun guys?” “Yes we did Mr Spock” wink emoji implied, like you guys know it sounds like you had group sex right
the setting and scenery is beautiful and a nice change
the score underlines the whimsy and lightness of the episode
the premise is so silly but works well. I miss episodes like this on modern TV, just some downtime with no large scale danger, war or plot, just silly crew shenanigans that gives us more time to spend with our guys
sometimes Sci-fi has great special effects, and sometimes they just hold an antenna really close to the camera and call it a day and I love that
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I'm Yeoman Borrows; Look at him being all happy
McCoy's death has no lasting impact on anyone, it's just a short time plot device and then gets shelved for more adventure / silly time; Even though he does come back, I wish it wouldn't have been so trivialized here
weird wind chime sound effects of the planet
Finnegan as a character is super obnoxious and too over the top (which is saying something in the episode with Alice in wonderland)
especially the second confrontation takes ages, especially as we now have more pressing matters in the narrative
treatment of yeoman Borrows (We already know weird things are going on based on what McCoy saw, yet Kirk doesn't believe her and shows zero empathy towards her distress), also her main purpose is damsel in distress
Kirk is a bit slow to unravel the mystery and almost stupid at times? It might be excused by him using the opportunity to let go of his responsibility and being with Angela / letting out his anger with Finnegan
the amount of references and jumping between visions is too jumbled and all over the place, which is why the pacing is off. some bits are so short, they'd better be cut (Rodriguez side adventure) and some just go on (Finnegan)
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Counter: Shirt rip Kirk
Quote: "You've got your problems, I've got mine. But he's got ours, plus his, plus 430 other people" - McCoy about Kirk Moment: Opening Scene, where Kirk thinks Spock is massaging him and being super uncomfortable when its a female crew member
Summary: Silly and light episode with no deeper meaning but some great character moments, funny scenes and further development of the interpersonal relationships
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In another universe this is a classical painting
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mariacallous · 2 months
As freshmen at New York University’s film school, some chums and I had an unusual greeting. “We live on rice gruel!” we would say if we saw one another around campus. “We’ll make do on millet!” was the reply.
This back-and-forth comes from an early scene in Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai (1954), a movie somewhat force-fed to us on our first day to teach concepts about the language of cinema such as shot/reverse shot and the fourth wall—conventions that today’s students already have in their blood having played with iPhones before they could walk. Though presented as a literal classroom assignment, Seven Samurai’s appropriation as an inside joke among know-it-all 18-year-olds is proof that watching this landmark of world cinema does not feel like homework. Indeed, revisiting the “good guys with a code facing an unwinnable battle” picture for its 70th anniversary, remastered and appearing in cinemas across North America this summer, reminded me that it’s just as fun now as it ever was.
If one had to chisel a Mount Rushmore of so-called foreign films from the influential midcentury period, surely the image of Toshiro Mifune’s mad swordsman Kikuchiyo from Seven Samurai would be among the four granite faces, right next to the cloaked figure of death from Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (1957), Marcello Mastroianni with the fedora and whip from Federico Fellini’s self-mythologizing 8½ (1963), and Jean-Pierre Léaud’s truant teen in François Truffaut’s directorial debut The 400 Blows (1959). (For the French nouvelle vague, you could also make the case for Jean-Luc Godard’s Breathless, but I’m picking The 400 Blows because this way they all have numbers in the title.)
Though Kurosawa was already a known quantity internationally after the release of Rashomon (1950), a period drama in which several people recall a violent incident differently depending on their point of view, Seven Samurai was both a domestic success and a ripping-enough yarn—swords! archery! horses! mud! gruel!—to engage the rest of the world.
Japanese cinema of the postwar period was initially reluctant to dig into its samurai storytelling heritage, the notion of blind loyalty to feudal lords being understandably less popular at the time. The two most famous Japanese films released just before and after Seven Samurai remain Yasujiro Ozu’s Tokyo Story (1953), basically an enormous guilt trip pointed at modernity for letting down their elders, and Ishiro Honda’s Godzilla (1954), a nation’s collective apocalyptic nightmare that somehow mutated into a still thriving merchandise line. Seven Samurai is set in the late 1500s, during the Sengoku period of civil war, a chaotic time that found many of the samurai class without masters. Many of these men became mercenaries, but imagine a story in which some of them (seven, if you will) decided to join forces against impossible odds because it was the righteous thing to do. In revisiting classic Japanese heroism but acknowledging the then-current sentiment, the picture had its rice gruel and ate it too.
The tumultuous setting depicted in the film—the most expensive in Japanese history at the time—no doubt resonated with a Japan that was modernizing rapidly, as did the secondary theme, blurring the lines of a previously clear class system. The highborn Katsushiro (Isao Kimura) falling for the farmer’s daughter Shino (Keiko Tsushima) amid the endless meadows of chrysanthemums, and Mifune’s Kikuchiyo, revealed to be a fraud to the samurai class but one who proves himself in combat, may feel like classic movie characters, but to a postwar Japan in search of a new identity, these transgressions resonated on a much deeper level.
Seven Samurai has a very simple story that perfectly suits its several high-energy set pieces. The 207-minute epic (that’s about 29 minutes per samurai) is set during a time when the countryside is terrorized by bandits who plunder small villages, depleting their harvests and kidnapping women. Already brutalized villagers, aware that they will soon be targeted again, decide to defend themselves by hiring some outside muscle. But how can they afford to pay (see above: “We live on rice gruel!”)? you may wonder. The wise elder who lives inside a mill with a water wheel providing an incessant warlike beat knows the answer: Don’t just find samurai, “find hungry samurai.”
Timid representatives of the village head to town and witness the bravery and creative thinking of Kambei (Takashi Shimura). They convince him to take the gig, and then he assembles his crew. This includes Kyuzo (Seiji Miyaguchi), a cold-as-ice swordsman; Gorobei (Yoshio Inaba), a brilliant tactician; the eager silver-spoon apprentice Katsushiro; and the loose-cannon Kikuchiyo, who, in time, emerges as the real star of the show. (There are two other guys: One is kind of the morale officer, and the other is just Kambei’s pal.) Anyway, if the plot seems familiar, yes, it has been adapted for Western cinema several times, most notably as the gunslinging The Magnificent Seven (both in 1960 and 2016), sci-fi romp Battle Beyond the Stars (1980), and, if you want to stretch it, the dopey comedy Three Amigos! (1986) and the Pixar cartoon A Bug’s Life (1998). Beyond that, a great many standard cinematic tropes have their roots in this movie.
Most obvious is the first act of the film, in which Kambei builds up the team. There’s no need to overly intellectualize it; it’s just fun to watch him size up potential comrades, test them out, and then make his appeal. There’s also a wonderful moment in which we think we’ve got a new addition but the samurai in question shrugs off the approach when he hears there’s no money or fame in the job. Should Disney ever purchase Toho Studios, we can maybe expect a limited streaming series to find out whatever happened to that guy. Anyway, every movie from The Dirty Dozen to The Blues Brothers to The Right Stuff to Ocean’s Eleven to School of Rock owes a lot to Seven Samurai.
Another influential development is how the villagers (and we in the audience) first meet Kambei. There is some tumult in town as a thief has kidnapped a child and barricaded himself inside a building. Kambei cuts off his hair (a very big deal for a samurai), poses as a monk, and then, after a series of badass moves, rescues the child and kills the baddie in slow motion. Introducing the hero through a mini-mission before we get to the real mission is now so common (think every single James Bond movie) that it’s funny to think it had to originate somewhere.
Most of the so-called movie brats of New Hollywood revered Kurosawa, but none so much as George Lucas, who would later use his clout to help the Japanese director secure funding for his expansive project Kagemusha. While there are more one-to-one alignments between other Kurosawa films and Star Wars (most famously, the original R2-D2 and C-3PO in 1958’s The Hidden Fortress, two comic-relief peasants tagging along on an adventure to save a princess), there’s still a lot in Seven Samurai that made it to the galaxy far, far away.
For starters, there are those wipe transitions between scenes. And then who is the wise elder hunched in the dark speaking truncated wisdom if not The Empire Strikes Back’s version of Yoda? The romance between Katsushiro and Shino is something like a Han Solo-Princess Leia dynamic in reverse, as well. On a technical level, though, one can point to the rising action of the final battle. While there is no exploding Death Star, Kurosawa, who deployed multiple cameras shooting concurrently, cuts not just between different angles of the same fight but between several skirmishes all building to the final thrilling, albeit pyrrhic, victory.
Most striking for its time—and still fiery today—is Seven Samurai’s most impressive element, Mifune. An explosive performer by any standard, let alone the typically taciturn style seen in Japanese movies of the period, Mifune is like a cross between Stanley Kowalski and Woody Woodpecker: muscular one minute, flamboyantly loosey-goosey the next. Like Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire, Mifune dominates every scene he is in with an unpredictable magnetism. (Though never stated as such, John Belushi’s famous samurai character on Saturday Night Live is basically an exaggerated version of Mifune.) Kikuchiyo is a drunkard and a brute but also silly and, when necessary, fragile. His scene rescuing an infant from a burning building is probably the best thing in the entire movie. Any other actor could have played the part as merely loud and annoying, but Mifune turns the role into something sensuous, mesmerizing, and sui generis. There are many reasons we’re still talking about this movie 70 years later, and the biggest reason of all is him.
The anniversary of the picture means its first remastering to 4K and a significant release in North America. (Not just New York and Los Angeles but places including Akron, Ohio; Paducah, Kentucky; and Kitchener, Ontario—here’s the full list.) With a 15-minute intermission plus a little time to buy popcorn, we’re talking about a four-hour commitment at the movie theater. With today’s limited attention span and hectic schedules, programming this film may seem like going up against impossible odds. Hopefully, there are enough people out there still ready to heed the call and do what’s right, no matter the cost.
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inkblotsonmyhands · 11 months
suzanne collins just repeatedly pulls the best of a given genre, and what i love about tbosas is that it completely subverts the manic pixie dream girl trope.
the story opens with coriolanus snow, small-minded in his outlook, traumatized by war, starving, struggling to make his way in the world where nothing but his name holds value. he meets lucy gray baird, and instantly, she's the classic manic pixie dream girl. she sings, she wears a rainbow dress, she believes in the goodness of people, despite the fact that her life is as difficult as it gets. in standard trope fashion, she and snow are bound to each other by plot devices: he's meant to be helping her with something, but in reality she has more to help him. she says that nothing they can take from her is worth keeping—because everything she has doesn't have a name. this directly contrasts snow's position where his last name is all he has.
over time, snow begins to realise just how dire her situation is, gets actively more and more concerned about her dying, and eventually falls in love with her. she expands his world, she charms him (and everyone else), and quite literally saves his life. snow believes in debts, and when he owes his life to her, he cannot help but appreciate her for it. she falls for him too—she believes he's a good person, possibly because he's the only one in the capitol to be even remotely nice to her, combined with her genuine belief in goodness and apparent tendency for somewhat toxic relationships.
that's where the subversion starts. despite falling for snow, lucy gray's life does not revolve around him. the song she sings in her interview is about her past relationship, which greatly irks snow who has become incredibly possessive of her. possessiveness is often depicted as a desirable trait in stories with a mpdg angle, but suzanne immediately shows it as controlling and somewhat sinister, despite the story being from snow's pov.
they both end up in district 12, lucy gray as a victor, and snow as a disgraced peacekeeper. it's here that suzanne fully veers away from the more tropey aspects of such a relationship. snow enjoys listening to lucy gray sing, but is constantly upset when she doesn't sing about him, possessively thinks of her as "his girl", and clearly wants control over her life. he doesn't even enjoy all her music, disliking the more freestyle non-lyrical pieces that lucy gray and the covey clearly take a lot of pleasure in. when lucy gray takes him to the lake and meadow, snow enjoys it but hates the birds, mockingjays, that lucy gray loves. typical mpdg arcs often involve the the nature-loving girl taking the city boy to a peaceful outdoors place, showing him all the things she loves about it, and making him love them too. snow never loves the mockingjays and even makes a sport out of shooting them, and thus never appreciates the true reason why lucy gray loves that place. he appreciates it for her as his possession, but not for the freedom that it all represents. he gets increasingly uncomfortable as he starts to realise that free-spirited lucy gray no longer is dependent on him in her own turf, while he still owes his life to her.
when snow kills billy taupe and lucy gray says that this makes up for her saving his life, we see the shift truly happen. snow's debt has been repaid, and his love for lucy gray begins to fall apart without the debt tying him to her. her rebellious tendencies aggravate his capitol heart, and he starts being unable to confide in her when he does things such as inform the capitol of sejanus's escape plan.
in the final scene in the woods, we watch it all unravel. they're both equals, having killed three people each, but snow attempts to lie to lucy gray about his third kill and she realises it. she retaliates by running away and setting a snake on him. snow retaliates to that by chasing her with a loaded gun. he drowns the evidence of his second kill, frees himself of any ties to his dark past, and returns to the capitol where he believes he belongs, forgetting lucy gray and anything he learned from her.
the manic pixie dream girl does not save the desolate boy. it was never her intention to and it was not her life's goal. the boy could never be saved by anyone anyway; the only thing that might have saved him was himself, and suzanne displays repeatedly how he was never truly willing to broaden his perspective right from the start.
i love this because typical mpdg stories make the boy a victim and the girl burdened with healing him and saving him from going down a dark path, but here, it is repeatedly emphasized that snow is a victim of his own making and lucy gray goes through his life on her terms only, trying the change him out of care and the goodness of her heart but leaving him and prioritising herself when she realises that there is no point.
to summarize, lucy gray does not wear a necklace of rope besides the dead man; instead, she flees.
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midnightsun-if · 11 months
Just wanted to mention this because I’m finally getting to revise this scene within the second part and I’m excited to talk about it! When the MC gets to Aurelian, and the dorm you’ll be staying in, you’ll be able to choose your rooms design. (Since Aurelian Academy is enchanted, the magic will happily oblige.)
And, yes, each one will potentially offer unique reactions from the various characters.
You’ll be able to choose from these:
Cozy: A crackling hearth sends off a gentle glow throughout the room, something that only exemplifies the dark color palettes strewn throughout: showcased in the deep engravings within the wooden walls, in the plush rug stretched in front of a couch within the small sitting area situated in the corner of the room. It’s a place that radiates warmth, safety, and a general feeling of home.
Elegant: Tastefully chosen decor— from the leather sectional to the hand-engraved bookshel, and even the beautifully crafted stained glass window— complements the overall feel of the room, as well as the beautifully handcrafted crystal chandelier that offers the central lighting. It’s a place that radiates power, wealth, and, above all, comfort.
Gothic: Straight out of the classic vampire guidebook— the room is splashed with black, blood red, with the barest hints of dark gray. Various alcoves are dotted throughout, filled with various oddities, and stone gargoyles stand as sentries within the topmost ones. Dragon clawed scones offering the main lighting for the room. It’s a place that’d make Count Dracula proud.
Minimalist: Less is more, right? Well that saying is personified within this room! Clean lines, sparse furniture, only the necessities, along with a neutral color palette. This place radiates a certain light and airiness that can rarely be found anywhere else!
Normal: The typical Aurelian Dorm experience! Why customize it when you have everything you already need? A simple bay window, along with a sturdy elevated bed, with a desk situated underneath, are the main focal points of the room. Added on, you’ll find a few bookcases, a small couch, and a rather nice rug. It’s a room that’s so good you don’t need to even think about changing it!
Nature: Why go outside when you can simply stay in your room? The bed is seemingly carved at the base of a grand tree itself, along with a small meadow being created to simulate the main sitting area— with bits of bioluminescent bark, mushrooms, and fireflies (not real), being the main lighting of the room. It’s a place that any nature lover will love to spend their downtime in!
Colorful: Why have one simple color scheme when you can have them all? The rainbow has made its home within your room, and you wouldn’t have it any other way! A slew of different colors are dotted throughout— from the tie dye bedspread to the multicolored flames that dance within the hearth— to give you whatever you may need! This is a place that’ll never have you seeing in black and white!
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fruitcoops · 1 year
The dorlene love is amazing!! If you are every inclined to write more dorlene smut (or just more dorlene content in general) I would love it!
Dorlene wedding planning on Lion Pride, ft. their content cash cows loving friends <3 Full disclosure: this social media fic was entirely inspired by the Rock the Boat scene in Derry Girls, a show Finn O'Hara would adore. Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for brief mention of alcohol at weddings
Dorcas’ hair was pinned back with tiny pearl barrettes that matched the buttons on her white suit when the video began. “This is Dorcas Meadowes, and welcome to Lion Pride!” She spread her hands with a smile. “As you can see, wedding season has begun, and I for one simply cannot wait. Not only because several members of the Lions are celebrating their own upcoming nuptials, but more importantly, because I am getting married to our favorite camera darling, Marlene McKinnon.
“Lions, I want you to know one thing when you inevitably watch this: I am shamelessly mining you for wedding playlist ideas because my wife-to-be and I have been too busy filming your nonsense to put the required time or effort into it. You’re welcome.” She winked at the camera. “On to the show! Boys, what are your favorite wedding songs?”
#7: James Potter
James’ brow furrowed slightly. “Do you want my wedding playlist? ‘Cause I’ll send you my wedding playlist. Get Maz in here and we’ll do a walkthrough of each song, I can call Lily—"
#17: Finn O’Hara
“Uh, obviously it’s Rock the Boat,” Finn scoffed. A few beats of silence passed; his eyes widened. “Oh my god, do none of you know the magic of Rock the Boat?”
“Is it like…the Cupid Shuffle?” Dorcas asked.
“Is it—we’re going to pretend you didn’t just ask that. No, no, come here. Ringer!” Finn shouted over his shoulder. “Gimme the speaker for, like, ten minutes! C’mere, D, there’s a dance and everything.”
“I’m in a suit,” Dorcas laughed.
“It’s Rock the Boat,” Finn countered. “You can’t get married without Rock the Boat.”
#5: Olli Halla
Olli thought for a long moment. “Is this a good time to mention that I’ve only been to one wedding?”
#6: Remus Lupin
“Wedding songs? The Electric Slide, hands-down.” Remus gave them a look of mock-offense as he finished taping his stick. “It’s an unbeatable classic. It was the first thing I put on the wedding list.”
#55: Sergei Ivanov
“Oh, god,” Sergei muttered, scratching at his beard. “It’s been too long since I got married. Hey, Dumo, what did you play at your wedding?”
#43: Thomas Walker
“The Cupid fucking Shuffle, Big D,” Talker laughed, meeting Dorcas’ high-five with great enthusiasm. “Yes. That’s what I’m talking about. You can’t have a party without the Cupid Shuffle.”
“That’s what I was saying,” Dorcas agreed.
#86: Evgeni Kuznetsov
Kuny lit up in his stall, then reached over to smack Nado on the leg. “Cha-Cha Slide! Oh my god, favorite. Hey, hey, everybody clap your hands!”
#1: Leo Knut
Leo clicked his tongue thoughtfully. “I’m gonna go with…drunk uncles dancing to Wobble at 4:30 on a Wednesday.”
Dorcas bit back a laugh. “Are the drunk uncles necessary?”
“Oh, without a doubt. If you don’t have your own, storebought is fine. They’re five daquiris in and the life of the fuckin’ party.”
**Editor’s Note: All songs included in this video are central to the Meadowes-McKinnon wedding playlist. Additionally, Dorcas Meadowes looks fine as hell in her suit. Thank you, and goodnight.
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delusionaid · 2 months
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NAME — kamisato ayato
PROFESSION — yashiro commissioner; head of the shuumatsuban
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — at the kamisato residence or nowhere. sometimes you might catch him strolling the streets of inazuma or visiting events with his sister (and/or thoma). on rare occasion you might even encounter him visiting other nations.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — fish and seafood dishes + anything made by thoma. he's also quite fond of light desserts if they aren't an overload of too many different things.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — sake, liqueurs, and sweet wines from mondstadt!
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — visiting events together or music/theater performances. shopping trips (with gifts included), shared meals, perhaps a bigger trip to another city, a boat tour. something memorable where he can watch his date enjoy him/herself and spoil them a little.
IDEAL GIFT — there's very little ayato needs or wants that he doesn't have already. as much as he enjoys giving gifts, he doesn't care much for receiving them if they're just things someone bought for him. he'd be the most delighted about home-made things, quality time, personalized things (e.g. poems, songs, paintings), or food. food is nice and doesn't clog up the place. for some reason people love to get him new items for his calligraphy and as much as he enjoys it, he has no need for more of it.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — many and then some. ayato doesn't get intimate physically quickly, due to both his character and his culture. there would be a lot of courting involved and slow-burn developing the relationship and confirming its sincerity before he'd get to the kissing bit. in a game he'd be one of those annoying romance options where you have to reach an absurd intimacy level of 85 and do not 2 big quests (like for the others) but at least 3 to unlock romance scenes.
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NAME — diluc ragnvindr
PROFESSION — vintner, tavern owner, vigilante
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — at the dawn winery or the angel's share are your best bets!
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — steak. lots of steaks. maybe some cheese and veggies, but mainly grilled juicy steak.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — shared dinner, preferably at the winery so they have some privacy; long walks over the meadows and down to the water; maybe something like a concert/choir performance - he hasn't danced in a long time but he remembers all the classic dances from his youth; a trip on horseback with a picnic somewhere in a field of flowers.. something romantic in any case, and if he has a choice, the more private/intimate the better.
IDEAL GIFT — he's not big on receiving gifts so don't feel obligated to get him anything. (if you want to get him decorative items, don't ask kaeya for advice, please). he likes flowers, though.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — i want to say.. as many as you see fit. he's a bit of an old-fashioned gentleman so he'd want to be respectful and let you choose when the time is right. definitely not on the first date, though. he's more of a slow-burn guy.
tagged by : @daybreakrising thank you <3
tagging : YOU!
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voidsentprinces · 12 days
Good evening...this is part of the Spring section of The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi
Classical pieces don’t exactly have lyrics, so I thought I’d post some pieces and make a poll to help this super niche set of people maybe find the music they have been looking for one day.
You might know the Spring section from car commercials, its usually where I've heard it most placed. But, an additional fun piece of Antonio Vivaldi's work with The Four Seasons is he didn't just set out to write a piece of music. He also set a story to them, writing poems to set the scene for each part of his musical piece, to paint a picture for his listening audience.
For the Spring piece, his poem is thus:
Festive Spring has arrived, The birds salute it with their happy song. And the brooks, caressed by little Zephyrs, Flow with a sweet murmur. The sky is covered with a black mantle, And thunder, and lightning, announce a storm. When they are silent, the birds Return to sing their lovely song. And in the meadow, rich with flowers, To the sweet murmur of leaves and plants, The goatherd sleeps, with his faithful dog at his side. To the festive sound of pastoral bagpipes, Dance nymphs and shepherds, At Spring's brilliant appearance.
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transformers-mosaic · 2 months
Transformers: Mosaic - Fragments Shane A. Hopkins
wada sez: Shane A. Hopkins wrote two comics for Mosaic, "Coming Storm" and "Archaeological Anomaly". However, he wrote far more scripts than just those! Most of these he shared at the very end of 2010, but he came back on April 28th, 2012 with a few more.
"Arcee In Wonderland" [2010-12-31]
Shane sez: "Okay, so I thought for my first devs of 2011 I would present you with some scripts for Transformers Mosaic that never made it to being drawn and colored despite my trying… This first one features G1 Arcee and a host of cameos. It was inspired, obviously, by the story of Alice in Wonderland, and was prompted after I saw the Disney film of the same name directed by Tim Burton"
Author Note: All transformers are classic Generation One versions.
SCENE: Arcee falling through blackness.
ARCEE: Where am I?
ARCEE: What's going on?
SCENE: Arcee is now standing in a meadow, only it's all metallic. A chibi version of Blurr is speeding past her.
BLURR: I'mlate!I'mlateforaveryimportantdate!
SCENE: We see Arcee turning to her left, and near her Wreck-Gar sitting on top of a giant metallic mushroom.
WRECK-GAR: Listen, one side of this mushroom will make you grow... Another will make you shrink...
SCENE: Arcee is stumbling through a forest and comes across a table with a tea party laid out on it, on the other side of the table sits Wheeljack wearing a Mad Hatter's top hat.
WHEELJACK: More Energon my dear?
SCENE: Arcee is now in a fancy metallic garden, at one end is a throne, on that sits Grimlock, with a crown on his head, tilted slightly to his left, to his left and right are some Sharkticons.
GRIMLOCK (pointing at Arcee): Off with head!
SCENE: Arcee, presumably running from the Sharkticons comes across Rumble and Frenzy in the forest, they each have an arm round the shoulder of the other.
RUMBLE: Beware my dear...
FRENZY: When a cat brings it's smile to bear.
SCENE: Razorclaw, in lion mode, jumps down from a tree in front of Arcee, he has a huge grin on his face.
RAZORCLAW: It does not matter where you run...
SCENE: Arcee is strapped to a table, on her head is a contraption like a VR unit, hooked up to a computer bank. Around her are three Quintessons
QUINTESSON 1: She is giving in to her delusion...
QUINTESSON 2: Then begin the conditioning...
QUINTESSON 3: And begin the downfall of the Transformers...
PANEL 9 (Full width panel):
SCENE: Same as PANEL 8 only a wider angle
"The Last Autobot On Earth" [2010-12-31]
Shane sez: "This one features Marvel G1 Spike and Fortress Maximus. Not certain what inspired this one, I think too much cheese…"
NOTES: This goes straight into the story, the titles and credits at the bottom of the page, the title being in fact the last words of dialog.
PANEL 1: (Full width panel – 1/3 the height of the page) Downtown, some random city with tall buildings and rushing people (as in all are blurry no features can be made out) In the center of the frame we see G1 Marvel comics style Spike Witwicky standing, center frame, his head bowed slightly
SPIKE (subtitles, break into as many speech bubbles as needed): They don't understand. They go about their daily lives, not knowing that the war still rages out there in the deserted areas of this planet. They just don't see it.
PANEL 2: (Half width – 1/3 the height of the page) Same background, but Spike's still in the center of the page so we see only half his face, only now Spike is looking straight out of the page at the reader
SPIKE (subtitles): They could never understand the burden of being a Binary Bonded human being…
PANEL 3: (Half width – 1/3 the height of the page) We see a snow covered landscape behind Fortress Maximus' face, think of it like the other half of Spike from PANEL 2
FORTRESS MAXIMUS (subtitles): The burden of being the only Headmaster left on the planet.
PANEL 4: (Full width panel – 1/3 the height of the page) The Fortress Maximus equivalent of PANEL 1, the background is the same one we saw part of in PANEL 3. In the foreground we see Fortress Maximus looking out at the reader, a crazed and damaged Galvatron leaping towards Fort Max from behind.
FORTRESS MAXIMUS (subtitles): The weight of responsibility that rests upon the shoulders of THE LAST AUTOBOT ON EARTH.
"Rise Of The Beasts" [2010-12-31]
wada sez: No, not that one.
Shane sez: "This one features the Battle Beasts (aka Beastformers) and a cameo by IDW Jhiaxus. I was inspired for this one when I found the only surviving Battle Beast I had, Rubberneck Giraffe (sans weapon sadly) I also found Hardtop Tortiose but he's missing an arm (he's 'armless! :lmao:)"
SCENE: A shot of space filled with stars and nebulas etc. On the right is a planet, orbiting an orange sun (as opposed to Earth's yellow sun).
NARRATOR: It is the Earth year 2000...
NARRATOR: On the planet Beast the population is undergoing a change...
SCENE: We see three humanoid animals, a lion, a stag and a tiger. The tiger and stag are fitting what looks like armour to the lion.
NARRATOR: The inhabitants are dividing into three factions, those supporting Fire...
SCENE: We see another three humanoid animals, a dog, a turtle and a snake, the dog and snake are fitting armour to the turtle.
NARRATOR: Those supporting Water...
SCENE: Yet another three humanoid animals, a warthog, a cow and a beaver, the beaver and cow are fitting armour to the warthog.
NARRATOR: And those supporting Wood...
SCENE: Now we see the lion, turtle and warthog fighting each other
NARRATOR: Those three factions are locked in a violent civil war...
NARRATOR: The outcome of which could have ramifications elsewhere in the universe...
SCENE: Same scene as PANEL 6 only now it's quite obviously a computer monitor/screen.
SCENE: Head and shoulders shot of IDW style Jhiaxus.
JHIAXUS: They are progressing well, soon our new army will be ready...
"Mad Scientist Territory" [2010-12-31]
Shane sez: "This one features the mad scientists of the Autobots, Wheeljack and Ratchet, as well as Ultra Magnus and Verity Carlo (obviously this is set in the IDWverse. It also introduces the Japanese character of Grand, the headmaster portion of Grand Maximus.) This one I blame on too many IDW comics and the Japanese Masterforce series…"
SCENE: Black, the internal console of an offline Transformer. Scrolling up the screen is a series of computer boot up code, saying things like "loading friend or foe protocols" and "initializing audio input" etc. Mentions of Verity Carlo, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet and Wheeljack
VERITY CARLO: This is crazy Magnus! I mean combining Megatron's mass displacement capabilities, The Machination's… What did you call it? Transtector tech? Scorponok's Headmaster tech, and Bludgeon and Jetfire's pretender tech? You're heading into mad scientist territory here!
ULTRA MAGNUS: Verity, as much as I appreciate your company, don't you have something better to do?
SCENE: Same as PANEL 1 only the text is different, this time recording what's being said.
ULTRA MAGNUS: Ratchet, how's our volunteer doing?
SCENE: Same as PANEL 1 but the text is now saying things like "loading memory drives" and "engaging optic sensors" in between what's been said
RATCHET: As near as we can determine, Grand is doing fine, his internal memory systems are booting up…
SCENE: we see a heavily pixelated shot of Ratchet and Wheeljack leaning over the camera POV
WHEELJACK: And it looks like his optic systems are coming online too.
SCENE: A less pixelated version of PANEL 4
RATCHET: I'm still worried about the core processor interface, it's a little… Glitchy…
SCENE: Crisp version of PANELS 4 and 5
WHEELJACK: Don't worry, Grand's a strong bot, he is from the same Protoform Plant as Fortress Maximus, just a later generation…
SCENE: A shot of Grand (who looks like Cerebros only red and blue) sitting up on a table between Ratchet and Wheeljack, see the back and side of Magnus' head
RATCHET: We went with a verbal release command for the Pretender Shell, to engage or disengage it simply give the command 'Pretender'
SCENE: Similar shot to PANEL 7, only this time Grand's Pretender shell is flowing over him and he's shrinking
ULTRA MAGNUS: Good, and now, lets go get you acquainted with your Transtector, Maximus…
"Alliance" [2010-12-31]
Shane sez: "This one features the heads of F.L.A.G., G.I. Joe and S.H.I.E.L.D. Also a cameo by Optimus Prime and Megatron, IDW style. I got no excuse for this one, it was a bit of fun that had rolled round in my head for a while LOL"
PANEL 1: (full width panel)
SCENE: A shot of the Pentagon from above, looking down on a 45 degree angle
SCENE: A man sitting in a chair, leaning forward, fingers interlaced in front of his face, he's wearing a suit and one way mirrored glasses
SUBTITLE: Federal Agent Franklin James
SUBTITLE: Director, Foundation for Law And Government (F.L.A.G.)
AGENT JAMES: Gentlemen, we have a problem...
SCENE: A shot of what looks like a television screen showing IDW Optimus Prime and IDW Megatron fighting
SCENE: A military General, wearing a typical uniform, his name badge reads Hawk
SUBTITLE: Major General Clayton M. Abernathy
SUBTITLE: Code name: Hawk. Commander, G.I. Joe
AGENT JAMES: And it's time we started working together
SCENE: Agent James again (same as PANEL 2)
AGENT JAMES:  G.I. Joe has the manpower...
SCENE: A man with greying hair on his temples and an eyepatch on his left eye
SUBTITLE: Director Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
AGENT JAMES: S.H.I.E.L.D. has the experience...
SCENE: Agent James again (same as PANEL 2)
AGENT JAMES: And F.L.A.G. has the technology...
PANEL 8: (full width panel)
SCENE: The Pentagon again (same as PANEL 1)
AGENT JAMES (SUBTITLE): What I propose is an alliance...
"Immortality" [2010-12-31]
Shane sez: "This one features Starscream's Ghost. This one is all because I was watching the Beast Wars episode "Possession" and so I wondered how he'd lost his body (again)…"
PANEL 1: An asteroid in deep space
PANEL 2: Same asteroid, closer, we see a crumpled Transformer body, a wing is visible, it's Starscream
PANEL 3: Over Starscream's body is a glittering shape, just a cloud at the moment
STARSCREAM (voice over): He did it to me again!
PANEL 4: The glittering shape is taking form, it's now recognizable as a seeker style shape
STARSCREAM (voice over): That's the second time Galvatron has blown me away…
PANEL 5: The glittering shape is now recognizable as Starscream, he's looking down at his body…
STARSCREAM (voice over): And the second time I've survived the destruction of my body…
PANEL 6: Close up on Starscream's glittering face, he's smiling rather maniacally
STARSCREAM (voice over): It would seem I have been touched by Primus himself.
PANEL 7: The glittering Starscream is collapsing into a ball of light
PANEL 8: The Starscream ball is now flying through space
STARSCREAM (voice over): And some day, I will find another body and have my revenge!
"Unicron Rising" [2010-12-31]
Shane: "This one tells a possible tale of how Unicron started on his course for Cybertron… Yup, I was reading the old Marvel comics, that's the only explanation for this one :D"
PANEL 1: (Full width panel) A shot of Cybertron in space. There are ripples in space radiating out from it.
SUBTITLES: The call went out.
PANEL 2: A metal city, full of robots, all look blurry except one
SUBTITLES: Primus was awake.
PANEL 3: The same robot as in PANEL 2, this time in a room, he's lowering a Unicron like mask over his face.
SUBTITLES: The Fallen Disciples were alerted.
PANEL 4: Deep in space, a dark planet starts moving.
SUBTITLES: Their master began to follow the signal.
PANEL 5: The same dark planet, only now we see the trademark ring of Unicron starting to move away from the surface of the planet, we start to see some color on the planet too
SUBTITLES: Their feud was about to begin again. A feud older than the universe.
PANEL 6: (Full width panel) Same shot of Cybertron as in PANEL 1 but no ripples, looking over it is a transparent image of Unicron's head
SUBTITLES: Primus had foreseen this, and prepared.
PANEL 7: Not a panel as such, the bit at the bottom of the page, reads like the intro to one of the classic Marvel G1 comics…
Created for one purpose, to fight the Chaos Bringer, Unicron, their world had been torn apart by eons of brutal civil war. Their race divided into two, the Heroic Autobots and the Evil Decepticons, with the ability to alter their shapes into those of vehicles, machinery and weapons… They are THE TRANSFORMERS
"Revelations" [2012-04-28]
PANEL 1: Full Width Panel
SCENE: A shot of a common city street, people walking down it
HAWK (subtitle): I know you are out there.
HAWK (subtitle): I can sense you now.
HAWK (subtitle): I know that you are afraid... Afraid of us. Afraid of change.
PANEL 2: Half Width Panel
SCENE: Similar to PANEL 1, only focusing on a phonebox
HAWK (subtitle): I do not know what the future holds.
HAWK (subtitle): I did not come here to tell you how this is going to end.
HAWK (subtitle): I came here to tell you how it is going to begin.
PANEL 3: Half Width Panel
SCENE: Similar to PANEL 2, Closer on the phonebox, we can see Metalhawk's Pretender shell inside
HAWK (subtitle): I am going to hang up this phone, and then I am going to show these people what you do not want them to see.
HAWK (subtitle): Us.
PANEL 4: The Rest of the Page
SCENE: Hawk shedding his Pretender shell and revealing himself in full robot mode, breaking the phonebox in the process
Author's Note: The titles and credits should go at the bottom of the page
Shane sez: "Yes, I blatantly ripped off The Matrix…"
"Rebirth At Darkmount" [2012-04-28]
PANEL 1: (Half width panel) Shot of Straxus' head, clearly inactive as his eyes are not lit.
PANEL 2: Same as PANEL 1 only now Straxus is online, eyes glowing.
MEDIC (Offscreen): Ahh, Lord Straxus, you're online at last…
PANEL 3: (Full width panel) We see Straxus' head sitting in an apparatus on a benchtop. A Decepticon Medic approaching him. The medic looks somewhat like Megatron, but with a blue helmet arms and waist, red lower legs and no fusion canon.
STRAXUS: Reaper? What happened? The last I remember is fighting that infuriating Autobot, Blaster*
SUBTITLE: See Transformers #18 – Historical Harry
PANEL 4: Reaper (the Decepticon Medic) is now sitting on a stool near the bench with Straxus' head on it.
REAPER: Indeed, he defeated you, sent you into the unstable vortex surrounding the Spacebridge.
STRAXUS: He… Destroyed me?
PANEL 5: We see Reaper clicking a remote to turn on a monitor screen opposite Straxus.
REAPER: Yes, however we spent the next eighty cycles working on a Quantum Energy Displacement engine, using plans left behind by Spanner.
REAPER: Using it we were able to retrieve a copy of your mental engrams a fraction before Blaster killed you…
PANEL 6: We see the screen now, it's showing an image that looks somewhat like a diagram of a wormhole.
REAPER: We discovered something in the process…
REAPER: We believe we can send mental engrams in both directions…
PANEL 7: Straxus' face, flowing across his eyes are a lot of ones and zeroes
REAPER: To that end we're downloading all the battle strategies our techs have come up with. When we're done, we'll send you back to just before the start of the battle…
STRAXUS: So I might change the outcome!
Shane sez: "Yes, my mind works strangely at times…"
"Conspiracy" [2012-04-28]
PANEL 1: Half page wide, quarter high
SCENE: We see the front windscreen of a yellow car, inside are two men, in the passenger seat is Miles Lancaster, behind the wheel is Sam Witwicky, they're talking, on the radio is playing 'Conspiracy' by Paramore (add some music notes and some of the lyrics along the bottom of the panel)
MILES (looking disbelieving): So, wait, you're trying to tell me that those... Those giant robots were real?
PANEL 2: Same size as PANEL 1
SCENE: Same scene as PANEL 1 except the music is different, same song, just the next lyrics
MILES: Come on, I mean Steven Spielberg admitted that they were just a publicity stunt for Robot Master...
PANEL 3: Same size as PANEL 1
SCENE: Same scene again, only next bit of the lyrics
MILES: Are you trying to tell me that someone brought Spielberg?
PANEL 4: Sae size as PANEL 1
SCENE: Same scene, further on with the music
MILES: And the government too?
PANELS 5-7: Each panel to take up full height remaining and  1/3rd of the remaining width
SCENE: This time we're looking at the front of the car, it's the 2009 Camaro we know as Bumblebee, in the center of the front grill is the Autobot symbol, we can see the bottom of the windscreen and the two occupants. In PANEL 5 the car's headlights are on, PANEL 6 the left headlight is off, the right is on, and PANEL 6 the headlights are both on. Music is still playing so lyrics and music notes again, just carry on with the lyrics from where they were left in PANEL 4
MILES: Hey, how'd you get the insurance to spring for a new Camaro anyway?
Shane sez: "Oh come on, y'all were wondering how he'd explain it too…"
wada sez: Check back tomorrow for the last of our script showcases!
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spacesunderstairs · 23 days
WIP Wednesday!
It's taking me a bit to finish, but I'm finally on the tiefling party for Under the Sussur Tree! Astarion and Halinae play a game of deception and have a drink:
She looked down to the meadow below. A child, still awake and chatting with an elderly couple from Waukeen’s Rest. The boy was smiling and gesturing broadly, happily showing off some kind of party trick to the couple. He tossed something back and forth, hand to hand, and there was the faintest glint in the firelight– a golden ring, perhaps– and then quite suddenly, it was gone, disappearing into thin air. The boy swept the ground in a bow, and the couple smiled and clapped: oblivious to the second pair of tiny hands that were already reaching into their pockets from behind. Halinae gasped. Astarion’s voice was in her ear a split second later. “I gave them some pointers, of course,” he said, watching the scene with an almost perverse sort of paternal pride. “It’s a classic grift, hard to mess up; even for children. They’ve done well.” Halinae rounded on him. “Astarion!” “Halinae!” he exclaimed back. “Tell me you didn’t teach those sweet children how to steal.” “Technically I didn’t teach them how to steal, no. I just taught them how to steal better. Hardly the same thing. But I do believe I’ve won this round?” Halinae groaned and put her head in her hands with an exasperated laugh. “Fine,” she said, raising her hands in supplication. She looked at him pointedly and took a long drink of her wine.  “Excellent to see you’re a gracious loser.” He leaned back against the wall and spread his arms with an exaggerated grace, giving a slight bend at the waist. “Your turn, now. And darling–”  His voice lowered, dipping into a tone more sinful.  “–Dazzle me.”
You can read the rest of the (very long) story here:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51855973/chapters/131112535 Also: POST YER BG3 SNIPS, I'll read them! <3
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cto10121 · 1 year
Finished re-reading Eclipse (yeah, I’m going backward, sue me) and it truly is. Romance book logic at its finest. Some notes:
Antis whining and bitching about Edward’s overprotective behavior for 1/3rds of the book when 1) Bella does call him out on it and 2) Edward ends up apologizing and promising not to be so high-handed would be hilarious if people didn’t take that seriously. Granted, both Bella and Edward cannot stay angry with one another for one goshdarn minute (R&J: *glares, files a lawsuit*) without forgiving each other and making up. The most hilarious instance is Bella making her grizzly bears threat and then snuggling up to Edward when he returns (“I should infuriate you more often” he literally jokes). As for Edward, there is his agreement to miss out on the fight even when he clearly wants to go, but also at the end he was entirely willing to just give Bella the D!!! Without conditions!!! Too bad Bella finally realized it was best to make a proper farewell to her human life, she could have had a real happy time at their meadow.
Also re: “Edward isolates her, classic abusive behavior!!!” anti clown take…high-handed as Edward can be, he does not isolate Bella from her friends or cleave her from human life in general. On the contrary, he practically all but begs her to prolong her human life for a year or two or indefinitely, apply to and go to college, and spend more time with her human friends. He only has a problem with Jacob for obvious reasons re: treaty, romantic jealousy, etc. Hell, he doesn’t even want to her be a vampire. Edward’s chosen path is simply to be with Bella all throughout her human life. That is not the behavior of real-life abusers, btw. For better or worse, Bella’s becoming a vampire is driven chiefly by Bella herself. She decides whether it’s best to spend more time with friends or simply let those friendships go. She decides she wants to retain Jacob as a friend.
Jacob. My opinion is still the same: Fun character, still the worst as a love interest. I had more fun with him now than I did in my salad years (@my extremely salty teen self writing “DIE JACOB” for two whole pages, I know, bby, I get it), but thematically it does make sense. Eclipse is all about Bella realizing what she would give up re: her humanity, making her decision to become a vampire a truly informed one. That includes acknowledging Jacob as a potential love interest, Rosalie’s perspective, Jasper’s knowledge and history on newborn vampires and how truly violent the vampiric world is, seeing an example of a newborn vampire (Bree), and at least 1) human experience Bella does not want to miss out.
Speaking of which, Horny Bella!!! God I love this bitch!!! More seriously, I like the subversion of the virgin girl/bad boy trope by having Bella be the one to push for sex. And of course Bella agrees to marry Edward just so that she could have that sweet, sweet vampire D. I thoroughly approve.
The Edward and Jacob rivalry. 10/10, the best. I was eating mental popcorn throughout. Their stand-off at the school and Mike et al.’s subsequent bet, the male posturing, the tent scene…Edward’s jealousy especially was so entertaining. Edward’s reaction when Bella punched Jacob was sheer (romance novel) perfection. Charlie’s being blithely Team Jacob was the cherry on top of this social comedy sundae. And of course that tent scene was so iconic freakin’ Hunger Games copied it (and really badly. Why the hell did Collins even bother?).
On a related note: Those Wuthering Heights allusions were anvil-sized, but apropos, of course. I liked that Edward was the Heathcliff and saw himself in him, making Jacob the Linton. Fits into my personal theory of the Twilight Saga just being R&J, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights put into a blender.
Bella being the one to piece together the mystery once more. She really gets all the brains for the first 3 books. This time, though, I call bullshit on them not realizing Victoria’s obvious involvement once they realized the intruder and the newborns in Seattle were connected. It was very much obvious. The only real twist was the Volturi coming in.
Rosalie’s backstory was so realistic and is a great commentary on misogyny than it is given credit for. Bella’s reaction was underbaked, though. She does get (1) nightmare over it, but otherwise it’s Tanya’s interest in Edward that really sticks. (Honestly, I’m here for it. Jealous!Bella is second only to Horny!Bella. Again, romance book logic at its finest.) Bella had much more of a empathetic reaction to Leah’s dilemma than Rosalie, interestingly enough, considering Sam/Emily is drawn as an explicit parallel to her and Edward. Perhaps Leah being the Jacob of that particularly triangle did touch her…
Antis clutching their pearls over Jasper was a Confederate soldier…when Jasper mentions it once, expresses zero nostalgia for that period in his life, and doesn’t even explain why he enlisted in the first place. He wasn’t even fighting when he was turned, just evacuating the city. Either way, he wasn’t a soldier for long before he was conscripted into another vampiric war.
Cinderbella strikes again re: Charlie and Renée, both weak ass parental figures. Again, it gives rationale for Bella’s attraction to Edward (more mature, stable, educated) and to Jacob (happy-go-lucky, younger, more reckless, laissez-faire). Both devoted powerful protectors belonging to fantastical worlds. Yeah, that tracks
“I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This line is so underrated.
In Breaking Dawn, I wondered a bit how Edward could accept Vampire Bella so quickly re: his soul reservations, but Eclipse does provide an answer. Bella is worried Edward would prefer her as a human than a vampire, and Edward literally 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nice to know this was no retcon and yeah, it tracks
Edward being so damn generous with Bella realizing she is in love with Jacob is really the core essence of Team Edward for me. Jacob would not have been so generous had Bella met Edward after she had Jacob. Edward does love her best. Honestly, I even think she and Edward are more alike than Bella and Jacob. Bella and Jacob clash more often than they agree. Jacob does read her and understand her a lot better, I’ll grant you that.
Book Bella: “But I want you to know something—when it comes to all this enemies nonsense, I’m out. I am neutral country. I am Switzerland.” Movie Bella: “i’MSWITZERLAND!!!1!” God, the movies did Bella so dirty.
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Happy WW Andy!! I’m asking everyone the same one this week. What is the boys’ favorite roleplay scenario? Do both of them equally enjoy it, or is one getting satisfaction out of indulging the other?
hi spike! so!! *cracks knuckles and slaps the top of the boys* these babies can hold SO many kinks, when i rewatch i Will make a list with cited scenes of evidence but for now.... we'll have to rely on my dubious memory alajsdf as a... concept? ig where we're just having fun and fucking around, their Favorite in a singular sense is difficult to narrow down. can you have a favorite flower in amidst a meadow? so here's a bulleted list of top five for both of them (this accidentally became a list of fic i'd like to write myself aljdlasfk Oops)
primal hunt, only as the predator, hunting dean in the dead of night between jobs (they both love it)
force femme w/ an objectification angle, he gets off dressing dean all pretty and later suggests he try on the designated Scene Panties "....do you think they'd fit me too? well now i'm just curious" (its horny reasons, and gender reasons that remain unspoken between them)
orgasm denial, specifically inflicting denial on dean to drive him crazy, reluctantly dean loves it
wrestling with a touch of breathplay, a classic as far as they're both concerned from their sparring days but a favorite for sammy since he always loses and loves being pressed against dean like that
impact scenes where sam receives punishment leave him Refreshed and provides an outlet for all that bottled up guilt. (i do not trust them to negotiate this shit healthily tbc eventually he'd be a sobbing mess but even when that does bubble up to the surface he can't even put to words what's wrong and just nondescriptly gets angry at dean <3)
one time as a joke sam came back from a stakeout like he was a swer on call and it gave dean such a boner they revisit the concept every few months, sam gets off being the focus of dean's attention
light voyeur scene, it's just sam watching through the window on purpose while dean fucks a woman who has no idea, dean gets off thinking about how badly sammy boy must want him in that moment (they don't know how to negotiate this shit for the life of them, they are Messes)
force femme, dean gets off on feeling a combo of humiliated and exploring a headspace of Feeling Girly (for gender, and horny reasons)
also as a joke sam called dean "daddy" and immediately gave him the most obvious hard on, so during rough sex he'll ask that of sammy sometimes
cockwarming in bed, they both love it but never talk about it
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