#me: yeah guys drabbles! just short stories for these prompts!
allsassnoclass · 1 month
omg I just saw the drabble prompt thing!! if you're still doing it, can I request 54 for mashton? -megs 💙
hi @igarbagecannoteven, whipping this out from a year ago!
mashton: “Finally, some common sense.”
Michael walks into the dining room to find his table covered in what look like blueprints, copies of some old documents, and a photo of what appears to be a very fancy, very blue painting, printed on plain printer paper and wrinkled from the ink.  Luke, Calum, and Ashton are all seated around the table in various states of disarray, and the conversation immediately dies when Michael enters the room, which isn’t suspicious at all.
“Uh, hi guys,” he says, looking at Calum still in his pjs, Luke all dolled up, and Ashton in his workout gear and his hair messy, like he’s been running his fingers through it in frustration.  “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” Luke says mulishly.
“Luke wants–ow!  That was my shin, you fucker!  Luke wants to steal a painting,” Ashton says, glaring at the guy in question.  Michael tilts his head and steps closer, wrapping an arm around Ashton’s shoulders.
“What the fuck, Luke?” he asks.  Luke sighs.
“You know my friend Sammy, right?” Michael nods because he has, in fact, met Luke’s friend Sammy on multiple occasions.  “His grandma had this painting.  It was a gift from his grandpa, the artist was a friend of his, but they lost touch and it’s just been a painting ever since.  Two weeks ago some guy approached them about it, said he was the grandson of the painter.  He gave them a whole sob story about lost art and how difficult it is to find works by small artists, then showed them a will saying the artist left the painting to him.  He offered them a couple hundred bucks and they felt bad, so they gave him the painting.  Well, it turns out it’s going to be part of a museum exhibit and this guy wasn’t the grandson, he’s some random art collector who knew this piece is worth over a hundred thousand dollars.  He lied to them to get the painting, and the police said they can’t do anything about it because Sammy’s grandparents technically sold it.  I want to get it back for them.”
“Luke, you can’t steal a painting,” Michael says, grabbing the museum pamphlet with the painting front and center.  “You’re way too clumsy and gangly.  You’ll get arrested, and the grandparents would have to keep the painting hidden anyway or they’d be charged with harboring stolen property.”
“Finally, some common sense!” Ashton says, throwing his hands up.
Michael opens the pamphlet and reads the short piece on the exhibition while Luke grumbles.
“I can’t stand that this guy got away with stealing from them and there’s nothing anyone can do,” Luke says, laying his chin in his hands.  Calum rubs his back in sympathy.
Michael glances at Luke and feels a pang in his chest at his dejected expression.  Luke has a big heart, and he doesn’t like it when people get hurt.  He can be the most cynical out of all of them, but he also constantly hopes that the world and the people in it won’t prove him right.  This must be eating him alive.
“You can’t steal the painting,” Michael reiterates, “but you could grift him out of it, or at least distract enough for Calum to steal it.”
Ashton’s head hits the table with a thunk that makes Calum wince.  Michael rubs his back while he works through this betrayal.
“Me, grift him?” Luke asks, lifting his head slightly.  “I don’t know if I can.  I’m so awkward.”
“Think about it,” Michael says.  “Yeah, you can be awkward, but once we get some confidence in you, you become a completely different person. Remember how easily you charmed the manager of that restaurant into giving us a free meal?  And you completely dominate on stage.  You totally could do it.”
“You know, he has a point,” Calum says.
“And you!” Michael says, turning on him.  “You’re quiet and unobtrusive, plus you’re fast and surprisingly agile.  You could totally sneak in if the grifting doesn’t work.  Sure, you’re too big to fit in an air vent, but maybe we can get Sierra to help.”
“You’re all insane,” Ashton groans, rubbing at his forehead.  “You realize that museums have security, right?  If this guy is into shady stuff like stealing paintings from grandparents, he’s going to protect the stuff he stole.”
“Good thing we have someone here who works in cybersecurity and did a brief stint testing security systems for an insurance company,” Michael says, doing jazz hands.
“Baby, no,” Ashton says, turning big, sad eyes on him.  Normally they would have an effect, but not when Michael knows he’s right.
“Baby, yes,” he replies, cupping Ashton’s cheek.  “We can do this.  We just need a good plan.”
He raises his eyebrows, waiting.  He doesn’t dare look away from Ashton, but he can feel the force of Luke and Calum’s pleading, too.
“No,” Ashton states.  “Absolutely not.”
“I mean, the other option is that we try to do this ourselves and get arrested,” Michael says.  “I don’t think you can afford bail.”
“I’d leave you in there,” Ashton says.  Michael pouts, then threads his fingers through Ashton’s hair.  It’s a dirty trick, but it works, because Ashton tilts his head up to meet Michael’s eyes again.
“This guy stole a sentimental work of art from an elderly couple, and he’s probably done it to others.  Our justice system is too fucked to do anything about it.  Someone should.”
“‘Someone’ doesn’t mean us.”
“Why not?” Michael asks.
“Why not?” Ashton repeats, a disbelieving laugh bubbling up.  “Why not?  I don’t know, Michael, maybe because none of us have stolen anything bigger than a candy bar from Walmart? Or because if this goes wrong our lives will be ruined forever?  Or because we don’t know anything about this guy or his security system?  Or how about how you can’t hack an actual human security guard, which the museum has a lot of?”
“Every team of thieves has to start somewhere,” Michael offers.  “We won’t let it go wrong.  We’ll do our homework and be prepared.  As for the security guards, you’re literally going to go teach a self-defense class at the gym this afternoon.  You can take care of it.”
“You’ve got to admit, it sounds almost feasible,” Calum says.  Next to him, Luke has a cautiously hopeful look on his face.
“Almost,” Ashton insists.  “Almost doesn’t mean it’s a good plan.”
“That’s what we need you for,” Michael says.  “You’re good at plans.”
“I thought you needed me to knock out security guards,” Ashton counters.  Michael beams.
“What can I say?  You’re invaluable.”
“Don’t flatter me right now,” Ashton says.  “Flattery will not help you, especially when all of us get arrested.  What happened to the grandparents harboring stolen property?”
“That won’t matter if we take him down,” Luke says.
“Exactly!” Michael agrees, pointing emphatically.  “If we prove that he stole the painting or ruin him in some other way, then the physical stealing will be an afterthought.”
“If that doesn’t work, we can swap it with a copy, then have someone authenticate it and make him look like an idiot,” Calum offers.  “The authentication papers he already has are fake because the grandparents didn’t have any.  Maybe we just need to give authorities an excuse to look closer at them.”
“If we can’t get him arrested for stealing, let’s get him arrested for forgery,” Michael says.  He wants to rub his hands together and laugh maniacally.  Oh yeah.  Everything’s coming together.
Ashton sighs, long and heavy.
Right.  They still have to convince him.  As crazily feasible as this plan seems now, Michael  knows that they won’t have any hope of pulling it off without Ashton’s eye for detail and careful contingencies.  Michael may bring the drive, Luke the heart, and Calum the glue of their little group, but Ashton gives all of them direction.  He always has.
“Hey,” Michael says, kneeling next to Ashton’s chair with a hand on his thigh, thumb swiping over the skin his shorts leave visible.  “If you really think this is impossible, we won’t do it.  We can’t pull it off without you.  But if there’s a chance that we can help Sammy’s grandparents, I think we should.”
Ashton sighs again, looking at Michael long and hard.  He turns his gaze over to Luke and then Calum in turn, taking in their pleading and hopeful faces, then gives his attention back to Michael.  Michael holds his breath.  Ashton searches his face, and Michael doesn’t know what he’s looking for, but he hopes he finds it.
“When is the exhibit?” Ashton asks eventually.
“It starts next week and runs for two months,” Luke says, pushing the museum pamphlet closer to him.  Ashton presses his lips together, then nods.
“Right,” he says.  “That means we have two months to think of and execute a plan.  We’d better get started.”
Luke whoops.  Michael leans forward and presses a kiss to Ashton’s cheek, then pulls up a chair.  They have a painting to steal.
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gloomzi · 10 months
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italicized if it's a preference
asteriks if there is a note at the bottom with further context
what i will write :3
canon x canon, canon x reader (if you send a request and want your reader to have specific attributes, tell me, or i'll make it as neutral as possible), canon x oc for friends
readers of any gender (request specific pronouns please! neos, any pronouns, he/they, she/they, whatever floats your boat! if you give no pronouns and no indication of a gender for your reader such as f!/m!/gn!, i will default to they/them or dm you if you're off anon)
queer relationships, het relationships*, polyamory, monogamy, open relationships
dom, sub or verse readers/dom, sub or verse canon characters
most kinks are okay (including stuff like blood, impact play and weapon play) so feel free to get specific in my inbox
neurodivergent or disabled readers (if it's something i'm unfamiliar with i will do research and try my best, but please feel free to leave me pointers in your request to help me!)
oneshots, short series (think 2 or 3 parts), drabbles, headcanons
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what i wont write :3
no rape (dubcon is on thin ice), drugging, abuse*, yandere, pregnancy, pedophilia, student/teacher (even if its a college student) or large age gap pairings
nsfw for underage characters
no scat/piss/emeto, no cnc
no comfort works for csa/sa, self harm or eating disorders (writing this would probably trigger me, sorry)
long x reader series
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further info :3
you must be +18 to request nsfw or interact with nsfw content (you will be blocked if i catch you breaking this rule)
i wont write verbal/physical abuse between the main pairing but i wouldn't mind doing it as something the reader or the canon character have dealt with in the past (whether that be from a parent/ex partner/friend doesnt matter, you can specify in the request). if the canon character has been abused in their source material i will also include this ofc.
i wouldnt mind writing stuff like codependency or like kill for each other type shit, but there's a fine line between like. guy who kills somebody in defense of their partner bc it makes sense for the story/their character (think characters like adrian chase for example) vs making a character who doesn't rly kill people do that bc then it comes across more ooc and sometimes even yandereish...if that makes sense.
please give me an idea of what you want in a request, don't just send "character x reader" (give me a scenario or at least say like "fluff with [insert character]").
im not the fastest writer unless im really excited about a prompt, please be patient. thanks to adhd i can be a bit of a procrastinator, but if you sent a request please feel free to ask for progress updates (just give me the specifics of what you asked for so i know it's yours). depending on how busy i am irl, if i have writers block and how many requests i have, writing might go faster or slower.
i'll try to do things first come, first serve, but if somebody sends in a new idea that really excites me i might write theirs first even if yours came before theirs bc i have adhd brain and i can write things faster when i'm rly hyped about em
erm idk if anyone cares but im a self shipper so yeah perhaps fics with my f/o's will deranged (in a loving way), if you want a list of my f/o's for those concerned with stuff like sharing, here is a list of mine, i don't mind sharing tho <3 my content is aimed towards selfshippers and i wouldn't wanna exclude anyone who shares so much love for the same lil guys as me
some characters i wont write x f!reader/m!reader for, please check this list before requesting (this is not an issue with any straight/bi/other interpretations of these characters, it just has to do with my comfort level and how i interpret that character)
like i mentioned before, i have adhd and i am specifically unmedicated at the moment, which means sometimes i'll write a lot more of one fandom than the others i'm into. this does not mean you can't request a different fandom! i will always be multifandom, i will always love my past fandoms, it just might take me a bit longer to write your request.
at the end of the day i just wanna keep things fun, writing has been a hobby of mine for over a decade now, so pls try to be kind to me and i'll be kind back! if any of these rules are unclear just send me an ask and i'll try to clarify!
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residentdormouse · 2 years
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About (me) This Blog
Hey, I'm Mouse! 👋 I'm a 30-something old millennial, just living on Tumblr for a fun escape from the daily bullshit. This had been solely Stand FanFiction before, but since it's bound to expand to different fandoms here soon (a certain wizard has hijacked my brain), I figured my intro should adjust accordingly.
I am but a humble fanfic writing, doodle drawing, nonsense producing Tumblrite. I mean, we're all here for fun right? Right?? Well, I am, so I'm gonna do it anyways. Embrace the cringe. Or is it cringe is dead? Meh, same concept... Some of my stuff has smut (smut lite, if we're being honest), so 18+ and all that jazz - heed warnings, etc. But smut aside, there's bound to be lots of smoking and swearing and violence; that's pretty unavoidable.
If you're just here to talk about fandoms, writing, art, Blorbos, music, anything truly, I'm pretty open for conversation. Just drop an ask or a DM. I don't bite, promise. I'm here for community, 100%.
(I'm on discord too - ResidentDormouse)
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FanFiction Masterlist:
The Stand (2020)
Jumping to Wonderland - Main Post w. Links
This page contains everything I have for this OC insert series: artwork, asks, backstories that never made it to AO3, chapter summaries, as well as the links to the stories themselves. Basically all the things you'd see on Blu-ray/DVD features, cause that's still a thing, right?
Supply Run (and other Stand One Shots)
A series of single serving One-Shot stories before/during/after canon. Canon compliant.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Breaking Waves
Waking up on the Nautiloid, Hayden discovers three things: this place is much different than the world she knew, the purple guys are not very nice, and she has pointy ears... One causes more alarm than it should. Now she is left to figure out how to deal with this unfamiliar place, and possibly find her way back home. If Fate wills it, that is.
In Progress Chapter Story : 4 of ???
From Waterdeep
Short one shot in which Gale receives a surprise gift, and Hayden (OC Tav) unlocks a later dialog.
Gale and Hayden
Team: Gale Needs a Hug
Random Musings/Head cannons:
Weave Scene Thoughts / Does Gale Know Himself? / Chess Banter (w. Beautiful Art by Pelcrow)
Stranger Things:
Even in Death
A Short Drabble post Season 4, using the prompt "Did you think they could protect you", a ghost, and Eddie Munson.
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Original Works:
Close to the Vale: WIP
Intro post to an original story I'm starting. This is a full collection of links, character backgrounds, and other information as it's released. Updating on AO3 as I go. Come and hold me accountable for writing on time.
Random Drabbles/Flash Fiction:
Dream Shop Prompt, Sidekick Prompt, Dark Chatroom Prompt, Song Prompt (1)
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I also reblog shit posts. A lot. And I reblog other's stories, because that what we do here, yeah? Community. Should anything not be your jam, here's my typical tags to block:
#Mouse's Friend's OCs #Mouse's Friend's Stories #Mouse's Friend's Art #Mouse is back on her Nonsense #Mouse's Tag Games & Reblogs
That said -- Welcome! -- Always feel free to say 'Hi!'
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
HI hi, I hope you had a good day today. I've been really enjoying the kinktober so much. Even though I don't know or stan all the guys I've ended up being dragged into their respective group and it's been a lot so thank you for that or curse you for that I don't know XD. Also, you are a good writer and i think it's normal to improve and you improved really well. Oh, I forgot to say I'm the "new anon" who made the two in one Lee Soohyuk requests last week (you know the supernatural monster one). I just saw that you aren't doing anymore requests does this mean that you won't be receiving any request from this day on or won't be doing anymore requests in general? I also wanted to ask which of your writings is your favorite(s) or which of your own Fics would you recommend? I hope you are enjoying the spooky season have you done anything halloweeny yet or are doing anything in preparation for Halloween day, like costume, decoration or an event?
Hello, hi! Thank you, I hope you've had a good day as well! ♡ (Also just a heads up, I'm really talkative today and I didn't know? Lol, sorry for the long answer anyway!)
I'm happy to hear that! Honestly I didn't expect I'd actually manage to write all of the prompts (I mean I still have a couple more to write lol) so I'm really surprised. And you're welcome~ just fall deeper into the rabbit hole haha. There's no such thing as liking too many groups.
Aah!! You have no idea how glad I am to hear that!! Tbh I'm kind of getting to a point where I don't cringe that much when I'm sometimes re-reading some of my fics so I guess I must've improved a little lol. And as for the requests, it just means that I'm not really receiving new requests for now since I want to focus on writing those already in my inbox as well as some of my ideas that I'm working on. Somehow I have too many fics in various stages of being finished right now and it's starting to make me feel a little overwhelmed since I'm not used to working on more than one thing haha.
Oh! Interesting question, let's see... Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I guess my favorite writings that I've written are actually fics that are not currently posted anywhere lmao. They're two comfort fics, one with Dazai from the BSD anime and the other is with Michael Langdon from AHS season 8, and they're honestly about the only fics that I've written couple years ago that I'm not embarrassed by? I also wrote some Alice In Borderland fics that I really like I guess? And I'm also sort of proud of my Junhui fic I've recently written, and I enjoyed writing it so much, and the same goes for my Hwiyoung fic/drabble collection, so those I'd recommend probably.
Honestly, I'll probably just watch the Nightmare Before Christmas, maybe read some scary short stories, I'm not too good with scary stuff and have like two friends haha. What about you, anon? I hope you're enjoying the spooky scary season as well!
And if you've read this far, I feel like you deserve some compensation for dealing with my ramblings lol. Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer but a little teaser for one of the Lee Soohyuk requests, so yeah~
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And thank you for messaging me again! I'm happy to hear from you ♡
0 notes
mercurymetals · 5 years
p. control
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I’m sorry to say that my horny tendencies are slowly but surely getting out of control. This is sfw, but uh. Heed the warnings, pals.
Warnings: Forced pet play. Brief suicidal ideation. Mention of having a panic attack.
Giorno & “Be good for me baby. We wouldn’t want to see those tears again.”
You take your time putting on the blouse. You know better than to delay too long, but you like to draw the process out as much as you dare, appreciating every second you have alone like it may be your last. You never know: maybe eventually, you won't be granted even these brief moments to yourself.
The blouse is a perfect fit. It hugs your figure just right, a small V-cut exposing the flesh just beneath your collarbones, but no lower. The expensive material - probably Gucci - rests delicately around your shoulders, and you hate the silky slide of it against your bare skin.
You look at yourself in the full-length mirror of the bathroom, taking yourself in. Your entire outfit screams extravagance, but it's simultaneously subtle and classy, the colours matched just right to contrast your skin and bring out your eyes. Your hair glows with a healthy shine you have never been able to achieve on your own, and the hints of pink on your cheeks add a dash of charm to the whole aesthetic.
You look good. It's not a shock - he's always made sure you look good, presentable, ever since he's gotten his hands on you.
Unable to appreciate it one way or another, you tear your eyes away from the mirror and turn towards the door. You take a few deep breaths, trying to prepare yourself for the inevitable, trying to still your rushing pulse, to quiet your own unwillingness to do this.
You put your hand on the door knob, and keep still. There's not a sound in the bathroom, only a strangely vast kind of silence. The white tiles on every wall both encapsulate and distance you from everything.
It's an odd thought, but being here is almost comforting, because it's the only place left where you get any kind of privacy, short lived though it may be. You wish you could stay right here, fill that enormous bathtub full of water and dive under, never to emerge again.
But you've been here long enough, and you know you're pushing it. So, with one last inhale of the moisturised air, you push open the door and step out.
Giorno is waiting for you by the bed, and when you first appear, he's frowning. But so soon as his eyes take in your appearance, his expression mellows, and then he smiles. "Amore. How beautiful you look."
You stand in the middle of the bedroom, avoiding looking at him. You should be used to having eyes rake over you these days, but his always seem to reach a little deeper, look right into your core no matter how many layers of pretty clothing he puts you in, and you don't like that feeling.
In the corner of your eye, you see Giorno grab something before he approaches you. You know well what it is even without looking.
He stands in front of you, and you keep your head titled sideways, staring instead at the desk on the other side of the room. It's tiny compared to the one in Giorno's office, but he likes to have somewhere to work during the late evenings, when he's going through the last few bits of paperwork before getting ready for bed.
You almost smile at the thought. How ridiculous, how infuriating, that you know this little detail about him, as if he's your lover, as if he's someone you might value in your life. That couldn't be further from the truth.
"Amore. Look at me."
You slowly face forward, and look into his eyes. A gaze of deep blue-green looks back at you, rimmed with long eyelashes darkened by his high-brand mascara. You think you see a hint of glittery gold eyeshadow on his lids.
"Good... Very good..." Giorno murmurs, holding your gaze while you feel both his hands reach out for you. "Now, lift your head... Yes..."
You do as he says, and then you feel that velvety constriction wrap snugly around your throat. The material is soft, but it stays firmly in place, pressing into your trachea just enough for your breath to hitch momentarily as you get used to the sensation. Giorno's fingers clasp the collar closed with expert ease, and then his hands move to rest on your shoulders as he admires you.
Just by the weight of it around your neck, you can tell which one it is. Giorno has a small collection of collars like these, custom-made and picked out especially for you. All of them are generously lavish, Giorno having spent no small fortune on them by now.
But the one you've been adorned with tonight is one of his favourites. It's relatively simple compared to some of the other ones: about an inch wide, inky black, and studded with real gold all along the top and bottom edges. It's heavy, but the plush lining makes it incredibly soft to the touch, and it never leaves unpleasant marks behind, even if you've been wearing it for hours. The matching leash, made of dark leather, has already been attached at the centre.
Giorno's eyes shine with a lascivious thrill, and you know he's enjoying every second of this. In a rare moment of self-indulgence, he can't seem to resist leaning down and placing an adoring kiss on your lips. "Bellissimo," he whispers, kissing you one more time for good measure before stepping away.
As he does so, his hand catches the leash, and he twirls the handle around his fingers as he smiles at you. "Let us go. We have a big meeting this evening."
That explains his choice for the night. As much as Giorno loves adorning you with pretty things for his own satisfaction, you know there's another big reason he does all of this: to show you off. Like an exotic pet he's made his possession, Giorno enjoys having you on a leash and collar for all to see, friends and enemies alike. The exquisite outfits he picks out for you invite others to admire you, but never to look in too closely - that's reserved only for him, and he wants everyone to know that.
But as he walks towards the door, you don't move, and the leash pulls taut between the two of you. Giorno stops and looks over his shoulder at you, but by this point you're frozen in your spot.
You don't know why you didn't go. Nothing about this evening has been unusual from the routine. And yet, something has stirred inside of you, some infantile desire to resist, to remind him that you don't want any part in this, that he's been forcing this lifestyle on you and you hate it enough to think about drowning yourself in his fucking bathtub.
Giorno doesn't pull you along. He does the opposite: he turns on his heel and walks back up to you, and he's not even done anything yet but you already regret your stupid, stupid broken heart for still trying to put up a fight.
With one hand still holding the handle, his other runs across the length of the leash, until his fingers are wrapped right at the base of it, underneath your chin. Then he tugs you closer, and you stagger with a high-pitched cry at the back of your throat, until you're pressed right against him. He forces your chin up with his thumb, and you meet his eyes hesitantly.
He doesn't look angry. At least, not in the way anyone else might. But you know Giorno, and you don't need to read his expression to understand on an intimate level that you made a mistake.
"Is there something you'd like to say to me?" Giorno asks, and you feel the collar pushing harder against your throat from his tight hold on you. "Perhaps I should cancel the meeting, and you can tell me all about your complaints in detail?"
The tone of voice he's using is gentle, but your practised ears recognise the threat in it. You only hear him speak like that in certain circumstances, and your body responds automatically, your breath fastening and anxiety prickling along your veins. Without realising it, you try to shrink away from him, but his grip on the leash doesn't allow it.
Giorno is close enough that you feel his round bangs brush against your forehead. Holding your gaze, he says in that soft, measured tone of voice: "Be good for me, gattino. You do remember what happened the last time you misbehaved, don't you? We wouldn’t want to see those tears again, now would we?"
Panic sweeps over you and you whimper as his words inevitably cause you to remember exactly what happened on that night. Phantom pain rises all along your body like goose bumps, and your heart pounds as hard as though it's trying to free itself from your chest and leave you to deal with Giorno's punishments all on your own.
Giorno sees the state you're in, and he smiles. "Answer me, gattino. Would you like for us to stay home tonight?"
You shake your head, but that won't be enough. Fighting back the sobs rising in your throat, you whisper: "No." Giorno raises his eyebrows, and you force yourself to continue, your words hiccuped by desperate gasps. "P-please take me along with you, Sir. I-- I'll be good."
It's as easy as that. Giorno's hand falls away from the base of your collar, and in turn your gaze falls down to stare at the ground, grateful you don't have to look into those tenderly cruel eyes any more.
"Good. Now, I want you to collect yourself by the time we arrive. We will not have anyone see you like this," Giorno says, already turning away from you as he glances at the clock hanging on one of the bedroom walls. "Come."
This time, you nearly trip over your feet in your hurry to keep up with him. You want to prove to him that you meant it: you will be good for him. Because otherwise, he's going to do something much worse than put a collar around your neck.
He opens the door, but before stepping out, he casts one more look at you. You look back at him with anticipation, ready to do anything he might ask of you.
But Giorno doesn't have any orders for you. Instead, he eyes you up. Eyes the entire length of your body, from your shiny leather Testoni slip-ons, all the way up to your worriedly arched eyebrows. You feel again the way his gaze pierces through your entire being as if you were made of water.
You wait nervously until you finally hear him say: "We're going to have a talk about this when we get back."
Giorno had told you to collect yourself, but during the car ride to your destination all you do is sit there and hyperventilate, your panic attack rendering you oblivious to the outside world. In the end, the only thing that manages to bring you back from the brink is the thought of how much worse it's going to be for you if you disobey a direct command from Giorno.
By the time you two arrive, you've numbed yourself to every thought and sensation, and you meekly follow Giorno out of the car, keeping your head lowered. At least while out here, you are safe. Giorno won't punish you publicly, because that's one of those things he likes to keep as only his to see. And nobody else will dare to approach you, or touch you, or disturb you in any way with him next to you. Out here, nobody will dare do anything to you. You find that thought reassuring.
There's nothing in the world that can save you from what awaits you the next time you step into the bedroom you share with Giorno. But for right now, you can close your eyes and find comfort in existing as nothing but his obedient little pet, ready to show your submission to him in front of all those watching eyes.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
More Than Friends
Eddie Brock X Venom X Arli (FemOC)
A/N: Hi guys I hope you all having a good week so far and finally Finally I got to do my first ever One-Shot with our sweet adorable softie Eddie Brock and our cute and scary Venom. This idea for this fun and yet adorable short story just came out of nowhere because I've been watching short clips of both Venom and Venom 2. So I said why not do a short story about Eddie and my new character Arli? And here are the final results of this new and fluffy story of Eddie, Venom, and Arli. Again thank you guys so much for liking and leaving comments on my latest post the prompt I did on Alfie again I appreciate it so much. As always guys please comment, reblog, and follow my blog it'll mean so much for both the page and for me thank you every single one of you for following and liking. Once again guys enjoy this new trio and catch you guys later. See Ya!!!
More of our favorite Team Lethal Protectors???👉🏻X(If you want to also have chocolate as well 💙🤍🍫)
Word Count: 6,261
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @kittycatcait219, @ao3feed-symbrock, @alikaheroes, @potter-solomons, @pottersolomons2, @jarvisrocks, @theshelbyclan, @theshelbyslimited, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @zablife, @edwardthomashardy1, @professor-alfie-solomons, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @annisse, @rikki-b-lake, @solomons-finest-rum, @omgeternal, @symbean, @weirdgirl16355, @97freaknik, @thefics-that-drip, @rayanee05, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @smellslikeillusorydreams, @veddieiscanon, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @darklydeliciousdesires, @thehardy-boys, @tea-atfive, @mariadecapitated, @quarterpastmidnight, @queenofthefaceless-main, @queencoraline3, @simpforbuckyb, @thetragedyofophelia, @lovebitesimagines, @mollybegger-blog,
WARNING 18+!!!: Fluff, Cuteness, Lots, Lots, of SMUT, SMUT!!!(Alien Sex)
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Eddie was the person who one should say they are lucky to have as a friend. And Arli was grateful to be one of those people since both had each other’s back, besides Eddie being some sort of a hero around San Francisco. They both go way back to when they were both around their teens and, of course, before the whole Carlton Drake and Eddie becoming Venom’s hoist for the first time. Eddie and Arli clicked in an instant when they both had to do a science project; mostly the work was done by Arli. But Eddie did the talking when it was time for them to present their project and they ended up getting an A+ thanks to Arli being smarty pants.
“See, I told you we would nail that project,” Eddie said once they got out of school, when Arli gave him a punch on his right arm. “OWW Arli, what the hell, what did I say?”
“That’s for leaving me hanging on the rest of the project and doing the entire work, you butthead. You owe me a chocolate bar for sure,” she said, sticking her tongue playfully out towards Eddie, which he shrugged off.
“Yeah, yeah sure, but hey I am a good talker, aren’t I? And ok, you’re right, I’m sorry I should have helped you. I promise on the next project we will do it together, I’ll do the work and you will do the talking. Deal?” He said, giving her a playful wink and cheeky smile her way, which she just chuckled and shook her head.
“Gosh, Eddie, you are something you know that, right? Remind me again why we are friends again. Oh right, because we are both shy, lazy, quiet, and anti-social, which overall makes us weirdly enough to be here right now in front of each other. How can you explain that genius?” Arli said, crossing her arms together, giving an arched eyebrow at Eddie saying “I don’t know” and shrugging his shoulders at the same time.
They both laughed as both teens walked their way towards their homes, playfully nudging each other’s arms to each other.
After they both reached high school 4 years later, they both couldn’t help but not be away from each other for at least an hour. They were like fire and ice and most of the time during lunch and after school, they would always be with each other. Arli found some friends along the way in her classes, but mostly, it wasn’t really as much fun as when she was with Eddie. He found some guy friends, but he also found nothing fun when he was around “the boys”. Usually, his friends would mostly talk about which chick was the hottest in school, the school’s football team, ditching school, etc. Well, the ditching part was the only thing that Eddie enjoyed more, but after that, it was boring. So what he would sometimes do is make up an excuse to get away from his friends and instead go hang out with Arli. Luckily enough, he would find her in the school’s library, spending most of her time reading books of any kind. Eddie would make fun of her for being such a bookworm and a nerd, while Arli would playfully hit him with whatever book she would be reading.
“What the fuck can you quit doing that? First it was the punches to the arm and now you hit me with books? Why are you so sensitive, R?” He said, trying his best to keep his voice down while the librarian in front of them was typing on the computer.
Arli just giggled under her breath while she went back to reading her book. Eddie, meanwhile, was doing his best to focus on doing his homework, which was giving him a hard time. Most of the work was from his English literature class, where he never really pays a lot of attention. He had never enjoyed reading books ever since middle school, seeing that it seemed pointless to do. But mostly he hated to spend some nights doing useless and pathetic essays that he also saw as a waste of time. 
“For fuck’s sake, I got to read 3 chapters on this dumb book and write at least a paragraph for each chapter and its due tomorrow. God, I hate literature,” he said, letting his head fall flat on top of his notebook as he heard Arli chuckle at his silly behavior.
“Wow, Eddie, you give up easily, don’t you? And come on, cheer up books aren’t all that terrible, sometimes they are fun to read. It just depends on what genre you’re reading. Hey and that reminds me, come with me. I think you might like this part of the library. Follow me,” Arli said, closing her book and shoving it into her backpack while Eddie let out a small groan as he lazily got on his feet as he as well put his stuff inside his backpack and followed her lead.
As they made their way upstairs, she stopped for a moment, making sure they weren’t being watched. She then grabbed Eddie’s right hand as they entered some staircases that lead upstairs to the top of the building. 
“Arli, we’re not supposed to be in here. Let’s go back before we get in trouble,” Eddie said, not liking where this is going.
“No, we’re not Brock, don’t be such a scary cat. Come on, follow me. It’s not too long from here,” she said as she made her way up the stairs while Eddie just let out a loud sigh as he still followed her lead.
Once they got to the top, there was another door in front of them, and without pausing for a second. Arli then opened the door while Eddie breathed heavily for some air.
“Jesus… Arli… what the… why did you… bring me up here for?” He said between breaths, placing his hands on top of his bent knees while Arli just laughed at him.
“Why Eddie? Well, therefore I wanted to bring you up here,” Arli said as she pointed out into the distance Eddie then looked up to see an outstanding view in front of him. 
“Holy shit,” he said as he walked his way by Arli’s side as they saw a beautiful sunset setting behind some buildings of San Francisco while the soft cool wind blew across their faces. 
Arli smiled as she closed her eyes, extending her arms open wide, feeling the warm sun against her body. Eddie saw what she was doing, making him smile at the sight of her best friend. Arli then relaxed her arms and as she opened her eyes, she then sat carefully down on the edge. She then looked back at Eddie as she patted on the brick cement, gesturing for him to sit next to her. 
“You know I’m not good with heights,” he said as he felt his hands tremble while breathing softly in and out of his nostrils. 
Arli then got on her feet, making her way towards Eddie, placing her small tender hands on top of his. This made him feel calmer once he felt Arlie touch his large hands. 
“Just don’t think too much about it, ok? Here we will walk slowly and keep your eyes on me. You trust me, don’t you?” She said reassuringly as he nodded his head “yes,” as he did what he was told. 
Before long, they both then sat on the edge of the building as Arli then air kicked her feet. While Eddie had his legs crisscrossed together while resting his elbows on top of his knees. 
“Man, if only I could just stay up here forever, you know? Feeling and smelling that fresh air of freedom, not giving a damn about nothing else but feeling relaxed, and just… god it’s just so peaceful up here,” she said while she continued to kick her feet in mid-air as Eddie nodded his head in agreement at what Arli said.
“Yeah, me too, you got nothing else to worry about but just feel unruffled. That’s another word for at peace,” Eddie said, trying to show off his vocabulary advances in front of her face. 
“Oh ha ha, hilarious Brock. I thought you said you hated literature and reading books. So why are you trying to sound so innovative?” Arli said, also trying to sound better than her best friend.
“Ummm… ok, what type of word did you use in that last sentence? Because that is a word that I haven’t heard of until you said it right now. You're smarter and fucking better than me. I give you that much,” he said, feeling mentally defeated while making Arli chuckle at this.
“Hehe, thanks for noticing, but seriously, I would stay up here for the rest of my life if I had the chance. But sadly, that can’t be possible even if it was,” she said, letting out a small sigh as the sun now set lower behind the city. 
Eddie eyed her sideways, seeing that sad expression form on her face. He then lightly placed his left hand on top of her hand, making Arli look in his direction.
“If you had lived up here since the beginning, I would have never met a bright, lovely person such as you in my life. I wouldn’t be here next to you if it wasn’t for you R. I’m just happy and grateful to call you my best friend,” Eddie said, giving her a smile while she returned that same expression. “Well, if it wasn’t for that science project back in middle school. I wouldn’t have met that shy, quiet, anti-social but explosive fun kid. That went by the name of Eddie Brock or B for short. I am also grateful and lucky to call you my best friend also,” said Arli, making Eddie’s cheeks blush hard red.
They sat there for another good hour as they saw the city light in the dark of night. Eddie could then feel Arli’s headrest up against his left arm. As she wrapped her right arm around his forearm, Eddie didn’t want to disrupt her sleep if he moved an inch. Meanwhile, he felt this tiny spark that lit up inside of him having to embrace this moment with Arli. Not wanting to ruin this memory with her while he still looked at the view ahead of him. Thinking and wondering what the future would be like for them. Arli would be there with him and she would have his back like how that saying goes. 
“Best friends until the very end, no matter what.” 
5 Years Later: Winter 
“Eddie, Eddie, how about that one right there?” Venom said, shifting Eddis’s head to look at another diamond ring that caught Venom’s eyes.
“V, how about I make the choices here first and you can choose the next place we will go, ok?” he said under his breath, not wanting anybody else to think he was talking to “himself.”
“Hmmm… ok, but I will get a better gift than you will. What is so important for us being in this place anyway?” said Venom, sounding annoyed and not understanding why such a small thing could be so important to Eddie.
“Because it’s something that I have been wanting to do for so long since I and Arli have been friends for so long. And I think now it’s a good time to ask her to be more than my best pal and girlfriend. That is why it’s essentially important why we are here,” Eddie said while he still looked around to find the best ring to buy and get for Arli, hoping it wasn’t too much when he would ask her to be his fiance.
It was nerve-wracking when Eddie asked her to be his girlfriend for the first time. But to his surprise, Arli also had a lot of feelings for him all along since they graduated from high school. She also was afraid and shy to tell Eddie about how much he meant to her. But once he first asked her, Arli, then said yes, and they have been together ever since that day. And that is when the whole mess of Carlton Drake and The Life Foundation happened after they became boyfriend and girlfriend. Until now, Arli and Eddie have stuck with each other even though Venom was part of the relationship. They would always have fun whenever they felt like running around the city at night. Which Arli enjoyed the most while feeling the fresh cold air while Venom would run and jump on top of the buildings.
An hour went by, as both Eddie and Venom made their way out of the jewelry store, feeling the cold chilly wind blowing across his body. 
“Now is it my turn to choose what I want to get for Ali now?” Venom said, sounding eager to choose the best gift to give to Arli.
“V, I told you so many times it’s pronounced Arli, not Ali. There’s an R after the A and yes, we’re getting there. Either way, what type of gift are you going to get her that’s way better than the ring I got for her?” Eddie said, making his way towards Mrs. Chen’s liquor store to 
“Hi Eddie, hey Venom.” she said, greeting them both as she heard the bell chime from the entrance.
“Why are we stopping by Mrs. Chen’s place?” said Venom said as he made his way to get some drinks from the large glass fridges 
“I got to get some drinks for me and Arli and this is the place where she likes to get them the most,” he said as he got two large red wine bottles out of the fridge.
“Why do they look so red? Don’t tell me, is it blood? Are we going to drink blood with some delicious raw meat with it,” said Venom which Eddie just rolled his eyes at the comment that the symbiote just said. 
“Don’t be so stupid. You know what this is already, so don’t pretend that you don’t know what wine is,” he said, making his way towards Mrs. Chen behind the cash register.
“Hmmm, you getting the fancy stuff I see you got any plans you doing tonight Eddie?” she said before Eddie can answer her Venom then pops his head out from announcing the biggest announcement.
”Eddie is going to propose to Arli tonight, which I find it pathetic but he says it’s very important to him,” Venom said, making Mrs. Chen arched an eyebrow towards the slimy creature in Eddie’s direction.
“Wait, you're talking about your best friend and girlfriend from high school you told me before? Awww, Eddie, that’s great, so what made you have the guts to want to propose to her now more than the other time?” Mrs. Chen said, giving Eddie a cheeky smile, making him feel embarrassed and warm from his cheeks.
“Well… it’s just… she’s just special to me, you know, and I thought since we have been friends for so long. I just caught so many feelings for her after we both went to different colleges. I’ve liked her more than just a friend and now, I thought that tonight is the night and moment I ask her to be mine. But I don’t know how she will react to this since I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” he said, recalling the times he had so many chances in wanting to ask her to be his wife but was terrified to do it.
“Eddie, I know she will say yes, just be yourself, and take deep breaths. The things you have told me about her, she sounds like a keeper. So don’t mess it up,” she said with a sharp finger, pointing at him while he gave her a thumbs up. 
“I won’t promise, and speaking of which, look at this beauty,” Eddie said, talking out the small black square box that had the lovely sterling silver ring with a big blue diamond in the middle of everything else.
“Well, well, Eddie, she is a lucky girl, but I wish a lot of happiness and luck for the both of you. You have a good night Eddie and say hi to Arli for me,” Mrs. Chen said, handing over the two bottles to him, which he smiled in return.
“Thank you and believe me, she is a keeper.”
“When is she coming already, Eddie? I am starving,” Venom said, sounding desperate as he flipped through the many channels on the TV. 
“She’ll be here any minute. Calm down man, it’s not like it’s the end of the world. And can you choose a channel already? You’ve been changing one channel to another for the past 30 minutes already,” he said as he looked at his wristwatch, seeing that it was 10:30 P.M. which she normally doesn’t come back home late at these hours.
Eddie prepared a nice steak with some potatoes and some fresh broccoli on the side for dinner, which was Arli’s favorite dish to eat. The table was set nicely while white candles were lit in the middle while some soft music played in the background. Before he felt he was about to pass out on sleep, the front door of the place they shared opened up. Venom then made Eddie get on his feet in a swift, making him curse out for a moment.
“There she is, Eddie’s beautiful soon-to-be wife,” Venom said as Arli was busy taking her boots off until she noticed the scene in front of her.
“What the… Eddie, what happened here? Is this some sort of fancy thing you cooped yourself up with Venom or you got yourself a raise at the new job you got?” she jokingly said, giving Eddie a big hug as they both kissed each other on the lips.
Eddie could feel her cold, small, thin lips against his while they continued to share a long, tender kiss. They then parted away from each other as she nuzzled her nose against his, making each other chuckle.
“Welcome home baby, and surprise from us to you,” he said as he gave another kiss on top of her forehead. 
“Awww, you guys are so sweet. So what made you and Venom make the place look intriguing and that smell? Is that cherry blossom?” Arli said as she sniffed the fresh, pleasing scent in the air.
“I, I just wanted to make something special tonight for you and me, and no, I didn’t get a raise, but I wish I did. But that don’t matter what’s more important is that I made your favorite dish and I’m pretty sure you are dying to eat already. So what do you say, baby, care to join me?” he said as he raised his hand towards her, which she took with a small chuckle coming out of her.
“So, when can we have chocolate? And do you have the ring with you? I hope you do because if you don’t you will look foolish in front of Arli if you won’t have it”
“V, can you shut the hell up while we have dinner, please?”
“Hehe, what is Venom saying now, baby? Let me guess, he wants chocolate again?” Arli said as she sat on her chair while Venom, like a gentleman, used one of his tentacles to gently push Arli forward towards the table. 
Eddie then sat on his chair while Venom aggressively shoved Eddie forward towards the table. Almost knocking out Eddi’s and Arli’s dinner off the table made her giggle as she shook her head at the same time.
“Wow Venom, you’re being so nice and a gentleman tonight. I wonder why you both are acting like this tonight?” Arli said as she cut her steak into small pieces. 
“Do you want me to tell her, or are you going to pussy out on this one again?” Venom mockingly said while Eddie bit his lips together in frustration, trying his best to not lose his cool.
“No, well sorry, I meant to say that yea me and V made a deal that we just wanted to surprise you. Just you know I just want you to feel special tonight and well I got a surprise soft you too. But Venom wants to give him before mine,” Eddie said, shifting himself under his chair, feeling the small square box on the side of his right pocket.
“You guys are too much already and hehe Venom has a gift for me too? How exciting I wonder what it is?” Arli said as she took a bite of her steak while Eddie nodded his head.
Once dinner was over, Venom then took out his gift from the fridge. It was a full fudge chocolate cake with some strawberries on top, placing it in front of Eddie and Arli on top of the table.
“Ta-da! This is my gift from me to you Arli, now let’s eat it,” Venom said as he cut an enormous piece of the cake with the kitchen knife, devouring his piece in one go.
“Hehe Venom, you’re so sweet and my favorite flavor of cake chocolate thank you V,” she said as she placed a small kiss against the symbiote’s left cheek, making the creature blush.
“Now it’s Eddie’s turn to give you his gift. Go on then if you are brave to do so,” He said while Eddie gave him an annoyed sideways gaze at him, wanting to slap him hard across the face. 
Before Eddie could say his next words, he then grabbed Arli’s hands in his as they stood up on their feet.
“Arli baby, I want to say first that you have been the best friend and girlfriend that I have ever met in my life. And I want to say thank you for being here with me from the very beginning,” he said, raising her hands and placing small kisses on top of them, making her smile bigger than before. “Come with me. I want to give you my gift in the bedroom.”
“Ok, you lead the way, my sweet boy,” she said as they made their way to the bedroom where they both shared.
“But I need you to close your eyes first before we go in, ok? Do you trust me?” He said as he still held onto her hands while she let out a chuckle.
“Hehe, I remember I told you that when we were up that building back in high school. You are a very funny babe and I do trust you very much, love. So lead the way and surprise me,” she said, still with a big smile on her face.
“Yeah right? And good baby, now can you close you’re for me, please? I’ll let you know when to open them,” he said as Arli then closed her eyes while Eddie took out the black square box with the ring inside it.
“Do you want me to open the door?” Venom asked while he whispered a quick “yes,” which Venom then used one of his tentacles to open the door for Eddie and Arli. 
Eddie took Arli’s hands, guiding her inside the dimly lit room while her eyes were closed shut. As they made it inside, Venom, then closed the door with his tentacle as Eddie felt nervous about what he was about to ask her next.
“Can I open my eyes now, Eddie?” Arli said as she clasped her hands together in front of her, while Eddie then got himself on one knee holding the box between his hands.
“No, not yet, babe. I want to say before you open your eyes, I love you so, so much. And I want to continue being your loving boyfriend and you continue being my girl,” he said as he caressed the little box with his fingers, feeling his heart pumping fast as he continued talking. “I would be the happiest man alive if you took this special gift and asked you if you… you would.”
“Go on Eddie, just like Mrs. Chen said she is a keeper, and just be yourself. She will say yes,” Venom said as Eddie then opened the small box and prepared to say the next words that would come out of his mouth.
“Arli my baby girl, would you be my wife forever?” he said, which made Arli gasp as she now slowly opened her eyes to see Eddie kneeling before her, seeing the small black box that contained the ring inside.
She noticed that they also decorated the room with some red and white candles while the bed had two bouquets of roses. And in between the flowers was a medium size black box with a nice dark blue bow on the top. She then looked back at Eddie fearfully, anticipatingly waiting for Arli’s reply.
“Is that the face of disappointment or excitement?” Venom then said this Eddie felt more anxious waiting to see what Arli would say about his proposal.
“Eddie, baby, this… this such all such a big shocker. I… I don’t know what to say to this love. This is so, so gorgeous. I love it and yes, I do so deeply want to be yours forever, Eddie Brock,” Arli said, can’t help holding back the smile and excitement building inside of her.
Eddie felt his heart relax as he let out a small chuckle that he was holding back all this time. He then stood up on his feet as he wrapped his enormous arms around her as he lifted her off the floor, twirling her around in 360.
“Haha, babe put me down please we might fall together,” she said as she continued to giggle as he then steadily placed her down on the bed next to her roses and gift.
“So it was the face of excitement. I knew that all along,” Venom said as Eddie then placed the ring on her finger, which fit perfectly as he hoped it would be.
“Yes V, it was the beautiful face of exhilaration,” Eddie said, caressing Arli’s hand, seeing the bright diamond ring on her finger as they kissed once again on the lips. 
They parted their lips away as Eddie handed over Arli’s gift, which she took with that bright smile she had on her face. She then untied the small bow from the top and in seconds took the lid off. 
“Eddie, you didn’t have to,” she said as she took out a 5 book set box of her favorite horror author. 
“You would always talk about this author so much that I got you this collection set. Do you like it, baby?”
“Like it? Babe, I Love It!!! Thank you so, so much and thank you Venom. You two are the best that I could ask for,” she said as she hugged Eddie around his neck as he placed a kiss on the side of her left cheek.
“Awww, she is cute. I might feel like I might cry,” Venom said as he turned Eddie’s left arm into his arm while hugging her and Eddie tightly between the three.
“I’m glad you loved them, my Arli. I’m happy that you loved everything that we gave you,” Eddie said, giving her another kiss on her cheek.
Arli leaned back as she placed the box set back into the box, setting it down on the carpet. She then grabbed the two bouquets of roses and settling them down with the box. She then placed a hard and soft kiss on Eddie’s plump lips, making him laid back on the soft white bed. Arli then let out a small moan between their lips as their tongue twirled lovingly. Eddie unbuttoned Arli’s black long blouse while their kiss continued. 
“Your so fucking hot baby, how did I get this lucky with you?” Eddie said as he kissed the side of her neck, making her moan out loud.
Arli helped Eddie get her blouse off from her, showing her dark red bra in front of him.
”Eddie, are you and Arli going to… do it again?” Venom nervously said, but Eddie didn’t listen to him as he was busy leaving a small hickey on Arli’s soft neck.
Eddie then squeezed her butt cheeks while kissing her between her tits Arli bit her bottoms lips at this reaction. 
“Baby, stop your teasing… make me your little slut tonight,” she said, as she helped Eddie take off his long sleeve gray shirt, revealing his muscular body in front of her. 
“Oh yeah? Do you want to talk dirty and make you be my naughty girl too? Alright baby, I’ll make you into one then. Get in your back,” he said as Arli got on her back while Eddie then undid her dark red bra, releasing her small and fleshy breasts. 
“I like when you let out her boobies. They always look yummy,” said Venom as Eddie then took in her right nipple as he playfully teased her left breast.
“Ohh fuck baby… hmmm yea,” Arli moaned feeling his teeth lightly biting and nibbling her right breast while he continued playing with her left breast.
He then made his way down to her stomach while caressing her right breast. He then unbuttoned her black jeans until he noticed Venom’s head popping out from him. 
“Guys… is it ok if I could join in?" Venom asked shyly. Arli then looked at Eddie, wondering if he felt comfortable if the black symbiote should join.
“V, if you want to join in with me and Eddie, you are more than welcome, just as long as you feel comfortable. I don’t want to see you do something that you don’t want to do, Eddie. Are you ok with this?” Arli said, wanting to be sure both boys agreed with her.
“Yeah, sure. Just if you do maybe get freaked out, V let us know, ok?” Eddie said as Venom nodded his head while Eddie finally unzipped Arli’s jeans.
“Arli, is it ok if I could lick your boobies?” Venom said as Eddie kissed Arli’s stomach, letting out a small whimper.
“Yes… Venom, that’s fine,” she said between moans, and Venom licked both of her breasts while Eddie removed her red panties, along with her black jeans.
Eddie planted kisses on both of Arli’s thighs, the symbiote, then licked the side of her neck. Her body filled with goosebumps while both Venom and Eddie gave her pleasures that she had never imagined before to feel. Eddie then twirled his tongue against her sensitive clit, making her gasp, and arched her back. The symbiote cupped her chin with one of his tentacles as he gave her a sweet kiss. Arli moaned between his mouth as she felt Eddie insert two fingers inside her warm core. 
“Oh, fuck you guys… yes, just like that,” she moaned out loud Venom then kissed and licked her lips while Eddie fucked her pussy with his fingers.
“You like that, don’t you, little bad girl?” Venom seductively said, caressing her tits with two of his tentacles, making her whimper out of control.
“Eddie, V… oh god yes don’t stop,” Arli said as she grabbed softly on Eddie’s brown locks as he tongued and fucked her continuously on her pink flower.
She felt she was about to reach her climax until Eddie then sat on his knees, removing his fingers away from her wet core.
Arli and Eddie then clasped into each other’s lips, tasting her own sweet juices off from his lips. Venom then unzipped Eddie’s pants as the two couples continued to kiss passionately and lovingly. Eddie was now laying on his back. Arli in no time kissed her way down towards where she wanted her mouth to be.
Eddie let out small moans while feeling her delicious wet lips trail down to his abdomen. He felt her hands slowly undo his jeans, along with his black boxers. Venom cupped her face with his tentacle again, giving her another small kiss.
“Hey, hey V, she’s mine. Take it easy,” Eddie said as he watched both his beautiful fiance and his best pal making out in front of him.
“Jealous much Eddie? Consider that she is ours now,” the creature said, giving a smirky smile Arli just giggled at this.
“Boys, boys, I love you both equally. I mean it a lot. Eddie sweetheart, you want me to suck that lovely cock of yours?” she said with a cheeky smile, wrapping her hands softly between his erected hard cock.
“Oh Arli babe, I want that so fucking much. Don’t make me wait anymore longer and fuck me with your mouth please,” he said as he felt her sucking on the top of his dick, letting out a hot moan.
Venom felt the vibration through Eddie, loving how pleasurable and amazing it felt as she continued to suck his cock. Eddie grabbed a fist full of Arli’s light brown hair as she bobbed her head up and down at a steady pace.
“Oh, fuck… shit… yes R, just… oh fuck, please don’t stop,” Eddie whimpered, tightening his fist on her hair while Venom let out a pleasing groan.
“Yes, yes Arli, this tingling feeling you’re making us feel is so good,” Venom said as she massaged Eddie’s balls with her left hand, making both boys moan at the same time.
“Fuck… I might cum,” Eddie burst, feeling his insides building up little by little.
Arli came to a brief halt, feeling drips of her saliva streaming down on the corner of her mouth, hearing Venom whine at her stopping giving head.
“Hehe, don’t worry Venom, the best part of having sex is just beginning,” Arli said, getting on top of Eddie giving him another wet kiss on his lips, tasting his own somewhat sweet cum.
“I can’t wait to feel that fluffy feeling while you guys fuck,” said the symbiote as Arli became to grind against Eddie’s length, hearing Venom moan at this feeling.
She then made herself get comfortable between him and her genitals until, not long after, Arli sank down on Eddie’s cock. Making all three couples moan in unison as she then rocked her hips back and forth. Eddie placed his hands on top of her hips as she continued her rhythmical thrusts against Eddie’s hard rock.
“Fucking hell baby… oh yeah, who is my little naughty girl?” Eddie demanded as he grabbed both of her breasts with his large hands while Venom kissed the side of her neck.
“Just like that, Arli, make us feel good and dirty,” Venom said against her left ear, sending chills down her spine as she picked up the pace. 
She moaned louder than Eddie’s cock was hitting the right places inside of her warm walls, feeling like she was above the clouds. As he thrust rocked faster and faster, Arli aggressively kissed her soon-to-be husband’s lips. Groaning and moaning between their lips as Eddie now thrust his cock upwards against her small, tight pussy. Venom liked this new pleasuring feeling as he then fingered her clit with the tip of one of his tentacles. This made Arli fall off the edge, feeling her climax was about to burst soon.
“Eddie… Venom, FUCKKK!!!!” she moaned out, feeling both their orgasms burst as Eddie rocked out his semen inside of her warm canal.
Not long after, Eddie, Arli, and Venom felt relaxed catching their breaths while she rested on top of Eddie’s chest. Hearing his now steady relaxed heartbeats, while he caressed his hand up and down behind her back. Venom then gave a small kiss on top of Arli’s head as he removed a small lock of her hair behind her right ear.
“Arli, do you feel ok? You don’t feel hurt or anything that seems wrong?” Venom said while Eddie placed a kiss on top of her head, feeling his warm chest rising up and down on the side of her face.
“I feel good Venom. I got to say that was the best sex that we three have ever had. We should do it more often in the future, which I enjoyed ever so much. My boys, where would I be if I didn’t have you two in it in my life? I’m grateful for the two of you so much. Thank you for everything tonight,” Arli said, feeling her eyes drooping off to sleep while hearing both boys say “you're welcome,” in unison.
“Arli, are you sleeping? Eddie is she awak-.”
”Shh V, she is sleeping. Let’s not make too much noise. Either way, I’m beat too. We should all go to bed, still my birthday gift was better than yours,” Eddie said as he pulled up the white blankets over his and Arli’s body, giving her another kiss on her forehead.
”No, mine was much more delicious and edible than those red plant things, the silver ring and those small covers you humans call “books,” Venom said in a little tantrum which Eddie ignored as he closed his eyes while a big smile was glued to his face.
“I got no time for this and I’m going to ignore you now, so goodnight V,” he said as he hugged Arli close to him, hearing a low hum coming out from her.
I love you so much, my Arli Brock.”
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moonhoures · 3 years
For the Drabble game
Heeseung and number 8 from the fluff section!!
fluff, college!au | fem. reader x heeseung | prompt: “they’re not you.”
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“Ooh, what about her?”
Heeseung rolled his eyes as you pointed out yet another girl on the bus. Lately you’ve been tasking yourself with finding “the perfect girl” for your best friend, and while he found your passion endearing, he didn’t need you to do it. He constantly told you he’d find the girl when the time was right. But he was lying. He knew he found her already. It was just a matter of time before he got the courage to tell her how he felt.
“Yeah, yeah. I know,” you sighed, eyes scanning the rest of the passengers for another candidate, “But I’m determined to help you, Hee. Imagine how cute of a story it would be at your wedding if I helped you find ‘the one’. You better make sure to include that in your speech.”
Heeseung’s heart strings felt like they were being plucked and cut the more you spoke, and he couldn’t help but watch you naively ignoring him. One of the very few things he didn’t like about you was how unbelievably oblivious you could be sometimes. Because if you weren’t, you would realize he didn’t want you to be in the crowd at his wedding. He wanted you to be standing at the altar with him—front and center—holding his hand and declaring ‘I do’s. The amount of times he’d imagined it over the years he’s known you was absurd.
Your eyes lit up as a group of three beautiful girls made their way onto the bus at the last stop, sitting not too far down from where you two sat. Your hand tapped Heeseung’s thigh to get his attention before you pointed at them with your eyes, “What about them? They’re gorgeous!”
“_______, I’m not just attracted by looks, y’know. Do you really think I’m that shallow?” he joked, but his nerves were starting to get short. If you kept this up, he feared he might say something he’d regret.
“You’re right,” you pursed your lips, then opened them to speak again, “But, they should definitely be considered. I mean, after all you would want to be attracted to the person you like, right? And they’re attractive, sooo . . .”
Heeseung’s longing eyes observed you again, mumbling, “Do you think I’m attractive?”
You didn’t skip a beat, “Of course, Hee. You’re, like, one of the most attractive guys in our class. You’d be surprised how many girls have crushes on you.”
But you don’t. That’s the problem.
Your sudden gasp startled him, but the grasp of your hand on his arm is what made him weak, “The one in the middle has the basketball team’s jacket on. She likes basketball! Maybe you two could talk about that.”
“_______, stop. I’m not going to talk to them,” he insisted, shaking his head. The bus could not have been moving any slower if it tried, he was convinced. He couldn’t wait to get off and go to class. He wasn’t sure if he could handle you like this for much longer.
“Why? What’s wrong with them? They’re pretty. That one’s into basketball. The other one has books, so means she’s probably really smart and-“
“Because, _______-“
“Because, why?” you were both growing irritated with each other, “I’m tired of you complaining that you’re single all the time and not doing anything about it. Why can’t you just go introduce yourself-“
“Because they’re not you.”
Well, there was no going back now.
“They- . . . What?”
Heeseung’s heart was racing, but when the bus came to a stop in front of the building his class was in, he practically jumped up. He tried to pretend like he didn’t hear you calling his name as he nudged his way through the other passengers. His feet eventually hit the pavement, but he didn’t get far. Your hand grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks and earning annoyed grunts from the people who were nearly running into you trying to get to class.
“Are you really going to pretend you didn’t just say that?” you asked, looking into his distressed, brown eyes.
“I was going to, but it looks like you won’t let me,” he sighed, avoiding your eye contact.
“Damn right, I won’t. What did you mean by that?”
“I meant I like you. I have for years, but you’re so oblivious. And I’m too much of a coward.”
Heeseung finally looked up at you to see your eyes full of mixed emotions. He was full of his own conflicting feelings. Mostly he was worried that this meant the end of your friendship, and that he had just lost one of the best things that ever happened to him. But another part of him was melting from the way you looked at him.
“You never said anything,” you spoke softly, then louder, “All this time I’ve been working my ass off to find a girl for you, and you never said anything.”
Your best friend nodded, but didn’t really know what to say now. It was infuriating to you.
You sighed as you spilled your own thoughts, “Heeseung, honestly, I never saw you that way. Not because I don’t like you, but because we’ve been friends for so long. We’ve never really had moments that made me think we were anything more. Everything feels so natural with you.”
“So, what now?” he asked, suddenly feeling very suffocated despite the sidewalk now being empty. Class would start any second now, and for once he didn’t care if he was late.
“Well,” you shrugged, “This is the part where you ask me on a date, isn’t it?”
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a/n: i wrote this in like 30 minutes on my lunch break asdjshsjakl but i hope you like it, anon 😚💓
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someone1348 · 3 years
Apparently tumblr doesn't let you save answers to drafts soo we are doing this here!
Thank you @blobblobblobblob for the prompt! This was #2 withhh
Ler!ranboo, Lee!Tommy
Tw: mild cursing
With all that being said enjoyyyy :]
Boo! Quite literally
Things have been alot different for tommy since tubbo gained this new friendship with ranboo, i mean they have a kid for crying out loud.
The said blonde had been exploring around keeping his sword at bay in case he had to engage. Tubbo had been off taking care of Michael while Ranboo was probably hanging with phil
Now he didn't mind the guy its just he stole his best friend away and more, that's what bothered him the most.
"First my best friend, now my own dad! Tsk what's next" he slightly joked angerly kicking a rock along the way.
Going past a tree the said enderman hybrid poped out behind it,
"Boo!" He giggled a bit proud of Tommy's squirm
"What the fuck man!?"
The blonde rolled his eyes flipping him off and walked away.
"Heyyy im sorryyy did i scare you that bad? I wont do it again!"
"No no! Im unscarable" he said with a smug grin on his face, proud of himself as always any chance he gets.
"Uh huh, sure Tommy sure" the enderman hybrid strolled up to his friend as tommy grumbled
"At least i can swim! Ha ha! Take that"
"At least i dont eat mud"
"Oi! I said we dont talk about that Ranboo"
Ranboo laughed a little giving the shorter man a slight push to the side
"Fucking hell man" Tommy said with a slight giggle poking Ranboo's ribs
"Ee! Heyyy!" Ranboo poked Tommy's side and with that zero reaction
"Sorry Ranboo! Im not ticklish" Tommy said smirking at the taller as his smile turned into a confused frown.
"I dont believe that, Tubbo has told me all the storys of you being ticklish before"
Getting a little embarrassed a light dust of pink spread on his cheeks
"W-w-well he's wrong! Im not ticklish, never have been! Never ever!" He crossed his arms as ranboo chuckled pulling him against his chest
"Oh yeah? Wanna test that theory?~"
"L-let me go!"
"Nope!" Ranboo smiled digging into his ribs as Tommy squeaked and struggled against him fighting back giggles.
"Oh come on Tommyyy i know you wanna laughhh" he smirked teasing the blonde dragging his claws down to his stomach
"im gonna getcha!'" He said giggling as he used the same tone he does with Michael to the blonde as his knees gave out sliding down to the grass Ranboo following right along with him.
"You know you seem plenty ticklish to me Tommy" He giggled as Tommy tried defending his case that he still wasn't ticklish,
"I'm sorry, im just a little confused, you said you're weren't ticklish but im tickling you and you're laughing" Ranboo teased as Tommy's laugh grew in volume.
"IHIHIM NOT! THIHIHICKL- IM NOT THAHAT!" Tommy stuttered out through his laughs refusing to let ranboo win
"Aww can't say it? Hehe i cannn!~ Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tktktktktktk" he exclaimed in a slight baby tone
"Oh yeahhh?~" Ranboo teased a bit more "say it or I'll go for your giggle buttonnn~"
"Haha" Ranboo laughed a little along with him.
"You got this!" Ranboo encouraged blowing a raspberry on the lower part of his stomach.
Ranboo giggled stopping helping his friend up with a bright smile.
"Feel better now?"
",,,yeah, thanks ranboo"
"Anytime buddy!" He ruffled his hair before leaving to find his platonic husband
"Okay so hes not THAT bad" Tommy said to himself "but i still don't like him!" He joked
"You love me!" Ranboo shouted from a far
"Oh shut up big man!"
I hope you guys enjoyed! These are gonna be drabbles and such so thats why they are short also i dont really know how to write ranboo so i hope this is good! Haha anyways i hope you all enjoyedd :]
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ejzah · 3 years
Can you do a Drabble where Kensi and the team see Deeks with a woman in their day off, causing Kensi to get jealous. The next day back at work, Deeks notices everyone, espicially Kensi acting weird around him. This story is set before Kensi and Deeks got together.
A/N: I may have tweaked the prompt a little bit to suit my purposes.
Rumor Has It
“Today really sucked,” Kensi muttered, pressing a cold bottle of Coors to her swollen jaw. It tasted awful, but right now she didn’t really care as long as it was icy and had an alcohol content.9
“Cheer up, Kens,” Callen said, shaking her shoulder reassuringly. “You almost had that guy.”
Kensi shot him a look that said he was not helping at all. They were silent for a couple of minutes while Kensi wallowed in self-pity. Although she knew it wasn’t her fault, it bothered her that she’d struggled to take down a suspect. Even though he was twice her size and trained in martial arts, she was definitely taking it personally.
“It’s too bad Deeks couldn’t make it,” Nell said, clearly trying to draw Kensi out. He’d been the one to step in and taken out their suspect while she lay passed out on the ground.
Kensi had woken up cradled in his arms while he waited for the ambulance to arrive. Her cheeks warmed a little at the memory.
“Yeah, where is your night in shining armor?” Callen teased.
“He said he had something to do at LAPD,” Kensi answered, trying not to let her disappointment show. The last few months something had shifted in their relationship, which was equally terrifying as it was exciting. A little part of her had been hoping to spend the evening at Deeks’ apartment.
“Did Deeks say what he was doing for LAPD?” Sam asked, am odd edge to his tone.
“Um, filing case reports, I think. Why?”
“Because he’s here and the blonde he’s with doesn’t look like any paperwork I’ve ever seen.” Everyone turned as Sam gestured towards the exit with his chin.
Deeks had his back to them, in the process of helping a short woman with her jacket. A little desperately, Kensi tried to think of some explanation to explain it. Then the little blonde rose up on her toes, kissing him more thoroughly that his chivalrous act warranted, and Deeks slid his arm around her waist.
Feeling sick, Kensi glanced down at the beer in her hand, unable to watch anymore.
“I’m sure Deeks has a good reason-” Eric started to say.
“Yeah, clearly he has a girlfriend,” Kensi interrupted, forcing sarcasm into her voice to hide her disappointment and rising anger. “I don’t know why he thought he had to hide her.”
“You want us to have “a talk” with him?” Sam asked darkly.
“Of course not.” Kensi laughed off his offer and downed the rest of her beer. “Deeks is completely free to date whoever he wants.”
“Uh-huh. Well, the offer still stands if you change your mind.”
Deeks forced another smile, raising her finger for another drink.
Deeks walked into the bullpen, trying to conceal a massive yawn. It had been after 3 by the time he got home and he was running on fumes.
“Late night?” Sam asked casually, naturally catching the gesture.
“Yeah, LAPD stuff.”
“Really.” Sam nodded, like he really didn’t believe Deeks’ explanation.
Shaking his head, Deeks turned to Kensi, who currently bent over a file. At this angle he couldn’t see more that her forehead. She didn’t look up until he stood right in front of her desk.
“Hey, how’s your jaw? It looked pretty nasty yesterday..”
“Bruised and swollen,” Kensi answered shortly, tilting her chin up so he could see said bruising in all its purple glory. “Gees, I think it looks worse than it did yesterday.” Without thinking, he reached to touch her cheek, but she blocked him with her forearm.
“I’m extremely busy right now, Deeks. So if you could keep the talking and distraction to minimum, that would be great.”
The dismissal was clear in her tone and Deeks dropped his and, reluctantly turned to his desk. As he sat down, Deeks caught Callen’s eye, surprised when he found mild disappointment there.
By afternoon, Deeks had just about enough. Everyone on the team, including Eric and Nell, had been giving him the cold shoulder all day. Although Deeks had a sense that Eric was simultaneously trying to apologize.
As Kensi ignored him for the 12 path time in an hour, Deeks slammed his laptop shut, clearing his throat noisily.
“Ok, what the hell is going on?”
“No idea what you’re talking about, Deek,” Callen said so mildly that Deeks could have punched him.
“Oh come on, Sam’s keeps glaring at me, Eric and Nell are screening my calls, and Kensi, you’re barely talking to me,” Deeks rattled off. “Clearly, something happened.”
“Let’s just say we’re a little surprised by your extracurriculars,” Callen explained, which cleared up absolutely nothing.
“Oh my god. We saw you last night,” Kensi blurted out, the anger in her voice, which perfectly matched her glare of apparent disgust. “So you can stop lying.”
“Wait, what exactly did you see?” Deeks asked, worried by the possibility that he had somehow missed the entire team, especially since they weren’t exactly the most subtle of groups when alcohol was involved.
“More than enough. Enough to know that you lied to me about going to LAPD last night.”
“Kens, I can explain-”
“What I saw last night was enough explanation for me,” she interrupted him, standing abruptly. “Now I’m going up to OPS and if you even so much as think of following me, I will try out my new throwing knife on you.”
Deeks stood there for a second, watching her ascend the stairs with barely concealed rage, and turned to Sam and Callen in confusion.
“You guys what to tell me what going on?”
“Not really.” Callen shrugged.
“My only advice is to keep your distance and wear a cup,” Sam suggested.
A/N: Part 2?
Thanks for the prompt!
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saladejin · 4 years
Body Pillow
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Taehyung x Reader requested by anon (May) | 27.) First cuddle
Warnings: Literally fluff and gentle pining, drunken shenanigans 
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: This is poorly edited, oh god. 
I give up on trying to teach myself what a drabble is, because idk if I’ll ever understand what it means to write a DRABBLE. Anyway this is hella overdue but I’m still working on these cuddle prompts! Hope anonnie May is still around to read this horrible mess 🥺💕
<< prompt list >>
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Wow, you were getting sleepy.
It was the alcohol, no doubt about it, but for some reason this time getting tipsy felt a little different. Usually you were quite reserved and withdrawn when mixing alcohol and social interactions, but tonight it was just you, your roommate Jimin and his close group of friends having a pizza night in.
Well, after half a year of getting to know them they'd fast become friends of yours as well, but they were still a pack of loud, goofy college boys that drove you mad with their testosterone stink 90% of the time. You really did have to take them in small doses to begin with, but all seven were amazingly driven people through and through. You loved them for it, and honestly sometimes you really just needed to be in their presence to relax and de-stress.
Like right now, actually. 
You were drunker than usual, and it all had to do with the fact that you were relaxed. Carefree and laughing up a storm with the boys as they joked and hollered over whatever video game or story was being played out. For the first time in a while ... you could simply chill.
Yeah, chill out. Not zone the hell out.
You blinked harshly, eyes coming back into focus as a hand waved in front of your face cautiously, and all of a sudden a handsome view leaned into your field of vision. "Hellooo? You're so fucked honey." Taehyung chuckled, eyes crinkling in amusement as he shared a glance with Yoongi behind him.
"I'm- no way," you huffed, trying to downplay the way your cheeks were heating up at his proximity by slapping his hand away.
"Okay, but you're getting there." Yoongi stepped forward and nudged Taehyung back to reach for your plastic cup. "We know you're not used to having this much so just slow down, alright?"
Any other day you would've been frustrated at how the two boys seemed to baby you, but it was clear by their smiles that they were also getting some enjoyment out of it. In all honesty, you were having a great time and you had to admit that ruining it all by blacking out or making a mess was the last thing you wanted to do.
You'd still only known them all for a few months, so you didn't want to somehow damage the already comfortable relationships you'd built in such a short time.
"Okay, you're right." You let Yoongi lift the drink away from you, trying not to smile when Taehyung lightly chuckled again at the way you swayed in your seat. The other boys were already getting loud once more as Jungkook overtook Jimin in Mario Kart, the whooping and shouts of anger mostly coming from the remaining onlookers, Hobi, Namjoon and Seokjin.
You grabbed another slice of pizza from the table and stepped around Taehyung to reclaim your spot next to Jimin, feeling the younger's eyes burn into your back the entire way.
Thankfully, Yoongi and Tae had forced you to take a break at the perfect moment, because you were really feeling buzzed now. It was an oddly euphoric sensation, feeling the world spin ever so slightly with laughter falling from your lips for barely any reason at all. Why hadn't you done this with them sooner?
"A package? Well it's not for me..."
Your eyes flew open upon hearing Jimin hum from the front door, lightly slurred tone curious and confused. The rest of you who were gathered in the living room fell quiet as the murmurs of conversation between him and the delivery man came to an end.
There’s a package at the door?
Then your brain cells finally kicked into gear, because oh … it was also your door.
"Wait, it's mine then." You shakily tried to put your glass of water on the table to get up, and Namjoon tutted in disapproval while darting out a hand to steady your drunk form as you rose. The faces of the other boys swam in your vision for a moment since you'd been sitting down for what felt like ages, and it was genuinely hard not to snort out a laugh at the sight of Jungkook having six eyes.
"What is it?" Jimin asked as he rounded the corner with a large plastic parcel in hand, his plump cheeks very pink from the liquor and blown out cutely. Your focus came crashing back to the mysterious parcel in his small hands.
You tried to scour the corners of your buzzing mind but couldn't remember what you'd bought online for the life of you. You gently took the package from your roommate and squinted down at your name written on the label, earning muffled sounds of amusement from the rest of the guys watching you attempt to read. "I seriously forgot, but anyway let me open it..."
"Uh uh, no way," a scolding tone came from behind you when you reached for the scissors on the kitchen benchtop. You squeaked in surprise when Taehyung yanked them away from your grasp, and he darted to the side playfully before you could even think of chasing him up.
"Yeah, if anyone it'll be Tae using the scissors since he hasn't even had a drink." Hoseok laughed, poking your cheek when you grumbled and pouted.
The others went back to the game playing on the TV while you, Taehyung and Jimin stood around to open the package. It was incredibly soft underneath the plastic wrapping, and the more that was peeled away the more you remembered your spontaneous buy.
"Oh!" You pulled up the massive lump of lime green and white cotton, the largest smile breaking out onto your flushed face. "It's the wearable blanket I wanted!"
"Wearable ... what now?" Yoongi murmured from his spot on the couch.
"Blanket," you finished, and threw the long, heavy bundle of soft material over your head. It acted as a hoodie of sorts, only oversized to the absolute max. The warm buttery feeling of the wool against your skin had you melting on the spot in the best possible way.
"What's it like?" Taehyung murmured quietly when your eyes began to flutter shut in ecstasy, any hint of the chill in the air vanishing in an instant. He seemed to be gripped in a childlike fascination for how truly extra the item of clothing - or blanket? - was. You tried not to flush even more when he stepped closer to gently pinch some of the material between his long fingers, large wonderful eyes widening at the feeling.
"So soft, and warm," you hummed in response to his question, stepping away from him to sink back into the couch now that you were quite literally drowning in fluffy blanket-like fabric. Your hazy mind could barely comprehend anything that was happening around you now that you were reaching peak levels of comfort.
Taehyung followed you down, and you vaguely registered the dip in the couch cushion as he perched himself next to you. Your eyes were closed in pure bliss, but the brief aroma of his lavender lotion swimming around your head told you it was him. You could never mistake this addicting scent; you'd grown to like it way too much in these past few months.
Too bad you were too inebriated to really act on your small crush now, considering he was literally sitting beside you and giving his full, undivided attention for the first time ... ever, actually.
The following hour flew by, but you were still completely lost in the softness of your toasty hoodie-blanket hybrid. There was no doubt that the novelty would last a long time yet, seeing how Jimin would whine out of jealousy every ten minutes or so until you finally caved, letting him have a 'turn' for an entire 60 seconds before demanding it back.
It was cold, and you were a cuddly drunk...
As the boys continued with their game, you soon felt a slight pressure rest on your shoulder ever so slightly. You cracked one eye open to see a mop of black curls out of the corner of your eye, but the haziness flooding your brain meant you couldn't really feel as flustered as you would've - say a few hours ago.
Taehyung's fingers still fiddled with the thick fabric of your blanket-sleeve, but you could barely feel his touch through the sheer amount of wool in between your arm and his hand. Something about that bugged you, but you couldn't muster the energy to think any harder at this point.
"It's the softest thing I've ever felt," he commented, a small smile evident in the way his tone tapered off into a chuckle.
You sighed and sunk further into the bed of cotton surrounding you. "Yeah, won't last long though considering how much I'm gonna use it during winter. Make the most of it while you can, Tae."
His lips parted in slight shock. "Can I?" the boy asked in a low tone, but for what exactly you still weren't quite sure. You turned your head and blinked open both eyes drowsily, grateful that you'd managed to sober up enough by now that there weren't two of him floating around beside you.
Well, more like on you at this point. You took a quick glance at everyone else to see if they were aware, but nobody was looking, and you were sure nobody would even care. Taehyung was quite touchy with his friends and you'd definitely seen it on multiple occasions, but never with you.
Not yet anyway.
He seemed to take your pause as hesitation rather than confusion. "You just look so huggable all wrapped up in it. I wanna know if it's as warm as it looks, but it's okay I can give you some room." His eyes flickered away from your face for the first time and you instantly felt the absence of his lively gaze.
He wants to hug me!?
"No Taetae c'mon." You allowed the nickname you'd always wanted to use break free - a slip the tongue thanks to the alcohol coursing through your system - and opened up your arms to invite him closer. You watched his eyes light up again like a million stars in the night sky.
"Really?" He giggled, and the sound was so adorable paired with the way his lips formed that box-like shape as he smiled, but he spared you no time for a response.
You felt the air forcefully leave your lungs when he crawled over into your heavily padded arms, his own then wrapping themselves around your waist which was swathed in mounds of cotton. You could feel the way he gently buried his face into a place near your chest. Oh God, did he just nuzzle his way in even further?
Where did he end, and you begin? Your drunken mind couldn't really focus on one singular thought, but somehow you were even comfier than before. You brought your arms back down to rest around his broad shoulders and decided to savour this moment, because you sure as hell weren't going to be able to look him in the eye after tonight.
You weren’t even that close. You being nothing more than his best friend’s roommate, and him a newfound friend you might be harbouring the tiniest crush on, but tonight was different.
"So warm..." he murmured and tightened the hold of his arms, though now you wished you could feel more skin and less wool. You imagined what it might feel like, just you and him and nothing but a normal layer of clothes separating you as you cuddled on the couch. It caused a pleased sigh to float from your lips, and you heard Taehyung let out an amused chuckle in tandem.
Could he be thinking something similar? Hopefully?
"I guess I must feel like a massive teddy bear to you," you managed to say without slurring your words, too drunk on the feeling of warmth and comfort and blossoming affection shrouding your mind.
"Damn right you do, sweetheart."
Even in the midst of all the liquid courage circulating your body you felt your heart skip a beat at the deep, relaxed tone of his voice, not to mention the pet-name. He sat up straighter and pulled you along with him, the expression on his face completely blissed out as he hugged you tighter to his frame. You could feel your heart hammering away in your chest, and just hoped to God there was enough fabric there to muffle the clamour.
There you both sat, locked together and bundled up in the mounds of cotton that was your wearable blanket, all until you drifted off to the best drunk sleep you’d ever had. It was the first of many cuddles you would share, unbeknownst to you at the time, but with a giggling Seokjin using his phone to take a blurry video of you both and a snickering Jimin egging him on, it was easy to see how one thing would lead to another the next day.
Sometimes, it appeared the key to winning over a man's heart was to not only become a body pillow, but become his body pillow. 
Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.
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Hi! Congrats on the milestone, 200 is awesome! :D Also I've heard you're doing prompts. So. How about - hm. It'd be an AU-(I hope you're okay with that) Dean & Cas work in an office & Cas has a massive crush on Dean but he's too shy (naturally) and then Dean starts talking about this "girl" with dark hair and blue eyes and how smitten he is and poor Cas, yes? (what does he know he be the girl Dean be talkin' about)
ahhh thank you :) I am a fan of AUs but I’ve never written an office one so this drabble should be fun!!!
Castiel Novak has been working at Roman Motors as an account for two years, and in that time, he’s learned a couple of things: he doesn’t really like being an accountant, suit jackets are pointless, the coffee in the break room is terrible after ten am, and he has a massive crush on Dean Winchester. 
Dean’s an engineer--he mainly works on engine design--but he also serves as the liaison between accounts and his own department, which means Castiel sees him at least once a week, sometimes twice, and they’ve gotten up a real rapport in that time.
It’s mainly because of Dean--he’s a tease, always wears plaid button-downs with the sleeves rolled up and boots instead of dress shoes, and likes to throw quips, jokes, little asides at Castiel. Last year, he referred to Castiel as his “devastatingly handsome friend” in conversation, and Castiel thought about it for a week.
(Actually, that’s a lie. He’s still thinking about it.)
The annual company founder’s ball is next week, and it’s all anyone will talk about, including Dean, who intercepted Castiel with a stack of paperwork in the break room this morning.
“You’re going, right?” Dean asks, running a hand through his short, tawny hair. It takes a lot of Castiel’s self-control to pry himself away from Dean’s gaze and focus on pouring his coffee.
Castiel shrugs. “Maybe.”
“C’mon, Cas,” Dean says (that’s another one of his things, the nickname), “It’ll be fun, and didn’t you skip last year’s? I wanna see you in a suit.”
“I’m wearing a suit right now.” Castiel takes a sip of his coffee. Terrible, as per usual.
“I mean a suit-suit, not this baggy shit. I,” Dean practically preens, “Look great in a suit.”
“Are you going to bring a date?” Castiel asks. A lot of people like to--he’s heard some interesting stories about post-ball hook-ups. 
“Dunno yet,” Dean replies, “Haven’t asked ‘em.”
For the rest of the week, founder’s ball talk only intensifies. Castiel, against his better judgement, buys himself a ticket, and then spends an evening roaming around Goodwill trying to find a vaguely interesting suit jacket.
In between, he has several more conversations with Dean that make him feel like a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of someone’s spoon, and Dean tells him more about the mystery girl he’s planning on asking to the ball.
“Dark hair,” Dean tells him one morning, while standing at Castiel’s desk, waiting for Cas to sign something for him. “Messy. But it looks good. And the eyes--the bluest blue you’ve ever seen in your life.”
Cas swallows and hands him the paper. “Sounds nice.”
Dean grins at him and heads off.
The next day, he runs into Dean in the bathroom. Dean leans against the sink while Castiel washes his hand. “And they’re really kind,” Dean says, “Quiet, but kind. Thoughtful.”
Castiel nods, dries his hand, and leaves.
The other facts come to him--Dean’s dream girl likes cats and has two, has never read a science fiction novel, loves nature documentaries, has two older brothers, and...
And isn’t Castiel.
The night of the ball, he finds himself standing in front of his bathroom mirror at his apartment, adjusting his jacket--navy blue with slightly shiny lapels, it had seemed nice at the store--and his best-fitting slacks. He attempts to flatten his dark hair in vain, and then gives up. Castiel makes sure his cats have enough water in their dishes and heads out.
When Castiel gets to the venue, he can already tell that he isn’t going to like this. He doesn’t go out much, he doesn’t drink to excess, and it’s loud and dark. 
He’s contemplating just turning around and leaving when he feels a hand on his shoulder and turns around. It’s Dean, and he looks...well, Castiel doesn’t always swear, but damn. Dean looks great.
“Cas! You actually came!” Dean looks weirdly thrilled to see Castiel. 
“Yeah,” Castiel says, “So did you.” It’s a dumb answer, but he feels awfully tongue-tied.
“Duh. Look, Cas, lemme buy you a drink. You look way too good to be drink-less.” And then Dean grabs Cas by his elbow and drags him to the open bar. 
They spend some indeterminate time standing against one of the wall and talking--Dean’s got straight whiskey, and Castiel has an old fashioned. 
“Aren’t you going to dance?” Dean asks, draining the last of his whiskey.
“It’s...not really my thing,” Castiel replies.
“Is there somewhere else you’d rather be?”
Castiel looks at the floor, drags a finger through the condensation on his glass. “I go on walks at night sometimes, stargaze, look at the city.”
“Then let’s go do that,” Dean says.
“Then let’s--” Castiel pulls his gaze back up meet Dean’s. “What?”
“Let’s go. You don’t wanna be here? Let’s do something else.” Dean snags a server and plucks Castiel’s glass out of his hand, putting both their drink glasses on the tray.
“What about the girl you were going to ask to the ball?” Castiel asks, tilting his head questioningly.
“The girl?” For some reason, Dean starts laughing. He doubles over and eventually collects himself, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. “Damn, Cas, I haven’t laughed that hard in years. Not a girl.”
“A guy?” Castiel can feel his eyebrows shoot up.
“Tell me, Cas,” Dean has him by the elbow again, is leading him back out of the venue, “What guy do you know that’s shy but nice, has dark hair and blue eyes, has two cats--and the cats’ names are Lily and Marigold?” 
“I--” Castiel stops short, right outside, still under the awning. “What?”
“C’mon, Cas,” Dean says, moving his hand down hold Castiel’s, interlacing their fingers. “Let’s go on that walk.”
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recollins · 4 years
hi! can you do one of reid and he has a secret girlfriend/fiance/wife (idk your choice haha) that the team doesnt know about then something happens to spencer (hospital maybe) or the team meets her by chance and everyone is surprised and start piecing together why reid declined to go out all those times and stuff? you have free reign over this drabble I know it'll turn out great anyways! thanks!!
Of course! This is so cute! Sorry, I know this took a hot minute, but I apparently don’t have the ability to write short drabbles (and of course my internet went out for like an hour when I was ready to post 🙄). I hope you don’t mind it went a little long, hopefully you enjoy this!
Pairing: Spencer x Female Reader Words: 3,531 Content: Fluff Warnings: Knife injury, stitches Masterlist
The tentative hand tugging on your pencil skirt was right on time. With a smile, you sat the stack of book returns on the shelf and turned to smile at your favorite visitor. As soon as she saw she had your attention, June held up the most recent book you’d recommended to her, beaming as she said excitedly,
“Zero found his mom! I was happy he was gonna live with Stanley but now he has his her too!”
“See? And you were worried it wasn’t gonna be a happy ending,” you teased the enthusiastic seven-year-old as you crouched down to her level. “Did you like it?”
June nodded enthusiastically, her blonde curls bouncing wildly with the movement. “I loved it! I would’a been so scared with all those lizards though! I don’t know how Zero and Stanley were so brave!”
“It’s not easy to be brave, but doing the right thing can show you that you’re a lot stronger than you might believe,” you told her, and to your surprise you saw uncertainty clouding her soft blue eyes.  
“Miss (Y/N), do you think I could be brave?”
You nodded and reached up giving her chin a gentle squeeze before you stood. “You already are. I mean, you walk here from school every day by yourself. That’s pretty brave, if you ask me.”
To your surprise, June dropped her eyes and gave her small shoulders a dismissive shrug. “I’m not as brave as my big brother. He can climb all the way to the top of our tree and I’m too scared to even go past the first branch.”
As you did every Wednesday, you rested a hand on June’s shoulder and led her with you over to the children’s section of the library. Instead of instantly taking her to seek out a new book for the week, you led her to the reading nook and nudged her towards one of the chairs as you sat across from her.
“You remember Dr. Reid, don’t you?” you prompted, and June’s smile flickered back to her face as she gave an eager nod. How could she not? Spencer had come by the Story Circle – a kids book club you hosted every Saturday – and had eagerly joined in on your discussion of that month’s book, The Hobbit.
Though not [as] gifted as Spencer Reid (honestly, you didn’t think anyone else really was), June was an incredibly smart little girl and read well over her normal age group. It turned out that The Hobbit was one of her favorite books, and she and Spencer had spent hours talking about it after the club had ended.
“Well, he’s an FBI agent. Remember?” June nodded again. “Do you think he’s brave?”
“He is,” she confirmed instantly, and a smile came to your face. “He’s probably the bravest person ever!”
“I think so too,” you admitted, grinning back at her. But you think your brother’s pretty brave too, huh?”
June nodded, a little slower this time, trying to figure out the point you were about to make. “But he’s not an FBI agent like Dr. Reid.”
“He’s not. But he can still be brave, because there are different kinds of braveness in the world. Dr. Reid goes out and finds bad guys, and your brother can climb trees and not get scared.” June’s brow furrowed as you added pointedly, “and you walk all the way to the library by yourself. Everyone’s brave in their own way, but Dr. Reid’s bravery isn’t any different from yours. They’re all just as important, and all just as impressive.”
June’s smile took up her whole face, and to your surprise she hopped off her chair and rushed over to hug you tight. You laughed and hugged her back as she said, “thank you Miss (Y/N). you know what?” You pulled back and raised a brow at her in question. “You’re just like Gandalf. You’re wise and you always say things that make other people feel better. Like he does with Bilbo!”
You laughed with her as you got to your feet, taking her hand to lead her towards the shelves you wanted. “So then does that make you Bilbo?”
“Uh-huh. And Dr. Reid is Thorin, ‘cause he’s really smart and clever, but he’s really nice too. And he’s a leader. And he’s probably brave enough to fight Smaug.”
“I bet you’re right,” you agreed, already looking forward to telling Spencer all about this tonight. He loves little kids, and knowing June thought about him so highly would definitely make his day. “You know, speaking of bravery and dragons… I think I know a good book for you this week.”
You paused at the end of one of the aisles and knelt down – June following your movement – and you tugged out a book you’d been waiting to recommend to her. She took your offering and studied the cover as she read out,
“The Two Princesses of Bamarre?”
“Yep. Do you remember reading Ella Enchanted last month?” June nodded slowly. “This was written by the same author. It’s about a little sister who has to be really brave and go on an adventure to save her big sister. There’s dragons, ogres, and fairies in this one.”
June’s eyes widened with every word, and as you both stood she peeked up at you. “And true love?”
That was what the two of you shared – you were both hopeless romantics.
“Would I give you a fairytale story without that?” June giggled and shook her head. You nudged her gently back towards the reading nook, knowing her mom wouldn’t be by to pick her up for another hour at least. “I’ve got to finish putting the books away, so you get started on that and see if you like it, alright?”
“Thanks Miss (Y/N)!” she said eagerly, already cracking the book open on her way. You just grinned and shook your head as you headed back to the books you’d left on the shelf. The front desk phone ringing hadn’t even caught your attention, and you were just grabbing the books again when the other librarian Amy came bustling over to you, handset held out.
“It’s Stafford Hospital asking for you,” she whispered, and instantly your stomach flipped. Why was a hospital several cities over be calling for you? Warily you took the handset and said,
“This is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Miss (Y/L/N), this is Nurse Lesser from Stafford Hospital. We’re calling you because you’re listed as the emergency medical contact for Spencer Reid.”
You nearly dropped the phone, sucking in a sharp breath as your heart skittered to a stop. “Oh my god, is he okay?”
“I’m sorry ma’am, I’m not able to go into specifics right now, but if you’d be able to come down and speak with –“
“Yes, yes, I’m on my way,” you said quickly, already racing for the front desk. As soon as the call ended you practically threw the handset back to Amy as you grabbed your purse. “I’ve got to go, I’m so sorry. I’ll see you later!”
Amy didn’t even get a chance to respond before you were booking it to your car.
The normally fifteen minute drive to the hospital took you less than ten; you’d be sure not to ever mention how many traffic laws you’d broken to get there so fast. Not that you really cared about that, though. Your mind was in overdrive, heart stuttering painfully against your ribs, lungs refusing to let you get a full breath. All you could hear was emergency medical contact for Spencer Reid.
Heels and all, you practically sprinted through the ER parking lot, desperate to find out what had happened. You and Spencer had been dating for just about five months now, and though he’d listed you as his contact as soon as you’d made things official, this was the first call you’d ever gotten for it. You knew dating an FBI agent came with risks like this, but you really hadn’t been prepared for the instant panic and fear that came with knowing Spencer had been hurt.
Once inside, though, you had no idea where to go or what to do. Maybe you should’ve thought to ask that during the call, but you’d flown into panic hyperdrive and had been on a one-track-mind purpose of getting to your boyfriend as fast as possible.
You paused in the lobby for several moments, looking around desperately until you spotted someone that looked like a nurse.
“Excuse me!” you called, racing after him. The young man paused and looked back at you as you asked quickly, “I-I got a call. I’m an emergency contact for a patient –“
“Which patient, ma’am?” he asked, glancing down at a clipboard in his hand.
“Dr. Spencer Reid. He’s with the FBI, I don’t know – they wouldn’t tell me what’s wrong –“
“I’m sorry ma’am, he’s not one of my patients. If you want to wait in the lobby –“
“You don’t understand. I need to know – can you just please find out where he is? Spencer Reid. R-E-I-D. They just called me –“
“I’m sorry, did you say Spencer Reid?” a woman asked from behind you. As soon as you were distracted the nurse practically bolted from your side, but you were too busy studying the group of people behind you.
The woman who had spoken – a petite, beautiful blonde – was coming up to you, confused concern on her face. You recognized her instantly from Spencer’s description of his team, and for a moment you worried he’d be upset. He hadn’t wanted you to meet his coworkers just yet – and certainly not like this – but right now that didn’t matter.
“You must be JJ,” you started, not missing the blink of alarm she gave you as she nodded slowly.
“Yeah… I am. I’m sorry, who are you?”
Oh, right. That had probably been a lot creepier than you’d meant.
“No, I’m sorry. That was super weird of me. I’m (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), Spencer’s girlfriend. He’s told me all about you guys.”
JJ and the others behind her all made noises of surprise. One of the men you recognized as Derek Morgan actually choked on his coffee as he spluttered, “I’m sorry, you’re what now?!”
Heat flooded your cheeks when you realized everyone was staring at you like you’d just sprouted a second head. Nervously you brought your hands together in front of you, fingers twisting together as you repeated a little quieter, “um, I’m Spencer’s girlfriend?”
“Spencer has a –“ a beautiful dark-haired woman scoffed, mouth hanging open as she tried to think of a way to finish that sentence. She must be Emily. “I had no idea Spencer had a girlfriend.”
“Surprise?” you offered, almost instantly cringing at how stupid that was. Thankfully, one of the older men seated behind the others gave an amused snort. Derek, Emily, and JJ all turned to stare at him as Emily asked incredulously,
“What, did you know about this, Rossi?”
“Of course not,” the man – apparently David Rossi – scoffed as he nodded at you. “But unlike you all it doesn’t surprise me that our resident genius would be dating a beautiful librarian. It doesn’t get any more Spencer Reid than that.”
Your cheeks were burning now as the others made noises of agreement. The last man to speak stepped forward and held out his hand to you.
“As I assume you already know, I’m Aaron Hotchner.”
“Spencer’s unit chief,” you confirmed, shaking his hand. “Though I never pictured it like this, it’s really great to meet you all finally.”
“It’s great to know you exist,” Derek quipped; Emily smacked his arm.
“You don’t know why Spence is here?” JJ prompted, and the surprise of meeting your boyfriend’s team flickered out the moment you remembered why you were here. At the look you gave her she said quickly, “don’t worry, he’s fine. He was cut by an UnSub we were chasing and he needed some stitches. We’re just waiting for the doctor to give us the clear to see him.”
Rossi patted the chair beside him and invited, “you’re more than welcome to sit with us, if we haven’t scared you off.”
“Of course not,” you smiled, taking him up on his offer and settling beside him. The others gathered a little closer, clearly ready to learn more about you. Derek wasted no time on jumping into the questions.
“So (Y/N), how long have you and Reid been dating?”
“Five months on the 18th,” you told him with a smile. His eyes widened in surprise and he made a noise of absolute shock.
“You’ve been datin’ for almost half a year and we didn’t know you existed?!”
“Um, surprise again?” you offered, getting a snort out of JJ this time. “I’m sorry. Spencer said he was waiting for the right time. He wanted to give us time to get comfortable with our relationship and make sure things were serious, and then things have just kept coming up. He definitely didn’t want to spring it on you like… well, exactly like it just happened…”
“He was going to tell us at the Halloween party, wasn’t he?” Emily asked you, and at the bewildered head nod you gave her she explained, “he was insistent we would all be there, and when we had to fly out on a case he was really upset. I thought it was just because he has an unnatural love for Halloween, but…”
“Wait,” JJ cut in, snapping her fingers. “When we invited him to lunch last week and he’d said he had to return a library book…”
The team around you ahh’d as they all chuckled. You looked around, still not getting their amusement, but thankfully Rossi caught on to your uncertainty.
“Reid’s been acting dodgy with us lately, and we’ve all been trying to pinpoint it. I can honestly tell you it’s a relief to know he’s in a relationship, not the mob.”
“You’re the only one that thought that,” Emily started, and from behind her, Aaron cleared his throat.
“No he wasn’t.”
The others turned to give him incredulous looks as JJ asked him, “you actually thought Spencer Reid was in the mob?”
“Hey, you and JJ thought he was in a fight club!” Rossi defended, and this time you had to snort.
“A fight club?” you laughed; Emily just offered a shrug as JJ said,
“He had bruises on his – oh.”
Ah, there was the burning in your cheeks again. The others laughed as Derek rubbed his hands together, looking around.
“Guess this means you all owe me your bets.” At the noise of protest around him, he said quickly, “I was the closest! I said he was crushin’ on someone!”
“You guys had money on his caginess?” you asked them with a bemused laugh. JJ, Rossi, and Hotch gave you apologetic smiles as Emily argued,
“That doesn’t count. Garcia wins, she said he had a secret girlfriend.”
“That’s not even fair,” Derek grumbled, shaking his head and crossing his arms irritably. “How is it the only one of us that was right is the one who isn’t even a profiler?”
Before they could go any further a voice called out, “I’m looking for Spencer Reid’s emergency contact, Miss (Y/L/N)?”
Instantly you scrambled out of your seat, rushing past the others to the Doctor peering down at you.
“Yes, that’s me. Is Spencer okay?”
“Yes ma’am. I’m happy to report he’s just fine,” he assured, and the group around you all made noises of relief. “He needed a decent amount of stitches but the blood loss was minimal and luckily there won’t be any long term damage. He’s ready for visitors, if you’d like me to take you back.”
Though you wanted to see him you didn’t feel right stepping in front of his team. They were his family and he’d known them all much longer than he’d known you. But when you looked back at them, JJ and Emily ushered you to go first.
“Go warn him that we’ve met, because as soon as we see him, he ain’t livin’ this down,” Derek assured you, giving a playful grin. With a laugh, you just gave a nod and followed the Doctor back into the patient rooms.
Spencer looked up at the sound of your heels, a huge smile spreading over his face. Though you instantly smiled back, you made a noise of distress seeing his bandaged arm. Rushing to his side, you gingerly took his arm and held it up, running your fingers lightly over the wrappings.
“Baby, are you okay?” you asked softly, looking up at him in concern. Spencer smiled and reached out, cupping your face with his free hand and brushing his thumb over your cheek in comfort.
“I’m just fine. I’m so sorry, I wanted to call and let you know what’d happened, but I left my phone in the SUV. I know the call from the hospital had to have taken you by surprise.”
“You know…” you started, giving him a smile as you leaned into his touch. “Not as much as finding your team in the waiting room did.”
He actually gasped, his mouth dropping into a shocked ‘O’ as he stared at you in mild horror. “Oh no. I – I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t even think about that. I didn’t mean to throw you to them like that –“
“Spencer it’s okay,” you laughed. “It wasn’t what we’d talked about but I liked meeting them. Although apparently they were making bets about why you kept ducking out of things with them.”
He frowned, an adorable pout coming over his face. “They do that a lot. And they give [me] a hard time for being from Vegas…”
With a laugh, you finally let go of his arm and reached up, cupping his face with both your hands and pulling him down into a kiss. He hummed against your lips, the hand on your cheek sliding into your hair to hold you to him. Your lips moved against one another softly, tongues brushing briefly before you broke apart to keep from going farther.
“I’m really glad you’re okay,” you said softly, letting your fingers slide over his face to sweep his hair back behind his ears. “Did you catch the guy that did this?”
He nodded, a hint of pride in his soft brown eyes as he gave you a smile. “I did, actually. We managed to stop him before he killed a teen, and even did it without him taking his own life. He cut into me instead of his neck. It was close.”
You knew how bad that must’ve shaken him. Spencer had told you his hardest cases were the ones he had to watch someone take their life, almost more so than the cases with kids. To hear he’d been the hero warmed you to your core, and you knew exactly what would make him even happier.
“It’s funny, I was just telling June about how brave Dr. Reid was, and you go and prove me right.”
As expected, Spencer’s face lit up with a smile at that and he sat up a little taller. “You told her I was brave?”
“I did,” you confirmed. “And it’s been decided that she’s Bilbo, I’m Gandalf, and you’re Thorin.”
“I’m Thorin?” he asked in surprise, and you gave an eager nod. “Why?”
“According to June, you’re smart, nice, and clever. She’s a pretty perceptive first grader.”
Of all the things you loved about Spencer, his genuine humility was one of his best qualities. You knew he didn’t see himself for the incredible man he truly was, and watching the soft blush on his cheeks at June’s compliment warmed your heart even further.
Before you could sweet talk your boyfriend any further, though, you heard commotion in the hallway. The rest of Spencer’s team all piled into the room, with Derek in the lead, a phone to his ear.
“Oh yeah, baby girl. I’ve got him right here. I’ll let him tell you why he kept his girlfriend from us for five months.”
Spencer’s eyes widened as Derek held out the phone; he shook his head and Derek gave a deadpan frown. When Spencer refused again, his friend stepped up and pressed the phone to his face.
“No, Morgan, I don’t – oh, uh, hey Garcia –“
You could hear the squeaking of a very upset woman on the other end and you laughed along with the team as JJ and Emily came up on either side of you.
“So, (Y/N), how does dinner with the team Saturday night sound?” Emily mused, and JJ elaborated,
“We have about six months of embarrassing Reid to make up for, and Rossi makes a mean lasagna. You in?”
“Oh, I’m definitely in,” you laughed, catching Spencer’s eye as he rambled off a desperate apology to the phone in Derek’s hand. He raised his brows to you, silently asking, is this okay?
The smile and wink you gave him assured that yes, this was better than okay. This was as close to perfect as meeting someone’s family would ever get.
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
3racha cafe au ps? bc the one w the dancers was so funny
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and  I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: Cafe Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just 3racha being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing, suicidal jokes (purely jokes, if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please do not read this - it’s along the lines of like ‘pls kill me now’ but yeah)
quick clarification:
better than tony: chan
chingban: changbin
gremlin: jisung 
better than tony: changbin what have I told you about swearing in front of customers
chingban: not to do it
better than tony: then why did I hear you say shit when you knocked your head against the counter
chingban: I don’t exist for anything but pain
chingban: when will I stop being clowned for no reason
chingban: also I stooped down to get more syrup okay I wasn’t standing when I fucking hit my head
better than tony: you will stop being clowned when you learn the meaning of professionalism
gremlin: didn’t you lock yourself in the bathroom one time to send cat memes to minho
better than tony: THAT’S BESIDE THE POINT
chingban: pls let it go chan the guy just laughed okay
chingban: no harm done
chingban: well my dignity is in pieces
gremlin: can’t break something that never existed
chingban: watch me pour hot coffee down your throat while you scream in pain tiny sucker
gremlin: who’s calling me tiny
better than tony: kids please
better than tony: I'm the manager and they still won’t listen to me
better than tony: I'm giving up on life
gremlin: we’re right here you know
better than tony: did I say something wrong?
chingban: ooooo breaking out the punctuation
chingban: he’s serious today
better than tony: I'm always serious
gremlin: your cat memes say otherwise
better than tony: WILL YOU LET THAT GO
gremlin: if another bitch asks for a complicated-ass order, fucking soy latte with no foam or whatever the fuck
gremlin: I'm going to slit my throat in front of the cameras
gremlin: and my ghost will haunt this fucking cafe for the rest of time
chingban: aren’t there better things to do after you’re dead
chingban: like
better than tony: rejoice in the fact that you are no longer alive?
chingban: ^^
gremlin: no I just want to make sure I'm a pain in your asses even beyond the grave
chingban: a little bitch even in death, I see
gremlin: you got me !
better than tony: why do you have an extra space between your last word and the exclamation mark
gremlin: extra chaos
better than tony: as if your existence wasn’t chaotic enough already
chingban: just a suggestion
chingban: if you want to haunt us beyond the grave
chingban: team up with that little dude ji changmin across the mall at build a bear
gremlin: omg yes thank you for this lovely piece of advice
better than tony: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
better than tony: N O
chingban: I need entertainment
chingban: and you getting scared shitless is entertainment
chingban: additionally if I'm the one providing the advice by the transitive property I'm not the one who gets pranked
gremlin: <3
better than tony: I should honestly fire both of you
better than tony: all you do is text at work
better than tony: swear in front of customers
better than tony: and leAVE HAIRPINS IN THE FUCKING SINK
chingban: felix says minho threatens to fire him and hyunjin at least once every shift
better than tony: I should do the same
gremlin: nah you’re too soft for that
chingban: ^^
better than tony: I want to argue but I can’t and I hate it
gremlin: <3
chingban: <3
better than tony: maybe I'll be the one who slits his throat in front of the cameras
gremlin: no you won’t you’re too soft to haunt us beyond the grave
better than tony: you’re right I won’t haunt you
better than tony: I'll just enjoy being dead and not fucking alive and having to deal with you
chingban: ngl that sounds like a pretty sweet deal
gremlin: but haunting
chingban: no
gremlin: :(
better than tony: changbin look you’ve made him sad
chingban: I-
chingban: YOU STARTED IT
better than tony: <3
chingban: breaking news chan has the capacity for evil and I don’t like it
gremlin: in my defense I was left alone
better than tony: that doesn’t explAIN THE FUCKING FIRE IN THE R E F R I G E R A TO R
chingban: I honestly wonder why chan hasn’t fired us yet
chingban: mostly jisung but also me
better than tony: A R E F R I G E R A T O R
gremlin: chan
gremlin: listen
gremlin: was this worse than ‘wow’
better than tony: .... 
chingban: nothing could be worse than wow
chingban: his gc name is proof
better than tony: FUCK
gremlin: okay cool thank you for agreeing 
gremlin: now
gremlin is typing...
chingban: the fuck are you typing 
chingban: a whole ass essay??
gremlin: if setting a fire in a refrigerator is still a less horrible mess than wow was, that means that chan can no longer yell at me for setting a fire in a refrigerator because he was one of the main contributors to the mess that wow was, meaning because he contributed to a bigger mess than the refrigerator fire, he is unable to yell at me because to do so would be hypocrisy because he committed a worse crime than I did
chingban: did that... did that really just fucking make sense
chingban: quick chan use your lawyering skills to find some loophole in this there’s no way jisung can be making sense
gremlin: okay fuck you
better than tony: your argument is invalid because you also contributed to wow
chingban: ROASTED
gremlin: fuck I really thought I had chan beat there for a moment
chingban: fat chance 
better than tony: OKAY AS PUNISHMENT
gremlin: yes papi
better than tony: oh my god I hate it here
gremlin: question
gremlin: if cookie monster entered the cafe and pointed a gun at me and told me to give him all of the cookies in the display case and the oven
gremlin: what should I do
better than tony: I 
better than tony: I don’t even know how to respond to this
chingban: give him the cookies wtf
chingban: where’s your sense of self-preservation
gremlin: flew away the first time I jumped out of a two-story window to avoid becoming ‘it’ in a game of tag in third grade
better than tony: that
better than tony: that explains so much
chingban: I feel like I should be surprised but I'm really not
chingban: that’s the most jisung thing I've ever heard of
gremlin: <3
gremlin: but back to my question
gremlin: what should I do
chingban: I literally said to give him the fucking cookies
better than tony: I agree with changbin
gremlin: but what if he gets greedy and asks for the cheesecake too
gremlin: and it’s my day to take home the leftover cake
better than tony: would you die for cheesecake???????????
gremlin: without a moment’s hesitation
chingban: the amount of brain cells I lost throughout this conversation
chingban: unfathomable
better than tony: I'm quitting my job
gremlin: no pls don’t who else will changbin and I bother during breaks
chingban: you say that kind of bullshit about cookie monster and cheesecake and then you go and say ‘changbin and I’ instead of ‘me and changbin’ like normal people?????????
gremlin: look you may have had a crusty ass English teacher but my English teacher was LIT and I'll have you know I would take a bullet for her
gremlin: the least I can do use proper grammar when it comes to common mistakes
gremlin: mistakes that plebs like you make
better than tony: this conversation has gone off the rails
chingban: a train wreck
gremlin: more like 15 train wrecks mashed into one
better than tony: just. pls get back to work
gremlin: not unless you promise not to fire yourself
better than tony: it’s?? not?? possible?? for?? me?? to?? fire?? myself??
chingban: he means quit
better than tony: oh
chingban: I speak fluent jisung
better than tony: pls shut up 
better than tony: fine I promise
better than tony: please get back to work
better than tony: preferably without burning any refrigerators
gremlin: no promises
better than tony: I'll take what I can get
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smediumsmeatbae · 4 years
And They’re Always Glad You Came
TITLE: And They're Always Glad You Came PAIRING: Bartender!Chris Evans X Reader SUMMARY: After being stood up on a blind date, a certain blue eyed bartender wants to cheer you up WORDS: 2.5K WARNINGS: Smut, swearing, fluff, brief mentions of cheating, reader feeling sorry for herself, bad smut writing (probably, idk) A/N: I think this was supposed to be a drabble but ended up being a one shot as I got carried away with this fic.  This fic was made for the prompt: "Bartender!character and you having sex on the bar after it closes" by @the-ce-horniest-book-club. Hope you guys enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this. Likes/comments/reblogs are always appreciated!  As always, don't be a dick and post my stuff elsewhere without my permission. 
You were still on your first drink that you had been nursing pretty heavily for the past hour. You had been stood up, and by a blind date, no less. You were pretty sure the night couldn't get any more humiliating. Who gets stood up by a blind date? 
About a year ago, you had caught the supposed “love of your life” happily in bed with another. Your friends had understood, at first, your apprehension about dating someone else. As the months progressed though, they became less and less understanding and you had less and less excuses to use. Sara, your friend, had talked you into dating a friend of hers that was “so perfect” for you. He was smart, funny, charming. He was a lawyer at a reputable firm and was looking to make partner within a year. You had exchanged text messages with him and made a plan to meet at a local restaurant for drinks after work. You had even decided to sit at the bar to make it easier for your date to find you but apparently that wasn't an issue anyway. Had he seen you and backed out? You decided not to dwell on it too much. Not being good enough for yet another man in the span of a year was almost too much.  
Even the bartender was seeming to take pity on you as he came to check on you every so often. You had started out the evening giving out such a good, positive vibe. Now? Not so much. His voice got softer and sweeter every time he came over, as if he was tending to an injured doe and didn't want to spook you off. At least he was very easy to look at with his neatly trimmed chestnut colored beard and crystal blue eyes. His hair was a little longer in the front and shaped nice and short in the back; it had a little bit of product in it but not enough to be obnoxious. He was tall with slender hips and a built upper torso. Christ almighty, was he built. He probably had no issues lifting the kegs in back for the beers with his broad barrelled shoulders and thick as hell arms. You hoped he didn't notice you staring at him. You didn't know how much more hits your ego could take in one night. Or maybe… you did want him to see you stare. You imagined him lifting you up in those strong arms and taking you over the bar top… Jesus, get a grip! You didn't even know him and already you were left wanting. 
“How you doin’ sweetheart.” He came over to check again. You noticed a slightly New England accent that made you melt a little.  "Well… I think I'm going to give up the ghost on this and call it. He’s not coming." "Date stood you up?" The man asked, genuine curiosity on his face.  "Worse." You admitted, your cheeks flushing slightly. "A blind date."  "Ouch… that sucks. If you don't mind me askin', what are you doin' on a blind date anyway? You're too pretty of a girl for all that." "Thanks." You chuckled out an awkward laugh. "Just too busy for actual dates I guess. My friend took pity on me and set it up. It's the first date I've been on in a bit."
You don't know what was making you admit to all this. Maybe it was because he was a bartender and they're used to hearing life stories. Maybe it was because he looked so trustworthy, like you could tell him anything. You were spilling top secrets and you couldn't put your finger on why. He didn't seem to mind though, his kind eyes and sweet smile were trained on you, genuinely interested. 
"Hey, you want a coffee or somethin'? My treat." He offered. "I'm Chris, by the way."
He stuck out his hand to you with a smile and you shook it, the feeling of his hand in yours electric. 
"Thank you. That's very kind of you, Chris. I'll take tea if you have it." "Comin' right up." Chris nodded as he started to prep your tea. 
As he turned back around to set up for your tea, you got a look at the back of Chris. His broad shoulders were even more impressive from the back than the front and it gave way to your imagination of his toned back muscles. He also had an impeccable ass. You bet you could bounce quarters off that bad boy. You shook your head, trying to get your thoughts off of practically a strangers rear out of your mind. You never ogled someone this much before but there was something about him that just drawed you to him.  
The next couple of hours seemed to go fast. The two of you talked about everything from your families to hobbies, favorite music, and what movies you thought were terrible and great. The bar was dead so it allowed Chris to put his focus on you and you not feeling like you were getting in the way. You found so many other things in those two hours that attracted you to him even more than physically, if that was possible. Chris was well spoken, kind, and funny. God, was he funny! He had you laughing for a solid 5 minutes, tears streaming down your face, telling stories about the stunts he used to pull with his younger brother Scott. It had begun to feel like more of a connection with him than you had felt for anyone in quite some time. The butterflies that you thought had long ago died, were fluttering furiously in your stomach. 
A comfortable silence came between you, where you were both just looking at each other. After a beat, Chris cleared his throat and began wiping down the bar top for the night. He had done most of his closing duties while talking to you and was basically just running out the clock. 
"Hey, I only have about 30 minutes left on my shift. Do you wanna maybe go get a drink after this with me?" His blue eyes looking straight into you, making you blush. "Yeah, I'd like that." 
His body seemed to ease in tension after that, as if he was waiting for you to say no. For a man who looked like Chris and was so charming and sweet, you doubted how he got told no often. You liked that about him, though. He didn't know that he looked as hot as he did, or at least didn't put on airs about it. 
The next 30 minutes seemed to go by at a fairly clipped pace. Servers came up and cashed out their tips, making small talk with Chris as they left for the night. Soon, it was just you and him in the entire restaurant. You got off your chair and went over to the opening of the bartop. Chris met you there, a shy smile on his lips.
"So, what d'you want to drink?" He asked. "You." You murmured.
You took charge, grabbing onto his shirt and pulling him to you, not being able to stand the electricity between the two of you any longer. You had never been so bold, never been so forward with a man before but Chris… God you couldn't help it with him. You kissed his lips hungrily, as you snaked your arms around his neck. He, in turn, put his big hands on your hips and massaged them with his fingertips. He broke away from the kiss with a breath.
"Don't take this the wrong way but I was kind of hoping that your date wouldn't show up so I could be alone with you." Chris chuckled in your ear.  "Oh is that a fact?" You giggled. "Well I've been checking you out all night so I'm glad he chickened out too."
You continued kissing him, your hands running down his shoulders, squeezing them gently. Your hands went down the solid wall of muscle on his pecs and abs and you got to the hem of his shirt and began to tug. You both broke the kiss for a second as he helped you take off his shirt. You slid your hands back over his chest, loving the feeling of his chest hairs against your hands, and curled your fingers around the nape of his neck before you went to kiss him again. He stopped you and you looked at him questioningly for a second. 
“D’you want this?” He asked, his dark blue eyes bore into you.
Nodding your head, you scraped your fingernails along the nape of his neck. God, he was working you up so much.
“I need you to use your words, sweetheart.” He whispered gravelly in your ear as he nibbled on your lobe, sending a shockwave straight to your core. “Yes Chris, I want you.” 
That was all Chris needed to hear. He grabbed your waist and turned you around to face the bar top. He swept your hair from your back to leave wet kisses on your neck, his hot breath leaving goose bumps on you. His hands, wandering achingly slow down your sides, grabbed on the hem of your shirt, and pulled it up, kissing and licking where new flesh was found until the shirt was off of you. You were grinding your heated core into his hips, feeling his erection against you, growing by the second.
“Goddamn, you're so beautiful...” He whispered against your shoulder, giving little kisses and nips.
He wrapped one of his arms around your waist, his hand grabbing your hip and squeezing. You would probably be sore there tomorrow but what a way to get a bruise. His other hand came up and cupped the opposing breast, thumb moving down the fabric of your bra. He drew light circles on your nipple until they were hard as pebbles. You mewled at the feeling, throwing your head back so that it was leaning on his chest, eyes closed and breathing hitched. He had enveloped all of your body in his arms. 
The hand that was grabbing onto your waist left and started travelling south towards your aching sex. He cupped your mound in his hands moving fingers over the fabric. You bucked slightly against his hand, craving for movement from him. 
“Gonna make you feel so good.” He cooed in your ear as he moved his hands up your skirt, past your panties, and into your folds, feeling how wet you were. You were suddenly glad you wore a skirt. He hummed in approval as he gently stroked your clit. Moaning out, you wrapped an arm around his neck to steady yourself as he kissed and sucked on your neck. He pulled one finger inside you, then another, alternately pumping into you and working on your clit. You could feel the coil in your stomach rapidly tightening as Chris worked on you. 
“Oh… god Chris… I-I’m gonna... “  “I got you baby. Let go for me.” The coil snapped as an intense orgasm shook through your body. Screaming out Chris’s name, you rode his fingers coming down from your high until you were back on earth again.  “Jesus Christ....” 
You breathed out as you turned around and grabbed his face, kissing him deeply, your tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths, passion building again. Your hands dropped from his face and moved down his hard chest and abs, feeling him flex against your fingers. You found his belt buckle and undid that, then unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, his fly coming undone in the process. Tugging on his boxers, it didn't take long for his manhood to spring free of their confines, standing proud and ready to play, precum leaking out of the tip. He placed his hands against the bartop, giving himself a place to steady himself as you placed a hand around him and started running your hand up and down his shaft. Chris groaned and bucked his hips forward into your hands, his head pressing onto your shoulder. 
You stopped stroking him and he whimpered from the loss of contact. You took your hand that was wrapped around his neck and pulled his head close to you, getting his ear right next to your lips. “Need you, Chris. Please.” HIs breath was ragged as he nodded his head. He grabbed your butt and motioned you to jump. You did, wrapping your legs around him. You felt like you were weightless in his arms as he held you. He positioned himself near your entrance and pushed in, you both moaning as you took him in. He felt so big around you; pleasure and pain mixed as you stayed still for a second to get used to his delicious size. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groaned out, taking a couple of deep breaths so that he wouldn’t climax too early. 
Slowly, he started to pump into you, moaning and hot rasping breath on your neck as you weaved your fingers through his hair and tugged on it. You let out little moans as well, your body feeling electric and super sensitive as you felt him going deeper into you until he was at the hilt. You wanted him, needed him to fuck you harder, a storm in your eyes as the full feeling finally washed over you and you craved motion. You scratched a long line up his back with your fingernails, eliciting a growl from him and he picked up the pace, eyes lust blown and needing to reach his peak. 
“Yes, fuck yes… right there!” You cried out, throwing your head back in ecstasy.  “You like that? You like it, huh?” “God yes, more!” 
Still holding onto you, he swiveled around and sat you down on the bar back. He grabbed your right leg and lifted it to rest on his shoulder, allowing him to get a new angle with you. You cried out in pleasure as his dick hit your g-spot over and over and over. You could hear the bottles of alcohol clink beside you as Chris rutted into you. 
“I’m so close.” You moaned out, grabbing the bar back with your hands so you could match his thrusts.  “Me… too…”
He reached down in between your bodies and rubbed tight circles on your clit with the pad of his thumb. Your back arched, eyes slammed shut, and all you could see was white as another mind blowing orgasm rocked you. You shouted out incoherently with shaky breath, walls clenching around his cock, milking it. Shortly after, he followed, a string of curses and your name leaving his lips as his thrusts became sloppy and his head fell forward onto your chest. 
“Wow…” He breathed.  “I know... Me too.”
He looked up at you, a small smile forming on his lips. 
"So… how's about that drink?"
TAGS: @angrythingstarlight @cheeseburgersstuff
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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➳ his room in the crowded dorm
➳ "it'd be better if they watched."
➳ "then let's give them something to talk about."
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 910
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; Multiple Orgasms; Overstimulation; Oral (f); Insecurities; Mentions of Fingering; Mentions of Squirting; Exhibitionism-Kink; Mentions of (vaginal) Sex;
A/N: I liked your choosed prompts really much, anon 💕 Exhibitionism-Kink we are coming~
I hope you'll like it!
NSFW Drabbles
My official Masterlist
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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"O-Oh my god, Yoongi! Oh fuck, I can't... I c-can't take it a-anymore, I-I need-", you whine in a really high-pitched tone, didn't thought that you can even reach such a high octave. Your hips are moving uncoordinated forth and back, you don't clearly know if you want to pull away from Yoongi's sinful lips or press your swollen and oversensitive pussy even more into his face. How good that you're completely alone in the dorm right now, so the other members can't complain about that you're so fucking loud.
"Hm? What's the matter, Babygirl? Do you need to cum? Is your pretty pussy already so oversensitive that you have to cum after three minutes all over again? Hm... because you're already so wonderful sensitive, what about to get your fourth orgasm with my fingers in that sweet and tiny pussy hole of yours?", ask you Yoongi teasingly in a deep raspy voice.
His hands are slowly moving down from your thighs to hot and messy center, just alone his hot breath stimulates your clit, make you squirm under him.
You can instantly guess what his personal goal is, especially after giving you already the third or fourth orgasm. You're always so oversensitive after that and when the long delicate digits of your personal devil would finger fuck you right then, you'd definitely loose your sanity by your next high and gonna squirt all over his hand.
God, he loves to see you falling apart for him, giving him a noticeable proof how good he's making you feel.
And after that, what the Maknaes said yesterday at the Dinner table to him, he needs a good amount of proof that he's able to satisfy your sexual desires.
In opposition to your boyfriend's plans, you know that you can't take even more overstimulation today and with it, that particularly just the thought of squirting right now, gives you feelings of panic instead of pleasure.
"Y-Yoongi, wait! Please wait for a second! I-I love it so fucking much that you're so eager to please me, really. B-But you seems to be like... a little bit too eager today? Like, you just gave me three incredible orgasms in the last twenty minutes a-and now you want to make me squirt on my fourth orgasm... I don't think I could take even more overstimulation without a short break. And besides that... is something up? Are you angry or mad? I-I mean... it's feels like that you have to win some kind of competition I don't know about and like you're collecting the number of my orgasms to break a new record. Baby, tell me. What bothers you?", you ask him breathlessly, closing your legs and pulling a little bit from Yoongi's dangerous Tongue and fingers away.
An uncomfortable silence returns to Yoongi's dorm room. Your Boyfriend needs a moment to think about the things you said, pressing his lips into a straight and thin line before he sighs heavingly and answers your question. Simply because you're right with your guess, even when Yoongi didn't like to admit to it.
"The boys, especially the maknaes, are teasing me constantly how our sex life must look like. Why did you chose me, a guy who acts sometimes like a eighty years old grandpa. How I'm able to satisfy your sexual needs when I normally advoid every kind of sportive activity, that our sex must be very lazy, boring and really unsatisfying for you. Just stupid shit like that. I know, they don't really mean it, they just tease me back when I give sarcastic comments...", reveals Yoongi the truth to you and shrugs a little helplessly with his shoulders. You notice a little blush on his cheeks and how he advoids your eyes.
"...and even when you didn't want to, it makes you feel like you have to prove that you're more than capable to satisfy my desires, right? Just for your own conscience, hm?"
"Yeah, maybe. Seems like that.", says Yoongi simply, a little taciturn. He don't really like it to talk about his insecurities but that's okay for you.
A little dirty smirk appears on your lips, Yoongi cocks his eyebrow questioningly. There came a naughty Idea into your mind, just the thought of it lets the arousal between your legs run down your inner thigh.
"...then let's give them something to talk about~", you wisper and wiggle with your eyebrows.
"Hm? What do you mean?"
You stand up from the bed and walk towards the door of his room, pressing the handle down and let the door swing wide open.
"Let's give them some real stuff to talk about~ I think, it'd be better if they watched. Then we could make sure that they get definitely the proof they needed so badly. Hopefully they would learn their lesson to not underrate my Daddy as well...", announce you when you return back with a smug smile, placing yourself into his lap.
"Fuck, that's so sexy... so my little naughty princess likes it to get fucked when other people can watch her?", growls Yoongi into your earshell, clearly turned on from your idea
"Uhm, maybe... I hope they're coming back from their work out really quickly."
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darkisrising · 3 years
Hmm, how about 1) favorite fic you wrote this year, 14) a fic you didn't expect to write, 21) most memorable comment/review, and... 24) favorite fic you read this year? I would probably ask more, but don't want to get carried away. 😅
HAHAHA! I mean, don't be shy, keep em coming. I'm an open book. A sliiiightly tipsy open book but. ya know. it is what it is. 1) favorite fic you wrote this year
Hmmm... gonna cheat with this answer and say my drabbles . So, basically, what happened was I murdered my laptop in cold blood, threw it onto the ground for reasons, and then I had like a week where I had nothing to write on except my phone. It was physically painful to not be working on anything, but I didn't trust myself to work on anything lengthy on my phone, so I decided to ask for prompts for drabbles that would be exactly 100 words. That seemed like the most reasonable amount to attempt writing and editing on my phone. So I did and it was painful to capture a whole idea in such a short space, but the high I got whenever it happened was unlike anything else. Just pure triumph. And then the experience of getting to know people as they played along and sent in prompts, as they responded to them and feeling like I got to know the faceless people that followed me on tumblr... yeah, just all in all a fantastic experience. AND I stand by those drabbles, they are short but a lot of them pack a punch. 14) a fic you didn't expect to write I told trees over here one answer, but I'll give you another answer. I did NOT expect to write a Teen Wolf fic. Like at all at all at all. I even told a couple of friends in DMs who were talking about the Teen Wolf movie that if they wrote fic for it that would be the one fandom I couldn't follow them. I even gifed meatloaf at them: I would do anything for love, but I won't do that. And then something happened, I don't even know what, it's all hazy. Maybe there was a guy in an alley with chloroform? I dunno. All I know is I came to and I had a long, long ao3 history filled with Teenage Wolves and a story that just kind of... appeared under my pseud. The good news is I'm not the only victim, I have personally witnessed several many people falling prey to this strange phenomenon, too, so. There's that. 21) most memorable comment/review
Touched on two of them over here, but in general any comment that gets to be a certain length, like the ones that read as just paragraphs of someone's thoughts, impressions, inner monologue... THOSE stick out the most for me. So, one thing that's my most favorite thing to do in the world is to write something and then literally hand it to someone in RL and watch their face as they read it. I love to see when they react and then I pounce and I'm like "Okay! there! you half-laughed, what part are you on???" or if its my husband "I see tears in your eyes, where are you???" So those really long comments kind of give me that same feeling. I can travel along with a reader and see the fic thru their eyes and after spending so long looking at it thru my own it is SO appreciated.
24) favorite fic you read this year Hmmmm oh man. FAVORITE is impossible to say, but for sure one that's among my favorites is down to a sunless sea by spqr (@andthepeople). Seriously, what an intense read, I could feel the claustrophobia setting in the deeper Din went diving into the caves. It was SO well done, well paced... everything revealed at exactly the right time... ooof. Yeah. perfection.
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