#me writing tom into the script like it HAS to be him
spideyhexx · 2 months
KIT!!! write the hypothetical baseball movie and my life is yours (jokes)
​hypothetical character played by tom fjncrjfjdj we’re so starved for tom content and new characters and such we MAKE OUR FUCKING OWN
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simpingland · 4 months
Req: Can you write something with Ewan Mitchell and his co-star (pronounced feminine) where they are on the set of season 2 and how he is surprised by every performances that fem gives (Fem's character is bad and perverse), since since the recordings of season one he was already staring at her surprised by her actings and now with Season 2 he wants to spend more time with her, plus he likes her.
The Rehearsal// Ewan Mitchell x Fem!actress
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Summary: Ewan is a method actor and it has been working fine for him. But he regrets this decision when season 2 of HOTD starts with a love scene, being partner with a lovely talented actress who propaply hates him and his mathods. But nothing is better than asking for help when one needs it, right?
Ewan watched from the monitor, patch removed but wig still on, your close-up was impressive. One look at you and you could see all the ambitions that were going through your character's mind, and he himself regretted not having told you yet. The good news was that filming for season two had just begun, and in this new season, Ewan had the opportunity to do scenes only with you.
They shouted cut, and you immediately broke into a smile, laughing after such an intense scene. You received compliments as you were photographed to keep the raccord straight.
"Congratulations, that's a good start," the director said to you. "Remember you have a special sequence tomorrow, get a good rest."
Yes, you remembered. And Tom (who played your brother Aegon) smiled mischievously at you. It was a kissing scene with Ewan, with whom you had barely exchanged a word since the moment you were confirmed as part of the cast, a year and a half ago. You only spoke a little at the audition, which was a chemistry test, and he was a sweet, unassuming guy. When he was announced as the official actor of Aemond... it was something different. You didn't interact in the scenes in the first season, his scenes were shared more with Fabien and Tom, while you had shared scenes with Olivia and Phia (Alicent and Helaena). The chemistry your characters were supposed to have was only hinted by the placement of you both in the scene or montages of shots that you only saw once the series was released. And in the meantime, Ewan had stayed away from all those with whom he didn't share any dialogue, with the excuse of staying focused on his character. Tom had already told you numerous times that Ewan thought you were a fantastic actress, but you always responded the same way.
"If he does, let him tell me so. Then I'll be flattered.”
When the script for the second season came, both of you, in your respective homes, had your hearts skipped a beat. Your character would approach Aemond in the throne room in the middle of the night. And there they not only talk, but share a kiss that promises to go further in the following seasons. Aemond confessed his love for your character, and being that it was a story taken from the world of Game of Thrones, it was sure to end in much more intimate scenes. Normal for actors and comfortable for a cast that was so friendly and close. But with Ewan being so distant and serious? It was difficult. You didn't even dare to call him. Nor did he call you. What you did do was call Tom.
"She hasn't spoken to me once since we started filming. I've seen her look at me sometimes, like she's trying to talk to me but then, before I could say a word, she's gone quiet again. Tom...I don't think I should take being a method actor so seriously," he said to the other actor.
"It amuses me immensely to be the connecting point for both of you. Don't worry, Ewan, she's a sweetheart, and very understanding. She knows that everyone has their own procedure. So if she has respected your method, you should respect hers."
"And what is her procedure?"
"According to Phia, she loves to walk back and forth repeating her lines in a thousand ways."
Right, Ewan saw the video Phia sent around the group so everyone could see how lunatic you looked. And even there, after discovering you were being filmed, you smiled tenderly at Phia asking her to stop. What else would he have missed since you weren't talking?
You had already taken off your wig, your hair was loose and your dress had been off for quite a while. You were waiting to take off your make-up when your trailer was called. You were expecting anyone, happy to have any interaction with the wonderful team around you, but when you saw Ewan, the smile must have dropped a little.
"Sorry if I'm intruding. Is it late?" Ewan asked you as he saw your friendly greeting getting lost in the air.
It wasn't dark yet, and the next day's filming was starting early, so you genuinely didn't know what to say to him.
"Well... I have to finish off some of the lines for tomorrow.’
The lines you had to say with him, and he knew that. But since that wasn't an invitation, Ewan understood instantly and nodded.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you...it's been an awesome first day of shooting for you. It's no wonder you're a fan favorite."
That made you blush.
"Well, that means a lot coming from you."
He smiled sheepishly at you, you were taller than he was, standing on the trailer and he was on the grass a few stairs down. And yet he seemed way too big.
"I promise I'll be on time tomorrow so we'll have plenty of time to rehearse," he said, trying to get out of the strange conversation he had started.
You nodded and watched as he walked away, the patch in his hand and taking off his seatbelts. Did he come with the intention of chatting? My God, you'd had a chance to talk at length with your fellow cast member and you'd wasted it? You needed to go over the scene as much as possible!
"Ewan!" You called out to him, hanging almost on your doorstep, he turned with that agility that is so engaging on screen (and in person). "Are you done for the day?"
"I've got to get out of my costume. But...yes, I'm done."
"Would you mind..." you mumbled in an exaggeratedly loud voice for him to hear. How embarrassing. "Would you mind dropping by again to rehearse?"
Ewan stood still for a second. He watched you from afar, so affectionate and shy, totally contrary to your character, and felt a deep tenderness.
"I'll be back in half an hour," he promised you.
You looked forward to it, and you'd be lying if you didn't say that you'd put your make-up back on a bit. Ewan, on the other hand, was hurrying more than usual to remove his own clothes, forgetting to remove his fake scars in the rush that followed him. He was punctual, and in thirty and a half minutes, he was knocking on your door again.
"I really appreciate you doing this, Ewan," you said as he climbed into your trailer.
"Don't worry, it's going to be fun."
You looked at each other for a second, smiling, kind of gawking, which was nothing like the scene you had to recreate.
"How do you prepare for a scene?" You ask.
"I listen to some music. But I want to try what you do. "
He looked at you expectantly, and you suddenly felt embarrassed. Like the girls at the school function.
"So... I close my eyes, and I create a map where everything looks a little bit like the set."
"And what do we choose to be the throne?" Ewan smiled, which made you blush even more.
"Well... "There was a fully finished teacup, with the inelegantly squeezed bag next to it, dripping. You'd forgotten to clean it up completely. "That cup itself."
Ewan frowned slightly, teasingly, and nodded. The next step for you was harder to explain.
"Now, Ewan, I need some space."
He sat down on your couch, script to one side, the bastard having already memorized it all. And from there he watched live what he'd been craving for months, watching you pace back and forth. You read the annotations and your lines.
"They will never forgive our family for what I did," Ewan replied, intoning in the silky voice he gave Aemond.
"If it's any consolation, I doubt they would be willing to let us live even if we had given them the throne willingly, Aemond..." though you paced, your hands and gestures maintained theatricality, and you repeated the phrase three more times, all with trapped deliberation. "This pantomime of repentance can only convince Mother...but not me."
"What pantomime do you mean?" replied Aemond.
Then your character stopped looking at Aemond to stare at the Throne. In this case you stopped to stare at the ugly teacup. You had to hold back a smile. Ewan looked at it too.
"It's impossible to fool you, it always has been." Ewan got up from the sofa and approached you, as Aemond does with your character. "It is a crude, chaotic and ugly object, but always that which I have desired."
Then the laughter you'd been holding back escaped, unable to think of the mug as anything else. And Ewan laughed with you, all the tension disappearing instantly. Now he could understand the affection with which everyone spoke of you.
"I'm sorry, really," you said, getting serious again. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise, this is fun. I'm going to try your method. Shall we close our eyes?"
"That's right."
You closed them at the same time, thinking about the huge room, illuminated by a silver light that simulated the moon. And after a few seconds, Ewan opened his eyes to look at you. Although you didn't have your white hair, or the elegant dress, your eyes were the same, as beautiful and bright as they were behind the cameras. And he had the privilege of being the focus of your attention and having them in the foreground.
"Though I think I was always more subtle with another of my longings..." he whispered close to your lips.
"That you tried at least" you whispered back.
"When I get the throne I'll need someone as sharp as you to accompany me. There is no woman in the seven kingdoms who compares to you."
Then came the kiss. You looked into Ewan's eyes, up his nose and down to his lips. What was there left to throw yourself? Not much, but with him being so reclusive, with that being one of the few times you spoke to each other, it felt strange to pounce on him without consent. So you walked away, leaving the scene there.
"We can work this out with the director and the intimacy coordinator, if you like," Ewan suggested, a little flushed and extremely sweet.
You poured him a cup of tea while you discussed the romance that your characters might have developed over the years that the series skips. You imagined romantic scenes that might have led up to that kiss and concluded that they were a toxic couple, but possibly better than Rhaenyra and Daemon.
"You know, I love the way you act and I love that I discovered your process," he confessed. "I think the admiration part is not going to be too hard to act out."
"Oh...my process is really ridiculous, everyone laughs at me. I'm glad it at least works. But it gives me a hard time at auditions," you laughed nervously.
"Well, it's true that it's fun to watch. But it's certainly worth it. I don't think you have anything to envy the others, you're...magnetic." He said it with a seriousness that moved you, adding to his intense gaze. "I'm sorry I wasn't smart enough to tell you sooner, because I've been thinking about it since the day they put me in the same room you were in, back at the audition.”
You froze a little, so you just said what you felt in the simplest way and with the most honest smile.
"Thank you."
Ewan took the last sip of his tea and before he left you remembered one of the thousand questions you had for him.
"Is there a reason you haven't removed the scar? Something to do with method acting?"
You touched his cheek, where the scar began, and Ewan understood instantly.
"Ah, gee, I completely forgot to go through makeup. I'll get a telling off tomorrow."
"Not if you sleep on it until tomorrow" you joked. "Let me help you, I love fake wounds."
You stood next to him, towering over him a little, and lifted the thin layer of silicone with the delicacy you had seen in make-up artists. You were envious of the woman who was in charge of characterising a person as curiously attractive as Ewan. He also smelled exaggeratedly good.
When you took it off, you threw it into the creepy teacup from earlier.
"I've almost run out from, the costume department before," he justified himself. You took the opportunity to wipe that part of her face with a makeup remover wipe. "I usually do this part myself..."
"I know, but I like it..."
And while you were stroking his face with the excuse of cleaning it, Ewan was watching your lips, and didn't notice that you had noticed. You pushed the wipe away, stroking his chin, and at the same time, you both pressed your lips together. A strange kiss, something special, sweet and soft. You stretched it out, standing almost still, afraid of what would happen if you broke apart. When you finally did, you looked at each other with a look of confusion, though neither you nor Ewan pulled away.
It was a dangerous idea, he was your partner, and you had been unprofessional. You broke away.
"I think you should rest. I've distracted you too much." Your tone came out agitated and Ewan rose slowly.
"No, it's all right. I liked it. I liked everything. Didn't you?" He had emphasised the word 'everything' and was looking at you with lambent eyes.
"Yes...I loved being with you."
He said goodbye with a smile of his, and you bowed at your door like a little girl. Most of the team had already gone to rest and you barely noticed.
You had to put on more concealer than usual the next day because of the lack of sleep you'd had from that strange kiss. Ewan had kept his promise and had arrived a good while earlier to re-rehearse the scene. You did it without the kiss or the lights, just with the director's instructions and with your cheeks flushed as you exchanged glances.
"Did you practice with the kiss?" the intimacy coordinator asked you.
You were completely silent. Ewan answered for you.
"Not really, maybe it's better to give a first kiss at the moment of the shot. More realism."
"Well, then I guess you've worked out the sexual tension and dynamics of your characters."
Ewan nodded and smiled, which made you smile. Had he put hours of sleep into your little meeting yesterday? Yes, he had, and he told the woman who was putting on his scar who asked him who had removed it the day before. When you returned to the set, lights on, costumes on, cameras rolling, Ewan looked at you in the distance, asking you with his eyes if you were ready. You nodded with a shy smile, and began to act when they shouted action.
Aemond, still dressed and coming from the castle library, walked into the empty throne room to watch you. You walked behind him, in a smart dressing gown, your hair loose and trying uselessly not to make a sound. Aemond then spoke aloud.
"They will never forgive our family for what I did."
You approached Ewan, who still wouldn't look at you.
"If it's any consolation, I doubt they would be willing to let us live even if we had given them the throne willingly, Aemond..." You leaned into him a little, as the director had recommended. He was so tall and so tense that you felt as safe as if you were leaning against a stone pillar. "This pantomime of repentance can only convince Mother...but not me." Then Aemond would look down to see you out of the corner of his eye, which made your character - and you - nervous.
"What pantomime do you mean?"
Then you looked at the throne, now there was no laughter to disturb you, only the terrible seat of swords before you. And Aemond was looking at it too.
"It's impossible to fool you, it always has been. It is a brutish, chaotic, ugly object, but always that which I have desired."
After a pause, he turned fully around to look at you, his height becoming primordial in that short distance. In that low light, Ewan's visible eye looked into your eyes, dropping to your lips subtly.
"Though I think I was always more subtle with another of my longings..." he whispered in his velvety tone.
"That you tried at least" you replied trying to keep your composure. If they knew how hard you were struggling not to fall to your knees at that moment they would have nominated you for an Emmy by now.
"When I get the throne I'll need someone as clever as you to accompany me. There is no woman in the seven kingdoms who compares to you."
He stroked your face gently, something that coming from Ewan was tender and expected, immensely pleasing, but then you remembered that Aemond could never be so gentle in the face of his urges, and you let your own out. You pressed yourself against him, pressing your lips together with all the assurance you had longed for the night before. You could feel Ewan intensify your kiss even more, placing his hand on your neck. All the possible kisses that had been going on in your head during the night were now dwarfed by the kiss that was happening right there. As fierce as your characters, with the longing you had just discovered that you and Ewan had shared for a year and a half.
It was only when they shouted 'cut' that you broke apart, catching your breath and barely breaking away. Some applause, chatter and comments from the team, you could hear little of what they were saying. You pulled away flushed, laughing at the sudden intensity. You looked at the director as Ewan smoothed his jacket.
"Let's look at the shot, I think it was simply perfect, congratulations."
Another round of applause, and you felt Ewan brush your unruly hair out of your face, stroking it as he ruffled your hair.
"What a pity not to have to repeat this scene..." He confessed.
"That's the thing about being so talented," you joked.
"Obviously..." he removed his patch and turned back to you to ask in a quieter voice, "although I'd love to have more private acting classes with you..."
You smiled at the hint.
"I'll give them to you if in exchange you let me remove your fake scars again."
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lifewithdavefarts · 2 months
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DaveFarts - Episode 32 “A Worthy Opponent” [Episode List] Dave is back at the warehouse and filming another short “fart porn” clip for Greg. As he keeps blasting Tom, his co-worker and fart sniffer, a masked man steps into the set…
Greatly influenced by this suggestion.
Reminder: Tom was introduced in Episode 14.
POV: Dave
Alright, just like I did last time, it’s all good.
Getting paid to fart in someone’s face? Easiest money I’ll ever make in my life.
My friend Greg, the wannabe movie director, wanted me for another fart porn film.
Yes, that’s an actual thing, this is my life now… a small part of it at least.
You know me, I’m a chill dude, though before accepting such task some months ago I wanted to make sure there were some lines that we shouldn’t cross. To be honest, however, the more I worked with Greg, the more I got used to all of this gross kinky stuff.
I mean, that sounds hypocrite, I’m aware: I’m an incredibly skilled straight farter who continuously face-farts his friend and roommate, fully knowing the he has a fart fetish, and even before that I’ve always been a proud farter, and rightfully so.
Also, I spend too much time on the Internet, so I’m well-versed in gross stuff.
With Tim, however, it’s different.
Here there are cameras, people telling me how I need to fart (seriously!), people I barely know but, truth to be told, who gives a shit? It’s just business, a business that revolves about farting, so you could say that my ass shits gold, almost literally.
Plus, I already got a Tim in my fart-victim collection: a Tom always sounded like the next logical step, the next Infinity Sniffer. You can starting calling me Thanus at this point.
So here I am, back at the warehouse, in this fake living room, wearing a pair of shabby grey sweatpants, cautiously sitting on Tom’s face. 
Tom, my co-worker and professional fart sniffer.
He was lying on this couch in the middle of the set, face up, his nose perfectly aligned with my asscheeks already.
He didn’t say a word or move a muscle: this guy is a pro for real. I still don’t know if he actually has a fart kink or not. What I do know is that I did blast him even when we weren’t working once. 
What can I say? My farts are too good to be wasted!
As of now, I sat on him and adjusted my position, spreading my legs wide, to ease the next fart out and, according to the script, “to showoff my manly bulge”. Thanks, I guess?
I lean just a bit and I effortlessly rip the first fart of the session, a natural blast I’ve been brewing for a couple of minutes. The warm gas passed through the fabric of my sweatpants and soon Tom’s face was imbued with my poisonous flatulence.
“Fuck yeah.” I said, as the loud blast kept going. “Don’t choke on that you fag.”
Hey, I didn’t write the script!
I could feel and hear Tom taking deep whiffs of that fart. I wiggled my ass in response, an improv which he seemed to enjoy, both professionally and… kinkly?
This blast lasted around 6 seconds. A good one don’t get me wrong… but you know what I’m truly capable of…
I noticed Greg from behind the camera giving me a thumbs up, mouthing my next line.
“Alright you filthy slave, you better open up.”
Tom obeyed. I leaned once again and spread my legs even wider, my anus aligning with my co-worker’s mouth.
Another home-run, another loud fart, I didn’t even need to push that much. I’m ridiculously good at this, I swear. It feels stupid to brag about farting skills but trust me, as soon as I finish ripping one of my huge farts, my body is already brewing the next one. I got a quick reload.
Tom’s face was shaking and this time, for real, he almost choked on my gas, as I felt him move. And when even Tom, who’s usually stone-cold while working, flinches, I know I did a good job.
I saw Greg talking to his assistant: he seemed angry. In that moment, behind me, the fake door of the fake living room opened without warning. Was this an unscripted moment?
I stopped farting and turned around, kind of forgetting that I was sitting on Tom’s face.
Someone stepped into the set, another man, around my age, tall and skinny. I couldn’t see his face as he was wearing some kind of black ski mask. His clothes were as casual as mine (a red t-shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans).
He didn’t look friendly, yet the moment he saw me, he kind of froze on the spot for a few moments.
Is Greg making a farter-slasher movie all of the sudden? Not that I’d complain! Sounds camp-y enough to me.
I gave an inquisitive look to my director-friend, who promptly stopped filming.
“C-cut!” he yelled. “Alright, we got our first farts.” he said, as he walked towards me. “N-now, make room for the other farter of this session.” 
I gave him a puzzled look. “Other farter?”
“Duh!” Greg replied, as he pulled me out of the set, impatiently. “You thought you were the only person capable of ripping ass?”
Honestly, kind of?
I mean, I don’t think about farts 24/7, but I do know that I’m pretty good at it. Ask Tim.
“Are you replacing me?” I bluntly asked.
Not gonna have a fight over… farting, that’s for sure. And I’m not even mad, I was just taking those extra bucks for granted.
“Don’t be jealous.” he replied, as he let me sit next to him, next to the director himself, as if I was one of the crew.
I watched as this masked guy stepped on the couch and squatted over Tom’s head, just as the poor guy was getting used to fresh air again. I guess this is his lucky day, assuming that he does have the kink.
“Action!” I almost went deaf when Greg screamed that.
The masked guy was basically another master and he acted accordingly.
“Here you go, fag. Got something for you to taste…” 
The fart that followed was very loud and echoed in the whole warehouse. On one hand, when I’m not the one torturing a poor soul with farts, yeah, it’s pretty gross. On the other, as a man, I gotta tip my imaginary hat to a fellow talented farter. The blast was nowhere as long as mine, but holy shit.
This other “master” was way more dominant than I was, way more natural I’d say.
“If you wanted a master, you could just ask…” I whispered into Greg's ear, sounding way more flirty than I intended to be, which almost made me laugh.
“You can’t be a master like him.” he firmly replied. “You’re too nice.”
Should I be offended? I really don’t know anything anymore at this point.
“Fire in the hole!” the masked master yelled, just as he ripped another loud fart down Tom’s throat.
I admit this guy’s voice sounded quite familiar, despite his best effort at trying to sound much deeper.
“Do we know this guy?” I asked Greg. The question almost startled him.
“Uhm. No idea.”
Ok, liar ahead. Clearly we know this guy then.
I will get to the bottom of this… after I put this masked guy to his place.
POV: Tom
Dave’s farts were already impressive, but this masked guy’s blasts are really hard to endure, really pushing the limits of my kink. Those farts sound utterly gross, almost wet, and they smell horribly. I like working with Dave because, among other things, his roaring ass is loud but when it comes to stench, I can easily inhale those.
This guy… I have no idea who he is, Greg refused to introduce us for some reason, but I decided to trust him: I think I made a mistake. The rough surface of his skinny jeans is almost scraping my face.
Another fart erupted right into my nostrils, renewing the already terrible stench. It smells like… spoiled milk? I don’t know, it’s nauseating, I feel like I’m drowning in a sewer. I’m always very calm and composed when I’m… working, but I wasn’t ready for this I admit it.
“You’re such a bitch, I knew you couldn’t handle it.” the man said, ripping another loud, short rip.
If this guy doesn’t get up soon, I’m probably gonna choke in my own puke.
“Alright, that’s enough, get the fuck out of here.”
I heard Dave say, walking towards us, and I was relieved.
The masked man got up, my eyes adjusting to the spotlight shining over the set. I took a deep breathe of (relatively) fresh air, but anything was better than that. 
I managed to recognize Dave’s silhouette, towering over me.
“That was cute. Now let me show how a pro does it.”
Great. I’m basically the city you see in the background of kaijū movies while the monsters fight each other. You know the city, right? The city that usually gets completely leveled by the huge creatures?
I guess that’s my role for today.
Let’s get it over with.
As I said, Dave’s farts are huge but I’d take anything over that other guy’s gas.
I quickly took more deep breaths… before letting Dave sit on me again.
POV: Dave
“That was cute. Now let me show how a pro does it.”
I don’t know who this guy is, but if he really wants to do this, a fuckin’ fart challenge, then he’s gonna get blown away.
Well, not him, rather, my good pal right here on the couch.
“Alright…” I whispered to Tom. “Get ready bro. I’m gonna rip some huge ones and act like an asshole for a bit.”
I earned a puzzled look from him. “An asshole?” he paused for a moment. “But… you’re too nice.”
Oh great, now the sub tells me how lovey-dovey I am, perfect!
I stepped on the couch, not caring how my feet was crushing Tom’s chest, and squatted over his face, my fabric-clad anus tickling the tip of his nose. As I said, I’m always brewing a big one, and having a quick cheeseburger before coming here surely helped.
Once again, effortlessly, my ass started roaring, loud and unstoppable. As I kept pushing this one out, I maintained eye-contact with the mysterious masked challenger, who could only watch haplessly as I showed him what real talent looks like.
“Open wide, fag. This is far from over.”
Tom took it like a champ, inhaling deeply for the camera -I don’t even know if we started filming again. 
All I know is that my farting skills are a sight to behold… and to sniff, in Tom and Tim’s case at least.
Ahah… I’ll never understand this gross kink, but I gotta admit, if I had this fetish, and my best bro and roommate was, well, me, I’d probably be as thirsty as Tim is. So yeah, in a disgusting way… I get it.
And just like that, 12 seconds passed. Long, but not as long as my best ones, I can do even better than this… but I play fair so, after brushing my sweaty sweatpants ass on Tom’s face, I stood up and crossed my arms, eyes glued on my rival. 
“Your move, beanpole.” 
It’s ridiculous how seriously I’m taking all of this, but I can get quite competitive.
The masked master laughed and… lied on the floor. He held one leg up… that’s a position I’m quite familiar with. Surprisingly enough, he started sucking air in, right through his jeans. That’s a great talent I gotta say, I thought I was the only one who could fart on command so easily. 
A worthy opponent, at long last!
After a few seconds, the man stood up, proud and tall and, just like I did earlier, treated Tom as if he was part of the couch, and sat on his face. His eyes glued on me, I could tell there was a smug mile making fun of me under that ski mask.
The fart that followed was quite impressive and loud, but still not as massive as the ones I’m able to produce. This guy was good, no doubts about it. I’m pretty sure Tim would fall in love with him (the thought of that made me visibly laugh, putting a dent in the menacing aura I was trying to convey).
You know what, fuck this. It’s not worth it. 
But since I’m already here, and I’m able to rip huge farts both naturally and on command, I guess I could simply… well… join the fun, you might say.
I’m sure Tom will understand.
POV: Tom
The masked guy’s fart, despite being on command, was as foul as the one before. Dave’s blasts weren’t a cakewalk by any means, and they’re still much louder, deeper and stronger overall, but whatever this guy ate was doing numbers in his stomach. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans but he could very well be naked for how much my nostrils were burning. 
The stench of Dave’s previous farts mixed with the rotten eggs-flavored gas this guy’s anus was blowing in my face and, truly, I started to think that this was a big test that Greg set up just for me, for some insane reason. If I survive this, I’m gonna kick his ass.
After around 9 seconds, the flatulence’s loudness faded out, essentially turning into a classic silent-but-deadly.
The man raised his ass just a bit, to make sure I could breath a bit of fresh air before the next one.
I turned my head and I could see Dave approaching the couch again.
Okay, it’s the other kaijū’s turn I assume.
Funnily enough, this is actually good ne-
Why isn’t the other guy stepping aside?
“If it’s a show you want, Greg, a show you’ll get.” Dave boasted.
The farter above me finally moved, but just a bit, his ass still covering half of my face, hovering over my mouth.
The reason he moved, however, wasn’t altruistic by any means: instead, he had to make room for Dave’s ass, which ended up being planted directly onto my eyes instead.
Just... just fuckin’ do it you gassy bastards.
“Hey fag, it’s your lucky day.” the masked guy said.
“Good thing you have two nostrils: one of each anus.” Dave said.
Whether they were improvising or not wasn’t important, because their asses certainly weren’t.
Dave’s ass started speaking first, erupting his deep warm gas into my eyes. Mere seconds later, the other ass started talking as well, its fart being more high pitched. The sounds mixed together like a symphony and after a few moments I couldn’t tell which anus was being louder, ‘cause they both were. 
I became part of the couch as those two asses kept crushing me, farting loudly. My face couldn’t endure that barrage of farts any longer, as the farters kept cycling between either loud series of farts, or single long ones. The stench... I felt like they were taking a shit on me, I could taste that thick gas and even guess what they ate for lunch.
It was getting hot, too hot, and I started breathing more heavily, which only meant I got to ingest more of that poisonous gas. 
And yet, my massive boner betrayed my disgust.
While my eardrums were getting crushed by those farts, I could still manage to recognize Dave’s fart being the loudest: the man found a worthy opponent, sure, but he still owns the crown, no doubts about it.
“And for the big finale…” I heard the King say.
Dave lowered his sweatpants, exposing his sweaty bare ass (the masked farter kept his jeans on instead), and ripped a short, yet very loud toot, drops of sweat being blown onto my face and teary eyes (for the smell).
The two remained there for a few seconds, finally in silence from both ends, letting me inhale those last particles of gas, even though I’m pretty sure my skin merged with their farts on sub-atomic level, then they finally got up and shared a high-five.
Much to my surprise, the two men then turned back to me and helped me sit down, and they both high-fived me as well.
I guess a fart master is nothing without someone willing to sniff it all.
I appreciate the respect.
The mutual respect.
POV: Dave
After taking a much-needed shower and putting my civilian clothes back on (my usual dark brown hoodie and a pair of loose jeans), I cleared things up with Greg. 
He admitted he messed up things up with the schedule, and that indeed there was another “master” audition today, but he really enjoyed our improv and filmed everything, and thus the editors are pretty satisfied with what we managed to film today.
He also told me that, indeed, the mysterious farter is “a common friend” who didn’t want to be recognized.
No hard feelings with Tom either, obviously.
Now, time to tie up one last loose end.
I went outside, on the back of the warehouse, where I knew I could find my masked rival. He was checking his phone sitting on a shabby couch, an old prop that the crew moved here after they bought a new one for the set.
Basically, glorified comfy garbage.
“Hey, fire-in-the-hole-guy! I knew I’d find you here… that’s there they put the trash after all.” I said, with a smug smile.
The man shook his head and laughed. “Greg told you?” he asked.
I walked towards the couch and sat next to him, wrapping my right arm around his shoulder.
“You thought I woudn’t recognize your beautiful eyes, Adam?” I joked, acting all flirty (and hopefully annoying).
He  punched my shoulder and took his mask off.
Indeed, it was Adam all along.
He laughed a bit more.
“I didn’t know you were working with Greg.” he said. “Finally, you can make money from the one thing you're good at!"
“Very good at.” I corrected him.
I was going to fart to prove my point, but Adam seemed worried about something.
“I kind of needed those extra bucks you know...”
“Why is everything gravitating towards farts lately…” I thought out loud.
“What was that?” he asked.
“Nothing, forget about it.” I quickly said. “Extra bucks you said?”
“Yeah, as gross as it sounds, I thought I could make some quick money out of… whatever Greg’s doing here.”
“Hey, not judging bro!” I reassured him. “I mean, I’ve been doing this for a couple of months.”
“Does Dana know?” he asked.
“Nah, I didn’t tell anyone. Not even Tim, he’d probably be jeal-“ 
I bit my tongue just in time, even though I didn’t really think he’d get jealous. I was just trying to make a joke I swear!
“Jealous?” my friend inquired. “Jealous of what?”
“…Uhh… jealous of my success, obviously!”
Adam didn’t seem too interested in the conversation anyway, luckily enough, so he didn’t find anything suspicious about my not-so-harmless joke about my roommate.
“That’s envy, not jealousy, you idiot.” he observed.
Never mind.
A few dozens of seconds of silence followed. Adam wasn’t exactly a talkative guy, and he does have a job and all, but if he needs extra bucks, maybe I could help.
“I’m sure we can arrange something with Greg.” I stated.
“Yeah, you can fart on Tom on Tuesdays, while I can do it on Wednesdays.”
We stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.
“I can’t believe we’re talking about this.” Adam admitted.
“Yeah.” I patted his shoulder. “From great farts, come great responsibility.”
We remained there, on that smelly (not because of us) couch, for a few more minutes, as if all that fart-talk was the most mundane thing in the world.
“Doing something tonight?” Adam asked.
“Dana and Tim are out of town, so probably nothing. You?”
“There’s a good pub a few blocks from here. Care for a beer?”
“Always.” I simply said, as we both stood up, and started marching towards our new destination.
“Easy bro.” Adam said. “I’m not gonna drag your drunk ass back home.”
“I can handle way more beer than you, pal!” I said.
“Yeah, in your dreams maybe.” he replied.
“Alright. Ready to lose against me for the second time today?” I threatened him.
“Lose?” he scoffed. “It was literally just far-“ 
I cut him off by ripping a huge, natural blast, staring at him with a smug grin. The fart easily echoed in the alley and I’m pretty sure they heard it downtown. It was short and sweet, you might say.
4 loud, proud seconds.
“I’m sorry.” I said. “You were saying?”
Adam laughed in response. “Fine, you won whatever that was back in the warehouse.” he admitted. “But I’m still not gonna drag your sorry drunk ass back home later.”
You know me, I’m a chill guy, but if you tease me, I can get very competitive.
I again wrapped my arm around his shoulder: “If it’s a show you want, Adam, a show you’ll get.”
Nah… maybe I’m too nice.
The End
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tangerinesgf · 4 months
Oh my God the dirty talk in Tomxreader getting caught was so hot 🤭. Do you think you can write something with Tom wanting reader to sit on his cock between filming? Perhaps more dirty talk and a little bit of being cock drunk?
A/N: Thank you so much for your request I hope you enjoy it! I hope it's not too short :)
Tags/warnings: smut 18+ MDNI, p in v sex, reader riding Tom, dirty talk, hints at being cockdrunk. Gn!reader, but is refered to have the body of afab. Not proofread sorryy...
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Many of your friends had warned you against working with Tom Ryder. Words like selfish, idiot, narcissist and alcoholic were dropped as you told them about the new movie you were gonna film with him.
And sure you believed everything they said. Tom Ryder was a right asshole, you'd spend enough time with him to know that. Yet in a way it was different for you.
Because you were Ryder's partner. The apple of his eye.
Admittedly you had never made a movie with him before despite both of you being actors, but you were mostly excited. As was your boyfriend. You had never seen Tom this excited to get started on a project.
You were about halfway through filming the movie and to be honest it was great. Both of your schedule's aligned for the first time in forever and you got to spend more time together. With both of you being actors one of you was always somewhere half across the world, away from each other.
Filming together was like a dream come true. Tom was in a good mood which made everyone on set a lot happier as well. Sure he was still weird as hell, but he wasn't as much of an asshole as he usually was.
In these last few weeks you've seen more of each other than in the last months. Your favorite moments were spend in between filming were you could just have some time for the two of you. It had really done wonder's for your relationship
Like now as you were both in his trailer (which you slept in more often than in your own), reversing your lines in between takes. You had about an hour before your next scene and what better way then to run a few scenes... or well that was the idea.
You were rehearsing a love scene between both of your characters as Tom guided you to sit on his lap, trying to increase the intimacy. And because when so close together neither one of you had any self-control you started making out.
So now here you were, straddling Ryder's lap, his cock buried deep in inside you as you ride him. Pages of the script were discarded across the room, the entire scene forgotten. Your hands were buried inside his hair, pulling ever so slightly to get those sweet soft moans from his lips.
"I love the way you sound.." You moan softly as he bucks his hips up, hitting just the right spot. "Keep making those sounds f'me while I make you feel good."
He nods and leans forward to kiss you again. It´s sloppy, kissing you from your mouth to your jaw and your neck, his hands running over you back to pull you closer. "Faster, baby.. ah shit-" Tom groans, his hands gripping your waist.
"Nuh uh.. no helpin'." You grab his wrists and pin them down at his side while increasing the pace, trying to drive him over the edge.
"You're killing me here, darling.." Tom groans. You can tell he has to control himself not to touch you, a control he doesn't show very often. He loves touching you, woreshipping every part of your body.
"I know.. and you love it." Your walls clench around him as you feel his cock twitch inside you. "Fuck- you close? I can feel it, come on baby.. cum f'me." Somehow you find it in yourself to go just a bit faster before you feel all the tension leave his body.
"Oh god, I love you." Tom throws his head back against the chair, letting out a string of whimpers as he cums inside you. His hips buck up into you, driving you over the edge with him.
You let out a loud moan as your orgasm washes over you and you collaps on top of him. It almost feel euphoric, no man had ever made you feel this good. And he hadn't even actively done anything.
As the both of you catch your breath Tom wraps his arms around you, caressing your hair gently. "You're so good to me, darling." He mutters as he kisses the top of your head. "You alright?" He asks when he doesn't get much of a response from you.
"Yeah.. yeah just need a minute, you're a lot." You mumble quietly.
"Awh, was my cock too much for you, love? I didn't even do anything." He teases you. It's almost funny how almost immediately after finisheing his submissive attitude disappears, replaced by his normal cocky behavior.
"We still got a scene in 30 minutes, remember?" He reminds you you with a small grin on his face.
"Mhm.. just gimme a minute yeah?"
"Sure.. I'll just let you lay here with my cock still inside you. Doing nothing at all.." There's a mischievious grin on his face as he rolls his hips up, forcing a whine from your lips. "Tom.."
"You're so sensitive, baby.. alright I'll knock it off." He chuckles softly before he gives you another kiss.
"Rest. I'll wake you up, okay?" You nod in respone before falling asleep comfortably in his arms.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed it :) Comments and reblogs are much appreciated, I live off those.
I know I'm a bit slow with the requests but if you do have any don't hesitate to send em in, I promise iĺl get to them. Love you guys <33
Taglist: @earth-elemental18 @allaroundjejje @cockete (lemme know if you wanne be removed/added)
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falafel14 · 1 year
Jack Wolfe as Gabe Goodman
So I've had a few "Tell me everything!" responses to my recent post about the Donmar Warehouse's stunning new production of Next to Normal. Knowing the audience here, I'll narrow my focus to writing about what I know my fellow 'Six of Crows' fans will most want to hear - Jack's role as Gabe. I won't be recapping the show itself, as I assume most folks reading this will have listened to the soundtrack, read the script, or watched a Broadway bootleg. Or at least I hope so, because below you will find MAJOR SPOILERS for Next to Normal and specifically the Donmar's staging of it.
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Gabe is introduced to us as the Goodman's teenage son, who seemingly has a close affectionate relationship with his mother, Diana, but frosty relationships with his father Dan and sister Natalie, neither of whom acknowledge his presence. About thirty minutes in we are shown exactly why. Diana brings out an 18th birthday cake when the family have Nat's boyfriend Henry over for dinner and it is revealed that today would have been Gabe's birthday...if he'd been alive. But Gabe died when he was a baby and Diana has only been imagining him growing up all these years.
Up until this point, Jack has been playing Gabe as a cheeky rebellious teenager, but when he slinks back on stage to blow out the candles on his cake, he becomes a much more ethereal and impish presence. In I Am The One, his expression transforms from sweet and devoted when singing to his mom, to menacing and malevolent when singing to his dad. Gabe manifests as different personas for each member of his family and it's thrilling to watch as Jack shifts between them all. When Natalie comes downstairs to sing Superboy and the Invisible Girl we see Gabe as the cocky conceited older sibling, who seems to revel in being their mother's favorite.
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In her next therapy session, Diana is asked to speak about her son and this is when we get Gabe's showstopping I'm Alive solo. This number really did raise the roof. I'll admit when I saw videos of Jack singing it at Tom Kitt's concert, I was worried he wasn't giving the song the necessary attack. But on stage he goes absolutely full-throttle with it. He starts at the top of the stairs with a mic stand, looking like the frontman of a rock band, then he brings the mic down, roaming all over the floor. At one point in the song, Natalie and Dan have an argument and Gabe comes to stand between them, looking amused as he passes the mic between them. However Gabe starts to lose some of his swagger as Diana's doctor suggests that - as 18 is the age that children typically leave home - maybe Diana should think about her son this way and finally let him go.
In the next scene, Diana is in the kitchen, clearing out Gabe's things. She holds up a baby-grow and then starts playing a music box she used to use to help Gabe to sleep. Gabe comes down the stairs with a rucksack and duffle bag, like he's a kid being kicked out of the house by his parents. Diana can't seem to go through with it as she pulls him into a dance and they end up hugging with Gabe's head tucked under his mother's chin, like a needy child. This leads into There's a World, a hauntingly beautiful song with a very sinister undertone as we learn this is Gabe leading Diana towards a suicide attempt. This song and Catch Me I'm Falling are an excellent display of Jack's high range (he'd make a wonderful Orpheus in Hadestown - the UK production is coming next year, so...please??)
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Following the suicide attempt, Diana is given shock therapy and consequently loses her memories of the last eighteen years. In the early part of Act 2 and for the song Aftershocks, Gabe is up in one of the upstairs rooms, like he's been locked in a cell - not gone, but no longer able to get to Diana. When Diana finds and plays Gabe's music box, there's this very chilling sight of Gabe's silhouette, his hands pressing to the screen, as he sings along to the melody. The lighting here is eerily reminiscent of a sonogram. When Diana regains her memory of her lost son, Gabe breaks free of the room, comes down the stairs to sing his I'm Alive (Reprise) from on top of the kitchen counter. After his wife's relapse, Dan crumbles to the floor, his back pressed to the kitchen counter. Gabe disappears behind the other side of the counter, and (I'm told, I couldn't see from my angle) he sits in the same position as Dan. They both stay like this for about 15mins while scenes with Diana, Nat and Henry take place.
As Diana leaves, Dan finally rises from the floor and begins singing his I am the One (Reprise). In other videos of this song that I have seen, Gabe is played quite aggressively, stalking around Dan, goading his father into acknowledging him. Jack does this scene very differently and effectively. He stays behind the counter, his eyes downcast, his manner meek as if quietly pleading for his father's attention. When Dan yells out "Why didn't you go with her?!" Gabe leaps up onto the counter and throws his arms around Dan, desperately clinging to him. When they get to the chorus, Dan turns round to face Gabe, gripping his arms. Then at the end, Dan staggers back and tearfully says his son's name for the first time. When Gabe responds with his "Hi Dad", Jack's face his full of shocked awe. He plays it like a child realizing the father he thought hated him, loved him all along. It's a devastating moment that had everyone in tears.
After the song, Dan reaches out a hand towards Gabe, but he stops as Natalie comes downstairs. Dan tells Nat her mother has left and Nat asks him - "So it's just me and you for now?" and there's a hesitation where Dan glances at Gabe, who is still sitting on the counter. When Dan finally answers yes, it's just the two of them, Gabe's expression is accepting, not resentful like earlier in the show. As he leaves to go upstairs, Gabe gently touches Nat's hand, almost like an apology. Natalie gives the slightest reaction, as if she is sensing something. It's a beautiful resolve to Gabe's role, and when he appears for the last time for his verse in Light, he no longer feels like a malevolent spirit, but more like this serene angel watching over his family as they all try to heal and go on with lives.
This is honestly a star-making performance from Jack as a young musical theatre actor. And as much as I want Jack and the other Crows actors to be off filming their spinoff show once the strikes are resolved, I also feel strongly that Jack belongs on the stage. Between his acting, his presence and his vocals, he's sure to be a performer in demand in the West End. Here's hoping there's award nominations to come. He's deserving of them.
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You're The Worst | Chapter 1
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Pairing: Touya Todoroki x Reader
Word Count: 875 words
Summary: Paw's and Claw's has a fun staff. However, the nosy bad boy, Touya, loves to pick on you. What will happen when he notices the array of bruises hidden under your sweatshirts? Maybe he isn't so bad after all.
Author's Note: So, this fic idea has been in my mind for a while. I hope everyone likes it. This will be a multi-chapter fic as I don't have a ton of time to write. Oof. Please be patient with me. Also, I inserted my cat Thomas because it's almost been a year since he passed, and I think of him every day. I know. So self-indulgent.
TW: Domestic Violence (Not from Touya), Fem!Reader, Violence in general (There will be a fight, not in this chapter though.), drinking, smoking, cursing. Let me know if I missed anything!
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“That looks like shit.”
Good god, I wish he would just shut up. This is the third time today he’s butted into my work.
“No, it looks great Touya. You’re just an ass with shit handwriting. Jealous much?” We looked over my work. The sign looked great honestly. I really outdid myself this time. In delicate script it read “Tom” adorned with little hearts around the name. I put up the sign on Tom’s’ kennel, a large grey and white cat sitting at the farthest possible corner of the kennel away from the door. “Do you have his bio?”
“Of course, what am I? Incompetent?” He made quick work of putting up his bio underneath the name card I made. He typed his up like normal. I gazed sadly at the big tom cat sitting in the cage. “Hey doll, he’ll get adopted. You always get too attached.”
I grimaced at the pet name. He always looks for a way under my skin. However, he took it upon himself to never call me by name. I need to come up with my own for him. Maybe he’ll leave me alone if I come up with something heinous.
“Some of us have hearts, jackass.” Wait, that one fits. Still not original enough. I glanced at him to see him already staring at me. If looks could kill. You would think working in a shelter there would be nice coworkers here. Everyone else was nice. Not this guy. His intimidating look didn’t help his case. Tattoos were everywhere but the one on his face gets the most frowns from potential adopters. The row of flames over his left brow. Wait is that… “Touya, did you redye your hair? You should do a better job of not getting that shit on your skin. You look insane.”
“Why you lookin’ at me so hard? Like what you see?” My face was already showing my irritation before, but now I could feel it twist in disgust.
“No. The hair dye stains are really not doing it for me.” I do a swift 180 degrees and make my way out of the cat room and into the lobby once more. “Hey Toga! Any new applications come in?” Her face lit up as she looked up at me. Her sharp canines stuck out as she smiled.
“(Y/N)! We had one come in for Mochi!” She was practically jumping out of her chair. “Dabi! Come and look at the place!” Touya leaned over the counter and looked down above the monitor as I walked around the desk. It was a beautiful house in suburbia with a huge fenced in back yard. “Mochi will love it, don’t ya think?”
“He’ll love it little vamp.” I said. My eyes hovered over the screen to notice the time. “You should head out. It’s 5:30! You know the boss won’t be happy about you staying over too much.”
Toga pouted, but I was right. Tomura gets so pressed when she stays over. It must be that big brother dynamic. She got up to gather her things for the evening and shut down the computer. “He’ll be fine, but I’ll tell him you guys said hi!” With that she gave me a big hug and skipped towards the door and out to the parking lot. Touya turned and stared at me as soon as he had locked the door. Without saying a word I got to work cleaning the lobby. Working with animals was messy and there was a mix of dog and cat hair being swept up. I heard Touya’s heavy boots moving towards the hallway leading to the dog kennels. I instantly relaxed and continued my chores, completely blocking out my thoughts.
“Doll,” My body was on autopilot as I put away the cleaning supplies. “Don’t ignore me doll. It’s time to bail.” I quickly finished putting things up and grabbed my bag. Both our footsteps synced as we made our way to the door. Touya held the door open. “Ladies first.” I could hear the cockiness in his voice. He wasn’t going to get a reaction out of me so late in the day. My car’s taillights blinked as I unlocked it. Today was a hot one. The evening sun was shining on me. I pushed up the sleeves to my sweater and was nearly to my car when I heard Touya’s deep voice closer to me than expected. “That’s a nasty bruise.”
The sweaters I wore for the last 6 months were to avoid these questions. It was no secret Kai, my boyfriend, wasn’t the best guy. His record was a mile long. No one would know he mistreated me, however. Kai made a good show of being a loving boyfriend while also being a piece of shit in every other aspect of his life. He won me over with gifts and treated me like a princess. He said I was his perfect girl. Do men treat perfect girls like this?
“Mind your business.”
Touya’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not a dumbass, (y/n).” With that he got in his black 5.0 mustang and pulled out of the parking lot leaving me standing next to my car.
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I can't help but cringe hard at that bts video from ep6, (Aemond and Alicent scene), when Olivia says that Alicent tries to reach to Aemond and to whatever has left of his heart (I'm paraphrasing it) but it's to no avail. So, It seems that the narrative that Aemond is a heatless monster continues, even the actress supports it. Like, let him be the monster all you want, bu at least give him someone with whom he can be more than a one dimensional villain, and Alicent as his mother was perfect for this, especially according to their s1 arcs. Now, however, it seems her sons disgust her (these are Olivia's words). I just hate this narrative so much and they keep pushing it. Also, according to the leaks, Aemond and Helaena will apparently share a few scenes and she'll be his comfort person after his fallout with Alicent. Honestly, this could be interesting and I would love to see them actually interact for once, but I have zero faith in the writers and I also have a feeling that Helaena will somehow be forced by Aemond to be some kind of an unwilling and tragic prophetic figure. I do hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid that I lost every ounce of optimism and faith in this show.
Well, I guess I'm about to receive my weekly dose of cringe tonight lol. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your insights and takes on this (and the next episodes).
"Weekly dose of cringe" - what a great way to describe season 2 of HotD. Sad but true.
The way Aemond's (and Alicent's) relationsip with their family is being presented this season disheartens me to no end - and I have next to no faith for the things to get better (both according to the leaks and simply taking into account the direction the writing has taken).
If the script has Aemond force Helaena to help him, it really will be a new low, so I really hope it will not come to that. The way Ewan and Phia talked about the scenes they shared didn't put me on alert - but then again, as our collective experience has already proven, actors' words often have to be taken with a grain of salt.
As for Aemond's relationship with Alicent, I've had bad feeling about it for quite some time (since Olivia called Ewan as Aemond "so scary" in the early stages of the promo campaign). Even though the thought of it is frustrating, I don't feel like blaming Olivia for trying to get into her character's mindset and to feel what she feels the way all of it was written. After all, what other options did she have (even if she would have Alicent behave in a different manner)? Alicent is her character, and she has to play her the way she is on the pages of the script. Unfortunately, in HotD actors apparently have little influence on the way their characters are developed (they can make a difference - like Tom and Phia asking for an additional scene with Aegon and Helaena or Matt doing the same for Daemon and Rhaenyra in season 1 - but not the major plot points are concerned).
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lokiondisneyplus · 4 months
Sophia Di Marto [sic] knows why the Marvel Studios breakout series “Loki” was so successful creatively. It was partially due to the casting. Much of it was in the writing and the direction, but mostly, it was about the dynamic between the title character, played by Tom Hiddleston, and Loki’s multiverse doppelganger, Sylvie, portrayed by Di Marto herself.
“Some of it’s in the writing, some of it’s in what Tom does, a little bit of it’s what I do, but that it’s how these two characters rub each other up the wrong way,” Di Marto says. “They’re so similar but so different. And I think that fine line between the two is what’s really entertaining to watch because they know exactly how to wind each other up. Sylvie knows exactly how to wind Loki up and audiences love watching Loki being wound up. So, it’s just really entertaining and that’s part of the chemistry because they sort of hate each other, but love each other and will always be connected now. So it is this really specific dynamic, which is a massive gift to be able to play with.”
Over the course of our conversation centered on season two, Di Marto reflects on whether Sylvie found peace at the end of season two, how the stunt choreography keeps her in shape, what new directors Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead brought to the series, and much, much more.
The Playlist: First of all, I have to tell you, that even though it aired last fall, “Loki “is still one of my favorite programs from the past 12 months. I just thought it was so well done.
Sophia Di Martino: Thank you.
When you found out you were coming back for season two, did you have an idea already of where Sylvie’s arc was going to go?
No, I had absolutely no idea until I read the script and then I had to read the script like three times because it was quite confusing.
Did Eric Martin, who was the head writer, sort of sit you down and give you a heads up, this is where we’re going, this is how we see her?
I’m trying to remember exactly what happened. If anyone sat me down, I think Tom might have given me because an executive producer as well, so he’s more involved in the writing and all the behind-the-scenes stuff. I think he may have given me a little headline sort of idea of what the second series was about, but I didn’t really know what would happen until I read the scripts. And then as we’re shooting, it’s changing all the time as well. The main structure is the same, but it’s really a moving beast and a big collaboration. So we’re rewriting it all as we go with Eric.
After reading the initial scripts, did you at least think to yourself, “O.K., we’re going to get to a point at the end of the season where Sylvie is at least at peace?” Or do you think part of her is still out for some sort of revenge”
I dunno if she’s at peace at the end of series two. I don’t think she goes back to Oklahoma. I don’t think she tries to get that peaceful human life again. I think she’s on another adventure, but I dunno. I feel like she just keeps casting an eye over what’s happening with Loki and with Sylvie. I don’t think she’s ever going to be truly at peace. I think she’s a sort of natural-born fighter. I think she’s only ever truly herself when she’s fighting for something. So she’s perhaps gone to look for the next fight.
Do you think that’s the big difference between her and her alternate timeline version of Loki played by Tom? That’s the inherent difference because Loki doesn’t seem to always want to fight.
I don’t think he wants to fight, but he has something within him that’s unfinished and he’s always searching for his glorious purpose. And I think they’re both doing that in slightly different ways.
And I know every member of the media that you’ve spoken to has asked you this in some way, but have you been given any tea about whether Sylvie will continue looking for her glorious purpose down the road?
I have no idea. They’ve told me nothing.
Do you like that in a way?
Yeah, I mean, because if you can just get on with your life until you get a phone call that says you have to be somewhere at a certain point, do something. Yeah, it’s an exciting part of it.
Was there any scene or moment in particular where you were like, “O.K., this is a moment that I’m going to have to dig deep into. This is a tougher scene than maybe I might’ve expected this day”?
The scene that was most interesting to play was that moment in McDonald’s when Loki and Sylvie meet again for the first time. I don’t think there were hardly any lines in that scene. Maybe she says, “Are you going to order something or not?” And it is very sparse the dialogue, but there’s so much unsaid, there’s so much acting going on and they look at each other for the first time. And that was really, really cool to get to play that. It’s bumping into your ex for the first time.
And I’m guessing there is not a lot of rehearsal time correct? It was mostly working it out on the scene on set.
Oh yeah. Yeah. The only rehearsals that we got were some choreo or some fight stuff. Yeah, we didn’t get much rehearsing for the actual dialogue scenes, but I like it that way.
Do you feel like there’s more spontaneity?
For me? Yeah. I like to rely on my intuition and my spontaneity.
Well, I always heard that when you put good actors together should get good results. But this cast in particular had such great chemistry. Even in season one. Do you think that that was just luck? Is it just the talent of the actors?
I think it’s also the characterization. Some of it’s in the writing, some of it’s in what Tom does, a little bit of it’s in what I do, but that it’s how these two characters rub each other up the wrong way. They’re so similar but so different. And I think that fine line between the two is what’s really entertaining to watch because they know exactly how to wind each other up. Sylvie knows exactly how to wind Loki up and audiences love watching Loki being wound up. So, it’s just really entertaining and that’s part of the chemistry because they sort of hate each other, but love each other and will always be connected now. So it is this really specific dynamic, which is a massive gift to be able to play with.
I know you had stunt doubles for a lot of it, but you did do a lot of your own action choreography, correct?
Yeah, yeah. We learn it all and then they sort of swap it and change it when they need to make it look better.
Was it fun? Is that stressful as an actor to have to do that stuff compared to just regular scenes?
I love it. It was a really great opportunity for me. I mean, I was like three months postpartum on the first [season]. It was a great opportunity for me to get fit. I don’t go to the gym. I was the most unfit person when I started, so it really kicked my ass into gear. But I really enjoyed it. And it’s watching the finished product, it just makes you feel like an absolute badass, even though it’s not me. Some of it is not me. It feels great to be a part of it, and it really helps me get into character as well as Sylvie because she’s such a brawler. She loves fighting so much. I’ve realized that I do too. And I’ve carried on. I box a couple of times a week, and I really enjoy the feeling of being able to channel my aggression somewhere. And as a woman, I think it’s quite rare to be able to be given the opportunity to be able to be aggressive and I love it.
At least for season two, do you recall one sequence or set piece that was tougher than any of the others?
There was two of the fighting stuff. I’m trying to remember. The stuff on the Ferris wheel was quite tricky because the space was quite small and there were wires. We were doing wire work, so that was tricky. And a lot of it gets changed last minute. So, you learn the sequence and then they figure out how they’re going to shoot it, and then they realized you can’t do the sequence anymore, so you have to do a different sequence. And so a lot of it is learning choreo on the fly and changing it up and doing something different that works for the camera. So, that was challenging. And I remember I had to throw the TVA guidebook and I couldn’t get it in the right place. Things like that, take ages to try and do. In the first series, there’s a sequence where a knife lands right next to my face, and one of Loki’s daggers stands right next to my face. Little things like that take hours.
In the final episode, you have a great moment when Loki continues to go back to sort of the workroom area where you guys all keep getting killed again and again. And Sylvie sort of imparts on him one last time about what he needs to do. Do you remember that scene that I’m talking about?
Is it in Key’s workroom or the Key Lime Pie?
It’s the last time that we see that version of Sylvie. The spaghetti is coming to sort of wipe her away. It’s before he goes back and realizes that he has to go into the…
Oh, yeah.
I don’t know if you remember that scene, but it seems like such a rich moment for Sylvie. I was wondering, did those moments at least sit with you at all about how emotional Sylvie’s connection had become with Loki?
Yeah, definitely. And I think she’s the spokesperson in a way for his friendship group. It becomes a real ensemble by the end of series two. It’s not just Sylvie. He’s made quite a few friends and they’ve become almost like a little bit of a team and he’s watching each one of them disappear. And I think Sylvie’s the last one to be turned into spaghetti. And that’s the moment where he realizes he needs to figure out how to control this time slipping so he can change what’s happening because otherwise, he’s going to lose everyone.
The drop-off between season one and season two from Kate Heron to Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead was almost non-existent. They certainly have their own directorial style, but the quality is just so good. Can you talk about what they’re like to work with as directors on set and what you thought they brought to the series?
They are so relaxed at times. I was like, “Why are you so relaxed? It’s making me feel nervous. Why are you so confidently cool and calm?” They just know exactly what they want and what they’re going to do. And they have their own style and they’ve done a bunch of indie films, so they’ve done their time and know how to do it, and they know how to work with each other so well. I dunno if it’s about something to do with being two of them so they can share their stress or something just so chilled out and so open and collaborative and funny and just so easy.
I know you recently wrapped “The Radleys” with Damian Lewis. It’s a horror vampire comedy, right? Can you talk about it at all?
Honestly, I dunno when it’s going to be released, but it’s a vampire movie about a family of vampires trying to live in suburbia and not drink blood.
And it’s funny. It’s hopefully funny.
Hopefully. Yeah.
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peachysunrize · 2 months
I had tried to take the leaks with a grain of salt, but now I can say that this really really sucks. I'm reading comments calling Aemond disgusting and cheering on Alicent and Helena for "putting him in his place". They gave Daemon a redemption arc just because they want the general audience to root for him at the Gods Eye. Well, jokes on them, I’ll stan Aemond even more. They glossed over b&c as much as possible and no one gives a shit about baby Jaehaerys. Alicent's character is destroyed beyond repair. Team Green is destroyed. The writers are so biased in favor of TB and girboss Rhae Rhae that season 3 is going to be unwatchable. I had such high hopes and now I'm just tired. The actors were great, it's not their fault. Ewan had the bare minimum of screen time and managed to make me empathize with his character, often without even having a line. But if the script is shit the actors can't do anything about it and you can't expect much from writers who write lines like the one about Aegon's cock and the goatfuckers slur. Ultimately, the thing I liked the most about this season, aside from a bunch of scenes, was the press tour, especially all the Tom and Ewan’s interviews. And the fanfics of course. 💚
Since you mentioned everything, I’ll go ahead and give my two cents on the episode (if you want later the whole season in another one) in this post
There are many things that bugged me this episode.
First things first I’m gonna start with Aegon cause I’ve seen so little of him on my dash today.
Aegon is an underdog. He didn’t want to become king, yet here he is! The cost of it was nearly his life by the hands of his brother. He has to feel betrayed and tossed aside, which he is in fact, but what did we get from him? His dick is like a sausage on a spot. Right. Because there aren’t ANY other factors to talk about, the writers decided to give us yet anotherrrrr disgusting hypersexualizing moment that Aegon talks about his DICK while Larys is saying important things.
About Helaena
I get that they’ve made her into this autistic sweet girl and I’ll stand by her side, but… doesn’t she have a motherly instinct AT ALL? I mean yeah Alicent is the only mother she has seen in her life, but like your son was beheaded in front of you, why don’t you want to idk even SCREAM? The cause your brother is fighting for, THE CAUSE YOUR SON WAS BEHEADED FOR, needs your help…
I’ve talked about his scene with Helaena on the balcony, but I’ll say it again; Aemond showing weakness means he is DEEPLY disturbed and troubled. He is desperate to grasp at any chance he can to bring someone on his side because he has no one, absolutely no fucking person, and he has to fight for his and his family’s life ALONE! The same family who ran away and left the war THEY caused for him to deal with. I would have been so angry Dragonstone would melt without me even setting it on fire. HE. IS. ALONE. Even if he didn’t burn Aegon do you think he would have taken Aemond’s side??? He would keep humiliating him, but they are siblings, AND NOW HIS MOTHER AND SIBLINGS HAVE LEFT HIM TO DEAL WITH THIS MESS ALL BY HIMSELF!! The only person he’ll have is Daeron but they probably wouldn’t meet.
I don’t even know where to start lmao… The fact that in season one she was ready to MURDER Rhaenyra for Aemond, but now she hates him so much she has to flee from him to RHAENYRA and spoil his plans and OPENING THE GATES FOR HER— not to mention how she fucking nodded at “a son for a son” as if Jaehaerys’ death is totally forgotten (probably has). SHE GAVE RHAENYRA — THE FRIEND WHO ONCE HELD LOVE FOR ME (the fact that she doesn’t even know if she still has affection for her is soooo funny like girl stop wilding and sit and think) — HER ELDEST CHILD!!!!!!!!!! THE CHILD SHE HAD TO GIVE BIRTH TO AT 15!!!! THE SAME CHILD SHE WAS RAPED FOR AND ANOTHER WOMAN WAS CUT OPEN FOR— I CANT begin how furious she made me. Nothing can make me like her again, not when she chose Rhaenyra whose friendship with ended the moment Luke took Aemond’s eye over her children.
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acheronist · 10 days
Wait what do you mean Henry didn't write the Open C poem
ok well i'm no handwriting expert, i'm just a freak who has been spending most of a year staring at henry's handwriting.......
here's some examples of script that i am confident henry wrote
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it's very flourish-y script, and i find it to be very compact and decorative? and scrawled down a bit quickly? also he loved adding loopy curly bits onto letters that didn't necessarily need it, and he's also really bad at estimating how much space words take up on the page and always kind of crams information in there despite awkward or limited space on the page
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and here's the open c poem. i think its a much lighter, neater cursive script. it's also much more neatly and carefully organized on the page. admittedly i think there are a lot of similarities to the strokes and motions henry uses in HIS letters, but there's also enough differences that i think the second author must have been the one to write it, and i think tom "illiterate in his mid 40s" armitage probably was like... embarrassed, perhaps? at the lack of having that skill? and realized oh my old friend who's favorite hobby is writing backwards is stuck here as well, he probably wouldn't judge me too bad if I asked for his help teaching me while we're stuck in the ice for years and years. maybe it was something they worked on a lot in their spare time. maybe this was the most complete page tom wrote and henry was proud of him and that's why it got kept safe in henry's wallet. maybe tom was the one who kept it and added it into the wallet after henry died as a momento of Before Things Got Fucking Dire, which is very similar to leanne shapton's theories about the wallet!!!
but yeah anyways..... in my unprofessional opinion, the poem probably should stop being so widely attributed to henry peglar himself because i don't think the handwriting actually matches his? and last I checked lead poisoning and scurvy doesn't make you suddenly change the way you've been writing for your whole life...... make of this what you will though lmao
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kidney9-9 · 2 years
Two Ghosts - Tom Holland x Reader
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IT IS FINALLY OUT! Yay, I'm so excited to post this request. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you very much for being patient and for reading this! BIG THANK YOU to my best friend who requested this. I love you very much, and I hope you like it. Thank you for all the advice and thank you for helping me as well @evermoreparker
My requests are open and again thank you to my bestie, I love you!!
Tom Holland x fem!Reader [Established Relationship/Angst/Fluff/Smut] Warnings: Swearing, lots of drinking, smut, use of nicknames, cum eating, cockwarming, oral sex, and no protection Word Count: 26k
The last few days have been horrible for you.
Things weren’t always great, but you usually could deal with it after relaxing for a few hours at home. But today was even worse, especially with everything building up.
Your boss made a few icky remarks at you for irrelevant things, such as the way you walked to the elevator, and the way you typed, and even the way you breathed. It was all so irritating, but the worst thing he said was that you should be paid less because you barely did anything – but you do more work than he does every day. He ran part of the hiring agency you worked for, so you couldn’t really go to management or human resources to complain about him – he would just find a way to fire you within the next few weeks. You’ve only worked there for about two years now, and you missed your old job, but you couldn’t go back.
At home, things felt even worse. Every room was so messy, there were random clothes thrown everywhere, some stains on the furniture, and the floors were so dirty.
And the bathrooms… there were only two bathrooms in the home, and both were disgusting. You didn’t have time to clean up, but you at least picked up all your messes. It was mostly Tom and his friends hanging out and leaving the place a mess, but you sort of understood why he wasn’t cleaning up, since he didn’t have any time.
He was always looking for inspiration to write a new script, or always on the phone, chatting with his agent for potential future projects. If he wasn’t focused on work, he was with his friends, helping one of them plan a wedding, and helping another with starting a business.
You understood that mostly.
If your best friend were getting married and needed help, you would help with making decisions and planning everything. You don’t get why Tom was helping with starting a business, but you supposed he wanted to just kind of look into the whole venture of business. He’s always been interested in learning about businesses and wanted to know how to do those sorts of things.
The wedding planning for his friend always took place at home, leaving random old sample foods everywhere, even some bottles of wine, and so many different invite letters, which was why the home was so messy. You two were always exhausted, but you were a bit upset with him leaving the house like this. He could have at least asked his friends to clean up a bit. Last night, you found some pieces of fabric and different ties on the couch. You understood that too, wedding outfits were important too.
But the thing was that Tom was not obligated to help with any of these things that much!
He was acting like it was his wedding practically, and you scowled thinking about that, because it’s been so long (over three years now) since you two have been dating but he hasn’t proposed. You’ve asked about it approximately five times now, and the conversations about getting married always ended in, well great things like having a fun night, but still he never has hinted at proposing.
The business thing as well, he didn’t need to help so much, it seemed like he was in partnership with his friend, Tuwaine, for this business, which you knew so much about since all he talked about was that. How the business was so innovating with the idea of selling reusable items packaged with different types of seeds – which was cool, but you’ve heard enough about it. You would always want to talk about other things, but Tom didn’t care to.
You weren’t feeling good too these days. You were sure you had a cold or something, with migraines on and off again, it was so irritating. Everything was just going wrong, and you were feeling homesick, missing your friends in your home country.
And with Tom, you were so close to just giving up on him. You were close to giving up on a few things in your life, but the most important thing was him, and it hurt to think about. You gave up so much to be here with him, so it was hard to even consider.
These last few weeks, he barely talked to you, and when he did, it’s about everything except you two. If the conversation stirs up your relationship, he makes up some excuses and he just would leave. It hurts so much knowing he is avoiding talking to you, when you have given so much to him. You two bought a house together, for crying out loud.
When would the next step come? Are you two just falling apart?
And you’ve tried including him in so many different ways in your life too. You’ve added him in every group chat with your friends and family, you shared a calendar with him to make sure he saw everything and would try to do so many things with him, but he just wouldn’t do it.
You felt like you’ve given almost all your energy, outside of work, to him and you’ve tried the best and the hardest you’ve ever could talk to him, but he gave you nothing in return at this point.
Today was the day you would bring it up.
You needed to at this point, because you couldn’t be in a relationship that sucked out all your energy for much longer. You were tied up in so much with him too, it would be hard to let it go if you hadn’t talked about it first.
It was Saturday, the one day off work, except for that mandatory online meeting for you. You woke up early to get yourself ready. You lousily put on a semi-professional top, covering your legs with a blanket and you went into the guest bedroom with your laptop. Of course, you didn’t wake up with Tom on the other side of the bed and you didn’t like going into the main bedroom unless he was there. He wasn’t even at home; didn’t bother to tell you he would be out all night. He just messaged earlier yesterday that he would be wine testing again with his friends at a vineyard.
The meeting was shit; you might have muted your boss for the first fifteen minutes because his voice bugged you. But otherwise, it was a useless meeting that could have been pushed to Monday. Your mind was stuck on Tom though. You pushed your laptop away on the bed as you pulled your phone up to call him.
It rang a few times before he picked it up.
“Uh, hello. What time is it?” He answered, groaning as it sounded like he was sitting up. You put him on the speaker, crossing your arms as you felt a bit of a pain in your heart as you thought about what you needed to do.
“Tom? It’s ten in the morning… where are you? Are you okay?” Your voice showed how worried you were, and Tom let out a sigh in return.
“I’m with the guys, I’m fine, just, you woke me up. What is it?” He replied and you instantly scoffed quietly, looking at the phone irritated at him. He wasn’t even being nice to you now. He sounded like he was annoyed you woke him up, but you were worried and angry that he wasn’t here, at home. Instead, he was “with the guys” wherever that was. You were sure they just got drunk at the vineyard and went to one of their places to crash, but he didn’t tell you much.
“What is it? Seriously? Why aren’t you at home? I’m worried about you and what’s been going on, it feels like we aren’t even talking at all and,” He cut you off with a laugh.
“Good morning to you too mate.” You heard him say, speaking to his friend. You rolled your eyes. He wasn’t even listening.
You tried one more time, “Tom, are you there?” You heard the phone shuffle on the other side. Then, he said, “Yeah, it’s just her, don’t worry. We’re all here for you man.” You hung up with a big sigh, “just her”, you knew you shouldn’t get angry over that, but his tone was dismissive.
You don’t know how long you laid in the guestroom for. You slept for a long time and then woke up to look at some photos on your phone, contemplating on if you should delete the ones with Tom. He really pissed you off, disappointed you, and most of all let you down for so long now. He wasn’t the one anymore it seemed, not really. He gave up his passion and time to go do other things that were more important to him.
You practically made the decision before he came home that it was over.
“Love? I’m home. Where’s dinner at? Isn’t today the day you make something, and then tomorrow it’s my turn?” You heard his shout from the other side of the house. You didn’t move out of your spot of the bed, rolling your eyes at his voice.
Your turn to make dinner? Not happening. You didn’t respond, instead opened your messaging app to reply to your friends. You barely spoke to them lately because of how busy you’ve been. You told them about it and apologized, but you kept quiet about Tom. You didn’t want to talk about it with them now. It would just hurt you even more.
“Babe, what’s going on?” Tom was standing in the doorway, arms crossed.
“What’s going on? That’s funny.” You laughed without any humor in your tone, not bothering to look at him.
“What?” he asked, walking in and sitting on the edge of the bed. You shifted in the bed, sitting up with the covers up to your shoulders.
“You’re… not really here.” You tried to explain, but you already felt a lump in your throat forming. Tom shook his head, not understanding what you were trying to say, and you shrugged your shoulders at him.
You struggled out another laugh, “Yea, it’s just her, don’t worry.” You quoted him and then he looked to the side, sighing and he lifted his hand like he was going to explain. You just stared at him and nodded, “Yea, it’s just her,” You repeated, tone of your voice hardening.
“Don’t worry.” You managed to get out, before a tear came down your face. “I really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. That you were still here, that you still cared for us, but you weren’t. You’re just not around for us anymore.”
Tom tried to reach out to you, but you leaned away from his touch. “Stop it.” You whispered to him, looking out the window.
“I am still here – that was just, well you know. Harrison had a bad argument with his fiancée about the wine and the invitations. I wanted to be there for him, he was going through a hard time and needed someone.” Tom explained, backing away from you as he saw your reaction.
“I do know, of course I know, because that is all you talk about! Or that business thing that you’re always on about. That’s the only thing you talk about now and you just talk, you don’t converse.” You argued back, trying to breathe in deeply.
“Converse? Really?” He almost laughed at that, not taking you seriously.
That was the last straw for you. “Okay, pack a bag, get out of here.” You said, shaking your head at him. You got out of the bed, walked out of the room and he followed, laughing.
“What are you talking about?” He laughed again, a bit nervously this time. You wiped your tears away, starting to tremble a little but you kept your cries quiet. He grabbed onto your hand and pulled you his way to face him.
“You don’t love me anymore. Or at least that’s what it feels like. You don’t put in any work with us, with our home, with… anything that has to do with our relationship. I have stayed up cleaning up after all your messes, all the things that you say make you happy. I get it that you have things you want to do, yeah. I have supported you in all these things! But you don’t care… You aren’t here anymore emotionally, and now physically. You spend more time outside our home than inside. And I’ve tried involving you so much in my life.”
He listened, finally. He saw the tears in your eyes and still, for some reason, he sighed. He let go of your hand as his phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and glanced back up to you to see the hurt in your eyes.
And he still answered the phone.
“Yeah, I’m on my way now.”
He was so dumb, he swore, but this was so important to him at the moment.
Some part of the deal broke apart, and the packaging for his friend’s business was delivered to the wrong place, and everything was going to shit. There were so many things going on in his life that he really needed to be in so many places at once. You were so important to him as well, but he thought you understood that he couldn’t be with you in person for so long.
He left the house after a silent moment, and he muttered a quick apology to you and walked out the door. He just needed to do something really fast, and then he’d get back to you.
As long as he fixed this part of the deal in the business, then he can go back home and apologize to you. That was his plan! He just really needed to go figure out how to fix this mess first.
By the time he had finished calling all of the people he needed to, he was exhausted. Things weren’t going the way they should be, and he was already late to a graduation party for his cousin, which he wanted to go with you, but it was all too crazy.
He bought a fancy wine bottle to give as a congratulatory gift to his cousin. He sighed to himself, turning the car off and looked into the mirror quickly to check if he had looked decent. His hair was messy, sticky with sweat from the stress he was in, and his eyes had looked so dull.
He kept thinking about you, wondering if you were okay, but he knew you weren’t. The look of hurt in your eyes made him see how he screwed up that bad, but he held out some hope that once he got home tonight, that you guys would talk to each other, and it would turn out alright. He didn’t even have the time to call or send you a message, but he doubted that you’d want to hear from him through a text and a call wouldn’t show how sorry he was.
He got out of the car after wiping the sweat off his face and pushed his hair back into place. The party was at his cousin’s place, but after walking in, it seemed like everyone had been planning on going over to the bar across the street to celebrate.
“Hey, congratulations Daniel.” He spoke up, nodding over to his cousin. His cousin grinned at him, pulling him into a side hug and the two chatted over a few things before they started to walk over to the bar. The bottle of wine stayed back in the apartment and Tom noticed a few other of his family members, and even old friends that were Daniel’s age.
“I invited Evan, I think he’s already inside.” Daniel said, glancing over to Tom. His eyes popped open in surprise at the mention.
“Evan, like our Evan, back in the soccer practice days?” Tom laughed in shock as Daniel affirmed it, shaking his head. A bit of happiness surged at the thought of their childhood. The soccer program was one of the reasons him and Daniel were so close, as they hung out almost everyday of the summer and winter breaks of school, practicing soccer.
Evan was their best friend, and together they were like The Three Stooges, always doing dumb things. The soccer program ran for 5 years, and once it ended, Tom moved to another school and unfortunately grew apart from his friendship with Evan and Daniel. He would only see Daniel during family get-togethers, and he hadn’t seen Evan since.
“How’s he been? I mean, what happened to him, over all these years?” Tom asked, still pleasantly surprised at the fact, and Daniel grinned at him.
“He’s good, I’m sure you guys will get along still, don’t worry about that. He’s training to be a dentist, and Ben’s still alive.” Daniel replied, shocking Tom again about Ben, Evan’s childhood dog, still alive. That dog must have been almost twenty years old now.
By the time they got inside and started talking to Evan again, Tom realized how close their lives all had been, even though they were barely in contact again. Sure, Tom and Daniel still spoke and were close, but Evan lived only a few minutes away. He and his girlfriend lived together, who worked at the same place you did.
Tom noticed it instantly, when Evan brought up the name of the business and he gasped, “Oh mate, my girlfriend works there too!”
“You being serious? What’s her name? Christine probably knows her.”
Tom told him your name, feeling an ache in his chest, it felt weird talking about you when you two weren’t on good terms at the moment. But this connection was so surprising, and he felt a vague remembrance at the back of his mind of the name Christine as well.
“No fucking way, Christine loves her – they’re like best friends at work, says she’s practically her work wife.” Evan stopped to laugh as Tom gawked at the information, “I met her a couple days ago at their luncheon with the families. She’s pretty cool!”
“What luncheon? This is insane, but uh, yeah! She told me about Christine being her friend a while ago, this is such a small world.” Tom replied and Daniel interrupted the conversation right as Tom finished, bringing in a few drinks.
“Come on guys, it’s not every day we all our childhood best friends meet again for my college graduation, let’s celebrate!” Daniel cheered, and Tom took a drink, grinning at him.
Tom didn’t mean to stay there the whole time, he really thought he’d go home within the hour, but things were going great. He talked to his aunt and uncle, and a few other cousins. The rest of his family couldn’t make it because they were all busy, but it was such a surprising and lovely night that Tom let go of his worries and just started to party with Daniel and Evan.
Another one of his friends called him to ask to hang out and somehow, it ended up with Daniel and Evan partying with Tom and the rest of his friends at one of their places all night. Harrison had let them all sleep at his shared place with his fiancée.
Tom couldn’t really recall much after his eighth drink or so, but at some point, he was sure that he must’ve tripped over something because his foot hurt so fucking bad.
It was time to go home. He felt exhausted still, and he wanted to clean up because of how gross he felt from last night. He excused himself from his friend’s place with a promise to hang out again soon, and then quickly left. He drove home, glancing down at his foot whenever he felt it aching again from the pain. He felt like an idiot, rethinking everything that’s happened in the past week or so.
You were right, he didn’t really talk to you much, but he still made time for you before and he would do it again, when all of his plans were done. He argued with himself in his mind, and before he knew it, he was back home.
There were a few cars parked around the home, including one that took his parking spot. He sighed and parked in front of the neighbor’s house. He got out of the car, locking it after he walked across the street. He heard some music playing from inside the house, it was pretty quiet though, and he unlocked the door, walking in.
For a moment, he was confused, hearing laughter from the living room. He couldn’t see anyone but as he walked in, he saw a few people sitting on the couch and two of the other seats. You were sitting on the seat, facing him and as he walked in, you were the first to notice him.
You stood up abruptly, causing your friends to quiet down and they all glanced his way. A few waved to him, but most ignored him, and you looked away and smiled at your friends. “I’ll be right back.” With that, you walked over to Tom, and he followed you to the bedroom.
“Uh, hey.” He spoke up as you two walked into the room. You crossed your arms before you replied, “Hi,” You paused, feeling unsure of what to say first because there were so many things you wanted to say all at once.
“You could have texted… you know that you were coming by.” You added, feeling a bit more nervous and angrier.
“It’s my place too, and I needed to talk to you. We should talk things out to see what the problem is, and we can figure things out.” He responded, limping around you. He sat down on the edge of the bed while you continued to stand near the door. You closed it slightly, so your friends wouldn’t hear the private conversation.
“Alright, let’s talk.” You offered back, eyebrows raising. Talk? He finally wanted to talk to you, you thought bitterly. After so long, he was going to speak to you, without pushing you away or leaving you out, or ignoring you.
“I think what you did wasn’t very polite.” He almost cringed at himself, realizing how badly that came out.
You scoffed, “What did I do that wasn’t very polite?” Did I purposely ignore you for so long? Not letting you know that I was going to be out for an entire night. Not answer your messages and calls?” You listed a few things he’s been doing to you, and he rolled his eyes.
“Come on, that wasn’t what I was doing.” He defended himself. In his view, he was just busy, and he didn’t notice that he was doing that to you.
In fact, he was sure that he was doing that to everyone, his friends as well – ignoring some messages and calls because of how busy he was. When he lived by himself it was a normal thing to do, the only person who gave him grief about it was his best friend, Harrison.
“What the hell were you doing then, Tom? You have no idea how alone I felt and how worried I was when you were out drinking with your friends!” You spoke up, shaking your head at him.
“Well, you’re hanging out with your fucking friends right now.” He shot back and you scoffed again, looking away from him.
“You’re deflecting… And you know I barely see them.” Your voice ran sad, and Tom frowned deeper than he already was.
“And you’re still spending time together with them, when you’re complaining about me hanging out with my friends! What the hell is that about? That’s so fucking hypocritical.” Tom spat back to you, shaking his head.
 “My friends mean a lot to me! We rarely see each other!” You defended yourself, your voice rising back to Tom as he laughed bitterly over your words.
“Why the fuck do you care about them so much if you rarely see them? Huh? Why are they so important to you? They are never here, and you barely see them – maybe what, like once a year? Or even less than that?” Tom was just rattling off things, not realizing how upset you were becoming.
“Fuck you Tom… That’s petty as shit. You are the one that never includes himself when my friends and I talk. We try to talk every day on the phone or on a video call, even in messaging group chats, and I always try to include you but you’re such a jerk to them. You don’t know anything about them, which makes me feel so pathetic because I think they’re a big part of my life!” You practically shouted.
“You know what, why do you care that much about your friends? It’s not like they’re part of our lives, so who cares if I was a dick to them. They barely come here cause they’re living in another country most of the time. I don’t know who they are, and they don’t know who I am! So what?” Tom shrugged at his behavior.
“I moved to a whole different country for you, for this relationship… and this is how you act about a big part of who I am? My friends are still part of my life from back in my home country and I’m not letting that go at all. I gave up so much to be here with you because I thought we wanted the same things in a relationship.” You couldn’t get through to him, and he couldn’t get through to you at this point.
“Fuck, do you not understand what I’m saying to you? I appreciate that you moved here and all, but your friends are nobody here in our lives. I don’t care about them, and I don’t plan to put any effort into knowing them because they rarely visit or talk to me.” Tom exaggerated about your friends.
“Wow… Just, wow. You are not who I thought you were.”
“I’m exactly the same. Just busier than normal. You’re being so dramatic about those people who mean nothing to us.” Tom rolled his eyes, teasing you for feeling this way. He didn’t realize how much your friends meant to you, and to him, you were acting like they were practically your family.
You started to tear up at his mean words, never expecting him to be like this. Your tears started to roll down your face fast, and you took a step away from him and breathed in deeply. You had to bring up something else now, because it seemed clear he wasn’t going to see your point of view.
“So, what’s going on? Why are you never home? Why does it feel like I’m the only one putting in effort?” You responded, trying to calm down. This was one of the most serious times you two have argued and you never thought it would turn out to be this horrible.
When you turned to look at him again, you saw how upset he was too, but you also saw how out of it he was. His hair was so messy, going up in different spots, it looked like he had a crumb on his cheek? And his face was just plastered in old sweat and dirt, like he didn’t clean up after himself. He even stunk pretty bad, like he hasn’t showered in a while.
You sighed to yourself and pressed your hand up against your face, not knowing what to do as you tried to stop crying.
Tom wasn’t sure what to do either.
He knew what to say, but he wasn’t sure if he could follow up with his actions right away. And he realized he had hurt you badly when he was talking about your friends. He still felt irritated that they were here and that you were complaining about him hanging out with his friends, but now he could see your perspective about how important some people could be in your life, since his friends were just as important to him.
He still needed to get things done as soon as possible. too He was helping Harrison with his wedding, and his other friend, Tuwaine, with his business.
As best man to a wedding, he needed to do every activity to the upcoming wedding and party with Harrison as much as possible before the wedding. They even had a check list of everything Harrison needed to do before getting married. Tom promised to do as much as he could to make sure the wedding would turn out amazing.
And as a silent partner in this upcoming business, it was hard. Turns out a silent partner isn’t really silent most of the time. Tom had no clue about that! But he was doing his best to help Tuwaine out with the business as he saw it was a great potential.
“I think I can,” He paused and cleared his throat, “I think I can text you stuff like where I am and what I’m doing, but I really can’t stay home so much. You know I have a lot of work to do right now. I want to be there for my friends as much as I can.”
“You think you can? And I thought in this relationship, we both tried to be there for each other as much as we could, Tom. Are you saying you can’t do that anymore?” Your breath hitched, as you felt unsteady from continuing to talk. You managed to stop crying for a few minutes, but your eyes still burned with tears that waited to fall. You paused to let Tom respond to see what he had to say.
“That’s not what I’m saying at all! I mean, I can’t fucking be here all the time, but you aren’t here all the time too. You go to work and what about that luncheon? What the hell was that? Why didn’t you invite me?” Tom burst out, irritated that the conversation was going in this direction. He felt horrible for making you cry, and he felt that there was still stuff you two needed to talk about.
“Huh? The luncheon? Tom, I did invite you. I asked you two months ago to go with me, and you said yes! You were the one that forgot. I tried talking to you about it before it happened, to remind you, but you cut me off.” You answered him, feeling a little confused but still very upset.
“No, you didn’t, I would have remembered that. I’m sure I would have remembered.” He retorted, standing up.
“Like hell you would. I put the invitation on your desk too.” You added, raising your eyebrows at him.
“Okay, so maybe you did, but still, you expect so much of me and I can’t fulfil that right now! I’m too busy. After the wedding and after the next few weeks of the business, things will go back to normal, but right now, I can’t do the things you want me to do.” Tom raised his hands to show how he was feeling, and you shook your head at him again.
“Do you even know what I want you to do? It’s the bare fucking minimum.” You felt like you were talking to a brick wall at that point.
Tom stumbled over his words, not even knowing mw to respond. The bare minimum of what? He was so confused, no one had ever talked about this before with him, he didn’t get it.
You sighed, disappointed and angry. “All I want – no, all I need, was to know you’re okay and you’re safe, and you’re not out there doing dumb shit. All I need is someone who knows how to be an adult and clean up after themselves. All I need is someone who cares.”
When he didn’t respond, you shook your head and turned to leave. As you walked out the doorway, Tom went to grab your hand but quickly slipped down from the pain radiating in his foot. He was in an awkward position, with one leg up and one leg down, in a classic purposing pose.
“Ow, fuck.” He whispered at his foot, not noticing what he was doing. When he looked up at you, your face had twisted in some kind of shade of anger, disappointment, humiliation, and pity.
“Oh, Tom… what the fuck. This is really not the time to do that.” With that, you tore away from him, rushing out of the bedroom.
You didn’t even say anything to your friends because you felt so embarrassed and hurt about Tom, and with a huff of air, you left the house. Your friends stared after you, whispering to each other, wondering what to do.
As Tom walked out of the bedroom, he slowly made his way to the living room, feeling incredibly guilty and horrible. He wished he could just melt on the floor for a few hours and just feel better after that, but he knew he couldn’t. He needed to go and apologize to you and also apologize to your friends.
Speaking of your friends, they were still in the living room, all staring angrily at him. He deserved it, very much. He didn’t even know what to say except, a short, “Hi there.” And the entire group continued to stare at him silently.
“Um, I’m sorry, but I think its best you guys leave right now. She probably needs to talk to you all, I’m sorry.” He felt odd but he knew he had to do that. He held the door open for them all and he kept whispering sorry as they walked out.
After they left, Tom collapsed on the bed, feeling exhausted but still terrible about what happened. He knew he needed to talk to you and your friends, but he figured it would be best to do that separately because he did feel bad that he was mean to your friends. If someone had been rude to him as he was mean to them all, he would have wanted to scream at them. He knew he really needed to apologize, so after he took a shower and a small nap, he texted the group separately from you, asking to see if he could meet them for breakfast tomorrow.
When they all confirmed after Tom sent them a long message of begging and pleading, Tom finally felt a little bit of hope for the future. He continued to pack a bag of a few of his things, with his clothes and some other essentials. Once he was done, he texted the group again and told him that he left the place and that it was alright for Y/n to come back. He knew that she was with them, and he also knew that she would be very angry if he didn’t leave for a few nights.
When Tom left Tuwaine’s apartment early, he had made sure to look his absolute best, so he could impress and hopefully convince your friends to give him a second chance to be friends with them. He was such a jerk to them for so long, and now he knew he needed to apologize to them for doing that. He also knew that he needed to apologize to you, but he wanted to apologize to your friends first because he wanted to hear what they would say to him.
He showed up to the bakery and saved a table outside. He made sure to buy everything they might want too, using small plates from the bakery to put them on the table. It looked like he was having a small birthday celebration, but no, he was just making sure everything looked good and that all your friends would feel comfortable.
He sat at the table for about fifteen minutes before all of your friends showed up. One of them waved to him, friendly and kind, and most of the others looked at him angrily and annoyed. He cringed to himself, hoping that the conversation would go alright.
“Hi, good morning.” He stood up, greeting them. He pointed to the seats for them all to sit down. A few did sit down but others refused, shaking their heads at him.
“I’m not sitting until I hear a reason to.” One of them spoke up. And then another one flipped him off, when he looked their way. Oh, he felt so guilty for what he did to them and you.
He sighed and started talking, “Uh, I’m sorry for… well everything, really. I’ve been a dick to you guys because I thought you guys didn’t really… fuck, this is going to sound mean, I thought you guys didn’t really matter to her and us anymore because you don’t live here. I realize now that is not true, but I’m sorry for not giving you all a chance to be friends with me or even talk to me. I thought you guys just weren’t a part of her life anymore, and I acted mean because I thought you were all kind of against me and her together. I’m sorry for all of that, and honestly, I am willing to beg you guys to give me a second chance or to start things all over again, new, and introduce myself to you guys, as the person I actually am.”
He stopped his rambling as one of your friends stepped forward, and he tried recalling her name, Sophia or maybe it was Maria, he wasn’t sure. He somewhat tried to grin towards her as he pushed his hand out in front of him, to reintroduce himself. She was one of the people standing up still.
It looked like she was going to shake his hand as she set her hand forward, but it wasn’t that. Instead, her hand flew up and smacked his face hard. The sound of her slap drifted around the table like an echo almost, and Tom stumbled back with an audible, “Shit!”
There was an outline of her hand on his face, and he groaned as he rubbed his cheek. “I deserved that…” He mumbled as he glanced back at her.
“Yeah, you did asshole.”
“You deserve much worse.”
“Yeah, he’s such a dick! I can’t believe him.”
“Fuck you, we tried being nice to you.”
“You really hurt her. What a jerk!”
The group was practically shouting at him, and he stumbled back until his back hit the window of the bakery and he kept mummering his apologies. The way they all stood up for you and against him made him feel a different way. He would do the same for you in any situation like this too, and he felt terrible that he didn’t realize your friends were actually good people.
He just pushed them aside and acted like they were nothing to you after you moved here with him. If you said and treated his friends the way that he did to yours, he would have felt horrible and upset just the same as you were feeling now.
“I really didn’t mean to be so rude. I swear it!” He spoke up to the group.
“Really?” One of them spoke up, a shorter girl, who he remembered was Ana.
“Yes, really. My judgement of you all was completely wrong and I’m sorry. And I’m not just saying sorry because of Y/n, I’m genuinely saying sorry for being a mean person to you all. That was wrong of me, I wasn’t raised to be like that, I swear. And I should have never done that, I just didn’t realize how much you guys meant to her and I also didn’t realize that you all were good people. If I put the effort in that I should have, I would have seen how good of friends you all are.” He sincerely apologized again, wiping his head again as he felt like he was sweating like crazy.
He felt so nervous about being in front of a group of friends. He seriously never felt like such a jerk before, and he felt like he should be apologizing over and over again.
“Hm, okay. I’ll accept your apology but I’m never forgetting it. You hurt Y/n and you hurt us… but more importantly you hurt her. We thought you were a rude person from the way you treated us, but Y/n was always defending you, saying you were actually a great person and that you were just always feeling sick or tired, or not in the mood to talk.” Ana said, crossing her arms.
“Yeah, you won’t believe how much she defended you. But I don’t think I can forgive you that easily. Y/n deserves better than this.” Tom didn’t recognize this person, but he nodded in understanding.
“I get that, I do, but please, let me show you guys that I am a good person. I promise I will apologize to her too.” He responded, gazing down at his shoes. He felt so bad still and he honestly felt like he was about to cry. He didn’t know how you would ever accept his apology but if you did, he would be the luckiest guy in the world.
“Fine, I can do that… I don’t know about the others.” Ana replied, gazing at Sophia and a few others.
“I think we need to hear more about what happened. Y/n was so upset, and you hurt her so much. I want to hear your side of the story, but just know that if you are lying or anything, I will beat you up.” Sophia said. Another one nodded, picking up a muffin and taking a bite out of it.
Phew, okay, so they are willing to listen to him and hear how sorry he felt. He felt insanely lucky that they didn’t do anything else to him other than a slap.
“She – I, I think it’s reasonable that she’s upset. I am too, but I think what I did really hurt her more than I at first thought it would, which is really bad. I need to apologize to her still. I’ve been giving her space, but I did email her a sorry, kind of.” Tom scratched his head, feeling a bit awkward at mentioning his email. He wrote it as an email because he knew that you would be pissed off if he sent you a long ass text message. It was more of a cautionary email than anything else, and it did sound a bit silly, but he just wanted to send it to let you know he was sorry, and he understood what he did was wrong.
“Email? What the hell?” One of the girls, Alexia, spoke up. She laughed as she continued to mock him, “Oh no, I broke my girlfriend’s heart, now I must email her!”
Maria snorted at that, but quickly said, “No offense or anything, but that’s weird. Continue, tell us what it said.”
Tom felt a bit more pressure as the group listened to him. “I just said that I am very sorry about what happened and that I should have said a few things differently, and that I promise to talk to her when she wants to talk to me. Also, that I love her a lot, and that I miss her, and also, I apologized about uh, how I treated you guys. But I said that I would mostly talk to her in person to tell her what I need to say, and I just wanted to email her to let her know that stuff.”
“Yeah, interesting. Now, what exactly do you want from us? We tried being friends with you before, but you were always kind of not there… You would leave the room when we talked with Y/n on video calls, and stuff. We thought you were a cool guy at first, I mean, that’s why we encouraged Y/n to move in with you to a different country! You sounded a lot better compared to her exes.” Sophia spoke up, bringing the conversation back to what he wanted to do with them.
He flinched at the tone in the beginning, and he also did not like the sound of your exes. You never spoke about them, so he didn’t think about it.
“I wanted to know if I can reintroduce myself, or we can start over to make a genuine friendship. I think it’s important that I know the people in her life, just like she knows the people in my life. She’s friends with Harrison and Tuwaine, and gets along with my family, but I don’t really know much about you guys… well, because I thought you guys didn’t matter. I’m sorry about that.” He blabbered, biting his lip in nervousness at the end.
“I’m cool with that.”
“Eh, I don’t really like you at the moment…”
“Hmm, maybe, that sounds like a good idea.”
“No, absolutely not. You hurt her and you’re a dumbass.”
“We should give him a chance!”
Tom sighed quietly, fiddling with his fingers as the group continued to debate whether or not he deserves a chance to talk to them. Within a few minutes, they agreed to try but if he did any other shitty thing to you or to them, then they would completely stop supporting his relationship with Y/n.
“I won’t do anything bad, I promise! I still need to talk to her too, but I’m giving her space.” He spoke up.
“Ah, that’s a good idea… Just don’t expect her to reach out so soon. She can hold onto negative emotions longer than some people.” Ana replied, taking a sip of her coffee. Sophia nodded in agreement with her.
“And if you do anything bad to her specifically, I will kill you. Or wait, I will first hurt you severely and then kill you. Sound good?” Maria brought up, gripping onto the butterknife a bit too strong. Tom glanced at the butterknife and then at Maria and then instantly nodded in understanding.
“Yeah, of course, I get that. I promise I won’t hurt her.” He responded with a short nervous laugh. No one else laughed, instead they looked very serious and it scared Tom even more.
They all left after a long discussion about forgiveness, and he told them that he was going to keep in touch with them all. He wasn’t going to ignore them or be rude again, and he had to apologize to you as well, but he felt so much more guilty. He didn’t know how he was going to make it up to you, and he felt so down.
Tom thanked them for being open and willing to consider having a new friendship with him again and he cleaned up the small mess at the table. He sighed, realizing he also hadn’t been helping around the house too, this had reminded him.
He went back to Tuwaine’s place since he has been staying there since the argument with you. He missed being at home with you, it was so much more comfortable. He missed cuddling with you, he missed watching the television with you, he missed eating with you, and so much more. He didn’t realize mundane things could be so exciting to him – he would give up everything if it meant he could go to that again with you.
Over the next few weeks, Tom had started to slowly feel more and more depressed. He gave up trying to give you space after two weeks of silence and had tried calling you at least once a day. He would give you some simple messages through the voice mail and he would text you some cute messages like, “I hope you have a good day!”
Still, zero response, expect some of your friends had told him that you will come around eventually. This has only happened one other time – when you two had first started dating and you two had a bad argument. You didn’t message him for like a week and a half and he was so surprised that you had finally messaged him back, saying it was time to talk. But he figured it was alright to spend some time like this apart when your friends also clued to him that you were trying to give him some time to figure everything out with your friends.
They said that you wanted to give him time to finish things up and stop being so busy, so he hoped maybe now you would respond to him soon.
Harrison’s wedding was in eight days, the business was good, and Tom didn’t have as much to do now. Tom actually planned for today to be Harrison’s bachelor party, instead of the night before the wedding because he knew that Harrison would be drunk still if they partied the night before. Tom managed to push his thoughts of you away for the first few hours of partying, but later he complained about not seeing you for so long.
The party started off good, with all of their friends coming by Tuwaine’s place first. Evan and Daniel were there as well, and everyone had started drinking the moment the party officially started. Harrison was surprised with a few random gag gifts that Tom planned, which included men’s candy lingerie for the wedding night.
They all laughed so hard, and Harrison made a challenge, for whoever stopped drinking first during the party, would be forced to eat the lingerie. The party continued to a golf course, where their day drinking continued with mimosas, and snuck in vodka, and they all were a bit too drunk to finish off a section.
Tom brought in a golf cart with a bunch of embarrassing pictures of Harrison tapped over it, along with a funny blow-up sex doll attached to the top of the cart. They all took turns doing circles on the golf course, shouting and laughing at some random music Evan was playing on his phone.
After they left the golf course, Tom got a limo to drive them to a restaurant for lunch. Yes, that’s right, they have been partying all day, starting at breakfast time. They ate lunch at Harrison’s favorite place and played pin the tail on the donkey – except the donkey was a picture of Harrison and the tail was a picture of a ring. The lunch included some steaks and expensive wine, and as a dessert, they all got ice cream at a place next door.
Next, they all went to a paintball place, where they played a few rounds until they all felt exhausted. They took a break in the limo, driving around town as they continued to drink and dance, and nap.
Tom had started to think about you when a song came on in the limo, blasting at a crazy level. It was one of the songs that you two danced to before in a club, and Tom only remembered it because you two ended up falling on the floor after stumbling when dancing. He remembered giggling so much and trying to pull you up, only to fall again on the beat of the song.
He ended up singing the rest of the song, karaoke style in the limo, randomly mumbling your name into the microphone every few seconds.
Tuwaine joined him, laughing into the microphone loudly and pointing over to Harrison. “Yeah, baby! Woohoo! I bet you’re going to miss doing shit like this when you’re married.” He cackled and Harrison choked on his drink, laughing along with him.
“I’m still going to be here with you shits, don’t worry. Just not as often.”
Tom nodded along, “Yeah, you better go hang out with your new wife because then she will get angry at you and not talk to you for weeks.” He didn’t even need to say your name now, as he stumbled over his words.
Daniel rolled his eyes but laughed, patting Tom on the back, “Come on, at least now you know what happens.”
After about two hours of drinking and karaoke in the limo, Tom took the limo to an axe throwing place, where they all made fools of themselves. They were so drunk that they probably shouldn’t have been throwing axes, but they were all following the rules.
“If I hit this target, Harrison has to twerk in his first dance at his wedding.” One of them shouted, and unsurprisingly, missed the target. Besides the fact they missed the target, all of the boys were yelling and giggling about Harrison twerking at his wedding.
After the axe throwing, Tom took them to go bar crawling. It was the fourth bar that Tom noticed that you might be there. Your friends were in a corner, dancing and laughing out loud, and it made Tom glance over to their table.
His glance became a full-blown stare and he refused to look away, even when a few girls came up to him, Evan, and Tuwaine.
“Hey, how are you guys tonight? What are you drinking?” One of the girls slung an arm around Tom’s neck, and he barely looked at the girl, frowning at how close she got, before he looked back to the group.
Evan noticed what Tom was staring at and chuckled, “Hey isn’t that Y/n’s friends, that you showed me a picture of?” And Tom nodded in reply, to which Evan laughed even more, adding, “Don’t go up to them, you really need to give her space.”
He couldn’t help but yell out your name, “Y/N BABY!” Everyone looked at Tom concerned, and then finally he saw your face. But you looked so angry and upset that Tom pouted and shouted your name again, trying to walk over to you, but Evan and Tuwaine pulled him back.
It was then that you and your friends left.
Tom basically became a rock, standing still and solid, while girls curled up against him and his friends, trying to get their attention. He didn’t spend any moment looking at them, and finally, he decided to look away from the corner that you used to be in, but his mind was still on you.
“This is her third favorite drink! Ugh, I miss you baby.” Tom cried out, and then chugged the rest of the drink while the rest laughed at him and comforted him.
He continued to talk about you and how he missed you so much.
The night ended with them going back to Tuwaine’s place to drink some more. They were all too wasted way beyond the point of return. They were all tripping over random things while walking in and all of them laughing at random shit. Harrison’s face was a deep red color as he walked in with the blow-up sex doll from the golf cart.
“Thank you for my practice wife, Tom.” He snickered, making his way to the carpet in the living room. He laid out flat on the ground, groaning loudly.
He went and started to kiss the blow-up doll, and everyone giggled at him or groaned at him to stop. There were a few drool stains on the doll and Harrison pulled it away to admire it and then randomly pulled it back close to him and bit down on its arm hard, causing it to pop loudly and deflate.
Everyone stared at him silently, and Tom just shook his head.
Tom followed him, but sat down onto one of the chairs, kicking his feet out onto the coffee table. “You’re welcome, mate.” He responded, holding a can of beer. The rest of the group followed in after them and all found a spot in the living room, and soon, they all started talking in a deep conversation.
“That was,” Tuwaine paused as he raised his eyebrows and blew air out of his mouth, “a successful night out.” They all agreed with him by nodding or laughing. The night wasn’t over though, and they all knew that.
Within the next two hours, the group became smashed out drunk, beyond return. They all knew they would need at least two days of recovery for how much they drank, but they continued to drink to celebrate and send Harrison off to be married.
“I’m so ready to marry you,” Harrison spoke into his phone, recording a video for his fiancée, who texted him wondering if he was having a good time. “You’re going to be my wifey! Wifey boo baby, woo!” He cheered and stared into the camera intensely, causing some of the guys to laugh loudly in the background.
“I love you so much. If you were a worm, I’d turn into a worm with you, and we could love each other while traveling the world through dirt.” He said it so seriously that Tom choked on his beer, eyes watering as a hard cough leveled through his body.
“Oh God, Harrison, turn that off!” One of them called out to Tom, he was instantly reminded of you. He felt that way about you so much right now. If he could, he would get married to you at that second, but that wasn’t possible because you weren’t here, and you were angry at him.
“I wanna marry Y/n, my baby. My sweetie, I miss her so much. Do you think she’ll ever talk to me again? I hope she does, even if it means she’ll be screaming at me.” Tom cried out, holding the beer can up to his face, cradling it.
“What was the name of my emo playlist, Siri?” He tried asking his phone to play depressing music, as he was feeling horrible, and the group just sighed at his antics.
“Enough, Tom, you keep talking about her, but we’re supposed be happy right now.” One said, and another gazed over to him and slapped his knee.
“She’s my happy.”
“Shut up, you dummy.” Another spoke up to him, but Tom shook his head.
“I could’ve seen her tonight, my honey. If I wasn’t a coward,” He slurred out, and stared at Evan, “Meanie, you stopped me.”
“I saved you from embarrassing yourself, shithead.” Everyone nodded in agreement and Tom frowned deeply.
“Whatever…” He got up and stepped over a few of the boys, walking towards the bathroom. “Party poopers.” He called out to them and slammed the bathroom door shut, locking him in.
He opened his phone, pulling up his texts between him and you, and texted you again. “Babyyyyyy” He sent and sighed, then sent another text, “i mixs you so muc I wan to holdd u again and kiss you”, then he spoke up to himself, “Fuck me.”
He opened up the camera and giggled, trying to send a picture of himself while sitting on the toilet, but the camera was pointing the other way. He clicked the screen anyway and pressed send, not realizing that he just sent a close-up picture of his dick.
He proceeded to send you a dozen crying emojis, and then an old picture of the two of you and then a selfie in the bathroom mirror with him sobbing hard.
He didn’t even think to stop himself, instead he continued to send more and more to you.
“I looooooooooooove you, like how plants love the sun. also, water, plants love water. I love you like that. Alsooooo I want you to forgive me and illlll apologize you to so mcoh I mean it, ill go to the moon and back just to show how much I love you (without a space suit), and then I;lkl even get you the pet cat and pet dog you always wanted.”
He soon fell asleep in the bathtub, with his phone in his hand. He snored loudly and occasionally woke up to shout at the guys not to bother him in the bathroom. Within the next few hours, he woke up to a pounding headache and he groaned at himself, then fell back asleep.
And then again, within a few more hours, he got out of the bathroom and checked up on everyone. They were all pretty much out of it, but safe. Funnily, Harrison had his feet up in the air as he slept on the couch, and Tuwaine was right next to him, with the deflated blow-up doll curled up under his arms.
“Guys?” Tom woke them up and instantly got smacked with a pillow on the couch, “Ow!”
“Go away, let me sleep.”
“Shut the fuck up, emo boy.”
“Can you get me some potato soup?”
He groaned at them and sat down in the kitchen, away from all of them. He made himself some toast and then took out his phone again to check what time it was. He unlocked it and it instantly opened up to the texts he sent you.
“Oh, my fucking hell, no way.” He sighed to himself, scrolling up, until he hit the picture. Oh no, he thought. A dick picture. He sent you a picture of his semi flaccid penis, while he was on the toilet, oh no. That’s horrible, oh my, that would definitely be the end between you two if you saw that.
“NO, FUCK!” He screamed, getting up and rushing out the door. He was still slightly drunk, so he couldn’t drive. He had to run there, somehow, that’s what his drunk mind ended up telling him.
But first he needed to tell his friends where he was going and what he was going to do.
“Okay, I know you’re all still asleep, but I need to tell you I’m going to go to Y/n’s house and steal her phone and delete the dick pic that I sent her while we were really drunk last night. Anyone have any ideas on how to steal her phone without her noticing?” He rushed out in a single breath and slowly but surely, everyone woke up and stared at him.
“This has got to be a dream because no way in hell did Tom fuck up that bad.” Harrison was the first one to speak up, and Tom only sighed, shrugging his shoulders to tell them all that yes, it was real.
“I’ve got nothing for you, except I’ll pray that you don’t end up without balls for doing something so dumb.” Other spokes up and Tom rolled his eyes.
“She wouldn’t hurt me or anything, but her friends will. Oh god, how will I even tell them about this, I wanted to be on their good side.” Tom groaned, hiding his face with his hands.
“Go! You can tell she still hasn’t opened it, right? You’ve got time.” Another cheered for him and that was all, as Tom ran out the door, phone in one hand and keys in the other.
Right as he ran out, he heard one of the boys chuckling, “Wonder if it was a decent dick pic or some depressing dick pic.”
What the hell was a depressing dick pic? Tom didn’t think much else about it as he ran towards the house. It was only about ten blocks away… Tom groaned loudly as he continued to run, glad that he was in shape to do this.
Halfway there, Tom finally started feeling the effects of everything, the alcohol and the running, and the fact he was only running with the anxiety of you seeing all those texts. Also, he realized he definitely should have eaten something more and at least drunk water, because this was tough.
“Fuck me, oh no,” He started to slow down, but he really shouldn’t. A wave of nausea hit him, and he burped up some of the toast he ate but he swallowed it down and kept pushing, “I’ve got to get to her phone!” He practically whimpered, as he started to slowly run again.
It was a slow jog, but he eventually got there. He snuck in through the back door, glancing around to make sure that he wasn’t caught. But then he wondered where your phone was. There was some music playing at a low volume and he could smell that something delicious was on the stove or in the oven.
As he slowly walked further into the house, he felt even more anxious and tense. But then he heard the shower running, and he relaxed slightly. Okay, so you were in the shower and then something must be in the oven, because you wouldn’t let the stove run without looking over it.
He sighed, feeling safe. Now, he was safe to go through the house quickly to find your phone and delete the texts before you opened them up. He checked his phone once more to see that you still haven’t opened up his messages, which he felt so relieved by.
“Okay, first look in the living room and then kitchen, and then bedrooms.” He was sure you wouldn’t bring your phone in the bathroom with you, but if you did, then he’d have to hide somewhere inside the house while you got out of the bathroom and then sneak around until you weren’t in the same room with your phone.
He rolled his eyes at himself for making it so complicated, but he needed to do this if he wanted to fix the relationship.
As he stepped into the living room and looked around, he felt something a little bit off, but he couldn’t explain the feeling. He looked everywhere for your phone, even under the couch. Then he looked at the front door and narrowed his eyes.
Men’s shoes… and another pair of women’s shoes he didn’t recognize, but he primarily focused on the big ass men shoes sitting right next to the door.
Those were not his and they were definitely not his size either, so it had to mean there was another guy here. But you didn’t have any guy friends here, apart from Tom’s own guy friends. He stared at them with confusion and even picked them up to compare to the size of his feet and then he shook his head and set the shoes down.
“Okay, weird.” He whispered to himself, seriously hoping that you weren’t seeing another guy. He felt dumb thinking you were, but those shoes being here made no sense. Same with the woman’s shoes, and then he wondered hopefully that it was just one of your friends from out of town with her boyfriend or some random guy. Or maybe you had a girlfriend that wore men’s shoes. Then he shook his head again, no way that one of your friends would wear those types of men’s shoes. Those looked too ugly, and your friends had good fashion sense.
He slowly went to turn into the kitchen and then as he turned around, his eyes went wide as he jumped up, screaming, “Oh fuck!”
Two people were standing directly behind him, as if waiting for him to turn, and they started laughing when he screamed.
“Oh dear, and you must be Thomas? Y/n was just about to tell us more about you. She’s in the shower right now but we were just drinking a cup of coffee, would you like some?” Your mom spoke up, grinning at him as he huffed out a long breath of air.
“Oh, oh, okay, hello.” He sighed out, wiping his face as if there was sweat there. They laughed at him again and he smiled. He went to go shake their hands, but your dad laughed loudly and shook his head.
“No! We only hug in this family, isn’t that right sweet pea?” Your dad said to your mom, and she nodded, and your dad awkwardly pulled Tom into a deep hug, with your mom patting his back friendly.
“Aw, nice, hugs… Yeah, of course. Well, it’s nice to meet you guys properly. I only ever got to wave hi to you over video calls!” Tom responded, pulling back from the hug. He glanced down at himself and kind of cringed at how he looked. If he knew your parents were here, he would have cleaned himself up nicely.
He realized that the shoes were your dad’s and your mom’s, and he was glad that they didn’t catch him finding your phone. He’d have to explain himself if that happened, and he was sure that they wouldn’t appreciate that he sent those messages to you.
“We know, yes, it’s one of the reasons we came by finally. We wanted to check up on Y/n and catch up on things, like why are you two not married already?” Your dad turned a heavy question to Tom, and he gulped, unsure how to answer. Tom truly did want to marry you at this point, and he still needed to find an engagement ring. He also needed to tell his family about it too. They all loved you and wanted you to join the family, and they would be so happy if Tom told him now.
“I do want to marry your daughter!” Tom paused, thinking for a quick second before he spoke up again, “I thought it would be best to wait until I got your permission to ask her the question, but I never get a chance to speak to you two privately.” He felt lucky that he thought that up really quickly. He did want to marry you, but he actually wanted to ask your friends first if he could propose to you, instead of your parents, since he knew them a little better.
“Hm, well, you have our permission now Thomas.” Your mom replied, and his eyes widened, and he nodded happily.
“You can call me Tom, if you’d like.” He added, chuckling a bit as they all walked further into the kitchen. The two of them sat at the barstools, as he stood up to continue talking to him. He walked over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup, using his favorite mug you got him.
“And how about children, Tom?” Your dad asked as Tom put a bit of sugar into his mug, and he faltered for a moment before he glanced over to your dad.
He was about to reply until your mom interrupted him with a loud “Wait!” the two stared at her as she asked, “Well, when are you going to propose? We gave you permission, but you never said when you would propose. I want to know! Maybe I can tell her to go get her nails done before you do it…” Your mom trailed off as she imagined the proposal and Tom nodded back.
“Oh! Um, soon, if she wants to talk about it.” He kind of shrugged and your dad sighed.
“She’s stubborn, but lovable, right?” He said to Tom, and Tom agreed, finding it a bit easy to talk to them. It was just a bit awkward that they kept asking about the relationship, while Tom wasn’t really sure where you stood right now with wanting to be in a relationship or not.
It seemed that they knew at least that there was an argument between him and you, but with the questions they were asking, it seemed like they thought it was just a small argument. Tom was glad about that and didn’t want to ask any questions to them about it.
“Now, back to the question, how many kids are you guys wanting?” Your dad brought up, and Tom hid his sigh while he drank some coffee from his mug.
“Oh, you know… the usual.” Tom gave the vaguest answer possible, and your mom chuckled, responding, “So, four? Five?” Her joke made Tom choke on his coffee, and he coughed a bit of it out, leaning over the counter and into the sink.
“Aw, you scared him, we’re kidding, we only expect two in the next few years.” Your dad spoke up, laughing at Tom’s reaction.
“Two, in how many years, exactly?” Tom asked, scratching his head. And then he was saved (at least that’s what he hoped) as you walked in, wearing a robe. Your hair was still wet, and it seemed like you rushed over here, since your feet were still wet too.
“I heard you guys all talking…” You sent Tom a look, and he smiled nervously at you. He didn’t know what would happen, but he hoped you would forgive him and still he needed to find your phone. He mouthed, “I’m sorry” to you, but you rolled your eyes slightly.
“Yes, you didn’t tell us Tom was so good looking! You know, especially when you told us he’s older.” Your mom spoke up, smiling at the two of you, noticing the slight tension and wanting to calm it down.
“’How old, exactly did you say, Y/n?” Your dad asked, raising his eyebrows at Tom with curiosity. He took a sip of his coffee as you cleared your throat.
You also crossed your arms, watching Tom as you replied to your dad, “He’s in his mid-40s.” Tom instantly looked at you with a shocked stare and you shrugged. He wasn’t that old! And your parents didn’t seem to question that at all.
“Wow! Then you better get started on those kids soon, right?” Your mom spoke up and Tom wouldn’t look away from you as you nodded.
In his head, he was wondering if you would forgive him if it meant you were saying you’d have kids with him soon, to your parents. But maybe not, he wasn’t sure what exactly you were thinking, especially since he hasn’t spoken to you for a while now.
“Yeah, Tom actually takes a while to… warm up, if you know what I mean.” You continued, smiling softly, “Sometimes it takes up to ten minutes to get that little guy up, right Tom?” You glanced over to him and his grip on his mug tightened harshly, as he narrowed his eyes at you.
“Really?” He asked, as if to say, “are you really doing this?” You nodded, “Right, yeah, maybe it’s 15 minutes nowadays.” You shrugged, and your parents gazed at Tom with empathy and pity.
“Aw dear boy, that’s okay, it happens to men in that age group.” Your mom spoke up, frowning at Tom.
Your dad too, seemed upset at the news. “Well, have you gone to the doctors to check on the little swimmers?” His question sounded so genuine, and Tom coughed again, looking at the ground, feeling incredibly awkward.
You spoke up for Tom instead, “Oh, he’s a little shy about that stuff, Dad.” Your dad sighed in response, shaking his head pitiful of Tom.
“We want you to have some strong swimmers there. Especially if you’re going to be giving us two grandkids soon.” Your dad continued, standing up. He walked over to Tom and patted his back softly, gazing towards you and your mom.
“You know, our next-door neighbor’s daughter is pregnant. She’s 22 years old, and frankly, I think you need to hurry up!” He said, and your mom nodded along, “Remember Samantha?” And you bit your lip from laughing but you nodded back to your parents. You could tell how Tom was freaking out.
Your dad took a step back as he faced Tom completely. Tom looked uncomfortable but your dad continues, “Sometimes you just got to relax down there. Here, let me help you stretch your body out.” He gestured for Tom to lean down before he went ahead to do it himself.
“Okay, lean down really quickly, touch your toes, you know, you have to get your body moving. And now, stand right up and jump! Reach for the sky.” Your dad demonstrated and Tom slowly copied him, feeling incredibly defeated and awkward.
“You have to do that every day and that’ll really get the juices flowing down there, if you know what I mean.” Your dad continued, and Tom nodded, “Yeah, definitely will do that.”
Your mom laughed at the two, “Oh, stop being so silly. But tell us, Tom, do you take the medicine?” Her question made Tom even more confused, and you looked embarrased as your mom continued to explain, using her hands, “The… Viagra?” Tom instantly widened his eyes.
“Wow, uh, no I don’t use that.” He explained, shrugging slightly as your dad set his hand on Tom’s shoulders as if to comfort him. You looked at that and found it funny but said nothing.
“I use it only on movie nights, to spice things up.” Your dad admitted, and your nose scrunched up.
“Ew, dad, you didn’t have to tell us that.” You quickly responded and he laughed at your expression.
“Just trying to help you two out. I didn’t have that problem in my mid-40s, but I think it’s more common nowadays.” Your dad defended himself, and your mom laughed along.
You shook your head at them, and Tom found himself smiling at you, thinking about how cute you looked.
“I’m going to go get dressed, but you three can stay here and continue talking if you want.” You excused yourself, shivering a little as you still weren’t dried off completely. They all nodded, and you went into the bathroom to finish getting ready.
Tom grinned at your parents, lifting up his mug, “So, anyone want refills?” Your mom nodded, standing up to get some more coffee, and Tom helped her by offering milk and sugar.
In hopes of changing the conversation to a new topic, Tom cleared his throat and glanced to your dad, “So, how long are you guys going to be here for?” The question was met with smiles and your mom answered it.
“Just till the end of the weekend, dear. Since Y/n is busy with work during the week, we’re going to go out sightseeing. And then hm, I think Y/n wanted to take us to a local restaurant, she says it’s got the best pasta in the country.” Your mom explained, and your dad chuckled a bit.
“I doubt the pasta is that good… She said it was mind-blowing!” Your dad brought it up and Tom realized you were talking about the restaurant you two always go to for special events.
He took you there for your last birthday, and on Valentine's Day, it was always a sweet place for you two. He smiled widely, “It’s the best place to go for pasta.” He answered, then added, “We love it there.”
Your mom turned to him suddenly with a gasp, “Aw, you remind me of when we were younger, trying that steakhouse place near our home! He would always order the lasagna they served there, whenever I was feeling down so we could eat at home. So sweet. Maybe you can order some pasta for Y/n, she was feeling a little down earlier about an argument you two had. She wouldn’t tell us what it was about, of course.”
Tom was surprised that your mom had told him that, and he appreciated it greatly, “Thank you, yeah, I need to apologize to her. I was in the wrong, but maybe pasta will cheer her up too.” Your dad got up and sighed.
“Yeah, she’s a stubborn girl but food is a good way to her heart.” Your dad said, and your mom scoffed, shaking her head.
“No, stop it. She also deserves to be romanced and cared for too, got that Tom?” Your mom added on quickly and your dad quietly whispered, “Yeah, that too.”
Tom and your parents continued to speak together until you came back out, wearing clothes and being completely dried off. You looked incredible, and Tom felt his heartrate start to pick up when you said you had to get to work because of some emergency.
“Yeah, I’m so sorry Mom, we can go shopping when I get back from work. And Dad, I think there’s a few places that you’d like to go to in the next town over, maybe you two can go do that while I’m working.” You apologized, as they walked towards the front door to leave.
“Aw, it’s okay. You let us know when you’re free. It was nice meeting you in person, Tom. I hope to see you again soon.” Your mom responded and your dad gave you a hug goodbye.
They quickly left, and you shut the door after waving goodbye one more time. You slowly turned around to Tom, who looked nervous again. He didn’t know what to do now, except for saying sorry again. He started fidgeting with his hands as he looked at you.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n. Seriously, I am so sorry for being a jerk like that. I met up with your friends too, and spoke with them about it, and I promise I’ll be a friend to them as well, instead of acting like I was. I’m so sorry, babe, please, I promise I will still be here with you, and I won’t be like an asshole. I promise you. I’ll answer your calls, texts, emails, I’ll do anything please, if you give me a chance, and I swear I’ll make you and your family happy and your friends happy too and” He took a deep breath in to continue but paused when you pressed a palm up to his chest.
“Tom.” You whispered to him.
“Yes? I swear, I’ll do anything. I’ll propose right now if you want me to, but I wanted it to be more romantic. I’ll get married to you right now if you want me to. Or I’ll leave and never bother you again, if you want me to. I promise and I love you so much, and if you don’t want me here anymore, I’ll leave and you can take the house and I swear, you can take everything else. You already have my heart.” He continued to ramble and ramble some more, but you stopped him again with a soft smile.
“Tom!” You laughed at this point, he breathed in again to continue but you shook your head.
“I accept your apology. I just needed some space to myself for a little bit and I figured you did too so you can finish up some stuff. My friends told me after we saw you at the club, that you guys met up and talked. Thank you for doing that.” You responded, sighing slightly.
Tom was so surprised, he couldn’t believe it, “Wait really?” He asked and when you nodded, he asked again, “Seriously?” You laughed harder.
“Come on, I won’t break up with you or anything like that. I’m being serious, it’s not a joke. I was kind of pissed off that you came here, so that’s why I kind of said that stuff to my parents…” You shrugged, whispering a small, “Sorry about that.”
Tom was the one that laughed this time. “Yeah, about that, when did we celebrate my 40th birthday?” He started laughing even more when you rolled your eyes and took his hand, dragging him behind you.
“I’m pretty sure I said mid-40s, so we celebrated your 45th birthday in.” You joked back, and he shook his head, laughing more.
He pulled you into a tight hug as you laughed too, and slowly you two stopped laughing and he gazed down at you with adoration, “So we’re all good?” His question was met with a nod, and you stepped up on your tip toes to kiss his cheek.
“We still eventually will need to talk more about things, but in this moment, I’ll say we’re good.” You responded, thinking back to how he spoke to your parents. He was nice to them, you were a bit surprised and touched.
As you pulled away, you quirked your eyebrows up for a second, “Oh, and nice picture.” You said it so nonchalantly that Tom didn’t understand what you meant for a moment.
You walked away as Tom shouted, “Wait! Oh no, I’m really sorry about that! I was drunk and really depressed and I’m so sorry.” He quickly tugged his phone out of his pocket. He unlocked it instantly and it opened up to the messages between you and him.
You sent him a picture back.
Oh fuck.
You actually sent him one back? He immediately burst into laughter of joy and then quickly ran up to you with surprise and hope in his eyes, “You sent one back! When the fuck did you send one back?” He asked and you grinned at him.
“Well, I went to go get dressed and I guess my thumb slipped and took a picture and sent it to you. But actually, I sent it when my parents were here. You were sweet to them.” You shrugged and his laughter turned into silent giggles, as he clutched his stomach hard. It was a good picture too, showing off your chest and your neck at a great angle.
You elbowed him as he continued to laugh out, “I love it. I love you.” His face flushed red as he continued to stare at the picture.
“Love you too, stinky. Now go shower please, I don’t know why but you look and smell like a raccoon that lives in trash.” Your insult didn’t faze him at all as he was still smiling with bright red cheeks and a look of adoration in his eyes.
“I’ll go shower, sure.” He responded, lifting up his arm to expose his armpit, and leaned towards you as if to make you smell.
“Ew, Tom! Stop!” You shouted, grossed out but amused and he chuckled back, leaving to go shower.
As he entered the bathroom, he glanced in the mirror for a moment and then looked away, but then surprised, he looked back at himself. Oh, you were right. He looked dreadful. He lifted a hand and pushed it through his hair, watching the greasy strands of hair flop together in an odd way. His face had a sweaty and sticky look to it, and as he touched it, it smeared across his forehead more.
His clothes were so dirty as well, and he shrugged them off quickly. He turned the water on in the shower and waited until the water turned hot. In the meantime, he brushed his teeth twice before he was satisfied with how his breath smelled.
He got into the shower and sighed loudly as the hot water hit his skin. This was one of the best feelings ever, he thought. He swore never to drink so much again after the bachelor party, because of how disgusting he felt during the morning. He was feeling better now that he talked to you and your parents, and now that he was showering.
He scrubbed his skin with your soap, missing the smell of it. He always loved using your shower and bath products, because he liked how it smelled on you. It also made his hair silky smooth, and his skin feel super soft.
Since he always stole your stuff, he would be the one to buy it in bulk, so there was always enough supply for you two.
He grimaced when he saw the feminine soap, remembering back to a time he used to use that as body soap. He remembered how good it smelled and thought it was weird that it was labeled as “feminine soap”, thinking that his friends would even use this soap if they smelled how good it was.
Then he remembered when you joined him for a shower that one time, and saw him using that as body wash… You laughed so hard that you fell over in the shower and Tom felt so embarrassed that he didn’t read the back of the bottle to see what type of soap it was.
He scrubbed the shampoo into his hair, using extra to clean the gunk in his hair. He rinsed it out of his hair and sighed again, picking up your conditioner. He absolutely loved this conditioner – it smelled so good, and he always loved how it made his hair shine after showering. He applied a generous amount and then cleaned his body again with regular soap.
“Tom, how much longer are you going to be in there?” He heard you call out to him, and he quickly replied, dropping the soap.
“I’ll be out in five minutes!” He shouted back, smiling as he heard you shout back, “Okay!”
He finished up within a few minutes and turned off the water and dried it off with a towel. He brushed his teeth quickly, rinsing out his mouth and then opened the door.
“I’m out now!” He said, walking towards the closet, connected to the bathroom. He picked up some spare clothes that he left there, choosing more comfortable ones over fashionable ones. He was so ready to spend some time with you, to make up for all the time you guys haven’t spent together the last few weeks. And he was extra happy that you two could chill at home alone like the old times.
When you didn’t respond, Tom called out your name again, and walked into the room absentmindedly, glancing down at his phone. He kept looking at that picture and he knew that the longer he stared at it the harder it would be to fight against a growing hard on. But he absolutely loved your photo, he hasn’t been able to see your body in person for so long and this photo was a reminder.
Sure, he did jack off and cry a lot to some past nudes you sent him before, when you guys weren’t talking, but this photo was sent back to him just today! He quietly wondered if you looked back at some of the old pictures he sent to you, but he pushed the thought out of his mind quickly as he glanced up to the bedroom.
There you were, lying on the bed with one of his shirts he left behind. It was one that he purposely left behind because he knew that you loved the feeling of it (and because he loved seeing you in it). You smiled to him, as if you weren’t lying there with his shirt and shifted your spot, causing him to see a little peak of what’s in between your legs.
He gulped, it was a pair of lightly sheer panties, one of his favorite pairs that he accidentally ripped once and then paid for another pair for. He wondered if you were wearing the matching bra, but quickly took notice that he could see the outline of your nipples pressed up against the shirt.
“How was your shower?” You asked, clearing the silence. Tom’s eyebrows went up almost instantly, as he contemplated how to respond.
He cleared his throat, “It was – uh, good, great, actually.” He glanced away from you for a moment and scratched his head.
“So… are you like, uh, trying to rile me up right now or am I reading this situation wrong?” He asked, his voice cracking slightly as he focused his best on making his dick calm down.
Moldy pineapple. Spilling sewage. Earwax. Earwax. Earwax. EARWAX. His mind started shouting at his dick, repeating the words, imagining them in full detail.
“What situation, Tom?” Your voice came out nonchalantly, and the way you said his name made him squeeze his eyes shut.
“So, um, did you really have an emergency at work?” He asked, turning around to avoid looking at you and you snorted and then started laughing hard. He glanced back around, turning his head to look at you, holding your stomach hard as you continued to laugh, and he sighed out a small laugh.
“Alright, so you were trying to rile me up. You know I would usually know that stuff, but I didn’t cause of all that’s happened.” He stopped, and shook his head, “Let’s talk more about that later, but wow darling, you know how to get my heart racing.”
You slowly stopped laughing and responded, “Yeah, really? Well come over here and show me your racing heart.” Tom grinned widely, turning back around to face you, and rushed over to the bed.
He practically jumped on it and slid next to you, to lay down, facing you. He took ahold of your hand and brought it up to his chest, pressing it up against his chest to where his heart was underneath. You smiled softly as you felt his heartbeat and glanced back up to his face.
He was slightly blushing, smiling as well back to you. “I missed you a lot.” He whispered, and you slid your hand from his and lightly grasped one of his cheeks. Your thumb brushed against his bottom lip, and he leaned down closer to you, smiling even more before he kissed you gently.
Your lips kissed his softly back for a few moments before you two parted and sighed. “I missed you too, and this.” You whispered against his mouth and kissed him again, more passionately this time. The urgency in the kiss made Tom gasp slightly, kissing you back harder.
“Yeah, this is always great.” He mumbled against your lips, before slipping his tongue against yours in an open mouth kiss, and he tugged you closer, using a tight hand holding the shirt you were wearing. When you still weren’t close enough, he slipped his arm around your back and pulled you up against him, turning to lay on his back with you on top of him.
Your legs spread and rested on either side of his hips, grinding up against his shorts. He groaned loudly, breaking the kiss slightly and started to leave sloppy kisses around your cheek and around your ear, and your neck. He bit slightly onto your earlobe, and you gasped and chuckled at the feeling.
“You’re going to end up killing me at this point, sweetie. I’m going to have a heart attack or something.” He struggled to get out as you grinded move against him. You stopped for a moment and sat up, making Tom confused.
“Are you going to help me take this shirt off?” You asked, laughing as he grasped his chest as if he were in pain, dramatically.
“Of course, I will.” He responded, moving his hands down to the bottom of your shirt. He tried to take it off quickly, but you stopped him with another small laugh.
“Come on, Tom, let’s slow this down a little bit and enjoy it. You can fuck me later, how about you just… make love to me now.” You suggested, and Tom eyes widened a bit before he nodded.
“I can make love to you now, sure.” He agreed, blushing a little more. He loved seeing how much you wanted him just as he wanted you too. It was a way you showed your love and he found it incredible. He loved you so much and, in that moment, he agreed that it would be best to take this slow so you two can feel everything.
He wanted to show you everything of him too, to show how much he loved you, and to show how much he missed you.
He slid a hand under the shirt and slowly brought it up, stopping before your breasts fell out of the shirt. With his other hand, he circled a finger over the outline of one of your nipples causing you to gasp. It was such a small gesture, and it was barely anything, and it was over the shirt, it made Tom’s mouth open in surprise.
You got more sensitive these past few weeks it seemed. Maybe it was because you two haven’t done anything with each other for so long. He grinned as you moaned slightly, rubbing yourself a little harder onto his shorts, over his hard on.
“Aw baby, thought you wanted to take this slow?” He reminded you, and you almost rolled your eyes at his teasing.
He started to push harder against your nipple and then switched to the other one. You had closed your eyes, breathing heavily from the pleasure and Tom wanted to save this as a picture in his head, at how fucking hot you looked. Then he slowly rolled his fingers into a pinch, dragging your skin and the clothing away from you for just a moment causing you to gasp out from the different kind of pleasure.
“Do you like that?” He murmured to you, and you instantly nodded, opening your eyes to gaze down at him.
“I want to hear you, darling, haven’t heard you in so long, I want’ hear more of those sounds you’re making too.” He added, watching as your gaze darkened on him, opening your mouth to respond.
“I like it, babe. I like it a lot,” You sighed out, your hands trailing down to his body. You slipped a hand under his shirt too, lightly running your fingers up and down against his stomach, causing him to slightly shiver.
“Mm, can I take your shirt off completely now? Or should I go slower?” This time you did roll your eyes at him for bringing that up again, about going slower. You took your chances and removed your hands from his body and slipped the shirt off your body, throwing it off to the side.
It surprised him so much that you did that, he froze, making you chuckle. “Like what you see?” You whispered to him and the grip he had on your hips tightened, before he loosened it, rolling your skin in between his fingers.
“I do,” He responded, taking your hand in his, and bringing it to his chest again to show how fast his heart was beating. This time, both of you laughed at his actions and you shook your head at him.
“I think it’s time you take some medicine for that, old man.” You laughed, making Tom groan, thinking back to the conversation with your parents.
“Yeah, but I didn’t need Viagra, did I? Did that surprise you? Hmm, does this make me your sugar daddy?” He teased you back and you giggled even more.
“No way, don’t you dare call yourself a sugar daddy.” You laughed, and he ran his hands up and down your back.
“Alright, sugar baby.” He replied quickly, winking at you, and causing you two to laugh even more.
One of his hands slipped down to your underwear, causing you to shiver as he slipped past the clothing. He played with the hem a little bit, watching your reactions, and grinned at you. He gazed down to where you were grinding down on him and he sighed quietly as he moved you back, to take off your underwear.
“No fair, oldie.” You spoke up, watching him pull your underwear down your legs, and you kicked them off.
Before you could push it off the bed, Tom got a hold of them, “No way are these going on the floor. You know these are my favorite.” He responded, and then added, “It’s your turn to take off my clothes.”
You gasped as he brought the panties up to his nose and he breathed in, sniffing the underwear deeply. “Tom!” You gasped again as you watched him lean his head back and sigh loudly.
“That smelled delicious, I’m saving these. And can’t wait to taste you.” He said, his eyes closing as he savored the scent of you.
“I’m gonna’ need those back, old man. Don’t think you can keep those.” You tutted back, shaking your head at his behavior.
“Ugh, baby girl, stop calling me an old man! I’m still in my twenties.” He laughed, causing his body to shake, with yours shaking as well, above him.
“Only if you stop calling me those names. Besides, I think you’re forgetting your true age – like 45, right?” You huffed out a laugh back, raising an eyebrow at him as he started to focus on your chest again.
“Sure, at least that’s what you told your parents. And what the hell about the little swimmers?” He responded, massaging around your breasts, causing you to breathe in deeply, as if focusing not to make so much noise. He grinned at that, knowing you would make more of the sounds he loved from you.
You practically snorted when he mentioned what your dad said. “Yeah! About that, I need to set up an appointment for you to go see the doctor about it. Don’t want you shooting blanks forever.” With that, Tom grunted at you and pulled you down to lay on top of him, stopping you from taking off his shirt.
“As if I shoot blanks. You love my healthy cum.” He shot back, and you almost laughed again. You prompted yourself up a little, using his shoulders to help you up. Your breasts were practically in his face and he almost drooled as he stared at them.
“Healthy? How do you know your cum is healthy if you haven’t been to the doctor?” You asked, gazing as he leaned up and licked a strip of your skin, making you gasp in surprise. He was so close to your areolas again, and your nipples hardened as he brushed past them with his nose.
“Shut up, it is healthy, and you love it – you didn’t deny that.” He responded and you rolled your eyes at him playfully.
“Yeah, true, I love it.” You admitted, causing the both of you to chuckle again quietly.
“Okay, enough talking, let’s get back to this love making session.” Tom chuckled and you raised both your eyebrows at him, as if you couldn’t believe what he said. He was confused by what your expression meant until he heard you respond.
“Please don’t ever say that again.” You whispered, giggling hard at how he sounded. He laughed too, but you two slowed down and you leaned down to kiss him again.
Tom felt like he was finally back in the best place in his whole life (which was in your arms). You were on top of him, holding him up as he kissed, licked, and bit up your breasts. He loved being in this position, it was one of his favorite things to do, be between your breasts, kissing them and hearing you moan. And he loved seeing the aftermath of his bites, seeing all the bruises and marks around your chest.
“Oh, fuck, Tom,” You panted, pushing your hips up and down against him, and he groaned, biting down on one of your nipples, causing you to gasp loudly.
“S’ fucking good, I love your tits.” He mumbled against you, “Love you, all of you.” He continued and you nodded along.
“I love you too, Tom, I need more of you though.” You said, breathing heavily. You didn’t like that he was still fully clothed, so you tugged at his shirt, trying to get his attention to see that you wanted it off his body.
He finally pulled away from attacking your chest, and you huffed out a sigh, glancing down at your tits. Damn, he did some work on them. You were sure in the morning your chest would be covered in bruises.
“What if I wanted to wear a cute top tomorrow?” You mumbled, mostly to yourself, but Tom overheard and chuckled.
“You still can, only around me though. Unless you want to show everyone the artwork.” He responded, and you shook your head, laughing.
“No way, I was going to hang out with my parents again in the afternoon – um, and kinda maybe go out for drinks with my friends.” You whispered out the last part, wondering about whether or not you would go out with your friends now. There was still some more to talk about with Tom, if things didn’t exactly go good today.
“What? You should go out with them! Can I come along with some friends too? I promise they’ll get along with your friends.” He spoke up, a hopeful feeling blossoming in his chest.
You blinked in surprise at him, smiling as well, “Oh, uh, yeah! Yeah sure, we just need to talk some more I think, to make sure we’re on the same page with everything.”  
Tom was confused for a moment before he realized what you meant. You two still needed to talk about exactly what your parents were saying and how the relationship was going to move on from this. He nodded back to you, understanding.
“Yeah, of course.” He nodded again and you grinned.
“Yeah, after this.” You responded and he laughed, sitting up to give you a kiss. You pushed him back though and shook your head.
“Nope, oldie, I want to take your clothes off, remember?” You giggled, and he nodded, huffing out some air but quickly helped you take his shirt off.
You also threw it off the bed, making him laugh a little. He still wanted to keep those panties of yours, so he stuffed them somewhere else on the bed, out of your reach.
You wiggled off of his lap and gazed down to his shorts, feeling your cheeks warm up as you saw the patches of wetness you left on there. Tom saw it too, and he grinned, loving that it was there.
“You know how hot I find this shit, right here?” He asked you rhetorically and you shook your head at him.
“Shut up, weirdo, first with my panties and now this.” You teased him and he laughed, shrugging his shoulders.
You motioned for him to lift his hips up so you could slide his shorts off his waist, and he did, wiggling his eyebrows to you as you pulled them off and you laughed, looking away from him.
“Tom, babe, do you want us to have sexy time right now? Or do you want to keep making me laugh?” Your question made him pause and smile at you.
“Both, because I missed doing those to you all those weeks. But I’ll calm it down.” His answer made you realize how much he missed you and you almost “awed” out loud to him, but you stopped yourself.
After taking off his shorts, you pulled him into another sweet kiss as you toyed with his boxers. He sighed into the kiss as you slipped your hand underneath his boxers, slightly touching his dick. You smoothed a finger over the head of his dick, making his hips shudder back and forth.
“I missed this so much.” You whispered into his ear after you pulled away from the kiss. You focused on his ear with your mouth, biting and sucking parts of his ear and his neck while your hand slowly captured around his dick under his boxers.
“Me too…” He sighed out, closing his eyes in bliss from your touch.
You pulled away so you could take off his boxers too, and you slipped them off his hips, leaving them down by his knees. You gazed down to his hard on, smiling as you pressed a finger into his slit, causing more pre-cum to ooze out.
“Oh! Fuck.” He cursed, breathing in deeply, as he watched you touch him.
You moved two fingers down to collect it and smear it around his head, and you repositioned yourself so you could concentrate on his cock better. You lay down on your stomach, while Tom was sitting up against some pillows and you were close to his hips.
You glanced up to see his expression, his face was flushed red, and he had a dazed look on his face. You grinned at it, before looking back down and giving his cock a small and fast lick. It happened within two seconds, and it made Tom gasp, shutting his eyes tight.
You continued, spreading some spit and some of his pre-cum down the rest of his cock, and started to move your grip around him up and down. His gasping and moans started to pour out as you continued to lick parts of his cock, pulling it closer to you so you could wrap your mouth around the head of his cock.
You licked around it slowly and made sure to flatten your tongue against it, making Tom curse out your name.
“Fuck, you’re going to make me cum already,” He whimpered out, pulling your head away from his dick. You hummed softly, gazing up at him as you licked around your lips, making sure you got all of his pre-cum in your mouth, tasting it.
“I miss your cum, baby. Is it okay if I suck you off?” Your question made him curse again, “Fuck…” He dragged the word out, eyes straining on you.
“Don’t you want me in you?” His question came out in pants, and you nodded before adding, “That can always be for the second round.”
His eyes bulged open at your words, “Oh darling, I didn’t know you were up for that today. If we do that, we’re going to be stuck in bed for a few more hours, is that okay?” You smiled at his words, excited for it as you missed doing this so much with him.
“Yes! I’m up for it, I want your cum everywhere.” You responded almost instantly and then you gasped at yourself for saying that, causing Tom and you to both laugh.
“Oh, I know you do. So, do you want me to come in your mouth first then? You miss my taste, love?” His voice came out as a murmur and you nodded to him, wanting to continue. He let go of your head, letting you get back to what you were doing.
While you put him back into your mouth, he groaned loudly, “I didn’t know this classified as love making, but it’s great.” You hummed against his dick, making his twitch and gasp again.
You pressed your tongue onto him as you slowly started to go up and down on his dick with your mouth, taking as much as you could of him into your mouth, letting him into your throat. You held back your gagging as much as possible, and grasped a hand around the rest of him that you weren’t able to take in your mouth.
Your other hand went down to his balls, cupping one of them gently and rubbing your fingers around it, then doing it to the other. Tom was a groaning mess, hips almost hitting up into your mouth each time you went down on him, as if to push more of himself into your mouth.
“Oh fuck, fuck me, you’re so good at this.” He cried out, hands grasping into your hair. He kept hitting his head back against the headboard of the bed, as more and more pleasure came to him.
You pulled away and started focusing on the head of his cock again, pressing your tongue down on it, licking and licking over again, making Tom moan.
You pressed a kiss against his cock, licking all the way down and up again around his cock. You put your hand around his cock again, squeezing gently, making sure you didn’t hurt him. Your hand was all wet from your spit and his pre-cum and you slowly dragged your hand up to the head of his cock before you wrapped your lips around him again slowly going down at the same time as your hand.
“Baby, oh fuck, I’m gonna’ come right now, oh fuck,” He panted out, pushing your head down so you could swallow all of his cock.
You almost gagged, and your eyes started to tear up, but you kept it back as you felt his cum start going down your throat. You continued to swallow and swallow over again, making sure you got all of it as he continued to spurt into your mouth.
You pulled back just a little bit so you could taste him better, since he was only hitting the back of your throat. Finally, you captured some of the taste and moaned loudly against his cock as he continued to come more and more, and he shivered at the feeling, almost collapsing against the pillows behind him.
“Oh, fuck me, your mouth is amazing.” He cried out, and finally his cum started to slow and come to a stop. You kept him in your mouth until you felt as though all the cum came out of him.
You slowly removed him from your mouth, making sure to be careful around his sensitive cock now. You gulped down the rest of the cum in your mouth before you spoke up.
“Tom, that was so good,” You paused, gazing down at his cock. “Fuck, that tasted great. I missed that.” You continued as Tom was slowly recovering from his orgasm.
“You really make me the luckiest man alive.” He whispered, pulling you up to his face so he could kiss you. He didn’t care that he could taste his cum on your lips, and he didn’t care when he opened his mouth to bring your tongue next to his, feeling some left over cum in your mouth.
He actually loved it.
You moaned into the kiss, making Tom melt even more. You pulled away once you needed to breathe, “Tom, when exactly are you going to be able to go again? I want to taste you more…Maybe we should actually get you a bottle of Viagra.” His eyes widened at your words, surprised you wanted to do that again!
And Viagra? No, he was too young to use that. He would be ready soon enough.
“Shut up, I do not need Viagra.” He laughed quietly, shaking his head at you.
“Mm, you sure, old man? I thought you’d be ready by now?” Your response made him laugh even louder, and he even coughed from laughing.
“What? Oh fuck, I am not a superhero with super stamina, no matter how much I try. It takes time, I’ll be ready to go again in 10 minutes.” He laughed, being reminded of all the Spiderman and even Uncharted memes he’s seen on Twitter.
You rolled your eyes, “Ugh, so long… I’m going to go get us some cups of water.” He stopped you as fast as he could, laughing as he dragged you back into the bed.
“No, you don’t. Do you think I just turn off when my dick is soft?” He asked, watching as you furrowed your eyebrows and glanced to the side, as if you were confused about it.
When you didn’t answer him within a few seconds, he gasped at you, “Did you really think that? I can still do so much, during these 10 minutes.”
You shook your head at him, “Uh, like what? In the past, you usually just played with my tits or kissed me until you were ready again.”
Tom blushed, “Yeah, I do that… And I can do more.”
You gazed at him with narrowed eyes, “Yeah, sure you can.” It took him a moment to realize that he still hasn’t made you cum at least once already and he was surprised. Usually, he was the one that took action first, making sure you came a few times before you two did something together or you sucked him off and then had sex.
“I’m serious. I’m good at this.” He defended himself, pulling you closer again to kiss you. You kissed him back with a smile, not believing him but you were okay with it. You still enjoyed being around him like this.
With him continuing to say he was so good at doing something during a 10-minute time period you finally pulled back from the kiss and challenged him. “Fine, I’ll admit you’re good if you can make me cum in less than 10 minutes. If you can’t, no harm is done. I’ll still love you.” You spoke up.
Tom accepted the challenge instantly, “I can do that, easily. Actually, pretty sure I can make you cum at least two times in that time period.”
He has to be joking, you thought. There was no way that he could do that… right? You thought back to all the times he’s given you orgasms and sure there was quite a lot, but you don’t remember coming twice in ten minutes.
Well, at the same time, you never really timed it either, so you weren’t quite 100% that Tom couldn’t do it.
“Let’s see it happen, old man.” You replied, and he smirked, something you missed seeing for those few weeks.
He was honestly having one of the best days of his life right here, that’s what he believed. Finally getting to see you again, fuck, he swore he didn’t want to go a day without you in it again. He didn’t realize how much you made him feel human and normal, and happy, and when you weren’t near him for so long, it all went away. He was glad to be back here, between your legs.
The challenge was going to be easy for him. He knew exactly what and how to give you orgasms. He grinned at the sight of your wet pussy. Oh, he missed this so much.
“Hmm, I see you missed me too, huh?” He spoke as he finally lowered his head down to your pussy. So pretty, he thought. He trailed two fingers around you, enjoying your deep intake of air. You have become so sensitive without him here for the last few weeks.
He stroked a finger up and down very lightly, barely touching your pussy, as he glanced up at you to see how you were doing. You were already trembling, and you were glaring at him.
“Tom, stop fucking teasing me.” You bit out, continuing, “If you continue, I doubt I’ll cum in less than 10 minutes…” You trailed off, raising an eyebrow at him.
He scoffed at you, “Sure thing.” And just like that he dug in. His tongue lapped up and down your pussy, dragging it so slowly up to your clit. He pressed his tongue down onto your clit with more pressure than he was doing earlier, making you gasp loudly.
“You taste so good,” He moaned into you, sticking a finger into you, starting to pump into you slowly. He couldn’t help himself as he continued to lap his tongue around your pussy, and he paused again around your clit, this time pressing his lips around your clit and sucking it up into his mouth harshly.
You cried out, it was almost painful to feel, but it was still a good type of pain. “Fuck!” You yelled, grabbing onto the back of Tom’s head and pushing him further on your pussy, grinding your hips up into his face.
He was mumbling random sweet nothings into you, now pushing a second finger into you and going faster, letting go of his aggression on your clit. He pressed a kiss on it, then started to lick again, up onto the hood of your clit.
“Tom! Tom, fuck! Shit!” You were trying your best not to squeeze your legs around his head. You were whimpering, moaning loudly and you couldn’t stop this orgasm from rolling out of you. You couldn’t even warn him ahead of time because of how intense it was, making your head hit against the pillow hard.
You were coming onto his face, hard, it made him groan into you, licking it all up, making sure he got everything on his tongue. He loved your taste, it was incredible. He missed it so much, he wanted to savor it.
Three fingers in you now, pumping in and out quickly. His fingers were curled up, pressing up against the spot, causing you to scream again.
You weren’t ready, it was too much. You didn’t masturbate at all during these last few weeks, this was so much, too much of it. You were shaking hard, still grinding up against his face and he didn’t stop though, loving your reactions.
“Such a good girl, keep going, baby.” He pulled away just to tell you that, and you were hesitant, feeling like it would be too much now. You voiced it to Tom, who quickly responded.
“Mm, but then I’d lose that challenge. Told you I can make you cum twice, didn’t I? I know you can, you still got at least another three rounds in you.” He grinned, watching you mutter some curses under your breath.
He went back down on you, enjoying how soaking wet you were.
“Asshole…” You breathed out, eyes clenching closed for a few moments as Tom licked in circles around your clit. You knew for a fact at this point that he would certainly get another orgasm out of you, and that was irritating but you loved it.
You missed him a lot, and you could tell he really did miss you too.
“Tom! Fuck…” It happened so fast, you didn’t get to say anything else as you felt it rush out of you. Tom grinned smugly, continuing to finger fuck you again.
“I told you so!” He practically sang it, laughing as you rolled your eyes at him.
“Mm, yeah whatever.” You mumbled at him, and he continued to smile, breathing in deeply as he pulled away from in between your legs.
You two laid in silence for a few moments, as you two stared at each other in thought. You barely have seen him look so happy and relaxed, you were a bit surprised, but you felt even more happy from it. You wondered momentarily if things were going to continue being this good, or if you two were going to have problems again. It would suck, but you were still a bit hopeful that if you two were going to argue again, you could talk it out. That would have to work, or else maybe you two weren’t right for each other.
You pushed the thought out of your mind as Tom softly placed a hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb gently on your face.
“I missed you a lot. More than I could handle.”
“I missed you too, Tom.” You responded, then a random thought of your coworker made your lips quirk up, causing Tom to furrow his eyebrows at you.
“What is it?” He asked, grinning softly at you as you laughed and shook your head.
“Uh, it’s just my coworker, Christine, I just remembered what she said earlier.” You paused, laughing a little again as Tom’s eyes widened.
“Oh fuck, please don’t tell me Evan told her about me and then she said something to you.” He pleaded but then you squeezed your eyes shut, giggling even more as he groaned at you.
“No….” He dragged out, rolling to face up to the ceiling, instead of staying on his side. He put his hands over his head, groaning again, “Fuck no.” It just made you laugh more at him.
“It wasn’t that bad.” You tried to say, but a chuckle came out, making Tom shake his head. “I’m pretty sure she was over exaggerating – like when she said you went to their place and got drunk and started crying in the bathroom.” You explained, eyes glancing at Tom as he gulped.
“No, she wasn’t over exaggerating. I cried in their bathroom.” He answered, dragging his hands off his face now.
“What, why?” You burst out laughing again, not believing him. How drunk did he get? Or maybe they watched a sad movie, but still it was so unexpected to hear that was true.
“I uh, saw a picture of you and Christine pinned on their fridge. And then I went into the bathroom to calm down and they use the same soap we use for our hand soap.” He replied, and then quickly added, “I was drunk, and I was talking about how much I missed you earlier in the evening so it was surprising and made me sad again.”
You stopped your laughing slowly, watching as he sighed out in embarrassment. “Aww, baby. I didn’t realize you would be that upset.” You said, frowning a bit.
He glanced at you in shock, “Of course I really was sad. I felt like everything I did was wrong, and I thought I really messed up the future with us.  I couldn’t cope at all and every time I saw a reminder of you, I felt horrible.”
You were stunned in silence. He continued, “I talked to your friends a lot. I’m not sure if they told you that…but after I met up with them that first time, I kept talking to them, asking if I should reach out to you or not. They said not to, it would be better to wait for you to feel better. I really wanted to apologize earlier. I still should’ve waited longer, I know that. But that picture that I sent – fuck, I thought you’d get your friends to kill me or something, I wanted to delete it.”
“And imagining my life without you? No, not a fun thing. Every time I fell asleep, I’d have dreams of you and each time I woke up, I felt horrible knowing you weren’t really next to me. The time I spent away from you was kind of a wake-up call, telling me it’s time to be mature and stop fucking around with my friends so much, and – uh, well a few other things.” He finished up.
“Tom…” You trailed off, “I’m surprised. I didn’t know it affected you so much. If I did, I would have reached out to you. But yeah, I’m glad that you had the wake-up call about us and everything.”
“Right, yeah. Even though I had that wake-up call, I knew I couldn’t just reach out to you because I thought it would make you upset. I didn’t want to make you sad again, and I was staying with some friends during that time. We drank a lot too, I’m not going to hide that from you, but I’m done with drinking for a long time for now. After what happened… yeah, not planning on drinking.” Tom chuckled at the end.
You raised your eyebrows, “You mean you’re going to quit drinking? That’s a big deal. You guys drink almost every night.” You were talking about him and his friends hanging out together.
“If that’s what it takes to be mature and be the man I should be, then yeah.” He confirmed it.
“Woah, so no more icky beer breath?” You joked, hoping to lighten up the mood slightly.
Tom laughed, “It wasn’t that bad!” You shook your head at him, giggling a bit as he turned to face you again.
“And also, my friends wouldn’t kill you or anything, by the way.” You added, finding his seriousness about your friends being ruthless with him funny. You didn’t think they’d hurt him or anything, but the thought of your friends play-threatening him and him taking it seriously, made you laugh.
“Baby, no, they absolutely would. Especially Maria.” Tom huffed out, shaking his head at the thought of Maria. He looked like he was scared.
“Shut up, Maria is a sweetheart! She wouldn’t even hurt a fly.” You defended her, laughing at his accusations. She was one of your closest friends. She’s supported you through so many things, and you have for her as well. But you’ve never heard of anyone saying she’d kill someone, that was a bit funny.
“Are we talking about the same Maria?” He looked so intense, you laughed more.
He was smiling when you slowly stopped laughing, and you were confused, “Hm, what?” You asked, wondering what he was smiling so brightly at you.
“I just love you.” He whispered, causing you to feel a rush of heat to your cheeks.
“I love you too, baby.” You mumbled back as he scooted closer to you, meeting your lips in a kiss.
He groaned when you pulled away too soon, “Do you want to continue where we left off?” His question made you squeak out a laugh.
“I would definitely like to continue where we left off.” You shot back, and he giggled slightly, rolling so he was on top of you.
There was something so special about looking at him from this angle. You couldn’t exactly place it on your tongue, but this was one of those sights that you’d always remember, no matter what. The love and desire in his eyes and that smile on his lips was incredible.
“I love you.” You whispered again just as he placed his lips on yours, then you felt his smile widen, and you knew he loved you just as much.
You could say it over and over again, and you’d know he would reciprocate.
He kissed his way down to your chest, making you moan quietly as he focused on one of your nipples. He licked and bit randomly, chuckling when he heard you groan or shudder at the feeling. His hands wouldn’t leave your body, gripping hard as he made you feel even better.
“Fuck, you feel ready for me.” He groaned, slipping a finger up into your pussy. You shifted your hips, trying to get more of his finger.
“I want you, Tom.” You moaned, eyes gazing down at him. He gulped at the sight, whispering something against your skin before he pulled away. He took his finger away, and then placed it in his mouth, savoring the flavor of you as he twirled his finger around in his mouth.
“Just fuck me already.” You practically begged him, watching as he shifted his position.
“Okay baby,” He paused, shaking his head, “Next time, you better say please.”
You almost rolled your eyes at him but stopped as he slowly started to enter your pussy. He grunted out a curse, head rolling back before he dove deeper, sliding his cock more into you.
You didn’t care about the slight pain, knowing it would be covered with pleasure soon. Tom fully pushed his way in and then stopped, gazing down at you. “Feeling alright?” His question was met with a nod.
“Yes, come on, Tom!” You pushed your hips up, making him squeeze his eyes close.
“Fuck, okay. You can get away with not having manners right now.” Tom grounded out, hips slapping against yours as he started to fuck you.
It was a slow and steady pace at first, and each time he was fully inside of you, he gazed down at where you two were connected, as if he was trying to take a picture.
“And when we’re done with making love – as you call it, then I’m going to fuck you.” He continued his thought, grinning when you voiced out a small, “Huh?”
Then he started going at it, fucking finally.
His hold on you tightened as he started to go in and out at a faster pace, slamming deep inside of you. You felt so sensitive from the past few minutes, you already knew you were going to come again, and fast at that. You couldn’t believe it, and looking at Tom’s face, you were sure he was about to come too.
You gasped as he moved his hips at a different angle, hitting you inside at a faster pace. He groaned as you clenched around him and leaned down and kissed your lips. You smiled into the kiss, finding it sweet but then he slipped his tongue out, leading into an open kiss.
You pushed your hips up to meet him as he pushed into you, causing him to moan into the kiss.
“Fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me come soon. Are you close?” He mumbled into your ear. You nodded a yes to him, grinning at the fucked out look on his face. His dick hit you even deeper when he shifted again, and you gasped as it hit your g-spot.
“Right there,” you panted loudly, “Hit – there, oh fuck, Tom, right there, please.” You begged, eyes watering as your orgasm was just about to happen.
“Good girl, keep going, I’m going to come now. Come with me.” Tom leaned down and kissed you, a small moan tumbling out of him when he finally burst, coming into you deeply. It continued to push out into your pussy, and you whimpered loudly when you felt yourself let go.
He stilled inside of you, dropping down on top of your body, with a huff of air. “Fuck that was amazing.” He mumbled to you, kissing the side of your face which made you smile.
“Yeah, it was, babe.” You responded, smiling even more when you realized he was still inside of you. It looked like he knew what you were thinking about, and he smirked, putting a hand on the side of your face softly and leaned down to kiss your lips again.
“Do you wanna go again?”
The question made you wheeze out a laugh, but you quickly kissed him again, more passionately to give him an answer.
“I’d love to, but maybe after we get some food.” You said, reluctantly pulling away. Tom pouted softly but he nodded and then rolled off of you. Then he sent you a cheeky glance and said, “Be right back.”
You watched as he ran out of the bedroom, fully naked and then you heard him open the front door of the house. You gasped to yourself, laughing and wondering what the hell he was doing. After another few moments, you heard the door shut, and then he ran back into the room with a bright red face and a bag.
“I forgot I was naked.” He admitted, brushing a hand through his hair before he laughed to himself and then held up the bag.
“Got you that pasta from our favorite restaurant. And garlic bread and a slice of cake. I ordered it a while ago, when we were taking a water break, it’s just been sitting out there for a while but it’s still warm.” He continued, and you sat up in surprise and then stared at him in shock.
“No way.” You grounded out, eyes widened at the bag of delicious food. “Really?” You asked excitedly, and then you laughed happily as Tom nodded to you.
“Just wanna say that your mom was the one that told me to order it. She’s awesome.” He brought up as you two started to eat on the bed.
“My mom’s the best.” You choked out a laugh, shaking your head.
The two of you continued to eat, giggling over stupid stuff on the bed. It took a while to finish the food but once you did, Tom picked up the trash and threw it away. Then he attacked you with tickles on the bed, which led to a lot more hours of fun.
You felt so sore when you woke up, it actually hurt to move your legs. After spending the entire day in bed with him, you sure were tired still. He laid across from you with a little sleepy grin on his face, head laying flat on the pillow and his legs were wrapped around yours.
You curled your hands away from him carefully, since you had them wrapped up in his hair. You must’ve accidentally tugged some hair since he groaned slightly and moved his position.
You chuckled at the expression on his face, causing him to fully wake up. “Huh?” He groaned out slowly.
You didn’t say anything back, you just smiled, watching as he blinked up at you a few times and then comprehended where he was. Then he instantly smiled brightly, eyes crinkling together too.
“You’re cute.” You whispered, not wanting to break the morning moment. He rolled his eyes at you playfully.
“I think you mean I’m handsome.” He chuckled tiredly. You raised an eyebrow at his words, making him shake his head at you and chuckle more.
“You hungry for some breakfast?” You asked, feeling a rumble in your stomach. Tom instantly shot up, nodding like he was starving.
“Yeah, I mean – I would totally make a comment about wanting to have you for breakfast, but I’m hungry and down to do that after?” He phrased it all out as a question, making you laugh hard.
“I would be down to do that after breakfast too.” You laughed again, rolling out of bed, away from the warmth. You almost shivered but then you slipped on some socks and dragged a blanket out of bed, with Tom giggling about how cute you looked.
You found your phone outside the room, almost grimacing when you saw all the missed calls and texts and then you saw the time. Your eyes bulged out, gasping as you realized it was 3PM, definitely not the time for breakfast.
“Tom! Shit, it’s way past breakfast and lunch.” You called out, laughing at yourself as you pulled up all your messages. You pressed on the messages from your mom first, reading through them with a grin. She sent a picture with your dad at the park, and she said they were feeling like going on a date, and that she’d call you later tonight to plan to see you tomorrow.
You sent her a quick response and laughed when you looked at the messages from your dad. He sent a ton of pictures, one specifically made you laugh harder. It was a picture of a Viagra commercial, and he sent, “Let me know if Tom needs to see a doctor for this, I have a few doctor friends.”
You showed the text to Tom, who blushed deeply and shook his head.
“I can’t believe we spoke about that. I don’t need Viagra, I think I proved that to you earlier.” He spoke up, raising his eyebrows at you, then winked.
“You certainly did.” You chuckled, then sent a message to your dad, replying that you would speak to him and your mom later in the day.
“So, in the mood for lunch? Or uh, very early dinner?” Tom asked, gazing at the clock on the wall as you two walked into the kitchen.
“Mm, well I’m hungry for anything really. Oh wait, Maria just texted me.” You responded, then clicked onto the text from her. It was in the group chat, which was spammed with so many messages.
All of them were asking about you and if you and Tom had finally made up. You smiled, typing a small explanation about your day yesterday and then pressed send. The moment it sent through, your phone started ringing and Tom laughed, glancing at who was calling.
“Sophia is also a bit scary, she said she’d beat me up.” He said just as you answered and put it on speaker. She overhead it and responded quickly, “Damn right I will if you hurt our girl.”
You laughed at the two of them, “Come on guys, it’s all cool now. We spoke and things are good.” You watched as Tom went to go look in the fridge and then he turned around to face you and winked again, whispering, “Really good.”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully as Sophia spoke up, “Alright, good, cause we’re going out. We wanna hang out with you two together finally. There’s happy hour all day at the hotel right now, it’s really pretty out here.” The hotel all your friends were staying at was about a twenty-minute drive, and you glanced over to Tom, silently questioning if he’d like to go.
You were planning on hanging out with them today for sure too. You wanted to make sure to see them as much as you could before they left. You didn’t get to see them that often.
“Oh really? Is there good food?” You asked her, feeling giddy when Tom smiled over at you and nodded.
“Yes, oh fuck, the nachos are to die for.” She groaned into the phone, making you chuckle.
“There’s guacamole, right?” You asked, hoping for it. That’s the good shit right there – guac and chips. Thankfully, Sophia responded with a loud, “Yes!” Then you heard a few of your other friends over the phone, chatting about what they were going to wear.
You chuckled and responded, “Okay, we can come by. We’ll get ready and hop in the car.” Tom grabbed two cookies from the fridge before he walked over to you, wrapping an arm around you as Sophie responded and said goodbye.
You ate one of the cookies, watching as Tom ate his, smiling at the crumb on the corner of his lip. You got up on your tiptoes and licked it off of his lip, giggling when he gasped and squeezed you into a hug.
“We need to shower before we go.” He whispered down to you, gazing pointedly down to the both of you. You two were covered in old sweat and spit and you could feel some sticky parts on your body.
You nodded and guided him towards the bathroom as he kissed little pecks on the top of your head. You started the shower, grinning at Tom as he took the blanket off of you. And then you took off your socks and checked the water temperature, making sure it was at a good heat.
As you were getting it ready and getting into the shower, Tom started to speak up, “Should I ask my friends to go to the hotel and we can all meet together? Have our friends hang out?” You blinked in surprise, but the idea excited you. You wanted to know what it would be like to have all of them hang out together, so you nodded a yes to him.
“Yeah! I think that would be good, see what it’s like.” You responded and Tom walked over after sending a message to his friends, getting into the shower with you, then kissed your lips softly.
“You’re so sweet.” He mumbled against your lips, and you pulled him back in before he went away. You kissed him again, not feeling like it was enough. Even though you two spent all day together in bed yesterday, you still felt like you missed out on so much affection and touch from him during the time you spent apart.
He groaned into the kiss, pushing his body against yours under the hot water rushing down onto the two of you. It felt so good, so perfect to be like this again. You could feel how he breathed in deeply, and how he shivered against you and how he reacted to everything you did.
You opened your mouth to continue kissing him, licking his bottom lip before slipping a hand up into his hair to give it a quick tug. He moaned softly into the kiss, “Baby…”, and you smirked, pulling away from him just enough to give him some room to talk.
“We’re going to be late if we continue.” He warned you and you barely shrugged, not caring as much since you wanted to be with him. Instead of verbally responding, you pushed your breasts up to press against his chest, pushing them so they would softly push up into his vision.
He gazed down to them with a sigh, “Okay, fuck being on time, I missed your tits.” He bent down and kissed each of them softly. “Missed them so much.” He mumbled against the skin of one of them, causing you to shiver.
You were always pretty sensitive there, and he knew it. “Yeah, they missed you too.” You huffed out a laugh, before gaping at how he immediately tugged one of your nipples into his mouth, biting down hard.
“Fuck Tom! That’s – shit, ow, wait,” You panted out as he started to suck on it, then licked around the area, flicking his tongue at the stiff nipple. His hand grasped the other, massaging it and circling his thumb around your nipple before pinching it tightly.
“So pretty,” He whispered, taking it out of his mouth, licking a long stripe on your breast, then taking the nipple he was pinching into his mouth, instantly smoothing soft licks over it to calm it down.
You panted hard, feeling it was a bit unfair, so your hand crept down to his growing hard on, flicking a finger up and down it, teasing him.
“Don’t do that, love, you know what happens if you do.” He warned you, pulling away reluctantly from your nipple. You rolled your eyes at him, “Hm, really? I don’t think I know what happens.”
He chuckled at your behavior, tugging your hand away from him and his other hand grasped around your throat, just laying there without squeezing you. Your eyes widened at him, surprised at the turn of events.
“I remember you liked this. Don’t think I’d forget about that.” He spoke up, raising an eyebrow at you.
You felt heat rise up in your cheeks, “Yeah, I actually did think you’d forget about it, it’s not something we usually do.” He grinned at you, and you completely forgot what you were doing just a few moments ago.
“Would you like to do it more often? I’m definitely open to this, I like seeing that look in your eyes.” He asked, giving an experimental squeeze. Your mouth dropped open, your arousal doubling at the feeling, and he did it again.
“Oh, fuck.” You whimpered as he squeezed harder, tugging your head up to his. He dragged you into a passionate kiss and pushed you up against the wall, supporting your weight as you wrapped your legs around him at the waist.
You automatically rocked your hips to his, grinding against him during the kiss, and he panted hotly against you, squeezing your throat again.
The water wasn’t spraying down on you directly anymore, since you were back against the wall, but it was hitting Tom completely. The water slipped down between you two, making it feel even better, you shivered at the temperature difference.
His other hand had pushed between you two, pinching again at your nipple and causing you to squirm up into him even more. He chuckled into the kiss at your reaction, doing it even more. He pulled away from your nipple when you cried out his name, “Tom, please!”
His hand went underneath you, pressing up against your ass to support your weight as he pulled you off the wall and pulled you back into the water.
You two were fully soaked now, and he hesitantly pulled away from the kiss, wanting to put some shampoo in your hair.
After all, you two had to get clean, right?
Thankfully, the shampoo was on a shelf built into the shower, and he grabbed it with ease, and you helped him open it.
“Should I get down?” You asked, wondering if he was having trouble, and he shook his head.
“No, I’m going to fuck you while washing your hair.” He replied, nonchalantly.
“Oh!” You gulped, causing him to laugh slightly. “As long as you’re okay with that, of course.” He added, making sure that you felt okay, and you instantly nodded.
“Yes please, I am definitely cool with that.” Your voice cracked a little and he smiled at you, turning to rub the shampoo into your hair. He pushed you back up against the wall as he scrubbed it in, while he started to adjust how he was standing.
“Ready?” He asked gently and you replied with a sweet kiss. He pushed into your pussy after a moment and slowly sunk in, moaning loudly into the kiss.
“Fuck…” He let out, pulling away from your lips as you breathed in deeply, adjusting to the size of him. You could feel every part of it, and then he pulled back out slowly, rubbing the shampoo in your hair. It felt incredible, but you were still so sore from yesterday.
He pumped in and out of you as he scrubbed and massaged the shampoo into your scalp and hair. The two of you breathed heavily, as you stared up at him. It felt so intimate, and you missed him so much, glad that you were in his presence now.
You clenched your pussy around him, pleased to hear his little groan. “Mm, okay, time to rinse it out.” He mumbled, pulling you closer to him with your legs still wrapped around his torso. The water poured down onto your head, and Tom blocked the water from hitting your eyes with his hand. He smoothed the shampoo suds out of your hair, and you smiled up at him, grateful.
When it all rinsed out, he put some conditioner in your hair. He stopped pumping in and out, instead he chose to just keep inside of you. You shivered and tried to move, feeling a bit of an uncomfortable heat.
“You feel, okay?” He asked you nonchalantly. You almost rolled your eyes at him but answered, “Kinda want you to move… like fuck me.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, “Oh, yeah? Mm, not happening until your hair’s clean.” You sputtered out a few curse words, shaking your head.
“But Tom!” You protested, and he shrugged.
“What? You’re dirty and you need to clean up.” He replied, not moving his hips at all.
“But I want you to fuck me, I need you to.” You moaned, head rolling back. He shook his head, looking amused at your words.
“You need me? How bad?” He played along with you, and you bit your lip, feeling frustrated he was acting like a jerk (a hot jerk). You didn’t respond verbally at all, instead you gave him a stare that should have translated into everything you were currently internally shouting at him to fucking move it.
“Oh, that bad, huh?” He practically giggled at your stare, making you sputter out loud, “Huh!”
“You’re going to have to talk to me, I’m not a mind reader.” He let out as his eyes traced down to your breasts again, watching the water drip down them.
You lifted a brow at him, amused at what his mouth was saying and what his eyes were saying, “Apparently, I’m a mind reader because I know what that look means. Go on then, give them some kisses, maybe that’ll knock some sense into you and finally finish fucking me.” You chatted, a light smile danced on your lips.
He rolled his eyes at you, but you noticed his bright blush that appeared. “You’re talking too much for a girl who wants to be fucked.” He shot back, you grinned at the playful mood he was in.
“Yeah. So, what are you going to do about it?” You tilted your head at him, exposing more of your neck as the water seared down your skin, making its way down your chest, he gulped at the sight.
He finally moved his fucking hips, cock slipping deeper into your pussy and then back out at a fast pace. His head burrowed down into your neck, mouth biting down onto your skin, followed by a few rough kisses and licks that had you moaning.
He pulled away to stare at you while he fucked you. “You never know when to close your mouth. Good thing I can fuck you silent.” He sighed deeply. You gaped at him, a fluttering deep in your stomach.
You couldn’t help but clench around his dick, feeling each detail of his dick that you memorized earlier. You liked watching how it affected him, the little groan that came out made you bite back your smile. His hands moved, one going to your hips, griping on the side tightly.
His other hand moved to your neck, grasping it slightly like he did before.
He fucked you hard and fast against the shower wall, chocking you whenever you clenched around his dick or tried to tease him. You reached your peak quickly, head pushing into his tight grasp as you tried to warn him, but he only leaned down and kissed you, “Go on, come for me.” He spoke into your ear, and you gasped, lifting your hips to meet his as you finally came, falling deep into your orgasm.
He came after you did, slowing his pace as his cum started to drip down and leak out of your pussy. He pulled out with a sigh, and kissed you again, then scooped up the cum that was smeared on your inner thighs and pressed his fingers into your mouth.
“Good girl, now let’s finish cleaning up.”
You two left about forty minutes later, after getting out of the shower and getting dressed. Tom was wearing one of the shirts you got him for a previous birthday of his, and he unbuttoned the first three buttons to show all the hickeys you left on him. You wore something that covered up a bit more, not wanting to have his love all on display. You were sure you had bruises forming around your neck too.
“Woah, finally you guys made it!” One of your friends cheered, bringing everyone’s attention to the two of you. You guys walked towards them, after you went into the hotel lobby.
“Aw, there’s the happy couple. Tom, I need to speak with you privately for a moment.” Another one of your friends said, looking serious. Tom gulped but nodded and agreed to talk to her privately. It was Ana, one of your closest friends. She was one of the funniest friends you had.
“If you hurt my friend again, I’m going to make you wish you were never born. Your friends will despise you and your family will disown you once I’m done with you. You’re going to regret living, when I finally decide to leave you alone.” Ana sneered at him once they made sure they were in private. Tom’s eyes widened.
“Oh! Fuck, okay, got it.” He stumbled out, waving his hands in front of him in a rush.
He didn’t realize it was practically your whole friend group that would say and do that stuff to him, but at the same time he felt a bit proud and happy for you. You had a great relationship with your friends and your family, it was something he thought was amazing.
“They got the nachos! Yes, let’s eat some, I’m starving.” You called out, bringing Tom’s attention back to you. He excused himself from Ana, and then strolled back to you with a soft smile.
“I got you extra guacamole, sweetie. Love you.” Ana spoke up, specifically to you. She glanced over at Tom and gave him a mean glare, but somehow hid it from you when you replied to her.
“Aw I love you guys – oh wait, where are your friends?” You said, grinning widely at her and then gazed at Tom, tilting your head in his direction.
“They’re on their way, I texted them when we got out of the car. I think they’ll be here in about five minutes.” He replied, nodding to you.
One of the waiters brought out another plate of nachos, making everyone cheer. One of your friends ordered you a drink, and Tom ordered a round for everyone as well. He didn’t get anything to drink though because he still felt like he had enough to drink from that other night for Harrison’s party.
“Thank you so much, oh these are so yummy.” You groaned, serving yourself a plate of nachos. You dipped one of the chips into the guacamole, and ate it with another moan, watching Tom send you a look.
“What?” You asked, a chuckle falling out of your mouth as you chewed the food. He sighed out and shook his head, causing you to chuckle a bit more.
“You’re giving me a hard time, babe.” He said it quietly, making sure no one else but you could hear him, and you smiled at him.
“No pun intended, huh?” You replied, then laughed as you fed him a chip. He ate it with a playful grumpy look. You moaned again, much louder and in his face, then rolled your eyes at him when he choked on his chip.
When his friends showed up, you and Tom introduced them each to your friends. Harrison and his fiancée had come together, who would be wed soon. You were happy to catch up with her while Harrison stood back with Tom.
Tom bit back a sigh as he noticed the look on Harrison’s face. “What is it now?” He spoke up, wondering what it was that Harrison wanted to talk to him about.
“You and Y/n.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Tom. After a moment of silence, he continued. “I can tell what you’re going to do. But when, is the question.”
Tom went into panic mode, “Shh! Don’t say anything. Yes, I plan on asking her the question soon, but I don’t want anyone to hear about it right now. Besides, she kinda knows I’m going to pop the question soon.”
“Aw, that’s great! We’re both going to be married soon to sweet girls. We can even plan a pregnancy together, like those friend groups on TikTok.” Harrison chuckled, to which Tom shook his head. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing from his friend right now, but he laughed anyway.
“Are you drunk?” Tom asked, already knowing the answer. Harrison nodded a yes, then snorted, “Is it that obvious?”
“Yeah, pretty obvious.” He replied.
“It’s good you two made up. I honestly thought you two would be married before us,” He paused and glanced over to his fiancée and you. “Since you two had moved in together early on and have great chemistry.”
“…And that one night you told me that you were going to marry her, before you asked her to move in with you.” He brought up, and Tom hit a hand to his head.
“Please, do not bring that up to her, she will tease me forever about that.” He chuckled, “I was drunk but yeah, it was since that moment I knew that we’d be together for a long time and hopefully for the rest of our lives.” He felt a smile form onto his face, feeling that sense of happiness and love again.
“What are you two talking about over here?” One of your friends had come up to the two and dragged you by the hand to join the conversation.
At the same time, Harrison and Tom looked at each other and blurted out different things. “Football.” “Music.”
You and your friend, Alexia, laughed hard at the two, “Okay, yeah, sure. I’ll let you get away with that.” You giggled, shaking your head at the scene.
“Thank goodness, I didn’t want to explain how romantic and gushy Tom can be.” Harrison blew out a sigh dramatically and then his eyes widened, “Oh whoops. My bad.” He chuckled, and you smiled at them.
“I already know how gushy my baby can be, huh?” You teased Tom, sliding up to him and you wrapped an arm around his waist, squeezing him tightly.
He rolled his eyes at you and blushed, “You’re lucky I love you so much.”
“I love you too, honey.” You leaned up and kissed his cheek softly. Your friends and his friends both cheered along at the two of you together. Tom’s blush reddened even more, and you pulled away with a delighted smile on your face.
“I’m happy we’re all here together.” You spoke up to him after a few moments to yourself. Tom gazed back at you with love in his eyes, and he agreed.
“Me too, I’m glad they all get along too, it’s like a big happy family in a weird way.” He chuckled, getting distracted by one of his friends, Tuwaine, who was having a hard time with the spicy hot sauce on the side with the nachos.
One of your friends, Maria, had walked up to him at that point and slapped his back, thinking he was choking, and then gave him some water.
You and Tom laughed together more, happier in the moment of things compared to how the last few weeks have been. He felt like crying out of happiness, something he hadn’t done in a while. He brushed his hand up against your back and squeezed you to his body, leaning down to your ear, “Thank you, you make me so happy. I love you more than words can describe.”
“You make me feel the same way, Tom. I’m lucky to have you back here now.” You grasped his hand and held onto it tightly for the rest of the day, chatting away with all of yours and his friends together.
THAT IS IT WE DID IT! What do you think?? Comments? Thank you so much for reading!
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 5 months
Ok, I’ll guess I’ll just be the Hiddles anon. Lol since my hatred for her really geared up bc of her involvement with him.
Anyway. So wait. She cheated on Joe??? That’s like the third time she’s cheated, if I’m not mistaken.
She cheated on Calvin — or at least there was an overlap — with Tom Hiddleston. Then she insinuated in her shit music, that she used Tom as a rebound or cover bc she actually wanted Joe (she met them both around the same time at the Met Gala in 2016). And she used Joe to “prove” how private she really was bc she blamed Tom for their “romance” being so out there.
The man would travel between London and various places in America without a peep, but, sure, Jan.
Their breakup always cracks me up bc he was supposed to fly from LA to the east coast somewhere to meet back up with her. On her plane. They had paps on the tarmac in LA to show him getting on the plane. Then they had paps waiting with her on the east coast to catch them reuniting. Except when the plane landed no one got out. So she went and climbed onboard. A few minutes passed and she came stomping out of the plane mad as a hornet and shooed the paps away. Word got out that he decided after his awkward and uncomfortable appearance at ComicCon some time before that (when he literally said the words “Taylor Swift and I are in love” 🙄) that he didn’t want to be a part of this PR nightmare anymore. So he didn’t get on the plane. And to add insult to injury, it was said he left a small gift bag on one of the seats. Inside it? A self-help book for getting over narcissism. 🤣🤣🤣 He popped up like a week later in London near where he lived. Proving he can get around without anyone noticing him.
During this PRship is when I really got an idea of how she operates and controls her image. She has a three month plan: the “outing,” so to speak (pix on the rocks kissing with Hiddles), being seen out and about (them kissing and touring in time and other places), pix with his family (they walked on the beach near his mother’s home with his mother, sister, and young niece), and then her supporting her friends (they attended a Selena Gomez concert fighter….he looked like a dad accompanying his daughter and her friends 🤦🏽‍♀️). She also has scripts for what her partner is supposed to say. I’ve heard he kept them and he and his friends would sit around (after they broke up) and read them out loud and laugh their asses off at the terrible writing. It’s probably why he sounded so wooden and uncomfortable when he spoke about her during the, what I call, Snakebite of Summer 2016. The rumors were she was trying to get him to take her to the Emmys that September but he didn’t want to.
Anyway…yeah I have a lot of intel from those days 😂 (sorry for the long ass ask!)
hiddleswift lore? in MY inbox? in 2024? it’s more likely than you think! I love this rundown thank you for explaining it!
She’s cheated 3 times and she’s still the victim in all her music? HOW? And how the hell did she convince her fans too?
So she cheated on Calvin with Tom to get with…Joe? This is so manipulative. I hate feeling bad for men but she genuinely makes me feel bad for her exes. She’s awful. If he actually left the self help book, he’s so funny for that. It’s been 8 years and she still hasn’t changed.
Your analysis of her PR relationships is on point! I see the same thing happening with Kelce. With the release of this album it feels like she’s intentionally fizzling out their romance. The scripts make sense because all of her partners sound the same when talking about her. How miserable she must be knowing all the love her partners have for her is fabricated.
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trillscienceofficer · 1 month
I think it's actually quite interesting to see “Someone To Watch Over Me” still considered among the Voyager best (needless to say, I disagree!) Here are two perspectives, one ‘unofficial’ from shortly after the episode aired, and another more official for the show's 25th anniversary, which just ends up borrowing from the former, by then already 20-ish years old, source!
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from Cinefantastique Vol 31 #11, April 2000
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from Star Trek: Voyager - A Celebration (2020)
Transcription under the cut:
From Cinefantastique:
MY FAIR BORG Behind-the-scenes of fifth season's “Someone To Watch Over Me.”
By Anna Kaplan
When thinking back on VOYAGER’S fifth season, executive producer Brannon Braga enthused, “One of my favorites of the year is ‘Someone to Witch Over Me’, the Doctor-Seven show. It’s very, very charming, and heartbreaking." In the episode, Seven finally decides to go on a date, and the Doctor coaches her on proper etiquette. Along the way, the Doctor realizes he is falling in love with Seven.
Noted scripter Michael Taylor, who worked from a story by Braga, “When an action show finds that it can do a comedy, it’s gained a certain level of confidence in its actors, in its writing staff, just in a general sense of what the show is about, that it can loosen up a bit." Enthused Jeri Ryan, “Even the editors were coming up to me on the set and saying, ‘This never happens, but everyone was coming in out of the other editing room, and stopping what they were doing and watching this show while we were cutting it together.’ They said it was just so charming that everybody loved it.”
Robert Duncan McNeill, who plays Tom Paris, directed the show. “It was a very unusual episode for STAR TREK, because it’s a very traditional romantic comedy,” he said. “I have to admit, when I first read it I was a little nervous. I thought, this is not what someone would expect from a STAR TREK show. But the response has just been incredible. A lot of people are saying it’s going to be one of our best episodes. It’s got the Doctor and Seven of Nine in a kind of MY FAIR LADY situation, with the Doctor trying to teach Seven about love, and improve her social skills, and in the process finds himself having feelings for her.”
In a subplot Ethan Phillips as Neelix gives a tour of the ship to a repressed alien monk, played by Scott Thompson of KIDS IN THE HALL. “We want to get something from his race,” said Phillips. “They arc a highly moral race, and before they can give it, we have to make sure that they sec us as an equally moral race. I am entrusted to show him our ship and all our functions, so that he can assess our righteousness. The guy turns out to be a lush, and a complete drunk. It’s kind of like that movie with Peter O’Toole, MY FAVORITE YEAR; the guy is entrusted with keeping him sober. It's a funny part and a really neat role.”
McNeill continued, “I really enjoyed working with Bob. He never gets tired of figuring out new ideas, and funny moments, and quirky things to do. Jeri found, I think, a different kind of humanity in Seven of Nine than we have seen before, a real kind of child-like sense of humor in her character. Seven and Bob sing together in a real nice, little moment."
McNeill added, “The ending wasn’t written when we shot the whole episode. When the whole script wasn’t written, we were just sort of making it up, shooting it as it was being written. It’s very hard to plan ahead and say, ‘You don’t want to give away too much in this moment. You want to save it for the end when you realize your feelings.’ It definitely kept us on our toes, kept us aware of how much we were telling, in what order we were telling the story, and not to have the Doctor fall in love with Seven in Act One, to really find the whole journey, and fill it out fully. It’s a real actors' show, so I felt particularly excited, being an actor, to work on a show that really depended on the performances and the subtleties that the actors could bring to it.”
What about the end? Said McNeill, “Because it’s two series regulars that are playing around with love, that’s always a very dangerous subject. If you go too far with it, you’ve got to live with the consequences. If you are not ready to deal with it on an ongoing basis on the series, then you have to be really careful with how far you go.”
The ending was filmed some time after primary shooting finished. Laughed Robert Picardo, “This episode is like the movie CASABLANCA, because we shot it without knowing what the end will be. It’s like shooting a romantic story, without knowing the payoff. But CASABLANCA turned out pretty well. I’m hoping that we will be equally fortunate.” The writers chose not to reveal the Doctor’s feelings to Seven. At the end, the Doctor is alone at Sandrine's, playing the Gershwin tune “Someone to Watch Over Me.”
from Star Trek: Voyager - A Celebration:
AIR DATE: APRIL 28, 1999
Teleplay by Michael Taylor
Story by Brannon Braga
Directed by Robert Duncan McNeill
Synopsis The Doctor teaches Seven about dating, then realizes he may have feelings for her himself.
One of the most popular episodes of VOYAGER is a bottle show, with the captain barely seen and no serious peril, unless failed diplomacy and a broken holographic heart count.
That Robert Picardo's EMH was going to be standout character was obvious from his first scene in VOYAGER's pilot episode. Three seasons later Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine revitalized the show with her debut. Pairing them proved to be a magic formula.
The Doctor established himself as a mentor for Seven, helping her come to terms with her humanity, a complement to Captain Janeway's maternal approach. The on-screen rapport between the two was self-evident. Ryan agrees: “I loved any of my scenes with Bob Picardo's character the Doctor. I love their dynamic. He's a delightful human being to work with and be around anyway, So that was always fun.”
In season 5's ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’, when Seven reveals a curiosity about human mating behaviour, the Doctor eagerly a lesson plan for her first steps into romantic relationships. His class is initially played for laughs. with the Doctor performing a farcical interpretive dance in front Or the image of an ovum. When Tom Paris adds his own input, he turns the tuition into a wager, which the Doctor happily agrees to. However, when Seven discovers that she is the subject of a bet she is genuinely hurt, leaving the Doctor to realize how insensitive he has been.
If the plot seems familiar, it is. “It's My Fair Lady with Seven,” cowriter Brannon Braga smiles. “‘Someone to Watch Over Me’ is one of my favorites. I thoroughly enjoyed writing that episode." Cowriter Michael Taylor summed up the setup. “Putting those two characters together in that episode, it's not the blind leading the blind, but it's the partially sighted learning from each other and also standing apart from the rest of humanity.”
A key early scene has the Doctor select a tune for Seven to sing. which she does with aplomb. Taylor said, “I remember walking around with all these ideas I had for what the song should be, and Brannon just picked this much simpler song, which was all that was needed to really focus their interaction.” The Doctor and Seven perform a duet of the much-covered 1939 ditty, ‘You Are My Sunshine’ which elicits a look of pride, or first hint of love on the Doctor's face. The story was becoming more than an amusing look at Seven's clumsy dating efforts, though her at dinner with Lieutenant Chapman at Chez Sandrine was a comedy highlight.
This episode marked cast member Robbie McNeill's third stint in the director's chair. “That was one of my favorite episodes to direct,” he says. "It had more comedy than we'd typically have. It had rom-com silliness. reached out to some actors who were very good friends of mine play some of the supporting roles that Seven went on dates with: Brian McNamara (Chapman and David Burke (who played the hologram Steven Price) Was one of my best friends and a wonderful actor."
The parallel story involving Neelix's ordeal with visiting Kadi ambassador was also farcical. "That was the episode where we had the comic actor from The Kids in the Hall [Scott Thompson]." McNeill continues. "He was the alien that came on board. the Drunk Monk We cast an actor who had a lot of comedy chops. It was one of the better light-hearted, but also really meaningful and heartfelt episodes."
The story shows just how versatile VOYAGER could be. It's a romantic comedy involving an artificial intelligence teaching a former Borg drone how to be human. There are no action sequences or alien threats and yet it is one of the series' best stories.
“There is nothing wrong with that episode,” Braga says. He was particularly pleased with one shot. “The Doctor realize he's in love with Seven of Nine and that she isn't in love him, when she's singing. Robbie McNeil does this when shes nice little push in to the Doctor as she's singing ‘You Are My Sunshine”—a great moment. That wasn't planned and you know it kind of ended there for most part, unrequited.”
The ending for the episode was yet to be written when shooting began, leaving the director and crew having to wing it. McNeill remembers, “It definitely kept us on our toes, kept us aware of how much we were telling, in what order we were telling the story, and not to have the Doctor falling love with Seven in Act One, to really find the whole journey. and fill it out fully.”
On the last scene between the Doctor and Seven Jeri Ryan reflects, "I thought that was so lovely and so touching. [The end] just broke my heart.” The conclusion is deliberately subdued as the writers were not planning to develop a romance between the Doctor and Seven of Nine. And so, the Doctor returns to holo program Paris 3 Chez Sandrine for what would be a final visit, to perform the title tune for the episode—‘Won't you tell her please to put on some speed, follow my lead, oh, how I need someone to watch over me.”
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harkeepitreal · 6 months
I want to clear some stuff up. What is going with Tim and Lucy is NOT necessary this much angst does NOT need to happen. It doesn't take a lot to write stories like this. It takes talent to be able to write characters not having so many conflicts. This is not realistic. So yes this much AGNST is NOT necessary it is ridiculous. If they were a real couple and fighting this much I would question why are they still together. I get it couples have their ups and downs and they do fight. But if you have ever seen a happy, healthy relationship it is not like this. We had one episode of fighting then make up then back to fighting again. That is not real life and if it is then they really need to re-evaluate whether they belong together or not.
I studied film and television in college I hold two college degrees in film and television including an MFA. I have studied film and television my entire life. I have written, produced, directed, edited, starred in, created my own sound tracks and scores for both film and television. I have even built a show from the ground up. I know what I am talking about this much AGNST is not necessary at all or is not realistic.
When you take screenwriting classes (one of my best friends is a writer and holds an MHA and has also written scripts) says the same thing I do there are ways to write drama with out having people fight all the time. In screenwriting class they ask you 3 basic questions: 1) What is the story? 2) What are you trying to say? 3) How are you going to tell this story, is it with Humor, Drama, song and dance, Sci Fi, etc? I was taught by some of the best Indy filmmakers and screenwriters in the business.
I will never forget a time in college. For one of my screen writing classes I wrote a script that was about what happened to Cinderella after she married the prince. I did exactly what so many people unfortunately love I made it all angsty, fighting etc...and my professor almost failed me. He told me you don't need to write like this it is not necessary for it to be a great script. This was coming from an award winning Indy filmmaker. So I was lucky enough that he allowed me to rewrite the script and I did with a lot less AGNST and you know what I aced the project. Afterwards he said to me now this is how you write a script. It had humor, heart, and a tiny bit of conflict. After the rewrite he said it was one of the best scripts he had read from a student in a long time, because there was NOT so much drama and angst. I kept in touch with him over the years and we had many conversations about this until he passed away and he agreed this much AGNST is NOT necessary.
There are ways to get them to the point that they need to be at and keep them happy. For example: Let them actually have a conversation instead of fighting or accusations flying around. Let them go and talk to a therapist, etc... But that takes to much effort no it is much easier to write fighting.
Look at Monica and Chandler on Friends yes they had their fights on occasion but for a majority of the time they were happy and OMG they were together for 5 seasons. Same with Booth and Brennan, Castle and Beckett, Tom and B'elanna on STVOY they had the occasional fight but for the majority of the time they were happy. All those shows lasted for years after they got together. So it can be done. So don't BS me and tell me it can't be done.
The other issue we as Americans are so preconditioned to accept this on our tvs and films. If there is no drama filled happening people get bored. It makes me ask do people start drama in their relationships when things are going great because they get bored? I am sure some people do but not everyone that is unhealthy. The occasional conflict can happen even in a comedy but this is ridiculous. I know drama fills seats etc... but it doesn't have to if we say no we don't want this anymore. Happy relationships are not condosive of so much fighting, drama and AGNST. You want to see that crap go and watch all the garbage reality shows.
Rant done!!! Love to all ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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yesterdayiwrote · 10 months
Oh dear, oh dear. Toto and Susie could be in trouble.😂
So... I saw this yesterday and I started to write out a rant about it and i never got around to posting it, so this gives me a great chance to say it now.
I think it's really important to look deeper into this story for a moment because as much as I think Toto can be a jackass, there's a healthy dose of misogyny craftily baked in to this that makes me question its legitimacy.
A) Business F1 Magazine is owned/run by a guy called Tom Rubython and he is... not the best source. He was responsible for the article a few years back, defending Mazepin and saying he was a James Hunt-esque 'bad boy' and F1 desperately needed him to inject glamour back in to it. The magazine also wrote a multi page article detailing the love lives of each driver and it still remains to be seen what its relevance was to a Business magazine except to go, "Oooo look how much these boys fuck!"
B) This is framed as Toto being the problem, but it's quite categorically accusing Susie of being the one being indiscreet because surprise surprise, of course its the woman who spreads gossip. Susie is not the only person who speaks to Greg Maffei, and we've all seen how much these TPs like to bitch and complain.
C) We've also seen Stefano Domenicali hanging out socially with ALOT of these TPs. Why does the gossip pipeline he proposes have to be Susie > Greg > Stefano, when it is far more simple to be Random TP mouthing off > Stefano. Also notice how he brings up Shaila Ann Rao, who was an FIA employee so unconnected to Stefano. So the two strong, highly placed women that have links to Toto are gossips who spread rumours, and the catalogue of MEN in the paddock who all have close connections and existing work and business relationships with teams in the paddock couldn't possibly be guilty of loose lips? That would never happen. Jean Todt, Ross Brawn and Stefano Domenicali were all ex-Ferrari employees and all held the 3 highest F1 related jobs at the same time and noone batted an eyelid. Also... Zak and Mattia were the loudest voices about who had broken cost cap, not Toto so I'm not sure why it keeps falling back to him, except for the fact he had a connection to the woman they were randomly blaming.
D) Drive to Survive is scripted, but we've seen Christian and Gunther both discuss paddock business with their wives, so we know they ALL chat to people about stuff going on. That paddock is a fucking sieve. The fact this goes on about unnamed sources, and brings up the weird accusation about red bull employees kids being bullied again... sounds like this is a specific anti-Toto hit piece, and it's written by the guy who has already made it clear he hates women, so who better to try and bring down with him than his well connected wife.
It's bullshit, stirring up old gripes to try and create a drama and fill column inches after an incredibly dull and event less season and based on the bullshit notion that women gossip and men don't. Even reddit took the post down because it was deemed 'low quality'.
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peach-fiz · 10 months
I actually didn't even bother watching the second season of Loki because of the cheap marketing and inconsistent storytelling.
It just felt like the plot was lifted off somewhere it would have made sense, and a character with a similar ego was replaced with Loki and goes through an arc that might have made sense for a blank slate character, but not someone who already has a backstory.
Loki doesn't even feel like Loki after three episodes in S1. The whole point of having a show like that just seems to be about the TVA and Sylvie.
Also the whole genderfluid thing. They 'confirmed' it in the promo and had a line in the script that went completely against anything they just said.
I knew at once that the writers, directors and other parts of production were really just pulling it in different directions and it would probably sound like a jazz trumpeter and a metal guitarist trying to improvise after knowing each other for 15 minutes.
I've been meaning to watch it just so I can have educated opinions on all of it but it's just,, so hard to get into. I definitely agree the marketing was cheap, they did with the 80s McDonald's like they did DB Cooper!Loki and made it centric to the advertising because McDonalds was also getting something out of it which is kinda ass seeing as realistically Loki Laufeyson would burn 6 of them down before he ate in one 😭
I personally don't like either of the major ships in the show but the forced Sylki shit in season 1 really got to me. Like not only did she completely replace him as the main character in HIS show, she's also a variant of him who he wants to make out with and overall it just reads as lazy writing and it's extremely disappointing that Mike Waldron has been put in charge of Multiverse of Madness and The Kang Dynasty since, due to the popularity of the Loki TV show. I was talking to my boyfriend about this last night but it kinda reminds me of the complaints people had ab the last Indiana Jones movie but opposite? Like everyone complained his best friend's daughter was gonna replace him bc she's a Mary Sue and she rlly isnt, she's more reminiscent of Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark she just doesn't wanna fuck him. But the difference is Indy is a character who's majorly blank for little boys to project themselves onto. Which is great!! It works for those kind of movies, but they're not character development centric like the individual mcu movies tend to be. Loki is characterized in a way that he's drowning in identity issues and family problems and he experiences growth in every installment whether it be positive or negative. It doesn't make sense to take the formula of an Indidna Jones movie where he meets up with a woman who's typically a love interest and has her own issues that are only slightly touched on because that's not the focus, and they go do the plot.
Sylvie is not an Indy Girl, they straight up are trying to replace Loki with Sylvie. And you can tell the character wasn't supposed to have as much importance as she does in the show bc the character was worked on more after the actress they chose was buddies with a producer ( and this is no hate to the actress I'm sure she's delightful everything I've seen her in in terms of interviews has been lovely ).
I also absolutely agree they should've just made a tva mini series to introduce the tva rather than bringing back a dead character who soon will not make much sense anyway because Tom Hiddleston is getting older (and also he deserves to branch out in his career).
The genderfluid thing was a cash grab and it sucks ass, they just want money for acknowledging things already canon in the comics, same with confirming him as bisexual.
My boyfriend is actually writing a fic on ao3 called Find Me that's rlly good if you want Loki content that isn't related to the show.
(YES this is shameless promotion sshhhhshshsh) but fr the loki TV show makes me more confident in my screenwriting bc t h a t got put on disney plus. I'm also working on a Loki show rewrite in my spare time!!
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