#me when people flirt with me -> đŸȘš
napping-sapphic · 3 months
yeah, my life can just get so tough😔 (constantly in the mood to flirt but too shy and easily embarrassed to flirt with anyone)
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oldhalloweentape · 5 months
đŸȘšVenture (OW II) x (gn) reader ⛏
(Love Language Pt. II Edition!)
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(Not my picture!)
(Here’s Pt. II, I’ll try to get a crack on the other pieces I’m planning on doing soon! For now, enjoy this!)
Their love language: Physical Touch, Quality Time, Gift Giving, and Words of Affirmation (Pt. I here!)
Gift Giving
- Alright so, we all know that presence of Venture is a gift itself, they also love giving you other gifts. This love language is the most obvious one when it comes to Venture, they just love giving things to people.
- And, you being their number one you’re no exception, you get the most stuff in all honesty.
- The amount of rock kids you guys have alone tells all you need to know.
- Their gifts specifically either hold a lot of sentimental value, or they saw it and went, “Yeah, reader would like that.”
- They take mental note of everything you like, even the littlest of things, like if you walk past a shop and something catches your eye, something unnoticeable for most, but to them? They’ll come back later to see if they can get it for you.
- Overthinks about what to get you when it comes to special gifts for the holidays, with Valentine’s Day, the day dedicated to stuff like this being the perfect example.
- They just want to give you something that you like, what you’d get use from however you see fit, and something that signifies how much they care for you and that’s reasonably a very hard thing to do.
- But also, they love receiving stuff from you in return, they do not care what it is, but the idea of you taking time to get them something is just so wonderful to them.
- Though it’s definitely a bonus if it’s based on the things they like, for example, new expedition tools, camping gear, hell even their favorite ice cream.
- Eventually, it gets to a point where you guys have specific spots at your places dedicated to some of the various gifts you’ve gotten each other and it is honestly the best.
Words of Affirmation
- Another obvious one, they’re a naturally very positive person and they just love to encourage people (besides Mauga of course), so obviously wouldn’t be weird to have uplifting words being thrown at you by them.
- There’s the usual “You’re doing great!” And “Keep it up, you can do it!”, but the more personal words of affection like “You did so well, I’m so proud of you mi vida!” Is understandably reserved for you.
- They take pride in being your partner and they make that abundantly clear by their words, and doing it right back at them is a great way of shooting an arrow in their heart and a lovestruck giggle from them.
- They have so many pet names for you in both English and Spanish, switching from both languages interchangeably, sometimes if they’re feeling overly excited they even end up changing from one language to the other in one sentence alone.
- The pet names are: Mi corazĂłn, Sweetness, Mi vida, Amor, Babe, and other affectionate and personalized things but these five are the most used.
- If you guys work together, whether it be at Overwatch or as a fellow archeologist, I think alongside being encouraging and supportive of you they like complimenting and flirting with you. Mostly because physical PDA isn’t the place for both, they make do with being with you and fawning over you lol.
- That and they just love talking to you and getting your honest reaction to their honey-coated words.
- They just say anything that comes to mind, they don't see the point of refraining from doing so after all.
- Again, love letters are a part of this, scribbling down what they're feeling at the moment, and by the time it's done it's like affectionate word vomit.
- It doesn't matter though, they mean well and it's usually the cutest shit ever.
(Alright!! Here we are, Sloane is really bringing something out of me that is hellbent on being consistent for once and I gotta say, I like it. Hope you guys do too.)
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noblebs · 4 months
CURVEBALL I wanna know about Dev :D
And I have to hit him with the: đŸȘš
ASDJFGH DUDE SO MANY <3 the last time I got a sex-related ask for Dev, it prompted a very thorough discussion between my wife and I about how nonexistent his sex life is lol. but I will do my best!
💋Do they like kissing? Anywhere in particular?
sure he likes it fine, it's not enough to like drive him wild but it's comforting. even non-sexually, he has not been kissed or shown any physical affection very much throughout his life so he's not picky
🧘Favorite position?
lol, probably anything with someone in his lap? my gut instinct was missionary, but no he would worry more about hurting someone if he's on top
⚧How does their gender influence their relationship to sex and kink?
ooh this is actually really interesting. I think gender alone doesn't necessarily play a big role, but the way it intersects with being a monster absolutely does--aforementioned discussion w/ my wife led us to the conclusion that monsterfucking is certainly a kink in their world and it's in the same dicy, fetishistic category as like raceplay or chasers.
so being a very large monster and masculine has actually been a detriment to his sexuality because he's all too aware of the way people perceive him. he doesn't want to be especially rough and dominant in the way I think a lot of potential lovers would expect of him
💯When a partner says "do anything you want to me," what do they do first?
honestly? he would be so flustered and self-conscious that it would probably be a turn-off for him lmao. in theory, if he was more comfortable in his sexuality, he might enjoy taking control every so often. but definitely not as things stand now lol
đŸ€”Is there a kink or other sexual experience they've never been able to try, but want to?
well for one, he has not tried most things lmao. I don't think there's many things he's aware of wanting, but if he were told what to do it would certainly help relieve the "oh no it's been literal decades since I've been physically intimate with someone what do I do" pressure, so light subbing/giving up control he would enjoy
frankly I think he could also develop a praise kink within 0.2 seconds of being properly praised for the first time ever
😖Are they a huge tease, or the one being teased?
he doesn't really tease during sex, but it's absolutely how he flirts. in our tabletop campaign, he and Orion have been teasing and dancing around each other for over a year in-universe. once they literally shared a hotel room and nothing happened because they're both so committed to playing some kind of weird psychosexual chicken. so yeah okay he's a bit of a brat
when I was plotting EWT I knew I had to put them on some kind of urgent timeline, because if they think they have all the time in the world they will never even touch each other lmao
🙈Do they have any particularly taboo kinks? Age-play, fauxcest, race-play, etc.?
no lol, he would be Scandalized by the suggestion of any of those
đŸ€•What kind of pain are they into, if any?
tbh it would take more effort than usual for him to feel any satisfying level of pain, so it's probably for the best he doesn't care for any of it
đŸȘźDo they like hair pulling, or pulling a partner's hair?
I wont lie, this emoji isn't showing up right for me so I had to guess which question it was for lol. he uh doesn't have hair, and he wouldn't be willing to pull anyone's hair unless they really insisted. again I think he's very sensitive to how easily he could hurt a partner
â›ȘDoes their faith impact their sexuality? In what ways?
he is not religious but it feels boring to leave the answer at that, so I'll reinterpret the question because in the past, his loyalty to Annex could be considered near-religious. his job was always his highest priority, so even when he was much younger, sex and romance were among the first things he sacrificed for the sake of his belief in their mission
đŸȘšDo they identify with stone sexuality? Have they in the past?
lol how ironic!
but not really, sometimes I feel like he's got the vibe of a he/him butch lesbian lol, but even if that were the case he wouldn't feel particularly inclined to identify as stone butch/femme
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
I, being a master negotiator, have convinced Henry to answer one more set of the PokĂ©mon-Type questions with me! I thought it’d be cute if we answered the questions that matched the types we specialize in! So, we’ve got Psychic and Ghost (representing me), and Rock (representing him)!!
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🔼Psychic Type🔼 ~ What’s our favorite thing to daydream about with each other?:
 this is gonna sound really goofy
 but I enjoy daydreaming about the days when we started putting our “rivalry” aside and just started hanging out when we were supposed to be fighting. All the excuses we’d try to make when someone caught us relaxing, man. “Oh! Oh, well I actually captured her for Team GO Rocket” or “Haha, well I’m taking him to the police”; and right after we get them to leave, we’d just sit down and collectively sigh in relief. That sorta thing lives in my head rent free.
 so for me
. I just really like imagining me.. protecting you. Just the idea of keeping you safe just
 makes me really happy. It could be us doing PokĂ©mon battles together, or me just
 holding you. I’ve also thought about you as a Team GO Rocket grunt one too many times. I meant it
 when I said you’d make a great GO Rocket leader; that wasn’t just me flirting with you or anything, I swear! But- I
 guess it would be nice to work with you
 and you’d look really pretty in the uniform-
Oh! Well-! I’ll keep that in mind
đŸ‘»Ghost TypeđŸ‘» ~ If we were forced to investigate a haunted house, how would it go?:
Oh geeze Liberty, you wouldn’t even need to be forced to do that. That’s just an average PokĂ©mon hunting trip for you.
No, but like, this isn’t just catching PokĂ©mon
 this is full on, actual DEAD people ghost-hunting. Man, I’m getting hyper just thinking about it. That’d be SO fun!! I can bring all my equipmeeeent, and we could get needlessly but comically freaked out over every little thiiiiiiiiing, and we can help them settle their deeeeeebts.
Heh, I don’t think I’d be that scared though.
Oh? Whatever ya say, man~ Maybe we can turn that into a bet of some kind. Who can get through longer without screaming?
Oh what the heck; if you ever convince me to do that sorta thing with you, then you’re on!
Bet!!! But, I don’t think any of this technically answered the question though. I think it’d go well, honestly! Ghosts are just literally real in the Pokeverse, so we’d definitely be successful! I won’t lie, I’d probably get scared too, and I definitely wouldn’t help because I make jokes when I’m scared. I know Henry’s pretty intimidated by Annabelle (my Banette), but I think he’d do pretty good, until he saw something at least! You’d be such a brave little man for me, Henry~ 
and i broke him again-
🗿Rock Type🗿 ~ What rock reminds us of each other?:
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Apparently these lil lads are Rainbow Jasper! I thought the colors fit ya pretty well, Hen! Some people also believe that they can soothe whoever owns them, which like
 I’m just saying, you make me feel pretty comfy too~
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Well, the rock I picked for you was Sugilite. I know purple’s your favorite color, and it has a spacey-psychic kinda feel to it, so I figured you’d like it. If
 if we have to apply deeper meanings to these though
 Sugilite’s a pretty rare rock, and
. well
 I guess you’re a rare kinda girl to have

🌂Your Host, Liberty~ | đŸȘšGrunt HenryđŸȘš
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teeth-farie · 3 years
I had a cursed thought and thought I should share it with the public.
You know those tik tok cooking videos where you are like “is this guy fucking this piece of meat?” because it is uncomfortably sensual?
I feel like Barbatos would try to flirt like that, he’s just like “I made you a recipe :)” and then sends you one of those videos.
This is pure cursed and I regret it but I needed to put it out into the world.
GOD I HATE THOSE VIDOES SKDJFJVKVKKV it reminds me of the reddit post like ‘I think I got salmonella on my dick? I spilled soda on my pants while cooking and took them off and then the chicken breast fell off the cutting board and slid on top of my dick and now it hurts when I pee and it’s really red’ and everybody in the comments was like ‘you fucked the chicken breast didn’t you’
I hate those cooking videos with a passion I don’t want to see some guy finger and slab of meat it’s not attractive in the slightest is this what turns straight people on??????
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oldhalloweentape · 2 months
đŸȘšVenture (OW II) x (fem) reader headcanons⛏
(Vogue Dancer Reader Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Request’s here! This is an interesting yet really nice request, thank sooo much for requesting this man!)
- The second you bring the mere topic of vogue dancing up, they’re so excited, bobbing up and down as they talk about it.
- I mean, dancing in general is a part of history and culture, and with how vogue dancing is enriched with the culture of the LGBTQ+ racial minorities AND being based on ancient Egyptian art among other things?? It’s like it’s made for them.
- I’m sure they always wanted to do this, but never had much time to do so considering their job as an archaeologist, but with you in the equation and willing to teach them??? You’re like an angel and they tell you as such.
- They’re incredibly enthusiastic about it, seeing it as both an opportunity to learn about the past differently besides reading or excavating, and also as a way to bond with you even more.
- That enthusiasm has its setbacks however as you have to make sure they don’t immediately go overboard as you teach them the basics, leading them whining and trying to convince you that they can and failing miserably.
- When I mean miserably I mean miserably, all I can say is that it takes a bit before they listen to you and take it slow.
- They just tend to dive head-first into things, metaphorically and literally, the medkit nearby is a good friend of yours at this point.
- They love everything about this, the dancing, the music, the learning, you. Thinks they’re so lucky to be learning from you, says as such to both you and anyone willing to listen.
- Makes a point to compliment and flirt with you throughout it to see if they can make someone as skilled as you fumble, only to kiss up on you as you try to lecture them.
- But besides anything, they mean well and learn fast, being a fantastic student for anything that inspires and excites them. But besides that, I think it’d take time for them to do things fluidly, they’re not the most graceful or coordinated as we all know.
- So, thank god that a lady like you is dating and teaching them, they don’t want another fiasco involving them and a broken floor.
- Becomes even more of a smug little shit when they steadily get more and more in tune with it all, a once horrendous dancer turned great with your patience and expertise.
- If they can help it, they try to make the time to schedule these dance lesson dates in between their work, the second they get the chance, nothing can stop them from dancing with their girlfriend it’s simply impossible.
- They have priorities and those priorities entail them fumbling around trying to learn, laughing coming from the two of you, and the music booming filling the room alongside it.
- It’s a great time in general, and they pride themselves on being the one who gets the bragging rights of learning how to dance from such a great dancer like you.
- The passion of learning and being able to impress you fill them to improve, and simply just dancing with you is enough to spur them into becoming more successful with their attempts at dancing.
- Gloats 100%, it’s not Sloane Cameron if they’re not being a little show off lol.
- The bragging amps up too, especially when it comes to Mauga, says foul shit like, “It’s a shame you have to make people dance for you while I have a lovely girlfriend who dances with me whenever I ask. 😇”
- After every dance session where you’re both left sweaty and your limbs aching they don’t fail to hug you and smooch your head with an ample amount of affection, squeezing you a bit harder as you teasingly tell them they’re too sweaty and gross to be doing that.
- Sloane in general is a 10/10 to date and people will never convince me otherwise.
(Hope I was able to portray this well, it’s an absolutely brilliant idea! Love you guys byeeee!!)
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