#me when colin and pen get married
fandoms-my-fandoms · 4 months
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Lemme know if you want part three!!
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dollypopup · 1 year
canon divergence AU where Penelope confides in Marina and they actually become friends slaps soooo hard tho
Penelope coming to Marina when Portia locked her up in her room and Marina telling her about George just like in canon, but this time, Penelope sympathizes with her and listens as Marina laments about George, and shows her their letters, and Penelope is so moved by how open Marina is and so touched by their love story that she shyly says "Marina, in finding this out, I cannot help but feel I have judged you unfairly. I was so upset at your growing closeness with. . .well. . .Colin. . .Colin is like my George. I am not with Colin’s child but I feel as though I feel about him the same as you do George. The way you talk about your George is the same as…well…I feel about Colin. Our feelings mirror one another." and Marina being so appreciative that Penelope confided in her and immediately being so understanding and supportive. She's waiting for George to come steal her away but she gets why Penelope is into Colin. They're bonded through their love being a difficult thing for them or a thing they cannot fully act on. they find kinship with one another through it and decide to help each other
Just imagine how much better *both* their lives would be if they just formed a real friendship? Penelope helping Marina with writing letters to George, having secret sleepovers in her room even tho Portia forbids it, banding together to stand up to her, snooping with one another after that letter she forges and discovering the truth together, thirsting over Colin!!! So many of Penelope's frustrations would be eased if she just had *someone* she could thirst over Colin with. Marina telling Pen how babies are actually made. Penelope using LW to help Marina find a husband and/or to attempt to find George. Marina telling Colin he's a sweet man, really, and that he's been nothing but kind to her, but he already has people that make him happy and people he makes happy, in turn. Marina's 'You have Penelope' actually making sense. Penelope becoming Marina's wingwoman and Marina becoming Penelope's. The two of them giggling behind their fans in a ballroom, whispering about how he just looks *so* cute when he's bumbling about looking for them on the dance floor and did you notice his waistcoat is especially form fitting tonight?
we could have female solidarity. we could have sisterhood. we could have Penelope's circle widening. we could have them openly thirsting on Colin having Cake on main!!! Marina can have a full support system. Penelope can have someone to vent with. Penelope introducing Eloise and Marina to each other! The friendship! The sarcasm! The roasting of nonsensical ton rules and expectations!
We can even still have Marina in a carriage with Phillip, so long as she chooses it, because Penelope in this AU would ensure Marina got *more* choices, not less, but this time Penelope runs to her, clutching her hands, telling her she'd write. we could have Penelope coming to visit, having an opportunity to leave her mum's house whenever she wants under the 'I'm going to see Marina' excuse. we could have Penelope playing with Amanda and Oliver as Marina teaches them French or going on promenades with her out on the *massive* grounds. We could have Marina tell Penelope how good it is to have family over. . .well, *some* family, and the two of them laughing about it. We could have ALL the Portia roasts. We could have Marina slyly going 'soooooo, what of Colin?' when she stops by and Penelope going 'soooo, what of *your* affairs?' in return as they titter about it
we could have it all
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rainybraindays · 9 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but portia is not a parent where the relationship gets better with age, shes the parent you're low contact with by 20 and no contact with by 30
#rainy talks#am I the only one who remembers her telling Prudence pens OLDER SISTER how she doesn't want to have no prospects like her#despite Prudence also having no suitors??#or how she gave that big speech at the end of season 2 about how she was a mother and she had 3 daughters that she loved so much#and then doesn't even seem concerned about the distinct lack of her youngest#or how in the book colin and Penelope enter the house TOGETHER after the carriage and without a doubt looking uber disheveled#and she /still/ assumes hes asking to marry Felicity who I don't think he'd ever interacted with at the time?#or how she sees how distressed entering society makes Penelope and still pushes her out even though shes 17 and could have easily waited#or how she literally joins in with Prudence on mocking Penelope for writing to colin not because its improper#but because shes wasting colins time and ink?#like god no wonder Penelope is Whistledown can you imagine the pent-up aggression and vile she had?#no wonder shes lashing out on such a insane scale when her biggest bully isn't Cressida its her fucking mother#idk its like 4 am and I woke up and wasn't able to stop thinking about this#but god portia reminds me so much of someone and I'm absolutely boggled by the people who want her to be pens defender#like thats not happening thats never happening if her and colin interact in regards to pen the one likely to be defending her#IS COLIN. because portias probably gonna think hes in love with Prudence or something#god I could go on if i really thought I could probably pick out even more times where she treats her kids like shit#because its not just Penelope theres a clear struggle in that house to be her favorite#and Penelope is loosing because she never stood a fucking chance.#And this isn't even getting into the marina stuff I could do an ESSAY on the marina stuff
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softzindagi · 4 months
see the problem with reading amazing polin fic is the fic is always ALWAYS better than the show. I’m obsessed.
so here are some of my recent favs if you all wanna read them:
Ruin by Sea_Dragonfly (Penelope gets caught with a suitor and Colin comes to save her from her ruin. )
Attachment by lixabiz (A take in the season synopsis, Colin helps Penelope with finding a husband.)
Affection by lixabiz (post Season 2, Colin grovels for Penelope’s forgiveness after she never responds to his many letters.)
Making It Up As We Go Along by LazyTuesdayMorning (Penelope gets stuck in a rainstorm on the way to Aubrey Hall and Colin finds her.)
The Temptation of one Penelope Featherington... by LazyTuesdayMorning (Penelope is staying at Aubrey Hall with the Bridgertons in the off season. Passion ensues.)
edit: new ones below from original post
Thus Will Shine The Dawn by bluemountainbayou (podt season 2, Penelope is attacked in Mayfair and Colin is faced with the very real possibility that he could have lost her.)
Discovering Duty by annasometimeswrites (post season 2, Colin comes back from abroad to a sadder and angrier Penelope. Scandal ensues when Colin follows a drunk Penelope back to her room and someone sees.)
among the wildflowers by talkfast (short marriage of convenience with no mention of whistledown.)
Call Off Your Ghost by Trisky107 (Another post Season 2 fic, where Pen asks Colin to let go of her so she can move on.)
Dancing Around the Truth by WeepingFromACedarTree (A sick fic, Colin takes care of Penelope when the season ends and neither family is there for the off season.)
You Are The Only Thing In Any Room You’re Ever In by gowingowingone ( Post Season 2 fic, where Colin comes home and slowly realizes his feelings for Penelope after she stops answering his letters.)
The Rules of Propriety by romanticblossom (Synopsis of Season 3 based, Colin is faced with the fact that everyone knows what he said about Penelope at her mother’s ball, months after the fact. He resolves to help her, but honor comes in the way when he kisses her, quite unexpectedly.)
One Single Thread of Pink (Tied Me to You) by wasteddarlinglover (Penelope can see the string of fates, a gift to most feels like a curse.)
Freeing You by jentothenuh (Colin and Penelope have been married for two years, which was arranged, and Penelope asks for a Divorce.)
By Tomorrow’s Light (You Will Not See My Face) by lindsey_grissom (A fix it fic for season 3, Penelope does tell Colin she’s Whistledown at their engagement ball before running away.)
These were all fantastic, all are regency era. Please go and read and leave comments!
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the-other-art-blog · 4 months
Violet to Colin: "You're one of my most sensitive children."
The fandom: "How can she say that! Anthony, Benedict bla, bla bla..."
Colin is ONE of her most sensitive children. ONE, just ONE of them. And she's right.
He was the only one who indulged Violet and let her introduce him to debutantes in s1, while Anthony fucked his mistress and Ben went to orgies.
He was a complete gentleman with Marina. AND defended her when Anthony implied something about her.
And when he learned the truth, he confessed that he would have married her if she had told him the truth. 🥹
He danced with Pen after Cressida bullied her.
He wrote dozens of letters that his family of 8 could not care to respond to often. There are 8 of them!
He worried about Ben in s2 and supported him on his application to the Academy.
He learned the truth of Jack Featherington and instead of simply leaving, he did something about it. Not only did he help the Featherington family, but he saved other lords from being scammed.
He apologized to Will, explained why he acted rudely AND made amends to repair the damage by bringing men to Will's club.
He returned with gifts for everyone, but he seemed particularly thoughtful to his sisters and mother. A perfume for Hyacinth, music for Francesca, and a book for Eloise 🥹. Violet was so moved by his gift and here we have a lovely headcanon on the watch:
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Then with Pen...
He runs after Pen, despite other men wanting to know about his adventures.
He acknowledges his mistake and immediately tries to apologize to Pen in the Four Seasons Ball.
The next day, he comes back with a heartfelt apology.
Then, he offers her help, despite the risk of scandal and embarrassment for him. He knows Pen has no one else.
He goes to see Pen at night to make sure she's ok. And when she asks him for a kiss, he does it so sweetly.
He is brave enough to leave the men who just want to know about his sexual life.
HE WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO ASK, as soon as he put himself together and understood his feelings. He didn't play jealousy games like others, he went and put his heart on the table. He didn't even know about Pen's feelings and he risked it!
Some extracts from Colin's journals show that his family is always in his thoughts.
You can see why Violet, as the good mother that she is, can tell how sensitive he is.
Colin travels during the summer and comes back during the season to be with his family. It angers me that people think he's selfish for this when Benedict also abandons the family to fuck.
And yet, both Colin and Ben are sensitive. BOTH OF THEM, Francesca too. I wouldn't call Hyacinth or Gregory sensitive right now, and before s3, I wouldn't include Eloise either.
Anyway, I needed to get this out because I am so fucking tired of Kanthonies and Benophies making tantrums about this line.
I'm sure when s4 comes, we are going to see a moment between Violet and Ben where she acknowledges how amazing he is and everything he has done for the family. But not now, because this is COLIN'S SEASON.
(NOTE: If you are thinking of reblogging this post with the tag #Colin is the most sensitive, kindly fuck off. I made this post to fight the Kanthonies and Benophie that are attacking Colin, not to validate your own need to make Colin superior to other characters. HE IS ONE OF THE MOST SENSITIVE CHILDREN, ONE)
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funemployed-fangirl · 7 months
Bridgerton proposals rated by level of chaos
Anthony - While courting her sister, Anthony panics when Kate is stung by a bee, proceeds to attempt to suck out the poison from her clavicle, and is caught by their mothers and Lady Featherington. Lady F says they'll have to marry and Anthony announces they'll be married next week. No proposal, Kate is never consulted. Anthony then ravishes her in the gazebo. 10/10. Complete Chaos.
Benedict - After repeatedly propositioning Sophie to be his live-in mistress, Benedict finds out she has been arrested for theft, shows up at the jail, punches the warden, and demands to know why his fiancé is being held prisoner. No proposal. Lady B almost punches Sophie's evil stepmother. 12/10. Utter Chaos.
Colin - Like a day after realizing that he finds Penelope incredibly attractive, Colin chases her through London, discovers she's Lady Whistledown, throws her in his carriage, lectures her, ravishes her, then they arrive back at her house and he hops out of the carriage and says, "well are you going to marry me or not?" Technically a proposal. 7/10. Chaos compounded by Lady F somehow thinking he's proposing to Pen's little sister.
Daphne - Daphne disrupts a duel for her honor, punches Simon in the eye, and insists he marry her because their garden makeout session was seen. Simon say he cannot have children, omitting that it's a personal choice and not a medical condition, and Daphne says good to know not a problem we're doing this. No real proposal. No one's happy with the outcome. Pistols and bickering big brothers in attendance for added chaos. 8/10
Eloise - Phillip proposes in a letter before they ever meet, failing to mention he has two children. Eloise packs a bag and leaves for his house without telling anyone. Phillip is shocked to discover her on his doorstep. The brothers are forced to ride after to her to defend her honor. Eloise doesn't understand why everyone's making such a fuss. Colin grumbles he's meant to be on his honeymoon. Beautiful Eloise-brand chaos abounds. 7/10
Francesca - Michael pines for a decade. He proposes. Franny says no. They have sex. He proposes. She says maybe. They have more sex. He nearly dies of malaria. Eventually they get married. By any other family's standards, it would be legendary chaos, but we're talking about the Bridgertons. 5/10
Gregory - HOO BOY. Gregory proposes/propositions Lucy despite her being engaged to someone else. She agrees but then is threatened by her treasonous uncle and goes through with the original marriage. Gregory interrupts the wedding. Lucy turns him down in front of the whole Ton. At the reception Gregory kidnaps her, then gets into a shootout with her uncle. Her now-husband agrees to annul the marriage. Absolute freaking chaos. No notes. 27/10
Hyacinth - Despite midnight rendezvous, breaking and entering, and a treasure hunt, Hyancinth's proposal is shockingly normal. Gareth formally asks Anthony's permission, then gets down on one knee and proposes properly. 2/10. Mildly disappointing, considering H's chaotic personality.
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shinysobi · 4 months
"it was awkward to see colin flirt and behave like a rake" "he gave me the ick" yes ! that is the fucking point!! congratulations! you have the media literacy skills of a fucking monkey because my 4-year old niece could understand it better than you do.
we are supposed to find colin cringey and annoying and get the ick because that is not who he is. he is not anthony, or simon, or even benedict. colin (apart from gregory) is the sweetest of all bridgerton brothers (i'm going by book canon) and his most identifiable character trait is the fact that he values an emotional connection above everything. he runs away to the continent because he wants to feel that emotional connection. he has meaningless sex in brothels because that is the example he has seen growing up, that is the norm. he tries so hard to fit into the norm. he goes out drinking, adopts an entirely new personality, learns flirtations because that is how he thinks he will fit in. he's got armour on, as violet said. he puts everyone's needs above his own, he stops rambling on and boring his family with details of his trip because he knows no one cares. he doesn't talk to anthony or benedict about his heartaches because he knows they still, somewhere in their heart of hearts, view him as the annoying younger brother. he's so devastated by his closest friend not responding to him that he adopts a new personality in the hopes that it might mask the hurt better. he runs after penelope in episode one because he is so attuned to her emotions that he knows she's hurting, and tries to comfort her even when she's spiraling and lashes out. he must have been hurt by her words in the "good night mr bridgerton" scene but he puts it aside to genuinely apologise to her when literally no one else in that family would do that. colin, instead of brooding over his own feelings, goes and corners penelope in her family's garden and apologises to her, disregarding his own hurt at being cruelly dismissed by his close friend.
penelope asking colin to kiss her is not a mark of how "pathetic" she is. she has written and shamed herself in a manner that is almost entirely unsalvageable. she is at her lowest point, and then portia comes in and reminds her of how undesirable she is, and she sinks even lower. she asks colin to kiss her because she sees it as a final act, after which she can quietly wave goodbye to her dreams of ever getting married and leaving her mother's home. colin kisses her because he is also keenly aware of how she's feeling. he knows how hurt she is, he wants to do anything to alleviate that. be it cracking a joke, or kissing her. he is gentle, because he wants it to be something she can dream of when she's by herself. penelope, at this moment, has no hope for herself, and their kiss is an act of letting go for her. no, it's not a pity kiss, no he did not like her after her glow up, he has always loved her. him being struck dumb is a reaction to her physical transformation, nothing more. he does not flirt with her in that ballroom scene, he only approaches her when she's in distress. he's not flirting with her. i can assure you penelope could wear the frumpiest most neon yellow gown of all time and colin would still go "<333 my pen" for her.
colin jumps to catch the balloon's ropes because he sees that penelope is in danger, he does not give a shit about anyone else lmao. he feels temporary relief when he sees eloise run to safety, but the moment he sees penelope in immediate danger, he rushes to take action. afterwards, when he sees that she's being comforted by debling (all my homies hate debling, even if he is aro/ace coded i do NOT claim him) he does not approach her. it would be easy for him to do so, but he does not, because he respects her boundaries. colin bridgerton is the only man in the ton who respects women (the featherington sons-in-laws are too pretty to have a thought) he calls out fife and his friends for treating women like objects and calls them cavalier. the only way he would have been more explicit about his demisexuality was if he tap danced on the club table (entertaining thought, luke newton please)
colin also rapidly takes action, something which no one in the show has done so far. simon would have died instead of accepting his feelings for daphne, daphne would have been content with a loveless marriage forever instead of asking for help. kate would have pushed edwina down the aisle and gone off to india instead of confronting her own feelings, and anthony would have married edwina if she hadn't been brave enough for the three of them to run from the altar and ruin herself. penelope stood on the sidelines for years and loved him quietly because she had no hope of him loving her back. colin, the moment he is assured of his feelings, runs to penelope, almost kisses her in the middle of a ballroom. when he hears that debling is about to propose, he goes to the ball, just to dissuade penelope one more time. he cuts into their dance because he's desperate. when he runs after her carriage, he asks her if she has been proposed to, because he would not have touched her otherwise. he confesses his feelings to her only when he knows that she hasn't gotten engaged to debling, and when she says "but we are friends" he moves away. nothing more. he would have let her go, if she did not return his feelings.
idk whether i should be flattered or offended at people misunderstanding this season because on one hand it is offensive, but on the other hand, it means only smart people get polin. seriously. your minds have been rotted by insta-love and enemies to lovers that you can't even appreciate the innate beauty of friends to lovers. being friends with someone and then holding all those feelings for them. the trepidation of possible rejection. the fulfillment of being loved by the person who knows you the best of them all. the privilege of loving someone whose feelings you know better than your own. love is gentle and kind and yes it is a violent, uprooting force but above all, love does not hurt anyone. it does not hurt you. i could love someone quietly for years and it wouldn't bother me if their feelings were requited or not because my feelings are none of their business and i consider it a privilege to love and be loved by them, even if it is not in the way i would want it to be. polin are privileged in the highest sense. they know each other better than anyone else, they know how to love each other better than anyone else. to think they are rushed or they dont deserve each other is a disservice to both of them. they would be miserable with anyone else.
in other matters, if i see one more person talking smack about luke or nicola behind the safety of their screens i will personally get a bazooka.
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love-byers · 4 months
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i am afraid no one gets him like i do. yes he's a whore slut rake boy but he's also not
colin may need to occasionally go to horny jail but what he really yearns for is love and connection. he has always yearned for it. sex is good but sex on its own is not fulfilling to him. marina broke his heart, he truly wanted to care for her and love her and be loved. even before he fell for penelope he wrote about his sexual encounters so beautifully unlike any man of that era ever would. after a while he lost interest in it because it lacked something, love and genuine connection. he's a romantic people!!! he's a hopeless romantic trying to be a flirtatious bachelor, and it's a facade he can't keep up! he's a writer, a dreamer, he wants something pure and true. at the gentleman's club he says something i find so beautiful and pure, he questions why men must act nonchalant about their sex life when it is one of the only things in life with true meaning. and he gets LAUGHED AT!!! the part of the carriage scene where pen strokes his face and hair and he completely melts into her touch is, don't get me wrong, HOT!!!!! but it was even sweeter to me because it's not just that he is so horny for penelope he can't stand it anymore, but he is getting what he's yearned for. the connection, the touch that means something. the touch that carries love with it. this is also why the dream and kiss with pen got him so down bad. he unexpectedly felt something he had been yearning and searching for maybe without realizing it, love and connection! and once pen accepts his confession, he is head over heels in love obsessed and ready to marry her.
what lady whistledown wrote about him not being his true self really embodies his arc this season. colin in earlier seasons was acknowledged as having never been to a brothel and not being this all knowing sex god he pretends to be in 3. who colin truly is is someone who wants his sexual encounters to mean something, who sees sex as a moment of connection between two people rather than just pleasure. for that time, that was pretty beautiful.
and also the fact that when he's with the sex workers they are the ones all over him pleasing him, but with penelope he is pleasing her. he yearns for love, to feel and give love, not just to receive it.
(this is directed at people mostly on tiktok who watched the show with their eyes closed complaining about how they wanted colin to be a virgin and hate that they made him sexually experienced & a man whore KEEP MY SONS NAME OUT YO MOTHAFUCKING MOUTH)
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maefansblog · 2 months
Colin's Feelings for Penelope
Buckle up, because this is a long one.
Colin has always had feelings for Penelope. It did not just happen because of her glow up or because he was jealous. It also doesn't happen overnight. They are true friends who turn into lovers.
Feelings can start as admiration, protectiveness, care, friendship, pride, and turn into jealousy, lust, and love.
As he says in Season 2, "Our relationship has taken shape so naturally over the years, one could take it for granted," Colin tells Penelope. "You have always been so constant and loyal, Pen."
I've said this in another post, but Penelope's makeover revealed who she truly was, while Colin's makeover was to cover his insecurities. Colin fell in love with Penelope because she truly stepped into herself. As Lady Danbury said that all Penelope had to do was be herself.
When Colin apologizes in the garden in Season 3 Episode 1, it almost feels like a love confession.
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In Lessons, he encourages Penelope to be herself-even referencing how they first met!
Colin's relationship is so strong with Penelope that he remembers how he and Penelope first met. He even recalls it fondly, calling her charming.
Colin is constantly chasing after Penelope in Season 3!
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He is constantly touching her and wanting to get her alone.
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Colin has so many longing looks where he is pining for Penelope. I'll describe a few of them. In Season 1 Episode 8, when looks for Penelope across the ballroom and catches her gaze before going up to her. In Season 2, when Colin returns home, and the world stops when he catches Penelope’s eyes.
Like in Season 3, when Penelope leaves Colin when she says things changed. He has such a lost puppy dog look. Then, with Goodnight Mister Bridgerton, he is so disappointed in himself and longs for Penelope to return. He has a longing and jealous look when Penelope is talking to Lord Basilio and Lord Remington during the Full Moon Ball.
The longing at the sweets tent, after the balloon rescue, when Lord Debling dances with Penelope at the Innovation Ball, the mirror pine at the library, before and during the wedding dance, when Penelope wears her nightgown, at Francesca's wedding and before the big Declaration at the Butterfly Ball.
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Colin ALMOST confesses his feelings at the Willow Tree and before Penelope first danced with Lord Debling at the Innovation Ball. His words got jumbled and his nerves got the best of him. Normally, Colin prepares words before saying something important and he had no time to prepare.
Colin intended to confess his feelings when he went to the Queen's Ball (in Episode 4) and interrupted Penelope and Lord Debling's Dance.
I think Colin had rehearsed his speech a thousand times in his head. He probably imagined a thousand endings, (a few with his heart shattered, a few with them waiting years until they are together, a few with them courting, a few with them engaged, many wet dreams, a few with them married and having a family).
To Colin, if Penelope reciprocated his feelings, his idealized mind was that they were going to be together forever. I think he *tried to wait to propose,* in order to treat Penelope as she deserves.
When Colin cuts in the dance, he is not going to let anyone steal his girl. When Penelope left him on the dancefloor, he had already felt the sting of heartbreak. Yet when Penelope exited alone for her carriage, he began to hope again and could *not* let her leave without telling her. Chaos Colin definitely kicked in, and he was running on pure impulse.
He chases the carriage down with the sole purpose of confessing his feelings. He has no qualms with being alone with Penelope because he's been alone with Penelope before, and no one bats an eye.
Again, he's dreamed up a thousand endings. Colin saw his entire future realized, knowing that all of them ended happily ever after together.
We know Book Colin and Show Colin are separate people and separate stories.
However, a part of me thinks the show Colin kept the part of "I wouldn't have compromised someone without rendering a marriage proposal" stuck.
[Also, Book Colin doesn't start the day off thinking he was going to marry Penelope. He follows Penelope to the church, gets jealous that she might be meeting a Lover, is shocked that she is Lady Whistledown, they argue, he gets a little turned on, she states that she doesn't believe she's beautiful, then Colin declares she is. He knows he's going to marry her in that moment, compromises her, and then immediately proposes.]
I don't think Colin intended to propose. (Although I make jokes that he did! 🤣) He had imagined it. However, once she said she reciprocated his feelings, he was going to marry her. He had no control of his impulses. He was locking her in. He was going to propose.
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He kisses and compromises her with no thoughts but Penelope, Penelope, Penelope... like she is a siren. (Book reference.) His face looks like he's hypnotized and living out his wildest fantasies. This was Penelope, and this was love. (Another Book reference.) So when they arrive at Bridgerton house, he is firm that he loves Penelope, she has feelings for him (he doesn't know if she loves him yet), and they are going to be together forever. He has the look of "Yes that's my wife!"
When he exits the carriage, I think he had proposed so many times in his dreams that he forgot to actually say it out loud. He happily asks, " For God's sake, Penelope Featherington, Are you going to marry me or not?"
Then he locks in. Telling his mother, family... probably getting no sleep to get their new home set up. Colin is ready for forever with Penelope.
He publicly claims her.
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He reassures her on multiple occasions that he cares for her, has feelings, and even loves her.
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Colin tries to protect her the only way he knows how. He does this by helping her with Cousin Jack in Season 2, offering to help her find a husband at the beginning of the season, saving her from the hot air balloon accident, and even her mother's wrath.
He tries to protect her, but feels like he fails and makes things worse. Especially when he thinks she's been kidnapped, only to find out she's Lady Whistledown. When the Queen interrupts his wedding to try to capture Lady Whistledown, Colin wants her to give up, but she can't because Penelope is Lady Whistledown. He tries to solve things with Cressida, and Cressida increases the money for Blackmail. Although I made a joke in the next picture, it does show why Colin would be upset.
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Even when he is mad he loves her and wants to be married to her. He ravished her on the street and was giddy to dance with his bride on their wedding day!
Penelope has also changed the way he views intimacy.
From their first kiss, the world as he knew it shattered. Colin came to a realization that he had deeper feelings for Penelope than he had never thought to examine because they had been such close friends for such a long time. She completely opened his eyes.
The carriage kiss and more demonstrated the passion that can be expressed through combining emotional and physical intimacy.
The mirror scene was something that could never compare to anything else. It was definitely love making.
The modiste kiss was a confirmation that Penelope truly loved Colin. She wanted Colin to return to who he really was instead of the fake persona that he was putting on. With this news, Colin is filled with passion and an overflow of love for the person who sees him as he is and loves him all the same.
This is why to mix physical intimacy, while Colin was angry at the beginning of their marriage, feels wrong for Colin. He is tortured by this. He sleeps fitfully, but his love for Penelope has transformed him so much that he can't go back to his beginning persona and fake intimacy. He knows true intimacy and doesn't want to sully it.
He can't stay away from her, though. He won't give up Penelope. That's why he sleeps on the sofa that they first made love to be close to her rather than choose another room in the house.
Which makes Colin's Declaration of Love so great in the end. He doesn't take away Penelope’s chance to reveal Lady Whistledown. She is sharing with the world who she is. He doesn't try to change her. He has fallen even more in love with her because he knows even more about Penelope. Colin doesn't have to fake who he is or his feelings for Penelope because he knows that Penelope accepts and loves Colin for being himself.
Colin and Penelope's final intimacy scene shows them both coming together on equal levels, knowing each other fully, and loving them all the same. He is able to love and be loved. He is able to let Penelope take the reins in certain aspects of their relationship, and he is secure enough to let her. (The puns were just naturally there.)
So Colin has had true feelings for Penelope. Their relationship progressed so naturally. He was her friend. Eventually, they turn into lovers. This is why Colin Bridgerton is top tier. This is why this couple holds such a great spot in my heart. 💕
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Thanks for reading and diving into the mind of Colin Bridgerton! 💕
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grace-williams-xo · 4 months
I want Cressida to be happy and I want her and Debling to work things out sue me I do
More than that I ship Cressida and Eloise,,,, frothing for them to kiss actually
Benedict my happy smiling boy with no thoughts behind the eyes I love you
I still want Sophie to appear late in the season
Anthony is so in love and obsessed with Kate it is grotesque like that man has not had a thought about anything other than his wife since he married her
Despite being the world’s biggest Kanthony lover,,,, I have to admit that their absence works better than I expected
Francesca and Eloise’s little friendship moment in ep 1 was so sweet [EDIT: I meant Francesca and Penelope smh my brain]
Francesca has my entire heart I want her to continue to thrive happy in part two
It’s not that I don’t like the Mondrich’s or their plot… it just feels very disconnected. Hopefully this improves
SO happy about Pen and Delacroix’s continuing friendship I always want more of that I love them
Anthony is gonna kill Colin when he gets back, Kate saying no is gonna be the only reason he doesn’t (I can’t fully explain it, I just feel like Anthony is gonna be mad)
Despite what I said in point 6, we do need kanthony in every episode of part two
Kinda loving Portia Featherington this season, sending her thoughts and prayers every time Prudence and Phillipa breathe, but also scared how she’s gonna react to Pen marrying Colin
When Colin finds out about LW,,,,,,
I like how late the introduction of Marcus was, and how slow burn that is
The first threesome scene wasn’t that bad imo and the second one, where he’s not involved, is so blink and you miss it and he’s clearly not into it anyway so also not that bad
This is going to be the longest 27 days of my life
P.S. I don’t know what to say about Polin. I was screaming at Colin for 90% of it. The carriage scene, the proposal; chef’s kiss.
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fandoms-my-fandoms · 3 months
Babe…babe wake up!!!
It’s part seven of incorrect Bridgerton quotes that I have saved to my phone!!! I still have no recollection as to who posted these first, but as a member of the Bridgerton/Polin fandom, I thank you for taking the time out of your lives to make these!! Love you! Xx
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Lemme know if you want part 8! There’s still plenty to get through!
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dollypopup · 3 months
I guess what I find most funny about the 'She should call off the wedding because of Colin's entrapement line!' crowd is like. . .y'all really don't get Penelope at all, do you?
She has loved this man for YEARS. She's loved him through his engagement to someone else, she's loved him through him saying he wouldn't court her, she's loved him through multiple countries, through her family mocking their closeness, through a potential marriage to a Lord. She loved him so much she couldn't even DENY having feelings for him to save what she thought was her only chance of getting married. Do you know how easy it would have been for her to go 'No, we're just friends, I don't like him like that, you're proposing to me and that's what matters'? She couldn't denounce her feelings for him even THEN. Even when she doesn't think he reciprocates them and she's made peace with a life with Debling and is expecting his proposal. Colin was *always* first in her heart, through all those hurdles.
Because Colin has been kind in a cruel world, and he's made her laugh, and he encourages her confidence and he's warm and he's gorgeous and he centers her and he values her and he listens and makes her feel desired and beautiful. He's a good man, and her love for him makes her feel good, she treasures it. Even in the books she says it feels good to love a good person, whether he loved her back or not. And now she knows that he does and you think one line that Colin says in obvious hurt after finding out she's been hiding a secret persona for him is enough to shake that love? She spent what? Half a decade looking out her window pining for him and now on the eve of getting to live a life with him as husband and wife, she's going to chuck that away because of one sentence? How lowly do you think of her? How *stupid* do you think she is? To throw away the love of her life over what? Her pride? This fandom's OOC Fanon Pen is a disservice to Penelope's actual character.
Her love for Colin is steadfast. It's made of tougher stuff than all that. It has survived everything that has been thrown at it. Distance, other people, Portia. And y'all really, truly believe that a singular statement will make her go 'Naw, I don't want it anymore!' PUHLEASE. Even when she offers him that annulment, you KNOW she knows it's not on the table.
Stop playing. OF COURSE she didn't call off the wedding. Of COURSE she chose to understand where he was coming from and went 'I didn't mean to trap you, Colin, I love you'. Of course she asks what the marriage will be and is comforted by the fact that he still wants to go through with it.
Penelope Featherington has loved Colin most of her life. It has been one of the few constants in her existence. He has been good to her in said existence, consistently. He's listened, he's cared, he's apologized to her, he's taken ownership of his actions, he's invited her to be more open, he's joked with her, he's supported her, he saw her when she was invisible. She. Loves. Him. And for good reason.
It's not going away because of one line. Or two. Or three. Come back next time when you actually understand her.
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wroteclassicaly · 3 months
Warnings: Smut, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, slight fluff, dominant Penelope, threesome, some comfort, plus sized reader, self-esteem issues, slight anxiety, and NSFW.
Pairings: Colin Bridgerton x Penelope Featherington x Female Reader
Wordcount: 1,926
A/N: Hi! This is my first piece of fic (trash) into the Bridgerton world. I’ve never read any fics, haven’t seen all of the show yet. I’ve only recently gotten into it because of Penelope/Polin. Hope you enjoy, and I look forward to producing more content (likely turning this into a storyline)!
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Your hands feel cold, slick with an icy sweat that seems to evaporate into heat. The more you seem to fold into yourself, she can recognize and wrap her fingers in your own. It is a comfort, however, also a reminder, as your fingertips would brush across the diamond she bears. He is not meant for you, she is not meant for you. They belong to one another.
You have to remember why you were brought to their home in the first place. And ultimately, what you do to earn your way in this life. That would surely shame their family name if anyone were to see you here, sneaking through corridors in the middle of the night with the newly married Penelope Featherington — now proudly assuming her Bridgerton name. Your thoughts are shaken from you, as you round the corner, stopping short at the buttery glow of light spilling from beneath the doors. You edge away slightly, spare hand reaching to clutch your sleep attire closed.
“You know that we will not object if your mind has changed.” She speaks with a soft reassurance, the nail on her thumb scratching along your palm.
That is the most odd thing — an emotion, in which you cannot process yet. A connection you’ve already established with them. It prevents you from shying away, from objecting. You’re shaking your head, inhaling rather sharply. “I do not have very many reservations, Mrs. Bridgerton —“
“ — Penelope, please?”
You can do nothing but smile in return. “Penelope. Forgive me, I suppose my curiosity has taken a walk with my nerves tonight. But I will not let it get the better of me. I still want this. To give what I can, to you and to your husband.”
She stops short of those doors and takes both of your hands into her own. She’s a picture of this fine, smooth porcelain, so full and perfect that you could spend hours worshipping if given the chance. Maybe that night is tonight?
Her voice is roping you back in. “This is a mutual thing that Colin and myself have agreed upon. It is not just about us. This consent you’ve given, it does not extend only to our pleasure, but also to your own.”
You’re inhaling sharply, understanding her implications, but unsure why. Your role is to give them whatever they need and then go. And this is what they’d like? It’s as if time stops when Penelope wraps her dainty fingers around the door handle, pushing, the force bringing your dressing gowns a few inches off of the floor by their hems. If you thought that was something, the sight that you’re greeted with is enough to wake your entire bloodline from beneath the soil.
Candles are draped around the room for more than just the ability to see, giving it all a personal ambience. This is their personal bedroom, not a study, not a hidden place, but where their marriage bed is located. Your mouth becomes parched as you look around to truly take it in, the doors closing behind you not even startling you. Penelope stays close by, especially until you’re noticing him. He’s patient, a slight smile pressed into his beautiful mouth.
“Good evening, ladies. I take it we’re alright then?”
It’s that honey-hot depth that captivates you, causing you to reach back to Pen, seeking her support. She encourages you to meet her husband in a few short feet. He’s clad in his cream colored night shirt, his silhouette shrouded in candlelight. His hair has grown out a little, a slight touch of curl sweeping across the top. Their radiating body heats caging you in, it’s a feeling you are sure won’t ever occur again in your lifetime.
“Mr. Bridgerton. Good evening, Sir.”
He grins as though a feather has tickled the crafted end of his jawline. Penelope shares a fond look over your shoulder.
“No need for formalities. It’s safe in here, I promise you.” Penelope is nodding as his arm raises, one eyebrow to gauge your permission. You don’t object. And his rather large hand is caressing your cheek, stifling the air inside of your lungs. “Call me Colin, yes?”
Like the sweetest of sugar, his name rolls off your tongue without pause. “Colin.”
Penelope’s hands find your shoulders from behind, sliding around your collar to dip in, caress your skin. You swallow, but accept. “Whatever you wish to do, you have my permission.” Your head briefly attempts to look over your shoulder as you also address her. “The both of you.”
It hadn’t taken long for things to progress between the three of you. When Colin’s mouth found your own, Penelope had slowly unraveled your gown from your torso, everyone holding their breaths as it hit the floor. Your chin became pinched beneath his sturdy fingers, tilting until he had access to your neck. Pen’s hands aimlessly wandering with what you thought wasn’t a purpose, just an exploration. How wrong you’d been the moment that her hands had found your full breasts, ever-so-gently caressing your areola.
It wasn’t that she was experienced in her movements, no. It was how eager she seemed to touch you, to have your body beneath her grasp like this. And it only added energy on top of the mounting tension already in the room. You did not have to guide, nor teach. Colin maneuvered, gave his wife space to learn, to feel another woman’s body.
He’d coaxed her around, taking her previous placing behind you, her pupils had encased her irises into an inky black velvet. The way her mouth had become swollen from biting her full, lower lip, her hands unable to stop touching you. In the end, you closed the gap, Colin caressing the nape of your neck as you kissed his wife with fervor. It was beautiful, the two of you. Your shape wore a little more weight than Penelope’s, but it was exceptional, in his eyes — seeing women that could not see the beauty in themselves, lost in one another this way.
He could only hope that you’re both seeing it now, as well.
As you’d broken apart, Colin stepped to the side, voice a bitten rasp, offering both hands. “Shall we take this to bed?”
You aren’t able to breathe correctly, breasts heaving, legs wide open to make room for him, for her.
The second that they had laid you down, that he had undressed his wife and kissed her, he whispered something in her ear. She’d gone red, but nodded and joined your right side. You tried not to let languid anxieties find their way inside, tried to remain proper when he had stood before you, bedside — all hard muscle, trim hips that held his length in between. He would be a fit, even for you.
He’d licked his tongue at the corner of his mouth, inhaling rather sharply, his hair covered chest already drenched in desperate perspiration. “I am going to show Pen how to touch you between your thighs. Will you let me — us, will you let us?”
How her hand looked in his as he guided, separating two fingers and sucking them into his mouth, causing a not so proper word to leave your lips — it’s surely a sight that could cure those without clear sight. The way their lips had parted when her finger breached your opening, sliding into your wet heat, knowing how it felt for the first time. She’d moved to his ministrations along your jugular, everyone entangled in a pulling, a pushing, more. Heavens, more. You had felt the tears glisten in your eyes, melt into your lashline, cooling on the air.
Colin had asked if you were alright, to which you drug him by his wrist, cupping his palm over your breast. “Please, please.”
The way the ceiling looks above you, you cannot see through your hazed over vision. The candles burning, melting down, you are not concerned with. Even the summer’s rain that has begun to pour on earth, there is no room to ponder. What you’re thinking of within this moment, it is the man between your legs, one hand held behind your crown, the other holding onto your waist as he moves so deeply inside of you, precise, wonderfully intricate thrusts, that discover a place in your body that you weren’t aware existed. Why should you? No client had ever taken this much time, nor care for what your body felt.
It was never about that. You were there to serve, purpose fulfilled, you left tattered and empty. But with Colin and Penelope Bridgerton? You aren’t sure what this is. The singular certainty that you do have, however, is that you do not wish for this to end.
There’s a fire in Penelope’s eyes as she sees you holding back a brewing question, your hands shaking. The one wound around Colin’s shoulder, the other that you have currently working between her legs. She can barely hold it together, beautiful and angelic to you, keeping you able to take her husband without issue. She is nodding at you, knowing what you need. You’re past that point, coasting over realms undiscovered, heavenly worlds that only Colin Bridgerton has directions to, powers to unlock.
She removes her hands from you both, dipping them down to his bottom, feeling, grabbing, and that moan drips from her like the cream that’s accumulated across her thighs, and she pushes, locks in tight. Like he’s under command, under her spell, his hips take you faster, harder — giving you exactly what you could not ask for. You’re not sure who is louder at this point, but everyone begins to breathe harder, lungs exerted, hands finding one another. You clip onto his neck’s nape, your other hand finding Penelope’s soft, soaked mound, and he is gripping onto her breast, his spare reaching back to hold onto your hand that is on his neck.
Penelope reaches her peak first, how she tightens around your fingers, collapsing right into the pillow beside your head. It triggers you to follow, body briefly arching, throat unable to let out anything that is not a pitiful, intense cry. You’re swimming with this, ignited in a reality that you cannot imagine not having endured before. Colin tenses, his forehead finding your own, and Penelope is lifting to watch you to complete your peaks. He sighs himself into a drawn out whine, right into your open mouth.
And then it’s over, his full weight pressed into you. It’s like there’s instruments that have suddenly stalled and cast a curtain aside to let you hear every sound you’ve been ignoring, incapable of. Heavy rain, battering winds, and rushing heartbeats. You all take a thoughtful moment, before Colin is lifting on forearms. “You’re alright? The both of you?”
You concur with Penelope. Colin smirks, bringing your slick covered fingers, letting them work into his mouth. He sucks her essence free of you, and they lean to trade a kiss, before taking a place on either side of you. Pen reaches for the blankets, pulling them up and gently tucking you in.
“I believe I will ask Mr. Bridgerton to extend the invitation.”
You turn to Colin, a question written into your features. He doesn’t give you too much time to ponder. “You will stay with us? Tonight?”
It’s everything that you want, but also everything that you cannot ask for. Like a fool, you’re already falling lovesick.
What have you done?
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jimblejamblewritings · 5 months
love letters and second sons | part 2.
Summary: The princess is finally ready to debut in society. But before she does, she decides to disguise herself and see the true faces of the ton.
Warnings for the Series: light sexism in line with the times, light classism in line with the times, mental health stigma, shitty doctor care, smut, suicide attempt (will get it's own warning when the time comes),
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x princess!reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Previous Part | Series Masterlist
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Eloise left to go right across the street while you followed the rest of the family into the dining room. It had been so long since you had a formal sit down breakfast with your family. Your siblings just couldn’t be bothered to come from wherever they were — sometimes in the same house but they still didn’t show. Your father and mother couldn’t make it most of the time. The dining room table could be very lonely sometimes. 
You thanked Colin as he pulled out a chair for you before sitting down. Pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you passed the decorated teapot to Daphne before reaching for the small jug of cream. The Bridgertons were very invested in palace life and wanted to know whatever you were allowed to tell them about. You looked up from your coffee when Eloise came back with Penelope Featherington. 
Smiling at Penelope, you handed her the box so you wouldn’t forget before you left. Her face dropped. 
“What is it?” 
“Oh, I don’t want to burden the princess with frivolous matters. We have an addition to our house. My cousin, Marina Thompson has come to stay for the season. But no matter, she can wear my dress. I have plenty already.” 
You shook your head. “No matter how frivolous they may be, your problems are the Crown’s problems. I will return tomorrow with another dress for Miss Thompson. Besides, each piece has been chosen specifically for each person. How could Miss Thompson possibly look good in a dress meant to make you look good?” 
Penelope smiled. “Is it alright if I open it here?” 
“Of course, Pen,” Anthony said. 
She carefully placed the lid of the box on the ground and ruffled through the pieces until she found the dress with her name pinned on it. She pulled out a dress of emerald green, just emerald green. No patterns insight. The sleeves were flatter than the balloon sleeves normally worn but that was because they were sheer with beading on them. 
“Wow. It is beautiful.” 
“The princess will be glad to hear that you like it. Now, I am very sorry but I have to go now. A midmorning promenade cannot be missed.” 
Everyone stood up when you did. 
“Well, yes, of course,” Violet said. “Will you return for breakfast tomorrow? Or whenever is a good time for you?” 
You weren’t stupid. Either the Dowager Viscountess wanted your fake persona to marry her son — probably the third son, Colin, since you were a valet. Or she wanted the princess to marry her son. In that case it must have been Anthony. You took your cloak from the footman it put it back on. 
“I shall see if I can appear tomor— this weekend. Before the Danbury ball, the family wants to go to the countryside. I shall be back here then.” 
You stepped outside, taking the alleyways back to the palace. Pandora let out a breath when the painting finally moved. You stepped inside. 
“Have you been here the whole time?” 
“Yes, I have. Was your time outside fun?” 
“Absolutely, I will be doing it again later.” 
“What? Princess, please.” 
“Pandora, you don’t understand. It was amazing. One of the best times of my life.” 
“Y/N. What if your illness st—” 
“Then I shall deal with that when it happens. Oh, I met people. The houses in the ton are very nice.” 
“You went to someone’s house?” Pandora’s voice rose three octaves as she tried to stay quiet. 
“Just the Bridgertons. Their mother is very sweet. She invited me to a recurring breakfast whenever I have the time.” 
“Yes, and the rumors about them are true. The daughters are all beautiful. Their youngest son seems very nice.” 
“And the three eldest boys?” 
“Absolutely handsome. Especially the eldest.” 
The two of you giggled as you kept sharing what they looked like in person while you got ready for your promenade. The gardens were dreadfully boring but you felt better just thinking about going to the Bridgertons house next time. It could have been anyone but you were glad it was a large family and a family friend. Only your first day out and you already became acquainted with two families. That was a success in your book. 
“Princess! Princess Y/N! Your Highness!” 
You could hear the yelling down the hall. Looking over at your father, you smiled. 
“Thank you for talking with me about the ball, Mr. Jupiter. I think I should let them know I am alive.” 
“Go. I shall still be here.” 
You shimmied out from under the bed, George laughing at you the entire time. The bed wasn’t your favorite place to be but it was your father’s favorite place. You preferred the wardrobe. Swinging open the door, you spotted Brimsley running down the hall. 
“I’m right here!” 
He turned with a quickness. “Oh thank God. The Queen and King are requesting you actually attend breakfast with them instead of in the kitchens or your room.” 
“Father? How could he tell you? He’s right he—” 
“Yes. He usually stays in his wing. He came down earlier this morning.” 
You looked back at your bed. No one was there. George’s feet weren’t sticking out from the end of the bed. You bit your lip and didn’t say anything, choosing just to follow Brimsley to the dining room. If anyone found out you had a fit then there was no hope of your mother letting you go anywhere. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. Whenever you were anxious or stressed, a fit was bound to happen. Maybe you should have been taking your medicine. But it didn’t make you feel good at all. Tomorrow you’d ask for a change in medicine or doctor.
Your father looked better when you reached downstairs, actually cognizant, and your mother seemed happy. None of your other siblings were there. Pulling out your chair you sat down. The conversation went in one ear and out the other. You answered where necessary and that was about it. You needed to be perfect. When there was a lull in the talking, you found the perfect opportunity to speak. 
“Mother, may I go to Lady Danbury’s ball?” 
“I promise I will be on my be—” 
“If I have a fit then I will go stra—” 
“Y/N, do not make me repeat myself.” 
“But I just want to know why? All of my brothers and sisters were allowed to introduce themselves well before this age. Why am I still waiting?” 
“Dear, we’ve been over this.” 
“But Edward and Sophia both have the same illness and they were all—” 
“Because no one is as bad as yours!” Charlotte looked up from her plate when you grew silent. She sighed at the sight of your crestfallen face. “Y/N, dear, you know I didn’t mean it like that. I’m only talking about your illness, not you as a person… give me four months. Four months to prepare everything, then I will let you go, whether an incident happens or not. Just follow the rules and keep yourself safe.” 
“Thank you, Mother. I do have one more question.” 
“May I stay at Kew?” 
“Kew?” Both your mother and father said at the same time. 
“I have incidents whether I am here or with Father or by myself. We don’t have strong evidence that anything makes it better or worse. Kew is far enough that I’m not tempted by the city but close enough that I will not miss it. And I can still speak to the people.” 
In reality it’s because your parents never went to Kew. You wanted privacy and to not be under such a watchful eye. And if you could bring your court then absolutely no one would find out that you went into the city. 
Charlotte gave George a look. “Yes, the people do seem to love your letters. Okay, alright. I will allow you to stay at Kew but your father and I and your physician will be coming every Sunday to check on you. Brimsley and Reynolds will be going with you.”  
Buckingham wasted no time packing your things and taking them to Kew after the Danbury ball. You flopped onto your bed, happy to be left alone finally. Only half of your court came with you to Kew. The others were “dismissed” for the season — you wouldn’t need them again until you introduced yourself to society. Really you just needed them to stay at Buckingham and report to you what was happening. Naturally, Pandora came to Kew. 
The home looked just the same as when you were younger. The first thing you did was instruct every curtain to be open. The grounds were extensive and private. You weren’t in London but just outside of it. No one could see the place at all so there was no need to hide behind window decorations. 
“I should like dinner outside,” you said as you sat down in the short grassy part of the front lawn. 
“Yes. It’s very nice today. I would like to sit outside and eat and plan my new schedule. You and Reynolds can go to the cottage on the grounds. Turn left and you’ll see a bunch of cottages across the stream. Go to the third one. It’s behind a smattering of trees but the hedges there cover everything. You can see people before they see you.” 
“I’m sorry?” Brimsley’s eyes went wide. 
“I’ve known since I was five. I don’t think you two believed that a five year old could be observant but I was.” You turned back to look at him. “Well, I do not care. Brimsley, you should know I couldn’t possibly care about anything like that. With my issues I could never judge someone. Not for what you look like, your class, whoever you choose to pray to which is really none of my business. I don't like to sit in church anyway and much prefer prayer alone in the gazebo. It also doesn't matter who you... share a cottage with."
“Your Highness.” 
“I will keep your secret, Brimsley,” you reassured him. “Besides, when the time comes I will need for you to keep mine.” 
“Secrets? You have secrets? I didn't know... What would I be keeping?” 
“You’ll know it when it happens.” 
“Yes, Your Highness.” 
“Brimsley!” you yelled before he could step inside the house to tell them what you wanted to eat. “About what I said just then.” 
“It is no trouble at all, Your Highness.” 
“No, not my secrets… I would never tell anyone. Whether you kept my secret or not. I promise you that.” 
“Thank you.” 
“I will find a way to make it better.” 
Brimsley gave you a sad smile. “The effort alone is appreciated.” 
You gave him a determined look before returning to making your schedule. You didn’t have a need for full time tutors anymore, having finished formal schooling years ago.
So you put all your special tutors to come on Tuesday and Wednesday, your parents visiting on Sunday, you’d write all your letters on Thursday, and then waste away on Monday, Friday, and Saturday. A schedule your parents greatly approved of as they stated that you needed plenty of days to rest and not overwork yourself before you make the illness worse. Of course you didn’t tell them that those days were for going into the city. 
Monday morning you picked flowers to make a bouquet for the Featheringtons since you had only met one of them in person. Not that you needed it but you opened your book of flowers to see the meanings. You did hope that flower language would catch on more in a few years.
Taking your hand pruning shears, you started cutting both from the garden and the greenhouses. Basil for good wishes. White Carnations to wish a pure love. White Jasmine for amiability. Yellow lilies for happiness. Pink roses also for happiness. Bells of Ireland for good luck. You handed the first set of flowers to Brimsley before starting on individual bouquets for the four young women of the house. 
For Prudence: daisies for innocence, dandelions for faithfulness and happiness, peonies for a happy life and a happy marriage. For Phillippa: dandelions for faithfulness and happiness, fern for sincerity, honeysuckle for bonds of love. For Penelope: lady’s mantle for comfort, lily of the valley for sweetness, wallflower for faithfulness in adversity. For Marina: camellias for affection, lavender roses for enchantment, daffodils for good fortune.
You also collected flowers for the Bridgertons, small individual bouquets. Only two types of flower in each bouquet. For Violet: acacia for friendship and violet for her name.
For Anthony: acalia for temperance and agrimonia for gratitude. For Benedict: balm gentle for pleasantry and bearded crepis for protection. For Colin: chamomile for energy in adversity and coriander for hidden worth. For Daphne: daphne for her name and dandelions for happiness.
For Eloise: elderflower for zealousness and elephant’s ear for good luck. For Francesca: fern leaves for fascination and flower-of-an-hour for delicate beauty. For Gregory: garden chervil for sincerity and geranium, scarlet color, for comfort. For Hyacinth: hawthorn for hope and hyacinth for her name. 
“This should do.” 
“Shall we send them now?” 
“Oh, no, Brimsley. I shall take them with me.” 
“With you?” he squeaked. 
“Yes. I assume now would be a good time as ever to divulge my secret to you and Reynolds. Pandora already knows. I go out to see the ton. I have already done this a few times now.” 
Reynolds and Brimsley looked like they were going to faint. You laughed as you took your cloak from Pandora. You had no concern with anyone finding out since the two men in front were still in the gardens instead of running back to Kew to pen a letter. 
“Please ready the carriage. I’ve already missed breakfast as it is, I don’t want to be any later.” 
The only two things that freaked out your valets even more were entirely your fault as well. Reynolds stuttered through confusion when you refused the mask he was about to hand you. Brimsley actually did faint when you got out of the carriage before reaching the Bridgerton house. You turned around when he came to again. 
“The carriage is too recognizable. Until I get something more plain th—” 
“Just say the princess gave it to you for business affairs!” Brimsely yelled so loudly that you were concerned someone would hear it. 
For a moment you were ready to ignore his plea but then you realized he was right. Plus, you did already set up that poor women and rich women were treated equal in your court — something that was true but you only had three lower class women in your court to begin with. You got back into the carriage, knee bouncing the entire way. 
Peering out the window, you spotted Marshall. He titled his head a bit as you turned around, seemingly scolding someone inside, tilting even more when you walked in the opposite direction of their house. An older woman greeted you at the door of the Featherington home. You repeated the same thing you told Marshall the first time you came to the Bridgerton family. 
“Please come in. They’re in the drawing room, now… Ma’am, a visitor.” 
You curtsied as you entered their drawing room, waving to Penelope. “Hello… Woah, there are a lot of men. I’m sorry I was unaware we had already begun calling.” 
Lady Featherington put on her best smile. “Yes, what is it?” 
“Right. I am the Young Princess’ lady in waiting. She has made bouquets for you all. Well, as well as bouquets for the Bridgertons but rest assured I know exactly which ones belong to you.” 
The Featheringtons looked more than pleased to be receiving flowers after dresses, especially Lady Featherington. All the suitors were looking at them like winning prizes. To be favored by the princess is to have everyone’s hand in your lap and every name on your dance card. You read out what each flower meant and gave them a card that had them written down in case they were to forget. 
“Thank you so much, Miss?” 
“Miss Beckett. Please inform the princess that we are forever grateful for such a thoughtful gift. If it is no trouble would you like some biscuits or tea?” 
You decided to stay for a few minutes. Besides, watching suitors fall over their feet to impress women seemed like a very entertaining morning. Thanking the old woman for the tea, you took a sip before setting down the cup when you noticed Colin. He waved to you before making a bored face.
Clearly, he hadn’t been the first one to arrive for calling. You supposed that was the issue with all four of your girls out at once. There was only one drawing room so all of their suitors would have to wait their turn even if they were there for a different girl, at least until Lord Featherington came home and then maybe he could chaperone outside in the garden. You now understood why the Bridgertons were okay with Eloise delaying her debut. Focusing on only one woman is plenty enough.
Daphne had written to you that she had received no callers but none of the other Bridgertons had spoken about calling or the marriage mart at all. You only looked up from the mess of suitors when Eloise arrived, pulling up a chair at the small table you and Penelope were sitting at. Pen tapped your shoulder. 
You looked down at the overgrown rat in her arms. It was your turn to mind the dog that one of the gentlemen calling thought would be appropriate as a gift. Rolling your eyes, you took it anyway and began bouncing it like a child. At least it was a very calm dog. 
Your two friends laughed as you jumped when another gentleman began reciting a poem very loudly. Everyone was starting to fall asleep. His performance was both bad and boring, a combination you were hoping couldn’t be accomplished today. The sound of Lady Featherington’s clapping was the only thing that woke everyone up. She all but pushed the men out, saying the girls had seen enough suitors today. You frowned at her telling the gentlemen to say goodbye to even Penelope. Even? They should just be saying goodbye because she was a lady and in the house. Colin came over to you guys. 
“A most wretched sonnet indeed.” 
You laughed before standing up to leave with him, trying not to eavesdrop on their conversation. The two of them had such a close bond. You were sure that they’d end up with each other. He was probably here for her, waiting for a chance when Marina’s suitors were done. Handing Colin his flowers, you abandoned him for the drawing room of his house — pausing in your tracks when you saw a man you didn’t recognize. 
Violet jumped up along with Hyacinth and Francesca. “Oh, Miss Beckett, hello. We weren’t expecting you after you missed breakfast.” 
“Yes, I was preoccupied with the princess. I’m sorry am I intruding?” 
“No.” Daphne all but ran to meet you. “What do you have with you?”  
“The princess made bouquets.” You leaned in close. “I am very sorry about what Whistledown wrote. You didn’t deserve that. Perhaps flowers can cheer you up?” 
“Thank you so much.” 
“Where are the others? I shall give these to them then promptly return.” 
“Yes, please do,” Daphne said before having to return to her caller. 
Violet took her flowers from you. “Gregory is in the garden or with his brothers. More than likely his brothers. They are either in…” 
“Well they are in their rooms but I can’t just let you go in alo— It’s much too dangerous for a woman. The ton wo—” 
“I don’t see why I cannot seeing as I am the princ—” you stopped yourself. “Uh, the princess’ valet. I’m on official business from her and where she can go, I can go.” 
She still seemed unsure. 
“Besides, I am not a lady.” 
At that, Violet let you go upstairs but her face didn’t relax on any of the tension it held. You held onto the wooden railing as you skipped up the steps. You realized that you should have asked Violet which rooms were theirs. But it was too late now. Going back down would just be a matter of inconvenience and take longer in your return to Daphne’s aid. And not to mention, you were a princess. You didn’t need permission to enter anywhere, it was just polite to ask. Opening each door, you sighed in relief when one finally led to a bedchamber with people inside. Anthony looked up, setting down one of his many ledgers. 
“Beckett, what are you doing here?” 
At the sound of your name Gregory, who had been sitting on his older brother’s bed as he engrossed himself in some reading, looked up. “Beckett!”  
You handed them both the bouquets. “Courtesy of the princess, not my doing.” 
They chuckled as they took their bouquets from your arms. You heard the door creak behind you as it opened more. Turning, you came face to face with the second eldest Bridgerton. Benedict smiled. 
“I knew I heard Gregory call for you.” 
“Here. For you.” 
“Thank you. How long will you be staying?” 
“For dinner but then I must leave afterwards. So, what shall we do up here?” 
“Up here?” Anthony raised his eyebrows. “Alone? Miss Beckett, I do not think it… it is improper for us to be alone with you.” 
You scoffed. “Impropriety.”  
“It is true.”
“Firstly, I am not exactly bound by your rules of society. Second, we aren’t alone unless you are insinuating that anything would happen because you either can’t control yourself or are oddly content to share me with your brother.” You enjoyed watching them both stutter through a reply. 
“But if someone were to see us.”
“Does this window face the front of the street?” 
“Can anyone see anything in the back?” 
“Then no one is to see anything. Especially when nothing is happening. And lastly, I am not unchaperoned.”  
“You aren’t?” 
You pointed to the youngest Bridgerton in the room. “Gregory is not a man but a child. Therefore someone who is not an available bachelor is watching and supervising us.” 
He grinned, not even caring that he was called a child. “Yeah. I’m very good at watching.” 
You could do nothing but laugh as you flopped over Anthony’s bed and asked Gregory to hand you a book he was finished with.
Benedict blinked. “I guess I cannot argue with that. I’ll go get my charcoals and come back.” 
“Ah, right, but first let me eavesdrop on Daphne and Nigel. Almost forgot.” 
“Lord Berbrooke?” 
“Don’t make me laugh by giving him a title.”
When you returned, the boys had found their way into a comfortable silence. They barely acknowledged your presence when you sat down. Per Anthony’s request, the door didn’t just stay unlocked or ajar but completely open. Benedict looked away from his paper and at you. 
“What do you mean you aren’t bound by rules of society?” 
“I said your rules.” 
He rolled his eyes. "Okay, then. Our rules."
“The rules of the upper class and the ton. I am bound by royal rules and royal rules only which you’d be surprised to find are very different from the rules of the ton… I should suggest to the princess that she must write about those rules.” 
“And what are royal rules then?” 
“The only one that pertains to you is that it isn’t a crime for a royal or a member of their court to be unchaperoned while around the opposite sex.” 
Violet decided to go upstairs after seeing Lord Berbrooke out their front door, utterly exhausted. She just needed a few moments of rest before going back to Daphne. Passing by her son’s room, she paused. Anthony was at his desk working, Gregory was sitting at the head of the bed reading, you laid flopped across it with several things around you, and Benedict was sitting on the floor leaning against the side of the bed with his art supplies spread out all around. The sight could be considered improper but Violet refused to interrupt. 
“Anthony, come look at Benedict’s work and tell him it is better than he gives himself credit for.” 
Violet watched her son take his ledgers and come sit by Benedict, who had cleared enough of his supplies away for his brother, right underneath where you were laying. Not caring, you rested your chin on top of his head so you wouldn’t lose balance as you pointed to where you liked Benedict’s sketch. You couldn’t help but laugh as Anthony stiffened up for a moment. 
“You’re worse than Brimsley. I already told you that I am not a lady. Calm yourself.” 
“The Queen’s temporarily former valet. He moved to Kew with us.” 
“The family now stays at Kew?” 
“No, just the princess. It was a gift of sorts as she’s the only child to live there. It is a chance to live alone and like a proper adult before her introduction to society.” 
Gregory became interested once again. “We’ll get to see the princess soon? When?” 
“Roughly four months if all goes well… You know, I must take you all to Kew one day.” 
“That sounds lovely.” 
Violet smiled as she continued heading to her destination. You and Anthony seemed to be headed towards friendship. If you really did take him to Kew then he would get to meet the princess alone.
(part 3)
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bitchcakegreen · 4 months
I saw a comment about how Colin will be furious with Pen when he discovers she is Whistledown, because of Mariana. He will be mad she ruined Mariana’s life.
Let’s talk about that and break it down. And I know I’m going to piss some folks off with this take but meh.
Mariana tried to trap Colin. Plain and simple. She wanted a husband for her unborn baby, but whether she admitted it or not, she wanted a handsome and well-heeled husband. Enter Colin. Sweet snowflake Colin. Mariana lied, manipulated, and entrapped Colin. She tried to get him to sleep with her in order to cover up the baby. Mariana was self-serving, which she needed to be in the situation. But not some wilted flower of sunshine and rainbows who Pen crushed with a rock.
Also she was incredibly cruel to Pen. She was kind in many ways but she was cruel when she basically told her that she’d never get a man like Colin. The underlying “you’re fat and plain” subtext in Mariana’s comments to Pen is there.
Pen did what she did because she loves Colin but because Mariana also hurt her badly.
Don’t get me wrong, Pen is not a victim. She writes as Whistledown as a way to express herself, to be SEEN by the Ton, and to basically get back at those who have wronged her and those she loves. But she didn’t ruin Mariana’s life. Mariana ended up safely married to a well-heeled man who will give her comfort and security for the child, ultimately what she wanted in the end anyway.
Yes, Colin is going to be angry. VERY angry. At first. But I think Colin is not going to be as surprised by the news as some folks anticipate. Pen sort of dropped a clue, inadvertently, in their first kiss scene. She says Whistledown had to write about them, “it would be suspicious if she did not”
The word suspicious is the clue. And look at Colin’s face when he hears that. He catches the word and it confuses him, gets his brain whirling BUT then Pen makes him feral with her request and all the blood rushes from his brain to his southern hemisphere.
I think the anger we will see will be short lived. It will be a serious argument and scene but it’s not going to take four episodes to resolve. I also think that anger might fuel the “we break some furniture” scene Luke and Nicola keep teasing. Why do I think that? I’m glad you asked.
In romance novels, we use the trope of the hero and heroine so angry with each other that it fuels the passion. The rage morphs into passion and the main couple ends up ripping each other’s clothes off in a frenzy. I call it the “I’m so angry with you I can’t see straight but I need you naked and writhing beneath me NOW!” Moment. I think we’re going to see that somewhere and the Whistledown reveal scene would be one place that would fit it perfectly. Go feral Polin.
Thanks for staying around for more of my ramblings, if you made it this far.
I’m thinking of doing some analysis of scenes in season 3, like I did when I was on my Jonsa bullshit for GoT. But who knows.
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gleefullypolin · 4 months
You all really think that Colin Mr. Sensitive Bridgerton would seriously leave the love of his life Penelope for being a successful writer when he was willing to marry Marina who lied to him about being pregnant with another man's children, you all be tripping!
Colin may get angry. He may say something really awful. He may make bad choices, he may frequent places where we may not want him to go in his moment of despair, but that man is never ever going to do anything that would hurt Penelope. Hand on heart....I believe in Colin Bridgerton. I believe in the story they are telling. I believe in Eros and Psyche.
I actually watched all the Marina scenes today...God help me...it was painful but I was just reminded that he was willing to marry her long after he realized what had happened, even after she was married, he still would have married her. Even after Lady Whistledown wrote about her, because Colin is a good person. He will never leave Pen. He truly loves her and even if they fight I am certain he will return to her to remind her of that.
I'm dying to watch all this angst. I am one of those people that loooooved watching Colin in depair in Season 1. I love angst. Kill me, I live for it. I'm a fic writer, angst is my thing. And I cannot wait to see Nic and Luke kill this thing. I have no doubt that they will do it justice and I trust in these characters that they will not betray the love they have.
Have faith Polins!
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