#me tweaking oc designs: EVERYONE GETS A PONYTAIL AND DEPRESSION!!!!
yharnamopossum · 5 years
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NEW OCS!!! hhh i was too impatient to wait to draw dante before posting these (he’s a more minor oc anyway pfft) but here are the first five boyos!!
bottom middle is shi & ambroise’s boyfriend otto and the other four are the golden girls more or less lmao, bunch of old nerds who grew up together and had a LOT of wildly troubling times in their youth but eventually figured stuff out and now spend their time hanging out again~
tagging @poogle-races cus cass is there & @toreesucks for all the support :,))
some short personality info (in order)~
Ludger Benhart: PLEASE get this man some therapy, my god. a walking nightmare of delusions and obsessions and trauma in the shape of a grouchy old mule. at the root tho he really just needs some friends, some patience, and some heavy medication. he means well and has a heart of gold (or at least of unfaltering devotion) and loves his friends and family to death. which, speaking of, he died once but is determined to live the second chance he got in a way that won’t hurt anyone. believes in atonement. just wants to talk it out and apologise for things he didn’t even do
mmm spoiler alert he's more or less a fursona cus i gave him All My Problems Disorders And Horrible Tendencies so he's basically just me with less impulse control uhhh whoops don't @ me
Cassius Calgary: if the concept of "*tips fedora* m'lady" were incarnate in a person it would be this guy. asshole supreme. WILL piss you off for fun. absolute bastard man, but not in the fun way. proud of the royal heritage he never even goddamn knew to an absolutely insufferable degree and thinks he's better than you because of it. calls himself a doctor but really shouldn’t. probably the most immoral jerk you’ll ever have the displeasure & discomfort of meeting. ego big enough to rival the seven seas. at least he’s fun at parties
tell him to treat his family better
Nikolai Derivière: the GOODEST boy who deserves way more than the dumb horrible world has given him. patient and forgiving and loving and fatherly and basically everything that's wonderful in the world, constantly getting shafted and betrayed and hurt by those he is closest to. his shyness and tendency to let people push him around has got him stuck in some horrible situations, but he figures it’s never too late to learn to stand up for himself, so he fights on. probably shouldn't be as forgiving as he is, but i mean hey. he's yet to meet someone who didn't eventually realise how Awful they are
please smack his husband across the face for him (cus god knows he won’t do it himself)
Othello (Otto) Octavian-Calgary: nervous boy. the biggest romantic this side of meridian but has just the absolute hardest time figuring out the proper way to voice it. the weirdest mix of shy and forward you'll ever meet. he'll call you cute and ask you out but if you say yes he'll ask you why and are you sure you’re not just kidding yourself. still, smart and quick-witted and caring and supportive but real quick to turn a cold cheek if you cross any lines. he won’t say it out loud though; he is, quite fittingly, an incredibly mousy little dude
at least his boyfriends are more awkward than he is
Laurin Feuerhund: another gud boi who ended up snapping over some... really unfortunate circumstances and lost his faith in the world because of it. he grew up optimistic and patient (and honestly all that sunshine is still inside him somewhere) but he genuinely has been beaten and broken by so many people and situations in the past that now he’s just. Done. over it. really, really over it. but!!! otherwise, he has never done anything wrong in his life, ever, and is just generally an incredible person who puts up with and forgives way too much. heart of gold. ludger would literally actually be dead without him (and was at one point /kneeslap)
let him sleep he is tired
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