#me too philbert me too
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You: So, Geeky, how're you feeling?
Me: Wanna see the art I drew of the only working cell in my immune system, Philbert?
(we are both so tired)
#geeky talks#geeky draws#tomorrow will mark 3 weeks straight of being sick#yay#anyway we love and respect philbert in this house#poor immune cell is so tired and done with all this#me too philbert me too
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For the “give me a character” post: Diane Nguyen! :)
and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character/ unpopular opinion about character/ writing decisions: combined.
Baby girl perfect in everyway
In all seriousness her goals to want to make the world a better place to make herself feel like a good person reminds me a lot of my morality ocd / hank getting off scott free.. i get it but I do find it kind of a bummer than she had ZERO wins too.. ending with the whole billionaires are excused of murder whale plot like whats even the point of trying to be an activist at this point? .. dianes mental health does take a hit but she deserves at least one win and the view towards activism feels a bit cynical but i aint even acitvist sowhatdoiknow. she also has agood heart but is also very passive aggressive she's a very flawed character and the way she lashes out when feeling wrong is detrimental to relationships and just not cool.. Diane told whatshisname..wayne that she wasn't writing a book to tear bojack apart and then.. proceeds to just do that amuses me. I think in a way its her subconscious lashing out after bojack embarrased her in front of her abusive family. I don't know if i have unpopular opinions I think most agree her approach to dealing with bojack upsetting her in intu sub wasn't beneficial to anyone it wouldn't help him change anyway.. now that i think about it after hearing the audio tape she should have confronted him sooner.. . I just thought of an opinion thats prob unpopular. The argument at philbert premiere.. and how the creator handled knowing real life hank liked his show annoys me. you can't control bad people watching /enjoying your show there are zillions of people in this world ou owe it the fans that get your show that they know bojack isn't a good person and don't approve of his actions with penny/sarah lynn/ ect.. I love bojack but i hate when he did to penny and find his actions not forgiveable while still believing in his ability to change. i just didn't care for being hammered over the head with how the handled the message they wanted to get across. .so I find the confrontation of bojack/diane at Philbert to be beneficial to no one and more Diane venting via the creator than trying to make a point that would even help such bad behavior. .. i also really hate when things get too on the nose i prefer subtly ... minusbojackhatesthetroopsbutnevermindthat..
All the people I ship romantically with this character You know its Bojack maybe when i finally rewatch it fully I'll like her/ Guy but at the times it bojack. sure it could be horrible but i thought they vibes they had when high /drunk as a skunk is kinda fun.. but honestly i also like the sweet moments of bojack being in her corner after everyone is against her with hank (this def made her finding out about penny even more crushing) i like the I need you in my life from both of them/
i feel bojack acutally understands diane more than she understood him as he has crushing depression and def sees a lot of himself in diane I think at their best they bring out good changes like bojack writing his letter to her about how being miserable all your life is stupid and it get her to call Guy back/ or encouraging her to take her meds and thanking her for taking him to rehab that ends up with her taking her meds and being in a happier mental state. I know people think they bring out just the worse in eachother but i think if he stayed sober and never made the phone call he prob be invited to the wedding as a best man.... Its not all sunshine and rainbows they had their fights that took things to far and have hurt eachothers feelings in the process. i go between shipping em to pondering is it more of a famial bond?? cause i can see diane finding comfort in bojack being similar to her famil Diane definitely use to idolize bojack their relationship is an interesting case of befriending your idol and having your idol the man that gave you a safe space as a kid turn out to be someone who did such unforgiveable things.. .. i think at the end she still loves him the sad thing about em is they never stopped loving eachother not completely.. but had to move on ..they make me cry..
My non-romantic OTP for this character PB/Diane I think it was mostly worse than her/bojack minus the message he left her.. we spend a lot of time with pb/diane and im not saying diane is without blame in the fails of it but his lack of respect to listen to her not wanting grand gestures / getting annoyed with her for not apprecating them feels kinda gaslighty.. ... he alos got rather violent after the fracking arguement breaking dianes laptop and pinning her to a wall.. that leadtoangrysex. and his reaction to diane talking about his brother was completely out of line. his Belle Room was also trash.. him wanting diane to have a say in their new home makes sense but that belle room was just trash. I dont want to make it seem like i think diane is flaweless as much as i think pb should have listened more.. I do think she overreacted in after party t to me its just a harmless suprise party with friends but im not diane either. .. Im still confused how they made it work for 10 years..
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Make her family less of a joke and more realistic... might have been nice to see. I wish Diane got a win with her activisim.. one little win.. hmm.. maybe more focus on how going to cordovia traumatized her because some people didn't get she stayed with bojack because her new friend DIED and it traumatized her.. she brings it up at the end of s3 but i think maybe if it was focused more she get more sympathy.. i love how i said i hate things not being subtle then suggest they should have been more in your face .. im such a contradiction .. She's a good rounded character. the kinda of person id love and find annoying at the same time if i knew them in real life.. if that makes any sense. I love people who have passion and she usually means well but i get annoyed by people going a bit over the top with things and she def does. no hat to diane of course im out of things to say. I wish i had a song to share .. songs are usuall good for expressing how i view a character but i got nothing
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A Boy and His Horse
Bojack had found himself in plenty of shitty situations before but this one really took the shit cake of all shit cakes, for once he had done nothing wrong . at least he thought so..
He grunted as the van hit a bump on the road feeling very claustrophobic in the small cramp trunk that was not meant for anyone past 4ft.. yet somehow they managed to shove him inside. despite his protests that it would never work , but there he was stuck in a very tight place feeling really claustrophobic.
you drunk idiot how could you let this happen? yeah I let this happen this is definitely my fault not my kidnappers. you're the one that borrowed money from em for a night of ecasty what it worth it? I dunno......
probably .
Maybe he had taken money from these shady characters but that was a long time ago how was he supposed to remember everyone he made deals with ? everyone he pissed off? There was a list a very long list dating to probably 100s of faces his drunken brain barely remember so when strange men appeared on his doorstep's guns ablazing his drunk brain barely remembered anything especially when they kept shouting for the money.. Calling them a bunch of ugly shitheads who should go crawling back to their mothers basement and threatening to call the police had not been his smartest means of defense, the hateful eyes coming from behind the slits of the masks made his blood run cold and he realized he hadmade a terrible mistake.
. you idiot.. why couldn't your keep your fat mouth shut? I was drunk You're always drunk. its fine, its fine i'm sure they just want a ransom for a high profile celebrity I'll be back filming philbert by monday. you know if you died right now no one would miss you.. . how is it possible for you to be bigger asshole than my kidnappers? I AM YOU ASSHOLE.
Bojacks heart sunk at that thought wondering if it was true, would his friends miss him? He was sure they would, especially diane even if things had been rocky lately. he still wasn't sure why she had been so distant lately, but he still had hollyhock, pc, gina even that mr. peanutbutter. who while annoying had shown to be dependable
and. they couldn't film the show without their star. Sure they can they'll just use CGI like with that movie that didn't win you an oscar.
Bojack groaned turning out the voice in his head ears pounding from the all the booze he had earlier well , the constant bonks on the head from being stuck in a very tiny trunk had him wishing for his pain killers.. that were in his pockets just out of reach.. disoriented he heard murmurs from the front didn't fill him with much hope of getting out alive either.. something about being sold to a burger king in the UK what??? that didn't sound good.
you'd make a shitty burger. I am not talking to you. you're talking to me right now dumbass. you know what I hope they kill me so i never hear your shitty voice He flinched hearing a loud gunshot ring out, oh dear god no! No! didn't mean it no fuck.. fuck.. shit NO! .! His heart started pounding loudly in his chest as he figured that his time was coming to a crawl, he tried to squirm free of the ropes but the knots were too tight and he was finding it harder to breathe figuring this was the end But he was a large animal so he started kicking the trunk hoping to break it open when it just popped open.. leaving the older disgruntled horse staring wide eyed at...
... a child.... he wasn't sure what to make of that at all, panting heavily through the gag he just stared wide-eyed at him, hoping he let him go.. the bloodstains on his shirts made him feel.. a bit less hopeful.. but it was just a kid..
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Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Is At Computer Therapy Writing Phone At Ears Silverlock Medical Centre Notification To Contact Mr Sarwari Physician Associate Blood Test Results Almost Hour Trigger Chronic Anxiety OCD I Was Kicked Out Of Decima Road Surgery By Dr. Joanna Pennack Richard Harty UEL Panic Call Mobile 27/9/2021 Barclays Stole Money At Counter Patterns Of Misogyny 1/10/2021 Locked In Bank Hour+ Police Came Account Closed 5/10/ Got To UEL Rescued By Security From Tania Cottier Cohorts Devastated Life Disrupted Sorting Out Carer For Husband Open Joint Account Nationwide Explain Happenings Of Staying With Barclays Not Expecting Same Discrimination 13/12/ Debbie Gilchrist Broke Glass Communal Door Police Came To Accuse Me Of Locking Her Out May 2022 Invited ASB Samantha Gibbs Ms. DG Open Letter From Housing For Women Broke Glass Again Complaint Reach Stage 2 Data Wiped 24/12/ Barricade In Brother On Phone Until Police Arrive I Am Victim Of HMCTS CPS CJS BSB SRA IOPC JCIO CCMCC MOPAC HMPPS CLCC Party To Miscarriages Of Justice Taken Some To Small Claims Court The Unlawful Injunction Threats Of Imprisonment Eviction Contempt Of Court Gag By Devonshires LLP Breach Eviction Act 1977 Amend Housing Act 1988 Must Be Treated Like Grenfell Tower Panel Inquiry Barrister Samantha Jones Brag To Michael Carter Judge Freer Gave Her Reference To Be On The Panel Am Up To Caller Number 2 Queue Reasons Dr. Phil Gregory Will Face Inquiry For Breaches Of Mental Health Act Trick His Way Into My Home Sat On Sofa Claim I Made Up Stories About 23 Years Of Hate Crimes At 16 Alma Grove Bermondsey London SE1 5PY Got As Domestic Violence Victim Joe Hooper Kicks My Door Police Come To Support Them Is This Why African Maxine Sahadeo Southwark Older Adults Team No Longer Works There Southwark MHOAD Team Admin Have To Answer Questions For The 300+ Pages Defamation Requested Data Candy Smith Mediated Trina Philbert June 2022 Met Parents Of Key Child Ethan Sundar At Kings Signed Up For Lottery Wife Of 101 Year Old Arnold Ebenezer Tomlinson Traumatize By Systemic Discrimination Lost Dignity By Santander Nationwide County Court At Clerkenwell Shoreditch District Judges Sterlini Richard Hayes Pigram Bell Naidoo Rest On Shoulders Of DJ Beecham To Get Tenants Views About Housing Ombudsman Service Failures To Act About Legitimate Concerns Raised Of Landlords Breaching Tenancy Agreement H4W Change When Zaiba Qureshi Became CEO I Was The Minute Taker Scrutiny Panel Ms Presley See Hermoine Cameron Advocating On My Behalf Online World Must Wake Up To Windrush Scandal That Will Not Go Away When Despite Proof Of Attending Windrush Vigil Before I Was Taken From Tom's Bedside 6/4 Attended A&E 7/4 Died 8/4 King's Took 6 Hours To Inform Me Of Death PALS Gayle Lewis Kings Team Can Respond 4/11/2024 Further Blemishing My Name Character Risperidone Recommended To Render Me Unable To Function Mimi Owusu 12 Pages Witness Statement Used To Label Me A Violent Nuisance Is NHS Paying To Get Me Out Of The Way Or Is It LEYF To Cover Up MIC Paedophile Rings Abuse Reviews Online During ET/EAT Is It A New Met For London Attempts Made Section Murder Kidnap Between 30/10/2017-9/8/2024 I Was Locked Out On 23/10/ Police Refuse To Attend Social Media Harvested Intellectual Property Copyright Images CPPDP Left Me Without A Voice YouTube All I Have Left Am Victim Of Cyber Crimes To Take Away Channels I Have Written To Prime Ministers Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin Desmond Jadoo To Mediate On My Behalf I Was In HCT Group Impact Report 2016 Where Barrister Ryan Clement Use Statistic 1 In 5 Of All Suicides Are Associated With Unemployment Groom Winsome Duncan To Target Me I Have Taken Out Claims That HMCTS Must Make Sure I Get Justice This Time This Is Too Big For Them To Get Away Am Bipolar Schizophrenic I Don't Need Maudsley Behavioural Psychological Entrapment Am On Kings College London RADAR-CNS With Dr. Faith Matcham Mental Health Research A Graduate Of Open University I Will Challenge Those Target Children Young People Adults Made Vulnerable
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Put On Record The Roles Of Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust In Gaslighting Misogyny In Breaching Equality Act 2010 Protected Characteristics Starting At Mapother House Day Nursery Where I Worked 2003-2008 Had A Nervous Breakdown After Death Of 56 Year Old Brother With Colon Cancer Neglect Of Husband 101 On Byron Ward Where I Was Removed From Bedside…
#http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/#http://www.justgiving.com/Mervelee-Myers#http://www.justice.gov.uk/tribunals/employment/claims/responding#https://fght4justiceadvocacy.business.site#https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/#https://www.ryanclement.com#See https://www.facebook.com that think they can brainwash me ON THIS DAY 4 years ago Mervelee Ratty Nembhard is feeling emotional in Lond#United Kingdom. Shared with Public Thanks 1Son http://worldreferee.com/referee/valdin-legister/bio for bringing me back the Memories! Vald
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...content warnings for... cancer, depersonalization / derealization disorder, implied body horror.
full name — philomena bronte carmichael.
nickname(s) — philly. phil. philbert. etc.
place of birth — woodside, california.
date of birth & age — april 20th, 1999. twenty5.
gender / pronouns — nonbinary, she/they ( subject to change at will ).
sexuality — demiromantic, demisexual.
occupation — "freelancer", whatever that means. doer of odd - jobs. crafter. jack of all trades.
astrology — taurus sun, cancer moon, leo rising.
residence — varies by day; some nights are spent in weaver inn, beneath cigarette - holed and coffee - stained sheets and wrapped in a sheath of mildew. other nights are spent on the couches of almost - strangers, buried between couch cushions.
interests —dreams, forever rare but always welcomed. warm lights and patterned glass. talking to the trees, listening to the leaves. the deep, dark woods. campfire smoke. hand - rolled cigarettes. upcycling. using all of the carcass. roller skates. welding, general metalwork. the accordion. bugs, of all kinds and in all forms. stepping barefoot into creeks. stickers. dad jokes and poor puns. training wild animals to do various tricks. clowns. thrifting. bartering rather than buying. trinkets that hold memories.
aversions — being underestimated. pollution; littering. long episodes that draw them too far from reality; the thought that they may never return. needless concerns, and others' worries. fear as a concept. those who hesitate in their actions. authoritative figures. the "demon" they unleashed in arizona that has been following them ever since. disagreements. being in one place for too long. getting caught. polyester. overly sweet foods, unless homemade. staring into their own reflection for too long.
quirks — cuts their own hair when they feel it'd grown too long, often without notice. regularly recycles their clothing until they've served their purpose. steps in every puddle, but never the leaves. believes in everything unless given a reason otherwise. is incredibly morally grey, and entirely selfish when need ( or want ) to be. names every animal they stumble across. performs monthly rituals that require varying degrees of nakedness. collects moth wings and animal teeth.
most played — moonage daydream by david bowie.
notable features — bangs cut with a blunt blade and a too - sharp jaw. unsettling eyes; wide, unblinking.
general disposition — waifish but sturdy; the last branch that refuses to fall from a long - dead tree despite wavering against the wind. off - putting.
character study — cassie ainsworth ( skins ) & violet baudelaire ( a series of unfortunate events ).
a middle child belonging to christopher and imogen carmichael - two stanford professors. christopher specialized in british literature whilst imogen specialized in the classics. hence the name.
the order of siblings goes as such: lysander, elektra, juno, philomena, and twins orion & valora. the deal was that everybody had a greek (or in juno’s case, roman) first name and a middle name inspired by a piece of british literature circa 1800s and under. their parents are eccentric. they’re both in love with their respective topic, and with each other, and with their kids. the carmichael family is a happy family.
they each have their own quirks - though philly’s always been particularly dreamy - even as a child, she’d spend hours watching clouds or caterpillars or the leaves blow in the wind rather than play with other kids. she wasn’t a shy kid - she just had her own interests.
CANCER; hardship doesn’t hit the family until philomena is five and starts having splitting headaches. they’re slow at first - but as soon as she’s seeing spots and unable to walk in a straight line, doctor appointments are made. it doesn’t take long for them to discover the tumor, though the official diagnosis of malignant ependymoma comes a month later. it’s grade ii but slow-moving, small enough to not be as much of a threat as worried, but big enough where removal is necessary. philomena earns a scar and brings it in for show-and-tell. for two months afterwards, philly’s at radiotherapy monday through friday. they’re lucky - philomena’s considered cancer-free by the next year. she’s babied at first - handled delicately, as if she could break if touched - but with five other children … it doesn’t last for too long.
her personality doesn’t shift much over the next few years - she’s awfully independent for a kid, and awfully quiet - when she speaks it’s about faeries and bigfoot, about how the sky is so blue and if you listen quietly, you can hear the leaves whisper their secrets to each other. this is not odd.
she’s close to all her siblings, but she idolizes her older sister - elektra. elektra’s six years older and dyes her hair whatever colors she wants. elektra bought a knife off a seedy guy downtown. elektra threw away all of her heels and renounced god. elektra is god. her music is loud but it’s not heavy - it’s florence and the machine and fleetwood mac.
they’re opposites - elektra’s boisterous and feels loudly, philomena’s softer and feels…less. when elektra sneaks out, philomena keeps watch. they are a duo.
philomena is smart - but she’s fifteen and hates school. hates sitting inside all day. hates the same routine - day after day - it’s all the same. her parents’ routine is the same, philly feels contained and she wants to live. elektra’s twenty-one and just bought a brand new spanking (used but not falling apart) 19-something volkswagen … van - using her entire savings account. she says she’s tired of routine, she’s leaving the next day.
naturally, philomena stows away in the back and isn’t discovered until they’re two states away and she’s got to pee. elektra nearly crashes the van in shock.
it’s an argument - philomena vs. elektra, then them vs. their parents, then their parents vs. the school, the state - it’s an ordeal. philomena switches to an online program in the end. it hurts christopher and imogen - lysander’s not having any of their nonsense, juno’s betrayed and alone - the twins are twins. in the end, it’s alright. the carmichael family is a happy family.
philomena and elektra take their time - it’s not a road trip, it’s their new life, permanently on the road. they stop and explore often - they do odd jobs in whatever town they settle in. they dine-n-dash, they shoplift. they survive in their own way.
she drops out of high school officially when she’s seventeen - they have to drive all the way back to california to deal with the wrath of their parents and to deal with paperwork, but it’s done. philomena doesn’t know what path she wants in life - but it’s not that.
DEPERSONALIZATION / DEREALIZATION / MINOR BODY HORROR; it’s during this time that the episodes occur - philomena’s outside her body, philomena’s wrapped in cotton, her memories are not her own. she’s looking in the mirror and she doesn’t recognize herself. they stay home for six months until their therapist figures out the problem: depersonalization and derealization disorder. they think it’s stress; but philomena doesn’t get stressed. they think it’s trauma, and she laughs - she never laughs. their memories are heavy, spotty; something unwilling to emerge. philomena doesn’t want to know, doesn’t want to remember; the scent of decay, the feeling of rot.
philomena and elektra leave home again after that and do not return. there’s too much concern, too much care; philomena feels suffocated in doctor’s visits and their parents’ worry. they know it’s well - intentioned, but philomena was never meant to stick to one place for very long, and neither was elektra.
elektra and philomena have visited every state, gone into canada, down into mexico. they’ve traveled the perimeter of the country three times; and have passed through blue harbor at least twice as many times.
after warrants for their arrest in florida, and a brief stunt in a texan prison; philomena and elektra travel up to blue harbor once again. it’s familiar, and has just a large enough population that they can go unnoticed. they have ties there, from their years of pit stops. it’s supposed to be temporary, as their visits always are; but their trusted van breaks down, and they’re left to live in the weaver inn until further notice.
facts & temperaments.
has a very quiet, gravelly voice that seems to travel with ease, like a warning from the woods. this is because philly is a chronic smoker.
often underestimated because they look like a lost victorian child with a frail frame and wide, unblinking eyes. never blinks. like ever.
despite often looking expressionless, philly is known to smile on occasion. but they've never laughed or cried in their life.
talks to the trees and the grass and every fungi and bug they come across like they can understand them. talks about a lot of different things, often the mystical. believes in every superstition, and every folklore, and just about any non-harmful conspiracy. the moon IS made of cheese, your honor.
takes luck very seriously and has a few treasured good luck items; the primary one being a pale, yellow ribbon that is usually tied to either them or an article of their clothing.
is very deadpan, monotone. talks about the positives the same as the negatives, and usually has a reason behind their every action even if the reason is unknown / unfathomable to others.
they wound up dropping out of high school when they were 17 but they did get a GED. they're smart just so uninterested in school as a concept. thinks it's restrictive and hates feeling trapped or caged in.
apathetic towards most situations and people, but it's not a pessimistic apathetic. philly is just a very detached person, for the most part. there are the occasional exceptions. also loves a good knock-knock joke, or pun, but will still never laugh. just finds them really enjoyable.
keeps a shoebox of memories that are just sentimental bits and bots and other good luck charms.
owns a motorola razr covered in puffy sticker. TEXTS IN ALL CAPS ONLY. emoticons all the way.
always covered in scratches or bruises from their adventures. insomniac, usually found walking the night.
style depends on what they've thrifted, patched up, re-donated, etc. always changing, never stagnant. usually wearing loose clothing. usually barefoot (yuck!). makes their own jewelry and other hand-crafts.
mostly just steals from stores n dines n dashes but is trying to not get arrested! they do not have the bail money while florence is getting fixed.
couch-surfing or motel living right now because there's not many other choices. can usually find their way into a stranger's home for the night, though nothing occurs. sometimes they don't even know they're there!
usually has three different wild animals with them at all times. big fan of rats and raccoons. they train them to do fun little tricks and is trying to start a cruelty-free animal circus.
#intro.bh#cancer tw#depersonalization tw#derealization tw#body horror implied#thank u fall out boy btw.#˗ˏˋ introduction ⟶ ❛ philomena carmichael ❜
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Returned, Life as Usual
Chapter 4 – Life on the Beach
Since our return from Bangkok a few weeks ago, we’ve sort of settled down into a normal routine. We try to take a walk every morning, usually about an hour and 2+ miles. With Kawayan Cove mainly situated on a ridge overlooking the beach below, there is little level land. Every walk, in any direction, involves some steep hills that turn our walks into even better exercise. The photo below, taken from the road in front of our house, might give you an idea of the hills we walk every day.
The shot above also reveals a couple other things, one being the weather. It’s been absolutely perfect the last few weeks: sunny, highs in the upper 80’s, overnight lows in the mid 70’s, and for now, fairly low humidity and gentle breezes. Very tolerable, we haven’t even turned on our A/C’s since we’ve been here and we sleep with open windows at night. That’ll change as we head into summer, but we’re enjoying it for now!
The other thing in the photo explains why get up pretty early, at least compared to our California habits. You can see an intersection and a skid mark. The road going to the left leads to the service entrance, where all commercial vehicles enter the village. There are currently 20+ homes being built in the village and that means a lot of heavy trucks. Most of them turn right from the service road and pass in front of our house. The majority of them are heavily loaded and can barely make it up the hill after the turn. So, about 7am every morning except Sunday, we're awakened by straining engines and grinding gears. No sleeping late here!
Max has new Philippine cousins! After coming back from Bangkok we stayed a few days in Manila. Georgia’s mom’s caretaker has 4 dogs… one of them had given birth to 4 puppies at the first of December. Unfortunately, the caretaker doesn’t have the means to take care of them, and even worse, the pup’s mom, a first-timer, didn’t have much interest in them. Another dog, also pregnant, was doing the nursing job. Although it might have been a bit early (at 7 weeks) to take them away from their littermates and mom, they were undernourished, full of fleas, worms, and other parasites, causing them to be pretty lethargic and lose most of their hair. We worried they might not make it much longer, and didn’t have the heart to leave them all so we picked out a little boy and girl to take with us. Since the dad dog (we’re pretty sure of this although he claims no responsibility…) is known to us as Philbert, we named the boy Philo and the girl Philly. They were a sad sight at first. If you looked up “mangy mutt” in the dictionary you’d see their pictures. A few trips to the vet so far for de-worming, flea and parasite care, plus nourishing food and a dose of love has them back to being normal puppies, and their hair is coming back. Philo is pretty smart, full of energy and mischief. Philly is a sweet one that likes to cuddle.
...and Philly
They are known as “Askal” over here, which is short for Asong Kalye, meaning “Street Dog” in Tagalog. So far they’re proving that a dog is a dog; if you love them and care for them, they’ll give much more back to you.
More Things that Will Eat You
I was sitting outside with one of our guests the other evening, when this thing buzzed his head and landed on the steps behind him. I’m not sure what prompted me to grab it, but it hissed ferociously and snapped its jaws. Not a happy creature. It looks like a demon with those long antennae and black eyes!
After some research we found that it’s called a Longhorn Beetle. Not dangerous to humans but it’s damaging to trees and timber operations as its larvae tunnel through trees. Various species of this insect are native to North America, so don’t get too comfortable over there!
Kawayan Life
Last time here, our neighbors Graham and Lori organized a pot luck dinner with a number of fellow denizens of Kawayan Cove, and we loosely formed an organization we call “Kawayan Life” and started a Viber chat where we can all keep in touch. Before we left in July we hosted a similar party at our house. Since then the group’s continued to be active and has grown to around 25 couples. Last night Graham and Lori hosted another party to kick off 2023. By my unofficial count we had 40 in attendance, a fun and diverse group representing places around the world, including a few other Californians.
Today we had a post-party party with a few of them, hanging out all day at the beach.
Cute Clownfish of the Week
A few days ago I was snorkeling in the cove, and spotted a striking orange anemone, with a resident clownfish family. When we went back to the beach today I took my camera, and managed to get a few decent shots, although the fish, except for the biggest one, were pretty shy.
Sunset of the Week
This was a hard pick. The beautiful weather we’ve been having has produced just the right amount of clouds to make gorgeous sunsets. It’s hard to believe you can look at the exact same view every evening and see something completely different and unique, and I never tire of it. Here’s this weeks’ winner, I hope you enjoy it.
Take care everyone!
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Can I humbly request you write about the day Shadow came up with Philbert?
Wade had been raising his kids for a couple of years now. And while he'd never expected them to immediately grow out of their rambunctiousness... but some days he did wish they were suddenly in their thirties so he didn't have to deal with their fighting.
"DAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!" Silver ran into the kitchen, quills bobbing and ears flat, appearing very frustrated as he slid over the floor in his socks. "SHADOW'S CALLING ME NAMES"
"He started it!!!" Shadow followed close behind, glaring at his brother as Silver ran to hug his dad around the waist, "he started making fun of me first!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!!"
"Did not!!!"
"DID TOO!!!"
"Okay," Wade raised a hand, fingers dripping with soap as he finished counting to ten and turned to face his kids from the sink. "What's going on now??"
"He's calling me names!" Silver pouted, turning back to glower at Shadow.
"I told you, he started it!" Shadow replied, brow furrowed as he returned Silver's glare.
"Right..." Wade sighed and mentally prepared himself to deal with his kids with patience. "Silver, what were you saying to wind up your brother..."
"He called me short!" Shadow replied for Silver.
"You ARE short!" Silver snapped back, straightening himself up pointedly. "I was just telling the truth!"
"You called me 'squirt!'"
"So?? You are a squirt, squirt!"
"Okay, enough!!!" Wade finally raised his hands and interjected, tired of his sons trading insults to one another. "Or you're going into time-out! And I didn't think I'd have to do THAT to a thirteen and fourteen year old!" the human sighed and looked between his boys, the two hedgehogs now wearing flat ears at their adoptive father's tone. "Silver. It is NOT okay to make fun of other people for their heights. Ever. Would you like it if the human kids at school did it to you?"
Silver bowed his head, puppy-dog eyes emerging. "No..."
"Exactly. I don't want to see you doing that again. Shadow?" Shadow stared at a point in the kitchen corner, fiddling with the cuffs of his gloves. "It's not nice to call people names they don't like. You don't like it when Silver does it to you, don't do it back to him."
"But... Philbert's kinda a normal name, so it shouldn't be so bad..." Shadow scuffed the floor with a sock, mumbling beneath his father's gaze.
"It doesn't matter!" Wade said, his patience ebbing, "he doesn't like being called that, so don't call him that! Shirley is a normal name, would you like it if we started calling you Shirley?" Wade raised a finger to Silver as the grey hedgehog's ears perked. "And THAT isn't an invitation!" the human said, realising he may have just screwed up, "just an example! I don't want to see or hear either of you calling each other names again, you hear?" A pair of mumbled replies were his response. "Huh? What was that?" He ducked his head and raised his hand to his ear, "I didn't hear you."
"Yes dad!"
"Yes dad..."
"Okay, thank you! Now, go on. Behave yourselves. And remember, I love you." Wade watched his boys retreat, remaining quiet as they exited the kitchen. He shook his head, sighing as he returned his attention to the dishes. He couldn't help but chuckle quietly to himself. His boys could be a handful, and he would never understand this sibling rivalry thing... but it could be pretty funny at times.
Even if it was sending him grey before he was forty five.
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i finished season 5 of bojack horseman and i have a lot of thoughts. i've been working on writing this since the 6th of feb and i've finally figured out a way to put my feeling into words.
the season was amazing, i still loved season 3 the most (biased because of sarah lynn) but this season and season 4 are tied from second place. the way the characters flesh out this season is amazing and i really resonated with a lot of these episodes. spoilers after the cut:
to begin, i loved how they separated diane from bojack and mr peanutbutter (finally) and the way they did it was great too. her finally becoming her own person is a great story arc and despite not being the most shown this season she did a great job of blossoming as her own person this season. and when she talked about how wearing Vietnamese clothing made her feel like a tourist, i felt. no one talks about feeling cut off from your own heritage and how depressing it can be.
but something i didnt like about diane was how insensitive she was in the episode when she wrote the penny incident into the script for bojack. shes generally a morally 'good' character but she had no remorse when she wrote that whole thing into a script of a show that hundreds of thousands of people watched. she didnt care that she was profitting (in a petty way and literal way) off someone elses trauma.
this wouldnt have been a huge deal to me if it were, say, pc (since we know that she places her job and profits above her morals in certain situations) or ana (who we know doesnt care about this stuff), but it was really unexpected of diane. it really showed that diane needs to seperate from bojack since hes began to rub off on her. id hate to see this episodes writing bite penny in the ass later as weve already seen that she wants nothing to do with bojack anymore.
and again, diane going off at bojack at the premiere is another example of diane trying to be morally correct but doing it in way which i dont agree with. with the script, it was bad for penny. but in this shes just not being smart. bojack is stuck up and narcissistic and wouldnt agree or listen to someone berrating him for his actions. that being said, diane was so so right in everything she said to him.
i also loved how princess carolyn’s story arc has finally been fulfilled and now she has her own kid now. the way they fleshed out her character this season was amazing and im so excited to see her tackle parenthood and balancing her job with it in season 6.
as always, i loved todd this season. him coming to terms with his asexuality made me so happy. i loved the episode when him and yolanda are trying to hide their asexuality from her family it was absolutely hilarious. todds sex robot which he made in hopes of keeping a relationship with emily was also so so funny and i loved it. they left off his character very vaguely this season and i hope its beause they have good ideas for his character next season. especially as weve seen his potential from becoming president of ad sales for whattimeisitrightnow.com.
the bojack the feminist episode, first off: the parallel between "dont choke women" and what bojack did a few episodes later. no words. this episode was super super real in terms of everyone listening to the feminism bojack spews only because hes a man. i especially loved the ending monologue bojack gave about philbert, it was like the writers of the show were directly talking to the audience to not idolize bojack and his behaviour. all in all, out of all of the 'feminist/problematic in the media' style episodes which are there once a season, this is my fave so far.
'free churro' is easily one of the best episodes of television ive ever seen. i cant really relate to it (which im so so grateful for) but it gave me a form of insight to the kind of relationships my friends have with their parents, and now i can better comfort them. but what really sucked was that, because it was the wrong funeral, any form of character development that bojack made there is as good as nothing since no one from his life was there to see him breaking down about his mother. will arnetts delivery for this entire episode was brilliant.
mr peanut butters boos is my personal favorite episode of the season and maybe of the show. it was delivered in a very creative manner and i loved watching the parallels between all of pb's 'boos'. pb isnt an amazing character and by the end of this episode he was forced to face the reality of his failing relationships. i relate to this episode in a certain way. i dont want to grow up and face the reality of losing my loved ones, but its something i cant stop by just pretending to be young and stupid.
man i love hollyhock, but watching bojacks only day with her (the only person he has a healthy relationship with) be about chasing down more drugs for him was heartbreaking. the episode entirely was really really sad and hollyhock saying she loves bojack and him not reciprocating was the icing on a depression cake.
time for the penultimate episode, this was so so effectively confusing. the switching between philbert and real life was eerie and really smart. him choking gina was really difficult to watch and makes every form of character growth he was getting seem like small potatoes. im so glad the episode ends with bojack getting real help and i hope he gets better in season 6. the tunnel ending made my breath hitch cuz of the comparison of diane to princess diana earlier in the season. and we all know what happened when princess diana went into a tunnel.
im gonna start season 6 now, wish me luck.
#bojack netflix#bojack horseman#rant post#sarah lynn#diane nyugen#todd chavez#mr peanutbutter#ana spanakopita#character actress margot martindale#bojack season 5#bojack analysis#free churro#princess carolyn#pickles the pug#gina cazador#hollyhock
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okay Theodor and Philby base inspo reveal below LOL I cannot sit on this anymore bc I'm so pleased with how their designs compare to the base inspo :3 (the Rambler's Curse got me again)
ta da !!!
quick doodle for the night just to show them side by side :3
anyways here's my beloved Pillow People brand "Squeaky Door" that I managed to snag for a good price (due to a couple stains on it) for my bday last year after watching ebay like a hawk for a year prior djdkdl theyre so hard to come by (esp for a sane price lmfao) because theyre a fairly niche pillow plush line from the 80s! And the delightful fisher-price chatter telephone is from the 90's, that I hunted high and low for during a trip to the big city last summer (and then only managed to find in a tiny thrift store in some other rural town on the way home LOL). I'd like to acquire the original design boxy shaped one in a similar fashion one day!
Philbert already had a name before I started working on the OCs; one of the kiddos in the system named them once we'd gotten home with the toy, so that's long been decided shdkdl. We didn't have a name for the door until I started working on the humanized versions of these two, but the name I'd been tossing around was Dorothy (but that seemed way too obvious LOL). Theodor is so perfect because ... it's literally... "the door"... also it was Dr S.uess's first name and I figure that's kind of fun!
I feel like I did a pretty bang-up (<- good) job with implementing design elements from the original objects into their human designs :] Teddy's birthmark to match the door's "blush", his glasses for the window frames, the nose shape to match the lock hole shape, the bigger nose in general to match the effect of the doorknob, and his glasses are even 80s inspired! And with Philby: the r.osacea to implement the red nose and blush, the hair buns for the shape of the telephone receiver, round eyes to match the toy's, their preference for bright clothing to match with the toy's rainbow colour scheme, and they use a wheelchair occasionally (along with a cane and sometimes crutches) as a nod to the phone's wheels.
(none of these things are put in without a lot of thought btw! I'm very careful with the way I implement disabilities and (mental + physical) disorders as well as less commonly represented physical features such as birthmarks. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to do it respectfully and tastefully, and educating myself on the lived experiences of many different people. just wanted to put that out there because I am most definitely not treating these like they're fun little quirks to add to characters willy-nilly - I care a great deal about ensuring I'm doing things properly and with as much thought and care put into it as I can, especially if I don't have the lived experience of something myself.)
I care a lot about a few different objects that I own (both as a "my prized posessions have often been taken away from me" way and as a "I just really love my belongings" way, and perhaps a secret somewhat o.bjectum-adjacent third way but I'm still not sure about that one LOL) and these two are a couple of my favourite belongings. So I was really happy I could further their existence by making human versions to have as OCs!
can i tell yall a secret (/silly)
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his name is
philbert funk.
this is him right here in fact. it's very old art but i still like it. there will be even more art of him later in the post...
click the read more to learn his JUICY backstory ok?
ahhhh good to see u. so glad ur interested in my philbert let me tell u about him.
PHILBERT!!! FUNK!!!! was an employee at psychonauts hq, and a hell of a good one at that. he was an inventor slash researcher, like otto mentalis, who he even got to work with on occasion. he'd invent psychic gadgets to enhance existing powers - things like telekinesis extender headbands that let you pick up more objects at once or telepathy mufflers shaped like earmuffs to get some peace and quiet without having to stick around in an isolation chamber (you can guess who that one was for). he was a quick learner and a hard worker who refused to let ANY job of his turn out less than perfect. real high standards - maybe worryingly so. he skipped a LOT of sleep to keep up his momentum. he was ambitious, VERY ambitious, and liked to test the limits of both his inventions and himself.
problem is, when you make overperforming your baseline, people expect a hell of a lot more out of you than they should - and most certainly more than he could deliver. the popularity his work earned him turned out to be more of a curse than a blessing as he worked himself to the bone trying to invent more and more impressive things to win approval again and again. what started out as a simple curiosity and love for science turned into the desperate need to keep things up lest he disappoint everyone.
philbert funk flew too close to the sun.
one of his greatest fascinations was animal telepathy - he had none. he'd always been, admittedly, BURNINGLY jealous of those who could speak with animals, as zoology was a special interest of his for...well, forever. so the idea occurred: what if there was a way to fabricate the power by making your dna more compatible with the animal you want to communicate with? if your brain chemistry is altered to be more similar, maybe it would be easier to make the connection for those who don't do so naturally, like himself. he creates a big elaborate machine meant to intertwine your dna with an animal by having it read the animal's pattern and then manipulating your dna to its shape. around summer 1981 he test runs it in front of everyone in a fancy tech demo using a goat, his favorite animal!
IT DOES NOT .... go well.
he comes out with a goat face, the goat comes out with a HUMAN FACE, both are in critical condition cause hello it's a machine that TWISTS YOUR DNA, everyone freaks. phil is immediately written off as a danger to himself and others and fired as soon as he's stable enough to leave the infirmary. blacklisted too. he's made to leave and no one sees him again....
couple years later, now 1983 (just a few months after raz gets into the biz officially), otto sends raz on a little fetch quest to an old building on the edge of the woods - it used to be a facility for testing gadgets or scientific studies or whatever but it went out of commission due to budget cuts shortly after phil was fired and hasn't been touched since. it's a cut and dry mission. go find the place, get the tools otto wanted, come back. right?
ummm. wrong. cause tools aren't the only thing in there.
that's right babey. the funkatron has been hiding out in there for YEARS! two of them. to be precise. living off scraps and whatever he can find in the woods, all to stay and try to fix his machine so he can turn himself and poor greff normal again, hoping it would be enough for the psychonauts to forgive him and maybe, just maybe, take him back. and GOD does he look ROUGH!!!!
like the pic implies he doesn't actually feel all that messed up about what he did to himself (though he does feel bad for greff -- he gave that thing a human consciousness and now it has to be self aware forever) cause like. hey! it didn't go exactly as planned but it was one hell of a scientific feat. he just wishes he hadn't been so stupid and reckless; he lost the respect of his compatriots and idols AND lost his dream job, and rightfully so.
despite not outwardly showing a lot of guilt (still being able to be lighthearted about it and all), raz sees for himself that poor phil's mind is a MESS. it's a courtroom and the same hearing happens over and over and over. prosecution shows off the memories of the day of the machine demo as evidence, no one's there to defend him, he admits guilt, repeat cycle. the judge always gives him a chance to say something else but he ALWAYS pleads guilty. he is, but hanging onto the guilt forever isn't gonna help anyone so raz has to jump in and be his defense lawyer and do a sick phoenix wright like maneuver to finally convince him to break the cycle, pointing out that while he IS at fault he's not helping anything by dwelling on it and he needs to move on. raz finally gets philbert out of his............... funk B) IM the funniest guy on earth it's me.
raz does a lot of convincing and phil pulls off his best puppy eyes and it ALMOST doesn't work but greff steps in to vouch for him (he DID dedicate the past two years of his life just to try and help it) and hq agrees to take him back and get him on a rehab and therapy program since...he. hasn't talked to any human beings in 2 years he needs a little re-acclimating. while he's getting used to normal life again he gains some new interests like gardening! and crochet! since they don't really want him engineering again quiiiiite yet... but i think he's welcomed back after an initial period of wariness and he works hard to earn back people's trust and finally keeps a healthy work life balance 😋 and from then on he joins the ranks of the psychonauts' cool old guy club
THAT is my philbert story... thank you oh so much for listening. i just remembered about him today and i got so excited. psychonauts ocs are oh so much fun
#character art#digital art#illustration#digital illustration#oc art#character design#original character#psychonauts#psychonauts 2#psychonauts oc#psychonauts fanart#azazel's art gallery#long post#oc lore
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been watching lots of bojack analysis vids because i like the funny depressed horse show a little too much and a couple touched on the philbert balloon and the scene at the end of showstopper where he walks up the stairs and is greeted by the balloon and said it resembles the sky because bojack feels like he’s above everything which is a fair conclusion to draw based on his behavior and repeated insistence on his celebrity status to get what he wants in many situations throughout the show, but i also thought it was a pretty clear reference to the truman show and i was surprised they didn’t bring this up. the part of the truman show where truman gets to the door out of his World, all the way out on the horizon, discovering and accepting that the world that revolves around him is a falsehood and making the conscious choice to leave that world for the Real world and all the risks and pleasures that come with it… i think some of the themes are pretty applicable to bojack’s storyline and the statements bojack horseman as a show makes about the nature of fame and the film industry. i think the scene in bojack references that part of the truman show to show us that bojack is starting to finally realise that the world DOESN’T revolve around him, and he ISN’T above everything else. whether he chooses to accept that reality in the same episode is left up to the viewer’s interpretation, but clearly after diane brings him to rehab and he chooses to go in, he eventually does accept that the world he knows that revolves around him is phony. however, unlike truman, we never see him truly make the decision to leave that self-absorbed world without being pushed, and certainly we don’t see that decision made against the advice of, for the purposes of this analysis, his perception of god, as in the truman show. in fact, bojack WANTS to stay in his self-absorbed world more badly than anything, even into season 6. when he goes to rehab, he does grow and change, but by the time he’s supposed to be ready to leave, hes grown used to living in this world that’s all about him, but in a different, healthier way than the world of philbert or horsin around was all about him, and he doesn’t want to leave rehab, even though he’s told, and rightfully so, that he’s ultimately holding space that could be used to help someone who is in a deep hole like he was at the end of season 5 when he finally went to rehab. when he goes to prison, he ends up kind of happy there, it has an enforced routine, like rehab did, and it’s a smaller world, closed off from the real world where everything is not about him, and he says that he’s worried about what’ll happen when he gets out, worried he’ll relapse and become terrible again or something of that nature, and sure, he may not necessarily be desperately trying to stay in prison, but he IS clearly hesitant and reluctant to leave even if he ultimately will anyways when his sentence is up. i think that the series finale hints that bojack might fully accept that he is not the center of the universe nor should he be, and choose to venture out into the wide world beyond himself and his bullshit, but we never actually see this decision really happen. i’m still in the middle of s5 on a rewatch so i might come back and edit this post later to fix any errors my bad memory put in here, but this is just me dumping my thoughts out somewhere, yknow how it is.
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THE CONSPIRASEA EX-SCIENTIST Professor Philbert used to work at the lab of the aquarium. Before that he studied sea life. As he discovered the little town, he uncovered very strange objects and artifacts. Slowly, he built a database documenting a strange curse on the city that, according to him, was slowly making it grim and poor. He started to look more in the archives of the city, and wrote a few weird articles in the local papers. The mayor went to intimidate him and Philbert is persuaded that he is a reptilian targeting him. We only meet Philbert thru his website : CONSPIRASEA.ORG, which kind of pretends to be interested in the safekeep of the sea life of the town, but quickly reveals itselfs to be a... well, conspiracy website. But Philbert is not so far off, there is indeed some bad things happening in town, and some of his documentation helps pointing to it. Philbert is a 60-something japanese-scottish man. He's got a strong scottish accent. He's quite small and has a crazy mane of hair that he sleeks back with too much gel. He loves watching content about true crime, ghost hunting and cakes. story by @octo-pulse design by me
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The show having ana assault bojack and never held accountable is also another problem . As well as flip insisting he has to show his d in philbert .
This show gets a bit to black and white towards how it holds one guy accountable but no one else.
and he blacked out like 12 times in too much man but is sober enough to drive off and return to the planetarium it doesn't really make much sense. Sarah lynn was more coherent and kept telling him what he forgot during the blackouts. 17 mins is a retcon to me
i’ve had on last two seasons of bojack (granted, on 1.5x speed) while i’ve been grinding through homework and/or can’t sleep and i think i’ve nailed down the issue with them – “taking accountability” is a bad premise because accountability in and of itself is really vague and not the sort of thing that’s necessarily outwardly apparent. the show gets really close to exploring that when ana asks diane ��if bojack could do one thing to make everything right, what would it be?” and she can’t answer the question.
there’s a season 6 episode where he has an interview with biscuits – otherwise a Verified style personality journalist, an oprah type – who mentions his relationships with the women in the show and talks about power imbalances. she cites princess carolyn and wanda and, like, even though the creators obviously agree with the broader me too/time’s up thesis, it integrates terribly into this series because, as a viewer with insight to these various relationships, you know firsthand how dishonest this framing is. it comes off as almost a slight against this metric of analysis – you know bojack’s big problem is his solipsism and calling it a power play is just, well, inaccurate.
they also do this thing where they retroactively portray him as mainly at fault for sarah lynn’s fate, even though she had two abusive parents – one of them modeled after terry richardson – and her gleefully expressing that her status meant she could be around sycophants and enablers for the rest of her life. and being in the position that i am now, which is seriously dating and living with someone who’s recovering from capital-s Severe alcoholism and being an observing party to this – it makes no sense to assign this proclivity to one thing. and it’s awkward, because the series does make it impossible to parse why bojack battles addiction to the extent he does, but is happy to convey he was responsible for her.
lol like sorry but the sober person who says “oh, thank god” and drinks liquor they’d kept around upon being asked “do you want to party?” is looking for an excuse to relapse.
(that and it’s weird how diane writing the “u.s.s. new mexico” scene into philbert is the primary trigger for the depersonalization issues bojack has within s5 and she never gets grilled within narrative for it)
i guess a big part of the show getting worse by the end is that it got incoherent in trying to keep up with the zeitgeist.
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☕☕~More Bojack?
🐴: Oh sure, this is the last day we're doing this so, I'm down.
☕ - What’s your profession? Is your s/o allowed to go to work with you, or is it too dangerous? | Or, are you coworkers? How does that affect your relationship?
I'm an actor. Obviously. I've been in a few things.
I think I've only worked with Jack once and that's when I did Philbert...it was weird- I mean seeing him more was nice don't get me wrong but it was. We weren't really dating at the time so it was more awkward if anything.
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What scenes are you still not over from the Horse Show?
Oooh boy, glad you asked. I’m gonna try and keep it sorta ‘niche’ in that I’m not gonna name obvious episodes like ‘The View From Halfway Down’, ‘Downer Ending’, ‘Time’s Arrow’, ‘The Showstopper’ ‘Free Churo’ ‘That’s Too Much, Man!’ ‘Good Damage’, etc, because NOBODY will EVER be over those:
Diane saying ‘I need you in my life’ to BoJack
Beatrice Horseman’s “I hope you die before me so you never know what it’s like to lose a mother.”
Butterscotch Horseman’s, “She’s a good mother for teaching you that.”
Todd’s F-bomb in particular
Diane saying ‘I want to die.”
BoJack’s infamous ‘And one day, you’re gonna look around and realise that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.”
The ending of S5 EP1 where Flip says ‘This is going to be a sensational season of televsion’, talking about Philbert, and the parallel is obvious between BoJack and the viewers of the show. The camera flipping from the stripper to BoJack before cutting to the credits with Los Ageless playing fills me with Dread.
“I wanted you to like me, Diane.” / “I know.”
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