#me screwing around with transparency brushes on my phone
fistfuloflightning · 10 months
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In return for a binding peace, the Uchiha give one condition. One Senju life bound to the last Uchiha dead. Hashirama is willing to pay that price.
Day 6 | ghost wedding for @foundersweek
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babygirlwolverine · 4 years
Tinsel and Tourists - Chapter Ten
Word Count: 1,811 (another long chapter, I’m sorry)
Dean’s POV
Link to ao3 / Link to masterpost
“For God’s sake, Dean. Snap out of it, lover boy. We’ve got a real case here that’s far more complicated than a salt-n-burn. Could you quit staring at your phone with heart-eyes for five freaking seconds so we can actually do our jobs,” Sam said, crossing his arms and snapping his computer open with a poignant look thrown Dean’s way.
“You’re the one who set me up with him in the first place,” Dean shot back. “You’ve been deliberately pushing us together, and just when I’m about to kiss him, you had to interrupt.”
“Dead body showed up and we needed to check it out. Pretty damn important if you ask me,” Sam said.
“You couldn’t have waited one extra minute? You clearly saw I was milliseconds away from finally kissing him-”
Sam loudly slammed a book down onto the table, effectively cutting Dean off. “Five times, Dean. Five times tonight so far you’ve given me crap for interrupting. I’m sick of hearing about it. Go out there and find Cas and kiss him right now or shut the hell up and get to work, unless you want whatever this is to take Cas and kill him, too.”
Damn. That was a sobering thought. If any monster even so much as looked at Cas, Dean swore he was going to lose it. He couldn’t stop his mind from screaming mine; a protective streak burning inside his gut and wrapping up into his chest.
Placing his phone back down on the table, Dean opened his own laptop and sighed. “How do we even begin to start narrowing down what this thing is? Is there any connection between Callie and Oliver?”
Sam pushed both of the files across the table towards Dean. “Other than the fact they were roughly around the same age, 28 and 29, that’s all I’ve got. Callie worked at the local theater. Oliver was a second grade teacher. They live in different neighborhoods and run in completely different social circles. Oliver is well known in town and is one of the most popular teachers at the elementary school. Callie was quieter. Both of them have helped out with work around the town in different ways- Oliver volunteers at the local animal shelter and Callie helped out at the elderly home. As far as I can tell, both of them are pictures of model citizens, just in different ways.”
Flipping open the files, Dean scanned the contents as he listened to Sam rattle off the big details. “So either they’re both hiding something and that’s why they were targeted, or they both really were squeaky clean and that’s why they were taken.”
“This whole town is filled with good people, Dean. That doesn’t exactly narrow it down for who could potentially be taken next. And we can’t exactly protect an entire town,” Sam said. “Something about it still feels sacrificial.”
Dean sighed, dropping his head down to the table before muttering, “We’ve talked about this, though. No signs of a God in town. No happy success stories or flourishing town.”
They lapsed into silence for a few minutes, and all Dean could hear was the clacking of Sam’s keys as he typed. He let his eyes close, mind wandering back to Cas and their date tomorrow night. God, he was so freaking whipped it was unbelievable. How was he even supposed to tell Cas he’d never been ice skating in his entire life? He was going to look like a complete idiot falling on his ass on the ice tomorrow. And yet, despite the impending humiliation, Dean’s heart was hammering against his chest just at the mere thought of seeing Cas again.
He replayed the almost-kiss over again for probably the hundredth time that night, and he felt himself flush. Cas’ lips… God, even just the briefest brush had been enough to have Dean breathless. He’d been half tempted to walk out of the motel and find Cas when Sam suggested it, merely because he could barely get his brain to focus on anything except kissing Cas and how damn good those chapped lips would feel sliding against his own.
When his phone buzzed on the table, breaking his wandering thoughts, Dean all but hurled himself to pick it up, hoping it was another text from Cas. When he saw Bobby’s name, he scoffed and dropped the phone back down again; trying desperately to tamper down the disappointment that it wasn’t Cas.
“You’re like a lovesick teenager,” Sam muttered from the other side of the table.
“Shut up, no I’m not,” Dean snapped back instantly.
“Sure you’re not. That wasn’t a predictable reaction to thinking your crush has texted you only to find out it wasn’t him,” Sam said, raising an eyebrow.
“Go screw yourself. I don’t have a crush. I’m not twelve.”
Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes. “You’re so transparent you might as well be translucent, Dean.”
Pushing his chair back, Dean stood up. “I’m done having this conversation.”
“Where are you going?”
“To get a beer from the fridge because I’m way too sober to be dealing with your crap right now,” Dean muttered, storming off to the small fridge in the room.
Just as Dean got the cap off the beer, a thought flittered into his head. “You keep saying it feels sacrificial, right?”
Sam looked up from his laptop as Dean approached, taking the beer that Dean held out to him as a peace offering. “Yeah, but as you keep pointing out, there’s no signs of a God.”
“Right, but what if the sacrifices aren’t being done by a God, but being done to appease a God? Something that was protecting and serving the Gods. Almost a middle man between the Gods and the people.”
Sam thought about it for a second before nodding. “We are days away from the winter solstice. And all the patterning shows the sacrifices leading right up to that time frame. And you said it when we left the scene, the way her body was cut up, it was precise; extremely ritualistic.”
“No blood left in her, either. And no obvious signs of vamps draining people around here. A blood offering?”
Sam hummed, before he started typing with renewed interest. “You might be onto something. I’ve got a couple theories. Why don’t you put a call out to Bobby to see if he knows anything, and I’ll hit the lore.”
“Got it,” Dean said, grabbing his phone and taking his beer with him as he stepped outside to call Bobby. After explaining everything that was happening with the case and the details they’d picked up so far, Bobby promised he’d do some research of his own and call if he found anything useful.
By the time he’d finished his call with Bobby, Dean had finished his beer and he was pleasantly warm inside despite the cold wind.
In the morning, he’d blame it on the alcohol, which was a weak excuse when he’d only had the one beer. And yet, after he hung up with Bobby, his finger moved to hover over Cas’ contact. And before he could talk himself out of it, he pressed call.
The second the dialing tone rang in his ear, Dean panicked and went to hang up, but Cas answered on the second ring.
Dean’s heart instantly kicked up in his chest, and he felt the air in his lungs stutter at just hearing Cas’ voice through the phone.
“Hey Cas,” Dean said.
“Did something happen? Is there- has there been another death?”
Dean shook his head, kicking a small bank of snow as he began to walk around the motel. “No. No, I just- I uh, I missed you.”
Shit. As soon as the words came out, Dean winced. What was wrong with him? He really was a lovesick teenager. One date and a botched first kiss and Dean was so smitten he could barely go five seconds without thinking about Cas. Just hearing Cas’ voice made Dean yearn, and the words had slipped out without his control. And yet, he meant them. Even the case was barely keeping his attention right now. He’d already began an internal countdown to their date tomorrow night, which was pathetic and desperate and yet he couldn’t stop himself.
“I’ve kept my phone with me all night since you texted me,” Cas said quietly, before he laughed softly.
Oh God. Was Cas waiting by the phone for him? Jesus. Why was that so cute that it made Dean’s chest ache?
“My witty humor just so good that you were waiting for more?” Dean said, automatically switching to teasing.
“Something like that,” Cas replied, and Dean could almost feel his smile through the phone.
“I um- I have absolutely no idea how to ice skate, by the way,” Dean admitted, reaching up to snap an icicle off the roof just to keep his hands busy.
“You’ve never ice skated before?” Cas asked, shock bouncing down the phone.
“Nope, never.”
“I’ll teach you,” Cas said earnestly.
“Only if you promise not to let me fall on my ass,” Dean said with a laugh.
“I promise I won’t take my hands off of you,” Cas replied instantly, before the weight of his words seemed to settle in the air. Dean swallowed thickly, his stomach twisting on itself at the thought of Cas’ hands lingering on him.
“And what if I can’t keep my hands to myself?” Dean said, words raw and yet filled with an emotion he couldn’t quite name.
“Is that a promise, Dean?” Cas asked, voice slipping an octave lower; sending a thrill down Dean’s spine.
“God, yes,” Dean found himself saying, words ripped from his throat as he was overcome with the urge to grab Cas right now and kiss him. “Swear to God, if you don’t bring mistletoe-”
Cas laughed and the sound made Dean’s chest feel tight. “As long as you don’t leave me standing underneath it alone again.”
“Not a chance in hell,” Dean said. Just as he was about to say something else, his phone buzzed in his hand and a text from Sam flickered across the screen. Time to get back to work. “Listen, Cas, I gotta get back to work. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“7 o’clock, Dean. Don’t you dare be late,” Cas said.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Dean replied, before handing up; heart racing from the call and his hands sweaty just from flirting with Cas again.
As he made his way back to the room, his eyes flickered to an oak tree near the motel; a clump of mistletoe hanging from one of the branches. Reaching up, Dean snagged a few pieces, smiling to himself as he slipped them into his pocket. Just a little bit of extra insurance to make sure he got that kiss with Cas tomorrow.
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buckstaposition · 4 years
Shower - Zach Wellison x f!Reader
first part of the Handyman ‘verse
Zach Wellison x non-American, non-native English speaker!Reader
summary: new apartment, new job, unruly shower with bad timing, unexpectedly cute building manager to the rescue ;-)
rating: T
warnings: wet tee-shirts, partial nudity, mildly horny thoughts
words: 2841
This was not how you had envisioned your first day on the new job. Hell, you hadn’t even made it to the job yet! Instead you stood in the bathroom of the apartment you’d properly moved into just days prior, frantically trying to contain the flooding with one hand while dialing the building manager’s number with the other, praying that he’d pick up even though it was just after six in the morning.
“Hello?” a groggy voice answered on the fifth or sixth ring, and the huskiness of it makes your mind blank for a hot second.
“Hello??” it comes again, sounding more annoyed this time. It snaps you out of your reverie and reminds you that you are currently soaking wet and probably going to be late. On your first day at work.
“Umm yes sorry, this is apartment 4B. My, umm…” you wrack your brain for the words in the foreign language a moment, before deciding that there’s really no elegant way to say it. “My shower has kind of…exploded? I can’t get it to stop.” Help me please, you add mentally.
A groan and the creaking of mattress springs, then “I’m on my way.”
You breathe a sigh of relief, letting go of the busted pipe and drenching yourself anew in the process. Cursing loudly, you whipped off the towel you’d haphazardly slung around yourself and tied it around the pipe, hoping to soak up at least some of the pouring water while you rushed to pull on some actual clothes.
There was a knock on the door just as you were pulling a sweatshirt over your head. You run headlong to the door, yanking it open, only to come face to face with a guy who can’t be much older than you. Why you expected him to be, you don’t know. Perhaps in your mind people who looked after whole apartment blocks were just supposed to be closer to your dad’s age. Perhaps it was the fact that you’d only been told that Mr Wellison was responsible for any repairs and the name had sounded like it should belong to someone more mature. But this one wasn’t. Sleep-rumpled and with a somewhat grumpy expression on his face, yes, but… really he was what your mother would call ‘ideal marriageable age’. Usually while not-so-subtly nudging you. If she wasn’t giving you more overt judgement over her lack of grandchildren, that is.
“Shower you said?” You just blink. His voice is even deeper without the distortion of a phone, rumbling deep and morning-rough. He gestures past you where the shower is still audibly gurgling. “May I come in?”
“Of course!” You jump aside to let him pass. Get distracted by his broad shoulders under a tee-shirt so thin it’s basically transparent, also somewhat rumpled but soft-looking, like it’s the first thing he pulled on after being so rudely awoken by your watery emergency. Or what he slept in. You trail after him, suddenly self-conscious about the as-yet-not-unpacked boxes everywhere. You had only moved in the Friday before, and then the moving company had messed up something with their scheduling or whatever and your stuff had only gotten here late on Saturday, and you’d spent the rest of the weekend putting up the furniture.
He sets his toolbox down by the tub, frowns deeply at the steady spray in multiple directions. You hover awkwardly in the doorframe.
“Okay, first we need to turn off the main water supply.” He straightens, tool in one hand while the other cautiously unwinds your makeshift towel tourniquet, only to receive a jet of water straight to  the face.
“The um, what?” You blink.
“Main water supply. For your apartment. Should be a valve in the kitchen, left from the sink.” He explains patiently, wiping wet hair from his forehead. At least you’re not the only one getting soaked here.
“Right.” You bolt into the kitchen, crouching down beside the cabinets. You have to shove aside two boxes full of pots, pans, and crockery but you manage to wedge yourself into the tiny corner just enough to reach the valve and you turn it until the sound of water gushing from the bathroom subsides. You rush back anxiously, stopping dead in your tracks upon seeing him again. He’s standing in your tub barefoot, tee-shirt partially wet and clinging to his lean torso, but what really stuns you is the way his profile is illuminated by the early morning sun coming in through the small, high windows. Brow furrowed in concentration, an aquiline nose and a strong chin, jawline dusted with what likely was just a five-o’clock-shadow yesterday, and his dark hair still sleep-tousled, curling against his neck, especially behind the ears. It looks soft. He is striking, and you can only stare at him dumbly as he works.
“I need to replace this. It’s busted beyond repair.” He taps the offending pipe, or rather the remains of it, seeing as it’s split down the middle.
“I have the parts here, too. I can do it now or later if you’d prefer to be there.” He fidgets with a wrench, throws it in the air and catches it without looking, which only directs your attention to his hands which are, of course, just as gorgeous. There’s a small circular tattoo just by the root of his thumb that captivates you beyond reason. All in all it would be great if your brain could remember that it belongs to a smart, accomplished person who graduated from a top university both back at home and here. A person who moved countries (continents even!) to pursue their dreams of professional fulfillment. A person who landed their dream job against a whole slew of competitors. A person who is going to be late on the first day of said job if you don’t get your head screwed on straight pronto. Your eyes zip to the clock, back to him, back to the clock again because your brain didn’t actually register the numbers. Still before seven. You let out a breath in relief.
“I need to leave for work in an hour at the latest. It’s my first day.” You explain, wringing your hands while you do the mental math of getting ready and getting there.
“Alright,” he says slowly. “You probably want to get ready for that. I need to run up and get the parts anyway. Do you want me- are you comfortable with me finishing this up while you’re away or would you rather be there? I can come back when you’re back from work.”
His consideration makes you smile and the tension seep from your neck. “No that’s alright. Do you need my spare key?” Your parents would high key freak out to know you’re letting a man into your apartment unsupervised, but he is the building super, and he gives you no heebie-jeebies whatsoever. In fact, the way he smiles at your answer gives you quite a different feeling in your stomach.
“No, I have a master key. For emergencies.” He straightens, lifting the hem of his shirt to unstick the wet spots from his chest and of course that also draws your eyes to where they have no business ogling. “Right, I’ll just be a moment. I’ll ring, okay?”
“Okay.” You breathe softly, stepping aside to let him pass. He smiles again, apologetic as he squeezes by, but you’re too distracted by the appearance of a lone dimple on his cheek. You watch him cross your apartment in a daze, unmoving until he opens the door and turns around one last time, giving you a little salute before he closes the door behind him.
You get ready and dressed in record time, thanking your past self for thinking to put coffee on before you had to cut the water supply to your place. You’re just fixing yourself a cup when the doorbell rings. You stand frozen to the spot until it rings again, and that propels you forward, yanking the door open.
“I thought you had a key.” You ask, confused. He smiles bashfully, the hand not holding the replacement pipe coming up to rub at the back of his neck.
“Yeah, but I didn’t just want to barge in. Didn’t know if you were done getting ready after all.”
“Oh.” You say, ever the eloquent one. You feel your cheeks warm, touched by his consideration for your privacy. “Mr Wellison, I-“
“Please, just Zach is fine.”
“Zach.” You repeat like on autopilot, and it makes him duck his head and clear his throat, hand scrubbing nervously through hair that looks significantly less messy than it had about half an hour ago. What an interesting reaction. It suddenly occurs to you that the two of you are still standing in your doorway, so you step aside to let Mr Well- …Zach inside. He hurries past you and into the bathroom, not missing a beat in climbing into the tub and starting to remove your busted pipe. You check your watch again, relieved that you still have a little while before you need to leave.
Ever the good host your parents raised, you fill a mug with coffee and carry it over to him.
“Do you take sugar in your coffee? I have milk, too, or sweetener if you prefer.” You announce as you enter. There’s really no good spot to set the mug down so that he could reach it, so you keep it in your hands, hovering awkwardly again. His mesmerizing dark gaze turns upon you in surprise.
“Oh um, black is fine thanks.” Both hands fully engaged, he hesitates a moment before stuffing the wrench into his back pocket and taking the mug from you while saying “You didn’t have to.”
“Oh nonsense, the least I could do is offer you a cup of coffee after waking you up so early.” You smile, and he smiles back, and then your hands brush upon handover because of course they do. There is no spark or shock of electricity, because this isn’t some silly rom-com dammit, but there is a gentle tingle that spreads up your hand at the brief contact.
You check your watch, relieved to find that you have time still. Getting up with the sun suddenly seems inspired rather than just nervous. And as you lean on the frame of your bathroom door, sipping coffee and making light chit-chat with the unreasonably gorgeous man currently standing barefoot in your bathtub, you feel your nervousness for the day dissipating. After all, how much worse could it get than what’s already happened, and not turning out half bad after all?
Zach is polite yet gently curious. Usually he’d have been there for the handover alongside the owner of the building, but a broken sink on the fifth floor had kept him away.
“Seems to be a recurring theme. Should I be worried? Perhaps look into finding another place?” You joke and he starts and stops for just a millisecond, then starts again wrenching at the misbehaving pipe. He’s almost got it.
“No! No, I mean… that won’t be necessary. I can get it fixed, if something breaks. That’s my job after all.”
“Oh relax, I was-“ it’s at this precise moment that he gets the pipe loose finally, only it dislodges something and what looks like a bucket’s worth of water pours out and over poor Zach, drenching him completely. You yelp and jump out of the way on instinct, despite being far enough to only catch a few tiny droplets.
Zach breathes deeply a moment, hands on his hips as he considers his sopping wet hair, his now dripping clothes. The thin tee-shirt clings to every curve and dip of his lean torso and it is severely distracting, and you should feel at least slightly bad for how unabashedly you stare but can only find it in yourself to be flustered, face heating up so much one could probably fry eggs on your cheeks right now.
“I’ll umm…” You have to tear your gaze away, hoping it’ll read as shock rather than the fact that you were blatantly checking him out. “I’ll grab you a towel. Wait here.” He grumbles something you can’t quite make out over the rushing in your ears. You run over to the boxes you think hold the rest of your towels. You dig through them frantically, washcloths and your collection of fancy soaps go flying, but eventually you unearth the very fluffy and classy dark grey towels your aunt gave you as a home-leaving gift.
You slide back in on socked feet, thrusting the folded towels at him like they’re radioactive, then doing a double take and then another for good measure, because that drenched shirt that clung to his body like something out of a firefighters’ charity calendar? Gone. Well, not gone. It’s been wrung out and draped over the edge of your tub, but he’s no longer wearing it and you need to pick your jaw up off the floor if you want to retain at least a shred of your dignity.
“Thanks.” He says, taking the towel from you, and your hands brush again and you jump nearly out of your skin. Need to take a step back just to calm down. And why did you even need coffee again because somehow you’ve never felt more alert than in this very moment.
And you’re not ogling him, no – that would be inappropriate to the highest degree. You just can’t help but to sneak glances as he wraps the larger towel around his unreasonably broad shoulders and uses the smaller one to squeeze the wetness out of his hair, to wipe it from his eyes. He’s trim, lean – almost a bit skinny if you’re being honest, like he’s not been as accustomed to sufficient and regular meals as any person should be. There are some scars cutting through the smooth expanse of his golden skin, illuminated fetchingly by the early morning sun. Your mouth runs dry and you find yourself hunting for your abandoned coffee mug. It’s on the counter above the now torn-open moving boxes, having gone tepid. Not that you care. You throw it back, grimace at the way grounds and sweetener have collected at the bottom. One more reluctant glance at the clock. You should be on your way, just to have the time buffer you planned in to find your way, to find parking, to account for morning rush hour-
Carefully you poke your head into the bathroom again. He turns towards you, biceps coiled as he still rubs at his hair, more damp than wet now, though some strands curl enticingly around his face, over his forehead. You want to run your fingers through it solely to see whether it’s as soft as it looks. But you don’t have the time, not right now.
“I umm, … I have got to go now.” Besides, you only just met. You barely know him. You need to calm down. “Are you going to be okay here?”
“I think the worst is behind us now.” He grins, and you don’t know whether to be more distracted by the reappearance of the dimple or the two water droplets having a race down his abs. You gulp. Calm down, dammit!
“O-okay-“ You straighten, all but physically slapping some sense back into yourself. “You’re welcome to the rest of the coffee. And umm, thank you again. This is probably not how you envisioned your morning.”
“Death match with temperamental pipes? Happens more often than you think. The company’s not usually this pleasant though.” He has the nerve to wink. Standing there, half naked in your bathtub, towel slipping like some steamy romance novel cover nonsense, hair sticking up at odd angles in places and altogether messier than when he first came down here, and he winks at you! To his credit, he looks mortified by his own courage just a split second later, hands tightening around your towel. You need to get out of here before you do something stupid.
“Well, I will see you around.” You back out of the bathroom, skittish like some woodland animal. Barely think to grab all your things - purse, keys, lunchbox, water bottle, phone (plus charger, just in case). You make it to the front door, breathe deeply for a moment, collecting yourself. Throw one last glance back at him through the open bathroom door. He smiles, and you mirror it. He waves, awkward and endearing, the wrench he’d picked back up clanging against the shower’s controls, making him jump, making you snort in turn.
“Bye, Mr Well- …Zach.” You call out, halfway through the door already. Somehow you have managed to eat up your precious time buffer and now you really have to hurry. You’ve almost pulled the door closed behind you when you hear his answering ‘Bye, 4B. See you around!’
You’re halfway down the hallway when you realize it. You haven’t even told him your name!
Taglist: @cryptkeepersoul @cinewhore @heatherbel @keeper0fthestars @opheliaelysia @fromthedeskoftheraven @pedropascallion @yespolkadotkitty @knittingqueen13 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @dornish-queen @beccaplaying @oldstuffnewstuff @teaofpeach
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gallickingun · 4 years
basic manga cap tutorial || ibis paint x
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I got a request on how I color my manga caps (you can check them out in #morgan-colors-bnha and #morgan-colors-hq), so I thought I’d do this step by step tutorial that walks you through my process!
I color and draw on my phone (Samsung Galaxy Note10+) using the stylus provided with the phone, however you can use your finger. For manga cap coloring, I use Ibis Paint X, which you can find HERE for the Google Play Store, and HERE for the Apple App Store! It is a FREE app, and actually really helpful for a number of reasons, which I’ll show you down below! It does go without saying - there are a limited number of brushes that you get with the free section, but I haven’t found them to be too limiting, however I’ve only done basic manga cap coloring. You can watch short ads (I haven’t watched any, so I can’t vouch for the obscenity of them) to use the non-free brushes for a short period of time, though. 
The first part of this tutorial is going to be showing you how I took THIS SUGAWARA manga cap and turned it into the one you see HERE (both as pictured on the header image). The second part of this tutorial, attached at the bottom, is a timelapse video where I show you how to turn THIS BOKUTO manga cap into the one you can find HERE. 
Alright - without further ado, let’s get into the tutorial! As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to drop by my ASK BOX! Hopefully this is in depth enough without being too confusing. ❤
I’m doing this in steps so it can be in depth and informative enough, but I know that can become a little confusing, so I’m going to do my best to explain each step. I’ve also highlighted using little yellow boxes where I’m referencing, as pictured below. 
To start, here are the ways I usually find manga caps: 
1. Google searches, Pinterest searches, etc. Sometimes they’re already transparent, other times they’re not. I’ve found that I’m able to use the non-transparent ones because of the tools that are within Ibis Paint X.
2. Tumblr blogs - there are some blogs that are meant purely for transparent manga caps. 
3. Manga scans. I, personally, haven’t used manga scans, but I know others that use them! They usually require some extra clean up, which can take extra expertise. Removing speech bubbles, backgrounds, etc. 
Please remember to provide credit if it’s requested from the original poster!
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Step #1: Open IP (Ibis Paint - I’m not going to say it every time because WOW that would get repetitive) and click on “My Gallery”.
Step #2: This is your gallery - as you can see, all of my prior caps are here, and this is where you will either open an old cap and keep coloring, or start a new one. In the bottom lefthand side, you see I’ve highlighted the “+” sign. This will bring you to the next screenshot.
Step #3: This is where you can choose if you want to create your own canvas, or create a canvas based off of the imported photo. Since I don’t do many “official” manga cap posts where I create a full image set from them, I usually just click on “Import Picture”, and go from there! However, if you want to create an image canvas, and import the picture once you’ve gotten the canvas open, please see Step #6 for how to import the image once you’ve already created a canvas!
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Step #4: This is the screen that should pop up every time you import an image. When you’re doing manga caps especially, you’ll want to hit “Ok”.
Step #5: I believe these are the automatic settings, however if they’re not on your app, these are the settings I use when selecting how to extract the line drawing. Black at 0%, White at 100%, and Middle at 50%. This will remove the background from the manga cap, and only leave the dark line art remaining.
Step #6: This is what the layer should look like once you’ve extracted the line drawing. See highlighted the “+” button - this is how you will add new layers. I chose to add a new layer, which you can see in Step #7. However, if this is where you want to add an image, see the highlighted camera button. This will let you choose an image from your camera roll and import. The “Extract Line Drawing” option will appear each time that you import an image, so don’t worry about triggering it! It will trigger itself!
Step #7: Here is the new layer! I cut out the screenshot from before, but each new layer shows up on top, so I had to use the three little lines on the righthand side to drag it beneath the layer of the Sugawara manga cap layer.
Step #8: I used this new layer to import a photo of Sugawara in his uniform from a quick google search. I actually end up grabbing another one just to make sure I know what the bottom half of his uniform looks like, but I don’t show it just yet. Because the layer is behind, it shows up underneath Suga’s face. I end up erasing the parts that interfere with the cap here in a bit. 
Step #9: When you click the brush button down at the bottom, this selection screen comes up. There are a ton of brushes to choose from, but for the base colors, I use “Dip Pen (Hard)” at 100% opacity. I’ve shown it highlighted here!
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Step #10: Now we’re going to create our color palette. Sometimes I will find color palettes online And import them, but for the sake of simplicity, I’m going to use this photo of Suga along with another one that I nab later to create the palette. The way you use the “dropper” tool (if you’re familiar with Photoshop) to select the colors from another portion of the image is to press down rather hard, and then this circular selection tool will pop up. You can keep the pressure and drag it to the specific spot you want to pick up a certain color for. I’ve found that it’s best to do this with my finger instead of my stylus. I’m not sure if it’s because the heat of my finger and the change in pressure is easier to pick up, but that’s what works for me! 
NOTE: It is important to note that if you have the eraser tool selected instead of the brush tool, you won’t be able to use the color selector. This might come as second nature to some of you, but it STILL makes me screw up from time to time, haha. 
Step #11: Using the dropper/color selection tool from Step #10, I create a small color palette, as you can see in the upper lefthand corner of the image in this step. I grab both the lightest and darkest shades from the different things I’ll need to color in for the cap. I picked up the highlights and shadows of Sugawara’s skintone, eyes, hair, and jersey. I just draw in little overlapping circles so I can switch back and forth between the colors 
Step #12: I added an additional layer in the very back of this image, and colored it in completely using a blue shade. This will allow me to make sure that I’ve filled in all of the space behind the manga cap. It’s important to note that in order to color the line art in later, you’ll actually need to “overdraw”. We’ll touch on that more later. 
Step #13: As I show here, I have a layer where I use the singular skin tone shade and color in behind the manga cap, filling in all the spaces where Sugawara’s skin is showing. I usually use a different layer for each different shade/color just in the event I need to do a bunch of erasing, or if I need to change the layer style later. 
Step #14: Here is where I show how I “overdraw”. I’m not sure if you can see it very well here in these screenshots, but the way that these manga caps are drawn, sometimes the line art isn’t “clean”, it looks more shaded/scratchy. So, in order to combat white space, I usually overdraw and then go back in with an eraser. You can see in Step #15 the size brush I usually use - somewhere between 2.0-4.0, but most of the time I use a 3.0 size brush. I’ll go back in with the eraser with a similar size on the easy parts, and then all the way down to the smallest size - 0.3 for really close quarter erasing. 
NOTE: It’s important to realize that the smaller the eraser, sometimes the circumference of the eraser can be really light in opacity as well. You can help this with the intensity of the pressure that you use with your stylus/finger, but I’ve found that sometimes using a really small eraser can be counterproductive. There are times where I’d rather “over” erase in which I actually erase into the cap and then redraw using a small brush size. You’ll have to play around with eraser/brush size and such to see what works best for you!
Step #15: Here is the skin all colored in! You’ll notice I colored in his eyes and mouth, which are going to end up being white in the end. I do this because usually it’s easy to forget that you need to color things in white if you’re doing it against a white background. I oscillate between the colored background and the white/transparent one because sometimes it can be tough to look at that bright color all the time. I’ve found that this is more of a tip/trick for me to be able to remember to color in his teeth and eyes and even sometimes the brow or other features! In the end, this just works for me. You don’t have to do this step!
NOTE: As I stated in Step #14, using pressure can change things. The same goes for this specific pen type - the dip pen. I use about size 3.0 most of the time, but I can actually do really detailed work with this size pen (see Suga’s ears, the spaces between his hair, etc.) by using lighter pressure. I do have a stylus, so this is a lot easier for me. The pressure was a little tricky for me to get down in the beginning, but once you realize how soft/hard you need to press down, you can use bigger brushes for even smaller areas. I find that makes it a lot easier for me, since I don’t have to keep changing the brush tool - which you can do using the sliding bar at the bottom of the screen labeled “Thickness”. The thickness of a brush is the circumference it has when you are using the hardest version of pressure you can muster, so keep that in mind!
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Step #16: Here is where I do the basic coloring for the skin, hair, and eyes. These colors will be relatively the same as the colors from the palette, because there is not a “gray cast” caused by the line art sketch from the manga cap. This means that the skin color that is showing in the manga cap that I’ve colored is pretty close to the original color from the screencap from the anime/the palette that I’ve got in the upper lefthand corner. I do FLAT coloring for this - aka NO SHADING YET. So I only use the LIGHTEST shade for the hair and skin - the ones farthest to the left on the palettes for each section. I do use the DARKEST shade for the eyes, but that’s because usually the lighter shade is the one you use most sparingly, where as with skin, the darker shades are used for shadows only and aren’t used in excess.
NOTE: As previously stated, I do a separate layer for each different color. At this point there should be six layers, as follows (from the bottom up):  Layer 1: Background Layer (Mine is blue, but for the sake of easy viewing, I made it white.) Layer 2: “Notes” Layer - this is where I keep my notes, as in the reference photos, color palette, and any other things here and there.  Layers 3-5: These are the colored layers - skin, hair, and eyes.  Layer 6: Manga Cap Line Art
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Step #17: Here’s where I’m showing the two different orange tones. This is what I meant in Step #16 - The original orange shade is the lower part of Suga’s collar - as you can see, the line art shading makes the color a lot more muted. I used the color wheel to find something brighter, just for a comparison shot. I still choose to use the traditional palette that I pulled from the anime screencap. 
Step #18: Now that I’m ready to color the manga cap pieces that are skewed by shading (i.e. his jersey here), I usually turn the manga cap down in opacity, so I’m able to recognize where I need to fill in! This is where I fill in the blue of the jersey, the orange of the collar and other accents, as well as the off-white shade for the number and the line accents. 
Step #19: Using the eraser and smaller brush sizes, I fill in all of the flat colors. No shading yet!
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Here comes the time consuming, nuances...
Step #20: I’ve turned back on the colored background layer - sometime between when I started and now, I changed it from blue to pink. If you can zoom in on the image, you’ll see the boxes in white contain “errors”. This is areas where there are “holes” in the coloring, or where I’ve gone outside the lines. I’m going to go back in and clean this all up with the eraser and some more brush work. 
NOTE: This is very important, especially if you’re trying to make this a transparent image, or if you’re going to do the extra steps and color in the line work. Any holes, overdrawn, or underdrawn areas will make the final drawing look a little funky.
Step #21: Here is the shading! Honestly, this cap kind of shaded itself, haha. Some manga caps have “built in” shading, as you can see on Sugawara’s arms and neck. I added some shading to his hair and face, trying to use the anime caps as a reference. I’m not very good at shading yet, but I wanted to show it here so you guys could see!
I used the darker shades from the palettes on the eyes, hair, and skin. I didn’t do any shading to the jersey because the manga cap lines already skew it so much, that it didn’t really seem necessary. This can be a really hit-or-miss time, both with areas that you choose to shade, as well as the colors that you use. I would really suggest searching for skin tone palettes if you’re not using the anime screencaps for reference!
Step #22: For my shading, I actually use “clipping” effects. As you can see, the two layers that are highlighted are clipped to the layers beneath. This means that the coloring on the clipped layer will “attach” aka clip itself to the layer beneath and that layer only. So, for the shading of the skin, hair, and eyes, I chose to clip the shaded parts to the base coloring, that way even if I over drew, the colors wouldn’t bleed together. 
I did more of what’s called “cell shading” for this manga cap, as well as the Bokuto one that I do in the timelapse video below. What is cell shading? This wiki page explains it pretty well, but basically it’s more “harsh” shading where there’s not necessarily an airbrushed quality to it, it’s more blocky. You can see I only chose to use one color of shading, which makes the contrast much more stark. IP does have several airbrush tools, I’ve used them in my Bakugou manga caps for his gauntlets, and they work really well! 
I brought up earlier that it’s important to color your base colors all the way to the edges of the manga cap line art. This clipping effect is why. On Suga’s neck and ears, the darker shade that I used for his skintone goes to the edge and actually underneath the line art of the cap, because it is clipped to the base skintone layer beneath. Had I not made sure to go all the way to the edge of the line art, this would be much more choppy, and there would be white space between Suga’s ear and his hair! 
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Step #23: Here is the extra step - line art shading! This can be tricky, depending on the complexity of the line art, the shading, etc. Usually, in choosing a shade to color in the line art, I grab the darkest shade for that section, and then grab something even darker. As seen in Step #18, there is that drop down box that is currently listed to “Normal” - this will need to be set to “Screen” for the current line art coloring layer. You’ll also need to “clip” the layer you’re using for the line art color to the manga cap, meaning it will need to be on top of the manga cap layer - and therefore, should be the highest layer in the image.
For this image, I only did line art coloring on Suga’s face, hair, arms, and neck. I was really satisfied with leaving the jersey alone so far as coloring. I did this mostly because of the sketchy quality of the cap, the line art would be really involved and complicated, and it just wasn’t worth it to me (so sorry lol), and I liked how it looked with the darker color outlining it anyway. 
Also, I added little details like making the sweat on Suga’s face outlined in white! And yes, I do know that missed Suga’s beauty mark, but we’re going to pretend I didn’t just do that. I love you, Koushi, please forgive me. 
And that’s it! I’m sure there are easier ways to do things, or better ways, haha. But this is my beginner tutorial (as in I’m the beginner, lol). I hope that this helped anyone whose doing it for the first time! I stated this before, but if you have any questions, please feel free to hop into my ASK BOX and ask me! I’d love to help anyone out! And I’ll do my best! 
See below an additional manga cap coloring - Bokuto Koutarou this time! I thought doing a timelapse video of me actually coloring in the cap would help you guys out! 
PLEASE BE AWARE: This video is in 2x speed so it could not be forever long and really boring lol. With that being said, I do spin the screen around several times while coloring in the cap - this could make you nauseous, so please beware of that before you watch!
Here is a link to the time lapse video on YouTube! 
A special thanks to @cutesuki--bakugou​ who helped me a lot while I was coloring my original caps, and also to @writeiolite​ who nudged me in the direction of finally starting to color manga caps! And a little thanks to @rouge-heichou​ since I bugged her about a couple of things as well. And then as always, a huge thanks to @candychronicles​ because she keeps me sane. Also a special mention to @pixxiesdust​ because she does really cool gifs and has done a wonderful job in the bookclub of trying to share her knowledge with everyone else.
Disclaimer: I’m no artist, this is just for fun! I’m sure my shading and line art can use some work.. but I’m not focusing on that! Instead I’m just going to keep playing around and having a good time ❤
159 notes · View notes
detectivedreameater · 4 years
Way Down We Go || Erin and Marley
ALTERNATIVE TITLE: What Do You Do With A Drunken Mara? TIMING: Current PARTIES: @corpse--diem​ and @detectivedreameater​ SUMMARY: Marley shows up at Erin’s after realizing she has nowhere else to go. CONTENT: Heavy drinking, Domestic abuse mention, Head trauma, Chronic Illness
Everything was shit. 
Marley held the empty tequila bottle upside down, wondering if, somehow, more liquid would drip out if she waited long enough. Inevitably, it remained empty, and she dropped it on the counter, where it cracked in half. Shards of glass spread across the granite top and Marley watched them curiously. The empty bottle had disappointed her just like everything else in her life. Marley smashed her palm into the glass and pushed herself up from the floor. Little shards dug into her hands, but it was nighttime, and that meant it didn’t matter. What did matter was getting more alcohol. 
She was far too wasted to drive, so walking it was. She threw on her coat and grabbed her keys-- at least, she hoped she grabbed her keys, the world was too blurry and too fuzzy for her to really be sure-- and stumbled out the door. Hopefully it locked, she couldn’t be sure of that either. And at this point, she couldn’t be sure if it was the alcohol or her fucked up head that was blanking her memory. Probably both. The liquor store was close enough that the walk seemed like nothing. She stumbled along the sidewalk a few times, pausing to blink and glare at a couple walking by who stared at her. She didn’t even realize why until she was staring at her own reflection in the glass window. She saw bright, red eyes glowing back at her, blurry and smudged somehow. Were they real? “Shit,” she muttered, digging in her pockets. Slid on her sunglasses and prodded the door open. The little bell chimed and Marley winced at the grating sound, giving a glare from behind her shades at the man behind the counter. He’d seen her in there plenty of times, and he knew not to question her. She grabbed two more bottles of tequila and a handle of whiskey, slammed her cash down, and shoved her way back out of the store.
Only, now, she didn’t feel like going home. It was cold and empty and there was broken glass all over the floor. At the thought, she glanced down at her palm and found that the little shards of glass were still sticking out of it, ridges of blue crusted around them. Was it not nighttime? How long had she been walking? She squinted up at the sky and found the sun sitting heavily just above the trees. “Shit,’ she mumbled again, before starting back on her trek. Her feet moved on their own and she didn’t care to question where they were taking her. Down a familiar road, up to a familiar door, through a familiar hallway that she was more than sure she should have recognized. But she didn’t. Not until she was slamming a fist on the door, the now open tequila bottle heavy in her hand. Took a sip, and waited. 
When the door opened, Marley furrowed her brows. “Erin,” she slurred, “I didn’t know where else to go.”
It felt good to put a suit on again. Wasn’t a thought Erin thought she’d ever relish in but here she was, excitedly brushing the wrinkles and Betty fuzz from the crisp sleeve. It’d been a while since she’d overseen an actual funeral but the decedent was an old client, who cared little about the news stirrings Jack Nichols’ daughter had been the star of over the past year. They had a plan and trusted them to see it through and that’s exactly what Erin had done. Ordered the casket, arranged the home viewing and after seeing that their loved one had been properly laid to rest in Strawford, she could kick off her heels knowing the job was done. This normally was her least favorite part of the funeral director gig--the embalming and reconstruction was where she truly shined. But this was... nice? This was a taste of normal. Real, actual normal. So much so that it practically felt foreign at this point in her life.
A pounding on the door startled her from a half-doze on the couch. That was weird itself--she didn’t really doze or sleep without some sort of assistance, especially not the last few months. The overwhelming silence shrouding the apartment must have lulled her into it. Was she finally getting used to that too? She pulled herself up and wiped the sleep from her eyes, halting at the sight (and smell) of a very drunk Marley swaying in her doorstep. “Marley? What--I--” she stuttered for a moment before she properly found her words. “What’s going on? What happened?” Instinctively she reached for her before better senses and bitter words reminded her the gesture was likely unwelcome. Her concerned text and phone calls had gone unanswered for over a week now, leaving Erin to toil and worry in utter radio silence. “Come in?” she urged gently, gesturing with her hand, eyes pleading but the relief in her voice was equally transparent. She wasn’t okay but she had come here. That was--well, that was a start. “Please?”
Marley drank in the sight of Erin and wished it were alcohol instead. She remembered the bottle in her hand then, and unscrewed the top with some effort and took a swig, stumbling into the doorway without saying anything. She stopped in the entryway, though, and just stood still for a moment. Erin was surprised to see her, why was that again? Her face screwed up in a strange expression as she tried to remember, then looked back at Erin. “I’m angry at you,” she pointed out, reminding herself out loud why she shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t have come here. “I shouldn’t have come here.” But where else was she going to go? Back to her depressing apartment where she was alone and trying her most desperate to wash out the taste of Lydia from her mouth? From her body? Her mind? She pointed at Erin with the hand holding the bottle. “My head is all messed up because of you, you know,” she hiccuped, swaying again. “This is-- I should’ve seen it. I should’ve known. What kind of a...what kind of a cop doesn’t know they’re fucking a murderer…” she grumbled, swaying into the nearby countertop and just barely catching herself, wincing at the pain in her hand where shards of glass still stuck. She sank to the floor, clutching the bottle. “How did I not know…” she slurred, looking up at Erin with dazed eyes.
Erin didn’t immediately notice the bottle in her hand but she cringed once she watched Marley twist off the lid--the tequila bottle, the way she stumbled, the venom in the way she spat those first words seeping in like a slow dread. Equal parts guilt and frustration. I’m angry at you. I shouldn’t have come here. Erin crossed her arms over her chest, watching her from a small distance, trying not to satisfy her words with an obvious reaction, even if they still stung like a dagger pressing slowly between her ribs. “Yes, I know,” she answered quietly. Erin’s eyes narrowed at the murderer part. Had something happened? A bad case or--? She didn’t get a chance to press her on the question when she saw the dark blue smears of blood marring her countertop. “Damn it, Marley,” she cursed under her breath. Grabbing a towel, she sunk to Marley’s level, holding out her hand. “Let me see,” she spoke almost as if she was borderline scolding a child, buffering her tone with thinly veiled concern. “What didn’t you  know?” She asked more softly, hoping the question would distract her enough to allow Erin to inspect the cause of her bloody hand.
Marley didn’t fight Erin and held out her hand. How’d glass get stuck in her hand? She couldn’t recall. Something about an empty bottle. How long ago had that been? Blinking heavily, Marley frowned again. “I never told you,” she mumbled, only half coherent. She could barely understand herself, or the thoughts that were piling up in her head like a dammed river. “I never told anyone. I never tell anyone, anything.” She watched Erin carefully, lifting the bottle once more to her lips. She didn’t even taste it anymore, couldn’t remember which bottle this was, or even how long she’d been drinking. How many hours, how many days. “What day is it?” she asked Erin through a fog, eyes dropping to her palm as she watched the other woman clean it up and dig out the shards of glass. “What didn’t I know?” She tried to pull the thoughts back up, but they eluded her, slipping through the crevasses in her mind the more she drank. “Lydia…” she said in thought, “it was about Lydia.”
Erin listened, trying to weave together Marley’s disjointed snippets into something coherent and understandable. “I know that too,” she replied quietly, examining the damage. She was right. She knew next to nothing about Marley’s past. “Stay here. Don’t move,” she said sternly and moved quickly to grab the first aid kit from under the sink. “It’s Wednesday,” she answered softly, though she was only growing more concerned the longer she spoke. “What didn’t you tell me?” She asked, taking her hand again as she started to pick out the glass. Probably so drunk she could barely feel the pinching from the tweezers. Tequila probably went great with whatever pain medication Marley was probably on too. That was great. Erin paused and ran a hand tiredly over her face. So much for that normal afternoon, huh? Maybe this just was her new normal. But the name crept under her skin slowly, gaining traction until they found footing. Lydia. She froze, alarm reaching her eyes.  “Are you talking about Lydia Griffin? The Lydia fucking Griffin from the news? The psychopath who kept and tortured people in her basement Lydia Griffin?”
“I liked it that way,” Marley said, doing as Erin told her and staying in place, though not just because she told her to. Mostly because the world was now spinning too fast for her to get up without falling over. She set the bottle down next to her. “Wednesday already? Wasn’t it just Sunday?” She’d lost track of the days without a job schedule to adhere to, and because she slept at such erratic times now her mind couldn’t keep up. Day and night often melded into one. Being able to see perfectly in the dark was a hindrance, sometimes. When Marley refocused next Erin was back in front of her plucking glass out of her palm. The world grew fuzzier. “Everything,” she answered after a long time, unsure of when the question was initially asked at this point. Hadn’t it just happened? Her tongue felt thick in her mouth. “Lydia? Do you know her?” Why was Erin talking about Lydia? Oh, right. Marley had mentioned her, hadn’t she. Because Lydia was-- Marley felt the bile rising in her throat again. “She’s dead. They found a dungeon in her basement. I did a background search and she’s-- did you know she’s been famous for several different things? Books, art, music... Always changed her name. That’s what she does. She feeds on people. Like me. I feed on people, I have to feed on people. I don’t want to feed on people but I have to. I try to feed on bad people, though. People who hurt others. Except lately, I mean. I can’t focus enough lately,” she paused, and her mind drifted away from her again. She didn’t know where it went, but when it came back, she didn’t know how much time had passed. Her eyes looked directly into Erin’s. “What were we talking about?”
Erin went quiet and just listened to Marley struggle to answer her questions the best that she could but much of the initial softness she’d greeted Marley with was replaced with confusion and disgust. And whoever this woman was to Marley, it was clear that she had cared for her in some capacity. She didn’t say anything for sometime, delicately wrapping a gauze bandage around her hand and securing it in place. Her heart tugged at Marley’s last question and she couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or the injury that was exacerbating her wild train of thought--or lack of, really. Both, probably. “Thankfully, no. I don’t know her,” she shook her head, gently setting the newly bandaged hand down onto Marley’s lap. Clean and wrapped enough for  now. She snatched the bottle from Marley’s side and set it down out of reach. More questions surfaced and mixed with the ones she already had the more Marley spoke. “Wait, what do you mean? You’re not eating?” She tempered her frustrations at the last question--knew it wasn’t Marley’s fault for forgetting, she knew that, but the impatience was from more than just the forgetfulness. Marley wasn’t taking care of herself in any way, shape or form. And she was frustrated at herself for letting her push her away when she clearly needed help. “Lydia,” she repeated, putting the bottle far behind herself, out of Marley’s reach, and nodded, her voice softening with a tiredness she couldn’t hide. “You were telling me about your fr--” She clenched her jaw, recalling what little she had learned from Morgan. “You were telling me about Lydia.”
“Lydia is not my friend,” Marley immediately hissed, clenching her hands. Oh, that hurt. So did the thought of Lydia. She looked down at her hand and noticed the bandage. “She was-- she was my--” And what even was Lydia to Marley? She wasn’t like Anita. Anita was confusing right now, and painful to think about. And while Lydia was painful, she was not confusing. Marley knew where Lydia stood, knew what she’d wanted from her, knew what they were to each other. “I broke up with Anita,” she finally said, and the hurt she’d caused herself in that action was not only apparent in her voice, but the way her eyes burned with tears. “Lydia filled the hole. She was supposed to understand how I feel, because she got hurt, too. Just like me.” Lifted her hand to touch her head, her temple, where the scar surely sat under her bundles of hair. “She was the only one who could understand and she was supposed to help me get better and now she’s--” Marley put her face in her hands, shaking her head for a moment, scrubbing away the tears that never quite got the chance to fall. “They found blood. And several locked rooms. They found fucking people in her house. She was a monster,” Marley breathed, ragged, reaching for the bottle she’d set beside her, but finding empty space. “I can’t concentrate enough to feed.” She twisted to look for it but it was gone. “Where’s the bottle?” she slurred, leaning forward. “Give it back. Just-- give it back.”
So her “not” friend was both a horrible person and dead and she’d broken up with Anita on top of all of this? Two bonds severed, no matter how it was spun. Two of the very few bonds Erin was sure Marley had. She wouldn’t be here otherwise, right? The torrent of emotions were ripping through Marley right before her very eyes and it was painful to helplessly watch them unfold. Erin could be here. Could bandage her up and put her to bed but these were things Marley had to work through without a bottle of tequila to the face. “What? Oh, no,” she shook her head, sliding back and pushed the bottle farther away from them. “You’re done.” She said without even a hint of uncertainty in her voice. If there was anything she was sure of right now, it was that Marley was done drinking. Shaking her head, she let out a long breath, her eyes glued to Marley. “That sounds… horrible. I don’t--whatever she was to you, I’m sorry she left you in the way that she did.” She paused for a long moment, trying to put the pieces together a little better but she had a feeling she wouldn’t get the full story until she was sober--even that was iffy, though. “I guess you don’t want to talk about Anita, either, huh?”
“I don’t care that she’s gone,” Marley snapped, reaching for the bottle again, finding Erin blocking her way. “She deserves to be gone, she’s dead and she deserves it. I trusted her and I opened myself up to her and she was that and I didn’t even notice.” And maybe, she thought, she deserved what Lydia got, too. She reached again for the bottle, feeling something she did not want to express heave inside of her. It made her entire body feel heavy. “She told me I was good, that I could be good-- but how good can I be if that’s the person she was?” She was rambling now, the words falling out of her mouth before her mind had time to process them. She pushed against Erin. “I need to get the taste out,” she begged, reaching for the bottle again, “I need her out of my mouth.” She didn’t want to talk about Anita, she didn’t want to talk about anything. She never did. She still wasn’t sure why she’d come here, she was still mad at Erin. She grappled, instead, with the counter, trying to pull herself up. She was reminded, with a jolt, that her ribs were still broken, like everything else inside of her. “Anita deserves better,” she said, clinging to the countertop, “I’m not whole enough anymore.”
“No one’s good, Marley. Not completely. You’re reaching for something impossible so you’re going to be disappointed if you keep trying,” Erin informed her quietly, but matter of factly. Maybe it was her recent raging cynicism but she felt strongly about that. “All you can do is try to be better than you were the day before, I guess.” She hadn’t figured that part out. All Erin knew was that she had to just keep going. That’s all she knew to do, anyway. Marley had gotten to the point where just couldn’t go any further, it seemed, and she wondered how far off she was from that point herself. Wouldn’t be today. Couldn’t be today. Marley needed someone and in her belligerence, something had told her to come here. So Erin had to be the one to let her fall to pieces, let her have this breakdown. It was well-earned, she knew that too. And so Erin buried the hard, dark ball of anger rising from her gut, took a deep breath, and stood up with the bottle in hand. “No. You’re done.” Turned it upside down in the sink before squatting down to Marley’s level again. Held out her hands, shaking her head. “You’re still you. You’re still the kickass woman who helped me take down a small crime empire. You’ve done and will continue to do amazing things, Marley. And that starts with getting back on your feet. Or at least letting me help you get off the floor. Can we start there?” 
“The fuck do you know about it!?” Marley cried out, shoving back against Erin again. “What the hell do you know about being good or bad? You got to grow up human! You got to grow up knowing what you were! There was no-no-- no struggle to understand what you were or why you were different. Why everyone looked at you like you were poison! You got to grow up knowing what qualifies as good and bad and fit into that mold!” She tried one last attempt for the bottle before hoisting herself painfully up off the floor, pointedly ignoring Erin’s offered help. She groaned in pain, in frustration, legs shaking. “You have no idea what my life has been like, the things I had to do to get where I am. I’ve always been alone, I liked it that way. I’ve done everything in my life alone and then you show up and you-- you make me think I can care and that maybe I don’t have to be alone and-- why-- why couldn’t you just--” she made it two whole steps before she slid back to the floor-- “leave me alone. Why did you all have to make me think I could care about people? Why me? Why did you choose me!?” She was blubbering now, and she knew it, but her brain couldn’t hold the thoughts anymore. She curled her knees up to her chest and dug her hands into her hair, folding in on herself. She hated feeling like this. She just wanted to drink it all away. Drink it all away and maybe then she could finally rest. 
Erin almost stumbled back when Marley shoved her again, pain shooting up through her ribs. She steadied herself, grit her teeth, and backed off to let the air properly come back to her. Quiet in Marley’s outburst. She didn’t have any answers for her, none that she wanted to hear and likely none that Marley would accept from her in this state. So instead she listened and let her cry and sunk down to the floor with her when she caved in on herself. “I can’t relate, you’re right. And I probably won’t ever be able to. I won’t pretend that I can,” she started softly, tugging gently at Marley’s arm, trying to pull her closer. “But I’m here now and I don’t know how to help you, but I can only be here for you if you let me try because you’re my friend, Marley. I care about you more than I ever wanted to, believe me,” she teased lightly but didn’t let go of her arm, tugging her as close as she would allow. Swallowed hard, hesitating for just a moment before pushing on. “But I care about you, and I love you, and I know you care about me too. So just let me help you. Please let me help you.” 
Erin was tugging on her arm and Marley didn’t have enough energy left to fight her. She let her body unfold and fall over into Erin. The world was spinning again. She wanted another drink. She couldn’t remember what time it was. Why was she at Erin’s? What had she been yelling about? Her arms shook with a sudden weight, as if she’d labored with them all day. A shake that had only appeared after she’d awoken from the violent attack. “Don’t say that,” she said, “please don’t say that.” Her chest felt heavy with the words. Or maybe it felt heavy with all the alcohol but she couldn’t decide. “Please don’t love me.” And yet, hadn’t those been the words she’d been aching to hear her entire life? Her legs uncurled and she leaned her head back against the counter, shaking it back and forth. “I can’t do it,” she said, a tad hysterical,“I can’t keep doing this. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, my head hurts all the time, Erin. I’m so tired. I’m so tired, but I can’t-- why...why didn’t you just leave me there?” Her voice grew quieter and she hiccuped again. “I don’t know how to live like this. I keep messing up. All I do is-- I just hurt people. I don’t want to but I can’t stop. And the one time I-- the one time I try, she ends up like that.”
The moment Marley let herself be pulled in, Erin didn’t let her go for even a second. She was gentle, of course, but firm, as if trying to dissuade Marley’s doubts with her grip. She was here and she wanted to be here. “Well, you’re too late. I already do,” she murmured against the top of Marley’s head into her hair. Swallowed back the guilt that rose up her throat like hot bile. “No. Don’t even say that. There’s no fucking way I was going to just leave you there. I mean it and the hospital and I mean it now. Whatever you need, no matter how angry you are at me or how impossible you think this is going to be--I’m going to be here. You’re not alone with this.” She glanced down, putting a finger under her chin to force Marley to look at her, hoping that even  a little bit of her words would sink in. Something had to reach her, right? “You’ve done enough. It’s about time I start returning all of those favors I owe you, don’t you think?” She mustered a half smile, even with Marley’s raw pain staring back at her, gnawing at her insides.
Marley was quiet. For the first time that night, she was quiet. Something bubbled and tore through her chest and clawed its way into her throat, but she didn’t want to let it out. It was angry and full of hurt but it didn’t matter anymore. No amount of anger or rage was going to make the hurt go away. “I’m mad at you,” she reiterated, closing her eyes to stop the world from spinning so much, “I don’t know why I’m so mad at you. Every time I think about that day, I just get mad.” She stayed limp in Erin’s grip, not quite returning the gesture, but not fighting it, either. She wasn’t ready to accept it yet, wasn’t ready to open her chest wide and let someone else climb in. She didn’t know how to mend the last wound. She could still taste Lydia on her tongue. She wanted another drink. “Why won’t you just let me be alone,” she mumbled, but there was no fight left in her voice. Her eyes couldn’t concentrate on Erin as she looked at her, the world fuzzy. For a moment, she was still, eyes unfocusing as if trying to search for something too far off. “Why am I here?” she asked after a quiet moment. “I don’t remember walking here.”
Erin watched the way Marley’s eyes couldn’t quite see hers and when the questions came, she wasn’t completely unsurprised. There wasn’t going to be a coherent conversation tonight, and not one Marley was going to remember in this condition. “You needed somewhere to rest,” she answered. That wasn’t quite the truth but it didn’t feel like a lie either. For all of her anger, all the hurt she carried, she gave in quicker than even Erin had expected. She still didn’t know what to do with the information about this Lydia woman but asking more questions wasn’t going to get either of them anywhere tonight. So instead, she tried again to offer up her hand. “Come on,” she pleaded softly, the gusto gone from her voice. “Just for a little bit. You’ve gotta be exhausted.” She nudged gently, easing herself up from the floor and held her hands out for Marley to take, to let Erin help her. Out of options, out of comforting words or ways to console her, she could only hope for now she would. Even if it was just tonight.
“And I came here because…” she muttered, “where else would I go?” And she was tired. God, was she tired. Marley looked up at Erin and still didn’t quite see her. She was still too drunk to form a coherent thought that wasn’t angry or aggressive or yelling. If those were even thoughts. She’d been all over the place, she could tell that much. She didn’t know how she knew, but she did. Could feel it in her bones. Erin should have been mad at her, too. She hadn’t treated her well at all, even since before this all happened, since before they had fought. Oh, right. They had been fighting. About what, Marley could even begin to remember. Was that part of why she was so angry? Why couldn’t she feel anything else? Erin had always stuck by her, put up with her, and all Marley had done was push her away. She couldn’t understand why she was still around. Marley couldn’t comprehend why she would stay. She had no reason to. And yet, the hand was offered again. And this time, Marley took it. When she stood, the world tilted sideways. She caught herself on Erin as best she could, leaning into her. “I’m so tired,” she muttered back. 
There it was. The resignation Erin knew was coming. She couldn’t pretend she wasn’t relieved. Not much had been accomplished, and Marley hadn’t been here very long, but it was a flurry of intense emotions from start to finish in that short period of time. She caught her, held her steady. “I know,” she said again, rubbing her back gently as she guided her towards her bedroom, little steps at a time. Every movement cautious, gentle, even as she helped Marley out of her jacket and into more comfortable clothes. Like she was afraid she’d spook her suddenly and she’d dash off into the streets again. Knowing how volatile Marley’s emotions were right now, it wasn’t an unreasonable thought. She left only for a second to grab her a glass of water, sitting it by her bedside when she returned. “How’s that? Better? Do you--uh, do you need anything else?” She asked, sitting at the edge of the bed.
Marley let herself be guided towards the bedroom and quietly hated how nice it felt. Being alone in life meant never having anyone around to do this for her. She wanted to go home, but sank onto the bed. It was almost too painful, letting herself have this, when she still felt that emptiness inside of her crumbling away every last part of herself that felt good. When she wasn’t sure if she’d wake up tomorrow hating Erin again. It wasn’t fair, but fair didn’t matter anymore. Not when nothing else mattered, either. Not when time ticked on endlessly and slipped through her fingers like wet sand. She just wanted to rest, for once, and wake up feeling okay. As soon as her head hit the pillow, that ingrained weariness took over her body. Marley didn’t look at Erin at first when she came back in, didn’t acknowledge the water brought in for her. But after a moment, the ache took back over and she reached out, grabbing Erin’s arm. “Lay with me,” she mumbled into the pillow, “I don’t...want to be alone.” Because despite all the times she’d told Erin and Anita and everyone else that she just wanted to be left alone, it wasn’t true at all. And in this moment, her mind clouded with alcohol and tainted affairs, she didn’t have the strength to fight it anymore. Even if it wasn’t fair to ask. “Please.”
Erin didn’t expect that, to say the least, just as she didn’t expect the way her chest seemed to drum a little faster. She stiffened, also highly aware of how awkward she suddenly felt. But she didn’t have it in her to turn her away, not with how sad and soft that plea struck her. The promise of another warm body beside her was all too tempting. Months sleeping beside Nic’s warm, comforting form had spoiled her rotten and she found herself nodding, giving into Marley’s request. “I’ll stay,” she nodded, smiling sheepishly and squeezed the hand gripping her arm. “Of course. I can stay.” She rose from the bed then, deciding against laying down in her work clothes and quickly changed, then slipped in beside her. Sleep sounded pretty goddamn good about now too after all of that. She curled up beside her, not too close, pulling the blankets up over them. Something dancing in her chest settled and stirred all at once. “This good?” She asked, resting her head on the pillow and watching her quietly.  
Marley wondered-- and hoped-- if sleep would come easily. Her entire body felt as if it were deflating into the bed the longer she laid there and she found herself also wondering why Erin’s bed-- why everyone else’s bed-- felt more comfortable than her own. It didn’t matter whose it was, it always felt nicer sleeping in someone else’s bed. Her eyes drooped, but still, sleep did not come. Erin crawled in next to her, just close enough for Marley to feel the weight of her body and the warmth of her skin, but still, sleep did not come. It weighed heavy on her eyelids and in her chest, even as the buzz from the alcohol began to fade from her tongue. But still, sleep did not come. Finally, Marley found the energy to readjust, turning to lay flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Without turning to look, she reached over and took one of Erin’s arms and laid it across her. And suddenly, just that simple weight, allowed her mind to relax. She was safe here. Here, she was not a monster. Her eyes closed. “This is good,” she answered finally, her voice barely audible. And after a moment, sleep finally came.
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Blind Spot AE
This is my alternate ending for Law and Order: Criminal intent Season 6 Episode 1 Blind Spot.
“Where is she?“ Bobby yelled, pushing the old man against the wall. Declan was aghast by his former mentee’s sudden rage. “I … I don’t know.“ He revealed truthfully, his eyes wide open staring into Bobby’s tired face. Bobby didn’t really want to believe that Declan had anything to do with Eames’ disappearance, but he also couldn’t deny the obvious connections he had found. Sebastian? Was it really an old serial killer coming back murdering all those women? But why Eames? Sebastian was Declan's white whale, so involving Eames wouldn’t make much sense. But why was Declan so convinced Alex was dead? The mere thought of that image send a million shivers down Bobby’s spine. A million questions and not one clear answer. Usually, Bobby broke down a case like this in a clear pattern. First look at the abductee, who were the people close to them, who’d seen them last. But every one of those answers lead back to himself. None of her family had heard from her. It suddenly came to him that there was literally nobody else in Alex’ life except her family and him. This thought was immediately followed by an even sombre thought. What if she was seeing someone, but he didn’t know. What if she had fallen for a maniac psycho? No — he stuffed that thought right to the back of his mind where it had come from. But then again, why the connection to Declan and Sebastian? Bobby’s ability to focus, let alone ask the right questions had been disabled the minute the text message from Alex’ cell phone had come in. He felt like a phone in Airplane mode, able to execute the basic functions but unable to process any information. The sound of someone knocking on the transparent walls of the visitors room suddenly caught Bobby’s attention. It was Captain Ross’ stern look through the glass that made him realise he was still clenching Declan’s collar fast in his fists. He let go of him finally and the old man let out a relieved breath. Did Declan really not know where Eames was? But who would if not him, his mentor? If a guy better at reading serial killers than Bobby himself couldn’t tell him where his partner was held captive, how would he ever find her? Who else knew Sebastian and his MO better than Declan. Bobby wiped the sweat off his forehead as Captain Ross entered the room, Declan still crouched into the corner Bobby had shoved him in. “We’ve triangulated Eames’ cellphone, the signal bounced between three towers within the Red Hook area in Brooklyn.“ Ross announced. Bobby’s glance fell at Declan, to see if Red Hook rang a bell. “Sebastian stuck to the east side area, he wouldn’t have stepped one food into Red Hook …“ Declan exposed, his eyes avoiding Bobby’s. He knew Declan was holding something back. The blood was boiling in his body. “Are you sure?“ Ross asked, also sensing something was wrong with the profiler’s behaviour. „No he is not … what’s in Red Hook?“ Bobby was leaping at Declan again, his fists clenched tightly together. He couldn’t stand any longer that Declan might know where Eames was but didn’t tell him. “Goren!“ Ross hissed at him to stay away from the old man. Bobby obeyed, turning away from Declan, piercing him however with a flaming look. “He knows something…“ he yelled at the Captain, his anger directed towards him now. He dramatically flung his hands in the air and brushed the fingers through his hair. If anything would happen to Alex just because he wasn’t persistent enough to find out the truth, he would never forgive himself. “Sebastian, doesn’t have any connections to Red Hook.“ Declan repeated, stepping out of the corner sitting down at the desk again. “But I do… My brother worked at a butcher shop at the pier. I used to bring Jo there when she was a kid.“ Declan remembered. He was completely calm sitting at his desk, not even pondering about the fact he might just have incriminated himself or his own daughter. He also seemed oblivious to the fact that Bobby was on the edge trying to find his partner and that time was pressing. “Jo. Of course.“ The million thoughts in Bobby’s head suddenly seemed to come in order. Things seemed to fall in place now and it made him dizzy. The only one knowing Declan’s cases as well as himself and maybe Bobby was Jo. She’d grown up on stories of Sebastian as if they were afternoon cartoons. Everything seemed to make sense now, but the warm feeling of puzzle pieces falling together revealing a clear picture didn’t make Bobby any less agitated. He would be calm when they’d found Alex. “What’s there now?“ Bobby asked his mentor. “The shop closed ten years ago, it’s an empty building.“ Declan revealed calmly. Bobby barely let the man finish. He ran out the door determined to walk there if he had to. It was his only chance at finding Eames alive and he was not going to waste one second. Captain Ross started after him, making a dozen phone calls on the way.
Alex had finally been able to get the tie off her eyes, which had been used to blindfold her. She hadn’t heard anything from her kidnapper in what must have been hours so she finally decided to make an attempt to free herself. When her eyes were finally able to focus, she mustered her surroundings. Her stomach dropped as she realised she was hanging from a meat hook screwed to the ceiling, like a pig ready for slaughter. What she had thought was sweat running down her arms had now revealed itself to be blood from the shackles carving themselves into her skin. She’d lost the feeling in her fingertips hours ago but her twirled back shoulders burned like fire. She wasn’t sure if they’d not been both dislocated. Around her she made out empty boxes and a blood stained shower curtain covering the part of the room the screams had come from the night before. She was sick to her stomach thinking a girl had been killed five feet away from her and she wasn’t able to do anything about it. The tips of her toes were barely touching the ground underneath her but she managed to get herself rotating so the hook would unscrew. After what had felt like the millionth turn around her own axis, the hook finally unscrewed and she fell to the floor. As soon as her body hit the cold cement ground adrenaline started raging through her veins. There was no way she would get herself down from there and not be able to get out of this god-forsaken cellar she was in. She picked herself up from the floor and started running through the first door she could find. She ran as fast as the narrow halls allowed it, stumbling over boxes and what looked like dumped furniture. Her heart was almost jumping out of her chest and her lungs hurt from the amount of breaths she took per minute. She had taken the meathook with her and held on to it as if her life depended on it. After what felt like an eternity of detours and dead ends she finally made it to a heavy red bunker door. Although every bone in her body was burning and aching she pulled all her physical strength together and turned the wheel to open the door. Right as she had felt the heavy bolts retract she pulled the door towards her. She used her whole body weight to pull it open. Right as she wanted to escape through it, however, she came to an abrupt halt. She had run headfirst into something. The exhaustion and dehydration delayed her realisation that she’d actually run into a person. As soon as she grasped the fact that someone was clutching her arms, she started fighting. There was no way she had brought herself so far only to run into her kidnappers arms. “Alex, stop. It’s me!“ Bobby wasn’t sure if he should hold on to her or let go. Alex was kicking the air trying to free herself from his tight grip. He didn’t want to hurt her so he decided to let go. After Bobby’s grip loosened she finally took a good look at him. She recognised Bobby’s face in front of her. She stopped in her tracks staring at him fearing she was hallucinating. He grabbed her by the shoulders once again, bending his head down to look directly into her eyes. “Alex, it’s okay, you’re safe now.“ His words echoed in her buzzing head. His face finally came into focus, not only with her eyes but also with her brain. It was actually Bobby, surrounded by SWAT officers in helmets and armour. To his left she could make out Captain Ross’ face. Slowly, she could feel her body collapsing. The Captain’s face merged into one with the SWAT team. She could see Bobby’s mouth moving but she didn’t hear a single word he said, until everything faded to black.
Bobby felt Alex’ feet giving out from under her. He clutched her upper arms tightly with his hands as not to lose her. He let her fall into his arms and slipped his right hand under her knees to pick her up entirely. Her head fell heavy on his shoulder and he carried her all the way back the hallway he’d been coming from. He’d been so worried he’d never see her again. A huge burden dropped from his heart when he found her falling into his arms like she did. It meant she was alive, it meant he was in control now. It meant that nothing could happen to her now unless he let it and he wouldn’t. An ambulance was already waiting outside and he carefully placed her onto the cot. Her skin was grey and her closed eyelids appeared almost blue. Her arms were both covered in blood coming from her bleeding wrists. Her chest moved very shallowly up and down like she was barely breathing. The lump in Bobby’s throat grew with every scratch end every bruise he spotted on Alex’ body. How could he ever have let her get hurt like this? Part of him knew he wasn’t responsible for what had happened to her but a fundamental part of his self-loathing brain blamed himself none the less. The connection between Jo Gage and Alex Eames was none other than him after all. Maybe Jo would have never chosen Alex if her father hadn’t pointed out how much Bobby seemed to care about her. “Please move aside sir..“ A paramedic caused Bobby to zoom back into reality. He realised he was still standing beside the cot holding her hand. He let go of it quickly as not to stand in the way of the paramedics work any longer. He watched Alex being loaded into the ambulance and he lost sight of her as they shut the door and flashed away with sirens and red light. He wiped his nose with his sleeve. “She’s gonna be fine..“ He could feel the Captains hand on his shoulder. He knew she was. He looked down on his blood stained shirt and anger crept up at him again. “Jo. It all makes sense now. She used Eames and the other girls to get Declan’s attention.“ Bobby eventually revealed his theory to Ross. “Let’s find out..“ Ross gestured towards his car, for Bobby to follow him.
Jo had confessed. Bobby had lulled her into a conversation watching her father through the window of the interrogation room until she finally confessed. He wasn’t especially happy to have brought her behind bars, but he knew it was the right thing, to get justice for Eames and the other girls. After two officers took Jo away, Bobby made his way to the hospital. He watched his partner through the little window on the door to her room, before he entered. She was lying on the bed hooked up to all kinds of machines and with bandages around her head and wrists. She looked even thiner than she usually did, but Bobby was relieved to find her awake. He knocked on the door to announce himself then entered without waiting for a response. Alex slowly turned her head towards him and put a weak smile on her face. „Well, you look like shit..“ She greeted him, her voice hoarse and weak. Bobby pushed an audible breath out his nostrils and settled himself on a chair next to her bed. “I’m Sorry!“ He apologised his eyes mustering her pale face. “What for, it wasn’t you was it?“ Alex replied. Bobby shook his head embarrassedly. “Five minutes,“ The nurse warned him and pulled the curtains to give them some privacy. Upon the sound of the metal rings grinding on the pole Alex’ breathing got heavier and faster. She squeezed her eyes together tightly as if she was trying to blend something out of her sight. “That sound?“ Bobby asked. “There was a curtain like this in the cellar. It’s where he tortured a girl, the entire night. There was nothing I could do for her..“ Alex voice broke telling her partner about what had happened to her. Her eyes started glimmering at the thought that she couldn’t help the poor soul screaming and crying only a few feet away from where she was held. „It was Amanda, the video store clerk.“ Bobby carefully revealed. Alex turned her head away as not to have Bobby see a tear escaping her eyes. “There’s nothing you could have done..“ Bobby grabbed her hand squeezing it softly. Alex turned to him again, his warm hand on hers felt so good. “And it wasn’t a him. It was Jo Gage.“ He exposed to her. Alex frowned, not knowing what to make of this information. “Jo? Are you sure?“ Alex couldn’t quite believe it. She had imagined her kidnapper, tried to make out their face although she couldn’t see them. She had thought it was a man, never in a million years did she think it could be Declan Gage’s daughter. She thought she would be happy and relieved hearing they had caught the person who did this to her, but the euphoria was limited. Alex too had felt sorry for Jo. The only thing she had ever craved was attention from her father and the only way she would ever get it was through an act like this. Alex rarely had understanding for the perpetrators actions but in this case it was crystal clear. Jo’s father’s obsession with psychopaths eventually turned him into one as well, and over the years he had successfully driven his own daughter into the same madness. “You think she’ll finally get the attention from her father she’d craved all those years?“ Alex asked. „More than ever…“ Bobby was sure. Alex’ eyelids were feeling like lead. She could barely hold her eyes open for longer than a second. The pain medication made her dizzy and she slowly drifted off. Bobby watched her fall asleep, still holding on to her hand. He was determined to keep holding it and to occupy this seat next to Alex’ bed as long as he had to. The adrenalin this day had pumped through his arteries began to wear off, Alex was safe and he would make sure she’d stay that way. Her breathing was even and peaceful and after a while of watching her chest go up and down, listening to the monotonous peeping of her heart rate he drifted off too.
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 63
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A/N: Thank to @blacktithe7​ for reviewing the last chapter and making me realize I hadn’t posted this one yet. Oops!!! Anyway, this MAY or MAY NOT answer your questions and it MAY or MAY NOT make you all mad, but just know that I have a method to my madness. Bahahahaha!!! As for now, read and enjoy some Padackles. 
Ackles Home
I sit on the edge of the bed, the garment box on my lap, admiring the babydoll lingerie Jensen had apparently purchased. I wonder about when he bought it and how he had gotten it not only into the house but hidden it in our closet. That man continues to amaze me every single day.
The fabric of the nightie is gorgeous; emerald in color with exquisite eyelash lace that is sheer and sexy. Anyone wearing it would definitely feel desirable and wanted. The bralette has strappy details and underwire to support and hold up my boobs- lord knows I need it right now! The bikini briefs are made of the same material with a swatch of cotton lining the crotch.
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Along with the teddy is a gossamer chiffon robe of the same green color with delicate ivory lace trim along the opening and capped sleeves.
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I anxiously slide the terrycloth robe from my body and pull the negligee on. Walking back into the closet where the full-length mirror is, I stare at myself in the outfit. How the man knew what size to buy was beyond me but the material fit my body perfectly, accentuating each and every curve. I cannot wait for Jay to get back so that I can surprise him!
Glancing at my phone, I am surprised to see that he has already been gone for a couple of hours. ‘God, I hope Dani didn’t give him a hard time when he dropped JJ off,’ I think to myself. I know she wasn’t happy with the fact that I had showed up unannounced to ask if JJ could accompany us on a day out on the lake. If Gen hadn’t been with me, the little girl probably wouldn’t have been allowed to go. Whatever Gen had said to Dani once they went inside had made her change her mind and I will forever be grateful for it. Now I just hope she isn’t taking it out on Jay. It had been my idea, after all. If she wants to bitch and complain to someone it needs to be me.
Brushing those thoughts off, I walk back into the bedroom and grab the fluffy robe I had discarded. Although the lingerie comes with one, it was transparent and I am not about to walk around practically naked. I tie up the robe as I exit the bedroom and head toward the kitchen for some wine and a couple of glasses. My plan is to be on the bed with a glass of wine when Jay gets home; his own glass sitting on the table beside the bed waiting for him.
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Padalecki Home
Jared pulls a shirt over his head as he nears the front door. Whoever is on the other side had better have a suitable excuse for interrupting his and Gen’s seldom love-making. Having two small rambunctious and curious kids really puts a damper on regular sexy times.
Turning the knob after unbolting the door, Jared opens it and is surprised to see his co-star, best friend and pseudo-brother standing there. “Jay, what are you doing here?”
“I don’t know, man,” Jensen signs, a fabricated smile painted on his face. “Questioning shit, life.” He chuckles and rubs a hand down his face. “How’d my life get so fucked up?”
Jared just stares at his co-star. He can tell someone had gotten into his head and filled it with a bunch of bullshit and lies and it was going to take a real effort to get him back on track.
“Come on in,” Jared says and steps back to let Jensen in. “Want a drink?”
Jared stops in his tracks. Whatever is bothering him, Jared was sure he needed something stronger than H2O.
Grabbing two bottles of water out of the fridge, Jared hands one to Jensen. “Okay, Jay. What’s up? You never shy away from a drink.”
“Already had a couple at Bob’s,” Jensen tells him, sitting on one of the stools at the kitchen island. “Need to be sober. Too much shit running through my head.”
The sound of footsteps on the stairs causes both men to look toward the entrance to the kitchen. Genevieve appears with a fluffy robe tied around her body and as soon as she sees Jensen, a look of curiosity covers her face.
“Jensen? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home with Drea? It’s-” she pauses to look at the clock. “-after midnight.”
“Should I? Really? Is she who I should be with?” Jensen questions, which lead to both the Padalecki’s looking at him with alarm written all over their faces.
“What are you talking about?” Gen prompts, confused by his behavior.
“Am I supposed to be with Drea or did I fuck fate and screw up my life by leaving Dani? Are me and Drea even supposed to be anything?”
Gen felt puzzled by his words. How could he be saying something as crazy as that? He and Drea were perfect for each other and they loved one another deeply. How could he even think something so ludicrous? 
“Jensen! What on earth are you going on about? Of course you and Drea belong together. You love her and she loves you immensely,” Gen urged. 
Jensen sighs and takes a drink of his water. “Yeah I do but-”
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“There are no buts, Jay! Now, you want to explain to me what the hell got you thinking that way?”
Jensen slumps and places his elbows on the counter, holding his head in his hands. He explained everything to his two best friends; from what Dani insinuated about Drea not watching out for JJ to not correcting Bob when he assumed Jay and Dani were still together.  Jared and Gen sit quietly and listen, getting pissed at Dani’s words. Anyone can see that Drea cares for Jensen’s daughter like she was her own. 
When Jensen finishes his tale, he takes the last drink of water and crumples the bottle in his fist. He waits for the couple to give him a piece of their mind and hopefully figure out how to right whatever is wrong.
After hearing what Dani had said to Jensen, Gen was livid! She couldn’t believe the crap Dani had spewed. She understood Dani being upset about the divorce but she brought it on herself. She was the one who cheated and kept cheating even after they were married. She was the one who was unsure who fathered her child. Jensen had done nothing wrong. 
“Jay, you’ve done nothing wrong,” Gen tells her friend. “This is all just Dani being a jealous and resentful bitch! Drea loves JJ. I know she does, Jared knows she does, and if you can just get Dani’s words out of your head, you know she does.”
Walking around the table to approach Jensen, Gen stood right in front of him. “If she didn’t love that little girl as much as she does, would she had risked Dani’s wrath by going to plea for JJ to join us today for a family day? Would she have made sure that JJ was safe and secure with the boys while we were in the boat? Drea loves that little girl like nothing else. To her, JJ is as much hers and she is yours,” Gen declared. “So get your ass out of your head and get home to your woman!”
"I can't, Gen," Jensen sobs. "How can I look her in the eye when I have all these doubts floating around?"
Jared walks up to his best friend and lays a hand on his shoulder. "Jay. Listen, man. Think about it. Just today, we all were witness just how much Drea loves your daughter. Hell, how much she loves kids in general. Not only did she brave Dani's rage to make sure you got to spend time with JJ but she ensured that all the kids were safe and sound the whole time we were on the boat. And when we ate, who made sure each kid was fed and that no one was left out? All while holding her son to her? 
"Drea wouldn't hurt a hair on JJ's head and you know this. So let Dani's accusations and allegations go and face the cold, hard facts. Drea loves you, JJ, and Jackson. Hell, I would trust her to the ends of the Earth with Tom and Shep."
"That's true," Gen speaks up, visibly calmed down from her earlier outburst. She smiles a meek smile at Jensen. "When Jared needed me after his breakdown and my parents were too far away, the first person I thought of, that I was sure would guard and protect my babies was Drea. I knew she would step up and do whatever it took to take care of them while I flew halfway across the country to take care of Jared."
Jensen sits there and ruminates on the words from his two best friends. They’re right. Drea has never displayed any ill will toward JJ, Tom, or Shep. He runs a hand down his face. "You're right," he mumbles.
"Hell yeah, of course we’re right!" Jared exclaims, getting a chuckle from his wife and best friend. Jensen finally takes in the state of disarray his two confidants are in and realizes what he had interrupted. Gen's face is somewhat still flushed and she has her robe tied tightly around her lithe body, a sure sign that she doesn't want to accidentally give a sneak peek to anyone. Jared's tee is on inside out and his hair is messy and tangled.
It reminds him of his earlier discussion with Drea and the promises he had made. Thinking of the green nightie he had hinted to her about, he imagines her at home with it on. His dick embarrassingly twitches in his jeans and he jumps up.
"I have to go," he declares and rushes for the door.  As his hand lands on the knob, he turns to see the Padalecki's standing in the entranceway, arms slung around each other. "Sorry for interrupting. Go back to what you were doing," he winks and smiles. "I'm going home to do the same."
As he practically runs out of their house, he hears Gen's laughter that quickly turns into a moan. Jensen can't wait to get home to Drea and hear that same sound from her.
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Ackles Home
I look at the clock beside the bed and sigh. It is after 10 pm and Jay isn’t back yet. I’m becoming worried and a little pissed that he hasn’t let me know where he is and that everything is okay. 
There’s no way that he is still at Dani’s hashing out whatever preposterous idea she has come up with. Since they have split Dani has given Jay a hard way to go when it comes to spending time with their daughter and I know Gen and I showing up earlier to ask for JJ to accompany us on our little family outing probably just gave her more fuel to add to the fire. 
I take a sip of wine and then grab the remote for the sound system that we had installed in our bedroom. A little light music shouldn’t wake the baby and will hopefully sit the mood when Jensen finally does return. I get up and turn the overhead light off, leaving just the illumination from the closet bulb glowing. It gives the room a sexy and sensuous vibe. 
As I lay my head back onto the pillow, I silently pray that Jay will be home soon and that everything is okay. The last thing I remember before closing my eyes is how much I love that man.
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killervibe · 5 years
A really really REALLY fluffy Cisco/Caitlin fic! <3 
There’s a fluttering in her stomach. It’s not morning sickness, and it can’t be her minuscule baby. It’s nerves, excited jittering, little butterflies flapping their wings inside of her. The back of Caitlin’s chair dips as she leans back against it, pensive.
 It has to be perfect. It needs to be. 
 She thinks about Cisco’s smile, imagining the way he’ll beam. How his eyes crinkle in the corners, and his face will light up like the sun. She smoothes the paper in front of her, a thousand scenarios running through her mind. 
 How will she tell him? That he’s going to be a dad. That he’ll have a tiny baby to hold in his arms in a few months time. A child who will be the perfect mix of him and herself. An infant she already knows their father will love until they both grow old and more. 
 She thinks about her own father, long gone now, in every way she ever knew him. But it’s the memory that lingers. The early years. She thought about hop scotch and bicycle rides. Birthdays and crossword puzzles. The science they learned. She thought about the games they played. 
 Tapping her pen against her desk, she brightened. The plan crystallized in her mind. That’s exactly how she’ll do it.
 The sun was beginning to set through the windows of the Speed Lab as Barry raced around the track for the gazillionth time. Caitlin stepped in with a folder tucked neatly under her elbow, her heels clicking down the friction resistant flooring installed in the room as she made her way to Cisco. He sat over the edge of the sideline area, his arms looped around the lower railing as he bit his lip with deep concentration. 
 Cisco never really bothered watching Barry run anymore unless there was some logistical component he was interested in analyzing. There wasn’t any rush or emergency this week which would warrant such a thing, which could only mean— Caitlin smiled, sidling up to him. “Another suit, really?” 
 Cisco was crunching some numbers on his tablet, rolling his eyes at her teasing. “There is never an excuse not to be current with the fashion trends. Thought you of all people would understand that.” 
 Caitlin scooted forward, climbing under the railing to sit with him. He stopped to help smooth out her dress skirt when it got rucked up. His hand glided over her covered thigh affectionately. Caitlin covered his hand there with her own so she could hold it, lacing their fingers together. Cisco adjusted easily, tracking Barry’s speed now by poking at the numbers on the screen with his other hand. 
 “I understand fashion,” she argued, “but this is his twelfth suit.” 
 He scoffed. “It’s not the twelfth! I only have eight models saved in my draft history.” 
 Caitlin huffed. He turned to cock an eyebrow at her. “Why? You want an update too?” 
 She thought about it. No, she was very happy with her Frost suit. And then, would Caitlin even need a new one any time soon? It may very well be that her crime fighting days were temporarily over. She was about to tell Cisco that when she remembered he wouldn’t get it. Not yet, anyway. This was why she had come to find him here in the first place. 
 “I’m good,” she promised him, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. “Can you open a breach? I’m heading home. How long will you be out here?”
 He opened a breach with the careless ease of a flicked finger off his touch screen. “Not long.” 
 Caitlin crossed her arms, unconvinced. He seemed much too absorbed in what they were doing for that to be true. He sensed her gaze and glanced at her sideways. “Not long,” he promised again. “I’ll have a beautiful girlfriend at home waiting for me.” 
 Their eyes locked as he gave her one of his lopsided, heart-wrenching grins. The one that made her weak at the knees. So stuffed full with his transparent love for her that Caitlin wasn’t exactly convinced it wouldn’t knock her up if she weren’t pregnant already. 
 Caitlin reflected his look right back at him, softening like butter. He trailed his eyes down her figure, now that she was stood up in front of him.
  He finally noticed the brown office folder in her grasp. “Hey, what’s that?”
She let him take it out of her hands, trying to school her face into a neutral expression. It was hard, she was already fighting off her excited grin. “Oh, this?” She watched him tilt his head at the graph paper and pen scribbles. 
 “It’s a coded equation. I’ve been trying to crack it for the last hour but I’m tired. I’ll try it again in the morning.” She tried to pull it back, but he held on, falling for her bait like a fish on a hook. 
 “I can do it,” he offered. She knew he would.
 “—Oh, Cisco, no, I wouldn’t ask you—” 
 “It’s not hard! I love these things. Where did it come from?”
Caitlin shrugged vaguely, neither confirming or denying his theories of where this came from. He already thought its a meta from another dimension. Caitlin turned to stifle a giggle into the palm of her hand. Barry was completely forgotten, as Cisco drew his knees up to place the papers against them like an easel, leaning forward to squint at her fake attempts to ‘crack’ the code. Cisco’s breach was still swirling patiently behind them. He realized she hadn’t left yet, and shooed his hand at her to go into the breach, promising to meet up with her for dinner.
 Caitlin gave him a kiss goodbye, then did as she was told, the blue swirling vortex closed behind her as she made it to their bedroom. After brushing her hair and changing out of her stockings to put on something more comfortable, she stood in front of her mirror. 
 Slowly, her left hand trailed down her neck, past the slope of her shoulders and curve of her breast to land gently on her flat stomach. She slid her hand under her cozy sweater, tapping her skin there, deep in thought. In the mirror, she didn’t look any different. But she felt so. 
 “Only Iris knows about you,” Caitlin found herself saying to her itty bitty child. “That’ll change soon.” She glanced at the clock. “Shouldn’t be long now.”
 Caitlin’s smile in her reflection was unlike any she’d ever seen in any pictures of herself before. 
It took a while after the initial shock in the Star Labs basement bathroom to really process that she was going to have a baby with Cisco. Caitlin was in denial for most of the day, locking herself in her Med Bay to keep from seeing Cisco. 
 She knew Cisco wanted kids. Caitlin wasn’t as sure. She thought there was a feeling she was supposed to get. This gut instinctual one where she wakes up one morning with a green neon sign in her brain blinking on and off that sings You’re Ready! Today You Want to Become A Mom! 
 Iris laughed when Caitlin described it, and now she understood she didn’t need to have woken up to that neon green mental signal to feel confident that this was a really good idea. 
 The sense of Good Idea-Ness  only intensified as the day grew longer, and Caitlin was fidgeting, trying to keep the news to herself as she planned the surprise. Now she couldn’t wait. 
 Just as she picked up her cell phone to order in dinner, a breach emerged out of nowhere. Cisco flailed out of it, calling her name as he waved the solved puzzle around the air. With crazed eyes and a frantic bumbling kind of awkwardness, he spun around in a full circle, shouting unintelligibly. He was so out of sorts it took him a few seconds to realize she was standing with a hand on her hip right in front of him. When he did, his eyes widened. He thrusted the solved periodic table of elements sequence at her, as if he wanted her to see for herself. 
“Is this true?! Caitlin, is this for real?” 
 She nodded, light in her eyes as he let out a giddy laugh, pulling her into his arms immediately.
 “For real? You’re pregnant?” 
 "Yes!" Caitlin giggled into the crook of his neck as he spun her around, then pulled herself from there to step back and memorize his reaction. 
 Tears were dripping down his cheeks. Caitlin’s finger swiped against his face gently, brushing the moisture away. She nodded once again. 
 He studied her with tenderness, leaning into her touch. “And you’re ready for this? You want to have a baby with me?”
 “I want everything with you, Cisco.”
 Cisco looked so dumbfounded, like he couldn’t believe his luck. He glanced down at her sweater, his hands jumping in the space between their bodies, hovering over her abdomen.  
 “Can I…?” 
 “There’s nothing to see,” she warned him, but lifted the sweater up anyways. His warm hands pressed lightly against her skin on her stomach. 
 “Wow,” he breathed in awe. “A baby Caitlin.” 
 Caitlin quirked an eyebrow. “Declaring genders already, are we?” 
 He grinned up at her sheepishly after crouching down to place a soft wet kiss over her bellybutton. “Baby Snow,” he corrected himself. He carefully tucked her sweater back in place, and rose to kiss Caitlin’s lips happily once, then twice. 
 “Baby Snow,” she repeated to herself. She wrinkled her nose. “Really?” 
 “What?” he murmured hot against her cheek.  
 Caitlin wrapped her arms around his waist, Cisco’s solved puzzle still in hand as they stood in the middle of the kitchen. “I was thinking baby Ramon.” 
 “Snow-Ramon?” he tried. 
 “Ramon-Snow sounds better,” she shot back. 
 Cisco pulled a face. “I don’t know about that.” 
 Caitlin laughed at their ridiculousness. “Let’s just call it our baby.” 
 Screw her medical degree; Cisco gazed into her eyes with an intensity she’s certain this time had the power to impregnate. She tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear lovingly. “We have time.” 
 “I can do that,” he said and kissed her again. 
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bulletproofxbangtan · 4 years
Picture Perfect | Vmin
1 | Spilled Coffee
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Jimin awoke with a start. He scrambled out of his bed and in the haste of fumbling around for his phone, nearly fell onto the ground. Crap. It was 8:30 and he was due in the studio promptly at 9 to start shooting. He showered and got ready in record time, and remembered there would most likely be coffee and muffins at the set. Thankfully, the set was only a few minutes away from his apartment and, after driving like a madman, he arrived just in time. Jimin was greeted by a whirlwind of questions by none other than his manager, Jin.
“What happened to you? You look like you just crawled out a car crash.” His manager laughed. 
Jimin ran his fingers through his messy hair in an attempt to brush it. “I had a rough start to the morning,” he explained, his voice still gravely from sleep. 
Jin only laughed more. “Let’s get you to the stylists. You look like you could use their help,” he chuckled. 
“Coffee first!” the younger insisted and his manager agreed.
While they walked to the stand, Jin stopped in his tracks suddenly. “Hold on,” he said distractedly, “there’s someone I need to talk to.” 
“Okay-” Jimin turned his head to face his manager, but Jin was already gone. “Aish,” he muttered.
With a tired sigh, the model headed to the coffee stand. Pouring a cup for himself, he felt his eyelids drooping. As he prepared to head back to his dressing room, he noticed his eyes were shuttering when all of a sudden, he felt searing hot liquid spreading across his chest. He quickly glanced down and saw his steaming hot coffee drenching his shirt. Jimin yelped in pain, and angrily shot his head up to see who had the audacity-- when he saw who was standing in front of him, his heart stopped in his chest. 
Tae's POV
My heart stopped in my chest as I beheld the beautiful man standing before me. He had high cheekbones, full lips, and a jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds. He was drenched in his own coffee and I quickly tried to hide a giggle that bubbled up from my chest as I gazed upon his comically flustered face. He slowly looked up, and 3 different expressions flashed upon his face at once. Shock, then anger, and finally, bewilderment. His eyes widened for a fraction of a second and, as if nothing had happened, he regained his composure. His face slipped into a cool mask.“I don’t think we’ve met,” he held out his hand to shake as coffee slowly dripped down his shirt. His once-white shirt was now practically transparent and I forced myself to look at his face. That shirt was distracting me. 
I laughed. “I don’t think we have. My name is Kim Taehyung, but you can call me Tae.” I shook his outstretched hand. “And you are…?” His eyes locked mine in a heated embrace and my breath hitched. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my stomach flipped as I struggled to keep his gaze. 
“I’m Park Jimin.” 
I stopped breathing. His name felt like music to my ears, like an answer to a question I had been asking-- Jimin. 
“Nice to meet you, Jimin.” My words came out breathier than I thought. Jimin noticed the change in my voice and smirked. My heart skidded.
Get it together, Kim.
 I was so screwed.
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nomnomsik · 5 years
To Catch a Dream - (9)
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Summary: It’s difficult for Yoongi, who’s completely infatuated with you, to quietly remain your college friend. With a slow appearance of unusual tendencies in him, he realizes what he needs to do to attain his dream. However, jealousy and possession are universal in everyone. 
A/N: Jimin takes the wheel for this chapter. But don’t worry, Yoongi and him have a very important conversation. 
Word Count: 2.1K 
Trigger warning: bullying, implied violence, slight dysphoria, profanity. Please do not read if you are sensitive to these topics. 
A soft voice came out from the soft silk sheets of the king sized bed, a pillow falling onto the carpet flooring.
“Hmm?” Jimin answered, pulling the soft blanket over his bare and toned chest. The younger boy stared at his bicep, gulping before grabbing onto his side.
“You're leaving already?” The boy had an adorable pout on his face, the blankets not covering enough of his naked skin.
“Yeah. Sorry about that baby.” Jimin cooed gently, tucking the blankets over the younger boy's body as he himself hopped off the bed and buttoned up a dress shirt.
The younger boy watched in awe as he stared at Jimin’s back, his shirt somewhat transparent. The muscle was impressive and the boy could feel his excitement build up in his stomach as Jimin pulled up his tight leather pants and slipped into his jacket.
The boy turned around, fully submerging himself as one with the bed.
“Mmm, okay. Don't forget to text me later, hyung.”
The boy turned over onto his back, waving his hand up in the air as Jimin prepared to leave the room of his secret lover.
Jimin smiled.
“Okay, I'll remember. Love you.”
“Love you too, hyung~”
Jimin stepped out of the apartment building, entering the facility’s garage and starting up the engine to his motorbike. With a click of his helmet, he unmounted the vehicle and shifted the bike into neutral. Holding the clutch lever down, he listened to the sound of the engine as it fired up. A smile graced his lips as he was off onto the road, the wind hitting his body and blowing his jacket behind him.
Within minutes, he was back home, the lush green grass perfectly cut to the strand. With a harsh slam, Jimin burst through the front entrance of his home. His grandiose arrival echoed within the two million dollar property of his home, his feet trudging up the stairs. He didn’t even make it to his own room when his mother came up to him.
“Son!” His mother spat in irritation. “What do you think you're doing making such a fuss around here?”
At first, Jimin stared expressionless at her, his hands shoved in each pocket of his tight pants. With a pair of shades that decorated his face and his hair parted to the side, he emitted a dominating aura. Fed up, Jimin pushed past her and shut himself in his room.
He fell onto his single bed, the heavy layers of blankets cushioning the blow.
“Should I just skip?” He muttered, bringing the bright screen of his phone up to his face.
I can’t get her stupid face out of my head. I miss them. Why did we have to split up like this?
Jimin let out a frustrated groan, ruffling his blonde hair and throwing his phone onto his pillow. He brought the back of his arm to his face as he covered his eyes, his feet falling off the end of his bed. He took several minutes of contemplation before he slowly sat up straight.
“Screw it.”
Jimin grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he stormed out of his room. When he passed his mother, he caught her look of disappointment before she turned away. Slipping on his pair of Prada, he opened the front door and left.
The campus was empty as usual when he arrived. At this time, about everyone was in class. It didn’t help him and his dysphoria that it was filled to the brim with smart and rich students, hoping to succeed their parents, walk in the same steps, their future laid out for them like that. Jimin didn’t want anything like that. He wanted to be free, perfectly content on living off each paycheck if he had fun.
It pained his heart when he looked at the boy who admired and looked up to him, knowing that he would do anything to stay with him when he couldn’t. As long as he was tied to his family, he could never leave. He would end up hating his family, spiting them to the end as he destroyed himself from the inside. Rip his hair out, his voice, and his eyes when they were no longer able to produce the tears that would make things feel a bit better.
Completely trapped in a torrent of thoughts, he didn’t even notice his feet had guided him into the math building. He let out a sigh, but carried on, catching a few people huddling outside his math class.
Jimin and his bright outside personality could quickly capture the audience, understanding the situation. He pulled up to a younger male who stood near the classroom door, starting up a conversation.
“What’s going on here?” He gave a sweet smile to the kid, his shades still covering his eyes. The boy didn’t look at him at first, but when he did, his jaw almost fell. Jimin couldn’t help but smirk at the reaction, giving him a show and brushing his hand through his hair.
“O-oh, umm… I heard that there’s this group a-arguing. Apparently, someone sent it to one of the group chats and everyone knows now.”
Ah. Kids and their need to gossip about everything.
“Thanks.” Jimin gave him a fistbump before joining the crowd as he listened to the conversation within the class. Although it was his own calculus class, barging in at this moment was the wrong decision to make. Jimin had a grin planted on his face; the enjoyment of listening to other people bicker gave him a sense of superiority. The first task was to know who exactly is argu-
“How could you say that?!” A voice yelled, breaking through the silence. Jimin’s eyes widened in shock, the loud shout penetrating his ears. He tightly gripped his fingers as he bit his lip. There was no mistaking it. It was your voice. The pain it carried split open his heart as he heard the intensity of your whimpering and wavering.  
“We’re actually not wrong though.” A girl broke in with a slam on the table that echoed out of the class and into the hallway. “We’re all tired of your standards for this project. We’re not perfect, y/n!”
“It’s probably because she’s richy rich.” A murmur left the lips of a male with a scoff that joined afterward.
“Wha- What the heck are you actually talking about? Everyone’s family here makes almost six figures. You’re delusional thinking I have an advantage in something.”
“Y/n, just shut up really. If you’re that oblivious to the reputation and prestige of your family-” The girl sighed. “You’re so fucking privileged.” She seethed.
The classroom got quiet, the people standing outside, including Jimin nervous, anticipating the next words. Jimin felt his hand twitch, the need to open and burst through that damn door killing him. But, he couldn’t.
“I-I don't get handed everything.” You choked. Jimin could hear your voice on the verge of breaking before you broke down in tears.
“Just shut up!” The girl shouted, a crumpled sound of paper seeping out from the door. “Imagine thinking that when you’re dating the only child of the Min family! Unbelievable.”
Another voice joined in, more reserved and analytical. “Y/n, you do know that your family can just pick the whoever they want you to marry right? That’s just how powerful they are. It’s the aura that surrounds them. Nobody would be crazy enough to decline. They would have to be dumb.”
“W-what are you guys…”
“Your family picked the Min’s you idiot!” The girl cried out at your denseness. “Do you have any comprehension skills?! Imagine the most notable family in our fucking town marrying the family that’s right under them! And if you don’t call that privilege, you’re an idiot!”
The next thing Jimin knew, the door to the classroom slammed open, revealing your crying figure. Tears streamed down your face as you ran past the crowd that had surrounded the door. Jimin watched as you pushed through, your eyes and nose red. Everyone watched you stormed out, Jimin the only one following you behind.  
The older male stood in front of him, his face expressionless.
“You look like you’re about to kill me.” Jimin snickered, ushering Yoongi to take a seat in the library. “Where did my best friend Yoongi go?” Jimin stared deep into his eyes, the black mask covering over his friend’s mouth.
“Jimin what did you call me for?” Yoongi replied bluntly, his hands tightening around the straps of his bag.
“I was there when they made her cry,” Jimin replied, staring off into the distance.
With a slam of the table, Yoongi’s interest was piqued. “Who?!”
Suppressing a grin, Jimin took a look at his friend. “And if I told you…what would you do about it?”
Yoongi didn’t answer back, his mouth falling a bit open before he shut it completely. It was like Yoongi was caught red-handed with his plan. Yet, he never broke away from his eyes, throwing Jimin off at his unusual confidence. Jimin snickered at his reaction, playing with his fingers. 
Love makes you stupidly confidence.
Yoongi’s dark strands of hair covered parts of his eyes as he kept eye contact with Jimin. The chubbiness of his cheeks and the subtle flutter of his eyelashes caught his eyes. Yoongi seemed oblivious to just how attractive and feminine he looked. Jimin looked away first, a warmth spreading over his body.
“I’ll tell you their names. Don’t worry about it.” Jimin broke in, resting his head on his elbow.
“Why are you telling me this?” Yoongi questioned, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Because I know what you’re going to do… And I want you to do it.” Jimin continued, meeting Yoongi’s dark stare.
“And what am I going to do?”
“Revenge. Sweet revenge.” Jimin smiled. “We’re not so different from each other, don’t you think?” He questioned, brushing his hair back.
“What’s in it for you?”
“Aish, I feel like you’re interrogating me, Yoongi. What if I just want to help my best friend.” Jimin teased back, his leg bouncing up and down.
Yoongi didn’t push further, but his dark eyes broke away, preferring to stare at the quiet library. Jimin followed his gaze, starting to formulate more thoughts. It was true, you were a friend to him, but you were more important than that. Jimin chuckled, earning Yoongi’s attention back.
“She has something I want. If she’s unhappy like this, I’m won’t be getting it.” Jimin shrugged his shoulders as he talked. “And if you really think about it, she’s not so different from you.”
“She’s very different.” Yoongi retorted back.
“No, she’s really not.”
Jimin stood up from his seat, Yoongi following him up. As they both walked together through the library, they spoke in hushed whispers.
“She confuses me sometimes,” Yoongi confessed, scratching the back of his head. “She believed me when I told you that I had known you since you were my roommate.”
“Wait really?” Jimin gasped, his eyes widening. “That’s surprising. I thought her family would’ve told her about me.”
“They probably dislike you,” Yoongi explained, his voice almost inaudible with that mask on his face.
“Ouch… Well, they wouldn’t be the first.” Jimin snickered, a smile gracing his lips.
Yoongi’s eyes themselves seemed to smile at his self-deprecating joke which warmed Jimin’s heart. He let out a smile which caught Yoongi off guard. With a sigh, Jimin looked at him with some sort of melancholic sadness in his eyes that hurt himself as well. If eyes were truly the window to the soul, then Yoongi would conclude Jimin knew what was to come.
“Yoongi, you might be your own enemy. The thing you’re so afraid of happening is what’s inside you. I’d be careful.” Jimin’s voice faltered at the end which sent a chill down Yoongi’s body. His words were unexpected but meant little to him.
Yoongi looked at him, his gaze darkening before he turned away and walked out of the building. No more words were exchanged between them. It was a disconnect that seemed to have happened, yet Jimin did not understand why. He had constantly reassured Yoongi that he wouldn’t go for you. But, Yoongi still treated him like he would. Yoongi’s words were cold and flat, Jimin suddenly missing the condescending and crude remarks that spewed out of his friend’s mouth.
Jimin tilted his head back as he stared at Yoongi’s small frame. That mask. Placing his fingers on his lips, he searched his memory for the first time he had seen that mask. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he walked into the psychology section of the library.
“The same goes for her, of course.”
Chapter 10
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aiupenn · 5 years
Friends or Less
Akutagawa’s been pushing Atsushi away, making him mad on purpose to keep his own feelings at bay. Unfortunately, Atsushi’s notices. 
[a/n: it’s finally @shinsoukoku-week!! I’m so excited. T.T a million thanks much for the mods of the week. i needed it like i need air. anyways, prompt i used today was ‘tickle a dragon’s tail’. I wasn’t as on top of this week as I was with rarepair week, so I hope you’ll forgive me that the fics for this week are gonna be a bit of a mess. I’m going to rewrite them all and put them on ao3 at some point, but for now, take a bit of word puke.]
Akutagawa had overstepped the boundaries this time. He could feel it. Anger came off Atsushi in waves, enough so that he could see his partner physically trembling. 
Akutagawa coughed into his palm, partially hiding the emotion in his throat. His stomach was a twisted knot of fear, guilt, and satisfaction. 
“What did you say?” Atsushi growled. It was a literal growl, a voice more like the tiger’s than Atsushi’s own. 
Akutagawa blinked slowly, lowering his hand. A part of him wanted to turn his back on Atsushi completely, but that wasn’t safe right now. “You heard me,” Akutagawa said, “The Agency would be better off without you.”
And then—to Akutagawa’s surprise—Atsushi deflates. All the anger visibly leaves him as his hands go limp and his head falls to stare at the pavement. All the satisfaction Akutagawa had felt evaporated. 
“Is that what you think, Ryuunosuke?” Atsushi’s voice is so raw and vulnerable, that Akutagawa’s lips part, lost for words. This hadn’t been the reaction he wanted. This wasn’t what he was looking for. Atsushi was stronger than this.
Wasn’t he?
Atsushi looks to the side. Akutagawa still sees the pained look in his eyes and the way his lower lip is caught between his teeth as he holds back tears. Atsushi holds the upper part of his arms tightly, almost hugging himself. “Can I tell you something?” Atsushi doesn’t pause long enough for Akutagawa to answer. “I think you’re right.”
Akutagawa freezes. Even he doesn’t think he’s right, what the Hell is Atsushi saying? He’d been trying to push Atsushi away, but not this far. 
Atsushi laughs a little hollowly, the sound of spit clogging in the back of his throat clear. Akutagawa watches almost in a trance as the tears spill down Atsushi’s face. Then, he turns away. “See you later, Ryuunosuke.”
For some reason, Akutagawa can’t get his feet to move in time to stop Atsushi. When he finally does get his body to listen, Atsushi’s been long gone. He’s not even on this block any more. Akutagawa stares off into the distance for a long time, willing Atsushi to reappear. 
After a moment, he curses. He’s not sure if he cursing himself, Atsushi, or the world in general. He pulls out his phone and hits the number of the man he had wished he’d never have to speak to again. 
Atsushi looks a mess when he opens the door. Akutagawa stares at him with the usual lifeless gaze, but it’s hard to keep his emotions invisible right now. There’s an unsteady rhythm to his heart right now. 
Atsushi sniffs and while he’d been in the middle of trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes, as soon as he sees Akutagawa, he stops caring. He grimaces. “Did you follow me?”
Akutagawa wonders which would be the worse answer. ‘I was so worried about you that I called Dazai’ or ‘I was so worried about you I stalked you’.  Neither sounded good. 
Atsushi seems to take his non-answer as one. “I suppose it’s best if you tell me what else you think of me now, rather than later.” Atsushi’s hand slips from the doorknob and he braces himself for some kind of impact. 
Akutagawa doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know how to make this better. He isn’t sure if he should make it better. It would’ve been better to ask Dazai to send Kyouka or someone who could actually talk through these things. What exactly was Akutagawa doing here? Had he not given this a second’s thought?
Akutagawa realized he was panicking, and Atsushi was looking at him strangely. At least that meant that Atsushi had stopped crying. 
“The Agency needs you,” Akutagawa blurts out.
Atsushi blinks. “Like, right now, or...?”
Akutagawa sucks in a breath, not sure if he’s brave enough to continue. “No.”
There’s a moment of silence, and then Atsushi starts to cry again. His face screws up when he cries, his eyebrows knitting together and teeth clenching. Akutagawa hates to see it, he realizes. He doesn’t like seeing Atsushi cry. Just more proof to add to the line-up that he is deeper in love than he’s willing to admit. 
“You should go,” Atsushi says with staccato breaths.
He should. He really, really should. He needs to turn around and leave Atsushi alone, and then continue trying to push him away. Continue forcing his feelings down. Continue pissing Atsushi off. Pretend he’d never made him cry.
“I’m sorry,” Akutagawa said. 
The words were as much of a shock to Akutagawa as they were to Atsushi. He didn’t apologize. Ever. For any reason. But this time... this time he needed to. 
Akutagawa looks away as Atsushi looks up. He can’t handle the emotion in Atsushi’s eyes. “Why are you apologizing?” Atsushi asked earnestly.
God. He didn’t want to elaborate. Already he felt humiliated. “What more do you want me to say, Jinko?” he snarled, “I didn’t mean it. It’s not true.”
Atsushi rubs at his eyes with the back of his hand. Then, he reaches out and brushes his fingers down Akutagawa’s arm. Akutagawa shivers, going ridged. He would be haunted by that touch for days. He was always haunted by Atsushi’s touches. Atsushi doesn’t seem to notice the effect they have on Akutagawa’s very soul, which is just as well. 
“Come inside,” Atsushi says with a snuffle. He motions into his apartment.
Akutagawa’s eyes widened involuntarily. “And why would I do that?”
There was supposed to be hostility in his voice.
There wasn’t.
Atsushi swallows and he seems to think about his words for a moment. “I want to talk,” he says, a blush dusting his cheeks. 
For some reason, Akutagawa blushes, too. He clears his throat and walks inside, feeling exposed even though it’s Atsushi’s apartment he’s walking into and not his own. Once again, he should be leaving. But he isn’t.
Atsushi closes the door behind him, then steps in front of Akutagawa, leading him inside, into the kitchen. 
Akutagawa doesn’t look much. It feels too personal to, but Atsushi’s apartment is sparse. That doesn’t surprise him. Atsushi didn’t seem to want or need much.
Atsushi motioned to a chair at the table. “Do you want a drink?”
Akutagawa looked at him with a slightly suspicious slant to his eyebrows. Why, exactly, was Atsushi being so calm and accommodating when he’d clearly been sobbing his eyes out only ten minutes before. And because of him no less. “What do you want to talk about, Jinko?” 
Atsushi sighed, then sat across from Akutagawa. He bit his lip in a way that was almost cute, not that Akutagawa would ever tell him that. “You’ve never apologized before.”
“I went too far,” Akutagawa admitted.
“Yes, but...” Atsushi seemed to puzzle over this for a moment, “Well, isn’t it the point to hurt my feelings?”
Akutagawa huffed. “No.” The point was to make him angry. Make him hateful.  Surely if Akutagawa got Atsushi to hate him enough, then he would no longer love Atsushi. It had to be that simple. 
“I don’t understand you,” Atsushi said. He leaned over the table and picked at a bit of lacquer on it. “If you didn’t want to hurt my feelings, then why do you say that sort of thing?”
“I don’t have to answer that.”
“You make it sound like I’m interrogating you,” Atsushi says, looking up for a second to look Akutagawa in the eyes, “I’m asking you as a friend, Ryuunosuke.”
There was no possible way that Atsushi could know how hard that statement hit Akutagawa. It took all of his energy not to react and still his breath stopped. He didn’t move, staring at a nondescript spot in the cupboards while he slowly recovered. A ‘friend’. He was Atsushi’s ‘friend’? How could that be? He’d been trying so hard to shove him away.
“We’re not friends,” Akutagawa said.
Atsushi studied Akutagawa carefully, then understanding dawned on his face. “You want to keep me away.”
Akutagawa scowled. He didn’t like to think he was that transparent. 
Atsushi let out a scoff. Akutagawa wasn’t sure if it was a sound of disbelief or amazement. “You’re not gonna chase me off,” Atsushi said.
“Why not?” Akutagawa snapped.
“Because now it’s a challenge,” Atsushi said. 
Atsushi met Akutagawa’s glare. A feel of a spark raced between them, a spark that made Akutagawa recoil and look away. He stood, fast enough his chair made a loud sound at being shoved back. “Do whatever you want. But we’re not friends.”
Atsushi didn’t move, waving his hand dismissively. “See you tomorrow, buddy.”
It was only because Akutagawa was already on the genkan that he hadn’t punched Atsushi. Or worse, kissed him. 
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Anora & The Dead Girl
I lean forward in my seat and stare at my reflection in the car mirror, assessing my work. I took my time putting makeup on this morning, choosing a brown shadow that makes my eyes look more yellow than green, and black liner. My dark hair cascades over my shoulders. By the end of the day, it will be mostly straight, too heavy to sustain the curls it took an hour to fix. I practice a smile, checking to see if any lipstick transferred to my teeth, but also testing to see if I can manage to make it look real. This is my chance at a new beginning, and as long as I'm careful, the past won't bleed into the future.
I glance at Mom. Even now she keeps her gaze forward, hands tight on the steering wheel, navigating the rented Ford Focus around another bend in this hopeless road. Mom doesn't want the past to follow me, but I can't help feeling guilty. I'm the reason she has to start over, too.
You'll make so many friends, a voice rumbles in my head. If he were still here, it's the kind of encouragement my poppa would give. I smile at the thought and straighten in my seat, clasping the round coin at my neck—my poppa's coin. It will be easier to let go of the past if I make friends.
Another bend and Mom turns down a white concrete drive, flanked by a set of red brick pillars. A black plate with gold letters identifies this as Nacoma Knight Academy—my new school.
Sweat beads on my forehead, as if the sun has moved inches from my face, and I know something's not right.
Oh, no.
My stomach feels like it's full of wasps as I focus on the building ahead of me. Balconies outside the third and fourth floors are enclosed with black bars, making each one resemble a cage. A girl hangs by her neck at the center of the building, four stories up. I follow the rope with my eyes, finding it tied to one of several stone spindles jutting from the top of the roof.
My fingers dig into the leather seat, and there's a familiar prick in my palm as hysteria crawls up my windpipe, into the back of my throat. I swallow the scream, glancing at Mom, realizing the momentum of the car hasn't slowed.
She can't see the dead girl.
Of course she can't. My mouth tastes bitter at the thought—that's why we're in this mess. Mom can't see the dead, and from the one conversation we've had about it, she also believes anyone who claims to see the dead is a liar.
A bead of sweat trickles down my face, tickling my neck and I release my breath. I can do this, I remind myself. The dead are everywhere, and I took precautions as I was getting ready this morning. My perfume has a hint of rosemary, the evil eye dangles off a zipper on my backpack, and there's a bag of turmeric powder in my blazer pocket. Small things, but they should keep the souls at a distance. Soul, not ghost—I don't like that word. It implies transparency. The dead I deal with look as human as the day they died: solid, fleshy, and like the nearly decapitated girl hanging by her neck over the doors, they wear their deaths.
This is just a reminder of the rules I set for myself—and the reason I need them.
Rule number one: ignore the dead.
But as we approach, I can't take my eyes off her. How hard must she have fallen? She'd been a student at Nacoma Knight Academy. Her uniform is similar to mine, except instead of a blazer, she wears a knitted sweater—longer, with two pockets on the front—and a skirt that falls mid-calf. While I don't think she's one to cause me trouble, she's been here a while and her presence is a vortex, sucking my energy. It makes me jittery, like I've had too much caffeine.
Mom brings the car to a jerky halt. I stick my hands out to stop myself from colliding with the dashboard, only to realize the bell has rung. Students dressed like me and the dead girl race to buildings across campus. Several move in and out of the doors beneath her feet.
Suddenly I regret my choice of accessory—a pair of purple and blue nebula tights. Personally, my favorite pair of the hundreds I own, yet nothing screams geek like space tights. I could have waited a few months to introduce these to the student body.
I don't move to exit the car. Once I'm outside, I have to worry about screwing up again. I'm the new girl, and people will want to look at me, talk to me. I'll have to make sure they're actually alive. Sure, I want friends, but I also want to become transparent, blend in so well with the crowd I'm hardly noticed. I want to be normal. If I can't manage that, I'm not sure what is next for me: another school?
Probably not. Mom is done moving.
"Any more signs that you're seeing things," she threatened on the drive to Oklahoma, "And I'll commit you."
She's already been researching psychiatric facilities in our new state—I found them saved as bookmarks in her phone. Bringing up seeing the dead was the biggest mistake I'd ever made, but I was warned and I didn't listen.
Mom must have noticed how pale I looked after her threat because she had reached over, patted my leg and said softly, "They helped your poppa."
If that were true, he wouldn't be dead, I think, rubbing the face of my poppa's coin.
"Anora, stop grinding your teeth!" I jerk, startled by Mom's sudden command. It's the first time she's met my gaze since we got in the car this morning—the first thing she said other than put on your seatbelt.
I let go of the coin, its heavy weight settles against my chest, and I relax my jaw, unaware I've been clenching it. Mom sighs, which seems to soften the flicker in her eyes. She reaches to brush a few strands of hair out of my face.
"Honey, I know this all happened so fast, but this...this will be good for you...for both of us."
She smiles so I smile back, only to make her feel better. It is damage control, something I put myself in charge of since our transplant to this windy state is my fault.
It is always my fault.
"Would you like me to walk you to the door?"
Mom isn't smiling now and she taps the steering wheel with her fingers. I'm probably making her late for her interview.
I lift my backpack from the floor, stifling my impulse to take another deep breath. I need to say something reassuring. Something like, That's alright, Mom. I'll be fine. Don't worry. I love you.
Instead, I say, "No, Mom. That's all I need on my first day."
"Fine." She answers in that clipped, short-tempered tone she's been using with me for the last two months. "I'll pick you up after three."
I get out of the car, close the door and she drives off.
Then it's just me, the school, and the dead girl.
Well, crap.
A sign to the left of the sidewalk identifies this building as Emerson Hall. I turn in a circle. Now that I'm outside the car, I feel like I've been transported to another dimension. All traces of the outside world—the street we drove up and the black fence and gate—are lost amid acres of land and trees. Even the wind is different here—quieter, like it is trapped under a glass dome, exiling street noise.
I drag my gaze back to the dead girl hanging at the center of the building like some sacrificial god. Even now, this spirit is draining my energy, making me dizzy, and the longer she hangs there, the worse it'll get. If I want to get through this day—and every one after that—I'm going to have to ignore her.
Easier said than done.
I give Poppa's coin one last squeeze, slip it under my shirt, and march into Emerson Hall, avoiding the girl swinging over my head. Right now, I have to find my new normal, and part of that is pretending I am normal.
Inside, several students stand in line at a counter waiting to speak to one of three women behind a glass panel. I hang back at the entrance for a moment, surveying my surroundings, mostly waiting to see if there's an energy suck—an indication that there are dead nearby. When I'm sure everyone in the lobby is alive, I choose a line and wait. A couple of students turn to stare, but I avert my eyes, looking at anything else—the plastic plant in the corner, wooden chairs pushed against a dirty white wall, black and white photos of buildings and long-dead or nearly-dead people.
A television behind the glass runs breaking news, the screen is splashed with photos of a deadly plane crash, deliberately taken down by its co-pilot. Officials make guesses as to the motive and the only thing I can think is that there are now one hundred and fifty more people bound here on Earth, murdered. My stomach clenches tight. Mom doesn't like when I watch the news. She thinks I take it all too personally.
What she really means is she thinks I become obsessed, and I guess she's kind of right. There are certain stories I invest in, and I'll follow every piece of news released on the subject.
This one is no different.
I watch the news until it's past time for my first class, and no one else is left in the lobby but me.
A woman with blond hair and a pink blazer smiles at me.
"Can I help you?" Her voice sounds robotic, filtered through the round metal intercom.
"I'm new. I don't have my schedule—"
"Oh! You must be Anora Silby!" She retrieves a folder from her desk and hands it to me via a small opening at the bottom of the glass barrier. "Inside you will find your schedule and your student handbook."
I open the folder and stare at the materials. My schedule sits on top. I have already zoned in on my first hour: trigonometry...a.k.a. Hell.
"Be sure you are aware of curfew."
"Oh, I don't live on campus."
"Curfew is countywide," she advises. "No one's to be outside after midnight."
It takes the lady a moment to realize I've asked her a question. She blinks.
"It's always been like that. Since the twenties. You know, after the murders."
"No, actually...I don't know," I wave my folder around to remind her I'm the new girl.
"It's nothing to be worried about," the lady assures me. "There haven't been any murders since then. The curfew's just in place as...a precaution. It's best if it's obeyed."
She says it like a warning, like she thinks I'm one to break the rules. I can understand curfew for campus, but why is it countywide?
"Would you like a guide to help you find your classes?" Her voice brightens, her smile intensifies. It looks fake, and I get the sense I'm not welcome anymore.
"Uh, sure."
It'll be nice to have a map of this place in case I get lost trying to avoid the dead. The lady disappears from view and I take a closer look at the pictures on the wall. I'm partly hopeful I'll see a picture of the girl outside in one of the photos, but I don't find her. The images are mostly of buildings on campus in their prime. Gold plates beneath the frames indicate the year they were built. My favorite is Rosewater—that sounds calming.
I run my fingers over the cold metal, tracing the name.
"You must be Anora Silby." The voice is energetic and warm, but it startles me. I tear my hand away from the plate as if I've been caught stealing and yelp, twisting to find a boy standing beside me. He has striking blue eyes and sharp features. My gaze drops to his lips, which are initially pulled into a smile until I face him, then it falters.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
I study him for a moment—lively eyes, faint color in his cheeks, and...warmth. He's definitely alive. I guess I stare too long because he clears his throat and says, "Can I help you find your classes?"
"Oh...um...the lady was getting me a map."
A smile stretches across his face again, brightening his expression. "I'm your map." He extends his hand to me, keeping the other in his pocket. "Shy."
I stare at his hand, confused—did he just call me shy?
"Excuse me?"
He chuckles under his breath. "It's my name—Shy Savior."
"Oh." My cheeks flame and I want to hide. I fumble as I cradle my folder in my arm and reach for his hand. "Anora Silby...er...I guess you knew that."
"Yeah," he breathes, and then quickly adds, "But that's okay. You have a nice name."
He doesn't move his gaze from mine as he shakes my hand firmly, and it is a little unnerving, especially since the pigment of his eyes is so concentrated—seriously, he has to be wearing contacts.
"Um, are you going to let go of my hand?"
"Sorry." He drops my hand and snakes his behind his neck. "It's just...have we met?"
I laugh. "No. I think I would remember you, Blue Eyes."
Shy smiles and turns the faintest shade of pink. "You just feel so familiar."
"I hope I'm familiar in a good way."
God. I'd have to say that, wouldn't I?
I'm breaking my second rule: Absolutely no boys.
"Yes." He narrows those gorgeous eyes and my resolve weakens. "Yes, only in a good way."
I inhale and hug myself, feeling self-conscious.
"Mr. Savior, I think it's about time Miss Silby made it to class," the lady in the pink blazer advises from the counter.
Shy turns and smiles at her. "Yes. Sorry, Mrs. Cole." He looks at me, clearing his throat. "So, what's your first class?"
I'm glad the distraction gives me a reason to look away from him because my cheeks are on fire. I open my folder to look at my schedule. I'd seen it a few minutes ago but now, I can't remember anything.
"Um, Mr. Val, trig ... in Walcourt?"
Shy laughs.
"What?" I lean away to get a good look at his face, but he just shakes his head, eyes focused on my schedule.
"Nothing—what's your locker number?"
Shy directs me out of the lobby, down a hallway flanked with a large trophy case and a couple bulletin boards covered with flyers for homecoming.
"The lockers, dorms, and cafeteria are all located here in Emerson," he explains. "It's a little inconvenient, but you just have to make sure you have everything you need for your first four classes before lunch," he pauses and nods to my locker, then the one next to it. "That one's mine."
I smile at him and it feels like I'm falling into a trap. "I guess I'll see more of you, then?"
"Yeah." He grins, showing his teeth, and runs a hand through his blond hair. I like the way his eyes crinkle at the sides when he smiles, all things I shouldn't notice about him, considering my rules. "Yeah, you will."
The sunlight blinds me as we exit Emerson and I blink several times to adjust my vision before turning to watch the girl overhead. She sways ever-so-slightly, propelled by nothing but the memory of the day of her death. Shy has stopped, too, and watches me, following my gaze to the bars.
"It was to keep people—"
"From jumping," I finish quickly. "I know."
He doesn't smile back, and he studies me. The intensity of his eyes makes me feel like he can see every layer of me.
"Why don't they take them down?" I ask.
He shrugs. "Aesthetics, history, a precaution. The windows in the dorms don't open, either."
"This place used to be an asylum before it was a school. Back in the twenties."
Oh, that isn't good.
I look back up at the bars and then around. So far so good, I haven't encountered any other dead, but that doesn't mean they aren't here.
"Do you live on campus?"
He shakes his head. "No, thank God."
"That bad, huh?"
He sort of laughs but it sounds more like a snicker. "I already spend more time here than I like."
As we cross campus, I conduct another sweep of the grounds and notice a thin layer of decay has settled upon the landscape in the form of weathered brick, buckled sidewalks, and rusted pipe rails. These are flaws in its beauty—cracks the past has slipped through. The dead are a part of that past, and I want to fix it. The urge tugs at my heart, twines with my veins and bursts from my palm. The sharpness is startling, and I squeeze my fingers into a fist, knowing no good can come of it, no matter my intentions.
Worse, I'll leave my mark on everything.
It's like fixing a china doll after her face has shattered—you might find a rosy cheek and an eye, but nothing prepares you for the chips in the already-broken pieces or the glue that never stops oozing from those cracks.
"Are you a senior this year?" Shy asks. His voice startles me, and though the question grounds me, I want to tell him he doesn't have to keep up conversation just to be polite. Still, I answer.
"No, a junior."
"Good. At least you don't have to start your last year of school in a new place. Where are you from?"
"Why did you move here?"
The question makes my stomach churn.
"Things...got complicated." A weak response, but an answer. I'm relieved when Shy nods and doesn't ask me to elaborate. "What about you?" I ask quickly. "Have you always lived here?"
"My whole life."
Surprising. Somehow, I can't see this being the only place he's ever lived. His smile seems sad, too, and I wonder if he feels trapped like I feel trapped.
We approach Walcourt, which is shaped like a rectangle with large square columns running the length of a cement overhang, and ugly white pipe rails zigzag to the doors. Inside, the place smells like must and mold. The white floor looks yellow under fluorescent lights.
We walk midway down the hall and Shy's eyes capture mine before he nods to a door on my right.
"That's Mr. Val's class. Just to warn you...he's a bit of a prick."
So that's why he laughed earlier. Great. Shy steps back and then twists toward the door. He knocks and doesn't wait for a response. I hear a deep, stern voice.
"Mr. Savior. What can I do for you?"
"I apologize, Mr. Val. I'm showing a new student around campus."
Shy opens the door a little more and now Mr. Val is visible. He has a thick, brown mustache, brown hair, and wears a brown suit. He stands behind his desk, a piece of chalk in his hand, mid-lesson. I meet his gaze last and find him staring at me, eyes as black as a night without stars. I can already feel his disappointment in me, like he's set the Earth on my shoulders and watched it roll off into space.
The only thing that makes me feel any better is that he looks at Shy the same way.
"This is Anora Silby."
"Ah." He places his chalk in the metal holder, dusts off his hands, and reaches for a clipboard on his desk. "Yes, Miss Silby. Come in."
Shy takes up half the doorway, but I brush past him. Heat rushes to my face, and I can't figure out if it is from being on display in front of twenty students or from the slightest bit of physical contact with Shy.
"You're excused, Mr. Savior. I'm sure if Miss Silby needs your services, she will find you."
The class snickers. I glance at Shy as he mouths the word "prick" before closing the door. I nod—a grin growing on my face.
"Miss Silby." My smile quickly fades, and I snap my head toward Mr. Val who clears his throat. The students behind me laugh again. "It's a good thing Mr. Savior isn't in this class. It already seems he is proving too much of a distraction."
Mr. Val hands me something that looks more like a work manual than a syllabus, and a massive trigonometry book, then directs me to one of the only seats left in the classroom—front and center. As I take it, I notice a girl with long dark hair staring daggers at me. Our eyes meet, but her expression doesn't change. The only reason I'm okay with it is because she's actually alive. I can deal with living bitches—but not dead bitches. There's a difference.
I pull out my notebook and try to catch up on what I missed in Mr. Val's instruction, and look through the syllabus. As if I need any more confirmation that my time at Nacoma Knight will be trying, I find that we have quizzes every day.
Sighing, I glance up to find the dead girl from Emerson Hall outside the window peering in. Her head dangles to the side, partially decapitated. Blood covers the collar of her sweater, drips from her nose and the corners of her eyes. My whole body suddenly feels prickly, like I've been wrapped in a blanket of spiders, their tiny legs skittering across my skin.
As if she senses my gaze, her sideways eyes snap to mine and her colorless lips pull away from her teeth in a crooked, black-blood smile, and I know that she's come to search for me.
I look away and focus on my desk, but the dead girl's gaze heats my skin like the sun.
Please let her lose interest in me.
If she doesn't, I have a one-way ticket to the psych ward.
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fucktard666666 · 3 years
He was 19 in twenty-19. His favorite crystal is Crystal Methyd, and our first binding words together were: Nothing Fucking Matters!
He complains about how his hair is growing too slow, everyday. “I can’t wait til my hair grows!” He exclaims whether it’s night or day, rain or shine, you will absolutely hear him say. I personally liked the cholo cut-so sexy! “The cholo jumped out!” And this girl said “and it scared me!” That pesky little tissue flap that he constantly burns, located on his palm, but continuously move traverse even more so that the medication can never seem to reverse. It has been frozen, and burnt, and picked on and bleached, and churned by his finger nails... baby put your hand down and stop messing with that tumor! I have never met anyone who has outmatched my dark humor. Take a break from peeling of those dead skins. Caress me around my thighs, my legs, not near my asshole though, I don’t want your bacteria to lay eggs-
In the morning, two is what you prefer. You like them in pairs-perverted as this sounds but it is true-
It is true that the things you want the most are the ones you’ll have the hardest time getting- or non at all. God forbid I wanted hair and facial hair- god did not grant me either one, almost non at all. I envy his hair growths that he likes to compare to middle easterners. It makes me smile all the time, because the bridge of his nose, says “you’re a beaner-ers!”
He’s clogged my sink multiple times, because of his constant shaving. I don’t mind it though... it’s pretty annoying, but it’s a task worth having. I usually clean it by myself when he’s not around. I don’t know, just little remnants of him made me feel like he’s around, his energy lingers upside down and everywhere, even though I’m cleaning up his mess, I can’t help but smile, I can’t help but stare-
Stare at him when he’s asleep. Brushing his curly locks, tuck them behind his ears. Whispering I love you’s when I thought he’s already R-E-M’n, but when he responds “I love you, too baby” I just be D-A-M’n inside, thinking to myself, how lucky did I get?
Lucky that even after all my fuck-ups, screw-ups, mistakes, the universe still bestowed a gift upon me. A gift that was most likely not well deserved. Was it dropped off at the wrong doorstep? I ask myself. I ponder, and wonder, and gander back at him as he does the bare minimum at his job. “You’re just flipping papers, babe.” I whisper to myself. I chuckle a little and let out a yell: do you want breakfast? I asked. He lets out a grin, a half-smile, obviously responding: yes! He has a certain tone when he’s saying “thank you” when I hand him his food. God, a nervous wreck I am whenever I cook for him. I’m no alumni from Le Cordon Bleu, but I can cook a mean... a mean... I don’t know. I can’t cook for shit, but for him I try to make do.
Half-naked in an all ivory dining set. Countless memories in that empty corner, but unforgettable nonetheless. He likes to circle names that he found interesting in his pile of SNHD papers. Hey, did you know names are just the sounds people associate to you? We both are suckers for names. We have enough collected for generations even long after the history that became.
Oh, there’s this one spot located in the middle of nowhere. Red Rock Canyons: Oasis of Stars, home of lone wolves and cayotes, hidden in the far southwest. Famous for being the road on the way to Pahrump where brothels thrive, old men jive, STD hives. I tried to go to this spot one day to remi-nice, but I could not find it at all! One more turn and I might end up in Bermuda Triang-All. He must really be the compass to this place, I stopped on the side street, I said ooh bitch, that was a struggle! This one morning, I’ll fail to ever erase from my memories. It was so, so perfect that I forgot about my open wound pounding from my head. Need I say more or will I cut an old wound, call 911? Will they respond?
Water and Oil is what we’ve become. Despite the beautiful sceneries, steamy showers, and late night epiphanies, we have become repellent- our love language, no longer transparent. We do not seem to combine, scientifically, chemical bonds to be exact. Since when did oil become non-hydrophiliac? . What went wrong? Blood and flesh, sweat and tears, have all been involved. To this day, I demand: tell me where did I go wrong?
Two good people, two beautiful souls, two visions of art, but somehow it ended in turmoil? We tried to repair all the wear-and-tears, but we did not age like fine leather. Sweet and sour, hot and cold. We have not experienced such a fine and dandy weather from the month of January until the hot summer nights of May-weathers. We did not have an umbrella to shield us from the rainfalls. How the hell are we gonna weather the storm when winter befalls? Summer has always been our season. Hot, and steamy, “hey you sucked the puss out of my nipple piercing, but I was too horny to stop you” was his reason.
A very promising relationship that ended bitterly. God, you can’t even keep us in the same room let alone pass each other merrily. What have we become? Is this when we declare each other as our enemies? Is this when we burn our sweet, sweet memories? Is this how we treat each other even though we used to be each other’s ecstasies? This is not a vision I’ve foreseen. This is not the happy ending that we wanted like from those in the silver screens.
Tropicalia, somewhere in Los Ange-Leez, far from the ocean port-landia, located at the foot of the metropo-Leez. We shut the place down, in those fly outfits, the people, the photographers, the cameras. We too fire. We too cool, we brought the half white half black, The Grandfather-esque suit, pimped out boots, fur coats in a light shade of oat, pops of old school red, 10-10-10s!!! Fiya in the streets freaky in the sheets. Thrifted goods from head to toe. Just DSLs, no need to flaunt them YSLs and Logo-
Mania-c panics, insecure Ass fights, sleepless nights, Tel-Aviv dreams, Perfecta on the radio. Sade on the stereo. Stars Are Blind has become an anthem, but Nelly Furtado strengthens our tandem. My Cherie Amour, cara mia, Amor de mi vida- it’s Friday, babe! Can we just have one good día?
Giant Pikachu, that I won for you. Every person envied the dude, who’s carrying a giant, yellow plush! Envy him! It’s his birthday! His embarrassment is accompanied with a blush! I heard a kid saying “I choose you!” No kid, he is mine! Get your own baby, this one is divine- femi-NINE as you claim to be
This is reality and truth be told, we made fools of ourselves. What’s done is done, unbecoming, yes, but we did what we thought was right at the moment. I’m out of tears to shed, but boy if I must see you cry one more time, don’t do it, on my knees I beg. I hate when I see the tears start to glisten your eyes. I’ve killed myself a thousand times for making you cry. Don’t do it, but here are just simple words to live by: forgive me. Forget about me. Now baby, will you
Seven- thirteen- nineteen; another day anotha dolla for San Valentin. He wielded his bow and arrow, struck a 20-something and a late teen. Inside a fortune cookie, holds a question
“Do you wanna be my boo thang” I giggled and answered. Yes- I think we just became each other’s regular dicks and regular bang- his everyday play ting. I blinked once, turned to my side, and my phone suddenly rang- it’s reality calling! Should I ignore it and continue to hang? Little did I know, it’s the phone call we both need: parallel worlds, perpendicular visions, and 90° angles-When you flip the right triangle it looks like it’s bent down to it’s knees- the position where I found myself as I’m begging you please
Please stay with me,
Would you forgive me now, baby, please?
Please be my baby,
Stay for the night please?
Our continuous fights with no referees
Even after some make-up sex, it leaves no guarantees.
Too bad we didn’t even make it to a full trip around the sun. I’ve made a playlist to every single one-
Every single one of the months that you’ve left me longing for your kisses and your hugs and your I love yous that I misses, and your scent, and the views when I have you bent, and everything about you and everyday my sadness increases as I hear songs about you.
I decided that I’m ready to receive what I’ve been missing by getting it myself from other bitches. Their names are Molly, Mary Jane, and some white girl who embezzled half of my riches.
LSD dreams, psychedelic visions, heavily induced in nicotine.
Adderall brain, fried in alcohol and ampheta-main
I chased highs that began from
Little did I know there’s happiness beyond the drugs,
Beyond your love,
In this universe so infinite
Found within myself, I’ve had to ignite
Ignite the fire that sparked the journey
Journey of loving myself beyond, of what used to be a vision too murky
Murky skylines of my future, now I can see so clear, so white, so pearly.
Pearly whites from the crevices of my mouth started to resurface once again
Ready to explore undiscovered depths of my being once again
Rebuilding what was lost from my abrupt healing once again
Before you came, before you saw, before you conquered, shit, never again.
The deepest corners of my soul that are left unseen
Thanks to you for sharing with me, seven-thirteen-nineteen
And for forever redefining the meaning of color
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
more of dem vampire feels
Kid: *holding wrapped boxes* "I think I have what I needed to pick up today...How about you?" liz: yep. should be everything. Patty: *pissed* "..." stocking: its ok.. ^^; Patty: "Santa's not going to give me one thing I asked for...And his beard was fake, too." liz: what is that? Patty: "??? Um...It's a secret..." liz: ah. Patty: -\\\\\- Kid: *smiles* "I can't wait for Christmas~" stocking: yeah. Kid: "...Oh...Um, Stocking? Is your father...still going to send fruitcake?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "..." *slight forced smile* "Great." stocking: i bet we could kill an evil human with it. Kid: "...Truly, the most powerful weapon..." *small laugh* "Sorry." liz:...patti...PATTI NO! -elsewhere- Anya: *packing* ao: *staaaare* Anya: *not even turning around to look* -___- "What is it, Ao?" ao: visiting family? Anya: "Yes. And what will you be doing during the break?" ao: the same. tending to the family shrine. Anya: "They needed extra hands?" ao: perhaps....maybe its just homesickness... Anya: "...Yes, that is understandable..." *struggling to shut her suitcase* ao: could i be of assistance? Anya: "...I suppose." Anya: "I just can't get it to shut..." -elsewhere- Crona: *eating a gingerbread cookie* mami: *has the radio on as she is making dinner* Crona: *smiles* "The gingerbread is very good--not too sweet, not too spicy." mami: *she smiles* Crona: "...May I help with dinner?" mami: of course. Crona: *smiles* "O-Okay...What should I do first?" -elsewhere- naho: so cold oooout... Shamrock: "Then you should have bundled up." *adjusts his scarf* naho: XP Mr. Tsubaki: *removes his jacket, drapes it onto Naho's shoulders* "Here you go~" naho: thanks. ^^ Shamrock: D: Mr. Tsubaki: *POOFs into fox form, leaps into Naho's arms* naho: ^^ so fwuffy~ Mr. Tsubaki: "Why, thank you--I make sure my shampoo and regimental brushing keeps my fur in this form so soft~" Shamrock: Q~Q naho: =w= ~<3 Mr. Tsubaki: "...So, Naho, how are things at the school? I had some recommended courses for you to take..." naho: they're doing good. Mr. Tsubaki: "First, for the dance ahead of us, I want you to take some dance classes. And second, I think you would benefit from a course in audio-visual technologies." naho: *writing down notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *smirk* "It may help you with those videos you keep recording..." naho: OwO;;;;; Shamrock: D: "Wh-What?!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Fu-fu-fu-fu~" naho: >3>;; Mr. Tsubaki: "You are so transparent, Naho..." *nuzzles against her* "Such a troublesome peer..." naho: OwO;;;;;;;;;;;; eh? sakuya: hey lila, want to go for a walk? *drags him off* lilac: e-eh?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Why do you record me when I am disrobing?" naho: >3>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lavender: have you even looked in her journals? naho: LAV!! >/////////< Mr. Tsubaki: "...Well, I guess Naho is getting doujinshi for Christmas..." naho: thank you! OwO belkia: *looking at the journals* dayum. Shamrock: "???" *looks over belkia’s shoulder...and his jaw drops* -TOO LEWD TO SHOW- lavender: nice. Higan: "Hmmm...The syntax is poor, but the descriptions are quite vivid...May we borrow these ideas?" Shamrock: D: D: D: D: "...I need something to wipe these memories from my mind..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "999...1000! Okay, I'm done..." *covered in sweat from his push-ups* "Need the bathroom? I was thinking of taking a bath." tsubaki: im good. *reading under the kotatsu* Black Star: "...Alright. Keeping warm? Got some good reading?" *takes off his sweat-covered shirt* tsubaki: yeah....very good.....*staring* Black Star: "... ??? Something wrong?" *he's now just in boxers* tsubaki: >////////////> Black Star: *concerned voice* "...Um...Maybe you should get out of the kotatsu for a bit. You look hot." tsubaki: im ok! Black Star: "Okay, okay, sheesh! Just checking...Maybe you need a bath, too." -elsewhere- Arthur: *holds up empty plate* "Seconds, please!" mrs kenshimono: you sure worked up an appetite today, huh? Arthur: -\\\\- "Your cooking is great..." ("Especially after some less-than-stellar brigade meals.") Hiro: "Yes, thank you! How is your meal, Eternal Feather?" ef: it's delicious, thank you ^^ Arthur: "Dessert should be tasty, too. Always really good ones here..." *looks at his phone* "..." hime: *she nods* dad got cookie making supplies today, so that should be fun. Hiro: "??? Arthur? Put your phone away--we're still having dinner." Arthur: *sighs* "Yeah, yeah..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *hugs Lord Death from behind* lord death: ^////^ Yumi: *kiss on the cheek* "All set with the children's gifts?" lord death: mmhmm! Yumi: "Good...because I finished wrapping your gifts...most of them." lord death: oh~? Stein: *yawn* aya: *she hands him a pillow* Stein: "Thanks..." *puts it under his head, lies down...* LK: -elsewhere- belkia: duuuude im gonna backflip right offa dis bitch bar, lol! Mr. Tsubaki: "N-Now thassssss...That's stupid..." belkia: imma do it for the vine! Shamrock: "Oh, let him jump." *downs another shot* "Woo..." sakuya: -_-; *is designated driver* Higan: *holds up phone* "Ssssss'okay...I got it...I'm recording...and...go!" belkia: OKAY HERE I GOOOO! *slam* oooow...im good! im immertal like eye of the tiger haha! Shamrock: "...You're eye is dangling out of its socket, 'tiger'..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *LOUD LAUGHTER* "...I'm so lonely..." belkia: oh shit. someone get me water? i need to wash the dirt off! Higan: *covers his mouth, starts running for the bathroom* Shamrock: "...Waiter! We need water! Our colleague has his eye out of his head!" sakuya: -_-; waitress: *SCREAMS* Mr. Tsubaki: *covers his ears* "Not so loud...Some of us have sensitive hearing..." Shamrock: "H-Hang on...I think I can put the eye back in..." otogiri: -_-; maybe we should go now. Higan: *collapsed on the men's room floor* "Ugh...Just like junior high school..." Mr. Tsubaki: "N-Nah-uh! We can't go yet! No one has taken their shirt off yet..." Shamrock: "Is it back in yet?" Mr. Tsubaki: "...That's what she said!" *loud laughter* -gun shots are heard as a black vehicle drives past being chased by a white van with the C3 logo on it- gil: DRIVE MAN! FUCKIN DRIVE! ray: DRIVING AS FAST AS IT CAN GO! Mr. Tsubaki: "...The fuck?!" Shamrock: ._. "...Shouldn't a secret organization not have its name on the side of the vehicle?" sakuya: oh fuck- guys, we need to bail! yumikage: DAMMIT TSURUGI LET ME OR JUN DRIVE! Mr. Tsubaki: "W-Wait! Where's Higan?" Shamrock: -_-;;;; sakuya: i'll get him, head out the back! Mr. Tsubaki: *picks up Belkia* "Right! Shamrock, get my credit card!" *runs off* Shamrock: "..." *looks at waitress* "...Could we get his credit card back, please?" waitress: here you go sir. o-o; Shamrock: *nods* "Thank you." *hands her $200* "Your tip. Good night." *runs after Mr. Tsubaki* -on the road- yumikage: OI! WRATH AND SUBCLASS BASTARDS! THAT IS A STOLEN VEHICLE! PULL THE FUCK OVER! gil: SCREW YOU <SCUM SUCKERS> THEY WERE GONNA SCRAP THIS BEAUTY! LIKE HELL WE WERE GONNA LET THEM DO THAT! Jun: -_-;;;; "Can't this vehicle go any more quickly?" yumikage: WE'RE DOING 79! Jun: *sigh* "Which weapons are in here...?" *tosses random items in the van...* the mother: gil, was the car really worth it? -_-; gil: uh, DOI! this is a classic 1920s cadillac! and in mint condition! Tsurugi: "Jeez, you are all so petulant about this! Just drive faster! How hard is that?! Do I have to take the wheel?!!" Ray: "...I have to agree with Gil: these are indeed <scum suckers>." yumikage: YOU CANT EVEN DRIVE! Tsurugi: "I CAN DO ANYTHING I SET MY MIND TO!" Jun: -____- "Stop. Yelling." gil: *drifts into a parking garage, hoping to lose them* -a female with green hair yawns in the back of the vehicle- ???: eh? whats going on? Ray: "Hello..." gil: !! UNA! my sweet lovely darling! did i startle you?! una: oh, hey gil. ^^ Ray: "Um...Gil? The road? Driving?" gil: <OH SHIT RIGHT!> phew, that was close. una: ^^; Ray: "...So, sleep well?" una: zzzzz.... the mother: and out she goes again. Ray: -_-;;; "No kidding...So, any idea how to avoid those weirdos?" the mother: seems we're going to have to lay low somewhere. last i heard, old child was in a hot springs someplace, all of love was in alisuin mansion, and doubt doubt was awol. Ray: *sigh* "Great...Where you want to go, then?" the mother: old child and all of love are our best options currently. una: a hot spring sounds lovely. gil: HOT SPRINGS IT IS! which one? -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Zzz..." kirei: how is he? Konro: "Today took a lot out of him. He will need his sleep." kirei:...i'll be returning to the shrine. rest well. Benimaru: "Zzz..." Konro: *smiles, nods* -early morning- Takehisa: *already with a cup of coffee, looking at the sunrise* misora: !!! *sneaks back into the firefly* Takehisa: *doesn't notice...* ("A lot quieter with people on break...") misora:..... -elsewhere- Hugh: -_-;;;;; the mother: and that's what all happened. misono: then that means 7 out of 8 servamps are in death city... Lily: "Quite a family reunion..." Hugh: -____- "Why are you staying here?" the mother: like i said, we're on the lam because SOMEONE...stole an antique car. gil: QwQ; Lily: "...That's rather...avaricious. Fu-fu-fu~" the mother: speaking of which, you said lawless was in death city as well? mahiru: yeah...its been...difficult to work with him, to say the least *sweatdrop* Hugh: "His temper has evened out--but his sense of humor is as awful as ever." the mother: at least he is in good spirits....after.....*she shakes her head* nevermind, it's none of my business. Hugh: "..." Lily: *nods* "Yes...Well...Will you be needing anything? We will be running errands..." the mother: just a roof over our heads until C3 gets off our backs. uzuki: scary... the mother: im not mad, this is just how my face looks.....does anyone want to hear any of my farming stories? -elsewhere- Kid: *yawns, hugs Stocking in bed* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Morning, Cupcake..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *nods* "Same..." *holds her hand* "Christmas break starts today..." stocking: yeah, christmas break. *kiss* im not gonna leave you, ok? Kid: "..." *hugs her* "Thank you...Could we...meet your parents, though?" stocking: sure. -elsewhere- otogiri: that was too risky last night...... belkia: on the plus side, my eye's back to normal! Mr. Tsubaki: *groaning, sipping black coffee* "Yes, please, lecture us--that's what my hangover needs, Otogiri..." Shamrock: -_-;;; "Lucky you..." Higan: *passed out on the floor* saku:..... <pitiful> lavender: so what's the next move? Mr. Tsubaki: *stands up too quickly* "Prepare for the dance~! ..." *collapses* "Oh, my head..." otogiri: how bothersome. -_-; Higan: *talking in his sleep* "Mmmm...I came to class naked again...I guess I'm stuck as the nude model...Get me from all angles." sakuya: *hurk* naho: *disgusted face* that's gross old man. Shamrock: "He could not control his drinking or smoking. It is amazing he is able to speak..." Mr. Tsubaki: *lying on the couch* "How will I dance like this?" saku: ....... -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki: *making breakfast* *phone rings* hmm? Black Star: *tosses over in bed, putting the pillow over his head to block out the phone* tsubaki: yes? who is it? Lily: "Tsubaki, sweetie! It's me, Lily! How are you?" tsubaki: doing good. Lily: "Excellent! Um...Maybe sit down, because I have some major news: some new vampire allies are in town!" tsubaki: thats great! Lily: "Now, this new vampire who arrived may seem...um...angry. She looks angry. Like, all the time. So...Yeah." tsubaki: noted. Lily: "How are you and Black Star doing, sweetie?" tsubaki: doing well. -elsewhere- PlushFix: *asleep, clutching the TV remote* -at the hot spring- misono: zzzzz....*yawn* morning already...? Hugh: *poke poke* "Why are you still sleeping here?" misono: *mumbling* -lily's phone rings- Lily: "Bonjour~" dodo: hey, its dodo, big news; mr alisuin going to be coming back to death city soon for the holidays. Lily: o_o "Oh...I should let Misono know then..." dodo: yeah. also, when he gets back, he wants to discuss something with misono... Lily: "...Any hint of what they'll discuss?" dodo: all i got was that it's urgent. Lily: "Yes...I will let Misono know. Thank you." dodo: and you should meet these two new maids, they are hella sexy!- Lily: "...Um...Okay?" -SLAP on the other side- ???: ignore him, he's an idiot. Lily: o____o; "Um...To whom am I speaking?" ???: its me, mitsuki? we live in the same estate? -_-; Lily: "Oh! ...You sound different on the phone..." -elsewhere- belkia: we got our eyes on the inside, and soon its gonna be showtime!! hehehehehe~ Shamrock: "Yes...If only some of us kept their eyes in their heads..." Mr. Tsubaki: *practicing his dance steps with his Tsubaki plushie* "One two three...One two three..." sakuya: ....... belkia: im just glad i got those maid costumes prior!....for reasons >w>; Shamrock: *unrolls a map of the DWMA...* "Yes, we are all so pleased that you have maid outfits..." *eyeroll* belkia: with lav and girioto handling the alisuin place, _we_ will crash the dance! hell yeah! Higan: -\\\\\\- "Let's save the outfit...for some modeling for my next painting...and sculpture..." sakuya: *muttering* next porno film. Shamrock: -_- "Don't give him ideas..." Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; "So disgusting, fascinating about people in maid outfits...Now, a kimono..." *fantasizes about Tsubaki* saku: ........................ Shamrock: *studying Saku* "Um..." saku: what? Shamrock: "N-Nothing!" saku:.... -elsewhere- Relan: *adjusting his tie...* shinra: ok. *inhales* im ready. Relan: *nods...knocks* mrs koizumi: relan honey, welcome home! *she hugs him* this must be shinra, what a pleasure to meet you~ ^^ Relan: o\\\\\o "H-Hi..." shinra: HELLO MRS KOIZUMI! *nervous smile* mrs koizumi: do come in sweeties. shinra: (thinking: ok, so far so good) Relan: *inching into the room* "W-Where is...um...?" mrs koizumi: *she looks at him* papa is upstairs sleeping. *she looks at shinra* my hubby works very hard and needs his rest. please dont disturb him~ -her tone is almost forced- Relan: o________o;;;;;;;; "Oh..." shinra: ok then...*looks at relan* .... mrs koizumi: do you boys need anything~? Relan: "W-W-W-W-W-Water?" shinra: same. mrs koizumi: coming right up~ *she goes to get some* shinra:..... Relan: ._. *looks at Shinra* shinra: *looks at him like 'do you want me to help you?'* Relan: *whispers* "Mother is...insistent, about things." shinra: *nods and looks upstairs* (thinking: the atmosphere here just got really foreboding....) Relan: *whispering* "Whatever she says, just nod..." shinra: ok.... Relan: "...Be kind to Father." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea, slowly* kabuki: did you sleep ok last night? Benimaru: *shakes his head 'no'* "Another one..." kabuki:........ Benimaru: "...How are preparations for the memorial?" kabuki: just about finished... Benimaru: *nods* "I appreciate your work on this, especially during this break..." -elsewhere- Meme: *pokes Mio's arm* mio: *snert* nyeh? *yaaawn* Meme: "We're going to land soon. Better get your seat belt back on." mio: ah, right. Meme: "..." *holds her hand* "Hey..." mio: *blush* ?? Meme: "You okay with this?" mio: yeah. Meme: *smiles* "Me too." Meme: "Thanks for letting me come along." mio: *she smiles a bit* Meme: "...Anything I should know before we get to your family's?" mio: i have pretty much all the consoles. as for my parents and brother, they're pretty chill for the most part. Meme: *giggles* "Well, glad to hear that about the game systems...Um...Have you...I mean, what does your family know about me?" mio: ./////. w-what i've told them, basically.... Meme: -\\\\- "Ha ha..." *pats Mio's hand* "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Kuro: *playing with a ball* sayaka: hehe, how cute~ mahiru: ^^; Kuro: -_-; "This is simply for hand-eye coordination, nothing more..." mahiru:.....misono didnt come back today..... madoka: maybe he's sick? Kuro: "?!!" sayaka: maybe we could check on him? Kuro: "...Yes. Mahiru, we should go..." Kuro: "What do you know about Misono's household?" mahiru: it's a big mansion, we were there, remember? Kuro: "But who else lives there...?" -someone is knocking at the door- sayaka: hmm? julie: *faints as the door is open* nnnh.... the mother: !!! get her inside, now! Kuro: "!!!" *helps to support her, walk her inside...* the mother: is she nuts? doesnt she realize how drastically a subclass' stamina drops in direct sunlight? it could have easily killed her... Kuro: "Then she'll bring an umbrella next time...Hey, you? Can you hear me?" julie: *breathing, but needs to recharge* mahiru: she's...one of lily's subclass....why would she come here? Kuro: "...Because Lily is in trouble?" julie: *waking up* mi...sono...trouble.... Kuro: "!!! Where? The mansion?" julie: misono...he's trapped. his father wont let him leave. Kuro: "...How do we get into the mansion?" sayaka: we can take my scooter! i think i remember the address! Kuro: *hops onto Sayaka's head* "Okay...Someone carry me there..." sayaka: there's room in my backpack! -and so- sayaka: there it is. julie: is it safe? mahiru: i think so. Kuro: *looking around to see who is at the mansion...* dodo: julie! there you are. you know its dangerous to go alone. sayaka: hey mr chauffeur guy! mahiru: is misono in? dodo: yeah, but he kinda got sick all the sudden, cant let anyone in, could be contagious. mahiru: .... Kuro: "...Sounds suspicious..." sayaka: i have to give him something. *pulls out a bag of caramels* i was gonna save them for later, but i think he'd like this as a token of kindness! ^^ Kuro: Q~Q "...May I have one?" dodo: ...sorry, boss' orders. now...wait, did i leave the back gate locked? sayaka: *NYOOM* mahiru: SAYAKA WAIT UP! D: Kuro: *holding on for dear life* o___O -inside- sayaka: MISONOOOOO- Mikado: "???" sayaka: oof! oh my gosh im so sorry! mahiru: *pant pant* jeez, you run fast.... mitsuki: who are you two? why are you here? dodo: sorry, they kinda slipped in. ^^; mitsuki: -_-#; honestly dodo.... -some of the subclass kids surround them- child: mahimahi! child 2: sawaka! Kuro: "...What?" child 3: kitty! hehe~ Mikado: "...Who are you all? And did that cat just talk?" Kuro: "...Feed me treats. Now." mahiru: um, i can explain- Mikado: *stares intently at Mahiru* "...Are you here for my child, Misono?" *glares* mahiru: um... sayaka: we're friends of his! OwO;; -elsewhere- Patty: *appears behind Liz* "...TICKLE ATTACK!!!" liz: GAH! HAHAHA STOP! XD Patty: *tackle onto the couch* "Tickle tickle tickle!!!" stocking: they seem to be in a good mood. Kid: *smiles* "A lot of changes..." stocking: *she nods* Patty: "SIS! That tickles! Ha ha ha ha!" Kid: *holds Stocking's hand* "We're...all much older now." stocking: yeah... hard to believe.... Patty: *taps Stocking's arm* "I'm tagging out! Your turn to do the tickle attack--ON KIDDO!" Kid: o__o -elsewhere- Shotaro: *stringing popcorn chains for the Christmas tree* -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage...*once the customers exit, she closes up shop* Jeje: "..." Faustus: *humming* metsu: *she looks upstairs, to where mikuni's room is*....he's been awfully quiet. Jeje: "Hmm...Has Misono not contacted him?" metsu: i dont believe so....from what i recall, doesnt misono despise him? Jeje: *nods* "...Someone should talk with him." Faustus: "...Don't look at me. I'm very busy." *holds up a shrunken head* "Say hello to my new friend, Alphonse!" metsu: ......well, when mikuni does come out of his room, he has a telegram from dr shuuhei... -elsewhere- Hibana: *knees wobbling* >_< "How does anyone stay on these skiis?!" -elsewhere- akane: i still dont see how fighting ghost thingies will help anyone... mitsuba: they're called 'jinn' dummy...right mr jun? Jun: *nods* "Yeah, yeah, jinn...And we are here to contain them." *stares at Akane* "That's how they help people." akane: .... shinoa: while we may not be 'eves', per say, but the weapons we were given might help make them easier to shake off people. akane: then what? yumikage: we contain them with these bad boys! *shows off jinn vaccum* mitsuba: what is this, ghost busters?! Jun: "Agreed on the weapons. But you'll need more practice with them, not just on the scene but here." *holds up a jar that says 'Fake Jinn'* "Hence this little exercise..." akane: *sword drawn* alright, its takedown time! -elsewhere- sayaka: thanks for the meal~ *nom nom nom* mahiru: misono isnt joining us for dinner? Mikado: "...Misono is busy. Recovering." sayaka: so you're misono and mikuni's dad? children: mikuni?............who is that? sayaka: O-O;;;;; Kuro: *nom nomming on candy* "Hmm?" Mikado: "...'Mikuni'?" sayaka:....uh- yamame: there is no one by that name who lives here. the only servamp living here is snow lily...misono is the only son. mahiru: ??? (thinking: they really dont know who mikuni is? whats going on?) Lily: *overhearing from the shadows...* Kuro: "..." *swallows another cookie* sayaka:....excuse me! nature calls! *exits*........*notices misono outside the window and makes her way to the door* misono:......... sayaka: hey misono! misono: !!! good god miki, dont sneak up on me like that! sayaka: we came to bail you out! misono:...what? sayaka: mahiru and i are here and we're gonna help you escape! misono: why are you even doing that? you're going to get in serious trouble with my father. sayaka: why? its because thats what friends do for each other. they look out for each other.....caramel? misono:......*takes some and puts them in his pocket* thanks....i think.... sayaka: hehe, now come on, lets blow this fancy popcicle stand! misono:............... \misono please....you're the only family i have left\ misono: im sorry. but i cant.....my father...im his only family. he'd worry- sayaka: thats not true, what about your brother mikuni?....come to think of it, why does no one here know who he is? its weird. misono: ...i- dodo: there you are! jeez your fast....come on, time for you to head home. sayaka: but i- mitsuki: *drags her off* sayaka: call you tomorrow! misono:....... -elsewhere- sayaka: that could have gone better... Q.Q; mahiru: at least it was something. Kuro: -w- *tummy full of sweets* mahiru: so what now? sayaka: all we do now is wait.... -elsewhere- misono: the backdoor key....it should be in mikuni's room....its such a mess here....what is it they...dont...want me....to.......*he passes out* Lily: *catches Misono* "...Time for you to rest... Misono....I hope you can forgive me for doing this....” -two maids watch from a distance- maid 1:....*she smirks* maid 2:....how bothersome. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sips his tea...smirks* belkia: any updates? Mr. Tsubaki: "Quite. Our informant has kept a close eye..." -phone buzzes- Mr. Tsubaki: "???" lavender: [seems lust is hiding something from the alisuin kid. may prove useful 2 our cause >:) ] lavender: [also turns out limo driver boy has a thing for big boobs. also useful info for me 2 use 2 my advantage <3 >8) ] otogiri: [ignore that last comment. -_-; ] Mr. Tsubaki: [too late -_-; keep us updated] otogiri: [understood] Mr. Tsubaki: "...Belkia? I think I'll take a poll online." belkia: neat! for what? Mr. Tsubaki: "Which are better: maids outfits or kimonos?" belkia: maid for the win! sakuya: are you kidding me? -_-# saku: <to each their own> Higan: "NURSE OUTFITS NURSE OUTFITS NURSEOUTFITS--" *foaming at the mouth* Shamrock: -_-;;;;; lilac:.....im confused. o-o; ame: ?????? naho: i'll go for anything that's cute, to be honest. Mr. Tsubaki: *drooling* "My camellia..." sakuya: so shameless.... -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: *wipes the drool* "Now, then...Let's review the best ways for infiltrating the Academy..." -elsewhere- Emine: *dressed as an elf* "...I hate you all." lin: ^^ Shotaro: *also in an elf outfit* "But it helps the kids--and Santa! You don't want to disappoint Santa, do you?" Emine: "...Do you really want to imagine what I want to do to Santa?" mana: *glare* Emine: "!!!" *hides behind Lin* "That snow-monster looks upset..." -3 days later- Lily: "Hello, Misono..." misono: ??? *yawns* lily? how long was i out? *rubbing his eyes* Lily: "...You must be hungry. Let me bring you something~" misono: that didnt answer my question, but ok..... -misono got up and went to the dining hall- maid: morning young master~ ^^ maid 2: up early i see. misono: morning. -the two maids depart, looking back for a moment, with the first maid smirking slightly- Mikado: *seated at the table* misono: ...good morning father, how was england? Mikado: *shiny eyes* "Misono! Cheerio, good chap! Come here--" *holds out his arms for a hug* misono: oh uh *hugged* o-o; mitsuki: you were more excited when he got back, so much so that you passed out. dodo: not as excited as you and your idol sho- mitsuki: YOU JUST KEEP QUIET! >////< Mikado: *nods* TWT "Papa missed you!" -the day goes on as normal, perhaps a bit too normally- -the phone rings- misono: damn, how do i answer this thing? Lily: "!!! M-Maybe I should answer..." misono: seems like a good option. Lily: *answers* "Hello?" sayaka: *on the other end* heyo~ how's it going~? Lily: *answers* "Hello?" Lily: "Oh! Hello! How are you?" sayaka: great. is misono there? Lily: .w.;;;; "...No?" misono: im right here! T-T; sayaka: thats a bummer, we agreed to talk a few days ago, but he didnt pick up. well, let him know to call us back when he can, ok? Lily: .w.;;;;;;;;; "R-Right! Of course! Thank you! Toodles!" misono: what was that just now? Lily: "Um...Telemarketer?" misono:..... -later that evening- misono: *gets into bed....but he feels something soft in his pockets* ?!?! what the- *he pulls it out* ....caramel?....!! *remembering sayaka offering some to him* !!! what? *he steps out into the hall and catches a glimpse of lily* lily? *he follows* otogiri:.... "Lily": "..." misono: lily wait! -he follows till he loses track of him, but ends up at the door of the tea room- ???: he's going to find out eventually... misono: *listening* .... (thinking: find out?) ???: "There has to be a way...Perhaps I could..." misono: *he peeks inside* Lily: "...change them again." misono: !!! *he feels like his heart dropped into his stomach* (thinking: change what again?!) otogiri: young master? you're up rather late. misono: !!!! *he stumbles into the room* mitsuki: m-misono! lavender:... Lily: "...Oh no...Misono...I..." misono: whats...whats going on? what did you talk about changin-.....the caramels......*he pulls them out of his pocket* sayaka....she was here a few days ago, wasnt she?? Lily: "Misono...I'm sorry. Can we just...sit down and talk?" misono: then i went to get the key when-.....what is it you're trying to hide from me?! Lily: "..." *tries to hug Misono* Lily: "I'm sorry..." misono: *backing away* if you wont answer me...ill just find the answer on my own! *he storms to mikuni's room* lavender:.... mitsuki: miso- *slammed into the wall by otogiri's strings* grk- Lily: "?!!!" *looks around for the antagonist...* otogiri: *sends the doll to attack lily* seems the bond is weakening....how bothersome....well....bothersome for you. dodo: what?! mitsuki: there was a mole?! otogiri: *she removes her wig* remember me...all of love? from the hotel? dodo:.... .///.; mitsuki: DODO! D:< Lily: "!!! Everyone, get back! I'll--" otogiri: you'll what? let misono learn the truth of what you're hiding from him? Lily: "..." *glares* "Ma'am...I cannot let this attack on anyone in this household stand." *battle pose* "Leave, while you still can." dodo: we'll handle her! go get misono! yamame: *pin sword in hand* Lily: "Right!" *chases after Misono* dodo: *pulls out gun* alright, lets dance. lavender: say, i know this is out of nowhere, but...you're kinda cute~ dodo: um... .///. mitsuki: DODO! D:< lavender: let me ask....you have a thing for big breasts, dont you~? <3 *pressing herself against him* dodo: O/////O mitsuki: DODO!! D8< lavender: thought so~ *kisses him below the ear* dodo: O//////O ...!!! i...i cant move?! lavender: *takes the gun* i'll be taking this thanks~ *she chases after lily* mitsuki: WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE IM KILLING YOU UNTIL YOU DIE!!! Lily: ("Where is he?") misono: *running to where mikuni's room was* Lily: "!!! Misono, stop!" misono: stay away from me! .....i always hated mikuni.....but i dont know why.....why are you manipulating my own memories? what is it that you dont want me to know?! Lily: "Misono...I can't have you hating...hating..." misono: JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH ALREADY! if you're so insistent....then....how can i even trust you?! Lily: "...I don't want you to hate m--" -BANG- misono: !!! lavender: *smirks* -shatter- Lily: "..." *bleeds from his mouth...feelings Jinn release from the wound...* "M-Mi-Misono...G-Get back..." *collapses to his knees, crying* misono: !!! LILY!!! -at the dance- Kid: *glaring at one decoration* "...This snowflake is off..." tsubaki: ^^; stocking: want to dance? Kid: *instant smile* "Of course~" Black Star: -\\\\- tsubaki:....you've been practicing... stocking: hehe~<3 Black Star: "Y-Yeah...It's kinda like fighting in battle. Only without punching...You dance great, Tsubaki." Kid: *smiles at Stocking* tsubaki: ^^ Patty: *holds up a gingerbread man to Takeru* takeru:...*nom* t-thank you ^^ belkia: *staring from across the room* i wanna punch that guy so muuuch! >n< Mr. Tsubaki: *frowning* "No kidding." Shamrock: x_-; "Calm yourselves...Please." Patty: "Hee hee hee...You got a crumb..." *kisses his cheek* lilac: .......*looking around, awkwardly* takeru: >/////////< Crona: "H-Hi, Lilac..." lilac: !!! oh...h-h-hi! mami: glad to see you're ok. *she smiles* lilac: t-thank you! Crona: "...Enjoying the dance?" lilac: y-yeah....d-dad decided to chaperone... Crona: *looks at Shamrock* "...He looks upset." lilac: y-yeah.... sakuya: *dancing* Jacqueline: *watching Sakuya* "Hmm...He isn't dancing with anyone?" kim: doesnt look like it, neither are those new kids..... mitsuba: this is so dumb. -_-; yumikage: its no picnic for us either, princess. mitsuba: why you- shinoa: oh my. a little lovers spat i see? mitsuba + yumikage: HELL NO! Jun: "Be quiet, and have some cake..." akane: she's way too chill....freaking rich kids, am i right? Jacqueline: "...I am familiar with people concerned with money..." akane: and you are? Jacqueline: "Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupré." kim: you can call me Kim. you new here? akane:....yeah. names Akane Hyakuya. the blonde girl is Mitsuba, and the purple haired girl is Shinoa. we're transfer students. Jacqueline: "Well, a party is certainly a good way to be introduced to your new classmates." akane: i guess so.... so the DWMA really is a school of the elites, huh? Jacqueline: "Well...It does attract some of the most powerful meisters, weapons, warriors..." akane: ah... Jacqueline: "Are you a weapon?" akane: not really.....i-....its complicated. tsubaki: *goes out to get some fresh air* Jacqueline: "..." *nods* "It's okay..." *smiles* "The Academy is supposed to be welcoming to all students..." kim: yeah, we get new people every day. Jacqueline: "You can always find activities here..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stands back from her...* tsubaki:.........*a bit tense* (thinking: something.....doesnt feel right....) Mr. Tsubaki: *opens his mouth...* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello." tsubaki: !!! *she turns to face him*.....why are you here? Mr. Tsubaki: *small, innocent smile* "Am I not invited?" tsubaki:.... -mr tsubaki's phone rings- Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Sorry..." *looks at the phone* otogiri: all of love has been taken out. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Thank you. What comes next, then?" -noises are heard on the other end- lavender: kyan~<3 mahiru: OHMYGODIMSORRY! Mr. Tsubaki: -____- "...What is going on?" otogiri:.... -_-; mahiru shirota arrived. do you wish to speak with him? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh! Yes, very much so~" mahiru: *takes the phone* hello? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, there! How are you~?" mahiru: what's going on?! what did you do to lily? why is there jinn- Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, when a vampire is injured, all that jinn just floats on up out of them. Perhaps it has something to do with all those misdeeds us naughty sins are up to..." tsubaki: ?!?! mahiru: what?! Mr. Tsubaki: "Best not get too close to it...But maybe you should get used to seeing it..." tsubaki: w-what's going on?? mahiru: what? Mr. Tsubaki: "Are you familiar with C3? Surprising people. Very interesting. But they are such a nuisance. So I thought, 'Why not spread some of that jinn around?' How do you think the world would look, with that darkness hanging over them?" tsubaki: !!!!!! mahiru: !!!!! Mr. Tsubaki: *smirks...until he sees Tsubaki staring at him...he frowns, seriously, as if he is talking to both Mahiru and her...* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Do you know what it is like, to feel melancholia hanging over you?" tsubaki: ........ mahiru: *he runs for lily* otogiri:.....we should go now. lavender: good call... *she and otogiri exit* Lily: *crying, on the floor, wreathing* "Stay back..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." tsubaki:.....tsubaki.....what did you do....? Mr. Tsubaki: "..._I_ did nothing...technically." -back at the mansion- mahiru: lily! snap out of it! misono: ....... Lily: *crying* "M-Misono..." misono: LILY! *he runs over to him* mahiru: MISONO NO! Lily: "..." *looks up, with pure animalistic rage, as he screams at Misono, leaping at him* misono: !!!!! *shuts his eyes tightly* Lily: *slashes at Misono, as if pulling Misono towards him...and into him...* misono: *he opens his eyes*.... ???? where.....am i? ???: "...You are not supposed to be here~" misono: ??? *A small child emerges from the shadows...Easter eggs are around them* misono: are you...part of lily? Child!Lily: *nods* "Uh huh! I never thought I'd see you in here, Misono!" misono: whats going on? (thinking: is this like what mahiru....) Child!Lily: "...I got hurt. Badly. And I...I...did something wrong, didn't I?" misono:......the only one to blame here is me....its my own arrogance that got you hurt....i just...wanted to know the truth... Child!Lily: "...You should not. The truth...will change things." misono: what do you mean? Child!Lily: "...I can't...You'll hate me...you'll hate yourself." misono:....even then, i just want closure. cant you at least let me have that? being happy all the time....its not realistic. we have bad days too... Child!Lily: "Misono...How can you have life...without love in it? Please...Don't..." misono: i'll be ok...i promise. Child!Lily: "But...What if I'm not there to be with you?" *The Easter Eggs start shattering, sinking into the water around them...* misono: !!! *lily's memories flood his head* Memory!Lily: "...I promise: he will not remember what has transpired." memory!mikuni: hey little guy, im your big brother. Memory!Mikado: "What have you done?!!" misono: are these....!!! memory!mary: *she weakly reaches her hand out* Memory!Mikado: "He must never know. He is my son--and I don't want him to be hurt." memory!mikage: to think im a father...its amazing. Memory!Lily: *looking at Mikage's pocket watch, smiles* "Time flies, does it not, my friend?" memory!misono: please stay with us, snow lily. misono: *he opens his eyes...he is now in his bed* mitsuki: he's awake! Mikado: "...Son?" misono: father? Mikado: Q~Q "MY BABY!!!" misono: ah! t-too tight! ???: misono! misono:.... !!!! madoka: *waves* misono: W-WHY IS SHE HERE?! Rin: "!!! Um...We want to check up on you, dude? You had a pretty nasty time, huh?" misono:....lily is he- mitsuki: he's alive...albiet a bit lethargic....he hasnt spoken to anyone since he woke up. he hasnt even tried to strip. Rin: "...Tried to what?" mitsuki:.....long story. madoka: *sweatdrop* misono: are mahiru and the others- Mikado: "My baby needs rest! Please, don't worry your pretty little head..." yamame: they're helping out....dodo is injured, the subclass fell ill... misono:....... Mikado: *stares at Yamame* -_-; misono: .....i need to use the bathroom Rin: *looking around* "Um..." ("I don't see a bedpan...Can he even stand up?") Mikado: "Of course. Would you like me to carry you there?" misono: i can walk thanks. tetsu: i'll walk him there. Mikado: "CLEAR THE WAY! MY SON NEEDS TO TINKLE!" misono: FATHER PLEASE! -tetsu and misono exit.....outside- misono: why are you- tetsu: just thought you needed help. misono:.....thanks..... *he goes inside* -The library has numerous volumes, as well as a desk covered with Mikado's files, books, and letters- misono: *looking around* -One book is a journal, opened to a page with a word standing out: Mikuni- misono: *he looks at a photo of his family*......*he looks at the journal*...... misono:....!!!! w-what....? Mikado's journal: "...but I was too late: Mikuni had killed her." misono: .....oh....that's right..... misono: why...why did he kill our mother?....*looks at more journals* there has to be some......thing..... *his eyes widen and his pupils shrink* journal: the truth is, misono was born from an affair. misono: *he feels his heart drop again* -he continues to read how mikuni's mother murdered misono's birth mother, how he was taken in, how mrs alisuin tried to kill him before mikuni killed her then left- misono:...no....nonononono......*he feels like he is about to scream....but nothing came out but silence* misono: *whimpering* im sorry....im sorry.....im sorry....lily....mother....father....mikuni......this is my fault....if i had just died then- -Misono's hand knocks into a book...- misono: ??? w-what? -Letters fall out of the book- misono: *he reads them*..... letter: dear mikado, thank you for the letter you sent. misono and i are doing well. do you like the name? i named him after you to an extent. he's already beginning to speak and he's always smiling. -misono continues to read the letter- misono: *tears begin to fall* -a watch is contained in the letter, as well as a photo of misono and his mother. misono:....i really...do take after her..... -inside the mansion- Lily: "..." yamane: lily? misono wants to speak with you. misono:......i know the truth now. Lily: "...I hurt you, didn't I?" misono:....you arent the one to blame here....no one is really.....it hurt a lot....but....i think im ready to accept it....my mother would have wanted me to....im not mad at you. Lily: "...Misono...Your mother..." misono: i know. Lily: "...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...for all of this." misono: ....i forgive you....*he hands him the watch* i know its early but, merry Christmas, snow lily. Lily: "...Merry Christmas, Misono..." *accepts the watch* misono:....*extends an arm* here....you're probably hungry.... Lily: "...No, I'm--" *stomach growl* o\\\\o "...Okay, a little." misono: *smiles* Lily: "..." *opens his mouth, as he leans towards Misono's arm...* -later- sayaka: there, how does that look? mitsuki: looks good. Mikado: "???" sayaka: *putting up decorations* oh, thanks for letting us help out, mr alisuin! Mikado: "It is...helpful. It has been so long since hanging up these decorations..." *examines one ornament...* sayaka: *she looks* *The ornament says "Mikuni's 4th Christmas* sayaka: so you do remember him? Mikado: "...This is a family that, for so long, has wanted one thing: to forget...Maybe..." sayaka:.....is this mrs alisuin.....wait a second...misono doesnt look like either of you. *GASP* is he *whispers* adopted? Mikado: "N-No...It's...a family concern." misono: father...may i speak with you? in private? Mikado: *chipper* "Of course, my son~" *gently sets the ornament onto the tree, in a prominent spot* "..." *follows Misono* -in the study- misono: i know the truth now. about my mother....my real mother. Mikado: "..." *nods* "I...did not want you to...You were so young and...I didn't..." misono: .....even then, i would learn eventually....but im not angry with you...if i held it against you, i wouldnt get anywhere....you really loved her, didnt you? both of them? Mikado: "...Yes. I am...awful." misono: you.....did something wrong....but that doesnt make you a terrible person. i appreciate that you looked out for me. but i think im ready to face things on my own. no....im not on my own...i have friends by my side. Mikado: "...I can't just let you out there. You are a child. You need family to be with you--" -chessboard chairs appear- Mikado: "?!!! What on Earth...?" misono: i am young, yes, but that doesnt mean im not mature. im not going to leave my family, i can always come home. but im ready to find my own path. Mikado: "...'Your own path'..." *smiles* "Interesting...I think that path may take you somewhere...May I ask you something?" misono: yes, but first i must ask something as well. i know this will come off as harsh, but it needs to be said, would my mother have wanted me to be locked up forever? Mikado: "...No." -the board and chairs dissipate- misono: now...what did you want to ask me? Mikado: *sighs* "...If you see your brother...I want you to pass on this message from me." misono:......what is it? Mikado: " 'Son...Come home.'" misono:....ok. i will. -elsewhere- metsu: rummaging through mikuni's mail _again_, doctor? Faustus: "...What? I like the free perfume samples." *sniffs the mail* "Aaaaaah~ Lavender!" metsu: -.-; .... ??? *she notices something; an invitation to the alisuin mansion christmas party* oh? Jeje: "..." Faustus: "...Oh, that invitation? Yeah, junk mail. Can I use it for scrap paper?" metsu: .....*she goes upstairs* mikuni? you have a letter. Mikuni: *holds up a puppet, speaking through it with a high pitch* "What's that, buddy?" metsu:....here. *she sticks the letter in the puppets mouth and goes back downstairs* Mikuni: *smiles, waves...Picks the invitation out of the mouth...and recognizes the handwriting* "...No..." Mikuni: "..." *leaves it on his desk...* "Wh-Why now...?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm..." *staring at seven candles, around one large candle...he put out one candle* "One down..." Lavender: and then there were 6... -elsewhere- Hibana: *frowning, her leg in a cast* gabriella: *kiss* its ok. we can still cozy up to the fire place~ Hibana: *pouts, blushing from the kiss* "I can't believe I break my leg going down the children's slope..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: HYAAAH! *slicing jinn away* take that! akane: where did it all come from in one night? Jun: "Something bad..." tinker: no kidding. these readings are off the charts! Jun: "Contain it, and mark the locations. We can track them to their origin..." tinker: right! shuuhei, how's everything at your end? Shuuhei: *grumbles* "So dirty...It's everywhere..." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Are there any updates?" ryuuko: nothing currently. Relan: "Oh...Okay...H-How are you?" ryuuko: well. mikami and i were invited to a christmas party. Some of the more prestigious families in the area will be attending. Relan: *smiles* "That should be nice." ryuuko: *she nods* Relan: *picks up Buttons* "A lot of fun happening..." buttons: ^o^ Relan: "So cute!" *smiles happily* "Wait 'til you see the new toys you get for Christmas, Buttons..." -and so, the next night- kilik: wow, fancy party. sayaka: sure is! Wes: *looking around* "Impressive architecture." norio: mikado. a pleasure to see you. *he nods* Mikado: "Oh! Greetings." *offers his hand* norio: *shakes hand* i'd like you to meet my wife, Chikami, and my daughter, Mikami. mikami: h-hello... ._.; Mikado: "A pleasure..." ("A name that starts with an 'M'..." *plotting* ) ryuuko: ... Mikado: *looks at Ryuuko* "Hello!" norio: and this is my daughter's friend, Ryuuko Houo. they're both members of the 3rd special fire brigade. Mikado: "Oh...Is that the brigade with the head of Hajima Industries?" norio: no that would be. Mr Helvitz: actually, that would be the 6th brigade. also its head of haijima's european branch. vivian: ^^ Mikado: "Oh...Well, welcome!" -on the balcony- madoka: you're a really good dancer, rin. Rin: *small embarrassed laugh* "I had a lot of practice...Dad always had me do that..." madoka:....is he...feeling any better? Rin: "...Some days are better than others..." madoka:....*she hugs him* Rin: *holds her close* "I'm sorry for bringing it up..." madoka: its ok. *she kisses him on the nose* Rin: -\\\\- "Aaaah..." madoka: hehe~ so cute. Rin: "Um, I mean, you're cuter..." misono:......*walking away, somewhat heartbroken*....*sighs* -bump- misono: !!! shinoa: oh, pardon me. i guess i wasnt paying attention~ misono: ..... shinoa: something wrong? misono: nothing..... shinoa: ....say, want to dance? misono: w-wha? shinoa: ah, introductions. im Shinoa Hiiragi. *extends a hand* misono:.... 7///7; Misono Alisuin. Lily: *peeks from around the corner* :3 misono:...f-fine. shinoa: hehe, come on~ *she takes him back to the ballroom* Lily: *squee* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: such a nice night out... Kid: *nods* "Glad to see one..." *holds her hand* ("Especially after such curfews...") stocking: *admiring the lights* Kid: *points to one light* "Excellent display..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...When I was tiny, my father took me out to see the light displays...and I...I..." stocking: ?? Kid: -\\\\- "I had thought about taking my _own_ children to see such light displays..." stocking: *blush* that would be lovely. Kid: *nods...small squeeze of her hand* "Stocking...I love you." stocking: i love you too kid. *she kisses him* Kid: *kisses back...smiles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "...I keep checking around here, making sure the windows are all secured." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "...Hey. You're going to be alright." tsubaki: i know....it's lily im worried about... Black Star: *nods* "...Any update?" tsubaki:...he's...better....but still weakened.... Black Star: "..." *puts his hand over Tsubaki's* "He's a tenacious guy: he's going to get better." tsubaki:....*she nods* Black Star: "...Would you like to go visit him?" tsubaki: i would like that...i think there's a formal party there.... Black Star: "I could get dressed up, right now!" -and so- Black Star: o_o "...You keep figuring out new ways to look classy." tsubaki: thanks ^^; *she is in an asian inspired outfit with her hair done up* Black Star: *in a suit, actually looking presentable* *offers his arm to lead her inside* soul:...*spots them* dont i know you from somewhere? *he speaks in a joking tone* Black Star: *smirks* "Yeah, the row behind you in class." soul: yeah i know, haha! surprised to see you guys here. tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "...You see Lily around?" soul: hmm? oh, you mean the person with the, uh... *puts two fingers on his head to mimic lily's antennae* Black Star: "Yeah. Also, he may be stripping." soul:.......uhhhh... mahiru: he's in the kid's room. soul: O______O mahiru: HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING TO THEM! Black Star: "Awesome--thanks, Mahiru! Tsubaki, you want to talk with him on your own, or...?" tsubaki: *she nods and goes to the kid's room* mary: miss tsubaki! *hug* julie: tsutsu! Lily: "???" *looks to see Tsubaki, smiles* "Hello." tsubaki: hello. feeling any better? Lily: "...A bit. Slowly." tsubaki: at least its something.....and how is misono doing? Lily: "...He is...encountering some major changes in his life." *smiles* "But I think he is ready to face them...He _has_ been ready, for some time." tsubaki: *she nods* misono: -//////- honestly, that girl.... Lily: "How are you, sweetie?" *glances at Misono...* tsubaki: well...oh, hey misono. misono: *he nods* Lily: "Misono, want to sit and chat with Tsubaki and me for a bit?" misono: um. sure. Lily: *smiles* "Tsubaki, are you okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* yeah. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." naho: something wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am torn, in two directions, by what my goal is...and what my heart desires." naho: *listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "I want to make a point to these other sins...but I fear, should I move forward with this plan, I will shut off another option...another path towards happiness, towards her." naho: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am stuck having to wait and see what comes next." -outside- lilac:......*sniff* saku:...what is it? lilac:..... saku: is this because of what greed did? lilac:.....*tearing up* saku:......your friends....they died because they were weak. lilac: *tenses* saku: in this world, only the strongest survive...remember that. lilac:...... Shamrock: "...Is there a problem here?" saku: its nothing....*walking away* lilac:....... Shamrock: "...Lilac. Don't listen to her..." *pats Lilac's shoulder* lilac:...... Shamrock: "...Let's get some tea..." lilac:..... -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzzz..." chie: *tucking him in* hehe~ -christmas morning- Patty: *peeks over Liz's bed* :3 liz: merry christmas sis! Patty: "Awwww, I was going to wake you up!" *crawls into bed, hugs Liz* "Merry Christmas!" liz: hehe... Patty: "Can we head down and open gifts now?" liz: sure thing! -in kid and stocking's room- Kid: o\\\\o stocking: well~? *in a cute wintery nightgown* Kid: "That looks great on you..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "..." *holds up a small wrapped box for her* "Merry Christmas, Stocking." stocking: *she opens it* !!! kid... *The jewelry looks like a candy necklace, only thinner and with more subdued colors* Kid: "..." stocking: its beautiful. *she kisses him* Kid: -\\\\- "It seemed to suit you..." stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Akitaru: *giddy* "New weights! Thanks!" shinra: *he smiles* Takehisa: *looking at his present* "..." tamaki: its not going to eat you. Arthur: "I hope not...I once thought there was a Griffin in my Christmas gift, but it was only socks..." *unwraps...* "!!!" -it was a custom pen sword- Arthur: "...Glorious...THANK YOU!" tamaki: no problem. Arthur: -\\\\\- "Here is your gift..." tamaki: thanks. *she opened it up* *It is a cat themed bracelet and a set of game cards for her mobile video game* tamaki: *shiny eyes* this is great! thanks! *hug* Arthur: "Heh. I'm glad you like them..." -elsewhere- Emine: "...Why is this box wrapped in paper decorated with dancing penguins?" mana: it's called 'gift wrap' Emine: "...That one penguin looks mischievous..." *carefully unwraps...* -its a nice scarf- Emine: "...I like this color." lin: ^^ i worked extra hard on it! Emine: *smooch* "Thank you." lin: >////////< -elsewhere- Hibana: "I had a surprise for you, before this broken leg..." gabriella: oh? Hibana: -////- "Yeah...but I did get you another surprise..." *hands her a new phone* gabriella: aww, thank you! *smooch* Hibana: *hug* "I tried to get the best I could, for the best woman..." gabriella: >///////////< Hibana: "I love you so much..." -elsewhere- lilac:......... Mr. Tsubaki: "Lilac?" lilac: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "What troubles you?" lilac:.....nothing... Mr. Tsubaki: "...When something is on my mind, I look to the sky. I never got to see many stars when I was younger. Too many clouds out..." lilac:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "Gives perspective, on where we are in this universe." lilac:......... belkia: *downing a whole thing of egg nog* Shamrock: *sips* "Really, you will have a terrible hangover..." lavender: CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! belkia: MUSCLE TUFF! *slams bottle to the ground* HOO HOO!! Higan: "Yay, booze!" sakuya: -_-; Shamrock: "So embarrassing..." saku:..... <idiots.> Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, now, enough drinking...We have additional gifts..." -elsewhere- the mother: i say we find this little 'tsubaki' prick and give him a good what for. *cracks knuckles* Hugh: "He is quite powerful..." soul: if we all ambush the guy, then we can get some answers. tsubaki:..... Black Star: "We'd do better if we separated him from his clique... mahiru: then we'll have to bait him out somehow.... Kuro: "...Tsubaki?" tetsu: isnt that what we're discussing? Kuro: "No, I was speaking to _our_ Tsubaki. She can be our bait." tsubaki:.... Black Star: "What?! After what has happened?!!" mahiru: it does sound risky... Hugh: "Yet he seems to let his guard down around her..." tsubaki:...i'll do it. if it helps. Black Star: "...Can we be your backup?" tsubaki: .... romina: i think i have a plan. guildenstern, you got spare whale suits? Guil: *whale noise* "...I mean, yes." sayaka: THE WHALE FREAKING TALKS?! Guildenstern: "I CAN SAY MANY THINGS." Black Star: "...I remember when talking cats were weirdest thing I saw..." romina: the whale suit's actually a costume. sayaka: oh, ok. Guildenstern: "But what do you need an extra whale suit for?" -romina explains her plan of hiding tsubaki in one of 5 whale suits, while 4 others, including guildenstern and romina, hide in the other suits- Black Star: "...So, Mr. Tsubaki won't attack or risk hurting her..." the mother: it sounds crazy enough to work. Hugh: "Or just crazy..." romina: i say we take a call of hands. all in favor. Kuro: "..." *reverts to cat form, buries himself in Mahiru's arms* mahiru: *exits the room with kuro* Hugh: -_-;;; "Yes, I agree...but no more votes..." the mother: i think we should give it a shot. Black Star: "..." (pats Tsubaki's hand) the mother:......oh...right.... tsubaki:...*she nods* romina: so that's me and guildenstern in two suits. any volunteers for the other suits? Black Star: "Right here!" una:....those whale suits look so fluffy....i wouldnt mind sleeping on one -.- Guildenstern: -_-;;; "The outfits are comfortable..." una: does it make a good bed or pillow? ray *sweatdrop* (thinking: she certainly lives in her own world, doesnt she?) Guildenstern: "...Likely." una: yaaay. -w- ray: gil? what do you think? Gil: "I wanna shove a harpoon up this Tsubaki jerkoff's butt!" *cackles, before turning calmly to Ray* "Is that okay?" ray: sounds good. una: whale shish-kabobs?.....sounds yummy –w Guildenstern: "I will not be shishkabobbed!" Black Star: o-o "...I hope he meant the Tsubaki we don't like..." ray: he did. Black Star: "Good..." una: can we get yakitori afterwards? Gil: "Whatever you wish~" ray: *sweatdrop* the mother: *sweatdrops* Black Star: "...In any case, how will Tsubaki and another person move in those suits?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: [text: okay trip with family?] vivian: [yeah. europe is nice, but i miss u *sad face*] Kishiri: [same. Wish I could be there. Anything u want me to do while you're away?] -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: *smooooch* you're just the sweetest~<3 Kid: "You're doubly sweet~ Did you like your gifts?" stocking: very much so. Kid: "...That's not all..." stocking: oh? Kid: *holds up a blindfold* stocking: oh my~ *she puts it on* Kid: *small kiss on her cheeks* "These clothes won't do, though..." stocking: ah... Kid: "carefully takes off her dress, leaving her in her underwear* "I'm going to walk you just over here...You're still in our bedroom, the door is locked...Do you trust me?" stocking: yes, of course i do. Kid: "Okay..." *he is behind her, guiding her to sit down...she can feel something hard against her leg* stocking: ahh.... Kid: *slides her panties to the side* "I'm going to slide this new toy in, okay?" stocking: o-ok... *She feels it slide into her...It is long..She is sitting on something with a dildo going into her* Kid: "And now, to turn it on..." stocking: ahhhh.... *Kid guides her hands to clutch the base of the device on which she is seated...Then he turns it on, sending light, slow pulses into her* stocking: *she moans loudly* k-kid! Kid: *he clutches her breasts from behind* "I control the switch...Should I decrease the speed?" stocking: m-more...please... Kid: *on set of fingers release the snaps on her bra, while his other hand turns up the speed...* "Enjoy..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *cuddles* chie: hehe~<3 Yohei: "Imagine our baby's first Christmas..." chie: >w< Yohei: "Little snowman outfit..." chie: *squeeee* Yohei: "Children's books...stuffed toys...advanced robotics manuals..." chie: ^^; Yohei: "I'm kidding! ...A little" chie: sure babe. *smooch* Yohei: >\\\\< "I'm just excited.. " chie: i am too. Yohei: "I hope he has your smile.. " -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "..." *crying silently* kabuki: ??? are you ok miss usada? Tsukiyo: "K-Kabuki?!" *wipes tears, puts on fake smile* "How's it hanging?" kabuki:...alright...but you seemed upset... Tsukiyo: (fake smile falls) "...I barely heard from family..." kabuki:...*soft hug* Tsukiyo: "..." *holds onto him, cries* kabuki: shhh... its ok. Tsukiyo: *calms down...* "Thank you...I'm sorry." kabuki: it's quite alright. Tsukiyo: *still holding onto him...eyes droop...then...* "Zzzzz..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Comfy?" liz: yeah. Wes: *slides under the blanket and next to her* "Good...I was worried you were chilly..." liz: not with you. Wes: "Hee hee..." *hugs her, kisses her cheek* liz: i love you. Wes: "...I love you, too..." *cuddles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "You sure about this?" tsubaki: *she nods* i have no intention of killing him. if i can resolve this peacefully, i will. Black Star: "Will he try to hurt you?" tsubaki: i dont believe he will. Black Star: "...I'll back you up to make sure that doesn't happen." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *holds her hand* "I love you." tsubaki: *she hugs him* i love you too. Black Star: *hug* "..." soul:....*he looks over at lawless* Lawless: "..." *stands to exit* licht: where are you doing? Lawless: "Nothing..." romina:..... Lawless: "I shall depart to get some air..." romina:..... Lawless: "...WHAT?" romina: i didnt say anything. Lawless: "Then cease with your stares! Look inward at thyself rather than upon my visage!" soul: huh? Lawless: "...Just stop looking at me. I'm sensitive to that." soul: sorry, jeez. Lawless: *marches away* soul: should we go after him. licht: why should we care? soul: you know, you have some fucking nerve todoroki. he's your partner! sure you may disagree a lot, but you're both in this together dammit! *drags him along* Black Star: "..." *loud applause* romina:...... ray: so that just happened. Gil: "Fuck yeah, it did! Really loud rant there!" misono: now to put the plan in motion...thankfully i had lily write down the phone number while we still had that old man's phone. Black Star: "So, you're calling the guy himself?" misono: ........would someone call him? mahiru: are you ever going to learn how to use a phone? -_-; Black Star: "Just one of you dial that creep!" tsubaki: i'll do it. *she dials the number* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *answers* "Hello?" tsubaki: hello. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom?" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* yes, its me. Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, hello~ To what do I owe this pleasure?" tsubaki:.....*she looks at black*star. she had a plan* i surrender. Black Star: "??!!" Mr. Tsubaki: 0///0 "Surrender what?" tsubaki: i'll surrender myself. Mr. Tsubaki: "...To...me? Why?" tsubaki: on one condition; if i surrender, you wont send your subclass to harm the other servamps. Mr. Tsubaki: "...With you by my side, I will have no reason to...Where shall we meet? I can send a subclass--" tsubaki: ....i want to see you. face to face. Mr. Tsubaki: "As you wish. The park?" tsubaki: in the wooded area, yes. Mr. Tsubaki: "I look forward to seeing you. I promise, I will do whatever to make your time with me the happiest in your life." tsubaki:.... -at the hotel- belkia: what was that call for? Mr. Tsubaki: *starts dancing with Belkia* "I have a date with destiny!" lavender: huh, i think i worked with a girl by that name way back when. otogiri: it's a figure of speech. -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: *twirls Belkia* "I am off to bring our new mommy home: the Camelia Blossom herself!" Shamrock: D: naho: *JAWDROP* Mr. Tsubaki: "Toodles!" *starts skipping to the exit* Shamrock: "B-Bu-But--Someone stop him!" belkia: question! should we have this be a traditional japanese style wedding, or a western style? Mr. Tsubaki: *calls back* "Two weddings, then! Two days of weddings! Four days! Oh, make everyday a new wedding for me and my blossom!" lavender + sakuya + otogiri: -A-; (thinking: he's way beyond salvation at this point...) Mr. Tsubaki: *departs for the elevator, humming the wedding march* -elsewhere- licht: fuck, he runs fast for shit rat. soul: no kidding....OI! LAWLESS! WHERE DID YA GO?! Lawless: *hidden amongst the bushes...* soul: ....... (thinking: maka, if you were here, you could find him....) *Wind brushes by Soul...from a direction that seems to draw with it a familiar wavelength...* Lawless: *feels wind blow by him* "?!!!" ("When did it get all warm all of a sudden?") soul: hey. Lawless: "?!!! 'Swounds! How did you spot me?!!" soul: call it divine intervention. licht: come on idiot, lets go already. Lawless: "No! Don't you get it? We have a gorgeous opportunity to stop the Sin of Melancholy once and for all!" soul: but tsubaki...she wants to resolve this peacefully, and that's what we're going to do. Lawless: "No! I will not let that happen! I will not let someone give themselves up to secure peace. I WILL NOT LOSE HER AGAIN!" soul: !!!! licht: ?? Lawless: "...Nothing. It is zero, a space, the 'o' in...in her name. Forget it. Be like Lavinia and cut off your tongues than speak of what I am about to do! I will kill Melancholia, save your Tsubaki, and this war can end..." licht: *KICKS HIM ACROSS THE FACE* you talk too much. soul: h-hey! what the hell?! licht: im going to knock some fucking sense into him....because *pose* im an angel. soul: THIS ISNT THE TIME FOR THAT D:< Lawless: "If you intend to block my path...THEN PREPARE TO DIE!" soul: !!! licht: say that shit to my face. Lawless: *rushes at him* "No words, just force!" soul: !!!! *blocks the sword with a scythe arm* Lawless: "Back, shark! Or you will be meat for my stew!" soul: what the hell is wrong with you? Lawless: "Why is she doing this?!" *slices at Soul* "No one should have to sacrifice themselves, especially not her!" licht: she's doing it of her own volition, why should it matter to you? Lawless: "Because this does not have to happen! It should not happen!" soul: well, it kind of is, no changing it now. Lawless: "...Then I will stop her!" (Tries to make a run for it...) licht: *summons piano barrier* she knows what she's doing. Lawless: "NO, SHE DOES NOT!" *shrieks and howls, as the reality around him ripples* soul + licht: !!!!! -the area around them resembles a theater- voice: everyone take your seats. the show is about to begin. soul: ??? *Lawless appears, in Renaissance garb, before a statue, its features hidden in shadows* soul: ??? (thinking: isnt...that the same statue from history class?) Lawless: *steps into the spotlight* "...This is the tale of a woman too pure for this damned world." licht: ... *Light shines onto a setting of a city on the other side of the stage...Two groups, one wearing blue and the other wearing green, quarrel* Mob: "Sacrifice!" "We demand blood!" "Bring us the sacrifice!" soul: ?? Lawless: "..." *smirks* "But, I am telling the story out of order. Let's start earlier..." *The set moves away, taking the mob with it, their screams of bloodlust fading as sunshine falls onto the stage, revealing a castle in the distance, a forest in front of it...Lawless seems to have vanished from the stage* ~The Tragedy Of Ophelia~ ???: "Ophelia!" *A hedgehog runs through the forest* Lawless: "Ophelia!" ???: just a little further now... -a young lady picks a fruit from the top of a tree- ???: got it! -upon grabbing the fruit, the young lady fell out from the canopy- ???: ah- Lawless: "Ophelia!" *transforms into human, leaps, catches her...* ophelia: hehe, nice catch. girl: princess! are you ok? ophelia: im fine. look. i got the largest one on the tree. boy: wow! Lawless: *still holding her, pouts* ophelia: thanks for catching me.....lawless, you can put me down now ^^; Lawless: "You should not be picking fruit for others. Why can't you leave this work to someone else?" ophelia: *sigh* puck's going to be a big brother soon, we were gathering fruits to celebrate. girl: mr lawless, lets make flower crowns! -when sunset came, the two returned to the palace- ophelia:...its nice isnt it? the families of this country are growing more each day. Lawless: -_- "Yeah...Speaking of growing, you're getting harder to carry...and catch when you fall..." ophelia: *she pouts* mean. im not a little girl anymore, haha. *Lawless is wearing a flower crown* ophelia: hehe, its a cute look for you. -time passed on for the two, until one day....- ophelia: *in an ornate gown* i'll be getting married soon. Lawless: "What?! Why?!" ophelia: ....the skirmishes with the neighboring country have gotten worse. if it escalates further, a war will break out... Lawless: "But...But I...I..." ophelia: ?? Lawless: "...I don't want you to throw away your independence like this." ("Why can't I speak the truth to her...?") ophelia: ....*soft smile* im not looking for freedom, what i want...is peace for this country. i want to become an icon of peace, and tie the knot between both our countries. -and so, with the union of the prince and princess, the two countries were brought together, and peace was attained. however... such peace, did not last long- soldier: that attack was a declaration of war! soldier 2: the've gone two far this time! solider 3: i saw we put their beloved princess to death! that should teach them a lesson! Lawless: (overhearing in hedgehog mode) Lawless: (runs to Ophelia's room) ophelia: hmm? what is it? Lawless: "We have to escape! You have to escape! The military intends a coup, intends to kill you!" ophelia: !!..... Lawless: (takes her hand) "We can run away! To safety! Where you won't be hurt!" ophelia:....im sorry. but im staying here. Lawless: "...What?" ophelia: *she chuckles* this is the second time now that you suggested we run away...but its like i said before, i dont want to run away. what i want is peace, for not only my country, but both countries. heh, i guess that is rather avaricous of me, huh? if i must die for self-realization, then so be it. Lawless: "...Ophelia...You...You can't...I...I..." ophelia: its ok...no matter what happens, even after im gone, i hope...you can find happiness somewhere. -soon, the day of her execution came- Lawless: (pale, eyes sunken) "..." ophelia: how mane ages hence? shall this, our lofty scene be acted over? in states unborn and accents unknown? this will be my final sacrifice for peace, this is not the beginning of a war, but the end of one. people of both countries, heed my words. i was not forced to come here, i am here of my own accord. if you were to ask why, the answer is quite simple. it is because i loved peace, as much as i could love it. ophelia: people of both countries. i hope that you will plant a flower of peace... all of you. whom i loved. -those....were her final words- -slice- -The stage fades to black...and the sun rises. The scaffold and its blade are gone, replaced with a statue...- -decades passed, and a lonely, heartbroken stayed by the statue built in memory of the princess- -Rain falls onto Lawless and the statue- ???: this is why we dont fall in love with humans. -a young boy, no, the servamp of pride, approached the young man- Lawless: "...What can I say...I desire..." -the 7 silblings of sin discussed an important matter...however, this is a story we already heard, is it not? ignoring the repetitive details, when the man returned, all that remained of that country...was rubble- Lawless: "...What the devil...happened...?" -the statue of peace was left in shatters, the head barely remained....but as the statue shattered....so did the young man's mind- Lawless: "...Hee...Hee...HA HA HA HA!!!" (Tears falling down his face) -life...love...such a pitiful thing....such a pitiful man....pitiful...pitiful meaningless life- -its time for the final curtain call and final bows everyone~- Lawless: "All for naught! All for naught!" soul:...... licht:..... Lawless: -approaches stage...bows.. - licht: ok. enough is enough... *he stands up* puppet!romina: backstage passes only~ Lawless: "???" licht: *kicks the doll aside* out of the way, shit doll. Lawless: 'Sorry, no encores..." licht: mind if we give you some critique? the soundtrack needs improving. *he gets onto the stage, soul follows* Lawless: "Hey! This is my story!" soul: lets hear him out for a moment. licht: *begins playing fur elise* i can see it now...the faces of those moved to tears by my performance. i can hear their tears dripping onto their hands. Lawless: "...Stop that, you bastard...You know I despise sad songs..." soul: its not the song that's sad....its, all open to interpretation, right? Lawless: "And that is what I see and hear. The world is depressing. That is all I sense from it." soul: ....isnt is just _you_ who's depressed?.....after what happened, its reasonable to be sad.....but you cant just spend your life being miserable. Lawless: "...A lifetime cannot change what I did wrong...I should have told her..." soul: .....i think i know what you mean......i lost someone i loved too. sure, we squabbled often, but in the end, we always made up....she really did...bring out the better parts of me......when she was killed, i was ready to just give everything up....but, i had friends there, to help me overcome the pain......if im remembering correctly, ophelia wanted you to be happy, didnt she? Lawless: "...I...can't imagine happiness." licht: of course you can. soul: *he then begins to play; tsubasa wo kudasai* licht: just think of it....you are a small child....you are an elderly woman....you are flowers....you are the universe. what is it you want in life? imagine it with all your heart and soul. -what are you?- Lawless: "!!!" ("...I never wanted anything greater in this world...But then I heard Licht's music, and it was like nothing I heard before. And I wanted to be with it, hear it...and I want to hear this music...hear so much more music...") -what is it that you wanted to become?- -ophelia's image smiles warmly- Lawless: (clutches something around his neck) "...I want to be the man she loved." -its ok for you to miss her. its understandable. as long as you remember her, then she's never truly gone- licht: do you want to be someone who just withers and dies? left to be forgotten? Lawless: "Ophelia...I didn't tell you I loved you. I didn't ask you to leave with me to make your global peace a reality. But now...I will bring this peace to this world, and I will make sure this is a world where love and peace can thrive.” licht: then get out there.... licht + soul: AND LIVE YOUR DAMN LIFE TO THE FULLEST!! Lawless: (sneers) "Such coarse language...but it's loud and clear!" -they are back on the sidewalk- licht:...come on hyde. lets go home. Lawless: "Tch. Home? Don't you think we'd still be more helpful backing up the young lady against Melancholia?" licht: *kick* i meant home base, dumbass -_-; soul: ^^; i guess the more things change, the more they stay the same....hey, lawless.....there's gonna be days when you feel like shit....if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me, ok? Lawless: "Ouch! How mean!...And sure, whatever, talk...Um...thanks." soul: no probs. Lawless: "...Hey, how do you even have teeth like that?" -elsewhere, in the woods- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." (internal screaming of glee) ??? hey. -WHAAAAAALE- Mr. Tsubaki: "...What?" (Dodges) -5 whales are standing before you. whale 1: yo. Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, my! Such silly designs and inappropriate voices! Hee hee hee! What is this?" whale 1: the person you are looking for is in one of these suits. can you guess which one it is? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom? You're into...whale cosplay. Hmmm...That is surprising, but I suppose I could get used to it..." whale 1: .....YOU GONNA TRY FINDIN HER OR NOT?! Mr. Tsubaki: "If it gets me closer to her--" (flash step until he is next to one whale..and hugs them) "Blossom Flower!" whale 2: O-O;; (ray: *SCREAMING INTERNALLY*) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Wait...I CAN'T TELL WHO IS IN HERE! Too much padding!" whale 3: *CHARGES AT HIM* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Not interesting at all.. " (dodges) "I'll just have to take the outfit off of each of you until I find my Camelia inside..." whale 1: O-O; (romina: im gonna whup his ass.) Mr. Tsubaki: (leaps at Whale 1) whale 3: *HEADBUTT* SCATTER!!! -the whales run in different directions- Mr. Tsubaki: "Umph! Wait! Come back, my love!” *Chases one whale* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." misono: looks like we're going to infultrate again...i got better disguises this time, so hopefully this works. mahiru: quick question....why are half of us going dressed as girls? misono: since our group is mostly guys, they wont expect it! it's called strategy! sayaka: i think you guys look so cuuuute! Lily: "Strike a pose!" the mother: it's a nice look. madoka: so convincing. Black Star: "Then keep the parts up so not to bring suspicion..." tetsu: ok. *dressed as a butler* Hugh: ): "I hate this baby look..." sayaka: i think it's really cute! i just wanna take you home! >w< uzuki: it's amazing i still had some doll clothes that fit you. Hugh: D: -and so- Lily: (waves to everyone as they enter) "Excellent dress! Oh, you are rocking those shoes! Cool shades!" clerk: may i help you. misono: *higher voice* yes, we're looking for 'carmine entertainers' to audition? Hugh: (nods) clerk: ah yes, the top floor. *hands them a key* Lily: "Wonderful! Thank you so much..." -on the elevator- mahiru: you guys ready? misono: yeah. tetsu: *nods* Hugh: (nods) Lily: "Yes...Can't wait to try battling in this number..." misono: try to take it easy. you still lost a lot of jinn... Lily: "...Of course..." -top floor- Shamrock: "...Where is the master? What is taking him so long?" belkia: izayoin's still isnt back either. -ding- otogiri: ?? Shamrock: (opens the door) misono: guess who. Shamrock: "...Who are you young ladies with these familiar looking young men?" misono: O-O; sakuya: what's going o-....m...mahiru?! mahiru: O-O;;;; Lily: "...So much for the plan..." tetsu: *throws a coffin at shamrock* Shamrock: (coffin to the head) "OUCHIE!" -elsewhere, mr tsubaki's phone rings- belkia: WE GOTS A PROBLEM! Mr. Tsubaki: "So do I! These whale suits are practically glued to their skin!" belkia: WE GOT PLAYED LIKE A FIDDLE MAN! THOSE BRATS AMBUSHED US! Mr. Tsubaki: "...WHAT?!!" *rip!* "...Nope, you definitely are not my Blossom. Nice undies, though." Guildenstern: D: ray: im officially scarred for life. Mr. Tsubaki: "...My Blossom lied to me!!! She's not here at all, is she?!" ray: maybe she is maybe she isnt. romina: schrodinger's flower. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Belkia, capture the interlopers but do not kill them. I have whales to strip..." belkia: you got it! Mr. Tsubaki: (war cry) "I will find you, my beloved! I hope you are presentable!" -back at the hotel- Hugh: "Behind you!" tetsu: !! *dodge* lavender: you know, you're kinda cute. a shame you arent a bit older. otogiri: you're shameless. belkia: SHISHKABOBING TIME! Lily: (dodging, barely) misono: this is bad. Shamrock: "How dare you trick us with deceptive albeit fashionable attire!" mahiru: kuro! belkia: jeez, where's izayoin when you need her? Kuro: "...I don't want to. I hate this outfit." (Dressed like Hello Kitty) Shamrock: (tackles Tetsu) tetsu: !!! Shamrock: (chokehold) misono: *jumps onto shamrock's back and tries prying him off* GET OFF HIM! Shamrock: "Get this elf off my back!" -someone throws him into a wall- saku:..... Kuro: "!!!" (Leaps at Saku) Hello Kitten Klaws!" saku: *blocks them with her sword*....how annoying. Kuro: (sliced) "Aah!" (Growls) mahiru: KURO!! *runs over to him* Shamrock: "...This tall one is down..." Hugh: (bat form to fly away) lavender: not bad sakun~ saku: shut your damn mouth. lavender: ?! what the hell got into you? saku:....retribution...for what you all did. ~Tale of the bamboo cutter~ -SLASH- -lavender is sliced in two- lavender: ah-..... Hugh: "!!!" Shamrock: "What on earth?! Why did you do that?!" saku: *picks up lavender's top half and throws it though the door* im....not pleased. Shamrock: "Neither are we, but that is against the young master's wishes..." lavender: *too shocked to even make a sound* Kuro: "...Insane..." saku: you misunderstood....im not pleased with you. that old man...he defeated me.....i want to make him...all of you pay. Shamrock: "...Higan?" saku: *grips the sword tighter* Shamrock: "!!! Then take it out on him, not us!" saku: i have...a plan in mind. Shamrock: 0-0 lavender: ah....... *SCREAMING* Shamrock: "!!!" belkia: HOLY SHIT! OI! OLD MAN WE COULD USE BACK UP PRONTO!! lavender: YOU FUCKING BITCH I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!! Higan: (yawn) "What---?" belkia: HOW ARE YOU SLEEPING THROUGH THIS WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!! lavender: SAKU YOU C*NT I WILL FUCKING CLAW YOUR MOTHERFUCKIN EYES OUT FOR THIS!! Higan: "Well, see, last night, Lav did this thing with her tongue that sapped the energy all out of me--" (notices the battle...) ".. All right! Cat fight!" sakuya: NOW?! OF ALL TIMES?! SHE'S CUT IN HALF YOU ASS!! lavender: oh really? i didnt notice, except, oh i dunno. MY LOWER HALF IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HALLWAY! Higan: "...I have so many jokes to make, but first--" (summons flames) "While you're crazy hot, Saku, I am not afraid to fight a woman...So how about you surrender now?" saku: just die already. *charges at him* i have no intention of losing a second time... Higan: "Burn." -Flames explode at her, aimed for her eyes, chest, and limbs- saku: .... saku: *SCREAMS* d-damn! *burns on parts of her face* Higan: "...Such beautiful colors..." saku: *charging and slashing at him again* i refuse to lose. those who lose are weak... Higan: (pulls back his fist) Higan: --knees her-- "Right in the babymaker..." saku: !!! d-dammit.....*she looks out the window and smirks* right on time... Shamrock: "???" yumikage: yo. belkia: awwww shit. Shamrock: "You're with them?!" saku: not quite. yumikage: she just told us where you were. lavender: YOU'RE THE FUCKING WORST!! Higan: "Why do a thing like that? They'll hurt you, too--" Jun: "Take this!" (Knees Shamrock in the balls) Shamrock: >< yumikage: we made kind of a deal with her. she tells us where tsubaki is, and we let her live. fair enough. Higan: "...Yeah, no. You need to leave--" mahiru: !! Higan: "Be gone, while you still have legs on which to run..." yumikage: ....tch- damn, where the hell is tsurugi when you need him? Tsurugi: "GUYS!" (Calling from another room) "I can't find Tsubaki...just a plush doll he was dancing with..." mahiru: O-O;; misono: creepy. Hugh: "...Disgusting..." Shamrock: "We can obsess about Young Master's proclivities another time...Belkia! Attack!" belkia: *swords in hand* ALRIGHT STABBY TIME! >8D Tsurugi: "...Do I still get paid?" -in the woods- ray: good thing there's overcast today... Mr. Tsubaki: (giggling) "Get back here~" tsubaki: O-O;;;;;; Guildenstern: (pursuing Mr. Tsubaki...in only his boxers) "Get back here, you foolish vampire!" romina: -_-; (thinking: at least i have clothes on under the suit. and not just undies.) Mr. Tsubaki: (dodges) "Nice orca design on your undies, buddy! Now, where is my Blossom..." (sniff) "...I. Smell. You!" romina: AW HELL NAH! Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Move aside, you." romina: D8 tsubaki: O-O;;;;; *in the yellow whale suit* Mr. Tsubaki: "I have my beautiful flower to find..." (tries to walk by Romina towards Yellow Whale...) tsubaki: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mr Tsubaki: (approaches Yellow Whale..smiles) "I am ready to go home, with you." tsubaki: O____________O;;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why did you pull me away from my family, Tsubaki? So that your friends could hurt them?" tsubaki:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Was this all some ruse? Tsubaki...Don't hurt my family..." tsubaki:...*trembling* after you hurt mine? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I...didn't...Tsubaki, they aren't..." tsubaki: arent what? Mr. Tsubaki: "...They aren't your family, are they? They aren't someone for whom you gave up so much...to give them life..." tsubaki:.......even so, i want to protect them. Mr. Tsubaki: "...And I want to protect my family, as you do your own...So, we are at an impasse. What do we do?" -the phone rings again- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *answers* "Yes?" belkia: shit got really bad...the brats left, but turns out izayoin sold us out to C3...we chased them off, but lavs hurt really bad, izayoin fled.... Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! I'm on my way!" *looks at Tsubaki* "...Did you send C3 after us?" tsubaki: C3? *confused* i dont...i didnt send them. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I know you didn't. I just wanted to hear you say it. I have to go..." tsubaki:.... -later- lavender:..... *healed, but asleep* Higan: "..." *sitting by her bed, holding her hand* lavender: mmn....ma....im sorry mama..... Higan: "??? Shh...It's okay..." lavender: ....*calming down a bit* Higan: "...I'm here. Not going anywhere. Not again." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Yo...Um...Is the Tsubaki girl back? What's going on?" romina: it's....complicated, to say the least. Lawless: "!!! What happened? Is she okay?!" romina: she's alive and well. the incident ended in stalemate... julian: wrath's subclass and guildenstern are still a bit worn out though... Guildenstern: (bandaged, without his whale suit, and wearing a shirt that said ‘oh whale’) -_-;; ray: on the plus side, casualties were kept to a minimum. Lawless: "...Which suggests there _were_ casualties?" ray: just two suits. Guildenstern: T_T "MY BABIES!" tsubaki: it's ok... *pat pat* Lawless: "...What about you, Tsubaki? How are you holding up?" tsubaki:...im ok...what about you? you kind of ran off... Lawless: "...I'm...conflicted. But I'm here now." tsubaki: *she nods* -a few days later- Mr. Tsubaki: "How are you, Lavender?" lavender: better...least im not dead, haha... Mr. Tsubaki: (smiles) "Good...Ready for a mission, or need a bit more rest?" lavender: still recovering, so im just gonna rest a bit. sakuya: we're gonna need a new base... Mr. Tsubaki: "I have an idea--" Shamrock: "No, sir, we are not moving in next door to your beloved." Mr. Tsubaki: D: lilac: w-where can we go then? Higan: "There are some deserted locations..." Shamrock: "Museums, hotels, mansions..." otogiri: hmmm... Hirano estate. an abandoned eastern style mansion whos residents suddenly left without a trace... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmmm...Sounds rich, but it could use a flower theme name...I'll think of something after we move in. Shamrock, purchase it." Shamrock: 'It is abandoned, so not too difficult." belkia: it looks like the kinda place that has creepy little girls crawling out of the well. Higan: "Yeah, really...Hey, Lilac, you're shaking..." lilac: i-i-im ok... naho: its ok lila, sakuya and i will protect ya ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "Such rumors are just superstition anyway." -elsewhere- Kid: "It's so sad removing the Christmas decorations each year..." stocking: yeah. Kid: *carefully placing ornaments into wrapping, then into storage* "...Do you think..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...Sorry. I was just imagining future Christmases." *holds up an ornament: "Kiddo's First Christmas." It has a photo in it of Kid holding a zebra stuffed toy* stocking: awww. Kid: "Heh..." *wraps it carefully, places it into the box* "...You know, maybe we should have an ornament, together..." stocking: *blush* Kid: "Could always make one..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Thanks for inviting me to lunch..." shinra: it's not a problem. iris: ^^ Relan: (smiles at Iris) "How was your break, Iris?" iris: it was nice. sister's leg is getting better a little bit. Relan: "Yeah, I saw her post online. It's kind of you to visit her." ^^ -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Zzzz..." fang-hua: so that's what all happened, commander? Benimaru: (nods) "It is horrifying..." fang-hua: if i'd just been here, then- Benimaru: "No, it's not...I mean, you couldn't have known..." fang-hua: ..... Benimaru: (pats her hand) fang-hua:.....*she nods* Benimaru: "We will have to follow this evidence. I'm going to need your help." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: (smiles) "It's good to have you back..." fang-hua: glad to be back... Tsukiyo: (yawn) "Hey, why are there people in my--!!! Fang-Hua!!!” fang-hua: hey tsukiyo, im back. Tsukiyo: (GLOMP) fang-hua: haha.. ^^; Tsukiyo: "Did you miss me?" fang-hua: yeah, i missed all of you. -peeeeeeek- hikage + hinata: big sis kohana's back! *hug* Benimaru: (smiles) "That's sweet..." kirei: miss huo. its good to see you *she smiles* fang-hua: good to see you too, sister. Benimaru: "..." -/////- hikage + hinata: ... 83 Benimaru: "...Well, you'll be busy catching up. I'll start my patrol..." -elsewhere- PlushFix: (sharpening claws) hina: found ourselves some new recruits. PlushFix: "Cool, cool...How they look?" hina:....quiet. saku:..... PlushFix: "...Still hot, though." saku: *draws her sword at him* mimeca: *looks at akua* PlushFix: (flashes his claws) "I got blades, too..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: (drying her hair) nea: ahh, nice and refreshed~ Kepuri: "Yeah, we ladies needed a break..." chie: mmhmm. medea: -.- *swimming through the onsen* Kepuri: "So calming..." chie: it sure is, right toru, honey? *rubs her stomach* Kepuri: "...May I feel?" chie: i dont mind. Kepuri: (puts hand on her belly...) "!!! He kicked!" chie: *squeeees* Kepuri: "Medea! Want to feel the kick?" medea:....i'll pass thank you. Kepuri: (pouts) "Whatever...Nea?" nea: yeah? Kepuri: "Want to feel the baby kick?" nea: i guess... Kepuri: (squee...then goes into onsen with Medea) "What's up with you?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: (sigh) "Ahhh..." kim: zzzzz.... Jacqueline: "..." (looks at Kim) ("She looks so peaceful...") kim: *sleepy tanuki noises* Jacqueline: (small laugh..."Cute...") -at the onsen- soul: *stirring awake*....what the? Lawless: "Zzzz..." soul: O-O;; (thinking: i have no idea how to feel about this...) Lawless: (sleep talking) "I missed you, my Juliet..." soul: O__________O;;; Lawless: (hand strokes Soul's chest) "Hmmm...Your breasts feel smaller..." soul: O/////////////////////O *SCREAMS INTERNALLY* Lawless: "Mmm...Let me take a look..." (reaches under Soul's shirt) soul: <____>;;; Lawless: (light kiss on Soul's chest...) "Wait...You never had a scar there..." soul: gnh- >///o;; Lawless: (wakes up) "...Soul? What the devil...?" soul: dude.....what the shit?...... O-O; why do you have an erection right now?! Lawless: "...Um..." soul: O-O;;;; Lawless: "...Cold shower?" soul: im good.......this incident never happened. Lawless: "...Okay. But if it did happen--" soul: dude. Lawless: "I'm just saying! We all get lonely now and then--" soul: .... Lawless: "...Yeah, maybe I need a cold shower. Excuse me..." *stands up* -elsewhere- Emine: -_-;;; "Shotaro, stop splashing water at me..." Shotaro: *splash splash splash* "Hee hee..." akaderu: *slumped in the water* what a drag... Tool: "Stop whining and just relax..." *dunks head under water, swimming* Yohei: *sipping tea* "Ahhhh~" Assi: *can't really see because he doesn't have his glasses on...* "Where's the soap?" Zuno: "..." *hands it to him* "Here." Assi: "Thanks!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *shudders* tsubaki: everything ok? Black Star: "Yeah, just a weird feeling I got...after..." tsubaki:....*she hugs him* Black Star: *hugs back* "I'm glad he...he didn't hurt you." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *lies his head against her chest...* "...You're brave." -at the shop- metsu: mikuni, package for you. Mikuni: "??? What d'ya think is in it?" metsu: i dont bother looking through mail that isnt mine...unlike certain _other_ people. *pokerface glare at johannes* Johannes: "..." *wearing a pair of boxers on his head that are labeled "Jeje's"* "...What?" Jeje: *removes the boxers from Johannes's head--and slugs him in the jaw* Mikuni: *opens the box* "...!!! A dollie!!!" metsu: *reading the note* 'dearest miku, i found this on a raid, and i know how much you love dollies, so i sent you this. plz send money, tsurugi.'....he also drew a kissy face on the letter... Mikuni: "..." *sigh* "What money? I spend it all on dolls--he knows that..." -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: hehe~ *circles her finger along his chest* Kid: *shudders excitedly* "I hope I haven't been too rough on you, with the new toys..." stocking: its fine, you know i like it rough~<3 Kid: "...Really, now?" *holds one of her wrists, massaging it* -at the hotel- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ready to move?" belkia: yeppers! naho: all set~ otogiri: have everything? lilac: *nods* ame: *nod* Shamrock: "Aye." Higan: "Here, let me help you, Lavender..." lavender: im good, im recovering, but im not completely helpless, haha. Higan: "Then maybe I just want to be close to you...cop a feel..." Sakuya: gross. -_-' Higan: -_-;;;; "Grow up." otogiri:.... anyway that should be everythi- Shamrock: "DON'T OPEN THAT BOX, BELKIA!" belkia: ??? *The box has items belonging to Mr. Tsubaki, as well as photos, illustrations, poems* belkia:....... o_o Shamrock: *closes box, grabs Belkia by the throat* "Not a word to young master, or your head will be shoved into a furnace!" belkia: *choked voice* ok ok! Shamrock: "Good." *releases Belkia onto the floor, picks up his box, and walks into the living room* "Ready to depart, young master~" Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Where is Lilac?" lavender: hallway i think....he's been rather quiet lately....*concerned* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'll get them..." *approaches Lilac in the hallway...* lilac:....*looking up, clutching his fox plushie* Mr. Tsubaki: "We're about ready to move..." lilac:....*nods and puts the plushie back into his backpack* Mr. Tsubaki: *offers a hand, smiles* "It'll be okay..." lilac:....o-ok.... Mr. Tsubaki: "You'll like your room." lilac:.... Mr. Tsubaki: "And you'll be in another neighborhood...Maybe make new friends there?" lilac:......*slight trembling* (saku: your friends.....they died because they were weak.) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Lilac? Did something happen?" lilac: i...im ok... Mr. Tsubaki: "...If something _did_ happen, I hope you will tell me..." -morning- soul: ....... sayaka: so what's our next step? Lawless: "Wouldn't mind finding Mr. Tsubaki's new location and take the fight to him..." mahiru: perhaps we should recruit mikuni? misono:........ Kuro: "He seems a bit...off." mahiru: but he seems to know a lot of stuff about servamps and such...he could be a useful ally. misono:.....*sigh* fine. but im not going to enjoy it. Lily: "...It may go better than expected...I hope." sayaka: i'll just hold down the fort ^^;;;; -and so- sayaka: *hiding in the coffin* why Q-Q mahiru: here it is. misono:... tetsu: *knocks on the door* sayaka: O___O;;;; metsu: come on in. -the group enters- misono:.... Jeje: *stares at Misono* misono: *cold chill* mahiru:....*AHEM* is mikuni in? metsu: oh, he's upstairs. *Faustus appears around the corner* Faustus: "HELLO!!!" misono: ACK! sayaka: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;; licht: the fuck? tetsu:....hi. Faustus: *looks at Tetsu for a moment* "...Damn, they are making them tall nowadays...Where is Teddy Bear?" tetsu:...there's some over there on the shelf. Faustus: "Huh? No, I mean your friend, Sayaka?" tetsu: oh. she's in the coffin. Faustus: "...Fun." sayaka: TETSU YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM!! tetsu: hold on a sec. *he opens it up, and sayaka stumbles out onto the floor...on her face* sayaka:....ow Q.Q Faustus: "Rubber Ducky! Hang on, I'll get you bandages, an ice pack, and ointment!" *runs off* sayaka:....tetsu why? tetsu:....was i not supposed to say anything? licht:....(thinking:....what the hell is going on here?!) Lawless: *stares at Jeje* "..." Jeje: *stares back* Kuro: (playing with a ball of yarn) metsu:....*goes back to stocking shelves* tsubaki:...*notices the doll*.... O-O;;;;;; Black Star: "...Oh, fuck no, that ain't right..." Mikuni: *in his room, hosting a tea party* "I told you: three cupcakes is my limit!" misono:....*ACHOO!* stupid dust. Mikuni: *tenses* "I...recognize that sneeze..." sayaka: aww, you sneeze like a kitty. misono: i do not! shut up! >3< Mikuni: *peeks over the stairway...* misono: *tenses* (thinking: i feel a familiar presense. a presence i have not felt since....) Mikuni: "..." ("I can't talk to him...What would I even say--") *his hat falls off his hat, down the stairway* o_____o;;; misono: ...SEEMS HE'S NOT HERE! LETS JUST LEAVE! O-O; sayaka: but we just got he- -the hat landed on misono's head- misono: O-O;;; Mikuni: D: "MY HAT!" *covers his mouth* misono: oh goddammit... Mikuni: "...Um...Hello, brother. Brother's friend." misono:....mikuni. sayaka: hey mikuni. *wave* Mikuni: "...MISONO!!!!" *leaps over the bannister, arms out, to be caught by Misono* -due to misono's small stature, he got squished- misono: get....off...me.... Mikuni: "Oh...Sorry." *gets off him, picks him up* "...I thought you'd be taller." misono: T_T; sayaka: well, he is the younger brother... misono: no one asked you. sayaka: q.q Mikuni: "..." *takes back his hat...which is flattened* "So...Um...How are you?" misono: ....had some stuff go down in my life. but surviving... Johannes: *holding up bandages* "I'm back! Sayaka, why don't we give these two some privacy?" sayaka: i just remembered! i have work! later! *she opens the door.....its a blizzard* D8 ....(thinking: i am at the mercy of a cruel god.) Johannes: "...D'aw..." Mikuni: "...You...are here, Misono..." sayaka:....seems im stranded here now until the storm passes...... QwQ;; misono:...yeah.... metsu: shall i get you all something to drink? Kuro: "...Milk." Lily: "Tea~" Mikuni: "..." Johannes: "Soda! How about you, Wet Goose?" soul: O_O; sayaka:....some ramune if you have any QwQ Black Star: "Yo, one right here, too." Jeje: "Blood...I mean, water." metsu: i can get you blood if you want. *holds up syringe* mikuni, hold still. Mikuni: *pouts* "Fine...Just clean the spot first..." metsu: very well. -and so- tsubaki: that's basically what's been happening. Mikuni: *looks at Misono, then back at Tsubaki* "So...You think we can help?" mahiru: you guys seem to know a lot about vampires, so you might just be able to help us. sayaka: *trembling* soul: you ok sayaka? you've been on edge since we got here. sayaka: imokreally. Johannes: *leering at Soul* "So...You are one of Sayaka's friends, too, huh...?" soul: yeah, i guess i've known her since she started attending school at the academy. Johannes: *towers over Soul* "Are you treating her well~?" soul: of course, why do you ask O.O; Johannes: *smiling but creepy, angry voice* "Because if you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and show you your own lower intestines~" soul: O_O; why would you care? sayaka: >__>;;;;; Johannes: "Just. Being. Cautious. You hear me?" Mikuni: -__-;;; "Someone, please hit him." metsu: *CHOP* stop that. sayaka: thank you metsu! Black Star: "...Man, I thought the people we hang around are weird..." soul: something seems familiar Mikuni: "...Misono?" misono: what? Mikuni: "...You know, don't you?" misono:........yeah. Mikuni: "...I am...I did something awful." misono:......if you didnt...then i-......t-thanks.....i guess... Mikuni: "...I am happy you are alive." misono:.....father...wants to see you. Mikuni: "...Oh. That is surprising." tsubaki: about this doll...*she holds it up* Mikuni: "..." *looks at the doll...then Tsubaki...* "Oh my God! Someone figured out how to turn dolls into flesh and blood humans?! Neato! Can you turn my Veronica doll into a flesh and blood human? Or my unicorn doll?" metsu: one of mikuni's former partners in C3 sent it to him. mahiru: EH?! Mikuni: *nods* "Yes--I think they got it on a mission?" Mikuni: "I think it was at a hotel?" tsubaki:....i think i'll purchase it. Black Star: o______o;;;; Jeje: "Good purchase." metsu: come downstairs, and i'll ring you up. tsubaki: thank you. Mikuni: "...When did Father expect me? I did receive an invitation from him..." misono: he will be heading to europe after the new year... Mikuni: "...I guess I better get there soon. Today?" tsubaki: there's so many dolls here... Lawless: *looking around at dolls* "No kidding...Jeez, who collects them all?" metsu: that would be mikuni. -_-; Lawless: "Man, expensive hobby. But a fool and his money are soon parted--" licht: how much for this one? *holds up a doll with angel wings* it's so adorable. Lawless: -____-;;;; "You damn nerd." tsubaki: do they all have names? Lawless: "I see some labels on them...'Angelica,' 'Beatrice'..." soul: 'Lilian', 'Christine', 'Emilia', 'Jeanette', 'Oph-'...oh.....oh shit. Lawless: "???" *spots it* "..." Q_______Q soul:...*comforting awkward hug* easy buddy. licht:.... Lawless: "...I-I-I...Is that...doll available?" licht: ...? Lawless: "May I buy that doll?" metsu: why do you ask? Lawless: "Sentimental value. Maybe I need a hobby, dress up dolls or something..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Man, Mana--you're really good at ping pong!" mana: *griiiins* Emine: *sipping milk* "Hmm...Never been to an onsen. It was nice. Too much time around naked people, though." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "So, when is the boss going to be off the crutches?" officer: soon hopefully...but at least im not getting stepped on, my spine cant take much more... Kishiri: "...Oh, don't even act like you didn't like that." -_-;;; officer: D8 Hibana: *walking on crutches towards them* "You! Officer! You still have paperwork not finished!!! Gabriella, release the dogs!" Kishiri: -____-;;; "Don't I deal with enough dogs..." -elsewhere- Relan: "That was a good meal--thanks!" iris: ^^ Relan: *stretches* "The Commander has been running us ragged, so this was a great break..." shinra: ah. Relan: "...Was it this hard for you, to do the basic physical training?" shinra: a little bit...did you want to train together sometime? Relan: *nods* "Training with people strong like those in the 8th would help..." *winks at Shinra and Iris* shinra: daww… *blush* iris: ^^ Relan: "How is everyone else at the brigade? Your commander okay?" shinra: yeah. he's doing well. Takehisa: *emerges from around the corner* "...Hide me..." shinra: !! Takehisa: *dives behind sofa* Relan: "...That sofa is not big enough for your tallness, sir..." iris: uhhh.... O-O; Takehisa: "I think I have upset Maki. HIDE ME." -elsewhere- PlushFix: *looks at Akua* "So, what's your story?" akua:....not much money...family were druggies....but i found salvation. *pulls up pant leg to show a marking of 3 eyes on their ankle* PlushFix: "...Huh. Didn't that weird M&M kid have that mark on his fancy mask?" akua: i felt there was some kind of link between him and the kishin....i wanted to think there was....the madness....numbed the pain. PlushFix: "Heh heh...Madness is kind of fun like that." akua: it...doesnt hurt anymore.... PlushFix: "Ha ha ha! That's good, then, right? Pain is no good--not unless you're into that kind of thing. But I don't feel pain now! Watch!" *slams his plush body against the wall, each time making a loud squeak* "See? No pain!" mimeca: *giggling motion* PlushFix: "See? Mimeca's laughing! So why don't you laugh, too, Emo Buddy?" -elsewhere- Konro: "And that's what has transpired, Fang-Hua." fang-hua: ...... Konro: "...I'm sorry. I know this is a lot to take in." fang-hua: ..im....just glad everyone is ok... Konro: *nods* "This...has been a difficult time, especially for Young Master." fang-hua:...is there anything i can do? Konro: "Just be there for him--that's all you can do." fang-hua: right. Konro: "...You care deeply for Benimaru, don't you?" fang-hua: of course i do. Konro: *nods* "Yes, that is obvious. And I know he cares for you as well." fang-hua:...*she smiles a bit* Konro: *pats her back* "Keep doing what you're doing. But always take care of yourself, first." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: *knocks* "May I enter?" fang-hua: !! oh, of course. Konro: "...I think I have to go on patrol..." *exits* Benimaru: "...Hello, Kohana." fang-hua: *ahem* commander. *she nods* Benimaru: *sits across from her* "...You okay?" fang-hua: yeah.....things have....really been hectic here, huh? Benimaru: *nods* "Frightening. I think people here will need some time to calm down. Opportunities to relax..." fang-hua: *she nods* Benimaru: "...Sorry. I was rambling. I just have no idea how to calm the divisiveness that has torn our community apart." fang-hua:.... Benimaru: "Kohana, when you are troubled, what are things you do to distract your mind?" -elsewhere- Patty: *half of her hair is dyed pink, half purple* Kid: *glare* kirika: *snickers* Patty: "What? I thought this hairstyle is very fashionable! Right, Takeru?" takeru: it's really colorful. Patty: "Hee hee..." *smooch* Kid: *growls, slowly pulls out an electric hair clipper...* stocking: easy kiddo. *hug* Kid: -\\\\\\- *small kitten growl* stocking: hehe~<3 Patty: *hugs Takeru* <3 -elsewhere- Shotaro: *yawn* "We all had a lot of fun at the baths, Mom..." setsuna: that's good. *rubbing his head* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Emine: "You still lost to Mana in the game of pong-pinging." setsuna: you tried your best. Shotaro: "I know!" *huggy* Emine: *frowns* "In any case, that was a new experience, but now it is time to sleep. Good night, Shotaro...Mother." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *swipes finger along fireplace* "Hmm...Dusty." otogiri: it's surprisingly well intact...on the inside at least. Higan: "Will need to do some repairs on some areas. The chandelier could be refurbished." Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* belkia: we need to get some cable in here stat! Shamrock: "I will place that call..." Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around for Lilac* lilac: *asleep on one of the futons* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, pulls a blanket out and plays it down over Lilac* naho: is he gonna be ok? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I have confidence Lilac will be fine." naho: ..... sakuya:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I think we could all use some sleep..." Higan: *looks at Lavender* lavender: yeah, good call. i've been feeling kind of out of it lately... Higan: "I already assembled your bed and put down the sheets. It should be comfortable for you." lavender: thanks. Mr. Tsubaki: "Which other rooms have their beds set up? Or sleeping bags?" otogiri: we got you a futon like you'd asked. belkia and sham have beds as well. ame also was given a room with a bed. Mr. Tsubaki: *claps his hands* "Yay, futon!" ame: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: "Turn in, all. We have a busy day in the morning for additional repairs...and to initiate the next step in my plan..." *sneer* -elsewhere- Black Star: *light kiss on Tsubaki's neck* tsubaki: >/////< Black Star: "S-Sorry. Too much?" tsubaki: i-its fine. Black Star: "...Hey..." *hugs her* "You okay?" tsubaki: yeah, you? Black Star: *nods* "I just...Um..." tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "..." *closes his eyes, his lips leaning towards hers* tsubaki: *surprise, but kisses back* Black Star: *kisses her...his tongue passes along her bottom lip* tsubaki: a-ahh~! Black Star: *holds her close* "Too much?" tsubaki: just...still getting used to it... Black Star: *nods* "Okay. Let's take our time...Want to cuddle?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: *lies back in bed, hugging Tsubaki* "...I'm happy you're here." tsubaki: *she smiles and nuzzles into him* Black Star: *holds her* "...You've gotten more beautiful since I first met you. Taller..." tsubaki: you too... .////.' Black Star: .\\\\. "Y-Yeah...I've gotten bigger..." -elsewhere- misono: *asleep* Lily: *keeping an eye on Misono* mitsuki: how is he? Lily: "Recovering...This is so much to accept." mitsuki: .....he's a strong kid. Lily: "Very...I just did not see that..." mitsuki: ....sooo, has he been making friends? Lily: "Quite a number~ Close compatriots of varying temperaments that help him stretch as a person, to learn more about different people." mitsuki: that's good..... >->;; does he have any special someone's in his life? n-not that im prying or anything! j-just curious. Lily: "...Mitsuki, I am Lust itself. I can see through you~ And...Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? I do think he has someone in mind..." mitsuki: oh really? Lily: "Yes, but it is complicated: she's already spoken for." mitsuki: oh. that's a bummer. Lily: *nods* "I don't know how to advise him..." mitsuki: .... Lily: "There was also another girl, as the Christmas party..." mitsuki: *perks up* Lily: "A girl named Shinoa. A little peculiar..." mitsuki: shinoa, eh? i think i heard the name... Lily: "Oh? She was at the dance. What do you know of her? I think her last name was Hiragi?" mitsuki: Hiragii! i hear the hiragi family is a really prestigious family in japan. if what i heard is true, they have strong connections to the IDPC Lily: "...Is that a bad thing?" mitsuki: i dont think so, but it is something i figured you might want to know. Lily: *nods* "Better to have this information now than be caught with my pants down...so to speak." mitsuki: -_-; Lily: *giggles* "Just a slip of the tongue...so to speak." mitsuki: hey! phrasing! Lily: "Sorry! When I'm on a roll, I just can't stop myself until I get off this kick!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Aaaaah..." stocking: *panting and shuddering* f-fuuuck... Kid: "You are so amazing..." *slaps her bottom* stocking: o-oh~! harder kiddo! Kid: "You asked for it~" *spank spank spank* stocking: ah~! that feels so good! Kid: "You know what else feels good..." *grabs her breast, pinches her nipple* stocking: ah! >/////o Kid: *turns her around, puts his mouth against her breast* "Mmmm..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *tied in bandages, hanging by his ankles from the ceiling* tamaki:....*drinking her orange juice*...so anyway... Arthur: "...Difficulty sleeping, too?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: "...Yeah. I...had some dreams." tamaki: mm... Arthur: "...Does OJ help you sleep?" tamaki: i was just thirsty. Arthur: "Ah..." *smirk* "I thought you'd prefer milk." tamaki: oh shush. -early morning- mahiru: happy birthday kuro. *gives him a scarf* Kuro: "...This will keep me warm. Thank you." mahiru: *he smiles* Lily: *holds up a ball of yarn* Kuro: -____- the mother: i got you this. *it's a t-shirt with an 8-bit link on it* i heard you like video games, so i thought this would work. Kuro: ._. "...Thank you so much." *small squee* soul:....oi, law, didnt you get him anything? Lawless: "...Yeah, I did...Let me just reach into my pocket..." *shoves his hand into his pocket* "Aaaaaand..." *pulls out his hand--giving the finger at Kuro* Kuro: -____- soul: -__-; Lawless: "BWA HA HA HA HA!!!" soul: (thinking: this guy is one tough egg to crack...) Lawless: "..." *sigh* "Fine." *tosses a 3DS Nintendo Awards card at Kuro* "Here, try not to choke on it." -elsewhere- Black Star: *washing his hair* "Awww..." tsubaki: *making breakfast* Black Star: *finishes in the shower, exits in towel* "All done in there!" tsubaki: good to know....*she smiles* Black Star: *sniffs* "Hmm...That breakfast smells GOOD!" *walks over, grabs a slice of bread* "Something to hold me over before I get dressed..." tsubaki: hehe~ Black Star: *leans over to grab some butter for his bread...* Black Star: *holds his towel, as he walks to his room* "You go shower, I'll dress and eat..." -elsewhere- Kid: *soft rub on her bottom* "I'm sorry..." stocking: *wince* its fine. im not dying. Kid: *small kiss on her bottom* "Let's get some ice..." stocking: nng...yeah. Kid: *puts on his robe* "I'll be back shortly..." *blows a kiss to her as he opens the door and exits* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hugging his pillow, sleep talking* "Why, yes, I do want to shop for new linens, my love..." sakuya: *couldnt sleep* Shamrock: -_-; "Belkia, stop spooning with me." belkia: *drooling* naho: *watching intently* lavender: *covering herself with the bedsheet* fuck, that was great. Higan: *relieved sigh* "Y-Yeah...I think you're back to 110 percent health..." *soft spank* lavender: ah~ *she smiles* thanks. i really needed that last night. Higan: "Same..." *strokes her cheek* "I needed something, too...To know you recovered..." lavender: t-thanks. 7///7 Higan: "..." *strokes down her cheek...to her chest* "...These are marvelous...A work of art...I would love to draw you like this..." -in another room- ame: *yaaawns and knocks on a door* lilac: *waking up* ??? ame: cant sleep. *lays on top of the futon* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches on his bed...spots the full-size Tsubaki Nakatsukasa doll* -_-;;; "Why, Belkia?" *exits, walks into hallway, looks into Lilac and Ame's room...* "???" lilac: *not sure what to do* ame: zzzzz.... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *waves at Lilac as he enters, whispers* "How about I take her to her bed? Or she can sleep in mind, since I'm awake anyway..." lilac: m-maybe her room... -in ame's room are a few crayon drawings. including a girl with a polka-dot dress and braids with the word 'me' written next to her- Mr. Tsubaki: *lays her in her bed, puts the sheets over her...sits by her bed, looking around the room* -there is drawings of the other subclass, as well as ame's parents- Mr. Tsubaki: *small laugh* ("She made my nose too big in that drawing...") -in one drawing is the whole group, plus her parents that says 'i wish mr soobaky will invite mommy and daddy to live with us. i miss them ): - Mr. Tsubaki: "..." TT_TT -elsewhere- uzuki: um, im not sure how to yell you this but...you're subclass is asleep in the washing machine. the mother: ...where is that? uzuki: come on. una: zzzzz... *asleep inside the washing machine* ray: ....no comment. uzuki: does she...usually fall asleep in weird places like this? the mother: this is nothing compared to other places we found her dozing off. ray: HEY GIL! WE FOUND HER! SHE WAS IN THE WASHING MACHINE! Gil: "AGAIN?!!!" *runs to the room* "Oh, darn it!" *opens the door...* una: zzzzzz =w= Gil: "She's all wet again!" ray: i'll get the towels. una: *cute kitty yaaaawn* oh..hey gil. Gil: -\\\\- "Hello...You were asleep in the washing machine. We have to get these wet clothes off of you." -chop- the mother: i'll get her into a change of clothes thank you -_-; Gil: o___o;;; "I didn't mean anything like that!" una: zzzzz..... Gil: "J-Just...Just get her changed, please." the mother: alright. -later- Hugh: -_-; "The washing machine is not a place for bathing, the drier is not a place for getting warm--AND WHO IS NOT CLEANING THE DISHES?!" mahiru: need us to help out? Hugh: "..." *gets on his hands and knees* "I'M BEGGING YOU! It's been so hard with these crazy people here!" Q~Q mahiru: ok then. una: zzzzz... *in a nice floral print dress* the mother: it was nice of your sister to lend her that dress. tetsu: no problem. Gil: o\\\\\o una: zzzzz *leaning against gil* Gil: *steam comes out of his ears* "G'aw..." ray: cute. Gil: "Ray...Help me! What do I do?" ray: just roll with it? i dont know. Gil: "...* repositions Una so her head rests on his lap* "???" una: zzzzz.... -elsewhere- Hibana: "I should be out of this cast soon...and when I do, I want a row of men on which to step." gabriella: understood! *salutes* Kishiri: Q~Q [texts Vivian: hibana wants to step on my back. help me] -elsewhere- belkia: we're gonna need an epic gift for tsubakyun's birthday. any ideas guys? Shamrock: "A complete set of encyclopedia!" Higan: "A sculpture in his honor!" naho: new sandals! sakuya: a less shitty attitude? belkia: let's kidnap that girl! >8D otogiri: .......*makes belkia slap himself* belkia: OW! that was mean girioto Q.Q Shamrock: "Hmm...Sandals are doable and useful. Now we need something a bit more expensive and unnecessary, and something he really wants." Higan: "...Kidnapping the young lady may not be a bad idea--" otogiri: O_O sakuya: D8 lavender: if it gets him to stop whining, then sure. otogiri: D:< Shamrock: "I protest this plan!!!" belkia: all in favor? *raises hand* lavender: im in. ame: *raises hand* Higan: *raises hand* belkia: those against it? *sakuya and otogiri raise their hands* Shamrock: *raises both hands* belkia: that's 3 against 4 then. lilac? lilac:.....uhhhhhhhh........... Shamrock: *intense glare at Lilac* Higan: "Come on, Lilac--you know Tsubaki needs some relief..." lilac:....*tearing up* c-can i be left out of this? naho: yeah, leave him alone, he's stressed enough!....im just gonna be neutral. Higan: *smirks at Shamrock* Shamrock: D:< belkia: two neutral, 3 saying no, and 4 saying yes. the i's have it! >8D Higan: "Alright...Then let's figure out how to get Tsubaki's beloved here...Maybe in a stripper cake..." otogiri: *CHOP* too far. naho: gross, old man. Higan: Q_Q Shamrock: "...This will blow up in our faces..." belkia: never know until ya try! Shamrock: "Hmph...How do you even propose luring her? Kidnapping? How?" belkia:....hmmmmm....how about having ame bring her here? Higan: "Sure! Ame, you can do that, right?" ame: ok! whaddo i have to do? Higan: "How about you tell her that you are lost and need help getting home?" ame: ok. Higan: *smiles* "Good." lavender: i'll keep an eye on her. Shamrock: *grumble* *grumble* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *cut down, but still tied up* "...I said I was sorry." maki:...*sigh* its fine. Takehisa: "I simply meant that--" Akitaru: "Maki! Good to see you up and awake! I'll untie Takehisa, while you lead today's morning exercise routine, 'kay? Great!" *picks up Takehisa, runs* Takehisa: o_o; -elsewhere- Shinoda: *offers a bowl of ice cream to Nea* nea: *nom nom* mmmm~! ^^ Shinoda: "Oh, Medea!" medea: yes? Shotaro: *holds up a crude drawing of her* "For you!" medea: um....thank you. i suppose. Shotaro: "Hee hee..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: much~ Kid: "That's good. You always heal so quickly..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "How may I make it up to you?" stocking: however you feel~ Kid: "Maybe candy...Or a bath? Or..." -elsewhere- Medusa: "Easy there...I'm here, it's okay." neian: *sniffle* Medusa: "You'll feel better...Just need to finish your medicine and get some more sleep..." neian: *hic* Medusa: "Shh..." *starts singing..." neian: ......zzzzz Medusa: *smiles, kisses her forehead, places her back into her crib* Ponera: Q~Q -elsewhere- Wes: *hands coffee to Liz* "Just how you like it..." liz: thanks. Wes: "Feel better?" liz: yeah. Wes: "That's good...About the New Year..." liz: hmm? Wes: *hugs her, pulls a blanket over them* "What would you like to do? Any place you want to travel to?" -elsewhere- tsubaki: *out on a walk* ???: *in a baseball cap, collar pulled up, whispers into collar* "Target spotted." ame: *sniff sniff* tsubaki: ?? ame: bi-big sis...where did you go? tsubaki: aww, its ok. i'll help you find your sister. ame: r-really? ???: *watching, smirks...* *stands up, approaching near Ame and Tsubaki...* lavender: ah! there you are! jeez, you really shouldnt wander off like that kiddo. ame: sorry. lavender: *kneels down and pats her head* its fine...*looks at tsubaki* i hope my kid sister wasnt too much trouble for you. tsubaki: not at all. lavender: *she nods* say, how about you come over for lunch? tsubaki: i wouldnt want to intrude- lavender: its fine, really. ???: *stays back, watching from afar...* < > Let Lavender lead her < > Intervene to knock out Tsubaki < > Kidnap Tsubaki themselves ame: pleeeease? ???: *observing, overhearing...* tsubaki: well, i guess i wouldnt mind. ???: *follows Tsubaki, Lavender, and Ame* -they arrive at the front of the estate- tsubaki:.....(thinking: something seems....off.) Shamrock: *inside, in disguise, wearing shades, a wig, a modified butler's outfit...and a fake goatee* lavender: we're home~! ame: we're back! Shamrock: *effected voice* "Welcome. It is good to have you home." tsubaki: it's....very clean on the inside. Shamrock: "Oh, a guest." *forced smile* "Thank you for the compliment. I do try to keep things nice and tidy..." tsubaki: may i sit down? *leaving her shoes at the door* Shamrock: "Of course...Let me lead you to the den..." tsubaki: *follows* -in another room- belkia: the eagle is in the nest! tsubakyun's gonna be so happy! otogiri: i think he's out right now...said something about 'adding a few more subclass' *Knock knock* belkia: ?? Higan: *through door* "It's me. Open up." belkia: hey higano! how'd it go? Higan: *smiles* "Tsubaki's gift has arrived~" otogiri:..... sakuya: now what? Higan: "Well, to best present her to Tsubaki, I have some wonderful outfits she could try on--" otogiri: *chop* -_-; naho: gross, old man. Higan: "Ow! Jeez...Fine. (Then you can keep the nurse outfit...) So, we just keep her busy until Tsubaki returns..." lavender: i think i might have an idea~ Higan: o\\\\o "Oh?" lavender: given his fondness for eastern style things, we could have her in a white yukata that i got. i even got a red sash to go with it. Higan: o\\\\\\\\\\\\o "...If I were Tsubaki, I'd love that." otogiri: at least it's something modest. -_-; Higan: "Well, I guess we should get to work fitting her for it--" otogiri: *CHOP* leave that to me and lavender. -_-# Higan: *head slammed against the floor* “So young….so cruel.” -outside- tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "More tea, ma'am?" tsubaki: sure. i really hope im not intruding at all. Shamrock: "Not at all. We enjoy any company we receive." *still forced smile* tsubaki: ^^; *drinking her tea* i hope this isnt rude, but the estate looked....kind of abandoned. im amazed people are living here still. Shamrock: "Oh, yes: this old home has seen better days. But we have been at work with refurbishing." tsubaki: ah....so the estate's owner.... Shamrock: "Very busy, I'm afraid, but they will be returning shortly--" tsubaki: ah.....*her head is growing fuzzy* (thinking: my head....i...!!!) *she tries to get up and exit, but falls to the floor* w-what? Shamrock: "Hmph. Took long enough..." tsubaki: *tries to send a distress text* Shamrock: "Stop that..." *kicks the phone away from her hand* "Can't have you do that..." tsubaki: ah.... *she passes out* Shamrock: "Hmph...Better if we just eliminated her." belkia: you know we cant do that. Shamrock: "Yes, yes..." Shamrock: "So, what happens now?" otogiri: *lifts her up with puppet strings and brings her to another room* .....im sorry for this... lavender: we'll handle things from here~ otogiri: *locks the door behind her* no. peeping. Shamrock: "???" Higan: *still bleeding in the other room* "Damn it..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "?!!!!" mahiru: !!! soul: shit, this is bad! misono: any idea where she is? Kuro: "GPS coordinates?" misono:....how do i even do that? Kuro: *sighs* "I'm not a hacker--I'm just tossing out ideas. We'd need someone who knows tech better, and my knowledge extends to homebrew video game systems..." licht: maybe check the school's computer lab? Black Star: "Something there has to be able to find her! And someone who can read souls, too! Come on! Let's go!" -later, elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "...How do you feel?" ame's father: we-we did what you asked, now please...just tell us our daughter is ok! Mr. Tsubaki: "Shh...Not so loud. I don't like loudness...She's fine, I assure you..." ame's mother: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "Given her...current condition, she is not exactly in a position to be out and about." ame's mother: .....*trembling* Mr. Tsubaki: "People don't take kindly to...my kind. Her best bet is to remain under my protection." ame's mother: then...can we at least see her? i just...want to see my baby again...please... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "I could have you visit us, but we need time to keep people from locating us. I know it is difficult, to want to see your child again...Could you please wait just two more days?" ame's father:....if she gets hurt- Mr. Tsubaki: "She will not: I give you my word." -elsewhere- ???: *texting* [location found. looks like they lured someone inside. seen her around before] tsuyuki: .... [any further details?] ???: [no idea how many persons inside. quiet from out here. the girl hasn't left the house yet--she may already be dead] tsuyuki:.... [keep an eye on things. i have my doubts tsubaki would kill her] ???: [ok] tsuyuki: [C3 has her as a 'POI' for a reason.] ???: [why exactly?] tsuyuki: [seems tsubaki has taken a liking to this girl.] ???: [...gross] tsuyuki: [she may be our key to containing him.] ???: [yeah, can only hope. alright. i'll text the address. want pics of building?] -elsewhere- Black Star: "WHERE IS SHE?!!!!" students: *staring at him* Black Star: "...WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?! IF YOU'RE SOMEONE WHO CAN SENSE SOULS OR HACK A CELL PHONE, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! THE REST OF YOU, GET MOVING BEFORE I SMASH MY FIST THROUGH YOUR FACE!" kyouko: what the hell has gotten into you? madoka: ??? Black Star: "Tsubaki is in trouble--because of those goddamn vampires!" madoka: !! kyouko: vampires? Black Star: "Yeah! Real stupid but dangerous ones! And we can't find where they took Tsubaki!" kyouko: so what do you want _us_ to do? Black Star: *clutches Kyouko by the shoulders* "Can you find her soul?! Or hack a GPS phone?! OR DO SOMETHING USEFUL?!!!" kyouko: first off, GET OFFA ME! second, i heard rumors of a genius who spends her time in the metal shop classroom. Black Star: *picks Kyouko up over his head* "LEAD THE WAY TO THIS NERD!" kyouko: PUTMEDOWN!! DX< -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Hurry--Young Master will be back soon!" belkia: the display is set up. nice! got your gifts ready everyone? we save the big one for last! sakuya: his birthday isnt even until tomorrow. belkia:...every party needs a pooper thats why they invited yoooou~! Shamrock: -_-;;;; "I'd say this party has more than one pooper--" Higan: "HA HA HA! You called yourself 'sh*t'!" Shamrock: >_< otogiri: here he comes. *The door opens, as Mr. Tsubaki enters the foyer and locks the front door behind him* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmph...Shamrock isn't here to tend to me upon entering..." Shamrock: D: lavender: *snickering* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *hears Lavender, but can't identify the sound* "Hello? Is anyone home?" (Slight panic, as he remember Ame...) belkia: SURPRISE!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "???? What?! What happened?! Is everyone okay?!! Lilac? Ame?" group: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! otogiri: even if it's a day early. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Oh." *smiles* "Well, that is a surprise, to have a birthday party a day early. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!" -elsewhere- mei: just a little more aaaaand. there we go! should be easy to track her location. but since this an emergency tracker, it's only going to last 24 hours. Black Star: "Then I'll get it done in less than a day! Thanks! Now, to find where those fuckers took Tsubaki!" mei: good luck! -elsewhere- belkia: and now, the megalodon gift! the creame of the crop! the- sakuya: get on with it! Mr. Tsubaki: *face full of cake* "Huh?" -thud- belkia: what wazzat? -in the room- tsubaki: *trying to undo the ribbons binding her wrists and ankles* come on...come ooon... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um...You said there was a megalodon gift. Where is it?" belkia: it should be in there. *points to the room* Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Um, okay?" *gets up, starts walking towards the room...* Mr. Tsubaki: *opens the door* tsubaki: !!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *voice grows quiet, shocked* "...Tsubaki?" tsubaki: *paralyzed with fear* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looks out into the hallway, smiles widely* "Could I have all of my subclasses line up? I would like to thank you for this most gracious gift~" belkia: no probs~! lav and ame lured her here! Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Really? How interesting..." *lines them up...then has Ame and Lilac take a step back* "Then let me show you my thanks..." *Mr. Tsubaki pulls back his hand, and does a long slap across all of their faces (except Ame and Lilac) in one fluid motion* sakuya: DX belkia: OW! tsubaki: WHAT THE FUCK?! otogiri: that was warrented. Shamrock: Q~Q "Young Master! I-I didn't approve of this! I voted against it!" Higan: *holding his cheek* "Ow...I now wear this red mark on my face..." Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles at Lilac and Ame* "Lilac, please take Ame to play in her room for a bit, please~" lilac: uh, o-ok. ame: ok! *Once Lilac and Ame leave...* Mr. Tsubaki: *glaring at his family, pointing behind him to Tsubaki* "I did not ask you to kidnap her. I did not want her harmed. And what is worse, you could have endangered us! You could have hurt Ame! What do you have to say in defense of this insanely stupid action?!" lavender:....oops. sakuya: shit. belkia: Q-Q; Shamrock: *shudders* Higan: "Oh..." otogiri:...im sorry. Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes. 'Oh.'" *pinches the brow of his nose* "Okay. Step one, we untie Tsubaki. Step two...Um...I have no idea what Step Two is." otogiri: right away. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks as Tsubaki is untied* "...You have no reason to believe I had nothing to do with this..." tsubaki:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...When we let you go, you will inform others of our location, won't you?" tsubaki:........do you want me to tell them? Mr. Tsubaki: "No. We are vampires. There are people who would rather see us dead. And Ame..." tsubaki:....then i wont say anything. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "I believe you." *looks to the others* "We are letting her go." tsubaki: i wont lie, you've done terrible, terrible things.....but i dont think you're completely evil. you or your family. Mr. Tsubaki: *ashamed...fox ears pop up on his head, folding down, like an embarrassed dog* "I have...but...I didn't do this to you. Did they...hurt you?" lavender: otogiri and i changed her clothes, and sham drugged her, but that's all we did. Mr. Tsubaki: "DRUGGED HER?! ..." o\\\\\o "Changed her?" *finally notices Tsubaki's outfit...slight nosebleed* Shamrock: *tries to run away* tsubaki:.... *flustered* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um, well, let her change back into her clothes..." o\\\\o *still standing, not leaving the room...* tsubaki: *takes her clothes* i'll....change at home. thanks. 7///7; Mr. Tsubaki: "W-We don't want to inconvenience you..." *reaches an arm out--to grab the escaping Shamrock by the neck* "And Shamrock owes you an apology. Would you like to beat it out of him?" *holds up a baseball bat* "It is my birthday party--he can be our pinata..." Shamrock: *choked* tsubaki: n-no thanks. i think since its the new year tomorrow, we should start fresh. so for that reason, i'll pardon everything that happened today. lavender: for real? tsubaki: *she smiles and nods* Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\o "YOU ARE AN ANGEL!" *drops Shamrock to the floor, gets on his knees, bowing to Tsubaki* "Thank you!" Shamrock: *wheezing from being choked* tsubaki: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *kisses her feet* tsubaki: ./////.; Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *backs up, stands* "S-Sorry. I was groveling--I got carried away..." tsubaki: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *ahem* "W-We will, um, step back and let you exit...Goodbye, Tsubaki." *picks up Shamrock by the collars, leads the subclasses away to the second floor...* tsubaki:....!! wait....i know it's not much but. *she gives him a scarf* happy birthday. Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\\o "...I...don't know what to say..." tsubaki: *she smiles and exits* -Elsewhere- Black Star: "A-Are you sure you're okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* it went better than expected. Black Star: "...Given how bad I expected things would go, that's not exactly reassuring." tsubaki: ...im here now, huh? Black Star: "..." *nods* tsubaki: *she hugs him* Black Star: *hugs back* "...I'm getting worried." tsubaki:....i know. -elsewhere- naho: Q.Q Mr. Tsubaki: *wearing the red scarf* "..." *hugs Naho* naho: eh? Mr. Tsubaki: "I am still upset with what you all did..." *pulls back, smiles* "But I cannot be upset with my family." naho:.... Q_Q belkia: awwww. Mr. Tsubaki: *glares at Belkia* "You, however, could use some time to calm down...What were you thinking?" sakuya:... (thinking: ever since she gave him that scarf, he's had a flowery aura...) belkia: GAME TI-......we dont have a TV.... Mr. Tsubaki: -____-;;; "Then perhaps you all should have chipped in to buy a television rather than KIDNAPPING MY BELOVED AND DRUGGING HER!" *sniffs his scarf* "Aw~" belkia: OwO;;;;; Shamrock: *reviewing paperwork* "We can buy a new television tomorrow..." *looks nervously at Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: *frowns at Shamrock* "...I should have Naho punish you." Shamrock: o___o;;; naho:...... me? owo; Mr. Tsubaki: "Any ideas in mind?" naho: i have no idea. *muttering* if it's with you he'd be really submissive but he looks like he'd be hard dom with anyone else and i've seen his reading habits so i have no idea what i should do he'd probably do really intense things to a cute girl like me *mutter mutter* sakuya:........ (thinking: how can such an innocent looking face have such an x-rated mind?) Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Yes, submissive to me..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...You already have video of him and me...Anything else you wanted?" naho: eh? hmmmmmmmm... i dunno~ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *whispers* "Are you interested in intense things with Shamrock?" naho: eh? OwO;;;; sakuya: *mortified* otogiri: *judgmental look* Shamrock: D: Mr. Tsubaki: "...What? I am asking the question, to be direct..." naho: owo............ OwO............ O//////////w//////////O *vibrating* lavender:...i think you broke her. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Indeed. I'll put her to bed." Shamrock: D: D: D: D: Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Not like that..." belkia:...sham...did you need to 'vent' again? Shamrock: *meek nod* Mr. Tsubaki: *sets Naho in bed* "Will you be okay?" naho: O///////w///////O belkia: same place? lavender: dont go breaking peoples legs this time! Higan: -_-;;;; "How about we _not_ take Shamrock out into public again and just get him a video?" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Naho, talk to me. This isn't appropriate to keep it bottled in." naho: *blink blink* what? belkia: yeesh.....or should we just bring someone here then eat them? Mr. Tsubaki: "You are a young woman, with sexual desires. And bottling them up is not healthy." Shamrock: *stomach growls* o\\\\\o "...I think Mr. Tsubaki is already on edge. Would he want us to?" naho: *flustered* i never really thought about my own love life..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, it doesn't have to be _love_. But sex is helpful for some people--" belkia: HEY TSUBAKYUN! CAN WE CALL SHAM A PROSTITUTE? Mr. Tsubaki: *hears the yell* -_-;;;; "...Naho? What do you think? Sham deserves some punishment, and I'm...just not in the mood to kill a random human right now." naho: but he broke someone in half last time! >^< Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "Good point..." *calls back* "No, Belkia! He can deal with simply a porno and pig's blood!" *looks at Naho* "..." *lies beside her in bed* naho: !!!! i-i cant do that with you! i-i'd just be weird! Mr. Tsubaki: "Okay...That is what I wanted to hear. But it that is the case, why is that weird but not you filming me?" naho: O///w///O;;; ummm.... sakuya: you realize she's a textbook fujoshi, right? naho: WHAT HE SAID! Mr. Tsubaki: "...What's that?" sakuya: it means she likes to see two guys doing it. -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: "...That can work, Naho, but not without trust. And you haven't earned that when you spy on people." naho:.....*teary eyed* im sorry....am i a bad person? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *hugs her* "I forgive you...but I think you need to apologize to Shamrock." naho: ok...*knock knock* sham? c-may i come in? Shamrock: "Yes, what is it, Naho?" naho:...im sorry for filming you guys. Q.Q Shamrock: "..." *nods* "I am happy to finally hear you say that directly. Thank you." naho:...i just wanted you to be happy.... Shamrock: "...You are still young, and may not realize that you may fail at making someone happy if you embarrass them. How would you have felt in my situation?" naho: ........Q~Q Shamrock: "...The look on your face says it all." *sigh* "Naho, don't you think you need a more healthy outlet? I mean, even reading porn would be better..." naho:...do yaoi doujins count? Shamrock: "Yes, they do." naho: ok ^^ Shamrock: "Just...Just don't spy on me anymore, please?" naho: i'll behave. Shamrock: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *overhearing, smiles* Shamrock: "...What was that thing you were muttering earlier?" naho: OwO;;;; what? Shamrock: "What. Were. You. Muttering?" naho: *sweats* Shamrock: "..." -she tells him- Shamrock: "...Really?" naho: .////w////.;;; Shamrock: "...May I ask you two personal questions?" naho: O.O what? Shamrock: "First, when did you last masturbate?" naho: >//////>;;; Shamrock: "You violated my privacy, so I asked you a question..." naho:....i dont know. .////.; Shamrock: *nods* "And my second question...are you a virgin?" naho: O//////////////O y....yeah. .//////////.;;;; Shamrock: "...If you could have that fantasy of yours made a reality--what you muttered about 'intense things'...Would you want me to do that to you?" naho: O/////////////////O i-id probably break in half! Shamrock: "...I promise, I would be gentle. I could use a toy instead..." Shamrock: "...So..." naho: well....you swear you wont break my legs? Shamrock: *hand over his heart* "I promise, I will not break your legs, or any part of you..." *small smirk* "Well, except maybe your hymen." naho: .////////.;; Shamrock: *walks to the door, locks it...* "...You have seen me naked, so I think turnabout is fair play...Please, remove your clothes..." naho: *gulps and strips down* Shamrock: *smirk* "My, my..." *gets on his knees, staring at her panties* "Those are quite cute..." naho: *flustered* Shamrock: "...Little bunny rabbit..." *kisses lightly on her hip, his hand gently resting on her leg* naho: *squeak* >/////<;; Shamrock: "Heh heh...You make adorable noises, you know that?" *kisses up her side until he reaches just under her bra...small lick where her bra meets her skin* naho: >///////////<; Shamrock: "Does this feel alright?" naho: f-feels weird.... 7////7;; Shamrock: "...Would you feel more comfortable if you weren't the only one in their underwear?" *starts unbuttoning his shirt* naho: are you...ok with this? what about mr tsubaki? Shamrock: "Mr. Tsubaki is not here right now...and I do not mind trying a different experience..." *lays a finger on her chin* "...You are beautiful." naho: >////< nu-uh, im cute, dangit! Shamrock: *lifts her chin up...* "...You indeed are cute..." *closes his eye, leans towards her face...* naho: *biting her lip* Shamrock: *his lips meet hers, just lightly brushing along her upper lip and teeth...* naho: *her breath is caught in her throat* >/////<;; Shamrock: "...Was that your first kiss?" naho:.....*she looks down and nods, embarrassed* Shamrock: "...Oh...It felt nice. You have very soft lips." naho:.....*she doesnt say anything* Shamrock: "Naho...Is this okay?" naho: ... *whimpering* t-this is all wrong...this isnt...how i wanted it to be... Shamrock: "!!! Oh, Naho...I'm sorry." *tentative hug* naho: im so stupid....i was about to give myself to someone much older than me....it wouldnt be right....i wanted it...to be with someone who honestly cared about me.. Shamrock: *nods* "That is for the best...Let's just forget this, okay?" naho: o-ok....*hic* Shamrock: *rubs her back* "It's okay..." *drapes his shirt around her shoulders* naho: *sniffle* Shamrock: *seats her on edge of his bed, sitting with her and a box of tissues to let her let it all out* -she just whimpers- Shamrock: "It's going to be okay, Naho...You'll find the right time, with the right person..." naho: b-but...what if i dont? Shamrock: "..." *smile* "Then you'll be okay. Because that is okay." naho: *hic* Shamrock: "...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: mmmmn~ that was great... Kid: *smiles* "Y-Yeah..." stocking: hehe~ happy new year kiddo. Kid: *smiles* "Happy new year, love...We brought it in with a bang..." stocking: yeah, hehe ^^ Kid: *strokes her side* "I know one thing that could make this better..." stocking: oh~? Kid: *reaches under the bed...and a rush of cold air is felt* "I put a small icebox under here..." *pulls out two Popsicles* stocking: ooh. thanks! *nom* ^^ Kid: *licks his* "Mmmmm~" -morning- ~BEGINNING OF Y5~
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babyawacs · 4 years
#it #is #nothing #but #it #is #not #nothing #the #bloody #dick #porn #theme #plus #implant #fix @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa @lawyers @lawyerco m @harvard_law @book @books @book_fair smashwords.com/books/ view/552210 lawyers each and every theme each decept each decoy each trick each and every theme is public deedtyped w ho else makes transparency ooooh a red clunker with defective brakes and stuck on things itis nothing for 20years but i t is not nothing oooh outofcan sounds pitch spoiled and glow colors and thick lines drawn like videogame xiii was th e engine we will never abandon you oath soldiers it is nothing for20years but it is not nothing a fraction here a fract ion there andits public each and every trick flipflap flipflap flipflap exchanging chicks on left and right shoulder t heme climax suuuuuperman blllllah itis nothing for 20years but itis not nothing who else makes transparency ///// lawyersthe germans have enough dildosthey dont need my implan ts for their molest bsbut foremostfixed by howitwas before+what wife needsisnotusablefo rminors ********** anymolesttrickwherescumswoulddespppppperatelyrun out of dildos and need accesswouldbere-damagere-messa monstrosityt h em m m m m m damaged inthe firstplaceme ssing with the fix *********** anything that fits wife i s surenot for minors molest thats justnotthe case andjust not what its fixed tothisyoumustso rtunsleazyserobullshit ******* sexual assault is not se xualityletalone frivolous gainsletalone frivolous lifestyles with frivolous gains and benefitsand damnsure whenthey ra nout of dildosmy installs is a repair of their german monstrosities by how it was before+what mywife needs and this. is really noones business ******* without drawing cockroach sleaze germannesses on itithink this must be demystifiedisuspectmany germanparents porn their own children or setem up for sexual exploitationor might not have a choice or chance and hadto havetoand thisgermannnesssyou hard squeeze off fffffffffme itisonemoregermangermannnesssfacetteof theirswamptheirrealtimetheirnighttimetheirhowthey areinthe realdeal beneath ************* fix only as predefiend then all o f f f f f f myhealth offffffffmy walls letalone intimaciesitis clealrya r b i t r a r y access beforeduringand after d aytime charging ************* miraclemild for two dayswhy w asntit always safe //// cautionwithsupportit was a re d clunker with defective brakes themetheother theme was months ago among hostiles that efforted murdertricksclearly ag aincautionwithsupport ///// bysome theme months ago maybe pedo blllah is about bloody!?!?!?dicks?!?! bllllllllllll lach sickos youcan addit to smashwords.com/books/view/552210 not one porno inallmylife about anything bloody bllllach sickos /// the nighttime theme was driving around withmy red clunker defective but what they didnot understand it was the opppppposite of acl unker itwas extremely solid and safe itwas likea  chicktan k its defect was late a cooler leakage alot later a bit of the transmissioncasing off so i t ran on dry gear  with noisy but really only here after alooot of driving to studyplace anything pretty robust s olid like 8hours autobahn to study place new brakes new tires and allofthat the defect that fucktup alot of fuel was riding over an elevated block or sth hooked the muffler squeezed it under the tank stomped out the swimmer base oft he tank into the backflow of the fuel injection inthe tank no garage found it noone k new waht thefuck itis it screwed my budget from seven liter s consumptions to fourteen they replacedthe car villageco rnerwise too often but they didntknow which mistake they faked mybrother was also impres sed by sth realtime about it but ididntknow whatitwas likely a y++ thing the nighttime theme   tested clunker withou t brakes uncertainty and stuck with it orsth hmmmmm as of the red color ithought of another theme where some jew would be evil with a bloody dick in a kid and youre like blllllllllllah disgusting but it meant the opposite they ar e n o t about bloody dick porning littleboys ihadno idea it wouldbe that bloody is not sex blllach for sickos maybe that theme was maybe months years ago the clunker red car w ithourt brakes was recent and ocasioanlly often by nonhostile or very nonhostile * ******* check if they test theme abour uncertainty or brain mess  about making fears no brakes inclunker maybeitis tom ake fears ******** therewasmore //// the germans t ried to overfreight sexualityby their shit for  t w e n t y years nothing changed nothing is new but them mingle on intimacy as if i havenorights asi f itis their matters letalone arbitrarily rape with intel dr ugs before during a f t e r daytime charging intelcoma r apes arbitrarily w i l l y n i l l y a r bi t r a r i l y ************* sexual assault degradation openroad gr ocerystore class cinemas arbitrarily sexual assault as if ihave no rights letalone reinterpret anything daytime intimate ifit fits totheir cri mes ************ this what happens toem whitenoise rig htiear 2242 jammeron? should i write another daytime shitco ps filing therecent response january february this year from "sexual assault with minors " "catapulted right that moment filing it" "intel strategy fringe quell kill" the murder tricks after they bagatellised it yousaw february april june july intensifed varied methods icant believe its m iraclemild safe twodays /// maybe i watch abit porn la ter they dulltemplate chicktemplate or urgent molest arbitrary access onthose or spoilthe internet either of those prevent cockroaches offfffffmyinti macy letlaone my body or health or genitals or implants like brainscissor /// tinit us from trickdeceit maybe homo theme maybe pedo theme mayb e docht or so conflcit theme as usually the germans may use brainscissor readout interpre t mild hornyness watching abit starwars strafe xray murder trick beta or radar trick allday maybe cockroach german cockroachgerman germans germannesssssssssssss their crimes again as frivolous preference or sth cockroaches inallofth is noone belongs near noone on the walls letalone intimacy cockroachgermans arbitrar y access arbitrary crimes arbitrary intel murder tricks and arbtirary smear trick as fix for their crimes as if t h e i r crimes get confirmation w hen they reinterpret sth or trick decept sth like prelude say homersimpsoy trick as pr elude tostuff donuts priority xraymurderbeam radar then serobullshit if its prelude tri cks to crime ahead cautionwith support //// xray murd erer radar beam killtrick back? itwas miraclemild for tw odays /// the land of milk and honey and: *simpsons tipto e fast slide music* whatis inthe jarmixes recent fived ays monday to friday //// checj how locked guts belly su rgery mess infected gallbladder implants are partofthetri ck //// track buttonpuhsers gasers /// medical bots he mmorides midlate30s ajoke it wouldbe otherwise interdepe ndency to locked guts (!!)centerback+lymphatic subdued guts prime effects staged organfail kidneys heart backlegheart secondary effects immune sy stem guts bacteria tertiary: which other things in guts oc cur on hemmorides /// howdid gutslocks infect gallbladder and harm immune system to i fnected hemmorides and gallbladder the prime effects were likely kidney damages and heart emboly trombosis effects wh entheydid it measure how subdued centerbacklow steissbein assboneis roomcotnroller aims neck +heart what ontype //// bomboutz squeeze leecher 14 42 usethechance prevention is key cuationwithsuipport // / they stamp you a retard regularly because you diehard refuse to fuckaround-howtheyknow ure daytime vs hookeroftheland wish hope ure immune andthen what forem  //// thebe st is you meld each smear on oneperson allyears+wonder why they obsess with 1smear is it enough if the criminals pre tend something? isit enough, whenthey give eachother alibi s to repeat crimes? nowadays whoknwos. maybe. but twenty years ago? tenyears ago?! heart europe? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG htt ps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4 93212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me /ChristianKiss /// checkhow 1222 harms teeth why thereis a chav mouth dirt mess fromsleeptime clean teeth healthy teeth are a matter of spit and clean tongue 70percentof bacteria areontongue and that is regualrly cleaned which most do not at the sametieme a clean toothbrush howits kepts and changed twice amonth additionally a good toothpaste iused to cleanem everyday with an electric brush in study times but changed back to less flouride something is justnot right with the stuff atthesametime the drink is mostly pl ain tea and lower sugar but alotof water and plain tea ad ditioanally itis filtered water thismeans it isnt just plain tea mostly itis silver ions cleansed mostly all in all it shouldbe pretty ok for how itis the 1222 chav damages teeth how sleeptime chav mess it how /// check also finedust or gasings 308 on itis miraclemild allday cautionwithsupport /// did anyone serio usly believe the case is somehooker theygot 20yearsof isola tion and deedtype accuracy but not a single bar?!?notone? not a party? really? somehow this makes total sense tothe m forthem youre one step away from a prostitution career or sth so that luckily excuses their rapes with intel drugs so.. //// support didyou involve international copgirls in saving minors that wemust always so evenifthe germans getaway with one incident or t wo incidents or three incidents theywont getaway with this confirm we always rescuem iors ////// save theminors they use inthese tricks /// ggermans intel terrorise usually occasioanlly by motives lik e to make nervuous breakdown or make suicidal or make muerbe rattle the target fool inte l grade many times luck only that itis accurately listed mi nute wise what they tried that moment again just that th ey try todothese things with intel tricks to imply mental diseases daytime fool layers and if youre unterrorised and not nuts by the shit they eff orted spock grade they efforted list it then they mustve germancured the mental diseases they hoped to fake or make seem so this is one shade one facette of how these fools tick ifitsnot try thepedo tr ick or the underdeveloped fool trick or the criminal trick or the satanist trick or the chav prostitute trick or the transvestite teenie weenie trick or the fraud bum hobo or a h  heck youname it thisis howitworks the civililian mus t write the tricks the pro s cant getout gimme a break waht youcan do is was intel onthe case what did they do and did even the most basic preconditions fit tothe shit they tried to fake under which german efforts and re interpretation s m a y b e  b a r e l y but not really letalone late stage s of their abysmalities this is how it works /// bbbb bbbbbbbo$bout suffocaiton murderers they hsot layer 2 cockr oacg german cockroaches itis system caused systembotch fix howit damamged the shrotterrrrremmmememory ijsut wrote alenghty mailaboutit and foro gt suffocating ******* make it understood and f e e e e e e e e e e lable to cockroach ger man cocrkoach germancockroasches none of my matters is oftheir concern fraudsystem botched with criminal german govt thenbecamecrimianlgovt agenda withits accomplcie hsoting proxy cockroach german cockroachgerman cocckroaches **** **** these have a wiggle room likely to add harm system caused somehow asifthey deserve sth if they p r e t en d t he case immunsied this is systemic someonemust grant em wiggle room usually thefraudsy stem let allscums arbitrarily harm then kills all then let s more itis system caused layer1 causing authrotieis and timecontrol accomplice layer2 cockroaches proxies musthave wiggle room toadd harm somehow the authrotiies gotojailw ithem whenwe msut hunt the scums for em ****** make em fe el it none of my matters is of their concern fraudsystem b otched became criminal govt agenda and nowproxies are hoste d to add harm ******* who implied a gain if tehy p r e t en d the case immune after system hosted shuffled scums andcovered them and quelled self help ///// whatis the book income itis highlighted red acted the critical important things the summaries and the a parts at the boot backside about realm thegermans distort or smear it likely but what are the ratings and the inc ome itis wellearned /// headimpacts three 1931 is ////// check xray gasings //// three headimapcts milder after verypowerful before lsited: pppppppppppppppppack!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! very powerful headimapct aside trianfirmpakring drowsying and schwinelig then assmolest what iisit hbow daamanangerous is pppp pppppppppowerful ehadimapcts isay v e r y ////// isnt it remarkable taht despite this not being home andor life centerpoint but terrorised pois onchamber edgeof exist no more trickms cosntantly the tax guys did not effort that ican access myfortune not even wheni explitiely daytime charged the case involing them 1k347/18 orso fiancialcourt stutt gart what they did do likely however was to taxit without!!!!me accessing it because a ccessing it is off this hellhole hmmmm ineed informatio n //// jail assmesser 1719 andor deto cockroachdurg slik eheroine orso check how gutslocks infect gallbladder andor subdue digestivesystem 7 am orso was a bellymess checkifthis locks guts ad tehy al i bi it ********* we aeh must gratis einlauf him 1950s and remess and re remess an d rere reremess and its for freeee wheeeey ********** cockroaches offmy health andimplants harasswalks anfixen cockroach germasn 1719 1722 squeeze ifi ts hostile the quellfortune access for harasswalks is ger man intent prevention prevention prevention ///// jailas soelster liekafteroadcrossings mos qd394 renault red pear l is isita magflight? did they try to fraud magflight onc e over goshn? //// dicktoymess roadcrossing is odd wal kahead mess rellvntant make safety serobullshit withanything itis miracle mild compared to usually wheoveris new //// leechery? 1603?  nonh ostile? /// gaser hostile or nonhostiel usually its bad here very even the petcat cant stand thisplace theydont l et eventhe damncat eat unterrorised usually always //// support. isthere arealtime competition about contro lling thecase: critical is: who?set?that? trick? up? inthef irstplace. was a chicken out dodge sthresult or deliberate. with heyyylookwhatifound  iu seitfirst.  itis simple . very. muststayfree butnot withoutsupport. and foremsot there is! a support system. wife and kids. whoquelled info and contact. that is the key. find biodata trick or gasing 1415 ontyp e I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophis tication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Bab yAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#it #is #nothing #but #it #is #not #nothing #the #bloody #dick #porn #theme #plus #implant #fix @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa @lawyers @lawyerco m @harvard_law @book @books @book_fair smashwords.com/books/ view/552210 lawyers each and every theme each decept each decoy each trick each and every theme is public deedtyped w ho else makes transparency ooooh a red clunker with defective brakes and stuck on things itis nothing for 20years but i t is not nothing oooh outofcan sounds pitch spoiled and glow colors and thick lines drawn like videogame xiii was th e engine we will never abandon you oath soldiers it is nothing for20years but it is not nothing a fraction here a fract ion there andits public each and every trick flipflap flipflap flipflap exchanging chicks on left and right shoulder t heme climax suuuuuperman blllllah itis nothing for 20years but itis not nothing who else makes transparency ///// lawyersthe germans have enough dildosthey dont need my implan ts for their molest bsbut foremostfixed by howitwas before+what wife needsisnotusablefo rminors ********** anymolesttrickwherescumswoulddespppppperatelyrun out of dildos and need accesswouldbere-damagere-messa monstrosityt h em m m m m m damaged inthe firstplaceme ssing with the fix *********** anything that fits wife i s surenot for minors molest thats justnotthe case andjust not what its fixed tothisyoumustso rtunsleazyserobullshit ******* sexual assault is not se xualityletalone frivolous gainsletalone frivolous lifestyles with frivolous gains and benefitsand damnsure whenthey ra nout of dildosmy installs is a repair of their german monstrosities by how it was before+what mywife needs and this. is really noones business ******* without drawing cockroach sleaze germannesses on itithink this must be demystifiedisuspectmany germanparents porn their own children or setem up for sexual exploitationor might not have a choice or chance and hadto havetoand thisgermannnesssyou hard squeeze off fffffffffme itisonemoregermangermannnesssfacetteof theirswamptheirrealtimetheirnighttimetheirhowthey areinthe realdeal beneath ************* fix only as predefiend then all o f f f f f f myhealth offffffffmy walls letalone intimaciesitis clealrya r b i t r a r y access beforeduringand after d aytime charging ************* miraclemild for two dayswhy w asntit always safe //// cautionwithsupportit was a re d clunker with defective brakes themetheother theme was months ago among hostiles that efforted murdertricksclearly ag aincautionwithsupport ///// bysome theme months ago maybe pedo blllah is about bloody!?!?!?dicks?!?! bllllllllllll lach sickos youcan addit to smashwords.com/books/view/552210 not one porno inallmylife about anything bloody bllllach sickos /// the nighttime theme was driving around withmy red clunker defective but what they didnot understand it was the opppppposite of acl unker itwas extremely solid and safe itwas likea  chicktan k its defect was late a cooler leakage alot later a bit of the transmissioncasing off so i t ran on dry gear  with noisy but really only here after alooot of driving to studyplace anything pretty robust s olid like 8hours autobahn to study place new brakes new tires and allofthat the defect that fucktup alot of fuel was riding over an elevated block or sth hooked the muffler squeezed it under the tank stomped out the swimmer base oft he tank into the backflow of the fuel injection inthe tank no garage found it noone k new waht thefuck itis it screwed my budget from seven liter s consumptions to fourteen they replacedthe car villageco rnerwise too often but they didntknow which mistake they faked mybrother was also impres sed by sth realtime about it but ididntknow whatitwas likely a y++ thing the nighttime theme   tested clunker withou t brakes uncertainty and stuck with it orsth hmmmmm as of the red color ithought of another theme where some jew would be evil with a bloody dick in a kid and youre like blllllllllllah disgusting but it meant the opposite they ar e n o t about bloody dick porning littleboys ihadno idea it wouldbe that bloody is not sex blllach for sickos maybe that theme was maybe months years ago the clunker red car w ithourt brakes was recent and ocasioanlly often by nonhostile or very nonhostile * ******* check if they test theme abour uncertainty or brain mess  about making fears no brakes inclunker maybeitis tom ake fears ******** therewasmore //// the germans t ried to overfreight sexualityby their shit for  t w e n t y years nothing changed nothing is new but them mingle on intimacy as if i havenorights asi f itis their matters letalone arbitrarily rape with intel dr ugs before during a f t e r daytime charging intelcoma r apes arbitrarily w i l l y n i l l y a r bi t r a r i l y ************* sexual assault degradation openroad gr ocerystore class cinemas arbitrarily sexual assault as if ihave no rights letalone reinterpret anything daytime intimate ifit fits totheir cri mes ************ this what happens toem whitenoise rig htiear 2242 jammeron? should i write another daytime shitco ps filing therecent response january february this year from “sexual assault with minors ” “catapulted right that moment filing it” “intel strategy fringe quell kill” the murder tricks after they bagatellised it yousaw february april june july intensifed varied methods icant believe its m iraclemild safe twodays /// maybe i watch abit porn la ter they dulltemplate chicktemplate or urgent molest arbitrary access onthose or spoilthe internet either of those prevent cockroaches offfffffmyinti macy letlaone my body or health or genitals or implants like brainscissor /// tinit us from trickdeceit maybe homo theme maybe pedo theme mayb e docht or so conflcit theme as usually the germans may use brainscissor readout interpre t mild hornyness watching abit starwars strafe xray murder trick beta or radar trick allday maybe cockroach german cockroachgerman germans germannesssssssssssss their crimes again as frivolous preference or sth cockroaches inallofth is noone belongs near noone on the walls letalone intimacy cockroachgermans arbitrar y access arbitrary crimes arbitrary intel murder tricks and arbtirary smear trick as fix for their crimes as if t h e i r crimes get confirmation w hen they reinterpret sth or trick decept sth like prelude say homersimpsoy trick as pr elude tostuff donuts priority xraymurderbeam radar then serobullshit if its prelude tri cks to crime ahead cautionwith support //// xray murd erer radar beam killtrick back? itwas miraclemild for tw odays /// the land of milk and honey and: *simpsons tipto e fast slide music* whatis inthe jarmixes recent fived ays monday to friday //// checj how locked guts belly su rgery mess infected gallbladder implants are partofthetri ck //// track buttonpuhsers gasers /// medical bots he mmorides midlate30s ajoke it wouldbe otherwise interdepe ndency to locked guts (!!)centerback+lymphatic subdued guts prime effects staged organfail kidneys heart backlegheart secondary effects immune sy stem guts bacteria tertiary: which other things in guts oc cur on hemmorides /// howdid gutslocks infect gallbladder and harm immune system to i fnected hemmorides and gallbladder the prime effects were likely kidney damages and heart emboly trombosis effects wh entheydid it measure how subdued centerbacklow steissbein assboneis roomcotnroller aims neck +heart what ontype //// bomboutz squeeze leecher 14 42 usethechance prevention is key cuationwithsuipport // / they stamp you a retard regularly because you diehard refuse to fuckaround-howtheyknow ure daytime vs hookeroftheland wish hope ure immune andthen what forem  //// thebe st is you meld each smear on oneperson allyears+wonder why they obsess with 1smear is it enough if the criminals pre tend something? isit enough, whenthey give eachother alibi s to repeat crimes? nowadays whoknwos. maybe. but twenty years ago? tenyears ago?! heart europe? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG htt ps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4 93212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me /ChristianKiss /// checkhow 1222 harms teeth why thereis a chav mouth dirt mess fromsleeptime clean teeth healthy teeth are a matter of spit and clean tongue 70percentof bacteria areontongue and that is regualrly cleaned which most do not at the sametieme a clean toothbrush howits kepts and changed twice amonth additionally a good toothpaste iused to cleanem everyday with an electric brush in study times but changed back to less flouride something is justnot right with the stuff atthesametime the drink is mostly pl ain tea and lower sugar but alotof water and plain tea ad ditioanally itis filtered water thismeans it isnt just plain tea mostly itis silver ions cleansed mostly all in all it shouldbe pretty ok for how itis the 1222 chav damages teeth how sleeptime chav mess it how /// check also finedust or gasings 308 on itis miraclemild allday cautionwithsupport /// did anyone serio usly believe the case is somehooker theygot 20yearsof isola tion and deedtype accuracy but not a single bar?!?notone? not a party? really? somehow this makes total sense tothe m forthem youre one step away from a prostitution career or sth so that luckily excuses their rapes with intel drugs so.. //// support didyou involve international copgirls in saving minors that wemust always so evenifthe germans getaway with one incident or t wo incidents or three incidents theywont getaway with this confirm we always rescuem iors ////// save theminors they use inthese tricks /// ggermans intel terrorise usually occasioanlly by motives lik e to make nervuous breakdown or make suicidal or make muerbe rattle the target fool inte l grade many times luck only that itis accurately listed mi nute wise what they tried that moment again just that th ey try todothese things with intel tricks to imply mental diseases daytime fool layers and if youre unterrorised and not nuts by the shit they eff orted spock grade they efforted list it then they mustve germancured the mental diseases they hoped to fake or make seem so this is one shade one facette of how these fools tick ifitsnot try thepedo tr ick or the underdeveloped fool trick or the criminal trick or the satanist trick or the chav prostitute trick or the transvestite teenie weenie trick or the fraud bum hobo or a h  heck youname it thisis howitworks the civililian mus t write the tricks the pro s cant getout gimme a break waht youcan do is was intel onthe case what did they do and did even the most basic preconditions fit tothe shit they tried to fake under which german efforts and re interpretation s m a y b e  b a r e l y but not really letalone late stage s of their abysmalities this is how it works /// bbbb bbbbbbbo$bout suffocaiton murderers they hsot layer 2 cockr oacg german cockroaches itis system caused systembotch fix howit damamged the shrotterrrrremmmememory ijsut wrote alenghty mailaboutit and foro gt suffocating ******* make it understood and f e e e e e e e e e e lable to cockroach ger man cocrkoach germancockroasches none of my matters is oftheir concern fraudsystem botched with criminal german govt thenbecamecrimianlgovt agenda withits accomplcie hsoting proxy cockroach german cockroachgerman cocckroaches **** **** these have a wiggle room likely to add harm system caused somehow asifthey deserve sth if they p r e t en d t he case immunsied this is systemic someonemust grant em wiggle room usually thefraudsy stem let allscums arbitrarily harm then kills all then let s more itis system caused layer1 causing authrotieis and timecontrol accomplice layer2 cockroaches proxies musthave wiggle room toadd harm somehow the authrotiies gotojailw ithem whenwe msut hunt the scums for em ****** make em fe el it none of my matters is of their concern fraudsystem b otched became criminal govt agenda and nowproxies are hoste d to add harm ******* who implied a gain if tehy p r e t en d the case immune after system hosted shuffled scums andcovered them and quelled self help ///// whatis the book income itis highlighted red acted the critical important things the summaries and the a parts at the boot backside about realm thegermans distort or smear it likely but what are the ratings and the inc ome itis wellearned /// headimpacts three 1931 is ////// check xray gasings //// three headimapcts milder after verypowerful before lsited: pppppppppppppppppack!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! very powerful headimapct aside trianfirmpakring drowsying and schwinelig then assmolest what iisit hbow daamanangerous is pppp pppppppppowerful ehadimapcts isay v e r y ////// isnt it remarkable taht despite this not being home andor life centerpoint but terrorised pois onchamber edgeof exist no more trickms cosntantly the tax guys did not effort that ican access myfortune not even wheni explitiely daytime charged the case involing them 1k347/18 orso fiancialcourt stutt gart what they did do likely however was to taxit without!!!!me accessing it because a ccessing it is off this hellhole hmmmm ineed informatio n //// jail assmesser 1719 andor deto cockroachdurg slik eheroine orso check how gutslocks infect gallbladder andor subdue digestivesystem 7 am orso was a bellymess checkifthis locks guts ad tehy al i bi it ********* we aeh must gratis einlauf him 1950s and remess and re remess an d rere reremess and its for freeee wheeeey ********** cockroaches offmy health andimplants harasswalks anfixen cockroach germasn 1719 1722 squeeze ifi ts hostile the quellfortune access for harasswalks is ger man intent prevention prevention prevention ///// jailas soelster liekafteroadcrossings mos qd394 renault red pear l is isita magflight? did they try to fraud magflight onc e over goshn? //// dicktoymess roadcrossing is odd wal kahead mess rellvntant make safety serobullshit withanything itis miracle mild compared to usually wheoveris new //// leechery? 1603?  nonh ostile? /// gaser hostile or nonhostiel usually its bad here very even the petcat cant stand thisplace theydont l et eventhe damncat eat unterrorised usually always //// support. isthere arealtime competition about contro lling thecase: critical is: who?set?that? trick? up? inthef irstplace. was a chicken out dodge sthresult or deliberate. with heyyylookwhatifound  iu seitfirst.  itis simple . very. muststayfree butnot withoutsupport. and foremsot there is! a support system. wife and kids. whoquelled info and contact. that is the key. find biodata trick or gasing 1415 ontyp e I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophis tication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Bab yAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#it #is #nothing #but #it #is #not #nothing #the #bloody #dick #porn #theme #plus #implant #fix @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa @lawyers @lawyercom @harvard_law @book @books @book_fair smashwords.com/books/view/552210
lawyers each and every theme
each decept each decoy each trick each and every theme
is public
who else makes transparency
ooooh a red clunker…
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Gifting the Household Project To Do List that Never Gets Done
Sharing a glimpse into two recent (and incredibly simple!) household projects we completed — updating our fireplace from brass to black and swapping out all the doorknobs in our home to make them look a little less dated. Thank you so much to Lowe’s Home Improvement for sponsoring this post!
Is all of your holiday shopping done for the season? If so, you’re way better off than we are in our house! I admittedly always find myself scrambling and purchasing gifts for friends and family up until the last minute but sometimes it takes a while for inspiration to hit and for me to really feel like I have a great gift idea for my loved ones.
Fortunately I am done shopping for Ryan’s gifts this year which is a relief because sometimes he’s the hardest person for me to shop for, despite the fact that he’s not overly picky and doesn’t have lofty high expectations. I just put pressure on myself to make his Christmas special every year because I love giving him gifts that make him smile, especially when it’s something he might not think to get himself.
And that’s where the gift idea I’m sharing today comes in! You know those home improvement projects or simple home updates you’ve had on your household project to do list for years? What if you gave your spouse/roommate/friend/partner a jump start in completing one of your projects? That was one of my gift ideas for Ryan this year!
Throughout the nearly 15 years we’ve been together, we’ve prioritized experiences over material gifts in our relationship and now that we’re parents and homeowners, our gift-giving preferences have shifted again. Experiences always reign supreme but home improvement-related gifts rank pretty high up there for the two of us. We’ll often gift each other something for our home — my Cyber Monday purchase of the Nest Learning Thermostat for our house was actually one of my early Christmas gifts to Ryan — and find that home improvement projects or home decor updates end up making us happier in the long run than some of the more random trendy gifts out there.
I was recently approached by Lowe’s Home Improvement about holiday gifting and I could not have replied to their email faster if I tried. (For the sake of transparency, Ryan works for Lowe’s so we’re obviously a Lowe’s-loving family, but I was actually approached for this partnership by Lowe’s unaware of our family’s affiliation to the company.) I was so excited to receive their email because a gift idea I already had planned for Ryan was the perfect fit: Updating our fireplace and all of the doorknobs in our house to get rid of the ’90s brass that’s bothered us sine we moved into our home. I initially planned to give Ryan a brushed chrome doorknob for Christmas with the promise of updating the other knobs around our house and hoped to surprise him with a revamped fireplace. Basically, I wanted to give him two simple household updates that have been on our home improvement to do list forever but, for one reason or another, just never seemed to get done.
When I chatted with Lowe’s about my idea, they were on board and our phone call simply prompted me to get started on our home improvement projects a little sooner and complete them before the holidays rather than after Christmas.
I ended up making a trip to Lowe’s with Ryder while Chase was at preschool a couple of weeks ago and picked up everything I needed to update our family fireplace and change the brass detailing to a more contemporary matte black. I had Ryan unwrap the gift — high-heat matte black spray paint, a plastic painting drop cloth and painter’s tape — and included before and after pictures of a fireplace I found online that went through a similar update. After he opened my gift, I told him I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and was going to tackle the fireplace update for him as an early Christmas gift and he was pumped! When I say we’ve hated our fireplace since day one, I mean it! We both thought it was just the biggest eyesore so this update was much-needed and ended up feeling like a huge gift to both of us. I just wish we would’ve done it sooner!
Here’s the BEFORE:
And here’s the AFTER:
I used the morning of the first snowy day of the year in Charlotte when it was sleeting outside to take apart our fireplace (it was shockingly easy the whole frame just popped off in two pieces) and laid down the plastic drop cloth in our garage and got to work.
It took only three coats of the high-heat spray paint to cover the brass (I waited about 30 minutes in between coats just to be safe) and by that same afternoon we had a revamped fireplace we finally LOVE!
The fireplace update was part of our bigger plan to update our living room and I wanted to share some before/after pictures of that with you guys as well. (Note: This is not part of my Lowe’s collaboration — just something we’ve been working on!)
It’s absolutely still a work in progress but that’s the update so far! We had the room painted Repose Gray by Sherwin Williams, swapped out our beige couch and loveseat for a white one and two chairs (thanks to your IKEA recommendations!) and bought a new rug for the space over Black Friday weekend. Hooray for a much-needed refresh!
When I mentioned my idea for updating the brass doorknobs around our house to Ryan, he said he would happily take over that particular project thanks to a handy little tool we picked up during a prior trip to Lowe’s: The Dremel Cordless Screwdriver. You guys, this thing is basically Ryan’s dream tool and made replacing all the knobs around our house (yep, even closet knobs and bathroom knobs) a breeze. It is so easy to use and easily cut the door knob swap project time in half thanks to its ability to quickly remove and drive in screws with the light push of the screwdriver. If tools or any sort of home improvement-related gift is on your radar, Lowe’s is awesome because they price match everything, so you’re always guaranteed to get the lowest price from them.
(Chase clearly wanted in on the action.)
We replaced our brass knobs with Schlage Chrome Door Knobs and here’s a peek at the before/after of one of our downstairs coat closet doors.
These two simple home improvement projects have been on our to do list forever and I’m so happy they’re finally complete. We absolutely love the way they look in our home and they truly feel like the kind of gift that keeps on giving because we’ll enjoy them every day in our house. Up next: Figuring out what we want to hang above the mantel now that we are okay with people looking at our fireplace again!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/gifting-the-household-project-to-do-list-that-never-gets-donecm_mmcim_-_-blogger-_-pbfingers-_-holiday112918/
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