#me now: im stonger im faster im better i am better
hewwio · 1 year
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today is this blog's 5-year anniversary
so here's a retrospective to who i was back then
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pixelqueen666 · 9 months
DEVIL IN DISGUISE (Archer pastry x troll reader)(Warning: a bit of fluff)
"Where could they be?" The glitter troll known as guy diamond asked.
As soon as he said it you came barging in "Am I LAtE fOr THe AnUaL PArtY GaMEs!?!?" You practicly shouted. "No Y/N your just in time!"He responded. You let out a relived sigh as you start preparing for the games.
You were just another one of Poppy's friends. And you were abot to play on the party games with your friend Guy Diamond when another glitter troll came in sight. He looked quite friendly, with a everlasting grin."hey you guys" the red glitter troll said "My name is Archer, im here to take harpers place" He was talking in such a cheerfull tone it made you want to smile, although I dont think Guy had the same idea.
Well, long story short Archer ended up competeing agaist you 'cause Harper got better, or thats what Guy said (you honestly thought he was just jelous). But then GD remembered its all about having fun and the games ended surprisingly great.
Now you were getting out of the stadium and on you way home when you bumped into someone "Ouch!" You let out "HEY WHAT GI-" Just as you opened your eyes you saw none other than Archer, who was a bit shoked but eventualy he shrugged it off "Sorry, are you okay?" he said reaching out his hand so you coud take it. You just smiled and took it "Its ok.. I hope you are ok too" You said with a hint of concern "Sure am!!" he said whit his signature grin and cheerfull voice. Then he wanted to make it up to you inviting u to have ice cream which you agreed.
*time skip*
Two weeks have already passed and your friendship with Archer just grew stonger, you two were the best of friends. But still you coud feel your heartbeat faster when you two were talking, or that smile escape your lips. And as you were processing this thought another one came to mind 'why the hell would you have a crush on a naked troll that is basically made out of glitter?' the thought of it made you laugh, but then it hit you, you actually DO have a crush on him... you dont know why... you just do.
That morning you were on your way to have some ice cream and there you saw Archer, a part of you wanted to avoid him, but then you thought that was ridiculous and you ran to him to say hi.
"Hi Archer whacha doin'?" you asked "Oh! hi Y/N! I was just getting ice cream" he said, still smiling as always, you actualy began to question if he knows what frowning means, but you let it go." Same, let me guess, you my friend are having ..." you put two fingers on the sideaf your head like you were predicting something and one finger on his head, he just tried to hold back a little chuckle "... Strawberry ice cream!!!" He just chuckled "And u are having chocoate" he said smoothly "You do realise thats what we have EVERY time " "yeah, but its still fun" he replied whith a soft giggle. You two sat on a table with your ice cream and started talking. And as you rambled about why pineapple should/shouldn't ( A/N: whatever u like) you could see that Archer's smile was.. fading
You didn't actually think it would happen..
"Archer... are you ok?" you asker putting a hand on his shoulder, "Er- I- Uh-" he muttered, then he took a deep breath and said "No... Y/N can we go to your pod for a sec?"he said, his cheeks brighter than usual. You blushed at his proposal but accepted.
Once you were there you opened the door for him and he passed, but you were stuck closing the door cause you were still shoked with a ton of senarios of what was about to happen in your head
...and the key was stuck
Once you finished and turned around he said "there is something I need to show u..." you blushed madly as he .... took his ... took his SKIN OFF!?!?! WHAT THE-
Revealing a strange green figure-WHAT THE TROLL IS GOING ON!?
"Archer... "you said with a hint of insecurity as you steped closer to him and put your hands on his shoulders "This is who I really a-" " WHat aRe YoU?!?!?" you interrupted skaking his shoulders. He grabbed your hands for you to stoped with a 'are you serious' look and he expained, as he was explaining you were looking at him taking in his new form
...you actually liked it
it was different, but cool
Once he finished explaning that he was a party crasher and a scout, and he told you about his mission you only had one question...
"Archer, why are you telling me this. im your enemy" The way you said enemy made his heart break " thats the thing ... you are not my enemy. You have been so sweet with me .. "Archer ..." was all you could get out "a real friend" he continued." And after some time I also realised.. I think im in love with you Y/N" you were shoked "i think i love you too" was all you managed to say, he smiled warmly and you..
but you will bring that up later
..and as i was saying...
He gently grabed your waist and you let out a small gasp he looked at you with a bit of concern but that look soon faded when you reassured him with a smile, you looked at his olive green eyes and then to his lips as he leaned foward finally conecting your lips with his you closed your eyes in bliss taking in what was happening.
Then you two parted, you two smiled, he put his troll skin back on and you two left the pod.
Now the was only one queston left...
Should you tell Poppy?
(Authors note: WOW. so here it is. my first oneshot. YAY! please forgive me if you didn't like it Its my first time BUT I just saw the request and i couldn't say no. Cause ther is no archer x reader on tumblr so i hope this can serve as a motivation ok ave a nice day BAI!)
(also if u want part 2 just say so)
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