#me chanting: disaster roommates disaster roommates
resolvebound · 2 years
Juvia is crouching, feeding the cats far too many treats, once again. And with Macbeth’s looming presence, she turns to him. “Do you want one too?” She gives the bag of cat treats a shake. It’s only a jest; after all, Macbeth is the honourary house-cat. / from juvia, disaster roommate ☺️
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Ah, he’d been wondering where the cats had disappeared to. And there they were. Surrounding Juvia like she was some sort of cat magnet (holding onto treats did tend to have that effect after all).
The white Maine Coon (The Great Beast as he referred to her as, or Moon Moon as she was unfortunately, technically called) nudged her face against Juvia’s knee, while the small black cat, Onyx, balanced on hind legs to gently rest a paw on her and try to reach the bag of treats. The bribery was shameless.
He crossed his arms and watched in silent judgement, crimson eyes narrowing at her question, signalling his lack of amusement. Lucy and Juvia (along with the other visitors they had) tended to draw certain similarities between himself and the felines. He could see it, and didn’t mind it really, truth be told, but he couldn’t let them know that. Besides, he’d rather be known to them as something far more annoying.
“No,” he said, after a moment of deliberate, long silence.
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With great and slow purpose, he unfolded his arms so that he could slip a hand into the back pocket of his pants. He withdrew a small bag that Juvia might just recognise as the chocolates she had brought earlier. “I’ve already got my own.” A smirk tugged lightly at the corner of his lips as he shook the bag at her.
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aylinaliens · 4 years
The Not So Scary Haunting of Sarawat Guntithanon— Chapter 1
Fandom: 2Gether
Pairings: Sarawat/Tine
Summary: Sarawat Gay Panics 24/7 over his new roommate (who, by the way, might be a ghost, which is weird on so many levels but whatever, if a man wants to thirst over the supernatural being haunting his apartment so be it!)
Word Count: 1621
Notes: i'm not even excited for 2gether the movie yet here i am, posting another sarawatine fic. basically our boy Sarawat gay panics every single minute of every single day because the ghost who is haunting his apartment is pretty. that's it. that's the plot. just sarawatine being dumb, mutually pining idiots.
Read the first chapter on Ao3 or down below!
How was it possible that a disembodied voice could sound so... god damn enticing and lovely? At first, Sarawat found himself pressing his body deeper into his bed but after getting over to his initial shock and fear he allowed himself sometime to appreciate the sound of it. Although his heart was in his throat, Sarawat could not deny the wave of comfort that filled his veins, from his finger to his toes warm spread through his body.
Which was weird—and frankly crazy. Ghosts can possess people, right? Or kill them? Sarawat wished he paid more attention to all the horror movies Man and Boss dragged him to because maybe then he wouldn’t be laying in bed, already whipped, ready to drop down on knee. Hand in marriage sir, please give me your hand in marriage.
He should be terrified of this figure, not lowkey turned on.
Curse Sarawat and his inability to function around attractive boys. Curse this motherfucking hot as heck ghost and his stupid dimples.
Sarawat awakes to a blurry and translucent figure hovering mere inches from his face.
The next day he swears to Man and Boss that the reason he remains frozen was because of fear and not because he was having a full on gay panic attack... over a ghost. That’s what this person was, right? A ghost? He was a rationale adult but he had enough brain cells to connect all the dots.
Sarawat sucks in a deep inhale of breath, allowing his eyes to burn every line, curve, and dip of this mysterious figure's face.
The dim light of his bedroom combined with the near translucent nature of the figure meant that Sarawat never was able to get a clear idea of what this ghost looked like. Just the glimpses he did get left his throat dry and heart pounding rapidly.
The figure had a closed mouth smile etched across his features, all soft pink lips and crinkly eyes and dimples. Sarawat briefly thought of leaning forward to press his fingertips against those pink lips just to see if they were as soft as they looked. But then he realized that was insane and weird so instead he just beat that thought away with a stick. Gay thoughts: be gone! Don’t you dare become a simp over a motherfucking ghost.
The bottom half of his face was crystal clear which was both a blessing and curse while his top half looked as if it was about to flicker away at any moment. Sarawat was positive that this was abnormal, but then again this was his first encounter with a ghost so maybe it was, in fact, normal? It’s not as if he was given a manual or anything.
He couldn’t quite tell what shade of brown this mysterious figures eyes but he allowed his brain to imagine that it was probably vivid, just like the rest of his face. He was debating on the actual shade when he a disembodied voice spoke.
How was it possible that a disembodied voice could sound so... god damn enticing and lovely? At first, Sarawat found himself pressing his body deeper into his bed but after getting over to his initial shock and fear he allowed himself sometime to appreciate the sound of it. Although his heart was in his throat, Sarawat could not deny the wave of comfort that filled his veins, from his finger to his toes warm spread through his body.
Which was weird—and frankly crazy. Ghosts can possess people, right? Or kill them? Sarawat wished he paid more attention to all the horror movies Man and Boss dragged him to because maybe then he wouldn’t be laying in bed, already whipped, ready to drop down on knee. Hand in marriage sir, please give me your hand in marriage.
He should be terrified of this figure, not lowkey turned on.
Curse Sarawat and his inability to function around attractive boys. Curse this motherfucking hot as heck ghost and his stupid dimples.
Sarawat was like ninety percent sure of his sexual identity but now he was having a crisis about the fact he was possibly crushing on a whole new species. Needless to say he was losing his mind!
He could just imagine the headline of the video Man would inevitably make him sit down to film and post on their jointed YouTube channel.
Sarawat was positive that his best friend would insert various memes and jokes throughout his very honest and real existential-slash-moral-slash- philosophical crisis Sarawat was having.
It would probably rake in a lot of views but Sarawat did not want to be known as That One Guy Who Simped Over A Ghost for the rest of his life.
He was almost positive that if he told his friends the trust extent of how he felt, they would want to change their channel from music and vlogs to something more akin to Buzzfeed Unsolved.
They would buy a spirit box and Ouija board online and force Sarawat to try to communicate because of course they fucking would, those absolute menaces.
He could already see Boss glancing around like a conspiracy theorist, seriously asking the ghost are you DTF (that means down to fornicate in case you need clarification), Mr. Ghost? Just give us a sign, any sign. Man would most definitely feed into this or make the situation even worse.
Which is why he was not going to reveal what happened tonight. He would just play off as sleep paralysis. Yeah. That is the best way to prevent his best friends from blowing this situation out of proportion.
Sarawat wanted to say something but the words died in his throat. What would he even say? Hello. Please smash your face against mine! Uh, no way in hell. Maybe it was a good thing that he had trouble forming words right now. It would save him a lot of embarrassment.
The figure leaned down closer and— fuck fuck fuck gay thoughts go away— peering curiously down at Sarawat. “He definitely can see me so why isn’t he saying anything?”
Because you can’t verbally keysmash in real life you beautiful and vaguely threatening supernatural being.
The figure hummed, deep in thought, before leaning back (thank goodness) only to do something that made Sarawat let out a very unflattering shriek in surprise. Well there goes his reputation. He didn’t have one in the first place to begin with, especially not with this ghost, but still. There it goes.
Ghosts were unable to touch people right? Right? So why did a ghost...just touch him?
Sarawat raked his brain trying to remember the drama he watched a few months back with his brother (it was Phukong unsubtle way of being like, hey, bro, I like boys but I’m still scared of coming out so let’s just both pretend like I didn’t just cry at the scene where Ohm Pawat’s character comes out to his mother, I swear I’m emotional because of the acting not because I can relate to it).
Sarawat was positive that the ghost in that drama couldn’t actually touch anyone. He was like ninety-six percent sure that every time he tried his body would just go straight through the other characters.
He forgot how it was possible that the ghost could touch, and kiss, the human, though. He should have paid more attention but hey, he was also trying to think of an inconspicuous way to let it slip that he was also gay. Great (disaster gays) apparently think a lot alike.
Anyways, the figure poked his chest and Sarawat almost pissed his pants in shock. Clearly the ghost was just as surprised that he could actually touch Sarawat because he froze, making Sarawat happy that he decided to wear a shirt to bed tonight.
He assumed that the ghost must have thought he was dreaming to (wait can ghost dream?) so just to make sure he poked Sarawat three more times in the same spot and yup—Sarawat felt it. He felt it clear as day.
“Oh.” The figure tilted his head to the side. “This is weird. I shouldn’t be able to do that.”
Yeah, obviously.
Sarawat opened his mouth to finally speak (he swore he was going to play it cool and be all like: hi! i promise i’m not having gay thoughts right now!) but before he could a loud crash in the next room made him jolt in surprise.
After being rendered motionless for a few minutes, Sarawat finally gained control of his own body. He threw himself upright into a sitting position but in the process of doing so he accidentally slammed his forehead against the figure whose face was technically still in close proximity.
Cursing, Sarawat clutched his head as pain made white spots cloud his vision. “ Fuck .”
From next to him the figure cursed too. “ Shit.”
Eventually the pain subsided into a dull ache, allowing Sarawat to glance over at the boy—ghost, supernatural being, angel, whatever—next to him.
The top half of his face was no longer translucent anymore.
In fact, he wasn’t translucent at all.
Crimson blood began to trickle out from his nose, causing Sarawat to gape in horror.
Not because the image was a terrifying one. I mean, yeah, it was a bit weird but it has been established that Sarawat, that certifiable himbo, was in a constant state of ‘mark me down as scared and horny’ tonight, but because a ghost...was bleeding. From a wound that Sarawat gave him. Was that like, scientifically possible? Note to self: send a text to Earn so that she can ask her girlfriend about it.
Also? Sarawat was finally able to label the ghost's eyes as being a cross between honey and caramel. Obviously, his poor gay started chanting oh oh oh oh oh because yeah, read above, Sarawat Guntithanon? Himbo, Simp, Dumbass Extraordinaire. Either way he was a mess.
The possible brain injury and the shock of the entire night finally caught up to Sarawat, making his stomach churn with nausea and vision become blurry.
Without meaning to, Sarawat fainted—not even elegantly like one of those heroines in a romance novel but like a dead, fucking fish, limbs flopping every which way—right into the arms of the mysterious figure he was still dying ( yikes bad choice of words) to know the name of.
The last thing he registered before completely blacking out was that someone was cradling him to their chest, rambling away.
“Oh my god. Did I just kill him? No. No way. He’s still breathing. Shit. Sarawat! Hey, you saraleo, wake up!”
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shark-el · 4 years
this fic was based off of a conversion I had with @born-at-3am​ about how Baz's first name (Tyrannus) sounds like a dinosaur name, and well lets just say I was really bored one day and decided to write this. this is the first fic I've written since middle school, and the first one I've ever published. Eh whatever I hope you guys enjoy and that its not to bad, but I wrote this for fun and I guess that's what matters right?? Any way here's my crack-fic.
link to the fic on AO3
 Baz is tutoring Simon in magic words because Penny isn't there, and things go pretty much as you'd expect, aka a total disaster!
but Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures.
We're in magic words class and I've been assigned to babysit Simon snow, a job usually reserved for Bunce but she's sick with some sort of highly infectious disease leaving her quarantine and bed ridden.
So of course I have the ‘absolute pleasure’ that is tutoring snow on his magic words homework.
We're sitting at his desk and it's awkward.
Even though we've been roommates for five years now, we never really talk. Unless it's to pick a fight, Which normally end up in me saying some witty retort or insult, and snow growls at me, his magic bubbling up to the suffice the like hot water in a tea kettle, then proceeds to storm out of the room slamming the door behind him.
I can see the visual discomfort and anger on his face at having to not only sit next to me but also at having me explain to him what to do. He's always had such an expressive (and beautiful) face.
“Listen snow i don't want to do this ether but let's just get it over with, and hope for Crowley's sake that Bunce gets well back soon”
“You're probably the one who made Penny sick in the first place, don't know how or why but definitely for some plot or somethin’ ”' he mutters under his breath, and I suppress a snort. That's another thing about Snow he always thinks I'm up to something, has for years now. Sure sometimes he's right, but normally it's all in his head, though I never confirm or deny it which always drives him mad.
Raising one eyebrow I say as sarcastically as possible “Yes snow i contracted some sort of diseases to get Bunce sick just so i can sit next to you, and teach you how to transform inanimate objects”
He just rolls his eyes at me. A clear since I've won yet again.
I just smirk at him  and take in the silence, letting his glare settle on me.
I pretend not to notice as i say “Anyway, Snow this is a simple spell, one not even you could possibly be able to mess up''
He just grimaces and continues glaring at me, I don't know how I'm supposed to survive two full hours of this, but ill make due.
We're supposed to transform a stuffed animal from one creature to another. I of course mastered this in the first five minutes, which is how I got myself into this miserable situation in the first place.
Snow decided to turn him into a dinosaur.
After about half an hour of working on emphasis and pronunciations for the spell, an infuriating process that involved repeating the words ``life err...finds a way” from Jurassic park, several times in many different ways. We moved on to the wand movement which he was holding all wrong, as always. I don't know how Bunce can deal with tutoring him all the time, he's just so useless (it's kind of endearing in a way, though I'd never admit it).
“No snow, don't be so harsh with it. it's more of a fluid motion, like this” and I demonstrate with my wand.
“Oh sod off, I tried that already it doesn't work” he says exasperated.
“Well try again” I say frustrated.
He begrudgingly tries again.
wrong, again.
He’s such a fumbling disaster I can't decide whether it's infuriating or adorable.
He's on his seventh try and I sort of just stare at him (because he's trying so hard, and it's cute, and I can't help myself. thankfully he doesn't notice), he just needs some direction maybe if I just?...
No, I can't. sitting next to him is bad enough. if I reach out and help direct him with my hand. I don't know if I'd be able to stop myself from doing something I'll regret.
I'm fantasizing about his warm hand holding mine, hands clasped together just slightly intertwined at the fingertips (because I'm a useless romantic and I can't help myself) when I'm struck back to reality with a bang.
Blinking twice I realize it's the sound of snow smashing his fist in anger on the desk, and I can tell he's about to go off by the feeling of hot thick magic beginning to flow everywhere around us.
“Calm down snow” I practically yell.
“I'm trying!” he shouts back.
I waver between wanting to help calm him down and egging him on, making him go off by saying something to make him even more frustrated, and this time with his full rage focused on me, maybe he'd be so mad he’d pin me to the wall and… (oh Crowley I'm disturbed).
I settle on letting him calm down on his own since me helping him calm down would probably put him even more on edge.
“Ok let's  take a break for a few minutes Snow, I need to go get some air” I say and take my leave.
As I walk through the corridor outside of class trying to clear my head, and realizing we weren't making any progress, so I decide maybe i should try a different approach to teaching him, (though it pains me) encouragement.
When I come back he’s mostly calmed down.
I sit next to him and I say in the most encouraging way I can “ok, are you ready to try again?”
“Yah I guess” he says exhausted, like he normally is after he almost goes off.
he holds out his wand again hands shaking, he’s worked himself up too much at this point.
“Snow I know you're trying but the spell won't work if your hand isn't stabile”
“I know, I know it's just…” he starts but doesn't continue, voice tired and faint.
“Do you want help?” I say softly, don't know why I asked that he'd never agree, but now it's too late to take it back.
He nods.
I don't know how to react, but I reach out my hand to help steady him (someone should probably help steady me at this point).
Baz is reaching out his hand, somewhere in the back of my mind I know he's doing it to help me, but my body reacts and panics before he can, since I'm not used to him actually helping me.
I stop thinking.
I'm watching myself spin toward him and chant the spell more clearly and precisely than I've done all day.
The next thing i know Baz is standing there in front of me, only its not Baz its a T-rex, about 2 feet tall with dark grey scales and pointy teeth, sort ’a like the plushie I imagined except alive (well as alive as a vampire dinosaur can be) and glaring at me with pure fury in his eyes.
At first I'm just surprised that it actually worked!
Then I want to apologize and tell him it was a reflex, and that I actually did want his help. when the full reality of the situation and how utterly absurd it is catches up with me then I'm doubled over on the floor laughing before I can stop myself.
I can't breathe, this is too much, I actually can't!
After about two or three minutes of me laughing hysterically on the floor clenching my stomach, tears streaming down my face, I take a deep breath.
I'm about to calm down when I realize something else that makes this entire situation a whole lot funnier.
“Baz you’re a Tyrannusaurus-rex!” I blurt out and that sends me into another fit of laughter.
I think I can faintly hear Baz say “Snow stop laughing, and try to find a way to turn me back!” in an angry and exasperated tone, which would have scared me shitless if the spell hadn't also made him sound like a plushie (or at least how you'd expect one to sound like).
But after a moment I am terrified because if I don't die of laughter, Baz will happily do the honors (though that's nothing new).
If you guys have gotten this far thank you so much, I will now reward you with a picture of Tyrannusaurus-rex:
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sdottkrames · 4 years
Five Little Turkeys
@comfortember prompt 17: Flashbacks
Summary: Five Iron Fam Thanksgivings Past + 1 Present
Notes: Happy Thanksgiving!  Even if you don't live in the US and don't celebrate, I hope you take a little time to think of something you're grateful for and appreciate it. I am so very very thankful to all of you! and a special Thank You goes to @baloobird for always believing in and inspiring my writing, to @an-odd-idea for tagging me in fun things and for beta reading some stuff for me, and to @littlemissagrafina for leaving the absolute best comments and to every other friend I’ve made in this wonderful fandom. I love you all.
Read on AO3: Here
Five little turkeys standing at the door,
One waddled off, and then there were four.
May Parker had never hosted thanksgiving before.
Maybe that was a good thing, because she’d already managed to ruin the mashed potatoes, which resembled concrete more than anything, and burn the green bean casserole past recognition.
At least Ben was having more luck with the turkeys and gravy, and that was the most important part, right?
Oh goodness, this is going to be a disaster. I never should’ve agreed to host Ben’s family.
At least baby Peter’s gonna be here.
Staving off tears and chanting more positive things to herself in her head, May turned her attention to something she knew she could do: opening a can of cranberry sauce and dumping it in a festive pumpkin shaped bowl. Then she grabbed the homemade rolls Ben had made that morning and put them carefully in a basket with a pretty white towel to cover them.
Ben came up behind her, surprising her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Smells amazing,” he murmured in her ear.
May giggled despite the tears that threatened again. “Well, maybe it’s the ruined potatoes, or the burnt green beans.”
Ben spun her around, tenderly kissing her. “I wasn’t talking about the food, babe.” May blushed. “Besides, I’ve already called my mom, and she’s gonna buy more potatoes on her way to make a fresh batch, and we’ve got plenty more cans of green beans to make the casserole again. We’ll be just fine.”
Goodness, May loved this man. She told him so as she kissed him again, and again, and again.
May opened the door to her husband’s family and inhaled a steadying breath as she took in the five of them standing there. She focused on their genuine smiles and kind eyes.
I can do this.
Once hugs and warm greetings had been exchanged all around and a new batch of potatoes had been made, the others put their offerings on the beautifully laid table. What May Parker lacked in the cooking department, she made up for in the decorating department, and the table was stunning, and the food even tasted better than May had hoped. However, it quickly became apparent that it didn’t really matter what food had been made. Little 14-month-old Peter was the star of the dinner.
It was hard for him not to be with the chubbiest of cheeks and the sweetest of smiles. All eyes were on him as he tried turkey for the first time, then stuffing, and cranberry sauce. He was more interested in mashing the food with his fingers...until pumpkin pie. The little boy’s eyes widened as the sweet dessert hit his taste buds, and he eagerly made grabby hands for more. All the adults giggled along as he shoved another bite into his mouth, clumsily holding his spoon.
Ben was right, May thought. Everything is just fine.
She looked around again, her eyes lingering on her husband, who smiled back at her.
More than fine.
Four little turkeys sitting near a tree,
One waddled off, and then there were three.
Tony stared at his phone, trying and failing to keep the disappointment off his face. It seemed to fill him, all the way from his toes to the top of his head, accumulating into a grey cloud that dumped great drops of homesickness all over him.
He’d been looking forward to Thanksgiving. He wasn’t all that excited to see his father, of course, but he and his mother did get along, and he missed her. It was his first year at college, and he hadn’t seen his mother in nearly three months. He couldn’t wait to sit and play piano with her, hear her singing, feel her hugs. His mom had also promised him that his Uncle Jarvis and Aunt Anna were going to be there, and he was beyond excited to see them too. All that excitement turned sour in just one text.
I’m sorry it said.
Sorry sorry sorry. Always sorry.
He should’ve known his father would ruin plans. Should’ve never gotten his hopes up. His parents were traveling (again) and taking Jarvis with him. There would be no thanksgiving.
Tony resigned himself to spending the holiday by himself, hoping to see his mom and the Jarvises at Christmas. He started unpacking and putting everything away.
Then his roommate walked in.
“What’re you doing?” James Rhodes- Rhodey, as Tony had dubbed him their first week together- said.
“My parents are traveling. I won’t be able to go home,” Tony answered flatly. “I’ll be staying here for thanksgiving.”
Rhodey didn’t hesitate. “Oh, no, you won’t. Pack your stuff, Stark. You’re coming to the Rhodes house.”
“You don’t have to do that, really. I’m alright staying here. I’m honestly used to it! I prefer to be alone, actually.”
Tony tried to keep his cavalier persona firmly in place, playing the situation off. But he should have known that Rhodey wouldn’t buy it. From day one, his roommate had been able to see right through Tony and his bullcrap and been able to call him out on it.
Rhodey arched an eyebrow, placing a hand on his hip. “Uh huh. That why you’re sitting here moping?”
“I’m not moping!”
“I can practically see the storm cloud above your head!”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Fine. Well, are you sure your mom-”
Rhodey placed a hand on Tony’s shoulder, cutting him off. His dark eyes were serious. “My momma would have my head if she knew I let you stay here by yourself. I’ll let her know to expect you, but trust me when I say that it won’t be a problem.”
Tony took a deep breath and placed the shirts and bag of toiletries he’d unpacked back into in his small duffle while Rhodey called his mom.
“She said you better come, and expect to bring home at least three Tupperware full of left-overs.”
And so Tony found himself sitting around the table with Roberta Rhodes, Lila Rhodes, and his roommate. He hadn’t expected to be treated like family so quickly, but it was clear that’s exactly how they viewed him as the chatted and passed him turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce.
Later, the Christmas tree cast a warm, happy glow over the four individuals laying around the living room in various stages of consciousness, their full stomachs lulling them into a contented stupor. Tony was surprised the tree was up so early, but he was glad it was. It’s branches were laden with ornaments that clearly held stories (like the handmade snowflake one that featured a picture of a young James Rhodes wearing the ugliest sweater Tony had ever seen, grinning ear to ear without any front teeth), so different from the sterile red and white decorations that went on the tree at his home every year.
The warm light and company seemed to fill him with happiness and contentment all the way from his toes to his head, accumulating into bright sun rays around him like a halo that warmed every part of his soul.
It was the best thanksgiving he’d ever had.
Three little turkeys with nothing to do,
One waddled off, and then there were two.
The first year is the hardest Tony had heard it said.
It gets easier people promised.
Well, so far, it had been the hardest year, but Tony didn’t think it was going to get any easier after the one year mark.
His parents were dead. Killed. Gone. Right before Christmas.
At each new “first” without them, Tony found himself turning more and more to the bottle, saw his roommate and best friend become more and more concerned, his grades more and more in danger.
Tony had refused Rhodey’s offer to come be with him for thanksgiving. He loved them, but he couldn’t stomach being around a family.
His family, because the Rhodes’ were almost more family than his own parents had been.
Maybe that’s why it was so hard.
So on yet another first- the first thanksgiving without them- Tony woke to a dull grey sky outside his window. Bare trees, brown leaves, and dead grass further matched his mood. It was another day to be drained from his memory, drowned out by the buzzing in his skull.
He was heading to grab a beer for breakfast (totally healthy, he knows) when a knock on the front door had him changing course from the kitchen to the entranceway of his apartment.
He had to grip the doorframe to keep from falling over when he saw who was on the other side.
“Hello, Sir,” the man said with a kind smile, but he couldn't quite cover up the concern in his eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, Anna and I thought you might like some company today. Our neighbor gave us a turkey that is much too large for just the two of us, so we thought you might come help us eat it.”
Tony knew Jarvis well enough to know that it wasn’t really a question. Jarvis wasn’t leaving without him. And, really, Tony couldn’t refuse even if he had the energy or desire to.
Later that night Tony hugged them both goodbye, a stomach full of good food softening the sadness that had gripped him earlier that day. After Jarvis dropped Tony back off at his apartment, Tony paused as he was heading up the stairs, and turned around.
“Jarvis?” The man looked up from putting the car in gear. “Thank you. And Anna, too.”
Jarvis’ face softened. “Anytime, sir.”
And as Tony went to bed, he grabbed a beer out of habit, but thought twice before putting it to his lips.
Maybe it was okay to feel sometimes.
He dumped the beer down the sink and threw away the bottle.
Two little turkeys in the morning sun,
One waddled off, and then there was one.
The bright sun woke Peter up. He wandered blearily into the living room, and was surprised to find his aunt already awake, holding a cup of steaming coffee.
“Hey, baby,” she murmured, holding out her arm for Peter to snuggle under.
He didn’t need to ask about the red rim around her eyes, or what she was doing up so early. The space on the side of the couch from her was too conspicuously empty, the two places already set at the table too obviously missing a third, the hole in their heart too Ben-shaped to be ignored.
“I’m sorry,” Peter whispered, again, the guilt eating him as it always had, but especially on holidays.
Once May had found out about Spider-Man, Peter had finally cracked one day and told her the real details of Ben’s death after a particularly bad nightmare about the night featuring rain that was red like blood and gunshots echoing all around him. He’d sobbed and sobbed, begging her to forgive him. She hadn’t even thought about it. She’d wrapped her arms around Peter, hugged him as tight as she could, and whispered over and over again that it wasn’t his fault.
But hearing it and letting himself believe it were two completely different things. Peter didn’t feel like he deserved May’s forgiveness. It was his fault that they were awake at 6 AM, watching the sun rise, and missing part of them.
“No,” May said, her voice firm but her hand very gentle as she pulled back to place it on Peter’s cheek. “No. None of that. Ben would not want us sitting here, moping away on his second favorite holiday.”
Peter chuckled at that, remembering how his uncle would always insist that if he weren't already a religious man, he might start his own church dedicated to food. Thanksgiving was almost as holy to him as Christmas.
“Remember that year he made cupcakes that looked like turkeys? With the little candy corn feathers? You couldn’t eat it cause the turkey was ‘looking at you’?”
They both chuckled, snuggling together again.
“Or that time you tricked us with that stupid microwave turkey thing and he called in a panic, screaming for you not to do it?” May laughed.
“Oh! what about that time he laughed so hard, eggnog came out of his nose?”
They continued to remember and honor the man they were missing. As the sun rose and lit their apartment, the memories of thanksgiving’s they’d shared lit their hearts.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” May whispered, remembering her husband’s words from years earlier and taking solace in them once more.
“Yeah,” Peter murmured. “It will. Thanks, May. I’m so grateful I have you.”
“You, too, kiddo. More than you know.”
One little turkey better run away,
For soon it will be Thanksgiving Day.
Peeling potatoes was a mindless task, and Tony found that to be a very not good thing.
It meant his mind had time to wander and think about...things. Like Peter, and May, and the thousand others who weren’t celebrating Thanksgiving for yet another year. Though it had been four years since Thanos, Tony still found his mind wandering every holiday, thinking about and dwelling on the people who were unable to celebrate.
Especially one very specific person. The most important one, really, at least to Tony. And Tony hadn’t even been able to tell him.
To make up for lack of words shared in life, Tony found time every holiday to talk to Peter. Found a little private space that was quiet and secluded and talked to his kid. His kid. It had taken that kid’s death for him to finally admit it, but that’s what Peter had been to Tony. Pepper knew what he did even though he hadn’t told her, and he had a feeling she purposely kept Morgan busy to give him that quiet time.
Tony placed the last peeled potato in the bowl and turned to his wife. Her face softened at the look on his face, and she nodded, gesturing to the back door.
Tony squeezed her hand before walking out the door and to the group of small birches by the lake that he’d chosen for this purpose. He called it Peter’s Place. He was working on a sign for it.
“Hey, Pete,” he whispered, sitting on the ground and leaning up against his favorite tree. “Happy thanksgiving, bud. Another one without you, and I gotta say, it doesn’t get easier. But it gets...different. I hope you know I’m thankful for you. Thankful that you opened my heart to having kids, that you let me get my fumbling attempts at parenting so when Morgan came I had a better grasp on how it worked. I’m thankful for you teaching me about memes, for the movie and lab nights, for your smile and hugs.” He paused to wipe his eyes. “Geez, you made me soft. Anyway, I just wanted to come out and say my piece as usual. I love you, kid. I hope you know that.”
He took a minute to compose himself before heading back to the house. He didn’t make it all the way in before the door opened and a little body was running towards him.
“Oh no! A monster,” he cried, running the other way, smiling as Morgan’s laughter peeled behind him. He ran slowly, letting his 3-year-old daughter catch up to him on her tiny legs. She grabbed his leg, and he theatrically fell to the ground, rolling and taking her with him.
She giggled, and he placed a kiss on her cheek, then another, then another, keeping her happy laughter ringing out.
Morgan was a bright spot in his life, the light that, along with Pepper, chased the darkness of his failures away and reminded him that despite all he’d lost, there was still so much to be thankful for.
And Peter would want him to be happy, to live, to be grateful and positive. That’s how he’d lived, after all.
So Tony kissed his daughter twice more, one for her, and one for his other kid.
“I love you,” he whispered to them both.
Soon it will be Thanksgiving day
Peter could hardly contain his excitement.
May laughed at him as she put the mashed potatoes (that Peter had made, with May “helpfully” giving tips and pointers...mostly to make him laugh) in a tin to bring with them to the Starks.
“Peter, calm down or I will intentionally make this take so much longer,” she threatened.
“But Maaaaay, I’m HUNGRY.”
“Yes, and I told you to eat something for breakfast. And did you?”
Peter mumbled something unintelligible.
“What was that?”
“No. I wanted to be hungry for turkey! And potatoes! And pie!”
“Peter, please,” she groaned, good naturedly. “Go get one of the super bars from the cabinet so your stomach doesn’t start digesting itself and so I don’t have to deal with you complaining the entire way to the lake house!”
“Fine,” Peter sighed, and dramatically went to grab a granola bar as requested.
“Grab two!”
Peter did, and waved them pointedly in front of her face. May laughed. “Okay, okay. Eat them, and let’s get out of here!”
They passed the time by belting Christmas carols on the ride down, laughing and dancing, and soon they were there. Peter carried the potatoes in and put them down on the counter so he could accept a hug from Morgan, who ran and jumped as high as she could, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Petey!!! Happy Thanksgiving!” She shouted, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Hey, Mo,” he said, smiling. “Happy thanksgiving.”
The little girl placed both her hands on either side of his face, very seriously looking into his eyes. “Peter, I am thankful for you.”
Peter couldn’t help but chuckle a little at her dramatics, even though his heart was swelling from her words. “Well, thank you. I’m grateful for you too!”
Her mission completed, Morgan squirmed to go give May a hug, so Peter turned to Pepper. She was wearing an apron with little turkeys all of it, and was rolling dough for rolls into balls to be placed in the oven once the turkey was done.
He placed a kiss to her cheek. “Happy Thanksgiving, Pepper!”
“Happy thanksgiving, sweetie!”
“Where’s Tony?”
Pepper’s face . “He’s out back. Why don’t you go find him. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know you’re here.”
Peter found Tony by the lake in a little grove of trees.
“Hey kid,” Tony said, and something about his voice made Peter pause. He glanced around and saw a little sign that said Peter’s place. He looked quizzically at Tony. “I came here every holiday to talk to you while you were...gone. I guess old habits die hard. I couldn’t not come here today.”
Peter blinked back tears. “Wow,” he said, unable to find more eloquent words.
“Pete, you know I love you, right? And that I’m grateful for you?”
Peter’s voice wouldn’t form the words, couldn’t make sound come out through the lump of emotion in his voice. He settled for hugging Tony instead.
“Yeah,” he said finally. “You know I feel the same, right?”
Tony hugged Peter tighter. “Yeah, kiddo, I do.”
They stayed there for a little while, just holding one another, basking in each other’s love and the intense gratitude of being able to be together again that seemed to overwhelm them.
Eventually, Tony let out a watery chuckle. “Geez, today’s supposed to be a happy day. I blame you for making me all emotional!”
Peter nudged Tony with his elbow. “Rude, old man!”
And the two, still linked together by arms thrown over shoulders and around waists, headed back to the house.
As Peter looked around the table as they all sat down, the Starks, May, even Happy and Rhodey, he allowed himself to be a little bit sappy. This was what Thanksgiving was truly about, anyway: family. And he really couldn’t express how grateful he was for each and every one of them, including the ones he’d lost. He closed his eyes and mentally committed the moment to memory.
“Happy thanksgiving, everyone!” He said, raising his glass.
“Happy thanksgiving!” They called back.
And it was. It really was.
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Oh My God, They Were Roommates
A Mat/Rand Quarantine Drabble :D
Read on AO3
Day One
Mat dangles out of the window, eyes closed, hoping to catch one last whiff of alcohol—any alcohol, at this point—before the bar across the street closes forever.
“It’s only for the next month or two,” Rand chides him, pulling him back in before he tips right out of the window.
It would have been more merciful to let him fall the six storeys. A month without the bar is more than a death sentence. It’s a cruel and inhumane punishment, and Mat whines his protest loudly as he sinks to the floor beneath the window in a puddle of despair. Rand frowns worriedly at him and ruffles his hair gently—which does make him feel slightly better, though he’ll deny it in court.
Over on the couch, Perrin only rolls his eyes. “Lockdown in a nice apartment with reliable WiFi, my Netflix account to mooch off of, and Rand’s cooking. You’ll survive.”
Rand has moved away. Mat lets out a piteous sound, partly in protest to Perrin’s oversimplification of his tragic situation, and partly to encourage further headpats. As anticipated, Perrin rolls his eyes again and turns away—though Mat catches a fond smile quirking his lips as he does so—and Rand walks back over and sits next to Mat, patting his shoulder.
“It’ll be okay, Mat, you’ll see.” He gives one of those warm, gentle smiles. “We’ll have so much free time! We can learn new hobbies, I can keep practicing the flute, maybe we’ll finally get you to cook more than insta-ramen, we can stay up late and watch old movies and you can make fun of them, I know you like that, and…”
He keeps smiling as he talks, and, in spite of himself, Mat thinks that maybe, just maybe, this won’t be so bad.
Day Two
“Hey, guys,” Mat says over breakfast, with the widest grin Rand has ever seen. It’s the first time he’s smiled like that since the lockdown was announced, and Rand feels relief and warmth wash over him to see it.
“Hey, guys,” Mat repeats, “d’you know what we’re in right now?”
Perrin frowns. “An apartment?”
Mat’s grin widens impossibly. With barely contained glee: “Quarantimes.”
Perrin throws a bowl at him. Rand stifles an errant giggle, puts on a deadpan expression, and says, “I take it back. This is the worst.”
Day Five
Rand learns very quickly that there is a slight, slight issue in quarantining with his two best friends. It’s no big deal, really, he’s quite sure he can keep the problem contained for the next month or two without making a fool of himself, and the flame and void have always been very helpful in squashing down his emotions, so really there isn’t much of a problem at all, it’s just—he’s in love with one of them.
It’s easy being in love with Mat when they only see each other in the mornings and evenings, in the few classes they share, and on the weekends. It’s harder on holidays, when the three of them fly back to their shared hometown, spending long days roaming the streets to see what’s new, wandering through meadows and brooks and familiar, unchanging trees. But this? Sharing this tiny apartment with Mat, 24/7, with no work, no school, nothing but each other to keep themselves occupied? This is much, much worse.
Before the lockdown, when their lives kept them busy and apart, Rand could close his eyes and try to forget why he even liked Mat. The man is an obnoxious bastard, after all, and an absolute mess of a human being. He’d thought that being around him so much would only drive the point home—and, in a way, constant exposure to Mat and all his mattiness has been immensely trying, to say the least. He’s so loud, all the time, and he keeps forgetting to do the dishes, and he hogs all the WiFi with his nonstop streaming, not to mention the stupid 48-hour online gaming competition he’s gotten into with the upstairs neighbor. But…
Well, the problem with nonstop exposure to Mat’s mattiness is that it’s also given Rand a hundred and one reminders why he’d fallen for Mat in the first place. Reminders like his bright smiles, or the sound of his laughter, or his ceaseless snarky comments as he spies on the apartments across the street. Reminders like his infectious mischief, or his inability to go five minutes without referencing Vine, or the way the sun catches his face when he sits on the windowsill at dusk, one leg dangling out, a tiny act of rebellion against the virus keeping them all stuck indoors.
Rand sighs to himself as Mat’s voice floats over from within the apartment, blasting out some of the most creative trash-talk Rand has ever heard, punctuated by laughter and the muffled, tinny sound of trumpets and victory music. Mat himself zooms into the living room a moment later, still in yesterday’s pajamas, whooping and hollering and wearing the most shit-eating grin Rand has ever seen. His eyes are ringed in dark circles, but they’re bright with vindication, and as as he leaps onto the table—ignoring Perrin’s glare of protest—to scream his victory chant through the ceiling, Rand buries his face in his hands and thinks, I’m fucked.
Day Eight
Mat is so fucked.
So incredibly, inescapably, irreversibly fucked.
He’s fucked because he’s stuck inside his apartment for a month straight—’cause, seriously, Mat is a free spirit, he can’t be tied down like this!—and, worse, he’s stuck inside his apartment for a month straight with his best friend and the person he’s in love with—and Perrin, of course— and even worse than that he’s stuck inside his apartment for a month straight with the person he’s in love with and Rand won’t stop playing love songs on that damned flute!
Look, it’s one thing for Rand to play the flute. It’s one thing for him to sit on the windowsill with the midafternoon sun making his hair look like warm firelight, eyes half-lidded and smiling peacefully every time he pauses for breath. It’s one thing for him to look up at Mat as he plays, eyes bright and crinkled as if to say, look, look, I got the note right, aren’t you proud?
That’s all one thing. Something. It’s—something.
It’s another thing entirely for him to play almost exclusively love songs while doing all that. It’s like he’s doing it on purpose. It’s like he knows about Mat’s stupid crush and quarantimes have got him so bored that he’s actively trying to torture Mat just for a few snatches of daily entertainment. But that, of course, can’t be true. Right? Right?
Oh, Light, it hasn’t even been a week and Mat is already losing his mind. This lockdown had better not last more than a month. It had been so easy to love Rand before the quarantine. Mat had had an arrangement with his heart. As long as they were outside of the apartment—which was most of the time—Mat could forget all about his crush. He could go to class, go to work, go to bars and flirt with pretty girls, and never have to spare a moment to think about Rand, save for the occasional errant thought. It was only in the apartment that he would be forced to confront his—ew—emotions. And in his dreams, of course—his heart held free reign over his dreams, but, well, in a situation like this, you took what you could get and didn’t complain.
Now, though, he spends every waking minute in the apartment, with Rand—with Rand and his soft hair and his gentle smiles and his pretty eyes and warm laugh and that Light-forsaken flute. It’s maddening.
Speak of the Dark One and he shall appear—wearing a soft, puzzled smile and framed with a halo of dying sunlight, as it were.
“Mat, could you come over here a sec? I can’t tell if this note sounds right.”
Mat puts on a grin, resisting the urge to bang his head against the nearest wall, and walks over to the windowsill. “Sure, Rand. What song are you playing?”
Rand gives him a smile and an expression so innocent that it bypasses all trickery and circles right back to blood and ashes this man genuinely doesn’t know what he’s doing to me. Blandly, Rand says, “Purple Rain.”
Mat is so, so fucked.
Day Nine
Perrin has taken to birdwatching. He finds an online guide to city birds, mixes his own birdseed from what he finds in the kitchen, and starts laying it out along the windowsill in his bedroom. Hopefully he’ll get some visitors soon. In the meantime, he listens to bird calls on YouTube and starts trying to match the sounds to the birds he hears outside the apartment.
Quarantimes aren’t so bad, he supposes.  
Day Thirteen
Rand knows from a good twenty-odd years of experience that Mat gets bored very easily, that he can’t sit still for a minute, that he could be locked up in an empty room with naught but his own mind and still find a hundred ways to get into trouble before noon. So he isn’t surprised when Mat, two weeks into the lockdown, decides to take up juggling.
What is surprising—although, knowing Mat, it probably shouldn’t be—is that, rather than making use of the many knicknacks, bits and bobs, and half-rotting apples lying around their apartment, Mat has chosen to begin his juggling career with knives.
Butter knives. But still.
Rand sits curled in a chair, unable to tear his eyes away, like he’s watching a car crash in slow motion, or one of those Buzzfeed compilations—pictures taken moments before disaster.
Perrin catches him watching and snorts. “You might try blinking once or twice.”
“He’s going to stab himself,” Rand murmurs, half in defense. “Someone needs to protect him from himself.”
“Sure,” Perrin says, already walking back to his room, carrying—something or other. Rand can’t bring himself to look away from Mat long enough to see what. “Sure, Rand. That’s why.”
Well, Rand thinks determinedly, that is why.
Sure, the way Mat’s standing, he’s backlit by the setting sun, and, sure, the look of pure focus on his face is unfamiliar and strangely alluring, and, alright, yeah, the way his hands move so deftly to catch each knife at the last second is thrilling and impressive—but the stabbing thing is the primary reason, obviously. Obviously.
This is fine.
Day Fourteen
Mat graduates from butter knives to steak knives.
This time, even Perrin can’t look away.
Rand is too busy having an aneurysm to feel vindicated.
Day Seventeen
Perrin has four regulars to his bird feed window now: a bluejay, two sparrows, and a crow. They come at different times of day, like they’ve organized some sort of schedule. It’s the kind of thing a bird would do, Perrin thinks. They’re very smart creatures.
He reads up on bird diets, and starts to differentiate their feed. He thinks they’ll appreciate that.
Day Nineteen
It’s three in the morning and Mat sits stone-still on the sofa, almost vibrating with nervous energy and the sheer effort it takes not to move. He should’ve known it was a mistake to have a Lord Of The Rings marathon with Rand “I can stay up all night, Mat, of course I can, what are you talking about?” al’Thor.
Onscreen, Sméagol is making his gradual and indescribably disturbing transition into Gollum, but Mat stopped watching a good forty-five minutes ago, when, right in the middle of the Ents’ takeover of Isengard, Rand had let out a soft yawn and fallen asleep. That would have been fine, but Rand, in a moment of pure slumberous treachery, had managed to lean into Mat, curling up against his side like a red retriever puppy. Now Mat can’t move, but he can’t even enjoy the movie, either, which—look, okay, Mat really does love Rand with his entire heart, such as it were, but this is the Lord of the Rings they’re talking about, and love comes and goes, but LOTR is forever.
The movie ends three hours later, the credits rising with the sun, and Mat remains motionless through it all—he hasn’t sat still for this long in his life.
An hour or so after sunrise, Rand finally stirs, and blinks confusedly up at Mat for a moment before rocketing away, face turned to the window. In a strange tone, he says, “Sorry about that.”
“No problem,” Mat forces out. He can see his reflection in the black screen of the TV. He looks like a damn raccoon. Mat is no stranger to staying up into the ungodly hours, but this was—quite different. Quite different.
Rand seems to hesitate a moment, putting his hands in his pockets and taking them out again. “Did you—sleep well?”
“Yep,” Mat says, popping the ‘p’, and promptly passes out.
Day Twenty-One
The birds have been absent for a few days, but the last time the crow came, she left Perrin a shiny clip and a broken pendant, so Perrin is sure she, at least, will come back in her own time.
In the meanwhile, he notices that two new spiders have taken up residence in his room—one next to his desk, and the other in a corner near the window. He names the window one Varys, and the desk one Claude. He knows less about spiders than he does about birds, but he likes to imagine that they like the names.
Day Twenty-Three
Mat and Rand start working on a puzzle.
It’s an old, dusty thing, a gift from someone back in Emond’s Field a long time ago, something they’ve both been meaning to work on for years but never gotten around to doing. It has one thousand small pieces and the scene is ridiculously complex—some sort of magical battle between two men in the sky, a golden dragon curling around the frame. It’s frustrating at times, or most of the time, really, but it’s nice, sitting in silence together, sorting pieces, the only sounds being low Lofi music playing on Rand’s laptop and the occasional huff of annoyance or short burst of triumphant laughter as something clicks.
They work on the puzzle for a solid twenty hours, and, as the moon drifts idly between the stars, Rand lifts the final piece, hand hovering over the empty space in the puzzle, and smiles.
“Well?” Mat prompts, looking tired but sounding eager.
Rand looks at him. “It’s the last piece. We should do it together.”
Mat blinks at him a moment, before a slow grin, easy spreads across his face. “Alright.”
It’s only when Mat leans over to place his hand over Rand’s that Rand realizes he hadn’t quite thought this through—but, in the night, with only the moon and a dim lamp lighting the room, it doesn’t seem to matter.
Sharing a grin, they lower their hands together, and the final piece clicks into place.
Day Twenty-Eight
“Think they’ll end the lockdown soon?”
Rand shrugs.
“It’s been almost a month,” Mat continues. It’s sunset and they’re sharing the living room windowsill, watching the orange light flicker across the black windows of all the shut-down shops on the street. “And it’s getting warmer.”
Rand shrugs again. “Who knows?”
Mat grins slightly. “WHO knows.”
“Original,” Rand deadpans, but he feels himself smile anyway, turning his gaze to Mat. Quietly, consideringly, he murmurs, “Well, would another month be so bad?” Mat looks at him in askance and Rand’s smile softens. “Lockdown isn’t great, but… it’s been kind of nice. Getting to spend more time together. Right?”
Mat blinks, and slowly smiles. “Right.” They stay like that a moment, just smiling, before Mat huffs a short laugh, ducking his head. “Light, Rand.”
“You really have no idea, do you?”
“What?” Rand frowns. “No idea about what?”
Mat laughs again, shaking his head, looking back up at Rand with the strangest expression. “Nothing.”
There’s something in his expression, or his voice, or maybe the dusk light, that gives Rand a sudden flutter of cautious hope.
“Nothing,” he repeats softly. “Nothing.” He can feel himself leaning closer, and it might just be imagination, or wishful thinking, but it seems like Mat is leaning closer, too. He gets the question out without really hearing himself speak, the distance between them growing smaller with each whispered word. “Would nothing be… something like… this?”
The next few minutes pass in a daze, but, when they finally part, Rand is pretty sure he’s going to remember the grin Mat gives him for the rest of his life.
Day Thirty
The lockdown is extended another month.
Mat and Rand share a smile.
Perrin shuts the door on them and goes back to feeding his birds.
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themculibrary · 4 years
Rare Pairings Masterlist
part two, part three, part four
Avengers Cuddle Fest (ao3) - Jake_Matthews steve/thor, bucky/tony, clint/sam, pietro/peter, wanda/vision G, 4k
Summary: After a long arduous battle, all the Avengers really want to do is curl up in a big pile of cuddles on the sofa.
Call Me Blind (ao3) - All The Ships (Jeniouis) clint/sam M, 4k
Summary: Clint didn't want to go on a date. He wanted to lay here, locked up in his dark room, pining over Natasha. But Steve was knocking on his door relentlessly, chanting his name over and over again. God, his roommate could be irritating.
Or the one where Steve sets Clint up on a blind date.
Compatible Weirdness (ao3) - KelinciHutan phil/tony/pepper/dacy T, 19k
Summary: Phil Coulson (who is a dork) thought he was married to his job. But that was before he met...well, several people, actually.
Five Times a Mistaken Crush (ao3) - CeliaEquus bucky/phil T, 4k
Summary: Five times Bucky and Steve thought Agent Coulson had a crush on Steve, and one time they realised the truth...
Found Your Husband (ao3) - sara_holmes clint/steve T, 8k
Summary: Clint was never any good at strategy. He's pretty good at putting his foot in his mouth, though. Never to the extent where he ends up accidentally marrying someone he's not seen in twenty years, though.
How to Measure Distance Between Two Points (ao3) - frostian jane/steve T, 63k
Summary: Dr. Jane Foster and her assistant, Darcy Lewis, have arrived at the Avengers Initiative compound in Upstate New York for personal safety. To everyone's shock Dr. Foster reveals she has finally succeeded in not only opening up the Einstein-Rosen Bridge but controlling it, essentially creating a human version of the Bi-Frost that would allow visitors from all Nine Realms and beyond.
This unforeseen success will no doubt attract the attention of both AIM and Hydra, one of which succeeded in kidnapping the women only weeks before. Captain Rogers, still at odds with the powers-that-be about his friend, Bucky Barnes, will have to use not only his military prowess but cunning and intelligence in order to ensure the women's safety. Because, as it turns out, the good doctor and her assistant have a knack for creating havoc all on their own.
Hunger Pangs (ao3) - Artemis_Day bucky/jane E, 32k
Summary: Having a soulmate isn't as easy as it sounds, just ask Bucky Barnes. He may love Jane with all his heart, but that doesn't mean she's can't be an absolute pain in the ass. Luckily, he's been dealing with tiny reckless people for a lot longer than this.
Imperfections (ao3) - TenSpencerRiedPlease tony/t’challa N/R, 8k
Summary: “Your name is T’Challa,” Tony says just to clarify, to make sure he was getting this fucking disaster right.
T’Challa raises an eyebrow, “it is. You seem surprised,” he notes, eyes scanning over Tony. Yeah, because his tattoo, which happened to be T’Challa by chance, also happened to be this guy’s name.
That was made worse by the fact that his tattoo was just that, a tattoo, not a soul mark. Well, shit.
In the Absense of Speech (ao3) - ladyshadowdrake bucky/clint, clint/phil T, 6k
Summary: Clint and Bucky recover from the world away from the world. Clint doesn't mind having Bucky at the farm so much, except that he has an annoying habit of befriending crows.
Worst. Scarecrow. Ever.
Let’s Play House (ao3) - Not Applicable (not_applicable) rhodey/steve M, 4k
Summary: “So. Good morning, I guess.”
“Yeah, good morning,” Steve said, and he took a seat on the bed beside Rhodey. Rhodey was still just in his boxers with his phone resting on one leg, and he was twisting his matching wedding band around his left ring finger as he grinned warily at Steve. “So,” Steve continued, and he held up his left hand, “this happened last night.”
Like Poetry to Wine (ao3) - a_pious_cruelty pepper/darcy T, 4k
Summary: The first thing Pepper’s new assistant does is throw out her coffee.
In which Darcy is Pepper's assistant and Pepper has earned good things.
Nosy Friends and Seaweed Kisses (ao3) - Potrix bucky/steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: Tony and Steve are happy. Bucky’s return doesn’t change that. Or, at least, that’s how Tony sees it. His friends don’t seem convinced.
Alternatively; five times people think Tony should be jealous plus the one time everyone realises why he isn’t.
Of All The Ways I Could (ao3) - Mercia bucky/steve/sam G, 17k
Summary: In a mission gone wrong, a spell hits Steve which reverses the effects of the serum.
Powerless (ao3) - kookykoi carol/thor T, 2k
Summary: When the Avengers get hit with a spell that robs them of their powers, the two former most powerful Avengers commiserate together.
Somewhere Only We Know (ao3) - flowerfan bucky/bruce M, 9k
Summary: Bucky wakes up in Wakanda and finds love.
The Prince's Love (ao3) - ShadowsintheClouds tony/thor, bucky/loki E, 30k
Summary: Tony had been hiding his second gender from the moment he presented. It was just safer that way. In a world where omegas, specifically male omegas, have very little rights, it was the only way to survive. He had done a good job of it too. Everybody thought he was just a beta. That was until the Avengers showed up and made his life hell. His saving grace, Thor Odinson. All he wanted was for Tony to be part of their new pack. It worked, but Tony ended up paying the price. With his cover blown, Tony can only hang on and play the long game. But maybe, just maybe, this whole thing with Thor wasn't so bad!
2 notes · View notes
qvestchen · 5 years
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT : Chapter Six
Summary: There’s a thin line between reality and playacting, and Dong Sicheng tripped hard over it when he fell head over heels in love with Nakamoto Yuta.
Author: qvestchen
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: Home, Previous, Next.
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT
Chapter 6: he flirts so openly
Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Dong Sicheng, your biggest competition is about to come.”
Winwin twisted and turned in his bed.
He was lost in a maze that was a zoo and everywhere he went someone was chasing him. There were lights on him, he was on a stage and the audience were chanting. They all sounded like Haechan. His face was wet and the floor was heavy around his legs. He tried to run away but he was in a swamp, sinking slowly.
Haechan appeared before him just as he was neck-deep in the swamp. Only he morphed into Yuta who was crying and then Taeil who was crying and then Haechan who said, “Dong Sicheng, your biggest competition is coming.” Then their manager, “Hello? Where were you for our debut? You’re late. The debut was two hours ago. You missed it.” Kun was crying now.
Then Yuta shouting his name.
He opened his eyes and swallowed, disoriented and the ceiling of his bedroom swimming before his eyes. He sat up quickly, relief flooding through his veins after realizing it had all been a dream.
“Winwin, are you okay?”
He looked up at Yuta who had woken him up. Yuta’s hand was cool against his sweaty, warm forehead. Suddenly Winwin realized he was shirtless in bed and Yuta was too close. That and images from last night cleared away the remnants of the dream from his mind. He pushed Yuta’s hand away slowly.
He was red when he answered, “Just a dream. I’m okay.”
Yuta nodded.
The front door bell rang across the dorm and Winwin was experiencing the change in Yuta’s facial expression first-hand. Yuta had begun to wear a tired expression lately, as if he was clenching everything inside his chest. And suddenly Yuta’s face looked as if the sun had shined suddenly from beyond the clouds. He smiled, looking in the direction of the sound, and without a word practically ran out of the room leaving Winwin in middle of what could have been a conversation.
Winwin frowned and pulling on a t-shirt quickly followed him, wondering what was up with his roommate (had he ordered something?). The living room was in an uproar. He caught sight of Johnny, Taeyong and Taeil just chatting loudly and laughing in a circle and at the center, with Yuta laughing and clinging on to his arms, stood Hansol.
He felt Haechan and Mark run past him and hug the tall boy who was smiling so warmly at everyone. How-have-you-beens were exchanged and Doyoung was telling everyone to at least let the poor guy have a seat first while Johnny was phoning Ten to come over. Everything was perfect.
When Haechan had told Winwin his biggest competition was coming, Winwin’s first thought had been that Haechan and the Ouija board were a load of bull. His second thought at a weaker instant had been that it had to be a Chinese group that could affect WayV’s debut. Nowhere had it occurred to him that it could be a person who could walk into his life and cause something even remotely akin to the disaster that he was feeling at the sight of Yuta practically glued to that person.
He greeted Hansol who hugged him and asked how things were. Winwin was on auto-pilot. He gave all the correct replies, hoping they didn’t sound as thick to the others’ ears as the words felt on his tongue. His eyes never left Yuta, Yuta who was smiling uncontrollably, who was talking as loudly as Haechan, whose eyes were shining and whose gaze never left Hansol.
In his most pathetic moments, Winwin had felt a twinge of jealousy at the way Yuta was so comfortable with Taeyong and Johnny but he had always known that they were all close friends. He had often even laughed at Jaehyun who used to get jealous when Taeyong spent time with Jonghyun or Seungcheol. He hadn’t thought he would ever “stoop to that level, Jaehyun” but right now, he felt like he could crawl into a little hole and cry.
Sure, there had never been any relationship of that sort between Yuta and himself but right now he felt so replaced. It was only then that he realized something.
Despite all his doubts and insecurities, Yuta did behave special with him. He closed his eyes and he could picture it. Yuta woke him up most days in the softest voice, he always did Winwin’s laundry when he was doing his own, he helped Winwin with Korean without ever expecting anything in return, he tried to learn Chinese for him, he cheered him on for all his performances as well as for WayV, he calmed him down whenever he was nervous, he always knew if something was off, he never held a grudge when they argued, he always asked him if he ate and took him out for food, he told him to sleep and sometimes he nagged awfully but right now, Winwin, who was hit with this flood of a realization, missed even that.
He looked at his group of friends and everything was the same as it always was at breakfast. Everyone was behaving the same. Hansol didn’t even stick out as he explained, “I had a day off and I just had to come over to see you all. It’s been ages since we met for a meal. Oh right, wait, I brought cake and ice-cream.”
Winwin had always liked Hansol hyung who was kind and caring and he knew nothing had changed in Hansol either.
He knew what had changed. He stared at Yuta who was sitting opposite him, conversing nineteen a dozen with Hansol. Winwin was, extraordinarily today, invisible to Yuta. And it hurt to realize that.
He ate his breakfast mournfully ignoring Jaehyun’s concerned but knowing looks. All he could do was stare openly at Yuta. Thanks to this, he was able to spot when Yuta’s plate was empty. He placed toast on it and nearly cried out in frustration when Yuta didn’t even glance in his direction.
He cited practice as his excuse before retreating to his room from where he emerged in record time to announce he was leaving.
Ten turned to Johnny. “What practice? I was pretty sure all of WayV had a free schedule today.”
“It’s probably some solo stuff, then.”
It was only afterwards that Yuta and Hansol found themselves alone in Yuta’s room.
“So…” Hansol started.
Yuta hugged him affectionately. “I can’t believe you actually came. Thank you for coming.”
Hansol rolled his eyes. “My best friend keeps destroying my beauty sleep every night. I knew I had to come.”
“Aren’t you really busy right now? I’m sorry for troubling you so much that you had to come on a hard-earned holiday.” Yuta said, looking guilty.
“Oi, stop being so formal.” Hansol punched his shoulder playfully.
Yuta brightened up. “But I’m really happy you came. I feel like everything is going to be fine now.”
“Of course, it is. Tell me everything and we’ll figure out a foolproof plan for you.”
“You remember how I was going to tell him after practice that day?” Yuta said, his smile fading.
Yuta watched as the members began to leave from the practice room. His left foot was tapping continuously. Okay, he would tell him. He took a deep breath.
He opened his mouth.
“Yo, Yuta hyung, are you coming? We’re going to get pizza,” Mark said, Haechan already tugging at his sleeve.
“I, uh, I guess not really,” Yuta said, laughing awkwardly. “You go on.”
It was now just Winwin and Johnny in the practice room. He waited wondering if he would be able to catch Winwin in the room last or he would have to follow him outside.
Johnny went on practicing and with a quick nod in his direction, Winwin finished packing his bag and went out.
“Don’t overdo it,” Yuta called out quickly to Johnny before following him outside.
He caught sight of Winwin near the elevator. “Winwin-ah.”
The latter turned around at hearing his name and raised an eyebrow. “Yuta hyung.”
“Hey, uh, well,” Yuta wanted to curse himself for being so nervous, “I was wondering…uh, are you hungry?” He cringed internally. He was so bad at this. Despite telling himself that the worse that could happen after his confession was that Winwin would reject him and cut off ties with him only for Yuta to die single and regretful in old age, he was feeling all of his little bravery ebbing away.
Winwin frowned. “Why?”
“We could grab a pizza,” Yuta offered with a quick smile. Please say yes, please say yes.
“You should have gone with Mark and Haechan then. Should I call them? I’m sure you could catch them if you made a run for it.”
Yuta sighed. “Ah, I meant pasta? Noodles? We could get some dessert too? I don’t know. You pick.”
“I’m not really hungry.”
“A walk, then?” Yuta was getting desperate. He had plans and they were all coming to nought.
It was Winwin’s turn to sigh now. “Some other day. I’m just going to turn in.”
“C’mon, we both know you’re going to stay up late playing games anyway. Let’s goooo.” Yuta looked down. “I have something to tell you.”
Winwin looked at him suspiciously. “What is it?”
“It’s—I’ll tell you over dinner. It’s something we need to talk over. C’mon, please, please?”
The elevator opened. Winwin ducked his head, ignoring Yuta, and walked inside. He punched a button. “Please take the next one. I’d like to be alone.”
Yuta stood gaping at him. He let the elevator go.
He told himself, despite being utterly confused by the curt behaviour, that it was okay. He told himself he had to walk away from the elevator before someone saw him break down. He told himself he would let go, that this was it with Winwin, that this was the final hint he had been waiting for, that this was a sinking ship and he had to swim away.
He was trudging down the stairs intent on taking the long way down so that he wouldn’t have to see any of his members. He stopped and sat on the stairs after a floor. I’m okay, this is fine, he told himself, wiping a stray tear. I should be happy I didn’t get to make a fool of myself by telling him I like him. This was disaster averted.
Then why did it hurt so much?
He needed to distract himself. He called Hansol. It went to voice mail.
He called Taeyong. It went to voice mail.
He called Johnny. It went to voice mail.
His message inbox was empty except for a message from their manager, “Hey, I’m scheduling a VLIVE of you and Winwin. Is Friday okay? Drag him along too, kiddo isn’t listening to me.”
Of course, he wouldn’t. Judging by what had just happened a VLIVE was one of the last things Winwin would agree to do with him.
He didn’t reply. Instead he stared at his phone until the screen lit up with a new message.
Taeyongie: hey, you called? *>*
I’m out with jaehyunie
Wanna join us for dinner?
Yuta: called you by mistake
Dw enjoy dinner
Taeyongie: I’m sending you the location
Come on :))
Yuta: I already ate
Don’t worry
I’m going to sleep, don’t disturb, okay?
Taeyongie: sure?
Lemme know if you change your mind
Until then, good night, Yuta-kun <3
It was all pretty hazy after that. He remembered buying some beer and weakly flinging empty cans at a caricature he had made on a fence (which suspiciously resembled an manga version of Winwin), he remembered being hauled by Johnny back to the dorm, remembered Johnny crying, remembered crying himself, remembered being sick in the bathroom, remembered Winwin appearing, watching a movie he wasn’t paying attention to and sleeping and dreaming, dreaming of soft hands caressing his hair, remembered telling himself with a smile, even within the dream, that it was a dream.
“The next morning,” Yuta told Hansol, “he behaved like nothing had happened. So, of course, I had to behave like nothing had happened either. Just goes to show how little he cares for me while I basically…”
“Yuta,” Hansol said, softly. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
Yuta shook his head, telling him it was fine. “But get this, last night, out of the blue he asked me what I think of him? No warnings, no hints, nothing. I freaked out so bad” He put his head in his hands. “I’m such a coward. I wish I had Taeil hyung’s guts. He flirts so openly.”
“What did you tell him then?”
“Nothing. Long story short, I think he still hates me but was just checking to make sure.”
Hansol made a face. “First of all, Winwinie doesn’t hate you or anyone else. He’s a softie. Secondly, you’re going to give me stress if you behave like this. Just come clean like I told you. He deserves to know just like you deserve to say it. What happens next isn’t in your hands. But what can happen right now is.” He ignored Yuta’s alarmed expression. “Now, here’s what you are going to—” He broke off abruptly as the bedroom door opened.
When Winwin had returned home after his self-imposed exile from the dorm, he had decided he would head up to his room and just stay there until his feelings sorted themselves out. He would call Jaehyun and Ten and tell them everything over a tub of ice-cream and just ask for advice.
He let himself into the dorm which was quieter than usual with everyone probably resting on the day off. He climbed upstairs and opened his bedroom door. The sight in front of him did nothing but worsen the mess that were his feelings.
He watched as Yuta and Hansol broke off from whatever they were talking about and Winwin wasn’t a fool to not know that it was definitely about him. His thoughts went back to his question to Yuta last night and his face flamed with embarrassment at imagining both of them laughing at his expense.
“Oh, Winwinie. Hansol was just leaving. Come on in,” Yuta said in an overly bright voice. He got up from where he was sitting with Hansol, pulling him along too. “You’re late, right?” he asked pointedly.
Hansol looked between the two of them and nodded quickly. “Yeah, I’m leaving. No need to see me to the door. Goodbye, Yuta, Winwin.” He walked to the bedroom door. “Oh, Winwin-ah, I brought some cookies for you. They’re by your bed.” He got a glare from Yuta. “Alright, I’m off then.”
Winwin closed his eyes, steading his breath as the door closed leaving just Yuta and him in the room now.
“Why did you tell him to leave?” he said with gritted teeth, anger evident in his expression.
So, tonight was going to be it, a small voice whispered in his head. Everything had been building up to this. The night where they finally fought it out, the night that would destroy the fine balance they had both achieved by leaving everything unsaid, the night where they stopped pretending. He knew they would never be the same after this because this was where it ended, without ever having really begun. He wanted to take all of the hurt inside his heart and turn it into fuel for this night.
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oh my god! a lot of stuff happened in this chapter...where do we begin? YES IT WAS HANSOL and he got someone jealous lol the whole yuwin situation is a mess right now...they better sort it out soon ugh.
you got the background to the whole yuta-johnny scene that occurred in the last fic, ten past six. (yayyy we successfully connected it!) do you have any idea why winwin turned down yuta's suggestion to go and have dinner together? we need explanations! (don't worry, you'll get them!)
this update also showed us how winwin feels which is rare because he tends to just bottle everything up...my poor boy :( someone tell yuwin communicating their feelings is vital here.
also what did you feel about the chapter? did you like hansol's cameo? the next chapter is going to be good so hold tight.
hope you enjoyed the update! thank you so much for reading and supporting!
love, positive vibes and foolproof plans~~
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anima-contritum · 7 years
hamilsquad magic!au headcanons
A/N: this au is my baby so please be gentle with it. if you guys wanna write stuff based on this (which i myself will eventually do) then ask me and credit me and @11wolfpup11 because she had a big part in creating this world with me. this is just a little bit of something big that i have tons of notes on so feel free to ask questions and such (: as always, enjoy! p.s. this is my first hc so idk if im doing it right o well
Weather Wizard
this boy can make the sunniest day instantly cloudy and dark if he’s in a bad mood
when he cries, it rains with flashing lightning and thunder that shakes the ground
overall, donT MAKE HIM UPSET
he will either strike lightning down on your ass or have a storm cloud follow you for a week
one time after he fought with Jefferson, he manipulated the static electricity so his hair was frizzy 
Thomas nearly killed him for it
When he first discovered his powers, he set off a hurricane
he and his brother were fighting pretty bad to the point that’s what set Alex off
poor Alex couldnt control it, it was like a giant burst of energy exploded inside of him
it destroyed the entire town killing hundreds
he could hardly forgive himself after knowing this uncontrollable thing inside himself caused it
everyone hated him once his secret powers were exposed
there were riots and it all got pretty dangerous until he was finally able to be transported to Flilria Magic Academy 
Very bisexual and very flirty
when he first met Angelica, the ice witch nearly froze his face off for flirting with her
(John still laughs his ass off at that fact)
even after that he made the mistake of thinking dirtily about John Andre when the man could literally read every thought
(again, John still laughs)
but despite all that, Alexander still shamelessly flirts with Laurens and usually is very protective of him
Defiant as fuck
on his first day of attending Flilria, he got sent down to Headmaster Washington’s office at least 6 times
part of it was because he nearly talked Professor Seabury out of his own classroom 
another part was because he was veryyy close to kicking James Reynolds into the next fucking dimension for abusing Maria and degrading Hercules and Laf
Potions Wizard
this freckled cutie is a total geek when it comes to potions and spells
he can create any potion knowing the ingredients and chants no matter what, like the information was already in his brain
he can also turn water into poison if he tried hard enough
when he first learned he could this kind of stuff, he accidentally poisoned one of his classmates from the human world and had to run away - again
his biological dad - whom no one ever speaks of (and surprisingly isn’t Henry hehe) - abused him both physically and emotionally
John was blamed for his mothers death when she died from the birth
his dad took his anger and grief out on him, cursing him so every full moon he turns into a hideous beast and so that his kiss was poisonous
when he was old enough, John ran away
for a while he lived on the streets with almost nothing to live on
it wasn’t until he was taken in by the Laurens’s did he know a little bit of compassion 
but in John’s experience, everything good has its end
Henry had slapped him across the face and beat him black and blue for accidentally knocking over a very antique and expensive family heirloom
he ran and never looked back
even after being taken into Flilria Academy, he has a hard time
people bully him because he isn’t that powerful
(in which Alex tells them to fuck off unless they want a foot where the sun don’t shine)
he has a hard time dealing with his ability because it just reminds him of his powerful and dark biological father
please protect him 
(more on the curse)
my poOR BOY 
John could never press his lips against someone’s skin, for the person would die 
its intention is to prevent John from ever falling in love (but boy oh boy that didn’t stop him)
to add to it, the curse prevents him from ever speaking of it to anyone
it kinda cuts off his words and leaves him speechless for a moment
the curse itself acts as a live darkness that can take over his body and mind or cause him pain if it senses something it doesn’t like
not even magic can cure the curse...
Alex has tried too many times to count
Loves Alexander despite the damn curse
he can be shy about it but is generally very open about his affections for the other boy
but he always has mini heart attacks whenever his lips get too close to Alex’s skin 
there was one time where they nearly kissed
John avoided Alex for a week after, terrified of killing his love and best friend
he often helps him with tests and stuff when it’s based on potions and all that hoopla
it’s all very cute and fluffy, but can be a big danger 
Earth Wizard
this boy can pick up boulders and bend metal wiTH HIS MIND
(i kinda based his powers off of Avatar oops)
he can also do crazy natural disaster stuff like earthquakes 
super damn powerful but literally the sweetest boy ever
in addition, he can spawn cute lil flowers and other earthy things 
(he likes to put the flowers in Laf’s hair)
He caused a devastating earthquake when he first tapped into his abilities
it killed his family and nearly everything around him for miles was in ruins 
nobody was able to pinpoint the cause so Herc was shoved around like every other orphan
that was until he was teleported to the magic school where he first met Lafayette - his roommate
He was selectively mute for a very long time because of the after effects of the earthquake
it left him traumatized
he was speechless for a very long time, occasionally learning ASL words to ask Laf for something
Laf was always there, teaching him new sign language and talking to him even though there was no reply 
Laf was just generally okay with it and both supported and defended Herc through it all
this went on until one day Lafayette was rambling on about not having a Moon Stone for his collection
Herc had perked up and gotten up from where he was sitting. It took a bit to find it, but when he did he gave the Moon Stone he had to Laf with a small smile as two words passed his lips. “Keep it.”
(Laf made it into a necklace and wears it everyday)
That was the first time he had spoken since the earthquake
Please love and respec and protec
for a while, Herc would only ever talk to Laf
it would progress from quiet one worded responses to whispered sentences to full conversations
but even though he talks to Laf doesn’t mean he talks to everyone
he’s still trying to get passed his barriers and talking to others but most times it comes out in stutters and broken whispers
he has really bad anxiety but still tries
most times Laf has to stand up for him because others use his struggles against him
He’s scared of his powers
no lying, he’s one of the most powerful kids in the school
but because of the earthquake and avoiding his powers, he doesn’t know how to control it
it’s very hard for him to do big things at a time because he’s terrified if he pushes the limits he has set, he’ll hurt someone
it all comes down to his bad anxiety but he does try if he’s encouraged
sometimes the encouragement can be someone messing with Laf 
he learned he could bend metal from that one time someone called them a homophobic slur and he lost all sense of control
it still scares him though when he tries new things
Animal Wizard
this pure boy can talk to animals
even though he can do this though, he sometimes has trouble understanding certain animal dialects
it’s kinda like how people can’t understand a different language if we don’t study it
he can also sometimes compel them if he has to but he hates it
he found the dragon egg under a giant willow tree
after carefully watching over it and keeping it safe, it hatched and out came a little black and blue scaled dragon he’d name Saule
(Saule translates to Willow in french)
Laf would soon learn that he and Saule established an unbreakable bond after she was born where they can speak telepathically and feel each other’s emotions 
now as she’s basically a teenager in dragon years, Saule’s the sassiest lil shit ever
she always teases him about his giant crush on Hercules 
oH and she breathes electricity rather than fire which is pretty cool
at this point, she’d be about the size of a very large dog
essentially, she’s like Lafayette’s sister and will do anything and everything she can to protect him
Fun fact; he was one of the first students at Flilria
he was very young when he learned of his abilities
his family had gotten into a car accident that got his mother killed and he unconsciously called out to a family of bears that took him from away the incident
when little Laf finally got to Flilria, good ol’ Gwash became like a father to him 
in other words, they’re very close
Very much likes Hercules
that is all
he just likes him
a lot
he will protect him and love him 
it’s very cute and domestic and not angsty and goD I LOVE MULLETTE LET ME LIVE
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Endings and Beginnings
DISCLAIMER:  This story was written back in 2015 before FNAF 4 came out.  If canon divergence doesn’t bother you, it’s still a fun read.
Title:  Endings and Beginnings Part:  1/1 Author:  Murasaki Rose Beta:  none Genre:  Horror Rating:  PG Spoilers:  Minor ones for first and second games. Warnings:  dark themes Pairings:  None
Disclaimer:  Here we go...Five Nights at Freddy's and all related characters are the property/creation of Scott Cawthon.   In other words, they aren't mine and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
Author's Note:  Short prequel to - Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down but can be read by itself.
Flames will be used to keep me warm while I write and will only serve to make me more determined to continue.  (They may also cause me to break out in bouts of maniacal laughter.)  Soooo......come at me bro.
Summary:  After witnessing so much tragedy and death, with a little help Phone Guy finally decides it's time to leave Freddy Fazbear's for good.  His boss asks him for one more week, time enough to find a new night guard, should be a breeze right?
Stepping into the dimly lit Parts and Service room, the slim figure of the young security manager walked over to where the original animatronics lay and stared sadly down at them.  Today mechanics were dismantling the Toys down to the very last nut and bolt before they wiped the hard drives clean.  As far as the company was concerned the flawed and buggy facial recognition programming was too dangerous to ever be used again.  Then tomorrow he'd be over-seeing the sealing of the safe room along with the Spring Bonnie suit and its' new permanent "resident".
At least the old animatronics would survive.  His childhood friends would live again, fully restored and updated in time for the remodeling to be complete...but the company could never fully wipe away this tragedy.  Five children.  Children they were supposed to entertain and protect...
"I'm sorry.  It's all my fault.  If I'd just payed attention....the Toys weren't malfunctioning, not in the beginning.  They knew.  Somehow they knew and I put him right where he wanted to be!"  Uttering a hoarse cry, he punched the wall, tears streaming down his face.  He would never forgive himself.
Unseen, the spirit of his young friend, the first and oldest child to go missing, appeared behind him.  "It's not your fault!  He tricked you like he tricked us!"  Wrapping his arms around the guard's waist, he rested his head on the older boy's back.  "Please don't cry."
Wiping the tears from his face, he turned back to the old animatronics, "the restaurant is going to re-open but I-I ah, don't know if I'll be coming back."
A sharp spike of fear lanced through the twelve year-old spirit, he was leaving?   Desperate, he clung tighter to the older boy, so tight his "body" dissipated and suddenly he was wrapped around the other's very mind and soul.  'Don't leave us alone...don't leave me.'
'It's me.  It's me.  It's me.  It's me.  It's me.  It's me.   It's me.'  the spirit chanted over and over, even as his grip loosened and he was forced from the other's body.
Dizzy from the near-possession, the young guard staggered forward, just barely catching himself on a wall as his body lurched violently to one side.  He felt like he'd just gotten off a five hour ride on a mega loop rollercoaster.
"Are you all right?"  His world spun again as he tried to focus on the approaching figure of Jeremy Fitzgerald.
"I-" he stumbled forward and had it not been for the other guard's quick reflexes he'd have crashed face-first on the floor.
"Good thing I came looking for you, huh?"
Feeling his world finally stop spinning, he gave the other man a quizzical look," How'd you know I'd be here?"
"I believe somebody once mentioned that he liked the old animatronics better..."
"Oh, y-yeah," blushing in embarrassment, the slightly older guard pulled away and under Jeremy's watchful eye stood on his own.  Nodding his thanks he headed for the door, Jeremy close behind.  The other guard didn't want to stay around the broken and dismantled bots any longer than he had to.
Honestly, Jeremy never even wanted to set foot in this place again.  It was only for his own piece of mind that he had come to watch the Toys being dismantled.  After what he had seen this week, he needed to know those things would never move again before he could even consider getting a decent night's sleep anytime soon.
"Look at what that place has done to you!  You're not even thirty and you've got gray hair and stress lines that belong on a man twice your age!" his friend and longtime roommate lectured, holding up his girlfriend's hand mirror to the guard's face to emphasize his point.
"Has it really been ten years?"
The other man sighed and put the mirror down.  "It's not too late to start over.  Stop punishing yourself for something that wasn't your fault," his friend fixed him with a glare that promised fierce retribution if he tried to disagree.
Shoulders slumping forward, the guard sighed heavily.  "I'll do it."
Still not entirely convinced, his friend handed him the phone, "call your boss now."
"I should really tell him in person-"
"Like you did the last time?  Or the time before that?  No way man.  Everytime you go in that building to quit, you change your mind and it's months before you'll listen to reason again.  No, you are gonna call him now and quit right where I can hear you do it."
Another sigh.  "Fine."  As much as he hated to admit it, his friend was right.
Dialing up his boss' home, he felt a knot forming in his stomach with every ring.   It only took a couple rings before the line picked up and he began talking immediately before he could lose his nerve.  "Ah, hello, hello! Uh sir, I ah- I......I quit."
"It's about damn time."
"What?"  Well that wasn't the reaction he'd expected.
He heard his boss sigh on the other end.  "I wondered when you'd finally get fed up with all this crap and go.  Just do me a favor and give me a week to get your replacement.  You've done night shift long enough, you can record some kind of, I don't know, training messages for the new guy okay?"
"Sure.  I can do that."  He'd done some for the spring suits back when he was a new employee and later when the suits were retired, so it shouldn't be a problem.  "You're ah, taking this...kinda well sir."
"No one can be as selfless as you for that long without reaching their limit.  You've gone through more for this place than it deserves."
He'd have to be careful with his recording, if he came on too strong, the new guy might think he was crazy and cut the recording too early.  But if he was too vague, then that would be a disaster too.  'I wish the boss had let me do these when he tried to switch me back to days-'  Taking a quick drink from a water bottle he shook the thought from his head, there was no sense wishing for things in the past.  All he could do now was move forward.  Clearing his throat, he pressed the record button and began...
"He's leaving?!" the spirits cried, their voices filled with shock and fear.
The Marionette nodded, "wIlL yOu KeEp HiM oR WiLl YoU lEt HiM gO?"
"He's always been here."  Foxy.
"He's the only one we can trust."  Bonnie.
"He promised to keep us safe."  Chica.
"He's not allowed to leave."  Freddy.
"I won't lose him now.  He's MINE."  Golden Freddy.
Flashing images of a black-eyed Bonnie, a human-eyed Freddy, and an eyeless Golden Freddy suddenly flashed across the tablet screen, the words "IT'S ME." popping up before, inbetween, and after each image.  The sound of pounding footsteps on his left, a feeling of being watched on the right, before the thought was even finished he'd pressed both door buttons.  Checking the right-side light he found Chica staring at him through the window while Foxy banged on the left door.
Determined, he settled back into the chair and flicked through the cameras with the ease of familiarity.  "I will get out of here.  I'm finally going to move on with my life."
Mocking laughter echoed through the tiny room.  Unseen, a spectral form clad in purple hissed in his ear, "YOU CAN'T."
May 12, 2015
Aaaand we all know how this ends...three nights later.
Once again, if you haven't read Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down then now's a great time to do it and if you like that one, then move on to the sequel, Full Circle.
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everlarkficexchange · 7 years
Tripple Dog Date Him!
Written by: @alliswell21
Prompt #57: Katniss is dared to ask nerdy!Peeta out on a date, she ends up actually enjoying her time with him. By: Anonymous.
Rated: T for some language.
Triggers: None
Word Count: Around 7500
Summary: Katniss has known of Peeta Mellark since they were little, but not until her roommate Johanna decides Katniss has had a too long hiatus from the dating scene, she dares speak to the boy.
This piece has not been betaed. All mistakes are mine.  
I make my way to Greasy Sae’s, the diner I work at five days a week; I get a discount on my bill if I eat here… the life of a college student doesn’t support luxuries, like passing up ‘discounted prices’ on hearty meals and if Old Sae, the owner of the diner, is here without her watchful granddaughter, my meals become free, which is an even better value for my wallet.
My friend and roommate, Johanna, is already seated at our usual booth, so I make my way towards her and slide in on my side of the bench. We don’t speak, merely grunting our greetings to each other and burying our noses on the sticky menu we already know by heart. Jo introduced me to Sae, that’s how I got the job of waitress at her fine establishment, which means, Jo gets free meals too, making Sae’s diner our favorite place to eat.
The old woman comes herself to our table and sits a mug of mint tea in front of me and a cherry Coke in front of Jo.
“You girls need a second to peruse the menu, or should I just go ahead and bring out your usual?”
We both look at old Sea’s smirking face, and say “Usual” at the same time, which causes the old lady to guffaw all the way back to the kitchen.
Having nothing better to do, we go back at staring at the menu.
Johanna and I had a little impasse this morning, and we are giving the cold shoulder to each other. Or at least I thought we were.
“Was the night you went out with Gale, the last time you went out on a date?” She asks breaking the icy standoff.
I scrunch up my face, “Nah. I went to that frat party with Darius. A big, fat waste of my time.” I sigh remembering the disaster that date was.
“Mhmm.” She’s frowning at the chili section of the menu, then she clears her throat, “Fine, then it’s high time you went out on a date. That debacle with Darius was almost four months ago.”
“I don’t wanna go on a date!” I protest slapping the menu onto the table.
“Why not? You go on a date, I get the dorm to myself for a few hours where I can invite some willing guy, to get me off this dry spell… both figuratively and literally!” she places her own menu down delicately, staring me down.
“No!” I cross my arms over my chest like a brat.
“There aren’t any guys I’d like to go out with!” I say harshly.
“Then try a girl. I’ve always say, there’s fun in diversity,”
“I’m not attracted to girls, Johanna,”
“Then I’ll choose a dude for you, Brainless. What do you say?” She grins deviously.
“I said no!” I stomp my foot under the table, but she’s on a mission.
Johanna scoots upwards in her bench, and her eyes make a wide scan of the place. Is a Sunday evening, and the diner offers student specials when the cafeteria at campus is close on the weekends. The place is packed with kids from every year.
“Aha!” Johanna shouts delighted, “Him!”
I turn, only because of morbid curiosity forces my head, but once I locate the guy she’s pointing at, I snort derisively.
“Big fat no!” I tell her.
“What’s wrong with Jack Marvel?” She asks arching an eyebrow.
“Ugh! No. He was in my literature class freshmen year, he’s got two cockroaches playing ping-pong in his head instead of brains. Pass!”
“O-kaaaay…” she looks around the room. “Ooh! I got it!”
I look again, and this time it takes me a second longer to shut down her candidate.
“I’m not going out with Alexander Cato. He’s a misogynistic pig! He got offended because I got top marks on our last math test. He called me a cheat, even though he was the one asking every soul in the room, what they had answered on number four. Parasite!”
“But you looked at him. That means we are on the right track,” Jo says shrugging one shoulder.
“He’s okay looking, if you ignore what a big jerk he actually is.”
“So, you like blondes now?”
I scowl at her teasing tone and roll my eyes. “I don’t really have a type per say… I actually thought it was someone else until I realized his shoulders weren’t the right breadth,”
“What does that even mean?” She asks arching a brow, and I know I’ve said too much.  
“Nothing. It means nothing.”
“Fine, how about…” she pauses for a moment.
I don’t like how easily she’s dropped the subject. She’s never this easy. Then, I see a broad smile form on her lips before she looks back at me.
“I found the perfect guy,” she mock whispers.
I’m scrambling up, trying to twist all the way around to see who she’s talking about, then I cackle at her choice.
“Puh-lease!” I chant, “Odair? Are you serious? Get real, Johanna! What makes you think I’ll even try it?”
“Okay, now what’s wrong with Finnick?” She actually looks indignant. “I’ll have you know, Finn and I go way back, and he’s an alright dude!”
I roll my eyes, “If you must know, Finnick Odair is too pretty. He knows he’s pretty and takes advantage of it. I wouldn’t touch his narcissistic ass with a ten foot pole, even if he was the last guy left in school. He’s too easy to get, or maybe too easy to lose… I haven’t decided which is worse yet.”
“You’re wrong about Finn,” Johanna says annoyedly, “He’s engaged to his high school sweetheart. He might be a big flirt, but he’s no cheater.”
“Then why did you pointed him out as an option?” I ask aggravated.
“I didn’t.” She hisses, “I was pointed at the guy sitting with him.” And like that, the smirk is back on her face.
I turn in my seat, straining my neck to see who’s she talking about.
I freeze.
Then just as fast as I turned to look, I drop into my bench and try to shrink myself as small as I can.
I can’t believe Johanna!
She starts chuckling quietly, no doubt laughing at my discomfort.
“So? What do you think of my pick, Kitty Kat?” She asks.
I glare at her. “No.” I grit between my teeth.
She whines, “Awww. Why? He’s got everything you kind of like,” she says smirking, “actual brains in his head, sparkling baby blue eyes, muscles that go on forever, a boyish smile, and that wavy ashy mop of blonde hair covering his nerdy brain!” She laughs full on, “He’s perfect!”
I turn back to spy on him and make sure he’s not aware we’re talking about him. Lousy Johanna is right. He is pretty perfect, and completely out of the question, don’t get me started on how out my league he is.
“That is an absolute ‘hell no!’” I say through gritted teeth.
To my horror, Johanna waves.
“What are you doing?” I screech trying and failing to lunge myself across the table to stop her.
“What? Stop!” She snaps. “I’m just trying to get Sae’s attention you maniac!”
I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment, and plop sideways into the bench.
“Jeez! If I knew little baker boy had your panties in such a tight knot I would’ve made you talk to him sooner.” She bites, not one bit amused.
“I- he- is not that. He’s out of bounds.” I say lamely.
“Out of bounds?” She repeats staring at me as if I’ve sprouted a second head, “what are you talking about?”
I take a deep breath to calm myself. “My friend Delly, she’s always had her eye on him. They were next door neighbors growing up, their parents still live next to each other. They were very good friends. She always got invited to his place to play with his action figures. They used to exchange comic books, even though Delly couldn’t care less about them, her brother used to tell her all she needed to know to get by.”
Johanna is still staring at me as if I just said the stupidest thing ever. Which she promptly voices after I’ve finally gone mute.
“That’s ridiculous, Brainless. You won’t ask a guy out because a girl you knew in elementary school had a crush on him?” Her tone is disbelieving. “Isn’t Delly the one girl with the humongous boobs?” She asks.
“Yeah, so?”
“Last time we went to your house, she was talking non stop about this Thom guy she met at work. She sounded pretty serious about him, Katniss.” She says in a patronizing tone I hate.
“Jo, you don’t understand. Peeta Mellark and I have nothing in common, other than we come from the same town. But I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks so to speak, while he was the rare, golden boy, who could be both a brainiac- debate club president-  and a jock- wrestling champ- at the same time, and everyone loved. Me– I wasn’t popular. Hell, I would’ve believed I was unlikable, if it hadn’t been for Gale, Delly and Madge insisting on sitting with me at lunch all through high school. I have no business messing with that boy.” I deflate.
Sae places our food in front of us, and I smile at her gratefully, because Johanna is nothing but a one mind track sort of being, she’ll drop the whole thing once she starts eating, and then she’ll concentrate in the next thing that happens, except, she doesn’t.
Johanna finishes her greasy double steakburger with cheese, sucking a stranded piece of finely sliced onion into her mouth as if it was a single spaghetti noodle with a pop at the end.
I try not watch her disgusting eating habits while I try to finish up with my bowl of lamb stew over rice, poking around for a plum. I believe I may be the only patron under sixty to ever order the stew, but it just reminds me of home in rainy days, but my peace is disturbed when my dinner mate starts slurping obnoxiously the last dregs of her soda through her chewed up straw.
I glare at her, she knows I hate it when she does that, but she smirks, letting me know every nasty sound she’s made in the last five minutes were all for my benefit. Sometimes is easy to for me to see Johanna as the annoying older sister I’m grateful I never had.    
“So,” she says smacking her lips loudly, “I’ve been thinking.”
I groan, sliding my food away from me. It’s never a good thing when Johanna’s sentences start with ‘I’ve been thinking’, so I brace myself for whatever crazy idea has been floating around her idle mind.
“I believe is time for you to go on a date, so I can go forth and get laid.”
“Oh please, Johanna, don’t be crass–”
“No, no! Hear me out.” She toots haughtily rising her hand. “I know you don’t believe in casual sex- hell, I know you didn’t give it up to Gale, and he’s been after that shit since he could jerk off–”
“JOHANNA! Good grief.” I hiss, “I don’t think the people in the table across the diner heard you! Could you, please, mind your words?” I shake my head, because she looks too gleeful when she shrugs.
“Fine, have it your way Mother Teresa. As I was saying, it is my expert opinion, that is in both our best interests if you went out on a date. I seriously don’t care who you go out with, as long as you let me have the dorm to myself for a couple of hours.” And then, she pulls her big guns against me: her huge, brown puppy dog eyes! “Pretty please with a cherry on top?” she sounds pitiful.
I rub my face with both my hands, and finally acquiesce to her pleads. I hate the smug, pleased smile she throws at me right after, but I figure she’s right. I haven’t been out on a date since forever, not that I date much, but nothing can go as wrong as Darius puking on me- twice- in less than thirty minutes, which was how long it took me to drop him off at the Campus infirmary after confirming his food poisoning. I shudder at the memory.
We leave our booth, and shuffle behind a group of giggling sorority girls trying to skip on their meal check, but Sae fixes them with her deadly accurate impersonation of a neapolitan mastiff- the breed is truly harmless, but so intimidating. When she sees us standing there, she waves us off smiling and saying we our dinner was on the house, causing the sorority sister to glare daggers at us and a male full laugh to bubble up behind us.
I turn around to see who’s the idiot that actually dares to piggyback a laugh on our moment, and I’m surprised to find myself face to face with the most stunning ocean green eyes I’ve ever seen in my life, accompanied by the whitest, sparkliest perfect row of teeth, in the history of the world. Damn that Finnick Odair is unreal.  
“Great! Good going Finn! You broke my roommate!” says Jo next to me, except her voice is too full of mirth to be a tell off.
“Hey Jo! How’s it going sweetums?” He asks allowing his lips to fall into an easy smile, framed by dimpled cheeks.
He reaches an arm past me, and I freeze, his eyes honed on mine, which may be the size of flying saucers judging by how dry they feel right now.
“Hi there, roommate. Although I rather call you by your real name, Katniss?”
Okay. Now I’m officially in shock, the most gorgeous man on earth knows my name somehow, but we’ve never been introduced before. Who cares if he just dragged the ss at the end of my name in the most obnoxious manner ever!
He finally pulls his arm back to himself, and I see he’s got a small pile of sugar cubes on his hand. He pops a cube into his mouth and asks me in the smoothest voice I’ve ever heard directed at me, “Want a sugar cube, Katniss?”
The crunching sound he makes while chewing, finally brings me back to earth. I frown at the noise and take a step back.
“Leave her alone, would you?” says another voice, male, deep, not truly harsh, but still rings like a command.
Finnick’s megawatt smile dims immediately, his eyes do a quick take of who spoke and then turns back to me, with a friendly grin. He step back, popping another sugar cube into his mouth he most likely stole from the counter behind me.
But I’m back to catatonic state, staring at my knight in shining armour, giving his friend a stern look before facing me, but as usual, Jo has to be the one to open her loud mouth.
“Hey there, handsome,” She says in a sugary tone. When Peeta ‘freaking’ Mellark doesn’t answer, she turns to his companion, “Hey Finn, does your friend have a name?” she asks coyly.
Finnick laughs, “Of course, Jo!” He obliges before I can turn to give Jo a searing glare of death.
She knows full well who Finnick’s friend is.
“This is Peeta Mellark. Outstanding dude, my best friend, second only to Annie herself, and my roommate.” He turns to Peeta, who’s eyes keep flicking back and forth between me and Finnick. “Peet, this Johanna Mason a long time friend of mine, and you know this lovely lady standing next to Jo is–”
“Katniss Everdeen.” Peeta finishes the sentence apparently out of breath, while Finnick’s lips lift on a devilish grin he can’t quite hide fast enough. But Peeta keeps talking, bringing my spasmic attention back to him. “Very nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard many great things about you from Dells.”
My response is to nod followed by a very pitiful “Likewise,” that comes out as strained and congested. It’s not my fault, really. He’s taken my hand in his to shake, and I’m overwhelmed by how warm and big it feels around my own. As soon as he lets go of it, I wipe it on my pant leg because suddenly my palms are sweating uncontrollably immediately regret my action, because I don’t want to wipe away the feeling of his touch just yet.
“So, tonight is Peet’s turn to pick up the check, and I figured I’d ask if we could take yours as well, lovely ladies… but I see Old Sae beat me to the punch,” Finnick says sending a smile to Sae still sitting behind the register.
The old woman, cackles mirthfully, “You can still do the gentlemanly thing and pay for the girls’ grub, you know.” But since she’s still laughing when Peeta passes her his credit card, we all know she wont charge him for our food.
Jo thanks Finnick and Peeta anyway for their offer, which I would’ve refused anyway if it came down to it. I like free meals and all, but a girl has to have some dignity.
Jo and Finn truly are friends, and for some crazy reason decide on staying in the middle of the diner lobby catching up. I catch Peeta’s eyes several time, but he averts his eyes so fast is a wonder he hasn’t lost one those baby-blues so far. My face starts to feel warm with his confusing attention, and I start to squirm as sweat starts to bead on my forehead and around the collar of my shirt. I need to get out of this place quickly, before I do something stupid, like tell Peeta Mellark I used to have a crush on him almost my whole childhood.
I’m grateful when we finally part ways after an awkward goodbye exchange between me and everyone else. I practically run in the direction of campus, listening how Johanna turns down Finnick’s offer to drive us back to our dorm. Apparently Finnick Odair and Peeta Mellark are living in a rented house with two more guys somewhere close by, I just don’t sit there long enough to learn any details.
Johanna finally catches up with me, and while I try to ignore her pointed stares, I know that sooner or later she’s gonna open her mouth to say whatever crazy thing she thinks she just saw, so I don’t give her a chance.
“I’m not gonna ask him out on a date, if that’s what you are thinking about.” I say firmly.
“Oh come on! The guy couldn’t keep his eyes off you, as if you were Gal Gadot in your skimpy Wonder Woman costume straight out of the big screen. Plus I didn’t say anything.” she counters nonchalantly. “Not yet at least.”
“Well, you’re wasting your time, Jo. I won’t ask him out. If he was staring at me, was probably wondering why I was staring at him like an idiot”
“You are an idiot, brainless! But fine!” she snaps grabbing my arm and forcing me to stop mid step. “Lets fix old school.” She says flatly.
“What do you mean ‘old school’?” I ask dubiously.
“You’ll see as soon as we are back in our room. And since it’s old school, there’s no ‘givesis backsis’ and no double crossing the deal. You can’t back out!” she says.
For some reason this whole conversation is so childish and immature, I chuckle, and like a chump, I agree to her ludicrous terms. Because that’s what I am: a chump.
We finally arrive home, and that’s when everything goes downhill for me.      
“Sit!” Johanna commands.
I make to sit on my desk chair, while she goes shifting stuff behind her bed, where I know she keep her hidden booze- we aren’t allowed alcohol in the dorms, but that doesn’t mean people don’t have a secret stash somewhere.
“On the floor, Brainless!” she growls at me as soon as my ass touches the chair, making me jump startled.
Once again, I do as she says, and slide on my butt on to the gross carpet, we try to avoid by placing our own area rugs everywhere we think we will be barefooted.
Soon, Johanna is joining me on the floor with a bottle of something amber that’s only a third full. “Pass your laptop here.” She demands unscrewing the bottle open.
“What do you want my laptop for?” I ask. “I thought you were solving this old school. A computer is not very old school, in case you didn’t know.” I snort a little, thinking up something clever, “I thought we were gonna play spin the bottle or something,”   
“Shut up, Brainless. We can’t play spin the bottle just the two of us, that’ll be stupid!” She chugs a generous pull of whatever liquor she’s got and passes the bottle to me, taking the computer in turn.
I’m not much of a drinker, so I just hold the bottle for her, while I see her signing in on my facebook account.
“Hey! That’s personal! I could report you for that you know?” I scream at her and try to grab my laptop from her, but in one of her Johanna moves, she holds me away by placing her foot on my chest while stretching away from my reach.
“Stop, Katniss, I’m looking for your friend Delly, so quit being a whiny brat and let a woman work in peace.”
“I don’t know what you want with Delly, but whatever it is, you’re going too far!”
“Aha!” she crows jubilantly, jumping up and keeping the computer away from me still. “Okay, Brainless, time of truth! You said the reason for refusing to talk to Bread Boy, is because Delly used to like him when they were kids.”
“Yes. So?” I grumble and sit back down crossing every limb of my body until I’m a human knot.   
“So, this is a modified game of Truth or Dare.”
I shrug. Truth or Dare doesn’t scare me. “Do your worse then,” I taunt.
She sits down across from me sporting a mirror image of my facial expression. I see her eyes go up and down as she scrolls the page currently on display on the screen, and then I see her smug smirk make an appearance.
Jo knows almost everything about me, we managed to stay roommates since my freshman year, she had been in school for a while before I came in, with classes scattered about every semester since she had become an orphan just a month after starting her first year and had to drop off until she got her life back on track. We became reluctant friends after a while, and then I invited her to come home with me during Thanksgiving break, since I thought it sucked she had nobody else to go home to. My family practically adopted her on the spot, despite her potty mouth and boisterous personality. In no time she had met everyone in town, and thanks to my sweet, big mouthed little sister, Prim, that included everything there was to know about one Peeta Mellark, youngest son of the best known baker in my home county.
She deduced pretty quickly I had a schoolgirl crush on the guy growing up, and has never let it down since. I didn’t use to mind her harassing jokes until tonight though.
“What?” I ask loosing patience.
“Truth: Delly Cartwright is madly in love with a Thomas Miner. Both their profiles say they are ‘in a relationship’ with each other, which means is pretty serious. Serious enough to take a nice, long cruise together to the Coast of Mexico as an engagement gift!”
“No way!” I exclaim, climbing on all fours and crawling to her to take a peek at the page she’s looking at. “Holy shit! You’re right!”
It’s true. Delly is somewhere sipping margaritas with Thom in some beach in Mexico, sporting a rock the size of Texas on her ring finger. She looks good!
“She looks very happy,” I say absently.
“She does. Power to her.” says Jo. “Now that we’ve got the truth out of the way, let’s bring in the dare!”
“Hey, I never said this was my truth. If anything it’s Delly’s truth.” I protest.
“No takesis backsis, Brainless. A deal is a deal!” She glares at me. “I never said I was going to ask you any truths. So, listen up, buttercup, here’s your dare:”
“Ugh, please… don’t call me Buttercup. That beast of a cat hates me!”
“That’s because you antagonize him. Prim’s cat is perfectly sweet to me and everyone else.”
I roll my eyes at her, but I’m unable to do anything else, because she goes off stating her Dare:
“I dare you to say hello to Peeta Mellark next time you see him,”
I take a second to think this over, and come to the conclusion than saying hello to Peeta is a perfectly innocent dare, It shouldn’t be that hard now that we got officially introduced to each other. I nod reluctantly, “Fine, dare accepted. I’ll say hi to Peeta next time I see him around.”
“Cool. I’m glad we could come to an understanding, Brainless. Now let’s get ready for bed. I gotta be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow.”
I lift myself off the floor feeling Johanna was oddly easy to appease just now. Usually she’s like a hound with a prey scent in her nose. I don’t know why was she so agreeable and her dare so easy, but I’m not gonna argue about it, specially since she dropped the subject, finally!
Two days go by before I see Peeta again, and to my utter horror, he’s chatting with Johanna when I spot him at the library. I try to duck out of sight before they notice me, but as is my luck, his bright blue eyes shift up right into mine at the precise moment I think of my escape route at the other side of the room. Unfortunately for me, Johanna follows his sight and smirks as soon as she sees me, then she squeezes his arm saying something to him, and slinks in my direction like a kitten spying a bowl of cream.
“Hi, Katniss,” she drags the ss like Finnick did the night we met, and I already hate the sound of it.
“Jo,” I deadpan.
“Come on, Brainless. It’s pay-up time!” she links her arm with mine and I swear she skips gleefully the whole way back to Peeta, who’s just watching us interact as if it was the most interesting thing he’s seen all day.
We finally stop in front of him, and I feel my cheeks flame for a second. I hope my tongue decided to cooperate so I can say hello and get Johanna off my back for good, but she starts blabbing about something I can’t quite follow, giving me a chance to find my nerve.
“So, Katniss, Peeta here was telling me about his amazing gaming system collection. He says he’s got one console of every system released–”
“Um, more like I have one of each consoles I could afford with my allowance money starting on seventh grade.” He corrects Jo with an embarrassed chuckle, his cheeks tint a slight pink color that actually suits him pretty nicely.
“Yeah, but didn’t you say some of them are now considered classics?” She prods smiling, twisting my arm in hers painfully.
He chuckles again, averting his eyes to the floor. The pink in his cheeks intensify, and it finally clicks with me, that what Jo is saying is embarrassing him for some reason.
“Hi!” I say too loud and seemingly out of the blue, but I finally  get him to look at me and erase a bit of his embarrassment to boot. “H-how are you? I love your buns, I mean, the cheese buns your dad sells, you know? The ones with the gooey cheese on them, those are like my favorite treat ever. My sister is more partial to the cakes, because they’re so pretty and all, but I rather eat something less sugary… not because I’m watching my diet or anything, I hate diets, is more the fact that I enjoy cheese… um… okay, so, I know nothing about video games, but I’m sure you were very popular in school for having all those consoles–”
The only reason my freaky word vomit stops is because Johanna’s nails dig into my forearm viciously. I’ll have a huge, ugly scar there when she finally lets go of it, but right now I’m glad she’s put an end to my running mouth.
My eyes are watering slightly, and I can see the puzzlement in his face clear as day. Poor guy looks like he’s been hit on the face with a rubber chicken: a mix of disbelief and the same curiosity that forces you to watch a train wreck from beginning to end.
“Excuse us a sec, Blondie?” Johanna pulls me away, but my eyes remain unblinking staring at him in utter horror.
“Shit,” I groan just loud enough for Johanna to hear.
“Shit is right! The hell was that? Is that what nervous-Katniss sounds like? Because it’s absolutely horrible.” She wrinkles her nose, and I finally manage to tear my eyes away from Peeta’s face.
“Thank you, Jo! I hope you’re happy now! I told you I was no good at saying something to people, especially him!”
“Hush, is a good thing he’s got a thing for you, otherwise you would have blown it just now, miss awkward.”
“What are you talking about, Johanna? He doesn’t have a thing for me.”
She rolls her eyes and tells me in her most aggravated voice, “You truly are brainless.” she softens her tone a little after taking a generous breath, “Alright, everything’s not lost. If the way he looks at you is any indication, he doesn’t care one bit how tongue tied you are, so all you have to do now, is go up there and ask him out on a date!” She sounds like she’s been planning this for quite some time now.
“Not gonna happen, Johanna. I can’t ask him out!”
“Why? And please don’t tell me it’s because of Delly, since we’ve already ruled Delly out of the equation.” She glares at me.
“Well, as you clearly see, I scared the daylights out of him. I will not make an even bigger idiot out of myself. We both saw how it was when I tried to say hello. It was supposed to be a simple greeting and it went totally wrong. So it’s not about Delly anymore, but about my inability to act like a normal person when he’s around.”
“Brainless, if you don’t go out there and ask him out this instant… I swear to Jebus I’m gonna make it my life mission to remind you of your yellow belly for the rest of your life.”
“I, dare you!” I retort brattily.
“No! I dare YOU to ask him out. In fact, I call in the yard law, and triple dog dare you!”
I gasp astonished, like the immature idiot I’ve become in the last few days once the challenge has been issued.
“You wouldn’t!” I say lowly.
“Is done!”
I march back to Peeta, he’s been watching us curiously the whole time. I stand in front of him, crack my neck, square my shoulders and open my mouth. Only a squeak makes it pass my lips, so I clear my throat and lick my lips stealing myself.
“Date. Saturday. Greasy Sae’s. Seven o’clock. You and me. Bye now.”  I don’t wait for his response, as my throat kept getting dryer with each word I said, and my voice was coming out as raspy and unattractive as a trucker dude with an allergy. I didn’t want the size of his eyes, that kept getting wider the more he heard me, be an indication of what his answer would be, so I hightailed out of there as fast as could before I started crying and perspiring. No reason to freak him out more than I’ve already have.
My next move is to go send Delly an apologetic message through facebook, for going after the boy she liked back home, but Johanna catches up to me, gasping and holding her sides.
“Can you please stop? I haven’t run this fast since my softball league days!”
“I didn’t know you played softball,”
“Every kid needs some bullcrap sport they can play before they can drive themselves.” She takes a few extra precious gulps of air, before getting on to me. “So, Peeta will be glad to go out with you to Sae’s Saturday, not that you’ll know since you didn’t wait around for him to say anything after that… whatever it was. Very smooth by the way.” now she’s laughing, but when her side starts clamping, I only scowl and start walking faster, leaving behind to hold her aching sides.
Serves her right!    
When I get to Sae’s on Saturday, I’m surprised to spy Peeta’s mop of blonde hair carefully combed back, already sitting in my regular booth, on Jo’s regular bench. My hands start sweating immediately. I take a step back, and when the panic takes over I turn on my heel ready to make a beeline for the door, but my path is blocked by a very intimidating looking Jo, wearing my server uniform, since I was scheduled to work today, and somehow forgot about it. Jo of course was not gonna let that conveniently forgotten detail derail my date with Peeta, so she cajoled Sae into letting her take my shift at the diner for the night. Of course when Sae heard why Jo was so invested in this, she simply gave us a toothy smile and told her to be there a half hour earlier so she could feed her something before her shift.
“Go to your table, Brainless!” Jo hisses at me.
Without a word, I turn towards the booth, and walk quickly. I practically plop into my seat without much decorum, flinging the purse Prim demanded I used instead of my usual messenger bag, paired with a vintage blue dress that used to be my mother’s when she was single, but still holds its charm and is probably the only girly piece I own in my entire wardrobe.  
Peeta tries to stand when I arrive, but he finds himself impeded by the table between us. He plops back down again and gives me a smile, shy and sweet and full of hope I can feel my heart flutter.
“Hi,” he says quietly, “I brought this!” he hands me a small box, and like a little eager child I open it, in the most impolite manner ever.
I gasp when I see four perfectly cheesy cheese buns sitting over a blanket of tissue paper. “Peeta! You shouldn’t have,” I let my voice linger, staring at my favorite treat sitting there in front of me.
“I figured, it was better than bringing you chocolates. I mean, I brought flowers…” he produces a pretty bouquet from next to him and hands them to me. “But you said you didn’t like sweets that much. And I don’t care if you are watching your diet at all. I think you are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh… um, thank you.” I say feeling the heat return to my cheeks with a vengeance. I look at him and notice he’s turning lobster red as well, and that’s no good at all, so when I see him try to form words with his mouth, I jump in ahead, “You didn’t have to call home for this, you know.”
“I didn’t,” He says cocking his head curiously.
“Is there a bakery here that serves them? I’ve ever only had them at your dad’s.”
He smiles shyly again, and brings his hand to his hair, pulling it away as suddenly as he remembers he styled it today. “Actually… I baked them.”
“You did?” I sound like an awestruck little girl even to my ears.  “Wow. thank you so much for saving me some. That’s awfully nice of you,” I say sincerely.
His deep blue eyes fix on mine, so intensely, I can’t look away. “I made them specially for you, actually. You said they were your favorite, and those, next to the cake decorating your sister loves so much, are my area of expertise at the bakery,”
Johanna comes to take our order, winking at me and giving the thumbs up when Peeta’s eyes are occupied with the menu and I’m glad for the interruption, because this is all too much.
Our date goes on inmensibly better after our drinks arrive, he orders a cup of hot tea, no sugar, and I order my regular mint tea with honey. Sometime after our meal sits in front of us, I notice Johanna is talking to Finnick and a pretty redhead two tables away. They’re all looking at us, smiling smugly.
“So, your friend does have a girl?” I ask Peeta, prompting him to look in the direction my eyes are glaring at Jo.
He makes a noise, half growl, half sigh, one hundred percent annoyance. He then gives me an apologetic look, his bright blue eyes full of embarrassment and regret. “I guess, I should inform you that apparently our roommates are a pair of con artists, who think themselves clever and entitled to rule our romantic lives.” He takes a deep breath, and elaborates before my brain can jump to any sort of conclusion, which given the circumstances, I consider a good move for him.
“Johanna and Finnick have been plotting to have either of us ask the other out for weeks.” He says shaking his head, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry they dragged you into this. I should’ve known better, is just… you asking me out was probably the highlight of my life. I like to think that, at some point, I would’ve gathered the courage to ask you out myself without anyoe’s intervention, but now I’ll never know. I’ll go talk to Finn, tell him to leave you alone–”
“So, you did WANT to go out with me?” I cut him off before he can stand up. My mind is swimming, but usually when I let my impulsive nature take over, I achieve better results than when I don’t.
He looks at me with curiosity in his eyes, I can tell he won’t lie to me about this, “I’ve had a crush on you since kindergarten,” he says in a deep voice that cuts through me, “I kept asking Delly to come play with me, in the hopes that she’ll invite you over one day. I had amazing plans of what I would’ve done, if you ever showed up to the playdates. I would’ve given you my Red Power Ranger figurine plus his vehicle. It was my most prized possession at the time. Then I graduated to Pokemon cards, and I had my mint condition Pikachu, all safe for you. Then I realized, that girls didn’t necessarily cared for things I did, and started observing you. You joined the Archery team, then the track team, so I decided I’d join wrestling, I figured we should have something in common to talk about for whenever I stopped being a chicken and said hi to you.” He stops, his eyes finding a home on his fidgeting fingers on the table.
I scowl, “How would joining the wrestling team give us something in common to talk about?” I ask with more curiosity than I would imagine I would have, if a boy practically confessed to semi stalking me all throughout our school careers.
His face snaps up to find mine. His forehead wrinkles for a moment. “Well, you were an athlete. We would’ve had stories about hardass coaches, or rigorous practices. We could’ve trained together after school,” He shrugs, “Wrestling was the no brainer option for me. My brothers had done it and I knew all of their moves since the practiced them on me. I don’t think I could’ve ever master a bow and I’m not physically built for races,” he gives a self deprecating smile that melts my insides.
“I see,” I say finding the grain of the wood under my hands very interesting suddenly. I can feel my cheeks flame, “You seem to have thought of things a lot,” I say quietly.
He releases a choked chuckle, “This must be so creepy for you. I’m sorry. I– I’m gonna just go. Thank you for–”
“I asked Delly to take me with her to your playdates more than once. She had her own crush on you, so she said she couldn’t really woed you, if there were other people around during your play times, so I was never invited.” I chance a glance at him, I can’t read his face at the moment, but I think there’s a slight raise to one of his eyebrows. “My favorite Power Ranger was the green one buy the way.”
“It’s your favorite color.” Is not a statement, but more like he’s fishing for an answer, so I nod.
“Yup. Your’s?”    
“Orange,” He says smiling easily, “muted, like the sunset.” He adds when my nose wrinkles.
“I wouldn’t have taken your Pikachu. I would’ve traded you for it. I don’t believe in getting stuff for free. I would have make you a good deal for it.” I say trying to relax with all my might. “I wouldn’t have known anything about comic books though, just like I have no clue about video games or systems.”
He smiles crookedly, “That’s no problem at all. I can teach you everything you need to know… if you teach me how to shoot an arrow.” His eyes are so hopeful.
I pretend to think about it, “I don’t know… maybe we have to talk this a little more, preferably over hot chocolate and more cheese buns,”
He smiles brightly now, nodding happily. “Sounds promising,”
We continue talking about pretty much any and every topic there is to talk about for two people just meeting each other; our banter is easy and comfortable, and when Sae clears her throat, three feet away from our table, we realize is closing time and the place is completely empty.
Peeta walks me back to my dorm, his car is still at the diner’s lot, but he insisted we walked because he figured it made me feel more at ease. By the time we reach my building, we have entered into more personal territory in our conversation. I’ve told Peeta Mellark more things about my late father in fifteen minutes, than what I’ve said to Jo in all the years we’ve known each other, which is quite a lot.
We stop at the front entrance, and stand there awkwardly for a moment.
“Thank you so much for not running away after my creepy story?” he says sighing.
“Have you really had a crush on me all this time?” I ask.
“Yup,” he says nudging a pebble with the toe of his Chucks while staring at his feet, “ever since you sang the valley song for the entire auditorium on our first day of school. You were everything I wasn’t: fearless, pretty, talented and you sounded like an angel.”
He won’t look at me but I can’t stop staring at him. “Hmm… well, you were always everything I wasn’t,” I say. “Smart, well liked, physically strong, and with an endless supply of freshly baked cookies,”
He smiles at that, and lifts his face to look at me. “My mother would only let us eat cookies that had gone too stale to sell, but I know a few recipes I can whip up for you, if you allow me another date,”
Is my turn to smile, I let myself be impulsive again, and surge up on the tip of my toes, plating an awkward kiss square on his unsuspecting lips. As fast as I attacked him, I retreat a foot away from him and virtually jump inside the building, but before the door can close behind me, separating us for the night, I throw him a wink and cheerfully call back, “I’ll allow it! Tomorrow at seven o’clock, pick me up here!”
I get a small glimpse of his face as it goes from shocked, to pleased, to confused, to surprised, back to happy and smiley. Something tells me, this is just the first of many more dates, kisses and fun times with Peeta Mellark.                  
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sweetielouis · 8 years
pining fic rec (21 fics)
here is a quick little fic rec of some of my favorite fics with pining!! i hope y’all like them, and as always drop by my ask with requests!  💖
❉ - means you need an ao3 account to read!
Searching For The Cure (We Found Us) by itsprobablylarry (30k)
“So you woke up as a frog,” Louis considers out loud. “What if you're like that princess that turns into a swan during the day but is a human between sunset and sunrise?”
Harry just blinks at him, clearly unimpressed.
(Basically: Louis doesn't quite know how to handle the fact that his best friend/roommate wakes up as a frog.)
(your heartbeat) rang true inside my bones by flimsy for estrella30 (32k)
Harry goes as Louis' date for a weekend wedding. He ends up taking the role a bit too seriously.
“Hey,” Harry hears himself say just as Louis climbs back into the car. He ducks down, holding onto the roof to look at Louis who cocks his brow at him and says, “What?”
“I meant it,” Harry starts. “Like, I’d do it. I’d be your date for the wedding. If it’d make you feel less awful about being there and if you want me to, I’ll do it. I promise I’ll be good.”
Runner on Third by Anonymous for Louvie (39k)
As Harry stood there, the other man turned around, and he knew he was correct in who he thought it was.
“Louis?” he asked, still not quite believing it.
Louis blinked. “Harry? Wh– what are you doing here?”
“I work here,” Harry said. “What are you doing here?”
“Um, I’m picking up my brother. The nurse called and said he was sick.”
Harry felt like he was going to be sick. “Wait, Ernest is your brother? Since when do you have a brother?”
“Since about seven years ago, I guess. Wait, how do you know Ernest?”
“I’m his teacher.”
“You’re his what?” Louis exclaimed.
Harry gulped. This was going to be a long year.
Or, the AU where Louis and Harry were best friends growing up, but lost touch after Harry moved away. Ten years later, Harry has moved back to town, but he and Louis don't pick up where they left off.
Roots by cherrystreet (43k)
There aren’t many things that make Harry Styles nervous. He’s spent the past couple of years on and off various stages, filled with screaming fans, all chanting his name, loud and adoring. He’s done countless interviews, some even on live, national television, never faltering over his words, answers meticulously planned out, smooth and steady. He’s signed countless autographs, taken just as many photos, and even when he sat in his label’s studio, waiting to see how high up on the charts his single made it, he didn’t feel uneasy or uncomfortable. It’s all been unbelievably fun. No, there aren’t many things that make Harry Styles nervous.
Enter Louis Tomlinson.
we're only stones around the sun by snowingwhite for Serised (46k)
Harry used to talk about him like that once, months ago when he wouldn’t let himself linger on touches that lasted a beat too long or looks that held unspoken promises. Back then it’d been easy, with the hiding of feelings, now it’s all a mess, complicated and hard. He doesn’t know where one feeling starts and another one stops, how he’s supposed to figure it all out. He doesn’t know where to begin, which thread to pick up and begin untangling, where it’s going to lead him if he does. He doesn’t know if he wants to find out.
or, Harry finds that he can't ignore his feelings for his best friend when the months start ticking down to Louis's graduation.
Faking It by TheCellarDoor (46k)
A uni AU in which Louis has been Harry’s best friend since he offered him cubed fruit on the playground, and they spend more time cuddling in their dorm beds than they do apart, but it’s not like that. Or is it?
Aka Harry pretends to date his best friend to escape unwanted attention from a too insistent classmate and hopes it won’t blow up in his face. Featuring embarrassing dildo accidents, awkward boners, longing, first times, late night conversations, emotional discoveries and Niall as the exasperated friend with bad advice.
Chestnuts Roasting... And All That by elsi_bee (46k) ❉
Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.
kiss me on the mouth (and set me free) by tempolarriefics (47k)
Harry, being his endlessly patient self, asks with a wry smile, “And who am I going to spontaneously marry for financial aid?”
He clearly intends for it to be a rhetorical question, for it to shoot down Louis’ ridiculous marriage idea. But Louis answers easily, “Me. You’ll marry me."
aka the not-so fake marriage AU in which Harry and Louis get married to keep Harry from dropping out of uni (and if they discover that they’re in love along the way, well, that’s neither here nor there).
like a boomerang by youwilll (48k)
AU in which Harry gets trapped in a lift, Louis gets stuck in a Wednesday, and it's always February 2nd. Until it isn't.
i'll make this feel like home by zouisclimax for Midnight_Magic (49k)
Harry to groans himself and then takes a deep breath. “Okay, well. Here’s the thing. I peed on a stick.”
Louis isn’t able to get more than a shocked “What!” out before Harry’s steamrolling on.
“I peed on a stick and it says it’s positive, but you always prattle on about how it’s best to go to the doctor’s before you get excited, you know to confirm it because sometimes hormones are off or you have like a tumor or some shit and get false positives and what if I’m dying and-”
“You’re pregnant?!” Louis shouts out, stomach dropping as the words leave his mouth.
“Um, yeah… maybe.”
[the one where Louis' hopelessly in love with his best mate... who just happens to be pregnant with another man's baby.]
To the Ends of the Earth by stylinsoncity (55k)
During a yearlong hiatus, Louis visits Harry at his cabin in Idaho, where long-buried feelings ignite like the fire keeping them warm.
I need home (our tangled bones) by togetherwecouldbealright for tomorrows, tomlinsunrise (68k)
Louis runs a record label and Harry is his daughter's new nanny. Over the course of a year, Harry helps Louis learn what it really is to be a father and somehow they find an unexpected home in each other.
Or, the kid fic where Louis wants to make Harry a star, Zayn just needs everyone to stop being stupid, Niall laughs his arse off at everything, Liam attempts to keep things in order and Harry takes a chance.
Dreaming of You by Velvetoscar (68k)
The Begrudging Starbucks AU.
The world is winter and steamed milk and creamy espresso shots. The world is a never ending queue. The world is a Starbucks logo and a pink-cheeked smile from Niall and a bored scowl from Zayn and the world is Louis watching his best mate, Liam, fall in love with their newest customer, Harry. Who may or may not be in love with Louis. The world is cruel.
don't tell the gods (we left a mess) by bottomlinsons (grimgrace) (71k)
After a misunderstanding with Liam’s mother, Louis agrees to accompany his best friend to a family wedding and pretend to be the world’s best boyfriend. But their simple plan goes awry when he learns that Harry, ex-boyfriend/ex-love of Louis’ life, will also be in attendance. (aka: fake!boyfriends with a twist ft. bromance, romance and cake.)
Want You More Than A by TheCellarDoor (77k)
Falling in love with your step-brother’s best friend is a disaster enough. When he happens to be the boy everyone loves and you’re a nerd who wears sweater vests and cries during rom-coms, it takes it to a whole new level.
Don't Look Down by zarah5 (91k) ❉
AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.
In This Light by exhilarated for tilthesundies (99k)
Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance.
Like a Bullet in the Dark by Vurdoc (99k)
Prince Harold Edward Styles Lancaster is second in line to the throne of Great Britain. He is also your average Uni student- or he tries to be, anyway.
With a promise from the press (and his father) that they'll leave him alone for four years, he sets out to be a student at Cambridge, when he meets his very normal, very working class, very handsome suite-mate, Louis Tomlinson.
Louis makes Harry feel more like a person than he ever has before, which might cause some issues later on- 'cause Harry has a secret that he's only told his sister Gemma about.
Little does he know though, that Louis has some secrets of his own.
A Will & Kate Au- with a twist.
You Drive Me Crazy (but it feels alright) by MrsStylinson (102k)
Bridget Jones' Diary AU.
“Harry is not short for Harold,” he corrects, his voice as thick as molasses. He lowers his eyes to Louis’ sequined lapels, rubbing one between two fingers. “Is this small or extra small? It looks lovely.”
Louis breaks away from his grip with a petulant huff and pushes him back with two fingers.
“You’re mocking me. Again.”
Harry smiles and it's a real honest swoop of his lips this time. Louis’ stomach swoops with them.
Untangle Me by suicxne (103k)
Louis finds himself out of place in LA, unable to get at an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He supposes back in the early days, home hadn’t been a place. It’d been a person. He’d etched it permanently into his skin for fucks sake. It was always him and Harry. Stuck to each other like super glue. Pulled together by some magnetic force, existing in their own bubble. Everyone could see it, but that was half the problem, wasn’t it?
It’s not like Louis can pinpoint the exact moment in time when him and Harry fell out of sync. There wasn’t really one at all. It had been a gradual slip, like the tide wearing away at a sandstone cliff. Chipping the solid foundations until there was nothing left to stop the structure falling to the waves below. It’s not like he spends all of his time sitting around moping over a lost friendship, he’s good at distractions. But LA only seems to accentuate the distance between them. Two separate planets, not even in the same solar system.
Or the one where Harry and Louis finally get it right.
Empty Skies by green_feelings (134k)
For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream -- making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.
Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He's still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?
Featuring Perrie as Harry's adorable flatmate, Niall as his manager, and Liam and Zayn as Louis' bandmates.
Say You'll Remember by whisperdlullaby (93k)
au. louis and harry are best mates that are only half aware that they're also soulmates. alternatively, louis goes to university and harry travels the world, and they always manage to find their way back to each other.
takes place over nine years, in which they love and hurt, make mistakes and learn, and above all, grow.
Never Be by cherrystreet (117k)
Monica: You've got to see her again. Ross: And why do you care so much? Monica: Because! You could get to live out my fantasy! Ross: You had fantasies about Emily? Monica: No! Y’know, the fantasy! Meet someone from a strange land, fall madly in love, and spend the rest of your lives together.
The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.
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Top 10 Liverpool chants and songs of all time. via /r/LiverpoolFC
Top 10 Liverpool chants and songs of all time.
Now in this completely unbiased post about songs that most of us haven't sung inside the ground, I`m going to arbitrary assign numbers to chants and songs that you as a Liverpool fan should know by heart.I have spoken to many football fans and collected data mostly from the expert knowledge of my roommate who supports Barcelona and my grandfather who stopped watching footy after 1994 (thanks Italy and you ponytail having cunt).
You'll Never Walk Alone
This show tune of the musical Carousel was taken by Bill Shankly as the last song that played before the start of a game and after the song went down in the charts our supporters continued to sing if before and after a game.The fans sang "You’ll Never Walk Alone" at Wembley during the 1965 FA Cup Final win over Leeds, commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme dubbed to the song as “Liverpool’s signature tune”.Later Celtic,Dortmund,Mainz 05 and many others took inspiration from us and picked up the song as their anthem... the bastards.
10.We`re by far the greatest team ...
This one is a classic in spite of the fact that most english speaking clubs have used this one at least the lyrics were true for us for a long time.Now there are many chants that are just the name of the club, belted by the Kop in various speeds and tunes but i like this one more than the other simpler chants.
9.We all dream of a team of Carragher`s ...
And number one is Carragher. Now tell me if there`s anything more Scouse than a Beatles song turn into a Liverpool chant about a lad who mistakenly supported both clubs in the city (nobody give a shit about you Tranmere.).Now this one seems weird to sing now but in the rare occasion that all of our center back get injured throw a pair of boots at Jaime and he may provide a serviceable job at the back or you know score the occasional own goal.
8.Various players and staff..
Now since I named the post top 10 and gave myself very few numbers to work with were going to pretend that a) Im funny and b) were all ok about these songs sharing a spot
Torres Bounce
Luis Garcia
Luis Suarez
Carry McAllister
Colin Pascoe
Daniel Sturridge
Kolo "the lord and savior" Tore
And a personal favorite of our better times in the last 20 years
We got the best midfield in the world
7.A bit of Banter
Now here comes the "bantz" as the youth call it these days.We have our fair share of chants and song about the bitters, the scum and from recent years even some rentboys were lucky enough to be remember in a song.Now i could put this description of Manchester,this comment made by their red nosed manager or even this recent fact check we give to Chelsea, but there`s a song thats very dear to my heart. My question is very simple, Who The Fuck Are Man United?
6.Poetry in motion
I love this song its simple, easy to remember and sing. It describes something we have been, we are and we will continue to strive for terms of football style(Except Rafa he seemed more of a haiku guy).Now there is this recorded version which sounds god awful but i have to put in here.Oh the 80s
5. A Liverbird upon my chest
As many rival fans will tell you we like our history very much and to be fair they`re right and there isnt a better song to sing about our glory years than this one.A great epic describing our many victories over the blues,the cups we have and the legendary figures in the club like Shankly and Dalglish. Now a days this song isnt heard much in Anfield, maybe because of its length or the fact that most of our supporters find it difficult to start and end properly you can hear it in local pubs and before the upcoming Mersyside derby.
4.Captain Fantastic
Arguably the greatest player to wear a red shirt,Stevie has 3 songs that were very popular from 2006-2011 and after that just 1 of them stuck around eventualy one of them made a return in his final game.
The one that stuck was Steven Gerrard, Gerrard.He`ll pass the ball 40 yards..
The one that made a return was Steven Gerrard is our captain.../second verse version/
And in my unbiased opinion this song was always the best for our number 8.You`re just to good to be true
3.They said our days are numbered..
If you're like me and love a good redemption story a la rocky 4 you know this one by heart.The story goes we took the tune from our little trip to Rome in 84 and it stuck around.Shankly build a football team that shook the Spion Kop, we`ve conquered all of Europe and were never gonna stop
2.Fields of Anfield road
This may be the oldest chant in the list that can still be heard regularly in Anfield.It`s an adaptation to the old Celtic tune The Fields of Athenry but since they took YNWA we can have this one at least.Around the late 00s a second verse was written for the recorded version in memory of the Hillsborough disaster which makes the song quite somber to be honest but that verse has never been sung by liverpool supporters in any ground.
Recorded version by John Power
1.Let me tell you the story of a poor boy
Now this song has been around since the 60s and in 1982 after rush scored 4 it got a makeover. It can be heard in Anfield but rarely at its proper speed and with all the words intact.Weirdly there are several recorded versions of the song but i cant seem to find a clip of YouTube in which the beginning isn't missing when fans sing it.There were two some what famous debates about the lyrics the first was is the first line "Let me tell you the story of a poor boy" or "Can I tell you the story of a poor boy" and the second is the sun "Lybian" or "Arabian".Tommy refers to the "British Tommy" a popular nickname during WW1 and WW2. Rangers claim we stole in from them since the tune we sing it in is close to their song "The Sash" but they can fuck right off.
Can I tell you the story of a poor boy
Without the first verse
A recent version
And several recorded artist give it a go 1 2 3
Submitted March 30, 2017 at 07:49PM by nextgentactics via reddit http://ift.tt/2mTI8LE
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Day Three - Beijing
   We took a train to Beijing from Shanghai, and then had a cab driver in a large enough van to carry us and our belongings around escort us to the Great Wall of China.     At the base of the pass we were visiting, I grabbed a coffee and a Snickers bar. It was maybe 7:00AM and after the show and the second time shift in our travels, I was not ready for much activity. The barista drew a smiley face in the foam of my coffee. I sipped and snacked and followed our bundled group out to the base of the stairs that led over the mountainous form of the Great Wall.    
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   Juyongguan Pass is one of the three most famous passes of the Great Wall. There are a dozen or so ‘outpost’ like structures along the million-stair path that you can enter and climb. The vantage was breathtaking. The distance between each stair was never the same. Their heights were inconsistent. It made traveling up them even more tiring. Coupled with the fact that it was entirely freezing, it was not an easy hike. I took hundreds of photos, had a handful taken of myself, and Dave, Jeremy, and I reminisced on the history of the band and tried to wrap our heads around how the hell we got here. Carmen, Cody, and Will decided to make a full loop of the pass, and I opted to hang at the 500-some stair level. In hindsight, why the hell didn’t I just keep going?    
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   Not too far above where I had decided was the farthest I needed to venture, we perused a souvenir shop built into the Great Wall. I grabbed a bunch of things here. Christmas, after all, was only a month away. I was starting to feel the pinch in my wallet and in the space of my roller-duffel and didn’t end up getting myself anything in particular to remember this moment. I also started to wonder how long the loop was that my friends had embarked on.     We made our way down to the parking lot again and waited for the gang to arrive. They showed up, climbing up some unrelated wall and onto the road in front of the visitor center. Cody and Carmen had snagged actual pieces of the wall or some outpost to bring home with them. Dumb American tourists, all of us.     Some time later, we got into town. Another 7 Days Inn awaited us. We somehow avoided Mark for a significant period of time and made our way down a series of streets to find a place to eat that we had seen on the way in - Satin’s Pizza. To this day, I’m not sure if they intended for it to be Satin or Satan, but either way, they had incredible pizza. It came in a skillet, personal pan-size, and it was nearly the best food I’d tasted in weeks. Of course, I tried my best to enjoy the culture and the cuisine of Japan and China, but no mystery dumpling could satisfy the cravings for creature comfort. I think we pledged to not tell Mark we had gone there if he asked, so that we wouldn’t insult his choice in restaurants.
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   In Beijing, we were billed much more appropriately than at the Shanghai show. There were more locals, and more importantly, a crowd. The venue had to have had about 200 people in it, and it was right down the street from our hotel. Scrawled across the wall of the green room was the logo for the band “ISSUES” in thick sharpie, who I can only presume had had the pleasure of playing this venue at some point in their career. I tried to order myself a beer, but I learned that I had no idea how to pronounce Tsingtao. Fortunately, through some finger pointing and nodding, I ended up successful. For the uninitiated, Tsingtao is pronounced something like “shing-dow,” not “sing-tau” as I originally presumed.     I don’t know if there were just no bathrooms at the venue, or very poor ones, but I ended up walking to a public bathroom to take a piss after filling my bladder with the shitty beer. The aroma in that building was pungent, thick, and disgusting. The toilets were trowels in the floor, meant for squatting, and they were not, by any means, clean. It was a particularly disgusting experience. I decided I’d walk back to the hotel next time instead.     Back at the show, my eye was caught. There was a caucasian girl there. Bright blonde hair, lipstick, dressed like she was headed for Warped Tour. My heart raced. Finally, someone who I haven’t shared a vehicle with for two weeks who I can speak in conversational English with. She was talking to someone who I thought looked like they were playing in one of the bands that night in Chinese, so I waited and then sprung my question upon her.     “What brings you to China?”     She looked confused.  She responded, but I have no idea what she said. She replied to me in French. All I could muster was something like “oh! I thought you were American, too.” We did not keep this awkward interaction going. Defeated, I sauntered away to speak english with my friends again. Upstairs in the green room, Carmen was fiddling with a guitar strap that a local had let him borrow. For the life of him, he could not get it to stay on his guitar. We were all so used to straplocks and the assorted ways to keep our guitars attached to our bodies, but they were 3500 miles away. We’d just have to make do.     The show itself was incredible. We had an awesome response from the crowd, who almost seemed to know what we were playing. They were so gracious, and even kept us out for an encore. On stage, though, trouble was brewing, as Carmen’s borrowed gear was not holding up. When we finished the last song in our set and started to hear the calls for another song, or encore, or however the hell you say it in Chinese, Carmen stormed off stage and retreated to the green room.
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   What the fuck? I thought it, maybe even out loud I said it. On stage, we were stunned. We made it look like we were going off stage for a quick huddle, but we booked it upstairs to console Carmen and get him to come out. This was the show we had been waiting for in China! Let’s go, man! Alas, Carmen refused to come back out on stage. We looked like stuck-up pricks when the chants for another song died without us returning to the stage, and instead heading to merch, where we could have minimal talks with the showgoers due to our obvious language barrier. Even as a translator in this case, Mark was decent, but not great.     We did, however, meet someone who had been following the band since the first album - the one that we had agreed to remove from digital circulation after signing with CI - and who wanted to buy a copy of it. This was the single most awesome moment of the tour in China, and maybe even Asia as a whole for me. Speak Frantic, a 10-song full-length recorded and released in 2010 digitally, was the piece de resistance of my Carousel Kings career. Here, in Beijing, China, a country with virtually no free access to the internet, someone had found that album, purchased or stole it, listened, and managed to follow the band through the years and then see them come play some four years later at the Mao Livehouse. We took a picture, loaded him with merch, signed anything and everything he wanted, and were elated to have ever met him. Thanks, Speak Frantic China Guy. You fucking rule.
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    Did we go out later this night? I don’t know. I know the public bathrooms by the hotel stank to high heaven. The hotel itself, however, continued the trend of being as weird as everything else in China. I’d later find it to be the standard, but the bathroom in the hotel was not constructed with drywall, plaster, or concrete. The walls of the bathroom instead were a fuzzy glass, like you might expect on a shower door. That was weird enough, but when you walked in to the bathroom, you quickly realized that there was no separation whatsoever of the basic bathroom functions. First, a sink, attached to the wall. A toilet next to it. Above three feet beyond that, and six feet off the tile floor, was the shower head. No curtains, tubs, retention methods in the floor. Nothing. You could walk into the shower while you brushed your teeth, and guess what? Your roommate could all but watch. Not exactly what I picture as the pinnacle of privacy, but it was a step above the public disaster looming a block or so away. At least we had western-style toilets now.
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A Series Of Last Dates
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/a-series-of-last-dates/
A Series Of Last Dates
Jimmy Chang
The three of us were sitting around a coffee table and everyone was on their phones — but in a way that implied everyone felt comfortable enough to be. She’d been picking away at my patience the last couple of times we hung out, which bothered me because there was such a long stretch of time where I felt very close to her. Whenever we’d hang out, just the two of us, we’d always joke about being a very dysfunctional couple on a date. Now being with her felt like an obligation. It was being stretched out, one of us had to do something. Then, looking up from her phone, she told me and our mutual friend a story of something that had actually happened to me. I think she forgot I was the one who told her, so she passed it off as her own. Look, I know that’s a stupid thing to get annoyed over, but that was the last time I made any effort to see her.
He no longer felt That Way and he knew that and I knew that and the last time we saw each other was, naturally, a total disaster. I think about it all the time. I do not recommend it, as funny as it might seem on paper. E asked me why I always write about him and it’s because I love thinking about how stupid I am. Things I think about from the last time we saw each other: I drank a whole bottle of red Gatorade, his room was warm, one of his roommates had the LUSH coffee scrub in their shower.
I think this was the only one where I still dread that this was the Last Date. Whatever.
We set a deadline, which might’ve been the dumbest thing I’ve ever participated in. I am incapable of thinking ahead and planning accordingly, so it only made me more anxious. I think, subconsciously, I was trying to end it sooner because I didn’t want to keep thinking, “X days left” the second I opened my eyes every morning. The last time I saw him, I was throwing piles of clothes into my backpack and ran out of his apartment holding my shoes. Three days ahead of schedule.
She doesn’t know I know she lied, but I think about it every time I ignore her calls. When I see her name, I chant: She lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied she lied. The last time I saw her we ate really good Ethiopian food and I can’t remember the name of the restaurant, which makes me even angrier.
Second date — I made him go all the way to DTLA. He asked if I wanted to watch him Skype with his parents. I did consider it, but ultimately declined and left and deleted his number in the Uber home.
There have been three instances where I suffered enough on my end that I thought it was fine to not have to see them ever again: One gave me tonsillitis at a Halloween party, one gave me mono for the month of July, and the last one gave me a sinus infection that was so bad, I couldn’t hear anything out of my right ear for the first week of January.
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