#me and oomfie have been cooking for so long
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yaoyuren · 2 years ago
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band au 61 🎸
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delta-drawsarts · 3 months ago
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YIPPIE! Because it is my birthday you are all legally required to draw one of these characters for me in your style/design /lh /j
This year has honestly been a blast ever since I discovered Undertale Yellow, and I'm just so thankful for the community for lighting up my day with all the cool fanart and fics everyone's cooked up. And I can't wait to see more and more fan work people make in the future!
I've made a lot of mutuals who share my love for this fangame, and I see it through their artwork and writing. And I'm grateful for every one of them. Love ya oomfies!
My current plan stemming for art and writing is to finish the next chapter of United Bond, so i could tackle another fic I've been wanting to write. And give me the time to flesh out and plan for future chapters. As for comics, it's been a long time for the 2nd part of a comic arc I have yet to share here. Expect to see the first part this weekend!
Here's to a new chapter of my life, and to many more UTY content to come! Yeehaw fellas!
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wibblyparfait · 6 months ago
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(props up arm on desk) hii,,,,,, Nanaco in a Situation huh,,,,,,,,,,,,
Limbus Company is unfortunately still on my brain sometimes. so heres to finally drawing up all the Nanashi IDs & EGO thats been plaguing my brain 👍
transcript + extra notes under the cut cuz if oomfie has to hear all my Nanashi thoughts then so do u 🫵 SHFNDNF
LCB Sinner Nanashi
to Coral:
-> Studying Coral under a microscope -> (Slowly trusting,,,)
to himself:
-> In-TOWER arc (note: think any time before the final conversation in the Core. hes on the road to trusting Coral & the other Hanoi but still thinks he'll have to go back to the Toros eventually 😔) -> Please god let me have 1 normal ID -> Embarrassed by [his] Butler & BS [IDs] -> distressed by [his] CoG, R Corp & Capo [IDs]
Black Silence Nanashi
to Coral:
-> sunshine loml ily c'mere & let him pamper u NOW -> in charge of deconditioning N Coral (note: oomf has an AU of Coral as an N Corp Kleinhammer, in my brain since BS Nanashi has his shit together he is also the main person thats trying to reteach N Coral self-love oogh 🥹)
to himself:
-> Post-TOWER t1 arc -> married hubby <3 (note: if it wasnt obvious. Nanashi & Coral take the place of Roland & Angelica in their world. dont worry about how doomed they are by the narrative, theyre both still alive by the time of this ID so they dont have to worry yet <3) -> literally living his best life -> mending heart, knows hes loved & channeling that recovery into malewifing <3
Church of Gears Worshipper
to Coral:
-> indifferent (at first) -> & then sees Coral as "his purpose" devotion (note: Coral would obviously not want this Nanashi to just follow along with everything hes told & not think for himself. and once that point gets thru to COG Nanashi, he expresses his sentiment by calling Coral his purpose & asking to hang out with him 🥹 FDHGD!!!!!!!)
to himself:
-> arc where he also loses the last bit of hope he never knew he had o)-( (note: in this world Nanashi meets Coral & co early n thus tries to run away from the Toros to stay with them, but by the time he gets back to them, they're so messed up by The City in one way or another that seeing them like that pushes him into losing all hope & joining the Church of Gears. so he can finally find Somewhere he won't be actively miserable in anymore. but. well☹️ DFKGJFDG)
4th Pack Reindeer
to Coral:
-> The only ID that allows being pampered back (note: clearly most of these IDs are centered around Nanaco. and we all know how much Nanashi spoils Coral without accepting pay. but maybe this one will allow being cooked some fluffy instant pancakes every so often 🥹) -> Doesnt Take Shit Tho. Get Pampered Idiot. (note: R Corp Nanashi doesnt have the time nor energy to hear Coral's usual polite excuses. as long as Coral allows being pampered, then he Will carry him over his shoulder like a sack of rice so he can bring him to a kitchen & cook him a full course meal :) FGJDGFD!!!!!!)
to himself:
-> Fragile. -> Needs the mutual care from R Coral to stay sane o(-( (note: Coral is part of the Rabbit Team in this world ☹️ between the Hatchery & the usual contracts they get, they both cope by trying to spoil each other in their down time uuu,,,)
Thumb Capo
to Coral:
-> omg hihi haiiiiii (WILL kill/die for Coral :() -> except N Coral o)-( (for now.) (note: usually in Limbus worlds Coral is pretty high up in the social ladder, so Capo Nanashi unfortunately rly rly respects him ☹️ but since in N Corp Kleinhammers are at the bottom. oof ☹️. Capo Nanashi is rly tough on that Coral & sets a bunch of rules on him n that Makes Me Sad ☹️. KJGDF)
to himself:
-> sheep arc (note: thats just what i call Sweetie Sleeps. so yeah this Nanashi is if his Sweetie Sleeps version came true ☹️.) -> coping [with] Toro horrors by accepting it all & enthusiastically enforcing rules o(-(
Brown Family Butler
to Coral:
-> Its just my job to take care of u (malewifes x1000000)
to himself:
-> Pre-Toro arc -> Met his Coral [before] he lost all hope -> No rizz. just an autistic stare & dog-like worship that makes u question ur morality (note: this quote was absolutely stolen cuz i saw it on another oomf's post & it made me laugh. hi Sen oomf. DFKGJDGD)
Roseate Desire
to Coral:
-> sunshine love of my life reason i exist & mender of my heart ily ily ily ily- -> rare Nanashi that WANTS to be pampered (note: once again we know how Nanashi usually feels about being paid back for his work. but this is probably the one Nanashi that just wants to curl up in Coral's lap & hear him say nice things about him DFKGHFD 🥹)
to himself:
-> 𝐹����𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 ♡ -> Deepest desire is just to be valued o(-(
Seven Association Fixer
to Coral:
-> U're gonna forget how to sleep if u keep drinking coffee >:( (makes Coral's regular order right before he walks in) (note: in this world Coral is just a regular at the cafe the Seven runs DFKJDGD)
to himself:
-> Intelligence officer arc -> Rly good at his job, but likes the barista work the most <3 (note: also this Nanashi is the rare Seven fixer that likes coffee. not as much of a freak about the specifics of coffee brewing as Faust is with tea, but he probably enjoys himself a good espresso ^-^ KFDJGD)
Feral Mane
to Coral:
-> big skittish creature that loafs on & scruffs one (1) person (note: imagine him like a big scared lion. except around Coral, who he will drag by the back of his collar like a cat carrying a kitten ^-^ KGFDFG)
to himself:
-> Nanabeast -> Mittelhammer forced into corrosion experiments o(-(
to Coral:
-> Coworkers probably (note: this is the Nanashi ive thought about the least. imagine Nanashi meeting Coral in the real world while doing Toro work. of course he wouldnt have time to fall in love ☹️ DFJGFD)
to himself:
-> Walpurgis lobcorp ID -> Too busy fighting for his life to be sappy -> Maybe gets eaten by Nothing There idk (note: basically his fate in a lobcorp AU oops. hope Coral enjoys finding out about that 😔 FDKGFD)
Dimension Shredder
to Coral:
-> Very cuddly & touchy (hasnt had sane human contact in forever o(-()
to himself:
-> Guy that made "keep Coral safe" his sole purpose for 7625040532 years (note: to varying success. because by the end of the journey he's either a pile of guts that murders everything Except Coral, or talks to Coral's guts as if hes still alive ☹️ ue.)
in conclusion. good fucking god Nanashi never leaves my brain 🥹 DHDFGDFDG
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mex-sickos · 2 years ago
Humu humu, your silly little oomfie is awake on a patch morning you know what that means :pausechamp: ANALYSIS TIME
Let’s go down the list based on what order I’m gonna do them
Shimanto: kinda thought she was a little bad at first but it was because I forgor about plygun (once again plymmie fixes everything for me) she’s a aa specialist so I’m not *that* in love with her kit (especially since no torp preload with a skill that wants you to load your torps twice before getting it off) but she’ll be a star in w13 at least (three years too late :chernoupset: but hither thither)
Kearsarge: “where is my brother sasuke?” “I air strike I salvo I airstrike I salvo I airstrike I sa-” she’s absolutely everything I wanted out of a DR bbv, she slots a real fuckign plane, she synergizes immaculately between the two with planes increasing shell damage and shells increasing plane damage, speaking of synergy she loves yorktwon I think my new anti-light is gonna be Kear/NJ/Yorkie
Felix- I bet you’re all surprised to see fewix here instead of Hindy, well it’s for good reason- long time oomfies will know that I’m a big fan of dds, especially gun dds, from a gameplay perspective and wooo buddy Felix goes OFF, s2 gives 18% eva *and* damage reduc, shields every 10 seconds that give 8% eva RATE when broken, on a skill that also fucking gives luigis slow torp skill and 15% extra cruiser damage, and this isn’t even my favorite fucking skill because s1 gives her increase crit rate AND damage (10 and 20% respectively), gives her a skill to make her want to use her CL gun instead with 10% extra efficiency and a 10 second cool down on the REAL star of the show, a barrage that makes her do 15% more to the enemy, kit wise this ship is the most excited I’ve been to test for a while (for dds at least), even if she’s bad it’ll be a lot of fun finding out where she lies
Hindy- CAs are tricky because for a while now there’s been this stigma, save ancho there hasn’t been a CA that’s really been better then the average CB in a while, their guns are only moderately faster and deal less damage, they’re less tanky and they don’t have nearly as much utility even if they do have damage or tank (all of the ones you’d even consider using are the ones that have good utility like adalberts damage sponge or baltis avi buff) but holy shit does hindy perform and then some, let me put this in a language you can understand- mgm+2 ca gun/torp mount (no one give a shit)/*ca gun/aa gun flex slot*, we are fucking COOKING - her first skill gives 15% fp, 5% more damage and SHIELD PEN if you dual wield (she has some buffs for using an aa gun but I don’t really give a fuck about those) and her second skill gives her a barrage that gives a debuff that makes her fire a special weapon (the skill is vague so we don’t know much but possible 4th gun?!?!?!?) this girl is everything I could possibly want out of a DR CA and it feels so nice knowing they haven’t forgor them in favor of large cruisers
Flan- I’m really not a huge fan of her, my feelings about her faction aside they kinda did her fuckign nasty, a skill that gives a) a 20 second barrage (whatever) b) whenever this ship fires its gun for the first time (it says second but she has a preload), she marks an enemy that takes 12% more damage FROM HER till she drops below 60%, the amount of unpacking this would take could fill a library so I’m gonna be succinct and say it’s fucking dogshit but here’s the real fucking kicker, her second skill increases her eva and fp (nice) and gives her a 15% heal that increases her secondary guns range and efficiency by a substantial amount, meaning that she’s only really good for bosses that don’t have a lot of pregame or fucking pvp, and bossing is pretty fucking competitive
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