#me about to tag Hogwarts legacy like this has ANYTHING to actually do with the game
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dwightschrute11 · 2 months ago
canon event when calypso first met all the MCs she did this to try and flirt with her like 50 crushes LMAO
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bookie-bookdust · 21 days ago
Which of the Hogwarts Legacy characters read fanfiction? 🤡
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(Slightly NSFW - MDNI) Idk what this is. I'm sorry hahahah)
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Sebastian Sallow: Oh 100%. The stranger the tags, he can't help himself. He reads it all. Don't ask him about Devil's Snare.
Ominis Gaunt: Absolutely not (he's lying). He has his OTPs and he listens to fics at night with a silencing charm casted over his bed. His roommates think he's masturbating. He's actually crying over hurt/comfort fics.
Poppy Sweeting: Alpha/beta/omega stuff like do we even need to ask? She will yap for hours about her latest reads.
Natty Onai: No. She watches anime. Plus her mom does nightly "phone checks," and she already has enough trouble hiding her crunchyroll subscription.
Garreth Weasley: um duh? But only fics about Professor Sharp (that's for his private bookmarks). He also writes for like ten different fandoms, and he never finishes his chapter fics. SpidermanxDeek???Been there. Wrote that. (Sebastian read it.)
Leander Prewett: He leaves anonymous hate comments on your fics and then responds to them with his regular profile to defend you. He's going to slip up eventually. We'll be waiting.
Imelda Reyes: Our gay girlypop has been holding up the F/F tags on her beautiful toned (but very tired) shoulders for years because there's never enough. Especially in HP. "Not enough m/m???" No no baby, there's not enough sapphic shit. There aren't enough female characters in general. Hermione can only fuck so many people guys. Give her loins a break. We have a lonely wizard epidemic, for Merlin's sake.
Anne Sallow: No. Sebastian traumatized Anne once with a missed mpreg tag so now Anne believes in censorship and we don't like Anne.
Amit Thakkar: Ya know...you think he would? But his special interest is astronomy, and there isn't room in that sweet little head of his for absolutely anything else.
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Solomon Sallow: After hearing Anne bitch about Sebastian for the hundredth time, he went and took a peek and was immediately disgusted by all the fics that bash him. "What do you mean you aren't Il0veSebastianSall0wsrightnut69?? Who else would write me getting absolutely crushed like a sack of potatoes by ancient magic??" Literally everyone Solomon.
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animasola86 · 9 months ago
A few changes are coming...
Hello, dear followers of this very blog.
The title of this post says it all: I am in the middle of re-structuring a few things around here because my focus has shifted a little.
About a year ago I started this blog as a home for my Hogwarts Legacy hyperfixation, I took a deep dive into fanfiction, into oneshots, into smut essentially. I wrote so many things centered around Sebastian Sallow it's almost embarrassing in hindsight. But I am not embarrassed, I am actually quite proud of having been able to write so much, of having a muse to guide my creative (and dirty) thoughts.
It's been a real blessing.
But as you may have noticed, my focus, my fixation, has shifted, fizzled out a little.
It started when I began writing for Professor Sharp, dipping my toes into the older man/younger woman dynamic, and to be quite honest with you, I am still knee-deep (or even deeper) in that trope. It's always been a passion (a secret kink?) of mine to have an age (and size) difference between characters, so eventually I moved away from that particular character as well and focused on characters of my own.
I'm still currently writing my original story Innocence Lost over at @animasolaoriginal (about a cowboy and a girl, a slow burn love story), but the smut writer in me has yearned for something more, so I posted a few Smut Drabbles, very short little smut scenes I couldn't put into my story yet (or ever).
And from that very sentiment of having little outlets for my horribly dirty mind, grew another idea for an original story, something I'm still working on (I'm eight chapters in already), and this time I will finish it first before I post anything, I'm forcing myself to do that, yes I will (famous last words, huh? Don't quote me on that...)!
What I'm trying to say is, this blog, that has been focused around HL and Sebastian Sallow, will turn into the smut blog it has always been, but no longer featuring our beloved freckled pixel boy. I kept my smut drabbles neutral, dropped no names, no descriptions, just, well, faceless porn really, so anyone could imagine any character in the male and female characters portrayed if they wanted to.
I find freedom in doing so, being able to write anything and not put it in the confines that is writing for British characters set in the 1890s without having to put them in various AUs all the time.
And so I'll continue writing what I like, and I hope you will follow along.
I know most of you probably also follow me for my HL screenshots that have mysteriously stopped appearing as well. I still have my vast library of posted screenshots, don't worry, they will stay (everything will stay, this is just about future content), but if I ever dive back into the game (which, tbh, I haven't played in a long while, haven't even updated yet or checked out the new photomode), I will post new screenshots on a sideblog I will have yet to make.
Just to keep this blog cleaner. And smuttier.
Imagine finding my screenshots of pretty Scottish landscapes or cute Magical beasts (or broody pixel boys) and then scrolling down to find a filthy little smut drabble right under it. It just doesn't mix well anymore. (It never did, but I only realize that now, oops, sorry to everyone who probably stayed away from my blog for that very reason).
So, to wrap this up: I will remain a smut writer, if you are in need of a little erotica to spice up your day (or night), you will always find something of the sort right here.
I'm also not leaving the HL fandom, I'm still an active follower (read: lurker), and I feel like my time has come to let other people contribute to it. And if you follow the #sebastian sallow smut tag, you'll find a lot of authors that still mainly focus on him, so if you don't want to imagine him in my anonymous smut scenarios, you'll find plenty of other sources around here, don't worry!
I, for one, want to expand my horizon a little, look into other fandoms. I've read so many fanfics/oneshots centered around characters like Joel Miller (who I loved ever since playing The Last of Us for the first time), Arthur Morgan (who inspired my cowboy phase tbh) and even characters I never knew I needed in my life, like Simon "Ghost" Riley (who I didn't even know before because I never played Call of Duty), but this is tumblr, you are exposed to a lot of things if you allow them in - and it's been an absolute blast to find new things to obsess about.
So I hope that you, dear followers, can forgive me for branching out, for turning this once HL-centered blog into not just a multi-fandom blog, but a place for smut enjoyers of all types.
Because I found my calling, and it's writing porn. It is what it is.
Future screenshots will find a new home in a yet to be announced sideblog.
The content will become more neutral, so that anyone can imagine anyone in the roles of the protagonists.
(I may still write for specific characters in the future, to be determined which one, maybe I'll return to write for Sebastian Sallow or Aesop Sharp one day, who knows, I still have some unfinished WIPs after all...)
There will always be smut. Because smut is life.
And with that, I thank you very much for reading this far. And I thank you for sticking around, for enjoying my content, in the past and in the future, hopefully. Thank you for your patience with me and for joining me on new adventures!
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wisteria-lodge · 2 years ago
Have you sorted the Hogwarts Legacy companions at all?? I checked your master list and couldn’t find anything but I’m not sure if I’m just being blind 💀😂
So here's the thing.
(And your ask is super nice and in absolute good-faith, it's just also a good way of getting into this stuff.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not Joss Whedon. House of Cards is not Kevin Spacey. But Harry Potter kinda is JK Rowling. She has an astounding and honestly pretty unique amount of both creative control and ownership over that property. The only other person I can think of who's even in the same category is George Lucas... before he sold it to Disney, obviously.
And JKR has written about how she interprets the royalty checks she gets as kind of tacit approval from the world, which makes sense because she's been also very public about how she spends those royalty checks to support anti-trans campaigners and legislation.
But. But. I get wanting to engage with the property. I mean, obviously. I'm going to tag this 'sortinghatchats.' The parent system is clearly HP, and the point of changing the terminology was never disguising that, it was more supposed to communicate that I am not engaging with the work or its creator uncritically. I think it's worked pretty well. I've gotten maybe one piece of anon hate calling me a terf? That's not bad.
I'm a teacher, and the place I work attracts a *lot* of LGBT students. Trans and non-binary especially. And they're interested in Harry Potter. They read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. They want to talk to me about Harry Potter, and about JK Rowling. I don't see this property fading away any time soon.
And like. I was a fan. I waited until midnight in a bookstore to get books 4, 5, 6 and 7. My Sibyl Trelawney came in second at the book 7 costume contest. Which was fine because the girl who won did the most perfect Hermione you've ever seen, and spent the whole time handing out SPEW badges and knitting house elf clothing.
Recently, I'm finding myself wanting to unpack this property as an adult. Maybe understand some of the biases I didn't pick up as a kid, maybe do right by some of my favorite characters. Because there's good stuff in there. How much was on accident versus on purpose, how much is the fandom interpreting the text in a specific way, how much is the films smoothing over issues... and creating different issues... I would like to work all that out.
And actually, when I started writing some Harry Potter fanfiction over the holidays, it came pouring out, and it felt *good.* Clearly I've got a lot of *stuff* that I want to examine and *put somewhere,* and for me, writing (ships that JKR doesn't like) was a fun and ethical way to do that. Maybe I'll even post it with a nice disclaimer.
So that's me. Fanfiction, fan side-projects, fan merch. I guess the argument against that would be "free advertising," but like - HP has so much just - actual advertising - and I'd like it if people who still wanted to engage with the property had somewhere else to go. So no Hogwarts Legacy for me, no Fantastic Beasts films, or HBO miniseries, or even Cormoran Strike books. (and people don't talk about this enough - but a big aspect of that series is essentially JKR writing a non-magic AU where she ships herself with Mad-Eye Moody. I have no idea what to do with this information, but now you have it too.)
I could see myself writing more about JKR or Harry Potter, once I've turned it over more in my mind and feel like I have something useful and new to say. But as it is, this is a snapshot of where I am.
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zetadraconis11 · 7 months ago
Thank you, @gingerlegacy07 for the tag! I love Q and As like this, so I'm happy to contribute! :D
How many works do you have on AO3? I have.... *checks Ao3* 77 works at the moment! I have written so many one-shots, lol, but I have written some chaptered fics!
What's your total AO3 word count? 1,208,532! About half of that is from my Avatar AU longfic, which is 500k words, haha ^^'
What fandoms do you write for? Just Hogwarts Legacy! I just had some ideas in what to write, and then I decided to just give it a try. And here I am!
Top five fics by kudos? Quick look into it....
An Avatar's Legacy (78)
Becoming Official (50)
Where's My Love? (46)
Hogwarts Legacy: Bloopers (42)
The First Unforgivable (38)
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I love comments, and I do my best to respond to all of them. They're just so encouraging and remind me that there are people that love reading things I write.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hoooo....well, I prefer to write happy endings. ...However, I once wrote a Garrelda songfic called "I Still Want You" with the BTS song "The Truth Untold", and if you know the song, you know it doesn't end well.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Happiest ending? Hmm, I write so many one-shots of fluff, so it's hard to decide which one is happiest. I think it would be my one-shot "A Good Life" as it's involving family fluff. Sure, there's some angst, but that's a given when it's with Sebastian and Estelle (my MC). In the end, though, it's just about Sebastelle, Poppinis, and Garrelda being like a big family with their firstborns, and it's just so sweet and wholesome :]
Do you get hate on fics? I....don't think so? I've only gotten a couple satirical comments, but nothing else.
Do you write smut? Haha...no. I am a full-on sfw-only writer. I do allude to things sometimes, but I don't write explicit details or anything like that.
Craziest crossover? I have written a lot of AUs, but not any crossovers themselves.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope! I've only written in English.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not yet, but I think I will be co-writing in the future....sometime, lol.
All time favorite ship? Honestly....It's gotta be Garrelda (Garreth/Imelda). I just saw so much ship potential between these two, and I thought they were similar in being very passionate in what they love, and I just kept writing them, and it's also a Slytherdor pairing! I also see them with a classic dynamic of Golden Retriever x Black Cat, where he's very sweet and wholesome while she's tsundere. I love them so much, aaaaaaa
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I do have some on-going fics atm, but I am determined to finish them. There are my series of one-shots, though, that I'm not sure I'll add more one-shots to them. Maybe, because I have ideas, but...other ideas just come more easily to write, lol
What are your writing strengths? I...honestly don't know. I guess creativity in AUs would be one? I receive a lot of praise for my AUs, and it is fun to write characters we love in different circumstances or time periods and such. I also think I flesh out characters really well and keep them close to how they are in HL. Maybe some description, but I am not sure.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I have do it with Spanish before, actually! Just a couple things Imelda says, lol. But I do find it easier to write the dialogue in Italics so people know it's another language. I do that because I don't personally know other languages, so I would need to rely on Google translate. However, I have a good friend that speaks Spanish, and she helped me get the right phrases I want in my writing.
First fandom you wrote in? Hogwarts Legacy has been the only fandom I wrote in :]
Favorite fic you've written? Favorite fic I've written.... I think I would say "An Avatar's Legacy", my HL Avatar AU long-fic. It was fun playing with the concept of ATLA and changing it to HL, and I enjoyed writing my favorite characters in that world! 100 chapters and 500k words, and my first actual chaptered fic.... It was such an incredible feat, and I'm still proud of it. I love the story, and it makes me happy that many others love it too!
Thank you to whomever came up with these questions! I enjoyed doing this, and it was nice to go back and see how far I've come :]
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sunnyrealist · 6 months ago
Thank you for the tag @kaidynsarell!
Probably around 5 years old. It was my childhood dream to become an author. I wrote a lot in elementary and middle school and dabbled with a variety of ideas and genres in high school. Then, I had a really discouraging setback - long before Google docs, there was only Microsoft Word, which didn't save to a "cloud" or anything like that. My computer straight up died, and I lost about 100 pages of writing. Mourning the lost story, I lacked motivation, and with college on the horizon, I had other priorities. However, many years later, Hogwarts Legacy sparked my creativity and interest in writing again.
Right now, I'm really into the Romantasy genre (LOVED Fourth Wing and like the ACOTAR universe so far), and I think any Harry Potter romantic fanfiction fits into that genre. However, I also enjoy more "slice of life" modern romance stories (I enjoy Ali Hazelwood, for example) and Dystopian fiction.
There are so many writers I admire, but I want to be seen as unique. I don't want to copy someone else's style. I will just mention that I've seen so many Reylo fanfics get published, and I truly am astonished that publishing houses clearly take notice of them! I'm so happy for any fanfic writer who ends up getting published (Thea Guanzon, Ali Hazelwood, Julie Soto, and many more!)! I do not think that my current work would ever get published, but it's a good first foray back into writing.
I write at home in different spaces. Sometimes I sit at the kitchen counter; other times I sit on the couch while my husband watches baseball or plays video games. In the summer, I go outside on my patio. I also write in a massage chair! (Yes, I have a fancy massage chair!)
I think there are many answers to this. One would be from fanart - especially when it's commissions for my story. Playing Hogwarts Legacy, especially in parts in which the MC interacts with Sebastian, makes me want to write. Honestly, just reading good novels and fanfics (especially smutty ones 😏) makes me want to write and contribute to this fandom, too!
Love and Adventure are themes in almost everything I've written. Now that I really think about it, almost every romance I've written has had some sort of "forbidden" aspect to it - a couple that seems like they are just too different or are torn apart by others but the odds are always defied for a happy ending.
I have a lot of ideas, and although they shift and morph into other plot points often, I just have a drive to tell stories. Now that I've started writing again, I feel like I am somehow fulfilling my childhood wish to become an author.
EVERY comment is motivating, but I love ones that mention specific parts of my fic or have theories/predictions because it means someone is actually reading.
Someone who has interesting ideas, has strong characterization in their writing, and can surprise readers with unexpected twists. Also someone who can deliver some high-quality smut! 😏
My husband thinks I do a good job of portraying characters accurately and writing emotional scenes. IDK... Tough question.
Some days I feel like I'm doing great - other days I feel like my work isn't all that interesting. I definitely improved a LOT over time - looking at my first few chapters, I struggled with verb tense (I would go back and forth between present and past tense) and making dialogue sound realistic. My writing is often very sappy, and while I enjoy that, I'm sure others might not love it. No matter what, though, in the end, I write for myself and my own enjoyment, and that helps me to keep going. Every chapter allows for improvement.
No pressure tags (trying to avoid double-tagging): @leafler, @animasola86 (long time no chat but I still follow your writing beyond the HL fandom!), @evaslytherpuff, @ladyofsappho, and anyone else interested!
Thank you for the tag @rypnami 💕
Literally only since Hog Leg came out. I’ve had little stories in my head but only ever started writing recently. It’s all very new😅
I write so much sad/angsty emotions. I think even my “lighter/happy” works end up with angst. But I do love reading a happy little fluffy piece. It keeps me sane.
This one is difficult😅 unlocks too many fears of getting accused of “copying” people. I guess I’m just my own thing. I should be so lucky as to have my name mentioned amongst my mutuals.
I write most everything on my phone. So I guess. Wherever I happen to be at the time. Though, sometimes I do pull out the laptop and a nice candle.
Maladaptive daydreaming. I think about them constantly. Almost 24/7. 😳 But otherwise, reading and music are fantastic.
Mostly grief and angst. Which, yes, is surprising, given I don’t feel I have much experience with either. I’m lucky for that though. 🥹
I literally can’t stop. It’s a problem.😅
Really I’m just happy anyone takes the time to comment anything on what I write. Leaving comments can be difficult. I’m not good at it. So I appreciate anyone who does. 🩵
I would only like to be perceived as for praise. Okay? Okay. 🤣
I hate questions like this😭 I guess conveying emotions or writing descriptions. idk.
Uhh.. see above??😭 I like looking back and thinking I’ve improved in some way. But I enjoy doing it regardless☺️
No pressure tags💕💕
@writing-intheundercroft @sunnyrealist @juneymont @gdwins @slytherizz
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eli-writes-sometimes · 2 years ago
Eli Writes Sometimes - Updated Intro/Masterpost
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Hey! I've been here for a while, but my old intro post isn't amazing, so I've decided to make an updated one, especially as I've got better at using Tumblr since I made that post.
About me
My name is Elias, but I go by Eli most of the time
My pronouns are he/it, and I prefer to be referred to using masculine terms
I'm a trans demiboy, asexual and demiromantic
I'm a minor, so please be respectful of that
When not writing, I play the flute, and this makes up about 10% of my personality
This is the picrew I made my icon with
Where to find me
My Wattpad (I haven't got a lot posted there, but I'm going to post more there)
I have a shitpost/fandom blog at @eli-is-an-idiot
My NaNoWriMo profile
I'm currently sorting out Ao3, but when I do, I'll post a link to that
About this blog
As you might have guessed, this is a writblr!
I've been reblogging things about writing more than actual writing, but I'm hoping to change that and post more of my own writing
My WIPs are under the cut
I write a mix of things, but my current main WIP is a fantasy story
I also like writing stories that have a basis in my own experiences
Not ok with:
Any kind of hate speech or prejudice
TERFS, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, racists or anyone that doesn't respect other people's existence
Entirely NSFW or 18+ blogs (I'm a minor)
Anyone who wants to buy/has bought Hogwarts Legacy
Ok with:
Being tagged in tag games - I love these, and I want to try and interact with other people in this community more, so if you want to tag me in anything, please do!
On a similar note, feel free to send me asks or DMs about your WIPs or OCs, or just anything you want to talk about, I'm always happy to listen!
On the other hand, if you want to ask questions about my WIPs, I'd love that :)
Also, if you want to be mutuals, I'd love that and just follow me, and I'll check you out, I'd love to be more active in the community :)
WIPs and navigation under the cut:
General writing things - #eli writes sometimes
Things that don't include my writing (including games) - #eli doesnt write sometimes
Tag games - #eli tags sometimes
Ask games - #eli answers sometimes
Each WIP has its own specific tag
God of Chaos
Intro post HERE
Genre - Fantasy
Status - Planning/first draft
Specific WIP tag - #wip goc
The Remnants of Shadows
Intro post HERE
Masterpost HERE
Genre - Fantasy, LGBTQ+
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #wip - tros
Content warnings - heavy themes of death
Alya MacNamara has always been a pillar of their community, helping any kids who needed it with any of the problems life threw at them, so when he disappears, there isn't a soul that isn't devastated - but there's nothing they can do, right?
But four of Alya's old kids don't accept this, and swear to find her - separately. The story follows these four as they realise that they aren't alone on the search, and as they try and get along with three others who they have nothing in common with except one person.
For All In-Tents and Purposes
Working title
Intro post HERE
Genre - Coming-of-age, LGBTQ+
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #wip - aitap
Based on my experiences as a closeted transmasc person at a scout camp
One of my favourite things that I'm working on
A young trans boy, Elliot, is forced to go on a week-long scout camp, being forced to live around girls thinking he's one of them, boys who surely won't accept him, and judging adults watching him all hours of the day. The story follows him as he tries to navigate this harsh environment, and survive until Sunday with his sanity.
Stories 7 Year Old Me Would Have Wanted
On hiatus, I want to return to it after NaNoWriMo
Genre - Short story collection
Status - One story posted, second one being drafted
Specific WIP tag - #S7YOMWHW
Chapter One posted on Wattpad HERE
About 25% of it is me judging my younger self
I recently found a book from when I was about 7 full of prompts and story ideas. I had tried to start writing in it but had always lost motivation, or stopped writing and forgotten the "great idea" that I had.
So I'm going to share the prompt, what I wrote then, and what I'd write now.
Enjoy, I guess, and have fun laughing at me as a small child.
Jason King's Guide to the Supernatural
Intro post HERE
Genre - Comedic horror
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #JKGTTS
When Jason King takes a job at a sketchy-looking paranormal investigation company, he’s just looking for anywhere that didn’t ask any questions about why his passport doesn’t match the name that he applied with, not somewhere to make any lifelong connections. He doesn’t know what to expect from being the newbie at Simon Warren’s P.I.S.S (Paranormal Investigation and Sightings Service) Hotline, but it isn’t two bored teenagers who are completely over the seemingly-commonplace supernatural happenings all around them.
The story follows Jason as he tries to adjust to his new life as a paranormal investigator and tries to stay alive while combatting ghosts, demons and insane clients.
Follow the Light
On hiatus
Genre - Fantasy, LGBTQ+
Specific WIP tag - #WIP - FTL
I'm probably not going to go back to this, I might, but it's been a long time
There's an author's note and a love letter posted on Wattpad HERE
This is a world of magic - everyone born with strange and dangerous abilities.
When Caoimhe and Nyx meet, they are both hiding something. But will their friendship help them overcome the challenges presented by society, their families and, most of all, themselves?
That's all for now, thanks for bothering to read this far :)
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gpsstories · 2 years ago
𝓡𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
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Here are the rules for demand, along with the master list of all my writings ever (actually there's none but anyway)
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Rules for demanding work:
First of all, here is what you can ask for:
-Headcanons (one or more characters)
-Scenarios (at least 2 relationships, it can be 2 for two threesomes but it should be 2 scenarios at least)
-One, Two, or Three shots (one relationship, I don't mind if it's 2, 3, or 4 people but only one relationship at once)
-Alphabets (Whole alphabet or only specific letters)
-I can also do headcanon + a scenario at one (at least 3 relationships)
I take all kinds of relationships, platonic, romantic, sexual, or even both if you feel like you want a friend-to-lovers or other kind. As you saw, I take threesome/poly relationships, I also take nsfw under a certain limit. I am able to do both hetero and homo relationships (sexual and romantic). I write character/character, character/reader but not character/OC.
-Incest (except in the case of step-siblings without blood link and older than 18 y.o.)
-Weird kinks like feet, watersports, tentacles, monsterfucking. -NSFW writings involving minors (I can age up the characters if you want to, or make an AU, but I won't write smut for childs sorry) -Anything that involve fetichized sexual assault or sexual violence. That doesn't mean I won't write about those subject or make it happen in my fics, but I won't romanticize it or excessively describe it. I'm just very uncomfortable with that. I'm okay with BDSM and consensual non-con, but I refuse to write for a romantic relationship in which one of the party is abused.
For the rest, it will depend on the demand. It is possible that your demand will be refused, even if it respects all the criteria, just because I'm uninspired or that the thing you're requesting doesn't meet my own view of the characters you're asking for (for example, Jeff the Killer being all lovey-dovey is a no, simply because I can't represent myself him acting like that)
Keep in mind that, as a female-bodied, I have trouble representing AMAB readers/characters. I can and will try to keep my work as gender neutral as possible, except if a request explicitly asks for a specific gender. I am okay with writing every gender, including trans, non-binary and other. But, just like AMAB characters, as I don't experience majority of those genders myself, I won't be able to represent you 100% accurately.
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Here the waited MASTERLIST
To make it easier for everyone, I'll first set a bunch of things:
-🍋 Means this is a big strong nsfw (Lemon)
-��� Means this is a slight NSFW, a little bit hot around the edges
-🌸 Means this is a fluffy duffy work
-⚔ Means an angst
-💧 Means a sad/bad ending
It is possible to find various tags on one work (like a fluff that becomes slightly nsfw or angst with a bad end)
For the rest (reader gender, pairing, title) well, you'll just have to read the title.
Here is the Masterlist featuring the fandoms I will be writing for:
(The Bolded are the ones I'm the most comfortable writing for. That doesn't mean I won't write for the others, just that your request has more chances to be refused of you ask for them.)
Attack on Titans
Blood of Zeus
Bungou Stray Dogs
Castlevania (Netflix series)
Castlevania Nocturne (netflix series)
Death Note
Demon Slayer
Dragon Ball
Fairy Tail (I don't write for 100-years quest sorry)
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter
Hazbin Hotel (No Alastor smut I'm sorry guys)
Hogwarts Legacy
Hunter x Hunter
John Doe (Game)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventures (I don't write for any non-canon sidework)
Kengan Ashura
My Hero Academia
Obey me!
Ouran Highschool host club
Sally Face (NO SMUT)
South Park (NO SMUT)
The disastrous life of Saiki K
Tokyo Revengers
Undertale (NO SMUT)
Vinland Saga
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You can also find my works on AO3 but keep in mind that Tumblr is my main platform, and not all of my works are on AO3.
My AO3 account: grillepaingUwU
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missdawnandherdusk · 5 years ago
Something Old
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One    Part Two    Part Three    Part Four    
Part Five    Part Six    Part Seven    Part Eight
Part Nine
Summary: Now that winter break was upon you, you finally had time to look into what your mother told you about as well as confront the other parent in the situation, the one you dread to think about and the one Draco had to live with.
A/N: Hello my darling loves! We’re finally getting somewhere with plot! And lore! And Latin! ((Seriously, something is lost when you know Latin and can translate the spells on the top of your head... it’s less... magical. But funny because the spells mean exactly what they’re doing and I don’t know if that a cheap lazy move or brilliant.)) Let me know what you guys think! Also I’m toying with the idea of uploading this to AO3... would you guys want that? Love you guys, stay safe. 
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg​ @queenfeatherwings​ @fanficflaneuse​ @go-whovian-universe​ @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise​ @dietkiwi​ @katsukink​ @takemetothekingdom​ @strangerr-things​ @tmnt-queen​ @mccloudchloe​
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Snape eyed me as I smiled through my exam, on cloud none the entire way. I had gotten through my History of Magic exam no problem and now Snape wanted us to recreate our Bellum Amoris antidotes. Weeks of worrying and I was finished with the second fastest time.
Draco beat me by a few minutes—he was allowed to the ingredients first—and we walked out of the exam hand in hand, not caring much about anyone who decided to gawk at us.
I was in too good of a mood. The term was done for the winter, I had finished all of my exams, and I wouldn’t be alone for the holidays when I remained at Hogwarts this year as I had the years before.
“I told you, you had nothing to worry about,” Draco nudged my shoulder. “Except beating my time of course.” A grin stretched across his face. “Which you couldn’t of course,”
I rolled my eyes and let out a laugh.
“I think I’ll be okay missing one point because I wasn’t as fast as you,” I drawled.
“Oh, I’m sure you’re dreading the fact,” He teased back as we made our way to the Great Hall. “Have you heard anything from your mother?” His voice lowered.
“Not yet, thought I suppose she’s waiting to hear from me,” I mumbled. 
“You didn’t answer her!?” Draco grew agitated.
“I did,” I reaffirmed, giving him a look. “But I said that I would talk about it later when we had time to... figure things out? I didn’t know what to say...”
“We’re gonna figure this out,” He reassured as we entered the Great Hall that was really magical with the Christmas decorations and warmth from the people within.
“Y/n! Draco!”
We both tensed until we saw Hermione waving at us along with the four Weasleys and Harry. No one was glaring at us—Draco—so I took that as a good sign as we sat down for dinner.
It was easy to sink into the familiarity and safety of the school, but with the Yule Ball coming, worry nagged at my mind. It was a big deal and an even bigger deal to pure-bloods. Another occasion to show off and “be better” than everyone else. My mother wouldn’t care, and I knew that... but Draco’s parents—father—had to have something to say about it and it worried me.
“Have you heard from your father?” I asked in a soft voice during dinner when the others were concerned with the upcoming task for the tournament.
His expression darkened as he glared at his plate.
So, yes then.
“Dray,” I whispered softly, rubbing his arm softly. “What happened?”
“Not here,” He said curtly, his eyes dancing around the merry scene around us.
I nodded and we both put on masks of calm and ease through dinner. His hand held mine throughout and we both lost our appetites. Maybe I should have written my mother a bit more than the vague note I gave. She would know what to do.
Draco had gotten the letter last night, before he sent you the invitation to dinner. It what prompted him to send it in the first place. He knew that you could take away the depressing cloud that hovered whenever his father spoke to him.
And you did, almost easily. When he was with you, it was easy to focus on your smile, the way your hair fell into and out of place constantly, the way you almost danced down the hallways because you always gave off the demeanor of not having a care or fear in the world. It rubbed off on him. He’d rather be frustrated with the simple secrets that you kept than frustrated with the conflict about family and legacies.
And you were exactly what he needed last night. Your warmth, and comfort, the games you played and gentle touched you gave and small sounds that were his now to hold. But there were
still dark moments of the night that he couldn’t escape when his father’s words weighed him down.
Draco would never understand how you managed to pick up on the fact that his father had sent him something. Maybe he hadn’t given it away and you were just worrying again.
After dinner the two of you split up for some time, to drop off books and changed from school uniforms and in your case hopefully to find something warmer to wear.
Draco almost didn’t want to take you up to the Astronomy Tower because it was so frigid outside. He racked his brain for anywhere else to go in the school that offered solidarity and warmth. He could sneak you into the Slytherin dorms... but it might pose a danger to you as his house wasn’t as welcoming as yours had been to his relationship with you. The library seemed to be the best place at the moment to finally start looking into what was going on.
He met you outside you Common Room, as always and the two of you walk together. he had taken your books from you the moment you stepped out and though you gave him a curt you, you said nothing.
“I was thinking maybe we go to the library,” He offered. “It’s too cold for you in the Tower.” You hummed in agreement, silent in your thoughts again.
“It’ll probably be empty because of the end of term,” You mused, nodding as if you had settled on the idea.
“You’re quiet again,” He noted, the notion bothering him more than he thought.
“Now there’s an idea.” He teased as the two of you sat in a back table in the vacant library. 
It wasn’t the same as being alone with him in the Astronomy Tower, but it was much warmer being surrounded by lit fires and a million books.
“Where do you want to start?” The question slipped through as I pulled out parchment and quill to take notes.
I knew the last thing he wanted to talk about was his father, but that’s what worried me the most. It was all for naught if his father could get between us and make whatever this had become into a tragedy. As if he knew this, he slid a folded parchment over to me, not meeting my eyes.
Taking it, I took a breath in and opened it: 
I have heard many rumors about you, and I pray that none of them are true. You have been raised better than to fraternize a Lupine let alone allow her to kiss you. It is atrocious behavior and it will stop immediately.
They are a disgrace to pure bloods everywhere and are almost worse than the Weasleys. I have raised you with higher standards than this. I am appalled to even hear that these things might be going on.
I do not want you to go near her. I want to hear nothing of you being with her or the people she considers friends. Do not believe her lies or the things that she tells you. It is what the Lupines do. They lie and bend the truth into something that is horrendous. It is what they have always done, and you know this.
She is nothing more than a she-demon come to ruin everything that I have built for you and to steal everything that I have worked all my life to give you.
You are a Malfoy. Do not forget that.
I am beyond disappointed to hear this. Correct what has been done immediately. 
Your Father,
Lucius Malfoy
I frowned at the letter as I read it a few more times, trying to figure out what I wanted to address first. At the moment, I just wanted to send this to my mother and see what she would do knowing the fire in her was stronger than mine. But I didn’t do any of that.
Instead, I placed the letter down and looked up to wary blue eyes. “Well,” I whispered. “What are you going to do?”
“What do you mean what am I going to do?” He snapped; a soft look from me and he took a deep breath, calming.
“If... I know that I’ve dragged you into this. And that you didn’t have much of a choice. So, if you want to... I...” My gaze fell to my lap as I tried to find the right words to tell him... to let him go.
“Why would you think—”
“Because I don’t want you to get talked down to like this by someone who’s supposed to love you!” I threw the letter on the table. “I’m... I’m not worth ruining... You shouldn’t be treated like an errant child because you’re talking to me,”
“I’m always treated like an errant child Y/n,” He scoffed. “Now at least I have a good reason.” 
“What?” I looked up, the frown returning to my face.
“Nothing I ever did for my father has been good enough. I think landing in Slytherin was the last time he was actually proud of something that I did.” Draco picked up the letter and rolled his eyes, tearing it in half.
“What are you doing?” I demanded.
“What I should have done when I got this letter,” He muttered, tossing it into the nearest fireplace.
I marveled at him, a small smile playing at my lips. I had hoped he would choose me, but now that he had, something heavy was lifted from my shoulders. Though I still wasn’t quite taken with how his father talked to him, but I knew it wasn’t my place to go against Lucius no matter how much of a...
Never mind.
“Now, to the books?” He sat back down, picking up the book I had taken from him not too long ago and he leafed through the pages.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly for a moment and whispering a small thanks before we settled in to read. Taking another book—The Nature of a Soul— from the stack, we got to work. My eyes scanned the table of contents and then the pages.
...Every person has a soul created of the either stars, or earth. Those who have earthen souls are born without magic, but those with Souls of The Stars will grow to be wizards. It is not genetics that decides but the universe itself...
I scribbled down notes as I read, leafing through pages.
...Souls born of the same matter bond to another. It is rare for a Soul of The Stars to bond, but when it does happen it is the work of the universe and no man or magic can break it. This was known as the Consentire Animi Pace. Seers of our kind have often prophesied about Great Darkness that would take hold before these Animi came to unite what was unraveled by generations past. Millenia has passed since this foretelling and it is doubted to exist...
I nudged Draco and showed him the page, watching the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly and he gnawed on his lip when he read something due to concentration. It made me smile.
“Great Darkness?” He muttered softly.
“You know as well as I do who it could be,” My voice was soft and hesitant.
I knew that Draco’s father had fought alongside Voldemort in the first war and I wondered what happened if it came down to it, what would Draco choose? With what I knew from Harry’s
adventures and life story, the threat of Voldemort loomed now more than ever. Was that the Great Darkness that the text referred to?
“This talks about a prophecy,” He murmured, pulling the book that he was reading. “That might be what this is, I can only make out some of it...”
He showed me the carpet page filled with intricate designs and detailed lettering. Some of the page was burned away, leaving half in its wake. I ran my hand softly over the artwork before reading the script:
Nox defluet et malum surget. 
Dos Animī consentiens
Eō die, nox non vincet
Cum illī ...
I stared at the text, grabbing my parchment and slowly translating.
“What do you know?” I asked softly. “What could you translate?”
“Nox is night, malum, evil...” His brow furrowed again.
“Night... falls—will fall and evil will rise. Two souls... joining?” I wrote down what I could. “On that day, night will not conquer, because these souls...”
“You can read this?” He was baffled.
I shrugged. “Just some Latin. Mother taught it to me. That’s why spells are so easy for me... it’s just Latin all I have to do is translate.”
“Bloody hell that’s genius,” He muttered.
“But some of the prophecy is missing... I think most of it probably.” I mused, leafing through the book to see if I could find anything else.
“Do you really think that this is about is though?” He asked softly, timid. “Even if it’s not... it’s still something to know. And it might be important.”
“The only person who would see this as important is Trelawney.” Draco scoffed, leaning back in his chair.
“Maybe she’s the one we really need to talk to if prophecies are caught up in all of this.” I thought aloud. “Did you find anything else?” I looked up from my notes.
“Nothing of use. You?”
“Souls apparently are made from either stars or earth and magic or muggle has nothing to do with genetics,” I shrugged, reading over my notes. “So that’s new I guess.”
“What do you mean it has nothing to do with blood?” He snapped.
“I read it; I didn’t say that it was law. And what does it matter anyway? Magic is magic, no matter who uses it or doesn’t.” I defended, narrowing my eyes.
He grumbled and folded his arms sulking.
“Draco,” I chided, but gave up the notion.
I knew it would take time to undo what his father had engrained in him. Maybe this was step one.
Soon after finding nothing more about the prophecy or soul matter, Pince said that she was closing the library for the night and that we should head to bed before curfew. Returning the books to their proper places, Draco and I walked quietly along the halls.
“I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Draco sighed, taking my hand. “Forgive me?” 
I nodded and offered a small smile.
“We grew up in different worlds, it was bound to clash eventually.”
“Doesn’t make it right for me to take it out on you,”
I raised an eyebrow at him, a smug smile finding its way to my face.
“Yeah, yeah shut up.” He muttered.
“One step at a time,”
We walked along in thought, no words needing to be spoken. Pausing outside the Gryffindor portrait, Draco leaned down and pressed a soft and gentle kiss to my lips.
“Goodnight Y/n,” 
“Goodnight Draco,”
There were words stuck on the tips of our tongue that neither of us dare to utter but felt all the same:
I love you.
Part 11?
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years ago
How You Two Meet- Harry Potter Preference
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A/N: Hello! Well, here is the first of the Harry Potter Preference series! This is my first time writing for Harry Potter, as I’m still kind of new to the whole fandom. Please be gentle with any feedback because I’m really nervous about this. I love the boys in the HP universe; these seven being my top favorites. I hope I have done these boys justice because I tired to be as accurate as possible, like I always try to do with any of my works. Some of the information has been made up but for the most part, everything should be accurate. If there’s something incorrect, please let me know! 
Y/H/H = Your Hogwarts House
Y/L/N = Your last name
Word Count: 2,469
Warnings: Bullying, self-doubt, shyness, FLUFF!
Requests to be tagged in this series is OPEN! Feedback is ALWAYS welcome and greatly appreciated! 
Check out my masterlist of masterlists to see all the fandoms I write for! All fandom requests are currently OPEN! 
Harry: You and Harry met one day in your First Year, when you accidentally bumped into him in a hallway, as you were exploring the grounds of the school, without your house or permission.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” you say, looking up to the young boy in front of you, big round eyes focusing in on yours.
“Oh, it’s quite alright,” he says, adjusting his glasses as they have been thrown out of place in the incident.
“Miss (y/l/n), Mr. Potter, what are you two doing outside of your houses? It is after hours and you two are not accompanied by an elder of your houses,” Professor McGonagall said, eyeballing the two First Years suspiciously.
“I’m sorry Professor McGonagall, but I got lost. I heard a disturbing noise coming from one of the paintings and I wanted to make sure everything was okay,” you quickly think up a lie.
“I see, and what about you, Mr. Potter?” Her attention now focusing on the legacy student.
“I heard the noise too and when I came out to look, I noticed Miss (y/l/n) was in the dark so I had my wand to illuminate the wall,” Harry lied too, taking your side.
“I see, well off to bed, the both of you!” McGonagall said, demanding you two headed back to your house before she left swiftly.
“(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), (Y/H/H).” You say, introducing yourself and house to Harry.
“Harry Potter, Gryffindor, but I guess you knew that already,” he chuckled nervously at his celebrity.
“Well, goodnight, Harry Potter of Gryffindor,” You nod to him.
“Goodnight (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) of (Y/H/H),” He says, nodding back to you, smiling at you.
Draco Malfoy was not your favorite person in the beginning. In fact, you found him quite annoying. He didn’t seem like he was owning up to his potential and was more concerned with being the best and everyone in the class was less than he was, instead of actually focusing on being a good wizard, which infuriated you. It wasn’t like attending Hogwarts was affordable for everyone; you were in on a scholarship. And Draco made sure to let everyone else know, that his father was the esteemed Lucius Malfoy, one of the wealthiest men in England. It was in Snape’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class, where you finally had had enough of Malfoy’s attitude.
“What a failure,” you heard him mutter to his Slytherin friends at one of the students in the class who couldn’t grasp a lesson Snape was teaching.
“You know what Malfoy, no one cares about your Father or all the money you have. The only one who actually cares about any of that is you. You don’t have anything worthy of being at school except for the silver spoon in your mouth that you were born with, so why don’t you go back home to your Father and complain to him about every little inconvenience that you encounter? Maybe he could sympathize with you cause no one here certainly does,” You say, quickly turning back around in your seat to face the front of the class again before Snape had told you to pipe down.
“Wait until my father hears about this,” he mutters that famous arrogant speech, but right behind you, to show you he had more leverage. You froze in your seat, afraid to look back at him until Snape forced him back to his seat.
“That will be all, Mr. Malfoy,” Snape says, shooting daggers at the member of his own House.
Draco rolled his eyes but went back to his seat. You were scared to ever look or approach Malfoy again, but he had other ideas. Yes, you were quite the puzzle piece to Draco and he was going to solve you. No one dared to stand up to him, so why did you?
What can be said about the gingered-hair boy from Gryffindor? Well, he was your best friend and he held your heart. It started when you were paired with him in your First Year Potions class. Not really sure how to put a potion together, you and Ron being paired up, may not have been Professor Snape's best idea. However, you two rose to the challenge and worked well together. It would’ve been worse if Ron didn’t insist on making you laugh but that is what made you succeed. He watched carefully, as you added different ingredients, eager to step in if something went wrong. To both your surprise, you didn’t mess anything up and the potion was mixed perfectly.
“Hmm, yes, it appears that Weasley and y/l/n have completed the potion. Not bad, for the First Years,” Snape said to the class, showing some form of recognition, but you two weren’t sure how to handle his response.
“Wow, you guys, First Years never can get their potions done right the first time,” Hermione said, impressed with your good work.
“Well I can’t take all the credit, Ron really helped out. He made me laugh and that relaxed me so I could focus and then,” you explain, looking to your partner, who just smiled at you.
“She has all the talent here; I just helped,” Ron admits, shrugging his shoulders.
“But I couldn’t have done it without you; thank you, Ron,” you say, picking up your books and leaving the class. You felt his eyes on you as you left the room and you were glad, he couldn’t see the blush that had sprouted on your cheeks.
“Come on y/n, you have to come watch the Triwizard Tournament with us,” Hermione said to you, as you wanted to just stay in your room and away from the sea of spectators at the first task of the Tournament.
“No, I’m good right here. I’m just going to read up on spells; I need to get better for the next Charms class,” you say, fighting to stay put.
“Really? You’re the best in our class, well besides Hermione of course. You don’t need to practice anything,” said Ginny, who wanted you to go just as much as Hermione seemed to.
“Yeah come on, y/n, Cedric Diggory is going to be there,” Cho teased, as Ginny and Hermione joined in on the giggles of affection for an attractive boy. Sure, you thought Cedric to be cute, but he was one of the most sought-after boys in the Tournament, along with Harry and Viktor Krum. No way would someone like Cedric even know you were alive.
When you had joined the group of students and faculty of Hogwarts as the first task of the tournament began. The champions of each school, went one at a time, to capture an egg from a dragon. This didn’t sound too difficult at first but as you sat on the edge of your seat, watching each champion struggle to get their egg, it proved to be near impossible. However, each champion had eventually achieved their goals and made it to the next round of the tournament.
“Oh alright, if it will get you lot to shut up!” You say, and jump up to get ready; your friends doing the same.
“Hey, let’s go congratulate the winners!” Hermione said, dashing down the stands and to an area where spectators could visit with the champions, as long as they knew one of the champions of course.
“Hi, Harry!” She bounces up to her brunette friend, hugging him immediately. “You did so great, we were all so worried!” Harry chuckled, hugging each of you before he talked about how the first task was for him.
“Hey Potter, good work out there,” a voice from behind you said, suddenly drawing on them.
“Hey, thank you, Cedric. You too,” Harry said, shaking the hand of his opponent, as all the girls had their eyes on the Hufflepuff, even you.
“What? Oh, uh, yeah, good, good job Cedric,” You say softly, avoiding his gaze that was set on you.
“Yeah Cedric, you were amazing, that’s what (y/n) here was saying the whole time you were in the arena,” Cho said, bringing you out of your daze and to the group of students.
“Thank you too, (y/n),” he said, offering you a small smile and eventually starting a friendship with you.
Not being the most popular or liked boy in Hogwarts, is what you drew you to Neville Longbottom. You both enjoyed a lot of the same things and you were always there to help him when he struggled with his spells. The other students would laugh at him when a spell backfired and somehow managed to blow up in his face, quite literally, so you took it upon yourself to help out and stand up for him.
With his first attempt at flying, he had managed to completely lose control and ended up crashing, injuring himself quite seriously.
“Hey, not everyone can get these spells down so easily! It’s not like any of us are on the same levels are Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall or whomever else you want to be like; we’re all beginners. Stop picking on him for not getting something perfect his first try!” You yell at every student in your flying class.
“Neville!” You scream as you see him hurt and you rush over to him before Rolanda Hooch tells you to move aside so she could take him to be cared for.
“Why do you defend him? He’s nothing but a waste of a wizard,” Malfoy says, poking fun at the now injured student.
“Because unlike you Draco, he’s a good person, and sometimes people, even magical ones, need help,” you say back to the Slytherin, who just rolled his eyes.
“Oh of course you’re going to stick up for her, Potter!” Draco snarls back, attempting to falter the confidence of the popular Gryffindor but didn’t fumble.
“Just leave her alone, Malfoy,” Harry said coming to your defense.
“Yeah, I am. I’ll stand up for her, for Neville, for anyone who has to put up with the likes of you,” Harry said and you appreciated his support.
“Thanks, Harry,” you smile at him before rushing off to the hospital wing of the school.
“Now I believe there is someone who could really use a friend right about now,” Harry said, turning to you, with his hand on your shoulder.
Being a few years ahead of you, made it near impossible to get the attention of one of the Weasley twins. You decided you wanted to get as close to the Weasley family as possible, to see if you could at least become friends with Fred. You knew the Weasleys were a family of strong and passionate people, and when they accepted you, you had friends for life. The legacy of the family was starting to form, as you took notice of all the twins did together. They fought alongside one another in every battle and you knew you wanted to be apart of that somehow. Lucky for you, you had grown to befriend Ginny, and when she would invite you over to her house, you got to see first-hand, how Fred was outside of school. It turned out he wasn’t much different from in school, but he had his mischievous side and he had, on occasion, a more quiet side, that you took notice in. Without thinking or trying too hard, you had become friends with all the Weasley kids, with as often as you were at their home. Fred had made a joke about how you should dye your hair red and you’d fit right in.
“No, I’m not going to dye my hair red just to look like you lot! I like being the only one in this house without any red hair. Plus, I’m not even a Weasley so it doesn’t matter,” You say as you shrug your shoulders.
“Don’t say such a thing, (y/n) you are a huge part of our family, especially since someone here is quite taken with you,” Molly said, shooting a wink your way. Your eyes widened as you thought of who of the Weasleys could like you.
“It’s Fred by the way. He’s just fascinated with you,” George says, coming over to you while you were in the kitchen helping Ginny with the dishes.
“Yep, call it a twin thing, but I know when my brother likes someone and I know he’s interested in you. He’s just testing the waters right now, but don’t be surprised if he ends up asking you out,” and with that, George was gone.
“What?” You say, surprised to hear that anyone liked you.
Much like his twin brother, George was resilient at cracking jokes, making everyone laugh and befriending nearly anyone he came in contact with.  Both Weasley twins fought long and difficult battles but their bond was unbreakable, and it was admirable, to say the least. You had shared a class with him every year, and you always sat close behind him and Fred. Surely, the twins were very similar to the other yet very different. It was originally his idea to one day open a toy store but that was a far-off cry from his day-to-day classes as a fifth year. It was then, that he began to show an interest in befriending you.
“Hey, you’re (y/n) right?” He had come over to sit beside you during your lunch hour at school.
“Um, yes,” you said, not sure as to why he was talking to you. He was never rude to you before, but he and his brother always seemed occupied with other friends at school or with his family.
“Well, I just wanted to see if you were okay. I noticed you hadn’t been sitting around me and Fred anymore so I hope you’re okay,” he commented, looking right into your eyes.
“Well yeah, you’ve sat behind us every year now. You think I didn’t notice a pretty face like yours?” He compliments, causing heat to rise on your cheeks.
“You noticed that?” You ask, surprised that he paid any attention to you.
"I guess not," you said, brushing hair behind your ear. “But yes, I am okay, I just…nothing is wrong, thanks,” you avoid the real reason you couldn’t sit near him anymore, but he pushed an idea on you.
You thought about it for a minute, but eventually, took his hand and followed him to where his brothers and sister sat. You had made it a routine to sit with the Weasley children every day, immediately enjoying their company and surprisingly, they accepted you too.
“Well, how about you come and sit with me and my brothers and sister for lunch? You don’t need to be sitting alone,” he said, standing from his seat and offered you a hand up.
Forever tags:  @tloveswriting @fandom-princess-forevermore @hobby27 @juju-la-tortue @thwiso @marvelfansworld
Harry Potter tags: @angelinathebook @slut4mggstyles @lunalovecroft
New tags:  @thinkinghardhardlythinking @spnjediavenger @deansmyapplepie​ @angeredcrow​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
*If you would to be removed from any tag lists, please send me a DM! If you would like to be added to another list than what you are currently in, please send a DM!*
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riveir · 4 years ago
wishlist plots & aus.
i’ve been meaning to do this for a while but because i’m a person that really strongly prefers plotted interactions and also runs into problems with actually getting those more developed things going, i figured compiling wishlist stuff and stuff that comes from my own brain might be helpful. i’ll keep this linked in the pinned post if anyone ever wants to draw from it for a starter call or whatever, and to also make it easier for me to find if plotting ever hits a road block.
peace corps. this would technically fall under the umbrella of one of river’s canon au verses, the one in which he lives but is in the less realistic scenario where he rejects his parents’ wishes and goes ahead and joins the peace corps. this could be a really good way to get muses from two different canons / universes / etc. to meet, because the organization brings all these people together into one group sent to work somewhere overseas. river works as an english education teacher, and where they’re working can be totally open. could be used as mentioned before, but also as sort of a stepping stone for river to start a life beyond the states / open up opportunities for him that will take him away from home, etc etc. just a fun way to take him out of his usual settings and throw him in a new place under new circumstances, whether your muse is in the corps with him or if they’re just in the same place and they meet under different circumstances.
political dynasty. rather than holding a high position with goldman sachs, river’s father has an influential political position ( like a diplomat or foreign ambassador, which could explain river living years of his life at least somewhat abroad ), something that would put the family under a microscope on a national scale. could be a very kennedy-esque thing where politics is sort of just like the family business and river would be expected to carry that mantle as well ( which, obviously, he doesn’t really want ). this could go a number of different directions because the barkleys would be considered high profile individuals: bodyguard stuff, danger stuff, etc. i’m open to anything here, this would just be the groundwork to set up some conflict that would be more specific to your muse and their circumstances, since this is pretty adaptable on river’s end. i’d also be willing to write river older than i usually would ( as a younger adult ), because i think being nationally known would change his circumstances a bit and yada yada i can elaborate on that more if anyone asks, if we wanted to go the route where river himself is the political figure, probably a junior congressman or something. he could pretty controversial, as mental health advocacy and gun control would probably be two of his biggest agendas / two of the most important components of his platform.
modern royalty. similar to the above, but rather than coming from a political family, river comes from a monarchical family. obviously not based in the united states but could open up similar plotting opportunities as listed above. for one example he could still be attending a traditional university, and could open up opportunities for your muse to be a classmate of his ( as a friend sure but maybe there’s some benefit your muse could gain from making friends with him or something shadier like that ), or maybe you’re super annoyed that he’s there because like who cares about the royal family and why does he get so much attention, or maybe your muse knows he hates the attention and it gets to a point where he actually has to be fearful about it and there’s some way your muse can help him out.
fake dating. this is a jam of mine always. river could have several reasons of his own to be in a fake relationship, and this could work especially well in another au like the political dynasty or modern royalty scenarios, but it could totally come more from your muse’s end as well. it could also be a thing where river’s parents are trying to set him up with your muse if that would make sense, because that’s a very wasp-y rich people thing to do. 
period aus. this one is super open but river could work really well for this type of thing, especially because his family is so old fashioned in a lot of ways and very traditional in how they expect their family to be and how they expect river to be and all that. also could work super well for this letter writing plot i have in my wishlist tag.
ghost!river. this would have to be plotted for sure because the way river’s “ghost” canonically manifests is as an extension of the other person; he exists to give them advice or as their moral compass/conscience or something like that. it can be different depending on the muse, but he manifests at their own will and serves some sort of purpose for them. he’s more of a guiding force of some sort rather than an actual ghost coming back to reveal new information or anything like that. he wouldn’t do anything that the other muse wouldn’t think he would do, and wouldn’t tell them anything they didn’t already know. the exception to his in river’s canon is when the protagonist has a near-death experience and sees river in the afterlife and they have an actual conversation as two separate entities, and that could definitely be something i’d be up for, too.
champagne problems. this song off of evermore has enormous river energy. from the genius description of the song: “’champagne problems’ tells the story of a woman who shocks her would-be fiancé and their loved ones by turning down a marriage proposal right before christmas ... the song depicts ‘longtime college sweethearts [who] had very different plans for the same night, one to end it and one who brought a ring.’ the song implies that the protagonist has a history of mental illness, which the town subsequently stigmatizes in their gossip surrounding the failed proposal.” river could be either of the people in the couple for obvious reasons ( either the wealthy person from the well-to-do family all expecting the proposal, or the person who breaks it off and is subsequently - or, maybe, already is - the subject of that gossip ). the circumstances of the breakup can vary depending on the specific relationship between the muses: maybe they were really in love and had a great relationship but the influential family just had too much influence and pressure, maybe the stigmatization and gossip was a bit too much, maybe neither of their hearts were really in it and it was just an advantageous thing that appeased the big family but the other person ultimately just decided they couldn’t go through with it. as i am with everything i’m totally open here. it also totally doesn’t have to match the exact circumstances and can just be based on the general idea. ( in the same vein, here’s a link to some cool folklore-based plots )
apocalyptic danger. or to be honest, any sort of scenario that creates a life or death (or near life or death) situation for one or both of our muses. in all honesty i just love raising the stakes.
musician or actor river. even though it’s not my favorite alternative path to explore for him to seriously pursue acting or music as a career, it could open up some potentially cool dynamics that i’d be down with. maybe river plays piano in a bar or restaurant or whatever at night during college and your muse loves open mic night. maybe they’re doing a show together in college or maybe even out of college if i think it would make sense that river could get to that point in life. maybe river’s actually achieving some level of success and has some degree of notoriety. idk this is just an option that could be cool if we develop it enough ( cause like i said, without that development and specificity to our muses i’m not as into this route for him specifically)
childhood best friends to lovers. ( or some variation ). self-explanatory, just my favorite trope. some wishlist stuff here.
wishlist post #1: “i just want a plot where it’s two rich kids who live in neighboring estates and their families always throw parties together and they have vacation homes in the same spots and their elite parents are too busy to notice when they sneak off to fuck in that second guest bathroom that no one uses or get high in the back library and makeout”
wishlist post #2: “give me a we broke up because i had to move away because of school and we knew we couldn’t do long distance but oh my god i’m home for christmas and you’re still beautiful and we’re wine drunk slow dancing to the sound of elf on the television and you smell like hot chocolate and i miss you so much please don’t let this end again plot !!!!!”
wishlist post #3: “someone give me “you live in the apartment across the hall and you’re so fucking hot but i get so awkward around you even though you act completely normal and i stutter every.time. you’re out of my league anyway but then one night my stupid roommate locks me out and i forget my key and you see me sitting the hallway so you invite me in. and obviously i say yes but holy crap what is happening” plot pretty pls”
wishlist post #4: “au where it's a blind date gone wrong/really awkward first time/two people who just get off on the wrong foot but keep on running into each other and then slowly fall for each other”
wishlist post #5: “give me best friends who harbor feelings for each other . they’ve acknowledged the feelings but they don’t do anything about it , because the friendship is too precious . and when one of them is finally ready to say “ fuck it, let’s take the risk ” , they see the other making out with another person”
i also always just want more college things and things in pre-established canon universe aus ( all linked in my pinned post, but including hogwarts, gossip girl, legacies, riverdale, etc ). i’m also always down for plotting ships.
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animasola86 · 6 months ago
Writer Interview Game
Thank you for the tag @moongurl95 - what a fun game! Let me ramble about my writing for a bit! :D
When did you start writing?
My earliest memory of writing anything was in elementary school. I went to a Montessori school where you had a few "free" periods before the actual classes, and I used that time mostly to write silly little stories about whatever I was into at that time.
That continued throughout my school life, I always enjoyed writing for school projects, and it really motivated me when the teachers would be surprised at what came out of my head (I was a shy kid, so my only outlet were these stories).
As for fanfiction, I think I started in 2005 when I joined FanFiction.net, and of course it was a Harry Potter fanfic. Several, actually. I even finished at least two long fics back then - an accomplishment I haven't been able to do since then, I guess. Ah well.
What really kickstarted my writing spree was Hogwarts Legacy and how the fandom used to be back in 2023 when it was all fresh and exciting. I've never written so much in my life! So I'm really grateful I can still sit down and write whatever comes to mind.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Hmm. I usually write what I read/read what I write, if that makes sense, but I used to be a big thriller and horror book enthusiast (before the smut took over my brain), so those genres I certainly have yet to explore in my own writings more.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm not sure I like to be compared, to be honest. I don't compare myself with anyone, either. And emulating anyone? Hmm. I mean, every single piece of fiction I ever read has a place in my brain, and subconsciously or not, my writing style will have traces of whatever I read last.
And I could name names now, but honestly, I just want to be an author, one day have my own story published, hold it in my own two hands, not to see my name on the cover (because that's actually a terrifying thought), but to know I've made it somehow, made it on the shelf next to all these other authors.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have a bedroom with a desk and a laptop hooked to a screen and a nice keyboard that makes writing very easy (if the words flow, that is...). Nothing fancy, it's really cluttered too, but it works. I also wrote some of my drabbles on my phone before, but I prefer to write on the pc (autocorrect is a bitch), I need the control!
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hyperfixation. Very hard to achieve, but when it's there, oh boy, hold me back or I'll write ten oneshots in a day (not really, but it did feel like it at the best times). Once I'm in the process of writing, I also need peace and quiet. I wrote a lot of my pieces early in the morning, right after waking up, even before breakfast, just to get the thoughts out. But I don't usually have a set time to write. If the muse is musing, I'll just write, no matter where and when.
And to muster that muse, I'll either doomscroll through a particular fandom or I read similar stories, sometimes even my own works to get back in the flow of things.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Well, I am a smut writer, I write smut, in various shapes and forms and positions and you know the deal. Does not surprise me at all. Though a year ago, I wouldn't have believed you if you told me I'd become what I am today. I always had smutty thoughts, and love and affection were always themes in my writings (see below!) but to write as explicitly as I do now, well, okay, that does surprise me, or it did at first. Now I'm writing about these themes like others write their shopping lists.
What is your reason for writing?
Love. Or lack thereof. I used to be really into psychological or criminal thrillers, and what these types of stories all lacked was love, or relationships, or simply put: feelings, or that bit of fluff between all the killings, you know? So I decided one day to write my own thriller but add a lot of love into it, make love the major theme that drives the crimes so to speak.
Emotions can influence so many things, and I was always reading those stories with these interesting characters and none of them had any connections, or so it felt, and if they had, it was always mentioned in the very back, and I needed details! (I could have tried to find romance thrillers, but instead I took to writing, and I'm not mad!)
Same with my early Harry Potter fanfics. I was always missing real romance in the books, so I made my own stories, put these characters together, smashed their heads against each other and told them to kiss. Worked great. Still works fine.
Apart from my need for romance, I just enjoy thinking up stories, building worlds, creating characters. It's a nice distraction from the real world, and as unhealthy as it may be, I enjoy getting lost in various fantasies. It's helped me a lot over the years.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I'm just happy if I get a comment at all. For someone to not only read and like my writing, but to take the time to share their thoughts? Makes my day every time. Of course I like those comments that go into details, reference the story, ponder over the things I've written. It's really nice to discuss what came out of my head with someone reading it for the first time, gives me a new perspective on things for sure.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Hmm. As someone they like to return to if they're in need of some spicy fics? I don't know, honestly. I hope my readers think good of me, even if I take a long time to come up with new stuff or leave them hanging for a bit. I hope they'll keep coming back, maybe go over my old stuff, enjoy what I already gave them.
I'm okay with being reduced to a smut writer, because that's what I am most of the time, and honestly, I just hope my readers have a good time with my filthy little stories. If, at the end of the day/night, they still remember who wrote that steamy scene, I couldn't be happier.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Juicy details. Writing explicit smut was a challenge at first, but I've conquered it, and now it comes (hehe) so easy for me, I just need to think of a scenario, that tiny bit of necessary plot (which is the hardest part now), and all the puzzle pieces fall together. The challenge is to keep it somewhat diverse, spice it up, not repeat myself (which, in my genre, isn't as easy... you can only do so much with two bodies, right?), which is why I keep diving into various kinks, and oh boy, there are still so many, and I keep learning so much as I surf the very dirty waves of the Internet (until I reach a point where it gets too dark and filthy even for me and I have to go back to reading/writing fluff for a while...).
How do you feel about your own writing?
I enjoy writing, and I do enjoy going back to my older pieces and re-read them, brings me joy to know that *I* was able to write *that*. To be honest, I've never felt uncomfortable sharing my writing, no matter how depraved it's gotten, so, yeah, I feel good about my writing. I enjoy it, and some other people seem to like it too, and that is all that matters to me, to share my joy.
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kissofthemuses · 4 years ago
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FULL NAME: Morgan Rowlands
SPECIES: witch
OCCUPATION: student/healer/holistic healer
FACECLAIM: Troian Bellisario
                        Katharine Mcphee
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 17/18, 34
BIRTHDATE: November 23
HAIR: brown
EYES: brown
HEIGHT: 5'7″
MOTHER: Mary Grace Rowlands (Adoptive), Meave Riordan (birth- deceased)
FATHER: Sean Rowlands (adoptive), Ciaran Macewan (birth)
Siblings: Mary Kathleen Rowlands (adoptive), Killian MacEwan (half-brother), Kyle MacEwan (half-brother), Iona MacEwan (half-sister)
MBTI: ENFP-T / “Campaigner”
ALIGNMENT: lawful good
Morgan is a kind soul with a desire to heal anyone who is in any kind of pain. But, she's shy and, often, self-depricating; she doesn't have low self esteem but, she doesn't see herself as anything special. Actually, much of her life, she felt like she didn't quite fit in with her family. She's generally a studious person with a thirst for knowledge for those things that interested her.
She's been accused, on many occasions, of not being able to see the 'big picture'. And that's true because she tends to focus on what's affecting her and those around her, in the moment. That's not to say she's selfish, she just doesn't really have the ability to step back and examing the situation as a whole. Especially because she is so emotionally driven. Much of the time, she lets her heart rule her head, and this has gotten her into a lot of trouble. She's also extremely stubborn, and, once she sets her mind to something, she will pursue it until it's very end (unless something drastic happens to change her course).
POWERS: Pyrokenisis, shapeshifting (animal forms, mainly a wolf), scrying, spell creation and casting.
LIKES: reading, divination, tea-making, karaoke, research, traveling, sharing what she’s learned, dancing by herself, warm cookies
DISLIKES: feeling weak, fire, sleep paralysis, injustice, bullying, being alone, her own heart,
Morgan Rowlands was born on November 23rd, to Maeve Riordan and Ciaran MacEwan. Though her mother's partner Angus Bramson believed he was her father, a belief Maeve did not correct. Fearing attack by Ciaran, Maeve and Angus gave her up for adoption when she was around 8 months old. Soon after, Ciaran killed them by locking them up in a building and setting it on fire.
She then was adopted by Mary Grace and Sean Rowlands. two years later, her parents had a biological daughter named Mary Kathleen Rowlands. When Morgan was 8, her parents nicknamed her Molly, after they learned of the death of her biological mother and presumed father. Though the Rowlands did not fully understand the exact circumstances of Maeve and Angus's death, they were aware that real magick was somehow involved, and they hoped the nickname would deflect anyone who wished her harm
Morgan lived in Widow's Vale, New York and was a high-school junior when she was introduced to Wicca by Cal Blaire (the new boy in town). The two developed an emotional relationship which only grew stronger when Morgan discovered her heritage, powers, and family origins.
It wasn't long until a Seeker from the International Council of Witches showed up in Widow's Vale to stop Cal and his mother, Selene Belltower, from performing dark magick. Not fully understanding the situation, and completely taken by Cal, Morgan almost killed Hunter while trying to protect Cal. However, Cal's intentions to get Morgan to join the dark side soon became apparent, and Morgan refused him. Cal, apparently, fully realized his feelings for her and tried to "save her" by killing her. He locked her in a hidden, magic room behind his poolhouse and set it on fire. Morgan escaped death thanks to Hunter, and her best friends Bree and Robbie.
This was the start of Morgan's trust in Hunter and, slowly, she found herself falling for him. With his help, Morgan learned more of her heritage and powers. It is with him that she found her birth father, Ciaran MacEwan, a powerful black witch. At Hunter's behest, Morgan got close to her father so that Hunter can bind Ciaran's magic and render him unable to harm anyone else ever again. Part of her hated to do it, but, she knew it was the right thing to do.
Morgan has graduated high school and is now starting college. She continues to study and practice magic, growing ever stronger in her powers.Pre-witched | Tag Morgan is your typical high school junior, trying to navigate school, friends, family, and life.
Morgan is a daughter of Hecate, residing at Camp Half Blood during the summer and with her adopted parents the rest of the year.
After Cal tried to burn her alive, Morgan's family decide that moving would keep her safe. Unbeknown to them, they're drawn to Beacon Hills, where even greater powers await. Morgan is a high school senior, still dealing with the emotional trauma while adjusting to a new town and school.
Morgan is a supposed Muggle-born Gryffindor. Unknown to her still is that she was adopted by muggles, but her birth parents were pure-bloods. Her mother was a gifted healer and her father is an infamous Dark Wizard who murdered her birth mother and step-father.
After leaving Hogwarts, Morgan become a rather noted healer, who had a reputation for being especially kind to those on the fringes of wizarding society.
(Single ship with mcsaiccfmuses's Remus)
After find out about her family's dark legacy and meeting her father, one of the darkest of them all, Morgan gave into that side of her. A black witch now, Morgan is out only for herself.
After the death of her beloved Hunter, Morgan can't seem to settle down. In her thirties, she moves about, continually searching for something can't quite name or find- peace.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years ago
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BBB Week 31 and 32 Roundup!
Two weeks of content here, go make sure to leave our participants some love!
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Title: Height Restriction Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y2 - "Are you even trying?" Ship: WinterIronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: Humor, animal transformation, magic Summary: Hit by a stray spell of Loki's during battle, Tony discovers it has a rather unusual effect. The penthouse was not made for this. Word Count: 2256
Title: Just Don’t Bite Me, Okay? Collaborator: riotwritesthings Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U5 - Animal Transformation Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard and tiny fic, non-graphic injury, vaguely post-AoU, animal transformation, Bucky Barnes on the run, Tony Stark has always been a cat but now it’s official Summary: Tony hates magic. He hates it for a lot of reasons, not least of all his current predicament. Bucky on the other hand is much too busy struggling to stay alive to worry about anything else, much less magic. Right up until he finds an injured cat in an alley. Word Count: 404
Title: The Legacy -  Chapter 2: Discovering the Legacy Collaborator: caiti-creative-corner Link: AO3 Square Filled: C3 - Free Space Ship: Clint/Laura Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary: The Avengers find out about the existence of the Legacy. Word Count: 2834
Title: The Lemurian Star (1625, Georges Batroc) Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Star Watching Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: FBI, Art Theft, "He's a Ghost Story", idiots to lovers, Blow Jobs, How to Get Fired Summary: “Are you here to talk about the case?” “You mean my case,” James fixed him with a stern glare. “It’s not your case.” Steve blinked at him. “What the hell are you talking about? It’s in my department, Fury assigned it to me...”James shook his head. “You don’t know shit about HYDRA. I do. So yeah, it’s my case.”-Steve gets assigned a wild goose chase of an art theft case with infamous fellow agent James Barnes. Word Count: 3466
Title: Kickstart my heart Collaborator: Kalee60 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - speed dating Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Hospital AU, explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky’s Wednesday wasn’t off to a great start. Not only did he wake up in a hospital with his annoyed best friend staring down at him, his treating Doctor just happened to be way too familiar, and the reason for that was slightly mortifying. With misunderstandings in the air, a snarky nurse who is a pain in his butt and the ugliest neck brace known to man attached to his body. There was no way his Wednesday was ever going to improve. Could it? Word Count: 10,606
Title: Stark Cattle Company: An Omegaverse AU - Chapter 2 Collaborator: lokivsanubis Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - Entry Ship: Stuckony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Interracial couples (Clint/Sam/Brock), Genderism/ alphaism/ omegaism (secondary gender discrimination) Summary: Bucky comes to the ranch and Tony is quite displeased. Word Count: 4180
Title: Favorite Customer Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Bartender Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Prohibition Era, Brief Non-Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Ableism, Brief Body Image Issues Summary: Pierce’s club was located inside of Howard Stark’s hotel--all of his hotels had French names that Bucky had a hard time keeping straight--so the door never swung open dramatically. It was instead located off to the side of the entrance, so unobtrusive that most people missed the entrance to the club completely. But that moment was dramatic, because suddenly Natasha wasn’t the only beautiful person in the club anymore. - World War I vet Bucky Barnes works at Alexander Pierce's speakeasy. One night, Steve comes in to ask for a job. Word Count: 2190
Title: Soldier On Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - “It Wasn’t Worth It” Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Scene, Light PTSD, Established Relationship, Bucky Barnes Recovering Summary: Steve notices that Bucky's arm is causing him pain and gets Tony to work on it. Word Count: 1560
Title: Held Down Collaborator: Avidreader6 Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - Kink: Held Down Ship: SamBucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: slightly PWP, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Teachers, Minor Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson, Anal Sex Summary: Bucky likes being held down during sex and he and Sam think they're ready for actual bonds, but are they? Word Count: 1674
Title: Knives and Pajamas Collaborator: TiBun Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Terrible Choices Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: first meetings, flirting, nudity Summary: Clint is exhausted after a long mission; so what if there’s an assassin in his bedroom? Word Count: 1970
Title: Thirsty Thursday Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: U5 - Comfort Clothes Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: slightly PWP, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Teachers, Minor Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson, Anal Sex Summary: Yes, Steve dressed like a walking Calvin Klein advertisement more days than he didn’t, but this was different. This was Fancy Restaurant Steve. This was Steve straight out of an incomprehensible Gucci ad. They weren’t going to make it to dinner, because as it turned out, Steve was so attractive that it was going to literally kill him before they got the chance to order appetizers. Word Count: 1428
Title: Thunder Witch Collaborator: ariasfandom Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C1 - Thor Ship: Bucky/Thor Rating: Gen Major Tags: AU, WinterThunder, Norse Bucky, moodboard Summary: Instead of falling in New Mexico with Jane and Co., Thor falls in the hands (and heart) of Bucky Barnes, a witch who just so happened to study Norse mythology.
Title: My fuckbuddy is Captain America and other reality-shattering revelations (that keep Bucky awake at night) Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - tension Ship: Stucky Rating:  Explicit Major Tags: Language and sex Summary: “Late night infomercial Cap performer?” Bucky asked in one last, ditch-all effort to force this insanity to make sense. “Documentary reenactor?” Steve didn’t look amused, so Bucky took that as a no .------ When Bucky’s fuckbuddy (who is inexplicably nice to Bucky’s asshole of a cat) wants to attach strings to their relationship, a whole world of secrets trickle into the light of day. Including, but not limited to, Bucky’s love of vodka. Word Count: 12,647
Title: The Soldier and the Whore - part one and two Collaborator: shakespeareanqueer Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - RESCUE MISSION Ship: Stucky/Reader Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mentions of starvation/emaciation, Hydra stuff, mentions of brainwashing/mind control Summary: The Nomad Avengers find a strange and strangely beautiful woman in an abandoned Hydra compound. Who is she? Is she connected to Bucky? Word Count: 3230
Title: It's so Much More Exciting (to Look When You Can't Touch) Collaborator: madrefiero Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Kink: Dirty Talk Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, voyeurism Summary: As soon as Steve adjourned the meeting, they were both moving toward both the door and each other, completely uncaring that their teammates were still filing out. Bucky got to Clint first and slammed into him hard enough to knock him back against the wall. He was vaguely aware of Steve’s worried call of his name, and Natasha in motion in his peripheral vision, but only for as long as it took to push up on his toes and kiss Clint breathless. Half a second later Clint was braced against the wall, long legs wrapped around Bucky’s waist, holding him as close as he could. “Buck, what the hell?” “I swear to Christ, Stevie.” With an irritated growl, he pulled back from the kiss, swearing under his breath. “Look if you wanna watch me suck Barton’s dick, I’m more than okay with it unless he ain’t.” Word Count: 2506
Title: Freedom Collaborator: writing-what-writing Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U4 - Classical Musician Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, drabble Summary: For Bucky Barnes Bingo. Square filled: U4 classical musician Word Count: 100
Title: An American Witch at Hogwarts - Chapter 4: Bucky Barnes Collaborator: ibelieveinturtles Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Jarvis Ship: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow, Jane Foster/Loki, Christine Palmer/Bucky Barnes Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hogwarts AU Summary:  Witches and wizards from all over the world are gathering at Hogwarts for the Inaugeral Wizarding Olympics. Word Count: 5091
Title: Killer Dinner Collaborator: hddnone Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U1 - Innocent until proven guilty Ship: Bucky/Brock Rating: Teen Major Tags: Murderous impulses, drabble Summary: Bucky wants to kill Brock. Word Count: 100
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
                       ❝ Too much light has come out of my darkness. ❞
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LILY COLLINS? No, that’s actually CLARABEL MOREAU. A SIXTH YEAR student, this RAVENCLAW student is sided with THE NEUTRALS. SHE identifies as a CIS-WOMAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SECRETIVE, ANXIOUS, and INTERNALIZING but also INTELLIGENT, CURIOUS, and OPEN-MINDED. 
CHARACTER INSPO: Nell Crane ( THOHH ), Lexie Grey ( Grey’s Anatomy ), Rory Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ), Sansa Stark ( ASOIAF ), Belle French ( OUAT ), Elsa ( Frozen ), Pepper Potts ( MCU )
TRIGGERS ( all tagged ): abuse, neglect, depression, anxiety, panic attacks
– –  the moreau family were purebloods with an extremely long and prolific lineage in france - blood supremacists to the core, they were extremists since god was a boy. but, for the most part, until the last 75 years or so, they stayed out of shit. they kept their lineage pure, they instilled elitist beliefs in their children, they disowned family members who went off the beaten path and that was that. they stayed in france, they stayed with their own, they expanded when they needed to through marriage and having children, but until the start of of the rise of voldemort ( grindlewald certainly shook them up, though ), they didn’t involve themselves. 
– –  séraphine moreau neé travers married into the family and wanted more -- why didn’t they involve themselves? why didn’t they want more? why didn’t they involve themselves? so insulated? as a travers, their family had a history within voldemort’s circle, why didn’t all purebloods aspire for the same? it was a shame, marc andré was relentlessly pushed and coerced by his wife to dedicate himself to the cause during the second wizarding war. they struggled to have children, so she thought, if we can’t have children, maybe just maybe we can have power. the moreau line dropped one by one during the second wizarding war due to this hastiness --  séraphine was brilliant at convincing them of her agenda, but she really was blinded by pure and unadulterated anger & hatred -- especially because she couldn’t fufill her duty as a wife. 
tbh though she always wanted power, she never wanted to be a mother or a fucking wife but like! she was! she was aware that was her place but she was also raised to be smart, disciplined, ruthless, hardworking. the moreau’s might’ve wanted her to take more of a backseat -- at first -- but when they realized she needed room to prove herself to them as a person and not just an object, they decided to give it to her. what did they have to lose?
– – more money ( mo problems ), more everything was poured into the war, they were SURE they were going to win. they were sure they were going to come out of this winning. they didn’t. when the aurors came for marc andré and séraphine, séraphine cleverly played on her fragility, both of them plead the imperius. with marc’s family’s record of staying away from shit -- they got off. it was the year 2000, the moreau family’s prestige deteriorated quite a bit, séra tried to hold onto the crumbling empire that was gone -- she was fucking angry. she had no child, no legacy, they had to rebuild their reputation, they had to do work that she frankly didn’t think they should’ve had to do. as far as she was concerned -- the whole wizarding world were the mad ones for accepting muggleborns and those without pure blood. but she knew she had to lay low. marc followed her lead for the six years until they finally, FINALLY, got pregnant with clara. 
– – she was it. their child was it. their child, they hoped they’d be a boy, would be their key into the good graces of society again -- and many in society were happy for the moreau’s, don’t get it wrong. they might’ve lost some prestige and some status, but they had more years of being jewels of society than being pitied under their belt. their child, their boy would carry on the legacy, the last moreau, he’d be their ticket into everyone’s shining graces again. 
this was clarabel’s first mistake. she was not born a boy. marc was happy though, he fell in love with clarabel the minute she was born, he loved her but séraphine? angry. she felt the same feeling of failure that she had after their side lost during the wizarding war. still, clarabel séraphina would have to make due. 
– – they knew something was off when her bouts of accidental magic were extremely frequent. first, they passed it off as if clara was a show off, as if it was a party trick at events, when guests came over in their townhome in paris. but clara was a very poised, an otherwise controlled, soft spoken child -- it was hard to imagine she’d show off. in fact, they took note of how clara’s nature was just extremely soft. séra didn’t understand it, she must’ve gotten it from her weak father. you coddle her too much, you give her too much attention. too much love. this didn’t effect clara as much until she was older and they realized that this problem, this party trick was not going away. this was a problem. she was a problem. 
to them it wouldn’t have been such a problem if clara could use this excess magic to hurt people, to maim them instead of creating flowers, to do terrible jinxes instead of sprouting butterflies or some really warm, good, light shit. to them, their daughter was a monster for not being monstrous like them, for not being ruthless, for being so soft. 
– –  [ ABUSE, NEGLECT TW ] the neglect, the abuse, while it was definitely a thing while clara was growing up got worse after her 11th birthday. they had enough then, séra at least, had had enough. there was not a day that went by that clara was not chastised, yelled at & put down by her mother. then neglected and not given attention by her father. her father, who was once so loving and caring, that love was rescinded. [ END OF TWs ] clara struggled to understand any of it. she knew that it was because she couldn’t control her magic, sure, pouring herself into books and anything she could to learn how. sure, she knew it was because she was and always had been a disappointment, sure, she had every reason to hate & be terrified of herself ( and deep down, she did, she was ), but she didn’t understand. she didn’t get it. it never clicked the way her magic did. this magic made her feel so good, it made her feel free, the lack of control, feeling that came from it made her elated and here her parents, the people who were supposed to love her most, hated it & her by proxy? what else did they hate that they didn’t understand? what else did they hate that just didn’t make sense?
it was why clara would never completely give in and believe wholeheartedly in blood supremacy. she’s ignorant, sure, but hateful? she couldn’t understand it. they didn’t give her reason. she was observant, kind by nature, and she just couldn’t understand why why you’d hate someone for reasons they couldn’t control. 
– – this conflict brewed in her head until her 13th birthday when after a particularly brutal homeschooling session with her mother, clara lashed out. she yelled at her mother, she sobbed, why do you hate me? why? the emotions that she had built up were so intense, so consuming, so powerful, that they expressed themselves through magic -- resulting in clara sprouting a cherry blossom tree ( she’d seen it in her books & thought it gorgeous ) in the middle of their living room. it was then they packed up their townhome in paris and moved to south of france, bordering monaco, near the water. their daughter was out of control, she was an out of control monster, she needed to be taken care of and they felt isolating and secluding her from the city, from society, from everything, was going to help. it had to.  
– – [ DEPRESSION MENTION ] while clara loved their summer home immensely, she also longed to be around people. besides her cousin odilia and her house elf, she really didn’t talk to anyone which only fed her curiosity further. she painted, she played instruments, she spent copious time alone even though the more and more she did, she craved paris, she craved the outside. she’d always been an extremely curious, open-minded child because of her parents being so vehement against being so -- so she read more and more about people and things she could never be. the only problem was, she could never read enough to replace human interaction, to replace people, to replace touch, feeling  more lonely and frankly, depressed, than she had before. [ END OF MENTION/TWs ]  her mother had always refused to let her go to regular school because of her abilities & outbursts, but as time went by and clara just didn’t get better at controlling her abilities and started to fall behind in regular school -- séra started to give up. it was clear, as much as she’d loathe to admit it, that she was out of her depth and needed help with her daughter -- she did. 
– – beauxbatons was too lax for their taste and because she was coming in the middle of the year, durmstrang didn’t have space. it was minerva mcgonagall that thought, they loathed to admit it, had the most prestige and knowledge on transfiguration that they could access for clarabel, away from french pureblood society, hopefully their child would actually learn something. though reluctant to send her to hogwarts, clarabel went and her life was changed for the better.
it was a really hard transition, from learning how to share a space with 4 other people to being around so fucking many, learning the staircases, answering riddles, but her cousin odilia paired with lily potter and her friends ( though the two groups not together, that was for sure ) helped clarabel  -- the minute her parents caught wind of her friendship with a potter they encouraged the closeness, another secret started to weight on clara heavily besides the bouts of uncontrollable magic which brought her shame. especially considering clara knew that if lily really knew her parents, she’d be furious, though the two did get over the revelation that eventually came -- if only they knew who killed harry potter. 
– – while she loves ghosts, ghouls and the great beyond she finds herself spending more and more time with spirits and her art supplies than people as the war grows more and more heavy on everyone. especially after mcgonagall’s murder, clara’s felt like she’s lost the only person she can imagine that can actually help her with magic because while it’s come a long way she still has an exceptionally long way to go. after a year of being at hogwarts, clara knows her neutrality really is morally wrong, she knows that she’s hurting people by doing nothing but she would hurt the people closest, who she loves, if she took action with either side. though clara could never have the gusto to join something like the death eaters, nor the ability, her parents definitely have encouraged her to marry into a family that has a son/child that supports it. [ ANXIETY TW ]  they want her to become the dutiful wife, the pureblood socialite of the year, but she realizes that is so far away from what she wants that she doesn’t know how to handle her future becoming her now. panic attacks and anxiety attacks, while something she’s dealt with for a very long time have become more and more frequent and the years he spent on practicing her magic seems futile when these emotions take over the way they do. [ END OF TWs ]
NEW TUTOR: maybe a student who helped mcgonagall with clara’s stuff could pick up the slack maybe a teacher could take interest? either way, clara needs someone to help her with this magic because while she’s thrown herself into dueling club, she needs a ton of help. maybe even an outside source! 
CLUB FRIENDS: art club, dueling club, frog choir, hogwarts orchestra ( piano ), clara needs friends or people she knows from those clubs!! 
PUREBLOOD SOCIETY: the society of purebloods! we have some and she’s close and related to odilia travers, so there’s a starting point. she
FIRST KISS: maybe it was at a school party that clara was dragged to? it could be cute and like whatever, honestly, clara would get a lil blushy around them and stuff. 
BETROTHED: LAMOJDJDOJDW sorry to bring this ARCHAIC UGLY PLOT but she would have one and i think it would be interesting to play out. 
THE SUSPICIOUS: maybe someone who’s just suspicious of clara and how she is? is she really that good when she has family and parents like the one she has? is she really playing a game? open to family members of lily as well tbh. maybe someone on the pureblood side who’s suspicious of clara being so close to lily and co.? 
ANNOYANCES: clara isn’t the type to be annoyed by people easily but if she is, while she’ll try to be nice, it’s very hard for her to hide it. who knows why! 
BAD INFLUENCE: clara can be quite innocent about shit, maybe this person is trying to be a bad influence on clara bc its sort of hilarious that she’s so innocent about a lot of pop culture and such??
TUTORS FOR SCHOOL: as mentioned, clara is like barely keeping up with her classes and though she’s not super behind like she was last year, she’s still struggling! someone tutor her!
OPEN TO OTHER PLOTS: i am open!!! even to amending any of these or anything!! 
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feua-old · 6 years ago
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Simself tag! 
I was tagged by the wonderful @teael​ thank you!! I tag @bearcula​ @ouikala​ @candlesundae​ and anyone else who wants to!
What is your full name? Rachael
What is your nickname? Rach
Birthday? 1/23
What is your favorite book series? Probs ‘The Ashes trilogy’ by Isla J. Bick
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Both, I’m a boogara
Who is your favorite author? I don’t really keep up with different authors
What is your favorite radio station? I don’t like the radio :/
What is your favorite flavor of anything? Uhhh
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Rad or Sick
What is your current favorite song? Be Concerned by Twenty One Pilots
What is your favorite word? Lovely
What was the last song you listened to? My Boy by Billie Eilish 
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Steven Universe
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Hercules I guess
Do you play video games? We been knew
What is your biggest fear? Dying without a legacy (wow I’m Alexander Hamilton)
What is your best quality, in your opinion? Nothing lol
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? Everything, I suck
Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats
What is your favorite season? Fall
Are you in a relationship? Haha I wISH but no one wants to date me
What is something you miss from your childhood? Nothing
Who is your best friend? The girl I’ve known since the first day of preschool is my #1
What is your eye color? Sometimes brown sometimes hazel I swear they change
What is your hair color? Auburn
Who is someone you love?  My friends and my crush
Who is someone you trust? My friends and my crush
Who is someone you think about often? My crush
Are you currently excited about/for something? Nope
What is your biggest obsession? uhhhh idfk tbh
What was your favorite TV show as a child? Kim Possible
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My crush
Are you superstitious? A little? idrk
Do you have any unusual phobias? I’m afraid of flying because it might crash
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind cause I love photography but I hate my face
What is your favorite hobby? Sleeping I guess
What was the last book you read? Unbecoming by Jenny Downham 
What was the last movie you watched? Ralph Breaks The Internet
What musical instruments do you play, if any? I can play piano but I don’t have one
What is your favorite animal? Bats
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? - I don’t like picking favorites cause I feel bad
What superpower do you wish you had? Telekinesis 
When and where do you feel most at peace?  No where
What makes you smile? My crush
What sports do you play, if any?  I played T-ball when I was little but now I don’t do that shit
What is your favorite drink? Coke or Tea
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? October 23 or 24 I’m p sure
Are you afraid of heights? a little
What is your biggest pet peeve? People who read like “The. Dog. Was. Brown.” you know?? like robots
Have you ever been to a concert? Yea
Are you vegan/vegetarian? Not comfortable answering 
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An archaeologist (I was a dinosaur kid)
What fictional world would you like to live in? Tbh probably Pokemon cause they chill
What is something you worry about? Everything
Are you scared of the dark? I’m afraid of what could be in the dark
Do you like to sing? Yeah but I actually suck at it
Have you ever skipped school? Nope
What is your favorite place on the planet? Uhhhh
Where would you like to live? Anywhere but here
Do you have any pets? Two cats; Buttercup and Salem
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets
Do you know how to drive? No
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? No but I need them
What is your favorite genre of music? Alternative, rock, emo, a little bit of pop
Who is your hero? My crush basically saved my life so
Do you read comic books? Nah
What makes you the most angry? Ignorant people
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book
What is your favorite subject in school? Art
Do you have any siblings? No
What was the last thing you bought? Seasons I think
How tall are you? 5′4″
Can you cook? Uhh I can kinda make pancakes
What are three things that you love? Music, My friends, My cats
What are three things that you hate? People in my school, math, and coffee
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Female
What is your sexual orientation? Pansexual 
Where do you currently live? The USA 
Who was the last person you texted? My friend
When was the last time you cried? Last night lmao
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Safiya Nygard,Elise Ecklund,Danny Gonzales to name a few
Do you like to take selfies? I don’t like to but I send them to my bff and my crush
What is your favorite app? Prob Pinterest or YouTube
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Rocky
What is your favorite foreign accent?  British
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? England
What is your favorite number? 6
Can you juggle? Lol no
Are you religious? Not at all
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Space
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No
Are you allergic to anything? Dogs
Can you curl your tongue? Yeah
Can you wiggle your ears? No
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? most of the time
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? I don’t get advice
Are you a good liar? Eh, probably not cause I only ever tell the truth
What is your Hogwarts House? Slytherin
Do you talk to yourself? Yea
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
Do you keep a journal/diary? No but tbh I should
Do you believe in second chances? Depends
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Turn it in
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Maybe
Are you ticklish? Yea
Have you ever been on a plane? When I was like 2
Do you have any piercings? I only have ear piercings but I don’t wear earrings anymore
What fictional character do you wish was real? Anyone that I fell in love with while reading about them
Do you have any tattoos? Nah
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? To drop someone who hurt me
Do you believe in karma? Maybe?
Do you wear glasses or contacts? No but I look better with glasses
Do you want children? Yeah 2
Who is the smartest person you know? My crush
What is your most embarrassing memory? I don’t want to talk about that
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? I stayed awake for 2 and a half days in a row
What color are most of you clothes? black white and like other dark colors
Do you like adventures? Depends
Have you ever been on TV? Twice I think
How old are you? 14
What is your favorite quote? Don’t have one
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Sweet
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