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clarabel moreau. xvi. she/her. cis-woman. french. pureblood. sixth year ravenclaw. lover of ghosts, ghouls & the great beyond. neutral.
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
She is so soft, so wing, so gone, so love.
César Vallejo, tr. by Clayton Eshleman, from Selected Writings; “Footsteps,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
                       ❝ Too much light has come out of my darkness. ❞
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LILY COLLINS? No, that’s actually CLARABEL MOREAU. A SIXTH YEAR student, this RAVENCLAW student is sided with THE NEUTRALS. SHE identifies as a CIS-WOMAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SECRETIVE, ANXIOUS, and INTERNALIZING but also INTELLIGENT, CURIOUS, and OPEN-MINDED. 
CHARACTER INSPO: Nell Crane ( THOHH ), Lexie Grey ( Grey’s Anatomy ), Rory Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ), Sansa Stark ( ASOIAF ), Belle French ( OUAT ), Elsa ( Frozen ), Pepper Potts ( MCU )
TRIGGERS ( all tagged ): abuse, neglect, depression, anxiety, panic attacks
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
                       ❝ Too much light has come out of my darkness. ❞
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LILY COLLINS? No, that’s actually CLARABEL MOREAU. A SIXTH YEAR student, this RAVENCLAW student is sided with THE NEUTRALS. SHE identifies as a CIS-WOMAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SECRETIVE, ANXIOUS, and INTERNALIZING but also INTELLIGENT, CURIOUS, and OPEN-MINDED. 
CHARACTER INSPO: Nell Crane ( THOHH ), Lexie Grey ( Grey’s Anatomy ), Rory Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ), Sansa Stark ( ASOIAF ), Belle French ( OUAT ), Elsa ( Frozen ), Pepper Potts ( MCU )
TRIGGERS ( all tagged ): abuse, neglect, depression, anxiety, panic attacks
– –  the moreau family were purebloods with an extremely long and prolific lineage in france - blood supremacists to the core, they were extremists since god was a boy. but, for the most part, until the last 75 years or so, they stayed out of shit. they kept their lineage pure, they instilled elitist beliefs in their children, they disowned family members who went off the beaten path and that was that. they stayed in france, they stayed with their own, they expanded when they needed to through marriage and having children, but until the start of of the rise of voldemort ( grindlewald certainly shook them up, though ), they didn’t involve themselves. 
– –  séraphine moreau neé travers married into the family and wanted more -- why didn’t they involve themselves? why didn’t they want more? why didn’t they involve themselves? so insulated? as a travers, their family had a history within voldemort’s circle, why didn’t all purebloods aspire for the same? it was a shame, marc andré was relentlessly pushed and coerced by his wife to dedicate himself to the cause during the second wizarding war. they struggled to have children, so she thought, if we can’t have children, maybe just maybe we can have power. the moreau line dropped one by one during the second wizarding war due to this hastiness --  séraphine was brilliant at convincing them of her agenda, but she really was blinded by pure and unadulterated anger & hatred -- especially because she couldn’t fufill her duty as a wife. 
tbh though she always wanted power, she never wanted to be a mother or a fucking wife but like! she was! she was aware that was her place but she was also raised to be smart, disciplined, ruthless, hardworking. the moreau’s might’ve wanted her to take more of a backseat -- at first -- but when they realized she needed room to prove herself to them as a person and not just an object, they decided to give it to her. what did they have to lose?
– – more money ( mo problems ), more everything was poured into the war, they were SURE they were going to win. they were sure they were going to come out of this winning. they didn’t. when the aurors came for marc andré and séraphine, séraphine cleverly played on her fragility, both of them plead the imperius. with marc’s family’s record of staying away from shit -- they got off. it was the year 2000, the moreau family’s prestige deteriorated quite a bit, séra tried to hold onto the crumbling empire that was gone -- she was fucking angry. she had no child, no legacy, they had to rebuild their reputation, they had to do work that she frankly didn’t think they should’ve had to do. as far as she was concerned -- the whole wizarding world were the mad ones for accepting muggleborns and those without pure blood. but she knew she had to lay low. marc followed her lead for the six years until they finally, FINALLY, got pregnant with clara. 
– – she was it. their child was it. their child, they hoped they’d be a boy, would be their key into the good graces of society again -- and many in society were happy for the moreau’s, don’t get it wrong. they might’ve lost some prestige and some status, but they had more years of being jewels of society than being pitied under their belt. their child, their boy would carry on the legacy, the last moreau, he’d be their ticket into everyone’s shining graces again. 
this was clarabel’s first mistake. she was not born a boy. marc was happy though, he fell in love with clarabel the minute she was born, he loved her but séraphine? angry. she felt the same feeling of failure that she had after their side lost during the wizarding war. still, clarabel séraphina would have to make due. 
– – they knew something was off when her bouts of accidental magic were extremely frequent. first, they passed it off as if clara was a show off, as if it was a party trick at events, when guests came over in their townhome in paris. but clara was a very poised, an otherwise controlled, soft spoken child -- it was hard to imagine she’d show off. in fact, they took note of how clara’s nature was just extremely soft. séra didn’t understand it, she must’ve gotten it from her weak father. you coddle her too much, you give her too much attention. too much love. this didn’t effect clara as much until she was older and they realized that this problem, this party trick was not going away. this was a problem. she was a problem. 
to them it wouldn’t have been such a problem if clara could use this excess magic to hurt people, to maim them instead of creating flowers, to do terrible jinxes instead of sprouting butterflies or some really warm, good, light shit. to them, their daughter was a monster for not being monstrous like them, for not being ruthless, for being so soft. 
– –  [ ABUSE, NEGLECT TW ] the neglect, the abuse, while it was definitely a thing while clara was growing up got worse after her 11th birthday. they had enough then, séra at least, had had enough. there was not a day that went by that clara was not chastised, yelled at & put down by her mother. then neglected and not given attention by her father. her father, who was once so loving and caring, that love was rescinded. [ END OF TWs ] clara struggled to understand any of it. she knew that it was because she couldn’t control her magic, sure, pouring herself into books and anything she could to learn how. sure, she knew it was because she was and always had been a disappointment, sure, she had every reason to hate & be terrified of herself ( and deep down, she did, she was ), but she didn’t understand. she didn’t get it. it never clicked the way her magic did. this magic made her feel so good, it made her feel free, the lack of control, feeling that came from it made her elated and here her parents, the people who were supposed to love her most, hated it & her by proxy? what else did they hate that they didn’t understand? what else did they hate that just didn’t make sense?
it was why clara would never completely give in and believe wholeheartedly in blood supremacy. she’s ignorant, sure, but hateful? she couldn’t understand it. they didn’t give her reason. she was observant, kind by nature, and she just couldn’t understand why why you’d hate someone for reasons they couldn’t control. 
– – this conflict brewed in her head until her 13th birthday when after a particularly brutal homeschooling session with her mother, clara lashed out. she yelled at her mother, she sobbed, why do you hate me? why? the emotions that she had built up were so intense, so consuming, so powerful, that they expressed themselves through magic -- resulting in clara sprouting a cherry blossom tree ( she’d seen it in her books & thought it gorgeous ) in the middle of their living room. it was then they packed up their townhome in paris and moved to south of france, bordering monaco, near the water. their daughter was out of control, she was an out of control monster, she needed to be taken care of and they felt isolating and secluding her from the city, from society, from everything, was going to help. it had to.  
– – [ DEPRESSION MENTION ] while clara loved their summer home immensely, she also longed to be around people. besides her cousin odilia and her house elf, she really didn’t talk to anyone which only fed her curiosity further. she painted, she played instruments, she spent copious time alone even though the more and more she did, she craved paris, she craved the outside. she’d always been an extremely curious, open-minded child because of her parents being so vehement against being so -- so she read more and more about people and things she could never be. the only problem was, she could never read enough to replace human interaction, to replace people, to replace touch, feeling  more lonely and frankly, depressed, than she had before. [ END OF MENTION/TWs ]  her mother had always refused to let her go to regular school because of her abilities & outbursts, but as time went by and clara just didn’t get better at controlling her abilities and started to fall behind in regular school -- séra started to give up. it was clear, as much as she’d loathe to admit it, that she was out of her depth and needed help with her daughter -- she did. 
– – beauxbatons was too lax for their taste and because she was coming in the middle of the year, durmstrang didn’t have space. it was minerva mcgonagall that thought, they loathed to admit it, had the most prestige and knowledge on transfiguration that they could access for clarabel, away from french pureblood society, hopefully their child would actually learn something. though reluctant to send her to hogwarts, clarabel went and her life was changed for the better.
it was a really hard transition, from learning how to share a space with 4 other people to being around so fucking many, learning the staircases, answering riddles, but her cousin odilia paired with lily potter and her friends ( though the two groups not together, that was for sure ) helped clarabel  -- the minute her parents caught wind of her friendship with a potter they encouraged the closeness, another secret started to weight on clara heavily besides the bouts of uncontrollable magic which brought her shame. especially considering clara knew that if lily really knew her parents, she’d be furious, though the two did get over the revelation that eventually came -- if only they knew who killed harry potter. 
– – while she loves ghosts, ghouls and the great beyond she finds herself spending more and more time with spirits and her art supplies than people as the war grows more and more heavy on everyone. especially after mcgonagall’s murder, clara’s felt like she’s lost the only person she can imagine that can actually help her with magic because while it’s come a long way she still has an exceptionally long way to go. after a year of being at hogwarts, clara knows her neutrality really is morally wrong, she knows that she’s hurting people by doing nothing but she would hurt the people closest, who she loves, if she took action with either side. though clara could never have the gusto to join something like the death eaters, nor the ability, her parents definitely have encouraged her to marry into a family that has a son/child that supports it. [ ANXIETY TW ]  they want her to become the dutiful wife, the pureblood socialite of the year, but she realizes that is so far away from what she wants that she doesn’t know how to handle her future becoming her now. panic attacks and anxiety attacks, while something she’s dealt with for a very long time have become more and more frequent and the years he spent on practicing her magic seems futile when these emotions take over the way they do. [ END OF TWs ]
NEW TUTOR: maybe a student who helped mcgonagall with clara’s stuff could pick up the slack maybe a teacher could take interest? either way, clara needs someone to help her with this magic because while she’s thrown herself into dueling club, she needs a ton of help. maybe even an outside source! 
CLUB FRIENDS: art club, dueling club, frog choir, hogwarts orchestra ( piano ), clara needs friends or people she knows from those clubs!! 
PUREBLOOD SOCIETY: the society of purebloods! we have some and she’s close and related to odilia travers, so there’s a starting point. she
FIRST KISS: maybe it was at a school party that clara was dragged to? it could be cute and like whatever, honestly, clara would get a lil blushy around them and stuff. 
BETROTHED: LAMOJDJDOJDW sorry to bring this ARCHAIC UGLY PLOT but she would have one and i think it would be interesting to play out. 
THE SUSPICIOUS: maybe someone who’s just suspicious of clara and how she is? is she really that good when she has family and parents like the one she has? is she really playing a game? open to family members of lily as well tbh. maybe someone on the pureblood side who’s suspicious of clara being so close to lily and co.? 
ANNOYANCES: clara isn’t the type to be annoyed by people easily but if she is, while she’ll try to be nice, it’s very hard for her to hide it. who knows why! 
BAD INFLUENCE: clara can be quite innocent about shit, maybe this person is trying to be a bad influence on clara bc its sort of hilarious that she’s so innocent about a lot of pop culture and such??
TUTORS FOR SCHOOL: as mentioned, clara is like barely keeping up with her classes and though she’s not super behind like she was last year, she’s still struggling! someone tutor her!
OPEN TO OTHER PLOTS: i am open!!! even to amending any of these or anything!! 
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
Asleep, awake, with love, you will leave light imposed on everything.
Miguel Hernández, tr. by Robert Bly, from Selected Poems; “Child of Light,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
La mélancolie est l’illustre compagnon de la beauté ; elle l’est si bien que je ne peux concevoir aucune beauté qui ne porte en elle sa tristesse.
Charles Baudelaire
translation: “Melancholy is the illustrated companion of beauty; therefore I cannot conceive any beauty which does not posses sadness.“ 
(via sunfloewer)
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moreauclarabel · 6 years ago
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