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hf790 · 6 months ago
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hf790 · 7 months ago
Hello me tbat who's this? Anon I saw the name Sheera. What's she like?
Sheera is a very caring and sweet girl, who also happens to be a grey fox-demon hybrid. First one I’ve ever met! Eheheh! 
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hf790 · 7 months ago
Who's this anon- I noticed that you were pretty descriptive with Sheera and Hill. Do you not know Taylor that well? *shrug*
Well, I’ve known Hill and Sheera for much longer! I just met and became friends with Taylor recently, so there’s a lot I’m still learning about her, heheh!
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hf790 · 7 months ago
Ever meet a demon? They're quite clever creatures. Intimidating as well, but you can't help but be at least a little curious.
Hmm, I haven’t met one, but I’ve heard of them! Probably best not to get mixed up in those types. Although, my good friend Sheera is part fox demon, if that counts. 
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hf790 · 7 months ago
Thank you thank you thank you so much!!!
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A birthday present for my best friend @hf790 ! Happy birthday, Janiey Bae, and many, many more!
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hf790 · 9 months ago
People have NO IDEA what I have gone through with Lokisimp89. I'm TIRED. I want to LIVE MY LIFE AND BE THE LOKI AND TOM FAN I KNOW I AM! LEAVE ME ALONE SIMP! I'M TIRED!
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You literally can't stop stalking me. This was after you posted unsolicited on a minors message board telling them how bad we both are, so what? It’s called defence. Were you just expecting me to delete my message board post where I’m talking to an old friend? After all the things you have said over the last ten months about how much of a horrible mother and human I must be for defending myself against your continued vitriol and that you feel sorry for my children or that I’m a terrible nurse who should have her pin revoked when you can’t even hold down a job? You know nothing about me. You even said you don’t care about me. So why are you still stalking me?
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You really need to grow up and practice what you preach here. This only goes against you and has been provided as evidence to the police of you stalking me across more than one social media platform as well as others and inciting further harassment by sharing my server. The proof which will all be provided is probably on your message board here and Wattpad because you’re very predictable.
But rest assured, my appointment to provide further evidence against you will be given to the police this morning.
FYI, this user below known as Succubus charm is actually a minor, she’s 15 currently. But here is proof of her being bullied by our very own jack of all accounts, master of none.
Do you know how I found this?
I occasionally go on to Kala’s mb (succubus charm) to see how she is and I saw this post. Which I hate to say is a behavioural thing with said bully. Because she’s done it before to Lokishivaze, and to me. She’s approached our followers and messaged them unsolicited with biased vitriol.
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hf790 · 9 months ago
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hf790 · 9 months ago
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Sally is going through a rough time right now, but fortunately she has a partner who has a sixth sense for when she needs some TLC. Still, not everyone has that luxury… so always be sure to be kind to one another, and reach out when you need it.
Script by @sonicwindattack and art by @jammerlee
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hf790 · 9 months ago
I wish Wallygator was reunited with his owner... The guy who took him ought to be arrested and charged! #bringwallyhome
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hf790 · 10 months ago
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"I'll make you famous" - Loki says with his gun drawn.
He's no cowboy, he's the most wanted outlaw of the wild west. Not that you'd know it if you met him. He's a sly coyote (a wile E coyote you could say ohohoho)
You may have met him bartending or selling snake oil in town. Wasn't he a cattle rancher? Or did he relieve someone of their hard earned money? You could have sworn you've seen him before
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hf790 · 10 months ago
In today's episode of Shut Up Robin, Nobody Cares:
InuKag bickering is so good because it's deeply telling of how comfortable InuYasha and Kagome are with each other at almost every stage of their relationship.
For starters, contrary to seemingly popular belief, arguing does not inherently signal dysfunction. It can sometimes signal the opposite: it demonstrates a level of intimacy and trust in your relationship that you are able to openly disagree with your loved one. You are not afraid of conflict because you know it won't break the relationship. In my experience, at least, it's shaky relationships that avoid conflict at all costs. When there's not enough emotional security with each other to openly disagree without fear/anxiety, open conflict never happens. That's why "arguing like an old married couple" is a cliché: it's the people who've built trust and security who will bicker like that.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it doesn't feel great to be in conflict with a loved one, even in a secure relationship. But being able to navigate conflict together in a way that eventually leads toward understanding and compromise is the sign of a strong relationship. Arguing is often a step in that process.
Which is why I find InuKag arguments absolutely, lip-smackingly delicious.
When they first meet, their arguments have the distinct flavor of, "I don't like you and I don't care what you think about me." Which is an excellent vintage tbh, full-bodied flavor with refreshing tartness. 👌👌 There's something so intrinsically entertaining about watching early-series InuKag butt heads, all the while knowing they eventually get married. And because early-series InuKag doesn't especially care about the other person's opinion of them, they don't hold back: there's no politeness barrier between them, there's no equivocating or filtering. They just have at it. They're not afraid to be themselves around each other, even when they dislike each other.
Then when their friendship begins to form—stage two InuKag 😁—their bond is forged from the two-pronged fire of 1) having each other's backs in life-or-death situations, and 2) experiencing the humdrum quotidian moments that come with traveling together all day, every day for long stretches of time. I've talked about this before, but I love how they know all the dumb little things about each other that you only learn from prolonged proximity: they know the timbre of each other's snores at night; they know how long the other can go without food before hangry-ness rears its head; they know which posture signals irritation or exhaustion, which facial expression signals daydreaming contemplation or a playful mood; they know which jokes will get a laugh and which insults will get the sharpest glances; the little intimacies abound!
By the friendship stage, InuKag bickering takes on a slightly different flavor. There's still that unfiltered, no-holds-barred vibe about them (because they're so used to being blunt with each other), but it also has the tenor of easy familiarity. Friends falling into the same low stakes argument they've had a hundred times already. There's not often any real heat or tension to the bickering, it's more like rote muscle memory. And when they do have real arguments, with real tension and emotional stakes?? It's delicious precisely because there are emotional stakes now! Goodbye, "I don't care what you think about me," hello, "I care so much what you think and I hate it and you're going to hear about it." It's still arguing InuKag, but with different emotional fuel sparking the arguments. Now there's affection and trust underpinning their unfiltered way with each other. It's mmm mmm good! I can eat it up all day.
And as the series progresses, and InuKag begin to develop obvious romantic interest in each other—stage three InuKag, yes it's terminal—the flavor of the arguments gets deeper because now those emotional stakes? They're even higher. And yet despite the higher stakes and the messy complications, they're still not afraid to butt heads. They're not afraid to be blunt and hash things out. I love this example of InuYasha's hack-and-slash style of conflict resolution. If there's a wall between him and resolving the tension, he'll just punch his way through it. 😂 Another favorite of mine is this banger scene where Kagome bluntly calls InuYasha out on his jealousy.
But probably my favorite stage three InuKag fight scene is this one, from chapter 310:
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(Full scene here.)
Man, it's so good! Kagome—after taking pains to save Kikyo, who then essentially taunts her for it—starts to feel angry and resentful and then wallops InuYasha with those feelings. (Before any haters pipe in: characters need to make mistakes sometimes. This is one such occasion. Let the 15-year-old girl character make a mistake ffs.) And what does InuYasha do? He sticks around so they can hash it out. The best panels in this chapter are Kagome thinking, "He probably hates me now," only for her to look up and see him right beside her. He can handle her mistakes and flaws, because he knows Kagome. They've spent 300 chapters building trust in each other, and we see the fruit of that here. InuYasha knows very well that Kagome cares for him—cares so much that she's risked her life for him many times over by now, and cares so much that she just saved her own romantic rival partly for InuYasha's sake (but largely because she's just a good person). I think that's why he handles this moment with pretty good composure. He knows Kagome doesn't actually hate him, briefly hurtful as that comment surely was. So he waits until she's processed her feelings a bit more, and they talk it out. (While we're here: I really like that he's sitting close to her but is facing away from her, like he's trying to give her the space/privacy she needs to process her feelings without actually leaving her alone... ugh I love it.)
Notice how, even in the midst of this fight, they start checking in with each other, putting the other person's interest before their own. Kagome sincerely urges InuYasha not to "hold back," the subtext of which reads to me: "Don't let my outburst tie you down, please do what you need to do." InuYasha responds in kind (his subtext reads to me: "Be honest, don't just put on a brave face for me") and also reassures Kagome's underlying anxiety. When he says, "You saved Kikyo, right? Then she'll be fine, I'm not going after her," he's speaking directly to the source of Kagome's insecurity—he's telling her in no uncertain terms that concern for Kikyo's safety was his only motive for seeking her out. Now that he knows Kikyo has been healed and isn't in imminent danger, he's not going after her. Again, he is intentionally addressing what he knows to be the source of Kagome's outburst when he says, "You healed Kikyo? Then I don't need to see her." To me, his message is pretty clear: "I wasn't looking for Kikyo for the reasons you think."
Like! Look at them! Openly and honestly communicating! Messily sharing their feelings! Resolving conflict and talking shit out! They've come so far. 🥹
These stage three InuKag fights feel different than their early-series fights, and they should! InuKag have built trust and love, but with that love comes vulnerability. It's the people we love who have the power to hurt us most. So even while InuKag have fundamental trust in each other, they're both aware that their feelings come with greater potential to hurt each other. And watching them navigate that tension and that duality together? MMM MMM GOOD.
Like truly, InuKag fights at every stage of their relationship are my favorite thing, it's all such good food.
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hf790 · 10 months ago
It's so hard trying to find Loki Artists who are opened got commissions. Majority of responses are bots or phonies who don't have Loki examples. #loki #lokius #sylki #lokiseries #lokiseason2
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hf790 · 1 year ago
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hf790 · 1 year ago
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Commission done for Lokishival! My commissions are open 👀👋
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hf790 · 1 year ago
Silly little animation -kinda
*wink wink*
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hf790 · 1 year ago
Sick and tired of people using AI and showing that as commissions and commission examples. They then proceed to charge a HUGE AMOUNT of money and that's ridiculous! You don't have a specific example I'm looking for, either provide me a doodle example or move on! Give me a break!
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hf790 · 1 year ago
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Loki comes back this week.
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