#me @ me: dear self stop overthinking this fun times matchmaking game
grapecaseschoices · 2 years
For the OC dating game (but no pressure to answer ^^), Rhiann: usually bright and bubbly. Loves to bake and to be around people. She's often chaotic and easily distracted but can be very determined about things/people she cares about. Can turn very angry very quickly, mainly when confronted with her insecurities about not being capable enough. Looks wise: average height, long hair, curvy
Kaylee Moyano (she/her) is 5'8 with just beyond shoulder length black hair, not that it matters as it is often sleeked back into a high pony tail or a bun (unless she's Fun Time Kaylee but she doesn't get to do that as much). She's slim bordering on thin
Kaylee is essentially the mom!friend (and also had to be both parents, in a sense, to her younger sibling) and a former business major turned local celebrity. And her focus is baking. So, it could go either way, Rhiann could feel encouraged or inferior in the face of Kaylee. However, Kaylee is used to managing volatile tempers and people's insecurities. It's also a bit of an issue for Kaylee because she's often the one who bares, the one who takes care -- and that can be her own insecurity (and issue, how often she lives her life for others). But maybe Rhiann's determination and support can push her out of that?
That's part of why I feel they'd be interesting together, because they sorta step on each other's issues but there's also the potential to grow beyond that if they communicate with each other. So, they could either hurt each other or grow together/uplifting each other. IDK. I love that they could be fluffy but with this very visual angst.
That said, though Kaylee is clearly more structured and focused, she's very quirky (I call her style Ms. Frizzle but sexy) They're both social people who enjoy their way around an one.
Thank you for introing me to Rhiann @serenpedac
put a description of your oc in my inbox, and i’ll tell you which of my ocs would date them
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