#but kaylee ate my brain
grapecaseschoices · 2 years
For the OC dating game (but no pressure to answer ^^), Rhiann: usually bright and bubbly. Loves to bake and to be around people. She's often chaotic and easily distracted but can be very determined about things/people she cares about. Can turn very angry very quickly, mainly when confronted with her insecurities about not being capable enough. Looks wise: average height, long hair, curvy
Kaylee Moyano (she/her) is 5'8 with just beyond shoulder length black hair, not that it matters as it is often sleeked back into a high pony tail or a bun (unless she's Fun Time Kaylee but she doesn't get to do that as much). She's slim bordering on thin
Kaylee is essentially the mom!friend (and also had to be both parents, in a sense, to her younger sibling) and a former business major turned local celebrity. And her focus is baking. So, it could go either way, Rhiann could feel encouraged or inferior in the face of Kaylee. However, Kaylee is used to managing volatile tempers and people's insecurities. It's also a bit of an issue for Kaylee because she's often the one who bares, the one who takes care -- and that can be her own insecurity (and issue, how often she lives her life for others). But maybe Rhiann's determination and support can push her out of that?
That's part of why I feel they'd be interesting together, because they sorta step on each other's issues but there's also the potential to grow beyond that if they communicate with each other. So, they could either hurt each other or grow together/uplifting each other. IDK. I love that they could be fluffy but with this very visual angst.
That said, though Kaylee is clearly more structured and focused, she's very quirky (I call her style Ms. Frizzle but sexy) They're both social people who enjoy their way around an one.
Thank you for introing me to Rhiann @serenpedac
put a description of your oc in my inbox, and i’ll tell you which of my ocs would date them
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Little Bat, Big Dreams
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A/N- *tv static noise and announcer voice* we now interrupt your regularly scheduled smut for an adorable Nyx piece to satisfy Readychilledwine's pregnant brain. I present to you all a Kaylee (the previously introduced archeron oc) and toddler Nyx piece. Hopefully, you all enjoy this little family dinner piece as much as my brain enjoyed writing it, and hopefully, it helps ease any ill feelings on if Kaylee is okay at the end of Bound by Fate. 💜 Happy 5th day of "Here's to 100"
Summary - Of the four Archeron sisters, Kaylee had always had the easiest time with children due to her work in the healing house. Now, those skills are being tested by her own nephew as he takes on his worst known enemy, vegetables.
Warnings - food aversion, food allergy reactions are briefly mentioned but not described (no use of the phrase "water bowels" here, sorry Sarah.)
Feyre and Kaylee shared a look as Nyx pouted about the vegetables his family was trying to force him to eat. This was the third attempt today in making the little heir eat a well-rounded meal. This time, they had tried drowning the vegetables in cheese and withholding any other food until he ate those first.
Kaylee sighed, finally breaking the tense silence at the table, "So, you don't like veggies ooooorrr?"
Rhysand chuckled as Nyx looked up at his favorite aunt. His little blue eyes were soft with admiration for her despite Azriel's joking, yet not, warnings that she was spoken for. Her perfectly arched brow was raised at her nephew. "They're gross," he answered softly. "I hate them."
"Hate is a strong word," Nesta said from next to the boy. "It requires previous emotions like love." She wiggled her shoulder at Nyx, causing him to start dramatically gagging at the idea of romance and adult feelings.
"Auntie Kay-Kay isn't eating vegetables. If she doesn't have to. I don't neither." All heads at the table turned to her as she and Feyre made eye contact.
Before becoming fae, Kaylee had always had issues eating dairy products. Cheese, ice creams, chocolates, and milk had all tended to make her very sick. She had not bothered trying to eat them after being made. Not worth the risk, she had told Rhysand quietly one night as she explained what happened to her.
She held her plate silently to her mate, and Azriel tugged the bond gently. Are you sure? Rhysand came into her mind softly. I really appreciate you doing this, but you do not have to.
The youngest Archeron continued her stare off as Azriel put a small serving of the vegetables on her plate. I'm sure. Just buy me something pretty if this makes me sick in return. Rhysand chuckled softly as the toddler and his aunt both leaned forward, maintaining eye contact.
"Oh shit, it's getting serious," Cassian leaned back in his chair, tapping Lucien's shoulder to get the other male's attention. The Autumn male and Elain instantly looked over, laughing at the two youngest beings at the table.
"If I eat all of these, you have to eat all of yours. Once you eat all of yours, Uncle Az will take you flying today and go to the bakery we all love with you. If you don't finish them, though, he's taking me instead. Deal?"
They all watched as Nyx weighed his options. The gross vegetables covered in his favorite cheese, or not getting to fly with Uncle Az and losing out on the oh so famous triple chocolate fudge brownies the bakery had, "Deal." Kaylee and Nyx maintained eye contact as they picked up the first bite. A silent game took place between the little bat and the auntie.
Nyx put the cheesy greens in his mouth at the same time as her, eyes going wide as he chewed. He broke the game, looking down at his plate in wonder before picking up a bigger bite and eating it. And then another and another. Kaylee shook her head, looking at Feyre and Rhysand, Works every time. She kept her end of the deal, eating her serving of veggies as Rhys and Azriel watched with concern.
Nyx finished his first, smiling at his empty plate. "Not bad, huh?" She smiled at him as he held his hand out for her fork. "Evidently not." She handed Nyx her fork, allowing him the last bite of cheese and broccoli, and watched him with a soft smile. "Was it as gross as you thought, little bat?"
The Illyrians chuckled at the nickname as Nyx shook his head. "They were yummy." Kaylee nodded. "Why weren't you going to eat them if you knew they were yummy?"
"You remember how mommy and your aunties were made and not born fae, right?" Nyx nodded at her. "When I was human, milk made me really sick, and I haven't tried to eat it since."
Nyx looked up at her, his eyes wide as his lower lip began to tremble. "So, you'll get sick because of me?"
Kaylee chuckled softly. "No, buddy, if I get sick, I'm going to get sick because of the cheese. Not because of you. You needed encouragement because you were scared, right?"
Nyx nodded. "They're just gross looking. Like little mutant trees."
"But now you like them? So we never have to do that again?" The Little bat nodded at his smiling aunt. "Then, if i feel icky later, me having an unhappy tummy for a few hours is worth every second since you'll eat your vegetables now and grow big and strong."
"Like Uncle Cassie?!"
Kaylee nodded as Azriel's hand found hers under the table. "Exactly like Uncle Cassie."
Nyx held his plate out to Azriel who took it with a smile, adding another serving of veggies to his plate and setting it back down in front of him. "I'm going to beat up Uncle Cassian some day," Nyx began to eat his second serving of vegetables with determination, his eyes glancing towards Cassian with a slight glare every so often.
Wonderful. Any ideas on how to get him to eat meat other than chicken strips? Rhysand smiled.
I have a few. Kaylee leaned her head on Azriel's shoulder. The two mates were silently communicating. Kaylee's bright blue eyes flickered towards Cassian, cutting his steak and then back to Nyx. She rose both of her brows at Azriel quickly, and the male discretely nodded. Rhysand smiled lightly, shaking his head. The two of them had quickly developed their own language, and it was something the High Lord both envied and adored for his brother.
They all were now watching as Nyx and Cassian had a stare off. Cassian continued to eat his steak with a small smirk. He knew his nephew was still sad over the small battle the two of them had just hours ago. "You know Nyx," Azriel started slowly. "Part of why Uncle Cass is so big is due to him eating a variety of food. Different foods help our bodies with different things. That steak he's eating helps his muscles stay big and strong. Maybe we should try that sometime too, huh?"
Nyx glared at Cassian. The goal of beating him in a fight someday was the only thing driving him after losing in their wooden sword fight, and Azriel knew that. Cassian rose his brows in challenge, staring at Nyx as he took another bite of his steak. Nyx glared harder before turning to his father, "Cut me a steak, daddy."
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residentdormouse · 1 year
You Can’t Take these Words From Me
(Or you couldn’t if I had them in the first place…)
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@mrsmungus - terribly sorry for the delay yet again. I fear I am getting bad at this. (I need to make better habits.) I was hoping to refresh my memory, since it has been a long time since I watched Firefly/Serenity, and goldfish brain is a killer. But alas, no go on anything streaming here. I just have a fuzzy memory of my love for Kaylee and the fabulous banter. And River’s fight… god that final fight in the movie lives rent free in my brain. Just… just… 
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It's beautiful... (Did I mention I love fight choreography?)
My Words: Floral, Fuzzy, Food, Far, Firefly
Your Words: Fantastic, Bad, Wolf, Spoilers, Run
Off on the next journey?
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Ten percent of nothing is…. I got nothing sorry.
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The divide between them highlighted further as the group turned to look at him. Unsure where the urge came from, but recognizing its presence, Lloyd raised his arm, vape extended in a silent offer for the kid to join the group. Since Dinny discovered the floor provided effortless access to cuddling with the fuzzy pup, and Tom proved to be infinitely more pleasant company than he offered currently, the seat next to him sat vacant and Lloyd did a small nod towards it.
With quick observation, Harold sized up the object, shrugging. 
“...why not?” 
Slinking over to the open chair, he flopped down, taking possession of the pen with a forced half smile and a mirrored nod. One puff. Too long. Took way more than what he was prepared for. In the next moment, Harold began hacking up smoke.
"Jesus Fucking Christ, Bateman? You smoke this shit all the time?!"
"Hey, you picked it out."
“Yes, I’m sure the exact type is really making the difference.”
“Well, now that you mention it…���
Despite the somber surroundings, Lloyd had to hold back a chuckle as the two of them started squabbling back and forth. Maybe he wouldn't be the black sheep of the group. As much as he liked the attention at first, the role had gotten old, and the outcome was always the same. More pain, more isolation. Chasing the next high.
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Glen had thought everything out, but she couldn't say she was overly surprised. He wasn't the type to halfheartedly jump into things without due diligence. Cooking was a fine example of that as well, and he had out done himself today. She listened intently as she ate, taking in all the different meditation techniques he had looked into.
It wasn't long after the food was gone, and the table cleared, that they both found themselves sitting down by the fire, ready to start practicing.
She closed her eyes, and listened to Glen as he guided her through some posture changes and breathing adjustments. Shoulders up, back, down. Long exhale. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Soft knock at the door.
Her concentration broke completely at the second repetition of the noise, which was a bit louder this time, more insistent. She groaned as she stood up, while Glen set the book he was referencing to the side. She gave him an apologetic smile as he jokingly grumbled about 'best laid plans'.
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(Three in one section. Kind of made it hard not to pick just for the sheer proximity..)
The front door closed softly, and she felt Glen sit down next to her before he placed a hand on her back. “I’m sorry…”
A haze had already washed over her, and while his close proximity gave an added comfort, she couldn’t shake it away. “What happened?”
“I pushed it too far. Pushed you too far.” His hand dropped as he leaned back into the couch. Sadness did not suit him, and she felt it pulling at her chest. The feeling affected her worse than the haze. 
Mood diversion attempt initiated. 
“You, push something too far? Nah, can’t be.”
She gave him a cheeky smile that he somewhat returned, but it never met his eyes. Well, she tried.
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Another fail at finding this. Ooph. Bad browncoat.
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INTERLUDE: “Have Yourself a Shèngdàn jié kuàilè”
“The lights are too gorram bright.”
Jayne narrowed his eyes disapprovingly at the makeshift Christmas tree assembled in a corner of the kitchen.
“Oh, c’mon, Jayne!  I think they’re pretty and twinkly!” Kaylee cooed happily.
“Them damn things are gonna be twinklin’ in my brain all night.”
“Well, at least something will be happening up there,” Zoe deadpanned.
“Very funny.”
“Try not starin’ at ‘em, Jayne; seems that’s the ideal solution,” Mal Reynolds offered, to which Jayne offered nothing more than a frustrated grumble before dropping into a chair.
“Where’s all the popcorn I was going to string up on the tree?” Kaylee asked.
“River...um...ate all of it,” Simon replied awkwardly.
“It was crunchy and needed salt,” River commented.
“Never did quite understand that custom, honestly,” Mal chimed in.  “Seems a tree isn’t the ideal place to be hangin’ snacks.”
“Well, I’m makin’ another batch, then, and NO EATING IT this time,” Kaylee commanded.
Mal noticed Zoe grow quiet before turning away from the others.  The squabbling between the others stopped abruptly as Mal approached Zoe and found her quietly crying.  Zoe quickly wiped the tears and did her utmost to compose herself.
“Sorry.  I was just - “
“Zoe,” Mal interrupted, waving his hand to dismiss her apology as unnecessary, “You are, without doubt or hesitation, the strongest one of my little family here...but you don’t always need to be.”  Mal approached and rested a comforting hand upon her shoulder.  “I miss him too...every day.”
“So do we, Zoe,” Inara said, approaching her and wrapping an arm around her waist for a hug.  
“The ship misses him too,” River said softly.  “I feel its heart ache for him...and mine.”  She began to sniffle, and Simon took her into his arms for a comforting hug.
“Some days are easier than others.  Christmas, though...”  Zoe let out a sigh that expressed her emotional struggle all too clearly.
“Ain’t easy bein’ reminded of who we’ve lost on a day when we want our loved ones ‘round us,” Mal observed.  “There’s only so much joy an’ merriment that can cover up that kind of hurt.  But we carry on and we bring them back to us through memories...like Wash dressed as the thinnest Santa I’ve ever seen.”
Zoe burst out laughing amid her tears.  “I told him to grab a pillow to simulate Santa’s belly.”
“’The man carries toys all over the galaxy; that can’t be good for the ticker,’“, Mal quoted Wash’s comment.   “What did he say?  Oh, yeah...”’I’m promoting a healthier yuletide’.”
Zoe laughed again, and this time, so did Mal, for well over a minute, before calming down and smiling.
“He made the best damn egg nogs I ever drank,” Jayne recalled.  “An’ I ain’t even like egg nog.”
“That’s cuz he loaded them with real whiskey,” Kaylee observed.  “A lot of it too.  Wait!!  We still have the bottle!  I’ll make some for us; things’ll get very festive.”
“Little Kaylee, this is why we love you...well, one of the numerous reasons.”  Mal smiled before looking at Zoe and his family.  “Wash is always with us; him and the Shepherd; in every star we follow to find our next job, in every quiet moment of reflectin’, and in every twinkling light on that tree, blindin’ Jayne’s eyes.”
Zoe burst into laughter again, followed by Mal, and then the rest of the crew...save for Jayne, who rolled his eyes.
“How jolly can ya get?”
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
7x03 : The Girl Next Door
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A meme was born for many fans
Dean Winchester is at Sioux Falls General getting his broken leg set and cast. Sam is getting an MRI due to potentially severe head trauma. Yeah, whatever is happening in Sam’s head isn’t going to show up on an MRI. Dean needs to get out of there but they dose him with a sedative. He wakes still at Sioux Falls General, groggy and determined to get the fuck out of there.
(Sidenote: Season 7 Grief Dean might be Peak Dean, guh
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In his attempt to escape, he falls out of bed. Bobby shows up and Dean can’t believe that he’s alive (Oh, Dean, hold on to that feeling). Bobby hands him his clothes and tells him to meet him at the ambulance bay. He’s going to find Sam.
While Dean makes his escape, Dr. Leviathan learns about the WInchesters. Bobby finds Sam and they make a mad dash to escape the leviathan on their asses. They make it just in time.
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Whitefish, Montana
Three Weeks Later
In a cabin in the woods, Sam’s busy reading books on lore and Dean’s busy watching telenovelas. Bobby comes in and Dean fills him in on what he’s missed (Ricardo. Suicidio.) I don’t know why I love this so much, but MY GOD DO I LOVE IT.
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Bobby fills the boys in on what’s been going on in the world. Leviathan are like shapeshifters and nothing can kill them. “Good times.” Sam has a brief dissociative moment, but grounds himself by pushing on his hand wound. Ugh. Lucifer. Bobby says that he’s going out to collect all the copies of books he had in his now burned down house. Dean kicks Sam out to get rations (Pie specifically). He wants to talk about Sam’s state of mind. Bobby doesn’t think there’s anything to worry about.
Sam’s at the local Gas ‘n Sip (I love the woodsy Gas ‘n Sip aesthetic. I’ve spent many a vacation in rural, woodsy areas and this would fit right in). He finds a newspaper with a headline about the “Ice Pick Killer Strikes Again” (Sam, your love of serial killers is showing), and then pays for his stuff with a credit card (Sam, your lack of street smarts is showing).
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That swipe alerted the leviathan as to where they are.
Sam gets back to the cabin (sans pie) and Bobby is gone. Dean asks how he’s doing and he admits that he’s still seeing things that aren’t there, but he’s managing.
Much later, after Dean’s passed out on the couch, Sam pulls out the paper to read it. We flash back to baby Sam talking to Dean on an ancient cell phone about a Kitsune. Present Sam heads out while Dean sleeps (Things of note: Dean ate some of the cake, there’s a slasher flick playing on the TV --oh, I think this was the movie Jensen was in.)
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In a shady part of the outskirts of town, a drug dealer is a gross, awful, and disgusting asshole to a local washout. Sirens blare and they both take off. As drug dealer man runs through a skate park, he’s attacked, blood oozing from his head.
Dean wakes the next morning to see the note Sam left him: “Back in a few days. I’m fine. Sam.” I mean, great, but Dean’s got a broken leg, what’s he going to do all alone? Oh, he calls Bobby (and drops a Rear Window reference. My heart. Also, my ass he hasn’t seen It’s a Wonderful Life. If he’s seen one Jimmy Stewart movie, he’s seen them all.) Bobby tells Dean to cool it and wait until he gets his cast off to hunt down Sam. (Uh, A) where are all these cars they need to drive coming from? B) How is Dean supposed to get to the doctor to remove his cast alone?)
Cut to Dean cutting his own cast off. (I should have known.)
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Sam’s busy investigating the Ice Pick Killer. All the victims are stabbed right behind the ear. Sam wonders if their brains are missing.
Dean heads to the local Gas ‘n Sip (where the attendant is watching Looney Tunes!) Dean asks about Sam and learns that he bought a newspaper.
At the morgue, Sam finds out that all the victims are missing their pituitary glands.
While at the library, Baby Sam discovers the Kitsune need pituitary glands to survive.
Adult Sam makes a murder board.
Baby Sam figures out that these murders are happening on the outskirts of town, one town at a time.
Adult Sam guesses where the next killing will happen.
Baby Sam gets his Triple Red Eye coffee and follows a girl back into the library. He’s not so subtle as he watches her in the library.
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Adult Sam sees someone pull up at the abandoned park he’s staking out.
Baby Sam finds books and love in the library stacks. He also tells Dean on the phone that to kill a Kitsune, “You stab it in the heart!” He gets a “shush” for that, which doesn’t necessarily warrant it but it is kind of disturbing to hear. Also, Sam asks Dean how to talk to girls. #Bless.
Sam approaches said girl - moderately awkwardly - and tries to say “hi.” She shuts him down immediately; she’s not supposed to talk to boys. She leaves the library and Sam watches two creepy teens trail her. He follows THEM and when they threaten her Sam (who has yet to hit his growth spurt) kicks their asses. Sam, meet Amy!
In the present, a woman walks through the woods. Sam trails her like a PANTHER.
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The woman approaches a drunk guy trying to get in his car and drive (what a lowlife) but Sam stops her and she turns, revealing her face. It’s Kaylee! I mean, Amy! His old library pal. “You got tall, huh?” she asks him. Flattery will get you nowhere, lady. Sam wants to know what she’s up to. She protests that she has a steady job, a mortgage, and a cat. And therefore she’s up to absolutely nothing shady in the woods at night.
In the past, Amy patches up Baby Sam after his fight. She grabs a cool drink from the totally normal fridge. They bond over moving around the country.
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Present Amy begs Sam for mercy. She’s not a murderer, she’s desperate. When he hesitates, she knocks him out. (Ticks another check on the ol’ Sam brain injury chart.)
Dean, meanwhile, is busy following in Sam’s footsteps. At the morgue, he examines the dealer’s body for clues and the morgue attendant clues him in on the missing pituitary glands. Now he knows that they’re hunting a kitsune.
For Pidgeon-Cam Dean Science:
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Amy frantically goes through her house, hiding family photos and packing, when Sam shows up in her bedroom like some murdery Edward Cullen.
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She’s got fresh blood on her hand, indicating that she’s killed while on her way back to her house. Sam tells her that he’s going to have to kill her. Once again, she implores for him to remember her in the past.
Baby Sam spills a drink and in the flurry to clean it up, we learn that both their parents have bad tempers. “You don’t want to see [my dad] when he’s drinking,” Sam reveals. YIKES EMOJI. Sam insists that she’s a good person - he can just tell.
Present Amy shows Sam why she’s killing - she has a son.
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Her kid got sick and the dead people’s pituitary glands she gets from her mortician job weren’t enough to help him. She needed live glands to help him get better. She swears up, down, and sideways that she’s done killing now that his fever has broken. She reminds Sam of something she’d done in the past for him….
Flashback. Amy’s mom bursts in and Baby Sam hides while she begins to pack up. Some hunters in an Impala have tracked her down and it’s time to blow town fast. Her mom heads out again to gas up the van while Amy vows to pack. Sam emerges with a knife, puts two and two together, and they learn the truth about each other. A family of hunters and a family of monsters! Ah, ill-fated young love.
Adult Sam heads for his motel room some indeterminate amount of time later and gets walloped in the face by big bro Dean.
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Dean, there are healthier ways to deal with your feelings. Dean’s pissed that Sam stole his car to go hunt on his own for a few days. Sam insists that the case is over and he, uh, let her go.
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In the past, Amy’s mom sniffs out Baby Sam. She tells her daughter that Sam’s food, not a friend.
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Baby Sam’s about to get his brains carved out when Amy stabs her mom from behind, killing her and saving Sam. Sam tells her to grab as much cash as she can and get on the first bus out of town.
Dean tries to wrap his head around Sam’s story. He insists that Sam’s thinking is messed up. To make it clear, Dean insists on monster bad. Human good. If she’s killing people, they have to kill her. Sam insists that it isn’t that simple. He’s a freak and so is Amy - but they’re managing their lives. “You don’t trust her...fine. Trust me.” Dean reluctantly agrees.
Sam and Dean blow town. In another town, Dean sends Sam into a motel office to get them booked and makes up an excuse to drive off on his own. He tracks Amy to her motel room.
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Dean confronts her. “People...they are who they are.” Dean paints her as a killer who will kill again someday - it’s only a matter of time. And then he stabs her. Her kid, Jacob, walks in to find Dean standing over his mother’s body. (This episode always wounds me because Dean is so messed up but determined that his judgment is the only one intact. This scene does such a great job of turning this vigilante hunter show into something brutal and incredibly tragic.)
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Dean interrogates Jacob and tells him that if he kills anyone, then Dean will kill him. There’s only one person Jacob plans to kill, and that’s Dean. (I’m still patiently waiting for Dabb to bring this story around again.)
In the convenience store where Sam and Dean bought newspapers, a leviathan updates the head office about his Winchester hunt right before he pours molten cheese over the desk clerk and eats him.
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Don’t Worry, Everything’s Quotey, Captain:
They still making spleenburgers?
Hey, look, a monster broke my leg
Do you see any other strange charges on your statement? The May 27th charge to "Mistress Magda," perhaps? Oh. Sorry for asking.
Where's the pie?
All the coolest people are freaks
I’ve been around enough bad to know good when I see it.
Plain old people taste fine, but everything is better... with cheese.
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bb-augustox · 6 years
hello hello it’s cane (again) with my baby August ! my discord juuzowl#7304 ! rundown of him is he’s a hybrid, a resident psychiatrist (for a year, ok, he’s a bby doc), big smartie (brains and sweetness)  he’s a softie, loves people (most of the time) and is in desparate need of plots, friends, (lovers??? and fwbs???) etc. anything but exes (bc taken) also, bio is under the read more !
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Augustin Oxendine truthfully did not know about his vampiric nature up until recently. He didn’t grow up with his mother and definitely did not grow up with his father. He was dropped on the doorsteps of a police station in New Orleans, Louisiana, twenty-six years ago, abandoned with a blood-soaked blanket and his umbilical cord still attached. Apparently, nobody saw a thing. Nobody knew what to do. An older detective, Waya Oxendine, brought the less than a day old child to a hospital and continued to check on him. Visits became frequent as he was monitored to the point his wife, Kaylee Oxendine, would join him. She immediately fell in love. It took paperwork, waiting, lots of monitoring, but finally, they could call him (and name him) their own (of course, after classes too)
He was the perfect child. August was bright, young, always wondering, and happy. He excelled in school. His teachers adored him, from the way he was well mannered and always took that extra step to learn. Learning came natural, everything seemed to click for him. And his parents, though adoptive parents, loved him. Waya and Kaylee loved him unconditionally, his older siblings (which, were already grown and out of the house) adored him, and he was the baby of the family; spoiled with love. He excelled in friendship, as well, and was usually always seen smiling. The only darkness he held was the excessive curiosity towards his birth parents. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he wasn’t actually born from the people he called parents; no. His father had ancestry from the Lumbee Tribe, his mother a French American. He, while American, was definitely Korean. So, he wondered, often. Who were they? Why was he left? It always ate at him. He had a fear of finding out, but also… he wanted to so much. Throughout his teen years, he tried to trace back his origins, but never really could. It seemed impossible.
And with no real traces and no real leads, he couldn’t. So, he continued through school, life, wondering, graduating from high school early at age seventeen (along with a few college credits under his belt due to his smart brain) and decided to head back to his ancestry roots. August decided to attend college in South Korea. His original plan was to simply become a nurse, but with much encouragement, he finally was led towards the path of becoming a doctor (specifically, psychiatrist). Either way, with scholarships and the help of his parents, he was able to pursue the dream of studying in South Korea. Through his studies, he fell in love with the culture he was separated from, fell in love with the cities, and ultimately, fell out of love with America. He never wanted to return. He studied hard, never partied (well, only occasionally, of course), and excelled in college as well. The only time he decided to slack, for just one night, when he had no homework, nothing to do besides go out with some friends, it proved to be bad luck. He met a man, young in the face, but old in the eyes. A man, who resembled August to a tee. The man, dressed in faded jeans and a nice shirt, turned out to be his father. An old vampire, with a wicked smile, a smart brain, and an evil glint in his eye. A plan he had set into play twenty years ago was coming to a start, and was easy now that vampires were “out of the coffin.” That is, until he realized, August had no interest in his games, after months of talking to his son. August wasn’t interested. A dangerous thing, but something that was bound to be the result of being raised to not be remotely interested in the darkness of vampirism.
A year was wasted, staying in contact with his vampiric father and learning of his mother’s death (due to birthing August, the spawn of a vampire and human), but he still continued, graduating from university a year early, only to continue into medical school. A perfect student, again, and once graduating from medical school, he decided to stay in South Korea, gaining a residency at Seunghoo Medical Centre working within the psychiatric wing. That is where he is now.
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Unusual Asks; yeeeet
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?    ~Spotify  is your room messy or clean?   ~messy atm what color are your eyes?   ~brown do you like your name? why?   ~my name is alright means pure  what is your relationship status?   ~single, hit me up :p describe your personality in 3 words or less   ~creative and fun  what color hair do you have?   ~brown what kind of car do you drive? color?   ~I don't drive yet  where do you shop?   ~A lot of places how would you describe your style?   ~boring  favorite social media account   ~tumblr Obvsly  what size bed do you have?   ~single like me  any siblings?   ~two older ones if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?   ~Vietnam, its my home town :3  favorite snapchat filter?   ~the flower crown  favorite makeup brand(s)   ~mac, colorpop, anatasiabeverlyhills, too faced etc. how many times a week do you shower?   ~everyday besides saturday  favorite tv show?   ~dont have a favourite shoe size?   ~7  how tall are you?   ~155cm sandals or sneakers?   ~sneakers  do you go to the gym?   ~for school sport  describe your dream date   ~walk on the beach and probably a nice place to eat then movies maybe or snuggled up at home with obesely roses.  I'm classic  how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?   ~only like $350 what color socks are you wearing?   ~white with a little maroon  how many pillows do you sleep with?   ~2-3 do you have a job? what do you do?   ~I don't have a job sadly  how many friends do you have?   ~only a few  whats the worst thing you have ever done?   ~I’m not sure  whats your favorite candle scent?   ~don’t like candles that much  3 favorite boy names   ~Jasper, Titan and Kevyn 3 favorite girl names   ~Destiny, April and Kaylee  favorite actor?   ~don’t have one  favorite actress?   ~I don’t know  who is your celebrity crush?   ~Non at the moment  favorite movie?   ~Moana  do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?   ~I love reading and atm it’s the thousand pieces of you series  money or brains?   ~ uhhh brain? do you have a nickname? what is it?   ~yeah I do it’s Kat  how many times have you been to the hospital?   ~more than 10  top 10 favourite songs   ~don’t have favourites  do you take any medications daily?   ~no what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)   ~dry with my skin condition  what is your biggest fear?   ~losing a whole heap of people close to me  how many kids do you want?   ~2 girl and boy :) whats your go to hair style?   ~straight or curly  what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)   ~small who is your role model?   ~no one  what was the last compliment you received?   ~I don’t know  what was the last text you sent?   ~it was a snapchat streak how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?   ~I already knew he wasn’t real what is your dream car?  ~not a big fan opinion on smoking?   ~disgusting do you go to college?   ~yeah  what is your dream job?   ~veterinarian or an artist  would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?   ~suburbs do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?  ~mum does not me do you have freckles?  ~no do you smile for pictures?   ~yeah but not with teeth  how many pictures do you have on your phone?   ~200+ have you ever peed in the woods?   ~never been to the woods do you still watch cartoons?   ~hell yeah  do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?  ~maccasss Favorite dipping sauce?   ~nothing what do you wear to bed?  ~shorts and a tank top have you ever won a spelling bee?   ~nope ahah what are your hobbies?   ~drawing, reading and gaming can you draw?  ~yeah  do you play an instrument?   ~guitar and piano what was the last concert you saw?   ~none tea or coffee?   ~tea  Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?   ~DD do you want to get married?   ~yeah  what is your crush’s first and last initial?   ~nothing are you going to change your last name when you get married?  ~maybe  what color looks best on you?   ~black  do you miss anyone right now?   ~my grandpa :( do you sleep with your door open or closed?   ~slightly open do you believe in ghosts?   ~yeah  what is your biggest pet peeve?  ~not sure  last person you called`   ~mum  favorite ice cream flavour?   ~strawberry  regular oreos or golden oreos?   ~regular chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?   ~chocolate  what shirt are you wearing?   ~school sport shirt  what is your phone background?   ~reindeer  are you outgoing or shy?   ~shy  do you like it when people play with your hair?   ~YES! do you like your neighbours?   ~yeah  do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?   ~both  have you ever been high?   ~nope  have you ever been drunk?   ~yeah  last thing you ate?   ~tuna  favorite lyrics right now  ~coming home by falling in reverse  summer or winter?  ~winter day or night?   ~night  dark, milk, or white chocolate?   ~dark  favorite month?   ~April  what is your zodiac sign   ~Taurus  who was the last person you cried in front of?   ~family... :( 
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