#me @ angel always: 💗👄💗
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voloslovelydivinity · 4 months ago
ParadiseLostshipping (Or UUU)(Volo X Mystic selfship)
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dividers by @kodaswrld
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No i dont fucking share him! piss off! I am his canon husband and he has eyes only for me! I am ficto so I see and take it seriously because it is as real to me as any other romantic relationship and Volo does the same! He is married to ME AND ONLY ME! Doubles have imposters and Dittos ie fake volos in my eyes. if anyone objects to this FACT sit down and know your place in our world cause you are nothing but an disgusting, puny, disease filled bug to be squashed<3 I warn you NOW!
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I use first and third person when talking about my s/i since it is me.
Sometime in june or july of last year was when we reunited. We were together 200+ years
We got married offically on Nov 7th
I use He/they/It Pronouns
Mystic my self insert is pokemon platinum based(if you see Giratina and Volo art or screenies that is Mystic and Volo)
also expect some trolling and shitposts about Volo cause thats my weird way of showing love😅😬
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power couple :>
TLDR: Volo and I married irl and spiritually(he is my soul-mate). I have an astral ring on my finger. Due to Volo having an egergore. Its as real and important to me as any physical human relationship due to many traumatic experiences of dealing with physical human relationships. Our love is real as anyone elses especially due to my swearing off human relationships(meaning I'm not actively searching for one) it didn't feel right to me to be with someone else who will hurt me when I'm with Volo who fulfills every bit of my needs and romantic environments that I subconsciously was craving. Respect that its as real to me as your human physical relationship and or your relationship with your f/o. Your experience is yours. mine is mine. I am just a Giratina otherkin rotting away in human flesh prison enjoying life with my husband
Lets say my selfship isn't always cupcakes and rainbows so scroll away if you not into that more heavy (but nons*xual) k*nky or weirder side of shipping(monster romancing/interspecies romance) stuff. 😅😬. Also Vol is an overstuffed plushy man and he is soft yet muscular in body. He eats alot and is best pillow to lay on. He has soft torso due to eating alot. BUT HE IS SO SOFT SO HUGGABLE SO WARM AND SQUISHY HHHH PLUS HEART BEAT 💓 💖 ♥️ 💗 💕 ❤️ 💓💙💛
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Our ship name is a play on our exclamation when one of us does something so romantic and or sensual it makes us loose our braincells in the best way
And it is called ParadiseLostShipping due to Mystic being a fallen angelic being is because we are both considered an unholy abomination in the eyes of our respective divinity and we let our unhinged apocalypse inducing actions spit in the face of God itself idk a divinized Luciferian troped merchant head over heels over a literal fallen angel sounds pretty sacrilegious and we both are not above wanting to nuke and recreate the world in a fit of nihilistic rage and sorrow at the state of humanity due to the so called creator letting it go to shit.
VOLISTIC = Mystic and Volo name combo) its awful I am tired and it sounds like holistic but its Volistic because they complete eachother and its a dumb name for a dumb ship👁👄👁
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Volo says "our love is transcendent beyond time and space" And "fated"
Which I'm scared of marriage
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our ship aesthetic Void/Occult/Fallen Angelcore/Classical/Celestial/ idk lets say unsettling imagery with darker esoteric/hermetic or religious themes, places that makes one uncomfortable yet serene, divine madness with Biblically accurate angels along with churches, and or Luciferian motifs. Gloomy Traditional Japanese settings with fog and nature , Golden hour sunsets over oceans and the nightsky at dusk with some clouds, Stargazer Lilies, Bleeding heart, White and red Roses and sunflowers. Golds, whites, indigo, dark purples, reds, black and dark green
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Vol is practically a monster fucker since I am an eldritch being of stars, abyssal energy and thought up dreamscapes a borderline nullified conglomerate of holy and unholy abstractions rotting away in a physical human vessel ⚠️ along with me being a biblically accurate angel yeah things get freaky
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Me with Volo
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Mystic's true form leaking out practically
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Again we are soul bonded by the red string of fate since in his eyes apparently my outlandish Eldritch Horror of a gremlin self is interesting and he loves interesting things. Also he rambles with the finger point and everything especially when he is in his calmer less intense mode. He is very overprotective of me and doesn't take anyone abusing me🥴
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He is my radiant King, my God , my stargazer and my Beloved Sun ☀️👼💛
I'm his beloved little devil worm, his fallen star/angel, his Divinity 🌠👹🪽
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Vol altar that keeps growing
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So enjoy this blog that is devoted to him and I. He is my one and only 👁❤️‍🔥🥰🧏🏼‍♂️❤️
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radiostatik · 1 year ago
Would you consider yourself more of a Hazbin Hotel or a Helluva Boss fan, or are you into the entire Helluvaverse fandom as a whole?? I've known some folks who are fans and care more about Helluva than Hazbin and I've met others who care and love Hazbin more than Helluva, I'm someone who falls into the second category and even when I was a HB fan, I've honestly always loved Hazbin and it's characters more, IMO. I also wanted to ask if you have any concerns and worries for HH since it's not that far from release and we only have a couple of months, HB S2 hasn't been the best and some have expressed their concerns for HH as HB hasn't been the best honestly, I honestly wanted to know your thoughts if you don't mind responding and answering, it's up to you! 💗
I don't mind answering questions at all!
When Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss both released their pilots these were my first thoughts
Hazbin Hotel: I was awestruck by the pretty and unique art style and animation, I thought the jokes were pretty funny, and it seemed to have a lot of heart. I loved Charlie, she makes a perfect protagonist for taking place in hell. She's clever, optimistic, good hearted, but not afraid to throw a punch.
Sir Pentious was so silly, and had such a fun, hilarious dynamic with Angel Dust.
Alastor drew me in with his goofy, non chalant subtle sadistic personality, along with his old times radio voice that sounds straight outta the 30's.
I enjoyed the pilot and had a lot of hope that it would be a good series. An adult comedy with an appealing art style, an lots of heart is hard to find.
Now let's talk about Helluva Boss
I decided to check out the pilot, but it's whole existence weirded me out. I was like, "Why are you making a pilot for another show right after just making one? Why not just make episode 2? Isn't it a bit early to be making a spin off of a show that has barley started? The view count also said a lot, with Hazbin Hotel Pilot having almost double the views of the Helluva Boss Pilot. And I can see why.
The characters... aren't all that likable. They are all just mean to each other. I know Millie loves Moxxie, she gaslights him when he's rightfully upset.
There's a noticeable difference between the main couple in Hazbin (Chaggie), and the main couple in Helluva (M&M):
For example
Vaggie: *Is rightfully upset at Angel, but is getting a little too worked up*
Charlie: *Agrees with her and tells Angel what he did was not cool, tell Vaggie to try to relax, things will be okay.*
Meanwhile M&M:
Moxxie: *Is rightfully upset at Blitz for stalking and filming him and Millie , but is maybe getting a little too worked up*
Millie: "It's not that big a deal" "Calm down, you're gonna have another panic attack"
👁👄👁 Millie wtf. How do you not validate your husband's concerns and condem Blitzo's action.
The whole Helluva Boss Pilot has terrible pacing. We have a flashback within a flashback, the first few times seeing it I was so confused. When Loona says "Come on, you know why", I expected the next flashback to explain the "Moxxie is fat" joke. But there's no explanation. Just another scene of Loona being mean I guess?
The next scene is of Loona telling Blitz he has a phone call. These flashbacks are supposed to show us how mean Loona is. But the Stolas phone call... doesn't show that. It just shows how Blitz has another problem because this one night stand is acting really clingy. We then get the flashback, within the flashback, of Blitz stealing the book.
Blitz says the line "If I hadn't slept with that privileged asshole, non of us would have access to the living world." Nothing wrong with this line, but the way it's delivered makes it seem like having access to the living world is a bad thing?? Maybe the line would make more sense if he said "Sleeping with that privileged asshole is the ONLY reason we have access to the living world." It still works even with Moxxie saying "You what?😶"
There are a few funny lines in the HB Pilot, but a lot more gore. The only "gore" in Hazbin are egg yokes, and some blood from an insect Katy kills with her pen.
The gore in Helluva is amped up and a bit disturbing. A child is shot, then mutilated. That scene made me sick to me stomach.
The kid wasn't even that mean. He said to Moxxie "If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackals, I'd Rip out your spine." Implying that Moxxie DOES have a spine.
Speaking of the kid, how did he enter hell without turning into a demon? How are they able to shoot him without him responding back into Hell? Why did I.M.P. even take him with them? Give him back to his mom or just leave him where you found him! It's weird to think they cared enough to take him with them, yet they'd kill him despite not getting any money for it.
I'd love to get into the other Helluva episodes, but maybe if I get another ask about it.
There are some thing I like about Helluva, but a lot of things I dislike. So, yeah I'm more of a Hazbin fan, but I still somewhat enjoy Helluva and look forward to new episodes coming out. (No matter how disappointing some of them have been)
Do I have any fears about Hazbin Hotel coming out?
I'm glad it's finally coming out, but I'll be honest, I wish it were under better circumstances. This is not the way I wanted it to happen. The entire voice cast has been replaced, the animation style has changed, the main characters all received major downgrades with their redesigns, and major characters that were part of the original lineup (Baxter, Mimzy, + Crymini) all appear to have been dropped from the series. So much for female focused.
I'm still excited for it tho because it will still have Charlie and Vaggie, and we will hopefully get to see more concrete proof that they are a couple within the series.
I'm hoping the new voice actors will do the characters justice, but I'm still not over how Viv screwed the pilot cast over in the way that she did.
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kenuis · 1 year ago
payback time !!
rindou: 👄 & ❤️‍🔥 kunigami: 😘 & ❤️ polyship: 💭 & 💗
foul. This is foul.
Rindou- 👄 - Our best kiss was after he confessed. It took a long time, because he doesn't like to talk about his feelings, and even when he comes to terms with them, it's like pulling teeth. Vulnerability is not his strong suit so when he finally told me everything it was the deepest kiss we'd ever shared. Trying to consume each other's feelings through our kiss. (I hate you sm /j) ❤️‍🔥 - I am very much a physical touch person which is something he needed to get used to. He used to stiffen and was so awkward. Now there are days where he just lays on top of me while I scratch his scalp. Alternatively I struggle with quality time. I have a hard time slowing down and turning off work/outside things. He started turning my phone off completely so I can focus on what we're doing together. I like when he plays music for me until I fall asleep or when we watch a documentary together. Kunigami- ❤️ - There's been some in passing. If he does purpose I feel like it'd be something that would completely catch me off guard. 😘 - I call him a shortened version of his name. "Suke or Ren." (his name is so pretty to moan) But he calls me angel. Or sweetheart. We also use babe/baby quite often. Polyship - (hahaha kill me rn going down the rabbit hole)
💭 - I met Ken through Mitsuya at a Toman dinner. I happened to be helping Mitsuya with his website when he kindly volunteered me to do Ken's for the shop. Imagine my shock when I walked into the shop a couple of weeks later to be greeted by both of these tall gorgeous men. I'm quite shy, so I literally felt like bolting. Inui said I reminded him of a scared baby bunny. I hate it because they make fun of me and tease me for it all the time. I was so timid at first only to turn out to be the worlds biggest brat. LMFAOOOO 💗 - Ahhhh dividing time can be hard sometimes, especially because I work quite late. I get in around 1:30 or so in the morning (Ken always grumbles about this, he hates me leaving on my own, it look about a month of proving that yes I was getting home just fine that he finally stopped being an ass) so I try to spend rotating nights with them. Every once in a while we'll all sleep in the bed together but they're both space heaters so doing it every night is unrealistic. I would suffer and die because I too am a space heater. There are days that Inui and Ken rotate days off so we can have some one on one time, but being with the both of them is easier than I expected.
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years ago
This is Patrick Bateman's zone, so beware of extremely explicit content (18+ if you can't guess). Please do not copy, take my work, and post it anywhere else. Reblogs and comments are always welcome! 💗
A big thanks to @spaghettificationandpretzels for this amazing banner! 🥰
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Please, check out how to change your Tumblr content settings before reading! 🖤
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— Sweet like a Cupcake 🧁
Summary: You’re involved in a toxic unhealthy relationship with Patrick Bateman where he wants to be your Daddy and you to be his little Cupcake. Will you find a way out from this situation or still remain in his power?
— Shadow Lady ⛓
Summary: You have been kidnapped and sent to the human trade market, where Mr. Bateman was looking for someone who could become his perfect f*ckdoll.
— Call Me Babydoll👄
Summary: You always considered yourself a daddy’s girl. You’ve been close to your father ever since you were a baby, but after your mom’s death, you became more attached to him than ever. Life was peaceful, simple, it was only you and your beloved father… until it wasn’t. Ever since Patrick Bateman suddenly entered your life and set his eyes on you, many problems started to arise. Patrick was supposed to be off limits, since he’s your dad’s business partner and dearest friend, but you can’t deny that he stirs some special feelings inside your heart.
— Memory Reboot 💔 (Completed)
Summary: You work at P&P, and one day you come into Bateman's office and witness his breakdown. Your attempts to comfort him only increase his obsession with you, and without realizing it, you push this man to his limits. The outburst that finds you both in a club called the Tunnel will change your lives forever and irrevocably.
— Till Death Do Us Part 🪓
Summary: 1987. Your name is Rebecca Rice, you were born in Houston, Texas, but then your family moved to New York City in hopes of a better life. And it really paid off, as your father became successful in business and made several important acquisitions—the Bateman family being one of them. You and Patrick have known each other since childhood, but you have never liked each other. A golden boy from day one, he despised you because you were not as rich as he was. Fortunately, you parted ways after high school and have seen each other several times over the years, as your mother has a good relationship with Mrs. Bateman. At some point, you even thought that your teenage crush on Patrick had faded and you finally managed to build relationships with another guy, but sadly, it didn't work out because your family didn't accept him. Just like they didn't like your choice of career, but you didn't care because you always wanted to work in the medical field and help people, being a nurse was really tough. The hardest times came when one day your mother told you that in order to help your father you had to marry Patrick Bateman and you had no other choice because you didn't even know what was behind this deal, but you promised yourself that one day you would find the answers to all your questions. If you survived this marriage, of course. For it was obvious that sooner or later everyone would expect you to bring an heir into this world. The world of corruption and sin.
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Bingo Writing Challenge Masterlist🔥
1k Followers Celebration Masterlist ✌
My imagines and short requests 💗
2k Followers Celebration Masterlist 🖤
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All I Want for Christmas Is You
My little Meow Meow
No One but You
Angel Boy
Because I want You (commission)
Blood Sweat & Tears
I Would Be Lost Without You (commission)
Starfall (commission)
Sorry Not Sorry (commission)
My Dear Little Girl
A Helping Hand (commission)
I Like It Rough (Patrick Bateman x Fem!OC)
Neglected (Patrick Bateman x Fem!OC)
Heal Me
Pink (Patrick Bateman x Fem!OC)
A little bit possessive
In The Air Tonight
Shape of You
Vibe With Me (Modern AU)
A Shared Mind (Patrick Bateman x Male!Reader)
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The Light in the Darkness: [Ch.1], [Ch.2].
Unravel Desire: [Ch.1].
Flesh n' Bones | Hospital AU
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𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟│𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍
Morning sex with Patrick | NSFW HEADCANON
Clingy!Patrick Bateman x Insecure!Fem!Reader | NSFW HEADCANON
Husband!Patrick Bateman having a breeding kink | NSFW HEADCANON
Being Bateman's Tradwife | NSFW HEADCANON
Being Bateman’s Soulmate
Patrick Bateman being a perfect switch | NSFW HEADCANON
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NSFW Ramblings:
Daddy Knows Best (full version)
Good Morning, Babe (Patrick's POV)
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— My Lovely Detective 🩸 (Patrick Bateman x Fem!Detective!OC)
Summary: Being a detective in New York was pretty hard, and being a woman detective was even harder, but not for Andrea Moore. Despite the fact that she lived the life of an average American without any luxury or wealth, she loved her job, her life and her boyfriend, who always supported her. One day, her boss — Detective Kimball — assigned her to a case regarding the disappearance of a very rich man from Wall Street named Paul Allen, and her first task became to interrogate the man who was suspected to be connected to it. From that moment on, Andrea would have to reveal what secrets were hidden behind the perfect facade of Patrick Bateman...
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moonlight-additions · 3 years ago
Relationship with the Hip Hop Unit
Taglist: @nayuyeons @cherryutas @ateezjuliet @mythicalamphitrite @justmochi @svt-blair (send in an ask if you’d like to be added to her taglist or fill out this google form! 💗)
Aeri’s Masterlist
Seungcheol (S. Coups)
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"I don't have favorites, but if I did it would be Aeri."
1/3 of Aeri's parent line
When he found out that Aeri was joining the lineup he really went the extra mile whenever it came to anything about her
He would constantly check in with her to make sure she was okay and that she was comfortable
He is her confidant
Aeri goes to him whenever she has a problem that she doesn’t know how to deal with
Also Aeri’s personal bodyguard (so do not mess with her unless you’re okay dealing with him)
He is always HUGGING! HER! (most of the members cling to her, let’s be honest 😭)
He will legit get her ANYTHING if she asks for it
Always tries and fails to have her in his sight
Find him constantly looking around for her
Yes, there are YouTube compilations of him looking around in panic until he finds her (to which she is usually hiding behind wonwoo and/or mingyu)
Always trying his hardest to involve her in anything their winning speeches
Catch her running away from him to avoid giving a speech (Aeri when Cheol is trying to give her the look to give a speech ➖👄➖)
Overall: Seungcheol’s angel child that can do no wrong
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"If I have to pick one member to go on a trip with, I will always pick Aeri.”
They just get each other
Like they just clicked when they met for the first time back at the company
In fact, the amount of time it took the two of them to get close actually shocked the others
It’s because the others thought it would take a good while for them to get close to each other since they both are the type with few words
But now?
Now if you want to look for one, all you have to do is look for the other
You need to find Aeri? Look for Wonwoo.
You need to find Wonwoo? Look for Aeri.
Seriously, you will see these two together A LOT
Always seated next to each other at award shows talking about anything
Like they’re both the silent type, but for some reason these two together are chatty
He will choose Aeri over the the other members if a situation arise (rip Jihoon in the EGO episode of GOSE)
It's every man for themselves except for when it comes to Aeri
Probably one of the only people he will openly show affection to
Catch him with his arm wrapped around her shoulder
Wonwoo whenever Aeri is being clingy:☺️
Overall: soulmates!!!
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[Aeri doing literally anything] "WAH! Look at our princess!"
Whenever she was announced to join the debut lineup, he was by far the most excited member
Not only were they getting a girl, but they were getting AERI
She is a literal princess in his eyes
Her mannerism, her voice, her looks?
It just screams princess to him
He is seriously whipped over Aeri (who in svt isn’t tho 😭)
Aeri’s: existing / Mingyu: take my love and affection !
Aeri >>> everyone else
He’s one of her biggest supporters
Aeri speaks up during an interview? Mingyu is cheering her on with the biggest smile on his face
They’re shooting individually? He’s hyping her up from the sidelines
For some reason he likes picking her up out of nowhere (she may not be tiny bc she is a tall queen, but she’s tiny to him okay)
Will always try to be on her team/be her partner
She is the person he goes to when he wants someone to talk to
Also the first person he constantly gets to taste the food he’s cooking up
Overall: Mingyu’s favorite girl (aka the girl he’s the most whipped for 😭)
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"I love talking with Aeri. I've literally heard her talk for years but her voice is still so soothing to me."
These two struggled becoming friends
It wasn’t that they didn’t like each other… they’re just both more on the quiet side
Aeri was (and still is) pretty shy so she didn’t have it in her to approach him first
Vernon, on the other hand, assumed that she didn't like him
Because, let’s be real, she was friends with Wonwoo???
He couldn’t understand it bc as far as he knew, they were the most closed off trainees but somehow they had managed to become friends???
Once they did start talking they took a liking to each other pretty quickly
They can just sit there and vibe together to anything really
She loves to show him her favorite music and he does too
They are always making playlists for each other (okay but me and someone when?? 💔)
When he learned that her first language was French, he immediately began learning it so that she had someone else to talk with in French
Overall: her vibe bestie!!
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janellion · 5 years ago
the sweatshirt?? the wants to see you?? falling asleep in the car?? THIS IS SO GOOD
how would haikyuu boys react to you hitting them up at 3 am? feat. gym three squad !
tsukishima kei
listen LISTEN
i know everyone thinks he’s the punctual kid who got his shit together and has a nice bed time and stuff
but like ??? tsukki is just a lil boy who collects dinosaurs and has a crippling addiction to tiktok
this boy is awake at 3 am because he cannot for the love of god put his phone down 
he’s basically bouncing back and forth from twitter to tiktok, he’s TIRED OF IT
at this time he’s got a pretty picture of you cozily asleep in bed cause it’s like almost the crack of dawn and he’s chill with the fact that you’re healthy and taking care of yourself
so imagine how betrayed he felt when you snap him a picture of yourself holding up a peace sign with a silly grin at 3:36 am captioned “wanna get ice cream w/ me? 😗✌️”
he doesn’t reply but he does leave you on opened
and you were low key hurt cause 3 am do be the time you’re on your feels
he snaps you back though after a minute or two
it’s a video of him rolling his eyes at you but then flipping the camera to show you that he’s already on his way out the door with car keys in his hand
he’s gonna pretend that he’s annoyed but cmon guys let’s be real
he wanted some ice cream too and his fyp was showing the same stuff over and over again
plus he missed seeing you ok 👉👈
once he arrives at your door, he’s all grumpy but you don’t buy it !!! nah you see right through his act !!
tsukki: we’re buying ice cream and then we’re going to sleep or so help me i’ll lose my mind and never function again 😤
you: so i’m guessing you wrecked your sleep schedule too this quarantine huh?
tsukki, on the verge of a meltdown: if i see the sunrise without sleeping again for the eight morning in a row i’ll cry
you pat his back and you enjoy your ice cream together in his car while you both scroll through tiktok again
Keep reading
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janellion · 5 years ago
angel and bo rly make me feeling 🥺💗✨💗✨💗
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hei i notice that your ask box are open! so can i request? maybe a hcs for oikawa, kuroo and bokuto reaction to his s/o leaning against them and falling asleep on their shoulder? maybe before they've started dating but the characters already have a crush on s/o? thank you and i love your writing so much❤️❤️
Thank you so so much for this request anon!! I had so much fun hehe and I hope you enjoy this because they’re all different and I love all three of these boys❤️
—Falling asleep on his shoulder
Bokuto x fem!reader, Oikawa x fem!reader, Kuroo x fem!reader
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He was babbling on about the game they just won because he was always eager to show off to you
It was a few moments later when he noticed your pretty little head rest stop his shoulder, strands of hair falling over your face
This was the first time Bokuto Kotarou was completely speechless
Did you always have that little quirk on your face that made you look like heaven on earth?
So instead of continuing on about his game, he proceeded to list the many things he loved about you in the quietest of whispers
He was about 50 traits in when his arms start to gesture wildly to more passionately convey his love for you
The movement obviously woke you up and you were able to hear the last part of his sentence going “... because your smile does things to me like how I find it impossible to look away and can’t help getting lost in it.”
Your giggle gave you away, but he was truly not embarrassed at all
Because you were smiling, and just like his last compliment said, that was what drove his heart to the edge and made him happier than anything in the world
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Practice had ended late and it was dark so Oikawa would be damned of he left his “precious manager go home alone” (his words, not yours)
As you two got on the small and crappy bus, Oikawa pushed your head down onto his shoulder
“Rest, you deserve it.”
And who were you to deny the prettiest setter you knew
You trusted that he’d wake you up when you reached your destination so you let yourself drift to sleep
And even though it was Oikawa’s idea, he couldn’t help but he completely baffled by your actions
Why did he want to brush those stray hairs out of your face so badly?
and why was he scared that if he moved too much, you’d break
He takes a big gulp and opts for tapping his leg instead to no disturb you
Sure he’s always liked you, but why was he being so anxious, so nervous, so unlike his usual playboy self?
Your shallow breaths touch his neck at just the right spot and he shivers, reaching for your hand to adjust your position but when he sees you flinch and grumble in your sleep, he immediately retracts his hand
He leans back a bit into his seat, sighing because perhaps you being beside him is exactly where you belong
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The team had just finished their long and satisfying meal at the new ramen place and you were sleepy from eating too much
You guys get into your respective rides with you, Kuroo, Lev, and Yaku being in one
You were smushed between Kuroo and Lrv and frankly, you did not like being squished between these two giant bozos
But sleep was more important
As your head fell onto the captain’s shoulder, he began snickering, already planning all the different ways to prank your poor unsuspecting soul
“Oh ho ho chibi-chan, you don’t know what’s coming your way.”
But Yaku dearest abruptly hits the breaks at the red light in an attempt to stop Kuroo’s antics, ultimately shooting you forward but dependable Kuroo reached out just in time to catch your sleeping form to reposition you back on his shoulder
Fortunately, he was now resting an arm over your body to prevent you from hurtling forward again
He glares at Yaku but the libero keeps his eyes straight ahead to avoid the dirty looks
You were on the verge of waking up when Kuroo started to pat your head comfortingly and whispering into your ear that you’re safe now and to just sleep peacefully
The soft smile that remained on his face would melted anyone (and it did because Lev is now a pile of mush on the ground after witnessing it)
And if you were awake then, he would’ve confessed all the feelings he’s been bundling up since he first laid eyes on you
Taglist 🏷: (comment or send an ask to be added)
@janellion @personality-still-downloading @darkdinosaurpeanut @sugacookiies @anianimol @sstardusty @karaseijoh @flavoredmilktea @millie-mint @spicyness @kuroos-babie
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janellion · 5 years ago
tysm angel for the tag!!! @deadontheinsidebut
also omg @thirsthourdemon CMERE LEMME LOVE YOU 💗✨
haikyuu!! random texts
how they would respond to 'do you still love me?' text message
sakusa kiyoomi, miya atsumu, kuroo tetsurou, tendou satori, ushijima wakatoshi, bokuto koutarou, akaashi keiji, terushima yuuji
warnings: none
pairings: sakusa x reader, atsumu x reader, kuroo x reader, tendou x reader, ushijima x reader, bokuto x reader, akaashi x reader, terushima x reader
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janellion · 5 years ago
ANGEL FRL YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT AND SUPPORT AND FRIENDSHIP MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!! there are not enough words in the world to describe how much i appreciate you & love you 💗✨
also you are BEAUTIFUL!!! in your personality, your words, your thoughts, how considerate and caring and intelligent you are, but also physically too and you deserve to hear it more 💗✨ so get ready for daily “good morning beautiful 💗💫” messages bc THEYRE COMING
also BITCH I LOVE YOU you’re the buttercup to my bubbles & i wouldn’t want it any other way 💙✨💚
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this is a shout-out to angel @deadontheinsidebut for not only being an amazing, supportive, and encouraging friend, but also a stunning, gorgeous, and beautiful human being
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my actual reactions to seeing angel’s beautiful self:
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angel, thank you so much for being you 💗✨ and thank you for helping convince me to dye my hair and talking me thru the process. it’ll be you i’m thanking of when i have it done, and you’ll be the first to see 💗✨
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janellion · 5 years ago
ANGEL!!!! 💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨
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you are such an amazing writer, person, and friend and no one deserves this more than you!!! your ideas and writing never cease to impress me!! you bring so much love and positivity to this community and i am so happy and lucky to know you!!
—This is soso late but THANK YOU FOR 300❣️❣️
-> first of all, I just want to thank all the people I’ve met on here because you guys have been an integral part of my growth on this platform. There is no way I would’ve continued writing if it hadn’t been for the encouragement you guys have given me!! I love you all dearly
Some of the mutuals I have come to love with all my heart and that deserve all the recognition they gotten and more!!
@kenmakodzu @janellion @miyumtwins @millie-mint @toorusquill @herakosmos @sstardusty @anianimol @stcrryskies @sobawithshoto @spicyness @spicyricerice @dearkags @mrs-kuroojinguji @personality-still-downloading @currentconcern @nekoma-hoe @katsushimaa @sugacookiies @bby-bokutwo @myhaikyuuhq @mochiimii @volleykyuu @oyakags @hqstuffsforme @kuroos-babie @shou-kunn @strawberriimilkshake @myhaikyuuhq @shrimpyblog @flavoredmilktea @crocyoota
-> it’s going to be a small event this time just like how I only did collages for my 200, I’ll be doing:
1. Mini Matchup Drabbles!! Requests: 2
Send an ask with your favourite food and colour and I’ll match you up with a hq character
It’ll include a drabble about a date that went well and one that didn’t and your compatibility score!
I’ll include a mood board at the end for reference
The matchups are a followers only event because I wanna show my appreciation to the people who have gotten me to 300!! Anon is gonna stay open because I trust y’all!
2. Just a regular old sleepover! Starting now until I feel like ending it LOL
Let’s be friends!!
Talk to me about anything and everything
Tell me about your self ship or ask about mine
Ask me for small hcs about your fave characters
Send anon hate (lmao jk don’t do that, that’s mean)
P.S. keep in mind I’m still doing other requests atm so I might take longer for both the 300 event and the normal requests!! Thank you for your patience ❤️
Blacklist #angel hits 300 <33 if you don’t want to see this
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janellion · 5 years ago
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Bokay🌻✨ x Angelshima☁️🌙
a/n: ignore if you hate self-shipping 😌 if you want a double date with Angelshima I’d be so honoured and excited to write it🥺
For @janellion
Word count: 602
“We are chaos in human form...”
Mornings are filled with empty silence and brewing coffee....
I rested my palm on my chin as I pondered what to do today. I turned my head over to Tsukishima to see him peacefully listening music on his headphones and I let out a long sigh in hopes of grabbing his attention to no avail.
‘What to do, what to do,’ I think before reaching over the counter to my phone. I dialed Kayla’s number and in a couple rings, she picked up with a cheerful greeting.
“Hi Angel! Good morning, how are you?”
“Are you free right now? I’m bored out of my mind and I need something to dooooo.”
There was a small silence as Kayla shouted something to someone over the phone.
“Bo and I are in! Bubble tea at the usual place?” She suggested in that bright tone of hers.
“Tsukki and I will meet you in 10!”
Tsukishima’s huge figure towered from behind me as I giggled, scratching the back of my head, preparing to be scolded by my boyfriend.
Instead, he rolled his eyes and pulled me out the door and into the car.
Kayla and I charged at each other the moment our eyes locked from 20 feet away. Our embrace was so intimate you would’ve thought we were the ones dating.
Tsukishima facepalmed and Bokuto pouted as he waited for Kayla to return to him.
When we returned to our respective partners, we entered the boba shop. The vibes inside were immaculate with everyone chatting amongst themselves and sipping their bubbleteas. We picked a little table in the corner because we were used to... uh... being kicked out of public places.
We were quick to order and receive our drinks, eager to catch up with one another.
“You know that trend where you try to poke the straw through your cup while closing your eyes?” I bring up.
“Oh ya!! I’ve seen the videos. Do you want to try?” Bokuto responds, bouncing in his seat.
He volunteers to go first, me spinning the cup around to relocate it and Kayla with her phone in hand ready to record and hype her man up. Bokuto strikes his cup with extreme force considering how he’s one of the top five aces in Japan and the cup quite literally explodes.
Bubbletea is dripping down the table onto my lap and Tsukki is very much annoyed, standing up and screaming at Bokuto fo getting me dirty. I try to reassure him by pulling his arm down as we were getting enough attention as it is. Kayla is using all our napkins in order to clean up our mess but it’s a little too late.
The barista makes her way over to our chaotic little table with a twitch in her eye. We are all laughing nervously, already packing up our stuff to leave the store.
The awkward tension immediately dissipates the moment we step foot outside the boba shop. The silence turns to laughter and everyone is just having a good time.
I sigh, not really expecting a normal date in the first place, and link arms with Tsukki.
“We are chaos in human form,” I chuckled.
“You can say that again,” Tsukishima mumbles, but there’s just a slight smirk on his face.
Kayla is rubbing Bokuto’s back and reassuring him that it’s okay.
“Let’s just go to someone’s house and watch a movie...” Kayla began.
“And we can just cuddle and talk!” Bokuto finishes.
Angelshima nodded in agreement and the four of us drove back to my house, promising to never have dates in public again...
Taglist: @darkdinosaurpeanut @sugacookiies @spicyness @sugacookiies @anianimol @sstardusty @fangirlwithlissa @flavoredmilktea @millie-mint
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janellion · 4 years ago
please do yourself a favor and read these, they are so beautifully written and thoughtful and accurate. angel, thank you for sharing your thoughts and talent with us 💗 i love you to the moon and back 🌙
—The HQ boys falling in love as love quotes found on the Internet
Do you know what it feels like to fall in love? Then come join these boys as they fall for you through quotes from their heart
For the Haikyuu boys I hold dear in my heart💌
Osamu, Atsumu, Akaashi, Bokuto, Tsukishima, Sugawara, Kageyama, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, Kenma, Ushijima
miya atsumu— someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of it’s most beautiful chapters because a love story with him is but a fleeting moment. It can come as quickly as it falls apart. But if you manage to find your way back to each other, the pages you once thought were a beautiful chapter, will become your life’s story.
miya osamu— getting lost in you was the best adventure I have ever had because with Osamu, the little things that were so insignificant begin to feel like a journey and the big things that used to hurt you become bearable. The things holding you back became a lesson and loving him became a gift.
akaashi keiji— i’m a hopeless romantic who still believes letters are much more beautiful than text messages because loving him is like a fairytale where a happily ever after is ensured. You find the moment within the words and each word he pours into the messages he sends you are intricate love letters that carry the weight of his heart.
bokuto kotarō— moments with you, that’s when I wish I could stop time because his love can burn like an ember until it becomes a fire too big to contain. You wish to relive these memories over and over again, but when the moments don’t stop and the exhilaration doesn’t ease, you realize that you can make new moments as long as you’re with him.
tsukishima kei— i love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you because a love with him is filled with tender trust and hesitant promises. It is being the stars to his moon and illuminating the darkness when it is too difficult on his own. And it’s dangerous knowing the faith you put in each other but it is that belief that strengthens you everyday.
sugawara kõshi— you are everything my heart dreams of in which he becomes the embodiment of love. It is the kind of love you wait eons for because it’s only a dream until it isn’t. You fall asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat and the steadiness of his breath and lull into a deep slumber followed by a lullaby of dreams consisting only of him.
kageyama tobio— thank you for loving me when I still tasted of heartache and war because amidst the scars of his past, you looked forward and saw him for simply himself. And although the scarring is etched deep within his heart, he began to taste of home and comfort.
oikawa tōru— something about you made me feel a little more alive and far less lost because you were a weightless anchor that breathed life into him while keeping him grounded on the right path. Falling in love with him was pure acceptance in the flaws and support through the pain. Because when everyone was telling him ‘no’ you kept his spark alive.
iwaizumi hajime— i caught myself smiling and then I realized I was thinking about you because your love stirs gradually, building up to the peak of a mountain before you’re on cloud 9 wishing for nothing more than to wipe that godawful smile from your face because you can’t hide the fact that you’re on top of the world.
kuroo tetsurõ— chemistry between people is the strangest science of all because when you two met, the fibres of love began to intertwine, creating an undeniable chemistry that you would be a fool to ignore. And this woven web became a red string made from destiny’s womb.
kenma kozume— you made me feel things I didn’t believe in anymore in which you become the one thing he holds onto that makes his efforts feel like they’re worth a million. It’s where the boy who only saw gray in the world begins to feel the colours of the universe the longer he’s with you.
ushijima wakatoshi— it was instinctive, the way I fell for you. Like an effortless intake of breath because like volleyball, it came naturally to him. He’s not versed in the world of romance, but when he falls for you, it’s easy and breathless. There’s a whirlwind of thoughts in his head as he tries to decipher why he feels this way and how simple it is for him to hold your hand and feel like this was easily his place in the world.
Taglist 🏷 (send an ask or comment to be added):
@janellion @personality-still-downloading @darkdinosaurpeanut @sugacookiies @anianimol @sstardusty @karaseijoh @flavoredmilktea @millie-mint @spicyness @kuroos-babie @yourfavoritedarling @shou-kunn @stcrryskies @katsushimaa @bbakougo @mrs-kuroojinguji @k-eijiakaashi @animatedarchives
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janellion · 4 years ago
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💌 + Bokuto (it's close to his birthday so he deserves lots of love)
Mini hc: Bokuto used to pass out Hershey’s kisses on Valentine’s Day and sugar cookies during christmas to all of his teammates when he heard that they didn’t have anyone that would give them those treats. Now 4 years later when he’s just won against the Schweiden Addlers, the team shows up to give him a box of treats they’ve made with the MSBY’s logo frosted on and a “thank you bo” to top it off
Send me a 💌+character for a hc
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janellion · 5 years ago
thank you for being you, you make it so easy to love you 💗✨
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hi angel ily to the moon and back and so does tsukki 🌙💗✨ we’re both so lucky to have you in our lives, thank you for being you 💗✨
Hi lovely kayla💗✨ i love you to the moon and back and in this universe and all the rest (wow I haven’t said that one in a long time huh)
Dude, I’m the luckiest to have y’all in my life like no joke. Both of you bring smt special to my table and light up my world in the subtlest of ways (just like the moon)
Thank you for loving me because I will keep loving YOU mwah 💋
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janellion · 4 years ago
angel my love, my dear friend, my forever girl, the buttercup to my bubbles ☕️ (since there is no bubble tea emoji)
you are so so special to me. i don’t think i can ever adequately put into words what you mean to me and how much you mean to me, so i’m not going to try here in my 2a sleepy state
but i will say that i love you, you inspire me, you ground me, and you make me so so happy 💗
our morning texts when one of us wakes up always bring a smile to my face. us gushing about our boys, or talking about our days, or school or whatever we happen to be doing (probably staying up too late) alway remind me that you are a true friend and i am so lucky to have you in my life
you make every day fun, but you also remind me to stay grounded. you help me take care of myself when maybe i’m not doing the best job. you inspire me every day with how hard you work, how much you love, and how willing you are to share of your time, energy, and talents
i can’t wait to make even more memories with you, and i look forward to growing together toward bigger and better things 💗 i’m always here for you, always rooting for you, and i have so much belief in you. i’m so proud of you for all that you do and all that i know you’re going to accomplish 💗
thank you for being you 💗 i love you to the moon and back and in this universe and all the rest. and i always will 💗🌙
—Love letters💌
Dear Kayla, my sunflower queen. 🌻
Happy Birthday! Knowing you has no doubt been a highlight on this godawful app. I have no doubt that you deserve all the good things the universe gives you and for all the bad things? I’ll ward them off with my unconditional love for you.
You were one of my first moots and for that, I cherish you. You gave me the motivation to write while remaining undoubtedly you. The love you give to people needs to be reciprocated at all cost but by 1000.
I love all that you do and worship the ground that you walk on. Continue to inspire people and love yourself because you’re already so good at it. I hope we continue to be a part of each other’s lives, sharing memories and struggles to pass the time and simply living our lives to the fullest because we can. I love you, from the bottom of my heart I love you.
Forever yours, Angel.
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janellion · 5 years ago
I LOVE THIS SM pls enjoy this chaos i put together at 12:30a 💙
@miyumtwins 💗 @deadontheinsidebut 💚
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I fucking hate it here!! But like- why are our edits so stupid I can’t. Post your edits you two I’m ready
@miyumtwins @janellion
@ my followers: I’m sorry I cursed you guys with this uglyass edit😌✨💗 I couldn’t contain the creativity
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