#me ?? spreading love ?? with the sibs ??
enavstars · 11 months
Cyberpunk au
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RGB designs for a new au
Important things:
The inspiration for this was the game Stray (that I finally played).
This is a hyperfixation that I don't know when it's going to end. I'll probably draw things from it as much as my motivation lets me but don't expect it to be a constant thing like Eclipse or On the road.
I love worldbuilding so there is a lot of details of this au already, feel free to ask questions.
The world is dark and very corrupted but the tone of the au is chill because the sibs dgaf about the world.
Worldbuilding details (my friend wrote this because this is complicated and I suck at writing) [very long text under the cut]:
The key element of this AU’s worldbuilding is a new biohazardous artificial plant which was originally genetically engineered by the scientist of the RGB’s city-state to fight the air pollution that plagued the region by attempting to reduce the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere (yes this is a biopunk universe :)). However, because they are an ugly reddish colour, have a bitter taste and are extremely nutrient-deficient and unhealthy, they have no natural predators and can spread like wildfire across both fertile plots and forests like weeds. On top of that, due to that nutrient deficiency, which stems from the slow absorption ability of their roots (not nearly enough to keep the heavy rate of photosynthesis), they evolved on their own to attach themselves to other living beings as parasites and basically invaded the entire area around the metropolis. With them being potentially lethal, this caused a massive problem that made the city panic; although they have plenty of weak points (like fire and a vulnerable immune system) and it takes them very long to get their roots to the rest of the body, their grip is so deep and strong that the only option is to remove the infected body part. So their special ability became a critical issue when the plants unexpectedly ended up liking animals better, and with them humans themselves, because they could carry them to other places and infest those too while still sucking the life out of them until they die (oopsie). Ultimately, with the lack of proper information on the parasites, and because the situation was handled very poorly overall, they ended up taking many people’s lives and made the most vulnerable species of the area (like cattle) go endangered or extinct, which in turn altered the balance of the ecosystem and the working class’ means of living :).
Sorry this chunk was so technical, we (@kaigoesbrr and I) are biology nerds, but basically the plants were so good at making more oxygen and so ass at getting what they needed to do so that they became parasites, and now they get what they need from plants and animals (and they like animals better, like humans, because they have more stuff and help them spread further). Then society collapsed :).
All of this caused a deep economic crisis that brought about high rates of poverty, and with it, a deep fear of the infested world outside the city walls. So this whole conundrum led to the city closing off to the lands around it, implementing absurd levels of security like a tight border control and a slower, more strict business traffic, and making a huge dark translucent dome that encapsulates the whole city to keep any potential smuggled plants from ever growing by blocking the natural sunlight. They even made a ditch around their walls (kind of like a moat) and burnt and bombed the fields and suburbs around them to make them extremely infertile. So yeah, this city-state is a terrible place to live, a gloomy prison where not even the sun and stars can be seen, but most the inhabitants never leave out of that paranoid terror and the heavy bureaucracy needed to just go outside and touch grass.
(haha with poor funding corrupt scientists who didn’t know what they were doing made a mess, shocker how that would backfire horribly).
However, the outside isn’t as bad as they make it out to be. In the end, the plants did clean the air as they were supposed to, and, as nature does, it did somewhat recover from the disaster to where human life is now sustainable again.
Taking advantage of their thick crust, trees were the least affected by the plague, and the other plants in the forest developed new natural defences against the parasites, which was yet another reason why they in turn became best at infecting animals. And many of the fungi, abundant in the now more humid forest (haha cooler air equals more rain), took advantage of their weak immune system (due to their fucking incompetent creators making a mess of the original plant’s DNA) and infected them (haha scammer get scammed). So basically, the fields and farmlands were lost to the people, but the forests are still intact. Also, even though one of the rivers around the city, the one which makes its ways under it and is therefore connected to the water supply and sewer systems, is trashed, the other, which is further away, is now perfectly healthy due to the city closing off and therefore leaving it alone for enough time. The real issue here lies within the actual government, which obviously does not want to expose how corrupt and lazy they are when dealing with problems and so they keep fueling the paranoia of their most vulnerable citizens since they are kids :). One way they do so is by manipulating the information their people get, claiming bullshit like “the current ecosystem is wild and polluted, it cannot offer our economy anything anymore!” and “the plants are dangerous and will kill you if you ever come into contact with them, and they have infected virtually every living thing around!”. Another is by not educating their population about “the Outside”, treating it like a sort of taboo. Therefore, they refuse to explain, or hush those who try to, the actual danger of the plants and how to deal with them (they do have many weaknesses, after all).
But the people in this world have yet another nasty problem. In this AU there are beings believed to be anthropomorphic demons due to their pointy ears, fangs, and sometimes strange behaviour. But in fact, these people are descendants of the dragons that once lived in these nations, but their origins were forgotten as the world gradually lost touch with its spirituality and ancestry, and now those who were once revered for their “godlike attributes” (yes, they kinda worshipped dragons, I mean, who wouldn’t) are today facing discrimination. However, even though they aren’t considered exactly “people”, the pure humans are still kind of afraid of them, so they usually choose the subtler kind of racism. In most governments, “Demons” get less job opportunities and are denied high positions, can be freely banned from any establishment, and face unmatched prejudice just for existing, especially those with a stronger blood relation with their ancestry. In the city, they are treated as less than even the robots (nindroids of all kinds), who are treated like any other respected social group by now because they have grown so advanced that most of them are just like humans in metal armour. In fact, many of them are mechanics, who are held in high esteem for making the many bionic implants for the humans.
And all of that combined made the RGB siblings (who are obviously demons, especially Lloyd), decide never to leave the Outside, where they grew up, to go live in the city.
When they were younger, Kai and Nya adopted Lloyd when they found him asleep in a box in the middle of nowhere, after having been abandoned themselves a few years earlier. This time, though, their dynamic in this AU is more of a team than Kai being a mom to them both like he always is, so even if Kai feels the most responsible for being the eldest sibling, they rely on each other almost equally. They fend off the plants that threaten them with fire (no they do not have powers, but Kai uses a fucking flamethrower because it’s Kai), and usually live on whatever they can find in the wild: mostly by making traps for game, fishing in the cleaner river and occasionally foraging edible plats (that’s more risky and they are more carnivorous anyway). Also, Nya routinely strolls through the ruins of the suburbs to collect scrap junk to turn as much of it as she can into useful trinkets, the rest of which she sells to Ed and Edna’s junkyard and their son, who is an amateur mechanic (wink wink but no shipping actually). Apart from that though, they usually sneak into the metropolis to cause a bit of mayhem here and there, which over time and on top of the fear over their species has earned them a reputation of People You Don't Wanna Mess With (or "Demons", more like). More than once they’ve even messed with a few of the gangs around town, which started sprouting up after the disaster, so overall their presence in the city is tolerated, but frowned upon. They manage to bypass the annoying border control thanks to the faulty assistant robot who raised them, named Echo (wink wink), who cannot perform any other social job (what he was made for) than to be the ferryman for those few people who decide to cross the wide moat and venture out into the Outside. They usually take a secret tunnel that a few smugglers managed to make, and the Guard do nothing because they do not give a fuck about demons anyway (in fact, only a few people know that their actual names aren’t Red, Blue and Green because nobody gives a fuck indeed). They do actually know a few people there, some of whom are also demons (like Mistake and Ronin), but especially as kids (which is when the story starts) they spend most of their time in the wild chilling and going on adventures :³.
(no the city and the plants are not named, we’re lazy :))
Anyway this is what I'll say for now. There's a lot more info, and hopefully drawings, coming. Hope you like this au because I love it for now ^^
(Btw let me know if you want me to make a post/reblog explaining the designs for the Rgb siblings and some info behind them)
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mushroomnoodles · 5 months
I think your content is wonderful! It's so wholesome, funny and angsty all at once in the best ways possible. Just wanted to spread some nice love in my ask! ^_^
Does Morrigan talk to any of their little siblings when they're in the womb? For example telling them about some butterflies they saw or just reminding them that they have the most radical big sibs (them and Marcy) ever. I'm not sure how you interpret this, but I like to imagine Morrigan as a very loving big-brother in the universes where he has little siblings. :D
thank you nonnie <3 this is a longer post about morri being a big sibling in multiple aus.
tw/cw for sfw and non kink mpreg
morri talks a LOT to their siblings in the womb, especially golbaby morris, who remember how painfully boring it was sometimes to hear everyone talking around them and not being able to join in. (wizardbetty's morri has... no concept of normal babies not having their level of consciousness.) different morris have different flavors of big-sibling energy.
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golbaby morris that get a sibling early on (wizardbetty) are initially concerned and a bit jealous, especially when simon can't carry them anymore and his belly gets in the way of them sitting on his lap. (they threw a little fit when simon first told them he couldn't carry them anymore until after the baby came) with ophelia especially (simon was always talking about how she would never stop moving) lil' morri would put their hands on his tummy and be like "not so hard, baby" because they remember simon telling them that when they would kick him. (side note, simon loves his golbspawn so much even if they bite him)
they're enamored by their tiny baby siblings, think they're stupid (wdym they don't have object permanence) and tries hard to "teach" literal 6 month olds how to read. gets cranky and wants attention when they feel their sibling is getting too much, but also gets fiercely protective of their "dummy" siblings, trying to prevent them from doing dumb things from experience "don't eat that stick, becca, it tastes like butt". as a teen they tend to be a little bit of a menace to their little siblings (who isn't?) but would still kill and die for them.
golbaby morris that get a sibling later on (plainvanilla) are absolutely STOKED to have a sibling, morrigan has always wanted one. much like early sibling morris, they make a point to talk to their unborn siblings often because of their own experience, but with a lot of added enthusiasm. entity pregnancies take longer than human ones, so they'd also be impatient ("girl, you are taking fivever. come out already") they also give me the vibe to poke their siblings back when they kick, partially to bug them but also to interact with them.
older morri's much more of a protective sibling than their younger variants, but with fellow golbspawn siblings morri at least is able to better relate to their baby sisters and brother. they are still the type to teach a 6 month old to read.
normal morris that get a sibling early on (vamparents, candyworld) are just 4 years old when they get their first sibling, and are very confused by their dad's bump (and extremely curious). these morris probably talk the least to their unborn siblings, but still do in part because of their parent's encouragement, mostly just "hi baby" or telling them about what they had for dinner. (vamp morri in particular was sooo excited to see ophelia, simon shared the enthusiasm to meet her but mostly because she was treating him like a punching bag)
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(it took sour taffy five months, but they finally figured out what baby meant and where it was!)
vamp morri, when they're older, is much more laidback and totally does their siblings' homework for them, while sour taffy is more likely to just talk their ears off and braid their hair.
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rabid-wolfie · 24 days
Need an older sibling that lets me use their body as a reward for making progress towards bettering myself. It started out innocuous enough: in return for doing my schoolwork or studying for my driver's license they'd take me to the movies or to get dinner at a venue of my choice, the sorta things any big sib should! But after I asked for that first handjob and they actually gave it to me? The floodgates were opened, and I think we both knew they weren't going to shut.
They just want what's best for me, and yeah, sometimes I feel a little bad for using that fact to my advantage like this. But those feelings always go away when I hear big sib's moans and cries of ecstasy, spread nice and wide over my cock as I claim my daily reward for being good, bottoming out inside my hole of choice, feeling them clench around me- almost like they actually want to milk little sis's cum out. Besides! At this point this is probably for the best. We've gotten each other into so many nasty things since we started fucking, I don't think I could date any "normal" boys or girls anymore, and neither could they. We belong to each other now, I'm my big sib's perfect dildo and they're my perfect sleeve. We were made for each other, this is how it was always meant to be.
God, I love my big sib.
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fanfic-inator795 · 8 months
Why I love the Jeoffs in "The Ghost and Molly McGee"
(Warning, VERY long essay ahead)
There’s a lot to love about “The Ghost and Molly McGee” - from its lovable characters and fantastic animation, to its hilarious jokes and incredibly catchy songs, to its morals on kindness and spreading positivity. But while I admire all of these elements, one of my personal favorite things from TGAMM is the relationship between Geoff and Jeff.
To me, Geoff and Jeff seem to stand above a lot of the rest in terms of mlm rep. They aren’t just used for comedy relief, nor do they rely on cliches, and they aren’t just the dads of a side character that we hardly see - though they're still a middle-aged queer couple, which is pretty rare and just nice to see. They’re recurring characters who help out with plots and who actually FEEL like actual characters. To fully explain this, let’s take a deeper dive into these two and what makes them so great both as individuals and as a pair.
Meet Geoff
While he only appears in a handful of episodes throughout the series, I can appreciate that - much like characters such as Libby and Andrea - Geoff was introduced and established early on in the show. Voiced by Eric Edelstein, who some may recognize as Grizz from We Bare Bears, Geoff is the happy-go-lucky and somewhat ditzy ghost-best friend of Scratch. While Scratch may not always appreciate him (ESPECIALLY in the early half of the 1st Season), Geoff is always there to lend a hand or a hug, often letting whatever insults or cold-shoulders that Scratch throws at him just slide off his back.
It would have been INCREDIBLY easy to just make Geoff the brainless comedy relief character ala Patrick Star, but much like with Grizz, there’s a lot of genuine heart put into this character, even if he isn’t always the sharpest crayon in the box. Given that his first appearance shows him altering his calendar so he can hang out with Scratch and then playing dumb about it when Scratch tries to call him out, we’re able to get the feeling pretty early on that there’s more to this ghost than it seems. 
Something similar happens in the Sart Duan Sib episode when Geoff takes advantage of Scratch’s poor grammar to invite a bunch of other ghosts to the dinner. We then see him help save Scratch’s butt by talking up Scratch’s ‘unique scaring technique’ in the episode “Scare Tactics” - so we know that even if he doesn’t know stuff like basic history facts about Lincoln, Geoff is still just a bit more clever than he looks.
It should also be noted that Geoff knew Scratch before the McGees moved into his house - in other words, he likely noticed that for as grumpy and anti-social as Scratch was, he was also probably very lonely. So, much like Molly, Geoff was willing to do what he could to help pull Scratch out of his shell, seeing the good in him and - as such - being able to ignore the fact that Scratch was a pretty crappy friend in the early stages of their relationship. The show makes it clear that Geoff isn’t oblivious to Scratch’s obvious flaws, even acknowledging them in some instances (see him nodding along to Scratch’s points about how he can be lazy and selfish at the end of “Jinx VS the Human World”), he just chooses to easily forgive them in favor of seeing and believing in the best in his buddy.
So yeah, while there are small instances of Scratch manipulating him, it never outright feels like Geoff is a full-on doormat for Scratch - and, once Scratch is able to let down some of his walls, they’re even able to have fun together! Geoff also gets to show off his loyalty in episodes like “The Turnip Twist” and the season 1 finale, with these instances also showing how much of a power-house he’s able to be when he’s determined or when one of his loved ones is in danger through him destroying the festival or fighting off the SobGoblins.
By the end of season 1, we pretty much have a full grasp on Geoff’s character. He’s a bit dopey and is often seen spacing out, but he can also be observant and clever when he wants to be. He’s friendly, genuine, loyal and incredibly supportive towards others - and in that sense, he's less Patrick Star and more Olaf the Snowman in terms of goofy side characters. All in all, he’s a simple but still fully realized character - and, while he may not get as much overall screen time as his after-life partner, the same could be said for Jeff.
Meet Jeff
Funnily enough, while Jeff doesn’t get a proper introduction until s2, the show actually hints at him pretty early on. In “Not So Honest Abe” when Scratch and Geoff are at their favorite coffee house, the barista calls out an order, and Geoff immediately knows that it’s his partner’s order, not his. 
On the surface, it just seems like Geoff just supernaturally knows whenever someone is saying J-E-F-F instead of G-E-O-F-F - which, knowing him, he probably does have that ability… somehow. But, interestingly, the order that the barista calls out is a Misery Mocha with extra whip. While it’s not the cookie frightaccino that we see Jeff drinking in s2, he does take both drinks with extra whipped cream (or rather, whipped screams, because ghosts). So yeah, that’s a nice little easter egg there.
Then, in the Sart Duan Sib episode, we get to fully see Jeff for the first time. The two Jeoffs sit together at the table, and there’s actually a quick shot of the two of them in the background where Geoff is feeding something to Jeff, all while just giving him this absolutely adoring look (love it).
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Finally, during the s2 premiere, we see Jeff standing next to Geoff during Scratch’s big Chairman ceremony. So yeah, while it’s unclear WHEN exactly the creators decided on this relationship, it was at the very least established by mid-s1.
Voiced by Vincent Rodriguez III, who previously voiced Ansel Beauregard in Netflix’s “Arlo the Alligator Boy” - though others may know him for his work in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Jeff finally gets his proper introduction in “The (After)Life of the Party”, and actually gets to appear in several episodes afterwards. Again, it’s just nice to see this character - and his relationship with Geoff - actually get to stick around instead of being shunted to the background/void. What’s more, while Jeff obviously loves Geoff a ton and would most likely kill for his man, him being happily in love is not his only character trait.
Both Jeoffs are sociable extroverts and are incredibly friendly guys, but while Geoff tends to be friendly almost to a fault at some points, Jeff is willing to be just a bit mean when he needs to be. This, of course, is shown when he point-blank tells Scratch that if he ever does something to seriously hurt his partner, he’s gonna have to answer to him. Thankfully, Jeff doesn’t hold TOO much of a grudge once he lays down the law. Still, that connects to another similarity between the Jeoffs, as they can both be supportive and incredibly protective of the ones they love.
As for differences, Jeff is shown to subtly be just a bit of a humble bragger - like when he talks about how the guest list at his and Geoff’s anniversary party is going to include “the best of the best” or when he points out how he’s “classically trained” when he shows off his tap dancing skills during the “This House is Haunted” song. 
Speaking of that episode, I really love the bit during the scare-off between Geoff and Howlin' Harriet where Jeff just blatantly chooses Geoff as the winner, all while claiming that he’s a 'non-bias judge'. Honestly, it’s both hilarious and adorable, if also just a bit petty.
Moving on, we see that while both Jeoffs are pretty openly honest guys, Geoff will often try to sugarcoat things while Jeff can be incredibly blunt and more than a little snarky, as seen when he got annoyed with Jinx during their fake Wheel of Fortune game in the episode “Jinx!” or with his “soft rock personality” comment towards Scratch in “Davenport’s in Demise”. Although, with the latter, I have to wonder if that was just Jeff being petty again, given that Scratch very clearly interrupted their coffee date just to get some shallow validation - and, yeah, I’d be just a bit annoyed too.
We should also acknowledge his “terrible chairman” comments in “Jinx VS the Human World” - as, while these comments definitely aren’t quite accurate, given that Scratch did quite a few good things as chairman, namely getting rid of the Flow of Failed Phantoms permanently - they do speak to Jeff having just a bit of a temper leading to him occasionally being harsher than necessary, showing that BOTH Jeoffs can be pretty emotional, just on different sides of the spectrum.
It really is an amazing feat just how much character the TGAMM crew was able to put into Jeff despite him only really being prominently featured in the last third or so of the series. Again, they could have taken the lazy route and made him JUST Geoff’s love interest, likely making Jeff a near-carbon copy of his partner instead of the two of them having a good amount of similarities and differences. But because BOTH characters are decently fleshed out, we’re able to get a really good grasp on their incredibly sweet and enjoyable relationship.
Time to gush about Jeoff
There really is just sooooooo much to praise about this pairing - right down to their character designs having a sort of yin-yang aspect to them, with Geoff’s bottom-heavy design and Jeff’s top-heavy design allowing them to fit together perfectly! Their colors also go together incredibly well. 
Honestly, you could mute their dialogue and still be able to tell how much they love each other, just because they’re constantly giving each other loving looks and being physically affectionate with each other - hugging, holding hands, holding each other, Geoff hanging off Jeff’s arm, giving each other looks that just SCREAM “I love you” all that great stuff. We only get one actual kiss on the lips between them - and a quick one at that - but it’s one of those cases where I don’t mind too much, given that they really aren’t subtle or lacking when it comes to other examples of physical affection so it never feels like the TGAMM crew is trying to hide their romance like other shows might. Heck, just the fact that they’ve canonically been together for a full 100 years speaks to the strength of their relationship.
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Episodes like “(After)Life of the Party”, “Frightmares on Main Street” and “Dance Dad Revolution” show how much they enjoy dancing with each other - which, seeing this, now I kinda want to see a 2-V-2 dance off between the Jeoffs, Pete and Sonia AKA the Ice Princess. I feel like that’d be both super fun and incredibly entertaining.
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(just look at how happy they are. It's so cute, I can't- My heart-! *also I still find it hilarious that these two just foiled Scratch's whole scheme in Dance Dad completely on accident, haha*)
We also learn that they make each other homemade gifts - like Jeff apparently making Geoff a sweater for his Death Day, and Geoff talking about how all his holiday gifts for Jeff are always homemade so that they always come from the heart.
But beyond the cute visuals, what really sells these two for me is their dynamic. When you think about Geoff and all we saw of him during s1, he is very much the type of guy who not only supports those he loves, but is willing to sacrifice them as well. After all, Geoff literally got himself thrown into the Flow of Failed Phantoms for the sake of trying to protect Molly and Scratch in the s1 finale. Again, much like Molly, he just naturally cares a ton and he’ll fight for those he cares about, even when it’s at detriment to himself - and what’s more, people like Scratch sometimes take advantage of that.
In that sense, it’s incredibly sweet that for as supportive and loyal as Geoff is towards others, Jeff is able to be that sort of person for him. While Geoff can sometimes disregard his own needs or concerns in favor of helping others, Jeff is the only one consistently looking out for Geoff and protecting him, such as when he outright refuses to leave Geoff behind in the Halloween episode - even after Geoff worries about slowing him down - or when he makes it clear to Scratch that he isn’t going to stand by and let him be a bad friend to his partner. Heck, even more joke-y moments like Jeff giving Geoff the win in the scare-off shows that he always has his partner’s back.
And of course, Geoff is just as supportive and affectionate in return, referring to Jeff as “amazing” and “awesome” and declaring how he’s happy to spend the rest of his after-life with him at their anniversary party. When he thinks he’s about to die from poisoned candy in the Halloween ep, his so-called last words are “tell Jeff I love him!” When Jeff is playing the host of their fake Wheel of Fortune show, Geoff is right there supporting him as his ‘lovely assistant’, even using his explanation of one of the show’s prizes (the foam finger) as an excuse to flirt with him.
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(One of my fave moments between them ngl)
Additionally - and this is getting a bit into headcanon territory but - when you look at Jeff, he has a very traditionally strong and masculine look to him, which likely caused other people to likely have certain expectations of him back when he was alive. As such, I sort of get the vibe that, when it came to Geoff and Jeff falling in love with him, the main thing that Jeff appreciated about him was Geoff’s unconditional love - and, from that, the ability to just feel comfortable and ‘soft’ around him. To dance and be snarky and sappy and lovey-dovey without ever being judged for it.
You truly feel like these two are ride-or-die for each other, even when they might not always be on the same page… which brings us to the Dana Synder-voiced blue blob in the room.
While these two aren’t really shown bickering or arguing at all, any time there IS any sort of tension, it usually involves Scratch - which makes sense, given that he and Jeff didn’t exactly start off on the right foot. Sometimes they’re able to work together fine and be friendly enough with each other, and other times Jeff is understandably annoyed or frustrated by Scratch’s antics.
As for Geoff, it’s made very clear that he’s the type of guy who holds friendly and platonic relationships with just as much importance as romantic ones - which, as an ace/aro person, I can definitely appreciate. This does cause him to be more than a little forgiving towards Scratch’s follies - but while he won’t go so far as to let Jeff call Scratch the “worst chairman ever”, he also won’t force Jeff to hide his feelings/not call Scratch out or take back his other less-than-nice comments regarding Scratch and seems to understand and accept that his partner doesn’t necessarily hold Scratch in as high regard as he does.
In that sense, it almost feels like a typical sitcom dynamic where one character is constantly getting into little squabbles with their spouse’s friend or family member - but in this case, Geoff thankfully never tries to force the two of them to constantly get along, being fine with their dynamic as is while, naturally, still being thrilled when Jeff and Scratch DO improve their relationship.
Really, the only time where Geoff maaaaaybe went a bit too far regarding Scratch was when, after he and Jeff were captured by the Chens in the halloween episode, he told Molly that they were fine and to go save “his precious Scratch” instead, with this leading to Jeff saying how they needed to have a talk about Geoff’s obsession with him.
In Geoff’s defense, Scratch was all alone and the Jeoffs at least had each other, plus the Chens were distracted at the time, meaning that they weren’t in immediate danger while Scratch potentially was. I should also mention that while the line itself is more of a quick joke than anything else, I do appreciate it sort of hinting at the Jeoffs being good communicators who are willing to actually talk things out whenever they have a disagreement or concern with one another.
It’s a small thing, but given how many fictional long-term couples we’ve seen bottle things up, miscommunicate constantly and argue nearly half the time they’re on screen to the point of their relationship consistently being on the rocks, it’s nice to see a more healthy and realistic dynamic between an older couple - because hey, you don’t make it to your 100th year anniversary without knowing how to properly communicate with your partner.
I’m also glad that while Jeff and Scratch had their own sort of tensions between them, Jeff was never shown being jealous, possessive or insecure about Geoff being friends with or being affectionate with Scratch. Sure, he called his partner out for putting Scratch’s safety above his/their own - which I’d say is fairly reasonable, even if I can also understand Geoff’s side - and I’m sure he didn’t fully get WHY exactly Geoff cared about Scratch so much given how much of a jerk and nuisance Scratch could be, but he never went so far as to tell Geoff he couldn’t be friends with Scratch, leading to Jeff himself eventually warm up to the little guy by the end of “Jinx VS the Human World” after Scratch made up for his big mistake, which was admittedly really nice to see.
All in all, the relationship between the Jeoffs is cute, wholesome, healthy and just really enjoyable to watch whenever it comes up. Both characters are not only great as a pair but also great on their own. Even if we don’t know every little detail about their relationship and history together, it’s made clear over and over again following Jeff’s introduction that these two are still incredibly in love with each other and there are plenty of reasons why this is both clearly-shown and implied.
In terms of LGBTQ+ rep and especially mlm rep, I’d say they’re a really great example! The Jeoffs aren’t just tokens nor do they rely on cliches. They’re fully fleshed out characters that work just as well together as they do apart, assuring that they aren’t defined by just their relationship, and they’re actually shown helping out or participating in the plot in certain episodes instead of just being stuck in the background. They have their jokes, sure, but the relationship is never only used for comedy relief, and while it’s a shame that we never got more than one kiss between them, it’s still great seeing just how physically, emotionally and verbally affectionate they are with each other, proudly making their love for one another clear as day. They’re literally shown being each other’s joy during the “Give Them Joy” song - you can’t get much more blatant than that!
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In a show full of just amazing relationships - whether they be based on friendship, familial ties, found family, or romance - I’m just so satisfied that one of the main pairs regarding the latter category got to be Geoff and Jeff. So kudos to the TGAMM crew for doing just an absolutely fantastic job with these two.
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e5 recap: swedish elon and his logan roy tribute band
time is a flat circle and we are back to ken hyping himself listening to rap, driving to the office.
anyone feeling nostalgic yet?
he is immediately caught off guard by the fact that roman and shiv are already there.
also he seems like the worst boss ever.
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i really don't like ken when he is not hitting rock bottom.
(there is a movie about a sleeping robot in a cave that takes up too much time in this episode. let's not get into all that)
the old guard checks up on the CE-bros before their trip to norway.
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matchy matchy&lt;3
turns out mattson wants them all there (why wouldn't he?) so THE GANG IS GOING TO NORWAY! lets bleed the swede!*
*as a norwegian, i approve this message
mortality has set into team krank, as they put on compression socks before the flight.
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krank is not here to have fun. krank has no young mistress to impress. krank is serious.
shiv has noticed ken's leaks to the media from last week because she is boss. it's the comeback we've been waiting for.
but most importantly, she is waging a very important war against tom and his stupid new sneakers:
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the sibs say they can kill tom for her. that's brotherly love.
hugo is not having a good time.
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i am tho.
gerri rallies the troops by shitting on europeans.
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yes mommy tell me i'm weak because i have free healthcare! sit on my face
gerri for CEO. always.
they accurately depict what it is like driving in norway:
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(this is why i don't have my licence)
the gang arrives in the motherland and it's beautiful, but rainy (so authentic) and are all like WHY THESE WOOD CABINS SO SMALL?!
ironic because jeremy lives in fucking denmark.
anyway, whatever this is:
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the trip up to mount olympus is interrupted by con saying he can send a picture of their dead dad to the group chat.
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nobody wants to see it.
also, marcia is putting logan in a kilt like the fucking bay city rollers and con had to cancel a room full of working class whites in cleveland. the sacrifice.
they give con carte blanche for the whole funeral thing, which is probably a terrible decision.
the funeral is going to be one big campaign rally, i'm serious.
the others have to settle for a nice lil scandi brunch spread. what a hard life.
i don't say this often, but i would be hugo in this scenario, piling onto my plate like it's nobody's business.
karolina has a cute lesbian moment.
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she says something in swedish at some point, but let me tell you, i understand swedish and i didn't even pick up on it. no shade to dag, but lol.
hugo doesn't understand how ski jumping works.
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i thank the writers for putting this joke in there, even if literally no one other than random scandi people will get it.
it's like the opposite of danny boyle's the beach<3 give back to the community<3
roman enters negotiations and puts his fingers in the caviar.
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you think i didn't notice? after all this time, you must know i notice everything.
the CE-bros make the village elders proud, as mattson offers 187 per share as long as he gets ATN.
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also, gerri does a second take looking back at roman. these are the crumbs i am destined to live on, i guess. roman doesn't want to give up ATN tho, probably because 1) his dad wanted ATN 2) his dad told him he wouldn't make it at pierce and belongs at ATN 3) he is, somehow, the most rational of the siblings right now????
speaking of rational: how are we feeling about the shiv/mattson potential here? i honestly have zero objections.
shiv is like fuck yeah, sell ATN, that shit is toxic.
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agreed, but who gave mencken an open line to ATN-meetings? sounds like something logan told cyd to do during one of those late night calls.
"even dad had a line" rings true zero percent. pass.
get rid of atn. word is, they don't even have tucker carlson anymore? just keep a sweater, much less racist.
we get some important leo dicap representation:
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and greg is the bringer of all that is exposition, telling us there is a kill list with 8 to 9 names, ever evolving.
now, as most readers of these recaps would know, i would like to avoid spending any time on greg whatsoever (made even more poignant by the recent rumors about nick), however, this must be one of the best exchanges of dialogue ever made:
greg: da fam shiv: da fuck
that's all.
tom tells the swedes that americans don't care about the rest of the world and it's funny because it's true.
and alex being like "you're ALL related?!"
i see you, succession writers, i see you.
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mattson calls waystar a parts shop and has a good take on right wing media:
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"i dont think news for angry, old men works"
instead, he opts for bloomberg grey: simple, cheap, huge, ikea'd to fuck. i do love ikea.
he calls the sibs a tribute band which is harsh. even for a scandi, it's fucking harsh.
GERRI. IN. SAUNA! (chant with me)
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i will never forget what the succession writers took from me.
krank out here just chilling.
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i've never shipped anyone more.
we are introduced to ebba. i can tell i'd have more to say on this in any other situation, but it just feels weird (all norwegian know each other, i guess).
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anyone else here for the shiv/mattson dynamic?
i'm sorry, i kind of ship it????
ken wants to tank the deal and roman immediately calls him out on his destructive bullshit:
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and then immediately caves.
"i think we are good at running the ship" they say after doing it for approximately 24 hours.
i wish i had their confidence.
also, pinky can't dance, according to ken, so they keep shiv out. meanwhile, she gets cozy with lukas, who asks her about her marriage (bad) and tells her he sends liters of blood to ebba (also bad).
shiv shows us why she is paid the big bucks for political advice:
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we don't see the end of their night, so i'm just going to assume they fucked. because she's worth it.
also, talking up gerri and karolina? girlies stick together<3
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big bi vibes here. huge. idc if she's pregnant and drinking.
meanwhile, the CE-bros use greg to leak that the negotiations are souring. why would you trust greg with anything?
in an attempt to fuck the deal, the CE-bros show a terrible film to the swedish team, as if being scandi doesn't mean you've sat through enough terrible cinema already....
we get the strangest fight in tv history:
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lol @ us for thinking this was an important moment for the two of them and then it's a fight about white sneakers and fat earlobes.
i sure hope shiv fucked lukas.
roman receives a photo of his dead dad and it doesn't really put him in the right place to negotiate with mattson:
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leave it to kieran to make an emmy-worthy speech across from alex skarsgaard peeing.
the plan was: tank the deal, but in a subtle way. what they did: try and tank the deal, but in a not very subtle way. did the deal tank: no.
i hope you understand.
the question is, if a deal collapses in the woods and no one hears it, is it a SEC violation?
mattson ends up offering 192 per share. karl jizzes his pants.
shiv gives the little spelunker tom a lil treat, telling him to fire cyd.
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then she asks him out?
and ignores him again because she is taking a call from mattson?
idk my dudes, but i'm into this shiv comeback.
mattson seems happy and flirty and i sure as shit hope this goes somewhere.
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as long as it doesn't involve liters of frozen blood.
i have a feeling it will be all good vibes until he learns about her pregnancy. there's always something rotten in the state of denmark (or norway, or sweden, but it's all the same).
the waystar-team receives the kill list after the offer and it's very stressful for a few people who made themselves suffer through a session in the sauna:
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not on the kill list: karolina gerri tom because shiv fucking did the thing!!
oh, and karl and frank are on the kill list, but i think they are just fine.
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maybe the real treasure was the compression socks we made along the way.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Mandating warriors here 👋
(Sorry ive been so quiet I was in the hospital and then had actually to human for a while and got very busy 😭)
I’ve come to realize that no amount of assurance will stop the guilt you have over your posting schedule so I’ve instead decided to infodump a lil about the school au me and my friend (Nurse Lori Anon) have been making:
They all go to the same HS but were in a few very different groups and therefore didn’t know eachother before attending
Wilde + Twilight/Tyler are adopted siblings and live together so they know eachother
Thyme, Warriors, + Wendell (the only middle schooler) are foster siblings, + Thyme and warriors are bio sibs
Four/(idk yet), Hyrule/Henry, + Shelby/Legend are friends from living in the same neighborhood as kids
Thyme meets skylar through student council, since warriors is going through stuff and has isolated his brother from his social life
Warriors is dealing with erm… issues… with his ex GF and he’s not dealing well at all, leading her to spread rumors about him and purposely snitch (lie) to admin and make them think warriors needs to be hospitalized. (This was sorta Mentioned in the previous post) war’s new counselor sees right through that but can’t leave him unsupervised bc of saftey regulations, so she makes him join the “Men & Young Boy’s Introduction To Cognitive Health” (Shelby loves that acronym) even though a) he’s not a cis boy, b) he definitely doesn’t need it wdym?? c) he initially refuses because his BROTHER IS IN IT and that’s… ✨akward✨
but impa tells him to grow tf up because she has bigger issues and then gives him a trusting look and says “I believe you.” And wars DEFINITELY DOES NOT CRY
When he gets to the group he realizes that everyone else there is queer and has got shit going on and since they end unsupervised most of the time, since Thyme and Skylar are seen as “responsible” they make a unanimous vote to just make its chill and do whatever they want twice a week for and hour in the games rooms
Think of it as like, high school GSA but actually okay and people aren’t bad
Oh shit dude, I really hope you’re doing okay!! No need to apologize at all, your health and wellbeing is the most important thing 💜
This is a really cool au idea!! I love the names you gave them all, they work sooo well. My high school didn’t have a GSA so I don’t know what those are like, but I really love this au!! 2 hours a week in a games room with friends sounds epic
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notquitejiraiya · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Alrighty then. This is gonna be tough and has required some thought, but let’s do it:
1. Strangers (Sand Sibling-Centric, Mature)
In Strangers, we see the sand sibs join together as a trio for the first time in almost three years as they make their way across Europe together, all battling their own issues and struggling to accept their shared sense of loss.
It is, by far, my favourite I’ve ever written. I had so much fun planning and writing it and it’s become my favourite little universe I’ve made. I am so proud of it, and it has my favourite final line of all of my stories. If you love Sand Sibs, please give Strangers a go!
2. Grandmaster (ShikaTema, Temari-Centric, Explicit)
Grandmaster is the prequel to Strangers. It follows Temari growing up to become one of the world’s top chess players, and the influence of her (tough and testing) family and her fellow player Shikamaru Nara on her life and career.
It is not yet complete on ao3, but it is my pride and joy in terms of my ShikaTema fics. So much time and effort and love went into this fic. It is my world building child, my best attempt at OCs and I am so proud that it exists. There is so much of my soul in this story, and I’m overjoyed to see people are liking it so far. Thank you very much to those who are currently reading it!
3. 9/10 (ShikaTema, Mature)
9/10 is a oneshot set in our world that centres around Shikamaru, who was on a trip with his friend but has branched off from them for some peace and quiet. Whilst on his own, he becomes acquainted with the strange lady next door.
It’s not my personal favourite fic I have ever written, but I do think it’s the fic I feel most proud of. It was the first story I truly felt like I was writing just for myself, and I think it’s one of my best; it’s certainly my best oneshot, and I’m immensely happy with it.
4. CHESS (ShikaTema, Mature)
CHESS is a story about the friendship and eventual relationship that develops between Shikamaru and his new therapist, Temari.
And no, it isn’t “problematic”. Don’t even think about coming for me about that — I simply do not care — just read it and find out. That said, please do mind the tags as it does touch on certain topics some may be uncomfortable with.
Now, I don’t think CHESS is even nearly my best work, but it would be criminal not to put it in a top 5 of mine. It’s a part of my blog’s “brand” at this point, if I were to have such a thing. If people have read just one of my stories, they’ve probably read CHESS. It came from an important place to me and it turned into the beast it is and I’m proud of it, even if my writing has evolved since then. For that, it deserves top 5 without a doubt.
(PS: yeah, I still regret capitalising the title on ao3 but I’ve committed to the bit now. We aren’t turning back.)
5. Ripples (ShikaTema, Mature)
Ripples follows two wedding guests taking a break from the festivities.
I wasn’t sure what to list as 5, but I decided to go for another oneshot, and Ripples is my second favourite of my oneshots. Nothing deep, nothing sad, nothing particular silly, just them and a lake and some stones. I have very happy memories of writing this fic and despite it being a few years now I still think it’s nice.
Whoever sent me this ask, thank you! It was a lot of fun to think about. Hope you all have a lovely day ♥️
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reedrchards · 5 months
hi sib! 
to say the vibes have been off lately would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? because there has been a lot of negativity, too much for a place that is supposed to be about finding an outlet for your creativity and people to share your interests.
i know it has been difficult, draining to be around here and face all the discourse cankering the fandom. 
because of all this negativity, i believe it is important to try and balance it out with some kindness. so here i am, doing a little check-up on you <3
so first, how are you, really?
everything you feel regarding what is happening is valid and you deserve to feel happy and safe around here. so please, make sure you take the time you need from posting, from sharing fics, even just from being on the platform. i want you to know it’s okay and i support whatever you decide, for whatever reason.
i also want you to know that you have your place here, as much as the rest of us. you’re loved and wanted and i can assure you the fandom is a far better place with you in it.
i hope you’re taking care of yourself outside of tumblr as well. please remember to stay hydrated and to eat something 🫶🏼
now i would like you to sit back and enjoy the perfect, quiet night in with javi <3
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do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, i’m here for you! sending you all my love and so many hugs 🫂
anna 💗
oh anna this is such a nice thing to wake up to!!!!!!!
things have been a little wild, huh? i love logging on after a long day, but to see people getting attacked by anons and writers being targeted by gaslighting plagiarists is just fucking insane!!
but i’ve been okay for the most part 💕 just dealing with mundane life things; working, paying bills, cleaning, trying to give my shaky 7yr relationship some much needed tlc.
i hope you’re doing well yourself and thank you for spreading so much love through the fandom. seriously, it doesn’t go unnoticed and god, how lucky are we to have you around? 💖
p.s. that moodboard got me fucked up
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needlesandnilbogs · 6 months
hi bardic! I just wanted to say I really respect how much energy you put into spreading positivity in the murderbot fandom. I know it's thankless sometimes but your dedication to uplifting fan authors and artists is so admirable and i want you to know it's appreciated :) also, I love your high school AU and theater techie murderbot & presaux will always be my blorbos. i hope you have a lovely day!
You can't prove I'm responsible for any of it, first off--
(lol thank you I like being nice to people and I like making people feel appreciated <3) (and yes I know starting off with a denial is likely to leave me seeming very suspicious but my immediate response was "you can't prove anything" so I thought it was funny)
also I appreciate that you also love the hsau bc they're my children I love them so here have part of the most recent thing in that universe (well, second most recent, the most recent makes no sense without close to 3k words and another universe of context):
(from a thing I wrote but didn't post, about winter break and coming home and where do you fit in when you've been gone at college all semester while your sib has been closer to home)
"Fine, but you never put anything on the trundle bed, and I know you've been in the dorms most of the last month, you keep complaining about Peri to me. Speaking of," Mensah grins, "how is rooming together going?"
It punches her in the arm. "Oh, shut up."
"It isn't school!" Mensah rolls away so it can't punch her again. "Besides, you asked first."
"Peri's fine. We don't overlap schedules so it's nice that I see it at night. We watch media at two am a lot and usually we don't throw things at each other." It looks at the pillow next to her. "You know how living with a sibling in your room works."
"Yes, I know." Mensah watches as it decides the floor is more comfortable than standing and drops to sitting in a moment. "I missed it, when you got your own room."
There's a long pause before it says, "Me too."
"I'm glad sharing with Peri is working out." Mensah pauses and watches Rin's left shoulder shrug. "I think it's good for both of us, being apart."
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loeewenzahn · 9 months
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I loved Löwenzahn!! Best kids show ever!
I just wished people could have stopped spreading the rumour about him hating children when he actually saw them as people with agency, and all he did was acknowledge that they are a bit messy (as kids are) and would have a hard time filming because it takes so long.
Peter Lustig bester Mann 🎉
He was my whole childhood! Idk how anyone could even believe those rumours, he just gives off the most chillest, interested, empathic vibes ever. I blame him entirely for me going down the tiny house rabbit hole. There's so much lore me and my sibs recite on the regular. All the elder grumpy neighbors are just Paschulkes to us
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 10 months
Trying to spread some positivity in the OC community today, so: tell me ten random facts about Kayla Winchester! Whatever fun little tidits you can think of, tell us about them!! <3
Yes yes Kayla my beloved. Thank you so much for this Dolly! 💚
1 - Kayla is the youngest! She's 14 on season one! (This means she should be circa 28 in the finale)
2 - She's a Cambion (like Jesse Turner, that kid son of a demon in season 7). She's born differently tho. Also, technically her and Sam and Dean are half-sibilings, just like Adam, but they were raised together (well, Dean basically raised Sam and Kayla but okay) so it doesn't really matter
3 - She has some redacted stuff about this, but I can tell you that she has umbrakinesis and a weird thing going on with death (as in people dying, not the actual Death lmao I love that with spn I have to specify this)
4 - She's bisexual!
5 - Dean lets her choose the music for the road trips just because they have the same taste (and he has a soft spot for his little sister)
6 - She has the lowest death count of the Winchester sibs (still dies a couple of times, but less than her brothers)
7 - Her dream was to open a bookshop-cafeteria
8 - She learned to read when she was four
9 - When she was very little she was so scared of monsters and such. She grew out of it really fast
10 - She loves rainy days
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bootyyyyshaker900 · 1 year
You fellas know Raph's no good at keeping secrets!
It's just for a little longer, he's really improving! He'll be a well-adjusted member of human society in no time - like us!
Raph is not convinced.
I know Donnie. The guy'll freak. He's not ready yet. Neither of them are.
Buuut! He will soon! Doctor Positive's got a day on the town planned that's gonna turn that frown upside down, baby! And then we can have a big family dinner, with dad, Mama, BD, Leo's dads, and all our sibs!
I'm not agreeing to that. You want to bring our greatest enemies together under one roof.
I want to bring our family together under one roof. We fight too much, it's about time we spread the love!
Guys, I don't think this is a good idea! How long have you been doing this?
What are you talking about.
[The conversation stops the minute he speaks, Raph and Mikey at least having the decency to look ashamed, while Leo looks on with the same poker face he's always wearing these days.]
What are you talking about, guys.
Dinner with Big Mama. It's a terrible idea. Just because she was helpful with The Shredder doesn't mean she won't turn on us now. She's up to no good with that Shadow Fiend guy.
Don't talk about Mama like that!
[Mikey stomps, turning to Leo, who keeps the same bored look about him.]
I'm right. She helped because you made it beneficial for her. I know you know how balance deals with her, but she makes last-minute changes. She isn't trustworthy.
You said the rest of our families as well.
[They're quiet again, and Three can smell Raph's keeping-a-secret stink.]
Raphael. Tell me what's going on. What are you hiding from me, brother.
[Two scowls and averts his eyes. They tell him.]
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treeturned-au · 2 years
“Hello little star.”
They rumbled happily, letting Her pick Them up.
“How was your little adventure with the humans?” She asked, poking Their nose.
“Awesome! They’re so small compared to me, and so curious! Some of the smaller ones let me carry them as I flew!” They rumbled, Their wings flicking out slightly. “I’m surprised they didn’t find me scary. I am very different from them after all.”
“You’re far too sweet to be scary.” She cooed, running gentle fingers along Their neck. “Anyways… is there something you need?”
“W-well… I was just wondering if… if there are others like me? I know you created me, have you created others?” They asked, rubbing Their claws together.
She was silent for a bit before She smiled sadly. “No I haven’t. Would you like me to? So you have someone to hang out with you while you interact with the humans?”
Their eyes lit up immediately, vibrant green eyes sparkling with Their white pupils dilating. “Oh yes! I’d love to have another with me!”
“Alright, little one.” She took one hand and swung it outwards gently. The darkness split away to show an array of multiple colored stars. Slowly, she set Them down, before motioning to the stars. “Go, pick one out.”
They grinned, Their tail rattling happily in unconscious response, as They took flight, coasting between sparkling stars. One caught Their eye. A sky-blue one. It glowed brighter than the rest and almost drew Them to it. They carefully wrapped Their claws around it, before gliding back to Her.
“I got one! It’s really bright and pretty!” They hissed proudly, showing off the twinkling star to Her.
“Oh, that’s so lovely. Here,” she carefully took the star from Them, holding it in Her own hands, “I’ll take it from here.”
They sat and watched in awe as She started to focus. The star became brighter and brighter, before it started to slowly expand. The pale light now resembled a figure similar to Them.
They could feel Their nervousness grow as the light slowly darkened. Would it have green eyes like Them? Would it be scaly like Them? Would it have four eyes like Them?
The light disappeared completely, and curled up on Her hands was a blue and white, feathered version of Them, missing the skull on It’s face like They had.
It opened its blue eyes, first staring at Her, before shifting Its gaze onto Them.
“Hi…” They said nervously, raising a clawed hand.
It blinked at Them before sliding forward, almost toppling out of her hands. She chuckled politely and set it down. They realized with a start that It had no back legs. Just front legs and wings. As if feeling Their shock, It started floating, creating a bit of a wind current in the darkness.
Air. The opposite of Them, who controlled Earth.
The two of them approached each other.
“Sib.” The blue one chirped, pointing at Them.
A huge grin spread across Their face. “Sib.” They agreed.
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i23kazu · 2 years
BIG SIB HELP ME I HAVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK WAHHHH 😭 idk if i should do it all on one day or spread it out throughout the week but i'm probably gonna do it all today lmao - ANYWAY HOW ARE YOU 🥺🤗?? i hope school has been treating you much better than it has me...sniffle sniffle...istg i feel so energy drained these days, like every time i try and write something my brain goes dead ifykwim??
SORRY FOR RANTING BTW but i feel like my irls wouldn't understand+care so. yeah. sorry hehe. if you have any friendship advice in general btw please gimme some 🥺🥺
again very very very sorry for ranting and stuff ilysm MWAH MWAH MWAH <33 and i hope you're having the bestest start to february possible, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BIG SIBBB!!! i'm here for you if you ever need me too 😘🤗 <3
im sorry bby this has been sitting in my inbox for the longest time!! i hope you got all your homework done and got your rest at the same time 😭😭😭 im good atm bc my holidays have started already but ueueuee hope ur doing oke baby sib :( pls take care of yourself!! don't force yourself to write bc it rly makes it much worse :"")
and honestly bb dont worry about it, i take horribly long to reply but im here for u!! the right people will come to you at the right time, okay? don't sweat it :") friendships are incredibly and disappointingly hard so honestly... its gonna be okay 😭 <3
and pls dont be sorry for ranting, i always appreciate it when you come into my inbox!! TAKE CARE OF URSELF TOO OKEI!! i appreciate u n love u!!! <3
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swampstew · 2 years
“”I will rip my IUD out and spread open for him no questions asked. He can have as many as he wants, I’d be like yes sir right away sir.””
ON GOD SAME. i fucking detest children, i helped to raise my niece and nephews. and while i love them, i’m not going to push a crotch goblin out me any time soon.
but if my anime husbands said they wanted a child, i would let them do whatever the fuck lmaooo
AODNOSNSKDNEJA anon we share a brain. I like children but I don’t want the responsibility of raising them especially since I’ve already done so with my sibs.
BUT IF MY FICTIONAL MAN WANTS HE SHALL HAVE! Let’s share a maternity ward together when the time comes🫣
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crysdrawsthings · 1 year
10 and 17 for the Asks to Spread Love!
Asks to Spread Love - HERE, Accepting more! Thank you for an ask!
10. A popular character you actually really like and why
In terms of TES, I would say I am quite fond of good old Partysnacks and he will forever be a very special character for me. I love his vibes and I think he is just very neat, and I love to imagine my LDB spending a lot of time with him, just chatting and learning.
In Warhammer... I mean, I am not sure how exactly popular Magnus and Roboute are, but I adore them quite a lot. Yes, taking into account the whole "everything and everyone in WH sucks" side of it. I am still very fascinated by them and they are of the blorbo status.
Also everyone know that I absolutely adore Escanor sibs from W.I.T.C.H., but you know.
17. Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think
Oh, plenty of things, mainly related to my original setting and various AUs I don't always know how to properly explain and get my point across. Especially considering how much context I always need for everything.
With AUs this is also because of how fluffy and saccharine, and for lulz they mostly end up being. And everyone seems to like more serious things and all, you know.
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