#were in season twooo baby
bootyyyyshaker900 · 1 year
You fellas know Raph's no good at keeping secrets!
It's just for a little longer, he's really improving! He'll be a well-adjusted member of human society in no time - like us!
Raph is not convinced.
I know Donnie. The guy'll freak. He's not ready yet. Neither of them are.
Buuut! He will soon! Doctor Positive's got a day on the town planned that's gonna turn that frown upside down, baby! And then we can have a big family dinner, with dad, Mama, BD, Leo's dads, and all our sibs!
I'm not agreeing to that. You want to bring our greatest enemies together under one roof.
I want to bring our family together under one roof. We fight too much, it's about time we spread the love!
Guys, I don't think this is a good idea! How long have you been doing this?
What are you talking about.
[The conversation stops the minute he speaks, Raph and Mikey at least having the decency to look ashamed, while Leo looks on with the same poker face he's always wearing these days.]
What are you talking about, guys.
Dinner with Big Mama. It's a terrible idea. Just because she was helpful with The Shredder doesn't mean she won't turn on us now. She's up to no good with that Shadow Fiend guy.
Don't talk about Mama like that!
[Mikey stomps, turning to Leo, who keeps the same bored look about him.]
I'm right. She helped because you made it beneficial for her. I know you know how balance deals with her, but she makes last-minute changes. She isn't trustworthy.
You said the rest of our families as well.
[They're quiet again, and Three can smell Raph's keeping-a-secret stink.]
Raphael. Tell me what's going on. What are you hiding from me, brother.
[Two scowls and averts his eyes. They tell him.]
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crownjimin · 4 years
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✰ 086 | baby fish, part two
la vie en rose ━ in which lee aera, a girl who has been crushing on choi soobin for a long, long time, is starting her junior year and her friends decide that its time for her to make her move.
A/N: part twooo. and this is where baby fish comes in.
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The car ride to the park wasn’t awkward at all. Soobin had sat in the backseat with Aera instead of the passenger to keep her company, and conversation had flowed easily. They mostly talked about their excitement to ride bikes since it was such a nice day out. Lately, the weather had been getting chilly, the temperature dropping as fall came in full swing, but today the sun was shining brightly so it combatted some of the chill from the wind.
Aera also gushed about how excited she was for the sandwiches Soobin had promised. Throughout the week, she had looked up different cafes close to the park they were going to to look at the types of sandwiches they offered to prepare her palette for the awesome sandwiches she was going to gulp down. Especially after riding around on a bike.
When they got to the park, Ruha dropped them off at the entrance, leaving the two to walk a little to the bike rental place that was a few feet into the park. She promised to not go far, and once they were ready, to have Soobin call her. 
Soon enough, they were on the bikes, cruising through the moderately busy park. They followed the trail designated for bikes as it took them on a scenic route filled with changing leaves and wildlife that was warned about on various signs throughout the trail.
Far enough into the journey, there was a cut that veered off the path, and Soobin shouted out to Aera to follow him as he headed down that way. Now normally, Aera knew better than to follow anyone somewhere that a.) she has never been before and b.) she wasn’t planning on initially going without telling someone beforehand. But this was Soobin she was following, so naturally, all of her logic left her brain and she followed him into the cut, pedaling with a bit more energy as the trial got a little more rough than the one paved for bikes. 
This cut was filled tightly by close and short trees with branches littered with leaves despite the fall season progressing, and it made everything more shaded from the sunlight so Aera’s sight was a bit restricted. After about thirty seconds on this unofficial trail, a bright light was visible and Aera watched as Soobin pedaled into it, and she soon followed, coming across a clearing that held an assortment of rocks with a makeshift lake and somehow a functioning waterfall.
Everything seemed much brighter here as well, with the sun hitting the lake perfectly, reflecting some light off and giving the space an even more natural glow. Quickly, Aera abandoned her bike, throwing it to the side and running over to the lake. Her feet crunched over flowers, some that were fully in bloom and others struggling to stand up straight, but that wasn’t her concern.
She was immersed in looking at the lake, falling to her knees quickly and quite harshly as she stared into the water with her big, round brown eyes, squealing to herself once she caught sight of what she was hoping to be in the lake. Fish, some small and others bigger, swam around in peace and harmony as she watched on, having to resist the urge to shove her hand straight into the water since she was sure the temperature was quite cold.
While she was so caught up in the fish, Soobin stood back and watched, nearly melting at how much her face lit up once she caught sight of the fish in the lake. Originally, he wasn’t planning on bringing her to this waterfall, the cut being something that Hyuka had found one day when he was at the park with his sister, but Soobin had decided to last minute.
He wasn’t expecting Aera to absolutely immerse herself in the scenery of it all, but there she was kneeling on the ground and giggling at the fish like the most innocent and pure person in the world, which Soobin was more than sure was correct, especially now.
Something seemed to click in Aera’s head that she was neglecting Soobin, so she looked over her shoulder and beckoned him over with a nod of her head. “C’mere!”
And Soobin immediately walked over, squatting beside her as he balanced on the balls of his feet and put his elbows on his knees to help him not completely fall over. Aera pointed at the water, whispering, “Baby fish.”
She looked over to Soobin, expecting him to be looking at the small fish she found so interesting, but instead he was looking at her. In any other instance, maybe a blush would’ve made its way onto her face, she probably would’ve even asked him why he was looking at her so fondly, with so much admiration, but she was talking about a baby fish. A tiny fish, practically freaking Nemo in the lake, and he wasn’t even trying to look at it.
So, as a way to show her frustration, Aera shifted from her knees to her butt, falling to the side to gracefully change her position, before she yanked the front of Soobin’s hoodie so he could actually look at the fish and not at her. “Baby fish!”
Soobin, scared out of his mind from the sudden jerk and Aera practically shouting in his ear, looked at the fish, taking note of how small and tiny they were but he also couldn’t really pay attention since Aera still had her death grip on the front of his hoodie, and it was starting to get hard to breathe.
“Ae-” He gasped for breath. “Aera, let go.”
“Did you look at the fishies?”
He couldn’t verbally respond, so he nodded instead, which turned out to be just as bad of a decision as speaking would've been.
“You swear?” She whispered.
And since it was so hard to respond, Soobin used his hand, to the best of his ability, to wrench his hoodie from Aera’s hand, and he dropped his head as he started to catch his breath. Since Aera had pulled him practically on top of her, and the only thing keeping him from falling onto her was his hand, he slumped into her side, his head falling onto her shoulder so he could pace his breaths and practically not die.
“You almost killed me,” he whimpered, staring at the baby fish.
Aera lets out a soft sigh, reaching up her hand to rest on Soobin’s cheek and she pats it a few times, before saying, “Baby fish.”
Eventually, Soobin caught his breath and in retaliation he tickled Aera until she couldn’t breath before she shouted an apology and they both decided it was time for sandwiches. 
They mounted their bikes again and rode them back to the bike rental place. Once they paid for the time they used them and Soobin texted his mom that they were heading to the cafe now, the two were on their way.
Soobin led the entire way, with Aera following behind him as she kept a grip on the back of his hoodie since it seemed to be lunch time for everyone, and the streets were packed as people walked to and fro. Soon enough, they reached a not so small cafe, with wooden walls on the outside that had a small water fixture on the right side of the wall, with glass sliding doors in the middle. A LED sign with the name Sandwich Haus written in cursive was lit on top of the sliding doors, and as Soobin approached them, the glass spread apart.
A long line leading up to the register ended in front of the door, and to the left of the line sat a hostess stand, where a petite man stood in his uniform with a smile on his face as they approached him.
“Table for how many?” he asked, dipping his hand into a small pocket on the side of the hostess stand, fishing for however many menus they tell them they need.
“Just two, please,” Soobin answered. The man then leads them away from the long line and back behind the hostess stand where the restaurant held a seating area for those who decided in the restaurant.
The host seats them at a booth, setting the menus down on opposite sides of the table before wishing them a good meal. Aera sat down, grabbed the menu, and began browsing through what seemed to be an endless assortment of sandwiches. Soobin watched as her eyes ran up and down the three-paged menu, how her eyebrows scrunched together as she came across some sandwiches that just sounded confusing.
He himself didn't even bother picking up the menu since he knew what he wanted prior to them coming. The first time Soobin came to Sandwich Haus was with his aunt who had heard about the place from her boss. They had ordered a bunch of sandwiches then, just to get a taste of the menu, and from there Sobin found a sandwich that he liked.
He would have proposed that he and Aera do the same as he and his aunt did, but the sandwiches there were pretty pricey and he didn’t want to order a bunch of food and then leave Aera to pay for half of a bill she couldn’t afford. 
Shortly after they were seated, their waitress approached the table asking for their drink orders. Soobin asked for a water, while Aera opted for both a water and a raspberry lemonade before she went back to studying the menu so she could make a choice.
“Soobi,” Aera called out, sighing as she put down the menu. “What are you getting?”
Soobin raised his eyebrow at the question, taking note of the small pout on Aera’s face as she waited for him to respond. “You can’t decide?”
“No,” she dropped her gaze down to the menu that rested on the table. “Well- I can’t decide between two of them, and one of them has bacon but the other has turkey, and I really like bacon and turkey-”
“Just get them both,” he answered as the waitress returned and set down their drinks. 
“You think I can finish it all?” Aera asked and took a sip of the raspberry lemonade, humming in content before muttering, ‘oh that's good’.
The waitress began to take out her notepad, which Soobin knew meant she was ready to take their order so he quickly tells Aera, “You can take it home if not, or I can help you finish. Whichever you want.”
He then turned to the waitress, ordering two of the same sandwich for himself, one as a combo with chips and the second as just the sandwich itself. The waitress then turned to Aera, taking her order before telling them she would put it in the system and have their food out to them quickly.
As she walked away, Aera took another sip of her lemonade and then she pushed it across the table to Soobin, suggesting he taste it. “It’s super good.”
“Is it really sweet,” he asked as he removed his straw from his water and placed it into the lemonade alongside Aera’s straw. He watched as Aera scrunched her face up and rocked her head from side to side as in a ‘so-so’ way, before he stirred the syrup at the bottom of the glass and then took a sip.
It wasn’t overly sweet, but it was a little too syrupy that it didn’t blend well with the lemonade. He returned the glass back across the table, and took his straw from the lemonade glass, being sure to suck the remaining liquid from his straw before he put it back into his own cup of water.
“So, Soobi,” Aera carefully speaks, shoving her hands beneath her legs as she rocked slightly. “Why’d you invite me for bikes and sandwiches?”
“Can I not,” he slowly drawls. “Invite you for bikes and sandwiches?”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t. You just never have before, so I’m just wondering.”
Soobin shrugged. “I don’t know. I just wanted to.”
“Hm,” Aera squinted her eyes as she watched him watch her. “So you chose to do this on your own?”
Aera crossed her arms at that.
“Okay, well, not completely. But mostly!”
“Yeah, okay. Soobi,” she giggled. “I believe you. But, how did things go with Sakura? I know you told me that you didn’t think things would work out, but you never told me if she took it well or if you ever told her?”
“Oh,” Soobin perked up at the question, crossing his arms on top of the table as he prepared to make it clear to Aera that he wasn’t planning on going on a date with anyone else. “Well, she took it well. Said that she kind of knew from the beginning, and honestly, I knew too that I wouldn’t have feelings for her but I just gave her a chance regardless.”
“That’s kind of nice of you,” Aera replied. “Giving her a chance, I mean. Not you ultimately crushing her heart.”
“I didn’t crush her heart-”
“You kind of did,” Aera squeaked. “But I guess that's expected since everyone knows you don’t date.”
“Uhhh,” Soobin wanted to shout out how wrong she was, that he would date if Aera was the one he was dating, but that would be embarrassing to do not only in front of her but in a public establishment in front of random people he doesn’t know, so he opted for a more levelheaded response.
“That’s not really true.”
“You literally have dated this many people,” Aera held up her hand which was shaped in a fist. “Zero. Everyone knows that.”
“Do they?”
“They do,” she sing-songed.
“Okay, okay, enough about me, Miss ‘Everyone knows it’,” Soobin quickly changed the subject. “What about your love life? Is your longtime crush still a thing?”
Aera takes a particularly long sip at that question, before she pulls off and lets out a loud ‘ah’. “Yes, yes it is. Perhaps even worse now, actually.”
“Oh,” Soobin paid extra attention now. “How so?”
“My crush is everywhere,” she gasped. “And it’s like he does it without knowing how much it affects me. Like he has no concern about my wellbeing.”
“Does he know you like him?” Soobin doesn’t know why he asked that, but he hoped the answer was no.
“No, he does not. And he probably never will.”
A swarm of happiness sets through Soobin’s body. Him knowing that Aera didn’t plan on telling her crush that she liked him anytime soon meant that he had time to redirect her attention from whoever her crush was onto him. It was a foolproof way of thinking, and if he actually succeeded he was saving Aera from potentially getting her heartbroken if whoever she liked decided to be an idiot and reject her.
“Why would he never know?”
“I don’t plan on telling him anytime soon,” she sighed, taking another large gulp of her lemonade. “Like, he’s everywhere but I can’t get a read on if he likes me or not, or even if he sees us in a relationship or not.”
“Wait, so you said I know him?” Soobin asked, realizing what Aera said all that time ago when he initially asked her about her crush. “Like, I was close to him?”
“I don’t know if I said close-”
“I think you did.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, that’s what I remember. So if I do some process of elimination it’s either Gyu, Taehyun, Hyunjin-”
“Most definitely not Hyunjin, Haeun would kill me.” Aera interjected.
Soobin paused his listing for a second to raise an eyebrow in confusion but Aera just brushed it off and said, “I’ll explain later.”
He nodded and continued,”-Yeonjun hyung, Seungmin, or Jeong—no, nevermind.”
Aera sat in silence for a bit, staring quite hard at the four fingers Soobin had raised, taking notice that he didn’t count himself and she deflated a bit. Maybe Soobin really didn’t take into consideration that they could be in a relationship and she was wasting her time harboring a stupid crush on him. It all just stung a little more since she thought he was doing this to get to know her better romantically, but maybe this was all just platonic to him.
“So which one is it?” Soobin asked, shaking his hand that held up his four fingers. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
Aera opened her mouth to answer, but before she could make a sound the waitress finally returned with their food, setting down the four plates and telling them to enjoy their food. They both awkwardly tell her, “You too,” as she leaves them alone once again.
Soobin isn’t ready to let the conversation go, and Aera notices so she quickly grabs the slice of pickle that is served with her sandwiches and shoves it in her mouth. 
“Mm, that’s good. Let’s eat.”
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 12 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Now, I think we can all agree that Christmas is very much filled with class, elegance and beauty. From glittering decorations on Christmas trees, to the uniqueness of each and every snowflake that falls during the season. However….Christmas also harbours some of the most tacky things in existence, but the fact that its Christmas makes us love it all anyway. I am talking of course, about Christmas jumpers. These gaudy eyesores that are celebrated the more obnoxious and disgraceful they are is probably one of my personal favourite parts of the season. They frankly are just wild….just like a pair of brothers I know actually; namely….the Demon Hunting Jims. The pair were sat on the floor of their office/cozy room, giggling as they watched Gooper roll around on the floor in delight in the forest green Christmas jumper that they’d both fashioned for him.
‘Doho you like it buddy?’
The eldest, known at Ouija Board Jim (or Ouija for short), asked with a grin, to which Gooper replied with the happiest string of gurgles and squeals known to man and goop. He was just rolling and hopping about as he relished in the soft wool surrounding his goopy form, overjoyed that someone had even thought to bring him into this tradition of Christmas jumpers. At his happy sounds, the younger, meeker Night Vision Camera Jim (or simply, Camera Jim for short), giggled.
‘Ihi think that’s a yehes…’
Camera Jim pet Gooper happily, smiling at the creature happy purrs as he wiggled into his touches. His older brother watched fondly; he adored the beacon of innocence that was his little brother, despite their spooky line of work, he never strayed from being an innocent little bean. Soon, Gooper gave both brothers little grateful nudges, before rolling out of the office giddily, beyond eager to show all the other egos the pretty gift. Camera Jim smiled as he looked on after the little glob.
‘He’s such a cutie…’
Ouija Jim snickered softly, and ruffled Camera Jim’s hair as he teased.
‘Just like you basically Jim.’
Camera Jim pursed his lips, batting his brother’s hands away and fixing his hair as he muttered under his breath.
‘A-Am not…’
Ouija Jim always teased him like this, Camera Jim sometimes felt like his brother just lived to try and embarrass him and emphasise on their 13 minute age difference. Ouija Jim grinned and retorted to his brother’s mumble.
‘Says the Jim with the cute snowflake jumper, snowflake themed socks, and squishy baby cheeks.’
Camera Jim’s mouth opened and closed indignantly as his cheeks gained warmth, like he was doing an impression of a flustered goldfish. So what if every Christmas since they were kids he liked to wear a snowflake themed jumper? It was certainly no grounds for mean teasing like that! And frankly the comment about his slightly less chiselled face was just SO uncalled for, it wasn’t his fault he was one of the few Jims with a baby face!
‘D-Don’t be mean, I-I can’t help my face!’
Camera Jim pouted, and took the mature decision to shuffle around on his butt so he had his back to his brother, and his arms folded, totally not like he was in a little strop. Ouija Jim couldn’t help but aww at him as he shuffled up to him, nudging his shoulder fondly as he crooned.
‘Awwww I didn’t say it to be mean! You’re a soft cutie-pie and we love you for it!’
Camera Jim let out a huff as he blushed even more, mumbling as he bowed his head.
‘B-But it’s embarrassing! I’m always gonna be the baby Jim w-with the baby face…’
Ouija Jim’s expression softened, and he decided to lean his head softly against his brother’s arm as he replied.
‘Hey now, even if that’s true, that’s not a bad thing!’
Camera Jim hugged his knees, his voice going even quieter.
‘Isn’t it?’
‘Hey! Of course it isn’t, you know that Jim!’
Camera Jim softly whined, making his brother frown. When he teased his brother about his baby face he always meant it endearingly and lovingly, h never meant to hurt his feelings or make him feel bad! He shuffled so he was sat in front of his brother now, and Ouija Jim cupped Camera Jim’s cheeks in his hands fondly as he spoke with a soft smile.
‘C’mon, what’ll it take to cheer you up?’
Camera Jim merely shrugged, keeping his gaze averted. Ouija Jim nibbled his lip in thought, trying to think of something that would lift his brother’s spirits…and as his eyes flicked over his little brother’s snowflake-covered Christmas jumper, he had an epiphany. A memory. A memory of a little family game. Ouija Jim grinned and whispered.
‘…what if we play your favourite Christmas game?’
Camera Jim’s eyes suddenly widened as his gaze snapped to his brother, before he then looked around the room for a moment to see if there was anyone else there or nearby. When he saw that there wasn’t, Camera Jim tentatively looked back to his brother, and fiddled with his jumper sleeves as he mumbled with a meek, hopeful smile.
Ouija Jim smiled and nodded, and felt warmth build up in his chest as he saw all hints of moroseness fall away from his brother’s face. The game Counting Snowflakes, was a very special festive game….and it was a tickle game. Ever since they were little at Christmas, Camera Jim always wore clothes covered in depictions of snowflakes, with no exceptions, and a game had developed wherein Ouija Jim tried to count all the snowflakes on his brother’s festive jumpers or pyjamas (always resulting in Camera Jim getting tickled to smithereens, which he absolutely loved). It was Ouija Jim’s favourite game to, because he got to tickle the hell out of his adorable little brother like nobody else could; he smiled fondly down at Camera Jim now.
‘Do you wanna play?’
Camera Jim blushed a bright red now, just because the whole thing was so childish, but he nevertheless nodded bashfully. Ouija Jim kissed his brother’s forehead softly with a chuckle.
‘Okey dokey, now you lie down Jim, I feel like this is going to be a loooong game….’
Camera Jim let out a bashful giggle, lying down almost immediately as he grasped and fiddled with the sleeves of his jumper giddily, any past sad thoughts gone as the anticipation of his brother’s amazing, teasy tickling filled his flustered mind. Ouija Jim got up on his knees and loomed over his brother, humming and musing as he looked over him.
‘My, my, what a lot of snow we’ve had!’
Camera Jim giggled harder as his brother’s goofiness, whining into his hands which he kept bashfully at his face; Ouija Jim was trying seriously hard not to melt a his brother’s cuteness right now. He hummed once more, before teasingly stroking down his brother’s upper arms as he cooed.
‘I think starting at the top is the way we have to go little Jim! Now then, one, twooo, three….’
Camera Jim was encased in a proper giggle fit now as his outer biceps were tapped and traced with the gentlest of tickles, giving him goose-bumps and chills all over.
‘O-Ohohoho jeheheez….’
Ouija Jim grinned at how this was all already affecting his brother, how we already smiling and blushing up a storm. Ouija Jim thought back to all the other times they’d played….and how as his brother’s love for tickles grew, the game became a way for him to ask for it without him getting too embarrassed. Ouija Jim knew Camera Jim was loving every second, and so was he.
‘Having fun Jim?’
He cooed, making Camera Jim nod bashfully and cutely.
‘U-Uhuh huhuh….’
Ouija Jim’s grin widened as he kept tickling his brother’s upper arms, and he teasingly lowered his voice as he spoke.
‘I don’t remember your arms being this ticklish….this isn’t a tickle spot you forgot to tell me about, is it?’
Camera Jim squeaked at the playful threatening tone in his brother’s voice, and shook his head giddily with wide, innocent eyes.
‘N-Noho ihit’s nahat Ihi swehear Jim!’
Ouija Jim chuckled and kissed his brother’s forehead again.
‘Okay, okay I believe you….’
He cooed gently as Camera Jim hummed happily, before he let his fingers slide down to drum at his little brother’s tummy. Camera Jim gasped as his giggles went a much higher pitch very quickly.
Ouija Jim smirked as he softly shushed his brother, before leaning right down over Camera Jim’s tummy as kept up the teasing tickling.
‘Shhhh Jim I’m trying to count! I don’t wanna have to start all over again!’
Camera Jim squealed and squealed, desperately hiding his face in his hands as his tummy became the victim of pokes and scratches. Every time Ouija Jim spotted a snowflake, he gave it its own, special little tickle….and let me tell you, there were a lot of fricking snowflakes.
‘B-Buhuhut ihihit t-tihihickles Jihim! Ihihit tihihickles soho muhuhuch!’
At Camera Jim’s sweet whines, Ouija Jim felt his heart swell, but he knew he had to maintain his role as tickler. So, he hardened his pokes and let out a dramatic gasp, leaning his head against his brother’s jumper clad tummy.
‘What? Are those the snowflakes talking? My name is Jim, what a pleasure it is to meet you all!’
Camera Jim was an absolute mess of squeals and snorts as he lightly kicked out, his body starting to writhe from the tickles as he cried out desperately at the teasiness.
Of course, being the evil older brother he was, Ouija Jim kept it all up. Not only did he poke the snowflakes at his brother’s tummy, but he got the ones up and down his sensitive sides too.
‘What was that snowflakes? Sorry, there are so many of you it’s hard to hear what you’re saying; oh, can you perchance tell me how many of you there are?’
Camera Jim spluttered desperately. He was so flustered, and yet at the same time he was just having the absolute time of his life. His giggles were hysterical, boyish, and entirely filled with adorable joy.
Ouija Jim let out a laugh, dropping his façade as he giggled fondly along with his brother, poking his sides repeatedly as he cooed.
‘But you always love when I tease you Jim! I remember when we were little, you’d always squeal sooo happily when I talked to the little snowflakes on your tumtum!’
….Camera Jim was a mess of embarrassed squeals. Why did he have to bring that up? That was so unnecessary and embarrassing and evil! His eyes were wide and watery with flustered happiness as his arms flailed with his flustered energy.
Ouija Jim snickered fondly, and had mercy on Camera Jim, reaching to stroke his hair softly as he giggled.
‘Ahaaawww why? Someone getting flustered?’
Camera Jim whined, peeking up at his brother through his fingers as he nodded amidst his residual giggles.
Ouija Jim gave his brother a few minutes to catch his breath, and just relished in seeing him half-hiding his face and letting out the occasional flustered whine. Ouija Jim knew he probably shouldn’t pit him against the rest of their siblings…but in his mind, he was just the cutest Jim in existence. As he saw Camera Jim’s breathing settle, Ouija Jim smirked and leaned over him.
‘Now ah….I couldn’t help but notice that you have a few snowflakes on your feet…’
Camera Jim gasped into his fingers, his feet scrunching as he suddenly remembered that not only was he wearing a festive jumper….but festive socks too. Ouija Jim grinned, raising a playful eyebrow down at his brother as he teased.
‘Would you like me to count those too Jim?’
Camera Jim whined into his hands cutely, god he just felt like flustered child again and it was all so embarrassing…but at the same time, it was all that Camera Jim wanted, he was so happy…and squeaky as he replied.
Ouija Jim’s grin stretched into a gleeful smirk…and he wasted no more time. He dramatically dove backwards onto his brother’s legs, and used a pointer finger per foot to scratch devilishly at every little snowflake he could see on his brother’s soles.
‘Well with manners like that, how can I not tickle you?!’
Camera Jim was a squealing, frantic mess of laughter instantaneously as he laughed into his hands.
Once again, Ouija Jim was using every ounce of willpower to keep on tickling and not melt from how sweet his hysterical brother sounded. His hysterical laughter hadn’t changed one bit since when they were children, it was so high-pitched, bubbily, sweet, and almost inhumanly precious.
‘Ahahaaaww, do someone have ticklish feetsies? Does da ickle Jimmy have ticklish footsie wootsies?’
Camera Jim’s arms were flapping about once more in the wake of the tickling and teasing as he giddily nodded and cried out.
Ouija Jim eagerly hardened his pokey scratches, focusing on the little snowflakes at the balls of his sweet brother’s feet as he cooed in the teasiest baby voice he could muster.
‘What a cute tickly baby boy you are! I could tickle these feetsies forever and ever and ever, they’re just so cute and ticklish!’
Camera Jim was a flustered mess, and honestly if I was in his position I would be the exact same.
His cry was filled with tender squeals as his mind raced at the notion of eternal tickling, a terrifyingly fun thought. Ouija Jim chuckled at his exclamation as he purred.
‘Not forever? Are you sure Jim?’
Ouija Jim chuckled fondly as he turned his head to see his brother nodding with frantic adorableness.
Ouija Jim hummed for a moment, because what kind of older brother would he be if he didn’t drag this all out right to last second? When it came to it though, he did have mercy with a fond grin in place.
‘Alright, maybe not forever, not this time anyway…’
As soon as Ouija Jim sat up, releasing his brother’s feet, Camera Jim hurried to curl up as he gasped and giggled into his forearms; he was just the image of cute happiness right now. Ouija Jim immediately hugged his brother to his chest, stroking his hair gently as he crooned.
‘How was that Jim? Were those some good tickles?’
Ouija Jim felt happy warmth bubble in his tummy as Camera Jim gazed up at him and nodded, replying giddily.
‘They w-wehere the behest tickles Jim!’
The two brothers eagerly snuggled, the elder one mumbling happily.
‘Cute little squish.’
Camera Jim giggled, no longer upset by the nickname…because he knew his brother was saying it with all the love in his heart. They stayed like that for a while, because who doesn’t love a good snuggle session? I know I do. After about 20 minutes or so though…a ping sounded. It was a notification on Ouija Jim’s phone, a reminder…and he gasped when he read it.
‘Jim! It’s time! It’s time for us to summon that festive demon Pink Jim told us about!’
Camera Jim gasped and squeaked with excitement, hurriedly sitting up.
‘You mean the Scrooge demon?’
‘Precisely Jim! I’ll get the summoning apparatus!’
‘I’ll get the cameras Jim!’
The two brothers then hurried about their summoning business, as excellent, talented demon hunters do…and as good brothers do, together.
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gangrenados · 6 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Marcus Lopez Argüello x redaer.
Warning: None.
The cheesy rhythm was just horrible, the lyrics were like candy trying to drown him, Marcus was honestly tired of listening to I Wanna Dance With Somebody playing on the speakers. But you can not do anything, you love this kind of pop songs "corny"; Maybe it was him, he has to admit that this was not the kind of music he used to listen to.
You passed the page, muttering the lyrics of the song while playing with the pencil between your fingers. This was a real study date, different from the others I used to have when I wanted to have quality time.
Both were sitting at the small table that you had in your room; it was covered with papers and books with several crayons and pencils scattered everywhere. You had promised Marcus that you would help with the subjects where he was weakest, and considering that studying was not one of his things where he was stronger, this could take a long time, but you did not really care.
"Do you understand this, Marcus?" You asked, looking at Marcus from your eyelashes.
He was in front of you, with his left hand supporting his head and with the other writing loosely on the sheet of scratched paper that rested in front of him. "I think so ...", he said simply, finishing an equation.
It was very boring to do this for him, actually I would rather throw away all the books and papers that were covering the table, approach you and start a kissing season.
He would be between your legs, with them hugging his waist near you. He would kiss you and lower and lower, leaving a hickey in your neck and collarbone ... Marcus looked at a point lost at the table, drowned in his sleep. You looked at him, wondering what he was thinking.
Marcus thought that he had reached such a point of boredom that he had begun to imagine things. He thought about leaving when he started with this, maybe saying some excuse and then spending the day in his room reading comics or with Billy, listening about how his plan to ignore Petra would help him to conquer her, but he could not, and that was what spent before.
"Today's another day to find you ..." he sang to himself, finished drawing a scribble in the corner of his notebook. Marcus reached out and took a couple of colors to continue drawing; he had not realized that he had captured all your attention. "I'll be coming for your love, okay?"
You looked at Marcus astonished that he knew the song, you thought that this kind of music was hell for him, that was the main reason why you put them in the first place.
You left your pencil on the table and dedicated yourself to seeing Marcus; the boy moved his head slightly to the rhythm of the music , closing his eyes when he played the high notes.
"Take me ooon, I'll be gone in a daay or twooo!" Marcus sang a little louder, letting himself be carried away by the sticky rhythm. You were dying of laughter, but you did not want that to end.
When the song ended was as if nothing of what happened had happened. Marcus closed his book and sighed, glad to have finished with the equations and to be able to recover a little of his life; Seeing how you looked, he frowned a little, wondering what the hell was happening to you.
"I can’t believe that you know the lyrics...", you put both arms on the table and you leaned a bit ",what a surprise, Argüello".
"You always repeat them, baby," he says doing the same thing you did. "What did you expect?"
"And to think that I thought you were becoming romantic, what a shame..." you sighed falsely, denying with your head when doing it.
A slow song began to sound, Marcus slowly turned to where the music player was and bit his lip, thinking about the dream he had had before, maybe he could stop being bored.
He got up from the table and went to where you were, you followed him with your eyes throughout his journey.
Marcus was in front of you, looking at you from where he was; He bowed a bit, staying at your face. "Do you want me to be more romantic?" he ask trying to have a seductive tone.
"It would be interesting to see you try, honestly" you laughed at his face. "But it doesn't matter,Marcus, I love you like that..."
You put your hand on Marcus's cheek, you got up a little to kiss him, he leaned an arm on the table to keep his balance and bowed little by little. Your back touched the wooden surface; you pulled away from Marcus and smiled when you saw him smile, but this didn’t last long. 
You wrapped your legs around the boy's waist and Marcus dropped a little of his weight on you, enough to not crush you; he returned to reconnect his lips with yours and a make out season began, the kisses were slow and passionate, just as Marcus had imagined them.
tag list:
@dammit-scamander @flowercrowns3438 @love-giselle@sweetdayme4427 @ladyofstardvst @captivatedrose @super-sunny-bean@depressed-with-anxiety @fionnscute @theriverdalediaries@sundaay-addams @the-winter-loki10 @wrinkledparchment @aesthetic–fangirl @clau-carstairs
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stevesharrlngtons · 5 years
never in my life did i think that the duffer would creat 1 let alone TWOOO canon gay characters my gay little heart is v happy w this season tbh
the duffers saw they were on thin fuckin’ ice with us and deicded to deliver two sweet baby gays. we stan.
sleepover friday
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sourpunchsims · 6 years
A lookback at 2018
I’ve been on Tumblr for almost a year now. Wow. It does and doesn’t feel that long at the same time. Very weird concept. I used the mega editor to take a quick look at the overview of my blog and wrote down any memorable moments that stood out to me :)
This was more for myself than anyone else, but maybe you all will find it interesting too.
Feb: I started my blog in February of this year. I had never used Tumblr before then. I had no idea what I was doing and mostly just posted a lot of weird edits.
March: I think this is when I found other simblrs telling stories with their sims and I really wanted to try that out too. I posted Vanille’s intro and tried and failed with the Ice Cream Simdae and BPR that month.. quit them both and deleted the posts... wish I hadn’t now lol..... I also started sim requests and got 6 that month (by the way sim requests are pretty much always open). The tail end of March is when I hit 100 followers, which is still CRAZY to me to even think.
April: More sim requests. A couple that were on Tumblr that on it that persons game <333333. Sienna for @jelizabethmarieb and Orpheus for @seraphinabelle! Also “doot doot” anon was a thing. I requested my first sim from @seraphinabelle, who will still be around a little once I get back to my Musique Des Sims. It was my birthday, I posted my face for the first time, and I hit 200 followers (CRAZINESS)
May: May is when I really kicked it into gear when I started my 100 baby challenge. I don’t think I’ve missed a day by accident since I started posting it. I think. It has been a real blast playing with this colorful family. We’re on gen 3 and honestly, I haven’t gotten sick of it. Some of my favorite sims have come out of this challenge.
Made a request for Porter from @berrybloomsims, who also will show up in Musique Des Sims for a brief period. Introduced you guys to Quartz, the founder for Musique Des Sims and started it. Didn’t get very far though before I put it on hiatus.
June: A few sim requests here and there. Continued on with the 100 baby, started gen 2 in fact, my cat had kittens irl (we ended up keeping 2 of them), @berryconfetti started my challenge, and I started my Seasons of Gnomes challenge. And to kick it all off, I hit 400 followers! I think I must have been busy around the 300 mark and by the time I had time to make anything, I was close to 4 anyway so I waited.
July: 100 baby challenge still going strong, Seasons of Gnomes was continued. I put up a post asking for spouses for the 100 baby challenge (still waiting on those btw @grassamere @samssims xD for real tho, no rush you still have a lot of time <3). @27ccfinds made me made me a cute edit of what used to be my side blog for Big Sister/Runaway Teen! Still can’t believe that, how sweet! <3 I made Cleo and entered her in @ashleysimmer11 ‘s Next Top Model! Hard to believe she’s in the top two! :D and then Ashley binge read my 100 baby challenge xD
August: 100 baby and Seasons of Gnomes still going strong, which is surprising for me, my kitties were growing up, posted my ballerina edit which I still love, had my second binge reader @princesspeach9090, and had my first wedding anniversary <3
September: Still posting 100 baby and Seasons of Gnomes! Go me! I made this sim just for fun and ended up re-purposing an old side blog for a game play based Not So Berry. @jelizabethmarieb made her spouse! Ashley made me pick a favorite Macaroon child. Aaaaand I made a Fall look book for 600 followers, using my gen 2 NSB heir for the model.
October: I participated in Simblreen for the first time. Oh boy, it was fun, but stressful. So. Many. Asks. I made 3 different treats and did it all weekend. (1 2 3). We were just about done with gen 2 for the 100 baby challenge, and gen 2 was in full swing for Seasons of Gnomes uuuntil it went on hiatus that month. I released some of my simmies into the world for my 700 follower milestone.
November: Gen 3 of 100 baby started, Cleo made it into the top 3 of Next Top Model, and I started my Rags To Riches, which you all seem to be liking a lot.
December: Buckle up, I did quite a bit this month xD
- Started my Youtube channel back up and got 20 subs on it! Woop! <3
- Participated in the “log off protest”
- Started a new project with @little-sims
- Started preparing more for gen 2 of my NSB
- Made a cute Poppy and Neptune edit
- Made some of the cutest random sims ever, which will be used for something later on in 2019
- Took one of the cutest screenshots I’ve ever taken.
- Made a new side blog for my story based saves! Which you all helped name :)
- Got the ABSOLUTE CUTEST anon message ever
- Submitted a name for @purpleleopard96 ‘s bachelorette challenge
I have had the BEST time on here this year. Sure, it’s got some drama, but what community doesn’t, especially online, but I’ve made some people I call friends on here.
I’ve started and ended a lot of projects. I’ve managed to keep my 100 baby challenge going without getting bored of it once which is a feat in itself. I hope to continue this for a long time to come. New BPR, possibly 2 actually, one story based, one game play based, Seasons of Gnomes, and Musique Des Sims to come over on the new blog starting sometime in Jan! I finally got most of the character page done for my BPR so I can start shooting it soon.
But at the same time, my posting will probably have to slow down again because I’m going to be trying to get a job soon not looking forward to that AT ALL
But yeah, thanks for sticking around with me and reading my stuff. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do making it. And if you made it this far, you are an ANGEL and I love you!
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