misscherry-26 · 2 years
Oh I have this sexy idea where Chris Evans and his wife reader does a sex tape
Sex tape - Chris Evans
Summary: Chris and his wife make a sex tape.
Pairing: Husb!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Warnings: +18! Smut!Sex! Unprotected sex!
Author's note: I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it, Because OH. MY. GOD (hehehe)
Enjoy it and thank you for requesting! ❤️
Mistakes will be corrected later!
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“Keep going baby. Keep-ah- going.”
“Chris mmhmm”
Chris pumps in and out of you passionately, holding you from your waist with one hand.
“Yeah, you look so sexy like this, my wife’s so sexy-yeah baby”Chris turns up the intensity, this time he comes completely out of you, just leaving the tip inside, hitting your spot. Your internal walls lubricate and cream Chris's member more and more, the wet noise is more than proof of it.
Your husband's gaze travels there. “Look at that” he says with a raspy voice.
A fine line of saliva drips from his mouth and falls in between, making the pass much easier.
“Chris please-Ple-please keep go-goin'”
"I don't plan to stop," His gaze returns to your face, gently squeezing from your cheeks, making your full lips stand out more.
He wants to document every fine detail of you.
“Look at me honey, look here,” He quickens his pace. "I'm not going to stop. Oh, of course not. Not until I fill this precious pussy with my hot cum. Not until you creame me.”
But he doesn't expect you to respond to that, because he knows that your response is the moans, the murmurs that barely come out from the intense stimulation your body is receiving second by second.
Your body is in a state of relaxation and, at the same time, of excitement that you lose track of time. Chris is about to come, the pressure and force that he exerts now is much more intense, strong, passionate.
For a moment the small device falls from your husband's hand to your abdomen. You don't even flinch in taking it, you have no strength. You need to explode. Your body needs to release all that pleasure.
You need to reach the top of the mountain.
Chris takes it quickly but instead of holding it, this time he puts it on the bed. Some pillows support it from behind so it doesn't fall, giving the perfect shot of both of them, although he can't see his face, not until he lays on top of you, hugging you tightly, as if he had to hold on to keep from falling.
Both of you are close, you lace your hands behind his head, pulling him towards your neck.
The fireworks in both begin to light up, The fire begins to spread by the thread that holds the small box with gunpowder.
The fire spreads more, and more.
And more.
And more.
Until finally…
It's like an explosion, a big, charged explosion that happens inside of you, and inside of your pussy.
The white liquid covers each of your intimate walls. And it mixes with yours. Chris feels it too. The body of both boils. The perspiration you emanate is already beginning to make a presence.
After a few minutes to be able to calm the breathing, and return the heart rate to a calm state, your husband takes off from you, but not before giving you a passionate kiss on the lips.
Getting up, he presses the little button to cut the recording and turns off his phone.
You are slow to open your eyes. They feel so heavy. You don't fight to open them so you keep them closed.
You listen as Chris goes to the bathroom and as the faucet is turned on. After a few you feel a very wet cloth that cleanses your intimate area a bit.
Chris places the used cloth in the laundry basket and then lays down on the bed, burying his head and face between your bare chest. His arms covering your waist, hugging you.
Both sinking into a deep state of relaxation, falling asleep.
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Oh i got this total idea where chris evans is taking a nap for an interview with ET while his wife, reader cooking up. their toddler girl has a makeup kit for kids and use it on chris. Chris didn't know about it until the interview
Mommy, do you like the way I did daddy's makeup? - Chris Evans
Or said by Blue Evans: "Mommy, do you lite the 'ay I tit daddy's mateup?"
Summary: Chris decides to get some rest before the ET interview, and falls asleep on the couch. His daughter, Blue decides to get her dad ready for the interview.
Pairing: Husb!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader x Daughter!Blue Evans.
Author's note: I swear I've been working on this for a week and I even felt a little bad because I never got around to finishing it because of how busy I was.
I have to say that I loved writing this beautiful and cute story!!!
Hope you like it and thanks for requesting!
Gif from Pinterest
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Little Blue Evans is sitting on the floor, with all her toys scattered on the carpet, watching cartoons on television.
At least that's what you see from the kitchen. You're making some chocolate cookies. Chris and Blue's favorites.
And speaking of Chris, your husband, you realize that you didn't see him with your daughter. How strange. If you remember correctly, he told you that he would be there.
You take the tray with the cookies and place them inside the oven. Then, curious, you go to look for your husband. As you get closer, you start to hear a slight… snoring?
And you're not wrong. In front of you is Chris, lying on the couch, sleeping. Looking at the time on the clock, you move him a little to wake him up.
"Chris. Chris." He shifts a little on the couch, but doesn't open his eyes. You try to call him about two more times, and that's when it seems to work.
In a hoarse, sleepy voice and opening his eyes a little, he asks you what you need.
"Don't forget that you have the interview with ET in an hour babe"
Chris has been up since six in the morning, going from interview to interview about his projects, life… so it's more than understandable that he is taking a nap.
"Mhm, I know, I'm up now" and he goes back to sleep.
You shake your head, chuckling at your husband's action, and head back to the kitchen to clean and put everything away, as well as checking the cookies from time to time.
But what you don't know is that little Blue, hearing that her father has an interview, got up as soon as you left, to get her makeup kit.
The little girl quickly returns and places the small pink suitcase on the floor and opens it. She then gets down on her knees to get up to her father's face and… gets to work...
Chris wakes up to the sunlight starting to hit him in the face. He slowly sits down on the couch and wakes up a bit. He watches the clock. Just in time for the interview.
Without time to see himself in the mirror, he straightens his hair a little and takes the computer and turns it on.
"In today's section we will be interviewing a great Hollywood star, husband and father. With you, Chris Evans"
At that moment Chris turns on the camera, completely inhibited of what is happening… on his face.
On the other hand, you are in the kitchen decorating the cookies with a chocolate coating, when Blue runs in with the small suitcase in hand.
"Mommy mommy mommy!"
"B I told you the cookies aren't ready yet" you notice her running in "and what did I tell you about running in the kitchen? It's dangerous B–"
"Am 'orry mommy, but come! Loot what I tit!" Your daughter drags you by the hand. You hope she hasn't broken anything, but the surprise you get is a very funny one.
Chris is sitting on the couch, computer in hand, camera and microphone turned off. His face, it's hard to find expression on it. You don't know if he wants to laugh, scold his little girl or even cry.
Your husband is full of paintings on his face, or rather… makeup.
"Mommy, do you lite the 'ay I tit daddy's mateup?"
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Headcanon of fluff and smut of actor Chris dating a short! Reader, who does book illustration
Chris evans x Short!Book illustrator Reader (Headcanon)
Author's note: Sometimes I feel like making headcanons is easier than writing a one shot but no! It's totally different (in my personal opinion) so that's why it's not very long.
I feel identified with the last one but in my case with graphic design, I just need a chris (or an Ari Levinson) to give me massages 😭. Anyway, I hope you like it even if it's not very long, and thank you for requesting! 💗
• Chris loves what you do and even when you spend time together in the house, he is by your side watching you with admiration.
• Oh and the times when your sketches ended up all over the floor because of Chris getting so horny seeing you all focused on working.
• Or the times when he is simply there with you, sitting next to you or hugging you from behind, watching you. And also leaving small kisses on the back of your neck, on the cheek and on your neck
• There are times that, despite being tired when he is shooting a movie, he keeps you company on the small sofa in your studio. With closed eyes by the way, but he always says that it doesn't matter, he just wants to be there with you.
• He is proud of you and he always lets you know that by taking photos of your proyects, showing them to his family and friends...
•And oh my, how he loves seeing you get frustrated when you can't reach one of your sketchbooks off the shelf (made by Chris), sometimes it feels like he did it on purpose so he can come over and help you. Making fun of you for not being tall like him.
• Due to spending many hours sitting down, sometimes you lose track of time and that leads to your posture not always being straight... Luckily you have your masseuse, Chris undoubtedly gives the best massages... which sometimes end up in nights of pure passion and lust.
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Johnny Lawrence is dating a single mother, reader who has eleven years old shy daughter, morgan. one day, there was an father-daughter dance event in her school and since her dad is out of the picture, morgan is just shy to ask johnny
Father- Daughter Dance - Johnny Lawrence
Summary:  Morgan, your daughter, finally works up the courage to ask Johnny, your boyfriend, a big question.
Pairing: BfJohnny Lawrence x Gf,Singlemother!Reader (Ft. Morgan, reader's daughter)
Warnings: None, fluff?
Author's note:  Hi! I hope you like it, Enjoy it and thank you for requesting! ❤️ Mistakes will be corrected later!
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“Sure you want to tell him?”
“Sure, it’s just, Don’t you  mind me asking him, right?”
When your eleven- year old- daughter came over after school and told you about the father-daughter dance dance school is gonna throw next friday, you almost cried when she mentioned you Johnny. 
It actually surprised you. You and Johnny have been dating for months, and on the first date, you weren’t afraid to tell him that you were a single mom.  Although it did make you nervous  having to tell your daughter, three months later, that you and he were dating. And although she didn’t show any discomfort, she always acted very shy about the topic, and near him. 
That’s why when she asked you, it left you speechless but made you happy, not only because she chose Johnny, but also because you realized that she considers him an important figure in her life. 
“Of course not hun! Just- Nevermind, it doesn’t matter, okay? “
She nods and nervously gets up from her bed, you just stay there looking at her. 
“Can you wait here?”. You just nod.
Morgan leaves her room, but not before letting out a long breath. 
The reality is that she is afraid that when she asks Johnny, and he says no, she doesn’t want you to observe the situation,
Honestly, she wishes that Johnny would say yes. 
She never met her father, and you told Morgan the truth about why her biological father was not there when she was born.
But for Morgan, Johnny has been the best father figure for her. 
Morgan finally makes it to the kitchen where Johnny is preparing dinner. Pizza…Frozen pizza bought at the supermarket. “Hey Morgan,” Johnny says as soon as she enters the kitchen.”Everything okay?”
“Yes! Yes” she answers quickly. 
Johnny just nods and turns to put the pizza in the oven. “Well, it should be ready in twenty minutes-”
“Johnny, Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” he begins to take out the plates and cutlery to set the table. “Spill it”
Well, it’s that at school they´re organizing a dance and I… Well, it’s a father-daughter dance and I-I was wondering if you want to go with me?” She said, lowering her voice in the last part. 
Johnny freezes. Any question except that was expected. Not that he doesn’t want to go. He loves Morgan very much. He already fixed his situation with Robbie, he doesn’t want to make the same mistake again. 
Johnny clears his throat and stands to attention. 
Morgan, who had her eyes closed, fearing for Johnny’s answer, opens them. 
“Yes Morgan, i would love to go with you”.
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Johnny Lawrence became a sensei again and teach karate. he meets daniel's little sister, reader in the bar. she is still single and an yoga instructor
LaRusso? Daniel LaRusso is your brother? - Johnny Lawrence
Summary: After a long day teaching, Johnny decides to stop by the bar, like every night, to drink his daily beer. But annoying calls and beers lead to encounters and surprises...
Pairing: Johnny Lawrence x LaRusso's sister!reader
Author's Note: mistakes will be corrected later. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting! 💛
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After a long day of training the boys of the new Cobra Kai, Johnny lets out a big sigh as he finally closes up the dojo. Returning to the world of karate is not easy. He definitely needs to get fit again… And he definitely needs a beer.
The bar is not as crowded as it normally is in the evenings.
Johnny sits down and asks the bartender for a beer, the same one he drinks every night. The young man nods and immediately leaves it in front of him, ready to drink.
As always, Johnny proceeds to distract his mind with the television that hangs a few feet from on the bar. And although what he is seeing is nothing important, a female voice next to him prevents him from hearing whatever he is seeing, which irritates him.
"I know- listen Dani, I had a long day, I don't think I can go- yes, I understand, but-" the voice pauses to let out a sigh, "I'm very tired. I had a long day, I was late with the rent- no, I don't want your help - you know I always appreciate it but I really don't…"
The conversation continues for a few more minutes, then an 'I love you too' is heard, and after that, the call ends. That seemed to relieve him. Finally he thinks to himself and then he focused all of his attention back on the television. Or so he thought.
"A beer please" but it wasn't just that, it was exactly the same one he's drinking. Which is weird because hardly anyone drinks it. And that seems to pique his curiosity because he turns around to see who is the woman, the cool woman, who drinks the same beer as him.
There, sitting next to him, one arm supporting her head and the other simply stretched out, is you.
And you honestly didn't plan on doing this. Everything was supposed to go well today… which was the complete opposite. But after having spent the hard day, the bar came your way... and you needed a break.
"Long day huh?" You hear someone on your side. When you turn your eyes, after thanking the bartender for the beer, you meet a blond guy. By appearance, he seems one, two years older than you, he wears a plain black shirt, and on top of it, a light checkered red shirt.
"Sorry?" You try to sound nice, but you're so stressed that you just want to drink, go home, take a shower and sleep.
"I usually drink that one" he nods at your beer, "when I have bad days"
You notice that in his hand is the same bottle. "I guess then today was that bad for you huh"
"Something like that" Johnny takes a sip of his beer.
"I'm Y/N" you hold out your hand politely, Johnny looks skeptical at first but then shakes it.
An electric current runs through your hands for a second. "Johnny"
"You don't seem like the type to do karate," you laugh.
Two hours later, you are both sitting at a table, this time with two empty plates and a couple more beers. both enjoying each other's company, as well as getting to know each other thoroughly.
"That's rude. Are you saying that because of how I look?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I shouldn't judge by appearances" Both laugh.
"Well, being a yoga instructor, shouldn't you be drinking water, or all that healthy shit you guys do?
You explode of laughter for a few seconds, then you calm down and decide to answer. "Yeah, well, I don't usually drink actually, but today," you sigh, "Today I definitely needed it. I was late with the rent, I forgot the money at home because I was late and-"
"Yeah I know. I heard you when you arrived. Well I didn't know it was you but," I must admit, you looked stressed, your husband must-"
You correct him. "No, no," you laugh, "Daniel is my brother. I'm single." You let out a nervous laugh.
Johnny didn't expect it. You are very beautiful, impossible for anyone else to not notice that.
"Sorry, I thought," Johnny decides it's best to take another sip of the beer, the last one.
"I'm the little sister," you say. "And he's always worried about me, he has since our parents split up and he moved in with mom. You take a short pause.
"He'd helped me a lot and I really appreciate it! But since I moved out here he seems to be checking up on me all the time, but come on, I'm an adult! I can take care of myself!" I laugh. "But I guess it's in his blood. Being a LaRusso isn't easy," You add nonchalantly.
Johnny chokes on the last sip of beer. He hopes he has misheard.
"Are you okay!?" You threaten to get up to help him but he shows you with his hand that he is fine.
"LaRusso? Daniel LaRusso is your brother?"
You don't understand, so curious, you ask,
"Yeah, why? Were you and him friends or something?"
How weird that you didn't know. He thinks. But remembering what you said about your parents, that's when he realizes. It may not be a good time for you to know…yet.
"Yeah, well, let's say him and I are good old friends" and what 'friendship' Johnny and Daniel had.
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Smut request where Chris evans is dating a short and bartender reader, they fuck in the bathroom bar
Bathroom bar - Chris Evans
Summary: Chris decides to surprise you at work... And what a surprise
Pairing: Chris Evans x Short!bartender reader.
Warnings!: +18, Smut, unprotected sex.
Author's note: Sorry I'm late to answering! this past week I was so busy I barely had time to breathe. but finally, here it is. I Hope you like it and thank you for requesting 💛
P.S. I'M FERAL, LIKE DAMN! I'm in love with my own writing! 🤭🥵
P.S.² Mistakes will be corrected later!
Gif: @avengerscompound
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"Is it too late to order a drink?"
Because of the noise of the music and people talking, it was impossible for you to recognize the voice with your back turned, so when you turn around to see, you are surprised. Chris, your boyfriend is across the counter in the bar.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" Since you're not too tall to get at least part of your body on the counter of the bar, you go all the way around to go out and say hello to your boyfriend. As soon as you arrive, he wraps you in his arms.
You give him a slight peck on the lips.
"I got off work early and, I don't know, I wanted to surprise you."
"You came just in time because my shift just finished"
The place is full of people. And the lights are so dark that you can barely see people's faces. Chris takes advantage of this and lovingly takes your hand to guide it to... Oh... now you get it. so you respond by giving him a little caress.
As soon as the door of the bathroom stall closes, Chris catches you in a passionate kiss. Running his hands all over your body.
You don't waste time and unbuckle his belt. The hustle and bustle of gasps and moans inside the small cabin is drowned out by the music outside. Although both are so hungry for each other that, to be honest, you guys don’t care if someone listens.
Chris lifts the short black skirt you're wearing, the one that drives him so crazy, up to the waist and takes a millisecond to appreciate the fine fabric that protects your femininity.
“Damn baby, you just had to wear my favorite panties today” You giggle at the comment and, imitating his action when they were outside the bathroom, you take his hand and put it on your panties. Chris can't help but get harder at feeling how wet they are. “Wanna show me how much you like these panties?
That was enough for him.
“Turn around.” he says firmly, yet dominant, yet sweet.
Of course, you do as he said, and thank god you have platform shoes. Being a little shorter than Chris, doing this, without them, would be almost impossible to do. Chris licks two of his fingers quickly and rests them on your entrance to lubricate it more than it already is with your own liquids. And without warning, he slides his member inside your pussy. “Fuck-Fuckk” Both say at the same time. he increases speed taking you from the waist with one hand, and the other slipping it under your shirt and bra, to find your left breast and start playing with your nipple. “Oh my-Oh god, Chrissy” you moan.
“I know baby- Fuck!,” He thrusts his dick in and out faster. “I know” Now Chris’s hand moves from your breast to your clit to increase your pleasure. “Chris…Oh, Oh Chris–Yes–Yeah, yeah, yeah–” Chris continues to move fast, so fast that their bodies pound every time he penetrates you.. From the pleasure you feel in every fiber of your body, you move along with his movements.
Your muscles begin to tense. Chris witnesses this by seeing how your legs and abdomen contract and loosen, generating small spasms of pleasure. Your orgasm’s almost there.
Strongly he holds you by the waist. Hugging you from behind. Chris is also close to his orgasm.
“C’mon Baby, Don’t hold it” he thrusts inside faster and faster, hitting all of your sweet spots in your pussy. As a consequence, you can't stop moaning, you try to hold on to the wall but it's useless. “Chris I-I’m-” “Let it go. bathe him with your fluids. cream my dick baby girl”
You are in a limbo, about to take your body to the extreme. So lost that you can barely hear.
The bubbling in your lower abdomen begins to form. You are at the limit. You can't anymore and…
Both finally came together, his cum mixing with yours inside your pussy.
You and Chris take a few minutes to catch your breath.
Chris pulls away from you, gently turning you around and gives you a sweet kiss. a kiss that you return with love. Both smile happily.
"I guess this was more than enough to cross 'having sex in the bathroom at the bar' off the list, don't you think?" You giggle and nod. "I think the one we have to cross out is 'having sex at work'"
"Technically your shift was over"...
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Oh I have this request where jonny storm met a vigilante name Icycle (who has the power of ice like Elsa) and he can't help but be captivated by her. Icycle doesn't feel the same way. Icycle is also reader, who owns a cafe shop that sue and reed sometimes goes to for their date
My true self - Johnny Storm
Pairing: Johnny Storm x vigilante!Reader (Icycle)
Author's note: I hope you like it, i did my best with this, so i hope you enjoy it. ☺️
Thank you for the request! 🤍
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"The usual right?" You ask Sue and Reed, who are on the other side of the counter, both hugging and smiling. As always when they come here. You have known them for 3 years, since you opened the cafeteria and named her in honor of your grandmother who was, unfairly, killed in a robbery. Lisa's, that is how you named your coffee shop. They love your coffee, and although they are the most famous superheroes in New York, they feel comfortable because you treat them for how they really are, because deep down, they are still human. They are still Sue and Reed.
The couple nods and you give them a sincere smile before turning around to prepare their order.
A latte and a cappuccino.
Four men are covered, head to toe, by a large ice cubicle, in front of the entrance of the Central Bank. "How long do you think it will take you to defrost them Johnny?" Sue, her sister, asks. Johnny Smirks, and just by resting a finger on the big cube, his sister gets the answer by seeing how he starts to melt it quickly.
(At Night)
Johnny walks alone in the dark streets of New York, wearing a sweatshirt, hiding his hands on the pockets. He walks until arrives at an abandoned building and enters through the main door.
He climbs some stairs, until he reaches the top, the balcony, where he opens the door and can see the almost complete New York City.
Without bothering to close it, he goes to the edge of the building. On the floor it can be seen a thin trail of ice, which continues to a corner, where there is someone sitting.
"Nice job today. You know? Although I would have liked you to leave me a note or something." The person scoffs after Johnny's statement.
"Please, lower your ego a little." Says the voice, a feminine voice. Johnny smiles. "Mhm whatever you say baby."
The person gets up, turns around and removes her hood.
You are in front of Johnny, seeing him seriously. It's not the first time you meet. In fact, he has been coming here every night for weeks.
A date, that's what he wants with you. But he doesn't know you. Not really. He doesn't know the real one. He wants a date with Icycle. And she is another person. Your alter ego. That power that inhabits you...
"I've already told you no Johnny. You do not know me, you do not know who I am under this mask," you point to yourself, since you have the suit on. "You only know this, and that is what you want, a date with Icycle, and I can't be her all the time. Johnny sighs and watches the city from above. "Then let me get to know the real one"
You roll your eyes," of course, as if I were your type."
" Well, maybe you are- " but you cut him.
"I know you Storm and believe me, I am not." Johnny just looks around the city.
"I find it unfair that you know about me and I know nothing about you, don't you think?"
Damn Storm, you think.
"It's not my fault you don't wear a mask. If you didn't want anyone to know anything about you, you should have made one of these, "you touch your mask." Before, don't you think? "Johnny scoffs sarcastically. But before answering he starts smelling something. And he realizes that that aroma comes from you. So he approaches, invading your personal space, and smells." Did you bathe in coffee or what? "
You shouldn't have been cleaning the machines late. You ignore his question. "I need to go, it's late." You get up and walk to the door to leave. but you turn around for the last time. "Stop coming if you just want a date with me. You know the answer will be no" and you walk away, leaving him alone. Johnny sighs, of course he will not pay attention to you, because you have him hypnotized. You two are not only opposites that attract, because you are ice, he is fire. But besides that, he really wants to know who you are under that mask, that suit. And what reasons do you have to catch all the thieves who have tried to steal something big.
For Johnny, you are an enigma.
Distracted, he approaches where you were sitting at the beginning. Watching the big city, cluelessly he takes a look at his right side, and observes a small cup lying on the edge. A plastic cup of coffee. Johnny grabs it and watches it.
And when he turned it, his eyebrows rise and his lips stretch in a thin smile. The name of your cafeteria "Lisa's" is embodied in the cup.
The name sounds familiar to him, but from where? Aha! His sister. Sue and Reed usually go to their dates on Fridays to drink coffee there. They both love that cafeteria. Could it be then that?...
Maybe Johnny is not so far from finding out who you really are besides being Icycle.
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Can anyone help me out?? I’ve been trying like crazy to find this fic! I think it was part of a series.
CEO!chris (I think) and he proposes to his girl while doing it in the kitchen/on the kitchen counter.
I read it along time ago and thought I saved it
Hi! I don't know the fic but I share it in case another user/blog knows 🥰
People, let's help the anon. Let's go find the fic!
If anyone knows the fic, just comment it below. 👇🏻
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misscherry-26 · 8 months
Hi! I'm glad your day was good! Oh? Which story you planning on writting?
Thank you! And currently I'm working on the next chapter for the Billionaire and the Stripper.
After that I plan on focusing on finishing other fics
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misscherry-26 · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕💕💕
Awww, thank you hun 💕
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
✨🌈☀️send this to people you're happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day🌟🌈💥
AWWW 🥹 Thank you!! 💖
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
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I posted 870 times in 2022
That's 870 more posts than 2021!
35 posts created (4%)
835 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
#chris evans - 22 posts
#chris evans imagines - 21 posts
#chris evans x reader - 18 posts
#cevans - 17 posts
#christopher robert evans - 13 posts
#mdpplgtz03answers - 13 posts
#mdpplgtz03'swritings - 11 posts
#chris evans drabble - 11 posts
#chris evans x y/n - 10 posts
#chris evans smut - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 44 characters
#chris evans x short! book illustrator reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chris x Wife!Pregnant reader (Short headcanon)
At night, he would sleep behind you, like spooning you, and would put his hand on your belly.
He would sit on the sofa with you, and talk to the baby, while you massage his hair with your hands, whispering sweet things to your future baby boy/girl.
He would get very horny by seeing you with his t- shirts and shorts, since his clothes are comfortable for you.  So ugh, if it were up to him, he'd get you pregnant already while you're pregnant.
He would be all the time aware of whether you are well, comfortable, if you are hungry, or have cravings.
He would constantly repeat to you how much he loves you and how happy he is to be with you, and he would thank you for everything.
250 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Ok but imagine being like this with Chris Evans.
He comes back tired after work and lays down with you to relax and ends up asleep.
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365 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Oh I have this sexy idea where Chris Evans and his wife reader does a sex tape
Sex tape - Chris Evans
Summary: Chris and his wife make a sex tape.
Pairing: Husb!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Warnings: +18! Smut!Sex! Unprotected sex!
Author's note: I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it, Because OH. MY. GOD (hehehe)
Enjoy it and thank you for requesting! ❤️
Mistakes will be corrected later!
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“Keep going baby. Keep-ah- going.”
“Chris mmhmm”
Chris pumps in and out of you passionately, holding you from your waist with one hand.
“Yeah, you look so sexy like this, my wife’s so sexy-yeah baby”Chris turns up the intensity, this time he comes completely out of you, just leaving the tip inside, hitting your spot. Your internal walls lubricate and cream Chris's member more and more, the wet noise is more than proof of it.
Your husband's gaze travels there. “Look at that” he says with a raspy voice.
A fine line of saliva drips from his mouth and falls in between, making the pass much easier.
“Chris please-Ple-please keep go-goin'”
"I don't plan to stop," His gaze returns to your face, gently squeezing from your cheeks, making your full lips stand out more.
He wants to document every fine detail of you.
“Look at me honey, look here,” He quickens his pace. "I'm not going to stop. Oh, of course not. Not until I fill this precious pussy with my hot cum. Not until you creame me.”
But he doesn't expect you to respond to that, because he knows that your response is the moans, the murmurs that barely come out from the intense stimulation your body is receiving second by second.
Your body is in a state of relaxation and, at the same time, of excitement that you lose track of time. Chris is about to come, the pressure and force that he exerts now is much more intense, strong, passionate.
For a moment the small device falls from your husband's hand to your abdomen. You don't even flinch in taking it, you have no strength. You need to explode. Your body needs to release all that pleasure.
You need to reach the top of the mountain.
Chris takes it quickly but instead of holding it, this time he puts it on the bed. Some pillows support it from behind so it doesn't fall, giving the perfect shot of both of them, although he can't see his face, not until he lays on top of you, hugging you tightly, as if he had to hold on to keep from falling.
Both of you are close, you lace your hands behind his head, pulling him towards your neck.
The fireworks in both begin to light up, The fire begins to spread by the thread that holds the small box with gunpowder.
The fire spreads more, and more.
And more.
And more.
Until finally…
It's like an explosion, a big, charged explosion that happens inside of you, and inside of your pussy.
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431 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Andy is divorced and a single dad to jacob, he meets up his his highschool sweetheart! reader, who is divorced and has five years old, daughter
High school sweetheart- Andy Barber
Summary: Andy and Jacob enjoy lunch, but a falling glass leads to a special high school reunion.
Pairing: Andy Barber x High school sweetheart!reader (Ft. Jacob and reader's daughter, Stella)
Author's note: Hope you like it and thanks for requesting! 💛 Mistakes will be corrected.
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"And I'm going to order a hamburger and fries and," Andy looks at his son, who pauses to choose a drink from the menu. "A cola without sugar."
The waitress finishes writing down in her little notebook and smiles at them both, "Okay, I'll get them right away."
"Thank you," says Andy politely to the waitress before scowling at his son, who is sitting across from him.
“What?” Jacob asks, confused
His father scoffs, laughing, and doing a vague imitation of his son, he adds, “I will order a salad”
They both laugh, recalling Jacob's comment on their way to the bar a few minutes earlier.
The young man raised his hands surrendered "ok I admit it, the hamburger at the table in the entrance looked tempting and I just wanted to try it.” He points with his head to the big hamburger, on the table on the other side, in front of a girl of about four, five years old, who’s moving her legs from side to side, waiting anxiously for someone.
Andy turns his head to looks at the little girl but quickly his gaze goes back to his table, where the waitress leaves the lunch for both of them. "enjoy it". They both thank her with a simple nod and begin to eat. Andy is unaware that the little girl's companion is someone very well known to him.
“God! It was delicious, but I think i will not eat anything for the next three days”. 
His father opens his mouth to say something but he cuts him off. “Yes. I know, you don't have to scold me again for not ordering the salad.” 
Andy laughs, leaves the pay on the table and gets up from the table, like his son, to leave the bar and start the walk home. 
 “Wait, I need to go to the bathroom first. Go to the car, I'll catch up with you in a few seconds ok?” 
The noise of a glass falling to the ground alerts the young man.
"Oh my god Stel, Are you alright hun?”
 Jacob walks over to help the little girl, and you. “Are you okay?” with a couple of napkins tries to pick up the pieces of glass. After a second, two  waitresses arrive to clean the mess. 
“Thanks for the help” you smile kindly at him.
“No problem. she's ok, Got hurt?” The latter addressing the little girl who is sitting, but the little girl doesn't answer. 
“Stella, be polite please.”
“I’m fine, but my ice cream. I Cant’ eat it anymore” the little one answers sadly. Jacob catches up with her. "Well, Stella, right? She nods. “I have an idea, but first we have to ask your mother"
The bathroom door opens, Andy getting out of it. Determined to go to the car, thinking that his son is waiting there, but it’s not like that. He’s sitting next to a little girl, the same one he had pointed out when they were waiting for the food, they’re both sharing an ice cream. 
And in front, there is you. He feels how time stops around him when he sees you. It’s as if the years hadn’t passed for you. 
Your face, illuminated by your warm lips which curve into a beautiful smile. Your eyes, that color so unique, so…hypnotic. Your soft hair that falls on your shoulders...There, sitting opposite of the little girl and Jacob, is you. Her high school sweetheart.
“Dad. Dad, hey!”
Andy comes back to reality with the call of his son. You turn around, your curiosity explodes inside.
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548 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Oh i got this total idea where chris evans is taking a nap for an interview with ET while his wife, reader cooking up. their toddler girl has a makeup kit for kids and use it on chris. Chris didn't know about it until the interview
Mommy, do you like the way I did daddy's makeup? - Chris Evans
Or said by Blue Evans: "Mommy, do you lite the 'ay I tit daddy's mateup?"
Summary: Chris decides to get some rest before the ET interview, and falls asleep on the couch. His daughter, Blue decides to get her dad ready for the interview.
Pairing: Husb!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader x Daughter!Blue Evans.
Author's note: I swear I've been working on this for a week and I even felt a little bad because I never got around to finishing it because of how busy I was.
I have to say that I loved writing this beautiful and cute story!!!
Hope you like it and thanks for requesting!
Gif from Pinterest
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Little Blue Evans is sitting on the floor, with all her toys scattered on the carpet, watching cartoons on television.
At least that's what you see from the kitchen. You're making some chocolate cookies. Chris and Blue's favorites.
And speaking of Chris, your husband, you realize that you didn't see him with your daughter. How strange. If you remember correctly, he told you that he would be there.
You take the tray with the cookies and place them inside the oven. Then, curious, you go to look for your husband. As you get closer, you start to hear a slight… snoring?
And you're not wrong. In front of you is Chris, lying on the couch, sleeping. Looking at the time on the clock, you move him a little to wake him up.
"Chris. Chris." He shifts a little on the couch, but doesn't open his eyes. You try to call him about two more times, and that's when it seems to work.
In a hoarse, sleepy voice and opening his eyes a little, he asks you what you need.
"Don't forget that you have the interview with ET in an hour babe"
Chris has been up since six in the morning, going from interview to interview about his projects, life… so it's more than understandable that he is taking a nap.
"Mhm, I know, I'm up now" and he goes back to sleep.
You shake your head, chuckling at your husband's action, and head back to the kitchen to clean and put everything away, as well as checking the cookies from time to time.
But what you don't know is that little Blue, hearing that her father has an interview, got up as soon as you left, to get her makeup kit.
The little girl quickly returns and places the small pink suitcase on the floor and opens it. She then gets down on her knees to get up to her father's face and… gets to work...
Chris wakes up to the sunlight starting to hit him in the face. He slowly sits down on the couch and wakes up a bit. He watches the clock. Just in time for the interview.
Without time to see himself in the mirror, he straightens his hair a little and takes the computer and turns it on.
"In today's section we will be interviewing a great Hollywood star, husband and father. With you, Chris Evans"
At that moment Chris turns on the camera, completely inhibited of what is happening… on his face.
On the other hand, you are in the kitchen decorating the cookies with a chocolate coating, when Blue runs in with the small suitcase in hand.
"Mommy mommy mommy!"
"B I told you the cookies aren't ready yet" you notice her running in "and what did I tell you about running in the kitchen? It's dangerous B–"
See the full post
657 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
From a fellow Chris Evans lover i just want to say thank you for your love and support and i give you my love and support and appreciation! Keep doing what you are doing. <3
Aww thank you so, so much!! 💖💖
And you also deserve all the love, support and appreciation. You're very good at writing both here and on Wattpad, and I loved everything!
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
hi are you accepting request?
Hello and Yes! You can request them by private message or by submitting it in the ask section.
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