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mosquitoking · 10 months ago
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the first avengers
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homoquartz · 1 year ago
good omens season 3 prediction
the war of heaven and hell versus the people of earth, exterior day
crowley comes flying out of a mysterious portal. aziraphale gasps and asks, "did you find more allies?"
crowley says something snappy like "meet the B team" and it's a portal to the multiverse and so like yakuza crowley and beach bum crowley and power ranger crowley come jetting through wielding sick-ass weapons
aziraphale says, "does that make us the A team?"
"no," says crowley, "THIS is the A team"
ANOTHER PORTAL OPENS UP and it's a bunch of different aziraphales coming through and they stack together transformers style to become an aziraphale-shaped megacherub
mechaziraphale wields his sick ass blade that warps space and time because of all of the paradoxes going on, and he says, in the thunderous voice of a thousand as one, "let's lick some serious butt."
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trashquisitor-shirozora · 2 years ago
I keep feeling like I’m taking the mandalorian s3 way too seriously when I get mad about what’s happening… but I just can’t help how upset it’s making me 😭 I stopped watching after episode 2 but have kept up for the most part. Going through the mando tag here on tumblr is so surreal because there are people actually thinking the direction makes sense and that DinxBo is a natural next step?? Anyway, I really appreciate reading your thoughts on how it’s all going. Makes me feel like I’m not alone in this!
(I hope you don't mind me lumping my response/thoughts re: your ask in here too, @just-prime, since uh there are a lot of spoilers in it and I'm not sure it's a good idea to make it public)
You have every right to be upset. This is a show you invested in, a show that sold you a story of a lonely Mandalorian bounty hunter and his Force-sensitive child in a post-war galaxy. It gave you story beats and the promises of adventure, trials and tribulations, and self-discovery in the micro and the macro. There was a road map in all the ways Din discovered and challenged himself as he gave up basically everything he ever knew about himself, his covert, and the galaxy to keep the child safe and get him to his kind. There was a story to be told here in Din taking his helmet off in front of other living beings to save Grogu and in Din winning the Darksaber from Gideon despite Bo-Katan's best efforts to get it back.
I wonder how much of this was corporate meddling to keep raking in the money (KKKennedy, is that you and your white girlbossing ways again?), how much of it was success getting into Filoni and Favreau's heads that they think they can turn bullshit to fucking gold, and how much of it was the game plan to MCUfy Disney Wars. This is fascinating the way that the Sequel Trilogy was fascinating, in that somehow, both times, Disney fucked the fuck up.
People will take what they want from whatever they're consuming. It is what it is. I quit after the season premiere because i hated the short runtime, the cramming of three different potential subplots into thirty fucking minutes, the ridiculousness of all three subplots, and, most of all, the desecration of IG-11. I read elsewhere that the season premiere was a hit! People liked it! They were excited by it! Good for them! I'm glad they got something out of it. People got paid and put hours, blood, sweat, and tears into producing this show and I would want for them to know that their efforts were worth something.
But it is so hard to ignore how increasingly inconsistent, aimless, illogical, and bewildering the the entire season has been. We have now seen 7 of 8 episodes and even the 7th episode, supposedly the "best of the series", got a ton of complaints on a storytelling level. I read elsewhere, both on tumblr and twitter, that this season is now very plot-driven rather than character-driven when previously the show was extremely character-driven. Season 1 happened because Din couldn't leave Grogu behind in Imperial hands and thus uprooted himself and his covert with his decision to go back for the child. Season 2 happened because Din was now searching for Grogu's kind while we the viewers knew that Gideon was alive and well and likely still hunting for the child. Season 3 - and I'm saying this as someone who'd been reading reaction posts, summaries, meta, discourse, etc, instead of watching it because I love myself enough to Not Do That - doesn't seem to have that. It really felt like the story beats, wherever the fuck they were, felt more like "now move from Point A to Point B in order to get closer to Point C". They needed to check things off on a list in order to prepare for the MCUfication of the Disneyficaiton of the OG Thrawn Trilogy, something that I know a lot of people want... but at what cost?
I really hate how likely it is that the show is going to push DinxBo on us and I really hate how much people are expecting it and dreading it. I hate the compulsive heternormativity and the expectations and dread that come with it. I hate how it ruins characters and stories. If you like this ship, good for you. Don't talk to me, I don't care.
This really feels like watching The Last Jedi all over again. I was sold on Finn and Rey as co-leads only to be told to my fucking face that white neo-fashy Kylo was now co-leading because for some reason Rey got it into her head to save him? Meanwhile Finn got tazed and shoved to the side in a tone-deaf subplot with Rose, and Poe turned into a bizarre caricature who needed to be taught lessons by older white women. Like, sorry but I can't unsee this shit. I can't undo the betrayal I felt at the bait and switch of the ST.
And now it happened all over again with The Mandalorian. I'll give it one thing: When Din and Greef first encountered the pirates on Space Renn Faire Nevarro, I got those space western vibes again. And for those few seconds, I felt hope that the previous however many minutes were just a rough start and we're back to space westerning our way to Mandalore. That hope died real fast, didn't it? Fuck me, I guess.
I've started using Tumblr's tag tracking feature to keep tabs on the more critical Mandalorian tags. I'll add them to this post so that you can use them yourself. There are also a lot of interesting coversations happening elsewhere by various blogs. You might have to get creative with your tag searching. Just know that just as many people are out there happy with this show, there are just as many who are dissatisfied with it. That's usually how it goes, but man I can't remember the last time I saw a bunch of the fandom community turn on a show/movie/book series the way we've done with The Mandalorian. It's a damn shame because deep down, a part of me is desperate for it to find its feet and get good again. But honestly, with all the announcements that came out of SWC 2023, I think that ship has sailed and the best thing to do is take all the good you can find from it and mold it into your own sand castles.
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ectonurites · 1 year ago
honestly kinda fascinated by this, like, when marvel mcufies their comics at least it's a billion-dollar franchise that turns everything it touches into pop culture staples (god knows why, but that's beside the point), it sucks but makes sense as a financial decision. why would dc suddenly allow synergy from a cancelled animated series that peaked in popularity a decade ago?????
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tethrarisms · 2 years ago
“Oh, don’t worry. We’re not forgetting Al Ewing’s run. We will respect Al Ewing’s run and continuity!”
Then they proceed to mischaracterize the whole rooster, oversexualize and edgyze Gamora yet again, do whatever the fuck was that to Mantis, MCUfy Nebula and cowbowfy Quill with little to no explanation to why.
How did we get from healing found family, canon throuple and respectful characterization to... that?
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rael-rider · 2 years ago
It's also weird that Nebula and Gamora are referred to as sisters, even though they didn't have that relationship in the comics.
True, I mean they were in a team prior to the MCU associating them through Thanos and if a capable writer wanted they could have them be sisters through that. But it would be less of a "raised by Thanos" sisterhood and more to do with them having been in the Graces.
You don't even need Thanos to be involved. They have their own beef with him independent of each other.
That said it's kind of weird to even have 616 Nebula as a Guardian considering she's a pretty nasty person. But the writers just picked up from Vita's unfinished Nebula comic where it's obvious they wanted to MCUfy Nebula by making her forget she was an awful person except that never finished and the current GotG writers just assumed she was absolved of everything. Never mind that she's a power hungry murderer, she sacrifices her own crew members on a whim, has committed acts of genocide, and Larsen making her related to Zorr and giving her a deep hatred for Richard Rider (which never gets brought up again outside his run but like her destroying Xandar 2.0 is from the Avengers comics so he definitely would hate her too since she killed people he cared about).
But writers and editors don't even care anymore I guess.
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unearthlydust · 1 year ago
//This might be a rant but I hate how algorithms show me things that make me mad bc tell me why I had to see a 30+ tweet rant abt how Steve's core characteristics and backstory are actually "OOC", particularly [checks notes] Steve being part of Bucky's closest friends while being often antagonistic to Tony during the crossover events when they meet
like...... they tried to make it out to be an "MCU"ness thing too but ironically enough the MCU is just drawing on comics that have established those characterizatios forever. Only difference is now when comics do the things they've always been doing, they cry "MCUfication" as if comics aren't a million times bloodier with the antagonism
If anything, MCU toned a lot of the fighting down and gave a lot more quippy friendship stuff, but whenever comics do the same style of dialogue these same ppl then around and complain that the typical Tony banter sounds "MCUfied", so idk what they even want, they complain regardless 🙆🏾
I can only imagine what they're gonna say about the new Ultimates universe comics, bc in those Tony's a teen and Peter B.(spidey) is an adult, and if the Steve Peter friendship gets highlighted they'd prob complain abt Steve being closer to Peter too, even tho that's already been long since established... And if Bucky ends up showing up a lot in the new Ultimates universe, they'd complain even more bc apparently it's "OOC" for Steve to hang out with his own personal superhero friends from his fellow Cap-mythos Corner instead of prioritizing more crossovers with the other superhero corners
To end on a positive note, I like that Peter B. Parker's popularity in the Spiderverse movies is going to get added into the new Ults comics. A spidey who's already married and a dad >>>>>> bachelor spidey. I'm glad the movie influence is there. Peter B>>> I really hoped the new Ults universe does more stuff like that and combine all the best parts from adaptations into its continuity
I haven't seen the MCUfication posts, and I'm not familiar enough with the comics to perceive a shift in tone, so I'm afraid I'm out of my depth here. :/
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nethandrake · 4 years ago
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this is alone time with my favorite person. me. (if only that were true.)
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nikolaj-costerwaldau · 3 years ago
can't believe wilson bethel did what colin farrell couldn't do aka made bullseye hot (again) and thirst after a blond man but that's a different story
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hauntingblue · 3 years ago
By the way, the batman movie was straight to the point and by that I mean the opening and ending credits: you get the wb and dc logos, a big THE BATMAN and the movie starts, then it ends and you get the credits and an unimportant post credit scene that's not even a scene
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fluffywolverine · 2 years ago
why me, a daredevil stan, hates his portrayal in she-hulk
before you block, hate or genrally despise me, i want to say - i really liked matt's jokes. i liked his conversations with jen. i liked his snarky comments. that truly represented how matt behaves, and he did so in netflix show (it's no longer netflix, but we all know what that means). so no, i didn't hate that he was suddenly funny, because he always was that way. i hated something else.
i hated that in this show he felt larger than life.
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see, one of the things i loved about the netflix show was how small it felt. daredevil was a local superhero - something like friendly neighbourhood spider-man, except he wasn't very friendly. matt served his people, people of not even whole new york, but of this small neighbourhood, hell's kitchen. he wasn't fighting crime on a country's level, and because of that he felt very small. i don't mean it as an insult, it's a compliment - thanks to that he wasn't like captain america or iron man or any other avenger; he was something else.
in she-hulk though daredevil has a vibe of a typical superhero. he talks, moves and fights like one of them, and yeah, he still is daredevil, he has his unique style, but this style is, well, MCUfied.
that's what hurt me the most, but there is actually one more thing - the fights.
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my best friend once told "this brutal violence is wonderful", and she was right, but the brutality that marvel obviously lacks is one thing. second, for me even more important, is how realistic every fight was, how heavy every punch felt. there was little to none cgi, because it simply wasn't necessary - it solely relied on great choreography and actors'/stunts' work. that's why in 5, 10, even 60 years fighting sequences in the netflix show will still be a masterpiece.
she-hulk though... the cgi, all these weird jumps and unnecessary movements look bad even now. i don't want to know how bad this will age in few years. the overuse of special effects doesn't serve well here (actually this can be applied to everything marvel produces).
and yes, i know that daredevil in the comics was a member of many gruops, avengers, defenders etc. i also know that he had really weird fighting poses. these were the comics though. television is a completely different medium that has its own rights, not everything works well no matter where it is presented.
and besides, that all is just my opinion. if you like this version, cool, good for you.
i'm gonna go watch season 3 again, because that was daredevil i fell in love with.
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mosquitoking · 8 months ago
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incredibles trilogy
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the first avengers
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