#mcu plays rs
king-of-kaoss · 8 months
mcu plays rs for the ask game 😄
oo this one's so fun and sillay!!!
so so so i was hyperfixating on tony and peter and also getting back into runescape at the same time and getting my first ever skill maxed out at level 99!! and i had an idea of making a fun lil skill gifset assigning peter and tony skill levels relevant to them!! for anyone not familiar w runescape skills, there are 28 of them and the skill page in game looks like these:
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skills originally maxed out at 99, at which point you got a lovely shiny appearance on the skill page and you could get a fabulous skillcape for your character to show off your achievement [it takes so much time to grind up those levels! at level 92 youre only halfway to 99 in terms of experience numbers]. in later updates the cap was increased to 120 and more content added and so on, with an even shinier appearance. additionally, there are ways to boost or debuff skills in game and this changes the first number and the background color displayed on the skill page.
so, by editing various screenshots to make the right numbers appear for the right skills with the right levels and backgrounds and borders, i previously made THESE:
tony plays rs
Smithing: 99/99
Construction: 70/70
Dungeoneering: 85/85
Fishing: 99/74
Defence: 120/120
Invention: 120/120
peter plays rs
Crafting: 99/99
Thieving: 85/85
Herblore: 99/99
Agility: 120/120
Strength: 120/120
Slayer: 99/14
and during that time between nwh coming out in theatre and being downloadable in good quality for giffing i was sitting on several ideas for another set of misc skills for other characters like ned having a mid-high summoning level and may having low cooking!
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plus tony's ranged skill, boosted [by targeting tech] vs raw [im2 trying to shoot a gun lmao]
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one of these days i'll make a couple more of those sets!
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genericpuff · 2 years
So if you had to order them whats the biggest to smallest let downs of lo? What has potential vs just being a crap plot point?
I'm REALLY bad at ordering things from biggest to smallest/worst to best/etc. so bear with me, but my personal list from smallest letdown to biggest letdown would definitely be:
5. Hera and Hades' affair. No 'potential' here, RS just shouldn't have done it. It casts way too many fucked up implications in Hera's characterization, from how she calls Minthe "nymph trash" to how she forces her own dreams and preferences on Persephone. She's always got an opinion about Hades' relationships, which would have been fine if we consider the fact she's the Goddess of Marriage and Hades is the only unmarried King, but now that we know they were in an affair for hundreds of years, it makes her opinions look even more mean-spirited.
4. The actual romance. There's no 'romance' in LO, it's just fluffy vignettes that Rachel thinks quantifies an entire plot but the reality is, Hades and Persephone are just not interesting characters and fluff doesn't make a story. So when they're together, it makes for a very uninteresting romance, as well. At least S1 had some amount of romantic/sexual tension, there is none of that in S2 onwards because it's just Hades and Persephone playing house but never bothering to actually get to know each other. Now that they're rushing into marriage it's just... blech. I couldn't be more disinterested in the marriage of a couple that Rachel's been writing about for five fucking years. I feel nothing towards them and that's the worst crime a romance can commit because it breaks my number one rule of storytelling - don't be fucking boring.
3. The Assassination of Demeter. The fact Rachel couldn't give an ounce of respect to the original myth that her bestselling series is based on is so goddamn disgusting, honestly. It goes to show how little integrity Rachel has, that she'll appropriate and gentrify another culture's religion and myths for her own personal monetary gain. Same goes for Webtoons as a whole. She writes this Greek myth comic as if she's ashamed to be associated with it, she wants all the fame and money without any of the responsibility or discipline. Demeter deserves better.
2. The Kronos fight. Lost potential. Not only did we not need some big MCU fight between Persephone and Kronos (this isn't an action comic) but even if we did have to have one for some reason, it couldn't have been, y'know... better? Why was it treated as a big joke? Why didn't Kronos use his powers? Why did it come out of nowhere and get resolved in a single episode? Why was the extent of his attempts to harm Persephone so nerfed? Answer: because Rachel doesn't know how to write action and she didn't want her precious self-insert to get an owie. Take this as a heads up/warning: I torture my characters. So I hope you're ready for the Rekindled versions of these characters to get HURT. 1.Persephone's act of wrath. So much lost potential here to characterize Persephone in a way that could have been more empowering or otherwise interesting. This is honestly the biggest thing I'm gonna be trying to revitalize in Rekindled and, full brag, I think I'm the perfect person for this task because I've been spending well over 10 years writing characters like this.
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magnusmodig · 3 months
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𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 . / @krasnayavedma / hc meme ! ╰┈➤ ♧ Any part of their canon portrayal you dislike?
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||. the entirety of tai*ka wa.it//ti's portrayal and anything inspired by it. I'd need individual posts just to get into ... all of it, but for the sake of brevity I'll make a list:
Thor losing his hammer in Gagnarok (Stormbreaker is cool though, I'll give them that...)
Thor's idolization of Odin superseding his growing issues with the man.
Thor going from stately, regal, and eloquent to painfully awkward in his every interaction.
Every time anyone ever mistakes his cultural differences for actual idiocy in any movie ever.
Thor's optimism being played as yet another way Thor is Stupid in Gagnarok
Thor giving up his birthright in Endgame (flat out would never happen. And I'm sorry to say that Brunhilde as she is never deserved it in the first place.)
This definitely isn't everything, but it is what comes to mind first.
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╰┈➤ ✦ Has your own interpretation changed from when you first began playing the character?
||. 🤔 Nope ! Not in any way that I've noticed, at any rate. I've always tried to base all of my observations of Thor primarily off of Th*r 2011, TDW, Av//ng.*rs and AoU. So every headcanon, way of speaking, body language, theory, etc. come from that source material, and a bit of the comics that the MCU pulled from to flesh things out. Of course, everyone is going to have their own interpretations of characters that exist in fictional media... so i can never say he's EXACTLY canon... but I try to do a good job and hold fast to his actual personality and character arcs!
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forged-in-kaoss · 3 years
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MCU plays RS :: Skills :: Tony Stark
Smithing: 99/99
Construction: 70/70
Dungeoneering: 85/85
Fishing: 99/74
Defence: 120/120
Invention: 120/120
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thezfc · 4 years
I don’t think they’re dating but here’s what I reckon happened, during the NY betrayal run rumors started hitting tabloids some time after MCU people came to see Tom in the play. ZA herself said she doesn’t care about these rumors if it puts butts in seats. She naturally schmoozed & networked during the NY run, came to ATL w TH before her Canada filming to finish up any castings / auditions (that’s also around the time she started lifting I think?). a PR rs doesn’t have to have papwalks & confirmations. It’s enough for Prosper & Marvel for her to have her name out there. You google her > you see Tom > word of mouth gets her out there if you’re unfamiliar w her UK work. Soon enough the rumors’ll die down & breakup/split theories will form. Not to mention no one but DM keeps calling her his gf. The Sun recanted their statement shortly after the first rumor, added an edit & everything if I recall. But that’s the nature of the business! No shame in that.
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I agree with the previous anon in thinking Sam/Falcon is more popular >>> You're just defending Sam. Popular for what and according to what? Even in comic books Bucky is one of the classics. Falcon's comic book appeared much later. He doesn't have Bucky's badass scenes, flipping knife, flipping motorcyle, spinning while holding Racoon etc. Google them, it's 16 mil results for Bucky Barnes and 200K for Sam Wilson. Also Bucky/Steve rs is most popular in MCU, Bucky has more posts on social media..
I love me some Bucky. He’s my favorite. Him and Cap. He’s a big part of the reason I love Sebastian, honestly. I loved Sebastian in The Covenant but I only really loved him after I saw him play Bucky.
I’m going to say it explicitly because some of you just don’t get it: Falcon is black. 
With the success of Black Panther, Marvel is trying to keep that fanbase growing and the ‘black’ movie did well. 
Yes, Bucky is attractive. Yes, Bucky is a badass. Yes, Bucky and Steve and ‘till the end of the line’. But Bucky is just another white boy. 
I know how it sounds. That’s why I didn’t want to say it but you guys are so far up Bucky/Sebastian’s ass that you just don’t get what we (or maybe just me) are (am?) trying to say.
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scxrletwxndaarc · 5 years
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NAME : Marissa NICKNAME : The one and only nickname I had was Minnie bc my cousin struggled to pronounce Rs and I liked Minnie Mouse FACECLAIM : Tbh I just use Elizabeth on most of my OOC posts but I also sometimes use Katie McGrath bc she is my one true love HEIGHT : 5’4 BIRTHDAY : Jan 13 (I’m Capricorn as fUCK) AESTHETIC : It’s a sliding scale between Mortician Addams, soft grunge, and flowery, flowy vintage LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO : “The Whole ‘Being Dead’ Thing” from Beetlejuice The Musical (I saw it on impulse on my NYC trip and I’m obSESSED) FAVORITE MUSE (S) YOU’VE WRITTEN : Besides Wanda? I really liked playing Elena Gilbert until I got mad at TVD, and then there’s a couple of OCs I really have loved: Catherine Linwood (A Disaster Gay™️ Victorian Vampire), Sofia Morrígan (a witch whose hobbies were gardening and murder), and Saorise Hunter (a reformed supernatural hunter who gave up the life when she found out her parents were lying about her brother dying when he was actually turned into a vampire)
* GETTING TO KNOW THE ACCOUNT : WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TAKE ON THIS MUSE : well, based on the...everything about me I was obviously going to be drawn to the witchy/lightly goth character. Tbh when I first saw her teased at the end of TWS and in AOU I was mostly in it for the #aesthetic, but as per usual I developed too many feelings/ideas/questions about her character that I had to write her out for myself WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE : oh boy I’ll only list a few but obviously they’re all my favorite (seriously I felt bad about my friends I was with both seeing Endgame and was like… crying over her bc I don’t think they knew it was that deep)
She’s always ultimately striving to do the right thing. Granted, her methods can end up being wrong or swinging way into the extreme. I think it lends for a lot of interesting grey area when she so soundly thinks she’s doing what’s right but her emotions over it can lead her to methods that are probably soundly wrong.
She feels all her emotions so deeply. Even when she’s cool and collected, there’s a lot of feelings simmering beneath the surface that can then play out in her actions if they don’t ultimately end up coming to the forefront. She cares a lot for the people around her and gives herself free reign to be upset when something happens to them. On the other hand, for all her wrath and desire for vengeance, she also can be so extremely soft and just want to give the world to everyone she cares for. I really like that she’s an example of the range for what a “strong female character” can be.
Okay, there’s a lot of issues with the MCU but I did genuinely love “I can’t control their fear, only my own.” Wanda’s journey of moving past her guilt to just take fucking charge of owning her powers is something I love. Obviously I write her with a lot of doubts creeping in still, because it’s not about saying the magic words and becoming self-actualized, but I love that she can acknowledge she can only control her own shit and not anyone else’s issues with her.
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING : the chance to give Wanda the space and time to breathe and process shit that the MCU doesn’t give her FAVORITE TYPES OF THREADS : hurt/comfort in all its forms. Wanda’s real cuddly y’all, even platonically. She just wants to feel ok for once in her life and for her friends to feel the same BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT MUSE : I could probably stand to get better at writing action (and I’m trying!), it’s just tough because I definitely don’t want to risk her being too OP.
TAGGED BY: @murder-popsicle TAGGING : anyone who wants to steal this and do it. please tag me if you do, let’s scream about our characters together
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king-of-kaoss · 8 months
The rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @dbphantom why, thank you! c:
so oh man i actually just dug up so many wips i had completely forgotten about, back from that time i swept everything on my desktop into a folder titled 'clean me' lmao! anyway here's what i have between that folder, my desktop [where i keep active gifset projects], my google keep gifset ideas pinned note, and my phone notes app
gif/graphic wips:
limb loss
yamato and sanji parallels
x marks the spot
free him
welly boots
neurodivergent TS
mcu plays rs
luffy getting pulled out of the sea
gomu dakara
how to digest your food
i'm going to sleep now
nah just milk
writing wips [so dusty]:
mixed signals
want to be well
Text note 05/15
and i shall tag: @shivanessa, @ursafootprints, @muse-of-gods, @sibmakesart, @graylibrary, and anyone who wants to ~
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SPOILERS digest #5
Here they are. Sorry y’all I am so tired.
Spoilers!  With Sam getting the shield, my hope is that the series will be SamCap realizing he isn’t as good as Bucky would be, so he gives the shield over to him and they proceed with more MCU movies with BuckyCap leading the way. 🤣             
           "she’s (Natasha) a monster because she can’t carry a man’s children and, ultimately, she died because she didn’t have a family. when women fail at heterosexual love and procreation, they legit get flung off a cliff for it"   I'm crying literally, not for Natasha who is a fictional character but for all the women (as me) who are infertile and have the message that are "dispensable"  Fuck Marvel             
           The article hit the nail on the head with Cap’s arc... just terribly written and not well thought out at all. Really crapped on everything that makes Cap who he is and why he is such a well liked character. I’m so so so disappointed. And I hope more articles and reviews are written that echo this author’s sentiments about how this ending is a complete disservice to Cap, Sam, Bucky, Nat, and even Peggy.             
           Sebastian really did look so beautiful and he played Bucky with such softness in these scenes, it was beautifully heartbreaking. This was Steve and Bucky’s final goodbye and the sadness resonated in his expressions and voice. 
Even Vanity Fair called out the ending and what a disservice it was to Cap’s arc and his relationship with Bucky.
           Finally got to see Endgame, the film itself was good IMO but *spoiler* I get why some fans are pissed. As a Bucky stan I... UGH. It's like everything that happened in all 3 CA movies means absolutely nothing. Why tf is Bucky Steve's shadow on the Endgame poster, so shippers would wanna see it? It should be Peggy. I don't ship Stucky and even I am pissed lol, can't imagine how the shippers must be feeling. CA movies practically revolve around Bucky and in the Avengers movies he's irrelevant?! WTF             
           I love my Sammy but I’m so upset he got the shield before bucky. If they’re gonna keep bucky around and make him do superhero stuff the least they could do is make him Cap. It would have been a great opportunity for bucky to reclaim himself, and to show everyone he’s still good. Let him have the honor of carrying his best friends legacy. In every single cap movie buck has held the shield multiple times and it’s been foreshadowed that he’d get the shield. It felt like a let down.             RS- I so agree about the foreshadowing
           I don’t think any other anons have mentioned this but the song playing while Steve and Peggy dance to is ‘It’s Been a Long Long Time’ and that just felt like a stab in the heart from Marvel because it’s a song that’s been used and referenced in so many Stucky fics and obviously Stucky fans don’t have ownership of it but still it really hurt.             RS- I totally agree.
           I'm finally leaving the MCU. yess I liked Endgame, bu bye!             RS- ok?
           truly believe the rumors that Chris Evans actually block Seb from getting the Shied. > Well, while Chris was Cap, Seb was talking about BuckyCap at every opportunity. It was disrespectful, moreover, I did not like it when someone asked Seb what would be Bucky's reaction if Steve died and he said Bucky would celebrate and say I'm free. I hated him for it. Bucky is free from Steve, but now he's going to be Sam's dog.            
           Bucky must have a minute scene. He appears after reversing the snap, then in the final scene with Steve for a few seconds. There's a cool scene between current Steve and Steve of 2012, they fight, to win, Steve says Bucky is alive. He opened a line in which Steve of 2012 goes in search of Bucky changing the events of TWS.            
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forged-in-kaoss · 3 years
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MCU plays RS :: Skills :: Peter Parker
Crafting: 99/99
Thieving: 85/85
Herblore: 99/99
Agility: 120/120
Strength: 120/120
Slayer: 99/14
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Gemma Chan was previously seen in the MCU as Captain Marvel's
แจกเครดิตฟรี "It never crossed my mind to be in a Marvel movie. Iguess that I thought that boat had sailed, and it was an absolute shock," Salma Hayek said in a May 2021 interview with Variety. She also told the publication that she was one of the first ones cast for the movie. Gemma Chan was previously seen in the MCU as Captain Marvel's Minn-Erva, but Sersi is a separate character. She said working on Eternals was a very different experience than on Captain Marvel, which employed more studio work and blue screen. Eternals was filmed in the Canary Islands and England, so it uses real environments andmostly naturallighting, as previously reported by IDMbrief. In December 2019, Nanjiani revealed the fruits of his training -- and the intense regime required to maintain it -- to play swordsman Kingo in some super-buff Instagram shots. (He famously used that new physique to pose as Wolverine (replacing Hugh Jackman) and other iconic movie characters for a Men's Health March 2020 photoshoot.)
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realdeallanka · 4 years
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🛒 GameSir T4w USB Wired Controller Not a keyboard fan, then this controller is definitely for you, play your favorite games with your easiest playstyle and earn your victory. 🌟 Specifications & Features 🌟 Brand: GameSir 🌟 Model: T4w 🌟 Connection: Wired 🌟 Working Platforms: Windows PC (Windows 7 or later) 🌟 Vibration Function: Yes 🌟 Turbo Function: Yes 🌟 Connectivity: USB 🌟 Cable Length: 6.56 ft. 🌟 Package Size: 6.18 x 5.12 x 2.80 (inches) 🌟 Gross Weight: 0.75 lb. 🌟 Asymmetric & Vibrating Motors Vibrating motors with 5 speed levels enhances immersion in games, provides real-time and realistic gaming experience. 🌟 GameSir MCU Chip It ensures faster response and higher performance. Compatible with Windows 7 / 8 / 10. 🌟 Colorful LED Backlight Stunning colorful LED backlight on ABXY buttons and right joystick glows even in the dark. 🌟 Wired Connection 6.56 ft. over-length USB cable provides instant feedback and allows you to play freely in games. 🌟 Pioneering Design Innovative handle with translucent and anti-slip texture. 🌟 Package Includes: 1 x GameSir T4w Wired Controller 1 x User Manual 👉 Buy Now : https://www.ebay.com/itm/293867706624 🔥 Price : Rs.4,500 🔥 Price : $25 📞 Contact Us : +94 786191229 (Available On Whatsapp) 🚚 Islandwide Delivery Available ✈️ Worldwide Shipping Available (SL POST/DHL Express/EMS) ✔️ Like our page : https://www.facebook.com/therealdeallk ✔️ Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/real_deal_lk #IT #laptops #sri_lanka #online_shop #controller #joystick #rgb #windows #muti_color #gamers#must_have #protection #ergonomic #easy #indoor #console #monitors #table #latest #portable #worldwide_delivery#pc #high_quality #gaming #uk #us #europe #asia #middle_east #ebayseller https://www.instagram.com/p/CIV8ghBBKmh/?igshid=r5y6dxb0rrbw
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Eros STX Wants Its Own MCU as It Looks to Hollywood, China, and Beyond
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Final Friday, Eros Worldwide — the studio behind movies such as the Salman Khan-led Bajrangi Bhaijaan and the Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone-starrer Bajirao Mastani — introduced that it was merging with Hollywood studio STX Leisure, finest identified for the Mila Kunis-starrer Unhealthy Mothers, and the Jennifer Lopez-led Hustlers.
They sound like two very completely different firms. The mixed outfit — now identified as Eros STX — will proceed that method, Eros Worldwide CEO Pradeep Dwivedi informed Devices 360. The plan is to make some motion pictures just for India, and some just for the US. However going ahead, they may even collaborate on Indo-American initiatives, which could imply a mixture of actors, administrators, composers, or VFX tech.
Citing the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Dwivedi stated there’s a chance for them to be retold in a world context, in a serialised storytelling vogue, in a shared universe method just like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
“They’ve historically been informed in a really socio-cultural non secular context of India,” Dwivedi stated. “However the tales are about brotherhood, about households, about aspirations, about ambition, and about jealousy. And you are taking all of those tales, put it into the worldwide context, use one of the best of science fiction and visible results, and create tales set in different universes actually. To make content material with the franchise equal of [Marvel].”
Dwivedi additionally sees the Eros STX merger as the gateway to a bigger presence in China, the most important theatrical market — as soon as the pandemic subsides, anyway — on the earth. He is not referring to the distribution of Bollywood movies in China, which Eros and others have had success with previously — Bajrangi Bhaijaan made almost a 3rd of its field workplace there — however fairly, making Chinese language motion pictures. And Dwivedi is fast to level out what he thinks is completely different about them.
“What we’re speaking about shouldn’t be the Hong Kong form of motion pictures, however actual mainland China tales which are great, that want to be informed in a world context, and want to be produced from a world perspective. And that is precisely what we’re intending to do. […] We imagine that China is an enormous market alternative for inventive expression and inventive content material.”
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Will and Grace revival is likely one of the reveals coming to Eros Now Prime Photograph Credit score: Chris Haston/NBC
The Eros STX merger can also be excellent news for its streaming service Eros Now, which has over 26.2 million paid subscribers globally, although it refuses to disclose direct subscription numbers. Eros Now CEO Ali Hussein thinks it can assist the service develop into extra related within the Center East and Southeast Asia, since STX is extra fashionable globally.
It additionally follows the March reveal of Eros Now Prime, a brand new tier solely geared in direction of English-language content material, which alerts a much bigger Hollywood focus on the whole. Anticipated to roll out inside the subsequent few months — Q1 2020 — Eros Now Prime introduced a partnership with NBCUniversal, which can deliver reveals such as Fits and its spin-off Pearson, the revival of Will and Grace, the reboot of Magnum P.I., the Anupam Kher-starring New Amsterdam, and the interval drama Belgravia.
“Historically, Eros Now was extra catered to form of the tier-II, tier-III markets the place primarily, we have been distribution via center India at giant,” Hussein stated. “There’s a sure form of propensity to disposable earnings and a specific amount of ARPU [average revenue per user] that it is possible for you to to derive out to these markets.
“With Eros Now Prime, we have two bigger performs: one is that numerous the English content material, when it comes to distribution, was restricted as a result of tv channels will not get the respective frequencies to be much more mass market. So we’re permitting for know-how and language to play a big position right here. Taking a look at issues like subtitling, dynamic dubs, to [ensure] the English content material can float via different elements of the nation.”
The second cause for launching Eros Now Prime is to offset the unique downside of low ARPUs in serving center India — cater extra to the English-speaking viewers which has extra money to spend. This may not occur instantly, as Eros Now Prime will likely be launched at a beginning worth level of Rs. 49 a month. For HD, you have to pay Rs. 99 a month.
However as it will increase companions past NBCUniversal, Hussein stated, Eros Now will take a look at a separate worth level for Eros Now Prime, round Christmas 2020 or early 2021. After that, subscribers could have the choice to decide what they need in à la carte vogue, or go for the whole bundle.
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Eros Now additionally gives reside TV channels in India Photograph Credit score: Eros
Its guardian firm — Eros STX — can use all the assistance it will possibly get.
Eros’ financials have been known as into query a number of instances within the final 5 years, with funding and credit score rankings agency shorting its inventory or downgrading its ranking. Dwivedi termed the studies “unsubstantiated” and pointed to the 2017 US Supreme Court docket case they received, and the truth that Eros STX has signed a $350 million line of credit score from funding agency J.P. Morgan. Nonetheless, Eros’ inventory has gone from $36 in 2015 to $2.64 this week on the New York Inventory Trade.
Dwivedi added: “Whereas I do not usually subscribe to the inventory market — we, basically as an organization, imagine in doing the correct work by means of content material advertising and marketing, realisation, revenues, and doing nice content material for nice viewers — clearly it has been a difficult interval in the previous few years. We imagine that with this [STX] partnership, a few of these points will get taken care of.”
STX has additionally had its personal share of monetary worries. It as soon as deliberate an IPO (preliminary public providing) on the inventory trade in Hong Kong, earlier than abandoning that concept due to an underperforming field workplace, and a commerce conflict between the US and China.
“The 2 firms put collectively are a lot stronger. It is clearly an instance of 1 plus one is equal to three,” Dwivedi stated.
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esytes69 · 3 years
From Black Widow to Haseen Dillruba, What to Watch This July
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Black Widow is the plain spotlight of recent motion pictures and TV exhibits in July. The Scarlett Johansson-starrer is coming to theatres and streaming, however so not releasing in India on July 9, due to COVID-19 and Disney+ Hotstar's incapability to adapt, though that is most likely not going to cease enterprising Marvel followers. From India, July brings the Taapsee Pannu-led thriller Haseen Dillruba out July 2 on Netflix, Farhan Akhtar punching dudes in Toofaan out there from July 16 on Prime Video, the younger love Netflix anthology Feels Like Ishq on July 23, and the Jimmy Sheirgill-led thriller Collar Bomb exploding July 9 on Disney+ Hotstar. The second season of Netflix's By no means Have I Ever is due a day prior on July 15. In the meantime, Chris Pratt is headed to the long run in The Tomorrow Warfare, debuting July 2 on Prime Video. July can also be a giant month for sequels, follow-ups, and sophomore runs. Everybody's favorite Ted Lasso is again for some feel-good enjoyable; Ted Lasso season 2 begins July 23 on Apple TV+. Netflix is taking us again into the worlds of Resident Evil (video games) and He-Man (the ‘80s superhero) in July. Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness cuts in July 8, whereas Masters of the Universe: Revelation is due July 23. LeBron James goes to play some cartoon basketball in Area Jam: A New Legacy, premiering July 16 on HBO Max (once more, not in India). Guillermo del Toro's Tales of Arcadia wraps up with Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, streaming July 21 on Netflix. Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt are off on an Amazonian journey in Disney's Jungle Cruise, releasing July 30. However, like Black Widow, Jungle Cruise is not coming to Disney+ Hotstar in July. Shailene Woodley and Felicity Jones lead the dual-timeline romantic drama story, The Final Letter from Your Lover, floating in July 23 on Netflix. And lastly, Keegan-Michael Key and Cecily Robust will probably be seen in a parody of musicals referred to as Schmigadoon!, beginning July 16 on Apple TV+. With that, this is our July 2021 information to Netflix, Disney+ Hotstar, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, Apple TV+, and Disney+. Haseen Dillruba When: July 2 The place: Netflix A newly-wed girl (Taapsee Pannu) who loves novels about small-town murders finds herself caught within the investigation into the homicide of her husband (Vikrant Massey). It would not assist that she has a sophisticated previous that entails a former lover (Harshvardhan Rane) and that her husband might need had suicidal tendencies. Or not less than, that is what the trailer suggests. Directed by Hasee Toh Phasee's Vinil Mathew, Haseen Dillruba additionally stars Aditya Srivastav and Hansika Motwani. Netflix India Unveils 13 Films for 2021, Together with 5 New Movies feat. Haseen Dillruba The Tomorrow Warfare When: July 2 The place: Amazon Prime Video Thirty years sooner or later, humanity is combating a dropping battle in opposition to aliens. In a final gasp, scientists work out a approach to draft troopers from the previous, together with Chris Pratt's warfare veteran. That is the premise for this sci-fi motion film that Amazon paid a reported $200 million (roughly Rs. 1,486 crores) to Paramount for. Yvonne Strahovski performs a soldier sooner or later, Betty Gilpin is Pratt's spouse, J.Ok. Simmons is his dad, and Sam Richardson is a fellow soldier. Chris McKay (The Lego Batman Film) directs. The Tomorrow Warfare Trailer Pulls Chris Pratt Into the Future to Battle Aliens
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Chris Pratt in The Tomorrow Warfare Photograph Credit score: Frank Masi/Amazon Monsters at Work When: July 7 The place: Disney+ Hotstar Following the feature-length prequel Monsters College, Pixar — or somewhat, Disney Tv Animation — is taking us again to the world of Monsters, Included with this sequel that begins within the aftermath of Sulley (John Goodman) and Mike's (Billy Crystal) monumental shift: no extra harvesting screams, solely laughter. That is unlucky for keen younger Tylor Tuskmon (Ben Feldman) who graduated high of his class as a scarer. Now caught within the Monsters, Inc. Amenities Workforce (MIFT), Tylor should work out the way to change into humorous. Goodman, Crystal, John Ratzenberger, Jennifer Tilly, and Bob Peterson reprise their roles from the Pixar movies. Along with Feldman, they are going to be joined by Mindy Kaling, Henry Winkler, Lucas Neff, Alanna Ubach, Stephen Stanton, Aisha Tyler, Bonnie Hunt, and Curtis Armstrong. New episodes each Wednesday, consistent with Disney+'s new coverage for unique collection. Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness When: July 8 The place: Netflix Netflix is seemingly in love with Resident Evil. Whereas a live-action adaptation is at the moment within the works with Supernatural co-showrunner Andrew Dabb and anticipated in 2022, Netflix has additionally picked up an anime collection that follows Resident Evil 2 (the sport) protagonists Leon S. Kennedy (Toshiyuki Morikawa/ Nick Apostolides) and Claire Redfield (Yūko Kaida/ Stephanie Panisello), in the course of the hole between the video games Resident Evil four and Resident Evil 5. Eiichirō Hasumi directs. All Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness episodes will probably be out there collectively directly. Black Widow When: July 9 The place: Disney+ Simply over two years since Spider-Man: Far From House, the Marvel Cinematic Universe returns to the large display — arriving after a delay of over a 12 months — though not completely to theatres, and never in India simply but. Scarlett Johansson's first (and solely) standalone run as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow may also be out there on Disney+ with Premier Entry in choose markets, for an extra price of $30 or equal on high of your month-to-month Disney+ subscription. A launch date has not been set for Indian cinemas as a result of COVID-19, but it surely's anticipated October Eight on Disney+ Hotstar. As for the film itself, Black Widow is ready following the occasions of Captain America: Civil Warfare, with Natasha taking a visit again house to see her household of types: Florence Pugh as sister-figure Yelena Belova, David Harbour as father-figure Alexei Shostakov, and Rachel Weisz as mother-figure Melina Vostokoff. Like Natasha, Yelena and Melina have been additionally skilled on the KGB Purple Room within the artwork of Black Widow. Pugh will even take over from Johansson within the MCU, what with Natasha having died in Avengers: Endgame. O-T Fagbenle (The Handmaid's Story), William Damage (Civil Warfare), and Ray Winstone (The Departed) even have roles. Robert Downey Jr. and Julia Louis-Dreyfus will cameo as Iron Man and Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, respectively. Cate Shortland (Somersault) directs. Black Widow Trailer Guarantees to Deliver Scarlett Johansson House
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Florence Pugh, Scarlett Johansson in Black Widow Photograph Credit score: Jay Maidment/Marvel Studios Collar Bomb When: July 9 The place: Disney+ Hotstar A police officer (Jimmy Sheirgill) is out to cease a terrorist from blowing up a faculty on this motion thriller from director Dnyanesh Zoting (Raakshas) and author Nikhil Nair (Critical Males). Asha Negi, Rajshri Deshpande, Sparsh Shrivastava, Ajay Purkar, Naman Jain, Ajit Singh Palawat, Shashi Bhushan, Ambarish Deshpande, Vidushi Mehra, and Suman Singh co-star. The White Lotus When: July 12 The place: Disney+ Hotstar Enlightened co-creator Mike White is off to Hawaii with this social satire miniseries that skewers wealthy white people at an unique resort, alongside the idyllic locale and the lodge's cheerful workers that develop into “far much less excellent than first appearances would counsel.” Murray Barlett, Connie Britton, Jennifer Coolidge, Alexandra Daddario, Fred Hechinger, Jake Lacy, Brittany O'Grady, Natasha Rothwell, Sydney Sweeney, and Steve Zahn kind the ensemble solid. One new episode will air each week. By no means Have I Ever When: July 15 The place: Netflix Devi Vishwakumar (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) decides to juggle two boyfriends — Ben (Jaren Lewison) for her brainy aspect, and Paxton (Darren Barnet) for her sexy aspect — within the second season of this coming-of-age comedy, which is able to proceed to see her take care of the pressures of house and a brand new problem: a prettier, cooler Indian lady Aneesa (Megan Suri) at college. Tyler Alvarez, Utkarsh Ambudkar, P. J. Byrne, and Widespread are additionally new to By no means Have I Ever season 2 solid. Created by Mindy Kaling (additionally govt producer) and Lang Fisher (additionally EP, showrunner and author). All By no means Have I Ever season 2 episodes will launch directly. Schmigadoon! When: July 16 The place: Apple TV+ A pair (Keegan-Michael Key and Cecily Robust) on a backpacking journey uncover a magical city the place everybody believes they're dwelling inside a 1940s studio musical. They then realise they can not go away stated city till they discover “real love”. Alan Cumming, Fred Armisen, Kristin Chenoweth, Aaron Tveit, Dove Cameron, Ariana DeBose, Jaime Camil, Jane Krakowski, and Ann Harada co-star. Martin Brief visitor stars. The six-episode musical parody comes from Despicable Me writers Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio, with Paul additionally offering the music and lyrics. Barry Sonnenfeld (Males in Black) directs. Saturday Night time Reside's Lorne Michaels, Paul, and Sonnenfeld are govt producers, whereas Robust is among the many producers. Two episodes on premiere, with one new episode weekly thereafter.
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Cecily Robust, Keegan-Michael Key in Schmigadoon Photograph Credit score: Apple Area Jam: A New Legacy When: July 16 The place: HBO Max LeBron James takes over from Michael Jordan on this new tackle the identical formulation: sucked into the Looney Tunes world, the basketball star should group up with Bugs Bunny and the lot to defeat some supercharged opponents. There is a digital spin on the entire thing, with Don Cheadle (Marvel's Warfare Machine) enjoying a rogue AI who traps LeBron. That (conveniently) permits Warner Bros. to showcase its different properties, together with Surprise Girl, King Kong, The Matrix, Mad Max, and even Casablanca. Sonequa Martin-Inexperienced will star as LeBron's spouse. Zendaya voices Lola Bunny, whereas most of the unique voice actors return to voice the Looney Tunes characters. NBA and WNBA stars Klay Thompson, Anthony Davis, Damian Lillard, Diana Taurasi, and Nneka Ogwumike lend their likeness to LeBron's opponents, the Goon Squad. Malcolm D. Lee (Women Journey) directs, Ryan Coogler and LeBron are amongst producers. Obtainable on HBO Max and in cinemas on the identical time, for a month. No phrase on an India launch date for Area Jam: A New Legacy, courtesy COVID-19. Toofaan When: July 16 The place: Amazon Prime Video Delayed a few months in respect of the debilitating second COVID-19 wave, Rang De Basanti director Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's boxing drama follows an novice boxer and a petty felony (Farhan Akhtar) who should select between the life he has (working for Vijay Raaz's native Mumbai gangster) and the life he desires (coaching beneath Paresh Rawal's boxing coach). Akhtar and Mehra reunite eight years since Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. Mrunal Thakur performs Akhtar's love curiosity. Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans When: July 21 The place: Netflix It has all led to this. Following the six-season-long occasions of Trollhunters, 3Below, and Wizards, the Guillermo del Toro-created fantasy collection culminates in a film. Because the supernatural worlds converge, the heroes of Arcadia from all earlier collection should come collectively getting ready to an apocalyptic battle for the management of magic, up in opposition to historical titans summoned by the evil Arcane Order. Turner & Hooch When: July 21 The place: Disney+ Hotstar There was no means Disney may get Tom Hanks to return for this collection follow-up to his so-so wonderful 1989 film, which is why his character has been killed off. That loss of life performs into the plot because it follows his US Marshall son Scott Turner Jr. (Josh Peck) who additionally finally ends up inheriting an unruly canine — identical to his father (some coincidence!) — that turns into his associate. Lyndsy Fonseca, Carra Patterson, Vanessa Lengies, Anthony Ruivivar, Brandon Jay McLaren, and Jeremy Maguire co-star. Burn Discover creator Matt Nix is on the helm of the brand new Turner & Hooch. The 12-episode first season will air new episodes weekly on Wednesdays. Feels Like Ishq When: July 23 The place: Netflix Following final month's middling Ray, Netflix India returns with one other (younger love) anthology collection. This time, it is a collection of six meet-cutes that includes Radhika Madan, Tanya Maniktala, Zayn Marie Khan, Neeraj Madhav, Amol Parashar, Mihir Ahuja, and Rohit Saraf amongst others. Ruchir Arun, Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, Anand Tiwari, Danish Aslam, Jaydeep Sarkar, Sachin Kundalkar and Devrath Sagar function administrators. Netflix India Unveils 15 Collection for 2021, Together with 5 New TV Exhibits feat. Feels Like Ishq
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Tanya Maniktala, Skand Thakur in Feels Like Ishq Photograph Credit score: Vaspaan Shroff/Netflix The Final Letter from Your Lover When: July 23 The place: Netflix After coming throughout a trove of secret love letters from 1965 in current day, an formidable reporter (Felicity Jones) units out to unravel the thriller of the forbidden affair — involving a socialite and a rich industrialist's spouse (Shailene Woodley/ Diana Kent) and a monetary journalist (Callum Turner/ Ben Cross) — as a love story of her personal unfolds with an earnest and endearing archivist (Nabhaan Rizwan). Augustine Frizzell (By no means Goin' Again) directs what's an adaptation of Jojo Moyes' 2012 romance novel. Masters of the Universe: Revelation When: July 23 The place: Netflix By the Energy of Grayskull! Over thirty years since He-Artificial his TV debut, the character and his universe are being resurrected for a direct sequel that picks up the place we left off. As such, it is geared toward its unique now-adult viewers, although visually, it is nonetheless the identical. After all, the voice solid is all new. It contains Chris Wooden, Mark Hamill, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liam Cunningham, Lena Headey, Diedrich Bader, Alicia Silverstone, Stephen Root, Griffin Newman, and Susan Eisenberg. Kevin Smith (Jay and Silent Bob) is the showrunner on Masters of the Universe: Revelation. It can air in two halves, with 5 episodes out there now alongside an after-show, Revelations: The Masters of the Universe Revelation Aftershow. Ted Lasso When: July 23 The place: Apple TV+ Apple's largest hit returns for its second season that finds the titular soccer coach (Jason Sudeikis) and his membership AFC Richmond now within the decrease leagues, following a relegation from Premier League on the finish of the primary season. The Ted Lasso season 2 trailer suggests a visit to FA Cup, and a go to by the coach's harmful aspect “Led Tasso”. Hannah Waddingham, Jeremy Swift, Brett Goldstein, Brendan Hunt, Nick Mohammed, and Juno Temple will all return — as do Ted's well-known biscuits. They are going to be joined by Sarah Niles as a sports activities psychologist. Two episodes on launch date, with one new Ted Lasso season 2 episode following every week. Jungle Cruise When: July 30 The place: Disney+ Not happy with one multi-billion-dollar franchise based mostly on a curler coaster journey — that is Pirates of the Caribbean — Disney is now at it once more. Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt set off to discover a magical therapeutic object within the dense Amazon jungles, the place they must combat off wild animals and a few Nazis. Wait, so that is Disney's Indiana Jones? That is even funnier if you realise Disney owns Indiana Jones as effectively, due to its buy of Star Wars studio Lucasfilm in 2012. Édgar Ramírez, Jack Whitehall, Jesse Plemons, and Paul Giamatti additionally star. Jaume Collet-Serra (Non-Cease) directs. As with Black Widow, Jungle Cruise is out there on Disney+ with Premier Entry for an extra price of $30 or equal, on high of your month-to-month Disney+ subscription. Jungle Cruise Trailer: Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt Are Off on Amazon Journey
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Jack Whitehall, Emily Blunt, Dwayne Johnson in Jungle Cruise Photograph Credit score: Frank Masi/Disney Read the full article
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