#mcl wtf
queenkamisama · 17 days
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I didn’t know Pocahontas had wings but I guess I’m just old
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mcl-new-gen-s-journey · 3 months
It is currently Hero theme on the fashion contest and I saw A LITTERAL COSPLAY OF THE INCREDIBLE
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mcl-mia · 11 months
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//zeus week day 5 - power
go get 'em, skull dragon.
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mclalegria · 4 months
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Dove and Jason's chat during ep 4
A while back I said I have a document where I keep the conversation going and this is one of them made visually appealing 😬 + one I thought about last week when the episode got out for vips and I willingly looked for spoilers lol
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DUUUUDE Peggy was NOT playing around 💀 but now i wonder: how did she got photos of Melody being jealous? because that would happen if she saw Nathaniel and Candy (if you are in his route and at this point, practically his girlfriend) talking with each other (according to the storyline).
Also, how did she convinced Nathaniel to use those as their project? Did he even knew about it? I suppose that he asked her because they had like, NOTHING to present but daaaamn.
I love when things like this happen in the game lol in the sense of, this storyline is really important in Nath's route, it's fun to play and Peggy being chaotic (and insensitive w Melody) is interesting, but if you don't choose to be in the photography workshop it's... kind of random? I also love that the photos is just her sprite (but the older one) and the illu from ep 17. and please, let's not discuss how i'm on EPISODE THIRTY and y'all know what happens at the end of that one :""""""""""") my main route is lysander's and i'm about to suffer A LOT (i have 4 accounts so it's not going to happen this one time help)
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theboywasallalone · 1 year
is the mcl fandom still a thing on this hell platform
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leclercskiesahead · 1 year
Ferrari didn’t let Carlos overtake when he was right behind on faster tyres, and some people only chose to wait until he backed off and his soft tyres degraded to say ‘oh he can’t complain he can’t expect to switch when he’s three seconds behind although he has softs’ (never mind the fact that switch position Sierra is obviously code and they probably weren’t even discussing a literal switch at that point cos he clearly already backed off). Ferrari undercut Carlos with his own teammate then told Carlos not to attack Charles when he has a penalty and some people are like oh but Charles is so fast he is staying ahead of Carlos so he won’t lose position and act like Charles finishing ahead is some amazing testament to his ability.
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arcanadreams · 2 years
why did everyone else get cool dark illus with zombies or blood and priya’s is like super sunny and we’re just riding a horse for some reason??? beemoov let the gays be in a horror movie!!! we love those!!!
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crowmero · 1 year
Thinking about characters like Rio (Ikepri) and I wonder how things could had been if Kentin as a character hadn't go thought all the changes he went. Like what if we have the Kentin from AL with the personality of HS, like he matured and he keep the glasses but he is still obsessed over Candy and he is still very sweet but now is also very skilled and all that shit of "toxic masculinity" never happened to him. Like it hurts that all that happened to him, he was not that person and he deserved to be the sweet and honest character that he actually was.
I think about Rio (if you have played Ikepri you know!) and I can't help but think how he resembles HS Kentin from the first chapters and think that Kentin could have worked as he was, maybe giving him the glow up but without sacrificing everything about his initial look. And still shocks me that Kentin was actually the megane character of the game and they took away that because the type of prescription glasses he got for his initial design were not the most flattering. I admit I was not into megane (glasses) characters in 2013 and that it was an acquired taste over the years but there was people asking for the glasses to come back in the past so I totally get it.
I know also part of his character develop in AL was maturing and to stop making Candy the center of his world, the fact that his life only revolved around Candy and he had to get over that and that was a nice message to tell, I loved that… but what if he just stayed as he was, obsessing over Candy? Like what about it? Like early Kentin HS personality was a very niche type for some women, some women really just want a twink with glasses who loves you and is obsessed over you, and you drive him crazy and he would do anything for you and he is in the palm of your hand, you have total control over him, totally at your mercy. This is a total power fantasy for some women and I totally get it now.
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awne · 2 years
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I beg you pardon? 💀 Already?????
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queenkamisama · 10 days
so i put on the famous butterflies for the first time…
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mcl-new-gen-s-journey · 3 months
Currently, one of the theme for the Style Contest is "Secret Witch" (randomly translated from Sorcière en secret in french) and WHAT I AM SEEING ???
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maluuizaa · 28 days
About Episode 7 - MCL New Gen (Jason’s route)
• First of all, why would a famous architect build her own house with only one bathroom?? Like wtf, somethings on the story just don’t make sense at all, just like Danica’s babies being cats on the last episode. Dude, the house has a pool but a second bathroom would be too much? I get it that they wanted to make up something that would bring Ysaline and her sister/mother to disagree on, but they could’ve come up with something else, like Tasha stealing clothes from Ysa’s closet or something like that. Anyway, that bothered me so much because even my tiny house has two bathrooms and just doesn’t make sense at all;
• The moments with Jason satisfied me so far, even if it was a short episode, I think it added more layers to their relationship and to Jason’s character, showing a softer side of him, almost sweet, when he apologizes to Ysaline and jumps to defend her immediately;
• Also, when we spot him on the street and he senses that something’s off and immediately asks if the real estate agent is bothering Ysa. Sir, I just know you are down bad haha;
• Our boy is jealous af confirmed, he mentioning Roy and asking why we don’t ask him to help, saying that he would be willing to do it. I just know he IS the possessive type.
• And also, when Ysaline left the apartment after their argument, we see that he starts a negotiation with the agent to try to get her the apt anyway. I don’t doubt that he could literally buy the fucking building as an apology to us, but I guess they would go for something a little less drastic haha. But I do feel like he is the type to try to fix everything with a gift of some kind.
• I love me some little angst to build things up, what can I say.
• Overall I got to see protective Jason, jealous Jason, fake boyfriend Jason (even if he was a jerk about it) so I guess i’m satisfied (for now);
• And now we have to wait another month to play que next one 😭
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mcl-mia · 1 year
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//elias has two hands. that is all.
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gottalottarocks · 5 months
You guys have probably heard that the EPA just set new Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for the first time in decades for PFAS, which is BIG news in the industry, but not a surprise. I've been in meetings for months hearing about how new PFAS regulations were in the works, and the consensus in the environmental sector is that it's long overdue. But for the rest of you who've never heard of PFAS before I can break down what the big issues are and why they've taken so long to address.
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^stolen from pubchem
So PFAS stands for per- and poly- flouroalkyl substances, and it's not one chemical compound, but an entire class of thousands of chemicals that have these chains of Carbon and Flourine atoms. For anybody who doesn't have a chem background fluorine is a nasty atom, it has seven electrons in its valence shell and it will do anything to fill it up to eight, creating incredibly strong bonds.
So you have really strong C-F bonds and these chains of C and F atoms are hydrophobic, which means these compounds are durable and water resistant, which makes them great for all sorts of industrial uses. And we've used them in everything: clothing, fast food wrappers, paints, solar panels, and non-stick pans just to start.
Unfortunately, these wonder chemicals are PBTM- Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic, and Mobile. They don't break down, they build up in the food chain, they have adverse health effects, and even though C-F chains are hydrophobic, additional compounds connected to them can make them soluble in water (so they're in our drinking water). We're starting to realize PFAS can raise cholesterol, inhibit immune response, interfere with your thyroid (part of your hormonal system), cause liver toxicity, is linked to cancer, and more!
At this point you're probably starting to think wtf, how did we allow the continued widespread use of these chemicals? Well, we have phased out quite a few high profile PFAS compounds including PFOA and PFOS, but we still want to regulate and test for them in our drinking water. While PFAS is in many different products, the biggest sources of contamination are industrial runoff, areas where fire fighting foams were tested and used, landfills that leach out PFAS into the surrounding area, and wastewater treatment plants. So don't feel too stressed about eating microwave popcorn or using nail polish.
The reason these regulations took so long to implement was because of how difficult it was to connect such small amounts of PFAS with health hazards. The level of concern for PFAS is extremely low- in the ppt (parts per trillion) range. When I sample for contaminants I'm generally testing in the ppm range and higher, for PFAS we're looking an entire scale lower. We literally did not have the technology before the last few decades to detect PFAS in the ppt range in water, let alone study their effects (you can't just impose massive regulations without any proof to back it up).
States that currently have PFAS limits in drinking water have mostly capped it in the 10-70 ppt range. The new MCLs are 4-10 ppt for the six PFAS compounds the EPA addressed, which are six of the most common and most studied PFAS compounds. Most of the bitching I've seen is about how much this will cost and that the new limits are too low. The conservative take on this is that there isn't enough evidence to support such low MCLs, although most people in the environmental industry feel that more and more research keeps coming out and will keep coming out (remember studying such small amounts of anything is difficult) to support these levels. On the other side of the spectrum, there's the consensus that this is just the beginning and that more and more regulations on PFAS will be needed.
And they're in the works! I saw a proposed rule by the EPA that would ban 12 (already defunct) PFAS substances from pesticides. It wouldn't really affect the current manufacturing of pesticides, but it would be a safeguard from letting them back into the manufacturing process in case of a conservative presidency.
If you're still here I'd like to end on the note that as our science improves, our understanding of how we have impacted the environment and our health will improve. We are constantly going to find out about the adverse effects of new chemicals or things that we may not even produce anymore, and that's a good thing. Over time we are going to make the world a healthier and safer place.
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madeby-meru · 5 months
some theories ig???
i would be absolutely fucking THRILLED if Danica became our best friend in the game like Rosalya and Alex were in the original MCL (our poor candy is all alone here wtf and ealine and brune give me a rival vibe more than a bestie vibe iykyk) and she could be our conection to Goldreamz to find out more about what the fuck happened between Devon and Jason and uncover some juicyyyy company secrets
i have very high hopes for her to have a good proper storyline of how and why exactly she "switched sides" (im betting everything on the children, maybe she is divorced or her partner passed away and she could no longer afford to care for two children on her own and Goldreamz offered her better benefits??)
also yes i want her to be a secret route >:] beemov we need more than one female love interest !!! let me date Danica !!! please !!!
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