#mcl ng episode 8
eldaryasharbinger · 2 days
MCL New Gen Ep. 8 Review!
Wow (yes that's all I have to say in this section this time...)
As per usual, everything goes below the cut (I'm a little late again, so sorry, life's been busy with mental issues and work lol)
I'm just going to start right away with my thoughts
When I first started the episode, at first I thought that it wasn't THAT bad, the vibes felt like a group of friends just joking around, roasting each other etc, Roy didn't feel uncomfortable to me at the beginning, more like "haha yeah guys I get it, so funny"
With my own group of friends we have all kinds of inside jokes and we often make fun of each other for silly things
But soon after that, I started feeling EXTREMELY uncomfortable, because I'm sure that the event could've slide if the characyhas STOPPED there, instead, they all just kept on going and making really fucking weird jokes?? I'm not going to quote them, because I'd rather avoid remind others, but I'm referring specifically to one that Thomas made
Speaking of Thomas, he was the worst in this episode, making werid-ass "jokes", being the "mastermind" with all of it, treating it as a "special" and "exciting" undercover mission?? wtf is wrong with you?
Also, I get that he knows a lot, is a great hacker etc, but as someone that struggles with paranoia (I've gotten better with it compared to how I was just a few months ago) I don't like it, why is he literally spying on his co-workers? And most of all, revealing their secrets like that?
Considering that we had (VERY FEW) options to express our discontent/disagreement/uncomfortableness during the episode, the writers KNEW that what they were doing wasn't good, I swear it could've went in a different and more positive direction SO EASILY, but instead they decided to make everyone sound like a creep, and make Amanda look like a party pooper or something, just for being reasonable?
Also, honestly, if they're all such good friends then sure, as long as all of them are fine with it, they can joke about anything and it shouldn't be my business, but since they kept on going DURING WORK HOURS, It was horrible.
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Well, of course... We start the episode with him being shirtless again, like others have pointed out, I wish we could've said "yes, it actually does make me uncomfortable that you're walking around the office half-naked" but noo all we could say is "I don't mind" or "I've gotten used to it" (which is true, but still that's not very professional?? I get having each our own chair, but at least the rest of us are dressed 😔)
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this was one of the biggest "wtf" moment to me, like ??? are you SANE or NOT?? Bro just go back to work and let that be, why involve pretty much everyone in the office on this stupid thing? what plan??? I felt so sorry for Roy, because seriously what he does in his own privacy shouldn't be entertaining to us, we weren't supposed to know about it, but Thomas being annoying had to go and reveal everything, maybe ruining the fun for Roy too?? Like, literally zero respect for privacy
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Again, if we had these lines of dialogue, the writers KNEW what they were doing. So disappointed.
Also everyone else being told this and then acting like it's not that big of a deal? I would like to see them in Roy's position. Maybe then they'd understand, since they all want to pretend that it's not that bad. Also Roy clearly asked them to stop and move on from it, but they didn't want to because it was sOoO funny :/
Like at this point I'd ALMOST hope that they all get exposed for something like Thomas exposed Roy, so that they get a taste of their own medicine, but since this isn't real life it'll most likely never happen :/
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errr,, sure,,, right after they tried to get us to join them and insisting that it's going to be a fun experience, wtf?
They won't FORCE you but they'll "peer pressure" you in a way :/
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Okay well this did make me laugh a little, probably the only funny thing all of them said during the ep, the rest was just icky, to say the least
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They said they didn't make him neurodivergent but come on now????? Is this a coincidence after another?
Also Candy going "When will i ever get the chance?" to swim naked, you literally have a pool at home girl, what are you even talking about 😭🙏🏻
Last thing I'll add before moving on to Jason's part of the episode (I have some more to say about the situation of the episode at the end) is Brune going "what is wrong with you??" After Roy splashed us with the water gun
GIRL??? BFFR???!!! THAT'S INSANE TO YOU???? WHAT ABOUT YOUR LACK OF RESPECT FOR PRIVACY WHAT THE HELL!!!! Sorry for swearing so much this time but can you blame me?? what other kind of reaction can one have 😭😭⁉️
About Jason
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Sooo this was at the beginning of the episode! I'm loving every moment and every bit of the story with Jason, I really really really hope we'll end up with a more soft storyline with him, I've already said it before but I really don't want his story to turn into something extremely sexual, where that's all there is to the relationship
I'll genuinely quit his route if that happens, because as an asexual I just can't bring myself to enjoy that kind of content (if it's about other characters then I don't mind, but since our Candy is supposed to be "us" I'd still feel uncomfortable :( I've also given Petronilla so many of my own traits that it would be kind of difficult for me to differentiate completely)
Of course, so far, it seems that he's more gentle than he appears to be, so hopefully they'll keep it that way :(
I don't mind a little spice here and there, it's fun, but as a hopeless romantic I hope it'll be a sweet story in the end,, I don't think I'll say this enough haha,,
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Two things, did his tattoo leak before or you're all really good at guessing?? And now I have to go back and update my other drawings... Yeah I won't do that but i'll try to keep it in mind (I still forget 'Nilla's freckles sometimes so not sure if I'll be able lol)
"Two things" I don't remember what the second one was or if I've already wrote it, I wrote that bit when I was laying down the draft for thw review so I forgot 😭🙏🏻
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NOOOO I REALLY THOUGH THIS WAS REAL!!! I'm glad it wasn't because it would've been TOO SOON, but omg I was saying "What the fuck" repeatedly 😭🙏🏻 The scene was everything, but now it got me wondering which parts of it were real, and which were in our imagination? Like, when does the real part end and rhw fantasizing start?? Because I'd like if the only thing she imagined was the kiss, since everything esle was way too cute 😭😭
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I haven't edited any of the recent Illustrations but I really want to do this one!! The only thing is that Petronilla should be on a stool or something because my girl is NOT that tall lmao
He looks so good too I'm so glad 😭🙏🏻 I'm always afraid after what they did to Leiftan's illustration in ANE 🥲 Like, so few of them are good, most look fcking weird to me 😭🙏🏻
The only thing I wish they made better was the different hair colors on our candy, sometimes they look so weird and out of place with the lighting :/
They should adjust the curves and all that, if you know what I mean, because the details get lost in the transition from one color to another
Now that I feel like I've said pretty much all that came to mind, I want to finish by saying how everything that went bad in this episode could've been avoided by having the "same" ending (us at the pool/spa/whatever with our LI's)
If they really wanted to, they could've kept the first part of the episode (Thomas exposing Roy's secret that he swims naked)
BEFORE you get the wrong idea, I'd make that stop right after a little bit of friendly teasing (very little) and then I'd simply make the other characters interested in the idea of swimming naked or something, like they wanted to try it out
For Devon, idk how things are at that point if you're on his route, but since he's good friends with Roy, he could've asked him to let him try it, and maybe he'd invite candy too, not sure if that'd make sense
For Thomas, since from my understanding they end up on the beach, it could've went a similar way where him and candy want to try it out but maybe they didn't think to ask Roy to go to the pool, so instead they decided to go to the only other place that came to mind?
I'm not sure how Amanda's route goes, but I think it would still be the same thing since she wasn't interested in the pool anyway, and between girls I guess being naked before each other is different/more normal? (correct me if I'm wrong, I might've been born as one but since I'm trans I've always struggled with this kind of thing, always felt uncomfortable in swimsuits etc so I had a different kind of experience 💔)
While for Roy and Jason's route, they could've started the same, actually Jason's part could've stayed the same, idk how Roy's goes but since he's the one with the pool keys it just makes sense? (Sorry if I'M not making sense or if I'm writing these in a confusing way, I'm trying to be brief but I don't know if what I'm saying is something already in the episodes or not, I play on Jason's route after all 🥲)
So basically, centering the episode instead of spying on our coworker, into making us curious about the experience and try it for ourselves
Oh well, could've been should've been it's all done now and we know we won't get a change, let's all pretend nothing happened and hope that if something similar was programmed for upcoming episodes, that they'd change it (even a little) based on the current feedback 🙏🏻
Let me know if you have different opinions because I'm interested! (as long as it's not the same thing everyone's been saying...)
(I am not proofreading all that, so I'm sorry for any mistakes I made!!)
Thank you for your patience and for reading all this!
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madeby-meru · 21 days
spoilers for jason illustration (ep 8) under the cut!
gotta say that he looks a bit disproportionate but my goddess my queen my sun and my stars looks so fucking good IM MUSH RN LOOK AT HERRRR SHE'S MY BABYYYYY
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candysweetposts · 11 days
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MCL NG ep 8 edit (pt 1)
I can't draw wet hair. Sorry!
HC time:
As you might guess Elizabeth didn't like how the others were acting toward Roy and even called them off on their behavior, but of course, people found any excuse in the world just to continue this "organized harassment".
She was surprised that Amanda dismissed her colleagues as well. That made her think that Amanda wasn't such a bad person, especially after they had a heart-to-heart conversation outside.
So she decided to call Roy and tell him then go home... the end... not.
Despite her being basically a rich girl, she didn't really get the chance to go to pools or beaches (because her family prefers to go to the mountains, EVERY HOLIDAY) so she decided to sneak into the building after all the charade with Roy happened and from here it went like in the episode but without all the mistress stuff. And no, no fantasizing about making out with him. She was mostly anxious and thinking about stupid stuff like, what if she slips in the pool and Jason opened his eyes and looked at her, or what if Jason accidentally touched her, or what if somebody came in at that moment and thought something inappropriate was going on and let's not forget "it's so cold in here but my body feels hot from the embarrassment". You know, normal stuff someone would be thinking in that moment. But nothing of that sort happened luckily.
Elizabeth thought it was very interesting that Jason practices swimming and thinks he could surpass Roy. It made him feel a bit more normal in her eyes, not this classic CEO.
At home, she and her family talked about this, and as you can guess everyone was weirded out and questioned if Elizabeth should continue to work there and what if they pull something similar to her (which is not likely to happen, but these worries are normal).
The outfit:
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Did somebody say, Marilyn Monroe?
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mysilaan · 5 months
Hellow, hope everything's good! I'm here to request some hcs for my boy, Thomas. 😎
I noticed something cute about him in these two episodes, and I wondered if you could write about it.
So, whenever he shows something of his interest or something he created (aka his coffee machine app/the VR set) to the Newcete, he looks so proud of himself and full of enthusiasm to share something he likes with her, it's just-- so cute!!! I imagine him having the proudest, stupidest smile on his face when she likes it as well. And they're bonding slowly, and it's just fills my soul with so much happiness! (i'm a slave for slow burns, can't help it)
Thank you! 💕😊
Hello Anon :) It has been tough for me recently but it’s getting better, thank you!
Now that’s a very good headcanon request… I’ve noticed it too and I found it very endearing⭐
(And yeah slow burns supremacy 😔)
You were having one of those comfortable sleeps where nothing in the world could get you out of bed, and you were having a pretty nice dream on top of that. Your eyes slowly opened, and you were hit with the feeling of forgetting something. Had your alarm already rung this morning? Your eyes flashed open and you took your phone on your nightstand to check the time. 08:53 am.  You were so doomed.  You leapt out of bed and grabbed the first pair of jeans and top you could find. Snatching your keys, you dashed out of the house without even grabbing a snack. Once at the bus stop, you took a look at when the next bus was passing by. “Five minutes… It should be fine.” You muttered to yourself. But the bus was late and you ended up waiting for ten long minutes…
Arriving at the building, you glanced at your phone screen: you were almost an hour late… You knew that Devon wouldn’t mind much, it wasn’t in your habits and he knew that. You searched your pockets and bag to find your badge but it seems to be nowhere to be found. “No, don't tell me…” Yes, you forgot it. You let out a frustrated noise while looking for the doorbell of the open space. But before you could do anything, a loud motor sound made you turn towards its source. Someone on a motorcycle had parked just in front of the building. Did this person work here? You were curious about their identity. You got your answer when the person removed their helmet-and it was none other than…“Thomas?!” His name slipped out of your mouth in a mix of surprise and confusion.  He tilted his head towards you with a raised eyebrow and you unconsciously moved towards him. “Weren’t you supposed to start at 8:30 this morning?” You were caught red handed. “Well… Hello to you too. I overslept.” He just nodded and turned his back to you to grab his stuff. “I didn’t know you were riding a motorbike.” “You never asked.” Of course he would say that. When he turned back towards you, ready to head inside, he seemed surprised to see you observing his motorcycle with such fascination. “That’s a pretty one. How long have you been riding it?” you asked. Were you seriously asking about his bike? He never thought it was something you were interested in. “I'd say about three years… It’s not my first one though.” “That’s so cool! The speed might be crazy on this one.” When you raised your gaze on his face; you noticed he was smiling, he almost seemed proud. That’s something you noticed before: his usual serious expression vanished when he talked about something he liked. It made you smile involuntarily. “It is. What’s great about this one is its tires-” You cut him mid-sentence without thinking. “Yeah, I heard they’re pretty light for this kind of motorcycle.” He looked at you, completely incredulous. “Did I say something wrong…?” “No… Do you ride one yourself?” You laughed. “I wish! But no, I’m just interested. My father was a MotoGP fan; looks like he passed on his passion to me.” “Wait, really?” “Yeah! You don’t believe me?” you teased. “No! It’s just that not many people are interested in it.” “Well… You found a comrade!” He simply nodded, smiling, his head full of things he’d like to talk to you about motorcycles, but reality interrupted. “We should go now, you’re already really late.” You gasped. How could you forget? You walked beside him, and he used his badge to get the both of you inside.
You had to stop by Devon’s office to apologize for being late. He, of course, accepted your apologies, but made it clear that he wouldn’t tolerate it if it became a habit-and that was only fair… Returning to your desk, which was just in front of Thomas’, the ginger-haired boy raised his head to catch your attention. “Is something the matter?” you asked. “No… I just wanted to know, since you seemed really interested… Would you like a motorcycle ride one day?” You thought your ears were playing tricks on you. “You mean… On your bike? With you…?” “Who else?” Now you were the one surprised. But you couldn’t refuse such an offer. “I’d be delighted!” Thomas nodded at your answer. “I don’t have a second helmet with me, but I can bring that tomorrow… If you want.” “Of course! Let me treat you with dinner as a thank you then.” “If you really want to.” You smiled while sitting back on your chair, satisfied. You couldn’t help but steal a glance at your colleague who seemed pretty content too. You were already imagining it-a ride on this amazing motorcycle (maybe not at full speed, for obvious reasons), the wind all around you, a delicious dinner… And Thomas’ company. You almost slapped your face when you realized what you were thinking about. You quickly started working, not allowing your thoughts to drift any further. You couldn’t wait for tomorrow evening…
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i-donot-forget · 20 days
Opinion ep 8 mcl ng
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Me, during the whole episode : don't you think it would be a bit inappropriate?
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eerienike · 21 days
MCL NG Amanda EP 8 Guide!!
Another episode, another guide! I was lowkey scared, since I heard that getting the illustration is pretty hard again, but I managed to do just fine (well... except for the outfit...). But that shouldn't be a problem, so let's get started!
Before I dive into anything, I want to give you a quick outfit and Taki guide:
Pick the Diving In outfit, the one with the yellow shirt.
For Taki, after you leave the office at the start of the episode, go to the cafe, where you meet Uncle Archie. The right answer is "Sorry, I'm going to the pool and they're closing soon... I need to hurry."
Now, for the strictly illustration guide:
When everyone is making jokes about Roy, pick the option, where Ysaline doesn't make any jokes herself. (2 warning signs)
Later, say that you don't want to go prank Roy. (3 warning signs). That makes you leave the office with Amanda instead of everyone else. During a conversation with her, pick the energetic option, which gives you a +5.
After the whole pool action, when Amanda finds you trying to skinny dip, pick the answer "Unless you want to try it too?" (3 warning signs again). Don't be scared when she refuses, that's how it goes.
When you're at the spa with her, the answer "I understand! I feel like I could fall asleep here!" gives you a +5, but I don't think it matters for the illustration.
Basically, when you don't get the illustration it doesn't tell you, that you can make wrong answers, so I think it's just about getting to the spa, having the LoM high and picking the right fit).
I hope I got everything right, since the game doesn't really tell us what choices matter and which don't, even with the warning sign system. If you find my guide to work, please tell me in the comments, since I really don't want to let anyone down lol
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liajaysblog · 3 months
Greetings! I could say that this is my first entry on this Tumblr, I didn't use it much. But I hope to recharge all my faith on it. I want to thank @tetrakys for making this giveaway.
So, let's get to it...
My Candy Love New Gen: Feeling like the first time again.
I introduce myself, in Beemoov games, I am usually called LiaJay, I have had a long career as a player, 5 seasons in the Sweet Amoris universe, 2 beta tests of the game, I have even been a forum moderator.
I've been playing MCL since I was 19, my first crush was Lysander, and then in the later seasons, I let Nathaniel take my heart. And that's how I finished the first generation💖
When I found out that Beemoov and Chinomiko would release a new game in which I would start from the beginning, I couldn't help but get scared. After 8 years, I was afraid it wouldn't be to my taste. It wasn't until I saw a very particular route: a red-haired boy with aqua eyes. Thomas.
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And it was love at first sight ♡
Playing Thomas' route has been quite an adventure, with each episode I feel more and more enthralled with the character. I love his personality, seeming apathetic on the outside, but being really adorable when he manages to open up to Candy. It has been very different from the other routes I played, and that is what I like and excite.
He is a fairly intelligent and bold boy, without mincing words. I love his geeky facts, which he throws out at any time, and his sincerity. I think he is the most transparent character in NG, I really appreciate him a lot haha♡.
Another thing I like about the game is the beautiful clothing items, I won't lie, if I could have all the bank packs in one day, I wouldn't hesitate to get them 😂 the variety of styles is great (I hope they release more things soon, is already needed). My favorite costumes are the Fairycore and the Elven Call (Eldarya vibes, maybe). I like fantasy items, what can I say (?
Finally, the customization of the character (and her adorable pet) fascinates me. Since there are so many categories and traits for the body, I think it is ideal for making the perfect character/OC. An infinite number of models can be created, all based on the user's taste.
The truth is, it has been like going back to that day where I registered for the first time in the game; with the intrigue, the love for a route, the desire to dress Candy... and of course; also the anxiety for a new episode to come out.
And... I think that would be all I had to say.
Thanks so much for reading. And good luck to those who participate in this giveaway.✨️
See you at Amoris, Folks♡
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candysweetposts · 4 days
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MCL NG ep 8 edit (pt 2)
Yeah, I had to add my own censoring.
HC time:
So, I have to rewrite the episode again. So no weird stuff happening with Roy. As most pointed out, why no just go to the pool or beach and have an episode there. That is much more fun and not creepy at all.
So they just go to the pool because Roy suggested to since he goes there regularly. They prepare and stuff and enjoy the day. They even did the whole water gun fight and Avery had a blast and teamed up with Thomas.
There was this person who recognized Thomas and they talked about his sister and Avery got more curious abut his family.
They sort of heard about Roy swimming naked or something around this and they all (except Amanda) thought how does that feel and even talked a bit, you know, nice NORMAL chat.
Avery also thought about doing it but Thomas suggested that the beach is a better spot and would be much more interesting. There Avery felt a bit insecure about their body and tried to get over it. Thomas seemed nice and gave them privacy. So they both went in and talked a bit about how this felt and stuff and brought up what happened at the apartment but Thomas seemed to brush it off. Avery was a bit disappointed.
They swim a bit. Thomas seemed to be silent and enjoy the moment so did Avery. But they did talk a bit about how does it feel and Thomas added that being with Avery there feels nice and that made Avery feel warm inside and then they lean back and looked at the sky. It was a nice moment.
After that they got dressed up and went home. Avery still felt flustered but also happy.
Here's the outfit:
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eldaryasharbinger · 18 days
I finally have enough to play ep 8 and also get Jason's special scene (I thought it costed 180 gems but I can't remember anything apparently) so I'll try to play the episode later today!! (I'm working til 5pm and I got some errands to do as well before I can get home so Idk if I'll have the energy to but I really want to see what the hell happens in this apparently horrific episode myself 💀🙏🏻)
If I can't get to play it I'll try to finish writing my reviews of ep 6 and 7!! I'm late but better late than never 😭🙏🏻
Also, for those who played the episodes through the app... How has it been for you?? Does it work correctly or not? Because I've been playing the regular MCL HSL on my ipad on the app and sometimes it gets buggy... So I'm scared it'll be the same for NG,, Please let me know!!
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