#mcl ng ep 8
candysweetposts · 2 days
Episode 8 review (long af)
I want to start this by saying that I will include some talk-points I saw in other posts and that I don't hate the people who made them just the opinions and that we shouldn't fight each other but try to reach the company for improvements. Let's go! This includes spoilers btw.
The episode itself was pretty bad just because the premise was... I guess childish. From the moment I finished Ep 7 and saw the preview for Ep 8 I thought about a moment from HSL, specifically Ep 12 where Candy (Lynn) spies on Lysander to see his back tattoo. When I played that episode I was a teen and I thought it was exciting. Our Candy was also a teen so we can say that what she did was more justifiable since teenagers do crazy stuff all the time. Plus, Lynn's intention was pretty innocent, she just was curious about this boy's tattoo that happened to be on his back. Here is completely different. I am not a teen anymore, and neither are Ysaline or her co-workers. They're probably in their late 20s (at least some). I find this scenario a bit too much for a bunch of adults. I don't care that they're friends, friends should respect each other's boundaries. A good friend wouldn't pull this kind of shit. They all acted as if they were going so see a magic trick or a concert or a famous person, not their friend naked. Why would you want to see that? Just because he "implied" that he's fine with it? What did they expect would happen? Did they though he would laugh out and be like "Haha, you got me" fully naked? This feels like what a bunch of bullies would plan to do with someone. The rest of the episode was ok-ish but having all around this weird stuff it makes me hard to like anything about it. I must admit that there were moments when we would talk about other stuff and it was truly ok and nice, but this is like finding the needle in the haystack.
This goes back to what BV originally planned for this season, to be set in high school. I bet this was a concept for an episode when that was still going. Would be more ok if these people were teens? Maybe... or maybe not. Do you know why? Because most of us are adults and that's why BV made a game with mostly adults having adult life with jobs and stuff and let's not forget... NSFW. And as an adult, I know better than spying on a naked man is creepy and illegal.
Now let's talk about the characters.
Let's start with Roy. He was very nice in the whole episode. He tried to play along but it really looked like he was uncomfortable at some point. And I bet if he could, he would tell others more firmly to stop but he's just such a sweet guy and probably endures for the sake of his friends. He's always sweet and even when he pulled the prank on everyone he even had the idea for all to play with water guns. He acted so nice. We love you, Roy! <3
Speaking of his BFF Devon who just disappointed me. I really thought he would be the first to speak up against this, not the one who started it. I get you're like bros and stuff but AGAIN, do you want to see your bro naked? And if yes, why? Do you have something to confess? What's so funny about embarrassing someone? I didn't get a good look at this route so I can't tell how he is with Candy, but this is not ok. Please, make this better BV.
Thomas. He was an absolute menace. Going from childish remarks to planning all of this to acting like he's in a spy movie (I didn't mind that part but CONTEXT). As I get to know him more and more I realize that he's more of a villain. Knows stuff about people and uses that against them. I get that he's like Mr Robot, but at least in his case, he did what he did because he thought he was doing something good. Thomas just likes to fuck with people. I get it, his moment was pretty cute and moments with him and Candy are cute generally, but let's not sweep this thing under the rug. He likes to lie, remember? I really hope this was a one-time thing. Pls BV. Like he has based moments and this runs it.
Amanda did really grow on me in this episode. Like if before I couldn't stand her now I'm on her side. Whatever you need girl, I'm here for you. She was the first one to step in and say no which was nice. She also said some other nice stuff to us proving she's a girl's girl. I hope this is not a one-time thing because if she goes back to her bad attitude the next episode I'll just hate her again. Sorry!
Jason was very himself this episode. Nothing to note. I liked his moment but I hate how Candy went overboard and basically imagined them making out. What? Is this how you develop feelings for a person? By fantasizing about kissing them? That came out of nowhere. I mean yeah, she could talk about how he makes her feel and stuff but straight up imagining a fanfic on the spot? And I hate the direction his route goes. Candy always being in distress and vulnerable, and this gentleman shows up to save her. Cool, but when do we have a mature moment... and not that kind of mature. I guess we have to wait and I hope it's worth it. I want to know about him more. What's with his dad and mom, his family in general, his past, you know. So let's stop doing weird shit and start exploring these characters BV.
Girl 1 and 2 were very not nice. They just went along with the plan, especially Elenda, who... let's just say I don't like how she's presented most of the time. I get she's s fun bubbly girl, but idk... it's just the situation that makes it worse not her as a person. Brune... You're asking what's wrong with Roy? What's wrong with you?
The illustrations were fire. I must admit, I love them. I see a lot of improvements. The lighting and colors blend very well. Props to the artist/(s?). My favorite is, you guessed, Thomas'. Yeah, he always has nice illustrations. Although, I don't get the whole going naked with him on the beach. Like, we barely know the guy. Same for the others, except Amanda, because she's a girl.
Now, let's talk about the community response. I feel like, at first, everyone was pretty upset, and rightfully and some were just "We're not that upset because it's just a game guys, shut up. You're just hating". Well, of course, some are going to exaggerate but most of us have valid reasons to be upset. Saying that this is just a game and we should leave if we don't like it it's just straight up BS arguments. I've seen this argument everywhere and I am sick and tired of that. I won't leave no matter what because not only do I love this game, but I also love the community and everything that makes it. It's not just a game, it's something I invested time and money and I won't let that go to waste. Also, I can use the same arguments against those people. Most of us here want to just enjoy this game and chat about it. Stuff like this will appear all the time. Let's just say what we have to see and hope the game gets better. And you're lucky I don't remember every single one of these people's arguments because I would said more. Also, WE KNOW that MCL is not representative of reality or that is has some sort of educational purpose. We're not asking for realism, we're asking for a decent plot. It's that so hard to do?
Lastly, BV made a pr response on the forum where they said that they saw the backlash and that they can't do anything about the episode or the other episodes but that will improve in the future. I.. I want to believe them. Truly. So, please, for the love of God, don't pull this sort of stuff again. Ok? Please.
That being said, Thank you for reading this. It was quite long, but I like writing long ass texts. Sorry!
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mclalegria · 8 days
I read some reviews of the episode and I’m sorry… what?!?!?!?! I was ready to say I died dead after seeing the illus and still stand by that, but the context of the episode? Idk man
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nekonivo · 6 days
MCL:NG Crush Stamp
I made some small (?) graphics for your NewGen profile and/or forum BBCode. Feel free to use it! 🥰😅
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This is my first time doing something like this so it might not be good lolol
Team Amanda [img]https://i.imgur.com/J64sSO4.png[/img]
Team Devon [img]https://i.imgur.com/YY0aGbp.png[/img]
Team Roy [img]https://i.imgur.com/EmM2EaP.png[/img]
Team Thomas [img]https://i.imgur.com/RfqyY7b.png[/img]
Team Jason [img]https://i.imgur.com/4GXDqRu.png[/img]
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i-donot-forget · 7 days
Opinion ep 8 mcl ng
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Me, during the whole episode : don't you think it would be a bit inappropriate?
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eldaryasharbinger · 5 days
I finally have enough to play ep 8 and also get Jason's special scene (I thought it costed 180 gems but I can't remember anything apparently) so I'll try to play the episode later today!! (I'm working til 5pm and I got some errands to do as well before I can get home so Idk if I'll have the energy to but I really want to see what the hell happens in this apparently horrific episode myself 💀🙏🏻)
If I can't get to play it I'll try to finish writing my reviews of ep 6 and 7!! I'm late but better late than never 😭🙏🏻
Also, for those who played the episodes through the app... How has it been for you?? Does it work correctly or not? Because I've been playing the regular MCL HSL on my ipad on the app and sometimes it gets buggy... So I'm scared it'll be the same for NG,, Please let me know!!
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eerienike · 8 days
MCL NG Amanda EP 8 Guide!!
Another episode, another guide! I was lowkey scared, since I heard that getting the illustration is pretty hard again, but I managed to do just fine (well... except for the outfit...). But that shouldn't be a problem, so let's get started!
Before I dive into anything, I want to give you a quick outfit and Taki guide:
Pick the Diving In outfit, the one with the yellow shirt.
For Taki, after you leave the office at the start of the episode, go to the cafe, where you meet Uncle Archie. The right answer is "Sorry, I'm going to the pool and they're closing soon... I need to hurry."
Now, for the strictly illustration guide:
When everyone is making jokes about Roy, pick the option, where Ysaline doesn't make any jokes herself. (2 warning signs)
Later, say that you don't want to go prank Roy. (3 warning signs). That makes you leave the office with Amanda instead of everyone else. During a conversation with her, pick the energetic option, which gives you a +5.
After the whole pool action, when Amanda finds you trying to skinny dip, pick the answer "Unless you want to try it too?" (3 warning signs again). Don't be scared when she refuses, that's how it goes.
When you're at the spa with her, the answer "I understand! I feel like I could fall asleep here!" gives you a +5, but I don't think it matters for the illustration.
Basically, when you don't get the illustration it doesn't tell you, that you can make wrong answers, so I think it's just about getting to the spa, having the LoM high and picking the right fit).
I hope I got everything right, since the game doesn't really tell us what choices matter and which don't, even with the warning sign system. If you find my guide to work, please tell me in the comments, since I really don't want to let anyone down lol
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candysweetposts · 8 days
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candysweetposts · 2 days
hiii since you finished the ep, could you post the new characters sprite (if you have any) thank youuuu ^^
Sure. This is what I've got so far:
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I hope this helps!
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candysweetposts · 3 days
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Why does this guy appear at Candy's most vulnerable moments?
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candysweetposts · 3 days
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That... that was actually nice of her. Huh, how the tables have turned.
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candysweetposts · 3 days
Ok, so they plan to go inside the pool while it's still open and wait there to see Roy do his thing. The worst part is that Devon thinks that Roy implied that they should go and see him which even if it's true, it's still weird af.
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candysweetposts · 3 days
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Say less.
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candysweetposts · 3 days
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Candy wants to try swimming naked. Girl, no. The water's probably dirty. Who knows what you can get from it.
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candysweetposts · 3 days
Roy knew what the others were planning. This doesn't excuse shit.
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candysweetposts · 3 days
How old is this man supposed to be?
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So Roy just bent over to pick up a piece of paper. That's all.
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candysweetposts · 3 days
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He's so disappointed :))
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