#mcl negativity
verystrxxwberry · 2 months
Hi, Alex! How is your day going? I was here to do a request about MCL high school life (completely sfw, so it is safe!) about the routes dealing with a reader who is stressed because they overwork in school and still doubt that will never achieve the dream of going to university?
It's just I am pretty stressed with the thought of not being able to go to university, because even if I overwork a lot, I don't get the perfect grades that I would like :(. Anyway, thank you so much! Love your writing<33
MY CANDY LOVE HSL; When you are stressed about school.
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, MCL HSL routes, comfort. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Greetings! I am doing quite good, thanks for asking. Regarding your issue, I understand you a lot, because my last year before entering university also was like that. I don't know how your country's education system will work, but whatever it is, university is not the only path in life. There are many people who have moved on without a career or something; and above all prioritize your own health! I understand that you want to get good grades, but if you overwork yourself you will only block your brain and not allow it to function well because it will be exhausted since it has no rest. Good luck, and take life easy, it's only one life you have and you have to enjoy it!
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He didn’t start caring about his grades until he saw that he failed almost every subject during the first months of classes. Sigh… he can’t let that happen.
Initially, there was a contrast between you and him. He was the stereotypical rebellious kid who didn't care about classes, and you were that student who was always keeping up with the class. Castiel is aware of how much effort you put into studying. Many times he would tell you to come to his house to spend time with him, and he would let you study on his desk for a while without any problem. Of course, he is strict about breaks and insisting that you give your little head a rest.
He will even quietly kiss your head spontaneously as you are focused on studying, to cheer you up however he can.
Castiel feels confusion when he sees that a grade matters so much to you to the point of breaking down over it. He doesn't blame you, but considers that you don't deserve so much pressure regarding grades. As he looks you in the eyes  and pulls your hair out of your face, he would say "Come on, life doesn't end because of a grade. You're human, not a machine; although sometimes machines fail too. But so what? We can't be good at everything. Ask for help, don't give up." You can feel his hand cupping your chin to make you look at him. And you can see the worry and affection on his eyes.
He's concerned about how this issue affects your mental health. After every test you take, he would take you somewhere for a date so you don't get over stressed. A break for your own good never hurts.
In Castiel's opinion, college is overrated; but he knows you are capable. More than once he will have had deep conversations with you about "You're already too hard on yourself, don't drown yourself in an abyss of negativity before you start something you want." 
Even if you didn't go to college, that wouldn't make you any less human. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Castiel would support you no matter what your decision, though he'd rather you take things more lightly. He doesn't like to see you stop enjoying your actuality because of the stress of school.
Nathaniel's strict prioritization of his studies was mainly because of his father, but Nath had inner desires that went against the stereotype that he was.
During class he already noticed that you felt some frustration when you received your test grade. His hand rested on your forearm and he looked at you with concern. "Hey, what's wrong?" 
When you explain your disappointment in reference to your exam grade, he sighs and shakes his head. "Get that thought out of your head, dear.... No grade is perfect and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses." He strokes your back gently, in order to comfort your state of mind.
If you're struggling with something, he has no problem helping you to understand it. He makes dates to study with you in a cafe <3 (he would end up inviting you to dinner or a drink in the cafe itself). And never feel ashamed of failing! Everyone does and there are always opportunities to improve. If there aren't, then life goes on; don't get stuck in the past.
Whatever grade you have, it will be something Nathaniel will congratulate you on. What matters is that you tried!
Nathaniel knows that having a good healthy schedule for your homework and study management will be what helps you get to college. He supports you, as long as you don't break your boundaries. Don't set expectations, don't compare yourself, just do what you can without pushing your limits and you can get to where you want to be.
Another thing Nath would also do is to talk to the teachers so that they can help you in those subjects that are more difficult for you, and he could accompany you if you wanted. Anyway, he does it for your sake and seeing that you also put dedication makes him feel happy and proud. At the end of each day, before you each leave for home, he would give you a little kiss on the forehead and say "Good job today."
Lysander takes everything calmly, even studies. During classes he takes light notes, but generally listens to the teachers. Not ironically, his memory does not usually fail when it comes to his studies. Likewise, he is not a strict person with his schedule and he will see that you are quite strict with yours. Why do you study so much if your brain needs a break?
Lysander has no problem accompanying you to the library, but he insists that between assignments you take certain breaks. More than once he will tell you "Don't be so hard on yourself, it will have negative consequences in the future."
After each study session he sings to you to relax in his arms, to take your mind off anything study related and get some rest.
Lysander believes that you shouldn't look so much into your future, since the present is already unpredictable enough without planning for something stable in the future. You build your way towards that goal you have, but you will always encounter some difficulty along the way. He knows that your grades are that difficulty that keeps you from moving forward in terms of your hopes of going to college.
"Honey, do what you can; what matters is that you tried. Life goes on, sometimes you have to take shortcuts or other paths that don't allow you to reach your goal. But it will never be your fault, since you already know that you have done your best" He would tell you while caressing the back of your neck. "Be proud of yourself and stop criticizing yourself so much. You don't value yourself enough to see that you are capable enough to put so much effort into things; and that is what should be valued the most."
Oh no, he's not going to let your little pretty face fill with sadness over something as annoying as grades. He understands that you want to go to college and he will certainly encourage you to follow your dreams; but in moderation! He would suggest that you come to his house to study with him, or to the library, and then he would reward you with cookies.
Kentin will force you to take at least two or three hours a day for yourself. You know what they say about playing sports for a while a day so you can exercise your concentration? Well Kentin believes it and will encourage you to join his routines so you can concentrate better and study in less hours than extending them to the point that it affects you negatively.
There's nothing more upsetting for Kentin than seeing you cry over a grade. "Hey, nooo, listen, you're more than enough, don't let a grade ruin your life! You're very disciplined, I'm sure that facet already opens many doors for you even if you don't make it to college" He would tell you as he cradles your cheeks in his hands.
He's going to kiss your tears, he's not going to let you be sad for long.
Kentin is very involved in you taking some time out of your day just for you. He invites you to his house to take a nap, or to go practice sports with him, or bake cookies in his kitchen. But he also supports you to study and spend time studying; but he offers you the idea of balance your organization so that you can clear your mind and have a more positive mindset.
Maybe Armin is a bad influence when it comes to giving school advice?- He would literally tell you to focus on being happy and leave all those worries behind you. In fact, he supports that idea of; if it makes you feel bad, leave it.
But he knows he can't be such a bad influence and push you to make decisions that distract you from your path for so long. 
It confuses him why you care so much about your grades. He witnesses all the effort you put into studying, since during exams time he can barely see you :(. Usually because he always brings his console with him, and that's going to distract you from studying. He doesn't mind being patient; he will always send you messages of support when you go to study!
It took him a while to realize that it really is an issue that affects you, but when he saw that it was serious, ah-ah, don't even think about overworking. "You know what happens to a character when they run out of stamina? They feel weak, they can't cope well with situations and they need rest. So do you!"
The easiest way he has to distract you is to write you a message in discord and saying “hop on terraria, bb” (or any other game). But he can completely adapt to those things you enjoy doing! He doesn’t mind (even if it is out home he is gonna whine a lot)
No matter the grade you get on an exam, he is gonna clap at you and feel very happy for you. Sometimes he’d make you blush from embarrassment at how loud he can be… But still, he is very proud of you. And he is not gonna hide it!
“Oh, hey, what’s with that pout? Come on, smile! You did such a great job.” He speaks in such a sweet way that it barely looks like him, but he wants to make you smile, to squeeze you in between his arms. “Never give up, you are strong enough to deal with this and more! But do it at the needed pace to not drain yourself, remember?”
Never back down never give up
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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skyevie · 3 months
I finally finished both mcl new gen episodes (kind of long post about my opinions and feelings)
Tbh I wasn't so sad about the old mcl coming to an end because I think when armin was removed back in hsl it just prepared me for whatever could come next LMAO. I am a big fan of Jason and Amanda, the rest of the Li's... are there I guess ! I think the new point system is kind of weird and overcomplicated for no reason, I really don't like the fact that we have to pay AP's for dialogue and clothes because I can either buy more clothing/recolors and be satisfied with how my character looks or save up for the new episodes... and the fact that you can't buy AP with money, only the blue hearts that can be traded for AP? (not to mention that the prices went up comparing to go mcl at least in my country) But you also need the blue hearts for those special moment with LI's every ep... like idk its sad that there is a part of content you can miss out because you simply don't want to spend money every time an ep is here lol. The missions (which is basically the eldarya expeditions) are fine since we get clothes for that. The calendar is a nice touch up because it's something new and refreshing. But the paid part and vip subscription and the clothes offers in the shop are the next thing that don't seat well with me.... Like we could get a little more for that price... especially since it rounds up to 120 dollars per year... And the fact that all the cute outfits are locked behind a daily shop rotation that have to use real money on... Oh and the last on the more negative side why does our uncle only give stuff for our fuckass goose.... We love you Taki but it's not that serious we could get like a t-shirt... or smth...
On the positives, I really like the fact that our Candy can have a personality now! Like finally we aren't a blank page that adjusts to the people we talk to and we can have opinions AND THEY MATTER! Also the clothes are much cuter, like finally someone thought - yes u can be an adult and have fun clothing and not dress boring! We love that! And I giggled to myself a little when I read why Candy switched her job lol. Reminder me of Eric's arc Eric we love you forever idc about what other said about your route.
At the end of the day I think I will try the vip for one month just to see is it really like worth it for someone who is going to be rather active on this game. Idk im excited for the plot tbh and especially how much it changes depending on the fact if we romance the Devenementiel LI's or Jason.
Also if anyone needs help with answers to the episodes I can help :3
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mcl-ng-hr · 2 months
Hi! If you too want to use a guide to play episode 03, this is the one I will personally use!
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mecachrome · 26 days
I just wanted to say huge thanks for the support and love for papaya boys which you share with us all. I’m quite new to this f1 fan internet stuff and I was shocked to see how much hate is spread around, especially on twitter. It was really not fun after the race yesterday. I haven’t seen so much hate being spread towards someone in a very long time. idk why but mclaren team just resonated with me from the very first moment I watched f1. I support the team and landoscar as one, might be weird but that’s how it is to me. team. And I would never hate another driver to be honest, I kinda like and enjoy every single one of them. Anyway… thank you 🧡 your blog is one of my favourites and brings me so much joy.
wahhh hello anon and thank you for this kind and thoughtful message! i'm glad that my blog is able to better your online experience even if just a little bit T__T
honestly i haven't really seen much if any of the vitriol so i'm not even fully briefed on the situation asldfkhdflk... my fandom experience is significantly improved by being a reclusive introvert viscerally averse to maintaining any form of public social media profile 🥲 but i do want to say that as a new fan you should never feel you have to justify your approach to fandom to anyone or feel bad or weird for how you consume the sport!!! professional sports are just entertainment products after all... and imo f1 especially exacerbates strange amounts of zealous discourse because of its relatively individual nature and the fact that it is in itself a nearly unmatched symbolic expression of gross socioeconomic privilege, so you can understand why people buying into its high camp façade of exclusivity experience a disconnect between person and celebrity.
tbh there are many drivers i don't like or rate haha but i guess i just don't see the point in doing anything about that on my oscar blog... and even with oscar himself i would never say that i rep him to such an unconditional degree that i'd always assume he's been wronged by mclaren or that he's never made a mistake or that lando is being favored etc. etc. (first of all literally what would they achieve by trying to sabotage him... toto we're not in Line Distribution Video comment sections anymore), and in the grand scheme of things i also don't really care if people hate him or express dislike for his character! being an oscar fan during crbgate was interesting though because of how much people genuinely detested him and gleefully spread misinformation wrt the circumstances of his contract situation, so i know how frustrating it can be to watch inane moments get blown out of proportion & spiral into senseless or uninformed negativity
honestly i've been in hockey fandom for so long i think i'm just used to sports culture that is much less sympathetic to athletes individually but also less… i don't know, i suppose "defensive" in the sense of not perceiving them as projections of fans' own selves and personalities and sensibilities. i know most people on twitter are young so i'm not going to moralize this behavior or anything, but as you mentioned it can & does lead to unproductive externalizations of aforementioned parasocial attachment. really i'm sorry you have to deal with that because everyone deserves a space to engage in fandom comfortably! TT__TT
sorry this response is way too long asdflkhdsf i just wanted to lay out my thoughts on fandom spaces + my own personal engagement definitively i guess... i do always try to contextualize situations objectively and honestly i barely have enough time and energy as it is to reblog all the stuff i LIKE about oscar, so why would i waste it getting mad at other things you know! anw i hope you can continue enjoying your time in this fandom because eye personally think being a mcl fan is great 🧡 sending u my love anon!!!
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er-cryptid · 7 days
Note Cards (February 2024)
2nd Law and Acceleration
3' Untranslated Region
3rd Cuneiform Facet Shape
4th Rib and Age
30S Initiation Factors
Actions of Adductor Magnus
Age and Cranial Sutures
Ancylostoma duodenale Pathogenesis
Anthropological Linguistics
Brachialis OIA
Breeding Isolates
Causes of Negative Nitrogen Balance
Components of Hill Plots
Derivatives of Oxaloacetate
Femoral Popliteal Surface
Fibularis Brevis
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis OIA
H. erectus at Ceprano Site
Ilex verticillata Names
Intermediate Filament
Malate Dehydrogenase 1
Nail Matrix
Neanderthal Metabolism
Obturator Nerve Muscles
Parts of Epiphyses
Peptide Bond Structure
Primary vs Secondary Metabolites
Selective Pressures
Siding Metacarpal 3
Skull of Arago 21
Steps of Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing
Strongyloides stercoralis
Structure of α-Helix
T. Dale Stewart
T. trichiuria Appearance
Talus - Plantar View
Teres Minor
Transcriptional Fusion
Trichuris trichiuria Pathogenesis
Vena Cava Inferior
Zygomatic - Lateral View
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slutforpringles · 7 months
Hi Jaimie,
First of all, I always admire your dedication as DR hype girl on reddit for such a long time. It's so much easier to be delulu DR girlies on Tumblr than be on reddit, especially in the past two years.
I'm just wondering what makes you keep posting contents there. Like, the new post about DR interview clip, I just knew comments would be people saying yuki was better or different tyre conditions before I even clicked in.
I could see your reply to some of the comments and full quote, but I doubt most users would read it. If I were you, I would be so frustrated.
Anyway, you'll always have my upvotes. ❤️
Hi anon,
I'm really sorry I didn't see your message earlier, but I just wanted to say that this might be the loveliest message I've ever received.
Yeah being a Daniel girlie on reddit the last few years has been *interesting* for sure. I started posting on reddit during the 2021 season, and at first it was just responding to people who hadn't been paying attention to why Daniel was struggling at McL, or highlighting some of the issues wth car/strategy/team orders that went largely unnoticed.
I think I started posting more when it seemed like the only people who were sharing articles/opinions on there were the negative ones, or they'd cherrypick some specific quote they knew would be spun in a negative way. And it really ennoyed me that the people who obsessively commented some of the most vile crap on every DR post/article, were often the same ones who would dig through to find negative quotes/articles.
The second half of last season into the start of this season was probably the most negative, but it's been nice to slowly see somewhat of a positive shift, and a lot of people are now at least acknowledging things like DR actually being very good technically at car development/setup etc. There's a really nice little group of Dirlies on reddit and I always see a lot of the same usernames pop up to defend DR. 💕💕💕
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tetrakys · 10 months
Do you think there is a lot of hype with MCL New gen? I see many people telling that they are not going to play, so I’m afraid that there wont be many chapters or seasons
I think there is, consider that we're currently at 211,174 pre-registrations and the company hasn't even started advertising yet. They only shared a few (very few) social media posts, but no ads.
Personally, I've mostly seen only the most negative people of the fandom saying that they're not going to play and leave the fandom for good, which makes me very happy lol hopefully the fandom will be a happier, safer space for everyone. The nice people who are instead just scared of crushes being removed again, I hope they give the game a chance because I'm sure that won't happen anymore.
The number of chapters doesn't really depend on the number of players, look at Eldarya, no one is playing (and paying) and they are still ending the season because the writing has been complete since two years, and to give players' closure. Uncoven and Henri's Secret 2 also had very few players and still they were fully released in the end.
The only way I see the game stopping earlier than planned would be if the company is forced to close out of nowhere, like Is It Love? did last year, but I believe (and hope) this won't happen. I trust in the quality of New Gen, it's going to be as good if not better than AL and I loved that, the vast majority of people who played loved AL.
Also I reeeeally want those pirates and thieves, so I'm already looking into the future 🤤
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sleepingzs · 3 months
okok some thoughts on mcl newgen since i finished the second episode.
the snarkiness and the petty scenarious reminded me of high school life. is it realistic? no! is it fun? yes! :D also mc has some kind of saucy backstory which is exciting.
also also currently my fave is amanda! loved the dancing scene with her! i bought the special scene but i'm not sure if it added that much to the story. alas. (tbh these extra scenes never add much in other games) (the cg however is 😳✨🎇)
some negative things
everybody complained about the ap system already but what i am missing > the loveometer! ofc you can check in the library, but its annoying to see after every decision. also i'm not sure if negative answers are marked in any way during gameplay? the little pop-up that comes up when you answer just goes away too quickly and i cant keep track of it :D
anyways i did check later and jason hates me for some reason i even gave him my business card... love me???????? looser kaiba-core
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
MCL's Headcanons requests OPEN !
Hiii ! MCL is coming to an end (and MCL New Gen is coming, isn't that exciting ?) so in the name of the good old days I wanted to go and write some headcanons about our dear LI (also because I need to do something else rather than writing essays for uni but that's a whooole other story). I remember enjoying writing about MCL back in the days (I even wrote a fic that's how much I enjoyed it I guess) so why not do it again with another format ! Feel free to send me your requests and I'll do my best to answer it !
Little disclaimer before tho :
I won't write about topics such as abuse, self-harm,etc... (the world is already negative enough, we don't do that here guys). Nothing against a little angst ofc but let's keep it entertaining as the goal is not to make anyone feel down after reading these headcanons. This is a safe space so let's keep it that way ;)
The more specific the better ! That way there's no misunderstanding and your request will be properly completed (no harm in being a little vague but hence the result might be too) + specify about which opus you're referring to (High School, Uni, Love Life, etc...)
I will write trying to stick to the characters as they are in the game but you know, I do have my own opinions and perceptions of them so I hope you don't mind if I allow myself to let it slip here and there.
NSFW's okay (no shame in spicing things up, right ?) but it'll resonate with the first point : I won't write about abusive scenarios or anything as such so as long as you're not requesting about things like that, everything's fine ! However I'd rather if it doesn't become the main content of this blog so please keep that in mind.
No need to send your request multiple times, don't worry one is enough
And just a little reminder that this is entirely for entertainment (no pressure, see ?)
Just so you guys know, I have a soft spot for wholesome/fluff headcanons but I also love angst (and that's a nice contradiction) but that make sense since I am a Nath's girl I guess ?
I might do some prompts in the future so if you have some ideas, please don't hesitate to share them. In the meantime, I'll try to find a list of nice prompts :)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and I think that all there is to say !
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will you be playing new gen?
I don't know. I've made an account in case I decide to (With a new Candy name-- so I won't be using my original candy's name at all), but right now it's probably unlikely.
Part of it is just not wanting to deal with all the video policy intricacies, but in general I have a lot more negative feelings with the game than positive so it's hard to feel much enthusiasm.
I would say the things that have me most interested are:
Room Customization - I'm a sucker for this kind of stuff, but I also expect it to be super microtransaction-y.
The Goose is cute.
Old character cameos. As many issues as I have, the whole reason I've stuck around is because I have an attachment to the characters due to HSL. Knowing some of those characters will be showing up is always interesting to me because I still like learning about them despite a bunch of other issues.
If I do play, it will be very casually. I don't expect to keep up with it at all.
Normally I'd ask for MCL stuff to be asked on my MCL tumblr, but that's permanently closed at this point, but I suppose any other questions can be asked here: @sakurina-mcl-archive
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formulatrash · 1 year
actually just on the topic of my NDA; I was the social media admin for Honda F1, amongst other things. at the time, F1 was much less big on social media but I had to attempt to get reach, which meant courting abuse. I'm very glad it was before the current era of Al*nso football fans because it would have crushed me even worse but the waves of negativity and reading the abuse from McL fans and having to report on it every week were horrific - if you ever imagine social admins have a choice not to read your stuff you've @'d the account in: we don't! we literally have to.
that's probably my main takeaway. like, I get a lot of abuse now and that account (and the Radio 1 account and a few for Netflix I managed prior) desensitised me to it but just like: there is a human at the end of the brand account, who probably can't do anything about the power unit and you are shouting at them.
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verystrxxwberry · 14 days
The mcl boys with a deaf s/o ?
MY CANDY LOVE; routes with a deaf S/O
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, MCL routes, sfw. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi! I want to apologize if I said something wrong related to this subject and if it gets to be offensive. If it offends anyone, please let me know and this post will be deleted. 
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
Being realistic, at first he was a bit mean because he didn’t know how to have patience.
When you both met in high school, he didn’t know you existed because you never talked to him, and there was a good reason after all. It wasn’t until you both were in a team project that he got to know of your existence and realized that you were actually deaf. He tried calling your attention a few times, even yelling at you, but there was no use. Lysander had to inform him about your condition when he saw how mad the red-haired guy was getting.
Castiel felt bad for thinking you were a clumsy shy person. He tried to be patient, but when he was in high school, his patience was notorious thanks to the lack of it. He waved at you to call for your attention and communicate with you by basic signs, like pointing at some stuff, nodding or shaking his head.
He ended up using his phone to communicate with you through messages, and there he realized that you were an interesting person after all.
He is observant so he analyzed the way people communicated with you, being aware that he had to face you directly and get your attention. 
During his free time he learns sign language to have more communication with you, but also to impress you a little. He mainly did it because he also thought that it’d be more comfortable for you if he was more communicative in person than in messages, as he used to be.
He used to beat up those who dared to make fun of you when you weren’t looking at them.
So sometimes you’d see that Castiel was missing for a week, and he’d simply say that it was because he was sick or something. He wants to protect you from the negativity and bullshit of other people.
With years the communication got more fluent and he definitely didn’t regret learning sign language for you. 
He may get confused with some signs at first, using them wrongly and accidentally saying the wrong stuff. To fail like that made him really embarrassed…
He also worked his patience thanks to your relationship and because he loves you and respects you enough to not mind repeating stuff in sign language when he accidentally tried to vocally talk to you first.
He sometimes is glad that you are deaf so he can practice some songs with his guitar late at night. He’d warn first that he would go to sleep late as he’d be practicing for future concerts.
Just so you know that he is there, he keeps a hand on your left shoulder or the small of your back. It is very characteristic of him , so you quickly realize it is him who is touching you.
Whenever you both are in public and someone tries to talk to you, without knowing about your condition, he basically translates it to you after they are done speaking.
When you first came to high school, he was well informed about your condition and he had no problem adapting to it. When he got the knowledge about it, he practiced sign language for the day you came to school. He is surprisingly good at it and you were relieved that there was someone in there who knew how to communicate with you.
He made you feel welcomed there, and that was his main goal. He knew that his sister would probably make fun of you and he made sure to stop her before she did anything. If anyone dared to make fun of you, he’d gladly send them to receive a scolding from the director.
Nathaniel has a natural charm which made you feel safe as the first person that helped you to know the school better, so you relied on his company.
He has trained his patience thanks to his sister, and not only that but he can be patient when he likes what he is doing. When he acknowledges that his company is positively received by you, he’d be even more glad to help you with anything you may need. 
Whenever there is a third participant in the conversation, he has gotten used to talking and using sign language at the same time so both of you and the other person can get the information at the instant.
Even years later, the condition of you being deaf has not been any problem for any of you. Sometimes he likes to be in a quiet environment, and knowing he is beside someone who brings him peace and is not yelling just as the household he used to stand it’s simply perfect.
He wouldn’t even allow you to think less of yourself for being deaf, even if it has its difficulties. You are still a lovely person and that is the only thing that matters to him.
There is a subtle smile on his face every time he is focusing his attention on you. He gets lost mid-sentence when he is signing to you, simply because he got distracted by your beauty. It is amusing to see how he gets confused with the signs and then excuses himself by saying that you are too beautiful for his attention.
He is very attentive, so it is easy to get his attention whenever you need something.
He knew there was a new student who was deaf, but he had no interest in getting to know you at first. He is quite the introvert and prefers to be on his own, as he also finds it difficult to take the initiative.
Still, he was aware that maybe you were lost during the first weeks, and more in a place where people weren’t used to communicating through sign language. He himself didn’t know really well how to communicate like that, but he used his famous notebook to talk with you, even if he lost it lots of times.
You will, once again, be a victim of his notebook research. There is no escape.
He is extremely patient and attentive when it comes to communication. He would like to learn sign language directly from you, but he would also end up learning it on his own so he doesn’t bother you that much during your free time.
At first he might seem really confused when not being able to identify too good your signs, so you’d have to be slow and patient as well.
He always carries a notebook around in case his knowledge fails to let him communicate with you. It is quite cute how he gets frustrated when he doesn’t remember a sign correctly.
Hey but it is a truly nice detail of him to dedicate a big part of his notebook to you, as he will leave some white sheets to write things to you. During class you two would communicate like that and fortunately teachers wouldn’t mind as they know what his intentions are after all.
With years, he will make sure to make his knowledge of sign language more fluent, and you might find him some days learning on his own.
He admires your strength in a world where not many people will be able to communicate with you due to the lack of knowledge of sign language.
Whenever he realizes someone is judging you, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist and make sure that you keep his attention on him so you ignore them.
In the future, after high school, he will check his notebook to see the first times he communicated with you before he learnt sign language, smiling at the little conversations you had through a simple pen and a paper.
He is your childhood best friend and has grown up learning how to communicate as you also learnt sign language, so you both basically learnt at the same time. He has always been patient and good to you.
Communication has been no problem since the beginning with him!
Maybe when you both were little kids there were a lot of misunderstandings because… well, you both were kids.
His eyes were always on you, making sure you didn’t feel left out at any moment and that you could understand everything others’ said. 
Even after the military school he kept being the same loving guy as always (I love him). But now he had more confidence that if anyone dared to laugh at you, they’d pay it hard later.
Kentin wants to make sure you are comfortable and happy no matter your condition. Because being conditioned to hear doesn't mean that you do not deserve to be happy or not enjoy your life. He is well aware of your insecurity of not being able to hear, but you are still a human who doesn't have the fault of having been born this way. You are even more human than other humans. Kentin will be there whenever you overthink about your condition making you less. He believes you are a loving person and will definitely prove that you can enjoy the experiences that life offers!
He knows how to call your attention and when you want his, and whenever you ask for his, he drops everything he is doing to check on you.
He might not have patience with everyone, but his patience never ends when it comes to you. 
He is kind of scared of something happening to you when you go outside on your own since you can’t hear anything. That's why whenever you are going out he begs you to please look around calmly and be truly careful with the people and cars around you. He doesn't want to overwhelm you by always being beside you, but if he can accompany you wherever you want, he'd be more relaxed.
The first time he tried to talk to you in class, and he literally was even yelling to the point everyone turned around to see him like ???
You realized something was happening when everyone turned around in a certain direction. When you turned around to check what was happening, you saw Armin frowning and looking at you as he moved his lips but without making any sound. You found yourself in the same situation as other times in which a person talked to you without knowing you’re deaf. You signed him and at first, he didn’t even realize you meant that you are deaf, until other classmates told him.
He felt truly sorry when he realized he was angrily calling for your attention when you didn’t hear a single thing from him. 
He knows nothing about sign language and at first the communication would be through reading his lips or messages through the phone. Sometimes he forgot that you were deaf, making it difficult to communicate, and more when he spoke so fast that you found it harder to read his lips.
Still, he found comfort and liking in your company.
He likes it when you are the one teaching him sign language, even if he is lazy. Still, he wants to communicate comfortably with you and feels like he owes you all the comfort he can give you.
He is bad with it… even years later. There is basic communication, and he makes his deepest effort on learning it correctly because he loves you and wants you to be good in your relationship. 
The communication will mainly be through writing messages and his clumsy sign language. He understands you better than signing himself. He probably signs in the wrong order most of the time, but you get to understand him most of the time.
The first things he learnt to say were mainly stuff related to videogames…
One of the good things is that when you are sleeping and he is playing games late at night, he gets to yell at people and curse them with all his rage. He used to get scolded by his parents or Alexy, and now he can be free to scream with no fear. Even though if you hear just a little, he will be respectful and not yell because he definitely doesn’t want to disturb your sleep.
The moment he knew there was a student in his class who was deaf, he had no problem with it and found it exciting that he was finally able to put in practice his knowledge of sign language. I believe that he is the kind of person to join random classes such as cooking, learning languages, learning how to do some creative stuff… simply to spend his time and improve his skills. 
One of the very first classes he joined randomly was sign language and he found interest in it. When he got you as his student, he had no problem. There was barely a barrier with communication.
As he did the class he was also signing so you understood from him. Sometimes he got quiet to sign, forgetting about speaking because he was focused on communicating with you and keeping your attention.
During your relationship, things go slow as a regular one. He considers that your condition doesn’t stop him from anything in particular. He can still have reading dates with you, go to the museum with you, go have a coffee with you… And mainly, he can have a good laugh with you too.
Just as Nathaniel, whenever he communicates with a third person and you are there, he naturally translates his words into sign language. Even if he isn't a part of a conversation and you look at him with an expression of “help me” since the other person doesn’t know that you are deaf, he will help you to understand.
He will never interpret any bad thing that has been said about you. He simply makes the conversation end and then you two go to somewhere else that’s nicer.
If you like reading, he shares his books with you. You will find small notes in the sides of the text, indirectly commenting some stuff to you.
If you don’t have hearing aids yet, he will get them for you. He wants your deepest wishes to become true no matter what. Yet whenever you wear them he’ll forget that you wear them and will keep signing to you.
When he met you in the Cozy Bear Café, he thought that you hated him since you ‘ignored’ him. He became quite sad and confused at first, trying to call your attention but seeing that you were looking at the other side. It wasn’t until he dared to approach more and you signed to him that you couldn’t hear that he realized what happened.
It was a big relief for him to know that you didn’t hate him, he simply wasn’t able to get your attention as good as he’d like.
Unfortunately he found himself not knowing truly well how to communicate with you, and his main option would be through the notepad of the café, where he’d talk to you.
Hyun hated to be very nervous around you because he didn’t want to make you feel ignored or bad because he didn’t communicate with you. He wanted to be around you more. He wanted to be someone you could rely on no matter what.
He admires your effort when you work in the Café and your patience with everyone. He gives you small notes of compliments to cheer you up as you work as he finds endearing your presence.
He felt weird at the beginning with the awkward silence there was in the environment, but he got used to it and definitely enjoyed sitting beside you with no fear of being in silence. He finds your breathing comforting.
He joined signing language classes even if he mainly communicates through notes and physical contact. 
Hyun has no fear in scolding your boss if she ever dares to make any comment or consider you less just because you are deaf. You are one more in the work, your dignity deserves to be respected.
He confessed to you with a bucket of flowers and a small note that said “I like you a lot” with some hearts drawn around. It was pretty cheesy of him but it was cute to see him blush as never before during that moment.
Whenever he goes to work he leaves a note in your nightstand like ‘have a nice day!’, ‘make sure to eat and drink properly’...
Whenever you aren’t wearing your hearing aids, he’d simply take advantage to mutter how beautiful you were as you were giving him your back. He admires you like a fool in love. 
Wearing hearing aids would be an easier way to communicate between you and Hyun, as he’d be able to talk and also to understand your signs clumsily. He’ll always repeat what you signed in a confused tone to check if he got it right.
She is very observant, so when she sees you from afar that you sign to another classmate that you are deaf, she simply keeps it in mind for the moment she needs to communicate something to you.
When she first communicates with you, she goes directly in front of you to get your attention and with that kind and sweet smile of hers she starts signing at you.
Just like Rayan, Priya decided to learn sign language simply because she was interested in learning it, and also because she thought that knowing it would open opportunities for her to get to know more people and make deaf people feel included when she was around.
Oh and thanks to this knowledge she got to meet you and she will always be satisfied with learning sign language.
Things do not really change in your relationship due to your condition. She keeps communicating with you naturally and believes that you being deaf isn’t a limit in your relationship.
She will save with you, giving you a part of his money if you do not have hearing aids because she would like you to hear about the good things life has, just as the sounds of nature or some good music. She is aware that it is overwhelming to wear hearing aids when you aren’t used and then you suddenly hear everything. 
Priya is always attentive to your reactions and your feelings, so the moment she sees you being anxious or something about your state, she’s gonna bring you to somewhere more calm so you can relax and rest your ears. 
She has a lot of words to say when someone disrespects you. She will argue for as long as needed until that person apologizes to you and she signs you to not forgive them because they do not deserve it.
With Priya your dignity and self-being will always be protected because she will make sure you are alright and not affected by any of this.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
Reviewing questions:
Succinylcholine is a depolarizing paralytic agent that is degraded by the enzyme pseudocholinesterase. Pseudocholinesterase is synthesized in the liver. Metabolites include succinyl and choline, which are then excreted in the urine. In renal failure patients, hyperkalemia is a common occurrence, and succinylcholine results in an increase in serum potassium levels in normal subjects by 0.5 to 2 mEq/L. Given this fact, succinylcholine should not be used in a pt with elevated potassium level, as it puts her at high risk for arrhythmias.
Other adverse effects of succinylcholine toxicity include malignant hyperthermia, muscle pains, acute rhabdomyolysis with hyperkalemia, transient ocular hypertension, constipation, and changes in cardiac rhythm, including bradycardia and cardiac arrest. In patients with neuromuscular disease or burns, a single injection of succinylcholine can lead to massive release of potassium from skeletal muscles, potentially resulting in cardiac arrest. Conditions having susceptibility to succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia are burns, closed-head injury, acidosis, Guillain–Barré syndrome, cerebral stroke, drowning, severe intra-abdominal sepsis, massive trauma, myopathy, and tetanus. In addition, the additive/synergistic effects of succinylcholine and an opioid, sedative, or anesthetic agent can lead to succinylcholine toxicity. In rare cases, acute rhabdomyolysis with hyperkalemia followed by ventricular dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and death have been reported in apparently healthy children and adolescents.
Bottom Line: In renal failure patients, hyperkalemia is a common occurence, and succinylcholine results in an increase in serum potassium levels in normal subjects by 0.5 to 2 mEq/L. Given this fact, succinylcholine should not be used in patients with preexisting hyperkalemia.
AIDS = CD4 count less than 200/mcL. There is a long list of AIDS-defining conditions that would qualify as AIDS even with a CD4 count above 200/mcL, but this list is beyond the scope of COMLEX Level 3, aside from a few commonly tested conditions.
The most current guidelines recommend against administering prophylactic therapy for Mycobacterium avium complex if antiretroviral therapy has been initiated. One should start prophylactic therapy with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole to protect against Pneumocystis pneumonia and toxoplasmosis in a pt with CD4 count of 45.
According to the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology guidelines, there are 2 options after ASCUS results: a repeat Pap smear in 1 year or human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. In the 25- to 29-year-old age group, the preferred option is HPV testing. If the HPV test is positive, then the patient should undergo colposcopy. If the HPV is negative, then the patient should have repeat cotesting with cervical cytology and HPV testing in 3 years. If the option was chosen to repeat the Pap in 1 year and the repeat Pap is normal, then the patient can resume normal testing. If the repeat Pap is abnormal (ASCUS or any other worse pathology), then the patient should undergo colposcopy.
If the patient was in the 21- to 24-year-old age group, then the guidelines give the same 2 options of repeat testing in 1 year or HPV testing. However, in this age group, the repeat testing in 1 year is the preferred method.
After age 30, routine screening involves cotesting (Pap and HPV test every 5 years) or Pap alone every 3 years. The same guidelines apply as for the 25- to 29-year-old age group for ASCUS pathology.
Bottom Line: A cytology report of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance should be followed up with a human papillomavirus screen or repeat Pap smear in 1 year. If the screen is positive or the cytology at 1 year is abnormal, the patient should get a colposcopy.
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) is considered a premalignant lesion. Management per the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) is an immediate loop electrosurgical excisional procedure (LEEP) or a colposcopy. If a colposcopy is chosen, further treatment depends on the grade of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. For grade 1 dysplasia found on the colposcopy, the options are to co-test at 12 and 24 months or perform a LEEP. If either of the co-tests shows the HSIL again, then the LEEP should be performed. If the initial colposcopy shows grade 2 or 3 dysplasia, then excision or ablation of the transformation zone is recommended.
Bottom Line: HSIL is considered a premalignant lesion, and thus an excisional procedure is indicated. The provider may go directly to a LEEP procedure or may first perform a colposcopy.
In order to respond to various pathogens, the CDC has grouped many different agents that could be used as biological terrorism into categories. This allows early detection and therefore appropriate response if there is concern for biological terrorism. The grouping of pathogens primarily depends on their capacity to cause harm and ease of dissemination. The organisms/toxins of concern are categorized as:
Category A - organisms that can be grown easily in large quantities, easily disseminated, and have a high mortality rate. Category B - agents that are modestly easy to spread, cause less morbidity and mortality than Category A, but often require special diagnostic or surveillance techniques. Category C - agents that could be engineered for mass dissemination and cause significant potential morbidity and/or mortality.
Category A Agents include Variola major (smallpox), Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Yersinia pestis (plague), Clostridium botulinum toxin (botulism), Francisella tularensis (tularemia), Filoviruses (Ebola, Marburg), and Arenaviruses (Lassa, Junin, and related viruses).
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the-goth-catte · 9 months
††BLACK MASS @ PANDEMONIO†† 09.24.2023
Faith & the Muse - Mercyground X-Vortex - System Failure Drab Majesty - Dot in the Sky Grace Overthrown - Fight The Last Dance - Wish Me Closer Type O Negative - My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend Garbage - Cities in Dust Siouxsie & the Banshees - Ornaments of Gold Sister Machine Gun - Sins of the Flesh Necromantic Sunshine - Necromantic Sunshine Noctule Sorix - Evil Song She Wants Revenge - What I Want Wingtips - Minimalistic Strawberry Switchblade - Go Away The Cruxshadows - Helios (Solar Night Mix) Aesthetic Perfection - LAX Amduscia - Perverse Party Velvet Acid Christ - Caustic Disco MSI - On It (A23 Mix) Celldweller - Heart On (Aesthetic Perfection Mix) Suicide Commando - Love Breeds Suicide (Endzeit 2020) Oddko - Kitty Girl (Aesthetic Perfection Mix) L’ame Immortelle - Tiefster Winter (Zeromancer Mix) Zeromancer - Dr Online (Rico Remix) Psyclon Nine - Divine Infekt Miss Construction - Kuntsprodukt Biomekkanik - Fuck The Pain Away William Control - Price We Pay Mind.In.A.Box - 8 Bits Apoptygma Berzerk - Kathy’s Song (Ferry Corsten’s 12” Mix) Bruderschaft - Forever (Grendel’s EssenZ Mix) La Scaltra - The Spell Diva Destruction - Enslaved She Past Away - Durdu Dünya The Birthday Massacre - I Think We’re Alone Now Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection Assemblage 23 - Darkflow Gunship - DooM Dance HEALTH - Feel Nothing Orgy - Opticon Motionless in White - Thoughts & Prayers My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - The Days of Swine and Roses Bigod 20 - Like A Prayer Nitzer Ebb - Join In The Chant MCL - New York Pixel Grip - ALPHAPUSSY Suicide Commando - Comatose Delusion (Overdose V3.0) Foie Gras - Sisyphus Front 242 - Headhunter V3.0 Mechanical Moth - Black Queen Style Motionless in White - Du Hast Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod HIM - Poison Girl The 69 Eyes - Gothic Girl Sisters of Mercy - More Joy Division - A Means To An End New Skeletal Faces - Banshee Sex Tomb Christian Death - Deathwish Death In June - The Calling (Mk II) This Vale Of Tears - 39646 La Scaltra - Lucian Echoberyl - Aliens In Strict Confidence - Promised Land (Club Mix) Front Line Assembly - Mindphaser Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen Revolting Cocks - Me So Horny KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel Combichrist - Happy Fucking Birthday Funker Vogt - This World Stromkern - Perfect Sunrise (MTV Party-To-Go Mix) Informatik - Things To Come (make love not war Mix) Cut.Rate.Box - Slip Away (tsp-9 Decay Remix) Crocodile Shop - Order + Joy (exclusive) Laibach - Tanz Mit Laibach Killing Joke - Love Like Blood Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting Echo & the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon Joy Division - Dead Souls The Cure - Burn Night Club - Show It 2 Me The Birthday Massacre - Under Your Spell In Flames - It’s No Good Black Veil Brides - Devil Nine Inch Nails - Dead Souls Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Talk About the Weather London After Midnight - Kiss Siouxsie and the Banshees - Dazzle
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australieh · 1 year
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If you didn’t already know, Perth is one of the windiest cities in the world. often I feel irritated by it, like when it blows the sand in my face and knocks over umbrellas at the beach. but there are also lots of days when it is actually a saving grace. on a 35 degree day there is nothing better than the sea breeze to cool you down, and you can always open your windows in the evening to get some air flowing into a stuffy living room. I am learning to love the wind.
today I woke up feeling groggy and heavy. it wasn’t until I cycled to get a coffee, uphill into the wind, that I felt my brain clear up. for the rest of the day I felt so light and inspired, and I thought about the wind. firstly I thought about the noise the leaves make when they rustle in the breeze, deafening and calming. I thought about standing at the shore facing into the wind, closing your eyes and feeling as if you could lift off with its power.
more delightfully, I thought about how maybe I feel so inspired because this windy city is so full of life! maybe the breeze blows everyone’s ideas around and they pass between our ears and prickle all the little creative hairs in there. all that bubbly joyous aliveness just wooshing around the city! I just want to sit all day and watch the trees sway in the wind and feel the pretty thoughts sweep away the dust from my brain. I think maybe if I sit in the breezy park long enough that all the negative thoughts I've ever had will lose their grip on those little creative hairs and fly right out of my ear holes. they’ll woosh right out of there and all of a sudden I’ll feel like a small child again with a squeaky clean, fresh start brain. all of life will feel shiny and bright, like how white laundry looks hanging out in the sun; blinding and sparkling and clean.  
sometimes I wish I could take my life and throw it in the wash with half a cup of baking soda; hang it to dry and watch the stains fade away. I want to bring my life in from the clothesline saying, wow! looks brand new! you’d never know i’d spilled that coffee on it the other day! I would also love to be able to rock up to a kiosk in a mall and say, hello sir, I would like your best deal on a new pair of MCL’s please. I ruined mine slipping on a wet floor and I didn't do the exercises and now when I bend down my knees click! woopsie daises!
I don't need to say that that’s not how life works, because you know that and I know that. we are talking about wishes here, silly little daydreams you have when you are nearing another birthday and reflecting on your silly little life. I am turning 27 in two weeks, and rather than reflect I'll just state a bunch of facts: I just finished a paint by number of 3 fat ladies in swim suits embracing each other. next month I will be living in a caravan on a citrus farm, slicing oranges for a kind family with an 8 month old puppy and a pet cockatoo. I cut my own hair and choose wine by how pretty the label is. last week I designed a website for my marketing class for a made up brewery inspired by my film photos from 2 years ago. and, mostly, I am pretty much happy. 
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crowmero · 3 years
I'm 4 episodes into "Love Life" and I just Zzzzzz
I'm surprised people managed to like this because is so tedius and boring and I can't believe that my gut was right.
UL was a shit show on his own way but managed to be enterteining and the outfits were so cute and fun.
LL really don't sit well with me.
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