#i said the scenarios are not realistic but some of my 40+ coworkers have such dramas........ maybe i should be corrected haha
sleepingzs · 6 months
okok some thoughts on mcl newgen since i finished the second episode.
the snarkiness and the petty scenarious reminded me of high school life. is it realistic? no! is it fun? yes! :D also mc has some kind of saucy backstory which is exciting.
also also currently my fave is amanda! loved the dancing scene with her! i bought the special scene but i'm not sure if it added that much to the story. alas. (tbh these extra scenes never add much in other games) (the cg however is 😳✨🎇)
some negative things
everybody complained about the ap system already but what i am missing > the loveometer! ofc you can check in the library, but its annoying to see after every decision. also i'm not sure if negative answers are marked in any way during gameplay? the little pop-up that comes up when you answer just goes away too quickly and i cant keep track of it :D
anyways i did check later and jason hates me for some reason i even gave him my business card... love me???????? looser kaiba-core
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Perfect, amazing, Italian, New York, Marty
So he made up the title when I told him I had a blog.
Lemme tell you about life and love and luck and Marty; a series of not-so-unfortunate events.
Rewind to my trip to Nashville; August 19-23, Wednesday-Sunday.
Wednesday my friend and I arrive early, eat at Pancake Pantry, check in to the AirBNB, sight see, and do the bar thing. We meet a guy who is later named ‘Wednesday’ and is about 5'5’’ and in love with Sam, but super cool.
Thursday we do Biscuit Love and meet up with another friend of mine who is also there, and do dinner and more bars, the big ones like Tootsies and The Stage, ending at what would be our fav, the FGL (Florida Georgia Line) House. Wednesday hangs with us too.
Friday: enter Marty. Sam and I leave the AirBNB because of crazy heat and no AC and we luck out and get a hotel downtown at the Hyatt; we decide we don’t need a room Saturday night since we have to leave at 3am anyway (this matters later). So. We check in and get ready for another night of dinner and dancing. We do dinner and ultimately go back to FGL House, Wednesday in tow again (which was totally fine, again, he was cool). We get there and it’s so hot. We decide to go to the 2nd floor and sit at the bar and grab a beer until we decide to go up and dance on the 3rd. There is a guy in a turquoise Polo leaning against a pillar while his friend is hitting on a drunk blonde. I naturally look around while I’m sitting and my eyes keep stumbling on him, inevitably making quick eye contact and quickly turning. Some rando local is sitting next to Sam, quiet. All of a sudden, random pillar guy walks right up and starts ragging on his friend and how this drunk girl is obnoxious (which she was). His friend actually leaves with random drunk girl. I quickly learn his name is Marty. My confidence tells me he walked up to talk to my friend but to my surprise, he never takes his eyes off of me. Quiet local rando begins talking to Sam and she’s soon ready to head up stairs. Sam meets Marty, he briefs her on his friend who left with drunk girl, and she invites him up with us. The line to get upstairs is SO long. So Sam, Wednesday, Marty, and I get to the end of the line. All of a sudden, Marty had my hand and begins taking me through the line to the top, without a single person fighting it. Crazy because I’m wayyyy too shy to do something like that, let alone with a stranger to grabbed my hand, grinned, and went for it. Marty and I both use the restroom and meet up with Sam and Wednesday. Eventually, Marty’s friend comes back and Wednesday had a girl coworker who shows up also, her name being Fun Girl. We drink and dance and talk and the night is great. At some point we mention our early flight Sunday and lack of hotel for Saturday and Marty offers to let us leave our luggage in their room Saturday while we are out. We agree. After the bar, Marty, friend, Sam, and I grab food and we laugh and talk shit until it’s time to leave. We hug, cheek kiss, and part ways.
Saturday: We get up, discuss leaving our stuff in these guys room and how we will kind of have to depend on them, meanwhile, Marty and friend are having a similar conversation about being stuck with us since they will have our stuff. Wednesday is on the way back to NC. So, Sam and I head to the Hilton with our stuff and head to brunch with those two, where Fun Girl also meets us. Supposed to be great but it was just ok. We head to midtown and sit at Rebar and sit outside and have drinks in the sunshine, the 5 of us. After, we head back to the Hilton, all 5 of us, and the boys let us use their shower to rinse and get ready for the night. I’m last to shower and when I come out, Fun Girl, Sam, and Marty’s friend are in the couch and they tell me Marty is waiting for me to cuddle him in the room. Total turn off but I later learn that wasn’t actually the case. I go in the room, make some comment about that not being what I’m there for. We end up literally cuddling and nothing more (for real). His friend is actually mad that we didn’t hook up which was annoying. He said it was a waste of time. We all get ready, go to dinner at a BBQ joint on Broadway, and once again, head back to FGL. Marty’s friend is there for girls and to find his next victim; I kind of walk away to the dance floor because honestly, Marty is a dude on vacation in Nashville and I didn’t wanna damper his game. He actually thinks I’m not showing interest and tells Sam she’s showing more attention than I am. She told him she’s waiting for me to follow and he does just that. His friend goes wandering and never comes back. Fun Girl finds herself some guy who flipped her the night before and she’s out too. Sam and I are dancing and Marty is close by, letting me do my thing with my friend. Sam decides one more drink and we are out, seeing as we have to leave at 330 for the airport, it’s somewhere around 1230/1. We get back for a power nap; Sam on the couch and me with Marty. Do I need to say more 😬 All I can say is passionate and beyond. Definitely never done anything like that before but I don’t regret it for a second. And then the hard part. The entire night was amazing and easy and he was almost kind of shy and it was so dang cute to me. So 3:00am comes and it’s time to grab our stuff and go. I didn’t wanna go. We walk out the door and Marty is at the door. We head to the elevator and I happen to look back, right at Marty looking at me. Melted me. We go down the elevator, walk through the lobby, and I look up and he’s leaning over the balcony, watching me leave. I felt like I was leaving someone I hadn’t seen in years, behind. For a while, we text back and forth until he finally goes to sleep. Sunday is full of texts as I’m home and he’s at the airport getting on a normal flight that ends up getting cancelled until the following morning. Sweet and not too much texts flood my phone. Big realistically, it’s simply the guy from Nashville (mind you, his friend was like 'you’re never gonna see him again you know). He made comments about me looking back and how it made him feel.
Today is August 7, Monday, and Marty just left last night after spending the whole weekend here. When I tell you it was the best weekend, by far, I’ve ever had, I mean it. I laughed til I cried countless times and nothing had ever been so easy. I was so cynical about him even coming and figured I’d just take it for what it was; a weekend of fun; and he’d go home and that’s it. I wish I could say that all it was, was a weekend of fun, but I’d be lying. Fate would have it that a man like this would love in NY. He would tell me, after Nashville, that if consumed his thoughts and yada yada, but again, my lack of confidence wanted to call bullshit and just told myself he’s good with words. This weekend, I couldn’t believe him more. I was a queen and his smile revolved on mine. He arrived Friday, we are local Mexican, dropped our stuff at my house with a little bit of boom boom; we went to an awesome improv comedy show and then to the bars with my friends. Saturday we went to breakfast, grabbed beer, and headed to the beach where my driving became a comedy show and we ate great food at Coconuts. After, we checked into a hotel in Orlando, went to dinner, and then relaxed until we fell asleep, with more boom boom. Sunday was breakfast again, leaving the hotel, and then 4 hours at Hillstone with drinks and lunch and laughing and topped off with relaxing in the dock, dreading him having to leave. I take him to the airport, I actually go in and walk him to security, and he leaves. I actually cry after I walk away.
I wish any of this portrayed how I actually feel or how much I actually laughed or how much I actually felt like I was enough. Everything about Nashville and this weekend was perfect and call me crazy cause lord knows I know better than to set myself up for heartbreak, but I’m not ready to stop.
I don’t think I know what to do, but I know what I’m not gonna do.
Part of me wrote alllllll if this so that if it does fade away, I can look back and remember this wild ride; part of me wrote it so that if it does keep going, I can look back and remember where it started, in detail.
No better feeling than feeling enough and if nothing else, worst case scenario, he came into my life to remind me that I can feel that way again and to assure me that I am enough and great the way I am.
Best case scenario, he will stick around to remind me everyday.
Marty. Thank you.
Things to make me laugh when I look back on this; 96 in a hurricane, the clock is 40 minutes slow (!), 17 people to clean up barf at Bahama Breeze, face in the wall, bloody noses, long legs short bed, burnt butt, slow down please, Steven! Nancy!, I don’t wanna end up in a ditch in Florida…
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