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jessicacousin35 · 2 years ago
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#lectureachevée #lectureterminée Salut les p’tits grammes ! J’espère que vous avez la quiche! Aujourd’hui, je vous parle de #agatharaisin #laquichefatale de #mcbeaton 🕵️ L’histoire : Agatha Raisin décide de profiter d’une retraite anticipée en quittant Londres. Elle s’installe dans un cottage dans un village des Costwolds. Tandis qu’elle tente de se faire accepter par les autochtones, elle décide de participer à un concours de cuisine. Mais une seule bouchée de sa quiche va signer l’arrêt de mort d’un des jurés. 📝Mon avis: Un #cosymurdermystery efficace qui nous fait penser à #missmarple Un bon moment de lecture, même si le rythme est assez lent avant d’arriver à l’enquête qui se déroule tout aussi lentement. J’aurais aimé davantage de rythme et de suspense. Les dialogues sont amusants grâce au tempérament bien trempé de la quinquagénaire. Une lecture que je recommande aux amateurs de genre. Et vous? Connaissez-vous Agatha Raisin? Fan de cosy mystery ? Dites-moi tout! #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfrance #instalivre #booktok #roman #lecture #lire https://www.instagram.com/p/CqNqWfdKsZ-L6dqFzn24PXY7_1CnqVGUByrO_c0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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😞 una storia un po' malinconica 👉🏻 #mortediunguastafeste Vol.8 di I casi di #hamishmacbeth Hamish è caduto in disgrazia. È stato degradato, si è lasciato con la fidanzata e al paese ce l'hanno tutti con lui. Qui ci vuole una vacanza! Prende tre settimane di ferie e va a #skag in un albergo dove si imbatte in altri ospiti. Sono tutti simpatici tranne uno: Bob Harris un ubriacone collerico che se la prende con tutti ma soprattutto con la moglie. 😁 Fortuna che lo uccidono così smette di infastidire gli altri. 👎🏻 Tanti nomi da ricordare, all'inizio facevo fatica a ricordare i vari personaggi, poi è andata meglio. 👍🏻 Hamish è un protagonista interessante, pigro ma brillante. Risolve sempre i casi in cui si imbatte ... e poi lascia che i suoi superiori se ne prendano il merito 🤷‍♀️ 👍🏻 Hamish ha un modo particolare di indagare 🤣 sguinzaglia la sua famiglia e li fa indagare in giro per la Scozia. 👉🏻 Il caso è un po' malinconico, c'è anche una scena molto toccante. #thrillerbooks #mcbeaton #2021books #amicineilibri #antrodilibri #libridaleggereagiugno #stayconape #lombradibarbara #trovandolibri #amicandito #ilclubdeilettorifelici #baulett https://www.instagram.com/p/CQNuqbvnouL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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themeltingpotofaguineapig · 6 years ago
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⭐⭐⭐ 📖 Death of a Gossip, a Hamish MacBeth Mystery, M.C. Beaton. 📖 Ayant particulièrement aimé le premier tome des Agatha Raisin, j'ai décidé de tenter l'autre série de l'auteur, celle de Hamish MacBeth. Ma première impression a été que cela se sentait que cette série était plus ancienne. Ensuite, j'ai trouvé que l'histoire était assez longue à se mettre en place. Et surtout il y a un personnage que j'ai détesté (je n'en dirai pas plus pour ne pas vous spoiler si vous souhaiter le lire). En conclusion, je n'ai pas autant accroché qu'avec le premier tome des Agatha Raisin (pas du tout même). Même le personnage principal ne m'a pas fait m'accrocher à l'histoire. Je ne suis pas sûre que je lirais un jour le second tome de la série. Pourquoi mettre 3 étoiles alors? Parce que j'ai lu pire aussi... #book #livre #livrestagram #instalivres #booknerd #bookgram #instabooks #MCBeaton #HamishMacBeth #lecture #reading #reading📖 #passionlecture https://www.instagram.com/p/ByfyUWbiOuK/?igshid=ct9r98jn14ar
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roxyrich · 4 years ago
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Get your Cotswolds Fix here! 22 Original Paintings in the Collection These Beautiful Oil Paintings were inspired by my visits to the #cotswolds First in #winter, later in summer. I had to see this place as I read about it in the #agatharaisin #books by #mcbeaton For five years I created the Oils then, began painting them in #watercolor They are my most popular prints because so many people love the books and love the amazing #villages so #picturesque if you haven’t been, as soon as you can #travel you simply #mustsee Bring some #cotswoldlife to your home! #lowerslaughter #bourtononthewater #castlecombe #thecotswolds #visitthecotswolds #cotswoldartist #englishlandscapes #medievil #clarksonsfarm #wallart #fineartprints #collectart #galleryroxy https://www.instagram.com/p/CRy5ri_g4PR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marinebiochic07 · 4 years ago
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More yarning and listening to audiobooks! Working on a couple of orders of shark socks, listening to the Agatha Raisin series by M.C. Beaton, and enjoying a cup of maple espresso tea with an orange and cranberry scone. I’ve been going through A LOT of audiobooks lately and am on the lookout for more to add to my library. If you had to recommend a book that everyone should read this year, what would it be? #crochet #crochetersofinstagram #bookrecommendationsplease #crochetaddict #crochetlove #crochettherapy #jointhecrochetrevolution #shopsmall #shophandmade #mapleespressotea #teaandscones #agatharaisin #mcbeaton (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJkE8TGrlMf/?igshid=nuqdjltz0pk3
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lisajaynemurray · 7 years ago
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Set Sun Galaxy case off to Gloucestershire ... Home of Agatha Raisin 🧐 one of my favourite book characters 😁 Redbubble.com/people/lisajaynemurray @redbubble @redbubblecreate #redbubble #independentdesign #girlboss #agatharaisin #mcbeaton #cotswolds #independentartist #supportsmallbusiness #funconnection #phonecase #australian #melbourneartist (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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caramelchomf-blog · 7 years ago
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#bookeen #liseuse #liseusebookeen #lire #livrenumerique #mcbeaton #agatharaisin #agatharaisinenquete #remededecheval #albinmichel #caramelcholit #caramelchobouquine #lecture #lecturedumoment #livre #livrestagram #bookstagram #book #pictureoftheday #picture #photography #photobook
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escondidolibrary · 5 years ago
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Rest in Peace, M.C. Beaton. Read some of her works with us: https://escondido.librarycatalog.info/polaris/search/searchresults.aspx?ctx=3.1033.0.0.1&type=Browse&term=Beaton,%20M.%20C.&by=AU&sort=RELEVANCE&limit=TOM=*&query=MAH=%2710476%27&page=0&searchid=0 #escolibrary #mcbeaton #author #library #restinpeace #agatharaisin #librariesofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B612qCcnOQf/?igshid=bl471bq224c6
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ashbydelabooks · 5 years ago
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Sad to hear of the passing of M. C. Beaton. Creator of the hugely popular Agatha Raisin and Hamish McBeth mystery series. 📚 #mysterywriter #mcbeaton #booklovers #fiction #agatharaisin #hamishmacbeth #author #rip (at Ashby de la Books) https://www.instagram.com/p/B60LhnIAqKg/?igshid=1tubfvw9znzr4
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jessicacousin35 · 2 years ago
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Un p’tit coup de main pour ma prochaine lecture? #arturoperezreverte #lareinedusud #lenekaaberbøl #agnetefriis #lenfantdanslavalise #harlancoben #doublepiege #aaminmalouf #ledereglementdumonde #pierrebordage #langedelabime #etpuisrecommencer #soazigleblanc #laquichefatale #mcbeaton https://www.instagram.com/p/CqFpBLCqLlQKAKy1gCE6cz_t9qovP2L9RuK7bs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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themeltingpotofaguineapig · 6 years ago
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📖 Agatha Raisin and the Vicious Vet, M.C. Beaton 📖 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Mon deuxième Agatha Raisin, finit il y a quelques semaines j'avoue. Je l'ai autant aimé que le premier. Mrs Raisin me fait toujours autant rire, son comportement, ses obsessions, etc. Comme pour le premier, c'est un roman léger. Il n'empêche que l'intrigue est bien ficelée et tient la route. On a des doutes, mais on est pas sûr. C'est une bonne lecture, avec une bonne petite intrigue. Après j'aime beaucoup ce style propre aux anglais. #lecture #livre #book #roman #passionlivre #bookstagram #instabooks #bookgram #instalivre #livrestagram #Agatha #AgathaRaisin #MCBeaton #ViciousVet #Vet #book2 #reading #englishbook #litteratureanglaise #litterature #englishliterature https://www.instagram.com/p/By2vIZfCdoi/?igshid=1n2ean22nrno3
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roxyrich · 4 years ago
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Biblio Cat This Fluffball asleep on a stack of #mysterybooks and #thewinebible is everything a cat and book lover needs. Includes a few of my favorite #authors. #michaelconnellybooks #michaeljecks #mcbeaton The Original Painting is 8wx6h #oilpainting and will need about a month to dry. Prints are available now in my print shop! Order a #canvasprint for your cat loving #sweetheart for #valentinesdaygift #temeculawinecountry #cityoftemecula #murrieta #sandiego #localartists #buyartonline #contemporaryimpressionist #catpaintings #cats #ilovecats🐱 #chateauroxyartboutique (at Murrieta, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKDJSwGgOLz/?igshid=1af37bwx7jyog
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tudorblogger · 5 years ago
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Purple - Luxury, Wisdom and Imagination Purple is the colour of luxury, wisdom, imagination, royalty, compassion, emotion, creativity and mystery. Click on the link in my bio to read the full post. #Purple #Luxury #Wisdom #Compassion #Imagination #Royalty #Emotion #Creativity #Mystery #JuliaQuinn #MCBeaton #JodyRevenson #MaryBalogh #EdwardMarston #LauraAndersen #MandyMorton #AlisonPlowden #RobinPaige #CarrieHopeFletcher https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHAFJcgyJc/?igshid=1cz6ol1sl19n5
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gazouillages · 7 years ago
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Le nom me plaît bien et il me semble que des cybercopotes avaient bien aimé aussi... je vais donc ajouter celui là à une #pal déjà conséquente et je pense même le commencer aujourd'hui... #livre #book #bouquin #lecteur #reader #bookworm ratdebibliothèque #agatheraisin #mcbeaton
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bargainsleuthbooks · 2 years ago
#AgathaRaisin and the Potted Gardener (Agatha Raisin #3) by M.C. Beaton #AudiblePlus #BookReview
I'm so delighted my #AudiblePlus subscription gives me access to almost the entire #AgathaRaisin catalogue for free. I'm catching up on a series I've always meant to read. #AgathaRaisinandthepottedgardener #MCBeaton #cozymystery #audiobook #bookreview
Agatha Raisin has a crush on James Lacey. In order to endear herself to him, she takes up gardening, hoping to participate with him in the prestigious Carsely Horticultural Contest. But as the contest approaches, plants are being mysteriously uprooted, poisoned, and burned. When the prime suspect turns up dead, Agatha must solve the murder mystery. Agatha Raisin and the Potted Gardener (Amazon…
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stmartinspress-blog · 8 years ago
Fresh of the success of the Agatha Raisin television series, New York Times bestselling author M.C. Beaton discusses what's in store for her star sleuth, and the background behind her new book - on sale 10/3/17.
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