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kilesplaysthings · 9 days ago
The Purrfect Solution
~ A Yes, Cat Caretaker Fic ~
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Summary: I found out from Liam that Caleb hadn't returned to Skyhaven after we spent a few days together. A trip to Meow's Cafe gave me the hilarious answer as to why...
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Caleb x MC fluff. Slight separation anxiety. Slightly suggestive: use of a human-sized collar.
I will be forever salty that Caleb wasn't around for the Yes, Cat Caretaker event. We were deprived! Deprived, I tell you!!
Therefore, I wanted kitty!Caleb, so I wrote kitty!Caleb :3 also, Caleb would be an orange tabby and no one can convince me otherwise
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It all happened about a week ago, when I received a call from Liam, Caleb’s adjutant.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Miss Hunter, but you’re the only person I could think of to call.”
“Don’t worry about it, Liam!” I decided not to dwell on the fact that Liam had my number in the first place. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if the Colonel was with you? I don’t want to alarm you, but he hasn’t reported in for duty yet. He was supposed to be back in Skyhaven yesterday, but every time I tried to call him, he didn’t answer.”
I frowned. Caleb had come down from Skyhaven to hang out for a few days. He had left on Sunday as scheduled and I hadn’t heard from him since.
“He’s not with me. He left on Sunday as planned…” Concern began to sprout up within me. “Now that you mention it, he hasn’t called me to let me know he made it back there, either…”
“Like I said, I don’t mean to alarm you. It could be nothing. Perhaps he received a classified mission while coming back here that he needed to handle immediately.”
I told myself not to panic yet. Being the Colonel of the Farspace Fleet was a rigorous job that asked a lot of Caleb. Liam could very well be right, and if he wasn’t suspecting the worst yet, I reassured myself that I shouldn’t either.
“Okay, yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll be sure to let you know if I see him. Please let me know if you find anything out.”
“I will, Miss Hunter. I’m sure everything is all right. The Colonel wouldn’t let anything happen to him that was out if his control.”
“All right. Thanks, Liam.”
He hung up the phone and I was left with so many thoughts whirling around in my head. Caleb seemingly hadn’t made it back to Skyhaven. His right-hand man had no idea of his whereabouts, and he hadn’t contacted me, either. It was still too soon to suspect foul play, but my wayward mind couldn’t help imagining various incidents that could have happened to him; like that train accident he’d been on not too long ago, or a Wanderer suddenly attacking him.
I decided to call his friend Gideon on the slight chance that he would know where Caleb was.
“No, I haven’t heard from him in a few days. He’s not in some sort of trouble, is he?!”
The call with Gideon proving fruitless, I called Caleb myself. No answer. My stomach began to churn with anxiety. The last thing I wanted was Caleb going MIA on me. It reminded me too much of that day…
I decided to text him:
“Hey! Are you there?”
“I tried to call you. Text me back!”
“No one’s been able to get a hold of you. You’d better answer me or you’ll be sorry!”
I gripped my phone and paced around my apartment. A couple of minutes passed and still no response. My heart pounding, I was about to rush outside and tear up the Linkon streets to search for him when –
Ring ring
“Heyyy Pip-squeak.”
Sure enough, it was Caleb on the phone.
“Don’t ‘hey Pip-squeak’ me! Why didn’t you answer your phone?! I heard you didn’t go back to Skyhaven on Sunday! What gives?”
“Aww, what? Miss me? Or… are you upset I’m still hanging around?”
“No, you dummy! You adjutant just called me saying you haven’t reported in yet! What are you doing? Are you still in Linkon?”
“Oh.” He sighed. “Why’d he have to go and call you?” I heard him mutter.
“What’s going on, Caleb? You’re not hurt or anything...?” I couldn’t hide the growing concern in my voice.
“No!” He quickly replied. “No, I’m fine! Promise! I just--”
Suddenly I heard what sounded like a couple of kitties meowing followed by Caleb trying to shush them. I frowned.
“Caleb… You wouldn’t happen to be at Meow’s Café, would you?”
Silence. From him, at least. I could still hear the cats meowing in the background.
“I’m coming over there,” I told him.
“Pip-squeak, you don’t--”
“I’m already out the door,” I interrupted, snatching up my keys. “Don’t even think about going anywhere.” I warned him.
A resigned chuckle came over the phone.
“Okay, okay.”
I reached Meow’s Café in record time – under fifteen minutes. Strangely enough, the café’s windows were shuttered and a “closed” sign hung on the door.
“I’m here. Can you let me in?” I texted him. He sent me a thumb’s up emoji in response. A moment later, I heard the lock click and the door slowly swung open. When I stepped inside, the café’s OTTO Bot manager whizzed up to me.
“Hello, dear guest! We apologize for the inconvenience, but the café is closed until further notice.”
“Don’t bother with that. She’s with me.”
Caleb’s voice drifted towards me from a back room. When he appeared, all I could do was stare at him.
Caleb looked fine, dressed in a casual shirt and jeans, with nary a cut or bruise to be seen. But one thing blatantly stood out right away; two things, to be exact, and they were sticking up right on top of Caleb’s head nestled in his dark hair. Cat ears. Fuzzy, twitching cat ears which looked to be orange in color. As I stared at him, I caught a subtle movement out of the corner of my eye. Swaying behind him was also a tail, a fuzzy, striped tail that was also orange with cream highlights.
“Uh… Caleb?” I couldn’t take my eyes off of those ears.
“’Sup?” He replied. It was obvious he was trying to be as nonchalant about this unusual predicament as possible.
I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Ya know, something seems different about you. Can’t quite place it, though. Got any ideas?”
That fuzzy, striped tail swayed behind him.
“Hm? What do you mean?”
I sighed, exasperated. “Oh, come on. So, you mean to tell me those ears and tail are a new fashion statement or something?”
I quickly approached him and reached up to pinch one of those ears. Caleb flinched.
“H-hey! Watch it! They’re sensitive, you know!”
“And they’re very real! What happened?”
Caleb sighed resignedly. “I think this is because of that long match of Kitty Cards we played. Remember? The cats weren’t too happy at how many rounds we did.”
Some of the nearby kitties began to meow loudly, as if they were agreeing with him.
“All right, all right,” Caleb shook his head. “Also, I don’t think they liked how combatively I was playing, either.” He glanced upwards as those furry ears swiveled around on his head.
“Yeah, I remember.” It had been a long couple of matches, and we were both super competitive with each other. “You were ruthless with the assist cards. I think that one orange kitty was pretty fed up with you by the time we were done. So, this is because of the kitties’ evol?” I wondered.
“Guess so. At least, that’s what this OTTO said.” He nodded to the nearby Bot.
“This guest came bursting in here a couple of days ago, demanding we do something about the ears and tail. We tried to explain that they will go away gradually and there was nothing else that could be done.” It told me.
Caleb sighed again and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I don’t have all the time in the world to wait for these to go away, though,” he murmured defeatedly. “And I definitely can’t let the Fleet see me like this.”
“So, what? You were just gonna wait it out here?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
I glared at him. “What about me? You could’ve called me.”
His eyes skittered away from mine. “I didn’t want to make you worry…”
“Too late for that, isn’t it?” I sighed. Then I reached out and touched his arm.
“You remember what I said a couple months ago, the last time you came to see me?”
He blinked and looked back at me. “Hm?”
“You don’t need to act like a stray. Not with me.” I slid my hand down to grasp his.
“Come on. We’ll go back to my place.”
The OTTO Bot manager seemed pleased at this turn of events. “Thank you, Miss Hunter! I’m sure Master Tabby’s problem will go away soon!”
Tabby? So that’s what type of cat Caleb is? I glanced at the tail and noticed the stripes. Yup. Orange tabby seemed pretty accurate.
Caleb had his small duffel bag with him, and we made our way back to my apartment.
“You sure this isn’t a problem, Pip-squeak?” He asked as we walked down the street.
“If it was, I would’ve told you. The only problem I have is how you worried me when no one could contact you. You owe me.” I gave him a look as I pulled up Liam’s number to call him.
“Yeah, you’re right. What do you want me to do?” He asked.
I thought about it as the phone rang. Then I grinned as an idea popped into my head.
“You have to let me touch your ears and tail whenever I want.”
He sighed. “Guess I can’t say no.”
Liam answered at that moment, and I let him know that I found Caleb. I told him something had occurred to prevent him from going back right away and that I would keep him updated on Caleb’s status. And with that phone call over, we returned to the apartment.
I led him inside. “Guess I’ll be taking care of a big kitty for a few days,” I remarked. I couldn’t help but continue to stare at his furry ears and tail. The long tail was slim, not fluffy like a long-haired cat’s, but it was still cute with its orange and cream stripes. I wanted to feel how soft it was.
“Ha ha.” He plopped down on the couch. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t.” I went over to sit beside him and watched as his tail slowly moved up and down on the couch.
Caleb noticed my staring at it and smirked. “Wanna touch it?”
My eyes darted from the tail to his face, and back to the tail. “Well…” I sheepishly shrugged.
“Go on. We made a deal, after all. It’s all yours.”
“Thank you!” I couldn’t hide the glee in my voice. Happily, I lifted the tail to feel its soft fur, making sure to be gentle with it. I knew cats’ tails were sensitive. It curled around my hand as I held it which made me smile.
I could hear Caleb huff out a laugh. “You like it, huh?”
“Your fur is very soft,” I told him. I brushed my thumb along the tail, tracing its stripes.
He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head at me, his still-visible human ears turning a slight shade of red.
Noticing his reaction, I grinned. “I’ve taken it quite the cute stray,” I teased, tugging the tail slightly.
“Okay, okay. You’ve had your fun,” he groused out, snatching up my wrist.
That made me laugh and I let go of his tail. “Fine, fine. So, how is it being part cat? Is your hearing better?” I glanced up at those ears that were continuously moving, no doubt catching so many different sounds.
“Yeah actually. So’s my sense of smell. Being a cat’s not awful, I guess, but it seems to be affecting my evol. Can’t use it right now.” He shrugged.
“I bet that’s annoying. I can imagine that would make things hard for you in the Fleet huh? And you can’t even be lazy and make things float to you now!” I joked, nudging him.
He scoffed and leaned towards me, resting his head on top of mine. I smiled up at him.
“Want something to eat? It’s just about supper time.”
Those ears perked and I watched as his tail rose up in the air. “Yeah, sure!”
“All right! What should we have?” I went over to the kitchen to see what I could whip us up to eat. When Caleb followed me, I quickly stepped in front of him and put my hand on his chest, making him stop short.
“What?” He queried.
“I don’t think so, big guy. I’m the one doing the cooking.”
He immediately frowned. “What are you talking about? I’m the one who usually cooks.”
Determined, I placed my hands on my hips.
“You’re part cat right now. And I’m not about to let cat hair get into my food or all over my kitchen!”
His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Ridiculous. You really think this is enough fur to make me shed everywhere? Besides, I’m a short-haired cat.”
Caleb could be stubborn, frustratingly so. But so could I. No matter how much I loved his cooking, I wasn’t backing down from this.
“My kitchen, my rules. And don’t even try to give me your Colonel Caleb Look. How about you go decide a movie we could watch while we eat?”
“But Pip-squeak…”
“Go on. Be a good kitty.”
He stared at me for a moment, almost petulantly. I stared right back. After what seemed like an hour of this standoff with him, he sighed and bowed his head, his ears drooping.
“Make fried cod, then. I’m in the mood for fish.”
I let out a sigh of relief. “You got it."
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I wasn’t sure what to expect from this new Caleb. I mean, the last thing that I ever imagined would happen was that he’d become part cat, complete with ears, a tail and a cat’s instincts. But this was still Caleb, my best friend and the most important person in my life. I wasn’t anticipating anything too crazy, and cats were such cute, lazy animals most of the time. Nothing could go wrong, right?
Boy, how wrong I was with that thought process.
“Caleb, what are you doing?!” I nearly shrieked as I ran out onto the balcony.
This big, 6’2 bulk of a man was perched on the railing, staring up at the nearby tree that hung over my balcony. He was reaching for the nearest branch, as if he was going to jump up into the tree!
He slowly turned to me and blinked, startled by my yelling.
“…Nothing,” he answered.
“This is nothing?! You don’t even have your evol right now! Don’t tell me you’re trying to jump up there!”
He was about to answer me when we heard chirping noises above us. Nestled in some branches higher up in the tree was a nest of baby birds along with their mother that was feeding them. Caleb watched the nest with gleaming eyes. His tail was thrashing back and forth.
“Caleb! No! Don’t you dare!”
I ran up to the railing and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hesitated at first but ultimately let me pull him down off the railing and back into the apartment. He was still watching the birds as I slammed the balcony door shut. Then, as if waking from a trance, he blinked a couple of times and shook his head.
“Sorry… don’t know what came over me,” he sheepishly muttered. His tail’s swaying was slowing down and his ears flattened on top of his head, ashamedly.
I let out a deep breath. “It’s okay. Just… be careful. Nearly gave me a heart attack.”
If mischief had a middle name, it would be Caleb – specifically, Kitty!Caleb. When he wasn’t trying to catch birds from the windows or balcony, he was either following me around as if looking for something to do or nosing around the apartment investigating everything. If something could be dismantled and put back together, he would fiddle with it as his tail swayed back and forth.
“My alarm clock was working just fine, Caleb,” I said when I found him taking the thing apart one afternoon. Pieces of it were scattered around the coffee table as Caleb examined the wiring of the machine.
“Yeah, but I wanna see how it works,” he muttered. “I’ll put it back together, promise.”
I was worried to leave him alone for too long, in case he really did end up breaking something. I would never say Caleb was annoying, but his kitty self was… a lot to handle.
One afternoon, we were sitting – or rather, snuggling together on the couch. Caleb now had this habit of making trouble and then wanting to snuggle, preferably on top of me, just like a big, heavy cat who made it difficult for you to move when he was comfortably resting on you. He would nuzzle his head against my neck while nudging me with his nose; a sign that he wanted pets. When I wouldn’t respond to him, he’d lift his head and stare at me with big, pitiful eyes. It was undeniably cute, and near impossible to resist.
“You’re heavy, you know,” I mildly complained. “I think my legs are gonna fall asleep.” I stroked those felt-like ears and played with his hair.
All he did was hum in response before muttering, “’m comfy.” He then slightly tightened his arms around me.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. Just like with a big cat on top of you, I felt like there wasn’t much I could do. I tried to focus on the tv show that was playing when I suddenly heard something: a low, rumbling noise coming from below me.
“Wait. Did you just purr?” I blurted out.
He glanced up at me before looking away. “No…?”
“You totally did!” I exclaimed between giggles.
“Ugh, don’t laugh at me,” he complained moodily, even as he nudged my hand that had stopped caressing his head.
“But I can’t help it when you act so cute.”
He rolled his eyes and moved off me to lean back in the couch. It seemed he no longer wanted pets, so I sat back up, massaging my numb thighs. On the coffee table were two glasses, one with water and one empty. As I reached for my glass to take a sip of water, I noticed Caleb was staring at the empty one. With a slight tilt to his head, he slowly reached for it.
It was almost like the world was suddenly set in slow motion. I merely watched as he extended a couple of fingers to push the glass slowly towards the side of the coffee table. Perhaps it was because I didn’t actually think he would do it, but I didn’t make a move to stop him at first even as he pushed the glass further and further. It was only when the glass was teetering off the table’s edge that I realized,
Oh. He’s really gonna do it, huh?
“Caleb…” I uttered his name as a warning.
“What are --”
Before I could say anything else, he gave the glass one last push, and it toppled to the floor. Fortunately, there was a rug underneath, so the glass didn’t break. All the while, Caleb stared at the glass as if it was the most interesting thing he’d ever seen.  
“Why’d you do that?” I had to ask.
“I dunno. I just really wanted to see what would happen if it fell.”
All I could do was let out a defeated sigh. He was just one of those cats: rambunctious, always curious and with an immense amount of energy.
“Don’t you do daily training at Skyhaven?” I asked him.
“Yup. First thing every morning,” he responded as he munched on a bag of calamari-flavored chips. Lately he had been craving snacks that were fish flavored.
“Well, I have an idea! I’ve noticed how restless you’ve been. If you need to let off some steam, instead of being cooped up in the apartment all day, why don’t you go out for a run? You could go out while I fix dinner. That way, when you come back, you’ll be ready to eat!”
“Trying to kick me out of the apartment now?” He teased with a smirk.
“Oh, come on!” I scoffed. “You’ve been following me all over the place when you’re not taking things apart! You even sit outside the door when I’m in the bathroom!” I accused.
He laughed. “Fiiine. You do have a point.” He got up and stretched. “A run would do me good. I’ll change into something lighter and head out.”
Once he was changed in a tank top, shorts (with tail still visible), and sneakers, he gave me a wave and left the apartment. I could see him running down the street from my balcony window. It was quiet while he was gone. I couldn’t help the sigh of relief as I prepared our dinner: shrimp scampi. I had a feeling he’d be excited for it when he came back.
Even though he was a troublemaker, I did love having Kitty!Caleb around. I wouldn’t admit it to his face, but his constant presence made me happy and filled me with a sense of security. While he was under the cat evol, he couldn’t leave, either. That realization did admittedly please me and there were moments when we were curled up on the couch together – with me playing with those ears of his – that I found myself wishing the cat evol would stay. That way, he would never leave...
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“I’m going for a run! Be back in a few!”
It was the sixth day of Caleb staying over. We had a routine at this point: in the late afternoon, he’d go out for a run while I began making dinner. This daily ritual of his really helped the restlessness he’d begin to feel around this time of day. We knew it was the result of him being part cat now, as cats would get what everyone called the “zoomies.” Caleb’s daily runs were basically him trying to combat that.
“’Kay! Food will be here when you get back!” I said to him before he was out the door.
“You’re picking it up, right? Sushi?”
“Awesome. Then we should catch up on that series you showed me the other day.”
“It’s a date!”
“Cool. See ya!”
And he was gone. While he was out, I stopped by the nearby sushi place to pick up our order. Caleb insisted he pay for the meal since I had been the one doing all the cooking lately. As such, we splurged, getting several different rolls – all seafood, of course. We were especially excited about the crab meat and fatty tuna.
After I picked up our food, I stopped by a couple other stores before going back home. I timed it so I was out for about an hour – the same amount of time Caleb was usually out on his runs. When I arrived back at the apartment, he was still out, so I began unpacking the food. I set it on some plates for us and grabbed two pairs of chopsticks. I also decided to heat up some leftover rice and miso soup from a previous meal.
The hour was passed, and Caleb still wasn’t home. Another ten minutes went by and still no sign of him.
Maybe he stopped somewhere to grab a drink or something.
After another ten minutes, I decided to text him. No answer. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
Don’t freak out. He’s not an actual cat. He’s not lost. I’m sure he’s fine.
Then I remembered he couldn’t use his evol right now. He said it was starting to gradually come back, but slowly. It was basically still unusable at the moment; too weak.
I took more deep breaths and whispered “stay calm” to myself again and again, like a mantra.
He wouldn’t have left Linkon without telling me, right? No way.
I glanced over to the side of the couch. Sure enough, his duffel bag was still where he’d left it. It was slightly open, and I could see some of his clothes peeking out. No, he hadn’t headed back to Skyhaven.
I decided to call him this time. My stomach dropped when I heard the buzzing sound of his phone vibrating. He’d left it sitting on the coffee table. It was now an hour and thirty minutes since Caleb had left, and I had no way of contacting him.
I ran out of the apartment, took the steps instead of the elevator to get downstairs faster, and out the building’s front door. Like an owner who had lost her actual cat, I called out his name. No answer, and the streets were empty and silent. Gripping my phone, I decided to run down a couple blocks in case I spotted him running back home. Meow’s Café was nearby, but even a peek in there proved worthless. The café had opened back up, but Caleb was nowhere to be found.
“Should I contact the police? It would be too much if I made missing posters, right?” I muttered. I slowly walked back home, heart pounding, fighting the tears that sprung in my eyes.
He could be anywhere. What if he’s really hurt this time and he can’t contact me? I bit down on my lip and took a couple shaky breaths.
Back in the apartment, I slowly lowered myself down on the couch, staring at his phone that continued to sit on the table. The sushi still sat on the kitchen island counter untouched. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what to do.
Am I overreacting? He could be fine, just running late. But he usually doesn’t forget his phone.
It had been almost two hours at this point. I pulled my legs up to my chest and lowered my head until my forehead touched my knees. I kept holding my phone tightly, on the off chance that I received a call about Caleb’s whereabouts.
My head jerked up when I suddenly heard my door’s keypad beeping. Someone was dialing my passcode and only one other person knew what it was.
I could have burst into tears at the sight of Caleb coming through the door. I jumped off the couch and ran up to him. The moment he saw me, he began to speak quickly.
“I’m so sorry I’m late! I even forgot my phone! I was trying to get back as soon as I could but --”
I wasn’t listening to him. I couldn’t. I had been so terrified something had happened to him. That I’d lost him again. As soon as I was in front of him, I pummeled him lightly with my fist.
“Where have you been?! Do you know how worried I’ve been?!”
“I know. I --”
“I was so scared, Caleb! And what are you wearing?!” I suddenly asked, now noticing the change in his wardrobe. He wasn’t in his workout combo of tank top and shorts. He was wearing a chocolate brown three-piece suit with a forest green tie. He even had gloves on.
“You know what? Never mind. Come here.”
I grabbed his hand and yanked him towards the bedroom. He let out a quiet gasp but didn’t protest or try to resist. Once we stepped inside, I pushed him down onto the bed. Standing over him, I glared at him, still reeling from how scared I had been.
He looked up at me with concern and regret in those sunset eyes. “I really scared you, huh? I really am sorry.”
“I should have known better when taking in a stray like you. You know what we caretakers do with naughty cats who wander off?”
The corner of his lifted ever so slightly, as if he was trying not to smile.
“It’s just like what you told me.” I grabbed a nearby bag and pulled out a collar – a human-sized one. It looked just like the ones people bought for cats. It had a bell dangling from it, and next to that, a small, black square box. I was told the box was a tracker, with a built-in GPS. A lot of cat collars had the same things, for owners to know where their outside cats were roaming; the perfect solution for making sure their beloved kitty didn’t get lost.
“You said you put a collar with a bell on that injured cat we took in when we were kids. So it wouldn’t run away before it recovered without us knowing. I remember you telling me that. At the time, I didn’t understand. I thought you were being too overprotective. But now…”
I unbuckled the collar. He watched me quietly.
“Now I get it. Now I’ll know wherever you go. You won’t be able to disappear on me again.” I told him.
“Go ahead.” Was his response. He even leaned closer to me.
I blinked and stared at him. He didn’t flinch or move away, just watched me expectantly. Despite my anger, desperation, and everything I’d just said, I hesitated.
“You don’t mind?”
“If this will make you feel better, do it. I don’t mind you keepin’ tabs on me,” he replied.
So, I put the collar around his neck and fastened it. However, I made sure not to make it too tight. Once fastened around him, he ran his fingers along the leather and poked the bell, causing it to jingle.
“If you think about it, you’ve given me two collars now,” he remarked. He pulled out the familiar dog tag necklace from under his shirt. “Guess this means I’m pretty important to you, huh?” He teased with a smirk.
I gave his shoulder a shove. “You’re not allowed to joke about this. I was really scared, you know.”
His smile faltered and he gazed at me seriously. “I know. And again, I really am sorry about that. I swear I was on my way home, when some guy from a butler café stopped me. He thought I was one of the workers slacking off on the job. Guess they were doing a cat butler theme and noticed my ears and tail. Took me forever to convince him that I didn’t work there. Then he gave me this suit as an apology. Thought I’d wear it to surprise you, but…”
I huffed, still not ready to let go of my resentment from him scaring me.
“So, someone tried to take my cat and even tried to bribe him with nice things. Guess I really can’t take my eyes off you, huh?”
He tilted his head playfully, tail raised and swaying from side to side.
“You know no one can take me away from you. Buut, if you’re mad, I can make it up to you, my lady.” His voice dropped an octave lower as he put on the persona of a devoted butler, placing a hand on his chest.
“Let me think…” I took a moment to consider my options as he gazed at me with shining eyes.
“You have to buy me all the snacks I could ever ask for. Including drinks.”
He chuckled. “Don’t I already do that?”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “You have to text me every morning and night and tell me what you’re up to.”
“That’s not difficult at all. You’re goin’ pretty easy on me.”
“And you’re not allowed to take random gifts from anyone without asking me first.”
He shrugged. “Can do. Not that I’d want anyone else’s gifts anyway. Anything else?”
I paused, not sure what else to demand.
“Aw, c’mon. There’s nothing else? I’m ready and willing to do whatever, you know.”
I admittedly pouted a little. “I dunno. I'm still thinking.”
He grinned. “Well, how about…”
He suddenly took hold of my arm and gently pulled me down onto the bed beside him. I quickly sat back against the headboard, eyes widening as Caleb hovered over me on all fours. His ears were perked, and his tail was raised up, forming what almost looked like a question mark.
“How about all the snuggles with your big cat that you could ever ask for?” He lowered himself down and placed his head in my lap, looking up at me with the sweetest, most adoring expression I had ever seen from him.
“Why would I want that?” I muttered, trying to ignore the heat spreading from my neck to my ears.
“Well, they say cuddling with a cat is soothing, and improves your mood.” He even began to purr. “A cat’s purr even has health benefits.”
I couldn’t help myself. He was being so endearing; I could feel my anger dissipating as I reached down to run my fingers through his hair and over those orange ears. As his eyes slid shut in delight, he took hold of my free hand and nuzzled it, planting kisses and even light nibbles on my fingers.
I felt my heart begin to pound and frowned at the blush I could just feel on my face. “Ugh. Why can’t I stay angry at you, Caleb?” I whined.
He opened his eyes and grinned up at me. “’Cause I’m a cat. Your cat.”
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Later on, we decided to finally eat the food we’d bought for dinner, while huddled together on the couch. Caleb insisted on continuing the role as a devoted butler and that it was my turn to have my head resting in his lap. As we watched a drama together, he fed me bites of sushi and rice, making sure not one grain fell onto my face.
“This is a bit much, isn’t it?” I wondered, feeling a bit awkward at this level of pampering.
“Course not. You just sit there and relax, my lady. This cat butler is here for your every need.”
I sighed and reached up to touch that black box on his collar he still wore around his neck.
“And you’re sure you don’t mind the collar?”
He laughed. “I’m your cat right now, right? While I still have the ears and tail, I’m gonna wear it.”
My hand drifted from the collar to his cheek. “I wasn’t really mad, you know. I was just scared that you had disappeared again…”
His smile was tender. “I know. I would have acted the same way if I were you. But I promise, Pip-squeak, I won’t disappear on you ever again. Not as a cat and not when I’m back to normal. Although…”
He set the plate down and picked up my phone that was sitting by his on the coffee table. He held it out to me.
“I still wouldn’t mind if you were tracking me. If you want to keep a GPS on me, just say the word and I’ll program it into your phone.”
I stared at him for a moment before taking my phone. “I’ll think about it,” I said quietly.
He nodded and stroked my hair. “And even after this is all over, and I head back to Skyhaven, all you have to do is call me. I’ll only be a phone call away.”
I looked away. “You can’t always promise that…”
“Yes, I can.” He said firmly. “We found each other again, and I won’t let anything tear us apart.”
He sounded so certain of this conviction that I was prone to believe him. I pressed my face into his torso and wrapped my arms around his waist. We stayed there on the couch in each other’s arms, feeling closer to each other than ever before.
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vellatrelle · 1 month ago
Something something about Caleb and underwear
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aqvarivsvart · 3 months ago
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Do you want it, kitten?
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aikkyuu · 2 months ago
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my babyyyy! 😣 look at him sulking and pouting😭🤍
full credit to artist: @fishbone0306 on X!
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baobei-bu · 1 month ago
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we're gaming full on x
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cinnamorollcrybaby · 2 months ago
Good enough
Tags: Caleb x fem!Reader, smut, unprotected angry sex, Caleb’s back and he’s jealous, breeding kink, mdni, not proofread sorry, this shit is NASTY i fear.
An: This one is for a dear friend of mine 🙂‍↕️ Thanks for making me pull out of my writer’s block. LOOK i’m so sorry if this is bad but i had to write SOMETHING to pull me out of this funk… i hope you all enjoy
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How did you end up trapped underneath your half-cyborg best friend who was legally deceased while taking the meanest deep strokes of your life? Well, there’s a simple answer. Caleb knew Xavier was home.
Actually, he knew everything: the dates, the tender moments, the secret times, the nightly rendezvous. Pissed was an understatement.
Had you forgotten? Had you forgotten all the promises you two made each other when you were younger? Had you forgotten that you were fucking made for him? You had to have. That’s why you were stringing along 4 different guys. You were trying to fill a hole that only he could fill.
That had to be why.
Regardless, Caleb knew Xavier was the type to listen to you through the floorboards of his upstairs apartment. He was a lot alike Caleb in that sort of manner. They were both possessive freaks who couldn’t stand the thought of you being with somebody else.
That’s why Caleb was fucking you so hard — pounding your pretty pussy so deeply into the mattress that you were seeing stars with each mean thrust.
He used his size to his advantage. It was fitting. He’d always loved how much bigger he was than you. That’s how you received your adorned nickname: pipsqueak.
He planned on his first time with you being a lot more gentle than this. He planned on being sweet and loving. He planned on cherishing your body the way you deserve, but you just had to go and give yourself to 4 other guys before him.
“Stop crying.” His voice rumbled as his piercing gaze found yours — so much different than the sweet childhood friend you had. His hand covered your mouth as he hunched over your figure, still ramming his cock head into you ruthlessly. “I know you can take it. I’ve watched you take it before.”
Your eyes blinked back tears as you looked up at him. He was being so mean. You couldn’t believe this was the same doting Caleb that you grew up with, and you didn’t even want to think about the face he had been watching you…
“Fucking pussy’s made for me, and you’ve been letting other men try to make her feel good.” He growled as he used his less-than-human arm reach down and gently rub against your small button of nerves.
“Caleb-!” You choked out as your body writhed beneath him. You could feel every ridge and vein of his thick cock splitting you apart, making you wholly his and his alone.
“That’s right… Say my name, baby. Tell me who’s making you feel so good.” He prompted with a confident smirk before he hauled your legs up above his shoulders, sinking even deeper into your dripping cunt.
Clawing at the bed, your back arched as you tried to cope with the intrusion. He’s so fucking deep it feels like you’re going to choke on him. “Caleb-“ You sob as your cunt pitifully clenches around him.
Feeling you wrapped around him so sweetly, crying out his name as you’re so overwhelmed with pleasure has Caleb revitalized with a new vigor. His hips work in tight circles, pumping his fat cock in and out of you as your cunt makes the most obscene squelching noises he’s ever heard.
“Such a fucking noisy girl. I should’ve know you were going to be a crybaby.” He teased before placing open mouth kisses along your neck snd shoulder.
“W-wait Caleb- calebcalebcaleb. I’m gonna..” You pant out nervously as his metal fingers were still rubbing languid circled around your cunt, and his tip was smooshing globs of precum against your cervix.
His fingers suddenly pinch down on your clit, making you cry out from the sensation. Your body went taut as you were being dangled on the edge of pleasure. His robotic arm wasn’t quite letting you get there.
You thought his arm was literally malfunctioning until you heard him chuckle from your suffering.
“You’re going to cum when I saw you can, okay baby?” He asked in that same condescending tone he always used when you two were younger.
His hips continued to roll after he was sure that you weren’t going to fall off the deep end, and he let out deep guttural groans, feeling your pretty pussy soak him. It was like you were practically trying to suck him in. He couldn’t believe he had waited this long to sink into your cunt like this.
and the best part about it was he knew your stupid upstairs neighbor was listening! Xavier knew you were down here getting railed, and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
Hell, if he even tried, Caleb would use his evol and force him kneel beside the bed as he drilled you even harder.
Fuck, the thought of slutting you out in front of every single one of your little boyfriends had his stomach tightening. His hips snapped forward into you with a pace that could only be described as feral.
You were a complete babbling mess at this point — utterly cock drunk as Caleb had you folded in half, filling you up to the brim with his length.
“Ohhh, that’s my girl.” He purred as he saw your glossed over look. “It’s coming, baby. I’m going to give you want you need.” He promised as he pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead that completely contradicted the ruthless way his hips were rutting into you.
“C-caleb- Caleb no, wait.. Don’t cum inside-“ You stuttered out in a panic. You hadn’t been by the pharmacy yet to pick up birth control, so technically, this was all unprotected.
“Why?” He growled as his back curled over. He was fucking mounting you while holding your thighs in the prettiest mating press he’d ever seen. “You fucking let them fill you up. Am I not good enough to breed this pussy?”
His hips slammed into you. It felt like he was trying to push his way straight into your womb. It was mind-numbing pleasure, making black orbs and stars dance across your vision.
“Look at me, baby.” He ordered, dragging your face to look back up at him. You could barely see straight. It was all too much. “You’re going to let your best friend breed you, and you’re gonna fucking love it. You’re going to cum all over this fat cock until you can’t breathe. Understand?”
You dumbly nodded your head, halfway hearing his words. Your pussy was aching to cum. Your swollen puffy folds were greedily accepting him in with every thrust. You wanted this. Birth control be damned. Everyone else be damned.
Caleb gritted his teeth together as he gave you a few more good harsh thrusts for good measure. He then crushed his body against yours, burying himself all the way to your womb before his cock started to jerk and pulse inside of you, shooting rope after rope of his thick potent cum. The only thing on his mind was the need to see you, his childhood best friend, round with his baby.
He needed to see the look on each other of those pricks’ faces when they realized you were spoken for.
The cherry on top was when he felt your walls clenching around him, happily milking his cock for everything he had while you sobbed and hiccuped his name. It seemed like his childhood best friend was maybe just as twisted as he was. He’d have to give her an extra good reward for being such a good girl.
As the room went still and quiet — only filled with shared breaths and pants for air, the sound of someone stabbing a sword through the ceiling was heard, and Caleb chuckled deeply. He had definitely pissed Xavier off.
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aomiiine · 2 months ago
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AT THIS SHIP YOU WILL WITNESS … current!caleb & fem!reader. warning(s) -> MDNI. [18+ only]. needy/possessive caleb, might be ooc caleb, apple as a gag(?), squirting, implied creampies, cum eating, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus, no plot, just smut, not proofread wordcount. 1.6k (kinda short cs idk much ab him yet & i dedicated my whole pussy into this forgive me) tags. @ljubimaya
𝐻𝐸 𝑅𝐸𝒯𝒰𝑅𝒩𝒮 with single-minded determination to keep you near him at all times. Even with a 180 degree turn of his personality during his interrogation of you before, he assures you that protocol was the only reason for his brief change. Yet in the privacy of his room, he doesn’t exactly change to normal..
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You didn’t know what brought you to the current situation you were in. To be more detailed, the situation you were in included you sprawled out on his bed, shirt bunched up beneath your chin with Caleb’s body hovering above you, burying his cock into you with reckless abandon. It all started with an innocent, heartfelt confession. But little did you know that calebs’ feelings would run so deep, so intense, to the point he had to have his mouth latch onto one of your tits, eagerly suckling on a nipple all the while his hips were unrelenting.
“W-wait, Caleb, please, I can’t cum again,” you whine with a sob, hands above you clinging onto his pillow for dearlife as he brought you to the brink of your nth orgasm. Caleb on the other hand seemed better than you despite the fact he would follow you every time you came, spilling his seed into your warm channel as if in sync. In truth, he wanted to cum the moment he slid inside your wet heat, but decided against it, wanting to cum with you. “Yes you can, I know you can, sweet girl,” he mumbled persuasively sweet against your flushed skin, your tits aching in the best way in his squeezing hand and warm mouth.
“Caleb, Caleb, fuck—! I feel weird,” you sobbed with a drawn out moan, hips beginning to squirm at the unfamiliar feeling in lower belly. His cock was stretching you out so good, almost too good. You thought you were on the edge of another orgasm but it felt completely foreign to you, fearing that you might embarrass yourself if Caleb kept on going like this. But Caleb himself was undeterred. Instead, a knowing smile of satisfaction crept on his face at your pleas, knowing exactly what was coming. “Of course you are, baby,” he cooed softly, hand fondling your right breast slipping down your back to thumb over the sensitive nub of your clit, rubbing it quick, tight circles that made your body arch into him with a cry.
Your legs quivered and kicked weakly on Caleb’s hip all the while he was fucking into you like it was nobody’s business, eager to push more of his cum into your already fully pussy. He could feel the heels of your feet burying into his lower back, quivering with pleasure that he knew was unfamiliar to you until now. Until he brought it to you.
his touch was precise, coaxing but going above your limits to make sure he makes your mind blank out. And true to his intentions, you cried out, loud, arching off the bed with splutters of profanities leaving your lips along with a wail pleading of his name when the pace of his thrusts into you sopping cunt quickened along with the rub and pinches of the throbbing nub of your clit.
Your lips parted in a silent scream when you felt yourself squirting all over his thick cock, yours juices surely overflowing onto his pelvis and down his balls to drip onto the sheets, making you gasp repeatedly, velvety walls spasming uncontrollably around Caleb’s pitifully hard dick, making him hiss a heavy ‘shit’ before he fucked into you more, prolonging your orgasm to reach his own. His hips jerked erratically into you, balls drawn up tight with his incoming orgasm until he came to an abrupt stop, hand previously rubbing your nub now holding you down by your pelvis all the while his throbbing cock pulsed with each pump of cum into your already filled cunt, making sure to overflow you with his seed.
Caleb’s chest heaved with heavy breaths to catch his breath, pulling away from your boneless, sweat sheened body on the bed, with his length deeply sheathed inside your warm hole still. With a few more shallow thrusts, he finally pulled out, breathing out a moan at the erotic sight of his cum that made a ring around his base, your leaking slit no less sexy.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking hot like.. Panting like a bitch in heat just for me,” caleb taunted, his own cheeks flushed red all the same along with his body coated with a thin layer of sweat like yours was on his bed, chest heaving from exertion. He couldn’t help the sly smirk that crept up his face, hand sliding down your thigh to pat the plush flesh there twice as if he was praising you, saying ‘good girl’.
Your pants died out and your breathing came back to normal, your limbs weak on the bed after a moment. Your lids felt heavy during the brief period when Caleb wasn’t doing to you, head burying into his pillow beneath your head to succumb to the sleep that called for you. But it seems like your supposed childhood friend had other plans for you.
“Urk..! Caleb.. what’re you doing now..” you slurred, mind still hazy from the mind blowing orgasm he gave you to process the tug he made on your leg. Your head lifted from the pillow weakly to see what he was doing standing off the edge of the bed, other hand moving to wrap around your other leg for another tug until you were close to the edge of the mattress.
“Shh.. get your rest. I’ll clean you up while you sleep, yeah?” the man with violet eyes shushed with a teasing lilt, reaching an arm over to grab one of his red apples nearby to bring them up to your lips, leaning forward to meet your half-lidded gaze. “Try not to be too loud.. I don’t want any of my colleagues coming over for a noise complaint,” he spoke in a near whisper, making the fresh red skin of the apple to kiss your equally succulent lips. You brought up a hand to hold the apple, letting him pull away. Yours brows furrowed at the implication that he wasn’t done, already biting down on the sweet fruit he gave you.
Leaving you oblivious, Caleb knelt between your legs that hung over the edge of his bed, positioning himself so he could lean in close to your pussy which he left in a mess, globs of his semen still oozing out to drip down the delicious curves of your ass. With eyes gleaming with unsated lust, he propped an arm under your thigh, the other hand pushing the other thigh further apart to give him access to your dripping cunt. He stopped pulling you apart when he could see your weakly clenching hole, head dipping to lick a firm stripe up the wet slit, making sure to flick over the clit too before repeated the action once more, though sloppier this time.
The evident shivers you made at his ministrations made him grin at the while he lapped up at the remnants of your juices that stained your folds, alternating between tongue-fucking your slick warm heat and sucking and biting on your sensitive nub for an extra boost of pleasure to shoot up your spine. Caleb’s gaze flickered up to your squirming form whenever he found the strength to peel his eyes off your filled pussy, scooping up his cum that he stuffed inside your used cunt to taste himself, then shove it back into you. The man could barely hear the muffled whines and whimpers you made whenever his slid his tongue as deep as it could go past your entrance, unrelenting with his pace, utterly absorbed in the act of pleasing you along with ‘cleaning’ you.
your earlier boneless body flared up again at the persistent strokes of caleb’s tongue on your wet heat, feeling his hand on your thigh knead your flesh and squeeze it tight whenever he lost himself in your depths for a long while before pulling away to get some air, only when he felt the unforgivable burn in his lungs. The way his nose grazed your neglected clit was equally unforgivable, only offering the nub a few kitten licks that nothing to sate its throbbing need for stimulation. Yet when he sensed your impending orgasm, it was as if a switch went off in his head, his focusing shifting to your pitiful clit to assault it with full force, nibbling and swirling his tongue around it relentlessly. The man was thankful he gave you that apple, or else the volumes of your cries at the delicious orgasm he was about to make you reach again would have escaped his room to the ears of his unsuspecting colleagues.
“For fuck’s sake, Caleb, slow, fuck..! Slow down..!” You thrashed your hips all over his face, grinding for dear life. You could feel your climax coming in, and it was coming in fast. You rocked your hips into his face a few more times before you brought the bite covered apple to your mouth for another full bite, throwing your head back with a hand gripping onto the pillow beside your head, an overwhelming sense of ecstasy washing over your body, barely able to overcome your sobs.
“I could make you cum all the damn hours of the day if I could, princess, fuck.. you did so well,” Caleb grinned against the damp folds of your pussy, half of his face smeared with your cum which he slurped with unrivalled eagerness. He pulled away from between your thighs to look up at you properly, curl of his lips growing only wider at the sight of your utterly passed out on his bed, his earlier praises falling to deaf ears.
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zanyssins · 3 months ago
Wippie. I’m fighting my life with this one
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umamaki · 2 months ago
cw: lowk red flag caleb lol, virginity loss
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Caleb is pissed when you get asked out for the first time. He had deliberately warned everyone in both of your social circles to stay away from you. Not without threats of violence or death, either. So yeah, he’s pissed as fuck when you tell him. Did he have to burn the whole world down merely to keep you all to himself? To protect you from perverts and creeps?
But, unfortunate and naive, you were so damn excited for this date. He couldn’t spoil your mood. Not when you asked him which dress to wear—both of them too short for his liking—and certainly not when you asked him to zip up the back for you.
There was just something about how you looked, all dolled up and cute to see someone who wasn’t him. He can already barely control himself around you; even the thought of another man having access to you like this makes him utterly sick. “It’s just not a good idea. All guys want the same thing.”
“You’re a guy aren’t you, Caleb? So what, are you telling me you’re like that too? Hmm?” He wants to wipe the playful smile off your face. You just think everything’s some fucking game.
“He’s gonna want to kiss you. Touch you. Fuck you. Have you ever been fucked? Huh, pipsqueak?”
He thinks he went too far then, notes the way your eyes widen and lips slightly part. You shake your head, but he already knows. He knows everything about you. So when you ask if he can help you, give you some advice, he knows exactly how he will.
“So naive, let me just show you.” He smashes his lips against yours. The force would’ve sent you falling backwards had he not steadied you with his hand on the small of your back.
“This is how to kiss…” he mutters it into your mouth, not caring that your teeth are hitting each other.
“And this…” he lifts your skirt just enough so that he can pull your panties to the side and slide his fingers along your puffy folds. “This is how it feels to be fingered.”
“Ah—Caleb!” You squeal when he fully plunges his finger in deeper than your own fingers ever could. He adds another, and soon the room is filled with your moans and the lewd squelch of his fingers thrusting in and out of your soaked pussy.
His lips are back on yours, and this time his tongue is shoved inside your mouth, claiming it. He goes faster when he feels your walls clench around him, and lets you grip his biceps while you come around his fingers and leave behind crescent shaped indents on his arms.
He nearly throws you on the bed, eager to yank off your underwear and free himself from his own boxers, wasting no time in aligning his tip to your still sensitive cunt.
“This is how to take it like a good fucking girl.” You try your best to relax, to be so good for him as he buries himself into you. He lets you get used to his size, going slow. Not moving until you practically beg him to, then there’s no going back. He’s brutally snapping his hips against yours and watching your tits bounce through your dress.
“Already gonna come on my cock? You really are inexperienced. Can’t even control yourself. Go on then. Fucking. Come.” With two last jerks of his hips, your climax washes over you and he tries so fucking hard to delay his own orgasm. He begins to pull out but your legs lock him in place. He cums on the spot—still inside you.
“Don’t care that I ruined your dress? How you gonna go on your date now, baby?”
“Hm. Guess I have to cancel,” you say, faux disappointment coating your words.
He pauses. “There was no date.”
“There was no date.” You confirm, wearing that same stupid grin from before. Luckily your schedule is free, because he has a hell of a punishment waiting for you after that.
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ilovemitsuya · 5 months ago
how it started how it’s going
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I just know he has been waiting to do that for a long time
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scorpyuu · 2 months ago
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✨ Nightly rendezvous ✨
Before 🍎 comes home.
Which one is your favourite?
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ramonathinks · 8 months ago
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summary: tired of your virginity, you decide to auction it off — but you weren’t thinking it would be leader of the notorious group, onychinus who offers the most money of $10,000,000.
cw// 18+ virginity loss, soft sex, small plot but not really, pet names, slight? knife play, oral, she/her pronouns, choking, finger sucking, praise, dumbification, degradation, slight fingering, corruption kink( if you squint), female guided masturbation (? kinda? idk!), squirting, attempt at aftercare, the twins have a cameo. wc: 5.3k
tagging: @lvminy @kissxcore @sunasbon @preciousamethyst (hope it’s okay to tag you guys 🥹🫶🏾) @satorubi
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You could only assume it was Luke or Kieran who had told Sylus where you were and perhaps what you were up to. Or maybe it was that damn crow, who insisted you stayed inside. But really, it didn’t matter who said anything because Sylus was grabbing you before a single hand flew up. 
“10 million.” His voice was sharp — a hint of anger, annoyance and frustration on him, it oozed off his body and with the dazzling ruby eyes of him staring everyone down… they got the hint that he was throwing around. He was pissed. Too pissed to hear what anyone else had to say. Power rolled off of him in waves everyday but it was obvious that this day, and this girl and this place was provoking him. 
The auctioneer's lips trembled in his presence. “T-ten million going at once.” He awkwardly scanned the room, not a cough of a mumble was heard. “Going twice.” Breads of sweat gathered around his forehead and he swallowed. “Sold!” He exclaimed, nodding his head rapidly in Slyus’ direction, guiding the both of you towards a secluded area.
He scoffed and tightened his grip on your body, it took him little to no effort to hand over his card and in a few seconds the transaction was completed; a portion for them and the bigger sum of the money going to you. His eyes narrowed as he glared at you briefly. 
You couldn’t help but feel like the stupidest person ever and perhaps at this moment… you were. Being stuck inside and with nowhere to go most days because of the claims of dangers awaiting you, it was tiring. Plus, you had urges, like anyone else – womanly and carnal urges, desires and fantasies. You couldn’t help yourself when Luke mentioned it in passing and Kieran slapped him on the head telling him to shut up about it; it was simply interesting and something Linkon City would’ve never allowed. 
You hated the silence. “Are…are you mad at me?” Walking out of the pale building and to the dark cold outside, moving close to his motorcycle. Looking around you think about how the tenebrific ambience that’s casted over this place, it really wasn’t the same as where you grew up, time moves differently here, almost. 
“You went into the N109 Zone alone, potentially putting yourself in danger and you want to know if I’m mad at you?” He speaks with a hard tone, his touch scorching hot against your arm, his touch addicting. “Of all the times to be reckless…” He does a heavy sigh, followed by pinching the bridge of his nose. 
He’s handing you a helmet and putting his own, sitting down and waiting for your arms to wrap around his waist before he drives off. The wind rushes through you swiftly and no matter how many times you’re on his motorcycle, you can’t help but to feel fear course through every fiber of your body. 
Time always seemed to move faster when you were with him and it moved especially fast being on his motorcycle, he drove dangerously and it always led to you clinging more closer to him than you realized. 
Upon making it back, you jumped off the motorcycle and handed him the helmet, shaking your hair to make sure it looked halfway decent. 
Stepping back inside of the Headquarters of Onychinus, Luke popped his head around the corner and you mustered up the angriest glare that you could make him cower away. You could hear him and Kieran chattering about something. “No use in being mad at them, you brought this on to yourself.” Sylus told you, ushering you into his room.
You just sighed, sitting with your legs crossed on a singular chair that was near a small table in the room. The air felt more tense and uncomfortable than the other times you were here and you couldn’t help but to think of how for once you wished that Mephisto was here so that you wouldn’t be alone with him, not with this temper he clearly had. “Listen Sylus, it was a stupid thing and I know that—”
Lightening wasn’t as quick as him when he grabbed the sides of your face and kissed you. Nothing with him was ever warm and inviting, always hard and even a bit mean but luckily not forceful. His tongue licked at your lips and you complied with no hesitation. His tongue felt hot against your own, it sent flames up your body and you could feel everything in the pit of your stomach and to your throat. When he pulled away, he looked at you and from the way he smirked… you knew you looked out of it. Your eyes alone felt heavy and your knees were wobbling, too weak to stand. With your eyes on his, you watched the dazzling red become harder to look away from. 
The voices came strong and with a clear message: “fuck him… fulfill your desires…” they spoke to you and you both loved and hated the throbbing sensation that followed. You wanted to remind yourself that he was an enemy… it was too hard to do when he looked like he did and with a voice as deep and rich, it was almost unbearable. Yes, he was an enemy but you couldn’t lie to yourself; you knew the real reason you went to the auction was to make him jealous. You don’t know what it is about him that makes you react the way it does but it burns inside of you and to your very core. 
When the light from his eye dimmed and with rapid blinks you were back and felt more stable. “Your little mind always tells me more than your lips do. If you wanted me… I would’ve given you all of me with no hesitation.” It sounded like a promise and it swayed you, you leaned into his arms. “I can try to be gentle.” He whispered close to you, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. 
“Sylus,” His name trembles out of your lips. “I want you to touch me. I want you to make me…” You squeezed your thighs together. “I want you to make me feel good.” You felt too vulnerable in his presence but the truth slipped from your lips so fast as if you were forced to.
He looked as if something took over him, desire deep in his ruby eyes and you couldn’t look away from him, too turned on. “Take your clothes off.” His husky voice said above you. He didn’t move, just watched you shuffle your clothes off until you were in nothing but your panties; when you moved to take those off, it was then that he stopped you. “I’ll handle the rest.” He assured you before he laid you down — your head on his soft black pillows and your body rigid. 
You don’t know where the knife came from until it’s rubbing up your calf and moving its way up to your underwear, the cool metal piercing your skin just barely. Your breathing labored and measured, trying not to show your fear but it was failing you. “Stay still, I would hate to nick your pretty skin.” The knife tickled your thighs when he finally snipped open the front that held your secret possession.
He groaned at the sight, audible and bit his lips to contain himself more. You wanted to cover yourself but when your legs moved even a tiny bit to hide, he spread them wider and the cool breezes from around the room slapped across your feverish cunt. There was a smile so deep on his lips as he spread your lips open for him to see. “You ever touched down here?” The way he said it, as if you were all innocent, he narrowed his eyes when you nodded yes. “Show me.”
“H-huh?” You stuttered out. “I can’t just…” 
“Just show me what you normally do… when you’re all alone… in your room…under the covers.” He says it slowly, letting you absorb every word he says.
You’re bare and can feel just how comfortable his comforter set was. Your cunt wet and inviting but his eyes stay on yours, which makes it harder for you to breathe. “I just kinda just do…” Clumsily you spread your lips and simply slid your fingers around yourself, barely focusing on your clit but already overwhelmed. “But I can’t make myself cum, ‘m too sensitive.” His eyes transfixed on your fingers and pussy as you work yourself, your face contorting between pleasure and something else before you stop, heavily breathing. 
“Oh? No wonder you’re so unsatisfied, you don’t know your own body. Good thing I’m here to help.” He’s closer, sitting at the end of the bed yet so close to you. He spreads your legs and you can see a glimpse of excitement dancing in his eyes. He inspects you – stroking up your legs and inching his way up and down your thighs, ignoring how with every touch your breath hitches and your toes curl. “I haven’t even touched you that much and you’re already a mess.” He spreads you; opens you up and closes your folds again completely immersed in the gushy noises that follows.
“This,” Sylus says, spreading your sticky lips apart and his breathing getting heavier. “This is your pretty little clit.” He taps the bud with the rough pads of his fingers. “She sits right here behind these lips.” His fingers are lighting a fire and trailing it around your body. “Open these up again… and this,” you gasp, his fingers sitting right in the spot you never touch. “This twitching little hole? That’s where I’m going to fill you up.” He chuckles humorously, circling the hole and gathering the leaking wetness there, your hips rising on their own accord before he pulls away. 
“Now, your turn.” 
“But I—” You’re close to tears, wetness gathered at your lash line daring to fall. “I can’t, I don’t think I can do it like you.” You hated how needy you sounded and how clingy you were being. 
“I hardly did anything. Just simple touches, to show you where everything was. Pleasure points that you should follow. Did you want more? Did you like how I touched you, little one?” You couldn’t help but to gasp at the nickname, it filled your body with more wetness and he watched it leak down to his sheets. 
Your insides continue to flutter at the name and your face feels hot. “This is what you paid for right? Might as well get your fill from it.” You try to sound bold and intimidating but his demeanor just softens at your attempt. 
“As you wish.” He bends down and cups your cheek before placing a delicate kiss on your lips and you can’t help but to squeal a bit at the warmth that his lips bring you. His fingers brush your face before he moves his mouth down to your neck, licking a stripe before sucking on your skin. You can feel his lips curling into a smile at every noise you make. “I could do this all day… but where’s the fun in that? I’m sure you’ll make even better noises when I touch here.” Cupping the palm of his hand and gently slapping it against your core, your back arches and a whiny moan slips out. 
“See? So much better.” You hate the smug look on his face, his red eyes radiant in the dim room staring you down makes you self conscious and ready to hide yourself from him. “I’m going to put my fingers right here,” His breath tickling your core. “Then my tongue, okay?”
You just nod…unable to speak, he watches your face and holds his fingers up to your lips.“Put 'em in your mouth for me, get' em all wet…” Your tongue slides between them, saliva spilling out of the corners of your mouth. “Good girl,” he patted your head, ruffling your hair and you couldn’t help the feeling that took over you. Your mind was everywhere yet nowhere, just him… that was all your mind could think of and be consumed with. The praise had your body on a different kind of high.
He uses those same cool wet fingers to open you wider. Slowly dipping inside of you, circling your center and easing inside, making you tighten up. “Don’t clench, just relax. It’ll only hurt more if you do that.” You take a few deep breaths, allowing your chest to fill up and expand before a release. He spreads your lips and he just looks. There’s a hum on his lips before he kisses your clit; full tongue running across the sensitive area. Your back lifts and arches off the bed but putting his hand on your lower stomach – he forces you to take it. There’s a look in his eyes that’s daring you to disobey him and it makes your tummy flutter. 
He puts his full tongue against your clit and you try not to move but your body trembles. His fingers draw circles around your thighs, inching closer to your slit. It makes you realize that he was simply distracting you to alleviate the slight pain from when his fingers actually slipped inside. When they did, you gasped aloud. “Syl–us… please.” Your legs threatened to close but you forced yourself to keep them open and it took a lot out of you.
“Good girl.” He muttered, obviously appreciating your efforts. “So tight…” He tries to move his finger but you only flinch and groan, which makes him use two fingers from his opposite hand to rub lazy circles against your clit. That alongside your breathing helps your body relax and brings a lot of ease to you, opening yourself up. He slowly strokes your insides, taking his time to drag it forward and back, slipping it out before bringing it back inside. You can’t help but notice how eyes flicker from your lower half to your face occasionally but you don’t say anything. “Deep breath.” He tells you before he slips another finger in beside the other. 
You whine when he moves them both inside of you, your body rocking against his fingers with a circular motion of your hips. He opens them up before closing them again, you grip the sheets. He felt so deep inside of you with just his fingers… the real thing would be different – longer and thicker – you didn’t know if you were ready. “You’re overthinking aren't you? Just focus on how you’re feeling right now.” His eyes are on yours, his fingers curling inside of you so deliciously that you forget to breathe. When he takes them out, you feel incredibly empty, your hole clenching for more. You're huffing and shaking when you look his way again, he’s opening and closing the two fingers that were inside of you; playing with the slick that was there before he sucks them off. He slips them back inside, sliding them on your inner walls and pressing upwards – the pads of his fingers rubbing circles inside of your soft insides; which makes you squeeze his fingers tight. Rubbing your clit again to soothe you, he slowly curves them as he slips them out – you gasp at the feeling.
He grips your hips and forces you to slide down, his breath knocking the wind out of you when you feel it right by your slit. Your fingers tightly gripping the duvet in anticipation, awaiting his tongue. You gasp when his tongue circles over the hole, nudging there just a bit before he licks up a wet trail; moving back to your clit. He plants a small kiss on the pink throbbing bud, then another before he takes it in his mouth and sucks. His tongue moving around in shapes you can’t make out until you feel the hard S he craves in with his mouth, his head rocking against your legs. When the Y comes, he’s peeling back the hood of your clit and flicking the initial inside rapidly. He slides his face down before he finishes, he pulls your sticky lips apart and dives inside. The tip of his tongue sliding back and forth achingly and painfully slow, his head shaking to the sides when he licks upwards, curving his tongue to hit a particular spongy spot that makes your thighs shake. Your fingers now dig through his silvery hair, pulling when he does a harsh lick against your core. “Taste so good…” He mumbles, rolling your clit between his tongue.
The obscene noises that you hear comes from his mouth feasting on you – slurping, sucking and even the noises of his own groans. Groans that were akin to a dying man giving his last prayer, his groans were drowning out the sounds of your own moans. “I can’t take it–” Slushing sloppy noises are what drowns out your moans and pleads. “Sylus please…” You can feel your own wetness under your bottom and embarrassment floods through you, and at the right time his nose bumps into your clit and you grind into it more with a huff; nothing but useless babbling coming out of your mouth. Another lick causes your toes to curl and your body to twist and coil when a leaking orgasm passes through you; which doesn’t stop him from sucking everything that you have to offer. 
 His hair now disheveled from you tugging and pulling on it — his face sopping wet from your juices and you can’t help but look away from him, he sits completely upwards. “Look at me.” Your eyes back on his, biting your lip before you looked down at the bulge in his pants – it looked so big and your mouth ran dry. It was an accident and unconscious thing but you licked your lips while staring and before you knew it, he was speaking again. “You look really interested in pleasing me.” His brow is arched and his voice low. “This is going to be fun.” He said more to himself than you, standing and unzipping his pants. 
You were still completely naked yet he was clothed – almost fully – just his cock sitting out of his pants standing hard and proud against his stomach. This sight before you made you remember who was in power and just how much power you lacked. But wordlessly, you got on your knees. “You want it? Want my cock? ‘Can see how you’re panting for it.” He was truly condescending and knew how to put you in your place, but the way he made you cum made you see nothing but starlight and you wanted to please him.“Come and take what you want sweetie, take what you need.” You stared – 7 and a half inches of a tanned cock and two firm balls blocked your view of everything else – the tip leaking with white sticky precum dripping down. You trace your tongue up the sides, licking up anything you can to get the taste of him before you kiss the head; then you open your mouth around him and let your teeth run against the sides before you suck him in.
“Watch your teeth, kitten.” His nose scrunched up and he closed his eyes, his shoulders growing relaxed, you take what you can’t fit in your mouth in your hand and give it a few gentle strokes. “And be careful around the— thehead.” He says when your tongue runs a circle around the tip and one wet suck. His face relaxes for a second and you can’t help but to look him over. You knew he was good looking but right now with pleasure all over him, he looks a thousand times better. 
The heaviness in your mouth felt so foreign but you welcomed it, the masculine salty taste that followed when you bobbled your head back and the way your cheeks puffed out because of him; it felt good. Your saliva dripped on the floor beneath you, your technique sloppy but when Sylus gripped the back of your head, you felt like you were on cloud nine. He gently guided you, pulling you forward and back – letting your mouth take him as deep as you can, before he pulled you back off. He inches himself inside, you suck and swallow around him, hearing him groan above you sent your body into a frenzy. You choke a bit but he keeps a steady pace to train your mouth again, muffled moans erupt from you when he moves your head again, hitting a deeper spot almost reaching the back of your throat. 
“Such a good girl…” He cooed and a whine slipped through your lips, his praise making your thighs clench together. When he finally pulled you off, strings of spit broke off from your mouth and his dick. “I’m going to come inside of you.” He tells you, but you can barely register what he’s saying too far gone on your high of being used. You’re smiling a dopey grin and he squeezes the sides of your face to make you look at him, your glossy eyes in a permanent daze. “That was only the beginning, are you sure you can handle the rest?”
“Mhm. I’m sure.” Your voice is trembling and hoarse as you speak. You wanted to feel him cum inside of your throat but maybe you were being too greedy, your body swayed. He lifted you up from the floor, your knees burning. You lay there, your eyes droopy as you wait for him, all you hear is movement and a zipper before he returns to you. 
“You belong to me, got it?” His hand wrapped around your throat. “Your body is mine to please, to fuck with… to do whatever I want with. And I don’t plan on letting you forget it.” His voice is hard and mean again, his jaw tense as he stares in your eyes.
“I knowww.” A whimper mixed with a whine comes from your throat. He doesn’t say anything, just sighs. Your body trembles and you sniffle, it makes him cradle your hand in his hands.
“You’re shaking, are you that scared?” He asks you gently, as if you’re a flower who needs tending to. Your eyes wide but say nothing. He laced your fingers together, his hands covering the both of yours in an iron grip. “It’s okay kitten, I won’t hurt you.”
You yelp upon feeling a cool sensation hit your lower half, him rubbing it more inside. He’s hovering over you, his beautiful face watching over yours as he slides his cock over your pussy, not daring to push it inside. He just moves his hips well enough that you’re gasping every time, his tip bumps your clit and you bite your lip, your nails ready to pierce his back. You lean into his touch and he kisses your jaw, trailing them down and gently nibbling at your collarbone, sucking on the skin. “Relax,” He says, playing with your wet folds, he starts to play with your clit again and you shiver. “I’ll be gentle.” Did Sylus truly know the meaning of the word? You’re wailing when he slides just the head in, barely. Easing a small bit of his tip in and fucking you just a tiny bit. 
Then you feel him nudging more inside of you – his head thick and the squelching noises of him moving in make you tense up, but he whispers in your hair to calm you down and then you’re sucking him in. Your voice is gurgly when more of him slides in, a new found warmth inside of you. “Still so tight…” A strained groan fell from his lips, you reached from him with tears in your eyes. Sylus didn’t move, he rubbed your hair but stayed there then he did a tiny jerk of his hips, the stretch makes you sob, but you know that he’s only barely inside of you and that there was more to come. He tells you to take a deep breath and you listen, not wanting to be in any more pain; he slips more of it inside, a thumb on your clit. He presses his thumb and does small circles around it – strangled sounds come out of your lips – he still hasn't moved. 
You look at him, you put his face in your hands and look in his eyes, telling him just how ready you are for this. He’s working his cock in slowly, inch by inch but he looks like he's scared to overwhelm you. When his pelvis meets yours you gasp…your hips buckle when he completely bottoms out, a sigh dying on your lips and tears free falling… it didn’t hurt as much as you expected it to but the pain still lingered. Your eyes rolling back and you squeal, your fingers holding tightly against him. “Oh…oh… Sylus.” Panting – your eyes probably filled with hearts — as you look at him, lovingly.  The stringing stretch subsides when he does a small thrust, not too deep but enough to make you feel good. He pulls back and pushes himself back inside, watching your expression as you take him. 
He’s being as gentle as he can, you notice. His hips thrusting soft, just nudging the soft spots inside of you. He pushes inside of you again, the first painless thrust and you both moan. Your belly tenses when he speeds up and the noises of wet skin slapping makes your body heat up. He’s rocking his hips against yours, circling his hips clockwise in a way that makes you shudder. You can feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of you, he fucks you a bit harder than before. The sound of his balls slapping against you is all you can hear – his strokes getting deeper as he slows down, you look down and see the strings of wetness coating his cock as he stuffs you full of it again. “God, feels so good inside of you.” His mouth slightly agape.
 A small squirt of wetness spills out of you as he thrusts inside, some of it under your bodies and some of it splashing upwards as he digs deeper inside of you. You’re squirming and squirting, eyes crossing over when you hear him say: “Marking your territory, kitten?” It only makes you gush more, squeezing around him. You can feel his deep chuckles as it vibrates from his chest to yours – he’s always mocking you but right now you could care less —the way your body feels has you ready to bend to his whim. “This little kitten and these sharp claws…” he hisses when you press your nails deeper into his skin, you dig them down his back. The long drag of his cock felt amazing against your walls, a small sharp thrust inside has you both grunting.“Clenching around me so hard.” He kisses the top part of your head and you relish in how caring he’s been, you almost forgot how any of this started.
“What’s my name?” His voice thick with a bit of annoyance, it was clear that he didn’t forget how any of this started. You felt full, lifting your hips trying to meet his thrust, his cock hitting spongy parts inside of you that made you see nothing but bright colors.
“Sy-Sylus!” Your eyes rolling back in your skull and your mouth in a permanent ‘o’ shape as he’s inside of you, pure bliss in the form of the gentle thrusting of his body into yours. 
“Who do you belong to?” His teeth clenched and he’s squeezing your waist hard, staring at you… his ruby red eyes glowing in the dim room. His pace picking up faster, squelching plopping noises from the two of you grew louder.
“Youuuu. Sylus.” You admit, puffy pussy sucking him inside. “I belong to you.” He touches your stomach, gazing at it as he fucks himself inside of you. 
“Who does this pussy belong to?” His hand on your throat. Grinding his pelvis against yours, your clit pulsing against him. He stops and slides out before he jerks back in, gripping your thighs.
“Sylus!” You’re breathing hard and feel him twitching inside of you when you say his name again.
“And you tried to give it away.” He slapped your cunt and you jolted, a small squirt coming out of you. 
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is muffled and tears fall; you feel so good and you can’t believe you made the stupid decision in the first place when you could’ve asked him to do this… to make you feel this good. Closing your eyes, you focus on the feeling. He’s stretching you out, squeezing your ass in both of his hands to further spread your body open for his pleasure.
“Eyes on me. Keep looking at me. Look at me while I touch you. Look at me when I make you cum.” Your eyes still closed and he sighs. “Look at me or I’ll stop.”  He gives a sloppy wet thrust pumping his cock inside of you. 
That simple statement made your eyes snap open, “Sylus please…please don’t stop!”  There’s a tremor in your voice and the bed creaks at the same time; your wet walls swallowing him deeper inside. “Please fill me up. I need it.” You’re babbling and the curve of his cock hits a new spot inside of you, the tip grazing your cervix just slightly… just enough to make you feel good and to gasp around him. 
It felt like he was going to devour you.
And you craved it.
So you let him. 
It was one last thrust that was your undoing as you both cum, your back arched and your body feeling completely boneless, wetness slipping out of you as he pulled away. Your body shaking, he kisses you and pulls you close to his bare chest. As you’re drifting to sleep you hear him whisper in the sweetest voice, “I truly do adore you.” 
But maybe you dreamt it.
When you wake, your body is covered in sweat and a heavy arm has you caged in. There’s a dull ache between your thighs and you feel wetness there too, you shiver. You slide from behind the arm and attempt to stand. “Fuck.” You mutter, looking for your clothes or for any clothes. You mentally slap yourself upon remembering that Sylus cut your panties as you rummage through his closet. You pull out a folded plain dress and slip it on, making your way out of his bedroom. You close the door gently so that he can stay asleep and you walk towards the main hall.
“Sounds like Boss really taught you a lesson.” You heard snickering and with a slight limp to your walk, you moved over to slap Luke’s arm.
“Looks like it too.” Kieran said, making you hit him too. “It’s not like we didn’t hear it, you two were so loud that Mephisto left and I swear before he left that he tried to cover his ears. I would’ve done it too, if I thought it would drown off the ‘Sylus don’t stop’ you kept moanin.” Mimicking your voice made you kick him in the shin, which he yelped at. 
“Both of you just hush. I-I’m leaving.” You make your way for the door as they trail behind you.
“So this is you attempting to sneak off?” Luke snorts, you know he’s rolling his eyes behind the mask.
“Yeah right, boss really isn’t letting you leave now.” Kieran chuckles.
“They’re right, you know.” For a split second your body is lifted in the air and slammed against the front of a hard naked chest and for possibly the millionth time today, your body felt hot all over. “You really won’t be leaving my side now.”
But you already knew that.
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vellatrelle · 2 months ago
Who would’ve guessed our colonel is a memelord
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aqvarivsvart · 3 months ago
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Spa day for both of us🫵😾
and for the kids too
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b-ibilly · 3 months ago
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Are we seeing this zayne girlies?!
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humanjarvis · 1 month ago
lonely millionaire
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synopsis: sylus likes when you spend his money.
tags: suggestive (mdni), sylus sits you on his lap while you drain his bank account, it's for a cute reason though, dry humping, size difference, teasing, sylus is a scoundrel, use of "kitten" and "sweetie" cause we stick to the canon over here pairing: sylus x reader, reader is mc word count: 640
a/n: i don't really have anything to sa—omg this is my first non-caleb post! but yeah i've been thinking of this for a while. this is the most explicitly sexual thing i've written with worse to come
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“Why don’t you get that one, too?” Sylus rumbles into your neck, pointing to a luxurious dress on your screen.
You’re seated on his lap in the bed you share, his legs caging your smaller frame while he peeks over your shoulder at the laptop in front of you. For the last 40 minutes, you’d been browsing the website of the most exclusive boutique in Linkon. It’d been Sylus’s idea—To get you something nice for being such a good hunter, he’d said—but as he urges you to keep adding opulent pieces to your cart—dresses, skirts, shoes, you name it—you start to suspect an ulterior motive. 
Restless, you turn around to face him. But before you can speak, he steals your lips in a lewd, wet kiss, his thumb holding your chin in place while he swipes his tongue through your mouth. 
“Hmm?” he hums when he releases you, expectantly peering into your eyes. 
Dumbfounded, you stare up at him before his slow smirk jolts you back into your right state of mind. “Sylus! Stop distracting me. You’re enjoying this, aren't you?” you accuse with a glare. 
“I don’t particularly enjoy being your distraction, kitten. I’d rather have all your attention in the first place,” he replies, wearing an infuriating look of triumph. 
“You know what I mean,” you whine, thwacking his shoulder in exasperation. “You have me in your lap while I spend enough to buy a house on things I don’t need. I don’t get it—are you enjoying this?” 
Sylus blinks lazily. Slowly, he chuckles before rolling his hips into the plush of your backside. “You’re well aware of how much I'm enjoying it, sweetie.” 
Startled, you jerk your hands to his thighs, the laptop landing onto the bed with a soft thud. “Sylus,” you breathe, a whimper escaping you as he grinds upwards again. “I-Is this really okay? You’ve been so tired lately, you can’t hide it from me. What if I spend too much and you have to work harder?”
Sighing, Sylus snakes one thick arm around your waist, pulling you further back into his chest. As he splays his large hand across your belly, you feel his body warming yours, making your core clench with need.
“Kitten,” he drawls, nuzzling your shoulder. “When I’m out there making Onychinus deals, putting my life on the line just to come home coated in someone else’s blood—it gets…tedious, sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if I should give it all up so we can start fresh somewhere new,” he confesses, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your neck. “But having you here with me, knowing I'm putting my life on the line for you? So you can spend what I earn for you, so I can give you all the pretty little things you could possibly ask for? It makes it worth it, kitten. It brings me…peace. Satisfaction.” 
Throughout his musings, he’s been rubbing you harder and harder against his rigid length. Feeling it pulse beneath you, you moan softly and reach your arm back, threading your fingers in his hair. “As long as…as long as you like it,” you pant. “Want you to be happy.”  
His deep chuckle hits your neck, sending shockwaves down your spine. “Won’t you help me relax, then? After all, I've been so tired lately,” he mocks, nipping your ear. 
“Now,” he starts again. “How about you look at the accessories page next, hmm? Let’s see the handbags.”
It’s an hour later when Sylus is finally satisfied with the subtotal of your shopping cart. 
He holds his card out in front of you while you type in the information, and once the order goes through, he captures your lips in a kiss, tender but claiming. 
“What’s your schedule for tomorrow look like, sweetie?” he rumbles, pressing you close. “I think I’d like to look at some jewelry.”
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