#mc student council and luke laid back honor student
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actualbird · 9 months ago
OKAY WHAT IF….lukerosa filipino highschool au where Luke would carry Rosa’s bag and wait for her outdoors whenever she’s a cleaner and before going home they make sure to stop and eat street foods.
sadly my own high school experience was not co-ed (i was unfortunately in an all-girls private school situation) so i dont have much lived experience to go off on in making these hcs
but in a filipino high school au where mc and luke went to neighboring all-girls/all-boys high schools, theyd cause so many rumors because luke always walks to mc's school and waits for her by the dismissal area and everybody thinks theyre dating and luke blushes so red like a tomato going "N-NO YOURE MISUNDERSTANDING" //waves hands around nonsensically
and then they eat street food together yes. important post-class de-stressing ritual
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vagabondreamer · 4 years ago
After the Fall (4)
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Pairing: Lucifer x Angel! Fem! MC
Word Count: 2k
Series Summary: Angel! Fem! MC is part of an exchange program that sends her to the Devildom for a year.
Chapter Summary: MC spends some much needed time with Simeon, Luke, and Solomon.
Author’s Note: I totally headcanon that angels are touch-starved.
You wanted to shove his pride right down his throat. Throughout the week you had to endure his smug expression and his little comments that were meant to embarrass you, but it just made you mad. Being in the house was driving you insane. Mammon was always glued by your side trying to come up with money-making schemes, Asmo kept flirting, Satan was always asking about the history of your people - as if he didn’t have brothers more knowledgeable than you - and Beel, well, Beel was about the only person not driving you insane. You had barely seen Levi at all, so he didn’t really count at the moment.
Class had just ended, and you could already hear the boisterous Mammon waiting outside the hall for you. Needing a little break from the boys for the weekend, you looked to your angel friends.
“Hey Simeon, do you think I could spend a night or two at the Purgatory Hall?” He looked at you with concern.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just feel overwhelmed.”
“Of course she can stay over for a sleepover!” Luke was practically jumping out of his seat.
“Well, I’d love to have you over, there just really isn’t any room. Plus, you’d have to ask Lucifer for permission.”
“Why do I have to ask Lucifer?” You were getting desperate. “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor.”
“He’s going to freak out again if you just leave without letting him know where you are.”
“Fine, whatever, I’ll ask. But, I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Walking out of class, you had one mission, and that was to find Lucifer.
“Hey MC, how was class?”
“It was alright. How was yours?”
“Boring. The only thing more boring than class is Lucifer’s lectures.” You laughed at that. Anytime Mammon involved you in one of his plans, it always ended in a lecture for the both of you.
“Speaking of, have you seen Lucifer? I need to talk to him.”
“He’s probably in a meeting with Lord Diavolo.” He grabbed your hand and started walking in the direction toward the council room. You looked down at your connected hands, and a weird feeling bubbled up in your stomach. “Hey! It’s not like I wanna hold your hand! There’s just too many demons, don’t want ya to get lost.”
You rolled your eyes. He was always a little dramatic. It’s not like you had never held hands with anyone before, but you were a kid back then. Angels didn’t really hug or hold hands as adults, it was always deemed a little too inappropriate - even if it was platonic. You liked the bubbly feeling, even if it was coming from Mammon.
Mammon led you down a long hall, at the end sat a set of large doors.
“Make sure ya knock before goin’ in.” Geez, if Mammon was the one to say that, then it must be pretty serious. “Think you can get Lucifer to take ya home?” You nodded and he went on his way.
Standing in front of the large doors, you gave a hard two knocks; the sound resonated in the halls. You could hear shuffling behind the door, and it swiftly opened up, showing Barbatos.
“Can I help you, MC?”
“I need to speak to Lucifer, is he here?”
“Can it wait until after the meeting? He’s with Lord Dia -”
“MC!” Speak of the devil.
“Hi, Lord Diavolo.” His smile and energy was contagious, you couldn’t help but smile back. But in the background, you could see the familiar scowl. You knew you had to make this quick. “I’m sorry for interrupting, I just -”
“It’s alright MC, come join us, we were just talking about student affairs.” He ushered you in, leading you to a seat right next to Lucifer. You felt completely out of place, and Lucifer’s stare wasn’t helping. “Before you speak, I just want to say I am sorry about what happened. You should know that those boys have been taken care of.”
And in that instant, you were taken back to that horrible memory. Your hand reached up to feel the scars that reside permanently on your face. You knew you were being irrational, Lucifer was just doing his job and the marks on your face would’ve been questioned - but you couldn’t help but be angry. Why did he have to report it? You looked over at him, expecting to meet his gaze, but his eyes were focused on Lord Diavolo. It seemed like he didn’t expect Lord Diavolo to ever approach you about the subject - he seemed pissed off. You took a deep breath and shoved the memories back down.
“Thank you.” Is that what he wanted to hear? His concerned smile looked genuine, and his apology sincere. But why did it feel like you couldn’t tell him what you really felt? By all means, he was royalty, but he wasn’t your ruler. Maybe it was because of how Lucifer treated him. He was clearly upset with him, yet he wasn’t expressing it. You wondered how he must’ve treated Michael - it’s no wonder Michael was so fond of him. And it’s no wonder why Michael would never treat you the same - you weren’t Lucifer and you would never be.
“So, MC, what did you want to talk about?” It felt silly asking for permission for something so trivial, especially in front of the future king.
“I just wanted to spend some time with Simeon and Luke. Over the weekend?”
“Is everything okay at the House of Lamentation?”
“Of course. I just think it would be good for me to be around them, too.”
“Well, I think it’s a wonderful idea.” You looked to Lucifer, you were asking him permission.
“You heard Lord Diavolo.”
“Thanks,” you told both of them. You left the room and waited right outside the door for Lucifer to be done with his meeting.
Lucifer had escorted you home to pack an overnight bag, and then brought you to the Purgatory Hall. Not much was said, both of you were in a bad mood due to the meeting. You said your goodbyes, and he reminded you to text him if you needed something. Walking inside, the presence was immediately different and it reminded you of home.
“Hey guys!”
“MC! I’m so glad you could come!” Luke rushed over to you - he was covered in flour.
“What are you doing, Luke?”
“I wanted to bake for you! And, since you’re close to Michael then you can tell me if it’s good enough to give him, too!” He urged you towards the kitchen; the countertops were filled with sweets of all sorts - it would be a dream come true for Beel.
“I wouldn’t say I’m close to Michael. He kind of just orders me around.”
“Ah, you’re so lucky you’re next in line to be an Archangel!”
You just nodded, and started taste testing. It was a huge honor, and almost never happened to angels. But even then, you didn’t feel lucky. Your path was forged for you, the sole reason for your existence was to take Lucifer’s spot, and for some reason that bothered you.
“Luke, are you done now?” You could hear Simeon call out from a different room.
“Yes! You can let him out now!” You gave Luke a questioning look. “Oh, Solomon’s not allowed in the kitchen when I’m baking.”
Simeon and Solomon both walked out of the room, and sat by you at the table.
“He likes to add his own flavors,” Simeon explained further. “It’s usually not very good tasting.”
“Ya know what? I’m offended,” Solomon feigned hurt. You giggled at their interaction. It had only been a short while, and they were all getting along so well. “So, did you get tired of being around the brothers already?”
“Well -” You’d be lying if you said you weren’t tired, but they weren’t exactly all that bad either. “Each one is just...a lot. There’s a lot of big personalities.”
“Yeah being around Asmo alone is a lot, I can’t imagine being around six more,” Solomon said half jokingly.
“Oh, right, five.”
“Luke, these treats are divine!” Simeon changed the subject quickly. Why did it feel like talking about the seventh brother was a crime?
“Yeah, I think Michael would like these.”
“Really?!” You just nodded and smiled. After all, you did come here to try to not think about the brothers.
The rest of the night consisted of dinner and watching movies until Luke and Solomon passed out. Simeon placed blankets on top of them and called you to his room. It was spacious, and had a couch in the corner.
“You can take the bed,” Simeon said as he started to prepare the couch to be slept on.
“What? No, I’m not taking your bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“MC, it’s no big deal -”
“I don’t want to feel like a burden every time I come over.”
“You plan on coming here more often?”
“Well, only if I’m welcomed.”
“Of course you’re welcome.” You quickly laid on the couch, forcing him to go lay down on his bed. “Are you sure everything is okay?”
“Just a lot has happened in these few weeks.”
“You’re feeling new things...am I right?”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
“I volunteered Luke to be a part of this program - but don’t tell him, because he doesn’t know that.”
“I did that because I think it’s important for young angels to see things from...a different perspective.” You nodded in agreement. “I see things differently because of the war. And because I wanted to see things differently.”
“What are you saying?” He hesitated for a moment, as if calculating his next words.
“All I’m saying is it’s not a bad thing to see the other side.”
You meditated on his words. He had known the brothers for a long time, so it made sense to have some sympathy over what happened; but why would you sympathize with all demons? How could you forgive any demon? The marks on your face was proof enough that they did bad things.
“Yeah?” He yawned.
“Do you ever feel like...like you don’t have your own life? Like, your purpose is someone else’s?”
No response. You turned your head to see Simeon fast asleep.
Simeon walked you back home. The walk was filled with small talk, and your stomach turned at the thought of being alone with the brothers once more. He must’ve seen the look on your face, and tried to reassure you.
“Just try to get to know them better. You should try to get to know Levi, too.”
“He’s always stuck in his room, how am I supposed to get to know him if I don’t know the secret phrase?”
“Secret phrase? Oh, yeah, I know it.” You laughed, thinking he was joking.
“Oh you’re serious? What is it?” He proceeded to tell you the password, and informed you that it was from TSL.
You gave him a hug goodbye. The shocked look on his face said it all.
“I’m sorry - I know we don’t do that - but wasn’t it nice?”
“It was, MC. I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Bye, Simeon.”
You walked into the house, and headed up the stairs to your room when you saw a wild Levi out in the open. Now was your chance, you knew you had to catch him now or never.
“AH!” He shrieked and beelined to his room, dropping some snacks he was carrying.
“Wait!” You made it to his door just as he was closing it, and stuck your foot out to stop him from shutting it. “I know the secret phrase!”
“Ha! There’s no way a normie like you could know it!” You then repeated what Simeon just told you moments ago. Levi stopped trying to close the door, but barely opened it up, eyeing you instead.
“I just want to get to know you.”
“Why would you want to know a yucky otaku like me?”
“Well, I’m here for a year. And I’ve already talked to the rest of your brothers.”
Levi opened the door more, allowing you to step into the shadows of his room.
“Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”
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After the Fall Tag List @ptv-hades
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