#mbs season 2 episode 2
miraculousbohemian · 8 months
listen I'm gonna fucking do it. I'll write the fic.
I'll queue for the ao3 acc. I'll write the most dramatic, gay, angsty, painful peggynat fanfic ever. From the third person but following Natasha after Peggy fell through the portal. And maybe continue onto AOU because marvel probably won't. wussies.
Edit: oh yeah. I did it. anyway it's only in it's baby phase, we can't skip to the good part just yet. all we intend is scrawled in the sand by miraculousbohemian yoo
also yes i did use a hozier line what about it
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personinthepalace · 2 years
The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 (1080p) [ALL EPISODES]
hi everyone! here are all of the s2 episodes in high quality - enjoy :)
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(click to read on ao3)
In which Mr. Benedict and Number Two escape Curtain’s capture, only to find Milligan has gone missing as well.
“Of course it’s true I can make anyone happy.” L.D. Curtain’s voice crackled through the television as he smiled benignly at the interviewer. “And,” he said, looking into the camera, “I have a guest with me today to demonstrate.”
Constance turned, her interest caught. This was new — he’d never actually brought someone with him to an interview before.
A familiar face stepped into view of the camera, and Constance dropped her glass of water on the floor with a crash.
. . . (four days later) . . .
“We’ve come to get you out of here.” Number Two’s voice was firm, and she was glaring daggers at Curtain.
“Oh?” Milligan said, and smiled, though he sounded a bit confused.
“This place is a well-concealed hell of emotional control and we are going to get you out of here, Milligan,” said Nicholas. He was trying his best to keep calm, but seeing Milligan like this was unnerving. Heartbreaking.
Please tell me you still want to get out of here. The thought flew unbidden into Nicholas’s mind. Please tell me you’re still in there. Somewhere.
“Oh,” Milligan said again, still smiling. “Why on earth would you do that?”
Nicholas shook his head, barely able to keep himself from crying in front of his brother. “Because I love you,” he said quietly, his voice shaking, unable to look Milligan in the eye. This wasn’t the time for him to say something like that, but it was true, and it was the one thing Nicholas could manage to hold onto. “Milligan, please—”
“Well he doesn’t love you back,” snapped Curtain. “Do you, Milligan?”
“No,” Milligan said pleasantly. “Of course not.”
Something in Nicholas’s heart shattered. “Oh— oh. Of course.” 
Of course. Why had he expected anything different? He knew he wasn’t someone... he knew he wasn’t someone people loved. He couldn’t even love himself most days, why would he think someone else would love him?
But there had been moments — moments when Milligan’s hand would brush his as they walked, moments when Milligan would blush cardinal red at something he’d thought (and Nicholas had lied awake many nights wondering about that), even once when Nicholas had accidentally called Milligan “my love” in some obscure language he was sure Milligan didn’t know — moments that made him think, for a split second, that there was a glimmer of hope.
He must have been wrong.
“He can’t,” Number Two said suddenly, understanding spreading across her face. “He can’t love you, Mr. Benedict— because love isn’t happiness.”
“Love isn’t happiness,” she said insistently, her eyes fixed to his. “Not completely. It can make you happy, but love itself isn’t the same thing as happiness. It’s longing and want and it’s pain, so he can’t love you, Mr. Benedict, not while he’s under Curtain’s sick mind control.”
“Do you mean...?” Before Nicholas could finish the thought, Kate and Constance burst into the room, Kate brandishing her flashlight like it was a weapon.
“Let him go!” Kate snarled at Curtain, flinging her words through the air like a knife. “You nasty little—”
Curtain, infuriatingly, laughed. “Right. Like you two children can possibly intimidate me.”
“Let. Him. Go,” Constance said through gritted teeth. Her face was tensed up in concentration, staring at Curtain with the raw, dispassionate sort of anger only young children can display.
Curtain winced, placing his hands to his temple. “What are you doing?” He hissed in pain, stepping away from her, his eyes wide. “How—?”
Constance smiled smugly up at him and didn’t say a word.
Glancing around at the group of people staring furiously at him, Curtain grimaced. “Fine. Have him! See if I care.” Scowling, he pressed a button on his watch. A hidden door opened in the wall behind him, and he turned on his heel and left.
Number Two started after him, but Nicholas shook his head. “Don’t. He’s gone.”
Beside him, Milligan was blinking repeatedly, as if he was waking up from a long, deep sleep. “Nicholas?” he asked, reaching blindly for him. “Nicholas? Are you there? Where are we?”
“Shh,” said Nicholas softly, and took Milligan’s hand in his, as gentle as he would be with a child. “Yes, yes, I’m here, you’re alright—”
“I love you,” Milligan said desperately. “I wanted to tell you, but he wouldn’t let me, I was trapped, but I do, Nicholas—”
���Oh— oh,” said Nicholas. “Oh.” He felt as if he had forgotten how to speak properly.
Milligan all but melted into Nicholas’s arms, and a shiver went through Nicholas’s entire body. The emotions were flooding back into Milligan; everything he hadn’t felt when he was under Curtain’s control seemed almost ten times magnified. But Nicholas was here, his love was here, and that meant things were going to be alright.
Kate tapped on Constance’s shoulder. “Uh. What’s... happening?”
“You will not be a terrible sister,” Constance said simply.
“Sister? What—”
Suddenly realizing their children were in the room with them, Nicholas and Milligan pulled apart, both blushing furiously.
Constance smirked, and Mr. Benedict promptly fell asleep.
Luckily, Milligan was there to catch him.
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MBS Episode 6 Liveblog - A Commitment to All Things Cozy
A very late liveblog since I haven’t gotten a chance to format this until now, but I wanted to get it out before the next episode airs. 
- Starting off IMMEDIATELY with Rhonda taking out 5 people in 10 seconds <3 <3 <3  - Wait when did Martina run in there to tie people up? She really said gotta get in on the action right as soon as she saw the smoke. I feel like she’s really been waiting for an opportunity to fist fight someone again for over a year. - Discussing knot tying techniques is a wlw activity ❤️ - “In an ideal world I could have just asked Constance to help me for the sake of science” Honestly even if that was the scenario, she probably would have made you cry anyway. - Dr. Garrison’s aim is to bring Curtain down. Down to the ground so he’s easier to run over with his own golf cart. Murder him, you deserve it! - Dr. Garrison, you’re not a troglodyte! You’re just in your flop era! Just a little more therapy and you’ll get out of the basement! - Aww Rhonda asking Constance if letting Garrison go is okay is really precious. Rhonda adopt me challenge. - “No one can punish her more than she punishes herself.” NOW WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT. - Lmao Garrison just immediately BOOKING IT in the background the second the greys walk in. Good for you saving your own skin. Run run run. But please come back because I want more of you this season :( - Awwww parent reunion hugs and Miss Perumal immediately checking to make sure Reynie is okay. Miss Perumal adopt me challenge.  - How many people can fit in this root cellar. Jesus Christ, Garrison has nicer digs than we thought. - Choosing don’t fear the reaper for the music was just. chef’s kiss. Amazing sequence amazing music choice. - This is so dramatic and high tension and then we have Milligan still doing his silly little high-knee run
- MISS PERUMAL NOOOOOOOO :( :( :( She’s so brave and I love her dearly, I’m very worried about her.  - OH THEY BROUGHT IN THE SHOCK WATCHES? I’m actually really surprised at that. I would have thought they either would have been mentioned sooner, or that they wouldn’t have been used at all with how the show has handled violence in the past.  - Kate’s little ‘dad!’ When Milligan gets shocked 🥺 ohhh my heart - That was an amazing opener! The music choice was perfect and the stakes were balanced well, it was a good time. 
- Every time we see Auguste I just get a little creeped out, not sure why - Twi-night, I am deceased - I was trying to figure out why Curtain saying “Who says that, exactly?” was ringing a bell, and I realized it’s because he says almost the exact same thing to Reynie in the first season during the conversation about journaling. I’m loving the little parallels between Reynie and Mr. B in this episode. - “She doesn’t weigh me down, so…” “That’s for you to say. Not me.” The way I could write a diatribe on Curtain’s specific brand of manipulation. - “Well, I do not want to be a burden anymore” the way he said that so casually really just immediately cut directly through my heart.
- Really obsessed with Number Two’s scaled diorama. Especially the origami llama. - She made Mr. Benedict as an orange and Curtain as a lemon (sweet and sour respectively hehehehe)  - Duskwort!!!!! That’s a really cute easter egg since it’s not going to play the same role it did in the books
- “Yes, well, it is... thorough.” You had to reach for the word thorough didn’t you Mr. B. He’s trying so hard  - The face he made is also how I would react to someone saying they wanted to cut my hair for something. 
- Kate saying “Never split the team. Ever.” is such a lovely parallel to Milligan’s “One never splits the party voluntarily” in the previous episode - We’ve solved the question of nature vs nurture y’all. She spent so much time away from Milligan but they’re still SO much alike. Different people same font.  - Good to know who the adult in this car is (Martina. It’s Martina.)
- Sad Reynie makes ME sad. - Once again, Rhonda adopt me challenge. - Reynie :( Don’t be angry at yourself, nothing is your fault. - Yes good get your emotions out!!! We were all scared of the scream from the trailer, but I’m so glad the scream was good and therapeutic - Honestly put all of the kids in a rage room for an hour, I think they’d all really enjoy it and it would be great for them.
- A Chicken truck? CONSTANCE AND STICKY IN A CHICKEN TRUCK? How many things can these two hide inside before the end of the season is up? - Hmm hello random man. - Uh oh random frozen man uh oh. I guess this means the side effects can also spread to people not on the compound, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before - The inn looks really cute but it’s giving Hansel and Gretel vibes and I’m a little worried. (Post note: I’m glad so many of us looked at this completely innocent place and situation and went “hm. yeah. the vibes are shady, I don’t trust these two”)  - One of my favorite brands of comedy is people getting kind of dark out of nowhere, and the vibe of ”yeah our original inn burned down, we think our competitors burned it down but the reports all said inconclusive” within 30 seconds of meeting these people definitely fits that vibe. - “How much truth do you want?” Constance. Do not tell them the truth. I don’t think they can take another burn after the fire. - “We must flee this place” Please do. The vibes scare me. I feel like these people are going to another room to call the grays or something.
- The fact that Curtain probably doesn’t even know who Miss Perumal is is really sending me. We missed the shot of him frantically searching through every single file he has and screaming because he can’t find her. - Jeffers is absolutely fighting for his life and his job. So sorry you ended up on the bottom of the food chain buddy. - Big sigh from Jeffers. Somebody put him in therapy (side note: the number of characters who I’ve said need therapy is almost in the double digits.) - There they are! The funkiest most stressed out little guys in the entire world! <3 <3 <3 - The faces of two people on the brink of a synchronous anxiety attack. You cannot put those two on screen and not expect me to just immediately love them and latch onto every single weird little detail - I skipped back 3 times to watch the weird little silent “you tell him. no you tell him” head movement thing they did at each other. I feel like they both separately decided that the other person was going to be the one to actually tell Curtain - Ohhh Curtain is more upset about it than I thought he was going to be. Not an appropriate level of upset, still way too chill and dismissive about it, but more than I expected. - Lmao at Jackson gunning for a promotion right now, I absolutely respect the hustle. - “s e p e r a t e c o n v e r s a t i o n” is an energy that I didn't know I needed, but will absolutely be using going forward - How long has she been carrying that paper? Go queen pull out medical scans from thin air! - “I don’t trust this doctor. Find another one.” aaaaand that’s another one for the manipulation dissertation
- “You fell off a cliff” well you jumped off a cliff so look who’s talking - :( :( :( :( I feel like this conversation needs to happen but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. All of the Kate and Milligan conversations feel so well done to me, because you can feel where both of them are coming from, and understand and sympathize with both, while completely getting why they’re still at odds even though they’re both trying their hardest.  - “Body fuel” and “non-stop fourth-quarter madness”. I’m so happy for the return of full jock Martina. - “YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH” Martina WHAT what was that, I love you and your weird little battle cries 
- Constance and Sticky please don’t eat anything these people give you. (in an alternate universe there’s just a compilation of these people trying to give  Constance sedatives and her just accidentally side-stepping all attempts) - After watching the full scene I understand why they had to have Sticky leave, but the specific circumstances of him storming out because she was being “selfish” (when it was perfectly in keeping with her personality and things she’s said before) feel like kind of a weak motivation for him to blow up at her. That’s not a dig against the character at all, I just feel like the writers could have come up with something stronger for it to be in reaction to.  - I think Constance should get to destroy the TV with a golf club like she tried to do in episode 1 before Rhonda stopped her - No no no no no no no NO. CONSTANCE NO NO NO NO NO. Oh god. Uhhh. Oh god 
- On a lighter note, Martina, have you considered journaling about your tetherball feelings? I feel like this is the first time you’ve had an outlet for these emotions and I want you to be okay. - “This could go pear-shaped in eight different ways” so you should confess your feelings for each other. Right? - Kate’s walkie name being Madge’s Honor, excuse me while I go cry - “But standing by if you need me while also giving you space” Milligan also adopt me challenge. - Martina backstory crumbs??? She has parents?? We all just collectively assumed she was an orphan, right?  - It’s go time!!! See you in the other side!!!!! Time to accidentally confess your feelings!!!!!!!
- Noooo Sticky is going to feel even worse when he finds out Constance got whammied, and I can’t handle that. Please let Constance be immune. - Constance. That’s. Absolutely terrifying. Happy Constance scares me. - This man is terrified of Constance. as he should be. As am I. He looks like he’s about to faint. - This situation is bad but at least Sticky finally gets to happy info-dump about Boatwright. Happy about that. Sorry it’s under horrifying circumstances but we take what we can get.
- We love Martina being able to get let into the gate in under 10 seconds. Go girl give us everything! Do we think the gate person was just scared of her?  - “She’s very brave” yes Milligan good, support this relationship - “I love you just the way you are.” Ugh yes the healing, these two break and heal my heart at the same time every time they’re on screen together. - The hug!!! Kate and Milligan hugs are my favorite. - We’re getting so many little reunions this episode, it’s healing my heart.
- It’s honestly really cute that the red flag Sticky noticed wasn’t Constance being uncharacteristically nice to the people they’re staying with, it wasn’t her being extremely interested in Boatwright, it was her calling him Sticky. (He knows she really does care deep down) - Oh hello pathetic little man. Why the hell are you standing like that and why did you say “found ya!” like they’re your lost roomba that’s been trapped in the corner. Why are you posing like a superhero. - “Your hosts have been detained” Yanis and Sofia I am SO sorry I doubted you guys and I hope you’re okay. I don’t think they can take another blow after the fire and Constance insulting their scones. - How has Jeffers become so iconic so quickly? Diamond of the season. Rebuilt your self esteem? It doesn’t exist, and if it did it could be blown over in a second like a house of cards. You’re so lucky Constance is out of commission  - By the end of this season we’d better get a support group of people who’ve worked for Curtain (Marlon isn’t invited. Anti-Marlon event.)
- Curtain showed up trying to look like Steve Jobs, but actually looking like Elizabeth Holmes. I’m going to try to bully his outfits every week going forward.
- Another Reynie and Mr. B parallel with the animal jokes! - “This phoenix oolong will change you.” literally. because. the plan is for Benedict to change into him. Heheheh. - Watching Curtain seemingly genuinely enjoying spending time with Mr. Benedict is. Odd. And kind of really hurts
- Hello faves, welcome back you weirdos. - Ohhh they’re so mad. This feels like maybe the angriest we’ve seen them? Like there was the tower in ep 8 last season which was more aggressive, but this feels more personal. Jackson was very obviously surface anger but Jillson was giving “if i vary my tone in even the slightest way, I’m going to explode” They are. three seconds away from ripping Martina limb from limb and I can’t be convinced they don’t have a dart board with Martina’s face on it - “You’ve joined a very exclusive list of traitors.” “When you betrayed us.” Thank you for explaining, Jackson - “Won’t see you. Extremely busy.” and “You do look…. miserable” marks the return of bitchy J&J, my absolute beloveds. The worst <3 <3 <3 <3 He looks so happy that Martina looks miserable. - RECOMMENDING HER FOR THE INSTITUTE? HELLO? HELLO???????? Did they know her beforehand? How did they know each other, exactly what happened? I need to know everything immediately and I feel like we’re not going to get any answers - Okay a few questions. A) Jackson, how long have you been carrying that newspaper around? B) Do y’all save any and all news articles that could be tangentially related to someone on your list of enemies? Because I really feel like the answer is yes. How many papers have they saved, how many papers did he have to shuffle around before pulling the one out? 
- “We forgive you” Ah. Peak shining twins. Maybe the most scared I’ve ever been of them, but very iconic.
- Hey remember 2 minutes ago when I said Kate and Milligan hugs were my favorite? I’m re-considering because that was… that was definitely something. I didn’t know I needed it, but I think I did? Incredibly cursed but my life has been improved by seeing it. - Two people who have never been hugged before in their lives. - No one involved in that hug wanted to be there. - Jillson why are you patting Martina’s arm for entirely too long. Someone please help these three. - Hmmmmmmm. Hmmmm. I would not have anticipated them forgiving her that easily (maybe it makes sense if they’re under the influence of the happiness)? And getting that key was so easy, you’d think they’d be looking for something like that. But also they are <3 <3 maybe not the smartest (affectionate <3). Idk, I can maybe see a scenario in which they knew she took the key to let the others in, because Curtain seemingly has been trying to get all of them to the compound anyway? Who knows. But if they genuinely forgave her I honestly feel pretty bad for them. Fucking ouch dude. 
- “Turns out, the whole van thing is actually a crime.” No you’re fine, you get a pass because you acted out of pettiness, can do no wrong, and did it to help your girlfriend. So you’re fine. Please don’t leave. Committing to the bit is a valid legal excuse.  - “If you ever need a job” now my brain is spinning over thoughts of Martina joining the team. - THE HUG OH MY GOD. The way it mirrors their season 1 hug, except this time it was Kate being the one to cut someone off to initiate the hug instead of Martina doing it - Martina got two hugs of VASTLY differing qualities this episode
- I’m really sad we seem to be losing both Martina and Dr. Garrison so quickly this episode. I was really hoping they’d stick around for a bit longer, but at least we’ve seen them. 
- Ohhhhh them almost getting Curtain but Mr. Benedict hesitating!!! 
- Knock knock, it’s a child. Please god never let anyone say “Mrs. Two” again, it made my skin crawl.
- OH OH. Ohhhhhhhhhh oh oh oh no not another one
- So we don’t know if Auguste trying the hypnosis on Number Two will actually work, but I’m really interested to see Mr. Benedict’s reaction if it does. It would be really in character for that to break him out of his hypnosis, but I don’t know if they’ll go that direction. 
Final thoughts: I generally loved this episode! Maybe my favorite so far, or tied with episode 5. Lots of really nice emotional moments, well-done reunions and the balance of screen time between the different pairings was great. I’m kind of sad that Garrison was in and out so quickly, and I really would have liked more of her. I’m actually going to be pretty upset if there isn’t at least a throwaway line about her name being cleared by the end of the season, since she was the one voicing ethical concerns in the first season and Curtain ruined her reputation. I’m really glad we finally got the scene of Jackson and Jillson telling Curtain about people freezing, since that was built up for quite a while, and I’m still thinking about the Martina breadcrumbs, both with her parents and J&J recommending her for the institute. Overall really good episode! 
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daimiyamoto · 2 months
‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ KEI'S GIF PACK DIRECTORY!
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Since Tumblr terminated my previous account, where I stored every gif pack I ever made, I decided to upload them in a separate one just in case this one gets nuked too. This is the link to the directory, but I will also post a list in alphabetical order under the cut so you know which ones I've made so far. Some of them are in a payhip page, the rest are in their respective Tumblr page.; most of them are for free, a couple of them are paid.
If you like, use or plan to use any of them, please spread the word! I won't be making an individual post for them again, so a reblog to this post helps too. Thanks!
Alec Secăreanu in Happy Valley season 3
Alex Høgh Andersen in Darkness: Those Who Kill season 2 (P)
Álvaro Rico in Madres: Amor y vida season 4 (P)
Bilal Hasna in Extraordinary season 1 (P)
Brian Tyree Henry in The Outside Story
Brian Tyree Henry in Atlanta season 3 (unfinished)
Carlos Cuevas in Citas: Barcelona season 1 (P)
Carlos Cuevas in El verano que vivimos
Carlos Cuevas in Sin límites
Carlos Cuevas in Smiley season 1 (P)
Carlos Miranda in Station 19 season 5
Woo Do-Hwan in Bloodhounds (P)
Evan Peters in American Horror Story: Red Tide (gif icons)
Elias Kacavas in Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin seasons 1 & 2
Wi Ha-Joon in Bad and Crazy
Wi Ha-Joon in Little Women
Wi Ha-Joon in With Coffee
Hasan Piker in several interviews (gif icons)
Kim Hieora in Bad and Crazy
Jesse Williams in Only Murders in the Building season 3 (missing one episode because I'm d*mb)
Jesse Williams in Your Place or Mine (P)
Jim Parrack in 9-1-1: Lone Star season 3 (unfinished)
Jordan Calloway in Fire Country season 2
Lakeith Stanfield in The Changeling season 1 (P)
Omid Abtahi in American Gods seasons 1 to 3
Omid Abtahi in Damien
Nabhaan Rizwan in Industry season 1
Nico Greetham in American Horror Stories season 2
Peter Gadiot in Yellowjackets season 1
Raúl Castillo in Night Teeth
Raúl Castillo in Seven Seconds
Ritesh Rajan in Twentyfiveish
Sachin Bhatt in But She's my Best Friend
Stephan James in Surface season 1 (unfinished)
Ted Sutherland in The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 2
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II in Watchmen season 1
I think I didn't forget any — if you think I did, let me know!
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planetaryaether · 1 year
Master Post of Blackrock Resources/Information
Every once-in-a-while I’ll get people asking about various pieces of lore or content regarding Blackrock, so I have decided to aggregate it all in one place to make things easier on everyone. If there is anything I have missed, just let me know and I would be happy to track it down and add it! Special thanks to  @fictitiousdreamer,  yogurtyogitup, and @gonic2 for helping gather information!
If anyone knows where I can find old (like 2013/2014) JingleJam streams please lmk! That is the last major place I need to check for info!
Series Playlist Additional Relevant Moments Duncan’s Lab Episodes 3, 10, and 34 (Set Before the Prequels) Duncan’s Lab Episode 64 (After S2E4 of Blackrock) Feed The World Episode 8 (Sometime Between S2 & S3)
Blackrock Songs: "Our Blackrock Story Carries On" - Lyrics ”Sjin and Duncan are Going to Die” "Baby It's Cold Outside” "Blackrock’s Back” Version 1 and 2, Lyrics Zoey's Official Blackrock Playlist Post Functional Zoey’s Playlist (original has broken links) “Do You Want to Craft a Golem” Origin Text Post Enderboy - Lyrics Engineering “Duncan, Why Did You Plant That Bomb?” (based on “Fries” from Adventure Time) Lyrics "Remember You" Not technically Blackrock but it had a BlackRock caption so I am including it for completeness "Blackrock Bunch" Text post "Fresh Princess" Non-Canon Text post
End of Series Lore Posts: End of Series Announcement Post  Zoey Related Lore  (URLs linked are broken, fixed link here, thanks @emimations) End of Series Lore Rest of Cabertown Plotline Nilesy’s Baby Jim Journal
Rythian Lore: Personality in 5 Words Hair Streak Changing Eye Color Used To Know Science Physical Description Who Knows What's Under the Mask Cost of Magic Living Without EE Feelings on Simon/Lewis Cape Origin Official Headcanons Rythian Journal (Gametee) Lore
Zoey: Face Markings Origin of the Mushroom Theme Robot Arm Jailhouse 6 Art Jailhouse 6 Sketches Season 3 Pre-episode post On Returning to the Enclave Disarming the Nuke Additional (unused) Score Fear of the End Zoey Supercomputer Official HC More Jeff Computer Stuff Mushroom Stew/Soup Mechanics
Teep: Inclusion of Teep Teep Vs Ringo Use of Creative Mode Accidental Deaths
Duncan: Forcefield Setup Forcefield Scene Recording Keeping an Eye on Duncan S3 Duncan Planting the Nuke
End Lore: Characterization of the Princess  Enderbane Lore Enderbane Supplemental Enderdragon Rebirth
Misc Lore: 10 Year Anniversary Stream Highlights (various lore/behind-the-scenes info) Baby Jim Origin Baby Jim Origin 2 Almost Cannibalism NewPool Build How Death Works Name of the World Accidental Destruction of Cabertown Rebuilding of Cabertown Realm Of Dawn’s Relationship to the Brightlands Blackrock S1-S3 Posters Blackrock 3.5 Poster (Supernatural Themed) Season 3 Design Concept
Collaborations/Relevant Other Series Lore: Sips Co Enderman Near Flux Buddies Collaboration Near Early Nuke Detonation Canon Status of Other Series Bow to Kill Ender Dragon (KirbyCraft) named after Zoey Second Sips Co Factory MB Zoey vs Blackrock Zoey
The Princess Short Story: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Fun/Noncanon Asks/Moments: Cabertown Fathersday Textpost Umbrella Rythian Hypothetical Jailhouse 6 Tour Fishton Origins
Part 2 of the Master Post Since I Hit the Link Limit (lol)
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pinkiebieberpie · 2 years
supernatural masterlist .⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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i started watching the show in december 2022 and i sold my soul after a few episodes, saying it's a hyperfixation it's an understatement, so if you see me posting about spn don't be surprised (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)mostly moodboards, social media au, maybe some fics, enjoy &lt;;33
🦋 thoughts:
jealous dean
dean being afraid of flying
just dean being sexy
dealing with girlfriend's death
reader complimenting dean
dean and only one bed prompt
dean x f!reader with a daughter
giving dean a massage
dad!dean (baby name)
cuddling with dean (hcs)
dean x vampire!reader (hcs)
dating dean winchester (hcs)
slapping his ass out of a blue
dean x childhood friend!m!reader
dean x childhood friend!m!reader part 2
dean x very closed off reader
dean x witch!reader
dean x witch!reader vol. 2
dating season one dean
dean's instagram account
🧸 moodboards:
winchester little sister
dean being boyfriend material
being besties with dean (bi!dean x bi!reader)
🌻 social media aus:
bi!dean x bi!reader (platonic)
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🦉 pov: your camera roll:
if you were dating dean
if you were dating dean (college au)
if you had a sleepover with dean
if you were little winchester sister
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🌕 fics:
🌿 thoughts:
sammy boyfriend material
study sleepover with college!sam
husband sam (hcs)
sam if dean and y/n were dating
sam's instagram account
sam x sweet!reader
🐛 moodboards:
sam x witch!reader ++ hcs
winchester little sister
sam x goddess of life!reader
paper rings by taylor swift (lyrics mb)
wildest dreams by taylor swift (lyrics mb)
📗 social media aus:
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🪴 pov: your camera roll:
if you were dating sam
if you were little winchester sister
if you were out on a hunt with boyfriend!sam
if you were dating sam (stanford!sam version)
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🌑 fics:
💜 thoughts:
castiel's instagram account
🔮 moodboards:
castiel x goddess of life!reader
🌌 social media aus:
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🫐 pov: your camera roll:
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🐾 fics:
other characters !!
husband crowley (hcs)
crowley's instagram account
tropes with spn men (sam, dean, cas, crowley, john, jack)
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palisade 62 livebloggings //
The dossier is making me emo…….. I love you blue channel
Also is this Millie do they have a holographic Millie display with her dog
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“My dads not even here” words of hubris
The pollen……..
Wow cas and zig are back together <3
Exchange Blows: Leap Is Inside You Now
All the ink dahlias is so fucked up I love it. Commitment is committed…..
I got so worried when Keith was like we’re going to hell fjdjjfjdj they are in a way but it’s fine
Br9 Br9 Br9
Bro this is breathtaking bro (the petals swirling around thisbe and brnine)
Don’t die tho bro
Princess Mononoke evilness muk augh… harrowing and romantic
Weird Brnine
I’m so scared. An hour left. Much could happen
“If Gwyneth Paltrow could be like a Dark Souls boss”
Sailor Moon… “this is the sailor R movie w the plant monsters” fjdjdj
10 channel thank God
The cori levi teamwork has been so cute…
“Do you trust me to do the ritual” “YES”
This episode has been so good
earned enough glint to see and help her. Oh my god. Thanks Austin
How does leverage work is it Austin does anything move
“We made it to the end of a season, yuri gets to be real for at least one moment, yet again”
Perennial wave now a weird growth… anchored….
Proud of Hunting <3
They did it wow. Cleanest finale ever maybe
corielle reunion corielle reunion
“I knew you’d win but I knew you’d get into trouble so”
Cori is soooo happy awh
Levi third wheeling lmao
64 minutes left together…
“If only you had 5 more minutes” “shut the fuck up” I love them
Crying the sniper just joining the party. Why not
ITS ZEDD? him just being back is so funny. Where’d you go
“Everyone else gets to do enemies to lovers” “listen you can fuck whoever you want”
Zedd the dirtbag chef bf spy who was a sniper that’s perfect for levi actually. In the spirit it of evencascabel
“You’re a good captain, Kalvin Brnine”
This is very end of buddy cop movie walking off from the explosion banter
I love them all so much I love you Palisass
Other that arbitrage hey this is mostly positive-
1. The Stels
2. Cas’alear Rizah
3. Cynosure Whitestar Kesh
4. The Witch in Crystal
5. Millenium Break
3 of those are people, 2 are groups.
What if it’s 2 unmentioned people from the steps, someone from MB and LEAP his new career is being another princept
God this ep was all Ws and I’m happy with it. Let’s have some Ws for once. Relistening to it again tomorrow perhamps
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cutepresea · 1 year
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At the time of posting, it is 2:35 AM on July 5 in Japan. Exactly 10 years ago the first episode of Symphogear G started airing on MBS
Happy 10th anniversary to Symphogear's second season~
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bekaterrier · 1 month
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I started a new series and caught up on some new episodes that released this week.
@tellnotalespod S2 E16 - Love is Stored in the Carpet Burn: I didn't cry (maybe because I was driving and had to keep it together) but I definitely got emotional listening to Leo, Riley and Julia talk to Noah. They have their people back! I'm glad they're finally going to do something that makes Frank uncomfortable too. Hopefully they get the answers they need...
@desertskiespodcast Desert Skies FM - Someone Crashes the Show: I love Nonny so much, she is a gem. And her segment on this edition of Desert Skies FM was beautiful. "Something inside of me tells me it's best just to start out loving people, the moment you meet them."
@storiesfromylelmore Episode 201 - The Garden Club: They're back!! I'm so excited that season 2 has started, and this was a great episode to welcome us back. I love the worldbuilding so learning more about the little spirits and the traditions to help them was so much fun. I felt like I was Rion and Elas, with so many questions to begin with and just in awe of the whole process. It was also great seeing more of Keryth's moms and how they interact with the kids and other witches. I love that Keryth and Rion fighting is just them saying each other's names back and forth with different inflections. True friendship right there.
Case Study IREC-A59 Episode 1 - Too Close for Comfort Encounters - Part 2: The crew of the IREC-A59 seem very competent. I'm curious how they're going to proceed in dealing with this human they have on board. The distorted effects when the human is talking are a neat approach, giving us some insight but still not letting us know too much more than the crew themselves (who can't understand the human at all).
@hinaypod Episode 44 - Tula (Poem): Add this one to the (not insignificant) pile of truly creepy Hi Nay episodes. I loved hearing one of DJ's personal stories, and getting more info on what might have happened to the Sauvard family. That reveal at the end though...ahhhhhhhh I'm still not over it!!
@midnightburgr Chapter 37 - The Paradise: MB always has so many things going on and I love it. The Paradise, the Leifs, the wedding, Ava, the wolves, DAVID... incredible.
The Dead Letter Office of @somewhereohio - DLO 1-13: Another podcast created and performed by just one person. I am always in awe. These letters are so good at being normal on the surface, but being a little off, a little wrong... with things getting more and more wrong with every letter. And poor Conway is all caught up in it! I'm curious to see what Wren ends up doing.
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bloodbuzz-ohio · 3 months
What set abuse allegations did Rachel Bilson brush off?
Here's a rough timeline... sorry I went maybe deeper into detail than you were expecting
Mischa to E! on May 14, 2021: "[...] sort of general bullying from some of the men on set that kind of felt really shitty. But, you know, I also loved the show and had to build up my own walls and ways of getting around dealing with that and the fame that was thrust specifically at me. Just dealing with like the amount of invasion I was having in my personal life, I just felt very unprotected, I guess is the best way to put it.”
Within I want to say a week or two, Rachel and Melinda are asked about Mischa's interview on their podcast (or Danny Pellegrino's, it really doesn't matter, it was uploaded as part of the show podcast for 106) and they both say they never saw bullying on set. And they both extend an invitation to MB to come on their pod to explain herself? It's maddening.
RB says, trying to be funny, "I mean come on, clearly she was having fun. I mean, this episode she’s just making out with Ben McKenzie. What could be so wrong? And listening to Rooney.”
And because we know now that Ben and Mischa dated during s1, that's extra salt in the wound. Rachel of all people was aware of their saga, even if it was 20 years ago. As if dating someone and listening to live music..... means there was no mistreatment?
So then the show's mysterious entities speak to Page Six on June 2, 2021, probably mad that Mischa's interview is now costing them money because the podcast purports the show experience to be sunshine and rainbows and that Mischa herself was the problem, not them.
Their set source (I repeat, this is a 20 year old show with a random set source talking to Page Six) says, “So now she wants to go say that she was bullied,” the source continued. “It wasn’t that she was bullied. People didn’t appreciate waiting for hours for her to show up.”
The source also added that Barton — who played Marissa Cooper until she exited the series in Season 3 — had a momager who was “annoying.”
“It was a mess,” the source sniffed.
And that's its own POS mess. They also try to throw MB's mother under the bus in the book by saying she...... advocated for her daughter? By working as her manager and being on set? Nuala is on my shit list for a 1000 reasons and none of them are because she was on set advocating for her child/client. They really thought they did something with this Page Six hit job.
But Mischa responded to it with this kickass statement, "There was a lot going on. Whether I was late or not doesn’t excuse certain behavior from individuals in powerful positions. Everyone experiences things differently and where I acknowledge some of my past behavior may not have been helpful in certain instances, I will tell my truth when I feel ready.”
Then on June 11, 2021, Mischa published this op-ed in Harper's Bazaar UK.
There's radio silence on the issue until Adam Brody appears on the podcast for 126 in November 2021 and the pod women tell him (poorly, I may add) about the E interview from May. He says he didn't see any bullying but that he rarely worked with MB. Says he feels good about his own behavior with her. He does say that set is not a protective environment and several other nice things about her that put him in my good books forever.
Then there's true radio silence until Mischa finally agrees to be on the podcast during a weekend fandom convention she attends with Melinda and Tate in August 2022. They film the pod ep in December 2022 and it's posted in January 2023. None of the bullying allegations are discussed.
The allegations are also never mentioned in the celebratory book that is published in November 2023.
MB is asked about on-set bullying on CHD in February this year and in her answer mentions backtalk with some people behind the scenes, and brings up friction with guest stars.
Since then, Mischa has posted photos on IG that Rachel has commented on and Mischa replied to one of them in kind so I'd say things between them are... decent.
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
Genos and Saitama's Getaway(?) to the HA Mountain Lodge
Aright y'all. So, I was re-watching the special episodes for OPM, specifically the Season 2, Episode 6 special, when I thought of something.
At the start of the episode, Child Emperor, Zombieman, Darkshine, and Metal Bat were apparently on the hunt for a monster in the mountains, but needed to take shelter in a mountain lodge to escape the blizzard going on. When they arrive, they see that Genos, Saitama, and Flashy Flash are already there. CE makes a comment along the lines of "Flashy practically lives up here."
But why the hell were Genos and Saitama there?
Ruling Out
CE specifies that only four S-Class heroes were sent to deal with the monster, including himself. And later on, Saitama asks if Sonic (when they restrain him) was the monster they were looking for. Meaning, he had no clue there was a monster near the lodge, which would in turn mean Genos was not aware as well and that he was not part of that search party, as he definitely would've told Saitama about it. So that removes the possibility of being there for that reason.
Sonic's Appearance
Then there's Sonic's arrival. When he sees Saitama, his words imply that he hadn't run into the lodge until MB, CE, Darkshine and ZM appeared. But he'd apparently been training in the area. He likely took no interest in the lodge until he saw the heroes show up—weird, because he definitely would have if he knew Saitama was there. Meaning he didn't know he was there. Where am I going with this? Saitama and Genos were likely there at the lodge before Sonic showed up in the mountians, and thus have been there for a hot minute.
Attire and Items
Now: Saitama and Genos' clothes.
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I mean. Do they look like they were dressed for hiking in snowy mountains? (Granted, Genos doesn't get cold or catch sicknesses, but Saitama can and that's one of Genos' big concerns throughout the episode. I highly doubt he'd have let Saitama come with him/go to the lodge dressed in shorts and a thin-looking OPPAI t-shirt). There's also a brief shot at the start of the episode with 2 jackets on the couch and a pair of skiboards/snowblades.
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1) Jackets cover the torso, not the legs. There's no explanation for Saitama wearing shorts unless he changed. And, in order for him to change, he would've needed to have already had clothes prepared (packed?).
2) The skiboards/snowblades could be an explanation, but why only one set? Genos likely can't ski without a personalized set, I know, but knowing him, he would've put in the effort to join Saitama anyway. That, and the blades look like they were going to be used, not have been. I mean, used snowblades would surely be dripping with melting snow if they were touched, but the blades were against the couch (see screenshot below). Saitama doesn't seem like the type to just put wet, snow-covered skiboards against a pretty nice and dry couch. (Also: Flashy Flash was there, and throughout the episode he was going through a whole beauty routine. There's a chance he could've been skiing instead).
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Genos' Clingy Ass
Why the hell was Genos, upon discussing room arrangements, quick to jump on to the opportunity of taking the "largest room" with Saitama? As Saitama points out, there are plenty of rooms—enough to house each of them comfortably and separately.
Part of me feels like the decision to share was already decided, prior to MB, ZM, Darkshine, and CE showing up. I mean, Genos and Saitama are already well comfortable with sharing a living space, and Flashy definitely made a point to tell them to leave him alone ("Don't disturb my 'me' time"), so it's not like it would've made anyone uncomfortable. Any of the three, at least. (Which brings into question why Saitama half-protested sharing a room. Personally, I believe he felt the others would've been a bit too interested in why he, (at the time) a B-Class hero and Genos, an S-Class hero are so comfortable sharing a relatively small space and just didn't want to deal with that. But, I don't have anything to make a proper guess on it.)
The other part, however, thinks that it wasn't, but instead solely decided by Genos, who'd seen how accomodating the large room was in a prior look around the lodge. Either that or, when the S-Class heroes arrived and the discussion of rooms came up, Genos felt he needed to keep himself and Saitama separate from the S-Class group while similtaneously keeping them together. For what reason? Who knows. Maybe he didn't want to have training talk where the others could hear them, maybe he just didn't want to socialize/interact with them (which, mood there, Genos). Or maybe it's some other suspicious reason.
Whatever it is, it just solidifies the fact they've been there for a while, because either Genos and Saitama were already (loosely) sharing that room, or Genos had a good idea of how large it was after exploring the place.
(Also, I'd like to point out how Genos says it as "Just so you know, we will be taking the largest room." Just thought the finality in his words and his authoritative tone was... interesting.)
Saitama's Stuff
Supporting the point of Saitama likely packing some things, he has his manga with him. Granted, there's a chance the manga isn't his and was just in his room, but the probability of that is small. All the rooms are identical, and none of them had bookcases.
There's also the case of the jackets from before, which are gone in the next shot of the lounge. The skiboards are gone as well, which means all of which were put away.
Taking Out The Trash
Genos makes the passing comment of having already taken out the trash. Which is a pretty Genos thing to do, seeing as he didn't really have to, but it also could hint to Genos and Saitama being at at the place a while. The S-Class group hadn't been there long enough to warrant a need to take out the trash. Not immediately, at least. There had to have been a pretty large amount of garbage which, I shouldn't have to point out, takes a long time to pile, depending on the amount of people in an area/building.
In Conclusion?
Either I'm overanalyzing a plot hole and Genos and Saitama's only reason for conveniently being at the lodge was just to be in the episode
Those two were having a little "getaway" of some kind. What that kind was, I'll leave that up to you to come up with.
GenoSai shippers, I'm looking intently at you
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personinthepalace · 2 years
The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 Premiere Episodes 1 and 2
I have put the two episodes on google drive! Feel free to watch it if you don't want to wait for the Disney Plus premiere. I will most likely delete these links after the episodes are released on Disney Plus. Enjoy!
Each episode is 30 mins long
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mez-s-mess · 1 year
alright so i haven't seen anyone with this take on the good omens s2 finale (not that I looked particularly hard anyway, so if someone said it before me, mb bro), but what I have seen is people claiming that Metatron or whatever his name is, put something in Aziraphale's coffee to force him to be subservient/ come back to heaven
now (imo) this is not only wishful thinking from fans that want an explanation that doesn't make Aziraphale out to be somewhat of a bad guy, but also would probably be a violation of heavenly rules(tho realistically they aren't strangers to straying from them)
so what do I think? I think the purpose of the coffee is to give Aziraphale a false sense of security and to somewhat build trust between the two. food and drink have always been symbols of humanity or of angels/demons straying from their original purpose and also a symbol of "our side" (read: Aziraphale and Crowley's side) all throughout the first and second seasons. The episode in season two that shows what is possibly the first mention of the season of "our side" is also the episode in which Aziraphale tastes food for what is presumably the first time. Gabriel joins "our side" when he first drinks hot cocoa (for the audience) but it was probably the first time he took a drink with beezelbub at a pub (if they did indeed end up drinking together)
so if we take this into account it would make sense for Metatron to lead a proposal with the symbol of "our side", of trust of humanity
he isn't poisoning Aziraphale, it's just pure old fashioned manipulation. also I believe that Metatron already understood both Aziraphale and Crowley enough to know that Crowley has always been on his own side while Aziraphale has never fully committed to it (regardless of what he'd make you think)
the ominous look of hate he gave Crowley could be simple "hatred" for demons, perhaps even disgust for his kind (as heaven has shown plenty of times) but it could also have been him warning Crowley to stay out of heavenly business or even upset that he would most likely refuse to join the offer.
also people trying to give the poisoning theory proof by saying Aziraphale's mood and movements are janky or forced is probably not realising that he is 1. excited for this position he thinks could revolutionise heaven and the opportunity to go home 2. distraught that he hurt and left Crowley and there is indeed an internal debate of what he wants more, but those struggles are purely circumstantial
Aziraphale is not ooc. this is in fact the most in character we've ever seen him and frankly people who try to go the "something in the coffee look" might just have a very different idea of who aziraphale is in their head. he's always praised heaven and looked down on the fact that Crowley is a demon. he always thought he was somewhat superior because he was good and angelic. yes Aziraphale wants and loves Crowley, but he hasn't let go of the idealised image of heaven he is creating for himself. heaven has always been pretentious and elitist and I doubt Aziraphale can change anything. hell he might even be getting jailed and the whole "we need you" bit was a ruse. we'll have to wait until the writer's strike is over and season 3 is released to find out.
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xf-cases-solved · 2 months
S1E10: Fallen Angel
Case: A meteor crashes outside of Townsend, Wisconsin. Or maybe it was a downed Libyan fighter jet. Or maaaaybe it was a... dun dun... UFO? (It was a UFO)(Probably) Mulder goes to investigate without clearance, a plan, or his partner/carrier of his only brain cell, and ends up captured, leading to Scully picking him up from jail for the second time in five episodes. Before that, though, he meets Max—a nomadic UFO fanatic who may be suffering from psychosis or possibly the effects of being repeatedly abducted without his knowledge, and is the only part of this episode I care about. Mulder wants to prove the crash was a UFO before the government erases all the evidence, meanwhile Scully wants desperately for Mulder not to lose his fucking job. Will things all work out in the end? (no) Will they get the answers they seek? (also no) And will the audience be any closer to unraveling the mystery being spun? (absolutely not)
Does someone die in the cold open: Yes. All we see, as the man screams in agony while losing his life, is a giant flash of light, leaving me to assume that he was killed by the LED headlights on some asshole's pickup truck.
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No, this was one of those "my informant sent me here with very little context and I kind of just do whatever I'm told bc at this point I'm desperate for any crumb of information" episodes.
Does the evidence survive the investigation: There never was any evidence, and if you don't want to be sent to the reeducation center in Area 51 you'll agree with me.
Whodunit: -vague gesturing toward the government or mb aliens-
Convictions: I'm pretty sure Mulder had to have broken at least a couple laws, not just Bureau policy, and technically he was arrested, but afaik he wasn't charged with anything, so. Nah.
Did they solve it: No, but they leveled up in experience points and added Max to their inventory.
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Fisheye lenses. Is your character having supernatural flashbacks, being chased by an invisible alien, and/or is maybe having a psychotic break? Are you filming from the perspective of A Creature? Do you need to indicate that things are Wonky and Weird but it's the 90s and you're on a first season budget? Look no further than fisheye lenses!
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 3
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, it's me" phone calls: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 4 (in her defense, i was barely watching either)
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 2 (not upping the stat because i don't think they ever really planned to kill him, and the fisheyed alien ghost wanted Max, not him)
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 3
Total Number of Sexually Charged and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 5 (Scully was too gd annoyed with Mulder to do any flirting)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 1 (though she did get to play doctor—in a literal way, not sexy roleplay way—and that's always fun. maybe i'll make that a stat)
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 1 (if i missed any before this episode, no i didn't)
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 5 (though it was technically a flashback, but it was a flashback to something we'd never seen so)
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 1 (i sat here for a while trying to remember if anyone else had said it before Max, and i am almost certain they haven't. if i'm wrong, then idk, stone me to death or something)
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 2
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 3 (yeah, not even an inkling of an idea of where this was until i looked it up)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 2 (i had spent so much time worrying about Space that I forgot about Fallen Angel. this episode was both boring AND fucking confusing, so yeah, wikipedia answered a lot of the above)
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mischas · 1 year
listened to the pod for 110 and my god i did not realize how much these women positioned themselves as victims of mischa’s slightly off memory of something that was actually very minuscule in the grand scheme of her interviews about being bullied on set
mb: i was bullied on set by men and felt unprotected by my cast and crew. in the end i was glad to be rid of that toxic work environment
also mb: when certain people were made series regulars for season 2, the dynamic on set changed and i was starting to be treated as less than the female lead i was contracted to play
guess which thing they decided to give energy to
this is gross ❤️
i’ve listened to like three or four of their pod episodes in the last month and i’ve regretted them all except 308’s with tate. man did not give a fuck about calling the kids out (the guys the most)
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