bojonascarlsson · 2 hours
2024-09-27 Väderstation Heimdal, ViVa Landsort & Nynäs fiskehamn, Nynäshamn #nynäshamn #heimdal #landsort #viva
Väderstation Heimdal, Nynäshamn KlockaTemperatur °CLufttryck mbarLuftfuktighet %02:0014,3982,79608:0013,7981,99614:0014,3984,08220:008,7988,994Källa: Väderstation – Heimdal, Nynäshamn ViVa Landsort Klockan 21:06Vattenstånd cm10Vattentemperatur °C14,7Medelvind m/sekNV 6,2Byvind m/sekNV 8,3Källa: ViVa Sjöfartsverket Landsort Norra (SMHI) Landsort ViVa Nynäs fiskehamn Klockan 21:09Vattenstånd…
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episbep · 1 month
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five days sober
it’s good to be back🌈🧚🏻🦔🌿🍄🌞
I threw myself back into addiction full pelt, had a few too many “very last bag”s, spent so much money on it and caused hideous damage, physically (flooded my house, whacked a gash into the back of my head, am covered in cuts and bruises that I have no recollection of getting…) mentally (my head was empty, I was drained, miserable, restless, irritable and discontent, full of remorse, shame and guilt, lying to the people I love again) and was back in the bullshit cycle of “I’ll stop tomorrow/after this one” and just completely confirmed that I am an addict. Once I start, I can’t stop. I’ve only managed to get back into recovery because it all culminated in a really awful event, where I k-holed on my “last line” and caused irreparable emotional damage to the person that I love the most and I have no other choice than to choose between them or the drug because having them both just does not work. I can’t just have one. I’ve proven it time and time again. I’m either in addiction or recovery - there’s no in between, there’s no “casual use” - I’m either living or dying.
I love the connection found in meetings - I’ve been going to at least one meeting every day; two on the days that I’ve been able to, and yes dragging myself there feels like a lot of effort but after every meeting I am pleased that I have been. I’ve never once regretted going to a meeting.
I’ve been spending time with my family - proper, wholesome, genuinely fun time full of love and laughter, creativity, energy - making memories and truly living rather than just passing the time
I’m going to the local drug and alcohol services twice a week for counselling and acupuncture (ears and forehead - it really helps with the cravings and when I was having a panic attack, helped me to completely focus and calm right the fuck down) I love it. I’m grateful for the life that I am finding in recovery, the mediocre high that I get from ketamine is just so not worth losing all of this for.
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tanadrin · 7 months
huh. so apparently it's not just hydrogen--anything will become a metal if it's cold enough and under enough pressure. the element with the highest metallization pressure is neon, predicted to be around 2084 Mbar, or 2,056,748,087 atmospheres. the pressure in the center of Jupiter is only about 100,000,000 atmospheres.
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transgenderer · 9 months
The Goodyear Inflatoplane was an inflatable experimental aircraft made by the Goodyear Aircraft Company, a subsidiary of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, well known for the Goodyear blimp. Although it seemed an improbable project, the finished aircraft proved to be capable of meeting its design objectives, although orders were never forthcoming from the military. A total of 12 prototypes were built between 1956 and 1959, and testing continued until 1972, when the project was finally cancelled.
The original concept of an all-fabric inflatable aircraft was based on Taylor McDaniel's inflatable rubber glider experiments in 1931. Designed and built in only 12 weeks, the Goodyear Inflatoplane was built in 1956, with the idea that it could be used by the military as a rescue plane to be dropped in a hardened container behind enemy lines. The 44 cubic ft (1.25 cubic meter) container could also be transported by truck, jeep trailer or aircraft.[1] The inflatable surface of this aircraft was actually a sandwich of two rubber-type materials connected by a mesh of nylon threads, forming an I-beam. When the nylon was exposed to air, it absorbed and repelled water as it stiffened,[clarification needed] giving the aircraft its shape and rigidity. Structural integrity was retained in flight with forced air being continually circulated by the aircraft's motor. This continuous pressure supply enabled the aircraft to have a degree of puncture resilience, the testing of airmat showing that it could be punctured by up to six .30 calibre bullets and retain pressure.[2][3] Goodyear inflatoplane on display at the Smithsonian Institution
There were at least two versions: The GA-468 was a single-seater. It took about five minutes to inflate to about 25 psi (170 kPa); at full size, it was 19 ft 7 in (5.97 m) long, with a 22 ft (6.7 m) wingspan. A pilot would then hand-start the two-stroke cycle,[1] 40 horsepower (30 kW) Nelson engine, and takeoff with a maximum load of 240 pounds (110 kg). On 20 US gallons (76 L) of fuel, the aircraft could fly 390 miles (630 km), with an endurance of 6.5 hours. Maximum speed was 72 miles per hour (116 km/h), with a cruise speed of 60 mph. Later, a 42 horsepower (31 kW) engine was used in the aircraft.
Takeoff from turf was in 250 feet with 575 feet needed to clear a 50-foot obstacle. It landed in 350 feet. Rate of climb was 550 feet per minute. Its service ceiling was estimated at 10,000 ft.
The test program at Goodyear's facilities near Wingfoot Lake, Akron, Ohio showed that the inflation could be accomplished with as little as 8 psi (544 mbar), less than a car tire.[1] The flight test program had a fatal crash when Army aviator Lt. "Pug" Wallace was killed. The aircraft was in a descending turn when one of the control cables under the wing came off the pulley and was wedged in the pulley bracket, locking the stick. The turn tightened until one of the wings folded up over the propeller and was chopped up. With the wings flapping because of loss of air, one of the aluminum wing tip skids hit the pilot in the head, as was clear from marks on his helmet. Wallace was pitched out, over the nose of the aircraft and fell into the shallow lake. His parachute never opened.[4]
To Die For the InflatoPlane
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gillianthecat · 2 years
forget this Celsius vs. Fahrenheit (I voted Kelvin) debate, what's your favorite unit for measuring pressure? Feel free to pick one at random or based on vibes even if you have no idea what they mean.
I've added the conversion into atmospheres for context, since one atmosphere (atm) is more or less the standard air pressure we all live under.
Not included were
kilogram-force per square (centi-)metre (aka technical atmosphere) (1.033 kgf/cm^2)
inches, meters, and millimeters of water
pounds-force per square foot (2116.22 lbs/ft^2)
probably many others I haven't seen
I tried to get the right names/abbreviations/conversion factors, but I make no guarantees of accuracy.
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notesfromthepalace · 1 year
The Girls are mad!
And they can stay mad. If something doesn't sit well with me, not only am I going to say something, I am not going to subject myself to it.
Yes, its story time:
So a few months ago, I had went out with a group of people, both men and women, in downtown Bellevue. When I got the invite, I initially said I was going to drive myself - but oh no, they insisted that I ride with them, bad idea. Mind you, we were suppose to go bowling. When we got to the bowling alley, there was no reservation. We're in our mid-twenties, why are you not making reservations for when we go out?! We arrived at the bowling alley around 8pm and they said it was a two hour wait. I put my name and number down for them to call us when they're ready as we went to a restaurant nearby. The restaurant was cute, it was a little packed - but this is where the night became disastrous.
I love fine dining and I was raised well, so etiquette and class are my bread and butter.
"Hi how are you, a table for eight please?"
We sit, and while we're all looking at the menu the waiter informs us that any party greater than six will have only one check; We all said yes and agreed to the stipulations of the restaurant.
Or at least I thought so. Maybe they didn't hear because half of them showed up inebriated.
I'm already annoyed from the non-existent reservation for the bowling alley and my level of regret keeps growing by the minute.
For someone like myself who frequents high-class establishments on the regular, I know that if there is an experienced chef in the kitchen, as long as you can describe something (even if it's not on the menu), they'll make it. I ordered bread for the table and asked for a garlic butter vinaigrette (for the girls that get it) for myself. As I am ordering, one of the guys yells and says "Sarah can order for us because she knows how to talk like them" - WHAT!!!!!! The level of mortification.
Is "mortification" even a thing?
I also know when people see something they haven't had before, they tend to want to taste it. So when the bread came out, I did not double dip into my garlic butter vinaigrette. One of the girls asked if she could taste it and I allowed her to. But then she double-dipped, into MY garlic butter vinaigrette.
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I ordered another one. I am not the type to make a scene in public. She finished my original one and called the waiter over "Waiter, can I get that butter stuff too?" - loud as all hell. She didn't even get the proper name of it so he brought her a stick of butter and she was upset; Bombastic side eye *with Caribbean accent.
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Besides the utter loudness and vulgarity of the night - the icing on this pineapple upside-down cake was when the check came and they saw the price that everyone would have to pay (only like $60 each by the way):
"I only had water" "I didn't order that much food" "My drink wasn't even expensive" "I need to speak to the manager"
I asked myself why did I allow myself to be out with people that I know don't know how to conduct themselves in public. And what's worse is Washington is a predominantly white state and that night we were the only Black people in the restaurant. Now whatever misconception they may have had about Black people or people of color in general, they solidified and reinforced every negative stereotype.
Since that night, I had never been out with the group ever again.
I almost had a rocky night like that again this weekend but I cancelled because I knew it was going to be a mess.
Pretty much one of the girls mentioned how we never hang out - and I don't. She mentioned this place in Seattle called MBar. Any place in the city that you want to go to needs a reservation made. She said she called and couldn't reserve a spot, interesting.
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Ms. Princess Chanel called, and what do you know they answer and say that there is an opening Friday night at 6:30. I proceed with the reservation and they ask to put my card on file, you know, in the event I don't show up they can charge me - which is normal for nicer and more exclusive restaurants. I believe she didn't make the reservation because she did not want to put her card on file. It's giving I wanna be a "pseudo-pretty girl": someone who wants to act like this lifestyle is normal to them but it's not because anyone who knows anything knows that normal.
I let them know that the reservation has been made but then one of the girls was like they are unsure if they can make it - you should have said that before I made the reservation. Then it turned into a "can I ride with you" and "who is coming to pick me up" - excuse my French but who the freak did you think was going to be the designated driver to two drunk bozos who don't even know how to conduct themselves as ladies - absolutely the freak not.
They can go out by themselves and that is exactly what I said.
They ended up at a local bar - which is fine if that's what you're into. But don't try to frequent the places that I go to bringing that bottom of the barrel behavior with you; People know me, I stop and say hello.
So the mad girls can stay mad and I will go out by my lonesome, with my African King or my girls back home - you know, the girls that get it.
And that's who this blog is for: the girls who get it, even though I know the girls that don't get it watch and read too. Maybe they might learn a few things.
But as always, with love from your soon to be Mrs. Haitian-African,
Sarah Chanel
I went to brunch with an adult the next morning at a restaurant where we made a reservation:
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jartita-me-teneis · 4 months
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TODO EN SU LUGAR 🤯🌏🪐 Para que la vida sea posible en la Tierra se necesita agua en estado líquido. Naturalmente, algunos dicen que puede florecer en otras condiciones y, quizá, incluso sin agua. Aunque esto pueda ser cierto, mira a tu alrededor: a la vida en nuestro planeta no le va nada mal y aún no la hemos encontrado en otras partes del Sistema Solar (Por ahora). La zona de habitabilidad o zona habitable es la región alrededor de una estrella en la que se cree que los planetas podrían ser capaces de reunir las condiciones para tener agua líquida sobre su superficie de forma que pudiera dar lugar a la vida tal como la conocemos. No obstante, las condiciones que se deben dar en el planeta para que sea habitable son muy específicas. Tendría que ser rocoso, con una masa entre 0,5 y 10 M y presión atmosférica por encima de 6,1 mbar. Otros factores que influyen en la habitabilidad de un planeta son la excentricidad orbital, las propiedades atmosféricas, la rotación planetaria y las fuentes de calor adicionales más allá de la radiación estelar, como es el caso del calentamiento de marea. Si miramos en Sistema Solar, observamos que no solo la Tierra se sitúa en la zona habitable. También lo hacen Venus y Marte, de hecho, según investigaciones, hace millones de años debieron tener condiciones aceptables para la vida, con océanos de agua, pero las perdieron por motivos que todavía se nos escapan, aunque existen teorías diversas al respecto.
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fadiladeen · 7 months
Jadi yang mana yang benar nih, kamu tunggu yang ini atau yang itu??? #mbaR
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bojonascarlsson · 1 day
2024-09-26 Väderstation Heimdal, ViVa Landsort & Nynäs fiskehamn, Nynäshamn #nynäshamn #heimdal #landsort #viva
Väderstation Heimdal, Nynäshamn KlockaTemperatur °CLufttryck mbarLuftfuktighet %02:0013,5998,47908:0011,8998,48714:0015,1997,67620:0013,7991,493Källa: Väderstation – Heimdal, Nynäshamn ViVa Landsort Klockan 21:29Vattenstånd cm4Vattentemperatur °C15,1Medelvind m/sekSO 8,9Byvind m/sekSO 11,1Källa: ViVa Sjöfartsverket Landsort Norra (SMHI) Landsort ViVa Nynäs fiskehamn Klockan 21:21Vattenstånd…
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gothicskies90 · 11 months
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"Hurricane Sandy 2012 Presentation Card." 11 years ago, a major storm formed in the Atlantic, Hurricane Sandy start as a low pressure system on October 22nd, 2012, which quickly gained strength into a depression.. thanks to the low shear and the warm waters, Sandy was able to strengthen, eventually she would make landfall in Kingston, it would not be long after where she would rapidly intensify into a Category 3 hurricane with winds of 115 MPH and a pressure of 954 mbars, before making landfall in Santiago de Cuba at such intensity, after said landfall, her storm would start getting disorganized, as she headed north-northwest, going over the Bahamas, she would lose her hurricane status on the 27th, however, she still continue to persevere with convection thanks to a trough, despite strong shear starting to hit her..
After weakening briefly, she would re-intensify into a Category 2 briefly on the 29th, around that same time, she would reach her massive size, oddly enough having a strange pressure of 940mbars most likely due to the size, on this day, she would make her final landfalls on the Northeastern US, and New Jersey, continuing northeastward until she merged with another low pressure area on November 2nd, 2012. In the end, she reaped the lives of 233 people and caused $68.7 billion in 2012 USD damages, thus, resulting in her retirement in Spring 2013.. being replaced with Sara for the lists next use, 2018, even though Sara did not get used in the 2018 season.. (Tried to paraphrase from Wikipedia derp)
AND DONE, honestly I was doubtful I could get this gal finished, but I managed to push through and get her done on the last day before the last major deadline.
I actually had to go ahead and do a sketch prior to her card to figure out her outfit, although her hairstyle was figured out a lil bit earlier..
Shading was a lil bit of a pain in areas, but not really hellish.. also trying a new style with the hurricane, which actually is quite close to another artist on Deviant Art that humanizes hurricanes.
I tried to make her storm way larger in the illustration in comparison to Katrina's card, to emphasize her massive size... oh, first time I gave a storm a weapon of sorts, formed from the storms and clouds, they use them as their first line of defense, more recent storms use such weapons while those who were born way before still use their own abilities, Sandy's weapon is a staff with storm wind and water abilities, the staff also doubles as a lantern holder as shown in the artwork.
In the end tho, despite my struggles and procrastination, she turned out gorgeous and I hope you like her as well. :D
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gopissbepis · 2 years
being sober literally isn't that bad
ok yea I'm irritable af but that's just cos of the withdrawal and hopefully the worst has passed now + yea I've been having hideous night sweats and haven't slept for more than a couple hours solidly since I quit but y'know what - I feel proud of myself for being strong and ACTUALLY quitting. The first day was by far the worst but having the motivation to stay away from the shit and seeing the benefits almost instantly from getting my shit together is more addictive than any drug could possibly be. I have so much more energy and motivation to do the things that I want and need to do - nothing feels quite so much of a chore as what it used to and I'm excited to get up and out whereas before I was happy just to chill and smoke and not a lot else. Me and my girl are spending more quality time together and I feel like I'm being a better mum because I'm more present now. The house is back up straight bcos again, I've got the energy and motivation back. The brain fog is gone - I actually remember things I've got to do and conversations I've had with people. I just feel so much better in myself.
I don't ever want to be an addict again. I don't think I really realised quite how significantly it was impacting me but now that I'm away from it, the thought of staying like that forever actually terrifies me. From here on out I'll be forever wearing the badge of ex-addict. I'm never fucking going back.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On October 1st 1568 The Bannatyne Manuscript was published by George Bannatyne, an Edinburgh merchant.
In 1568 the plague struck Edinburgh. Hidden away in a country retreat, trying to escape the pestilence, city merchant George Bannatyne whiled away the time compiling an anthology of poetry. Little did he know that his manuscript would play a unique part in preserving his country's poetic heritage.
The Bannatyne manuscript contains some of the best work of Scotland's most important mediaeval poets. It is our only source for some poems: without it, we would have lost Alexander Scott's welcome to Mary Queen of Scots ('Welcum illustrat Ladye and oure quene'), William Dunbar's poem to Queen Margaret Tudor ('O lusty flour of yowth benyng and bricht'), Robert Henryson's pastoral love-poem 'Robene and Makyne', and many others. In other cases, the Bannatyne Manuscript preserves the most reliable text for modern scholars. The works it contains range widely: religious verse, love poems, moral fables and scandalous flytings, all find a place in it. 
The flytings are my favourite, the most interesting section to me. Flyting was a way of duelling with words, an exchange of insults, often conducted in verse, between two parties. Many people make comparisons with modern day Rap Battles.
Over the centuries many scholars and literary greats have poured over the manuscript, including our be-turbaned Edinburgh poet, Allan Ramsay and Walter Scott. Many of the religious gatherings predate the Reformation, they take up the first of the five sections it is made up of.
The “Secound Pairt” is made up of poems with moral or philosophical themes, three’s writings are dedicated to comic entertainment with a heavy bias toward satire. Love themes make up the next section although it splits them into sub-sections “Ballatis Of Luve Devydit in Four Pairtis” And of course no compilation would be complete without politics, which makes up part five, along with fables, including those of Aesop.
Back to my faves, Flytings, the most well known example is “The Flyting of mbar and Kennedie”
There is no date for the poem but one of the “Flyters was the poet William Dunbar who lived from 1456-1520, he was the court poet to King James IV. This is part of the Flyting
Thow Lazarus, thow laithly lene tramort, To all the warld thow may example be, To luk vpoun thy gryslie, peteous port; For hiddowis, haw, and holkit is thyne ee, Thy cheikbane bair and blaiknit is thy ble. Thy choip, thy choll garris men for to leif chest; Thy gane, it garris ws think that we mon de. I coniure thee, thow hungert Heland gaist.
Translated to
You Lazarus, you loathsome, lean, corpse
To all the world you may be an example
To look upon your grisly, pitiful appearance,
For hideous, livid and hollowed out is your eye,
Your cheekbone bare and pallid is your complexion.
Your jaw, your jowl make men leave off jesting,
Your face makes us think that we must die.
I conjure you, you famished Highland ghost.
More of the poem and translations here http://www.oxfordscholarlyeditions.com/…/actrade-9780198118…
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annisa-mu · 2 years
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“Mbar, masak apa kamu hari ini?”
“Menu andalanku dong, tau kan?”
“Aaaah, ketebak. Pasti sayur sop yang isinya macem-macem itu”
“Tapi ada yang beda kali ini”
“Kamu tambahin apa?”
“Aku coba tambahin Kapulaga”
“Emang enak?”
“Ya sini ke rumahku, cicip. Ajak Lia sekalian ya?
“Siap deh, 30 menit lagi kita berangkat, Lia pasti engga bisa nolak kalo tau kamu lagi masak Sop. Dia kan suka banget sayur sop hasil racikanmu itu. Ih kapan ya aku bisa masak sayur sop seenak itu?.”
Lamunanku bercengkrama dengan Mbar buyar. Lia, anak gadisku, tiba-tiba sudah ada disamping, mentowel-towel bahu. Mungkin mengetahui aku melamun. Setelah sadar, aku melanjutkan mengupas wortel yang sudah digenggaman dari tadi. Ku sadari juga, kehadiran ingatan nada bicara Mbar, cara dia menatapku saat berbicara, serta detail bahasa tubuhnya.
Hari ini kami berdua memasak Sayur Sop. Menu ini sangat istimewa. Apalagi, sejak Lia mengenal enaknya racikan Sayur Sop ala Mbar, 20 tahun lalu. Mbar adalah panggilanku untuk saudara kembarku. Saat ini Sayur Sop, tidak hanya sarat gizi dan variatif isiannya, sayur ini juga sarat rindu serta variatif kandungan emosinya. Ya, sayur ini mengingatkan kami pada Mbar beserta kenangan masa lalu.
Mbar senang sekali memasak Sayur Sop untuk kami, hampir tiap pekan. Sekarang, kami berdua punya ritual memasak bersama setiap jadwal Sayur Sop tiba, sembari mengungkit-ungkit kebaikan-kebaikan Mbar. Berbumbu cerita tentangnya, membuat proses masak ini terasa berbeda. Kami berdua bebas mengekspresikan rasa apa saja terkait dengan Mbar. Ini cara kami berdua menghadirkan dia kembali di tengah hiruk pikuk hidup.
“Mbar, bagaimana kabarmu disana, gelap atau terang? Disini sedang sering hujan lebat”
“Mbar, apakah kita bisa jumpa lagi di hari kemudian? Aku minder,Mbar... Aku bukan manusia sebaik dirimu”
“Mbar, andaikan kamu masih disini, kita bisa membesarkan Lia bersama-sama, kamu bisa menilaiku apakah sudah menjadi ibu yang baik untuknya?”
“Mbar, apakah aku sudah menjadi saudara yang baik bagimu? Maafkan aku selalu merepotkanmu, Mbar. Maafkan aku jika perawatanku tidak baik dan maksimal saat itu. Apa gara gara ini kamu meninggalkanku tiba-tiba?”
“Mbar, andaikan kamu tahu porak-porandanya aku tanpa dirimu. Sampai kini belum ada yang menggantikan posisi teman cerita, setelah kamu tiada. ”
Banyak pertanyaan dan pernyataan berkecamuk di kepala tiap aku teringat Mbar. Bahkan ingatan itu bisa hadir diperantarai wortel, kentang, kubis, bumbu-bumbu masak dan dapur, serta beragam hal lainnya. Ingatan tentang Mbar menempel dimana-mana. Kekuatan tempelnya kuat, tidak luruh oleh waktu. Aku kadang sedih memikirkan ini, tapi dilain hari juga tenang, karena posisi Mbar tidak bisa hilang begitu saja dihati. Tumpukan ingatan itu semakin membangun kerinduan yang besar.  Ketika ingatan itu datang, kadang aku bisa mengkondisikan perasaan, kadang juga masih ada adegan menangis tersedu.
Andaikan Mbar tau apa yang aku lakukan di kehidupan saat ini. Andaikan Mbar bisa hadir disini, memvalidasi beragam penyataan dan menjawab banyak pertanyaanku. Andaikan Mbar juga meninggalkan resep menemukan teman bicara seasik dia. Sayangnya validasi dan jawaban tak kunjung aku dapatkan, semua perandaianku tak kunjung mendapat titik temu. Padahal Mbar juga sudah ku beri izin hadir lewat mimpi.  
“Mbar, ketika gelombang rindu itu datang, aku menyebut-nyebut namamu berulang-ulang”
“Apakah rindu kami padamu sampai, Mbar?”
“Apakah doa-doa kami juga sudah cukup untukmu disana?”
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weginsfreie · 2 years
(34) Herbstflüge in der Homezone
Ein kurzer Moment der Panik, die Ahnung einer Enttäuschung. Beim Druck auf den Anlasser tut sich: nichts. Der Faltpropeller des Carat flattert ein wenig, doch der Motor startet nicht. Alles umsonst. Bei nur 5 Grad Außentemperatur habe ich meinen Flieger voller Hoffnungen auf einen schönen Tag aufgebaut. Und nun das. Warmsignal von meinem Bordrechner: Akku leer. 
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Zweites Warmsignal aus dem Umfeld. Ich sehe ich Gesichter meiner Fliegerkollegen, die herumstehen, kann ihre Gedanken lesen. Eine Mischung aus Mitleid und Schadenfreude, das wird sich nie ändern. Ein letzter Versuch. Der Motor springt an. Hinterher klingt das alles logisch. Doch in dem Moment war es pure Verzweiflung.
Vielleicht war das heute der letzte Flug des Jahres. Die Wetterkarte droht mit dem Herannahen eines atlantischen Tiefs. Heute herrschten 1030 mbar – unglaublich! In einem Moment ist Weihnachten. Drei Wochen war mein Carat in der Werkstatt – oder stand am Boden, weil Herbstnebel die Baar zuschütteten wie eine Lawine, die sich nach dem Abgang in der Ebene ausbreitet.
Doch der eine oder andere Flug war noch drin. Gibt es ein zweites Flugzeug neben dem Carat, das zu einem solchen Flugprofil in der Lage wäre? Noch schwingen die unglaublichen Thermikflüge des Sommers nach. Doch nun fliege ich souveräner denn je mit Motor.
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Wieder so ein Hochdrucktag. Die Richtung steht schnell fest. Diesmal muss es die Zugspitze sein. Irgendwie langweilig und doch interessant. Jedenfalls aus der Vogelperspektive. Irgendwie inzwischen alles Homezone: Bodensee, TMA und Kontrollzone Friedrichshafen, der Grasplatz von Kempten an der Autobahn, dann die Berge, immerhin ein unglaublich schönes Panorama. 
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Das Motörchen schnurrt, nach dem Ölwechsel und dem Einstellen des Ventilspiels fühlt sich der Sound wieder besser an. Ich denke über einen Autopiloten nach, nein, nur ein Scherz. Das Wetterfenster lässt kaum eine andere Flugroute zu, also noch schnell am Tegersee vorbei, in Erinnerung an schöne Tage in Tutzing. 
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Zwischenlandung in Aalen-Elchingen, weil ich doch schon recht lange in der Luft war. Und – wir erinnern uns – das Einzige, das am Carat (konstruktionsbedingt) nicht funktionieren kann ist die Tankuhr. Alles mögliche kann passieren, nur eines darf nie und nimmer passieren: eine Außenlandung, weil ich keinen Sprit mehr habe. Ich tanke ein paar Spritzer für dem Rückflug nach Donaueschingen, aber sicherlich hätte es gereicht. Obwohl, heute gibt es 30 km/h Gegenwind. Vielleicht war die Zwischenlandung doch schlau?
Nach endlosem Warten auf eine weitere Gelegenheit bin ich dann drei Wochen später endlich wieder in der Luft. Vielleicht ist es der letzte Flug in diesem Jahr, das Wetter schlägt um, der Winter ist da. Der Tank ist diesmal randvoll. Ich habe keine Lust, irgendwo zwischenzulanden. Ich will Airliner-Feeling. Heute steigt der Carat gut wie nie. Ist es die kalte Luft? Oder die Wartung des Propellers? Dankbar nehme ich das gute Steigen entgegen.
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Zielstrebig steige ich in den Himmel hinauf. Erst bei 8000 Fuß merke ich, wie kalt es ist. Sicherlich minus 15 oder gar 20 Grad im Cockpit. Und ich merke, dass ich meine Handschuhe vergessen habe. Kurz überlege ich, ob ich zurückfliegen und landen soll. Aber war wäre das denn, zurückfliegen? Landen? Ich bin sicher kein Held, habe aber keine Lust auf die Unterbrechung meines Fluges, Also bleibe ich in dieser Höhe und fliege weiter.
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Das wohin ist eigentlich zweitrangig. Mir geht es heute um die Optik. Aufgelockert Quellwölkung – erst über dem Schwarzwald, dann über der Alb. Das Wetter kommt von Westen, damit steht die Reihenfolge der Umrundung meiner Homezone fest. Auf zum Feldberg, der schon mit Schnee bedeckt ist, Schluchsee und Titisee nehme ich im Vorbeifliegen war. Dann das Rheintal, bedeckt von einer Decke aus Wolken. Es gibt kein Hinunter und kein Hinauf. Bis vom VOR Karlsruhe folge ich den westlichen Konturen des Schwarzwaldes, dann drehe ich um und sehe vor mir das gleißende Licht. Es gibt kein Entkommen. So wie ich hergekommen bin, muss ich auch zurück. Und ertragen, dass ich fast nichts sehe, weil ich direkt in die Sonne fliege.
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Oder doch nicht? Über Winzeln schwenke ich nach Osten, weiche der Sonne aus und fliege der anderen Homezone entgegen, der Schwäbischen Alb. Langsam entspanne ich mich, denn in diesem Flug begleiten mich schwerwiegende Gedanken. Schöne wie schreckliche. Wie immer bin ich Sklave meines Gehirns und ertrage es gelassen. Doch nach und nach löse ich mich auf, werde eins mit der Umgebung, fühle, wie die Luft mich trägt und erinnere mich daran, dass der Himmel meine Heimat war, ist und sein wird. Egal, was sonst passiert.
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Es wäre schön, so weiterträumen zu können. Leider ist es bitterkalt im Cockpit. Meine Füße spüre ich kaum noch, das macht mir wenig. Aber die vergessenen Handschule fordern ihren Tribut. Ich versuche meine Hände durch Reibung aufzuwärmen, kann dann aber logischerweise nicht steuern. Trotzdem bleibe ich ehrgeizig, es ist einfach zu schön zu hier oben.
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Werde ich dieses Jahr nochmals mit meinem Carat fliegen? Wie wird es nächstes Jahr weitergehen? in Schweden, denn das ist der Plan. Für heute brauche ich keine Antworten, nur Handschuhe. Nach der sanften Landung rolle ich vor meinen Anhänger, öffne die Cockpithaube und atme die Bodenluft ein. Ich steige aus und fühle mich wie in den Tropen. Wie wohlig sich doch 5 Grad plus anfühlen können.
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womo-aktuell · 9 days
Truma DuoControl CS Komplettset
Heute haben wir für euch das #Truma #DuoControl CS vertikal 30 mbar Komplettset, ein wesentlicher Bestandteil für jeden Wohnmobilbesitzer, der sicheres und effizientes #Gasmanagement an Bord gewährleisten möchte. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein hochwertiges Druckminderersystem, das speziell für den Einsatz in #Wohnmobilen und Wohnwagen entwickelt wurde. Mit diesem Komplettset können #Gasverbraucher wie #Heizung, #Herd, #Warmwasserboiler und #Kühlschrank zuverlässig mit Gas versorgt werden, während gleichzeitig für maximale Sicherheit gesorgt wird.
Unseren Bericht findet Ihr wie immer in unserem Blog unter https://www.womo-aktuell.de/truma-duocontrol-cs-komplettset/
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ccitusa · 19 days
The increasing complexity of combination products in the pharmaceutical and biologics industries demands advanced testing solutions to ensure safety and effectiveness. The SIMS 1915+ Seal Integrity Monitoring System is an ideal tool for detecting leaks in vials, syringes, and combination products, using helium as a tracer gas for precise, quantitative results. It supports various applications including package design, component evaluation, and quality monitoring, with sensitivity levels as low as 1 x 10^-10 mbar L/sec. PTI’s customizable SIMS 1915+ system adheres to FDA guidelines, offering comprehensive testing to confirm product integrity and long-term stability.
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