#mayu imagines
pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
music & vocaloids month ; twenty-ninth day.
synopsis: You were Mayu’s best friend. And she was always jealous of your other friends.
# tags: scenario; friendship; yandere!au; drama; thriller, i guess; threats; death mention; instagram post; no dialogue; suggestive?
includes: gender neutral reader ft. mayu {vocaloid}
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[ instagram post ] 
shin3y/n.bby • 10 minutes ago
[ a photo of you and your best friend from another country - you are smiling and enjoying a picnic with lots of snacks and board games; this is your first meeting even though you’ve known each other for almost five years ]
liked by hatsune.meow, luuuka20.0 and 27 others
Mayu clenched both fists and immediately hit the dark wooden desk with all her strength on which she kept her laptop with a computer mouse.
The sight of your smiling face and the sight of how you embrace the other person was a shock not only for her, but also a huge cause for envy, anger and sadness. Mayu was also mad as hell, but not at you because she knew none of this was your fault, but she was extremely pissed at the person next to you in the picture who was holding a glass of orange juice with ice cubes in one hand, and in the other a cupcake with cream and strawberry on top.
For a young girl, such a sight was a blow straight to the small heart, so the only thing that could improve her mood at that moment was to go through your friend’s profile and find out who they were. Mayu immediately laughed out loud and put her hand to her mouth when colorful pictures of a stranger appeared to her both eyes. She looked through a few photos and films, and two things the teenager was sure after a few more minutes were that your other friend was damn boring and damn unattractive.
They had boring hobbies, creepy smile, bad haircut, to top it all off, they dressed weird and ate disgusting food. For Mayu, the sight was c o m i c a l.
Then she went back to your Instagram profile again and smiled. Unlike the nasty alien, you were really beautiful and intelligent. You had an interesting hobby, always good (in Mayu’S eyes) grades, you always matched your outfit to the weather, jewelry and make-up, you were always kind to the elderly and children, you were helpful, charming and just wonderful.
‘Y/N-chan... Why did you hang out with such a stupid person who deserved only a slow death and eternal misery?’ She thought, shaking her head, then looked at the wall in front of her, just behind her computer screen. The bright surface was covered with photos of you – both the ones of you alone and the ones of you and Mayu together. Your smile was sweet and your eyes always sparkled.
The fair-haired, short teenager had to do something about it – as she always did. She hated sharing you with other people.
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previous day ; nagi rokuya from idolish7 ♡ next day ; haru yayoi from six gravity
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mayullla · 3 months
Like what if y/n got pregnant ? And then died from giving birth? Or died from his harsh punishments ? What would the viscount reaction be?
Hmmmmm this is very specific, the viscount is a very meticulous man, he cares a lot about the details and makes sure to have everything happen the way he wants it to. He would make sure beforehand that Reader knows and has actually given up everything to him, and if it was on accident the sigil is probably used often to make sure the reader doesn't do anything "dumb" to put her or the baby at risk. No huge harsh punishments would be given to the reader if she did something wrong, but isn't like she could also act out more when the guy has her whole freedom in his hands with that sigil on the first place.
Now if it is death by giving birth... the Viscount would be furious if anything but he would not give up just like that. He would research ways to get you back from the dead. The world knows magic and curses it wouldn't be far for the world to have one or two ways to bring a dead person back to life... or trap a ghost... they do say that those who suffered so much would come back as a ghost. Viscount would be furious, but when he catches you it is game over again. He would baby you, but you know that now there is even less of a chance you would ever leave his arms ever again.
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ourdadai · 2 months
✿ mayu ꒰ tripleS ꒱ lockscreens !
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tyun4airy · 6 days
triples girls (yooyeon, seoyeon, mayu, xinyu, & nakyoung) x gn!reader
summary: how it would be cooking with the triples girls
warnings/tags: established relationship, fluff, idk what to tag this tbh
this is so random but i had the thought and needed to do something with it
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Kim Yooyeon (김유연) -
— do not try cooking with her it will end in a disaster so serious fr
— a little surprising given she's the oldest with essentially no cooking knowledge, you will end up having to do most of the cooking
— she will try, but she will likely fail, but she tries to act as if she did it the right way while you weren't looking, only for you to ask and she just kinda freezes before admitting that she obviously did it wrong
— stick to cup of noodles, it's easiest for her
Yoon Seoyeon (윤서연) -
— she's surprisingly a better cook than you would've expected, so you two are pretty equal in terms of cooking knowledge
— she can cook the basics and most things as long as there's instructions and a recipe for her, and it might not come out looking the same, the taste is great
— that being said, she would much rather just order food than taking the time cooking it, understandable
— however, for certain holidays or events of some kind she would do her best to make something more difficult or that isn't often made, somehow succeeding
Koma Mayu (駒まゆ) -
— she will lowkey eat the food as you're cooking fr she just can't resist when it looks so good!
— she could probably make rice if she tried and that's about it, excluding ramen but yeah that's about it
— she would totally love cooking with you even if she isn't doing much, just spending time together alone is enough for her, but she also gets good food in the end? sign her up!
— she might not be able to cook or help much but she is great at talking endlessly while you cook so you're never bored at least when cooking
Zhou Xinyu (周新宇) -
— she does not cook, do not have her cook, don't even ask for help, some sort of chaos will happen
— you could literally be cooking the most extravagant meal and she'd be of no help whatsoever, just leaning against the counter looking pretty while you do all the work, even if she tries to help, you deny and so she just sits there
— she is your certified taste tester though, so whenever you're around halfway or nearly done you ask for her to taste and she'll tell you how it tastes and if it needs more of anything
— she doesn't even try cooking for your birthday she just orders catering and pretends like she made it for you (you know she didn't)
Kim Nakyoung (김낙영) -
— girl would rather eat cup of noodles and convenience store foods instead of cooking like fr
— you'll have to be the one cooking 24/7 im sorry, she'll try to help sometimes but most of the time she's just sitting on the counter watching you cook
— but, she would definitely try cooking something on your birthday, waking up before you to cook something and it might end in a fire but at least she tried!
— it's not often that you cook but whenever you do she's always standing there behind you asking if she can do anything to help and when you keep saying no she still doesn't leave your side, watching everything you do
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hikaru-hoshina · 5 months
I wonder if Iroha has silly variations of Komugi's name that are used so often that she almost forget Komugi's real name. I think it's a pretty common thing that pet owners have.
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outlanderalien · 2 years
The only Bleach timeline where I'd approve of Mayuri dying instead of Nemu is whereupon becoming a fully realised soul, Nemuri takes over as squad 12 captain and in order to cope with the grief of losing Mayuri, she discovers he had his genetic structure uploaded somewhere and she makes a whole new Mayuri (who goes by Mayu) and he's not his fully realised self yet but a continuation of his former selfs legacy, the goal to perfect artificial soul technology. Thereby ensuring a never-ending cycle of Mayuri + Nemu, then Nemuri + Mayu.
Whenever one dies, the other becomes their full self and gets to work rebuilding the other in a half realised form.
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pillow-anime-infos · 1 year
vocaloids masterlist.
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first concert {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 307 words ; sfw}
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cancer {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 608 words ; sfw?}
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day with your best friend, meiko {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 532 words ; sfw}
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fan call {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 450 words ; sfw}
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your debut day {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 400 words ; sfw}
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yandere!mayu {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 577 words ; suggestive}
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her stylist {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 508 words ; sfw}
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paparazzi {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 577 words ; sfw}
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dynamitekansai · 1 year
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February 12 Fuji ◆6 Woman Tag Momo Watanabe, Saki Kashima & Natsuko Tora defeated Hazuki, Saya Iida & Mayu Iwatani.
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crimsoncorpse03 · 2 years
Hehe ffirst fanfic coming in! can i request either mayu and morishige or sayaka and naho with anything involving cats?? :D i love cats sm n i might get one so I'm really in the mood for some felines X) (also ur mitsuki drawing is so cuteeeeee💕💕) take ur time and have a nice week 💓
Hi and ofc and thank you for the compliment and I hope u have a nice week too (also sorry I wasn't sure if you meant headcanons/imagines or if you meant a fanfic so srry if this isnt what u wanted if not I could rewrite it but yeah)
Welcome with open arms (mayu x morishige)
Mayu was sitting at the home her and shig shared, waiting for him to return home from work, when she heard scratching coming from the front door. "O-oh... what could that be..?" Mayu questioned to herself and got up and walked to the front door, but when she opened it nobody was there....is what she thought till she heard a faint meow from below her, "um was that a...cat ?" She said giggling nervously, mayu slowly looked down to meet the feline that was meowing at her. "You poor kitty ! You were probably freezing in the cold like this, who would just abandon this poor cat like this" mayu said a little mad while picking the small cat up. "Ok don't worry little kitty I'll take care of you" mayu brought the cat inside and went to grab a can of tuna from the kitchen. "Here we go this will do" she grabbed a can opener and opened the can and walked to the small kitten and set it down. "Here you go, kitty"
Just as she did this morishige walked through the door. Only to be greeted by mayu sitting in front of a...kitten? Why there a cat in their house was a cat in their house was a mystery to him. "Mayu...? Why is there a...cat in our house." He questioned confused "oh right... yeah so there was a little kitty on the door step with no collar and I thought I should take it in since I couldn't just leave it alone" "oh?" Morishige smiled and sat down and pet the cat listening to Its purring "the little kitty cat is cute isnt it ?" Mayu said while giggling "yeah I love cats their so cute.. like you" morishige stated while leaning over and kissing mayu on the cheek. "...!" Mayu was startled a little but leaned in to the kiss. "So a new family member huh?" "Yeah" well they welcomed the cat with open arms into the suzumoto-morishige family
The end
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hxneylavendxr · 2 years
your mika vocahorror hc is so real i also think he would absolutely love mayu. shes a gothic (lolita) yandere does that not scream mika or what
YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MAYU!!!!!! she's literally my favorite vocaloid, she has it all, mika would absolutely love her to shreds
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thatonesakudere · 2 years
Going from a good idea (Mayu having a jacuzzi bathtub), to a better idea (Mayu having a pool on the balcony) , to the best idea (Mayu having both).
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mayullla · 3 months
Omg this is just a thought but what if the ex-fiancé came back? Like the prince later realised that the other noble woman was just greedy and only interested in him for the money and title and wants to get back with y/n bcs he realised that she was pure and actually had real feelings for him?
Oh and also to see that y/n has changed a lot and isn’t that weak anymore (thanks to our dear Viscount lmao) which only fuels his obsession further…🫣
......... he would probably be dead right then and there. If that ever happened say the guy at some point saw reader again at like a ball or gathering and saw this very very sophisticated woman he would have been curious, he would have questions. Yet before he could get answers about them the Viscount cuts his path a smile on his face as he held your hand with his. Eyes challenging yet still with that respectful tone.
It was later that the royal advisors told the prince to leave his ex-fiance alone, reminding him who the Viscount was in the end. Someone that even the royal family was wary of. The prince is a shallow man, one that thought that the world belongs to him. He is selfish and never cared for others, but if he didn't heed the words of the advisors then he would become a broken human, nothing but a husk that could only see nightmares. Nobody knew what happened, and nobody would dare assume.
It was not worth it.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 10 months
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mayulli · 2 years
Sagau but this time the user's main dps is looking forward to the user pulling for their side dps.... *keep that in notes...*
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castlehark · 2 years
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forgot for a split second about the death wounds ...... (neck ^)
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stories2you · 2 years
Thank You @ 45 Followers!
As thanks, I've decided to make a series about my MTP OC, Wilhelmina. To add, I'll also start writing for K-Pop short stories and some other anime series.
- OnlyOneOf
- Stray Kids
- Hypnosis Mic
I'm getting busier in real life, so pardon my late updates. Requests are still open, so feel free to drop an ask! But again, no NSFW.
I have stopped writing for MLQC, so please prevent from requesting the series.
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