#mayor character death
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batfamily-recs · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Nightwing - Fandom, Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Batfamily Members & Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown & Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Donna Troy Additional Tags: Police Officer Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Feels, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, DICK GRAYSON ACTUALLY DIED, And stayed dead, Canonical Character Death, Sharing Clothes, Grief/Mourning, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Dick Grayson-centric, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, I gave Dick a fuzzy sock collection, Everyone walking around in Grayson clothing, I can't not give you a little Wonder Twin, Donna Troy gives the closest thing to a Grayson Hug, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Where is the line between tagging and spoiler 🤔?, Everyone Has Issues, If you don't point out their's then they won't point out yours Series: Part 1 of 2021 Whumptober - Grayson Appreciation Summary:
When Dick Grayson died most of his clothes were taken... this is that story.
Whumptober: No. 1 - ALL TRUSSED UP AND STILL NOWHERE TO GO. - “You have to let go”
Dick's clothes were left hanging in his closet for months after his death and it becomes an important part of his siblings path forward.
(I cried so much, this is really good, but just be prepared for the tears)
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theleslistuff · 1 year ago
I took a liking on this idea when I was like... 13 and found a really good creepypasta called "El diario virtual de Tucker Foley" where basically Danny is a full ghost but is in denial about it, so is Tucker, telling in his dairy how he notices some strange behavior on everyone around him like Sam being more secretive and getting strange injuries and denying to talk about Danny at all, as well having Danny playing around with his powers but people reacting excessively scared about it until Tucker goes to Danny's house where Jazz tells him about her grieve after disconnecting Danny for the accident that killed him, Jack being in jail and her mother moving with Vlad after this.
After this Sam committed suicide and Danny is trying to deny what happened to him after Tucker confronted him about it and the creepypasta finished with Danny possessing Tucker's PDA to tell him it's all his fault and now he'll be joining him... As a ghost
So I decided... What if we had more info about it, and decided to make my au Even in death, with the plot of yeah, Danny being a full ghost with a rotting body like... Mixing both of my favorite premises... Danny being a full ghost in denial about it, but brought partially back to life being basically a zombie, thanks for a ritual made by Sam feeling guilty for killing him along with a family member that would not accept grieve... At first I thought what if Jazz was that familiar that would not accept her baby brother is gone because of her parents stupid invention, but I thought she likes psychology, studies a lot about it and being in the medical area myself you learn how to deal with grieve in more healthy ways even after losing someone you really loved and I don't see Jazz recurring to occultism after the ghost related stuff killed Danny in the first place.
So, when I was 14-15 I discovered the existence of the fic "My brother is a Ghost" and now looking at Andy's behavior he would be the kind of person that's smart but would totally lose his mind if something ever happened to his siblings, I remember even a chapter where he really thought a ghost killed Danny and this dude was about to go straight to the yougular by... Well in some context it was Young blood who hurt Danny, so Andy almost killed with bare hands his ghost parrot even making Young Blood cry.
So I thought... Damn this dude as a villain would be terrifying and his moral spectrum would be gone for good if something ever happened to... Specifically Danny...
I remember this one episode (I don't remember the name of, been awhile since I watched phantom) where spectra was trying to taunt Danny and she makes a comment like "what are you? Are you a ghost pretending to be human or are you a weird little boy with weird little ghost powers" and the part, are you a ghost pretending to human got me thinking, what if it's true? What if instead of danny being human with ghost powers, he was a ghost trying to blend in and act human, and it made me realize I want fics where this is the case.
I want Danny to be a full ghost and come to the human world and become interested. And you can choose if the accident still happen, when the portal comes on phantom gets caught in the middle of it on the ghost zone side, have the portal bring him back a half alive. Or phantom can be full on ghost and has try hard to come up with reasons why he looks and seems so different. Phantom: oh why does my hair look so white? I bleach the crap out of it. How come my eyes look like this? It's a genetic issue that runs in his family that make his eyes look so green and glow when the light hits it. Why does he feel so cold when someone touches his hands? It's a rare disease that he can't regulate body heat that well.
I just want full on ghost danny fics.
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zirkkun-arts · 7 months ago
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huehue the scene that traumatized my childhood. this is also somewhat of a personal piece (as well as practice for making comics again) because I read this comic on deviantArt back when i played this game closer to when it came out that illustrated this same scene but with stabbing which... finally made me realize how the mayor actually could have died in the game at this point lol
but i could never find that comic again! so instead i just made it myself lmao
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beauleifu · 4 months ago
Chapters: 30/? Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid Rating: Mature Summary:
TW!!: blood, death (just a random person), horror elements (towards the end, nothing too detailed), fear, horror, panic attacks
What was supposed to be an easy heist, get-in-get-out situation, turns out to be something more of a fucked up TV show where the actors were the targets and the directors were insane psychopaths. How much humor can we pack into a scattered group of misfits and a casino full of fun and laughter? Not enough. You're pretty sure you've hit rock bottom after all this, though. The only place left to go is up.
Unless you keep digging.
 A/N: not as long as I wanted it to be but i believe this was a good cliffhanger. I found a good break and was bored/empty enough to write out this chapter after so long, im so sorry for not keeping my promise of updating sooner!! School paddled my ass and drama is fun but here we are!! Hope you enjoy, lovely readers <3
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popculturepolls · 16 days ago
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girl-drink-drunk · 1 year ago
dave foley is a fantastic actor with a varied career that spans multiple genres. however he is never going to top his peformance as mayor marilyn bowman in death comes to town. the only thing that rivals it is his performance as chris in the it's pat movie
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surgicalsequels · 1 year ago
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workplace doodles (ft. the drawing I did of norm the other day that I'm posting again under the cut)
the theme of the day was "interests I wound up with due to being a fnaf kid via a weird pipeline of fnaf fan games and YouTube horror content"
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skellebonez · 1 year ago
Voices Heard In The Static
The second fic for @lunar-wandering's Monkie Destiny Challenge! I am doing 8 prompts per "week", sometimes using both prompts per day and sometimes just one. This one includes:
Night, Curse, Chaos, Shadow, Enemy, Stars, Ghosts, Bug
This one is actually a horror one shot, nothing super scary but I felt I should note it.
AO3 Link!
MK knew he wasn't imagining things. Someone was in his TV.
He heard them talking to him at night.
At first it wasn't to him, no. At first it was just general odd noises. The hiss of static after it turned itself on. A blip in the white noise. Maybe something that could have passed as some kind of signal coming through.
But MK knew someone was in his TV. They spoke to him last night.
He couldn't make out what they said, of course. It was too soft, too far away. But it was clear enough to him that it was a voice saying something. It had startled him enough that he had turned the TV off.
When he woke up the TV was on.
He didn't remember turning it back on.
It didn't turn back on before he headed down to work.
“Have you been sleeping?” Tang asked softly. “You look-”
“Exhausted, I know,” MK said with a yawn. “I have, just. Not a lot.”
MK frowned, making it a point not to look at the TV set up in the corner of the restaurant. It was off, no static in sight or to be heard. But he would SWEAR… he could swear he could hear the softest hint of a whisper.
This had been happening for at least a week now, the noise from the TV, only at night. But now he was wondering if it was starting to escalate. Did he really hear a whisper? Or was it his mind playing tricks on him, making him imagine voices where there were none because of what he had convinced himself he had heard the night before?
He almost managed to convince himself that he had imagined the entire thing before he woke up to his TV being on. In his confusion (and not fear, he was not afraid of noise from a TV) he had summoned his clones and asked them if he was forgetting something. If he had maybe slept walked (a first for him, as he had never done so before). Sometimes he could count on his clones to recall things that he was unable to consciously.
All of them agreed that he had not woken up and turned his TV back on in the night.
That left two options. SOMEONE had come into his room and turned the TV on, which... even if it was something like a prank? He couldn't see it being funny enough to anyone he would know for them to do something as simple as that. Or it had turned itself on.
He could have brushed it off as him maybe rolling over on the remote if he hadn't made sure to leave it on his kitchenette counter the night before... and it was still there when he awoke.
Delivery chiming in after a few seconds of silence to say he could have sworn the voice was saying MK's name did nothing to assuage his confusion and fears.
“I’ll be fine, Mr.Tang, “ Mk said after a few moments of awkward silence, the other man’s concern shining through his expression without anything else needing to be said. “I’ll go to sleep early, ok?”
He could tell that Tang was weary of believing him before he nodded.
“OK, MK. Just. Take care of yourself, OK? The last time you looked this tired things went a little sideways.”
MK stared at his TV.
It would eventually turn itself on. He knew it would.
There would eventually be some kind of sound. He knew there would be.
But tonight.
Tonight he would try to hear what that sound was.
What that VOICE was.
WHO that voice was.
He just had to wait.
In the dark.
With only the TV and the stars lighting his room.
He waited five minutes.
By the sixty minute mark MK had made himself comfortable on the foot of his bed and was wondering if he actually made the whole thing up in his head due to getting slammed in the face during one too many fight with rogue demons. Or he had dreamed it up on the last night that he got a decent amount of sleep and mistook it for reality. Or, somehow, he was just losing it entirely. Maybe he was just genuinely hearing things that were not there and he needed to talk with the Monkey King about whether or not this was a side effect of his powers or ask Sandy for a referral to a therapist or-
... If it was a hallucination... it was a very convincing one. Then again, they usually were.
But there it was. That same voice he heard last time, the whisper he could have sworn he heard coming from the TV earlier in the day. Low and almost soft enough that if he had something playing on his phone he may have entirely missed it in the static and the noise. But it was THERE.
It was at this moment MK thought that, maybe if this was actually real, it may be best to have one of his clones with him. Safety in numbers and all that, plus they had seemed to have heard the voice as well.
It took him less than a few seconds to summon Delivery, the most calm headed of his main trio who might have actually done something should the moment arise. And the clone said nothing as he was summoned, taking in the heavy atmosphere of MK's bedroom and his memories and knowing that now was not the time to try to crack a joke to lighten the mood.
He did open his mouth to say something, but it was cut short when the voice sounded again. It was louder through the static this time and while neither of them could quite make out who's voice it was they could make out what it was saying.
Delivery had been right, that... that voice was calling out to him specifically.
The two shared a glance, neither wanting to make a sound or even move from their vantage point on the bed.
“L-... u-... t MK.”
That was new.
That was more than one word.
That sent chills up MK and Delivery's spines.
The static seemed to grow more intense for a moment and then darken in that intensity, the noise almost growing louder than what MK thought that his TV speakers could have been physically capable of. There was no way it could have gotten that loud, his
TV wasn't BUILT to get that loud!
MK yelped as he covered his ears, but it hardly seemed to make a dent in the noise that was assaulting him. Couldn't his neighbors or the people outside hear it? He expected someone to be yelling at him to turn it down, Delivery was TRYING to turn the TV down, but no other noise came but the static and for a moment MK genuinely feared that his eardrums would rupture and-
Suddenly there was an icy stab of pain in his head.
And then it stopped.
MK would have thought he'd gone deaf had his and Delivery's breathing not been so loud in his ears, not if the static of the TV hadn't turned back to it's normal volume.
“... Do you think it-” “LET US OUT MK!”
Delivery never  got to finish his sentence- the loudness of the static coming back in full force along with the new sound of screaming. So many screaming voices, screaming his name and demands and pleas and cursing his existence and suddenly they were THERE.
He couldn't even hear his clone's scream as he backpedaled off the bed, eyes locked onto the screen as his head throbbed in pain. They were there, they were all there, slamming their hands one by one against the glass of his television screen as if trying to break out of it, the blue and white of their ghastly forms shining through in detail his cheap screen could never replicate. Mayor and the spiders, they had never saved the spiders had they, never had the chance to and Lady Bone Demon absorbed them all and Mayor shouldn't he still be alive hadn't they set him free? Free, he was free right he had to be free but here he was in his TV face sunken and gaunt as if he had wasted away beside the spiders with their cracked chitin and sunken eyes screaming “NO, NO, DON'T LET HIM OUT HELP US PLEASE MK PLEASE” and SCREAMING screaming that he would get out and find MK and destiny DESTINY WOULD BE FULFILLED AND-
MK didn't realize that Delivery had grabbed him until the TV was smashed into pieces on the ground and he was carrying him out the door, blood dropping from his hands as they continued to cover his ears.
Sun Wukong found the Mayor a few days later.
They didn't know exactly what he had tried to do to regain his powers the Lady Bone Demon granted him, but the Monkey King assured him that it was dealt with.
MK decided not to get a new TV.
Just in case.
... but sometimes he could almost swear he heard something through the speakers on his phone, before he thought better of it.
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smilesthroughfandoms · 10 months ago
With the Monkie Kids finally reunited, it's time to put a stop to The Not-Mayor's wickedness once and for all. But one of PB's most deadly creations falls into his clutches, leading Sun Wukong to make an uneasy alliance with the precocious newcomer in hopes of saving the day.
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dawnleaf37 · 2 years ago
bugbo is allowed to kill one character per episode
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months ago
ok but what are YOUR favorite and probably real victorian funfacts?
There genuinely were some doctors who thought riding in trains would cause uterine prolapse [uterus falling out], when trains were new. The concern was that the vibrations from travelling so fast would break the fibers connecting the uterus to the abdominal wall. Unsurprisingly, this did not stop women from riding in trains. Because fuck that noise- trains!!!
One time in the 1840s a bunch of doctors shellacked live horses and rabbits and concluded, when the animals died (probably from heat exhaustion after being unable to sweat), that they had suffocated and that mammals breathed partially through our skin.
Some beauty manuals of the era may have created accidental sunscreen. Occasionally you see advice to wear cold cream on your face when going out, to prevent sunburn. This probably mostly didn't work- but some cold cream recipes contained zinc oxide for a "white foundation" effect, due to beauty standards favoring very light skin, which may have created a low-level SPF. Other manuals also advocate sealing the cold cream in with powder...which even more frequently involved zinc oxide.
A dentist may have gotten away with a malpractice death by blaming tightlacing. A 23-year-old maid named Annie Budden, of Preston, England, went to have a tooth pulled in January of 1895 and suffocated after the procedure, during which she had been dosed with nitrous oxide. The dentist said she was tightlaced and therefore the coroner ruled that he was not at fault- however said dentist claimed that her natural waist was 23" and her corset measured 18". Presumably that's the closed measurement, and corsets were commonly worn with at least a 2" lacing gap at the time (one corset ad I've seen mentions that women liked to give the theoretical closed measurement of their corset as their waist measurement, to make it sound smaller, while actually wearing it with the customary gap). Ergo, she was only laced down about 2-3 inches, a difference unlikely to cause asphyxiation. The fact that she worked as a maid similarly calls the assessment into question- how could she have successfully done physical labor while laced down in a way that diminished her lung capacity so much? Her employer vouched for her good character and excessive tightlacing was seen as vanity- and would have been noticed by making Miss Budden look out-of-proportion physically. That doesn't add up either, to me. The dentist went on to become mayor of the town where this all happened.
That thing above started as a fun fact about the only credible death due to tightlacing and then I looked into it more and now I'm just mad.
Justice For Annie Budden
Sorry this has gotten off-track but I'm still mad about the whole Annie Budden thing
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goinggoats · 2 years ago
I wonder if switching to a more text-based medium has affected the pacing of Paranatural or if it was always meant to be this sudden coming-together of all of the pieces of the puzzle that is Mayview.
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inbabylontheywept · 20 days ago
Babylon's 6 D&D Tips
I DM’d D&D for ten years. I started in middle school, and I kept it up until my sophomore year of college. This is my mini-guide for what the game is, what it isn’t, and how to play it well. So. From the top.
Tip 1: Don't make your main storyline time dependent. 
D&D is an amazing open-world experience. You can pick at any detail. Nothing is a non-interactable part of the scenery. If there’s a sewer manhole, you can lift it up and climb down. If there’s a house, you can look inside and rob it. If there’s an NPC that you meet at the market, you can follow them home and see their whole life. Their parents, or their partner, their trade - all of it. It will be made up on the fly by some sort of reasonably skilled improv speaker, but it will also exist after that. That’s how the world is built. That’s the secret sauce that makes D&D beautiful.
If your plotline is too urgent, it kills those opportunities. The worst example of this that I have isn’t even from D&D, but FO4. The game is clearly built around exploration and adventure. The plot is built around rescuing your kidnapped baby. There’s a lot of tension between those goals. The plot does not work with the game mechanics, and it's really, really, jarring.
Be wary of doing that. It's surprisingly easy.
Tip 2: Don't set up giant, epic, fantasy battles between multiple armies. 
D&D is not a very good epic-battle simulator. There are games that have streamlined combat mechanics to allow for whole armies to fight, but D&D is very detail oriented, and trying to control too many people at once makes combat slow to a crawl. That very creative DM who can tell you every detail of an NPC’s life is also just not very good at multitasking. 
If you really, really want to - fine. But you should be ignoring standard mechanics when you do so. Move to a “cinematic mode” and just go by vibes. And generally, take a moment to “get” the game before modifying it. If the kind of plot you really want is urgent, and involves epic scale armies, maybe look into different RPG systems. D&D specializes in exploration and small, focused parties. Using it for things outside of that is kind of like hitting nails with a wrench. 
Tip 3: Don't prepare your plot like it's a book. Kill your lore codex. 
D&D is a collaborative storytelling adventure. That's the secret sauce. Writing out codexes and trying to crystallize the world before you start playing ruins the collaborative element. It’s genuinely better if you build as you go. It lets your players give input. And it saves you a lot of time. Why bother trying to write up who the Mayor of Snoresville is if there’s a good chance your party never even talks to him?  
(I would also apply this to writing in general. If you want to write all of your world's lore before starting your book, you'll never start your book. And you'll go crazy. Fear the lore codex.)
Tip 4: Prepare your combats and your NPCS rigorously, but generically. 
This ties in to Tip 3. If you spend a lot of time preparing the lore of the Bandit Leader of Redgrove, things like his family history, or his trauma, or his deep-down character motivations, and then the party never goes to Redgrove, it all goes to waste. D&D evolves rapidly and chaotically, so building things in a modular, reusable way really pays off. 
So. I tend to have two big pools for my NPC work. One is a character sheet pool. I keep it small and focused. I can generalize most melee classes ahead of time, so I can have an Archer, a Brawler, a Tank, and some Generalist Infantry. That’s like, 80% of your martial enemies, done. Spellcasters are a bigger pain in the ass, but a few pre-mades thrown into a campaign pays off if you know your themes. If you’re dealing with a death cult, make some death clerics. A dragon will probably have sorcerer acolytes. 
My second pool is a pool of character mannerisms. Some should absolutely be practiced ahead of time. Figure out what mannerisms make your villain really pop. And if the party skips that villain, just move those mannerisms to some new guy down the line and you’ll still be fine. Nothing wasted. A lot of the mannerisms are going to be picked with no heads up when the party does something weird, like following a random merchant around for a few days just to see how they live. You can get through almost all of those extremely well with just variations on the 4 humors, the 3 socioeconomic classes, and regional dialects.
Tip 5: Give your players permission to inject themselves into the world. 
It is common for people to over-formalize the rules and responsibilities of “being a player” vs. “being a DM.” I think the most common way to phrase it is something like “The Players are in charge of their characters and their backstories, the DM is responsible for the worlds and its NPCs, and both need to stay in their lanes.”
It’s isn't just better to mix it, it's necessary.
Failing to share these roles forces the world to exist in a crystallized state before the campaign even starts - at least if you want to integrate backstories into the plot. Groups that fail to do this can often feel like the characters were born the day the campaign began, and did nothing interesting beforehand. 
So, for DMs: Don’t be afraid of trying to inject NPCs and details of this world into your player's past. Imagine that your party rogue goes into a town and finds a fence for selling some stolen trinkets. Maybe, have the fence recognize the rogue. “Gods of fire, it’s McClellan. I haven’t thought about you since the candy-rat incident. You took a real beating making sure I got away that day. Glad to finally have a chance to pay you back!” 
Now, the rogue still has a choice here. They can say something like “Ah, this guy is mistaking me for someone else, but I can roll with it to get a better deal.” It’s their character, and their choice. But they can also go, hey, I do know this guy. I was apparently part of something called “The candy-rat incident.” I can decide how I know this guy, and where, and for how long, and what that incident was. That’s not less control - that’s more! 
And for players: Don’t be afraid of injecting your past into the world. Maybe you’re a fighter in a wartorn setting and you run into a group of deserters robbing refugees by the roadside. The DM has clearly planned this as some vindication, some enemies you get to thrash without feeling bad. But you have different plans. You take your helmet off, and you look the deserter’s leader in the face, and you say “Jack, you saved my life back on Stone Ridge. You were a good man once. You could be one again. Ride with us.” 
Now that's powerful stuff. Do you even know what Stone Ridge is? Hell no. Are you gonna? Hell yeah. And what you just did was way better than the DMs plan of bonking bad guys to feel good. You changed the writing of the world, commandeered an NPC, and made the whole encounter far more interesting.  
Tip 6: Ignore all portrayals of D&D in the media. 
The best players that I get are people with no experience with D&D of any kind. The second best are those that are willing to drop their preconceptions at the door and just play. The worst are people that have seen D&D portrayed somewhere and are insistent on imitating the portrayal. The exact nature of the failure varies - at worst, they’ve seen some kind of tongue-in-cheek parody, like order of the stick, and then hyperfocused on all the worst parodied aspects as the whole point of the game. D&D is not about outsmarting the mechanics (which is trivially easy, and largely pointless - it just makes your own storytelling less fun), nor is about turning everything into shallow tropes about Horny Bards and Dumb Fighters and Insufferable Paladins. At best, they’ll have seen some kind of ultra-cinematic example of D&D played on a podcast, where the DM has a theatre degree and ever party member is a professional actor. Those people are nice, but they often have unrealistic expectations.
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 2 months ago
A Barter
Warnings: suggestions of death.
Prompt: Arranged marriage where he saw reader and immediately go "That girl is mine."  
Character: Geralt of Rivia
As usual, I appreciate any and all feedback and enthusiasm. Please reblog and leave a comment. Love! 😍
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The corners of the chamber are dark, the air sombre and still. The old farmhouse is crowded with the frightened village folk, you among them as you shiver in the damp chill. The fog has not receded in weeks and at least a dozen of the sparse townsfolk have disappeared in its depths. 
There is fear laced through the atmosphere, in the chatter of teeth, the twitch of the finger, and the whining of restless children. Some weep, others are silent, all are focused on the same man. 
White hair, pale eyes, dressed in leather and silver, a braid behind his head, and a sword on his back. He stands before the guild master, Todrick. The mayor is among the missing and so it is him who must act as leader to the lost. 
“Witcher,” Todrick addresses the newcomer. “We ask your assistance in clearing this fog. It has clung too long for us to think it a mere spell. We suspect something more sinister. Some beast.” 
“Likely a fogler,” the man drones flatly. “Though I’ve never seen them in the flatland. They tend to linger in swamps and mountain caverns.” 
“A fogler?” Esmeri whispers and others gasp. You haven’t any idea what it means. “Oh, my Clarence.” 
She begins to sob into her sister’s shoulder. It cannot be good. The man tilts his head, unbothered by the ripple of terror. “Gold.” 
Todrick sighs and taps his fingers on his leg. “We’re a village, we don’t deal in gold. Wool and wheat. We can offer you wares for your road, witcher. Sustenance, a room for the night.” 
The man curls his lip, “I have food. I can hunt well enough. Gold or silver. Coin.” He rubs his fingers together. 
Todrick is silent. He glances over at the other men, then his daughter. His wife is among the forsaken as well. “I’d heard witchers to be heartless misers,” he sneers. 
“It is business.” The man replies as his eyes scour around the room placidly, glossing over you as if you were a part of the wall. 
“You can sell wool for coin,” Marsell suggests. “Black barley brings a fair toll.” 
“I am no merchant,” the witcher answers. 
“Only coin...” Todrick mutters. 
“Or...” the witcher intones then thinks better of it. He rubs his fingertips together in his leather gloves. “Do you know of how a fogler works?” 
“They make fog, I assume.” 
“The fog is a screen. They set traps, they lure in the young with pretty melodies or shadows of scampering animals, or a man by the voice of a beautiful woman... and do you know what they do when their snare has been sprung?” 
“Nothing good, I should imagine,” Todrick says. 
“I will spare the details for the young and the gentle,” the witcher declares. “How many?” 
Todrick hesitates, “Thirteen by our count.” 
“Hm,” the witcher rubs his clefted chin and his eyes startle you as they dart in your direction. You squirm and move closer to Caralyn. “Might you spare another?” 
“Spare... you mean as bait?” 
“As payment.” 
“Payment?” Todrick scoffs. 
“A wife. Even a witcher might wed.” 
“Wife?” The echo rolls across the room through whispers and gasps. 
“Unless you can dig up some gold somewhere...” the witcher shrugs. “I don’t intent to remain in fogler territory long without incentive.” 
Todrick is quiet again. Once more, he peeks over. The guild men exchange looks then turn their attention to the women. No... 
“No. My choice,” the witcher insists. 
Todrick huffs and the tension rises. The witcher glances at you again and points. “Her.” 
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violant-apologia · 2 months ago
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the FL MtG cards are here!
this is like my fourth batch, but i haven't posted any of the previous ones, so let me show off some of the cards from all the batches!
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briar and his three mr stoneses! these are the face commanders of the deck. there are alternate commanders that you'll see later, but this is the pair that i like using the most often.
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more masters! (and bazaar-aligned entities). all the masters in the deck are vampires, and they also all have the seal of the bazaar as a watermark. just a neat bit of visual clarity, i think!
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ocs! incuding mine. not all of them will be able to make it into the deck proper (for deck size and colour identity reasons) but i'm still so happy to have them all.
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basic lands: seven of each. these gave me so much hassle back when i made them, but i think they turned out well!!! apart from the edge mountains which are like 70% black.
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more lands! a triplet of creatureland which i feel work very well. the rest of them are neat too. whenever i say i have an underground sea proxy in the deck, people give me a Look, but how could i not! it's a perfect fit.
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dfcs! the frames of these all had to be done by hand, which always took a while. i still think they turned out incredibly well, all things considered.
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more creatures!! some legendary, some not. i made the decision pretty early that if i represent a named character with a nonlegendary card, i'd just cut the "the" from the name (see sallow spirifer and voracious diplomat). i think it works!
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and noncreatures!! there's a vague treasure theme in the deck (as can be seen in the fall of london, revel in riches and spirifage (as well as a lot of the creatures)) but honestly most of the cards are flavour picks. still, artificial evolution has gotten me out of some jams. fun card!
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aaaand tokens! which is everything. i reckon when i play this deck properly, i'll report back any fun scrapes that anyone's characters get into. like getting turned into a bug, or killing the god of death.
again, thank everyone who contributed OCs or art to this project. i'm very happy to have so many flumblr characters appear in the deck. all of the cards have art credits on them, but some probably aren't visible in the photos. so for proper credits (and as a ping list) i've included a list below the cut:
@alexis-royce: The Ex-Disgraced Academic; Mr Pages; Mr Stones (x2); New Blood. @anomalouscorvid: Darcy, the Appalling Artist; Furnace Ancona; Mr Transport; May, the Merry Gentleman; The Seventh Coil. @capn-twitchery: Captain Twitchery Lazaret. @ciriparipa: Mr Sacks. @dualclock: Oswald, the Decadent Parvenu. elena-illustration: M. Melchor. @esteemed-excellency: Haunted One; Hiram Hargrave. @feivelynart: Black Ribbon Duellist; The Carnelian Exile; The Grand Geode; London Ascends to the Stars; Thopter Token; Voracious Diplomat. u/Galvatyr: Poor Edward. @hells-dear-heart: Isidore Carter. @letters-of-fire: Boots the Cat; Giorgione, Crooked-Cross. @madame-butterfly-knife: Inessa Fonseca, Lyon. @milleart: Snuffer. @mledoesart: Mr Eaten. @oneirotecture: Warden, Scarred Silverer. @pinchbees: Merry Darthfellow. Sarah Warrington: Orsino Elderwood. @shazzbaa: Griz, the Efficient Commissioner; Mr Fires; Stargaze; Tragic Slip; Virginia, Lord Mayor of London. @sorrow2art: Cardiac Echoes, Spymaster. StagyTryout: The Avid Horizon @sunlessveils: Parabolan Kitten. @tears-n-tarot: Charlie and Artemis Burnet-Lin. @the-insouciant-scientist: Briar Hathaway, the Apologist; Mr Stones; Noman. @the-masterless-press: Betty Horvat, Pugilist. @the-noted-collector: Endemannus Korabl'nikov. @thedeafprophet: Harper Faraday. @thegreatyin: The Bandaged Scoundrel. @thunder-threnodies: Captain Francis Morgan Dargor. @torturingpeople: Edison, the Sybaritic Laureate; The Tender Pathologist. @velvetlinedbox: Doe, Waterlogged Detective. @viric-dreams: The Boil of Calamities; Drown in Dreams; Horiatio Digby; The Six Finger'd Scrimshander. @waterlogged-detective: Brett Heroux, Dandy Detective; Marian, Prickly Bluejacket; Namkuzu, Avaricious Meddler. @yuuuyang: Sigil-Ridden Navigator; Storm, God of the Roof; The Woods in Winter. @zeebreezin: August Shaw, the Black Rook.
and @failbettergames: Arcane Signet; Artificial Evolution; Beseech the Queen; Betty Horvat, Pugilist (bg); Black Market; Blood Token; The Cave of the Nadir; Censor; The Chapel of Lights; Clothes-Colony; Clue Token; Copy Token; Darkness; The Dawn Machine; Dreamscape Artist; The Echo Bazaar; The Fall of London; Flood of Tears; Food Token; Hecuba, Doomed Obliterator; Hideaway; Hillchanger Tower; The Horticultural Show; The House of Chimes; The Implacable Detective; Inessa Fonseca, Lyon (bg); The Irrepressible Heiress; Island (x7); Jack-of-Smiles; Khan's Heart; Laughable Reconstruction; Miniature Hellworm; Mountain (x7); The Mountain of Light; Mr Chimes; Perigee of Silver; The Prismatic Dowager; Probably a Coincidence; Revel in Riches; Rise and Shine; Road // Ruin; Sallow Spirifer; Salt, God of the East; The Scuttering Company; Shapeshifter Token; Spider-Council; Spirifage; Stone, God of the South; Swamp (x7); Treasure Token (x2); Underground Sea; Venderbight.
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vmprchn · 2 years ago
We really are artist 😫🤚🏻
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@vmprchn and i are artists 😍😍
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