#mayblade 2023 day 4
sobashahzadi · 1 year
Mayblade day 4- Sci-fi
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🤗 no lineart kris will haunt your dreams
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blossommoonart · 1 year
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Ranger Max falls for his mother's assistant, Dr. Emily 🛸♥️
P.S. No hate comments if you don't like the ship!!
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azikarue · 1 year
Life in Color : Index
A collection for MayBlade 2023.
Like last year, this is mostly for personal reference or anybody who might want all the 'Life in Color' chapters wrapped up neatly in one post. This time around, I'm including each chapter's characters/ship, ratings, summary, beginning lines, and links (both tumblr and FFN).
Day 1: The Past
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Characters: Saint Shields Rating: K Summary: In preparation for their Mission, the Saint Shields have each been assigned a member of the Bladebreakers to target. Mariam's doesn't come without consequence.
How it Starts: “Thinkin’ about Blondie?”
Mariam groaned, inwardly cursing her luck, and whipped around to glare at Dunga.
Something about him rubbed her the wrong way, and it wasn’t the smug tone in his voice when he’d asked about Max Tate just now. No, she’d pegged him for a pain in the neck from the first time the Saint Shields team had gathered. It had been almost a year now, and he’d yet to prove her wrong.
Day 2: School
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Characters: Tyson/Hilary Rating: K+ Summary: Tyson helps Hilary decorate Miss Kincaid's classroom and realizes they've come a long way since eighth grade.
How it Starts: “I know you’re going with a spring theme, Hilary, but isn’t the canopy of cherry blossoms a bit much?”
Tyson realized his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth. He didn’t need to hear Hilary’s annoyed sigh or to see that he’d asked right as they crossed the halfway point of their time-consuming task. No, he’d known Hilary long enough to know he messed up without any physical evidence to prove it.
Day 3: Pets
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Characters: Rick/Mariah Rating: M (for language) Summary: Mariah brings a cat in off the street. Rick tells her, in no uncertain terms, how he feels about it.
How it Starts: “No. Absolutely the fuck not.”
“Don’t be so heartless, Rick!” Mariah exclaimed. She had the nerve to sound affronted. Like it was downright blasphemy for Rick to refuse some critter she found in the gutter entry to his apartment. Her face screwed up into a glare that, somehow, came across as half pout, too. “It’s pouring down rain!”
Day 4: Sci-Fi
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Characters: Kenny and Tyson Rating: K Summary: Tyson tries his best to dodge Kenny's movie invitation.
How it Starts: Tyson was trying not to let what he knew about Kenny’s taste in pop culture sway his decision. It wasn’t easy when the list included Ming-Ming and any piece of media with a talking robot or more than one species of alien.
Day 5: Crane
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Characters: Claude Rating: K+ Summary: Claude makes it through his first World Championship Tournament with plenty of regrets and even more paper cranes.
How it Starts: Claude started it for something to do. Injured on purpose and forced to play it up for the foreseeable future, he needed something to focus on to keep his mind from racing down dangerous, self-destructive avenues – ones lined with guilt and regret.
He’d been feeling the pull on and off since they beat the Majestics. The desire to peel back the curtain and examine how he truly felt about the direction Barthez was leading the team.
The paper cranes helped.
Day 6: Restrain
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Characters: Ray/Salima Rating: T Summary: Salima suffers the after-effects of dark memories and too much caffeine. Luckily, Ray is there to wake her.
How it Starts: Salima was running for her life through the jungle. Terror had hold of her insides, squeezing them tight as a vice, making every panted breath hurt like knives in her lungs. Her legs ached from running and jumping over the underbrush, but she couldn’t stop.
If she stopped, it would catch her.
Day 7: Duty
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Characters: Hiro Rating: K Summary: Hiro has his reasons for siding with Tyson's enemies.
How it Starts: Regardless of what people might think, Hiro didn’t make the decision to join BEGA lightly.
From the outside, it looked like BEGA rose up to usurp the BBA overnight. In reality, it had been a long time coming.
Day 8: Glitter
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Characters: Daichi/Ming-Ming Rating: K Summary: Daichi finds out there's more to Ming-Ming than glitter and frills.
How it Starts: “Atta boy, Strata Dragoon!” Daichi cried as his beyblade landed one last powerful blow.
The force of the hit sent Ming-Ming’s blade flying into the forest, where it embedded in one of the trees with a sickening crunch. A flock of birds fled in a mass of flapping wings and fallen feathers, after which the clearing was strangely quiet.
Day 9: Ice Cream
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Characters: Max-centric, featuring Ray and the All Starz Rating: K Summary: Max's third World Championship Tournament isn't the experience he was expecting. Bumping into someone who feels the same does wonders for his outlook.
How it Starts: “Wait, what’s the Italian word for gelato, then?”
“Michael, gelato is an Italian word,” Emily groaned, looking at him like she couldn’t believe anybody could be so stupid. “What’s wrong with you?”
Eddy burst into laughter, causing several pedestrians to turn and stare. If one or two of them snapped a picture, he didn’t notice, too busy slapping Michael on the back as his teammate sputtered out a defense for himself.
Day 10: Maid
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Characters: Rick/Mariah Rating: M (for language + canoodling) Summary: Rick and Mariah have vastly different priorities when it comes to their days off. Rick does his best to persuade Mariah to his way of thinking.
How it Starts: It was one of those spring days that made most people want to get off of their ass and do something productive.
Rick could tell as soon as he woke up to sunlight streaming into his bedroom and the curtains dancing in the breeze. It wasn’t hot enough for the city air to smell like straight garbage yet, and it was pleasantly cool for what promised to be a sunny day.
But as far as he was concerned, it was the perfect day to have zero obligations and Mariah in his bed, if she was up for it.
Day 11: Music
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Characters: Julia and Spencer, side of Tala/Julia Rating: K+ Summary: Julia wakes up early and goes looking for Tala. Instead, she finds Spencer and learns what it means to be a part of his family.
How it Starts: There was nothing worse than waking up because you had to pee. Nothing would convince Julia otherwise as she reluctantly slipped out from under Tala’s covers to tiptoe to the bathroom.
At least she didn’t have to worry about waking him. He was a notoriously light sleeper and she knew he woke up every time she so much as rolled over at night. But, since he wasn’t in bed and it was still pitch black outside, that meant it was probably between five and six and he was out training with Bryan.
Day 12: Fall
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Characters: Max/Mariam Rating: K Summary: Mariam saves Max from falling flat on his face before the World Championship's exhibition match, but it's not enough to stop him from falling in a different way.
How it Starts: Max would never admit that seeing a familiar flash of blue out of the corner of his eye made him do a double-take and stumble up the stairs. He would have fallen right into the seats trying to catch himself, if someone hadn’t steadied him at the last second.
“Thank you! That was close!” he laughed, righting himself. When he turned to address the person who’d saved him, his mouth went dry at the sight of her.
Day 13: Royalty
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Characters: Daichi and Tyson Rating: K Summary: Daichi feels tossed aside when news breaks of the Bladebreakers' return. Surprisingly, Tyson is the one to talk him through it.
How it Starts: “The Bladebreakers are back! In a recent statement, the BBA announced the return of the fan-favorite team for the upcoming World Championship Tournament. Tyson Granger, Kai Hiwatari, Ray Kon, and Max Tate are considered beyblading royalty by the millions of viewers that tune into the tournament, and it’s predicted that their reunion will make this year’s Championship a record-breaking success.”
Daichi growled and crumbled up the newspaper. His name wasn’t mentioned once in the whole lousy article. Even the picture, plastered in the center of the sports section’s front page, was of the original four Bladebreakers. It looked like it was taken after their very first World Championship win.
“So much for being World Champion,” he grumbled and threw the newspaper across the room with a grunt.
Day 14: Sorcery
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Characters: Ryu Granger, Tyson, Bladebreakers Rating: T Summary: When Ryu learns from Tyson that Max is leaving practice early for the fourth time, he knows something's up. His attempt to prove it is slightly... unconventional.
How it Starts: It put a smile on Ryu’s face to hear his grandson outside jiving with his friends. It had been too long since he’d stood in the kitchen and listened to the whole team bicker and battle and bond.
Ever since the gang had touched down in Japan, they’d been training morning, noon, and night in preparation for the upcoming World Championships. They barely even stopped for meals – Tyson and Daichi were remarkably chill about it.
That, and the fact that every single one of them were way taller than he remembered, made it feel like they were growing up right before his eyes.
Day 15: Battle
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Characters: Tyson/Hilary (Ray/Salima and Max/Mariam implied) Rating: K+ Summary: While their friends battle it out, Hilary fights to make sure Tyson behaves.
How it Starts: “Draciel!”
At Max’s shout, Draciel rose from his beyblade to block the oncoming attack from Ray and Salima’s blades. It was a magnificent sight, swimming in the hazy summer air, but standing firm against the tandem attack. When its opponents ricocheted back, Sharkrash came out from behind Draciel, moving so fast that it was skimming along the top of the sand, to deliver another blow while they were vulnerable.
Day 16: Bouquet
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Characters: Eddy, Michael, Emily Rating: K+ Summary: To pass the time until Steve is discharged from the hospital, Eddy and Michael debate who ordered flowers for Emily.
How it Starts: “Since when does Emily have a secret admirer?” Michael asked, eyeing the bouquet on Judy’s desk that had their teammate’s name pinned on it. He was slouched in a chair in the Director’s office, lazily tossing a baseball into the air and catching it. He looked every inch as bored as Eddy felt.
Day 17: Hero
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Characters: Moses (Crusher) and Monica Rating: K Summary: When packing Monica's school bag, Moses finds something that brings him to tears.
How it Starts: “Monica, hurry up! You don’t want to be late.”
“I’ll be down in a minute!”
Moses smiled to himself. Hearing his sister’s voice ring strong and true through the house was something he hoped he never took for granted ever again. With one last glance up the stairs, he returned to the kitchen to finish preparing her lunch.
Day 18: Unpopular Character
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Characters: Alan and Max Rating: T Summary: Alan hasn't seen Max in years when he comes walking into the coffee shop. Fortunately, Alan's break gives them plenty of time to catch up.
How it Starts: Alan recognized his voice as soon as he ordered. It didn’t matter that he was the whole way in the back, hanging up his apron so no customers would bug him on his break, or that it had been years since they’d spoken – he’d know Max’s voice anywhere.
Somehow, it was still a shock to round the corner behind the counter and see him standing on the other side.
Day 19: Tree
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Characters: Tyson/Hilary Rating: K+ Summary: When a storm causes damage to an old tree in Tyson's yard, one with a particularly sentimental value, Hilary steps in to act as his support.
How it Starts: Hilary knew something was off from the moment she set foot in Tyson’s front yard. The normally uplifting atmosphere had an undercurrent of tension that made everything feel way too quiet for a sunny, spring afternoon. And, when it came to Tyson, quiet wasn’t usually a good sign.
With a deep breath, Hilary followed the path to the front door, glancing surreptitiously around on her way. Nothing was visibly amiss, and she was beginning to think that maybe her intuition was wrong for once, until she walked into the dojo and Hiro said:
“Oh, good, Hilary’s here. Maybe she can talk some sense into him.”
Day 20: Scars
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Characters: Salima and Goki Rating: K+ Summary: Salima struggles to find solace after the cyber bitbeast incident.
How it Starts: Sometimes Salima spent her nights awake.
It was easier explaining it to Goki when they were somewhere new and exciting. Those times, he’d buy that she was thrown off by the timezone or the different constellations swimming in the sky above their heads. He’d lay awake with her on occasion, sketching the scenery and planning their travels, always tactful enough not to mention her clipped, one-word responses.
Day 21: Rest
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Characters: Tyson, Bladebreakers Rating: K+ Summary: Tyson leans on his friends in the aftermath of his battle against Brooklyn.
How it Starts: Tyson’s legs felt like jelly as he hobbled down the hall. With every step his surroundings winked in and out of focus, sometimes changing inexplicably, like he’d blacked out for chunks of the journey. It was possible; he didn’t remember any of the car ride home. If Max and Ray hadn’t been holding him up, he probably would have pitched forward onto the ground before he even made it past the dojo’s gates.
Turns out that nothing brought out the bone-deep exhaustion in a guy like a beybattle that somehow transcended space and time, against an opponent with the power to annihilate entire cities.
Day 22: Cover Art
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Characters: Ming-Ming Rating: T Summary: Ming-Ming's first days with BEGA aren't at all what she was expecting. Turns out, not even pro beybladers can avoid the necessary evils of show business.
How it Starts: Ming-Ming thought that everyone must feel this way in the beginning.
When your life changed so much in a short period of time, it was natural to feel some discomfort alongside the excitement. After all, stylists and photoshoots and glitz were about as far as you could get from biking half an hour to a rinky-dink restaurant job. Of course it felt like her stomach was curling in on itself. That was normal. This was all normal.
Day 23: Glass
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Characters: Max/Mariam Rating: K+ Summary: Max and Mariam explore some tide pools and find something unexpected.
How it Starts: “There’s no one else out here, Mariam.”
Mariam tensed. Somebody else might not have noticed, but Max could see the sudden stiffness in her shoulders and the way her fingertips pressed white into her crossed arms. He’d become an expert in dissecting her every movement over the course of the tournament. It was how he was able to beat her in the semifinals and also the reason why his stomach became a sea of butterflies every time she looked his way.
Day 24: Memories
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Characters: Zeo and Gordo Rating: T Summary: Zeo's used to Gordo's visits. What he's not used to, is living life as the sentient shadow of someone who's long gone. Or: if Gordo helped invent Zeo, it's only fitting that he help him reinvent himself, too.
How it Starts: It was a Saturday afternoon and Zeo could hear a motorcycle rumbling up his driveway.
“Just like clockwork,” he muttered to himself. He closed the book on his lap with a heavy thud and carried it to the edge of the balcony to wait.
The gates at the outskirts of the property were barely visible through the lush trees lining the drive, but he could see the metal move through the foliage as they swung shut. Only a handful of people knew the code to those gates. And only one of them had become a regular weekend visitor, even though he had to have better people to spend his time with. Real people, made out of flesh and blood instead of nuts and bolts.
Day 25: Flame
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Characters: Ray/Salima Rating: T Summary: Ray holds Salima close by a bonfire.
How it Starts: Ray watched as Steve and Goki teamed up to launch what appeared to be half of a fallen tree into the already massive bonfire. Behind them, Michael and Eddy whooped as a spray of sparks erupted into the air when it connected, making several bladers from other teams leap back for their own safety.
Snuggled up with Salima’s legs in his lap on a low, flat rock, a safe distance from the flames, Ray couldn’t bring himself to care. He was much too distracted by the way her laughter reverberated through both of their bodies and warmed him from the inside out. Not for the first time that night, he wanted to cup her cheek, pull her in, and see how it tasted straight from her lips.
Day 26: Pirate
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Characters: King and Queen Rating: K+ Summary: King and Queen raid their parts stash for the first time in a long time. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
How it Starts: “It’s a shame you have a moral compass now; we could be making a killing off of these parts.”
King rolled his eyes at his sister’s rueful remark. He shot a look her way, but she wasn’t paying attention, too busy running her fingers along a tray of attack rings like they were precious jewels. King recognized them at once as her personal collection of favorites from their parts-hunting days, all carefully packed in a custom case. They were one of the last things they’d placed in the storage unit before closing it up. King hadn’t thought he’d see them again so soon.
Though, he hadn’t thought a company like BEGA would come along and lock away all beyblading parts and components behind a membership, either.
Day 27: Beyblade
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Characters: Emily, Mariah, Rick, and Michael Rating: T Summary: Emily knows that they're finished if they don't win the next battle against BEGA. She also knows that the odds of Kai coming back are dismal, which means they're going to need somebody else to master the Hard Metal System.
How it Starts: The melodic trill of crickets was more grating than relaxing tonight, Emily realized with a frown. She had too many other things fighting for purchase in her mind, making tension run icy hot from her temples down into the set of her shoulders. She took a deep breath, forced herself to loosen the hold her fingers had on the case she was carrying, and soldiered on toward the river.
The footsteps behind her sped up to match her pace.
Day 28: Sunset
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Characters: Mariah and Lee Rating: K Summary: After running into Ray and his new team, Lee disappears. Mariah takes it upon herself to track him down.
How it Starts: “Where’s Lee? His dinner’s getting cold.”
Mariah glanced back and forth between Gary and Kevin, waiting for one of them to answer her. Gary shrugged, more concerned with finishing his own meal, and Kevin scowled. He was still pouting about Bruce ratting him out for wandering off to terrorize their competition earlier. Mariah’s grip on Lee’s plate tightened.
Day 29: Double
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Characters: Johnny, Enrique, and Emily Rating: T Summary: Enrique challenges Johnny to a doubles tennis match which, naturally, requires him to find a partner. Emily just wanted to practice in peace.
How it Starts: “What’s the matter, Johnny? Scared you’ll lose?”
Johnny sneered. If there was one way to get his blood boiling, it was to insult his honor and claim he was afraid. Especially when your name was Enrique and you had a giggling blonde – wearing a hotel tennis uniform with her polo unbuttoned all the way – hanging off of your arm.
“Yeah, right,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes at the way her arms tightened around one of Enrique’s, brushing her cleavage against his elbow. “You’ve never beaten me at tennis. What makes you think that’ll change now?”
Day 30: The Future
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Characters: Max/Mariam Rating: T Summary: Sometimes the future holds things even better than you can imagine. Mariam wouldn't have guessed that hers held a fixer-upper in Japan or Max Tate.
How it Starts: “Thinkin’ about Blondie?”
The disgust was obvious in Dunga’s voice even before Mariam turned around and saw the scowl on his face. He looked grumpier than usual, which might have had something to do with the fact that he’d been conscripted to help her and Max move. Never mind that she’d been making sure he got the heaviest boxes all day, waiting to see how long it took him to notice.
Mariam smirked. “We’re married now – I can think about him all I want,” she said, drawing out her words as Dunga’s face screwed up even more.
Day 31: Free Day
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Part 1 Characters: Max/Mariam Rating: M (for implications) Summary: Max and Mariam meet in secret. He has something pressing on his mind and wants to clear the air. Mariam has other ideas. How it Starts: “You know, Max, asking me to meet you in front of my teammates makes me think you’re missing the point of keeping this a secret.”
Part 2 Characters: Rick/Mariah Rating: M (for language and implications) Summary: Rick's not scared of heights; he's scared of a Ferris wheel that went up overnight that more than likely has a few bolts missing. Mariah helps him relax. How it Starts: Rick didn’t make a lot of decisions in life that he regretted. It was entirely on principle. Regret was a waste of perfectly good time – he preferred to shrug shit off and move on with his life instead of agonizing over every imperfection. He’d do it this time, too, if he ever got off this fucking Ferris wheel alive.
Part 3 Characters: Max/Mariam Rating: M (for implications and undressing) Summary: Max struggles to settle into the hotel room with Mariam doing everything in her power to be a distraction. How it Starts: Max didn’t know the suite had a see-through bathroom when he booked it.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Mayblade 2023 - Day 4
Note: This is technically my submission for the prompt Sci-fi, you’ll find that word in there somewhere. Though I started writing it in 2020 or early 2021, when I received a dancing prompt request which eventually resulted in Chapter 8 and this piece being shoved into the WIP folder, until today! I read Chapters 2&4 of Life in Colour by @azikarue and felt very inspired to pick this piece up again, remember to check out this lovely fic as well 💗
[post divider by @/cafekitsune]
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“Nice of you to finally show your face around here Tyson!”
The whole gymnasium paused and turned their heads to look at Tyson, and while usually, he didn’t mind being the centre of attention, right now the collective gaze of his classmates did make him feel embarrassed. But his annoyance with Chief’s tone and volume seemed to win over the former, sure Chief often scolded him during training and matches but this time the superiority in his voice coupled with the effect from the megaphone seemed to irk Tyson a little too much. Instead of responding with words, Tyson just faced him with a stoic look and it seemed to do the trick because a minute later Chief was hastily climbing down his makeshift throne and making his way to where Tyson and Hilary stood near the entrance.
“What I meant was, I’m so happy to finally have you be a part of our production.” Chief let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly in hopes that Tyson wouldn’t get too mad at him for his outburst earlier.
“Can’t say the same for myself,” Tyson muttered under his breath but Hilary caught on to it and narrowed her eyes at him.
“Anyway, the point is he’s here now,” she said as she turned to face Chief, speaking in her usual bossy tone that Chief had trouble talking back against, “and he has agreed to play the other lead. So, all our problems are solved.”
“Tyson will play the male lead?” Chief almost shrieked in surprise, turning the heads of many of their classmates, who worried that the director’s mood getting worse couldn’t bode well for any of them.
“Ouch.” Tyson raised his eyebrows, not that he was expecting his friend to be all gung-ho about his participation but the reaction was a little over the top even by his standards.
“No I mean, it’s great that you’ve shown interest in our efforts.” Chief retraced his words yet again, “But I’m not sure about casting you in a lead role at such short notice.”
Tyson wanted to tell Chief that their only audience was supposed to be a bunch of bored teachers and even more disinterested parents and students, that his production wasn’t going to be screened at Cannes or be eligible for an Oscar, but in much more colourful words, however, Hilary beat him to it.
“Oh for god’s sake, it’s just a school play.” She rolled her eyes at the hurtful look that settled on Chief’s face, “And it’s not like you have a whole pool of established actors to choose from.”
“Even if it’s just a school play, I have certain standards I like to follow.” Chief adjusted his glasses, his voice and hands both shaking out of the fear of talking back to the brunette, “And this isn’t Beyblading where Tyson can just waltz to the top without any effo-”
“Hils, I’d like to speak to Chief alone for a minute.” Tyson passed a steely smile in her direction as he grabbed the ambitious director by his shirt collar and dragged him out of the gymnasium with much ease, not waiting for Hilary to respond, he shut the doors and pushed his pipsqueak of a friend against them.
“Okay, now here’s what going to happen,” Tyson began in a low, threatening tone as Chief cowered slightly under his glare, “we’re going to stay here for about ten minutes, keep an eye on your watch.” Chief nodded in acknowledgement, so he continued, “Then we’re going to go back inside and you’ll tell Hilary how convinced you are by my acting skills and now love the idea of me being the lead.”
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blossommoonwrites · 1 year
Header by @[saradika]
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Series: Miles to go Fandom: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Genre: Spiritual/romance Setting: Taisho Era Japan Major Characters: Takao Kinomiya/Tyson Granger, Hiromi Tachibana/Hilary Tachibana Minor characters: Yamashita Kane, Salima Pairing: Takao/Hiromi (main), Kane/Salima (minor) Rating: K+ Summary: Takao feels different when he is under the cherry blossom tree.
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After the heavy toil, Takao ventured out into the forests in the hot afternoon. He felt the scorching rays stabbing his skin, thereby tanning his skin. The sweat bathed his body and drenched his gray-blue and navy blue Hakama and sash. His tired deep maroon eyes were thinned by his eyelids. He was about to faint, till his field of vision caught a group of Sakura trees.
Despite the Spring, there were groups of lush green-leaved trees seen. The Sakura seemed distinct from them.
He went and sat under one of the cherry blossom trees. His light had returned back to its normal state, and the tiredness dipped every second. He felt afresh as if he was about to work. The sudden change short-circuited Takao. He walked around to see if there was anything mysterious. The further stretch of the forest was devoid of anything but those beautiful cherry blossoms. He walked and the scene was extremely serene. There was a beautiful lake tainted with pink petals aesthetically with swans and ducks. There were rabbits roaming around the lake.
Edo never had such a beautiful site. Much to his awe, he saw a beautiful woman with auburn hair. Her Ruby-red eyes were enchanting, and the warrior could drown himself in them. Her long hair was fluttering in the air. She seemed like a goddess who descended into human form. Her red Kimono knew no limits. It was floating as if it never had an end. She was well garnished with accessories.
She turned to him after noticing his presence. Takao's heart skipped a beat after seeing her. His cheeks were stained with red hues. He walked slowly towards her, taking his time to admire her beauty. A smile bloomed on her face.
Everything seemed slow around them. They were slowly decreasing the distance between them.
Takao asked her, "My Lady, shall I know who you are?"
She didn't respond. The smile was intact.
"Can't you speak?"
Takao was clueless.
'She seems like a celestial from heaven, but why can't she speak?'
Takao found himself under the same Sakura tree before he got up to see the extent.
"Was it a dream? But why do I feel so fresh here?"
"Kinomiya?! What are you doing here? You were supposed to carry a message to my father in the dojo." A bluehead remarked, coming with a scarlet beside him.
"Yamashita-sama?" Takao stood up.
"You can sit down. You seem so exhausted."
Sarima fed him some water.
"I see you both so often. I don't see you with Goki and Jim. What's the secret?" Takao asked with a smug face.
Sarima bent down. Kane gently smiled, and said in a low tone, "We confessed to each other some time ago."
"Woah! But, what would the elders think of you both?"
"That's none of our business. All that matters to us is we love each other." Kane placed his hand on her shoulder. Sarima snuggled to him.
"I see, then get ready to elope. Or try convincing your families till then!"
"We have some time for that, Takao. Till then, we'll spend our days enjoying each other's presence."
"Well then. I'll reach your dojo. See you later, Yamashita-sama!"
"Don't call me Sama, I'm your friend."
'Ah man, Kane... I've got a beautiful woman too. Do you know? She is not an ordinary human. Because there are no differences when it comes to love, right?'
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writing-nebula · 1 year
Hello all, welcome to the Nebula!
You can call me Sami, Kira, Fluff or Sneaky, and any pronouns are just fine with me! This is my writing blog, where I'll be posting just about anything I write for any fandom!
(With that said, the icon/background will probably change every so often, depending on what I'm currently watching/really into at the time. My apologies if that gets confusing!)
Thanks for stopping by, and if you like what you see here don't forget to check out my AO3! Wanna help support me? Buy me a new notebook!
As I post things I'll be linking them to this post, sorted by fandom, so hopefully things should be easy to find in the future! Aura (Markiplier and Jacksepticeye egos) Aura: Beyond Imagination: Prologue Part 1, Prologue Part 2, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 Aura: A World Unseen: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Aura Extras: An Unknown Program, Beyblade Metal Saga Mayblade 2023: MayBlade Day 1, MayBlade Day 2, MayBlade Day 3, MayBlade Day 6, MayBlade Day 7, Merfolk AU: Family, Christmas Fluff, To Land Above, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Swapped Destinies: (not) Alone, Someone Else,
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azikarue · 1 year
MayBlade 2023 : Day 4 : Sci-Fi
Kenny and Tyson | FFN Rating: K | FFN Link ❖ Tyson was trying not to let what he knew about Kenny’s taste in pop culture sway his decision. It wasn’t easy when the list included Ming-Ming and any piece of media with a talking robot or more than one species of alien.
“Don’t you have any other nerd friends you can ask?” He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced around for an out in what he hoped wasn’t an obvious manner. “I’m, uh, kind of busy this weekend.”
And he was. At least, he should probably be training for something. Either Gramps or Hilary would happily tell him for what. Normally he’d be more than willing to skive off, but if the alternative was sitting through a three-hour long sci-fi movie of Kenny’s choosing…
Kenny sighed. “You know I don’t, Tyson.” He carefully set two bowls of noodles down and slid into the booth across from him. It was after the lunch rush and they were the only two in the shop. Tyson knew Kenny had a spreadsheet of their busiest times – offset by season and local events – so it was probably by design. “The other guys are out of town. And, honestly, most of them would be even less interested than you.”
Tyson, Kenny, and the rest of their teammates were all taking a well-deserved break after the last World Championship tournament. Naturally, they scattered to separate corners of the globe to do it. It was a shame; Tyson would have paid to see Kenny drag Kai to one of his geeky movies.
“Max would go,” Tyson said around his first mouthful of noodles. One perk of knowing the owners was that there was always a bowl just how he liked it ready and waiting. Honestly, Kenny probably had Tyson’s visits worked into his spreadsheet, too.
“Yeah, to be nice,” Kenny scoffed, more than likely rolling his eyes under his fringe. It was about time for his mom to start pestering him about a haircut now that the tournament was over and they had some time. “But he’s in New York and the movie comes out this weekend.”
“Why don’t you go by yourself?”
“On opening night?” Kenny asked incredulously. He didn’t seem to notice the noodles slipping from his chopsticks and back into the bowl. “I’ll be the only person there alone. Besides, there’s gonna be a line and it’s no fun waiting by yourself to get in. Not while everyone around you is talking about how excited they are with their friends.”
Tyson wrinkled his nose, chopsticks halfway to his mouth. There wasn’t a lot that sounded less fun than waiting in line for a movie – that he didn’t even want to see in the first place – with a bunch of fanatics. “You’re not doing a great job selling it, Chief.”
“Oh, come on, Tyson! I already ordered the tickets. If we get there early enough, we’ll only really have to wait for concessions. Surely you, of all people, find that worth waiting for.”
Tyson considered him for a moment. He did like theater food.
“Have you asked Hilary?” He’d seen her wait ungodly amounts of time for clothing sales – if they paired her stopwatch with Kenny’s spreadsheets, they’d be unstoppable.
“You know she wouldn’t want to go, Tyson,” Kenny said and stabbed absentmindedly at his bowl, the bulk of his attention fixed on their conversation. “Even if she did, she’d just ask questions through the whole movie.”
“What makes you think I wouldn’t?” Tyson raised an eyebrow at Kenny as he drank the broth from his bowl, halfway hoping that some friend Kenny had forgotten about would come out of the woodwork before he was done. No such luck. “I don’t know any more about Star-Whatever than she does.”
“Yeah, but you’re used to ignoring things you don’t understand,” Kenny pointed out. “It happens to you more often.”
“Gee, thanks Kenny,” Tyson said sarcastically, sliding his dish to the edge of the table.
“I only mean that you’d appreciate the spaceships and explosions for what they are without needing years of backstory summarized!”
Hilary did have a habit of talking through any movie that wasn’t one of her chick flicks. He thought it was funny how the ‘serious lack of communication skills and common sense’ she complained about in his movies didn’t bother her in her romcoms. And, having made the mistake of watching movies out of order with her before, he didn’t blame Kenny for not wanting to go down that road.
“I guess that’s fair,” he admitted with half a grimace.
Kenny gave a hum of acknowledgment and let the conversation die down in favor of finishing his noodles.
Tyson watched him and drummed his fingers on the table to the rhythm of his thoughts.
He knew Kenny’s circle of friends was as small as his was these days. Mostly because they had the same exact circle of friends. And, with the guys out of town, it was just the three of them. Honestly, Kenny was probably by himself a fair bit, too, now that Tyson and Hilary were dating.
On top of that, they were fresh off another Championship win, meaning none of them had done anything more social than training together in weeks. For Kenny, that mostly entailed tuning up beyblades and keeping tabs on the competition so the rest of them were prepared for the worst.
Kenny was a huge part of the reason that Tyson had a shiny, new gold medal hanging up at home. Tyson probably owed him ten movies.
“That settles it, then.” Tyson nodded to himself.
“Uh… settles what?” Kenny looked leery as he stood up and began to clear their empty dishes away. He must have already taken Tyson’s no as his final answer if he was getting ready to go back to work.
“I’ll go see your space movie with you.”
“You will?” Kenny’s voice rose a pitch in excitement as he nearly fumbled the bowls, and Tyson knew he’d made the right choice. “Are you sure?”
“Sure I’m sure!” Tyson slid out of the booth and patted his friend so hard on the back that he almost dropped the bowls for a second time. “Just remember, I’m not a cheap date! We’re making that wait in the concessions line worthwhile.”
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blossommoonwrites · 1 year
Header by @[saradika]
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Series: Miles to go Fandom: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Genre: Angst/Romance Setting: Modern day Japan Characters: Ozuma, Mariam Pairings: Ozuma/Mariam Rating: T Summary: The scar on his skin didn't affect him, but not the one deep in his heart.
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The dark sky was cast with grey clouds that night. Lightning and thunderstorms were evident. The bizarre environment added to the misery of the guardian, who was seated before the mirror of the dressing table. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a small scar on his chest. It was no longer painful, but it hurt him mentally. It was more of a scar stabbing deep into his mind than the skin. His emerald eyes conveyed millions of emotions.
The twenty-year-old man got up and punched the wall. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "Aah!"
His love was bedridden for the past two weeks. Some local thugs caught his girlfriend off-guard and brutally beat her. He saved her by defeating them all at once. He got a scar while fighting them.
The doctor said she might lose her life if she is not strong enough to endure. He knew she was strong, but feared that he might have to lose her forever. They knew each other for a long time and were assigned to missions for endless times. He never knew she had feelings for him until he learned recently. Now, he feels that he hasn't understood her worth as much as he should. Such an incident left a huge impact on him.
"Only if I had the ability to heal her, which of course don't have! I am so useless!"
He moved to the town side for further education. However, during his vacation, he went back to the village. Mariam goes to her college by train and it was near Saint Shields' village.
Ozuma hastily picked up the bike keys and rode to the hospital.
"Wait for five minutes, sir."
Ozuma couldn't wait. She has been unconscious for two solid days. He wished he could carry her by his arms and take her to his home.
The nurse allowed him to enter. Most of her wounds were treated, and he checked the CT scan reports. He can't infer anything, since he has no clue about the medical field. He wanted to ask the doctor later.
He examined her once. She was exhausted, and her lips were dry, yet intact despite being loose. Her white skin turned pale. An oxygen mask and tubes were connected to her.
Ozuma gently leaned towards her and rubbed her forehead.
Suddenly, her eyes flickered. Ozuma couldn't be more surprised. Her eyelids gently opened, and fast tears came out.
"Mariam..." Ozuma murmured and clad her into his arms.
"Ozuma? Where am I?" She pulled off her oxygen mask.
"Baka! You scared me! I was behaving like a madcap for all these days! Do you know? You were admitted to this hospital, and you were unconscious for the past two days! Those fucking idiots abused you to the core!"
"Don't cry Ozuma. I am alive and safe. What else do you want? I won't leave you so soon." Mariam said breathlessly.
Ozuma quickly parted from her.
"Relax. I'll tell the doctor."
"No, wait. Talk to me for a while."
Ozuma chuckled and went close to her.
"Ozuma, I have something to tell you. You are an amazing person, and I am blessed to have you in my life. Also, you are the best leader!"
"No Mariam, I couldn't save you at the right time. You were already beaten."
"Nah, thanks to you that I am alive. If you were okay and never diverted them, God knows what could've happened to me. You are my savior, Ozuma."
Ozuma reached close to her nose. He felt her hot and humid breaths.
"Ozuma, do you love me?"
He didn't respond but smiled and raked her jaw.
Mariam gently smiled and leaned forward, reaching his lips for a small dance. The kiss was deep, passionate, intimate, and heartfelt.
"How would I not? Because you healed the scar in my heart." He pecked her lips again.
"Get well soon, my love. I am waiting for you."
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