#maybe we SHOULD have family therapy lmao.
femmefitz · 7 months
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Every other conversation I have with my mother reminds me of why I'm still angry with her instead of just letting it go. Why did she say this!!!!
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yeyinde · 2 months
Question about Straw House, Straw Dog Johnny! OK so he obviously has some brain trauma due to taking a bullet to the head and all, and we can see him shifting between thoughts and emotions in a way one can describe as volatile, but I've been dying to know... Does Johnny have moments of clarity, moments where who he was before being shot break through? If so, how lucid is he? Is he able to take stock of his surroundings, does he know he's got a captive in his bed? Does he wonder about his team mates, until his mind splinters and he returns to being a shell of a man in the woods?
sorry this took me so long to answer!! it got super long so i had to find ways to cut it down, but since i couldn't write this in Johnny's pov, i rambled. a lot.
but—to answer your question: yes and no lmao
i don't think he's fully gone. definitely delusional, grasping at nothing, and struggling to adjust to this civilian world where no one needs him. not even his teammates.
but he's cognisant, and in many ways, he's still Johnny. still Soap. but he is a victim of circumstances. he has untreated TBI (which outside of physical recovery does need therapy as well, especially to offset the emotional trauma that underlines it all), and he decided to pick one of the loneliest places in Canada to hide out in. maybe not the loneliest, but there's definitely a sense of disconnect when you move outside of the big cluster of cities near the border to the US, and nowhere else captures that primordial, almost cosmic sense of crushing aloneness quite like NWT (for me, at least lmao)
it's the social isolation, the feeling of worthlessness (because i do see him as someone who'd never retire from this, ever), and the loss of agency and familiarity that really send him spiralling. he's grasping at straws and sinking deeper into his terrible mental state. listless, in a way. and very, very angry. everything was ripped away from him in seconds and now he's stuck inside a cabin with nothing but his thoughts for company. and while we don't really know how he came to be squirreled away in NWT (specifically a patch of unorganised land outside of Wrigley), we know that it was not choice.
he still thinks of his teammates, remembers (vividly) everything that happened, but had no choice but to leave. there's a lot of resentment, though. he feels robbed. broken. useless. feels like he should be there with them when they hunt down Makarov, rather than sidelined like he has been. it festers. builds.
but then you come along.
a task, a mission. someone he can save. and even if he were fully cognisant, woke up perfectly fine one day, he'd still find ways to rationalise it. he does not, nor will he ever, see you as a captive. he did you a favour. he saved you. by any means necessary. even if those means are morally reprehensible and outright illegal. Soap is patting himself on the back for doing what needed to be done, and nothing anyone says will change his mind.
and if he was ever caught, he'll pretend to feel some sense of remorse for his actions. let people lead the discussion of how tragic what happened is and how truly sorry he is for the pain caused, but the entire time, he's plotting on how to get his family back. you're his. he found you. he'll never feel guilt over what he sees as a good deed. but i think he can be convinced to feel remorse over sneaking into your bed.
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so the nightbringer website is open now and from what it says, the mc is gonna be in this game too? and it seems like romance is still gonna be involved? I wasn't expecting that honestly, I was thinking mc wouldn't be apart of this at all.
but if this is the case, does that mean that we're gonna find out what mc really is (they obviously aren't human in canon, but not everyone thinks of mc the same way so that doesn't seem like a good choice on their part) or maybe it will be whoever mc was in the past life? the only other thing I can see is mc going back in time again but that also seems like a weird thing to do.
maybe I'm overthinking what's on the website but it's just not something I even considered until this moment lmao
still v excited for the new game, I really hope that even if they do keep mc as a main part in the game, that the romance is a small part of it (or rather that it's not thrown at you in every scene lol) and that we actually get a good story on how the brothers came to the devildom and more understanding on all of the characters in general.
(sorry if this is hard to understand, I'm sick and tired hehe)
Honestly (I might be completely wrong here) I think it's gonna take place in flashbacks or something similar? Like we're gonna be skipping between the past and present. Because the opening showed Luke in it and he (as stated in S3) wasn't alive while the brothers were still angels/during the time of the fall. Plus it showed Thirteen with Diavolo but S4 heavily implied that she first visited the Devildom in S4 itself. So if this is the case then MC and the romance elements would be taking place in the present (though I wouldn't mind seeing MC interact with the brothers when they were angels again, tbh)
I think this game is what's gonna be used to introduce Michael? He's been built up since S1 but some of the things said about him makes him seem like a heavily morally grey character and exploring that in a game like OM! which is just straight up a wholesome otome game won't work because he'll have to be watered down in order to become a LI. But if they introduce him in nightbringer through flashbacks (possibly in anticipation of him appearing in the present) then they wouldn't have to worry about watering him down as much (specially because the opening hints at nightbringer being more lore and angst driven)
I would really like to know more about what the hell MC is because, like it or not, general MC does have a lot of canon facts about them that are sprinkled throughout the game (here's my post that lists all of them) and the fact that they're not fully human is one of them that is brought up as early as in Season 1 (also the time it's brought up the most clearly/directly) and then hinted at/reintroduced in the following 3 seaons (post w/ canon evidence)
(get well soon! And take a nap!!)
I just checked out the website and okay it actually looks really good! The quotes from each brother!!!! Also looks like it might actually jump between past and present but in the form of timetravel rather than flashbacks? Not proper timetravel where they'll manage to remember each other later but something similar to what happened in S3 maybe? Okay but the fic potential of this!!? The angst potential!!!?
Okay so the format (regarding the romance) might be similar to S1? Few romantic elements sprinkled throughout but mainly focusing on the therapy and found family elements until the very end?
Also from the three brothers who mention The Fall in their quotes (Mammon, Levi and Asmo) Mammon seems to be the only one who has (at least to an extent) made peace with it?
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lavenderek · 10 months
man, i am up to here with bullshit myths about adoption.
less than 2% of adopted children develop a trauma disorder like reactive attachment disorder.
70% of adoptees express an interest in learning about their biological families. facebook is cool.
2.5% of minor children in the united states are adopted.
0% of adoptees have exactly the same experience and perspective as another adoptee.
"well, i know several people who were adopted and then they went insane and hated their adopted families."
okay, first of all, no you don't, you made it up; second of all, that is bonkers and not at all representative of average life, and i think you know that; and third of all, were you there to see what these people's experience was growing up? maybe their adopted families actually treated them like shit. who's to say? neither of us was there because you invented them to win an argument.
"adopted kids will always feel different from the other siblings."
do you treat them differently from the other siblings? try not doing that. maybe then they won't.
adoptees who are a different race from their families have a different experience. therapy can help them process this, and they can also look on adoption forums and subreddits to connect with other interracial adoptees to find support and validation.
but either way, consider treating your son like your son.
"you shouldn't tell a kid they were adopted until they're old enough."
old enough for what? when do you think it's a good time to tell a kid they weren't adopted?
"but they might not be ready."
ready for what?
if you lived your whole life chill and normal, and then one day your parents sat you down and said you were adopted, it could change your perspective of yourself and where you fit into the family. you might be angry and sad that you were lied to, and you might wonder if it was kept a secret because it's shameful, because they didn't want you the way you were.
if you knew your whole life you were adopted, then you'd know your whole life you were adopted.
"how do you explain that to a toddler?! you should wait because they won't understand."
dude, there are developmentally appropriate ways to explain anything to a child.
"ella came from mommy's tummy. cecelia came from outside of mommy's tummy."
"mommy wanted a sister for ella, so she went and found cecelia."
"we wanted to have another baby, so we decided to adopt you, cecelia."
"we were having trouble having a baby, so we decided to adopt. we were so happy the day you came home. do you have questions about your birth mom?"
"we had been trying for a long time after ella, but we just couldn't conceive. we thought about IVF, but decided to adopt instead. your biological mother decided to put you up for adoption before you were born. we still have the paperwork upstairs if you're interested. her name is brenda brendason."
use your brain.
"if you never tell them, what's the harm?"
there might be medical conditions that are passed on genetically and they might be better off knowing about those.
and like, WHY lmao??? what's your problem?????
can you imagine finding out as an adult, after your parents have passed away, that you were adopted? like, what would you do with that information lmao? that must be so weird.
"people want their own baby, not an adopted one."
this comment always sucks. it's nothing. your adopted baby is your baby. who else's baby is it? anyone you see at work could be an adoptee and you're saying that guy isn't his parents' son because of how they obtained him.
"it's okay that this movie character has always been in love with his sister because she was adopted."
you are a freak. stop doing that.
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
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DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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justallihere · 6 months
Alli this chapter was such a nice surprise !!
Violet is a sarcastic queen "we can hold hands" she says to Liam as if the only person she wants to hold hands with is not her husband. Liam and Violet are very special to me and the way you write them is very unique. He's so protective of her but she's also very strict on her boundaries in the friendship which I love for her.
Oh so the panflet did make its rounds in this fic. Devera u sneaky bitch I know what u are (a traitor). This is a perfect opportunity to reveal some truths but because our Violet is indeed the queen of a whole ass country I doubt she's gonna do that, there's just too much at stake, but I do wish she had done something in canon. I wonder if she's gonna talk to Devera here? If she even suspects it was her?
“Be logical, riders,” Markham said as he collected the last of the leaflets. “When has Navarre ever sent a riot of only Blue dragons? I expect better from you all. More critical thinking. It will be imperative once you’re out of Basgiath and on the battlefield.” oh this is pure gold the way propaganda is discussed here is just so good. i love these conflicts.
Jack is back ?? creating chaos for sure. maybe trying to murder violet? omg imagine violet being able to see that he's a venin way earlier bc she's sees the sage way too often in her dreams and when she sees jack she goes "umm that's weird, that's suspicious" Also I've always thought Baide was sus for keeping it hidden i hope the damn dragon dies. maybe tairn can actually kill a dragon this time.
Oh Xaden is just so miserable my poor baby "I know you're awake" ohhhh u wanna talk to her so bad. Violet acknowledging they have a routine is very special to me and an improvement. As much as it hurt me them sleeping in separate beds it's very much needed bc they need to TALK I'm just waiting for the chapter in which they will fight so bad they both break and then they'll make up.
their conversations in the dark !! they need each other so badly, the weight of ruling is heavy and while xaden may try to play it off he doesn't handle it well either.
“Yes and no. Eventually you get used to it. You stop feeling the weight. You do the best you can with what you have, and you make so many horrible choices that it’s all you know, and you have to make yourself stop second-guessing. It’ll drive you mad if you don’t.” Sir what u need is therapy.
Violet talking about her dying before seeing her future and Xaden saying she'll live and then Violet calling him a liar … THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT !! and followed by her calling Aretia home and Xaden having a mini breakdown over it ? oh he's very screwed indeed but she isn't much better. i wonder when will she realize its him that's home and not Aretia the place.
also xaden suffering the consequences (violet putting herself in danger for the good of Tyrrendor) of his own actions?? we love to see it but also omg the angst !! he's just like "pls sit down don't do anything dangerous"
"We’re married. We’re supposed to be a team." she knew she had him with that, the only thing he wants more than for her to live its for them to be a team. the cant live without u line is very on brand for violet denial sorrengail to misinterpret love that !!
love the bodhi and violet crumbs !! they're family they need to interact more i also think they'd be a formidable pair against xaden just to annoy him lmao. but for now bodhi will rat her out to xaden !! he's part of the "violet and xaden should talk like rational adults" club. also they're so married bickering so so married they're disgusting actually. (him not missing the opportunity to call her beautiful, sir you are not that sneaky i see u)
xaden agreeing to go with violet on her suicide mission is very supportive partner coded gottalove that !! cant wait to see him go ballistic when shes tortured.
once again you've delivered such a good chapter thank u so much <3
My favorite thing about Violet is that she’s kind of a bitch because so am I and we deserve that representation. She loves Liam so very much but my girl likes her space
Violet and Devera talk soon-ish. I love Devera so much, I need more of her
Xaden and Violet are in their married couple era for SURE, there’s more communication from them in the coming chapters and it’s gonna hurt and it’s gonna be so good I can’t wait
“what u need is therapy” that’s what Garrick and Bodhi are for 😭😭
Listen like it’s so important to me that they follow through on the things they agreed to. They talked and they decided no more secrets and they would do everything together from now on and they took that shit SERIOUSLY!! It’s part of their married dynamic, I love them
Thank you so much for reading 🩷🩷🩷
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I truly am happy for Matty. He deserves the fucking world honestly. But it makes me realize I don't have a BF, I don't have friends and I don't get a long with my family most of the time. I'm working on myself this Year I hope something will change. ❤️ I hope for uou and everyone else too. Anyway, sometimes I treat Matty like he is my little brother, his happiness makes me so so happy truly. I love him with all my heart.
Yeah, same. It often feels like I don’t belong anywhere with anyone lmao. But I think everyone feels that way sometimes. I mean, someone like Matty, who has such solid friendships with more than one person, has a mom and a dad who are literally nothing but proud of him in Tim and Denise, a lil brother who clearly looks up to him. Thousands of humans all around the world who care for him deeply, still felt the things that he wrote about in Frail State of Mind, Nothing Revealed/Everything Denied, I Think There’s Something You Should Know, etc.
And, yeah, we see him being happy now, but let’s not forget what he just went through. Pretty much from Feb 7, 2023 right up until December 2023 was absolute hell for him. The entire universe hated him. People not only criticized the things that he did wrong, but everything he’s ever done with his entire life, called him a pedophile, brought up his addiction, wished he would overdose, wished he would die, mocked his appearance, his voice, dragged his ex partners, especially Twigs, harassed Jack Antonoff and Phoebe Bridgers and anyone who was seen being friends with him. Can you imagine what that must have made him feel about himself? I mean he literally shows us in the peanut bit onstage.
As Denise said, the show is as much about all that as it is about his fear of addiction and his fear of people leaving him. Just cuz he appears to have everything he could ever want: a beautiful and kind gf, the worlds most generous parents, and a stellar career, doesn’t mean that his life isn’t just as cold and hard and miserable as the rest of us. And, by his own admission, he only got to the place we currently see him in, where he’s happy and healthy, by going to therapy and being learning to do the hard stuff and by growing up. He’s doing his best. And he doesn’t always get it right. Sometimes he’ll go off the rails. And, unlike me and you and the rest of the world, where, our worst days are private (maybe only seen by a handful of coworkers or family or whatever), his worst days are in front of thousands. and boy do they let him know when he’s fucked up.
Don’t let his joy mislead you into being hard on yourself and don’t let it make you forget that he’s just as fucked up as we all are. He’s just really really brave. That’s all.
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seaweedbraens · 9 months
Yo it’s your local late night 6.5/10 PJOTV reviewer here to offer yet another perspective, especially after the new episode.
I think the core of the issue is that this show has two major MAJOR differences from the book, those being tone and pacing. The latter has been discussed a lot, and all i really have to add to that cesspool is that it is in fact very different and faster, leading to tighter story beats and less character development, which is the only thing i truly hate.
The tone thing hasn’t been talked about nearly as much as it should be, but i think it IS affected a ton of people’s perception of the show. The witty, dry humor of the first book that defined Percy and Annabeth as kids is kind of lacking a little? This is probably the fault of Rick attempting to write for TV and kinda struggling with humor. This makes the TV characters slightly different from the books, with Annabeth being more serious and less sarcastic, while Percy is just snarky sometimes instead of being an absolute little bitch. (This is also a lot because of the lack of narration BY Percy, where he can be a lot more humorous)
Without spoiling much, the newest episode fixes some of the issues with story and pacing elements, but still lacks in some development in terms of the subtext of the story, if that makes sense. The best part is that it reworks and redoes certain parts of the story in a way that just WORKS for TV and this specific cast.
Honestly, the only character that has 100% benefited from the change in focus with character development is Grover. The fact that the show just generally cares less about these characters somehow makes grover less of an anxious, shy companion and more of a fun, wholesome dude which i love SO MUCH!
About LMM as Hermes, i’m totally for it. LMM has pretty decent acting jobs, and the tired look he always has totally works with Hermes being canonically overworked as hell.
Another thing i do love that some people don’t is the Gabe changes. IDK how much you know, but the changing of Gabe is an unforeseen and interesting change. However, i like it because it makes Gabe a more dynamic character, and makes it possible to change who is in a negative light, rather than making him go from “abusive bitch” to “physically abusive bitch”. This all comes from someone intimately family with parental abuse and someone who loves reading fics that discuss Gabe AS a horrible abuser. Like, one of my fav PJO fics (that i did suggest to you) is an entire therapy fic about Percy dealing with that abuse and the scars of trauma. I know what i want from Gabe’s character is all i’m saying.
Finally, one last topic i wanna rant about on the internet is fucking LA Luke. They had absolutely no right to make this dude the most lovable bitch at camp. Hell, even the most anti-live action ppl out there can admit Luke got a lot more sympathetic in the show. Anyone can see they really cared about that aspect of the character. (not the weak-ass attempt at a scar tho lmao)
This entire rant and all of my (and everyone’s really) feelings can change drastically as soon as the next episode drops though, so take everything ANYONE says with a tablespoon of salt and a pile of blue food.
duly noted, and thank you for the update on your thoughts with the new episode, anon - it's so interesting to see thoughts change with every new one! i'll probably binge it all in one go at the end.
from what you've said, i think the gabe changes still bother me, but i'm all for a more likeable luke. that'll make the betrayal that much more painful. honestly, i've been toying lately with the idea of a later betrayal on luke's end, rather than at the end of book 1. i feel like we don't fully get to see how much percy trusts him and likes him in the limited time we get with them in the lightning thief. one day, maybe, i'll write a fic that really gives luke and percy the Bonding Time i think they deserve before the rug's pulled out from underneath percy's feet.
i wonder how your 6.5/10 rating will change by the end of the final ep!
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chodzacaparodia · 2 months
🌵🍄🥤🎲🪐🥐🦋☁️🌸 some more if you have free time ofc
Hiii <3 I will always find time to answer questions (usually with a slight delay, but I will always answer them lmao) 🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I really like this Shinso Hitoshi Kin/Simp playlist
(and this is longer, spotify version of this playlist)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Maybe Hiorin this time?
Hiori and Rin like spending time together at home, watching movies (horror movies) and playing games together (not only do they play the same game together, but they also play alone, but next to each other). But apart from that, they like to go to haunted houses together or visit places that are believed to have paranormal activity. Rin not only likes horror movies, but is interested in paranormal phenomena, and Hiori, who became fascinated with Rin's hobby, suggested such trips to him. Hiori pretends to be scared and hugs Rin, asking him to protect him, and Rin, knowing he's joking, calls him an idiot and hugs him too.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Maybe Sakuatsu fic this time?
People Will Say We Are in Love by tirralirra
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
ME LMAO Seriously, it's my fault that I browse YouTube, tumblr, ao3, manga, books, Facebook, everything when I should be writing
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I still have almost a week of vacation!!! Man, how I love having time off from work! And I can sleep little longer
Sooo I have time for my family and friends! Today I'm supposed to meet my friend! As long as these temperatures don't melt us sooner
Suo Hayato and Newt. My beloved characters. I'm in the middle of reading "Wind Breaker" and I just finished "Crank Palace" by James Dashner and will be starting "The Maze Cutter". I love these guys with all my heart. And now I've fallen into the Newtmas hole hahah
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
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☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
I once got an ask about my username and I answered it here
But basically song "Therapy" by All Time Low made me choose my username ♡
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
This is JJ!!!
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Have a nice day! 💖
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
i can also see suho writing at least a few "what if the count and his wife never died and Javier kept his family" aus. Just for self-indulgent reasons lmao. Maybe even some "Lloyd still dies but everyone else lives" or "what if Javier's birth family (basically ocs) never died and he got to still go on adventures" lol.
oh. oh that's. that's kinda sad :(
but like if we ignore the massive self-projection and wish fulfillment going on, i think that would actually be a pretty popular genre of fic in the hypothetical "the knight of blood and iron" fandom (i'm just gonna write tkbi now btw i'm tired ajkshdk). like we know in the webcomic that when the author killed off sillurian people were really incensed because it seemed like javier was really Going Through It at that point. and we all know nothing makes fandom more motivated than feeling like their favorite characters are being mistreated aksjhdjksa
and while it's also said that part of the appeal of tkbi is that javier is a very sad and lonely protagonist i have to imagine there's at least a good part of the fandom who wishes to see him get some comfort to offset all the hurt he goes through. so i think there's probably a healthy and thriving fix-it and hurt/comfort community that dedicates itself to write some nice fluffy fics (while also inflicting all new kinds of pain upon him but shhhh it's all good it's normal nothing to see here-)
maybe suho would gravitate more towards the fix-it fics end of the spectrum, instead of the hurt/comfort ones. he'd write these very elaborate aus that explore "what if"s and "for a want of a nail" plots that vary in their degrees of fluffiness but that are almost always about avoiding the early tragedies in javier's life. (eg 'what if javier met count cremo when he was younger', 'what if javier had an imaginary elf friend as a child except it isn't imaginary', 'what if it had been the baroness that rescued javier as a child', 'what if lloyd hadn't been an useless drunk', etc etc)
his habitual readers are always amazed by how detailed his aus can get and how much world building he does and explores, they especially like the ripple effect all of his fics have, how the smallest actions can have many consequences down the line, even if they do think he focuses too much on the beginning of the book when he could explore the latter chapters more. he never does romance and always writes family and friendly relationships and only includes the romantic leads as friends too. but overall his fics are pretty popular within that side of the fandom.
some people do think he has a bit of dislike towards lloyd frontera's character, which showed especially in his 'lloyd frontera dies in the beginning of the book and everything is better because of it' fic but he's otherwise pretty good at hiding it so it's not too much of a flaw. plus, lloyd is a bit of human trash overall :/
his 'the baron and baroness never died and thank's to javier's heroics they were saved from debt' fic is his most popular work but the 'javier's bio family never died' one is a close second. his 'the family still lost the estate but no one died and they all went on adventures' isn't quite as popular but it has a steady following.
there's one that almost doesn't get attention but that everyone that does read it agrees is probably his best one and it's a one shot, 15k, character study, memories, flashbacks, major injuries, implied major character death, open/ambiguous ending, bittersweet ending fic, with a summary that just says "javier is tired. he wants to go home. he can hear them. everyone is waiting for him" and leaves everyone who reads it both in tears and also half wondering if they should ask the author if they need them to pay for a couple therapy sessions (please he needs them so badly)
dang it i got carried away again jkashdksa but yeah! i do love the idea of fanfic writer kim suho i think it's very funny. and also him being a fix it fic writer means he already got a little bit of practice before being isekai'd lmaooo
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
i truly believe that CBMTHY reader needs like a hobby like something that consumes her so fully that she forgets her grief for a short while. it could be her just experimenting with her magic like seeing how she's always so curious and all it works with her personality too! also girlie neeeds a job, money and retail therapy fr 😭 but i must say this CBMTHY 16 is like perfect?? idk the confrontation and the reader finally realizing that her actions have consequences was much needed! i hoping we get to see more growth for her like the start of it atleast, cause she's been in this depressive hellhole of hers far too long and it's make me angry at this point honestly. not at you but how she doesn't act on what she wants to do and just doesn't think things through when she actually does something, I DO see what you did with Mor there and honestly her reaction was so valid and i'm hoping that reader gets a small family that is not the IC, like found family (how nesta made friends with emerie? and gywn ? i don't remember their names lmao) but yeaah she deserves one. we already have Bas we need like 2 more people? or even 1 bro she just needs people thats not family like eris can be considered a friend but then again he's not someone she can meet regularly?? and thats fine ofcourse!
also girlie needs to find out whats in the book that eris gave, istg thats what im excited about the most! i loove the reader curious nature, imean she doesn't reallly act on it but the way she used to like read every book from the library like it was food was so relatable there is so much potential with CBMTHY and hosnestly its so well written, even when yk there are some clarifications to make you do it all too well! (taylor swift reference:))) i will not apologize for ranting because you've made it pretty clear you like reading through it all haha but es have a good day and take care!! <33 with lovee <33
‘like something that consumes her so fully’
Oh dear
‘it could be her just experimenting with her magic like seeing how she's always so curious and all it works with her personality too!’
I think we will actually have sections with that in? I don’t want to give anything away obviously because I enjoy hearing your reactions as things happen, but honestly it would probably be weird now if after reader had her ‘detonation’ moment that her magic just got left aside 😭
Well, maybe not that weird, but a little strange to not try at it at all, like you said, given reader’s curiosity :)
‘but i must say this CBMTHY 16 is like perfect??’
I need to frame this so badly my goodness 😭🧡💛
‘idk the confrontation and the reader finally realizing that her actions have consequences was much needed! i hoping we get to see more growth for her like the start of it atleast, cause she's been in this depressive hellhole of hers far too long and it's make me angry at this point honestly.’
I’m super happy you feel that way! I feel what happened with Mor was uncalled for just given reader’s situation, but at the same time I’m not sure how much I can fault Mor for it since we don’t know how deep the Eris wound goes? Naturally making the comment about “you’ll pay though, right?” was a step too far since that’s intentionally malicious? It’s not just the leash on Mor’s emotions slipping, that was a planned attack that Mor knew would hurt reader?
Whereas despite how reader’s actions hurt Mor and reader should have given it a little more thought before going to Eris—even really at the moment she picked up her pen to write back to him—her primary motive wasn’t to do it out of spite, she just needed to get away for a bit.
I think it will be fun to see how they sort it out though? Whether reader stands up to Mor or whether Mor backs off on her own? Whether other people might intervene or whether reader might go at Mor by herself?
‘but how she doesn't act on what she wants to do’
Yes! She needs something that will push her into action? Sure, you’re immortal so I guess you have all the time you could want, but do you? If reader keeps putting things off they’ll never happen :/
‘also girlie needs to find out whats in the book that eris gave, istg thats what im excited about the most!’
Yeah, I wonder what sort of helpful things Eris had in mind when giving reader that book about the topics she’s so interested in.
‘even when yk there are some clarifications to make you do it all too well! (taylor swift reference:)))’
Oh my gosh I’m not a Taylor Swift fan but I’ve heard quite a few of her song and All Too Well (10 minute version) was one I used to listen to a lot to get into the headspace for writing the initial chapters of cbmthy!! 😭
‘i will not apologize for ranting because you've made it pretty clear you like reading through it all haha but es have a good day and take care!! <33’
Ahhhh yes yes yes!!!! I love getting to talk with you so much and hearing so many viewpoints and stances—it’s so exhilarating reading through them and knowing people actually enjoy this fic that kind of happened out of nowhere, so thank you 😭🧡💛🫂🫂🫂
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servin-up-surveys · 6 months
survey #203
Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? My mom, for sure.
Who is the most overbearing person you know? Our landlord/family "friend." It's hard to call her that by now.
Do you still remember your first kiss? I do.
Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? In general yes, but I do wish Girt and I had more time with just each other, not sharing houses with parents. I do sometimes wish we had our own place already, but I'm also very understanding of why we don't, both from my side and his. Sometimes I just get impatient and feel like I don't get to be a real adult.
How many kids do you want to have? Realistically none, there is a thick-ass book of reasons why I should not have a child.
Have you ever purposely given someone the wrong number? No.
Who’s the last person you smoked weed with? I've never smoked anything.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Permanently.
Who is the person you have hurt the most? I'm going to assume Sara, but I have no way of knowing that for sure.
Who is the person that has hurt you the most? Jason. Sara's right behind him, though. She's SAID more hurtful things.
Who’s the last guy to give you roses? Girt.
Did your parents do drugs when they were younger? I'm aware that Dad did while he was with Mom but before us kids were born.
The first thing I’d do after winning the lottery is… Buy Mom a house that's perfect for her.
The videos that always make me laugh are… Game Grumps ones.
One of my favorite writers is… Margaret Atwood. I'd like to read more of her stuff.
One of my favorite singers is… Freddie Mercury, RIP king.
What’s a favorite hobby of yours? RP. I want to branch off to more animal RPs, I've just had trouble finding places that aren't overly complicated or are my style.
I think a good source of therapy is… Journaling.
A friend who I can always be myself around is… I feel zero shame being fully myself around Tez and Mazzy. I think it's important to mention here that I KNOW I can be 100% myself around Girt, I'm just so wildly afraid of rejection/judgment/being seen as "weird" that I'm still sometimes needlessly hesitant. I've gotten better about it, though.
Something helpful to lose weight is… Not a very helpful response, but real talk, the most reliable "how to" I've found is to be in a good mental health state. My heaviest era took place during my saddest, and my healthiest weights post-initial mass weight gain came from periods where I was mentally well. NO, you do NOT need to be "okay" to lose weight, I'm just saying historically, that stood out for me.
A fear of mine is… Aside from the answers I normally give, for some variety, slugs. I'm very afraid of them just because of their sliminess and general texture. I will scream if I see one, and will NOT touch something one is on, even though I know how stupid that is, it's like I expect them to bolt up my arm when they're fuckin slugs, bro lmao. I want to overcome this fear, I actually think visually slugs are quite cute, and they're also helpful organisms that are just so harmless, but I'm so freaked out by them. It's funny, I'm not scared of snails at all; it's like put a shell on their back and suddenly the cuteness overrides the "ew slimy" reaction.
If you knew me well, you’d gift me… Anything meerkat-related, for sure. You could literally gift me a single Mountain Dew Voltage and I'll deem you a saint, haha.
Who is someone you’ve been enjoying watching on YouTube recently? I've actually been watching some Good Mythical Morning again! I'm wondering if perhaps my hyperfixation is cycling back around, haha. Maybe I just have three of them that rotate in my head like a rotisserie chicken.
Who was the last of your friends to have a baby? I think Bethany?
Which family member did you get your height from? My mom.
Which TV channel did you watch the most as a kid? Animal Planet.
Who is your favorite cousin? I don't have a favorite cousin.
If you had to choose a country to live in besides your own, which country would you choose? Probably Canada. Sucks major ass that you can't have hognose snakes as pets there, but.
Do you think you look better with long hair or short hair? Short.
What did the last mask you wore look like? It was an oxygen mask lmao
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? I officially have now as of the second asthma attack.
What color was your nursery when you were a baby? I didn't have my own nursery that I remember. I had a crib in my parents' room, at least in the house we moved into when I was like, two. I don't remember the house I was actually born into whatsoever.
When is the next time you will attend a family reunion? Where will it be? We don't have these.
Do you like cereal? What would you consider your favorite kind of cereal? I do. I think the chocolate Krave is my favorite.
What’s your favorite lollipop flavor? Strawberry or watermelon.
Who did you last hold hands with? My boyfriend.
What sounds help you sleep? Rain on the window. A fan.
Do you have a loud or more soft laugh? LOUD bitch I am a hyena
Do you like to dip your fries in a frosty or ice cream? No, I don't get the appeal of this.
Cookies or brownies? Brownies.
Are you a fan of musicals? I'm really not.
Have you ever stargazed with someone? Yes.
What color is the vehicle you ride in most often? White.
What’s your favorite kind of pasta? Just ordinary spaghetti with meatballs.
Would you say you’re a condescending person? Not at all.
Have you ever mowed a lawn? No, that is not a chore I ever want to have.
What’s the last song you listened to? Pretty sure it was "Back In School" by Mother Mother.
Are you content with your social life? No. I wish I had a few more friends and did more things with these people.
Have you ever had edible flowers? I've had honey from honeysuckles.
Do you read other people’s survey answers? I read my friends' answers. And of course sometimes when copying surveys from randoms, I can't help but read some of their answers just because my eyes naturally graze over the words, but I don't pay real attention.
Do you work better alone or in a group? ALONE. I was one of those students in school that was often allowed to work alone when things were meant to be group projects; my teachers liked me and also had faith in my ability to deliver, so they respected how I was comfortable working.
What are 3 essential items you won’t leave the house without? My phone and inhaler are the only real musts. I carry my wallet in my purse too (where my phone and inhaler are too), and it has important cards in there, such as my blood type in case of some wild emergency where I need a blood transfusion and I'm nonresponsive.
Do you enjoy spicy foods? I do.
What is something you want to be remembered for? I advocated for love and peace and kindness towards our planet and all that live in it.
Do you like pickles? I love dill pickles.
What is something you take a lot of pictures of? MY CAT lmfao deadass
What is your favorite thing about the beach? Being in the water. I'm one of those people that love being smacked (but not totally abused lol) by the waves, being tossled a bit and stuff. If reminds me how small I am, how inconsequential my ass is in the giant scope of the universe and even just this single planet. It's VERY freeing from anxiety, I just feel very peaceful when I'm in the ocean. I hate the salty wind, I hate the yucky sand and walking through it and having it stick to your wet body, but being in the ocean is an S-tier experience for me.
Are you afraid of snakes? Not at all, snakes are some of my favorite animals on the planet. Like sure, I'm going to be respectful to venomous species and give them space, but even those I'm not properly "afraid" of.
Do you think frogs are ugly? No, they're cuties!
Name three things that you find refreshing. A nice cold drink, a cool breeze, and the taste of mint.
What is your favorite vegetable? Broccoli or well-prepared green beans.
Do you own any succulents? No, just fake decorative ones. I'd kinda like to try taking care of a real succulent, so long as it was hardy. I don't have full faith in myself with taking care of plants.
What is your least favorite shade of green? That like, puke green color. bleh
Do you like olives? No.
What are three of your favorite insects (or insects that you think look cool)? Butterflies, moths, mantises. I wanna mention ladybugs too, they're so cute, but I think they've gotta come in 4th place.
Would you ever dye your hair green? I have done this before, like a mossy green color and I loved it.
Are you a tea drinker? I hate tea. Any kind I've ever tried.
Do you like mangoes? So I'm funny with mangoes. Mango flavor? It's one of my favorites! But the texture of real mangoes is so fucking repulsive to me, I can't eat them. I was SO disappointed when I tried one the first time.
What’s your hair texture? It's VERY thick. Smooth, I guess. Mostly straight, mild waviness.
Do you play games on your phone? Yeah, I enjoy PokemonGO, DragonVale, Dragons of Atlantis, and Amaru (it's a self-care pet but has "game" traits to it).
Is acting something you’d enjoy? Are you convincing? No, I would feel VERY uncomfortable.
In what ways are you immature? I am very attached to/reliant on my mother.
Are the Olympics something you get into? Not at all.
Chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla milkshake? Chocolate or vanilla, depending on my mood.
What’s something or someone you’ll always defend? Gay rights. Access to safe abortion. Equality of all sorts. Lots of stuff.
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sniffanimal · 1 year
My classrooms teacher got all of us support staff some nice coffee grounds and is gonna buy us all lunch tomorrow 💞 this one man has made me feel more appreciated by a job than any supervisor I've ever had before. And I mean it's not just the gifts like, today he gave us all paper cups with things he feels we are good at and bring to the classroom and other positive qualities. This guy probably doesn't make a whole lot more than me and he has a family and kids and he's over his case load and still goes out of his way to appreciate us. I feel like nothing I can do for him will be meaningful enough especially given that I'm extremely broke all the time. Maybe I'll just make him a really nice heartfelt card
I'm so glad he's coming back for another year, breaking the curse this position has. My school has gone through 6 DLC teachers in 4 years. The students have had no stability year to year, the teaching environment changes year to year, each new teacher takes several weeks to get to know each kid yanno so it makes it difficult but having him back next year will feel really nice.
He jokes a lot about how I should be the class teacher, that I know how to do his job well enough, that I'm diplomatic with parents and empathetic with the kids to a huge degree and that he can rely on me for anything ever and I mean I'm not really saying that to talk me up but it's more indicative to me that he's overwhelmed and appreciates my presence in the class so much. Too bad I have a 2 year degree in graphic design and nothing else lmao. If I thought I could afford it I'd consider going back to school for a sped degree but it's just not in the cards for me. I'm thinking about going back to school to become an occupational therapy aide, since that's only 2 years of school and I can do it over summers and I would make more money but still get to do the parts of my job that I love the most.
Really I think an ideal job for me would be some sort of accessibility consultant or engineer. I could get into 3D modeling and making adaptive devices. I want to practice switch adapting toys over the summer this year and learn more about eye tracking software and game adaptive tech. That's the thing I love most about my job, besides the students themselves.
And being around other autistic and disabled people is really healing to me specifically. I have the best and most fulfilling interactions with my students vs my coworkers. I love the people I work with a ton too but the kids, man, are so genuine and great. I love teaching.
This post got long I just wanted to gush abt how I love my job
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cookinguptales · 2 years
spaceoperetta said: When I first started playing stardew I was working retail in a grocery store and while I never romanced Shane…I vibed with him during one of his heart scenes.
I guess for me, I just don’t think being depressed and unfulfilled gives someone the excuse to be a shitty person to everyone around them. Like wow, Shane, you’re depressed and unfulfilled, join the club! You still can’t treat people like this!
To me, the way that Pam’s alcoholism vs. Shane’s alcoholism is treated in the game is really, really striking. Some of it is probably the fact that Penny was always romanceable, but Shane’s romance track was a later addition...? So Penny was always supposed to have this sad backstory of having an abusive alcoholic relative, but Shane ended up having the sad backstory of being the abusive alcoholic relative -- and then you had to be able to marry him anyway.
But some of it, I have to admit, also feels kind of classist and sexist...? Like Pam is the epitome of the “trailer trash” stereotype, and is really presented primarily as a failed mother who makes life harder for everyone in town. And while there’s a scene that’s been added that kind of tries to humanize her through her failed attempts at religion, her alcoholism is never really treated with the empathy (and hope for recovery) that Shane’s is, despite the fact that he is much nastier to the protagonist.
(Also why is an alcoholic the bus driver?)
Whereas Shane gets to have this whole storyline about overcoming his ennui and learning to be a mildly less shitty person (though if you marry him, he still fucks up your house lmao) and his struggles with addiction are really humanized -- maybe even idealized? I get that there’s this fantasy there, both for depressed people of getting better and for people who love abusive alcoholics that one day they’ll change, but... I mean, speaking as someone who’s dealt with suicidal ideation since elementary school, depression isn’t cured just because you fall in love -- and hoping that an abusive alcoholic will one day realize how great you are and fix himself can be actively dangerous.
I’m not going to say that change, improvement, and betterment are never possible! Because they are! We should constantly hope for and work towards those things! But they’re often desperately hard work and personal safety should always come first. If a person treats you the way Shane does, you should leave! Friend, family, or lover! Hit the bricks! They can get therapy and work on themselves and then get in a relationship!
I also firmly believe that we should be able to hire Shane in the late game if just to make up for the fact that we cost him his job, but that’s a whole separate discussion, lmao. 
(He likes working on a farm! He’s even more depressed without a job! Marnie’s hobby farm is absolutely not bringing in enough income for all three of them! I don’t want to pet my dozens of animals, collect all their products, and load them into machines every day! Let me hire Shane!!!)
also let me steal Marnie from Lewis, who also sucks
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loominggaia · 2 years
Now that you've given me permission to ask questions, I shall do so unrelentingly until I can't think of anything else. So, two things:
First off, you've mentioned Sygbarnes condition a few times, but how 'there' is she? Would you say that Sygbarne has High Matenince Autism? I personally have Low Matenince Autism (I've actually hyperfixated on Looming Gaia a little lol) and Sygbarne reminds me alot of how autistic individuals are treated irl, so I was wondering if she's a metaphor (is that the right word?) for that.
Second of all, I read that youre okay with fanart and stuff, but would you be all right with me needle felting a Poffle? It's basically like making a sculpture out of wool.
Go for it! I'm always hyped to answer LG questions, they only make the lore deeper!
Sygbarne's exact condition is never named, and honestly I imagine she doesn't even have a proper diagnosis, considering the doctors she's seen are all woo-warriors who pretend they can "cure" whatever it is with crystals and herbs and shit. I'm not autistic myself so I'm not sure if I can accurately say that's what she has, but I will say a few things for certain about her condition:
Her ability to speak and reason is about on par with a toddler. As far as awareness goes, she's only as aware of her situation as a 3-year-old would be. She lacks significant understanding of the world, but is also intelligent enough to know that something is wrong with the way people treat her, even if she can't figure out exactly what that is. She is not only treated like a lab rat by her doctors, but also incredibly sheltered. Her parents are the only source of affection she gets, and their visits are pretty infrequent. I imagine it must frustrate her a lot, and her constant wailing is probably her expressing that frustration.
She cannot be cured because she doesn't have a disease, this is just how she was born. Gultopp and Juvella sought the world's top doctors at first, but of course they all told them that Sygbarne's condition will not change and they just have to accept her as she is. Gultopp and Juvella did not like that answer and refused to accept it, so they instead turned to sketchy quacks who promised they could improve her condition.
These doctors are nothing more than scam artists preying on the royal family's desperation. Their treatments range from benign and pointless to downright harmful. They string the royal family along with lines like "Oh, it takes many treatments to start working" or "Hmm, she's a stubborn case! Looks like she needs another year of this therapy before we see improvement..."
And Gultopp and Juvella just go along with it, because they feel they have no other choice. If only they would get over themselves and their unrealistic expectations, they could give Sygbarne the happier, healthier life she deserves.
I don't think Sygbarne's situation is hopeless though. Her sister Blomi is very curious about the wailing she hears in the castle, and one day I think she'll crack this mystery and somehow help her sister.
(Because lord knows Hestal ain't gonna be the one to do it...Gultopp and Juvella express disappointment in Sygbarne for being a "useless" child, while completely ignoring how utterly useless their neurotypical, able-bodied son is in every way lmao...he's the one they should be ashamed of, not Sygbarne.)
I never had a specific condition in mind for Sygbarne because it was never really the point of her story, but maybe a real diagnosis would flesh out the lore and help the character feel more real. If you feel that high-maintenance autism is a good fit for her, then that is what her condition will be. I would like input from actual autistic people before I commit to this idea, just to make sure I get the details correct and don't upset anyone, so any feedback is very helpful and appreciated! All suggestions can be sent to the ask box.
As for the second question, oh my god I would FLIP if you made a needle felted poffle! That sounds so freakin cute, please go for it! Please share it when you're done, I would absolutely love to see it!!
Lore Masterpost
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traumatizedmathilda · 2 years
TC Challenge, stolen from @too-youngtoloveyou
1. if you could change one thing about your tc, physical or personality-wise, what would it be?
I probably wouldn't. Maybe only for his own benefit that he would be less of a work-aholic but I also like that he's busy with so much stuff at the same time and he's a great teacher imho. He's not physically attractive to me bc I'm lesbian so idc about that. I do wish he would grow out his hair because the buzz cut is not it sir,,,
2. Are they "your type", or was falling for a person like them completely unexpected?
Never thought I would connect this way with him because he's a cishet white middle-aged man so yeah definitely not my type. My type is girls with pretty eyes and a great ass ngl. H doesn't fit that for sure lmao
3. Imagine you have a whole weekend to spend with your tc. what would you guys do?
Definitely watch some movies, cook dinner together. He is such a father figure to me so i would make it a father-daughter weekend probably. Go to a museum would be fun or a football match!!!!
4. If they knew about your feelings, would they confront you about it or ignore it?
Well, he knows I'm lesbian and he knows my family struggles so if he isn't aware that I appreciate his advice and just him listening to what I have to say, than he's way more oblivious than I thought. So I'm assuming he knows.
5. Are they more academic, artistic, or athletic?
This man is so smart and observant, he loves sports a whole lot andd I know he's great at writing so H is a mix of all three and knowing him he loves doing it all.
6. Do they inspire you as a person?
Yes. So much. There's a reason why I wanted him to be my mentor.
7. What do you think their love language is? what's yours?
Mine is physical touch and second is quality time. My wild guess is that H's love language is words of affirmations.
8. What would they have to do to make you lose feelings for them?
Make a move on me, I wouldn't like that at all. I just want to be friends with him if possible.
9. Are they introverted or extroverted? what about you?
Both extroverted lmao
10. Who's more likely to start rambling about their interests while the other listens?
Maybe H? He likes to talk about sports or his work and he has asked me twice what he should make for dinner. In general food is a subject bc we both have GI-tract issues 🤝🏼
11. Do you feel guilty about having feelings for your tc?
Chronic feeling of being a burden, I would've had it with anyone but I'm glad it's him.
12. Are you insecure about them liking another student more than you?
Yes but that's because I have an extremely warped self-image so I don't think there's a reason for me to worry. Still do it tho🥲
13. Have you ever drawn them or written about them to vent your feelings?
I suck at drawing so no. Written about them, yes, literally this whole blog.
14. How do you feel when you're around them? are you so nervous that you can't concentrate, or do you just feel happy that you get to spend time with them?
Nervous at first because I'm scared he'll have changed his mind. But it's like I can breathe normally when with him, like just me existing is fine.
15. Have you ever tried to get over them?
No, there's no reason for me to try that. And I know my need to talk to him stems from me being emotionally neglected and I hope I can move out and get therapy so that need will lessen with time.
16. If someone nice your age showed up in your life and you caught feelings for them, would you move on from your tc?
Again, I'm a lesbian. Literally went on a date last Saturday with a girl. No men!!! Only daddy issues!!!
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