#maybe two if i need to say smth to see the results
sassy-stupid · 1 year
Meaning I change the theme, icon, header and prob the url. I start writing again and I start writing for more fandoms.
Which may include but won't be limited to: bnha, jjk, final fantasy (only 7-15 to protect my sanity), haikyuu and blue lock.
It would also mean I'd start taking requests again.
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maopll · 1 year
Can I request headcanons of Dottore, Pantalone, Baizhu, Tighnari, and Albedo with a toxicologist s/o?
Dottore and her are a match made in heaven or hell.
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The sweetest poison <3
| genshin impact !
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⌗:, a/n: the title kinda sounds wrong but I couldn't think of anything else. and the fact that there's so many similar requests I got like are y'all the same person or smth ??
⌗:, warning: mentions of poison,,blood 'n stuff
⌗:, pairings: dottore, tighnari, pantalone, albedo, baizhu, & childe w/ gn!reader
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He was on his way to your lab to ask for a few ingredients that only you have special access to. It was a Sunday evening. The sun is almost settling down for the day and the moon is still evident on the sky. he knocked on your door and your fading voice telling "come in" was his cue to get in.
He saw you tending to a few fly traps and some deadly nightshade. "I want to get a few ingredients from you that are on this list" he told you to which you replied "just grab them from the shelf you know where they are". You and him have spent so much time together in each of your labs that he knows where every ingredient is. He grabbed a few and looked at a vial on the wooden lab table. "are you done with the experiment that you were working on?"
"no its still left, but it will be finished within thus week or the week after. I need more lab rats to test that on. the results are that satisfactory so I'll have to observe more". If there had to be anything in common between you two is that one both of you are always occupied with experiments and two torture.
To others your conversation may sound like that of a colleague with colleague but dottore barely held this gentle tone with others. Only with you would his more cruel and crude nature would slip away. Others may find it weird how the most fearsome person on the plant is talking so naturally with you but you know, its his way of telling you that he loves you just as much as you do.
He asks for many plant species and specimens from you. You spent years studying in the academiya and truly were the knowledge you accumulated were like treasure. The knights of favonius gave you your own permit of being able to handle and use poisonous plants. Ofcourse your research was worthwhile as you found many medicines for untreatable diseases.
If he ever comes across a peculiar plant he just goes to you. he knows how well you know the plants around you. you are usually stuck up in your lab but even you worry about albedo encountering a poisonous plant by accident as one time he brought one you burnt that away as your eyes were wide like flying saucers. Atleast ge didn't affect...
"[name] would you look at this? I found a few different flowers when I was in inazuma. I haven't seen them everywhere. Maybe you know something about them?" and yes you did know. You told him a great deal about its origin, its structure, its uses and location.
There comes many a moments when you two share your insightful knowledge with eachother. It started the day when you two were dating first and you two realised that both of you love alchemy and the mysteries shrouding it. These are some times you cherish the most as he hears every detail you spell with his head resting on his hand and the other scribbling points to remember. "hm? why are you smiling? is there something on my face love?..."
it's the beauty on his face that you are looking at.
He was a banker and you were a toxicologist. You two falling in love was pure coincidence and...true love as he would term it. He often finds you pulling out some purple stuff from your hands. Those were poison. He knew after you told him about it and he froze there on the spot. He thought you would die the next moment. You tried so hard to reassure him saying that it happens and you wouldn't die. He is afraid to lose someone dear to him once again in his life...
He always checks on you to see if you are not hurt or in any kind of pain. After checking that you are alright and tending to your plants in your greenhouse he would return back to his office as he would hold a small photo of yours with you concentrating on a potted toxic plant as butterflies, probably wild and dangerous, also swarming around your hair. He loves staring at that picture of yours. You tending so gently to the plant. Whenever he would remind those days when you two were still young lovers and inexperienced.
It feels as if it was yesterday when you two finally had your first kiss and were smiling brightly with faces blushed turning into the hue of a tomato.
Even if he is a fatui and ruthless man, he still has a soft spot for you and only you.
Injured, poisoned, senseless, unconscious, and many patients flock into the forest watchers' treatment room. Tighnari is busy throughout the day. Teaching young forest rangers and treating patients. There is never a free time in the young man's hands, but with the coming of you, things have been even easier to handle and treatments can be done even faster as you would give swift and simple orders to people to follow to treat the patients.
The vaccines you created after countless trial and errors with combined hardwork always paid off. Your medicines are sold everywhere. It was tighnari who recommended your medicines to the amurta darshan and bimarstan to use them. Many were hesitant as they were made from poisonous plants but...After trying out it worked wonders! no side effects were there
Every Sunday evening is when you two would tend to your own plants. Him watering the plants as you sowed a few seeds or fertilised them with your dendro vision. It almost feels as if you two are married and leading a domestic life tending to your plant children. At nights is when the both of your are wrapped up jn eachothers arms under the moonlight as the stars gaze upon your young love. Its a peaceful silence shared between you two as you two drift away to sleep to the lulls of the chirping crickets and the buzzing of the fireflies.
He returns with scars all around his body and had it not been your extraordinary medicines there would have been plenty of infections all over his body. Even if you try to act angry at him deep down both you and him know how worried you are. Every time he reminds himself to not get hurt to the point of being the reason for your worries.
Whenever he would get time on his hands he would join you on your experiments as he would look at you with awe as you swiftly handled vials and scribbled down notes for future reference. Thousands no, maybe even more toxic plants were there than that meets the eye.
You forbade him from touching anything since you do not trust him with such complex substances and liquids and poisonous plants. "oh come on...you're no fun! nothing would happen if I touch just ONE plan—" and there he goes, with a *thump* and falling on his back. Good now he just increased your workload.
After he woke up you gave him a full one hour lecture after he did that and he swears to never touch your plants again.
But he would never miss a free trip to your greenhouse. The variety of plants and the sweet smell emanating from them was mind blowing. He loved seeing you work skillfully with the most dangerous poison as if they were water. He can't hide that stupid blush that spreads across his fair cheeks as he always remembers 'my soulmate is so strong' with a cheeky grin plastered on his face
"what are you smiling for ajax ?"
"qiqi my dear, would you please call [name] for me, hm?". Qiqi tip toed her way towards your laboratory and softly knocked on your door since it was already midnight. All the houses had blowed out their lanterns and retired to bed for the night except a certain pharmacist and a toxicologist.
You understood why he may have called you so after thanking the little qiqi you walked your way towards your lovers study. The soft pulsating light could be seen from the end of the hallway of your shared abode. He was there writing some prescriptions for the patients who came the other day along with a few medical documents. Looks like he might have to pull an all-nighter to complete those.
"dear can you get me some herbal tea to wake myself up? I need to finish these since the patients will be coming tomorrow"
You brought him some herbal tea, which you prepared from freshly picked flowers from your greenhouse. "Mh...as delicious as always." his tone soft and low to not wake changsheng up who was deep into slumber. You were there with him in his room helping him with some prescriptions since you were also quite well aware of the plants that are toxic and which are not. With your help, only a few of those were left and he might be able to get a blink of sleep that day. He chuckled softly as the sound of his laughter soon died down and the ticking of the clock once again begun.
Throughout the night no words were spoken between the two lovers as they completed their paperworks under the soft illumination provided by the halfway melted candle and the crackling of the flame. The moon went for its own slumber as dawn freshened
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vrisrezis · 8 months
omgomgomg would you do satoru, suguru, and shoko taking care of a child. (maybe a random child that they found bc they tend to pick up random children or a bio kid) like have you seen those pov tiktoks like "pov: you got pregnant in collage and now your baby's being raised by college students" or somthing. like i can imagine satosugu teaching (if its a boy) the kid to be a gentlemen and like open the door for auntie shoko! or somthing like that. and if the kid was girl, like keeping her away from the boys "cuz thats what dads do" or smth like that.
Tw for child abuse; erm this is a college au but curses and jujutsu sorcerers still exist
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- Satoru is the one to find you. At this point in his life, he knows he shouldn’t keep adopting more children. Especially when he’s a teenager. He already has megumi, suguru recently found mimiko and nanako, but the male couldn’t resist. You were littered in bruises and cuts when he found you. You looked no more than three years old. There’s no way he in good conscious could leave you there and not take you for himself. So he crouched down to meet your level, a grin etched his features despite the worry he felt for you. As if he wanted to reassure you.
- he asks you about your parents, and you give him a honest shrug. So he takes you in for now.
- “Satoru…” suguru trails off, seeing yet another child in his arms. However, suguru doesn’t dwell on it, seeing the state you’re in. “Oh jeez…” he trails off, his motherly instincts kicking in as he’s quick to grab shoko to help heal you up.
- even shoko, would show great worry towards you.
- and from then on, you were stuck to those three like glue. Nothing would separate you four. They were stuck with you, you were stuck with them.
- satoru would eventually figure out that your parents were dangerous curse users that seemed to have put you in that weak state, so him and suguru personally went out to see them :)
Now, the parental experience:
- naturally, satoru and suguru have a very different way of raising a child. Suguru raises you to be a upstanding citizen while satoru raises you to be a menace to society. As a result, you will be a very confused little lad for a long time.
- satoru is a clingy dad, spending as much time with you as possible. However, satoru keeps you away from curses energy/curses talk all together. He wants you to experience being a child, since he never really got to.
- satoru introduces you to sweets really quickly (duh), and is a terrible influence cause he is constantly giving you junk food and therefor teaching you bad eating habits
- he also just spoils the hell out of you, so when it comes to you he can never say no to you, so you need to be taught by the others you won’t always get what you want
- satoru teaches you how to be confident, if you’re ever unsure about something he builds you up! But honestly with how much he does and with how over the top he is about it, you’ll probably end up with an ego like his
- satoru also doesn’t see a reason for you to respect your elders and this includes himself, suguru, and shoko. Respect them because they’re good to you, not because they’re authority figures or older than you.
- dresses you up :} you are not going out looking like shit, ever! He is such a diva and therefor you will be too. It’s just the order of things.
- suguru is a loving father as well, but not nearly as clingy as suguru. He lets you have your space, as he knows he needs his every once in awhile.
- suguru had a habit of spoiling you, but he does know he needs to discipline you (unlike satoru) if you do something bad. He’s the stricter of the two but even then he is not very strict.
- suguru tries to teach you good eating habits, good etiquette, and overall being a polite person that does things for others.
- while suguru believes confidence is a good thing for you to have, and he certainly uplifts you when you feel insecure, satoru is way more dramatic about it.
- sugurus “of course your big and strong, cute too.” vs satorus “you’re a god compared to them, don’t let those dirty rags get to you.”
- suguru ofc wants you to respect your elders too so he’s actually very strict about this. He will not budge on it, satoru shut up.
- suguru helps you with hygiene a lot since you’re still very little and your old family didn’t really teach you. He helps with ur hair and brushing ur teeth and showering heehee
- also can I say they are both so supportive of uuu
- like , your four years old , you are a little boy , you want to cosplay peach ? Zelda ? No problem they’re both so supportive of it
- no makeup tho ur too young
- born a girl ? Wanna wear boyish clothes? Totally fine they also don’t care
- either way tho satoru plays Barbie with u
- so does suguru but satoru plays more bc he is a #barbiegirl
- suguru is more into bratz tbh
- ofc they’re supportive of longer hair and other things too ! :D they love u
- satoru does encourage violence but only when it’s necessary ok . Fight back . Don’t start fights tho. (Secretly tho he’s telling u to start fights, it would be funny)
- suguru yells at him everytime tho
- satoru tends to be affectionate through gift giving, as he’s very bad with expressing his love through his words. Suguru is the opposite. While of course he likes to buy you things he doesn’t nearly as much as satoru, sugurus love often expressed through his vocal cords.
- aunt shoko is a fun aunt can I just say?
- your parents are so protective even if they are chill, so having your even chiller aunt shoko around is amazing
- you can talk to her about anything cuz she won’t rat you out to your dads, she won’t get mad at you, she’s just so understanding
- plus it always helps she has banger advice.
- she also knows how to take care of you a lot better when you’re a lot younger, like satosugu don’t know what they’re doing at first lmao
- shoko helping you with any boo boo’s :,(
- satoru has a habit of buying you two matching clothes so to piss him off shoko buys you clothes to match with her and he’s like >:(
- shoko NEVER smokes around you, in fact you probably don’t even know she does it
- she likes doing your hair
- when you get old enough though she is gonna be the reason you smoke your first blunt just sayin
- she kinda just starts being mama shoko instead of aunt shoko but … u didn’t hear that from me
- she helps you learn a lot of school shit since obviously given the financial situation, satosugu can’t take you into school right away, but shoko is there to help you learn for the time being :)
- doesn’t matter if your a boy she’s giving you a little pink bow to wear
- she likes just being a cool aunt ok
- anyways these 3 r soo good to u they will kill anyone that hurts u
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shzmluvrs · 1 year
Hi! I'm the same anon that requested the "Batson and The Bat's son" imagine. I'm so glad you had fun writing it ❤️ and honestly- I can't stop rereading it 😭 words can't describe how it makes me feel (in the best way ofc!). I'm hoping it isn't too soon to be asking for a (kinda) sequel 💀 or prequel- depends on you!
Basically Billy talks about the reader to his family but he's kinda vague, since he doesn't wanna reveal too much and he knows Freddy would bombard him and her with questions if he says too much. They also haven't met the reader yet so they start joking that she's imaginary. One day the team gets themselves into a situation they can't get out of. So the reader comes in and saves them and in the heat of the moment Billy says smth like "SEE- SHE'S REAL". After he says that he has to inevitably introduce the reader to them. Idk what else I want to happen 😭 tho I trust your creative mind 🛐 pls take your time and have a good day ✨💖
Omg haii😼!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, like, I wasn't sure how well it was going to turn out, but I think I did right by you, which is always the goal for any requester🫶🏽. Anyhow, yes, I am happy to continue your "Wonder-Daughter dates Billy" lore, I'm super into this, and I really hope you like it😙💕.
~ Star✨️
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Themyscirian Girlfriend
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Prompt: The duties of being an "average" teenage boy are proving to be quite difficult for Billy. School, chores, being a superhero, keeping your family safe from supervillains, magic, and monsters... And, oh yeah, making sure you don't get beat up by your superhero girlfriend's best friends. OH, and make sure you don't reveal her secret identity to anyone...
That last bit is extra difficult when you have a nosy, superhero obsessed, younger-by-a-month little brother, though.
Timeline: Post S!:FOTG
TW/Content: Freddy teasing TF outta Billy⚡️Bizzaro cameo😱?!⚡️Swearing, cuz teenagers do that⚡️You (reader) being so awesome-powerful-cool⚡️Billy loving you so, so, so much🥺⚡️So many references, be like Ash and Ketchum all
Reader: Fem! She/Her/Hers Pronouns! Wonder Woman's Daughter!
Requested By: Anon
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The golden light casted above the two of you dowsed your body in gold, creating an aura around your figure that Billy wished was nothing short of permanent. Not that he didn't already believe you to be a gift he had no clue how he earned. He just thought the added halo effect seemed fitting, even if it was just a result of a house/porch light that needed thorough cleaning.
"Thank you for joining me today." You spoke once he disconnected his earbuds from the jack of his phone. "I had a great time with you, as always."
"Of course! I'd never miss a chance to go out with you." He admitted, a lot quieter than his voice had previously been on the walk back to his home. But swiftly, the confidence returned as he clicked his phone off and smiled.
"Next time, I'll introduce you to some Steve Lacy."
You tilted your head while he went on in better clarification.
"He's another musician. You'll like him."
Your lips formed an 'Oh' shape as you nodded in understanding before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and then his forehead.
"I'll see you next week, okay, Billy?"
He nodded, ignoring the heat rising through his body at your simple acts of affection. Maybe he had gotten a little used to giving it, but receiving it back was always such a hassle for his mind. Though you couldn't help but find it endearing when he'd trip and stumble over his words or be genuinely left in surprise whenever you'd reciprocate whatever love he had to offer.
But not this time, because he had focused himself on a heavier subject matter, his words catching you before you could walk away.
"Do you really have to go?"
"Hm?" You hummed in confusion, your head turning to look back at him. It was once you saw the look of forlorn glossed in his eyes that you gave him your full attention again, making your way back in front of him as he explained.
"For the week, I mean. Do you really have to go all the way back to Them... There-is... Themu...uh..."
"Themyscira?" You finished, Billy nodding at the correct pronunciation of your birthplace while you giggled.
"You can just call it Paradise Island. But, thank you for trying."
Billy nodded respectfully, almost laughing while he talked.
"Yeah, I bet it is paradise if there's more girls like you over there..."
"Huh?" You quirked a brow at his statement, Billy immediately sensing his slip-up and grasping at loose straws to fix it.
"I... I just mean, because like, I really like you and since you're from there, there's other women like you, or...your mom."
"What?!" You gasped, Billy letting out a curt sigh at his own, horrible explanation. So, he just gave up instead. It was probably for the best. Or, more accurately, in his best interest.
"I just-! I'd...! I love you, and I'd never breathe in another person's direction because nobody can compare to you...?"
"...Much better." You praised his statement that came out as more of a question waiting for your approval, giving him a playful narrow of the eyes while he gave a breath of relief.
"But, yes, I do have to return to Themyscira. I am due to compete in this year's Amazonian Olympic Games. They will determine whether or not I am worthy of my title and abilities. You, of all people, should understand this given you have a magical wizard looking out for you and your family, yes?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"-Plus, I just..." You sighed, looking off for a moment in melancholy. "I just really want to make my mother proud. She was much younger than me when she first competed, and though she didn't win, I still have a lot to live up to since I haven't returned in nearly eight years."
Billy nodded, showing his understanding for the matter while your gaze remained glued to the porch floor beneath you.
"Are you nervous?" He asked, and almost instantly, you nodded. Hell, just thinking about the whole ordeal made the jitters appear in your stomach and hands.
With a warm smile, Billy gently took both of your hands into his, cupping them so they'd stop shaking while making sure he was able to hold eye contact with you.
"Well, I just want you to remember that you'll do amazing. No matter what happens, you're still worthy to me, and you'll always have a place here. Just, y'know...be careful. And good luck; don't let them get in your head."
"Oh, Billy..." You sighed in fondess but didn't get to express any further gratitude for his kind words as he went on.
"And also, call me if something happens."
You gave him a look, one that was a clear expression of, "Do you really think we have those silly little phone-thingies on the island...?" He caught it, nodding side to side a little before re-wording.
"Send me a bird letter if anything happens. And like, seriously, be careful because I know it's probably a long trip there and back. Which reminds me, please come back soon. And-!"
He hushed.
"...I will, don't worry yourself. I'll be careful, I'll send you bird letters, and most importantly..."
Just as you had before, but directly on his right dimple this time, you placed down a gentle kiss. A reminder and a promise.
"I love you. And I will be back as soon as I can be."
You watched in amusement at the boy in front of you beginning to grow even more bashful than before, unable to look you in the eyes for fear he'd just crumble beneath you. And honestly, neither you nor him would have it any other way. But, just to be on the safe side and make sure he didn't actually do so, you were quick to capture him in a real kiss. Billy eager to return it with a passion that was predictable yet always appreciated and matched.
"You know I have super-hearing, right...??"
The voice went echoed into the air, the same place your skirt and hair went flying at the sudden gust of wind that almost knocked the two of you over.
"The hell...?" Billy commented as he held you to keep the two of you from falling over, looking around in confusion while you merely rolled your eyes.
"Jon..." You all but murmured, and in reference to his super-hearing, he responded with another burst of speed and more echoed words.
"I'm just saying, like, are you two done now? I don't wanna hear you guys swap spit."
"Obnoxious with the use of your powers, I fear you may hardly deserve them...!! Bring yourself here so you don't have to keep listening in!" You shouted in a scolding tone before letting out a breath and shaking your head.
"Sorry. He's my ride." You both explained and apologized to Billy, the boy nodding in understanding with a slight chuckle before the two of you smiled at Jon's very fast appearance. Stopping right in between you with a quickly dispersing cloud of air behind him, he was quick to give you a joking snarl as you shot him a deadpanned glare.
"Can we go, now? I have a cerfew, too, y'know."
"Yeah, well, some of us can't fly, nor have super-speed. Consider yourself lucky."
The raven-haired boy simply shrugged, sticking his hand out towards Billy to initiate a greeting that the brunette returned with a smile.
"'Sup, Jon?"
"Nothin' much, just, y'know... saving the world. No biggie."
Billy nodded in understanding as they dapped each other up, a smug smile gracing both of their lips.
"Same, same."
"Idiots..." You sighed, unable to contain your smile at the friendship that had blossomed between the two. Damian, on the other hand... was still a work in progress, hence is absence.
It wasn't long after their brief moment of catching up that the two of you took your leave, Jon carrying you as you waved down to your boyfriend for the final time this evening, him waving back until Jon was swiftly out of sight. A loud, crashing boom of him breaking the sound barrier to follow up after that caused the front door to swing open.
"I thought I said no Shazaming in the house...?"
Billy whipped around to face Victor, thinking quickly to come up with a viable excuse.
"It wasn't me!"
Nice one, Billy.
"It was my girlfriend, she just left, like... two seconds ago."
Victor raised a brow at his son's explanation, watching as he scratched the back of his neck while continuing to ramble on.
"Well, technically, it wasn't her. She was getting a ride from someone else and he- It- Whatever, nevermind, it doesn't matter."
The man chuckled while his son slipped past him and into the house, letting out a teasing, "Girlfriend, huh? I guess that explains the..." and circling around his own face to imply something. Billy, who didn't even spare a look back, hadn't caught on upon making his way to the dining room.
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All five of his siblings, his parents, and welcomed guest Anthea, watched as Billy shoveled spaghetti into his mouth at an ungodly rate. Which one would think would be impossible for a literal demi-god, but here they were. Alas, it's not like anyone could really blame him. It was his favorite meal, it was Rosa's cooking, and he was sick of the vegetarian meals Darla had been making for the past four days.
Although, it wasn't the main reason he was being gawked at in the moment, Freddy and Eugene the ones to be stifling laughter while the rest wanted nothing more than to tell him. It was clear he didn't realize, it was just a matter of how to approach the subject...
"Um... Billy?" Mary began gently, the teen not even looking up from his plate as he continued to eat, unknowing of his entire family's attention on him.
"You have... a little something, like, all over... your face right now." She made the same circling motion around her face as Victor had prior, not that he saw that one either. Just missing it, actually, finally looking up to notice all of the odd stares towards his seat at the table.
"Oh." Was his only reaction, setting down his fork to wipe his cheek. It gained more unseen giggles for some reason, but his only goal was to get back to eating, so natrually, he brushed then off with a curt, "Thank you, Mary." and continued is stuffing.
"No, you still..." Anne spoke aloud this time, her words trailing off when she realized she hadn't caught him in time once he started eating again.
"You just made it worse, dude." Mary giggled, having to lean her head down on the back of her hand to hide it.
"Oh." Billy spoke again, brows furrowed in the slightest while Rosa had set down her own fork. She motioned for her son to come closer, picking up a napkin and slightly dipping it into her water.
"C'mere honey, let me just wipe them for you..."
"Mom- No, stop it, I got it." He reassured, slightly embarrassed by her offer while going for his own napkin. "I'm not five."
And with one quick motion of his napkin up and down his face, it was clear to everyone but him he had simply made the situation much worse.
It drew in more laughter, this time from everyone, as he stared around the table in confusion that slowly turned into annoyance. It was like being on the outside of an inside joke, and if there was one thing he was tired of feeling in his life, it was being left out.
"What...?" He questioned, Darla the first and very eager to ask simply out of her own and pure curiosity.
"How come you got kissies all over your face?"
. . .
Everyone burst into laughter, Billy's questioning gaze soon shifting into one of realization as he thought back. Back to moments that felt forever ago, where you had placed kisses across his face. Kisses with your lips coated in dark red lipstick...
"Oh... my god, (Y/N), why... just, why...?" He cursed your name lightly, now taking up Rosa on that offer to clean his face. Not that it mattered, his face still as dark red as the kisses that had now been wiped clean out of sheer embarrassment.
"So that's her name?" Victor pointed out, his voice and chest swelling with pride for his son's unadmitted achievement in life. Getting himself a girlfriend. "(Y/N)..."
He moved his hand across in the air as though your name were the title to an upcoming movie or a fresh take. A new and interesting topic, something this family thrived in, especially during dinnertime. And Billy, natrually, was not at all prepared and internally scolded himself for not being careful enough with his words.
It only grew more chaotic from there, Mary, Rosa, Darla, and Anthea letting out squeals loud enough to rival the TV playing in the living room as background noise.
"Billy, you never told me you had a girlfriend! Since, uh, when...?"
"Why would I ever tell you...?" Billy countered Mary's words, Darla already voicing her fantasies on merging her into the already big family.
"Her name is so pretty! Is she pretty, too? I bet she's gorgeous, like a princess! D'you think she'll play mermaid princesses with me?!"
"She must be...!" Rosa agreed swiftly with a laugh, motioning towards Billy fondly with her hand. "You saw all of the little besos she gave him. She probably thinks the same of you, Billy... My sweet boy with his own girlfriend, aww...!"
She just couldn't take it, placing a hand over her heart out of pure happiness for her son who had seemed to have finally found his love. His first one, at that. Which yes, he did, but-
"Mom, stop it, it's not that big of a deal, please..."
Not what he was thinking when you first asked him out, but whatever.
"Oh my gosh," Anne gushed, already jumping in with her own opinion to give. "With a name like that, she's bound to be amazing."
"I-" She kept going, Billy hardly even able to inhale as his siblings gushed on.
"Does she go to Fawcett, too? How come we've never seen her around?"
Freddy's scoff of a laugh caused the attention to leave Billy for a split second and move onto him, the curly-haired boy casually taking a bite from his own plate while he spoke.
"Pro'lly 'cause she ain't real..."
He jumped slightly when Anne quickly landed a slap to his arm, his mouth full and chewing as he laughed and went, "What?" Before it was his mother's turn to scold him verbally.
"Be nice, Freddy, this is probably a big deal for your brother."
Billy rolled his eyes. Not at Freddy (even though he debated kicking him under the table for his implication). But at the sudden attention he was receiving on the topic of his accidentally mentioned girlfriend. He hadn't even known whether or not if he was ready to tell them about you, let alone introducing you to them. Plus, he didn't trust himself enough not to slip up about the fact that you were Valkyrie. Or Wonder Woman's daughter. Or... both facts.
But on the other hand, he wouldn't tolerate any slander of your name, nor would he allow either of you two to become the target of any teasing from the family, so...
"Well, first of all, yes... she is real, Freddy..." Billy glared in his direction, the room going quiet at his words while he continued to clear the case of your existence up.
"And second, Darla, she is... beyond gorgeous. Like, angel levels of pretty, it's unbelievable."
"Wow!!" Darla squealed in excitement as Freddy gave a small tilt of his head to the side.
"Unbelievable, wow, you don't say?"
But nobody heard, too focused on the description of your person and enthralled with just the way he did it. Full of passion and care they hadn't even realized the boy possessed for anyone outside of the family, let alone a girl. A love that couldn't be replicated or replaced, something that'd make you glow red if you had been in the room to hear it.
"She's got this amazing hair that frames her face perfectly, and she wears glasses, but when she takes them off, you can see how, like... just wow her eyes are. They remind me of a type of jewel or something because they literally sparkle when she's happy or are firey with determination when she's- uh... doing something that requires a lot of focus.
Her entire face is just something I can't stop looking at, and gosh, that girl is... her body is-..." He coughed. "She's a little bit taller than me, so... yeah..."
"And you just... never thought to maybe bring her over? Y'know, just 'cause..." Freddy shrugged, holding back his complacent tone as Eugene bobbed his head in agreement.
"And, let me guess, she texts you all the time, and you go on walks around the park together every Saturday."
At their back-to-back quips and hushed laughter, Billy shot them a scowl as Rosa began to nod in oblivious agreement.
"Yeah, sweetie, why don't you invite her over for dinner tomorrow night? It's a Friday, after all. You can tell her we'd love to meet her."
With a chorus of agreements settling consternation into his chest, he blurted out a slew of excuses as he waved his hand up and down as if to brush the idea of you coming over away.
"Nah, no, that's... she- We already have a lot of people here, she might get... overwhelmed! Yeah. And, y'know, it's just not a good idea."
"And whyyy not?" Freddy pushed, leaning against the open palm of his hand while feigning an affable smile and forcing his brows to jump up and down in silent suggestion.
"She's busy." Was his simple statement, Eugene following up on his claim in an instant.
"Busy doinggg...?"
"...Work." He filled in the blank awkwardly, practically squirming in his seat at the expecting silence. He conjured up some of your favorite hobbies in his mind, anything as far away from superhero work as possible, so he could word it as some type of job that you "have".
"She works as a (Favorite/Hobby), and she's probably gonna' be, like, swamped with stuff to do, so... tomorrow wouldn't work."
"Oh, how wonderful!" Rosa praised, impressed by your skills and interests. "We'll certainly have to make time for her over the weekend or next week then!"
"She can't. She'll be busy all week, too."
"Natrually..." Freddy poked with a theatrical eye roll and a closed-mouth grin. "She must be on the 'twenty-four-seven, forever' shift, which I'd expect from a girl with an imaginary sense of work-life balance."
"Harhar, you're hilarious." Billy mocked, now going through with his actions to send his brother a kick to the shin under the table.
"She's actually going to-...on...uh..." He had to stop himself. What would've been a smug brag about you visiting Paradise Island, becoming a realization that would just throw you under the bus. Plus, it's a lot more unbelievable than everything he had said so far. As much joy as it would bring Billy to rub a trip to Themyscria in his face, he'd just have to make Freddy jealous another time. Besides, he didn't necessarily have to lie. He could just not tell them the full story.
It wasn't a lie if he never told them otherwise to begin with.
"She's going on vacation. With her mother. So, she's gonna' be gone for the rest of the week."
"Oh, really?" Mary piped up out of genuine curiosity, having always wanted to travel herself. "Where's she going?"
. . .
"Out of the country."
"How convenient!" Eugene chirped while he slid his phone towards Billy, as if he were telling him to go ahead and prove it. "Why not just FaceTime her, then? You know, just check in like any good boyfriend should? Maybe even shoot her a little text."
"I can't do that!" Billy exclaimed. "I wouldn't wanna bother her or be rude or anything. She's- it's a... mother-daughter bonding thing, it's different. Hard to explain."
In a sense, that could also be construed as truth, considering you'd be competing in an Olympic event, racing and fighting against others and the elements to both claim and prove your status. Something that would ideally make your mother very proud. Billy himself didn't even one-hundred percent understand the whole event, so it was right for one to assume that he probably would have trouble explaining it to his family. Should he ever have to, of course.
Good thing he won't.
A silence loomed over the family as Billy loosely twirled his spaghetti around his fork. He'd almost be grateful for it if it weren't so uncomfortable. He was sick of being pressed about you, not that he wouldn't take any chance to show you off otherwise. And if it wasn't that, he was annoyed at the way Freddy and Eugene didn't seem to even believe you were real, Mary and Anne able to sense this as they gave each other an unsure look.
"Uhm, well..." The goddess coughed, playing with the hem of her (Freddy's) sweater. "How'd you two meet?"
Finally! Something Billy knew the proper answer to!
"Oh, we were-"
Ohp-. Wait, nevermind. No he didn't.
You two were saving the world when you first met, battling a beast that wasn't even real because it turned out to be a test? He didn't know the details of that dilemma very well, either. All he could remember fondly was the way you looked at him when he accidentally revealed himself. Warm and promising, full of care and will-power that he'd been drawn to ever since.
The same look you gave him when you asked him out on that very first date, where he-
Oh, great idea...!
"At an ice cream shop. I was at an ice cream shop, and that's where I met her. She had never had any before, and so I suggested she start off with something simple, like vanilla. I bought some for her and we spent the rest of the afternoon together. We've been going out ever since."
"Awww~!" Rosa and Anne chorused, Freddy already calling nonsense at the story with a few chuckles hidden behind his hand.
"Wait, so... lemme' get this straight..."
"Frederick..." Anne warned with his full name. He ignored (and he'd be apologizing for it later, no doubt).
"You mean to tell me, this girl has never had ice cream before? Like, in her seventeen-to-eighteen years of life, she had never had one singular scoop of frozen milk and sugar?"
"-Nevermind the fact that you just, outta' nowhere, decided to rizz up some random girl you didn't even know inside of an ice cream parlor."
"Yeah, Freddy, I did." Billy snapped, waving his hand around in the air for a moment as if he were magically conjuring up the false memory. "And apparently, it all worked out because we've been dating for months, now. Thank you very much."
Jaws dropped at this, having not expected such a bond. It was one thing for Billy to have started a fresh relationship. Maybe for him to even be a little secretive about it until things had proven to be smooth sailing for a long time. But months? Either he forgot to brag about it, or she most definitely didn't exist.
Freddy and Anne almost immediately turned to give each other a knowing look, as if they were reading each other's minds before speaking in unison.
"Is this like a Canadian girlfriend thing...?"
Billy huffed through his nose, knowing better than to let insults fly at the dinnertable with his parents present. But regardless of that fact, Mary was the first to tell he had grown fed up, nudging Victor on the arm while she murmured.
"Here we go again..."
"She's real, okay? (Y/N) is very much real, and you two are just jealous because it took an entire dragon rising from the depths of hell for you two to get together."
And off he went, storming away, leaving Freddy and Anthea's mouths agape in shock while Pedro and Eugene practically sobbed from their loud chortles.
"Do you think he'll come back this time if I call him?" Victor cheesed, Mary shaking her hide from side to side at his reference from the last time Freddy had pissed Billy off at the table. Speaking of which...
"Alright, yeah, whatever...!" He called as if the older boy was still listening. "At least we can all actually see my girlfriend...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Is it her?"
Though Freddy's index finger was very obviously directed towards a young girl in the hallway, his brown eyes remained glued to Billy's green ones, waiting for them to change in recognition. They didn't, remaining as stoic as they had when Freddy first began this little game of "Point Out The Person That Looks Closest To Billy's Imaginary Girlfriend."
"Okay, then it's her." Freddy suggested next, his arm practically flying across Anthea's person just to point his finger at the girl they waltzed past. Billy swore that if the poor thing wasn't in between them, he'd tackle Freddy to he ground, in the middle of the hallway and all. So, maybe it was a good thing Anthea was there.
Billy's eyes drifted to the next victim, a short girl with scene hair and huge platform demonias that stared them down in confusion. He quickly shook his head.
"No, it's not her. (Y/N) is way taller than her. Genetically, without platforms."
"Fine, what about her?" Freddy waved lazily in the direction of someone ahead. "She looks like your type."
Billy huffed.
"That's literally just a guy with long hair."
Freddy's face twisted in disbelief, shaking his head as though he knew better.
"No it isn-"
"It is." Anthea cut in before her boyfriend could finish, turning him towards the person who had finally spun away from his friend and proving to Freddy that he was, in fact, just some dude with a gorgeous head of hair.
"Oh. Mm-."
"Can you just-?" Billy started a desperate plea that went ignored as Freddy smiled in satisfactory, spotting the next girl. Who, yes, was actually a girl this time.
"What about her? Look, she's even how you described, glasses, tall, (Your/Feature), the whole shaza-...shebang..."
Billy hardly wanted to entertain this any longer, but upon looking her direction, noticed swiftly how oddly her features did line up to yours. And yet...
"No, that's not her. I told you already last night, (Y/N) doesn't go here. She's... homeschooled." He excused, quite proud of how fast he had come up with it. Plus, it was kind of true, Diana the one who had taught you most of your studies. And when not her, a private tutor Bruce had graciously spent his money on for you to have.
Yes, the Bruce Wayne.
"Oh, of course. What an awesome coincidence."
"Freddy, stop it." Anthea nudged him, not allowing the teasing to continue any further upon seeing the scowl from last night returning onto Billy's face.
"I'm sure he's probably telling the truth, I mean, what reason would he have to lie? Besides, she's probably just...shy. Maybe she's shy."
And though the girl was satisfied with her answer, Billy could only laugh giddily to himself while remembering the time you had allowed him to watch a very special training session you had in the past.
"Yeah, if you call accidentally bodyslamming Superman "shy," then sure. Most timid girl I know..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing...!" He brushed his remark away when he had almost been caught, quick to change the subject before he could be questioned any further.
"Guys, look, just drop it, alright? I know you don't believe me, and you know what? I don't care anymore. I'm happy, outside of the fact that you're really working my nerves, and that's all that matters. I'll see you two later..."
"Billy, hang on...!" Anthea called, having not meant to cause a fuss on the matter. She couldn't help it. She was entirely too good-natured. But, there was Freddy, always there to ease her own tensions and make her laugh in the process.
"Agh, don't worry about him. He'll get over it. You know, the imaginary girlfriend thing is a common phase, cited by phenomenons all across the globe of people with the exact same conditions and symptoms. Lois Lane even wrote an article on it way-back-when she was first starting out."
"Oh, yeah?" Anthea entertained smugly, Freddy nodding fastly as he droned on.
"Totally. It was a very interesting article, but it made total sense. I mean, even I went through a phase just like it, and I turned out fine."
And then it clicked, Freddy's face growing a deep shade of red under his freckles.
"Yea- Only when I was like, super tiny-young, I mean. Like, it was- I..."
His rambles stopped when he noticed Anthea's raised brow, almost laughing to himself while they paused in front of her classroom door.
"Just...forget I told you that. I love you my very much, my real and amazing girlfriend. I swear, my pillo- I mean, Jennifer was just a quick fling and nothing compared to the goddess that stands in front of me...?"
Through her giggles, she nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek and taking her leave.
"That's what I like to hear~. Now, don't go off 'saying the word' while I'm gone, 'kay?"
Freddy nodded at her parting heed, knowing it was a reference to the way he'd ditch class to go off and do hero work without warning.
"I won't, I won't...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Alright, what's the plan?!" Freddy shouted as they all gawked up towards the threat, Billy shrugging casually while he shook his head as though he were literally wracking his brain for a proposal.
"Uhh...Ahhh... No idea! I think we should just wing it, to be honest...!"
"That's a terrible plan!!" Mary and Anthea shouted in unison, the shorter girl using magic to cloak over herself and change into her armored attire.
"Superman's weakness is Kryptonite, right?!" Mary swiftly informed the group, Freddy nodding in confirmation. "Good! If Bizzaro is anything like him, it should be the same! If we can distract him long enough for one of us to catch him from behind, we'll have a chance at detaining him! Then, we can send him back to his world...!"
"Yes, awesome, Wisdom of Salamander...!" Billy praised, leaving all of his siblings to groan.
And with that, they put her plan into action, Freddy and Pedro flying up high until they were facing the Kryptonian clone with complacent, challening grins.
"Hey, Bizarro-Man...!!" Freddy called, nudging Pedro. "Since you're a copy of Superman, is it really true you have super strength like him?! Betcha' we could take you in a fight...!"
The villain merely scoweld, sending a sudden breath of flame towards them. Freddy dodged, Pedro just missing his chance to do the same before being his with the blast and being sent flying into the nearest billboard.
"...Fire breathing?! You can breathe fire?!" Freddy yelled in a panic, unable to add on how that was very much unlike Superman's notable ability of freeze breath before realizing Bizarro was barreling straight for him. Freddy took off, both of their super speed rivaling each other as he crated a path for his siblings to follow.
"Where are we gonna' get Kryptonite?" Darla gasped, all of their heads turning as the two flew by. Mary pondered the situation deeply, having never even seen the green emerald herself, let alone come into contact with it. She figured it was a lost artifact, a gem only the most powerful would have. Except for Superman, all things considered. So maybe more like magical powerful people.
People like...
"The Wizard!" She shouted. "He's the most powerful person we know, having kept all of his powerful objects in his lair, right?"
"Yeah," Billy agreed. "But what does he have to do with anything? He's not the-"
"I know, but the lair is ours, now!" She explained further. "Which means so are all of the things in it!"
"Anthea, Darla...! Go help Freddy and make sure to keep Bizarro busy! Eugene, go help Pedro, make sure he's alright!"
"On it!" Anthea gave Mary a nod, Darla having already dashed away as Eugene made his way towards his brother.
"Billy, you come with me, hurry...!" Mary instructed, grabbing his wrist and practically dragging him along as he followed in confusion.
"Mary, where are we going?! This is really not a good time to ditch them, we-!"
"We're not ditching them." She insisted, opening a random shop door with the intention for it to open a portal to the Rock of Eternity. And luckily, it did just that as she went on with a rapid explanation for her actions.
"You know how Eugene has been mapping the place out? Well, I've been helping him. Mainly making sure he doesn't get lost, but also because I've been studying it all. Making sure we know that everything that's in there is actually safe."
They wandered past the main part of the lair, the area where everything had been decorated freely and most obviously lived in, to the more labrynth-like parts that always confused Billy and Darla whenever they tried their own hands at exploring. But this time, Mary was there to lead him, having a clear sense of direction seeking out whatever it was she was searching for.
"We came across this space or...cave or something. Like a mine, y'know? And at first, I wasn't sure what was in it. Neither of us were, I mean, I couldn't find any of them in any books or articles. It's like... all the gems that are in that cave aren't from here or something. From another world."
"Mary, this really is some interesting stuff, but I don't get wh- woah..."
Billy's rambles were cut short, the two siblings having stopped in front of the very cavern Mary described. The entrance was glowing due to all of the luminous crystals buried off inside of it. Hell, the cave itself seemed neverending, branching off into different routes, holes, and other tunnel systems that were surely easy to get lost in.
Luckily, they didn't need to go too far in, Mary stopping Billy from doing so with the tug of his arm back closer to her person. She was slightly bent over, hovering above a large chunk of what he assumed to be an emerald. Practically matching the color of his eyes, they both sparkled at one another while Mary began to confess her opinions.
"I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before, but if my assumption is correct...if these are otherworldly artifacts...then I don't know what else this could be, other than-"
"Kryptonite..." Billy finished, turning towards his sister with an ecstatic grin. "Mary, you genius, you! Here, c'mon, help me get this stuff out of the wall...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Where the hell is Mary with that Kryptonite...?!" Freddy whined in an almost sing-song tone, blasting a continuous bolt of lightning directly at Bizzaro. It had no effect, merely slowing him down by a second until Darla, Pedro, and Eugene all joined in. And though it didn't hurt him, he was stuck in his tracks, trying his hardest to deflect it.
"She said she had an idea...!" Darla grunted. "But I dunno' what! She just took Billy back to the lair and- AAH!!"
Bizzaro had used all of his strength to blast the lightning back, sending the group soaring backward at the impact. As he began to stalk closer towards Darla, Eugene was quick to jump in the way with a protective, "No!" leaving his lips.
A bolt of lighting shot from his hands, Bizzaro quick to blast it with-
The beam of icy blue turned Eugene's lighting into a solid rod of frozen air, the large block dropping to the ground and shattering beneath their feet. Freddy had... never seen a power like that before. It confused him, all of them, long enough to be a stall as Bizzaro quickly let off another beam towards them.
"Watch out...!!" Anthea warned, quickly hopping in the way with her hands out. Her palms glowed, swirling with golden power until the buildings and structures around them began to move and shift rapidly. Power of Axis, always a helpful tool in changing perspective, but not in changing the course of a blow to its intended target. Given the girl had learned this fact the hard way in the past, she was quick to turn to them in haste.
"We have to move, hurry! If we don't, we'll still get hit!"
Almost as if on cue, they watched the blast of ice cold vision barrelled towards them through a park, just barely missing all of the different play structures as the group swiftly managed to fly off in different directions. Freddy was sure to take Anthea in his arms, watching as the beam instead left a jungle gym frozen solid into a dome.
Looking towards the voice, they were happy to spot Mary and Billy flying back towards them with a glowing, green gem in hand.
"No way-No way-No way!!" Freddy gushed as they approached, showing it off with pride. "You two actually found Kryptonite?! Do you know how rare this is?! Like, it's literally thought to be a myth, like, it's more believable than your imaginary girlfriend...!"
"Oh my god..." Billy groaned as the rest giggled. "C'mon, man, it's been like a week!"
"I'm being totally serious!" Freddy held his hands up as though he were giving surrender while Billy shook his head in dismay.
Mary sighed, floating in between the two boys with the gem in hand.
"Not the time, guys. Look, if we can keep Bizzaro distracted for just a little longer, this should definitely do the trick. We got this."
She held out her fist towards Billy, sending him a sure smile.
"You ready?"
"Yeah," he nodded, giving a smirk of his own before scanning the land beneath for their foe. He bumped her fist back. "Let's kick this dude's ass."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Dude, we're getting our asses kicked...!!" Eugene grunted, struggling to pick himself up from the ground as he clutched his side.
"It's like he's more powerful than before!" Anthea alluded, wiping the blood from her lip as she helped Mary from the ground and onto her shoulder.
"I don't... understand..." She coughed, grateful for the support as she looked up to her two brothers, trying their best to subdue Bizzaro hand-to-hand.
"The Kryptonite should be working. It should...be making him weaker."
"Maybe it isn't what you thought it was..." Darla whimpered, sending her sister a look of vanquish.
Billy watched as Bizzaro landed a blow onto Freddy's chest, the man in blue being sent flying back into the earth with a loud yelp and a crash. He wanted to call for him but reminded himself to focus on the battle at hand if there would be any chance of defeat. Even if he was scared, as much as he didn't want to admit it.
You'd be scared, too, if some weird copy of Superman was hurdling towards you, Kryptonite wedged into his bleeding shoulder (blue blood, which was quite jarring when they first stabbed him) with some obtuse goal to destroy the world he deemed "lesser" than his own.
Because of this, he'd frozen up, unsure of how to counter his speed let alone his attack. Instead, he took it like a champ, as he had many punches even before he was a superhero, and went hurdling towards the ground just as Freddy had.
"Oh. Hey, man..." Freddy groaned when his brother appeared next to him.
"Having fun, yet?" Billy haphazardly joked, referring to Freddy's "love" and "enjoyment" for his "superhero duties."
"Oh, yeah, loads." He nodded unconvincingly, wiping the blood from his nose with his arm. "I love the smell of iron in the morning. And, y'know- the sounds of terror and destruction really just...pull it all together."
They helped each other up, checking themselves for any fatal injuries. And, when they found none, regrouped with the rest of their family in doldrums as they watched Bizzaro inflict his reign of dismantling on the city.
"What're we gonna do?" Darla asked, looking to her brother in worry.
"Your realm is not capable of destroying power such as this. How are we to do the same?"
Anthea's words had been directed towards Freddy but left Billy's mind swirling instead. Was she right? She had to be...
If the Champions of Magic and an entire goddess couldn't decide the fate of their opponents on the battlefield, who could?
. . .
Their heads whipped up at the sound of a furious battle cry, a shimmer of gold and the quick blur of your (H/C) locks barreling towards the enemy. Your sword drawn and in position to leave its target slain as you attacked from above, a ferocious look on your face for none other than the mockery of hope and justice below you.
When your weapon made contact, you knew better than to think it'd actually cut through Bizarro. But, it did send him hurdling towards the dirt as he had Freddy and Billy moments earlier. You had cut a large chunk of the green Kryptonite from his shoulder, dimming him back to his normal level of powerful abilities. And yet, you knew this wasn't the end, much more work to be done as you announced your threat.
"My mother and her colleagues have defeated you once, and you dare to return to this world and cause its people pain and anguish once again?!" Your booming scolds might've reminded someone that of a parent, pointing your sword below you at Bizzaro's stunned figure.
"How dare you have such audacity?! Let it be known I will not allow you to do so, and you will now fall by my hand, even if it kills me!"
"Valkyrie?!" - "(Y/N)?!"
Both of your aliases spoken into the air at the same time, yet it was Billy who wanted to slap himself after being the only one to have said your real name rather than your well-known, hero one. He even tried to ignore the looks his siblings (and Anthea) gave him, pure shock just oozing from their figures.
"That's (Y/N)?!" Mary shouted in bafflement.
"She's real?!" Freddy's tone of incredulity made Billy's eyes roll for a split second.
Not alloted any time for anyone to question or answer further, your head whipped back, you're firey (E/C) eyes glaring deeply into Billy's.
"You...!" You bellowed menacingly, and suddenly, he was a lot less excited to see you.
"Wha-?! Are you-? Oh...my gosh, are you mad at me right now?..."
From a bystander's point of view, it definitely looked a little silly, your shorter and younger appearing figure stomping towards this grown adult man, who was fearfully stumbling back away from you as you approached with anger. His face was dowsed in fear, and yours?
Where to begin...
"I leave you on your lonesome to protect your people for a week! A week! And this is what I'm fated to return to?! Do you even know what it is you've done allowing him to remain in such close proximity to green Kryptonite?!"
"I- Uh...Well, technically, it wasn't even really my idea, 'cause-"
You seethed his full name, cutting off his excuses, which consisted of throwing his older sister under the bus. She thanked whatever God above for that one, not even having been in your presence for a mere two minutes, and was terrified of your wrath.
The groan of Bizzaro rising from the dirt stopped the rest of your reprimands, leaving you the sigh in simple vexation before pointing a finger at your incautious lover.
"I will deal with you later."
A silence passed over as you leaped into action, everyone still left a bit shaken at everything you had to offer so far. Including Billy, even though all he could muster up was a quiet, "I told you she was real..."
"That's your girlfriend?!" Freddy nearly exploded. "Valkyrie is your girlfriend?! Dude, I-...! You-! You do know she's Wonder Woman's whole ass daughter, right?! How the fu-?!"
"-Clearly...!" Mary interrupted loudly before he could heavily cuss around Darla. "He's got a type!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever!" Billy exclaimed, already beginning to hover above the ground in hopes to aid his girlfriend. "It doesn't matter right now. We have to help her, c'mon!"
It was once Anthea and the Champions joined the fight, Bizzaro was left with a slim chance of winning. Especially without the enhancement of that same green jewel that always seemed to leave Superman weakened and withered. Mary was still lost on such fact, and Freddy was searching his mind for any possibility of how that could be so.
"I don't get it!" He finally wailed, exhausted from the fight and from using his brain overtime. "He's just like Superman, almost...! If he's such a copy, then how come none of our plans are working?!"
"That is because he is not a copy." You stated plainly, no evidence of normalcy left in your voice. What was left was that of a warrior. A warrior thick in the ways of battle and strategy, knowing your enemy much more than your allies seemed to.
"He is a mirror. Bizzaro, El-Kal, is from a twisted world he created. Everything there, including himself, is some backwards nuisance of what we're so used to here on our planet."
"Hold...Hold'up..." Eugene paused, unable to believe the information being told to him. "This guy's is from another planet just like ours?"
"Yes and no. His world resembles ours, but it is not. It is cubed shaped and docile, with a blue sun that amplifies El-Kal's strength. Much like how this earth's yellow sun aids Superman's. Kal-El."
"Ohh, ha, that's funny, I get it." Freddy chuckled. "It's all backwards over there, so Kal-El is...yeah, that's...that's bad..."
"Well," you smirked, the first and only hint of positivity you had exuded from your person since you had arrived. "Not all bad."
From the latchel which normally held your Lasso of Truth (well, a more miniature one, technically, because your mother wouldn't dare give up her own), was a medium-sized vile of blue liquid clipped in its place. You unhooked it carefully, showing it off to the group as your smirk stretched into a satisfied grin.
"What are the great and powerful without their weaknesses? Blue Kryptonite, liquefied. When I first arrived home this morning, I had seen the news. Trouble here in the heart of Philidelphia, and I immediately recognized that... that..."
"That dumbass question mark on his chest?" Billy spoke up for you. In much more vulgar terms, sure, but you couldn't help but agree with an admitting nod.
"Yes, precisely. I knew what he was capable of, and I knew that you all more than likely didn't have the proper contingencies to stop him. So, I asked Damian for a favor..."
Freddy leaned in towards Billy, putting a hand up as if it'd conceal his bad whispers.
"Who's Damian?"
"Don't worry about it." Billy ignored, slapping him away lightly as you finished.
"...With this, we will surely defeat Bizarro. I can detain him, and I will convince him to leave this world in peace once again."
You opened the vile, neon blue smoke immediately pouring from it like dry-freeze until you began to dump some of the contents onto the blade of your sword.
"All I need for you all to do, is keep him busy. Until then, hold out your hands..."
They all did as told, watching as the rest of the liquid went dumped into their palms while you explained such actions.
"Should any of you come into physical combat with him, your touch will now weaken him, leaving him vulnerable. Easier to take down."
"And what about you?" Billy asked, his tone laced with worry for your well-being. Your gaze softened as you moved closer, hardly used to having to look up at him. But, you could admit, you found it a nice change of pace as you reached up to hold his face in your palm.
"I will do what I have to. Don't worry about me, okay?"
"That's literally impossible, but okay."
You chuckled.
"Fair. Your only job is to make sure all goes well. And... don't make anymore 'dumbass' decisions. You keep that green Kryptonite away from Bizzaro."
Billy nodded, laughing at your use of his improper language before floating upwards to complete his task.
"Alright, guys...!" He called down, his siblings following in suite while you motioned Anthea to remain with you at ground levels.
"Let's kick this guy's ass. For real this time, though."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Who is that?!" Rosa shouted as she stared at her TV in horror, scared for her superhero children tackling the evil Superman imposter with some random girl who had just shown up, as any mother would be.
Almost as soon as Victor moved to grab the keys for his van, the front door opened and in waltzed their children. Like ducks in a row, Mary, Pedro, Eugene, Darla, Freddy, Anthea, Billy, and-... ??
"Hi, mom!"
"Hey, Ma!"
"Hi, Mommy!"
"'Sup, Dad?"
The choruses of their greetings eased their nerves and tensions, but the sight of a new girl with glasses and her hair in a fancy, braided updo took them by surprise. She remained close to Billy, seemingly glued to his arm as he quietly attempted to convince her of the kind nature of his parents.
"Are you sure? I don't want to impose if it's trouble..."
"(Y/N), don't worry. They've been wanting to meet you for forever, you have nothing to worry about. They'll love you."
You looked towards him in surprise, already growing more anxious by the second.
"You told them about me?"
"Only the important stuff." He winked jokingly.
"Ah! My babies...!" Rosa shouted her greeting, more grateful than ever that they had returned safely, running over and planting a kiss on each one of their foreheads and pulling Darla and Anthea into bone crushing hugs.
So...! Uh," Victor started, already interested in your figure remaining quiet by the door. "Who's the new girl?"
Billy smiled this time, neither embarrassed nor annoyed by the inquiry of you while he proudly pulled your body into his by the waist.
"She's the coolest, ever!" Freddy announced, Darla practically jumping up and down as she agreed.
"Uh huh! And she's so pretty, just like I knew she'd be!"
"She literally sent that supervillain back to where he came from...! Like, without even breaking a sweat!" Eugene praised, leaving your cheeks to grow red with bashfulness.
"I have to admit, I think she'd be a good influence on Billy. She's super smart."
"And a good fighter."
Mary and Anthea were happy to admit such facts, Pedro the last to give a reserved shrug and a polite smile.
"I like her. She's dope."
Rosa and Victor were left to stand awkwardly, unsure of what to make of all the high-end words being spewed about like lightning while you struggled to fight back your grin.
"As I was saying...!" Billy exclaimed, giving his siblings the "Shut Up So I Can Talk" look. "This is (Y/N). My girlfriend."
Victor was the first to happily greet you, explaining how he'd heard so much about you, all good things (as you could clearly see), and that he was happy to have finally met you. Rosa, on the other hand, was leaned back with her eyes glued to the news on the TV. They would flicker back to you every now and again, making your heart beat faster in nerves until...
"Crazy question, I know... but...that doesn't happen to be you on the news... yeah?"
Immediately, you looked towards Billy, who could only shrug and scratch the back of his neck.
"The important stuff, huh?"
"Sorry...I tried..."
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose before giving a polite nod and announcing your introduction one final time...
"Yes, that... would be me. My name is (Y/N), otherwise known as Valkyrie. Daughter of Wonder Woman, Granddaughter of Zeus, and last born... of Themyscria."
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Don't make me steal this idea and write a full-fledged book, Anon, I'll do it🤨 (I probably won't cuz writer's block likes to eat me alive). But seriously, I really hope you like this because again, I adore this, and I defo want more of your ideas/scenarios🥰🫶🏽.
~ Star✨️
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scoonsalicious · 20 days
helllooo mother poookie🩷🩷🩷 I MISS U!! also bcs i feel like i havent yap a lot here hehehe
anyway i just wanna say after reading chpt 9.2, i feel like shits abt to go down… HARD but slowly.
idk why but it just feels like it😂😭 and i have to say i am EXCITED! i need the drama :) [ps: chp9.1 was satisfying, i need buckybaby to stand up against lily and her delusionalism again]
I do hope Rand will listen to Major though (that he’ll try to trust Bucky) but the percentage for that to happen is quite low. I dont think Rand will do something ‘bad’ to show off his disapproval. I cant say anything more for now.
[I have high hope for you Rand, do not mess this up!!]🫵🏻🫵🏻
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Now idk what Lily is planning but i could say, one of the things i can see her doing is burning the WarZone down (but this will not be her 1st plan) i could see her trying to seduce Bucky first (and she will try hard with this IF she knows about Major’s past). Mother pookie did say that Lily will ‘date’ someone, maybe then she made up smth like her bf is shitty and abusive and ask Buckybaby to ‘save’ her again, and use that as her advantage by ‘trying’ to manipulate bucky, seducing him at that point (maybe framing him) and when that doesnt work, she plan smth worse which is burning her warzone.
I don think Lily will ‘try’ to befriend Major (BUT SHE COULD BE) yknow, just bcs Buckybaby ask her too and then boom she use that as her advantage, making everything hurt 100x more. ITS JUST TOO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!!! HHIHIHIHIHI.
Okayy thats all. My uni entrance result is in September (i thought it would be earlier but it’s in SEPT😭😂) … oh and I also applied for a scholarship, Study in Romania (all because of Sebastian Stan)🫡 result is in July. ALL BECAUSE OF SEBASTIAN STAN!
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I love you mother pookie🩷🩷🩷 MISSS UUUU!!!! KISSES AND HUGGIES FOR U
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Hello, bestie! You changed your username! It's super cute!
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If you are looking to see more of Rand, you're in luck-- he'll be playing a role in Chapter 10! I don't want to give too much away, though, so I will stay tight-lipped. I will just say that I don't think he'll let you down. Or, at least, I hope he doesn't, anyway!
Lily's starting to put some plans into action very soon, like, within the next two chapters. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but she won't try to burn down The WarZone, lol. With how close all the buildings in NYC are, it would be too dangerous and risky!
Ugh, it sucks that you have to wait until September for your results, but I wish you the best of luck with your Romania scholarship! Fingers crossed, bestie! Love you!
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inazuma-fulgur · 10 months
In pain whenever someone insists that being naked around children, like in general, is bad
No cloths = pedo (this here is slightly exaggerated but some people actually say that. With words.)
Because nakes = sexual and sexual = bad and impure and children = pure and innocent and without agency
Waiting for the day where changing your childs diaper also becomes sexual and pedo unless *insert arbitrary metric*. If I had to imagine it'd probably be more terf shit, a la all men are horny monsters or only parents of the same SEX as the child should be allowed to.
I will nopt discuss further complications around childbirth because none of this makes sense anyway
I find it especially jarring when other queer people make arguments like that.
Like, y'all can't look at other people and be normal about it. It's not weird to be naked, you are weird for being unable to confront nudity without having secondary thoughts about it. You are the one uncomfortable with it so no one else is allowed to be comfortable with it?
Thinking about FKK (something I don't even know an english term for. Mom told me she and her parents often went to fkk places, because older people still found nudity more normal than we do I'd guess. Maybe they were an outlier but I can't shake the feeling that the younger people get the weirder and less tolerant they get of nudity and other peoples bodies.)
Every year when there's kink at pride discourse I can't help but think about how I wouldn't give two shits about people fucking in public, like it wouldn't be any more annoying that people blasting music and being loud, that's it. It definitely wouldn't smell as bad as some other stuff, like fireworks for example.
I also can't help but think about one of my friends from school who very amused told an anecdote where she went into her parents room while they were having sex when she was a little kid. Shocker, nothing happened to her. Plain seeing sex doesn't hurt, unless you already have been traumatized or smth. Also most of these super weird puritanical ideas only work under the assumption that children have the very same understanding of everything us adults do. Which they don't. How could they, they're learning everything about the world still. Explain it to them so that they can keep themselves safe, you'll have to do it regardless some day.
Go listen to what they're curious about, teach them at the pace they want, answer what they ask.
Because even if I say they don't have the same understanding of things us adults do, that doesn't mean children aren't smart and capable of understanding the bigger world, expanding their horizon.
People like that, in my opinion, just hate children.
Want to control them. Mold them into copies of themselves, perfect what they feel isn't perfect about themselves.
That's not how you treat another person, give kids agency and let them explore stuff. Let children be curious and nosy.
Teach them about consent, because consent isn't just sexual.
Teach them general things that are useful and good.
Teach them about their bodies and signs to look out for, built trust so that when they hit puberty and their needs and experiences change they will talk to you, ask and share what they feel and see. And then expand their horizons more
Please never raise children with preset ideas of how a well raised child has to turn out, with ideas of a fixed process with a fixed result, where certain things are off limits and shouldn't be allowed because they could lead to people growing up who don't fit your personal ideal(s).
Diversity of thought does not mean "diversity until I can't personally understand/relate anymore, beyond that it's evil". The only evil thing is you limiting the beauty and vastness of humanity
Children won't ever fit into your preconceived notions and that's a good thing, we're constantly learning and ideas are changing, and I'm not blaming you for growing older and having bigger more pressing worries and growing out of touch a bit, just don't denie others because of that.
The only way for children around you to be exactly like you is for them to grow up under the exact same conditions as you. But the world around you is changing constantly, even if you feel like YOU are a constant I assure you, you aren't.
Not even siblings or even even twins have that work out for them. Everyone makes different experiences, spends their time differently, cares about different shit. For better and for worse.
Embrace the potential for the worse, because it will lead to the better future you dream of.
If bad ideas are off limits and can't be talked about those ideas can't be challenged.
And if new ideas can't be brought forth nothing better can come into existence.
Yes new ideas will be not just good, there are bad ones. But that's why we discuss and make an effort, that's why we try things to see whether they work or fail.
We can't create the perfect world through logic in our heads and then execute it. Because humans aren't rational, logic is kinda fake even if it isn't, embrace that. Failure is human, failure leads to growth.
Many good things came from experimentation and theory but also from testing and trial and error, brute forcing stuff. Taking what works and optimizing it. Taking what didn't work and tweaking it slightly or taking notes on what has to be avoided in the future.
I love humans, I am human
I wish we would all stop dehumanizing each other constantly
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mikareo · 7 months
(DOVE OMG IDK IT SAID I UNFOLLOWED U but i think it was on accident or smth and lwky it was weird bc i didn’t see u on my dash lately :// i’m so sorry for that !!! i feel so bad i’m so sorry ;-; !!)
but i just saw that u were holding matchups, so i was wondering if i could provide a submission ? one for complete matchups, if possible <3
for blue lock, btw !
in a separate ask (thank u sm <3)
male, and around teenage years
sfw pls and thank u :))
i think i’m a v honest person, and i suppose i don’t mind saying what’s on my mind if i’m close to u. but to others, i filter what i say, and i tend to “people please” by saying what might be favourable to them. i’m really introverted and shy lol, it takes me a while to warm up to someone, but when i do, i’m pretty extroverted and loud :,) i think i’m also realistic, and i can sometimes be pessimistic, but i’m trying to be more hopeful about the future lately hehe. i feel like i’m also often trying to take care of my friends, and it’s like i’m the mother of the group ;-; and i would say that i’m quite empathetic, so a lot of the times, my friends do come to me for advice or just to hear some comforting words. i’m an infj :) and i’m a cancer ! i go by she/her !!
i like to write, read, and draw sometimes (not v good at it but it’s a calming activity imo). i also like to watch kdramas and anime <3 they’re probably one of my favourite things in the world !! and i like to cook (baking not so much idk why)—it’s also kinda therapeutic. i also love shopping, but specifically shopping for my things (idk how to feel ab grocery shopping :/)
ideal dates would probably have to be like art galleries, cafe dates, a picnic date w like painting activities hehe, a spontaneous trip out in the city, or a stay-at-home date where we just do wtv and enjoy each other’s company <33
thank u so so much ! hope that i included all necessary info, and pls (maybe) have fun w this !!
(i’m quite excited to do ur submission for my event too hehe <33 and so sorry ab the unfollowing I FEEL SO BAD </3)
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...yoisami!
saki!!!! i honestly didn't even notice u unfollowed me so dw abt it really!! girl u are SO pretty omg!! like the vibes u give off are so fairy princess,, i love that for u <33 also,, before u open this post (if u haven't alr LOL) it's like...really really long bc i have a lot to say abt this particular character ajskfl i haven't even finished writing everything yet while i'm typing this,, but i alr know it's going to have such a long wc for a matchup (1.2k pls),, i rlly hope u like it tho!! complete matchups are always so fun bc they're just a total brain dump for me :3 (p.s. i'm also so so excited for what color u come up w for me n isagi EEEK) also i dunno if i said it alr,, but i rlly love the little selfship drawing u have on ur navi,, it's so cute!!
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ APPEARANCE PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚🌻✩NIJIRO NANASE₊˚🌿⊹♡
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with gentle features that seemingly express lots of emotion; no doubt, the two of you would be considered a visual couple and have countless onlookers wishing they were with either of you. nijiro only cares about your eyes, though. he's not bothered by the lovestruck stares and greedy thoughts the passing women have. he only needs to make you smile. that's his one and only goal.
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ PERSONALITY PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚🍙✩YOICHI ISAGI₊˚⚽️⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
okay this actually was so easy for me to settle on, i literally read your personality info and the first person who came to mind was isagi. i weighed out all the other options, but no one else really clicked in my head other than him. i think about this man like so often; and knowing so much about him, there's no doubt that you two would be so compatible!
one thing that really stood out to me amidst all of isagi's personality traits, is his perceptiveness. obviously he's extremely good at reading the field, but his true talent is reading people. while you're very introverted and tend to keep to yourself at first, he'd be able to figure out a way to make you feel comfortable around him upon the first introduction. he wouldn't be alarmed by your shyness, but rather intrigued and he'd want to understand you better; in fact, he'd make it a challenge for himself to do so. immediately, he'd be able to notice the difference between you telling the truth and you trying to 'people please'— but no matter which one is occurring, he wouldn't call you out on it. he'd trust that you're saying and doing whatever you feel comfortable with, and respect that. he'd also enjoy your outgoingness once you finally open up to him, and his favorite thing in the world would be whenever he's able to make you laugh. isagi loves a girl who laughs a lot whilst showing a beautiful smile; and he'd wish he had a photographic memory just to revisit that look on your face when he's struggling on the field, in need of some comfort.
i don't necessarily think you two are total opposites, but there are definitely some things that you differ on; one being his optimism vs. your pessimism. isagi is someone who lives on adrenaline and keeping his head in the clouds. he believes that everything will work out for him so long as he continues to practice and find a new solution; however, he needs someone who can keep him grounded. if he spends too much time in the clouds, his feet will never come back to earth. with your realist perspective, you can tell him when he needs to focus or lock in on a goal— whilst also making sure that he isn't getting too ahead of himself. the reverse is also true. he uses his extreme optimism and drive to encourage you to take those chances that you normally wouldn't with your realism holding you back. he wants you to fly in the cloud with him, and looks forward to that safe landing he knows you'll bring. you keep him from flying away. he makes sure you're not stuck to the ground forever.
even though he's an optimist, isagi is so hard on himself. he beats himself up after every game even if he's the one who scored the winning goal. to him, there's nothing more important than improving; which is why your advice is so valuable. if anything, you'd surely be his rock in the midst of the chaos of his football career. he'd rely on you when he's feeling down and go to you whenever he needs some words of encouragement. with those words, he'd close his eyes and try to recall them— recite them— before he has a game (it's his good luck charm) and feel so much stronger. your the person he looks up to most. it's not noel noa. it's you. he hangs onto your every word, his attention is undivided, because he knows that you only want the best for him. your advice is selfless, and yes, maybe he is selfish for asking for it so often, but can you blame him? you're the shining sun when he's rained off the field and the sweeping waves when he visits the beach. your physical and emotional beauty astonish him.
on his off days, isagi loves to go for walks, read manga, or simply stay at home with you. surely, he'd be the one to hand you your sneakers and tell you that there's a new cafe open downtown that he wants to try— knowing full well that you've been looking forward to it for weeks. when the two of you are walking through the city, he's bound to take a few pictures with fans; and while you're holding up the phone telling them to say 'cheese', isagi smiles after, telling the strangers: "isn't my girlfriend so cute?" he's such a character. if you choose to spend the day at home, baking and such, he tries his best to help out in the kitchen. though, it never really works out as planned. isagi has his certain skills, baking not being one of them (i.e. soccer being the only one) which causes your sweets to be a little lopsided. however, his company isn't a burden as he makes you giggle and smile with his quips and encouragements as you try a new recipe. isagi loves spending time with you when he can, and he makes sure to make the most of it.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
your boyfriend is someone who thinks on his feet, pre-planning has never really been his thing, which is why it was no surprise when he laced up your sneakers and led you to the train station with no prior warning. "c'mon, that new cafe opened in ginza." is what he'd said to you; trying to sound spontaneous, even though he so obviously remembered you've been looking forward to it for months now.
the two of you are nearly there, just a few blocks away since you somehow got off the train two stops too early, when a pair of middle school (?) girls stop you in your tracks. "excuse me, do you mind if we get a photo with you isagi?" to which he gladly accepts.
naturally, you offer to take the photo, being used to your boyfriend's adoring fans and tell the girls to smile big. it's so adorable the way his face lights up whenever he's able to share his passion for football with someone new. you love that beaming look on his face and are so grateful that you get to look at that grin every day of your life.
"the girl taking the photo..." isagi begins to say to the fans, worrying you that he's about to make some joke that you won't find funny. "she's my girlfriend." aw.
they both nod at his words, commenting on how pretty they think you are, before he continues to speak.
"isn't she gorgeous?"
he always knows how to make you blush. damn him.
"you're a flirt, yoichi." you shake your head, giggling softly as you hand the phone back to the girls. "i can't take you anywhere, can i?"
he reaches out, lovingly clasping his large hand over yours and kisses your temple. it's a very public display of romance, but he made sure to cover your face while doing so, knowing that you tend to get a little embarrassed by those sort of things. "i'm the luckiest man in the world." his voice is so caring, so loving. "i'm going to tell everyone i'm yours whenever i get the chance."
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(i am literally a mess when it comes to isagi jasfdkl this brain dump was lethal)
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seelestia · 10 months
Do you think wanderer would wear the new outfit in real life? Or will he modify it a little, maybe?
(By the way, awak sihat kee? I just got my add math result, mmm, so far so good.)
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OHHH, I LOVE THIS TYPE OF QUESTIONS!! especially when it comes to this funky lil guy because i cannot get over this look. and yeppp, saya sihat jer! add math can be susah tho, so i hope you're doing well too <3 LET'S GET INTO IT 🤭
© banner is by @dFuma_pQr on twt!
if i were to give my two cents, i think he may not wear it irl unless nahida (or you, if you're someone important to him) asks him to go undercover or just any good enough reason besides 'catching up with the latest trends' because he could care less about that.
("you need to blend in! you look more fontainian like this, right?" "...shut up.")
don't take wanderer as someone averse to new things, though — heck, he even uses 'the divine favor' or a vision or whatever you wanna call that measly thing despite his absolute hate for gods because it's a new source of power — but this? his current clothes are perfectly fine, so new ones just for the sake of it are pointless. of course, if you say "because it makes you look good" to him as a reason, he'd smack you.
but in the case that he has to, i think he'd modify it a tiny bit. probably said it's too 'suffocating' and then pulled the collar down to his shoulders or smth because he loves seeing mortified expressions on people when he's "not doing something he's supposed to" LOL (what a twisted sense of mischief). jkjk, but he'd just adjust it to his own liking since well, you gave these to him so he can do whatever he wants with them, right?
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hi hi!! it took me way too long to decide on someone for this event, but i did it!! congratulations to me. and it’s hakkai <3
okay so let’s just start at the beginning bc idk what else to do. so i’m aromantic, but cupioromantic, and idk why but hakkai... i’m pretty sure he’s the closest i’ll ever get to experiencing romantic attraction lol. like, i get all giddy and happy when i see posts about him on my dash, and sometimes i get a butterfly-esque feeling... tingly stomach. no clue why he does that, none of my other f/os or faves or whatever do that to me in this extent. i guess he’s just special <3
that said it took me an awfully long time to add him to my f/os because he’s been doing the weird teenage love feels to me for over two years and i only started self-shipping with him two weeks ago. which is also why i ended up choosing him for this, he deserves more love from me!!
apart from the teenage love feels he’s just so pretty, and sweet, and cute, and kind, and asdghjhfhjg you know. wonderful little guy i wanna hold and kiss him so bad. oh and i want to braid his hair while he’s playing video games or smth... just casual physical touches.. idk. i’m a simp for him i can’t help it
aaalso i very much headcanon him being into pottery!! i tried it out a bunch of times and i absolutely suck at working a potter’s wheel bUT i believe that hakkai is a lot better at that than me and i think we could go on cute little pottery dates where he tries to teach me how to use a potter’s wheel <3 and we could also decorate his pieces together bc i am good with clay, just not those damn wheels. and that would probably end up in us making a ton of those frog mugs with a lil frog at the bottom that you can only see if the cup is (mostly) empty... and then having to gift some to our friends because we don’t need that many mugs plus i love gifting my friends hand craftes stuff, and i bet hakkai does too.
i feel like he’d be soo embarassed about it first and get very flustered when we cuddle for the first time but i have real experience with this one for once so i would probs initiate it when i’m comfy with it (which would be pretty early on lol) and i don’t think he could say no to us cuddling. and i bet he’d immediately text mitsuya abt it as soon as he’s alone again, excitedly spamming him talking abt how nice it was. and he’d probably forget to mention that we just cuddled so mitsuya thinks that we fucked and then hakkai gets even more embarassed. he’s a dumbass but he’s my dumbass, and he’s adorable i love him. (also i totally never accidentally did the thing where i excitedly told someone abt my cuddling experience and forgot to mention that it was cuddling. nooo. this could never be inspired by myself /j)
more random headcanon stuff but i love going berry/fruit picking, and he’d totally agree to go do that with me no questions asked... so yeah us going berry/fruit picking as dates. maybe even mushroom picking if he likes mushrooms bc i don’t but i like picking them and know a bunch bc i used to go do that every year with my mom when i was younger.
i’m bad at describing myself but i hope you got somewhat of a grasp of me through this and the few interactions we’ve had adfjjshg. (also, suggestive stuff is good tho anything implying me bottoming is a no bc it gives me dysphoria. but otherwise yes to that 👁)
◇─◇──◇── @appreciatingtokrev  x Hakkai! ──◇──◇─◇
□ Where do I begin with you and your hunk of a man? He's so incredibly supportive of you and always willing to go above and beyond to encourage you in anything you want to do.
□ And yes. That has resulted in him throwing 40+ mugs so you could give them away to friends and family when your hyperfixation was all things clay related. And he did it with a smile.
□ You gave took turns massaging each others' hands a lot in those weeks. He has such pretty hands.
□ You're actually not allowed to touch his hair when he plays video games with the guys, Smiley has forbidden it. He gets too sleepy and makes them lose </3.
□ You're also not allowed to touch or kiss his neck when he plays bc it bricks him up so fast. And the guys all groan bc when he gets a very specific kind of whiny, and then disappears for the night they know exactly who to blame.
□ Mitsuya just chuckles and tells them to shut up and let the boy get lucky.
□ You may have tried to be generous a few times under circumstances that the guys could still hear and well,,,,to the is day Mikey will sometimes mock Hakkai's moans.
Nothing to say here but forgive me hakkai for i have sinned against your with these hcs </3 lmao
Come make my day, tell me about your self ship, and get some hcs of your own.
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ehcahache · 11 months
Hi Hache! Sorry for the late answer but wow! you really thought this whole thing through!! Glad my ask could relieve your boredom a little! ✨🙈 Also I hope your trip went well!
So. Red Bull and Mercedes:
I agree 100% !! For RBR, with Max it's obvious and for Checo, depending on how his season ends it could also be that he retires soon. Maybe not this year but after 2024? We'll see. He's not an amazingly talented driver but he's for sure not bad. Otherwise he wouldn't have kept his seat all this time. Personaly I'd prefer someone new in the 2nd RB like Charles, Carlos or Daniel. 🤭 For Merc, like I said you put it spot on! And I don't see Lewis moving to any other team ever so it must be either Merc or nothing.
Aston Martin:
Tbh I have actually been wondering whether Lance will ever leave his dad's team and go to maybe Alpine? Just imagine Estie Bestie and Lance as teammates! It could be so entertaining! Ik that AM are doing quite alright for F1 team standards but... why not? Lance might want to try smth. new too. Maybe that's also what Fernando tells him? (don't really think so but it could be so interesting!! 😁)
You made some really good points here! I agree on both Charles and Carlos and I wish that Ferrari finally get their sh*t together and give them a car that'll get wins next season. I'm not sure what I'd say who of the two will make the move to leave for another team first but they both really should...
My thoughts exactly! If McLaren <3 keeps it's success and they keep getting podiums I'd say Lando and Oscar will both stay as long as it lasts. Maybe even longer bc we've seen the faith Lando has in his team and as you said he IS kind of connected to it in a similar way Charles is connected to Ferrari. I hope they stay with them for a couple of seasons at least! 🧡✨
Yes I imagine there will be a few more changes coming, not sure if that includes the drivers though. Pierre might leave (or have to leave) sometime in the future but since he's not doing that bad and he has just joined Alpine after all, I guess he'll stay next season. But Jack could totally be a option as well! I forgot about him 😅 Always love an Aussie in an F1 car 🥰
You probably are right on this one again but I'm being delusional 'cause I honestly really like Logan 🥹 He is very american yes and he isn't showing the results asked for ik but I adore his character and I just decided to tell myself he'll be around in F1 for a few more years... 🩵 Alex is quite impressive atm and deserves a much better car!! That's all I'm going to say about his case 🩵
Nothing to add. (Except I think it's a cringeworthy team. 😅)
Alfa Romeo:
I haven't heard the rumours about Valtteri so thank you for informing me. 🤔 It'd be too bad to see him go but I guess he has been around for quite a long time and he probably wont get a contract with a top team anymore. So yeah makes sense for him. Zhou's contract renewal is in the works I heard so he'll be back for sure.
Alpha Tauri:
Daniel will make it to the next season I'm sure. He's not doing outstanding but he's doing better then Nyck. If he works hard enough and him and Max stay friends (which I don't doubt at all) Helmut will give him that 2025 RB seat happily. And Yuki might stay with AT forever. 😭
Agree on both your points about Alex and Charles. I just hope they realize sooner rather than later that Williams and Ferrari can't give them the car they need just yet. And if they are successful with other teams they will always be welcomed back in the end. So Charles could still go back to his beloved team. 🏎
Hey thank you so much for sharing your thoughts I enjoyed reading them a lot! ✨ (And sorry for this veerrryy long ask!)
Cheers, Insil
Ahahahah I REALLY had a lot of time
I think we might have been too positive for Checo because apparently, the Australian GP twitter account said they might be the silly season protagonists and RB just changed the title of the video "one the sofa one last time" to "on the sofa with Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen"
Nothing is made accidentally so... let's see how bad Checo ends up👀
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vioarry · 2 years
Hi, I would really want to learn more about rendering because it's what I struggle with the most. Would give some tips or explain how you do it? If you had some time of course. I love your works and you are genuinely such a good artist. Have a good day!!
Thank you! First of all, if i have to be honest, i don't know exactly how to give a good advice on rendering. For me It becomes almost an unconscious process (or subconscious at least).
When i first try to actually do rendering, it was because i accidentally turned off the lineart layer. And i discovered "oh! It brings such a great effect without the distracting of the lineart, but also add up to have an equivocal result" thats when i thought i was missing out something on what i called "render" at that moment.
So rendering is the final steps to improve ur drawing. Simply, the advice on it is trying to find your weakness (something that you can fix in the finals steps)
My personal advice is to focus on the shapes more than the line art. There are shapes in coloring, shapes in shadowing. Further, what i actually mean is, ignoring ur lineart LOL.
For me when i draw i merge everything in 1 subject into 1 layer, treating it as a canvas, it can be hard at first, but trust me, once you get used to it, its actually the easiest way to draw.
For example i can say if i was working with lineart separate to color, i saw something wrong during the progress: like the hands look off or smth, to fix it i need to fix the lineart and fix the color on different layers, its two separate job(even more). Meanwhile with 1 layer only, it becomes so much easier to resize and replace something.
Obviously i don't recommend "let's merge everything!" Because you shouldn't. There should always be some object that would be easier to draw when its laying on another layer. And it's depending on what you draw. The purpose of working on 1 layer is to make thing easier, if its not, simply don't do it.
My second advice is. Welp, trying to copy. You can try to copy a real life reference, start with small object first can help. When you do that you will realize a lot of thing that could be helpful for your works. (Ex: like reflection of a texture, the logical of a lighting, the deep of a layer. Etc etc)
Last advice. Plsssss useeee reference, fuck anyone who say: "using reference is tracing and cheating!" Fuck them. I studied in an art uni, one of the best in my country and all of my teacher would say the same stuffs:"use reference" don't listen to those who doesnt even know art. (Sorry maybe its rude)
You can't understand everything, you don't know everything. Drawing is the same with writing, when you write, do you often have to do research on certain thing ? Thats reference, so why its cheating when you do the same on art.
Brain can trick you, don't believe it. Sometimes it would say: "blood is red" and in fact, nope, blood is almost a black shade, with a deep red at the edge of it depends on the amount of blood when where it lied down. (Yk like how we see our veins look purple and green under the tone of skin, its bc color changes, layer, color theories) When you realize something is unrealistic, take a reference, comparing, its how to win rendering.
Oh ok final last advice, Brain can really trick you, and it also need rest. I prefer draw straight but its just bc i'm lack of motivation to continue the job the next day.
In fact, if you stare at your renderinf for too long you probably can't recognize the mistake in it. When you draw too much, lets your brain and eyes rest, do something else. Come back the next day and you might see it in a different view and everything will be so much easier. (Its also to avoid burn out too)
Ok i have a lot more to say but i realize i might be rambling a bit too much so it gonna end here sjkwksms. Thank you again for the ask and things ❤✨🙏 hope you will be able to find your way soon! And improve ur drawingggg.
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byunbaekhyunie · 1 year
Hey! May I ask, as a non-gif maker, what exactly is the problem with the coloring? What is good/bad lighting? How do you correct it?
I see a lot of creators mention coloring, so I’d like to learn more❣️
of course ! this can get quite convoluted so i’ll try to keep things as simple as i can but, it did get quite lenghty so i put it under the squiggle
coloring, which is just shorthand for color correcting/grading, is the process of altering the colors of whatever source material you’re working with in post ; I’d say it accounts for maybe.. 50 to 75% of the final visual impact of the gif so it’s quite an important step but it’s an art more than a science so every cc color corrects in their own way and because of that, there are no definitive answers to your questions because there is no right or wrong way to grade or even light a scene (unless you’re perpetrating racial discrimination lol), it just depends on what end result you’re trying to achieve ! but i will offer my personal perspective and hope it's helpful to you ^^
so what is good and bad lighting... yk i wish i could say smth simple like "i like natural lighting better than studio lights" but thing is, sometimes you have the potential for great lighting but because the camera settings weren't properly adjusted, you get mad overexposure or super high contrast or whatever it is, the two are codependent so really my answer would be that i like when the footage i'm using was shot in log with little to no alteration because no matter what the lighting was, i should have enough data to get me where i want to be. but that's hardly ever the case, and that's what makes color grading often a lot harder for gif makers, is that we have to work on top of however many layers of destructive alterations the footage went thru before getting to us
that being said, i hate a color cast they’re a pain to correct properly. which brings us to our current case in point, the cursed 230714 mubank stage. this is a raw screengrab from the file after encoding
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as you can see it's VERY pink, the color balance is all wrong, if you look at the robe you can tell the blacks are way too red and the highlights in his face are unnaturally pinkish, and yes that stems from the fact that they were using red and white overhead lights for this stage but also, i think i can safely say it probably got exasperated in post, on top of the skin smoothing filters they use but that's a whole other can of worms x_x it's also a lot of contrast to start with and it's slightly overexposed
btw i should say that i like well lit neutral tones, i don't like when things are too warm, too cool, too saturated, too contrasty or too dark, ideally i want my gifs to look as if you were watching the thing irl with your own two eyes, that's what i'm aiming for when coloring. again, to someone who doesn't mind smth a bit more stylized, this probably wouldn't be a big deal but to me, that's bad lighting and bad postprod
so how do you go abt fixing it? well, beats me ! i've tried a few different things and it's nearly impossible to readjust the balance to restore the flesh tones to smth more natural.. here's the first coloring i did, in split so you can compare better
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i don't like it because it's too bright still, colors are way too saturated, there's too much cyan to counteract the pinks and his skin looks too yellow to my liking
and there's coloring two
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i like the overall balance a lot more in this one but the highlights are still way too yellow but i can't neutralize them without having the whole thing turn blue i was working on a third attempt but ps crashed and i don't feel like troubleshooting anymore ><
i hope that was instructive in any way ! sometimes i feel like i'm a bit scattered and idk if i'm making much sense but don't hesitate if you need me to clarify anything !
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another-stark-sub · 3 years
“Are you in love with him?” - Tony Stark Imagine
Notes: I wrote and editted this in two hours instead of going over my notes. Was gonna be spicy fluffy but it just turned into fluffy, and one of the lines/paragraphs (smth like that i dont remember how long that segment was) is based on/inspired by a fanfic on ao3 I bookmarked. I think it’s debt-free, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and I’m so sorry im not on here more oftennnnn
- - -
“Of course I am. He’s Tony Stark.” You sighed, a weight finally lifted off your chest. “Who isn’t in love with him?”
Bruce blinked a few times, the confusion evident on his face. “Then, why don’t you tell him?”
You scoffed. These geniuses think they know everything, but they couldn’t see what was glaringly obvious to you. “He’s Tony Stark.”
The perplexed expression didn’t disappear from your friend’s expression. So, you explained further, “It’s already a privilege, beyond that really, to be talking to you, to any Avenger. To work with any of you is an honor, and to be friends with you” -you laughed- “it shouldn’t even be possible for someone like me.”
“Don’t say that. You’re amazing, too.” 
You tried to find any tick, any clue that he was lying. But Bruce seemed to really believe this. “I know I’m amazing.” You shrugged. “I’m great. I love and I care deeply, and I have a stable job. I have a place for myself, and I take care of myself.” You clicked your tongue. “However, you all, all  you Avengers… Forget out of my league, more like off planet.
“And Tony? He said it himself. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Add superhero, figurehead, public figure, ex-CEO, and savior of the universe. Bruce, I have confidence in myself, but Tony is something else entirely. No one is worthy of him or his affections unless they’re a god or another Avenger.”
It was hard to keep up with the statistical analysis you were trying to run. The literal one on your hologram and the one keeping your view of Tony in check. So, defeated, you sighed and leaned back in your chair. 
Bruce closed his own work and stood across the lab bench. “Weirdly enough, I’m sure none of us Avengers think that way.” After a few taps of his pen against his palm, he added, “Aren’t there fans making posts about you, too? Tony showed me the, uh, Instagram videos.”
You laughed. “Fan edits don’t make an Avenger. Saving the world does.”
He shrugged. “You help us save the world.”
“From inside Avengers Tower on a computer.” You took a deep breath. “Look, Bruce, I appreciate what you’re trying to do. But, I’m not telling him.” You shrugged and brought your statistical analysis back up.
You knew your own worth. You were worthy of an amazing partner and person. Tony Stark, though, was easy beyond that. You had accepted it soon after you realized your own feelings, and while they haven’t dwindled, you knew it was for the best. 
~ - ~
Tony had never resorted to this before. It was never a question of his ability to code. In the past, it was because he didn’t need a program or an AI to do it for him. He could always tell if someone was into him. He knew when Pepper was into him. The moment Rhodey gazed at him back in their MIT days. Every single reporter and heiress and model he slept with, he knew when their thoughts turned sexual or romantic. 
You, though. With you, he couldn’t fucking tell, and he knew it was because of his own feelings. Tony felt intensely for people before. Pepper, Rhodey, that one reporter all those years ago. However, with you, it wasn’t just that fluttery feeling in his gut or the immediate smile he can’t seem to stop when he sees you. It was the comfort he felt when he heard your voice or the softness he could feel in his heart when he saw a picture of you. 
It was like his entire life was full of panic, never resting, never stopping. But when you entered his life with a gentle smile and a quick wit, it felt like he could finally breathe. 
It was addicting. 
“Sir, I have the calculations.”
“Hit me.”
“Speech diagnostics of you and of Ms. (Y/l/n) are similar. Whenever you speak of her, 79.4% is positive and 18.8% is neutral. Ms. (Y/l/n) has  78.9% positive and 17.2% neutral dialogue regarding you. When she speaks of you, her heartrate increases by 4.6%, and similarly, yours increases by 4.1%. When speaking to each other, heartrate initially increases by 7%.”
Tony nodded. “How does this compare to other Avengers? I gush about Banner like a teenager.”
“Well, sir, while you and Ms. (Y/l/n) have high positive dialogue about other Avengers, all of them have at least a 10% decrease compared to each other. And heartrate varies depending on the topic of conversation.”
Tony snapped his fingers. “Am I excluding all non-super friends? Include any agents, co-workers. Pep isn’t an Avenger after all.”
Friday took two seconds and responded. “You and Ms. (Y/l/n) have a significant difference in speech diagnostics when talking about or to each other compared to any other Avenger, co-worker, and friend.”
When Tony remained quiet, Friday added, “Do you want me to repeat the results?”
“You don’t need to, Friday.”
“But you’re not doing anything with the new information. Would you like me to save these findings?”
“Friday,” Tony warned. 
There was silence as the love-wrecked scientist pressed his fist between his brows. Data and cold hard facts said yes, but was it right?
“Yes, Fri?”
“Would you like me to play examples for you?”
He blinked. “Examples?”
“Yes. Of you and her talking about each other positively.”
It was an invasion of privacy. Tony shouldn’t. 
“Play examples.”
Before his rational mind could tell Friday no. 
“Are you in love with him?”
Tony’s eyes widened. This was too private. It might not even be about him.”Friday-”
“Of course I am.”
“-stop playback.”
“He’s Tony Sta-”
“Playback stopped.”
Tony scrambled. “What? No, wait, go back. Play it.” Screw rational. You knew he was a narcissist. You wouldn’t expect him to hear that and stop. 
“He’s Tony Stark. Who isn’t in love with him?”
“Then, why don’t you tell him?”
“... He’s Tony Stark.”
Tony started to fiddle with something on his desk. “What does that mean?”
Friday answered, “Dr. Banner asked her if she loved you, and she said yes. This means that she’s in love with you.”
Why did he program Friday like this? “I know that. I mean, those two lines. Why does me being Tony Stark stop her from saying something?” Was it the attention? Did you want some sort of normal life away from cameras and international gossip? Maybe it was the Avenging. Having a partner who was always out risking death wasn’t ideal. 
Sure, you could be in love with him. But you couldn’t be with him. 
“Maybe you should ask her.”
There were celebrities who were able to live normal lives. Some paid to have prosthetics for going outside of moved to a remote country to get out of the spotlight. He thrived off attention, but he could give that up. Avenging, he couldn’t give that up, but maybe he could cut back. Take a mission a month instead of one a week. Or maybe take more digital missions. He wasn’t just Iron Man after all. He was a genius, could hack into the Pentagon if he really wanted to. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Maybe I could talk to her.”
~ - ~
The moment you put your bag down on your lab table, Tony said, “You’re gonna be mad.”
You narrowed your brows. “What did you do?” You pressed your palm to your chest. “Oh my god, Peter overwrote my data, didn’t he? Ugh, I know he said he’s great at managing holograms, but really, Tone, you should’ve given him a tutorial before giving him access.” You brought up your holograms to check your data and analysis. 
“That’s not it.” Tony stood next to you as you looked through your files. “I did something that invaded your privacy.”
You tilted your head. Closing the holograms, you took a deep breath and slowly asked, “How?”
Tony flashed an embarrassed grin before sighing. “You’re gonna be shocked, too, so prepare yourself.”
You did not know where this was going at all. What horrible thing could Tony have done? Steeling yourself, you took a deep breath and nodded at him to continue. 
Tony cleared his throat. “Usually, I can tell when someone has feelings for me. People are obvious about it, but you? You aren’t. So, I had Friday do some analysis on our speech patterns. Me, being in love with you, was one of my controls. You and your dialogue regarding me was the main variable. 
“Long story short, I accessed some audio of you and Bruce talking, and you said that you loved me but could never tell me.” He glanced at you. “So that’s why I need to apologize.” 
Your expression didn’t change. No, that wasn’t it. You, at first, looked confused. Now, there was just nothing. No expression. No wrinkled brow in anger of flushed cheeks in embarrassment. Nothing. 
Tony blinked. “You can shout at me now. If you were confused about when to shout at me.”
You licked your lips before taking a deep breath. “Ok, that was a lot.” You pursed your lips then opened it. But, you couldn’t really think of anything to say. You didn’t even know how to feel. “So you know that I” -you pointed at yourself and then at him- “and that I didn’t wanna tell you.” You shook your head. “Wait, do you know why I didn’t want to tell you?”
A broken scoff left Tony’s lips. “Yeah. I’m a mess.”
It was your turn to scoff. “Wait, you’re a mess? That’s why you think I don’t want to tell you?”
“Among other reasons?”
Other reasons? 
You crossed your arms. “Ok, what other reasons?”
Tony looked offended. Still, he listed, “I’m surrounded by cameras, and everyone wants some privacy. Can’t get it if you’re with me. Then, there’s the Iron Man of it all. I went into a wormhole with a nuke. That was also all over the news. Then, there’s the whole daddy issues thing. I’m working on it, but it takes a while-”
He rambled on and on, listing reason after reason, and with each one, you felt tears well up in your eyes. It was a weird mix of heartbreaking, confusing, and enraging. The emotions built up slowly with each word that left his mouth, overwhelming you to the point that you couldn’t even say how it happened. 
But, as Tony paced and talked so horribly about himself, you somehow ended up in front of him with your hands on his cheeks. 
You only realized it when Tony stopped talking and when his breath touched your lips. “What?” he asked. 
You didn’t answer. You kissed him instead. 
It was a hard press of  your lips against his. It was short, and it wasn’t much. 
But by the way Tony gripped the back of your neck and pulled you back for another kiss, you’d think it was his first kiss. You knew it wasn’t. Not just because you knew he had kissed all sorts of people before you, but because he somehow knew how to make you gasp and melt into him. 
While one hand kept you steady, the other trailed down your back and pulled you closer to him. His lips moved fluidly against yours, pushing and pulling, and everytime he moved back, you chased his lips to continue the kiss, because the softness, the passion, the fact it was finally happening, was all too good. You didn’t want it to stop.
Your hands started to move. For someone so rich, his t-shirt was rough when you twisted it between your fingers and pulled it to you. Slowly, you trailed your fingers along the side of his neck. You rubbed your thumb along his pulse point, a reminder that this was indeed real. You were kissing Tony Stark, and- He was pulling away again.
Desperate, you leaned forward, reached around to hold onto his shoulder, and kissed the side of his neck. 
He let out a breathy laugh, and before you could suck on his skin, his stubble scratched your cheek. 
You looked up at him and giggled when his nose bumped into yours. When your giggles turned into a smile, he kissed you again, a soft and short kiss, before leaning his forehead against yours. 
His thumbs rubbed circles into your waist as you lightly scratched the back of his neck. He didn’t say anything. In fact, he seemed busy gazing at you.
“Speechless, Stark?” you teased. 
He laughed. For a few seconds, he just gazed at you, seeming to prove your point. Tony’s hand began to wander, from stroking your cheek to pushing back your hair. “More confused.”
Remembering why you interrupted him, you brought your hands to his cheeks again and held him there so he couldn’t look away from you. “You are amazing, Tony. That’s the reason I didn’t want to tell you.” You shrugged. “You’re too good for me.”
His fidgeting stopped. “Well, that’s not true.”
“Tony, you’re an Avenger.”
“Technically, you are also an Avenger.”
“You’re a genius.”
“Who can’t cook scrambled eggs.”
“You literally saved the universe.”
“After producing weapons of mass destruction for decades.”
You glared at him. 
He glared back. Then, he fought back. “I don’t plan on retiring.”
“Wouldn’t want you to.”
“I have severe PTSD, anxiety, maybe ADHD, all mixed with trauma galore.”
“And I will learn to help you.”
“I couldn’t give you a normal life.”
“I’d rather have you anyway.”
He opened his mouth, but you instead told him, “I’d rather have you than anything. As long as, well, for as long as  you’ll have me.”
He raised his eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
Tony shook his head with a smile. “Cause, I’d rather have you for, well, how does til you get tired of me sound?”
You laughed. “Won’t happen. But, sure.” You kissed him again.You would’ve kept going, but there was something to settle first.  “By the way, Tony?”
“Is Friday recording right now?”
“Friday records everything. It’s in the contract.”
Friday added, “I record everything that happens in the tower.”
“Ok.” You could work with that. “I’ll forgive you for the invasion of privacy.”
Tony beamed, and you couldn’t help your own smile when he did. Still, you continued, “On one condition.” Your own smile turned devious. “I want evidence that Star Spangled Banner took my ice cream.”
Tony burst out laughing. He kissed you again, a deep kiss, and when he was done, he mumbled, “God, I love you,” against your lips.
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
dunno if u still take prompts (i guess so?): i just wanted to ask if you could maybe write something where Alex is fighting with Max and Isobel over smth concerning Michael, and they‘re kinda not taking their relationship serious, saying things like Alex shouldn‘t talk for Michael and stuff like that, trying to diminish theor relationship, but Alex stands his ground and then Michael shows up and sees that depsite the strong front there‘s like this tiny bit of insecurity still there and fully supports his boyfriend and proceeds to tell his siblings just how much he loves hin or something in that direction. basically, Alex and Michael are confindent in their relationship and love for each other, even if others might not see it like that.
(also bonus if there‘s supportive Kyle and competent Doctor Kyle, Hacker/Air Force guy Alex)
Alex had his fingers interlocked over his mouth, eyes narrowed at his computer screen as the Deep Sky satellite did its job of tracing heat signatures.
“That was dormant,” Edwardo had marveled when he’d seen that Alex had not only hacked into it, but gained complete control over its settings. “We haven’t been able to revive it in over a hundred years!”
“No wonder it had taken two cups of coffee,” Alex had murmured, barely paying attention to anything as his mind raced over his last interactions with Michael before his cowboy had gone missing.
The rest of the floor was in an chaotic hurricane of papers, lab results, turquoise, and yellow pollen serum.
“Why would Bonnie and Clyde take Michael?” Maria demanded. “It never mattered to Jones that Michael was his son before, why does it suddenly matter now?”
“It doesn’t,” Alex said, distracted, as his fingers raced over the keyboard. “They didn’t take Michael for any personal affection, they did it because they needed him.”
Maria’s brows pinched, doubtful, but Alex didn’t have time to convince her right now. “Max,” he said, “where did Michael go to mine the turquoise? I know it wasn’t just where you guys kept the pods.”
“It wasn’t,” Max blinked, like he was surprised that Alex actually listened to Michael when he’d spoken about this stuff and more surprised that he remembered. “There was another series of smaller caves north of that one, but an earthquake caved them in –”
“Right after Jones died,” Alex finished, remembering Michael telling him about it. “Did they though?”
“What do you mean?” Isobel crossed her arms. “We’ve been to the caves, they’re definitely caved in.”
“No, that’s not the part I don’t buy,” Alex said, returning to his computer and refocusing the satellite. “Michael had known something was coming before Jones died, but he was never sure what. I think it scared him more than he was willing to admit.”
“Alex,” Liz shook her head, “what’re you thinking?”
“I’m thinking Michael brought the caves down himself,” Alex said, “because he knew that whoever was coming in would be looking for Jones’ heir. Only he has the power that Jones had, so only he would be useful for whatever Bonnie and Clyde wanted.”
“Genius,” Liz murmured, brows pinched as her own brain went through the logistics. “I mean, risky, not telling you –”
“Yeah,” Maria said, looking uncomfortable. “Wouldn’t he have told you? Or someone?”
“Not Alex,” Isobel said, “Michael said Jones had looked into his mind. If Bonnie and Clyde could do the same thing, Michael would be putting us in danger. He would neverhave told anyone, Alex especially, if he thought it would get him hurt.”
“Besides,” Max said, coming around to Alex and patting his shoulder as they both grimly studied the screen. “Michael would’ve known Alex would figure it out.”
Alex was now just waiting for the satellite to pick up Michael’s heat signature among the rubble of the caves. Come on, he urged the machine to go faster. Come on, come on, come on.
“I don’t know, Alex,” Maria said, shifting and rubbing her arms. “This seems really farfetched. We could be wasting time going through the caves.”
We don’t need to go through them, Alex almost said, but was too distracted with his satellite findings loading.
“Look, if you ask me,” Maria said, “Michael always like the Wild Pony, so what if –”
“He didn’t like it, DeLuca,” Isobel, frustrated, snapped. “He used it to forget about Alex. That’s why he did anything, it was always for Alex. So right now, we’re trusting Alex to find him.”
Alex glanced up, feeling awkward and at the same time, though he didn’t want to think it, a little proud. Everyone seemed to know that no one understood Michael better than him, and after being separated for so long, it felt a little –
Alex looked to the screen, his heart jumping in his chest.
“Found him!” Max called. “Right where you said he’d be!”
A lump formed in Alex’s throat, his breathing coming out shallow at the heat signature hiding under the layers and layers of rock.
Alex was the first to shove his gun into his holster and reach the door. “I’m coming, Guerin,” he quietly promised. “I’m coming.”
Michael woke to a steel ceiling and artificial white light. The bed he was on was small, but firm. His stomach growled and his throat felt as dry as the desert.
He opened his mouth to ask where he was, and went into a fit of coughs. A warm hand slipped under his neck, helped him lift his head, then Michael felt a glass of water at his lips. He gulped it down eagerly, holding painfully tight to the wrist that was helping him. As his vision cleared, he was unsurprised to find Alex at his bedside, brows pinched in that way when he was trying not to look afraid.
Michael’s lips quirked. “You found me,” he said hoarsely.
Alex shrugged a shoulder, managing a half-smile of his own. “You knew I would.”
Michael couldn’t take the distance between them. He sat up enough to push a hand through Alex’s soft hair and pull him in for a hungry kiss. Alex whimpered and grabbed his waist and kissed him back like he was just as starved for his touch.
When they pulled back, their foreheads pressed together, Alex whispered, “Next time, I don’t care what danger it puts me in, you tell me where you are. Tell me everything.”
Michael could feel the airman trembling against him, his hold on Michael’s waist painfully tight. He wrapped his arms around Alex’s shoulders and pulled him down with him onto the bed. When Alex sniffled, his lower lip trembling, Michael’s heart broke.
“I just wanted you to be safe.”
“I don’t want to be safe without you,” Alex argued. “Don’t ever do that to me again, Guerin.”
Michael kissed the top of Alex’s head and breathed him in. On a deep exhale, he said, “I promise.”
It was almost half an hour before the others dared venture into the bunker to check on Michael. It was a real testament to Alex’s exhaustion and fear that he’d fallen asleep against Michael’s side within minutes, and an even stronger testament that not even his siblings’ and Liz and Maria’s happiness at seeing him could wake him.
“He hasn’t slept in three days,” Max nudged his chin at Alex. “Don’t scare him like that again, yeah?”
Michael ran a hand down Alex’s back and pressed another kiss to his brow.
“I’m so jealous,” Isobel pouted, slumping in her seat. “I want an Alex.”
“Sorry,” Michael grinned, wrapping Alex tightly and possessively in his arms so that Alex was almost on top of him. “There’s only one of him and he’s all mine.”
Liz tried to pet Alex’s hair or kiss his cheek, and Michael kept jealously swatting her away. Everyone seemed to think this was really funny. Everyone except one person.
Isobel scoffed. “I can’t believe you actually thought he’d be at the Pony.”
“He could’ve been,” Maria shrugged a shoulder, crossing her arms. As she sat down next to Isobel, she winked at Michael. “Bet you just didn’t think of it, huh?”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Liz said. “Maria just thought you were hiding out at the bar.” She raised a brow at her friend. “Bet you’re sorry you didn’t listen to Alex now.”
Michael looked down at Alex. He imagined his boyfriend telling everyone where he suspected Michael would be, and Maria doubting him in front of them all, as if there was a chance she knew Michael better than he did. He imagined Alex not caring about Maria’s doubts and thinking only of finding Michael. Every day, he was reminded of what he’d done to Alex, the doubts he may have planted and being the reason Maria thought she knew him better than the man he loved did.
He hated that. He hated being the reason even one person doubted Alex. He hated anyonethinking they knew him better than Alex did and openly challenging him.
“Alex isn’t just my boyfriend,” Michael said into Alex’s hair. “He’s my other half. No matter what happens to me,” he looked Maria straight in the eye, “if Alex doesn’t know, then no one does. No one. I’ve never shared any piece of myself with anybody but Alex.”
Maria swallowed, clearly displeased and trying not to look like she’d been caught in a lie.
Michael looked at the others, at their stunned faces but equally unsurprised expressions. “Just for, you know, future reference.”
Alex whimpered in his sleep and hugged Michael tighter, as if even in his sleep, he couldn’t stand the idea of Michael going missing again. Michael forgot about everyone else and hugged him back.
“Sleep, other half,” he whispered quietly enough into Alex’s brow that no one else would’ve heard. “I’m right here with you.”
Sorry, I know I deviated a lot, but I would never have been able to forgive Max and Isobel if they ever really treated Alex like that. Isobel’s on thin enough ice as it is for the way she encouraged Michael in season 2, despite knowing how he felt about Alex. At least Max had had the decency not to remark on it. Just saying.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Attraction and Reaction - Wanda Maximoff x Dom!Reader - Part 2
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Prompt based “ WandaXReader where they're always arguing and being sarcastic to eachother but it's just sexual tension. Maybe smth with the lines "why are u laghing did I tell a joke?" "why don't u look inside my head and find out". I think it would be pretty cool. It doesn't have to be smutt though, only If u fell like it (also a dom!reader would be nice)" > Link for part One
Notes: Some people asked me to write a part 2 of this one, and i took me a while but I finally did it. Nobody specified whether they wanted part two for the smut or for the story so I put a little of both.
Warnings>  18+, Smut, language, mentions of past abuse.
Words:  6.243 (Complete)
Marks (I keep forgetting to put this but hope people don’t hate me haha) > @mionemymind​ @wandamaximoffpuppy​
AO3 (Complete / Two Parts)
Maybe you guys had been in the room for a long time.
But you didn't care about the time as you had Wanda riding on your face, and you were licking and sucking her, while she moaned loudly with her mouth open as she forced her hips down and held on to the headboard.
- Fuck! Right there. - She said breathlessly - Don't stop.
A few strokes later and she came apart in your mouth, for the fourth time in a row. The taste only seemed to get better.
And then she was throwing herself on the bed trying to normalize her breathing, and you leaned over to rest your head on her belly while your fingers trailed up her thigh.
But a knock at the door caught your attention next.
- Wanda, is everything all right? - That was Bucky on the other end. - I made dinner, I was wondering if you would like some.
- No, Bucky, thank you. - Wanda shouted back a moment later, disguising her current state well. You let out a giggle, and ran your fingers down her skin, penetrating her pussy afterwards, and she bit back a sigh.
- That's fine. Do you know where Y/N is? I haven't seen her since this morning, and she's not in her room. - He then said and you chuckled softly, as Wanda held back a moan at having you inside her.
- No. - She answered half breathlessly, and forced herself to sound less affected in the next sentence. - I have no idea.
But then you began to rotate your finger against her clit and she sank her face into the bed, gasping for breath. It took a moment, then Bucky spoke again.
- You guys are fucking, aren't you?
- Trying to! - you retorted impatiently, beginning to kiss Wanda's skin.
You can hear Bucky let out a chuckle before his footsteps move away. But your attention was focused on Wanda, coming on your fingers again.
- Fuck. - She mumbled breathlessly, running her hands through her hair. - I don't think I can go on. - She commented with a smile, her gaze lazing on you.
You smiled as you lifted your face to meet hers, and kissed her slowly and sensually, but she really looked tired, even though her hips moved toward you.
- Get some sleep, dear. - You whispered to her, trying not to be startled by how easily the nickname slipped out of your mouth. Wanda smiled, closing her eyes. When her breathing became deep, you pulled back the blankets to cover her naked body, then stood up.
You picked up your clothes from the floor, and when you finished dressing, you left the room.
Bucky was reading something when you entered the room, and you went around the counter to get some coffee.
- Sorry for getting in the way of your conflict resolution. - He said ironically, his eyes still on the paper. You giggled.
- No problem, Barnes. - You replied before taking a sip of coffee.
You walked over to the couch where Bucky was sitting and looked curiously at the papers on the table as you sat down in the armchair next to him.
- What are you working on anyway? - you asked, crossing your legs. Bucky let out a sigh.
- On you guys, actually. - He said, and you frowned in confusion. But he didn't look angry, just busy. - Steve worries that the team works as a whole. He asked me to study your training results and try to find a way to solve your problems.
- I think that's been taken care of. - You sneer, but Bucky keeps a serious expression.
- Sex doesn't solve your problems. - He says and you blink in surprise. - It's just an escape valve.
You laugh ruefully, putting your coffee cup on the table.
- What are you talking about? Wanda and I just needed to vent our anger somehow. There is nothing to work out.
Bucky shook his head in denial, placing the pages he had in his hand on the table.
- Look, do you remember how it used to be with me and Sam? - He asked, and you rolled your eyes, nodding in agreement.
- We're not like....
- Listen first. - he asked with a smile, and you sighed, nodding. - Sam and I used to fight because we couldn't accept the nature of our relationship. - He explains. - And we both looked up to Steve and wanted him to be proud of us. And then we would fight to see who got his attention.
- That's very gay. - You comment humorously and Bucky chuckles lightly before continuing.
- The relevant thing is that when Sam and I first started having sex, we weren't communicating. - He says and you blink in surprise. - Angry sex is no substitute for conversation. It took a while, but we managed to talk about how we really felt, and now we are doing just fine. 
You sighed thoughtfully, leaning your back against the chair as you entwined your hands in your lap.
- I don't know what to tell you, comrade. - You say. - I have no quarrel with Wanda. We're fine. 
Bucky looked at you for a few seconds, and then shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to his papers. You began to think that you were repeating that things were fine for yourself and not for him.
Everything was fine.
The day after the events of the past morning and afternoon, you only met Wanda over breakfast. She smiled and waved you good morning, and you did the same.
And when you two got up to leave the dishes in the sink, she enjoyed being put on the countertop while you stayed on your knees with your head between her legs. Or at least you understood that she did, when she came in your mouth and moaned your name.
Everything was fine. Until it wasn't.
Bucky requested another therapy session with you two, and at the moment you were sitting in an armchair facing Wanda in an empty room, waiting for the soldier.
You were trying not to let your mind wander to the image of the redhead squirming with pleasure beneath you as you looked at her but you were failing miserably.
You cleared your throat, looking away and then Bucky entered, apologizing for the delay and saying that the rest of the team should be back in the tower soon.
- Can we try talking today, girls? - He said as he sat down, and you crossed your arms, shrugging. Wanda twiddled her fingers slightly. - I'd like to try the questions again.
You and Wanda exchanged a look before nodding, and Bucky smiled, pulling his small notepad from his pocket and reading briefly before speaking.
- Y/N let's start with you today. - He says. - Can you tell me something you like about Wanda?
You bite your lip.
- The way she moans my name.
Bucky blinks in surprise and discomfort but lets out a giggle, Wanda blushes softly looking away.
- Great, we've gone from immense hatred to unrestrained horniness. - He wryly chuckles. - Please girls, let's try to make this work.
You let out a sigh, getting thoughtful for a moment. 
- All right, Bucky. - You say. - I... I like how caring Wanda always is.
Wanda blinks in surprise, and Bucky looks happy. 
- That's nice. - He comments with a smile. - And you Wanda, can you tell us what you like about Y/N?
Wanda looks at you for a moment, and then looks away from you to Bucky.
- I like how protective she is of everyone here. - She confesses and you look at her attentively. - Even with me, and even when we are fighting, when we are in the field, she cares about everyone.
You swallow dryly as you look away from Wanda, wanting to ignore the feeling in your stomach.
- That's great, girls. - Bucky comments and you almost forget that he was there. - I would like to ask how this conflict started.
And then you shift uncomfortably in your chair. Because you remember it so well. Clearing your throat, you stand up.
- I don't want to do this anymore. - You say, looking at Bucky, who looks very surprised. He closes his notepad, but before he can say anything, Wanda says.
- So you're just going to run away again?
- Yeah, Wanda, I'm just going to run away. - You retort angrily as you move your feet out of the room, slamming the door on your way out.
You had been training for a few hours, your muscles ached and your body begged for a rest, but you kept punching the bag in front of you.
- Someone is angry. - sneered Natasha as you entered the gym. You blinked in surprise.
- I didn't know you were back. - You retorted without stopping your punching.
And then Natasha was climbing onto the mat, smiling at you.
- A little bird told me that you resolved your conflicts in the best possible way. - She teased, coming closer and tapping your fists to make you stop. You sighed breathlessly, your body reacting immediately to the lack of movement.
- I don't want to talk about it. - You retorted as you took off your boxing gloves, and walked away. 
- I figured as much. - She said, following you around the gym as you left the ring and looked for a bottle of water. - But you need it, so we''ll talk.
You let out an impatient grumble, and then Nat was touching your shoulder and you turned away abruptly.
- No. - You warned with clenched fists, but Nat was not intimidated.
- I know what happened to you. - She said and you closed your eyes tightly, trying to control the boiling anger rising in your chest. - I know because I saw the red room when she was in my head. But you have to understand that Wanda is on our side now and…
- I know that! - you retorted angrily. - I know that she's just a victim in this whole thing, okay? I just... I don't... - You paused, trying to normalize your breathing, and control your tears. - I haven't seen my family in twenty years. And I don't think about them, I can't remember their faces. I wasn't ready to see them that day, and I can hardly breathe when I remember. I just need time.
- You can't take out on Wanda the anger you had for them. - Nat replies seriously, and you sigh, sitting down on the bench next to you, your face buried in your hands.
- I know. - You say. - I just... God, she is probably the only person who knows everything. I wasn't ready to tell anyone, or deal with it alone, and she just came in and she just knows everything.
Nat sat down next to you and put her hand on your thigh.
- You need to talk to someone about this. - She said. - Not with me, not with Wanda. With a professional who can help you.
You nod, squeezing her hand. 
- I know. - You say with a sad smile. - I will, I just... It all seems so recent.
- You've been burying your traumas pretty well, that's all. - She jokes, and you laugh weakly.
You stood for a moment in silence before standing up. Nat let go of your hand to give your shoulder a squeeze before she left the gym. You sighed, deciding that you should call that contact Sam had told you about.
When you returned to your room, you had an appointment. You went into the shower, and took too long, trying to calm your nerves under the hot water. 
And then you were startled to get out and find Wanda waiting for you.
- I want to talk to you. - She declared as soon as you came out of the bathroom, sitting on your bed.
You let out a sigh, moving toward your closet. You didn't mind being naked in front of Wanda, it was nothing she hadn't seen before. And then you threw the towel on the bed and put on a loose T-shirt.
- You can talk. - You retorted, turning to her, and bit your lip when you noticed Wanda's gaze and flushed cheeks. - Earth to Wanda? 
Wanda grumbled at your teasing and looked away, you smiled as you picked up the towel from the bed to take it to dry off.
- I don't know what's bothering you. - She says after a moment, and you swallow the discomfort in the pit of your stomach. - But I've talked to Bucky, and he doesn't think it's healthy for us to continue with, well, whatever it is, before you can talk about your feelings.
You hang up your towel and then turn to Wanda with an impassive face.
- Okay, then. Good night. - You tell her sharply, and Wanda blinks in confusion.
- That's all you're going to say? - she asks incredulously, and you let out a dry laugh.
- You're the one who came here to say that you don't want us to happen anymore. 
- I didn't say that.
- What difference does it make? - You retort. - It's not going anywhere anyway.
Your statement leaves your mouth bitter, and Wanda stares at you for a long second before turning and leaving the room. You feel your body boil with anger, but you're tired. So you just throw yourself on the bed and hope to sleep soon.
Your fights with Wanda stop, mostly because you just don't talk to each other anymore. But Bucky seems to accept this as progress, and releases you from the sessions. And then you are seeing the psychologist that Sam recommended, and things are getting better for you.
She asks about your family, and teaches you to control your anger attacks with breathing exercises and focus. It is enough for weeks, until you have to really face your memories as you use Tony's technology to remember what your parents did to you. Of how they gave you your abilities. 
It is suffocating, and painful, but you survive. And it feels good to breathe normally again. 
You want to ignore the feeling that there is something missing, mainly because you believed that once you were healing, you wouldn't think about Wanda anymore. But now that the anger is gone, you just miss her.
Many weeks after your discussion, you are in the Caribbean, trying to investigate an abandoned Hydra base, and you have Wanda as an exploration partner.
- Did you find anything? - you asked as you two walked together into yet another empty room of an abandoned compound. Wanda was going through some drawers, going through their contents.
- Nothing that Tony hasn't already hacked. - She said, and then you turned around when you heard a noise at the door behind you. Raising your pistol in the direction of the sound, you let out an exclamation of surprise when the door suddenly opened, and a man jumped at you. Clearly a soldier, judging by his clothing. You fought back his blows, and were ready to fight, but Wanda simply used her magic to throw him across the room and he blacked out. You looked at her, and she shrugged. - Sorry, did I step on your moment?
- That sentence is mine. - You heard Natasha's voice interrupt, probably joining you as soon as she heard the sound of conflict. You shook your head, laughing lightly as you stood up. - I'm taking our friend in for interrogation, so finish up here. - She said before dragging the man across the room and out. You were dusting off your clothes as you walked toward Wanda.
- Since we can't find anything around here, I guess we can go. - You grumble, and then let out an exclamation of discomfort, which attracts the attention of Wanda, who raises her eyes in your direction.
- Are you all right? - She asked, coming closer and raising her hands to where you were pressing yours, above your shoulder.
- Yes. - You retorted with mild surprise at her concern. - It was just the impact. 
You watched as Wanda's eyes ran quickly to your mouth, and you felt your heart race in anticipation. 
- Okay, then. - She grumbled, lowering her hands and placing them behind her back, looking everywhere but at you. You bit your lip, bringing your bodies closer together, as Wanda attempted to move away, but slammed her back against a cabinet, and let out a gasp.
- Are you nervous? - you ask quietly as you approach, watching Wanda's chest rise and fall out of rhythm. - I just want to thank you for helping me in the fight. - You whisper as you lift a finger to caress her cheek, Wanda holds her breath. Then you let your mouth come up to her ear. - Thank you, Wanda. You've been a good girl.
Wanda closes her eyes tightly, and her hips thrust forward. You smile smugly, as you turn your face to kiss her deeply. She moans against your tongue, and you push your body against her, pressing her into the cabinets.
Your hands move down her thighs, and as you kiss her hard, you push up the fabric of her skirt, and let your fingers run over her skin.  When you push the fabric of her panties aside and penetrate her, she breaks the kiss with a loud moan, and you sigh as you feel her all wet.
- Wanda, you're dripping, baby. - You whisper against her lips as you move your fingers across her swollen clitoris. - How long have you been waiting for me to touch you?
Wanda whimpers, burying her head in your neck. You swallow dryly, trying not to be carried away by the feeling of having her so hot, and concentrate on keeping the movements steady. And then you pull out of her only to insert another finger, and she bites your shoulder.
She is making delicious sounds as her hips push against your fingers, and you want to kiss her again, so you use your free hand to hold her neck and make her look at you. Wanda gasps in surprise, but matches your tongue in her mouth, moaning against you.
A moment later, she begins to quiver in spasms against you, whimpering as she tries to stand upright. You take your hand from her neck to hold her waist and keep her steady as you increase the speed of your fingers, and then Wanda comes, a loud moan with her mouth open as she digs her nails into your arm.
- What the hell is taking you guys so long? - You hear Steve's question on your communicator, and let out an impatient grumble. 
- We're coming. - You say raising your hand to the device in your ear and look at Wanda trying to normalize her breathing. - Wanda already did actually.
Wanda slaps your arm as you laugh lightly, but Steve doesn't seem to understand. And then you are hurrying out of the room. You like it when she kisses you deeply on the stairs, before you join the team.
When you all return home, Steve requests a meeting with you. After showering and putting on comfortable clothes, you go to the room where he is waiting.
- Hey, Y/N, what's up? - he asks, sitting in one of the chairs. You smile, nodding.
- Why did you want to talk to me? - You ask, and he lets out a chuckle at your impatience.
- I'd like to know how your appointments have been. - he says after a moment. - You have shown progress in your training. And it's been over two months since you've had any anger episodes.
You shift the weight on your feet, slightly embarrassed.
- It's all right, I guess. - You say. - I've learned to deal with things in a healthier way.
- I'm glad to hear that. - He smiles, and then he hesitates for the next second. - And how is your relationship with Wanda?
- We don't have a relationship. - You retorted snidely, your heart racing slightly. But Steve let out a little laugh.
- Bucky told me that you two have found a way to resolve your conflicts. - He said, getting up. - And you two are not fighting anymore.
- That's what you wanted, isn't it? - You say impatiently and Steve frowns at your hostility. - I don't know what else you want us to do.
- What's going on anyway? - he asks tenderly. - You seem upset about something.
You let out a humorless laugh, running your hands through your hair.
- I am great! Fucking spectacular. - You retort impatiently.
- Y/N...
- Can I go now, Rogers? - You interrupt and he sighs, nodding, and you turn, quickly leaving the room.
As you are crossing the hallway, you bump into Wanda. She looks at you in surprise, ready to apologize, but then you are moving forward and kissing her hard.
Wanda sighs, responding as you press her to the wall. But you slow the kiss and let your foreheads rest against each other.
- I'm sorry. - You say breathlessly. - I can't keep doing this.
And then you pull away, and Wanda calls out to you as you walk away, trying to breathe. 
Wanda catches up with you outside. You are trying not to punch anything, while focusing on your breathing. 
- Why won't you talk to me? - she shouts as she reaches you. - Tell me what's going on.
You let out a dry laugh, and turn sharply and walk toward her.
- Do you want to know what is going on? Great! - you retort angrily. - This is all happening because of you!
Wanda has a confused expression when you stop in front of her. 
- If you had just stayed out of my head, I would be fine! - You accuse angrily, but don't let her interrupt. - And if you'd stayed out of my bed, I wouldn't be in love with you!
You sigh breathlessly as you sit on the floor, your face wet with tears. Wanda is in shock, and remains standing. You feel terrible.
- Damn it, Wanda, I'm sorry! - you mumble, wiping away your tears, trying to remember your breathing exercises. - It's not your fault what happened to me. I'm being an idiot.
- You are in love with me? - She repeats, staring straight ahead without moving. She seems to be talking more to herself than to you. You let out a humorless laugh.
- Yeah, I... I have been for a while actually. - You tell. - I guess I didn't want it to be true.
But then Wanda is kneeling beside you, and she looks at you with watery eyes. 
- You are a stubborn idiot. - She says, laughing lightly, and you frown. But then she moves in and kisses you on the mouth, and you think nothing more of it. When she separates your mouths, she's as breathless as you are. - We'll make it work, okay? I'm in love with you too.
You smile, and then you are hugging each other. It takes a moment for the rest of the team to get to you two.
- Does this mean we will now hear them having sex instead of fighting? - Tony comments wryly, and you watch as Wanda raises her fingers and casts magic at him that pushes him back slightly.
You laugh, letting your happiness replace your anger completely.
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
Another question I have is about Clem. As she eventually starts to grown into a teenager and a young adult does she ever struggle with gaining further independence /freedom from her 3 dads? I would imagine they would gain a sense of overprotectiveness due to LBD.
I DID get ur og question about this! (Im so fuckin sorry its been over two weeks now) N I’ve had a multiple brainstorm sessions between me myself n I cuz of it which is the main reason that it’s been takin this long Originally I wanted to say No mostly cuz I haven’t written parents like that before n I’m not,,, exactly familiar with that kinda parenting so I wasn’t sure if pokin that kinda stuff is smth I could Do Right, but egh fuck it, makes sense for them to go into a hyperdrive n I could use the practice instead of shyin away from it
Therefore; Yah! Each is a bit different tho Mister Gao is the only one who ups his protective game Because of the whole WBS deal- both cuz of the obvious long term of Clem’s absence which yanno basically means she was declared dead And because mister Gao already lost his wife so Clem is the last surviving biological part of his family. One can understand why he’s internally screamin bout this
Sam Gao-Woods is the only one who’s trynna hold back on the protectiveness cuz he sees how apeshit mister Gao is with it n so he’s like “Aight, I’m p sure the wee thing needs a breathin room Somewhere, so I’m gon be it.”. He still cares so so much for Clem, but he lets his love manifest rather as freedom than a methaphorical choke hold
Now Six Ear is interestin cuz his overprotectiveness doesn’t have anythin to do with WBS at all. Even after s3 finale he is still kinda in love with the idea of her. Six Ear with therapy is still Six Ear which means tendency to be a control freak is a thing and stalkin is basically a second nature to him For the first few years it’s not that bad especially cuz Clem doesn’t have any desire to really Expand her personal space n rather wants her dads to be as close as possible cuz of depriving her time with WBS- possessed or not- was
But Yah, as she starts growin she starts requiring more privacy, as she starts healing n going into teenagehod her emotions start to get more intense (therefore kinda explosive) and on TOP of All That at 16 her WBS powers start to show up more than just making her pupils glowing white Thats gon end up bein an arc between her n Six (n kinda mister Gao- he gets spooked by the stuff happenin between the former two which prompts him to address his own overprotectiveness). The fact that Six still harbours positive feelings towards WBS doesn’t sit right with Clem and when she tells him, as her only magically skilled father, what’s happening with her, his reaction is mostly positive and as if he was Expecting this which pisses her off cuz she is absolutely distraught about this They end up having an argument during which Six pulls the oppressing parent card cuz he obviously knows best and Clem ends up blurting out something serious that she didn’t actually mean which results in Six gritting his teeth and walking away This part isn’t 100% solid yet, but cut few days later, Clem hasn’t seen a single sign of Six Ear yet, he isn’t answerin text messages or calls and when she comes to lao Zhu’s noodle shop to ask about him everybody just shrugs. So basically the “child chases after a parent to fix everything” thing (😬) happens on purpose from my side n from HERE I ain’t got the events solidly planned. I’d LIKE to sneak a physical fight between the two in Some kinda way in here- Six is obviously not goin all out, maybe it could culminate in Clem blowing up with the ice powers (similarly to canon- who knows, knows. 👁) which forces Six to take this seriously, idk yet
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