#maybe they just didn't put it up yet but idk kinda strange
eldritch-nightmare · 4 months
hi hi !! i was wondering if you could make any creepypastas of your choice (but if you can please include toby) with a final girl reader? you know that cliche of slasher movies, thank you <3
a/n: fun fact abt me my favorite final girls r carly from house of wax and princess from laid to rest. and arkin from the collector. he is everything to me. honestly wasn't all too sure who i wanted to put in this so i just sorta chose at random?? idk maybe in the future i can use this premise for some of the others if u guys want that. this is really short nd kinda bad tho and i apologize for that. i'm trying to ease myself back into writing so tht might b why tbh
warnings: not proofread. pre-relationship?? the romance isn't really there for the most part but the obsession is, attempted murder, gn reader, reader has a younger brother in lj's part, laughing jack is probably actually his own warning i think he's kinda. kinda fucked up in this. many mentions of attempted harm to a child.
includes: ticci toby, jeff the killer, and laughing jack.
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He had been tasked to kill you. He doesn't know the reason, nor does he really care. Maybe you knew too much, or maybe Slender had other reasons. Whatever they were, you had to die.
And Toby rarely ever messed up an assignment. He never had any issues killing anyone. Sure, they typically fought back, but he'd always get them in the end. He didn't think you'd be any different.
He was rather... surprised, to put it simply, when you proved to be a challenge.
You didn't want to die, so you fought back. Hard. Honestly, it was impressive how determined you were to live. He's never really met someone like you before.
This is one of those very rare times where he's a bit glad he can't feel pain, because if he could feel the pain he gained from you fighting back, he probably would've blacked out from it.
The only reason you get away the first time is because you had stabbed him one too many times and he didn't really want to bleed out and die, thank you very much.
He still had a job to finish though, so you fighting back meant nothing to him. He was told to kill you, and that's what he planned on doing.
It didn't matter how long it took. Though, as time went on, Toby couldn't help but find himself wondering what he would do with himself when he actually killed you.
He's never found any joy in hunting someone down, but he finds himself strangely excited when it comes to you. It's the first time he's ever felt this way for someone he was meant to murder.
He doesn't really want to let that excitement go just yet, and maybe he's delusional but it almost seemed as if you were having fun with these little life-or-death chases you two had.
Maybe he lets you get away a few times. You would've been dead a long time ago if he hadn't found you interesting.
And who knows... maybe he can convince Slender that you're a worthy candidate to be a proxy... that way, he won't have to kill you.
Absolutely thrilled at the idea.
Jeff is a big fan of horror movies, and he's always dreamed of having some final girl type of person that he could never kill.
Key word. He dreamed of it. He's not a big fan of it when it actually finally happens, not at first.
You were annoying, always somehow dodging his knife and managing to fight back against him long enough to make your escape.
Now, normally, Jeff would've just dropped you and gone on with his killing spree. He didn't have to kill you, and it's not like he's scared of you going to the police. He's already on the FBI's most wanted, trust me, he couldn't care less.
But there was a thrill that went through him whenever he got close to killing you. Each time he's able to cut you, he feels his heart pound in his chest.
It reminds him of when he first started killing, and that feeling was becoming addictive.
He didn't even realize how obsessed he had become with killing you until he actually got the chance to kill you. He had you cornered, and there was nowhere for you to go.
He could've ended it right then and there, but he hesitated. Jeff the fucking killer hesitated to actually kill someone. What the fuck? That made no sense.
The hesitation was enough that it gave you a chance to get away, leaving Jeff alone to ponder why he had hesitated.
And during that time, he left you alone.
But trust me, once he finally figures out why he hesitated, he'll be back. You can't escape him.
Hates it and hates you. Your little brother was supposed to be an easy kill. He had been so desperate for a friend, neglected by his parents, that he was eager to let Jack into his life.
But then you had to come home for the holidays, and suddenly it was hard to get the brat alone without you being around. The only time he could torment your brother was when everyone else in the house was asleep.
When your little brother went to you crying about how his friend Jack was being mean, telling him horrible things, you weren't supposed to fucking believe the kid. You were supposed to be like the others, brushing off the kid's concerns and sending him back to bed.
But you didn't. You believed your brother, and now you can fucking see him, and he hated it. Oh, he wanted to kill your little brother so badly, but he wanted to kill you more for ruining all the fun.
All of the torment on your little brother stops, and instead he starts tormenting you instead. His ultimate goal was to get you to kill your little brother. It would be a satisfying thing for him to see. And maybe even poetic. You're trying so hard to protect him, and you end up being the one to kill him... that would be nice.
But you don't make it easy for him.
Seeing your fear was entertaining, especially when he was able to strike at your insecurities. At some point, he found that he didn't mind how long this little plan of his would take. He just wanted to see what made you cry. What scared you? What had you reeling away in disgust? What made you laugh?
Okay, that last one confuses him and he does not at all want to know what makes you laugh. No. No he does not.
Sometimes, he doesn't even torment you. He just silently watches you, which you find to be arguably worse than him actually trying to cause you harm.
It felt like he was studying you whenever he did that, and you hated it.
And Jack finds himself struggling to hate you the longer this takes. You've become interesting. He finds himself looking forward to seeing you, and he finds himself admiring you whenever you end up smiling when he's around.
Though, that's not something he's quite ready to admit yet.
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oddparentsaday · 7 days
Hi there!!! I have an idea for a fan fiction that's been puttering around my mind, so I thought I ought to offer it to someone who actually writes fan fiction lol.
So it's like Cosmo and Wanda doing the regular hijinks as they do, maybe Hazel's there maybe Timmy idk, but Cosmo messes something up, and someone (probably not Wanda but idk up to you) kinda snaps and calls him a dumb ass. *que class shattering noise* this sets Cosmo off and he poofs right the hell out of there. (If it wasn't Wanda who said it) the guilty party (maybe it's Perri who knows) asks Wanda like what the frick why'd that upset him so much. Dramatic flashback, now Wanda explains Cosmo's tragic upbring (maybe he was bullied and called a dumb ass as a kid, maybe a cruel parent called him a dumb ass as a child). But then Wanda goes and comforts Cosmo, and the guilty party comes and apologizes to Cosmo, who most likely forgives them immediately.
But idk, do whatever you want with this (including nothing) I forfit my half baked idea to you in hopes it is of some interest to you, if not THAT'S OK!!!!!!!! Anyways have a lovely day!!
Note: THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!! I made it Timmy because I don't want to write Wanda as kinda mean and i don't know the new wish crew as well.
Summary: Timmy strikes a nerve with Cosmo
It was a genuine mistake. One of Cosmos usual mess ups that they would laugh off later.
Something that wasn't usually that big of an issue. 
Timmy was particularly snippy today. Being rejected yet again was getting on his nerves. Apparently both this and all his other issues including Vicky and school was weighing on him like a large boulder. 
He felt so frustrated but he was just ten what could he do? 
Why would anyone listen? 
Why should he be this upset this young?
Cosmo messed up the wish per usual. It pretty much cracked the camel's back.
"God why can't you do one simple task?!!?"
"Timmy-" Wanda warned.
"God your so stupid. Why is it that you're such a dumbass?!"
Cosmo was an insecure man. Not many knew. Sure he got jealous but never did he appear to feel less than.
Cosmo had ran crying. Or rather he poofed away. He has always felt dumb. Like everyone else was better.
Better looking.
More put together.
Cosmo had always been told he was stupid and wasn't fit to be a fairy. Hell he even caused the ban of fairy children.
He couldn't handle it. Yes his mother was clingy and loving to a creepy degree, but all that love even Wandas love never stopped the insecurity.
It had to be a hour before Wanda found him huddled in the tree house.
Face stained with tears that kept falling. Eyes puffy, slightly pink, hair disheveled, his tie was askew.
It broke her heart she had always tried to let him know how sweet he was.
How loved,
Depended upon, 
Admired he was. But he just never saw.
"Are you ok?."
"He didn't mean it." Wanda urged. He didn't believe her. She'd shuffled over crouching in front of him.
She poofed in some tissues and softly wiped. His tear muddled face gently. She pulled him in for a tight hug cradling is head to her chest right under her chin.
"Sh sh sh.. it's ok, it'll be ok"
Once Cosmo calmed a bit Wanda brought him back down to the house. 
While Cosmo was alone in the treehouse Wanda had explained his insecurity and his issues.
When they entered the room Timmy and Cosmo stared at each other akwardly. An unusual silence filled the room.
Timmy spoke first, "I-umm I'm really sorry Cosmo."
"I know it was wrong. I was frustrated and took it out on you."
Inevitably Cosmo forgave Timmy. Things would be strange for a while but eventually things went back to some form of normal.
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AITA for pacifying my little niece in a "strange"/unnatural way when her mom doesn't like how i do it?
so i have autism and i cannot stand the sound of crying babies, not only is it grating to my ears but i feel like i have to do everything i can to help the baby feel better. i feel so bad about it and i gotta make the baby happy somehow; except i am REALLY bad at interacting with children and have no idea how to act around them normally. anyway, earlier i woke up to the sound of my little niece screaming because she accidentally hurt her arm and she wouldn't let anyone put a bandaid on it bc she was scared. which fair, i get it, it's scary.
i decided that i wanted to somehow get her to stop screaming though bc it was loud so i walked up to her and she immediately stopped screaming out of confusion (lol) bc i rarely ever leave my room, and i got down to her level and just stared at her. of course i tried to look nice by smiling but i straight up didn't know what to say so i just stared. she stared back and i went "hey, its ok. stop crying." and left back to my room when she just kept staring at me silently (she doesnt talk yet), which i guess is a win if she stopped crying.
apparently that was weird to her mom and she told me to be more normal about it. i told her that if it worked it worked, but she still didn't like it cause it was freaky apparently. which i kind of get but i'm 4'10" with dorky ass glasses i don't think i'm that scary, i'm just socially awkward. maybe she's just worried that her kid will pick up on the habit and while it sounds funny it probably isn't good. kinda feel bad about it so idk if i'm gonna do that again either way but i'm curious
What are these acronyms?
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button-cat · 1 month
uhggh I just wanna get this off my chest abt pressure
ever since the new update, the games been less enjoyable for me. Not just bc of the zerum drama, but also the painter. The autoturrets are quite difficult for someone who’s played doors and pressure since release
and then there’s Sebastian. Idk but the ring left a bad taste on my tongue bc pressure isn’t abt romance. Plus it doesn’t help that both zerum and simps have been whining abt the “marriage” constantly
I just miss when pressure was a fish doors game and there wasn’t this much shit surrounding a new fandom
Yeah i honestly do quite understand you- I didn't really know about Pressure before until the collab between Pressure and Regretevator which got me interested in the game but i do understand how upsetting it is when something like a game, show, etc you enjoy ends up getting a lot of controversy around it- i have experienced it many times before :(
I haven't played the new update yet (being busy with school and plus- i prefer to play on the days that I don't have school- :b) however i have seen it through videos and- for me the autoturrets seem pretty complicated to get through, (this is coming from someone who has beaten doors as well as other games that are hard-) plus i have seen a video where somehow the autoturrets managed to get rid a bunch of health to someone despite them hiding which- uh i don't think that's quite fair- ;D i know pressure is supposed to be a hard game but- from what i've seen, I don't really like the autoturrets either- :b
I have seen many people upset with the change to painter- personally, i like both versions of painter (the old and new one- :D) but I do understand why people are upset about it- the old one I can't really explain well but it definitely had some sort of charm to it that the new version doesn't quite have- but I do see why the devs wanted to change painter :D
And about the marriage thing- yeah I don't feel like the ring really quite fits- don't get me wrong it does look nice on Sebastian but I personally don't think it quite fits in like Sebastian's lore- as someone who absolutely loves reading the lore of characters, I personally don't like it when things end up contradicting each other in it- like i'm pretty sure when you get sent to prison they take everything but i MEAN EVERYTHING you have on you, even rings- and even if Sebastian was able to keep the ring in prison, I definitely doubt Urbanshade would let him keep it after- and also,,,the fact that he also um- grew a lot. I don't think the ring is gonna fit on him anymore- ;D this may be silly to some people for me to get upset about something like this but- idk i just genuinely don't like when things in lore just,,, doesn't make sense- this is just my opinion tho !
honestly i also find it quite ridiculous how much people as well as Zerum have been making the marriage thing such a huge deal- the way how some people get genuinely pissed about it is something that I find quite concerning but how Zerum acts about it is also something that I find pretty strange and iffy and maybe kinda,,,immature- some of her comments i did see it kinda condescending and just- not really an appropriate way to like- react, y'know? It actually concerns me honestly- :/
I just feel like many of these things, especially the controversy, could've been handled better- from what i'm seeing, it does seem Zeal is trying to improve himself as well as the game by recognizing things he's been doing wrong so- i do have some hope that things end up getting better in the end !! I really like Pressure and I wanna see it improve and continue growing since it's a pretty good game !! ^^ i do wanna make some posts about Pressure (i did plan making a post about Sebastian where i just put show some of my headcanons about him with some drawings :3) and just- have fun with posting about the game without so many controversy surrounding it- :b
also, if its really affecting you- I do recommend to not focus on the controversy and also maybe like- not interact with the community- like maybe take a break from it !! as someone who used to like- get involved with controversies in the past, it can be pretty unhealthy- in the end, focusing on all of the dramas and controversies in the internet and getting involved in it as well can end up just- stressing you out and maybe even just your mental health get worse- which is why i recommend to just sometimes distance yourself from the community and game if it gets too bad- and do things you enjoy doing ! I may not really know you anon but- please remember that your mental health is more important, okay? :D (this also goes to the rest of you !! Your mental health is more important- please take care of yourself !!)
that's mostly all i wanted to say- sorry for the very long response btw ;D im a very huge yapper sometimes even if i try to avoid being one lol-
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scottyfreaks · 3 months
Anything on life series Msjaor? Thougts, art, things that rattle around that need to be let otu
(Forgive the suittty spelling, it is very late in the evening for me (vurse you EST, curse you))
But pretty pleaseeeee😇
Sighhhghhhs I hate smajoorrr :/// why would you make me talk about him........,,, anyways:
I surprisingly don't have, like, that many drawing of life series Scott. I really should draw him more.
I don't love how everyone is scared to be creative w/ him and defaults to elf if not directed otherwise. I love creature boys but it's so hard for me to decide on what I want him to be. He's just like,, a little fluffy guy.. put some fluff on his ears, on his chest maybe. He has hoofs in third life like a cow, or a deer (though that's just for me because I love deer Scott so much). I genuinely don't have anything to say for last life and double life, never paid much attention to them (I hardly remember last life + didn't watch his pov, and straight up skipped double life while it happened and haven't gotten around to it yet)
Now limited life is a littleeee bit different:3 I love fishy Scott, so mannyyy ideas in my head for him. He's either a little small fish guy, or big shark (totally not inspired by a fanfic I read) or perhaps he's both and he becomes more shark-like when red. Me and Scooter (idk what else to call you lol) talked about him plenty. He's like fully fish to me, kinda bluish skin, darker blue hair,,, think that fish guy from JRWI (I don't really listen to it, but whichever character Charlie plays). He's probably smaller than normal too, like 5'6, not tiny, but Martyns a pretty big guy too so like 👀 I have my own au and stuff that's based on meangills,,, they're so silly. I do have a somewhat recent drawing of limlife Scott like how I'm describing but he has titties so maybe another time
Secret life Scott is a silly guy, and once again another chance for size differences (I don't even have to change anything,,.., it's just impulse big,,). I think he & Limlife have slightly longer hair. Secret life's is nicely curled and Limlife's is just messy. I also don't have any idea what he is,, like he's just a guy, I don't know how to creaturfy him it's strange. He's one of those guitarists who goes "just like... Play from your heart, man..." When asked for tips, he also only knows how to play riptide on his guitar. One thing I'd like to mention is that I think their entire group goes from rock to goth when red.. I wan......... I wanna see Goths, pls plsss. Get Scott out of that ugly twink translucent coat thing and put him in a denim jacket too.
His outfits probably change a little more drastically between seasons too. I think third life is mostly the same, maybe a little baggier & softer colors. Once again no thoughts on last & double life. Scott is fish and therefore doesn't wear a shirt under his jacket (so he can show off his TITTIES!!!) and thats pretty much it. Scott is a very different in secret life too because I fucking hate his outfit, he now looks like a member of the Queens, okay?
(nsfw thoughts:)
Overtime Scott definitely starts sleeping around more. He was pretty secluded w/ Jimmy during third-life, then as he was introduced to more people during the seasons, he started having a lot more courage to flirt and get with them. He's slept with like half the server, atleast. Or at the very LEAST given them a blowjob (which he's for sure good at giving). This man went from "Oooh I love my hubby" to whoreslut supreme™.
He also changes in kinks and behavior a little: he's more shy, loving, and domestic with Jimmy during third-life. Then as it moved on he gets more adventurous, stupid fish that's happy to experiment with Martyn after being paired up with girls for two seasons, especially now that he's smaller and mmfhfnfhff definitely wants Martyn to stretch him out and play with his weird ass fish genitals. I don't think I even need to explain what happened with him and Impulse, but go read "The first offer" on ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/52197727) if you want it's amazing. Scott just goes ":0 waowww another big man" & gets wrecked a lot. I can't for the life of me decide what his body is like btw, he's either skinny or chubby and it just depends on how I'm feeling that day.
Uherrmmm I think that's all
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13eyond13 · 5 months
Who are your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Berserk? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks.....
I think I kinda only have 4 main faves, really? And that's probably a pretty obvious bunch (Guts, Casca, Griffith, and Puck). I got attached to them all in the first arcs and then stuck out the rest of the stuff mainly just for them without getting extremely attached to anybody else (though I do think the rest of the story is definitely worth reading, and there are many amazing things that come later on as well).
(Warning for spoilers below):
I love Guts because I just cared about him and what happens to him way more than I initially expected I would. I think he's very relatable to me personality-wise and just not your typical macho protagonist guy in some pretty interesting and unusual ways. I also like that he's both kind of simple and complicated all at once and not just a corny noble typical hero type guy, but not completely boring and edgy and nihilistic either. It's a fun blend. I felt a ton for Casca as well and just thought she was very sympathetic and tough yet vulnerable too. I think Griffith's idealism and ambition makes much of the intriguing drama and plot happen that I actually care about in the story, and that he's definitely a complex character that's maybe the most fun one to analyze in a fandom sense. And Puck is just that cute little voice of reason / comic relief sort of character who keeps you going when Guts is being particularly grim and surly and difficult to connect to and when the story is verging on way too dark and bleak, and since he's with you from the very start it's hard not to get attached!
Some Top Favourite Moments (I couldn't narrow it down to five):
-Guts's interactions with Theresia, the Count's daughter / that entire scene in the Black Swordsman Arc: Maybe a bit of an oddball choice, but I distinctly remember that this part of the story was surprising and interesting to me in a good way because it just showed some sides of Guts's character that I didn't expect, and made him seem a bit more unusual and interesting of a character to follow in my eyes. I felt like his weirdass/awkward dark advice to her to just kill herself if she really didn't want to live anymore was obviously because he himself had gone through something like that as a kid and then come to that conclusion based on his own survival instincts as well, and just spoke a lot about how strange and rough his own life and upbringing and worldview probably was, to see that as sincerely good advice to give to a kid at that time? It was different than what you'd expect a typical hero to say or do, and the fact that Puck comments on it like "dang, he's not even trying to be an asshole or mean, he legit thinks that's a good thing to say to her" made me laugh as well, because that was the impression I got from it too. It was also surprising to see him like tearing up afterwards? Idk it just marked a moment to me where my interest in the story and in Guts as a character deepened and changed a bit, so I like it for that!
- Guts and Griffith's first swordfight:
So good and iconic and also perhaps one of the most homoerotic things ever to be put on a page
-Guts holding his sword up to the moon and deciding he was gonna fight for Griffith's sake
- Guts and Casca's first kiss: I kinda get the feeling from most Griffguts fans that it's not super popular to have and share positive or warm feelings about this pair, but I thought the moments between them like their first kiss were actually so cute. I thought it made sense for them and their relationship at the time, and was nice to see them both having a soft and warm and consensual moment with someone else that they trusted that way
- Guts explaining how Griffith is the only person he can't stand looking down on him to the rest of Band of the Hawk:
Another moment where Guts pleasantly surprised me as a character, this time with how self-aware and forthcoming he was about his thoughts and feelings on this front. He's a pretty close-lipped character about such things and also pretty private and secretive most times, so whenever he does share those kinds of feelings I'm just like !!! and very invested in what he has to say. I also didn't expect the story to take this direction so explicitly, and thought that his prioritizing of his relationship with Griffith over everything else would remain background and buried in his subconscious at best, so I was pretty intrigued that this part actually happened at all
- Guts and Griffith's second sword fight in the snow:
So many interesting things going on between the main three characters here, and I feel like this was one of the most suspenseful parts of the story to me, I was having actual like heart racing physical reactions to it. I also love how it teases the audience a bit with certain clever fake-outs and whatnot, like making you think this is probably going to be how Guts will lose his arm...
-Griffith's visions of his childhood self / guilt about his dream:
Anytime we got a glimpse right inside Griffith's head was a fascinating treat for me, and I think the scene of him being guilted by the God Hand over his childhood dream was a fantastic bit of writing and artwork, and so important to the story as a whole.
-The Eclipse (up until that one scene):
You love to hate it and hate to love it, basically? It's an awful and traumatic time, but also just so effective at doing what it's supposed to do and such a great buildup of dread for this extremely climactic scene, and the horror of it all is super well done to me (though once it gets to the Casca and Femto part it lost me a bit, because I did not like how tastelessly that was depicted at all)
-Griffith's frozen heart starting to beat again:
There's no way that's just because he's fused with the Moonlight Boy or whatever, right? Love the idea that there's still a kernel of his old vulnerable self in there that he couldn't completely kill
-Casca's healing: this was such a LONG TIME COMING and I was so glad it actually happened and that Miura got to depicting that part of the story before he passed, I felt like it actually took 1000 years, and it was one of the major things keeping me reading due to wanting to see it resolved
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Writing asks: 10, 11, 38
10: Top three favourite fic tropes
Transformations - Vampires, alien goo, zombification, demonic corruption, dragon mode, I eat this shit UP! Day fucking one my mom asks little 3 year old me what kinda imaginary story I wanna play and I am immediately transforming motherfuckers into various animals, monsters, and strange shapes. I've been on my freak with this since birth.
Omegaverse - I've only half written the one fic for it myself, but I find A/O/B very fun and extremely gender affirming. I could honestly rant about the appeals of this one for a while, but half of it would be NSFW and the other half would be railing against one specific anti-omegaverse argument that genuinely makes me want to fist fight people lol, so suffice to say, I do really like it.
Edgy Panic Button Powers - uhhh so idk what the proper name for this would be, but I'm talking like superpowers that are overwhelmingly powerful, but have some kind of cost that necessitates that it can only be pulled out in absolute emergencies, and I want that shit to be edgy as all hell. Ichigo's Hollow mask thingy is a good example of this. Rin from Blue Exorcist doing his demon thing is another great one. Alucard's control level zero (might be getting that name wrong??) from Helsing Ultimate OVA. Dante's Devil Trigger and Jason's All-Blades could be the same kinda sauce with the right tweaks. Bonus points if the Edgy Panic Button is a transformation.
...Just realized this one isn't exactly a fic trope, have another one
Only One Bed - something about this one strikes just the right balance between fools getting put in awkward scenarios against their will and character choice. The bed forces temptation, and it's up to the characters and their own foibles as to who breaks how. Have yet to write this one yet, but it will happen someday, mark my words.
11: Three tropes that are fine but overrated
continuing the trend of only half staying on topic, some of these are more like tropes of unknown rating that don't jive with me? I have a hard time saying something is getting undue praise, but I tried
Soulmate AUs - I think they're simultaneously underrated and overrated. They get treated like they're THE exemplar of romantic storytelling in fanfiction, especially in terms of talking about hating it and wanting it subverted into dust because it's supposedly this hollow hedgemonic whatever, when really like... It is not the core and pinnacle of pure romance, nor is it emblematic of what's wrong with the kids these days. It's just a trope, with narrative strengths and weaknesses the same as any other trope. It's fine.
coffee shop/flower shop/mundane job AUs - These are simply incompatible with me. I do not like normalcy; normalcy does not like me. I have a really hard time imagining my weirdo blorbos being so normal without exploding out of their own skins trying to find something more. Tim and Jason would attempt to throw hands with everyone and God in every world I think, but at the same time, maybe I kinda get why people like it? If I wrote the same kind of slice of life fic about Jason and Tim working together as assistants in a necromancer's lab I'd really like it. I can respect a trope that's comforting and has a routine that puts the characters in proximity with a craft they can mutually share and have passion over. Still feel like it's kinda over-done tho
Wing fics - I am way, way too anal retentive about speculative biology and speculative anthropology for 98% of these, which prefer to focus on using the wings as thematic and emotional indicators. I get why they're popular, they're cool and lend themselves well to dope ass art, but also they do sometimes make me want to scream about wingspan ratios and improper joint placements.
38: "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
"This happened but" all the way. I find taking the concepts that didn't work in comics execution and improving upon them to be a fun challenge. I firmly believe that with effort and care, you can make a good story out of nearly any starting concept, and there's a ton of advantages I have as a reader/fanfic writer that the original comic writers didn't have (like hindsight and a lack of executive demands), so idk I pretty much always feel like I can take the comic's basic beats and figure out a way to improve it.
I'm also just way more forgiving than a lot of other comic readers I think? Like I have gone on record as a defender of both Brothers in Blood and Pill Helmet Jason and some of my first comics ever were Lobdell's Red Hood and the Outlaws new 52 stuff and that somehow didn't turn me off of comics lmao, it takes a LOT to make me say "this is too garbage for me to want to use any of it". I enjoy going into comics looking for stuff that works or could work better if ___.
The only "this never happened"s I really go for are the ones that are like specifically in service to keeping a character's cool magic power or transformation curse or whatever intact. Like if the story's happily ever after involved the main character no longer turning into a sicknasty demon form when mad, I will hate that enough to pitch it out entirely lol
anyhow, thank you for the ask Laufire! I might send u some questions back as revenge :3
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goldensmilingbird · 4 months
What would the ML show have to do in order to meet your Adrien/Felix/senticousins needs? As in what direction would the story have taken or what conflicts/resolutions would have to appear? Your perfect Felix/Adrien rewrite, so to speak (゜▽゜*)
Hmm, this is a hard question. At this point I'm not expecting anything from the show but I still hope to just see more interactions between them. I don't know how relevant Felix will be after this arc had ended but if he and Amelie could live in the Agreste mansion that'd be nice...
As for a perfect rewrite, I don't have one. I'm not in any way a writer 🥲 I feel like Felix should've been introduced earlier though. Maybe then we'd get to know him more outside of him showing up to progress the plot and then disappearing again for most of the season (and I would like to see more of Amelie too). It just doesn't feel right to introduce such a plot-relevant character at the end of season 3 when you got a 5-season arc.
One of the criticisms I saw of Felix's intro episode is that it feels disconnected from the rest of his arc. Like: "If he cares about Adrien, why is ruining his friendships the first thing he does?" "Why is him trying to kiss Ladybug never brought up again?" "Why does Felix blame Adrien for not standing up to his father if he knows Adrien literally can't?" and so on. And I kinda agree. Maybe one of the reasons is that the show is written to be both serialised and episodic at the same time, maybe writers didn't quite know what to do with him yet and were figuring it out on the fly. But yeah, it's strange.
I think I'd keep some of the interactions between the boys from the initial script, they were cute and give a bit more insight into their relationship, and I'd just get rid of the kiss-punch scene entirely. Also Chat going "bet you don't have a lot of friends" feels uncharacteristically mean of him? (especially because Adrien was also not allowed to make other friends until recently) Even when Chloe almost caused a train crash in Queen Wasp, he was still gentle with her. But here he goes from "Felix's not being himself because he lost his dad" to this really quickly.
And small thing, maybe, but I wish Ladynoir post-Strikeback remembered that Felix already tried to make a deal with Hawkmoth "for a piece of jewelry" before.
Felix being against Adrien's friends... I feel like maybe it would make more sense if it was more about Felix being jealous that he was "replaced" with Adrien's new friends + being generally distrustful of humans? Idk. (I checked the transcript again and it's interesting that Adrien calls the video unforgivable but Felix says he doesn't deserve to be forgiven for putting his cousin in danger. Says nothing about insulting Adrien's friends. Hmm)
One of my friends had an idea that Felix used to think Gabriel was a good or at least decent parent, before he realised he was wrong and he's no better than Colt. That'd be fascinating. Then Felix could be jealous of Adrien because he thinks Adrien "got it better" than him, only to find out the truth and decide he must save Adrien from Gabriel.
But anyway, moving on, I don't have any big complaints about "Gabriel Agreste". I just wish he and Adrien could at least have one interaction here, and Marinette's plot feels kinda pointless. "Risk"-"Strikeback" - again, I don't have much to complain about Felix's plot here, but I still think he didn't need to give Gabriel Adrien's amok back. Maybe if he was planning to do Red Moon almost right after, instead of leaving Adrien to be controlled by Gabriel for a while (weeks maybe?), I'd understand it better. But would Gabriel really refuse a deal without the amok? Eh.
And Emotion... I loved it a lot but I still have gripes with it. One of the things that bothers me the most is that Ladybug confronts both Felix and Gabriel alone. I feel like Chat really should've been there - it's his family, after all. Maybe I just want to see Felix saying all of that about how he cares about Adrien and doesn't want to hurt him while literally fighting him. And I was still kinda on the fence about Feligami being canon when watching "Emotion" but "Pretension" really made me dislike their relationship. Again, if Felix was introduced earlier, perhaps it wouldn't be so rushed. And I would find it more interesting if Kagami wasn't a senti - then Felix would have to change his attitude towards humans first, and there could be more of a slowburn with them slowly gaining respect for each other. Or maybe if I was writing I wouldn't give him a love interest at all and focus more on their friendships. Either way, with Felix and Adrien being the only sentikids, the focus would be more on the Graham de Vanily family.
And I think I talked a lot already about how I hate s5 finale and Adrien being kept in the dark. If we could just... not do all of that, that'd be great. But if I had to keep the finale the same, I would still want to give Adrien some resolution. Let him find out and have a conflict with Felix because Felix genuinely thought Adrien would be happier not knowing (maybe he was even a bit jealous Adrien was so "blissfully" unaware). Maybe let him communicate with Emilie and/or Gabriel through Felix's kwagatama, or let him talk to Amelie and Nathalie about his mom (they both got grief as well). I hope Adrien and Felix get to mend their relationship and be close again, but if it happens too fast (like with Feligami), then that might not be satisfying either. Give it time.
That's all I have to say for now.
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kuumara · 1 year
kinda a part 2 of this (idk how to embed links or wtvr its calledsorry)
Mike's been here for what feels like ages. Terrified, even though he knows it's not real. Well it kind of is. He can already imagine himself floating in the air or whatever his body in the real world would be doing at this stage. That terrifies him even more. He wishes he could stop thinking, but it's like the thoughts aren't even his, but instead are being put there by someone. By him. Vecna.
He sometimes feels like that with Will too... Jesus Christ can he ever stop thinking about that boy?? His mind gets a... well, mind of it's own whenever he's with Will. Even more when he's without him. Thoughts of Will, of his eyes, his hands, his hair, his cheeks, his nose, his lips, his ears-
He hears footsteps. God damn it, Will's gonna be the end of him. Literally.
He runs out of the bedroom of the strange apartment he woke up in and down the seemingly endless hallway. Soon he realizes this was a bad idea. There's nowhere to hide, no rooms in sight. Just the hallway...
He runs and runs. He's never been good at running. Maybe when he was younger. Before that summer the Byers's left he was better at it. Jesus Christ that summer... He can't believe how stupid he was back then. He should've made it the best summer for Will. Sure, he didn't know it would be his last... normal summer in Hawkins, but still. He should've been nicer to him. Now he regrets it, regrets not being a better friend to Will while things were still relatively normal.
Of course, he apologized. But it was too late-Hawkins was already in shambles. Will didn't think that summer was that big of a deal and Mike nearly cried. He wishes Will would've hit him, or insulted him for it or something. But nothing-Will was seriously too good for him.
Anyway, his lungs were aching. But his legs weren't stopping. He wasn't in control anymore. So, he closed his eyes, and
Mike Wheeler woke up in a strange field. He felt like he just woke up from a ridiculous hangover- well, it's not like he's ever experienced one... Don't tell his mom.
The sun was melting his eyes, but he felt relatively okay. Safe, even.
He laid there for a little more. He liked how the grass felt. Hasn't touched grass in, like, two years. Since Hawkins got overtaken by Upside Down, and there's not any grass there.
Then, he stood up and looked around. Grass everywhere. Hills in the distance. A swingset not too far away from him.
He walked towards the swingset. Everything was bright. When he came closer to it, it wasn't so bright anymore. And he could make out someone sitting on the swings.
"Oh, thank God, I thought it wouldn't work-" Someone on the Swings said. With a sweet voice he could recognize anywhere.
"El?" Mike called towards the swingset. He was still fairly away from it. Someone on the Swings snorted.
"No. Will. El's with Lucas and Max."
"Oh." he muttered. He stepped closer and, it really was Will. In all his glory. Mike's mind went blank yet again.
"Are you- uh- real?" He said.
Will stood from the swings and stepped closer to Mike. "Well- yeah. I got inside your brain. Like- Vecna-vision style. Actually, Will-vison. Yeah." He chuckled. Mike chuckled as well. Soon they were both laughing. Then Mike finally got some sense into him.
"Wh- huh????? So you have, like, powers? Vecna powers? El powers?"
"Will-powers. Yeah... I kinda could also "spy back" on Vecna, in his mind, and see how he did his tricks. And after a while of doing that, I tried to do them too, and I- it didn't work. At first. Then I figured, if my mind doesn't have powers, and his mind does, and his mind invades my mind when I'm possessed, I can try to do it with the small part of my mind that isn't possessed... so I did, and it worked! And now I'm here! Saving your ass."
Will smiled at Mike. Mike smiled back. Yeah, that made sense- well, everything kind of made sense ever since the Upside Down stuff started. They've all become unfazed by otherwise unusual stuff. Oh, the demogorgons dance as a mating ritual? Mike's seen other animals do this too. Ted is Tiffany now? Mike's never liked having a dad anyways. Karen and Joyce were kissing? Mike can't relate.
"So- what the hell do we do now?" He said.
"Oh, right. You have to get, like, a flood of positive feelings. Well, just positive activity in your brain. That makes you feel positive. Because even though I can make you have a me-vision, Vecna's still the one controlling the bigger vision- uh, it's like a vision inside a vision. Like a- like a shield! An invisible shield from a cleric protecting his paladin," Will beamed. He was such a nerd. "Figured that out from Vecna's mind too, heh. It was too easy, like reading from a manual really."
"Yeah, but how do I escape it then? Can you make your Will-vision play my favorite music or something?" Mike joked. Half-joked. As I said, everything made sense at this point.
Will laughed- genuinely. And Mike blushed; he liked seeing Will laugh, or just generally happy. He liked it even more when he was the one making Will laugh and happy.
And when Mike thought that thought, and how pretty Will was when he laughed, Will abruptly stopped laughing and blushed- furiously is the best way Mike can describe it. Oh, right... If it's a Will-vision, it means Will knows his thoughts as well- that's embarrassing. So, Mike blushed as well.
Will cleared his throat, still blushing- probably because Mike couldn't stop his thoughts from thinking about how pretty Will looks blushing.
"Uh, so- I could do that, y-yeah... Just, let me try something..."
Will closed his eyes and started concentrating. Mike stared at him, because of normal reasons.
After a while of silence with Will's furrowed brows, Mike cleared his throat. He wanted to ask if Will's still there or if Vecna took over again-
"J-just a moment- I'm almost done, I-"
Then Will disappeared. And after a second, the grass and the swingset too. Mike was in a void. He was scared shitless, unmoving for at least ten minutes.
Then memories started popping up:
First, his first playdate with Will. He was so excited that day. Barely remembered it, but right now the details were fresh in his mind like it had all happened less than a minute ago.
Then, their first sleepover. Mike read Will a good-night story that time and Mike never forgot how precious Will looked, asleep after just five pages of the book.
Going to the pool. Meeting Lucas. Mike being jealous of Lucas when he hanged out with Will while he couldn't, but also Will being jealous of Lucas when he could play with Mike when he couldn't. First day of school. They were ecstatic when they found out they will be in the same class. Swimming practices. First D&D campaign. Watching new Star-Wars movies. Meeting Dustin. First D&D campaign with Nancy. Hugging Will in the hospital after he got found in the Upside Down. The apology.
Suddenly, Will was in the void with him. It was his-Will, he could tell. He was coming closer and Mike's head was full of love and joy this time. He just wanted to kiss him forever and let him know how much he loves him.
So that's what he did- When Will came close enough, Mike kissed him. On the cheek, first. He didn't want to be rude.
Will snorted and kissed Mike. On the lips.
Mike Wheeler woke up on the floor of his basement. The floor of his basement was covered with dirt. And a lot of stuff you could hurt a demogorgon with. Around him, three- no, four people: Nancy, immediately kneeling to him, Tiffany cradling his head, Jonathan, who had ran into the basement when Mike woke up (to come after Will, who was possessed five minutes ago and had broken free of Jon's grip to come see Mike wake up) and, at his feet, Will Byers with his nose a bloody mess, smiling fondly at him while the others a terrified expression on their face.
Mike smiled dumbly at nothing and everything. The basement erupted in cheers. They all hugged him.
"Will, you- you saved him! You're a genius!!" Jonathan exclaimed while hugging Will tightly. After the euphoria passed, Will and Mike of course told them what had happened in Mike's mind... Leaving out a few details. Mike and Will had talked about that part... in private.
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ndnp-art-ct3 · 7 months
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(Right image on Sketchfab)
On the left is Koby Riyo, a crow guy. He's a freelance horror artist that's semi-popular on Twitter. Being unable to pay his apartment rent, he bought and moved into a suspiciously cheap extravagant winter lodge, only to find out it's inhabited by a demon. Beats the rent pay, though.
On the right is Zlaxubuth the Powerful, an extremely powerful reality-bending demon who happened to mess with the wrong person, and ended up being sentenced to some snowy house by someone even more powerful. After screwing with each house inhabitant, there happened to be one person unfazed by all his scares.
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Despite their differences, they ended up forming an unlikely bond. Love comes from the strangest of places, doesn't it?
Extra info under the cut.
I think about these two a lot.
I have a lot written about them, but I'll try to summarize it for the post.
So the story is, Koby couldn't pay for his apartment rent. He looked online and found a house in the Turran sector for an extremely cheap price. It wasn't even a rent, it's like whoever had it last wanted to get rid of it. He got the house and moved in. It's pretty big, significantly bigger than his last apartment. And with such a big house, you're bound to feel lonely. Except, he didn't. In fact, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched.
On the other end, Zlaxubuth just got sentenced to this one house for using his reality-bending demon magic on the wrong person. How that person knew Luce, the Ruler of Hell, he had no idea. But now he could no longer leave without permission of either Luce or a house inhabitant. (In the case of the second one, his powers are extremely limited outside the house.)
He has full reign on the inside of the house though, so he still got to fuck with people, essentially haunting the house and putting each inhabitant through a horror movie. It was really the only entertainment he had. That changed when this bird guy gets the house. He's never met anyone like him before. Anyone so... Unfazed. By everything. Nothing he did worked. After trying for a long time, he eventually gave up.
Koby's pretty low-key like... All the time. When he isn't working on commissions, he's usually pretty lazy. His usual activities are browsing the internet, playing video games, or sleeping in bed. He didn't really think that much of the haunted-demon-house situation, so he wasn't really worked up about it at all. The only thing that mattered to him was that he had a place to stay. Zlaxubuth was bored out of his mind, with nothing to do. What he previously had for entertainment didn't exist with this guy around. So he just watched him go about his business.
One day, Koby was playing video games. Smash Brothers Ultimate, to be specific. Zlaxubuth came over, interested in what the hell he was doing. To his surprise, he actually started getting into it, and this began their bond with each other.
Zlaxubuth was pretty new to this friendship thing, so he had quite a bit of trouble understanding it. All he knew is that after spending so much time with this guy, he kinda... Enjoyed his presence? Weird.
They continued to bond with each other, and that bond got closer and closer as Zlaxubuth figured out more and more about himself and his own feelings... Sure enough, they started to have feelings for each other.
It's a strange relationship, but when is love not strange?
For reading all this (or not, maybe you skipped past it idk), you get this shitpost I made a while ago.
It's based off a video with the same audio that had Liam, Bryce, and Amelia from HFJONE in it and I have no idea what the source is or who the original artist of that was
The third person in the video is Hazel Kass, who I haven't posted about yet.
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chaosdisorganized · 1 year
Okay I wanna talk about what happened earlier at the doctors because it was very strange how they reacted. They know I have problems fainting but they didn't seem too concerned about it. When I nearly fainted in their office, it was just weird. They checked my vitals and my blood sugar and the only thing that was off was my blood pressure was low but it's normal for my blood pressure to be low. So technically everything was normal. I told them I hadn't eaten anything since this morning so they just said it was because of that but that doesn't make any sense to me? If my sugar was normal like they said, I should've been fine. People can go days without eating without having the reaction I had from just not eating for 10 hours. They didn't seem concerned at all and I get that being a medical professional you kinda gotta put on a brave face when shit goes down but I wasn't given any answers as to why this happens to me. I felt very frustrated after leaving. My symptoms coincided with hypoglycemia but my sugar wasn't low so that makes no sense to me either. I told them it happens often, even just skipping one meal will cause one of those episodes and sometimes I get those episodes even when I've eaten. Idk maybe I'm overreacting and over thinking about it but I just wish someone would tell me something was wrong because I feel like im going crazy and making it up! I wish somebody would treat me like im right, like something really is wrong and I was right this whole time to have these concerns. What's wrong with me? Why do I get like this? And it hasn't always been like this, I use to have anorexia and could go days without eating with little problems and now all of the sudden just going too long without a meal is enough to send me in vertigo and cause me to faint, vomit, and get cold and clammy. I just wish someone else would say this doesn't make sense because it doesn't make any sense to me. If all my blood tests are normal, my vitals are somewhat normal, yet I'm still experiencing these symptoms then somethings gotta be wrong right? Tell me I'm not crazy.
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the great album odyssey continues with neil young's harvest, an album i kinda expected to be lukewarm on and that i ended up, uh, being lukewarm on
this is a deeply strange album in context. it was a smash hit, catapulting neil to stardom. it had heart of gold, smash hit single. and the critics, uh, didn't really like it, and even hardcore fans tend to put it somewhere around the middle of a vast catalogue. why did it sell so well? i'm not smart enough to tell you. maybe neil was right, and people do wanna hear about love. this is, after all, the album borne from his newfound romance with carrie snodgrass. except it's not, really. that's all isolated to the first few tracks, the rest are just about whatever, in typical neil fashion
truth be told, though there's nothing on here as good as, say, tell me why, i think this is rather lesser than the sum of its parts. there's only one outright bad track (there's a world, which might actually be the worst song of his i've yet heard, pure schlock), but other than the last three tracks it feels really monotonous, which is odd given that objectively speaking, there's a world, old man and are you ready for the country don't really sound anything like each other. maybe they're just all midtempo, not particularly varied; if any album needed a sedan delivery it's this one. weirdly enough it sounds more monotonous than the live versions from massey hall and young shakespeare, and those albums only have two instruments! it doesn't help that out on the weekend, heart of gold, old man and alabama all have the exact same drumbeat
i think the live performances are the killer tbh. maid/heart of gold on young shakespeare is stunning, these versions are... alright? actually, i do really like heart of gold, i always appreciate straightforward prayer in rock music (i'm not even religious so idk why), and ben keith's slide guitar (he's actually the mvp throughout, and the real step forward from gold rush) is lovely and plaintive.
maid... well. this is a controversial one, so i'll step carefully; the orchestra does sound ridiculous, i can't argue. i really rather like the horn melody after "when life and love turn strange and cold," but whoever thought it was a good idea to include fuckin tubular bells had clearly been too hard at the wacky baccy. i waver back and forth on whether it's as sexist as its reputation; i think he's pretty clearly not saying all men need maids or anything, but if he's implying he wants carrie to be his maid, so to speak, that's certainly eyebrow-raising. this isn't, like under my thumb levels of misogyny, at any rate. the actual tune is very nice though, and the stripped-back live medley is gorgeous
beyond that this album sort of dithers around for the rest of its runtime. the end stretch is notable, i guess; alabama's not great but it's a burst of energy, needle is haunting and words would be the clear best song on the album (i love the contrast between the grungy guitar and the delicate piano and neil's wavery vocal) if there wasn't like a full minute or two in the middle where nothing happened. at any rate, it's a totally unexpected question mark to end with, and the only thing really pointing to the ditch trilogy
everything else ranges from "good, but" (old man, which actually would be a great song if it had a good chorus) to "meh, but listenable" (the title track, with the silliest line on the record in "dream up, dream up, let me fill your cup with the promise of a man"). actually the real problem with this album is that it's his least interesting set of lyrics yet. it doesn't really pull of his typical wry esoteric metaphor or a more straightforward emotional spiel, it's just kind of lyrics for the sake of having lyrics, and neil's normally better than that
look i hate writing about music by just going track by track and saying "this is good, this is less good," but in all honesty, this just... didn't leave enough of an impression on me to do otherwise. i was hoping to be able to construct a narrative between this (the romance album) and zuma (the breakup album), but this isn't even that about the romance. or maybe it is, and i'm emotionally illiterate. or it's just 4 am. at any rate, it's better than hawks and stars/bars, but not by much. fortunately the two unlistened to neil albums i have in reserve are harvest moon and trans, which i hope present some better opportunity for analysis
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abcdosaka · 11 months
other stuff
i bought britney's memoir day 1 and read it in two days. obviously. really really good i'm so glad i got it bc her voice is captured very clearly but also its written in a captivating way that really sparks my interest like i didn't wanna put it down. it was a better reading experience than i'm glad my mom died, like that book was great and it made me cry too but something about the way all the chapters were separated made it annoying to read sometimes.
the only reason i didn't read it all at once is bc i had to sleep and i was getting into the start of the conservatorship which was really hard to read. a lot of it is actually hard to read, esp the divorce and her being institutionalized, i think bc i'm kind of a stan so reading her personal feelings on everything was really tough. but anyway i cried twice
idk people were complaining like "we already knew all this tho" but you never heard it directly from britney?? like why are you complaining? didn't you wanna know britney's perspective on everything? how are you even a fan. i knew a lot of this stuff bc there have been deep dives on her and i've read them like a lot of her early life and the stuff abt her family history have been documented and aren't really a surprise to me but i always took them w several grains of salt bc you could never confirm this stuff unless she personally confirmed it, which in this case she did.
i even saw people saying they wanted her to talk about the original doll and her music like what? i don't think this was ever a memoir that was meant to be about her music i mean this is for her for express herself in her own words for once. well she did say that part 2 is coming next year so maybe she'll cover it there.
genuinely tho i can't understand wanting to lock people up like that its actually monstrous. and the only reason is bc they wanted to use her as a cash cow. and now everyone's like she keeps posting naked pics on ig :( was ending the conservatorship a mistake? like actually shut the fuck up. first of all, in general, infantilizing someone and making them helpless is not helping them develop any sense of independence in the first place. second of all, all she does is post naked pics and dancing vids with all the emojis like what is the problem!!!!! maybe its the cctv angle but she's like 40 please give her a break. maybe she's a little cringe WHO CARES shes literally just having fun and loving her body. she's literally not harming anyone. you think ppl should be institutionalized and 'handled' just for being a little weird?
anyway whatever i'm not engaging with the morons or conspiracy theorists anymore. people on the internet are so fucking dumb and lacking in any sense of understanding or empathy. the ppl that say she should be are always so judgemental and have horrible vibes and yet i'd still never say "we should put them in a conservatorship". like you go ahead and make your stupid decisions and say your shitty opinions on your own.
kinda on topic kinda off but when my parents get old enough that they can't function i really don't wanna put them in a home or anything even resembling a conservatorship type scenario. i'd hate to see them suffer or have no freedoms and elder abuse scares me icl. they're p dogshit at emotions and i don't particularly like to talk to them about serious shit and idk how i'll come out to them if ever but i do love them and i could never imagine that for them. and even just as a basic human right i want them to make their own decisions.
ugh i made this post so long too. but its been a while since i've been on my britney stan shit so its ok. ive been really into mamamoo again lately. another other ggs too. i really like le sserafim and g-idle. i used to kinda hate idle's music but i think its gotten a lot better lately bc queencard and nxde are soooo good. tomboy is good too but the lyrics are so strange that its distracting (like its okay in their other songs but in tomboy its just too much for me for some reason). le sserafim has really good title tracks and the rest of the album is like eh but epbw and antifragile are some of the best new music i've listened to, antifragile was so addicting.
also looking forward to: the red velvet album. red velvet either releases the greatest music ever or like the worst song i've ever heard in my life. there's more good than bad though so i'm excited. seulgi's solo album was soooo good i only just listened recently but its the groups best solo concept imo.
they're making a dungeon meshi anime and i'm actually excited!! my fav part of dungeon meshi was always the beginning and middle parts like the beginning is REALLY strong. there's also gonna be the love condition anime and that i'm a little less excited for bc that series is the opposite, it gets really good as the chapters go on but the beginning is like wow hananoi you really gotta chill and the anime will only adapt that initial portion :/ will still be watching tho
can't think of anything else but it was nice to write random shit after a while of not doing that. i feel good :)
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
VAN FKSMFMSKFKSKFLSLF *incoherent noises*
First than anything, hi you! Sharky here! How's everything going? I'm kind of impatient and super excited for mirror mirror's update LOL. Okay, so you see, things have happened.
And..And.. WE CUDDLED.
We cuddled. Ok. We cuddled. Actually, I have already slept there this monday. YES. You're reading right. Her house is near the place I work, and she invited me to go to her house to watch movies together! Of course I said yes. We went to her house and then it was late, and I was gonna go home but she offered me to stay there. And. And listen, she drove me to work. And have I said that I find it strangely attractive that she drives? Because I do bUT HEAR ME OUT.
Everything she does looks so graceful. Like, she could be.. I don't know. Shoveling shit. And she'd still look so, so gorgeous and elegant. And I mean it 😭. She holds herself with such poise and I just.. Idk. She's just so cute and pretty and graceful.
That day we didn't cuddle perse? I mean, we actually kind of cuddled already, you know. A few times actually. While we watch movies or stuff. But I mean cuddling while we sleep. And.. well, that day I was kinda sick, and we slept super close but I was kind of burning up a bit and it was pretty damn hot so I just slept outside the blankets.
Thing is, yesterday I went to her house again after the gym. And we kind of cuddled in the couch while we watched the whole Hunger games saga by her request and she offered me to stay at her place again. And when we went to sleep she cuddled me and held me so close and she was like "this okay?" And I was like about to foam in the mouth lIKE YES LKVE SUPER OKAU KJFKSJDKSKDJ. And we just cuddled the whole night. And I'm so fucking gay
I might just be falling for her already who am I kidding. IT FELT SO GOOD. She was so warm and so so soft and kfkwkfkekfke I loved it.
I mean, I was awkward asf at first because I didn't know where the fuck to look at or how tight should I hug her but at some point I just relaxed and it felt so natural. Today I woke up and sweet sweet Charlie made mE TEA. (Oh yes, yet again it was so awful but the sweetness of the gesture erased away all — if that's how you spell it — uggliness). And guess where am I now, dear dear Van.
Oh yes. At her place. Yet again.
We've been playing just dance together and I don't think I ever laughed this hard KFKAKFKSKD. Such poise and yet she looks so stiff (I tripped and almost fell 2 times but I'll still judge her). Though I have to say that she had some moves KFKSKD. Or maybe I am a crazy simp already.
We sang sooo much in the drive to her house and I had kind of a dejavu of that ✨magnificent✨ moment of mirror mirror where Wanda screams her lungs singing enchanted because at some point all too well started reproducing and MAN. I HAD SOME HARDCORE MEMORIES COMIN' BACK. I almost ask her to play the 10 min version god I'm so pathetic
Well, yeah, that's the update. This weekend we'll have another date. Her surprise date, Van KDKSMDMS. Also.. I should mention that she asked about my family? Thing is, heh, my family is kinda small, only my dad and uncle, and.. Well, my dad's girlfriend put a restraining order on my dad for domestic violence and sexual abuse last year 😃 and I've been ignoring him all this time and my uncle kind of hates me because I'm gay and whenever he used to comment something about it I rubbed in his face that I'm an ugly, despicable lesbian so we haven't talked to eachother in years 😃 and the rest of my family is dead so haha omg I've got no family to present her to KFKSKFKSKD HELP. I don't want her to pity me but I kind of pity myself already so KFKAKDKE LOL. And she has a large, supporting family and this is gonna be so damn awkward if I ever meet her parents like daAMN. My girl's got two dads and a mom and I got none bro JAKDJANDN. I know this is so random but lemme tell you a joke.
An orphan goes to McDonalds. What does he order? A family combo 😂 it's not laugh it's tears. ALRIGHT. Enough drama for today it's enough folks. Thank you for your endless support Van! I'll make sure to come back with more updates after our next date!!!
hiiii sharky!! Thanks for waiting for me to replyyy <3
you are truly living your best life. I love watching movies and cuddling LOL were you still sick?? and you had a sleepover?!?! The girls do move quickly and i love this LMFAO
You are so down bad and i know this bc no one looks good shovelling shit. There's just no way. Even if it was lizzie olsen, I love her, but she could not make me think shovelling doo doo is sexy.
I love that you have a new gym buddy from this as well LOL like you are THAT couple that works out together. She really clearly loves your company!!!
So are you gonna tell her that her tea is awful or is it gonna be me LOLL how long can you subject yourself to that???
AhhH you guys are doing such fun activities like just dance and singing!! I love that you're both not afraid to be goofy in front of each other.
So....your whole family sucks....i am ur family now. I am the big sister u can present her to, no worries! I will be on your side for the wedding LOL but real talk ur dad is scary, i hope you are safe!! I love that her family sounds lovely though. You have gained the found family trope!!!! (i am pointedly ignoring ur joke. i love u but no <3)
I hope your date went well. You'll have to let me know what she planned!
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writer-sedai · 1 year
Wheel of Time 2x2 and 2x3 thoughts
Follow up to 2x1 thoughts posted here:
Very scattered since I watched the episode yesterday, these are just the things that still stick out to me in no particular order:
Liandrin having a son - first reaction was a bit of disappointment that Nynaeve didn't catch her out doing something obviously shady (though I guess she can't if they're going to keep most of the plotline from TGH intact).
I strongly support the idea of showing Aes Sedai having families and outliving them - the idea from the books that all sisters just abstain from that aspect of life seemed so unrealistic and avoiding a very interesting topic - but I originally thought Liandrin was such a strange choice to have that reveal with
But after sitting with it for a bit I began to wonder if her son came about through...non-consensual means, and that's part of why she hates men/wants to have so much power no man can ever hurt her
I like that they kept the creepy flies and the scene mixing past/present together in the slaughtered village. Still not entirely sure what Perrin's visions are (originally thought the wolves were sending it to him but that seems less likely for the vision in the house) but I don't think TGH had a good explanation for what was going on there either so 🤷‍♀️
Introducing the Seanchan through Perrin's storyline is an interesting choice, since I think he has the least to do with them until book...11? Also I'm not sure of Perrin's location at this point - if 5 months of tracking Fain have put him close to Flame or if the Seanchan start casting a wider net from the outset in the show than in the book. (given that they're carting them all off to Falme and wouldn't bother doing that if it was a long way off, I think I'm leaning towards the former)
If the girls (and maybe Min/Mat) take the Ways to get to Falme they could cover the ground over a couple of days that Perrin's needed 5 months to cover, which leaves Rand needing a way to get there quickly...maybe we will see the Portal Stones after all
(I thought I saw a portal stone in Nynaeve's last test - more on that in a sec)
Hmm I can picture Mat and Min choosing to follow the girls to Falme after reasoning out that Liandrin must be Black Ajah... however I desperately want Nynaeve and Elayne solely to orchestrate Egwene's release from the Seanchan so...idk
I love the Mat/Min teamup so far, another pairing we saw very little of in the books that has a lot of potential.
Not sure what to make of Min's vision about Mat though? Is this a "possible future" thing to prove that her visions can be fallible? Will Mat fall under the dagger's sway again? Is the vision somehow extremely misleading? Haven't seen any speculation on this yet
Interesting that Min is being set up as someone who can't entirely be trusted though, with her essentially acting as Liandrin's spy on Mat. She has reasons (had a vision of Mat hurting the man she's destined to fall in love with, Liandrin has promised to let her go, etc) but it's still an interesting set up.
How did it take me this long to get to Elayne!!! I kinda wish she knew less about the Tower because she's acting a bit as an info dump to fill in gaps around what Egwene doesn't know yet but the scene where she takes 3 months punishment to avoid handing that punishment over to someone else! Her first weave being one to make alcohol! What a girl
I really liked Nynaeve's accepted test for the most part but I thought they dragged out her fakeout a tad too long...though seeing Egwene lose it was worth it tbh
Still not entirely sure what was going on with the weird flashing sequence where Nynaeve saw herself as Red Ajah? And then how wobbly the arch seemed in the third vision when it showed up only briefly...I'm tempted to say Liandrin fucked with the test but she seemed genuinely distraught when Nynaeve didn't come back
I guess she could be a very good actress though who lied outright to Egwene... doesn't sit right with me though
Nynaeve bursting through the arch cradling her non-existent daughter and immediately having a mental breakdown hurt so much though
I've always thought the arches present parallel worlds much like the Portal Stones and I think Nynaeve's third vision especially backs this up (a world in which Egwene becomes Aes Sedai, she and Perrin settle back in the Two Rivers and Mat I'm Not A Bloody Lord Cauthon still gets tangled up in becoming a lord)
Back to the Seanchan, they've been done SO WELL so far, everything about that scene was horrifying. Suroth talking through her voice, Uno being brutally murdered (that really did surprise me), and the gathering up of the girls who can channel...not to mention seeing Ishamael standing so prominently beside them
Which is a choice I really like bc if I'm remembering correctly Ishamael did work on corrupting the Seanchan during the brief periods he was free before, so making it obvious that he's influencing them is a good move
Ishamael also gives Perrin a real reason to fear becoming a wolf brother...lying out of his ass but Perrin is already scared enough that he falls for it
Hopper!!! Good to see him in the real world but I'm assuming this means I'll have to watch him die some point soon and I'm not ready for that
Verin and Adeleas confirmed to be sisters so my wish for the Grieving Sister scene can still be fulfilled! Tbh if Adeleas is killed by the Black Ajah while Verin herself is Black Ajah...that could lead to some delicious story choices
I loved the costume design for the Cairhein ball, so very 18th century France, immaculate vibes
Somehow I completely missed that Rand's Horny Dream was actually being influenced by Lanfear entering his dreams so thanks to whoever pointed that out
A mental hospital for men (gentled men?) who have gone crazy is a cool idea that took me back at first because there's nothing like it in the books but on second thought...why not? Why shouldn't there be a place for those who have no other choice but to die?
Now I'm imagining that Rand heard about this hospital and traveled to Cairhien specifically to work at it and see the end result for men who can channel and try to help them while he can before he becomes one of them
I loved the fireworks! I feel like for show-only viewers that would've been such a "wtf" moment since nothing else in the show indicates that gunpowder exists yet
Rand throwing the first invitation he receives in the fire...oh boy, the game is just beginning
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sixofravens-reads · 1 year
Finished The Lost Future of Pepperharrow!
(spoilers ahead!)
This was a...good book? I guess? I feel like I should've reread The Watchmaker of Filigree Street first, but also don't because not much from that book seemed to carry over to this one.
I liked the plot, though it didn't make sense to me for a while, at least there was enough happening to keep me engaged. The setting was cool, I've read a lot of books set in Japan this year and I really enjoyed it, especially seeing more of the forest and Mount Fuji. Also Six is wonderful! Love a weird child, especially one that doesn't play to the Creepy Child stereotype and is just....normal little-girl weird. Also Thaniel and Mori's parenting skills are excellent and hilarious.
I did hate that Takiko got fridged. Like, there's no way around it. She died to further Mori's plot, and because Thaniel somehow fucked up by switching to the dark timeline with a decision he didn't know was important. I feel like there's a way this could've been written so she didn't die, but I also kinda feel like the author wanted her out of the way so this pesky wife wouldn't interfere with Mori's gay English affair. Though she's also just a marriage of convenience, and he abandoned her for 10 years so was she really interfering? The book acts like Mori coming back to Japan means he now has to Fulfill Husbandly Duties or something, which he really doesn't. (This drives me nuts bc it's like every SPN fanfic that bends over backwards to get rid of Dean's love interest in a ~cool feminist way~. No, she didn't die because she was in the way! She died.....to uh....create enough of a disturbance in this timeline that Mori comes back!! Nevermind that she could've just thought about it really hard and he would've reacted as if it happened! It makes me so mad because after a decade Takiko finally has the freedom to do whatever she wants without guilt and anger and fear hanging over her and she just! Dies!! Why!!!)
Also, it's hard to explain but since I've read a lot of books set in Japan recently, by comparison it really feels like the author came at this from a hard British perspective? Like, I know Thaniel is a Brit and thinks everything is strange and new when he arrives there, but even when she's narrating from Takiko or Kuroda's perspectives it still doesn't feel totally...natural? It's like she set the story in Japan, but wanted it to still be Britain, and has to strongly point out whenever something is Not British, if that makes any sense? I'm honestly not sure what would help with this, maybe it's just her writing style annoying me. There's just a subtle difference between her writing and say, Sifton Tracey Anipare's in Yume.
Also, I wish we'd gotten Grace's perspective again. I know she was a kind of a cunt and a bit homophobic in the last book, but she was deeply interesting and I would've liked to hear more about the experiments. Also, I find it mildly weird that she and Thaniel left off on a sour note, and yet she seems terribly excited to see him, beyond like, normal relief about maybe getting busted out of her lab-prison, so hearing her perspective on the whole thing would've been nice.
Anyway, this book was a 3-3.5/5 for me I think. I might reread it someday but...idk. Pulley is not a bad author but I don't think she's ever going to write a book that will totally wow me, and I think she tends to set up interesting plot points, but then sacrifices good plot and sensible character choices to keep her OTPs together without much fuss. At the end of this, she really wanted Thaniel and Mori to go back to England as if nothing ever happened except the electron microscope being invented (which...is actually kinda pointless unless penicillin was ALSO discovered at this time, did Mori put mouldy bread in some petri dishes too?) and it doesn't really feel like a truly satisfying ending.
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