#maybe the only person in the group who really enjoyed it 🥲
nayedoll · 25 days
Baby came home
joost klein x fem!reader
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rpf below, pls don’t read if you’re uncomfortable!!!
read part 2 here
summary: reader and joost used to be together but broke up. four years later they meet again, having realized their mistakes.
warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut (blowjob, unprotected p in v), angsty
word count: 6k
a/n: this is kiiiiind of based on the songs ‘baby came home’ and ‘baby came home 2/ valentines’ by the nbhd fyi if u want to listen to them!! also im sorry that im yapping sm in the first paragraphs i promise joost is gonna show up lol🥲. anyways enjoy!!!!!!
You enter the bathroom, the deafening music from the club reducing to a muffled sound as the door behind you closes. Your hand immediately reaches for the sink and you look up to see your blurry reflection in the mirror. The dark red tint of your lipstick has faded by now and your eyes look tired under the bathroom lighting, lightly smudged with mascara.
You take a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut in order to get ahold of yourself. The floor underneath you is vibrating with the sound of the loud bass, mirroring the quick rhythm of your heartbeat as you open your eyes again, meeting your distressed gaze in the mirror. You feel lost, unable to recognize yourself under the layers of makeup as tears threaten to spill from your eyes.
Today wasn’t supposed to go like this. You expected it to be another long night of partying with your coworkers, the group of you sat in the fancy vip sofas as always, drinking champagne and gossiping. You never really liked them or their snobbish attitude, the only reason you always agreed to go out with them being your job — a stylist for one of New York’s biggest fashion magazines.
You had always wanted to be involved in fashion so naturally when you got the opportunity to work for such a prestigious magazine two years ago, you accepted every part of the job, the good and the bad. It was sort of an unspoken rule; if you wanted to go higher, you’d have to make compromises — and for you that compromise was to tolerate all the rich elites you worked with, pretend to be one of them.
You thought your plan had been working, especially with how your boss was treating you lately, even promising to give you the promotion you so badly wanted and deserved.
So naturally, when she announced another person as the art director today, you couldn’t help but protest, ask for an explanation from your boss who called you crazy in her usual patronizing tone. With the help of alcohol in your system, the complaints soon turned into a heated argument as you resigned, left the table and ended up… here.
Maybe I should have never left the Netherlands; this is the only thought going through your mind right now as you let out one last shaky breath and your tears gradually come to a stop, leaving a reddish blush on your cheeks as a confirmation that you have been crying. You slightly fix your makeup, clearing the smudged mascara under your eyes before leaving the bathroom.
The music gets progressively louder as you re-enter the large venue filled by people dancing.
You glance at the vip section one last time, easily spotting the people you unfortunately know so well, dressed in expensive designer clothes. They are chatting and laughing as if nothing has happened, the same fake smiles lingering on their faces. You scoff to yourself, all those years of working together and not one of them cares enough to check on you.
You don’t bother to stay any longer and make a turn for the exit door, as the music from the club gradually fades.
The familiar security guard opens the door for you and you smile subtly at him for what you hope will be the last time.
The air is cold and humid against your hot body, causing you to wince as you put on your lightweight jacket that doesn’t do much to warm you up.
You look around you, blinded by the vibrant lights reflecting off the windows of the tall buildings and restaurants. Despite how late it is, the city is still as busy as ever with numerous people walking by, going from club to club and the loud music from cars is booming at every corner.
You decide to rest on a wall a few meters away, seeing as your ride home was one of your coworkers but that scenario doesn’t seem very likely anymore.
You pull out a cigarette from your purse and your trembling fingers rush to light it, desperate to feel the addictive burn in your throat.
For the first time in a long while, you suddenly feel better, relieved as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It almost feels liberating to not work at that place anymore, knowing you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not, that this may be your chance to escape the toxic environment you’ve been living in and find your old self back.
“Y/n?” A familiar voice pulls you out of your thoughts as you instinctively whip your head to the direction you heard it come from, then pause. In front of you, is standing Joost.
Joost as in your ex boyfriend from the Netherlands.
You met him shortly after having moved to the country because of your dad’s job, both of you being just 17 without the experience of any previous partners and big feelings. It didn’t take long before you got into a relationship, the newfound passion of a first love quickly drawing you closer together and taking over your minds. It was the first time in your life that you had such strong feelings for someone, especially someone you had known for so little at that. You really thought you had found the perfect man, the one you would someday marry and start a life with, no matter the hardships.
But as time passed, the problems soon began to emerge in your relationship. The main issue lied with the fact that you both didn’t exactly know how to convey your feelings and emotions to one another; Joost opted to ignore them and move on, whereas you often came off as controlling and selfish in an attempt to show him just how much you cared.
You loved each other a lot — and you both knew that — but inevitably you broke up with him in the heat of an argument, the biggest one you’d had yet. In the following month, you barely talked and it was then that you made the impulsive decision to move back to New York, finding no reason in staying in Amsterdam anymore. You didn’t tell Joost but he found out eventually, leading to another big argument just one day before your flight and then another month of no contact.
At last, you did talk things through, him calling to apologize and try to make things right again as you cried over the phone because you knew it was too late for either of you to make up for all the problems.
It’s been 4 years since then in which you kept some sort of communication, mostly on your birthdays and on holidays or when he replied to your story sometimes and vice versa.
You stare up at him in shock. “Joost?” You blurt out, blinking repeatedly as if to make sure he is actually here.
He smiles, his dimples bringing back a bundle of memories and you get chills just at that.
“Hey,” He pulls you into a hug which you reluctantly return, careful to not burn him with your cigarette as you linger in his arms a moment longer, taking in the intoxicating smell of his cologne mixed with what seems to be cigarettes.
“How have you been?” You ask, eyeing him up and down.
He looks slightly different, having grown into his face through the years. His hair is still the same shade of blonde, though grown out as it sticks out under his hat and you notice the small trimmed mustache on his face. He’s just about the same height, maybe slightly taller as he towers over you even with your heels on.
“Good, everything’s good I guess,”
“Yeah? I heard your album did well last year,” Albino; It had popped up on your feed a few times but you hadn’t looked into it too much, in fear of undoing all your efforts to get over Joost.
“Are you stalking me?” His question coaxes a laugh out of you as you roll your eyes at him.
“Get over yourself,” You say playfully, “I saw Tantu post about it on Instagram,”
Joost grins and nods as a response. “How have you been?” He redirects your initial question to you.
You take a moment to respond as you awkwardly look away from him. If you were to be honest with him, you’d say you’re basically all alone, crying and second guessing yourself on the daily — also without a job from now on — but you find that it may be too direct of an answer for the situation.
Instead you say, “Not too bad either,” giving him a weak smile.
“Still in fashion?” He asks, his words unknowingly sting but you try your best to look okay.
“Mhm,” You nod, “I uh- I work for a fashion magazine,” Or maybe worked would be a better word, you think to yourself.
“That’s awesome,”
“I guess so,” You can’t help but let a sigh fall from your lips, hinting at the insincerity of your words. Joost senses it because he furrows his eyebrows at you as if to ask you what’s wrong but you don’t let him.
“Want a cigarette?” You hold out your pack of cigarettes that’s almost empty, in hopes of changing the subject. Joost gets the message and takes a cigarette from the package, deciding not to bother you with any more questions. Besides, it isn’t exactly his business after so many years of barely any contact.
You light the cigarette that hangs from his lips as your eyes meet over the small orange flame and you stay silent, watching as he takes a long drag.
“By the way,” You utter “Why are you in New York?” Maybe it’s a dumb question as obviously a trip would be the reason, but frankly you’re more curious about who he is here with.
Joost goes on to explain, “Me and my friends booked this trip a while ago,” He exhales a thick plume of smoke.
“I don’t see anyone here,” You look around, searching for the familiar faces of his friends.
“They’re sitting at that bar over there,” He nods to the small building that is just a few meters away, the one you have passed by countless times after leaving the club. “I just came out here to make a few calls,” He adds.
“To your girlfriend?” You can’t help but ask him, the drinks you had earlier playing a part in your bluntness. You’re not drunk but definitely intoxicated enough to not feel embarrassed, especially when you see how Joost’s face lights up at your question.
“Nee, I don’t have one,” He gives you a cheeky smile, “Why? Are you curious?”
You shake your head, looking down to the concrete ground, “No, just… asking,” Your voice is weak as you shy away from your words.
“Alright,” You hear him chuckle, it makes you smile too for some reason.
“But I’m sure you have a boyfriend,” He says causing you to look back at him in confusion, “He must be waiting for you inside that club,” He points to the same building you were in just a few minutes ago.
“Where did you get that from?” You laugh in between your words, making it clear you do not in fact have a boyfriend.
“I don’t know,” He shrugs his shoulders, smiling down at you. “You’re pretty, why wouldn’t you have a boyfriend?” You bite the inside of your mouth, fighting back a smile but Joost sees you, secretly enjoying the effect his words still have on you.
“Haven’t found the right one yet,” Both of you know that’s not true. You had found the right one, in fact he’s standing right next to you but you both just had to ruin everything.
Joost knows you don’t mean that, but still, the thought that you have moved on from him stings even though it’s normal all these years later. He has matured, you both have and he often thinks how things would turn out if you got back together again, right now.
His silence doesn’t go unnoticed by you as you put out your cigarette with the sole of your shoe and turn to fully face him.
“Anyways,” You sigh, “I was going to leave soon,”
“Oh,” Joost takes one last puff of smoke before also putting out the cigarette on the ground, then he looks at you again. “Ja, I should probably head back inside too,” He says but none of you make a move that indicates you’re leaving.
You don’t want to say goodbye and possibly never see him again, knowing that once he’s gone you’ll sink back into the misery of your life. He’s currently the only person you feel comfortable talking to and you don’t want to lose that feeling just yet.
You say, “Joost?” Your voice soft and quiet.
“What?” He gives you a sweet smile.
“Do you want to… come to my place?” You’re reluctant in your words, trying not to make them sound suggestive because really, they aren’t.
“Sure,” He smiles, not having to think about it for long which leaves you satisfied. “I’ll just call Appie to let him know,” He adds, pulling out his phone.
You wait for him to end the call as Joost raises his voice ever so slightly, presumably because the music from the bar is too loud for Apson to hear. Your Dutch isn’t the best but you manage to make out most of what Joost is saying, catching your name in between sentences. You hear Apson yell something on the other line which makes Joost giggle and mumble shut up as you give him a weird look.
He hangs up the phone, “Should we go?” He asks, you nod as you walk with him to a taxi down the road and usher him inside.
The ride is quite long, given the inevitable city traffic as you pass by more tall buildings that are sparkling with light. You’re sitting next to Joost in the backseat as your shoulders lightly bump into one another every time the driver makes an abrupt turn. Joost whispers little jokes to you every now and then, making you laugh with his humor that has not changed one bit. It fills your heart with warmth, reminds you of the old times. You keep glancing at him as he looks out the window and the lights illuminate his face beautifully, bringing out the beauty mark under his lips or how blue his eyes really are. He catches you staring a few times, smiling to himself at your poor attempt to hide it and the pattern repeats itself until you reach your apartment complex.
Joost thanks the driver, quickly closing the car door behind him to catch up with you as you’re already at the old-looking entrance door of the building, unlocking it.
“Quick, quick!” You giggle as he jogs to you in his usual silly manner and you let him in.
You take the elevator and on the way up you lightly hold his hand, bringing it closer to see the tattoos on his knuckles.
He chuckles to himself, “You like them?”
“Mhm,” You nod, letting your thumb lightly graze his digits. Your eyes return to his, he’s much closer now and you feel your heart beating faster than ever with the way he looks down at you, a subtle smile on his lips.
Your faces get closer and closer as you let his hand fall from yours, forgetting all about his tattoo, then ding.
The elevator door opens, revealing the narrow dimly lit hallway your apartment is in and just like that, the moment ends as you both step back from each other and out of the elevator.
You hurry to the end of the cold hallway and unlock the door to your place, ushering Joost inside.
The lights reflecting off of the surrounding buildings come through the big windows of your apartment, illuminating the room with a faint brightness. The space is relatively small and simply decorated, the only luxurious thing about it being the view of the city.
“Do you want anything to drink?” You ask, already making your way into the kitchen. “There’s wine and tequila,” you say loudly.
“Tequila,” Joost responds quickly, taking off his puffy jacket and leaving it on the coat rack next to the door.
By the time you’re back to the living room, Joost is sat comfortably on the big couch and you notice he’s turned on the lamp next to him which now casts a warm yellow light in the room.
You hand Joost his shot placing the half empty tequila bottle on the table, then sit down next to him, maybe in closer proximity than truly needed.
“Cheers!” He grins as you both down the shots, the feeling of the hard liquor going down your throat momentarily giving you goosebumps. Joost drinks it like it’s water before slamming the glass on the table, a sight that makes you laugh in surprise as you remember how easily he used to get drunk when you first met him.
“I needed this,” You sigh, your words implying how shitty your night — or life in general — has been.
Joost narrows his eyes at you; he had already sensed that you’re not well from your previous implications but now he has to ask. Even after everything he still worries the same amount, hates seeing you unhappy.
“You okay?” You turn to look at him, smiling at his question. You can’t even remember the last time someone asked you that.
“Yeah,” You nod repeatedly in an attempt to convince Joost, not wanting to ruin his night with your seemingly unimportant problems but he sees right through you, his face making it clear he doesn’t believe you. “Or no,” you laugh to loosen the tension, covering your face with your hand in disappointment.
“What’s wrong?” Joost asks calmly while he caresses the small of your back.
“I don’t know, it’s just…” you mumble, “Sometimes I get the idea that I made the wrong choice returning here,”
You’re looking away from him, not used to oversharing like this. Usually, you would have stopped at the first sentence but the drinks from the club paired with the shot you just had, make it harder for you to shy away from sharing your feelings.
“Like what if I’m not good enough at this? Maybe this life isn’t for me after all,” Your voice becomes strained as you fight back tears, this being the first time you express your fears out loud.
“That’s not true,” Joost raises his voice ever so slightly, “You’re great with fashion, you’ve always been great. You even picked my outfits for me sometimes, remember?” He chuckles at his last words, the shared memory making you both giggle as you finally face him again.
Your eyes linger in his and you get the urge to kiss him, realizing that you may want this night to end differently.
He stands up straight in front of you and says, “Here,” smiling widely as you look up at him confused, “Judge my outfit,”
“Judge your outfit?” You repeat his words to him and laugh. Joost nods as he turns around, letting you see the full outfit and posing in between. You’re clearly amused, letting small chuckles slip from your lips every now and then, watching as Joost shows off his clothes one by one.
Your eyes can’t help but fall to his belt as he plays with it, the metallic letters that read Albino glowing in the darkness of the corner he’s standing at. Your body feels warmer at that as a sinister thought flashes through your mind which you quickly shake off.
“Models aren’t allowed to touch their clothes, you know?” You point out sarcastically, mimicking the tone that your boss usually had when she talked to the models.
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you,” He says in a half serious tone as you nod.
“So?” He asks, you’re assuming he’s waiting for you to judge his choice of clothing as you sit up straighter on the couch.
“Well…” You take a coy expression, holding back the smile on your lips, “It could use some changes, with my help,”
“You think?” Joost takes a look at his outfit, not directly understanding the true motivation behind your words. “Like what?”
“Come closer and I’ll show you,” Joost pauses for a second, a smirk grows on his lips as he starts to catch on to what exactly it is that you’re suggesting. He takes a few steps forward, so close to you that your face is practically aligned with his belt as you suck in a deep breath. You don’t really know where you’re going with this but the alcohol in your system doesn’t let you think of your choices thoroughly right now, instead you’re overcome with need, the desire to touch Joost in any way possible.
“I’m all ears,” He says, his voice low and raspy.
You bite back a smile, tugging on the soft material of his t-shirt. “This needs to go,” You say, masking your lust with an innocent voice.
“Do you want to style me or undress me?” Joost raises an eyebrow at you, clearly amused by your intentions.
“I need a clear canvas to work,” You respond coyly and once again pull on his shirt, coaxing him to take it off.
“Fair enough,” Joost pulls the shirt over his head, revealing the blonde hairs on his happy trail. His pants are hanging low on his stomach, making the waistband of his underwear stick out all the more, the letters supreme on it and you shamelessly take in the image of his bare chest.
Joost soon brings his hand to your chin, lifting your head up so that you can see his face clearly. Your body is practically aching with need by now, imagining how his fingers would feel in other parts of your body.
He silently leans down, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. You’re initially taken by surprise as it takes a few seconds for you to part your lips before you finally get to feel him against your tongue. He tastes like cigarettes and liquor but you don’t mind, it only serves as a reminder that this is actually happening.
Joost lowers his body, resting one knee on the couch to balance himself as he pushes you back into the big pillows. His lips wander off to your neck, peppering small kisses on it which later turn into gentle bites that are sure to leave marks on your skin.
“Do you like that?” He asks, noticing the small whimpers that escape your mouth. You hum in agreement, feeling yourself grow more wet under his continuous touch.
“It’s been so long,” He mutters in between more kisses distributed evenly across your neck and jaw. You wonder if he has missed this as much as you have, whether he has also been thinking of you every now and then, searching for you in every girl he has met since you left.
At this point you’re eager, unable to keep your composure any longer. You pull him away slightly, ignoring the confused expression on his face as you quickly shove him back against the couch, switching roles with him.
Your knees fall to the wooden floor, you bring both hands to his knees, looking up at him then towards his belt.
“Your pants are next,” You say, in reference to your previous conversation. Joost chuckles, mumbling some curse under his breath, he’s flustered and it’s because of you. He unbuckles his belt impatiently, shifting slightly to pull his pants down as you do the rest for him, tugging on the rough material of his pants to fully take them off.
His legs are also littered with tattoos, similarly to his arms and your fingers instinctively trail up his thigh until they reach his underwear. You can see the outline of his hardened cock as you gently press your palm on top of it, earning a stifled groan from him.
“These can stay on,” You decide to tease him, Joost laughs at that.
“Fuck off,” He says, earning a smile from you.
Gladly, you think to yourself as your fingers play with the elastic waistband of his boxers.
Your eyes shift to his face briefly, quietly asking for his consent to which he nods at. With a final pull, his cock springs free from his boxers, reminding you of its big size. The tip is leaky with precum as you lick it, making Joost hiss at the sensation.
You take him in your mouth eagerly until the tip reaches the back of your throat, causing you to wince ever so slightly.
“Easy there,” Joost coos, pushing your hair out of the way for you and keeps it in a gentle grip as you skillfully begin to suck his cock. The way your mouth stretches around him coaxes a mixture of groans and curses to fall from his lips, his hold on your hair tightening. He looks down at you, still in your fancy little dress and on your knees for him, the sight turning him on all the more.
The fact that you’ve gotten so good at this makes him think of all the men you’ve probably been with after him and he can’t help but feel a little jealous at that.
“Like that,” His voice is breathy as he mumbles different kinds of praises to you, sending a rush of heat through your core. He starts guiding your head with gentle force, careful not to hurt you, slowly pushing his cock until it nudges the back of your throat . Your face feels hot and despite Joost’s gentleness, there are tears in the corners of your eyes, most definitely smudging your mascara and the dark eyeshadow on your eyelid.
Joost is close but he doesn’t want to come just yet, opting to come inside of you later. He pulls your head back slightly, drawing his cock out of your mouth with one last breathy moan.
You’re breathing heavily as you lock eyes with him, your lips swollen and eyes glossy with tears. He caresses your cheek with his big tattooed fingers, a soft smile lingering on his lips.
“You wanna get undressed too, baby?” He says in a low tone.
“Sure,” You mumble softly, getting up from your knees that are red from how long you’ve been sitting on the floor.
You take off your black boots that end just below your knees, uncovering the rest of your black patterned tights. Your fingers impatiently reach for the zipper to the back, fumbling with it until you finally loosen the silk dress you’re wearing, letting it fall to the floor as you stay in nothing but your black lingerie adorned with tiny bows here and there. Joost’s eyes linger on your body and he swears this is the sexiest thing he’s ever seen, noticing how beautifully your body has grown over the years and how confidently you stand in front him now, more like a woman and less like a girl.
You can sense his infatuation with you with the way he’s looking up at you and it only fuels your ego, a sudden cockiness coming through you.
“Are you just gonna stare?” You taunt him, Joost smiles at that.
“As if you don’t enjoy it,” He says, you assume he’s right.
He reaches his hands out to your hips, pushing you closer in between his legs as you place your arms loosely around his neck. He massages the area of your ass, though the material of your tights is in the way, preventing him from fully feeling your skin against his palms.
“Let’s take these off, shall we?” You smile in agreement and give him a small nod as he begins to lower your tights inch by inch, exposing the soft skin of your legs. Once they’re off, he presses wet open-mouthed kisses on your thighs, making your pussy clench around nothing but solely the idea of his mouth in between your folds, tasting you with his tongue as it swirls around inside of you.
The momentary fantasy draws loud sighs from your lips, correspondingly to the kisses Joost places on your skin. He notices, unable to hide the cocky smile on his lips as he starts moving higher, towards your stomach.
“Your bra,” he mutters, continuing his work on your body, “Take it off,”
You do as he says, trembling fingers rushing to unhook your bra, all the while Joost keeps on kissing your stomach that is rising up and down from your intense breaths. You pull your bra off, tossing it to the floor where the rest of your clothes are as Joost stares at your breasts, your nipples hardened as a result of his previous touch on your skin.
“You’re beautiful,” His small compliment sends a warmth to your face, a sweet smile forming on your lips and you can’t help but caress the sides of his face with your thumb.
You place one knee on the surface of the couch as you come face to face with Joost, giving him better access to the upper half of your body. Now that you’re this close to him, you notice the small stain that your red lipstick left on his lips earlier, letting out a small laugh at that.
He smiles, kissing you deeply on the mouth, jaw, collarbones, then finally your breasts. The tingling of his tongue on your nipples makes you moan quietly as he takes one of your tits in his mouth, sucking on the sensitive skin.
The inside of your thighs is practically burning with anticipation now as more moans fall from your lips. “Joost please,” You breathe out in desperation as he hums against your boobs, “I can’t wait any longer,”
“I get it baby,” Joost withdraws from your chest, places a peck near your lips then nods to his side, “Come on, lie down,”
You lie down on your bare back, resting your head against one of the pillows to get a better view of your body. Joost turns to you, his hands slowly sliding up your stomach as he gazes down at your naked body, the only thing covering it being your panties.
“Alright, you ready?” He asks, his voice soft.
“You make it sound as if I’m being drafted into the military,” You say, causing him to giggle.
“Just asking,” He slightly puts his hands up in the air, “It’s been a while,” He says ever so softly as you both share a smile, silently expressing how much you want this. To anyone else, it would just look like a casual hook up but to you it’s so much more than that, layered with feelings and memories.
“Okay, you have my consent,” You say slowly, your voice close to a whisper. He nods satisfied, planting one last quick kiss on your lips before his fingers find the waistband of your black lace panties. His cock is hard, falling on your inner thigh, an image that only adds to the heat you’re experiencing.
You lift your ass, only a little so that Joost can slip your panties off of your legs, not bothering to tease you much about it. The air of the room feels cold against your wet pussy, causing it to twitch as Joost mumbles some curse in Dutch.
“So wet for me,” He coos as he collects the wetness from your folds with a quick stroke of his tip, making you gasp, your thighs closing at the sudden friction. He props one hand close to your face for balance and lines his cock with your entrance before starting to push into you slowly. The sensation of your walls clenching around him inevitably lets a shared moan fall from your lips as Joost bottoms out, then begins to thrust into you in a controlled manner that makes your head dizzy with pleasure.
“You’re so tight schatje,” The pet name is familiar, yet you still fight back a smile at the sound of it.
You stare up at him in adoration; his bare chest is glistening in sweat, his blonde hair is messy and his lips are slightly parted as soft grunts escape them. He was and is still the most beautiful man to you, despite all the insecurities that linger on his mind.
You notice he’s kind of tired because he’s struggling to stay propped up on his arms above you and you wrap your arms around his back, pulling him down to your chest. His body is heavier against yours but you don’t care, you embrace him while he continues his deep thrusts to your core that gradually become faster.
The way he fucks you is so perfect that it drives you wild. He knows your body so well, knows all the right places to touch as his tip keeps on hitting that one spot inside of you, pushing you closer to your climax.
Joost is close too, burying his head on the crook of your neck as you feel his hot breaths and the vibrations of his groans on your skin.
Your fingers dig into the sticky flesh of his shoulders, your breaths are shallow and you can’t suppress your loud moans given the frantic pace at which Joost is now slamming his shaft into you.
You try to tell him but it seems like the only words you can utter right now are continuous curses in between your uncontrollable whimpers.
“I’m- fuck,” Joost breathes, “I’m coming baby, I promise,”
Before you can respond in any way, you’re driven over the edge. Your vision becomes blurry, the only things you can hear are your embarrassingly loud moans and Joost’s own groans as you come on his cock.
Joost follows shortly after your orgasm, his warm release spilling inside of you while he sloppily fucks every part of you.
“Fuck,” He exhales and collapses on top of you. Your fingers graze his back, trying to soothe the red marks that your fingernails left on him earlier. Joost places his arm around your waist as you both let your deep breaths fill the silence of the room.
You stay like this for a minute or so, then he carefully pulls out of you as you hiss slightly at the feeling.
You’re the last one to take a shower and as you come back to your bedroom, you see Joost lying comfortably between the pillows and your stuffed animals, an image you wish you could see everyday. You climb atop the bed, also lying down as you cuddle him without hesitation and he’s quick to wrap an arm around you as well.
“When are you leaving New York?” You ask, hoping for the answer to be never, despite how unrealistic that sounds.
“In two days,” You nod against his chest but really, you want to break out into tears at the simple thought of losing him again and so soon.
You feel him take a deep breath, “Joost?” You say, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Can we spend the day together, tomorrow?”
He smiles even though you can’t see him, a bittersweet smile at that. He feels the same way as you, dreading the moment he’ll have to leave you, wanting to make up for the lost time. “Of course, liefste. Where do you wanna go?”
“I don’t know,” You mumble, “Oh! Maybe I’ll take you to my favorite restaurant, it’s not too far from here,”
“Okay, that sounds perfect,” His hands caress your hair and he leans down to place a reassuring peck on the top of your head.
You wish this moment would never end. If you could, you’d move with him back to the Netherlands tomorrow and start over, do everything right this time. But for now, all you can do is hold him tighter, make every moment count until he leaves. And then who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be together again.
thank you for reading !! <3
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thelov3lybookworm · 9 months
An Aaron Warner Fic!!!!! Plzzzzzzzzz
Summary: The one she loves only has eyes for someone her friend.
A/n: You didnt think i would give up the opportunity to write some angst, did you?
a lil treat for you all, two fics in a day 😉
Also, veryyyy smalllll, but i guess its alright, right? 🥲
Y/n smiled at something Kenji said, though she did not really listen or understand. She only realised it was a joke because Brendan and Winston laughed.
She tried to pay attention, she really did, but couldn't, not when all her attention was focused on the man on the other side of the room, sitting next to the woman who had the power to either save or doom all of the people gathered.
And he was smiling, in a way he never did for anyone but her.
It always stung Y/n how much he cared for her, but she could do nothing about it. And even if she could, she would not do anything, because Juliette was her friend, and Y/n would never take away her friend's happiness.
The two of them had not confirmed their relationship, but it was apparent that there was something between them.
Y/n sighed, turning back to the dinner she had in front of her, knowing she should eat rather than picking at it, but she simply couldn't bring herself to stomach anything these days.
Maybe it had something to do with her sleeping problems. Or maybe she simply disliked the food provided.
"Y/n?" Kenji called.
"Yes?" Had he been calling her?
"Do you wanna play a game?" Kenji gave her a knowing look, his eyes filled with sympathy.
"Sure. What are we playing?"
"Strip truth or dare." With a grin, Kenji began teaching everyone how to play this game, throwing out absurd rules, and everyone protested at how he simply made them up, and he pouted.
"I promise! It will be so much fun!"
Y/n laughed at his misery, agreeing to play. Once she had agreed, everyone decided to play.
Y/n regretted her decision to play not two minutes later.
"Y/n! It's your turn!" Winston screeched, and Y/n dipped her head, blushing furiously.
She either had to choose between truth or dare, and if she failed to answer or do the dare, she would lose one article of clothing.
Currently, she was sitting in only her pants and undergarments. Kenji only had his pants and one sock on, Winston and Brendan having lost their shoes and one sock each, though they still had their shirts on.
Y/n envied them.
"What is going on here?"
Y/n sat up straighter, wishing to be anywhere but here.
"We are playing strip truth or dare." Winston replied, and Y/n turned to find a confused looking Aaron staring at the little group.
His eyebrows rose impossibly higher, and he glanced down at her. "I thought you were the smart one here."
She blinked, a blush staining her cheeks at his attention. "You can't say no when you know they will not leave you alone until you agree to whatever they want." She gestured vaguely with her hand, and Aaron. Actually. Grinned.
Y/n's lips parted, and she stared at him for a moment longer before she turned back towards the table.
"You should play too." Kenji sad just as Juliette came to stand next to Aaron.
After the rules had been explained as everyone scrambled to put their clothes back on, the game started again, now including Aaron and Juliette.
"So, let's start with Warner." Kenji wiggled his eyebrows, and Y/n knew that he only asked to get under Aaron's skin.
She smiled, shaking her head fondly.
Aaron glanced at Juliette before answering. "Dare."
"Awesome. Kiss the person you are attracted to or lose an article of clothing."
Aaron glared at the man across from him, and Y/n spoke up, hoping to get Aaron to not kill Kenji.
"You don't have to kiss anyone. Simply remove your shoe-"
Before the last word had even escaped her mouth, Aaron's lips were on hers.
General taglist: @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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Been thinking a lot about not only TK using Carlos’ bicep as his personal ‘emotional support bicep’ which 🥹🥹🥹 - also thank you and creds to @paperstorm for making the huge contribution to the whole entire fandom with this description -
But, also about the whole thing from Carlos’ perspective and how Carlos reacts to it, and feels about it, makes my stomach do a little swoop every time I come across a gif from either the wedding ep or the scene where they’re waiting for news on Marjan
Like, I’m thinking about semi-lonely, tense pre- and during season 1 Carlos needing someone, not just to love and be loved by but to take care of and hold and be there for🥺 Like we all know Carlos must work a lot to maintain those biceps and of course this is probably for his own sake bc he likes them, and to be good at his job etc but,,
He’s obviously gotten some attention from it, guys who finds him sexy and maybe likes a little power play
And he can appreciate that especially when ‘guys’ are in fact TK who enjoys it and wants him to use his strength a little bit to press his hands into the mattress above his head: (🔥)
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Or to ‘twist his arm’ 😏😏
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But more than that S1 Carlos longed for his body (huge bicep) to be appreciated in different ways. To be the one that someone (TK) needed to be held by, to be the shoulder (bicep) that someone (TK) could cry on, and lean on (both figuratively:
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And literally:
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- He needed to be that for someone (TK), to take on that role in a healthy, loving relationship. And he certainly got that from TK. But he got even more than that, more than he could have dreamed of, bc with TK he’s also become a shoulder (bicep) to sleep on:
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Not just in the domestic privacy of their own home, but in public, among a wonderful new group of friends and family:
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As well as a shoulder (bicep) to both lean on and rub their thumb back and forth on for self soothing:
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In short, that work paid off exponentially as he got to be someone’s (TK’s) ‘emotional support bicep’. 🥲
And what completely gets me is the way he’s so casual about it in this last one. Like I imagined the first couple of times Carlos in his head would have been like ‘oh, okay, my bicep is now your pillow, I see, I’ll stay as still as possible or react in some way like by kissing your hair or something or move so you’re more comfortable’, and ‘oh okay, you’re not letting go, you really must love that bicep, I’ll buy a permanent gym membership and think of that ever time I work out, this bicep shall be forever dedicated to your needs’ while in his head being all 😳🫠🥰😌🥹🥹🥰
But now he barely reacts, it’s so natural. He just barely registers that ‘oh, my adorable, emotional boyfriend (husband😭) (TK who I know in and out and who know me the same way😭) is (once again/per usual😭) reserving my bicep for emotional support reasons while he cries on me, imma let him do his thing while I grab his ankle, both to comfort TK,’ - but also bc while TK needs to physically lean on someone (Carlos) when he’s emotional (or sleepy, or just, it’s right there anyway), what Carlos needs it something (someone) (TK) to hold on to, to tether himself to bc it’s overwhelming for him to lose control of his emotions.
And TK is the perfect rock for him because he’s not only so open about his emotions, and an adorable kitten boyfriend (husband), but because he’s also and at the same time incredibly strong and prepared to catch Carlos at any time😭
The naturalness of it all just says so much about how long they’ve been together and built their relationship, how well they know and how comfortable they are with each other and how they’re perfect for each other and fit together like two pieces of a puzzle! There are some thoughts here about different kinds and ways of embodying ‘masculinity’ and vulnerability but I’m not nearly eloquent enough rn to go into that..
Anyway, with TK, Carlos, now without even giving it a second thought, has gotten the relationship he dreamed of and more, has gotten exactly the appreciation for his strength and body (biceps) that S1 Carlos longed for and worked so hard for, and gets to take on the role in his relationship that he needs and be who he always were and I’m just 😭🥹🥹🥰🥰🫠 slowly melting away over it.
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zyogod · 4 months
Did you like other female idols or only having place for jihyo in your heart?
if you have other female idols you like who they're?
Hey thanks for the question!
Actually i have a lot of favorite female idols in mind, Jihyo is only one of them
Maybe i would tell you sum?
5. Pham Hanni
This Cutie Patootie been lingering in my brain lately.
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4. Kang Seulgi
For this one been favorite for a long time, actually wendy was my love at first sight in Redvelvet and her vocal was make me falling deeper for her, but when they making "RevelUp Project" variety show, my heart switched to Seulgi cause she's looks so cute when she's eating with joyful expression, gotta recommend you to watch RevelUp Project.
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3. An Yujin (Eugene) lmao
At first i never care about her since in my eyes she's just baby with bubbling personality until her short hair era happens i take back my words, she's so stunning, looks hot and dominant it's really getting me chill🥶
And when you talking about Yujin , you better watch "Earth Arcade" too , in that variety shows maybe she will make you smile and fall more for her 🙂
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2. Miyawaki Sakura (Kkura)
I don't have a lot of things to say about her since i was fall for her beauty but......
Since she have "Fearless Kkura" Program, i was laughing all the time to her funny personality and reaction it was enjoyable content 😁.
Talking about her it's make me feeling sad lately because of her lacking performance in "that festival" , i hope netizen doesn't goes to rough against her cause i will always waiting her to be better 🥲
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1. Shin Ryujin
This female idol that change my mind set about (short hair girl is ugly)
She's a game changer in my mind, the first female idols with short hair that catching my attention and make the rest female with short hair looks good in my eyes
I've been rooting for her since her first debut, she's a good performer with no doubt with cool girl looks but funny personality 😆
And she's always looks so funny in every Itzy variety shows that make me enjoy the show more.
But unfortunately that Itzy Y2K concept is a bit ruined her group Popularity (just my opinion, no hate) because i really frustrated when they released "Sneakers" but that's fine i think?
Cause the next comeback they back with Cheshire which is make me feels like they're back to the old concept of themselves, until they release "Cake"(🥲) , i never blame them but..
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Maybe that's all i can share for now and something that bothering me about few idols that i was love.
Once again thanks for the question and hopefully this is help and doesn't hurt anyone 🙂🙂🙂
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Hey this is my first time requesting😭i love your work could you do Ericsons group with reader who is really good at drawing if you haven’t already?
Ofc! and tysm lovely!<<<3333 I hope you enjoy! Sorry if any of these are short </3 and that it took awhile :p!!
TWDG Ericsson kids with a reader who’s a good drawer
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She thinks your so amazingly talented!
And if you ever draw her anything she will keep every drawing
She’ll also make silly request that she doesn’t actually expect you to do but once you do them you manage to get this girl all emotional 🥲
She’d subtly encourage tenn to hang out with you more as you two are the only one who can draw at Ericsson’s lmao
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He thinks you and your drawings are sick!
He will also “jokingly” request that you draw him as some big badass dude on a motorcycle holding up a grenade with flames in the background
However if you do it you have this man actually bouncing his leg with excitement and giving you a compliment or two 🤫
That is going up on his wall along with any other drawings you’ve done
When your drawing, him and Willy will leave you be if you want to be alone
However they will come up to you a lot because they’re nosy and want to see what your up too lmao
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He thinks your talent is totally cool!
He will also proudly display any of your drawing all over his office and the school
He will try to encourage you to show off your talent more!
And he is your No1 hype man fr fr!
Also if you can draw animals, and you draw a picture of Rosie you know this man is gonna start tearing up
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He will constantly hype you up!
He will boast about any drawing you did of him too
“Guess who was (names) lates model? Spoiler! It was me, I was (names) lates model.:)”
He will also make lots of silly requests that he never expects you do actually do
but if you do do them he’s jumping up n down like a mad man
He will also get you to draw him and his dream house (plus everyone in his “future band” lmao)
Your know ‘the head of any future music covers’
Little dude is so exited that there’s another person who can draw!
You two always trade tips, drawing, and you always do silly drawing challenges together
He’s also always open to polite criticism and is definitely always willing to take a few drawing lessons from you
Everyone considers you the artist of the school and rightfully so
He will also look up to you and admire your work like a lot a lot!
He thought it was super awesome!
And little dude also wants some super cool drawing of him
Maybe even as a superhero or a swashbuckling pirate!
He will brag about all the drawings you’ve done of him lmao
He’s never been good at drawing since it was never his thing
However he’s always down to sit with you and do some silly doodles next to you
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He really respects your talent!
Sometimes he likes to sit next to you while you draw!
He wont say much but that’s because he’s to busy watching you lmao
He’s never really been one to draw but he totally wants to know how you learned and how you got that good!
He finds it very oddly satisfying to watch you draw
He really respects your talent too!
He thinks it’s very cool and low-key wants you to teach him a few things lmao
He also loves watching you draw its very calming!
He won’t make any requests but if you did draw him something, the dudes tearing up lmao
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She loves it when you draw
It’s all a sense of normality to her yk!
Whenever she sees you drawing she’ll just leave you too it but when your done she’s begging you to take a look lmao
And you should already know that she will always compliment you and your work lmao
“Wow (name) your gonna be the next da vinchi!”
Your art style is probably nothing like his but you get the idea lmao
Also I feel like she wouldn’t follow art anyway and she just said any famous artist she could think off
She really appreciate your skill!
She also finds it super relaxing to watch you draw
She’d never pressure you to draw anything or to show your drawings too her
However if you do this girl will feel so honoured
She’s never really been into drawing she would do small amateurish doodles now and again
She’d sit and draw next to you sometimes, if you where ok with that :)
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Welcome to 1117feverlessdreams! A place where you can let free the wildest fantasies of your dreams!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚ * ੈ✩‧₊ *ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚ *
I decided upon the name when I was thinking about the first song I listened by myself when my friend recommended me to Ateez, Star1117. 🗣️
Something had drawn me to it, the title sounded like it was gonna be beautiful and something I’d enjoy, and my instincts were right. 🧞‍♂️
As I listened to the song, I thought, who could they be talking about? They sound like they really love this person. (even though I didn’t know what the hell they were saying LMFAO) 🥶
But the melody and they way they sang so softly and belted out those notes, I knew it was a strong song with deep emotion, and the “forever you are my star” line made me think it was about someone they really cared for. 😭
I immediately searched the songs meaning and saw it was for their fans. I never got into K-pop fully but I always wanted to and had a few songs on my playlist. I decided Ateez was the first group I was gonna Stan based on that song alone. I wanted to be part of a fandom whose artist love their fans so dearly that they made a song dedicated to them. 💙
Feverless came from another Ateez song, it just came to mind and I wanted to include it. 👨‍🎤 I had to add less because it emphasizes the wish of my stories to have a pleasant experience rather than a bizarre/ disturbing one.
Dreams comes from me just being delusional lol. I tend to wander off out no where in my mind coming up with all kinds of scenarios. So much to the point it’s just a coping mechanism for my insomnia. 🐳
It actually helped in some ways. I can sleep peacefully now, maybe too much because I don’t ever wanna wake up. What can I say, I guess I have an addiction. 🌀
Plus I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon so enjoy the ride 🚙
The theme for my page is a fantasy dream world where all your desires come true (i.e. requests or messages), the theme color being blue. The color blue represents calmness, imagination, and spirituality. 🚹
I want to make my page for my black!readers because we really don’t get a lot of representation 🥲🥲🥲
BUT sometimes I might write generally, so just to be clear I’m not discriminating and I want to include everyone!
BUT for my black!readers just know that this is a safe space 💙
PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY ORIGINAL WORKS, reblogs are appreciated and accepted. Stealing and modifying my work or publishing out on other platforms is not. 🖌️
Lastly I will also be attaching to music to each of my works to get y’all in the mood ( ͡❛ 👅 ͡❛) I love music, I literally can not live without it just like I can’t live without my “exciting imagination”. Also I thought it would be a fun addition, so I hope y’all don’t mind! 😰
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All About Me!
Name: NYX (a picking of my choosing after the goddess of night)
Age: 19- yes I am an adult and therefore make content for other adults, MINORS DNI 🔞
Country: ‘Merica 🤠🔫🔫 🦅🦅🦅
Ethnicity: African-American Gyal 💁🏾‍♀️
Favs: Ateez (ult) Stray Kids, P1Harmony, Enhyphen, Nct127, NCT DREAM, Twice, TXT, NewJeans, Red Velvet, Leehi, Got7, Seventeen.
(Imma be completely honest, I listen to the other groups music and I know some of the members, but Ateez is the only group I know really well. I’m trying my best to get involved in other groups but I love my boys so much!!!)
Moots: They’re non- existent but that’s because they don’t know I exist yet! If you wanna be moots don’t be shy, I won’t bite 😭.
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
Okay, I finally had the time to read Besos Navideños and I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT 😍 I mean come on 😩 they were childhood sweethearts, most likely each other’s firsts, practically soulmates 🥺 That is like, my dream scenario of how I meet my future partner. They were perfect for each other and my hopeless romantic heart is full that they ended up together again. I actually like that their breakup was very realistic in a way that I can understand how their relationship eventually fell apart. I mean they were still young then, I think you mentioned or implied that they just finished high school? It made sense that miscommuncation can lead to hurtful words being thrown and the eventual messy breakup. I’m not saying that it was best that they broke up, but I personally think we shouldn’t dwell with the “what ifs” and focus on the “what now”. And I think, in a way, the break up helped them grow and made them realize that they really do want to be with each other and have a future together. I also loved jikook as the crackhead couple, they were so hilarious and digustingly adorable 😂 And then there was sope who just can’t get enough with each other yet they are still endearing to watch together ☺️ The bride and groom are also cute. i love how you can clearly see the personality of each one of them in their friend group. It’s amazing how you created such fun and unique characters. Even the Kim’s mom is lovable, especially on how she treats MC like her own. I also liked the progress on how MC and her dad fixed their strained relationship. I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for them but so glad that they are okay now.
I really loved reading this, definitely added as one of my fave works of yours. You did an amazing job with this story especially on the little time frame that you had to write it. I really want to see more of this couple and their gang, including the other couples within their group. Hopefully we can get small snippets and drabbles in the future, but ofcourse only if you want to. No pressure 😜 I think it’s already obvious how much I enjoyed reading this so I hope my thoughts weren’t all over the place 😂 Anyways, I know you’re posting your next work at the end of the year but I hope you are doing well and not overworking yourself. Please take care always 😊
I adore them so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it 💜 I’m such a sucker for childhood sweethearts to lovers 😭 I feel like that’s one of my favorite romance tropes 😭 someone you’ve known all your life being your soulmate 🥲
Yes they broke up shortly after high school 😭 Tae was like okay I’m going to Paris, bye! He just didn’t know how to tell her until the last second and by that point everyone except oc knew 😭😭😭 I feel they would have broken up eventually anyway had they stayed together past Tae going to Paris solely based on their careers.
Jikook was something else lmao I adore them. Jimin is Tae’s best friend and Jungkook just happened to fall for him 😭 so cute! They’re little menaces tho lmao the keg stands killed me 🤣
Sope was a surprise for me lol I was gonna hint at Hoseok having feelings for oc but then it turned into sope and it just so happened to flow well 💜
Minsu is a sweetheart and I adore her! Haejin is too but I feel like I didn’t get to explore his character much but he’s just as sweet as his wife!
And oc and her dad 😭 he really did try to be there but it’s rough and I’m glad they were able to get on better terms and they’ll only grow closer once oc moves back to town 🥹
I definitely want to write some drabbles for them. A little snippet of the reception and maybe oc and Hoseok moving back home. Maybe oc moves into Alea’s old bedroom or maybe she moves back in with her dad. I’m not sure yet but it’ll be fun to write for them some more.
Thank you so much 💜 I always look forward to hearing from you and I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I know angst is hard to read so I’m glad you gave it a chance 💗 I was unsure if I’d finish in time for Christmas but I really wanted a Tae fic. I think now JK is the only one who needs a Christmas one shot and not just a drabble or chapter so I hope I can get that together for next year 😅😅 thank you and I hope you take care as well and I hope you have a good day/night ahead of you 💜💜💜
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kimnjss · 2 years
Not Hobi lowkey sweatin when yn said remember?? He was like 😳 I’ve been caught 😂😅. This is not gonna end well that’s for sure (and by this I mean the whole secret identity thing).
Yn wasn’t even thinking about him huh…so who was she thinking of 👀👀👀 maybe the last guy who’s lap she sat on??? (I’m assuming not a lot of people her lap dances during the day shift??). HE NEEDS TO LISTEN TO YOONGI! Never thought I’d say that but yeah…yoongi be on to something there 👀. There’s clearly an attraction there for yn so who knows maybe if she found out early on that Hobi = her new sugar daddy things would progress 👀. Oh and yn calling Hobi on his hidden account a “client” 🥲. I mean I guess I knew she had dudes hitting her up all the time but didn’t know she had multiple sugar daddy’s???? (Poor weirdly naive Hobi probably doesn’t suspect that either 🤡🥲).
Lastly, not them both way over sharing on their socials 😂…like yes Hobi it does look like you just 😀. Not surprised that yn is picky with who she hooks up with either…it seems like she’s all about the hustle. I think it would take a lot to distract her from that, Hobi is gonna have his work cut out for him taking down those particular walls (he’s got a good head start with their sexual tension but I have a feeling that’s not gonna be enough to seduce yn on its own)
he for sure thought he had been caught ! that man is so terrible at keeping up with his double identity ., he's already whining abt it in the group chat nd he's barely gotten anywhere with yn in person... (which i guess can be considered a good thing -.)
you might be on to smth 👀 you're right . not many people go into the club in the middle of the day for a lap dance - which is why she was so confused by hobi being there ., but that's also most likely what intrigued her abt him . like how bold he was w saying he had only gone there to see her ., she def liked hearing that - despite the fact she played it off . nd YOONGI KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT ! if things are going to far with hobi nd yn ins person nd he keeps the whole sugar daddy thing a secret ., that's not going to end well for him . esp when we know that our girl doesn't date like that nd she is pretty much closed off when it comes to any thing remotely romantic . if she's letting him in nd then later finds out he's been lying to her??? it could get ugly .
also yeah... hobi is not the only sugar daddy that she has :/ tho he's def the only one that asks her abt her day ! so at least that's smth in his favor .
LMAO right ! bc literally nobody needed to know that hoseok 🥴 but also ! it really does look like he justtt - . nd you're right ., not a lot is going to distract yn from what she has going . she's abt making money nd enjoying herself - nd she's not going to waste any time (or energy) on a relationship that might not work out . so hoseok is gonna have to reALLY prove that he's worth it . (she's def seeing hobi in a different light after his frequent visits tho ., whether she knows it or not) .
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pxrxmoore · 2 years
hello there beth i've come bearing gifts! did some watching of 911 edits as one does and came across a few 5sos/911 edits you'll enjoy: we got a cute want you back buck, bad omens buddie 🥲 and the bi anthem for talk fast buck
also as you remember a few months ago i came to you with a question about schitts creek/5sos question so im here again! if you had to assign each boy to a character in 911 which will you choose and why?
ok hope you have a lovely day 💞 thank you for the endless gifs i saw of this show before i finally caved in <3
maya my darling 💛 welcome to the slowly expanding group of 5sos to 911 stans, it’s so lovely to have u join us 😌🫶 i hope u are well and i’m sorry for sucking u in to this 😌
my love thank you for these gifts they’re so beautiful 😭🫶 not the want u back edit starting w buck getting the kid outta the claw machine that’s the cutest scene 😭 god i am Devastated 😭 BAD OMENS BUDDIE!!!!! because Evan. that fuckin ripped me APART 😫 talk fast !!!!! bisexual anthem !!!!! evan buck buckley !!!!! 🙏💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
ooffff ok ok yes!!!! i love this q!! under a read more u know how it be
ashton - bobby / hen / buck
ashton was a rly hard one to pin down because i see parts of him in a couple of characters. firstly bobby - absolutely the father figure and very much the voice of reason when it comes to his team/band/friends. but also shoulders too much of that weight sometimes until it’s noticeably heavy to others. little stubborn to ask for help. i see those characteristics in hen too. such a strong beautiful person who has a clear mindset in what she wants and how to reach it. but takes on way too much at once and only asks for help when it all crumbles. and lastly i see some of buck there too, maybe not so much now that buck is on his breakdown era 😌 like i think ash has come a long long way to break out of his self destructive habits and of putting others first without even thinking about how it could affect him but i’m sure old habits die hard. but i also see buck as ash in the way he lights up a room and is so charming and thoughtful
luke - buck / ravi
i also see a lot of the same destructive tendencies of buck in luke. passing out the ‘good’ pieces of himself to others, putting on a brave face. putting all of the weight of the world on his own shoulders. but also. youngest brother and all the teasing that comes with that 😌🫶 god and he is just so pretty they’re both devastating. but i also for sure see luke as ravi - again youngest brother (idk if that’s canon but he deff gives those vibes of the younger sibling) and getting ribbed by the others, slightly awkward in new situations and around new people and uses comedy as a way to deflect 🫶
calum - eddie
not because i said ash could be buck i swear 😌 no but strong silent type, takes a while to warm up to people but you have his full trust once he’s got you under his wing. he is so fucking expressive 😭 background eddie in scenes vs calum in any interview when he’s not being asked something directly 🫶 he’s made some fucking tough decisions that altered his entire life path, tho calum’s giving up soccer to play in the band is obv a huge positive force that changed everything for him whereas i think eddie has really had to come to terms with his decisions in maybe a more negative way to begin with. therapised eddie tho giving out that love and positivity freely to his friends reminds me very much of calum
michael - chim
god he is so fucking strong and he loves so deeply and loudly. will drop everything to be there for his friends and give them his full support. when he’s so fucking sure of something he’ll pursue it to the ends of the earth. very much michael putting everything in to the band to give himself and the boys a new start at life and he carries that with him now in every band decision. he’s such a strong force within the band he has so much faith in his friends. also he’s fuckin funny mans got jokes 😌🫶
thank u so much my love!!! i hope u have a wonderful day 🥰💛
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! It's gossip girl 🥰 That super wired with your blog! I saw some of your others posts to the tumble staff and I hope it gets fixed soon! I think tumblr is just broken to the max sometimes and takes the wrong things away:/
My Sunday was good! I actually went to like and Airshow today and got to see some really cool planes with my friends! The Thunderbirds were there and they can do some cool stuff! The only down side was I forgot sunscreen and I burn quicker than rubbing alcohol on a candle😂 But hey if I wanted to be Two Face /Harvey Dent for Halloween I wouldn't have to worry about getting red face paint😂😂 But it was a cool show and we spend most of the day there! I hope your Sunday went well🥰 How'd the walk go with the puppy?!!🥰🥰
Yes! She is a very good sister even though we are polar opposites personality wise we never really had any big fights😂 Other than when she "Borrows" my clothes and forgets to give them back😂😂 She really is great though!! I've probably also done similar stuff to her and my mom too though😂 I'll borrow a sweatshirt from my mom and eventually she'll get it back😂
Lol it's totally fine how long it takes you to reply! I don't mind🥰 It's kinda fun because I think if it like a surprise and the waiting is part of the fun!❤️ And ohh no no no! Tumble doesn't need any more ideas except maybe for a bid to get rid of a few😂
And I absolutely agree with you on the autocorrect and like writing things that don't makes sense (even if it was like unintentional)!
I haven't lost any of my stories but there have been a few close calls with papers and then one event where word totally screwed me over on a final project and wouldn't let me save a 30is page final group project (it had like pictures and charts ) and it wouldn't let me reopen any of the old entries or send it to someone else as a word doc🥲 I could only save it as a PDF but then you can't go into word again and edit a pdf (or it wouldn't let me without paying a bunch to convert it) But my teacher was great and helped me get it back because she did have a program bough already to convert it and another on of my team members was able to find his old copy too! I'm so it worked out in the end but it was pretty stressful at the time😂
And I haven't heard that saying for the weather but I think I love it😂🥰 It fits me well to because I usually like having a bag full of random things possibly (but not usually) needed😂
College is going pretty well! I've been pretty busy with work and trying to get ready for tests (I have one the day after Halloween and one the day after that🥲😂) But overall it's pretty good! How's your work (or college?/both? i actually am not sure if you're in it🫣, I can't remember if you've mentioned being in college) but basically how's life for you been going?! I hope it's been treating you well!!!
Thanks for the love!! Sending some your way too💕💕
I’m finally free!!! As you may have noticed ☺️ Tumblr said it was a mistake (😒), but let’s focus on the good part I got my main tumblr back, so now I think most of the accounts banned is because of this. Thank you for your kind messages during that time! 💝
Oh wow! That sounds like something super exciting to see! Hope you enjoyed it a lot! Oh no!! I’m a sunscreen freak now and I won’t leave the house without it, hope you got some aloe Vera for that sunburn (but after dressing up as Two face for Halloween) 😝 it went good! Pups are the best ♥️
And now I feel terrible because I think I’m keeping you for long periods of time waiting, but I hope in the mean time you got a bunch of nice things to do so you can share them later on here 🤗 haha who are you trying to get rid of? 😂 🤔
Yeah like sorry! Like, I didn’t mean to say that oops 🤭
Oh you can turn a pdf into a word again, just look for a tutorial, and I’m sure there must be some options to make it for free, but I’m glad your teacher and friend were able to help you! Phew 😮‍💨 saved by the bell!… you know I was pretty new to my current job and I had this massive archive full of formulas and tables and such, and the one who was my boss back then comes to the file and starts moving things and he crashed the excel-> freeze-> lost file. I couldn’t get it back 😨🥺 I had to re-start from the last one I saved, so now I’m extra cautious with the files (and of course my stories) and I’m always saving and I actually have like version 12, final version etc 😂
If you could only see my Mary Poppins bag 😅😆 I recently turned one of those empty cosmetics bags they sell with a bunch of goodies, into my “if I ever need…” so I have this mini hair brush, pills, sunscreen, like most of the mini products for travels, hoping that one day someone might need and I will say hang on, got it! 😂
How did the test go?????? Hope you got a good grade! Work is good, thanks! Haha no college for me, I suffered of a lot of stress during my college days I swore I would take some time out (and it’s been a loooong time since I graduated, probably it would be a good time for a master or something. I had plans to go to study somewhere else right before the pandemic started, luckily I didn’t make any move on that back then. But in general it’s been good 😊 finally Friday I can have some rest, need to do a lot of stuff around and write write write.
Hope you have a nice weekend! 🥰💖
Lots of love and good vibes back to you xx
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wanghedi · 2 years
Midnight feeling emo about the9 im watching behind the scenes of clj and they filmed it while the9 was still tgt and esther yu brings up their songs and their stages and their variety show so much she must've really loved being in that group 😭
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kuroiza · 3 years
sano manjirou | mikey !
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SUMMARY; Your relationship with the invincible Mikey 😌
FORMAT; Headcanons
READER; Gender-neutral
REQUEST; hii I saw your mitsuya relationship headcanons and I loved them so may I please request some mikey relationship headcanons with a gn! reader thanks so much!!
NOTES; Thank you for liking the Mitsuya one!! Hope this is good enough 🥲
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佐野 万次郎 Sano Manjirou | Mikey
You either need to be someone close that he knew since a long time ago or very interesting for him to take a romantic liking towards you! Applause for you if you managed to catch Mikey’s eyes 👀
I’m just gonna say it, all strings of sanity will snap if he ever lose you. Serious. You mean so much to him that it’s scary. Only you could tame such a beast.
Honestly? I feel like Mikey would keep your relationship a secret and only let a few trusted ones know because he’s fully aware of how dangerous things will be for you if the world knows the invincible Mikey has a weakness. He’d die before he let anyone else harm you.
Of course he wants to tell the whole world how much he loves you, to kiss and hold and talk in public like a normal couple, but for your sake he’ll keep things on the down low.
So, if going by secret relationship, expect him to be ten times clingier than he usually is once you two are alone. Do you know how hard it is to act as if you’re just a friend when you guys are outside? How hard it is to restrict himself from giving you a peck on the lips, to restrict himself from nuzzling his cheek against yours and holding you in his arms? He deserves cuddles after putting up such a front.
Will teach you basic self defense because unfortunately, as much as he wished to, he can’t stay by your side 24/7. He’ll invite you over his house and have some trainings, maybe even ask for his grandpa to supervise you as well.
That counts as a date. You two will be fooling around and he’ll be a lil tease by intentionally sticking extra close to you while he corrects your posture. Smirks when he sees you blush and pecks you on the cheek cause you’re too cute.
When you guys are out together with the group (who knew you guys are dating) they’d see how much Mikey cares and cherishes you. Heck he loves you so much that it’s visible in his eyes while he listens to you talk, or watch you talking to others. A small smile would grace his lips and that’s when they know, ah, their leader is so in love.
Even if they don’t know you’re together with Mikey, Toman still treats you well with politeness because it’s obvious how much Mikey cares about you, about his friends. Some were even talking amongst themselves if you two were together due to your closeness with each other, but was always interrupted by Draken telling them to knock it off and that Mikey’s personal life does not concern them.
Speaking of Draken, he’s literally a middle person between you guys whenever you have a fight 😭
He’s mostly on your side though, because most of the time it’s Mikey’s fault. He’s the one who gives Mikey a wake up call while Emma would be there to console you, since she knows Mikey well and how he is.
Couldn’t stay mad at you, it wasn’t long before you notice Emma leaving and Mikey appearing in your vision, sitting beside and caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. Things usually work out from there.
Please...this guy is so good at planning for your birthday or any important day.
Always got it under wraps. Loves giving you surprises so he’ll plan with the gang and if anyone snitches or lets it slip it’ll be their last day living.
Despite his childish personality, Mikey enjoys quiet time alone with you a lot more than you think. There’s a lot in his mind and sometimes he just wish to log off and be in your embrace/holding you, doing nothing and just lounging on the couch in his room. It’s so relaxing to him.
Isn’t really good with words, it’s mostly actions of love from him but occasionally he’d show his love through words. This usually happens when he’s overthinking again and stress piling up, but remembers you’re here for him.
“I...really love you a lot, Y/N.” Mikey brought your hand up to his lips and gave your knuckles a soft kiss. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
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Done an ask from a month ago. I am soooo sorryyy🥲😱 I was caught up in many things. I changed that she is searching for a job as fashion designer than studying, I hope that is alright? Enjoy 😊
Meeting Tsume the first time was when you searched for a job in Freeze City. Of course it was futile, this city doesn’t need a fashion designer, actually this time isn’t in need of an fashion designer. Yet, it was your dream job and something your were really good at: So his clothes which everyone would describe weird and inconvenient, catchend immediately your eye. You walked down the road as your head watched his leather clothing and you focused how neatly they sewed together. You were good at watching people secretly yet his gaze catches yours. Embarrassed as the heat rushes in your cheeks, you gasped as he noticed your staring and almost dropped your shopping bag. Even though, you next choice was to look away, his eyes fixed yours and you awed at the yellow shining orbs. The feeling in your tummy yelled ‘This is something dangerous’ but you kept up the eye contact. His curious look turned darker and serious as you blink from your trance and just walked to the next side road. It was not your way home yet you couldn’t walk straight up to him like nothing happened. You sighed and leaned against a wall from the side road.
„Oh gosh, how embarrassing…. he noticed my staring…A very attentive person, Huh“ you repeated the situation.
„Well, you weren’t quite discreet…“
„Right….“ Then your eyes flew open and the man from before leaned on the wall in front of you with his arms crossed. „How did you ?! Since when…?” You stumbled over some words as his gaze never left your form. And he seemed not pleased.
„What is your business with me?“ He questioned you directly. You hugged the bag in your arms tighter. Now, the unsure feeling in your tummy seems to get stronger and you feel a bit fear. It seems like he is cornering you, to threat you and ready to attack. Like a wild animal. You didn’t answer him as you watched him confused. Business?
„Tell me now!“ His voice echoes through the side road and you flinch at the sharpness from it. Maybe, you were imagining things but you could hear a animalistic growl in this echo.
„I don’t have a business …! I-i just…“ your shake from his gaze which bore into you. „I just like your shirt and …your eyes…“ The last part is mumbled as you get all again bashful. His crossed arms are unfolded as he blinks at you. Of course, with his wolf ears he registered even the last words of your sentences
„Wha-?!“ He thought you were a spy of the nobles and found out about all the stealing, he did with his group or worse found out who he really is… Suddenly, a boy came running and introduced the name of the stranger in front of you.
„Tsume!“ The named man clicked his tongue and the boy smiled at you. „Your girlfriend?“ You jumped and waved off while shaking your head.
„Are your dumb? We are not-!“ Tsume growls.
„Ahh, I am sorry. You were flirting with this pretty lady ? I didn’t-!Oww!“ Tsume heard enough as he punched his head.
„Stop it! We got something better to do!“ You watched them in silent when the boy mumbled again under his breath. „But, you both watched each other so intensely.“ Can they stop making you embarrassed ?
„Yeah, because I thought she is gonna rat us out!“
„By what?“ your asked innocently. Somehow, he seemed uncomfortable…
„Hey! Wanna help us?“ The boy asked you nicely. Somehow, you agreed to the boy pleading and were sewing or repairing clothes for the (thief) group now. Every Wednesday, you visited their hide out to help out and had some interactions with Tsume. One day, you took all your courage and asked him to sew the huge snag on his shoulder from the jacket. First, he seemed awkward to your question and as you wanted to touch the fabric of his black clothing when he jumped defensively back. You only could blink as he backed away like an animal.
“Don’t worry, I like it how it is.” He muttered with his eyes looking elsewhere.
“Oh.” You just said with shoulders shrugged and left him alone. By the next week, you had to do a lot sewing and never came to a break. The search for your dream job is at a halt because you liked helping them out. Even though, sometimes you recreate ruined clothing from the job and impressed them with your skills. You wept off the sweat of your forehead.
“And, how did you like it?” You asked the boy from the first day curiously. 
“I love it!!” He beamed and run around laughing at his new, old clothing which looked really cool. With pride, you watched him enjoying his new wearing. You eyes searched for Tsume who leaned casually against the wall.
“And you? Don't your want a scarf or something warmer to wear. It is getting colder!” You smiled at him and didn’t feel threatened or scared of him anymore. After a while, you knew how he ticks now. And, he seemed to get nicer from time too. 
“Hah.” He scoffed with a playful smirk. “Do you think I get cold easily? I am fine.”
“When you say.” You took the next piece of clothing in your hand to work when a bottle of water is placed  on your table. 
“Don’t forget to take a break. I don't want to carry you home.” How, he walked from the place before, in front of you without a sound is for you a miracle. 
“Ohh!” You said impressed. “I never thought you would do that. How gentlemanly.” You heard that he clicked his tongue annoyed and said with rolling eyes. “Oh, shut up!” The boy Gehl watched him with hanging shoulders leaving you alone. “That was mean of him...” He muttered as you giggled. He watched you confused as you explained. “I think more, he was embarrassed, Sometimes, he really tries hard  not to bond with someone. Like, he is scared to become friends with us.” You sighed and Gehl mouthed a big silent ‘O’. 
“He is sometimes really scary but I like him!” He confessed and you smiled at him.
The day, you learned of Tsume’s true form, was when you met Kiba or more his wolf from. The white wolf were about to attack the little boy and you put your arms around his shoulders to protect him from his fangs. Scared, you closed your eyes for the awaiting pain. 
“Y/N!” Tsumes voice rang loudly as you hear his footsteps coming closer until they vanished and a loud growl in front of you appeared. You slowly opened your eyes and lost your grip on the boy. A grey wolf stood in front of you and snarled his fangs to the white wolf.
“From where comes this grey wolf?” Yelled the boy in your arms. Yes, Wolfs shouldn't exist for hundred years and there are two who proofed otherwise. As they started attacking each other, you leaded the boy away from the danger zone and before you left, you watched back as you fully saw the grey wolf from the front. Your eyes were risen wide when you recognized the large scar on his chest like... him...The wolf seemed to notice your staring and got  attacked from the white one.
Unharmed and safe, you thought hard about the fact that you heard Tsumes voice and in the next moment, a wolf with the same scar protected you from another one. Even worse, Tsume tried to avoid you obviously a lot when you arrived at their hide out. You eyes found always his bare chest with the scar. Well, you could not ask him directly about: “Are you by a chance a wolf?” Somehow, you remembered a friends book of the moon which was lend to you. The content is about the origin of wolves and their search of the paradise. You read it a long time ago and found this story very interesting. Every time, you met Tsume you could not keep your eyes from him. You mind wanders to the books saying and you vision begins to waver. Suddenly, the grey wolf sat close to the human group which did not notice him. You gaped at this while jumping up and rubbing your eyes.  “Am I dreaming ?!”Again, you focused to the same location to find Tsume standing against the wall. It happened a lot during your visits that you mistook Tsume for the grey wolf or you just realizing slowly what his true form is. Yet, you believed your mind is playing tricks on you at the beginning. The day after Gehl died during a mission, you had a moment with Tsume alone. He shrugged the situation off but you knew how much he was grieving about him.  
“The poor Gehl. He was always so scared but tried his best to...” Tsume interrupted you harshly as he answered.
“And what did his hard work result? His own death. He was just not good enough for this world...”  You slapped the table as you yelled. 
“ Tsume!”
“What?!” He turns to you. “That is the truth. He was too weak for this world and maybe his death is the better than to starve.”
“He looked up to you and want to be like you...” His shoulders flinched as the words sank in. “Tsume...” You breath. “There is something I wanted to ask you a long time...” You gaze never left him. He rose cockily one eyebrow and kept his arrogant attitude up. “About that time, the white wolf attacked us...” Then, you felt his statue waver and he grab harder at his own arms. His breathing started to get uneven.
“Yeah, what about it?” His voice was an octave higher. You stood up and laugh a bit. “That may sound a bit ridiculous...“ He gulped loudly and sweat appears on his forehead. Weird, the so calm and cool Tsume seems to get nervous.
“Are you maybe a wo-!” Some men from the group interrupted you and ask for Tsume. You waved him off and hoped to talk to him later which never happened because on this particular day and night, he would follow Kiba, Hige and Toboe for the search of Paradise as well for the flower Maiden Cheza. Weirdly, as you knew he had left, you somehow longed for him and their paradise. It was not like a an instinct like the wolfs from their call for it yet more curiosity or an old forgotten hidden impulse. Who knows... Without knowing what you actually do, you somehow ended up with Cher and Hubb who searched for Cheza also.
           ______________________Time skip___________________________
 You wonder if you gonna met Tsume again? He left Freeze City a long time ago with the other wolves. You never really had a chance to thank him for saving your life. Your group found a car while you were watching bored outside the window thinking maybe Tsume found already his paradise together with the pack. You would love to talk a last time with him. On your way to Lost City,  the one who Jagara rules, you picked up Blue together with Cher yet lost Hubb as well Cheza. With them you are about to rescue the Flower maiden and the ex Husband of Cher. Blue and you understands each other very well. It is now easier to converse with a wolf, even knowing that they are not human. Somehow, you describe it as ‘cool’ and fascinating. 
Fate means it well to you when you are about to rescue Cheza together with  Cher and meet Hubb and Tsume again. In the castle you run towards the Flower Maiden as you catch eye contact with him. His face falls from surprise as he mumbles loudly your name. “Y/N..?!”
A boy a lot smaller than him looks to him up and asked him about something. You wave your hands to him, totally excited that he seems alright and your are gonna talk  again. However, your are not alone and for you unknown, the green haired lady was ready to shoot you. WTF?! You thought as you put your arms around Cheza protective like by Gehl. Exactly like this time, Tsume changes in his wolfs form to rescue you and attacks the woman by biting in her shoulders. 
“Tsume!” You yell as his eyes widen shortly, how casually you called out to him as he showed his true form.
The reunion after the battle:  You, Cher, Hubb, Quint and the wolves left the City, you all agreed to go after Paradise and helped the wolves to find it. 
“Whatever had brought you here so far from Freeze City?” Tsumes  deep voice rings your ears as you awkwardly laugh.
“Oh well, I somehow met Cher and Hubb when we agreed to help each other. It was not planned to come this far....”
Tsume sighs at your answer. “Seems like it. You just run into a danger zone.” Then, the young boy with the brunette medium long hair approaches you.
“So you know about us?” He looks at you a bit shyly also curious. 
“Yep, I found out about myself back then and was to confront Tsume yet...” “I knew it.” he mumbles. “Yeah... You lost your nerves a bit, huh?” He rolls his eyes and avoided your gaze. “So you are who? My name is Toboe by the way!” He smiles brightly at you and you can make out his wolf form. A young brown wolf with kind eyes and accessories on his right leg. “I am Y/N. Nice to meet you, Toboe.” He remind you so much of Gehl. Excitedly, he runs beside you and ask you thousand of questions. 
Hige scoffs as he mutters tiredly from his injuries. “He really is drawn to humans.”
Annoyed, Toboe turns to him as he announces. “What is wrong about it? She is nice and Tsume likes her too.” You eyes are risen wide to him and Tsume flinches hardly. 
“Who said that?” He hits him on his head. “What are you saying? Don't make things up!” The young wolf touches his forehead in his human form and have some tears on his eyes. “But I saw that you were wiggling your tail happily as you saw her in the castle and again when you talked to her right now!!” “I did not wiggling my-!” “You totally did, Tsume.” The calm collected voice of Kiba enters the conversation as he watched you all discuss.  “Aww man, I would love to see that...” Hige giggles for himself. Blushing hard as everybody found out, Tsume tries still to deny it.
Hubb interrupts your happy conversation with a drained voice. “If he wiggled his tail or not, should not worry us. We should move forward, right?” You all agreed and moved forward. Toboe walks next to you while talking all things happened on his way. You find him endearing and pat his head lovingly which he makes a relaxed face and he throws his head towards you more to ask for more. You do as he asked for and a growl from behind make you flinch exactly like the boy. Tsume walks between you and Toboe and snatched his ear as he commands.  “What are you gonna do? Entering the car with her and letting your ears fondle? You and me are running!” Kiba amuses about his behavior and run after them.
On your way, you and everyone made great losses. First, Cher died by the car accident. After this, you rest all a bit for the night. Toboe cuddles close to you which gives you warmth. Tsume let himself next you down as he rest against a wall behind you. Somehow, he trust you enough to sleep a bit so close up. Slowly, you fall asleep as Toboes wolfs head rest on your stomach, finding comfort there and unknown to you, Tsume lies his head later on your legs and keeping watch when everybody rests.
The calm lasts not long when Darcia attacks you and killed Toboe who protects Quint. You didn’t weep long about his fate when Darcia is ready to slaughter Tsume and you step between them. His fangs reaches your throat but didn’t end it directly. He just ripped open your skin and flesh, bites into your lungs. The pain of his attack is so overwhelming and numbing every part of your body. Your vision gets blurry when Tsume runs to you. You don’t hear his screaming or anything he says. You feel the blood running from your veins.  “Y/N!” He yells and hovers over you. His eyes are not weeping tears yet are very glassy from holding back. You look up to him as you still can’t hear him. “Listen to me, I call this man and he definitely helps you. Stay awake! Do you hear me?!” You cough up blood and his form shakes, knowing your are gonna die.
“Don't you dare to die on me here, Y/N.....” he grits his teeth. “Why did you follow me here...” His head is bent low. You eyes find a last spark as you put all your strength together to rise your hand up. Your palm caress slowly his head when tears slowly falls from his cheeks.
“Guys... Move already forward, I come after when I said good bye to her and Toboe.”  They understand and turned away. Blue gives you a sad look and howls for her good bye to you. 
You smile a last time as you mutter under your breath with blood in your mouth. “I always wanted to that since I found out, you are a wolf.” Tsume lets his head get patted as he looks at you and mumbles. “If I had known it feels that good...” Your other shaky hand reaches to the other ear of his as you dig your finger in his soft grey fur. Lovingly, he bends down and lies his head softly on your chest without putting to much weight on you. He closes his eyes and let your fingers caressing his head and even fondle his ears. He stays a long time like this even a while when your hands stopped like your breathing. He whimpers with his head in your arms. 
“Toboe, I am sorry. You were right, this feels amazing....”
“I would take this whole outfit...” 
“Alright... The outfit ‘Tsume’?” You tip the price of the clothing yourself made into the till. The man wit the sunglasses flinches at the title of his chosen new outfit.
“Ehm... are you alright with the huge snag on his shoulder? I can sew it together but it is actually intended to look like this.” You point towards the hole. At designing, you were a bit unsure to leave it like this but something in you head screams that is looks better with a big snag on the shoulder.”
“No, thanks. I like it how it is.” You smile at the compliment and take his money.
“Thank you for your buy and come again!” You thanked him with a kind smile as you look at him the first time in full attention. Even he was drawn to your gaze. It takes a minute when you cough embarrassed and carry some clothing to your warehouse behind. Your friend asks you who this handsome man was when you answer her. “No idea. He seems so familiar...” Actually, it is scary how familiar. As you created this bought costume, you had his figure in mind. 
Outside the shop....
“Tsume?! Did you find something?”
“Yeah.” Tsume still irritated from before and tries to recall from here he knows you. “This new designer shop has some interesting stuff...” 
He looks back to your shop as he smiles a bit. Weird, maybe you two had met already in a life before ....
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user21340 · 3 years
notice me. please?
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(i don’t own this gif)
summary: natasha is pretty upset about the destruction of her beloved car so you decide to work a little overtime and get her a new one. however, she assumes tony bought it for her. will natasha find out who actually purchased the car or leave you heartbroken?
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
warnings: a bit of cursing, a little violence, a little angst, fluff.
word count: 2,166
a/n: hey! thank you all for 257 followers. that is so cool to me and i really do appreciate it. sorry i haven’t been putting out much recently. my last official day of school was wednesday and i had to work yesterday, leaving me not much time to write anything. i hope you enjoy this and i’m very sorry for my lack of car, money, and timeline knowledge. I’m imagining this is in between catws and aou. love youu!💕
sorry for the reupload. for whatever reason tumblr hates my guts and decided to post my fic 4 hours earlier than intended (maybe i’m just stupid lmao). thank youu!🥲
There was only one thing Natasha cared about more than the team. Her all black, 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. That was until a group of HYDRA scum entered the compound’s facility and managed to throw a few explosive charges in the garage as well as at the outdoor training area before they were taken care of. The charges were detonated before they picked off the last HYDRA agent. The outdoor training area was practically fine and could be fixed up in a couple days. The garage however, was not in great shape in the slightest. Only Tony and Nat had cars in there at the moment because most other members were away. Most of Tony’s cars were fine, only a bit scratched and dented. Contrary, Natasha’s corvette was totaled. Her subtle changes really showed around the compound. Natasha went back to being her coldish self once again. Some may say it was stupid in the first place to be so attached to an inanimate object more specifically a car, but Natasha had nothing of her own in her younger years besides her guns, knives, and ballet slippers. This car was the first thing she had that she was proud to call her own. A satisfaction she couldn’t get from a gun.
I’ve always had a little tiny crush on the one and only Natasha Romanoff. So to see her go from a woman who would go out of her way to make conversation and joke around with others to a woman who would roll her eyes at any person besides Fury or Hill who tried to converse with her hurt nonetheless. Now don’t get me wrong I’m a pretty quiet person but being a supersoldier happens to be one hell of a conversation starter so I’ve had to learn how to interact with others without it being like pulling teeth. I’m pretty comfortable around the team and try to be as subtle as possible about my tinsy crush on the perfect redhead but the others pick up my feelings for her pretty early on and the team had always encouraged me to make a move because they said that the feelings would most definitely be mutual. However, the one person who doesn’t notice this crush I have is Nat herself. I’d never think an ex- world class assassin could be so oblivious to such feelings. With all of this being said, I was tired of seeing Nat mope around only speaking when needed to debrief a mission. So, I went to work (quite literally) and started asking Fury for more intense solo missions that paid higher.
Now I wasn’t poor at all, I was just aware a few weeks of hard work could make me the $60,000 necessary for the purchase of a brand new all black 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. This was honestly perfect timing for me to try and make this purchase due to Tony and Natasha fighting over some unimportant gala Tony made Nat attend for no reason at all. However, the higher paying the mission, the more dangerous they were. I had 6 missions planned, 4 of the 6 being $5,000 each if completed, the other two being $25,000 each. $70,000, enough money to pay off the car plus taxes entirely and even gave me a bit of pocket change. 5 out of the 6 missions went by quickly and weren’t too hard, just simple tasks such as blending in with the public and HYDRA agents to gain crucial intel about the group.
The last mission was a difficult one to say the least. I had to infiltrate a fully functioning HYDRA lab along with a few recruits. This lab may have been fully functioning but most of the HYDRA members were scientists, not agents making them less than great fighters. The recruits manage to take out all of the security outside of the lab, now it was time to move in. Not gonna lie, being back in a HYDRA lab was triggering after being tortured in one for years but I did what I was told and collected the intel. While I was doing so, a recruit left an uncovered space behind me while I was backing up files on a thumb drive. This left room for a HYDRA scientist to shoot me in the back with a dart filled with their latest and greatest serum as the upload completed. A recruit quickly noticed what was going on and shot the scientist. The serum injecting itself into my bloodstream hurt more than I remembered and I felt my muscles spasm. Before I fully blacked out, I grabbed the drive out of the computer and slipped it into one of my pockets.
I woke up in the Avenger’s infirmary with Dr.Cho working on her computer next to me. “Oh it’s nice to see you awake Y/N. Don’t freak out, we managed to get most of that serum out of your system, however your body fat percentage did lessen a bit. I recommend increasing your caloric intake per day. You should be able to get discharged in a few hours but until then you should get some rest.” She spoke. Not needing to hear anymore I fell asleep mumbling a ‘thank you’.
I had been discharged 24 hours ago and found out the data had been retrieved after a recruit found the drive in my pocket and handed it in to the higher ups. The team had pestered me asking if they could do anything to make me feel better after finding out what happened on that mission and also asked why I was put on that mission anyway. I pushed them off saying I liked to keep busy. Everyone went along with that reason except for Natasha who was able to see through my facade and looked especially worried at my dismissal of the past events in the last 24 hours..
The dealership had been refreshing to go to and made me feel oddly normal. The purchase was made. I parked the Corvette in Natasha’s old spot and sent her a text saying that there was something she may want to see in the garage. She responded by texting a quick k. 5 minutes later I was met with the presence of the gorgeous emerald eyed woman. I wordlessly led her into the garage. When she saw the Corvette she gasped, her eyes glistened, and went over to touch the hood. “Whose is this?” She exclaimed. “Uh, it’s yours.” I say awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. “No way. This is perfect! Even though Tony is a dumbass, annoying, and a manchild, I’ve got to give it to him, this is amazing!” With her words my mouth went dry. “Isn’t it pretty, Y/N?” She asked, still concentrating on the vehicle. “Haha yeah, it really is…” I said. With her excitement she failed to see how weirdly I was acting. “Well, I’ve got to go thank him and forgive him right now. See you later Y/N/N!” She sprinted out of the garage. I walked defeatedly towards the car and placed the key on the hood and hastily walked to my room. It kinda (REALLY) hurt to not get recognition for my deed but all that mattered was Nat was happy, I kept telling myself. Tears clouding my vision I slam my door and kick my shoes off as I approach my bed. I cry for who knows how long and drift off to sleep.
Natasha sprints into the living room of the compound and everyone looks up to see who could possibly be running in as all of the avenger’s are inside the room already. They are shocked to be met with Nat’s smiling face. “Where’s Tony?” She asks. “He actually just left to go with Pepper to a meeting. He should be back in a couple hours, why?” Sam responds. “Oh nothing, he must’ve felt bad after making me attend that awful gala so he made up for it by buying me a new Corvette Stingray after my last one was destroyed.” She smirks and runs out of the room again after successfully leaving all of the men in the living room with their jaws wide open. Natasha sees the key on the hood and grabs it. She then sets off to go pick up Tony’s favorite food in all of NYC as an I forgive you and thank you for the car. This was about a 2 ½ hour round trip due to traffic as well as the distance traveled.
No one had seen Y/N all day and she is pretty hard to miss. No one really thought anything of it. How was she going to tell Nat that she was the one who purchased the car for Nat instead of Tony? She couldn’t. Natasha had made it back to the compound and was ecstatic to see the previously missing car of Tony’s parked back in his spot. Nat took the bag of food and rushed up to Tony’s room after not seeing him in the living room. As she was walking to the elevator she heard muffled cries but thought it could wait till after she confronted Tony.
She hastily knocked on Tony’s door and smiled when he opened. He had a very confused look on his face when Nat shoved the food he recognised as his favorite into his arms. “W-what is this for?” Tonny stammered. “It is a thank you for getting me the corvette. I also forgive you for the gala incident.” She stated, growing confused when seeing Tony’s look of confusion increasing. “Nat as much as I would love to take credit for the corvette and for you to forgive me right now, but I didn’t buy it for you.” He sheepishly says. “B-but who got it for me then?” She asks while being taken aback. “You’ll have to figure that one out yourself. Thank you for the food though!” He speaks loudly as he shuts the door in Natasha’s face before she can take the food back. She’s frozen for a moment while everything that she has failed to realize until this very moment. The feminine cries, your lack of reaction to Nat getting the Corvette, and you not following Nat to the living room to tell the boys. She has messed up bigtime and has hurt the person who she has wanted to protect every minute of the day so she rushes to your room.
Once again I was tired out from crying and scrolling through TikTok so I decided to take another nap hoping to sleep through the night and not wake up to this mess I put myself in. What feels like seconds later after waking from my dreamless sleep, I hear a lot of loud knocks at my door. I grab my gun that was in the drawer beside my bed and approach the door hoping it isn’t any aliens, HYDRA agents, or Natasha. Unlucky me. I’m met at the door with a certain redhead sending me a melancholic gaze. “Why didn’t you say anything?” She asks as she lunges at me to engulf me into a bone crushing hug. Stepping back from the hug for a moment I answer, ”W-what are you talking about?” “Come on Y/N/N I already know it wasn’t Tony and the only person on this team who cares for me unnecessarily is you. So let me ask you again. Why didn’t you tell me?” “Umm I guess I didn’t want to take away from your excitement and happiness just to get recognition for it.” I continue to look down and purposely and continuously stub my toes on the ground to try and get this confrontation to end as soon as possible. Nat outreaches her arm and slowly guides my chin upwards to look at her “Well, if you’d told me that you bought it for me I would’ve been even more excited because we all know how easy it is for Tony to buy a car. But with you, it’s different.” “R-really?” I stutter out still staring at those same piercing eyes that make my knees weak. “Yup.” She exclaims whilst popping the p. “Now will you allow me to take you out for dinner as a little thank you? Like dinner as in a date?” She asks. “S-sure I’d love to! I mean, yeah that sounds cool.” She lets out a breathy chuckle at my nervousness. “Alright! That settles it. I’ll pick you up out front at 7:30 tomorrow. Wear something casual.” “Okay! Sounds go-” I say only to be cut off by the softest pair of lips I’ve ever felt against my own. She pulls away. “Just a little preview of tomorrow perhaps.” She laughs when seeing my flushed cheeks and wide mouth as she turns away from my room. Maybe the lack of recognition at first was a good thing if the endgame resulted in this.
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
Do you think Natasha and Yelena would let me sit at the Avenger’s Thanksgiving table just because my parents left me out? My mom cooked with cinnamon (I’m allergic to it even if it’s just a in the air) so I had to stay in my room all day, then there wasn’t room at the table for me so I had to sit at the counter. Also have an eating disorder so I didn’t eat 🥲 If you think they would let me just chill w/ them, could you maybe do some headcannons? Tysm you are awesome
A/N: I am so sorry your parents left you out 🥺💖 You deserve a perfect Thanksgiving and only the best of things 💗 And I am 100% sure that Yelena and Natasha would let you chill with them at Thanksgiving dinner with you guys just sitting and talking for a really long while 😊
While I don't write reader inserts, I can give you some Avengers Thanksgiving headcanons with a special focus on Natasha and Yelena 🥰
I hope your day has gotten at least a little better, and I hope you enjoy these! 💕
Natasha & Yelena + Avengers Thanksgiving Headcanons:
- There is a whole list of food with names next to the dishes that tells the Avengers who needs to bring what
- Natasha and Yelena are the only ones who are not included on the list because everyone knows that neither one of them can cook anything at all
- The one time that they let the girls bring something, Bucky ended up with food poisoning
- Which in hindsight was likely by Yelena's design because she does not exactly get along with him all that well due to their shared history and his role in the Red Room
- When they are all gathered at the table, Yelena and Natasha are always seated next to each other with Peter sitting on the other side of Yelena and Carol sitting on the other side of Natasha
- Yelena heaps up giant piles of food on her plate and sometimes food is almost on top of each other because she insists on trying at least a little of every single dish that is brought
- And the amount of Avengers and heroes that attend is quite a few so Yelena has an enormous plate by the time it's all over
- Natasha picks a few of her favorite foods and sticks to that, saving room for any desserts that they might have afterward
- Yelena does not have that sort of foresight as her eyes grow as big as her plate and she wants everything she sees
- After Peter hesitantly suggests it, they all end up saying what they are thankful for as they eat their Thanksgiving dinner
- When it becomes Natasha's turn, she talks about how thankful she is that she has a sister as amazing as Yelena and she says how thankful she is to have this entire family of people that she cares about
- And since Peter started the chain, Yelena ends up going last, and she at first jokes about how she's thankful for all of this food that she's getting to stuff her face with
- However, she eventually grows serious and ends up admitting that she is thankful for the Avengers and for them accepting her so openly into their group, and she finally says that she is most thankful for the biggest poser she has ever known who is the most wonderful, amazing person she has ever known
- Natasha has to blink rapidly and focus intensely on her mashed potatoes to avoid crying in response to the heartfelt words
- When dessert is brought out at some point, Carol says something to Yelena and makes the mistake of calling her short
- Which naturally angers Yelena and Yelena throws pudding at Carol
- And then a giant dessert fight breaks loose, and chaos is let loose
- When the entire thing comes to an end, they are all laughing even though most of them are covered with chocolate and various other desserts
- It is a huge mess to clean up, but they all have a ridiculously huge amount of fun
- When Natasha and Yelena finally go home for the night, Yelena just crashes against Natasha, letting her big sister hold her in her arms as she just rests her head on Natasha's shoulder
- It is a chaotic yet perfect Thanksgiving indeed
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
also haha strange that your blog is basically scara centric even tho you like albedo more, as a scara simp i love that BUT RECENTLY IVE STARTED TO SIMP FOR ALBEDO?? HELP?? Hes JUST- mwah ❤️
since the universe is letting me just suFFER im not really doing anything other than sleeping, watching tv and scrolling thru tumblr (oh and i cant forget DYING) so i decided to just ✨appear✨ again hehe
also i just started experimenting with writing a harbinger!reader and its too much fun and im listening to maybe too many villain playlists and then making my own lmao
anyway i need some thoughts abt albedo bumping into harbinger!reader and instantly figuring out who they are but reader has absolutely no clue that he does and also reader totally becomes protective of klee BECAUSE SHES SO CUTE HOW can ONE NOT LOVE HER OK ack im rambling 💀💀 BUT KLEE HAS NO CLUE THAT reader is well.. a harbinger and most likely a villain or at least has killed someone?? and im crying bc i just love klee and albedo so much now help-
thats should be all for now hhehehhe
- king
I think I got into the writing side of the Genshin community by looking up Diluc and Kaeya fics (not the ship, but their brotherly bond has such a good potential for angsty hurt/comfort that it was too good to pass up, even if it is only platonic) so this event really did feed me well lmfao
Hehehehe… Hehehe.. Heh… Welcome to the dark side, my friend. You’re stuck here now >:) Albedo’s model let’s him down tbh so I understand why some people don’t simp for him. But ugh in official art? Yeah, that’s a no brainer, he’s so GXYCUFUFYCGRDYCIVIH- (personally I like his model, could be better but he’s still a cutie- but his art is on another level entirely. Just- god tier, can’t get any better honestly, he just beats everyone else imo)
You can ✨appear✨any time you like, I always enjoy you in my inbox, no matter how late I reply, it’s always lovely to hear from you <33 but I hope you’re feeling better now :/
Villain playlists are very satisfying to listen to, really gets me in the mood if I need to write some arguments or just angst in general.
Ahem. Hope you don’t mind some brainrot rambling- I’ll put it utc for anyone else reading so they’re not spammed by it
I’ve been wanting to do something like a harbinger reader for quite some time, but I’m not sure if anyone would be interested in that, since I’ve seen quite a few people do that idea already. But if it’s specifically requested, I’ll do it,,, Anyway.
Yes. Harbinger reader. Albedo would figure it out soon, if not right away when he meets you. He’s wary of what a harbinger would want with his little sister.
If Klee was perhaps a little older, you would offer to take her under your wing, teaching her the ways of the fatui, operating as your apprentice. Your adorable little apprentice that acts like a living grenade, grinning as she decimates anything in her path. But alas, even someone as evil as you wanted to preserve her carefree innocence for just a little longer before she had to open her eyes to how cruel the world could be.
So, Albedo lets you carry on this little charade of protectiveness, so long as you’re not hurting her. It’s only when you protect him from an onslaught of Fatui soldiers on Dragonspine with your Cryo vision (or, you know, whatever vision reader would have but I just thought it shows that harbinger reader really cares if they’re using CRYO in a snowy environment. Also woukd be kind of funny with Albedo like ‘???? Why are you using Cryo in the SNOW?’ ), did he realise that what you were doing wasn’t out of cunning malice but out of the genuine connection you had made with the two blondes. You weren’t… Insufferable. In fact, you were quite pleasant to be around. But he still has his reservations about you being with such a corrupt group, that’s something he’s always going to be cautious of. And he does warn you, in a not so subtle way:
If you EVER put Klee in danger, Knight, harbinger, status wouldn’t of mattered between the two of you- he would deal with you personally. (I can’t tell if this scares or excites me- reader is probably extremely confused at the emotions it elicits)
Fortunately you knew better than to double cross him, especially when you were slowly falling in love with your enemy… oh no, what did that little girl do to you? She made you all… Soft. And now you’re falling for her brother. You’re an awful harbinger. You knew it was wrong and yet…
Something about this knight captivated you, especially when he brushed your hair behind your ear when it blew in your face, or whispered how you were his favourite muse when the world fell silent and it was just the two of you. Yes. The two of you, hand in hand - cities crumbling, gods falling - as long as you were with him, nothing could stop you.
Albedo would suit morally grey harbinger reader, you’re both flight risks and are willing to do whatever it takes to protect your loved ones. You’re also both incredibly dangerous and have the potential to unleash hell upon the world. Maybe two chaotic souls ground each other, keeping things in balance. But if anyone was to set either of you off… I don’t even think gods could stop the impending doom you both would bring. Thankfully, no one’s tried to do that. Yet.
Hehe. Maybe I went a little overboard but it sparked some inspiration, something I’ve been lacking in (especially today) let me know what you thought about it <3 expand it, if you like.
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