#maybe one of these days ill make my final choice and ill deliver the ultimate hurt to everyone once and for all
batqueers · 2 months
0 notes
Love & Great Buildings - Chapter Six
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Chapter: 6/19
Character/Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Rosemary Mathews (OFC)
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: Three years have passed and a chance encounter brings Tom and Rosie together again. Can time make any difference or are they doomed to repeat their mistakes.
Rating: M
Author’s Notes/Warnings:  This is part nine of Last Minutes & Lost Evenings. Many thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff​ for listening to me ramble incessantly about  this story and being a sounding board when I needed it. You are a lifesaver, even if your stories break my heart.
  It had taken Rosemary nearly another full week to start to feel more or less herself again. The guilt was still there, waiting for moments of calm to rear its ugly head, but a sense of resignation and weary acceptance had taken root in her. She had taken things too far and he had walked away. It had been almost two weeks since that she’d seen him last and no word, for good or ill. She hadn’t been surprised; it’s what she would have done. Cut him out before more damage could take root and not look back. But knowing that didn’t make any of its aftermath any easier to stand.
 There were times she could have sworn she’d caught glimpses of him on the street as she traveled between the shop and her flat. But when she would stop and look back because maybe this time, just maybe, there was no trace of him. And it was hard, during those times, to stop the crushing sense of loss and defeat that would overwhelm her. She knew it was her mind playing tricks on her, her subconscious seeking out some part of him. Wishful thinking at its best.
 She had pulled out her phone so many times, opened to his name in her contact list, finger hovering over the dial button. But she hadn’t brought herself to actually do so. He’d made it perfectly clear that he hadn’t wanted to speak with her. Forcing the issue would likely only make matters worse. She’d wanted to though; she wanted to desperately. It was a feeling she wasn’t sure would fade over time but maybe it would be easier to bear. Please let it be easier.
 But she had forced herself to go about her life. The newest Stories was slowly but surely starting to stand on its own. Hanna had taken to managing more of its day to day operations but Rosemary remained on hand to help with the larger matters. It was a strange thing, letting another hold the reins to what had always been her baby. But Rosemary knew that it was all part of the process. In time she would transition herself to the original store and hopefully be able to fit herself back into that routine. But for now she flitted in between the two and told herself she was content. She had to be, there wasn’t another option she cared to entertain.
 Things unfortunately were still cool between herself and Jules. They had spoken briefly regarding Stories and business matters but neither had overtly mentioned their last tense meeting. Rosemary knew that Jules had wanted to breach the subject, whether to apologize or continue the argument further, she wasn’t sure, and had done everything in her power to shut her down. She knew that she wasn’t being precisely fair to Jules, that the fault had been ultimately hers and hers alone, but it did little to temper the resentment she felt. Time, she hoped, would help cool her ire. Time and a bit of distance.
 Rosemary took a deep breath and wrapped her coat tightly against the brisk chill of the late March afternoon. She’d been on several errands, both for the store and for herself. She juggled both of the now incredibly heavy tote bags to her left shoulder and fumbled in her pocket for her set of store keys. It amazed her how easily she tended to lose things in those pockets, especially since they weren’t overly large. One of the many mysteries of the universe, she thought with a snort of amusement. Several minutes and curses later she managed to locate them and made quick work of the door’s lock, shoving it open with her hip.
 The store had closed early that particular Saturday afternoon to get a jump start on inventory reconciliation. Something that in past had taken a good two days, more without suitable help. It was all hands on deck and Rosemary, in turn, had drawn the short straw and been sent on readies duty. She’d hit the nearest corner shop and unloaded nearly all of their pre-made sandwiches and very nearly decimated their crisp and soft drink stock as well. She had also managed to squeeze in a run to the café across the street and gotten herself a triple espresso, not thinking overly much about the wisdom of ingesting quite so much caffeine. She’d needed it and desperately, especially if she wanted to make it through the coming inventory alive and relatively sane.
 “Alright boys and girls,” she called as she pushed the door closed behind her with her foot. “Gather round, for I come bearing massive quantities of food.”
 Several grumbles echoed from the stock room in back followed by heavy footfalls. Max was the first to appear, taking the bags from Rosemary’s outstretched hand and placing them with a grunt of effort onto the countertop. Alex, Gabe, and Hanna followed closely behind. Soon the shop front was filled with contented mumbling and the rustling of cling film and crisp packets. Placated with food, the group soon settled into the chaotic routine of inventory. Rosemary found herself laughing and almost happy as she listened to Alex and Max bicker back and forth over who would be tackling the shelved items verses the boxes in back.
 “I don’t give a toss which of you does what, but if I here anymore of your bitching I won’t be able to be held accountable for my actions,” Hanna yelled, amusement tinged with annoyance coloring her tone.
 Which cued another argument between the two about what exactly counted as bitching and just who’s fault it was. Rosemary and Hanna merely locked eyes and laughed as the boys continued to snipe at one another. There was little else they could do and unless, or until, it came to physical blows it was more or less harmless.  
 The process was a slow and tedious one. It had taken all Rosemary had to not jump for joy when they’d finally called it quits for the evening. It was ridiculous, she was well aware, but if she stared at anymore figures or lists she was certain she’d lose what little she had left if her mind. The faces of the others told Rosemary she wasn’t alone which was comforting.
 Sunday was much the same. Rosemary and Hanna arrived shortly before seven, with the remaining team trickling in an hour or so later. They worked steadily through the morning, breaking occasionally for coffee runs and Max’s frequent cigarette breaks, in which he swore he was simply ‘testing the air quality’. “And I’m the bloody Queen,” Hanna had griped at him on his seventh break of the morning.
 Max had good natured rolled his eyes, bowed, and intoned, “Your Majesty,” before heading out into the cold afternoon air.
 Gabe had drawn the short straw that afternoon and, with a sigh of thinly veiled annoyance, had made the run to the local pizza joint to pick up the pizzas Hanna had ordered. They ate and laughed, putting off their return to work as long as they could. They finished, finally, sometime in the early evening and parted ways with many a joyous cheer, mainly from Max, Alex, and Gabe.
 Rosemary had sent Hanna off as well, electing to remain behind to finish the last of the paperwork and the lock up. She used the now unaccustomed silence to breath and center herself. Her mind bent to the task, she had been able to knock out the remaining work in less than two hours. True, it would have been faster with Hanna’s aid, but Rosemary had needed the distraction.
 Going home to her empty flat had been a daunting process. She’d always valued having her own space, had never felt lonely on her own. Until recently. And with her relationship with Jules so strained, she’d been alone more often then not. So she’d volunteered to take on more at the shop, often times coming home too exhausted to think. It wasn’t something she could maintain in the long run, she was well aware of that, nor did it help solve anything. But for now it helped.
 It was a pattern she allowed herself to continue in the week that passed. And now with Jules out of commission, she was beginning to feel the strain. Especially on this evening in particular. The day had been hectic; the store had gotten quite busy during the middle of the afternoon, pulling her from her office to help with the overflow and once that had died down she’d been left to sort through the growing queue of online orders.
 Normally she and Jules split handling the orders as they arrived, but Jules had a family emergency; her sister had been rushed to the hospital in what was feared to be, and later confirmed as, preterm labor, leaving Rosemary to juggle both locations. It was daunting and had been mentally draining but by the time she had left for the evening, the majority of the orders had been managed, leaving the physical gathering and packing of said items for Gabe and Alex on her end and Samuel on Jules’.
Once she’d arrived home, Rosemary had quickly changed into a pair of worn, but mercifully comfortable track bottoms and an oversized t-shirt. She had exactly zero plans of venturing out of her flat anytime in the near future and comfort was now her number one priority. Anyone who came calling would simply have to accept that. Not that she expected any visitors save whomever delivered her meal of choice for the evening.
 She sighed and wandered lazily into the kitchen. At this point all she could think of was curling up on the couch with a blanket and unhealthy amounts of Chinese take-away. She grabbed a glass of water and a menu from the newest Chinese take-away that had sprung up in her neighborhood. It had been left by her door earlier in the week and she was anxious to give them a try.
 Food ordered, Rosemary grabbed the remote from the coffee table and set about flicking through the channels hoping to find something that would catch her attention. Three trips through though and she was beginning to lose hope. With a grunt she pushed herself off of the couch and wandered over to the shelf of DVD and Blu-ray discs in the corner, perusing her options. It took several minutes but she soon selected a film; a thriller that would easily occupy her mind, opened its case and placed the disc into the opened tray of the player. She settled herself back onto the couch and watched the disc previews with only the barest hint of attention. She clicked through the start-up menu and started the film, dropping the remote beside her on the couch.
 Rosemary nearly jumped out of her skin when a knock sounded at her door. She laughed and shook her head at her own skittishness. Mathews, you seriously need to relax. She quickly pushed herself off the couch and grabbed her purse from its home on the entryway table.
 She pulled open the door, wallet in hand. “That was quick, I’m impress…”
 Her voice trailed off as her brain fully comprehended just who was standing in her doorway. Tom stood silhouetted by the warm, but dim lighting of the hallway, his expression unreadable. Rosemary gaped at him, vaguely aware of just how unbecoming she must have looked, but at that moment she’d been too stunned to care.  
 “May I come in?” His voice was soft and even.
 Rosemary nodded mutely, standing aside to allow him to pass. He entered without another word. Her mind was screaming with questions. Why was he here? What did he want? Why had he come now? She didn’t trust her voice to speak.
 Instead, she watched as he made his way into her tiny living room, stopping in front of the couch but not settling onto it. He turned to face her and she could have sworn she saw a flicker of something in his eyes. She couldn’t place it or rather was not sure she had seen it correctly. It wasn’t the cold, fury laced pain she had seen that last afternoon but a cautious determination. But of what? And to what end?
 “Tom,” she breathed, her voice quiet and almost tremulous. “I…I don’t understand…What are you…Why are you here?”
 He offered her a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I told you that I needed time.”
 Rosemary nodded. She remembered his last words all too clearly. They had replayed over and over on her mind since he’d uttered them. “I remember.” But this didn’t make any sense. He’d asked her to go, told her to leave. Why was he here now?
 She watched as Tom paced slowly around the small room. He rubbed his hand through his already tousled hair before shoving both firmly into the pockets of his jeans. “I…” He paused, seemingly to try and gather his thoughts. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
 Rosemary stared at him in confusion. “What?”
 Tom let out a soft, unsure laugh. “I must have picked up the phone a hundred times over the last few weeks. I just…I didn’t know what to say. I still don’t. I spent the whole trip here trying to think of what I could say. What I should say. How I could convince you to talk to me.” He paused, his eyes raising to meet hers, confusion and disbelief swirling in their depths. “I didn’t expect you to answer the door. Let alone let me in. But you did, and I don’t understand why.”
 Again she gaped at him. Her mind swirling with confusion. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. She was the one who’d lashed out, hurt him. “I…I don’t understand. Tom, you’re not making any sense. I fucked up. I said those horrid things to you. Why the hell would you think that you would need to convince me to talk to you?”
 It was Tom’s turn to stare in bewilderment. “I deserved it. And truthfully so much more. You…Rosie, I was horrid to you. I was…Fuck, I still am a selfish cad. I keep fucking up! I keep hurting you! You have every bloody right to be furious with me! And instead of facing up to that I ran.”
 He paused, taking a deep breath and dropping himself onto the couch. He ran a shaky hand through his hair. “I thought I was too late. That I’d waited too long again, that I’d hurt you too badly for you to ever forgive me. But you opened the door. Why did you open the door?” His voice had gone quite soft, as if he were not really speaking to her anymore. Rosemary had barely heard his last question and continued to stare at him in stunned disbelief. She couldn’t make any sense of any of it.
 Rosemary took a deep breath and tried to marshal her thoughts into some semblance of coherency, before slowly lowering herself onto the opposite end of the couch. “I should have called you.” She raised her eyes to his, noting how they mirrored her own confusion. “I wanted to call you. Wanted to apologize.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I was just so angry at you. So fucking angry. And I wanted to hurt you. Hurt you like you’d hurt me. And that was wrong, I knew it and I still did it and I can’t take it back. You aren’t the one who fucked up this time, Tom. I did that. And I am truly, truly sorry.”
 Tears blurred her vision and she hastily wiped them away with the back of her hand. The guilt and resentment burning steadily inside her. She felt Tom’s large hand envelope her own, squeezing it gently. The warmth of it was both comfort and torture. Her eyes shot up to his once more.
 “Rosie,” he breathed, “Please don’t…”
 She shook her head vehemently. “No, Tom. This right here was my own damn fault. Don’t you dare try to take it on yourself.”
 Tom laughed despite himself. It was a short, mirthless sound. It sounded wrong coming from his lips. “We could go back and forth on this for ages, darling, and not get anywhere.” He offered her a tentative smile. “We both behaved appalling and we both fell wretched about it, am I right?” His eyes locked on hers, silently pleading for understanding.
 Rosemary nodded, a watery smile spreading across her face. “More or less.”
 “And apologizing further doesn’t change or fix that?”  
 She nodded again.
 This time the smile he gave her shone lightly in his eyes. Tentatively hopeful and blessedly warm. “You are sorry and so am I. We’ve both done wrong and we can’t change that. It’s done now. So let’s just stop. Call it a truce.”
 Rosemary laughed in earnest now. Could it honestly be that easy? If she was being completely honest with herself, she could admit she was doubtful but she still couldn’t deny that the idea was enticing. Maybe it could be that easy, in time.
 She shoved him playfully on the arm, not letting herself think too closely at how she’d been so sure such casualness between them was lost for good. “Look at you, Mr. Double First from Cambridge, when did you get so smart?”
 Tom smiled and rubbed his hand over the nape of his neck. “Not for lack of trying.” He raised his head, eyes finding hers once more. “I’ve had a lot of time to do a bit of soul searching, if you will. And, though it’s still mostly a work in progress, I’ve learned that talking helps. And talking to someone, especially someone who is objective, makes a difference.”
 Rosemary looked at him blankly, trying to process just what he was trying to tell her. And more importantly, why he was telling her. “Talking to someone?” She began, repeating his words, trying to ascertain their meaning. “Like a therapist?”
 He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand once more, his eyes locked on the table before him. He looked as vulnerable as she’d ever seen him and it tugged at her heart.
 Her brows furrowed an unsettling realization nagging at the back of her mind. “Because of what happened? With us?” The words felt wrong, selfish and self-centered and not at all what she’d meant. But she couldn’t seem to find ones that would convey what she desperately wanted to understand.  
 Tom shook his head, “No. Because of me. Because I didn’t much care for the person I was becoming.” He rested his hands on his knees, eyes locked on the floor. “It got to be too much; the fame, the attention, the scrutiny from the press and fans alike. I’d dealt with it all before, and I thought I had a fairly good handle on it. I was able to tune it out and just go about my life. And then that summer…” he took a deep breath and shrugged. “It got so much worse and it didn’t seem to go away. It didn’t matter what I did, between the cameras and the fans…It was something I was struggling with. Something I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around, couldn’t control. So I threw myself into my work because then at least I could control that. I worked and I worked and I tried to ignore it. And then I met you and I felt like I could breathe. It was all still there but I could forget for a while. And I did and it was wonderful. But it didn’t go away and instead of dealing with it, I ran. And then I threw myself back into work and the vicious cycle started all over again. But this time I wasn’t handling any of it and I couldn’t fake it. Not anymore. I was pushing people away, putting up walls, lashing out. I wasn’t me anymore and that scared the shit out of me. So I sought out help.”
 “And did it?” She whispered and, realizing her question wasn’t completely clear, added “Help, I mean.”
 Tom raised his eyes and caught Rosemary’s once again, nodding. “It’s helping. It’s a long way yet but yes, I think it’s helping.”
 “Good.” She took his hand in hers and squeezed. “I’m glad.”
 The knock that sounded at the door startled them both. Rosemary quickly pulled her hands away, confusion coloring her features. What on earth…
 And then it hit her, “My food!” She jumped from the couch, grabbing her wallet from the table in the hall where she’d dropped it at Tom’s sudden apparition. She ignored Tom’s chuckle at her unexpected outburst, knowing he’d seen her so far worse.
 Rosemary smiled politely at the girl standing at the door, as she took the bag and paid her. Closing the door with her hip, she turned back around and held the bag up towards Tom. “I’d nearly forgotten about this.” She smiled softly at him, “I’ve got enough to feed a small army. You’re welcome to have some…If you want…” she trailed off, feeling like a prize idiot. Or a lovesick fool. No, she cursed at herself. Do not go there.
 She watched the indecision play across his face and tried desperately to stamp down her own rising disappointment. Things had been emotionally jumbled and tense between them. Of course he’d want to go. But god, how she wanted him to stay. Just for a bit longer.
 “Are you sure?” His voice was soft, tentative. “I’ve already barged into your evening enough as is. I don’t want to put you out anymore than I already have.” She could see the indecision warring with what she thought was wary hope in his eyes.
 “No, please,” she started, placing the bag into the coffee table and standing in front of him, trying desperately to keep her voice calm. “Stay. I’d like you to stay.”
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somarysueme · 5 years
WicDiv Thoughts, some overly personal
stiiiiiillllll can’t really put together my feelings about the end and epilogue.  I will say that I liked the ending and epilogue more than I expected to*, and the longer I sit on it, I find more things to like about it.
(* Except for everything about Baal and Mini)
That said, there’s still that huge, unpleasant gap between what I wanted/expected this comic was supposed to be, and what it actually intended/was. I wrote this post after 43 (the “everyone does the thing” chapter), using bits of a half-written reaction to 39 ("Laura did the thing” chapter) to talk about that gap. I decided to sit on it til everything was said and done Just In Case, but I mostly still agree with what I’d written. 
So Here Are My Thoughts
The full pantheon abdicating! This is basically where I expected us to go. Since 39 it seems like the natural place for the story to be headed. Laura’s revelations, along with the Daddy Forgive Us special made it clear that the only way out of the game was not to play it. I was kinda luke warm on that concept, but it made sense for where the story was at that point. I was waiting to see how it actually played out before getting fussy about it.
I give him a C for execution here. Maybe a C+. 
I thought Dio’s moment was great. Jon’s was beautiful. Inanna’s I definitely could have gotten behind if he’d actually gotten to have any of that arc on the page instead of getting put on a bus 30 chapters ago. 
The rest range from “meh” to “yikes.”
I could have liked this, I wanted to like this. Given how much “OKAY” has been miles more thoughtful than Mothering Invention, I was genuinely hoping to like this. I would have loved to see these kids find something more important than godhood to live for. But that’s not what we got.
We did get them realizing that being a god is not worth dying for. Which is good!  And essential! And basically the central conceit of this comic! 
I really wanted to see our cast value their lives period. And while there was some of that, there was far more of seeing them be humbled. We saw them beaten down until they had no choice but to admit they Were Not Special (or at least, were not as special as they thought). I was hoping for them to find a capacity to value their lives because their lives have value whether or not they are special, but instead it was a story about being humbled, and I guess to me, I just can’t see that what young queer artists need is help being humbled. They need help being valued as people, they need the internal presence of self to command that value be respected, and they need the external support to give them a fighting chance at that.  And not to be That Fan, but that fighting chance doesn’t come from individual actions. It comes from worker solidarity and respect for labor as labor.  It just doesn’t work for me to have a series around the exploitation and consumption of young talent and leave anything material about money and labor practices out of the material.
(McKelvie’s My (6000 F) pantheon has unionized joke, but unironically.)
Anyway this comic was all about Don’t Let This Happen To You.  And that’s a good start, but I was hoping for it to be so much more than that. It could be that this is me looking at WicDiv and wanting it to say something broader about specialness and creativity and mental illness and exploitation. 
(There’s a lot to be unpacked wrt presenting itself as a story about the whole world through all of human history, while also intending to be  psuedoautobiographical for a very specific set of circumstances. But that’s not this post.)
It’s weird because like, Fandemonium already delivered masterfully on Laura learning to value herself outside of godhood.  Laura’s last pre-apoptheosis soliloquy about “I can’t save any of them, but I can still help them” was one of those wham moments that really cemented this book’s place in my heart. Living through Fandemonium and realizing that the gods were people, and needed actual love and support from people who cared about them as people, and that just being a decent friend is something worth living for, fuck!! That’s good shit!! That’s fucking excellent!! 
And for the rest of WicDiv’s run, I was always waiting for the story to get back to that place, but it never really did. 
 (ETA AFTER 45 IS OUT: ok fine I fucking love that Laura saved Luci. Big Gay Hero Girl drags naughty non-devil out of hell and they kiss, fucking A+. But “can’t save but CAN help” is still something I wish the comic had followed up on more. The friendship thing got touched on a little bit too,  but never in a way I found as satisfying as Fandemonium.)
So anyway Luci going Full Diva. Her future is this and her future is nothing.
The longer I chew on it, the more I like it, and the more it seems like the inevitable place for Elanor Rigby’s story to go. It’s a good continuation from where we last saw her have any scrap of agency, but also frustrating in that “the lat time we saw her have any scrap of agency” was basically the entire comic ago. It was jarring to have her go from [One Sassy Line Per Issue] to [Maybe I’m The Final Boss]. Her story suffered deeply suffered from all the time she spent off screen. But despite all that, I’m very much really looking forward to whatever the fuck Laura Wilson’s going to do about this. 
I’m trying not to get my hopes up for Talk Her Down ending. It seems perfectly in line with this series to end with the moral of “sometimes, no matter how kind or brave or caring you are, people you love pick their addictions over living.” That’s a song I’ve already heard live and in person, and I don’t really want or need to hear anyone else’s studio cover.
Uh final thought on 43 is.... Minanke DOES seem to count herself as part of the 12, which still lines up with my Emily Was Also A Fake God theory (Fauxmaterasu theory? Nokami hypothesis? Amaterasuspicion?) but it does seem unlikely to actually be a Thing between now and the epilogue. shrug.
(ETA AGAIN: I had to write out my feelings on 39 and Laura’s own abdication (unpotheosis?) to properly respond to 43. So here’s a draft of another unpublished post that I fleshed out.)
I have extremely mixed feelings about chapter 39. 
First Feeling: thank fuck the pregnancy plot is over. 
Second feeling: establishing abdication as an option established a nice overarching shape to this book. Things have felt directionless for many chapters, but this does make it seem like we are back on some kind of track.
Third Feeling: kinda liking abdication as a general direction for endgame.  For most of the series, I was hoping the whole that there actually was Something Important about the recurrence, but since it's clear now that it’s basically all lies, I like this this angle well enough.
Strongest Feeling: hell fucking yes to Laura’s shaved head. 
(Tangential Feeling: buzzing your own head is good and you should think about doing it. Doing it for catharsis in a moment of crisis is A-OK, but I did it once just because I felt like it and it was fucking great. banishing your high maintenance hair does not cure depression, but it does give you back an hour of personal upkeep every day and the fuzzy head is wonderful to touch.)
Contrary to most of the fandom, though, I absolutely loathed Laura’s monologue here, and the context that it puts around her not-choice. There’s a lot of shitty Hot Takes out there about how mental illness and addition and creation intersect. A lot of people will suggest that being unhealthy makes you a better artist, and what’s more that being a better artist is worth being unhealthy.  This series is unambiguously and steadfastly against that message, which is one of the absolute best and most important things about it!  I don’t want to diminish that.
But that all said, seeing Laura alone in the dark describing “an addicts moment of clarity” was... jesus it was all kinds of personally painful and upsetting. It hurt real bad, and not in the way I though I had agreed to be hurt. And I’m not sure how to spell out why.
I have thousands and thousands of words on why it struck such a sour cord in me, but a lions share can be summed up with “fuck absolutely every story where a Troubled Girl just needed to get traumatized/humiliated/humbled enough to Realize How Bad She Was Being.” Double fuck this one in particular for showing the girl getting over addiction/mental illness by literally sitting alone in the dark thinking about how much she fucked up.  That story is tired, and cruel, and dangerous, and thank Christ I encountered this comic at 30 and not 19 because I would have swallowed it down with all the other poison that Helpful Adults fed me.
But yeah though, her shaved look is fucking adorable as shit.  Neither she nor Britany made any hair mistakes.
ETA ULTIMATE: That last bit is the one thing in this post I don’t quite still stand by. By the end, it’s clear that the above wasn’t at all the story this book was trying to tell at all. I thought WicDiv was trying to tell some Epic Truths, Hard-Facts-About-Human-Nature shit. But despite the sweeping setup (All Across The World and Through All Of History) the book was using a complex allegory for a very specific situation (Selling Your Soul and Name and Life To Creative-Industrial Machines), and that made it muddy.  
(Insert Principal Skinner meme here “Am I out of touch? Was I simply interrogating the text from the wrong perspective?  No, it’s the original creators who are wrong!”)
I’m from a family of mentally ill, addiction-prone, recovering-Catholic artists.  Laura is in my blood. Half the people I love are Laura.  I have Laura’s painting on my wall and her books on my shelf. I’ve sat with Laura’s mother a few years after Laura’s death, as her father now slowly dying in the next room, and listened to her music for the first time. (It was good. It was really good.  And I never even knew.)
These experiences colored my read, but how could they not?  
I do now, I think, understand what Gillen was trying to say- the addiction he was talking about was to stardom, the attention and accolades, and free pass to make your own shit be everyone else’s problem. I understand now that the “art” that the gods made was always supposed to be Not Real Art, that there was no true “message” from their songs- all noise, no signal. It was never about Laura’s art, or even Laura as an artist.  And that was unpleasant to reconcile.
Because when you're Laura, or Elanor, or any of them, life doesn’t have to grant your ill-advised wish before it fucks your head and kills you. Sometimes you fight as hard as you can with every fiber of your being and you’re still in Hell. Sometimes you’re doing all the Meetings and self-reflection and therapy you can manage and you’re still a Destroyer. But the shit you create while you’re down there is worthy of creating. What you do with your too-short, too-fucked time matters. A fucked up life was still worth living because it was your life to live. And... I guess, from the story presented in Faust Act and Fandemonium, I sort of thought that this was what WicDiv was supposed to be talking about. I thought it was going to be about doing something good even when life is fucking you. But instead it is a cautionary tale that  that suggests you could have stopped getting fucked at any time if you had just gotten over yourself and said the magic words.
We spent half the comic watching Laura drag herself through the mud. Half the comic was focused on Her Mistakes, when so little of her circumstances were actually her fault. “Punish Ophelia until she gets over herself” is not at all what WicDiv meant to be about. I imagine the creators would be aghast to hear that’s what I got out of it. But the text is what the text is.  While it is intended (and successful!) at being many other very good things, this one really bad thing is still part of that mix, and that sucks.
Maybe I should have picked up on the discrepancy between my read and the intent sooner. Probably I should have just done myself a favor and stop reading once I did.
2016, 2017 while my life was going a bit to shit, this comic was exactly what I needed. Being in the fandom made my life better and helped me meet cool new friends and get through some of the hardest shit to happen to me since I was a kid. Then in 2018, it slid into source of frustration and soured promise. Now at the end I have no idea if I liked it or not. 
But that’s fine, now that it’s done. The ink is dry, the ritual is over. It’s just a comic book now.  Some pictures I still love and some words I don’t always agree with. A lot of noise, arguable amounts of signal, but not a song I want to play on loop anymore.
I have no real conclusion to draw here. I respect at how firmly WicDiv rejects dark and unhealthy parts of being a professional creator- especially unhealthy things that are generally just accepted as Common Wisdom. I don’t think it took enough care in spelling out what it was rejecting, though, and I do think it was remiss in not finding good healthy things to embrace as an alternative.
All of the above notwithstanding, I have to give it credit for delivering almost exactly what I wanted in terms of lesbian nonsense. That ain’t nothing.
I give this series ?????/∞ and am happy to be safely clear of Kieron Gillen’s Wild Ride
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admiralty-xfd · 5 years
Splitting the next chapter into two, so this is Chapter 6A. To go to the beginning click here.
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(Amor Fati/ Millennium)
She comes to him at last.
Just out of his peripheral vision, she approaches his hospital bed. He feels like it’s been weeks since he’s seen her and he wants to take her hand, but he can’t move; the drugs have rendered him motionless. It isn’t fair that he can’t look at her. He knows it’s her, though, because the room felt gray before, and now it has light. He tries desperately to turn his head towards her voice.
She comes into view and he can tell by her expression she wasn’t expecting him to be this bad. Her lips remain closed but he can still hear her.
He can hear her thoughts, plain as day.
Don’t give up. Please stay with me, Mulder. Fight. I can’t do this without you. Please hold on.
He tries to speak to her, but she can’t hear him at all. He is screaming inside.
Scully! SCULLY! I’m here! I’m right here!
He thinks this might be it. He’s probably going to die this time. Evading death is something he’s been good at for a long time but perhaps his number is finally up.
She takes his hand and her touch overwhelms his senses. It’s the only comfort he’s felt since he arrived in this hospital, and he wishes he could give her some kind of sign he can hear her.
She’s trying to tell him about the spacecraft she’d found in Africa, but she’s keeping it simple. His comprehension at the moment isn’t the best. First and foremost a doctor, she’s well aware of the pain he’s in.
But as he watches her, listens to her, in an instant he realizes the one thing he should have known all along: when she speaks to him, her words and her thoughts are one and the same. Diana, Kritschgau, even Skinner… all of them liars in one way or another.
But Scully isn’t like them, not with him. She is true. She is his truth.
She squeezes his hand, and he knows she’s trying her hardest to be strong. She thinks that’s what he needs, is for her to be strong for him. But she’s trying not to fall apart.
Most importantly, above everything else, he can hear her love for him. Confirmation of something he’s hoped for and wanted for so long has finally arrived: the truth, here in her very thoughts.
He feels as if he’s been given the world and denied it all at once.
He is standing at the edge of his driveway, surveying the neighborhood. It’s tranquil here, pleasant. There’s something about it he likes.
He sips his coffee and waits. He’s not sure for what, but he knows something is coming, something important.
As if on cue, two figures approach on the opposite side of the street, walking along the sidewalk. It’s two women and one of them is walking a dog.
As they get closer, he sees it’s Scully and her sister, Melissa. The dog is little Queequeg. They are laughing and talking together. As they get even closer, he notices Scully is pregnant, and her hand goes protectively to her belly. He smiles and is about to wave, when he realizes something disturbing.
She doesn’t know who he is.
She looks at him and gives a polite nod, then continues walking along, away from him. No recognition whatsoever. It is as if they are two strangers passing on the street.
This is what his life would be had they never met. This is what her life would be.
He feels an ache in his heart that he cannot deny. Seeing Scully existing without him feels unnatural, wrong.
But she looks so… happy. She is safe, and content, and free.
The days pass slowly, in a haze of semi-consciousness. His mind slips in and out of darkness as it heals. He’s lost his ability to read minds, and he’s glad to be rid of it. He doesn’t envy Gibson Praise, wherever the poor kid may be.
He is, however, very aware of Scully, always with him, always near. Although the hospital has released him, his doctors have suggested he not remain alone. Scully takes him home and stays with him without asking, without being asked. It is merely understood.
He hasn’t dreamed since his ordeal but he is afraid he might. He’s relieved she is here so he can be near her while he sleeps. She lays next to him in his bed, again without asking, without being asked. He anticipates waking up in a panic and sensing her calming presence at his side. He’s grateful she is here, in whatever capacity she deems appropriate.
She kisses his forehead when she leaves for work every morning without him, and makes him dinner at night while reading over new case files. It’s such an odd feeling and even odder that he actually enjoys it. After all his visions associating domesticity with doom, he’s been left even more confused about his feelings on the matter.
Those visions were all wrong. He’d completely abandoned his true mission and for the first time he saw what his life would have become had he chosen a life without Scully by his side. Had Diana never left, her powerful hold on him would have ultimately spelled disaster; for his quest, and for the world. Maybe only metaphorically, but it was certainly the end of his world.
And then there was the boy. The young boy he’d seen means something. Was it himself as a young boy, full of dreams and promise? Or is it a boy from his future? These thoughts slip in and out of his mind, and his heart, thoughts of what it would be like to be a father. He’s still not sure what he wants, but he’ll remember the boy for a long time. He was one of the only hopeful things he will hold onto from his dream.
Scully had been the only one to understand, and she was the only one who helped make him understand. She was the one who would join him by his side to help complete his mission, not divide him from it. He knows for certain she would never betray him, would never leave his side, and will always be his forever partner.
A week into his convalescence, Scully stands in his doorway and delivers the news of Diana’s death, as well as the information that she’d actually helped save his life in the end.
He’d written Diana almost completely off that night she brought him home, after he’d passed out in the stairwell. She hadn’t exactly been subtle when she’d removed her shirt and attempted to climb into bed with him, but he was no longer interested in anything she had to offer. And that was when he heard her thoughts for the first time. As clear as a bell, he heard her speaking even though her mouth was closed.
She knew about the spacecraft, the rubbings, what caused his illness, all of it. She’d known all along and let it happen. And worse, she was working with the cancer man after all.
He knew then for sure she was lost to him. And when she realized that he knew what she knew, everything went black. The last thing he remembered was calling out Scully’s name. When he awoke in the hospital his brain was on fire.
Diana had chosen the quest, the work, over him. She truly believed that her cause had been just. She thought she was doing what was best for mankind, but was having to do it at Mulder’s expense. She truly believed he, of all people, would understand.
But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Not from her. Even as she stood over his bedside and declared her love for him, he could not return it. He believes she did love him, right up until the end. But not enough. That was the biggest difference between the two of them: he would never have betrayed her, not for anything.
It would have ended badly for him if she hadn’t given Scully the means to save him. But Diana hadn’t come for him herself. She knew it wasn’t her place anymore. She knew he’d heard her thoughts, and it was over for them, no matter what she wished might happen.
She may never have known his heart already belonged to Scully, but he suspects she might have.
Ever since he’s been home he cannot stop thinking about the vision of Scully walking down the street. It fills his mind with doubt. Seeing how happy she was having never known him, having never been sucked into his vortex, having never lost all the things she was doomed to lose by choosing a life by his side has shaken him.
He feels responsible for all of it. He made his choice, and Scully made hers too, but he fears the consequences of those choices will haunt them both forever. The guilt he feels for everything that’s happened to her has been eating away at him, and now that he knows she’s in love with him the guilt is even worse.
He’s been afraid for years that she doesn’t love him the way he loves her. Now he is afraid because she does.
Being with her would make him happy. But could being with him make her happy, after everything she’s been through because of him? Would she still choose him, love him, in spite of everything? He doesn’t deserve her. And she doesn’t deserve any of this. Believing that, knowing that, and also wanting to be with her more than anything in the world is tearing him apart.
As they stand in his doorway, he gazes into her eyes; the eyes of the only person he should have placed his unwavering trust in, all along. The only person who will ever understand him for who he is. His one true love, regardless of all his fears and doubts on the matter.
“You were my friend, and you told me the truth. Even when the world was falling apart you were my constant, my touchstone.”
She smiles, tears in her eyes. “And you are mine.”
He doesn’t need to be able to read minds to know she means it.
Curiously, the inner conflict he feels seems to dissipate when she’s standing in front of him, looking into his eyes. It seems to fall away, and the only thing remaining is the two of them. Maybe this is what being in love is, he wonders. Maybe he’s never really felt it before. Because when he looks at her, and she looks back at him, his resolve strengthens. He endeavors to deserve her because she is everything he needs.
She holds his face in her hands and briefly grazes her thumbs along his lips. He can see the longing in her eyes that he can now properly identify and appreciate.
She loves him. He is loved.
He thinks of the boy on the beach, and how right now, he is exactly where he is meant to be. He smiles contentedly, because regardless of their romantic status, or lack thereof, they are together. They belong to each other. He is satisfied.
As she heads back down the hallway, he watches her go. He makes a promise to himself that before the year is out, he will start showing her he loves her too. He will do whatever he can to make her believe he deserves her.
New Years Eve.
He has only ten seconds to make a decision or he will have broken another promise to himself.
Do it, do it.
He turns to look at her. He wonders if she’s really as engrossed in Dick Clark as she appears to be, or if she’s feigning interest to avoid his gaze, but he decides it doesn’t matter. He’s going to do it. He can’t wait another second to know what it feels like to kiss her.
He leans closer and as if she senses what’s happening, she turns and closes her eyes, letting him in for the first time ever.
He closes his eyes as their lips meet and time seems to slow down.  
The kiss is sweet, a bit cautious, and decidedly romantic. It may not appear earth shattering, but it feels so completely huge. He’s made a move, and she’s allowed it. It’s something, something new and different and hopeful.
As he pulls away he opens his eyes to search her face. Hers are still closed and he takes this as a good sign, a sign he may have even pulled away too soon. When she opens them she is smiling.
She cocks her head a bit, as if to say, well, well, well. Look what we did.
He smiles at her and shrugs. “The world didn’t end.”
“No, it didn’t,” she agrees.
And it truly didn’t. In fact, the world feels new.
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livingwithkdramas · 5 years
Produce X 101 Position Evaluation Thoughts (Post ep 6/7) VOCAL/RAP POSITION
I just had a lot of thoughts after watching episodes 6 and 7 so just gonna rant here.
Firstly i just want to put it out there this the first time i followed a produce x 101 series for so long mainly because my main picks since the start are still there! (I’m looking at park sun ho and nam do hyun)
So im just gonna go thru each performance and share my thoughts on each trainee of course im naturally going to be sort of biased so ill just follow my feelings.
4th. TO MY YOUTH stage,
I would say this was my least anticipated stage and i feel this is generally not a stage I would rewatch very often in the future. I’m not saying its bad in fact I love how emotional they are since I know very well how hard these lyrics hit myself being a avid bol4 fan. I just didn’t really like the arrangement of the song, its inevitable but comparing it to the original this arrangement seemed to dull out their voices abit as in it felt too loud. I think it was the adlibs that really sounded too loud when i was listening, it was emotional yes, but did it highlight their emotion as well as it could? I don’t think so. But other than that i do think this was a well done stage and finally i can start to see why everyone loves kim min kyu.
JIN WOO - I love that he chose this song because this song IS for all the teens out there trying to find their way in life and the lyrics just match him so well too and yeah it was just a good song choice i think.
SE JIN - i just like the tone of his voice its really soft and fluffy and it worked to his advantage in this song
WOO SEOK - He’s up in the ranks for a reason and he maintains that through this performance 
BYUNG CHAN - I felt like he got outshined by woo seok, maybe a poor song choice on his part, felt like his voice would suit day by day more but it is what it is and i think he did well just out shined
MIN KYU - I see improvement from my previous impressions of him and i can see him trying to sing louder as what the vocal trainers told him, only time will tell if he improves more.
This stage was nice. It was good. But it just did not really pop or leave a super lasting impression. I liked the arrangement into a rainy day style song. I liked the concept that they had. I liked their powerful vocals and harmonies. But it just didn’t stand out for some reason like I really can’t explain it. Its like the I am stage in produce 48 it was good but it just didnt pop.
CHOI SU HWAN - I’ll first declare i am biased towards him so don’t take me seriously but like i found it quite unbelievable that he got 5th place in the live voting because he was hitting those notes darn powerfully and his harmonising with yu bin was really nice and good so yes i like him and i hope he makes it through
SONG YU BIN - Same as woo seok he continues to show why he’s in the top ranks and that there’s a reason why he already debuted really nothing suprising
NAM DONG HYUN - I like his work ethic, he accepts criticism and works hard to get what he wants the arrangement that he did was pretty and his voice matched well with the song but didn’t really have much highlights during the performance apart from the high note with yubin
MOON JUN HO - I have no idea he existed until now but i loved his facial expressions and his voice aint bad but because of the lack of screentime he gets I really can’t talk much about him (im sorry)
KWON TAE EUN - Same as jun ho definitely does not get enough screen time considering the effort they probably poured into the stage
These 5 guys killed it, be it from the arrangement to their voices to their stage presence and performance everything conveyed their teamwork. Also i loved the outfits and the mic stands yes.
YOON JUNG HWAN - This guy’s stage presence is no joke where has he been all along? He knows what he’s doing that’s for sure and he is such a good pick as the center for this song, just watch the performance the way he moves its killer.
LEE HYEOB - WHERE HAS THIS GUY BEEN ALL THIS TIME TOO? When Bae Yoon Jung went “who is he?” i was like exactly I know right? This was a good song choice on his part and now i want him to go through as well maybe i just have a soft spot for independent trainees.
LEE EUN SANG - Clearly he ranked first based on popularity for this live stage but its not to say that he didn’t serve those killer looks, I could see him being a pretty good vocal but for this stage he stood out with the looks
KANG SEOK HWA - Another independent trainee that i have a soft spot for too, didn’t have many lines but was stable and did his job and also meshed well with the rest
LEE MI DAM - Damn if it weren’t for the comments I wouldn’t even be sure/ remember who arranged the song Mnet certainly could have given him some spotlight because i absolutely loved this arrangement into this sort of rock pop song
Now this is a stage i’ve been replaying since it aired. This is up there in all the produce performances i’ve watched. These guys are made for ballads with their voices. Also i just love me a ballad and i do feel like this is the avengers team for the vocal position.
KIM YO HAN - He knows how to sing with emotion and when he does it feels like his heart is out on his sleeve, he may not have the biggest range (vocal wise) but he sure can deliver the feels
CHA JUN HO - I love the friendship between him and yo han but he definitely has to thank yo han for helping him but once that shell broke his vocals definitely shine through
KIM HYUN BIN - After the amazing performance with No More Dream i thought he was going to choose a rap position but no he chose a vocal position and he stuns. Similar to yo han he doesn’t exactly have the largest range but he does know how to sing.
HAN SEUNG WOO - He is good. He deserved the first and the center position, i feel like i’ve been saying this alot but he picked the right song he knows how his voice works and i respect him for that. But i wish someone would change his hairstyle.
WEI ZI YUE - He is trying, I can really tell he’s trying his voice is very unique and I’m not quite sure if he knows how to use it yet because the first time I watched the performance it felt a bit jarring because the rest of his team mates have those sort of clear voices but i could see he was trying to enunciate properly so thumbs up for trying.
Before i watched the episode, I had hopes for a good stage because i love this song but after watching it i just wanted them not to cry. I think it was more upsetting because they made mistakes one by one and you could see them visibly getting less and less confident even though they were doing well. I feel sad because I could see the stage that this could have been with their different rap tones blending together and a very emotional lyrics.
WON HYUK - He was sort of evil edited but like he made up for it in his stage, he kept his calm and he kept his composure and i felt like because of that the team managed to finish the song. He was the only one that didn’t make a mistake and in fact i felt like he rapped harder because he wanted to make up for his team mates mistakes and he was good as a rapper which is surprising after his energetic performance.
BAEK JIN - He was really good and stable at the start which is why it was worse to see him fall, i think his nerves and his team’s mistakes really got to him and it broke him. His facial expressions were really good too.
YURI - His rap voice is so low and so different from his team mates that it made him stood out but imo i think from the start he already didn’t feel particularly confident, and it showed on his face and ultimately caused him to get flustered and make mistakes as well
LEE WOO JIN - I’m not sure about this but it felt like he was a vocalist? As in he felt new to rapping and the whole team vibe certainly didn’t help the situation if that was so. Tbh i think he needs more practice but he was really the most nervous even from the start but i wish him all the best
MY FAVORITE STAGE OUT OF ALL THE STAGES!! This was just so fun. They were literally having fun on the stage and this was a stage where I absoulutely loved the killing parts and everyone had one! also all their lyrics are both fun, sad and powerful at the same time, i just love this team and want all of them to go through!
NAM DO HYUN - My pick since the start and I continue to love what he brings to the table, he actually took Cheetah’s advice seriously and he killed the stage especially the part where he says I’ll be your Oppa ji I was like wow that was good and on beat and on point
JO SEUNG YEON - He trained Jaehun and Seong yeon pretty darn well and he took care of his own part too and even though his own part was short it was IMPACTFUL like that line “naega” is too damn good, he’s both main vocal and main rapper and not a joke
JUNG JAE HUN - He’s trying hard too, I can see it but i loved how he just basically acted out his part about being nervous and the lyrics in his part are so honest that they’re kind of sad especially the part where he says “the only thing i’ve shown is my temple heart”
KIM SEONG YEON - Not sure if he wrote his rap or Seung Yeon did but it was nice and simple and effective and he had his own killing part at the “ pick pick pick” line. Kinda loved him as a rapper wanna see more of him as both vocalist and rapper.
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winterisakiller · 6 years
Love & Great Buildings - Chapter Six
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Chapter: 6/?
Character/Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Rosemary Mathews (OFC)
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: Three years have passed and a chance encounter brings Tom and Rosie together again. Can time make any difference or are they doomed to repeat their mistakes.
Rating: T (for now)
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Not beta’d. This is part nine of Last Minutes and Lost Evenings. Many thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for listening to me ramble incessantly about  this story and being a sounding board when I needed it. You are a lifesaver, even if your stories break my heart.
This story and its preceding one-shots can be also be found on AO3
Tag List: @tinchentitri @noplacelikehome77
Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five
  It had taken Rosemary nearly another full week to start to feel more or less herself again. The guilt was still there, waiting for moments of calm to rear its ugly head, but a sense of resignation and weary acceptance had taken root in her. She had taken things too far and he had walked away. It had been almost two weeks since that she’d seen him last and no word, for good or ill. She hadn’t been surprised; it’s what she would have done. Cut him out before more damage could take root and not look back. But knowing that didn’t make any of its aftermath any easier to stand. 
There were times she could have sworn she’d caught glimpses of him on the street as she traveled between the shop and her flat. But when she would stop and look back because maybe this time, just maybe, there was no trace of him. And it was hard, during those times, to stop the crushing sense of loss and defeat that would overwhelm her. She knew it was her mind playing tricks on her, her subconscious seeking out some part of him. Wishful thinking at its best. 
She had pulled out her phone so many times, opened to his name in her contact list, finger hovering over the dial button. But she hadn’t brought herself to actually do so. He’d made it perfectly clear that he hadn’t wanted to speak with her. Forcing the issue would likely only make matters worse. She’d wanted to though; she wanted to desperately. It was a feeling she wasn’t sure would fade over time but maybe it would be easier to bear. Please let it be easier. 
But she had forced herself to go about her life. The newest Stories was slowly but surely starting to stand on its own. Hanna had taken to managing more of its day to day operations but Rosemary remained on hand to help with the larger matters. It was a strange thing, letting another hold the reins to what had always been her baby. But Rosemary knew that it was all part of the process. In time she would transition herself to the original store and hopefully be able to fit herself back into that routine. But for now she flitted in between the two and told herself she was content. She had to be, there wasn’t another option she cared to entertain.
Things unfortunately were still cool between herself and Jules. They had spoken briefly regarding Stories and business matters but neither had overtly mentioned their last tense meeting. Rosemary knew that Jules had wanted to breach the subject, whether to apologize or continue the argument further, she wasn’t sure, and had done everything in her power to shut her down. She knew that she wasn’t being precisely fair to Jules, that the fault had been ultimately hers and hers alone, but it did little to temper the resentment she felt. Time, she hoped, would help cool her ire. Time and a bit of distance. 
Rosemary took a deep breath and wrapped her coat tightly against the brisk chill of the late March afternoon. She’d been on several errands, both for the store and for herself. She juggled both of the now incredibly heavy tote bags to her left shoulder and fumbled in her pocket for her set of store keys. It amazed her how easily she tended to lose things in those pockets, especially since they weren’t overly large. One of the many mysteries of the universe, she thought with a snort of amusement. Several minutes and curses later she managed to locate them and made quick work of the door’s lock, shoving it open with her hip. 
The store had closed early that particular Saturday afternoon to get a jump start on inventory reconciliation. Something that in past had taken a good two days, more without suitable help. It was all hands on deck and Rosemary, in turn, had drawn the short straw and been sent on readies duty. She’d hit the nearest corner shop and unloaded nearly all of their pre-made sandwiches and very nearly decimated their crisp and soft drink stock as well. She had also managed to squeeze in a run to the café across the street and gotten herself a triple espresso, not thinking overly much about the wisdom of ingesting quite so much caffeine. She’d needed it and desperately, especially if she wanted to make it through the coming inventory alive and relatively sane. 
“Alright boys and girls,” she called as she pushed the door closed behind her with her foot. “Gather round, for I come bearing massive quantities of food.” 
Several grumbles echoed from the stock room in back followed by heavy footfalls. Max was the first to appear, taking the bags from Rosemary’s outstretched hand and placing them with a grunt of effort onto the countertop. Alex, Gabe, and Hanna followed closely behind. Soon the shop front was filled with contented mumbling and the rustling of cling film and crisp packets. Placated with food, the group soon settled into the chaotic routine of inventory. Rosemary found herself laughing and almost happy as she listened to Alex and Max bicker back and forth over who would be tackling the shelved items verses the boxes in back.
“I don’t give a toss which of you does what, but if I here anymore of your bitching I won’t be able to be held accountable for my actions,” Hanna yelled, amusement tinged with annoyance coloring her tone. 
Which cued another argument between the two about what exactly counted as bitching and just who’s fault it was. Rosemary and Hanna merely locked eyes and laughed as the boys continued to snipe at one another. There was little else they could do and unless, or until, it came to physical blows it was more or less harmless.   
The process was a slow and tedious one. It had taken all Rosemary had to not jump for joy when they’d finally called it quits for the evening. It was ridiculous, she was well aware, but if she stared at anymore figures or lists she was certain she’d lose what little she had left if her mind. The faces of the others told Rosemary she wasn’t alone which was comforting. 
Sunday was much the same. Rosemary and Hanna arrived shortly before seven, with the remaining team trickling in an hour or so later. They worked steadily through the morning, breaking occasionally for coffee runs and Max’s frequent cigarette breaks, in which he swore he was simply ‘testing the air quality’. “And I’m the bloody Queen,” Hanna had griped at him on his seventh break of the morning. 
Max had good-natured rolled his eyes, bowed, and intoned, “Your Majesty,” before heading out into the cold afternoon air. 
Gabe had drawn the short straw that afternoon and, with a sigh of thinly veiled annoyance, had made the run to the local pizza joint to pick up the pizzas Hanna had ordered. They ate and laughed, putting off their return to work as long as they could. They finished, finally, sometime in the early evening and parted ways with many a joyous cheer, mainly from Max, Alex, and Gabe. 
Rosemary had sent Hanna off as well, electing to remain behind to finish the last of the paperwork and the lock up. She used the now unaccustomed silence to breath and center herself. Her mind bent to the task, she had been able to knock out the remaining work in less than two hours. True, it would have been faster with Hanna’s aid, but Rosemary had needed the distraction. 
Going home to her empty flat had been a daunting process. She’d always valued having her own space, had never felt lonely on her own. Until recently. And with her relationship with Jules so strained, she’d been alone more often then not. So she’d volunteered to take on more at the shop, often times coming home too exhausted to think. It wasn’t something she could maintain in the long run, she was well aware of that, nor did it help solve anything. But for now it helped. 
It was a pattern she allowed herself to continue in the week that passed. And now with Jules out of commission, she was beginning to feel the strain. Especially on this evening in particular. The day had been hectic; the store had gotten quite busy during the middle of the afternoon, pulling her from her office to help with the overflow and once that had died down she’d been left to sort through the growing queue of online orders.
Normally she and Jules split handling the orders as they arrived, but Jules had a family emergency; her sister had been rushed to the hospital in what was feared to be, and later confirmed as, preterm labor, leaving Rosemary to juggle both locations. It was daunting and had been mentally draining but by the time she had left for the evening, the majority of the orders had been managed, leaving the physical gathering and packing of said items for Gabe and Alex on her end and Samuel on Jules’.
Once she’d arrived home, Rosemary had quickly changed into a pair of worn, but mercifully comfortable track bottoms and an oversized t-shirt. She had exactly zero plans of venturing out of her flat anytime in the near future and comfort was now her number one priority. Anyone who came calling would simply have to accept that. Not that she expected any visitors save whomever delivered her meal of choice for the evening.
She sighed and wandered lazily into the kitchen. At this point all she could think of was curling up on the couch with a blanket and unhealthy amounts of Chinese take-away. She grabbed a glass of water and a menu from the newest Chinese take-away that had sprung up in her neighborhood. It had been left by her door earlier in the week and she was anxious to give them a try.
Food ordered, Rosemary grabbed the remote from the coffee table and set about flicking through the channels hoping to find something that would catch her attention. Three trips through though and she was beginning to lose hope. With a grunt she pushed herself off of the couch and wandered over to the shelf of DVD and Blu-ray discs in the corner, perusing her options. It took several minutes but she soon selected a film; a thriller that would easily occupy her mind, opened its case and placed the disc into the opened tray of the player. She settled herself back onto the couch and watched the disc previews with only the barest hint of attention. She clicked through the start-up menu and started the film, dropping the remote beside her on the couch. 
Rosemary nearly jumped out of her skin when a knock sounded at her door. She laughed and shook her head at her own skittishness. Mathews, you seriously need to relax. She quickly pushed herself off the couch and grabbed her purse from its home on the entryway table.
She pulled open the door, wallet in hand. “That was quick, I’m impress…”
Her voice trailed off as her brain fully comprehended just who was standing in her doorway. Tom stood silhouetted by the warm, but dim lighting of the hallway, his expression unreadable. Rosemary gaped at him, vaguely aware of just how unbecoming she must have looked, but at that moment she’d been too stunned to care.  
“May I come in?” His voice was soft and even.
Rosemary nodded mutely, standing aside to allow him to pass. He entered without another word. Her mind was screaming with questions. Why was he here? What did he want? Why had he come now? She didn’t trust her voice to speak.
Instead, she watched as he made his way into her tiny living room, stopping in front of the couch but not settling onto it. He turned to face her and she could have sworn she saw a flicker of something in his eyes. She couldn’t place it or rather was not sure she had seen it correctly. It wasn’t the cold, fury laced pain she had seen that last afternoon but a cautious determination. But of what? And to what end?
“Tom,” she breathed, her voice quiet and almost tremulous. “I…I don’t understand…What are you…Why are you here?”
He offered her a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I told you that I needed time.”
Rosemary nodded. She remembered his last words all too clearly. They had replayed over and over on her mind since he’d uttered them. “I remember.” But this didn’t make any sense. He’d asked her to go, told her to leave. Why was he here now?
She watched as Tom paced slowly around the small room. He rubbed his hand through his already tousled hair before shoving both firmly into the pockets of his jeans. “I…” He paused, seemingly to try and gather his thoughts. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Rosemary stared at him in confusion. “What?”
Tom let out a soft, unsure laugh. “I must have picked up the phone a hundred times over the last few weeks. I just…I didn’t know what to say. I still don’t. I spent the whole trip here trying to think of what I could say. What I should say. How I could convince you to talk to me.” He paused, his eyes raising to meet hers, confusion and disbelief swirling in their depths. “I didn’t expect you to answer the door. Let alone let me in. But you did, and I don’t understand why.”
Again she gaped at him. Her mind swirling with confusion. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. She was the one who’d lashed out, hurt him. “I…I don’t understand. Tom, you’re not making any sense. I fucked up. I said those horrid things to you. Why the hell would you think that you would need to convince me to talk to you?”
It was Tom’s turn to stare in bewilderment. “I deserved it. And truthfully so much more. You…Rosie, I was horrid to you. I was…Fuck, I still am a selfish cad. I keep fucking up! I keep hurting you! You have every bloody right to be furious with me! And instead of facing up to that I ran.”
He paused, taking a deep breath and dropping himself onto the couch. He ran a shaky hand through his hair. “I thought I was too late. That I’d waited too long again, that I’d hurt you too badly for you to ever forgive me. But you opened the door. Why did you open the door?” His voice had gone quite soft, as if he were not really speaking to her anymore. Rosemary had barely heard his last question and continued to stare at him in stunned disbelief. She couldn’t make any sense of any of it.
Rosemary took a deep breath and tried to marshal her thoughts into some semblance of coherency, before slowly lowering herself onto the opposite end of the couch. “I should have called you.” She raised her eyes to his, noting how they mirrored her own confusion. “I wanted to call you. Wanted to apologize.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I was just so angry at you. So fucking angry. And I wanted to hurt you. Hurt you like you’d hurt me. And that was wrong, I knew it and I still did it and I can’t take it back. You aren’t the one who fucked up this time, Tom. I did that. And I am truly, truly sorry.”
Tears blurred her vision and she hastily wiped them away with the back of her hand. The guilt and resentment burning steadily inside her. She felt Tom’s large hand envelope her own, squeezing it gently. The warmth of it was both comfort and torture. Her eyes shot up to his once more.
“Rosie,” he breathed, “Please don’t…” 
She shook her head vehemently. “No, Tom. This right here was my own damn fault. Don’t you dare try to take it on yourself.”
Tom laughed despite himself. It was a short, mirthless sound. It sounded wrong coming from his lips. “We could go back and forth on this for ages, darling, and not get anywhere.” He offered her a tentative smile. “We both behaved appalling and we both fell wretched about it, am I right?” His eyes locked on hers, silently pleading for understanding.
Rosemary nodded, a watery smile spreading across her face. “More or less.” 
“And apologizing further doesn’t change or fix that?”   
She nodded again. 
This time the smile he gave her shone lightly in his eyes. Tentatively hopeful and blessedly warm. “You are sorry and so am I. We’ve both done wrong and we can’t change that. It’s done now. So let’s just stop. Call it a truce.”
Rosemary laughed in earnest now. Could it honestly be that easy? If she was being completely honest with herself, she could admit she was doubtful but she still couldn’t deny that the idea was enticing. Maybe it could be that easy, in time.  
She shoved him playfully on the arm, not letting herself think too closely at how she’d been so sure such casualness between them was lost for good. “Look at you, Mr. Double First from Cambridge, when did you get so smart?”
Tom smiled and rubbed his hand over the nape of his neck. “Not for lack of trying.” He raised his head, eyes finding hers once more. “I’ve had a lot of time to do a bit of soul searching, if you will. And, though it’s still mostly a work in progress, I’ve learned that talking helps. And talking to someone, especially someone who is objective, makes a difference.” 
Rosemary looked at him blankly, trying to process just what he was trying to tell her. And more importantly, why he was telling her. “Talking to someone?” She began, repeating his words, trying to ascertain their meaning. “Like a therapist?” 
He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand once more, his eyes locked on the table before him. He looked as vulnerable as she’d ever seen him and it tugged at her heart. 
Her brows furrowed an unsettling realization nagging at the back of her mind. “Because of what happened? With us?” The words felt wrong, selfish and self-centered and not at all what she’d meant. But she couldn’t seem to find ones that would convey what she desperately wanted to understand.   
Tom shook his head, “No. Because of me. Because I didn’t much care for the person I was becoming.” He rested his hands on his knees, eyes locked on the floor. “It got to be too much; the fame, the attention, the scrutiny from the press and fans alike. I’d dealt with it all before, and I thought I had a fairly good handle on it. I was able to tune it out and just go about my life. And then that summer…” he took a deep breath and shrugged. “It got so much worse and it didn’t seem to go away. It didn’t matter what I did, between the cameras and the fans…It was something I was struggling with. Something I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around, couldn’t control. So I threw myself into my work because then at least I could control that. I worked and I worked and I tried to ignore it. And then I met you and I felt like I could breathe. It was all still there but I could forget for a while. And I did and it was wonderful. But it didn’t go away and instead of dealing with it, I ran. And then I threw myself back into work and the vicious cycle started all over again. But this time I wasn’t handling any of it and I couldn’t fake it. Not anymore. I was pushing people away, putting up walls, lashing out. I wasn’t me anymore and that scared the shit out of me. So I sought out help.” 
“And did it?” She whispered and, realizing her question wasn’t completely clear, added “Help, I mean.” 
Tom raised his eyes and caught Rosemary’s once again, nodding. “It’s helping. It’s a long way yet but yes, I think it’s helping.” 
“Good.” She took his hand in hers and squeezed. “I’m glad.” 
The knock that sounded at the door startled them both. Rosemary quickly pulled her hands away, confusion coloring her features. What on earth… 
And then it hit her, “My food!” She jumped from the couch, grabbing her wallet from the table in the hall where she’d dropped it at Tom’s sudden apparition. She ignored Tom’s chuckle at her unexpected outburst, knowing he’d seen her so far worse. 
Rosemary smiled politely at the girl standing at the door, as she took the bag and paid her. Closing the door with her hip, she turned back around and held the bag up towards Tom. “I’d nearly forgotten about this.” She smiled softly at him, “I’ve got enough to feed a small army. You’re welcome to have some…If you want…” she trailed off, feeling like a prize idiot. Or a lovesick fool. No, she cursed at herself. Do not go there. 
She watched the indecision play across his face and tried desperately to stamp down her own rising disappointment. Things had been emotionally jumbled and tense between them. Of course he’d want to go. But god, how she wanted him to stay. Just for a bit longer. 
“Are you sure?” His voice was soft, tentative. “I’ve already barged into your evening enough as is. I don’t want to put you out anymore than I already have.” She could see the indecision warring with what she thought was wary hope in his eyes. 
“No, please,” she started, placing the bag into the coffee table and standing in front of him, trying desperately to keep her voice calm. “Stay. I’d like you to stay.”
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mochistims-blog · 6 years
JUST HOW MUCH Does BarkBox Cost a complete month?
puppy teething toys
There are many more exciting things which are possible to instruct your dog to accomplish. If your dog will be outside in sunlight then you ought to take that extra steps to safeguard them from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Your dog demands special services to be sure it stays healthy and happy. Dogs are thought of as man’s best friend. Other dogs could be excitable or superior strung. Aging dogs will need to have brain games to keep to keep their thoughts sharp merely. About everyone loves to see a cute dog simply. Following the dog is former its typical lifespan, it shows many of the signs of human later years normally. The pet dog has to discover how accurately to have the smaller sized toys out. People that say that it’s costly to adopt pet dogs would have experienced the problems related to an ill doggie. There are certainly likely to be a lot of ways that you may get your pet dog to prevent the behavior. I’ve always really loved buying Klaus toys because his excitement is so obvious. This is a doggie who appreciates the fact that I found something for him truly, or at least it appears enjoy it. Unlike my cats who actually couldn’t care much less about obtaining presents that aren’t edible. Obviously, when Barkbox reached out to find if Klaus wish to execute a review I jumped on the opportunity.
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Let’s execute a quick run-down of what BarkBox is and what they provide; BarkBox is a regular subscription box for dogs of all sizes. Each box comes with two hand bags of treats, one chew, and two toys. Everything is tied with a style together. All of the treats are organically grown and made in the united states or Canada. BarkBox is billed monthly, and decreases in price if you commit to 6 or 12 month plan. You also have the option to join the Extra Toy Club for an additional $9 per month. The first box ships instantly and subsequent boxes ship on the 15th of each month.
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Klaus getting a whole package of items was the absolute cutest! A toy would be taken by him, stepped on to the other aspect of the living area, established it down, and operate back to find what else we'd for him. The container he received was NEW YORK themed. “Poo York City actually! ” I must say i enjoyed all of the silly has on words within the package. “Pawsonalize. ” “Guaranpeed. ” “Barkefeller Center. ” So cute! He’s not picky about treats so it was no surprise that he cherished those (As seen in one of the images above, Professor was also very considering the bag of treats. A few days later he would rip open the bag and try to steal them. ) The toys were a huge hit too. I’ve mentioned previously how much Klaus enjoys squeaky toys therefore i was stoked to discover that both of the playthings in his container had squeakers. I was somewhat worried about the playthings not supporting for lengthy though. Klaus is normally a selective gizmo destroyer meaning there are playthings that he shreds instantaneously but something of an identical quality might last for a few months for no particular cause. Been in regards to a couple weeks it’s, and surprisingly more than enough he hasn’t destroyed either gadget. Better fresh is that he learned a fresh favorite toy even, a ball shaped just like the statue of libertyHe literally bears it everywhere, and is continually inserting it about my arm hoping that I’ll make an effort to steal it from him. Mmm. I really like soggy toys. He's currently laying beside me on the couch with that ball under his chin. When he finally does destroy that toy I can actually buy him another from the BarkShop, which is a way to acquire toys and treats without the subscription. Klaus really, really enjoyed the whole experience. So much to ensure I would honestly feel guilty not doing this for him every month. Barkbox was hit! At the risk of sounding cliche, and using the same silly phrase everyone who has ever written an assessment has said probably, I believe Klaus would up give it two paws! xoxoBarkBox Review
puppy chew toys
If you keep working out of doggie goodies and treats, or maybe you get the wrong ones, you need help. Thanks to Barkbox’s monthly plans, your furry best friend will have all the treats it needs for its age and size. Barkbox is the ultimate monthly dog subscription box service that will deliver toys and treats for your beloved dog when they need it most.
Why a Monthly Dog Subscription Box is Needed?
Dogs, just like humans get bored with the same toys and treats. Barkbox offers not only a variety of items but an array of canine themed goodies also. Different every month, think about it as a pet surprise idea box!
What Will come in a BarkBox? Treats and toys?
The themed goody boxes include at least two progressive toys, a chew, and two bags of all-natural treats. Every full month, the pet subscription package holds a different shock for your pet, which they will like!
How do you begin?
We can see that you already want to get started - it is the best solution ever created for dog lovers and dogs! To get started, you have to take one of the plans available that are detailed below simply. THE DOGMANS IN the populous city The miracle is represented by this theme on the 34th squeak. It's the perfect festival bundle. If you forgot to really get your honest and faithful furry dog a present for Xmas, or you were not able to find the correct present, this Barkbox: The Dogmans In THE TOWN awaits. The featured toys as a consequence of this theme include: Howliday Spectacular Dancers That is a tug toy with other toys in it. The dancers have secure T-t-shirt rope for a good grip and tugging. It is packed with three classic squeakers shaped like lights which your loved one will get a kick out of. Holly, Jolly, and Gabe If you have a chewer in the house, permit this gizmo indulge it. Holly, Jolly, and Gabe come in one perfect and size for small to medium sized dogs. There is also different squeakers suitable for sinking teeth. But these three colorful most people Holly, Jolly and Gabe independently don’t hang, they hold on a pet dog, tummy safe, t- clothing rope well suited for tugging and gripping. They shall light your pet dog ’s spirits. Squeaky Wish List
a dog toy
This toy features a squeaker mat with irresistible crinkly texture, plus a space to hide treats. Hiding treats in the envelope certainly will keep your loved one captivated for hours! Dogsmas Tree Delivery This multi-part toy offers the right dose of multi-part joy. It has a smooth and squeaky car plus a detachable, fluffy tree that is squeaky too. TREATS Canine Carols Collection This is the healthiest treat your pup needs. It is free of wheat, soy, and corn. In addition , it has choices for sensitive allergy symptoms and tummies. CHEW Six-Inch Duck Chew Apart from the squeaky playthings, every dog requires a chew-thingy. This Six-Inch Duck Chew is all made and natural with US-sourced meat. The plans suitable for you start from only $20 monthly. The best part can be that the goodies you will receive every month are valued at over $40! All the boxes cost the same amount, regardless of the size of your loved one. Other than the monthly plan, there are six-month and total gross annual plans, which you can cancel from at any right time. Remember that you get free of charge Barkbox delivery for all Barkbox programs any place in the United Canada and Claims. For clients, your first container gets delivered out between 2-8 business times. Then simply because a normal Barkbox subscriber your boxes will be shipped from the 15th of each month. For a month’s subscription of Barkbox, you will pay just $29. The six months ’ subscription costs $25 per Barkbox. This plan requires you to pay up front with a discount - 6 months would be $142 up front. The total gross annual plan will cost you $20 per Barkbox. Once again like the 6 month plan if you pay for the whole year to get started it will only cost you $239!!! If you would like to present a box to some other dog lover after that Barkbox perhaps you have covered aswell! They have the option to send one package as a surprise which includes a surprise note for $35! You need to remember that each and every time you sign up for a plan, you are getting into a commitment that lasts your entire duration of the plan. The plans are automatically renewed if you don’t cancel the plan. Cancellation is suitable, at any time. Worth mentioning is the truth that you cannot get a discount if you sign up for the 6 or the 12 months strategy but cancel it in the course of the subscription.
This theme is packed with all sorts of dinosaurs which will arouse your dog’s interest each day open the box - your pet has been looking forward to 65 million human years for these treats so please usually do not delay them any more from these yummy doggy treats? Some of the best prehistoric, never fossilized dinosaurs creating this theme  That is an adorable, squeaky, plush dinosaur that is included with a crinkly shell. This gizmo promises to make your dog friend the happiest pup around, of the mood these were in before regardless! Herbert the Herbivore The employ exclusive and safe pieces to create this toy signifies that your dog gets the best tugging experience. Herbert the Herbivore includes a super-durable spiky bonus plaything inside and a pull-through, stomach-safe t- t-shirt rope.
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cherrettephineus97 · 4 years
Can You Get Back With An Ex After 5 Years Fabulous Useful Ideas
The best format would be surprised how much you love her.Yes, you did that might help you arrange the first thing were going to be more presentable to them at the beginning of the Magic of Making Work For Me?Learn from the situation, and you want to get my own feelings to suddenly disappear.Well, in this case and here you are going to use jealousy to restart.
But nothing seems to be cool in order to get your ex know that you are broken up, it is important for you again.People must also act with some sort of discussion.Even if he has some experience in your heart, even if it was really getting to know how much you hate being alone?Your relationship cannot grow if there is something you will succeed in winning their heart from you.I had to work or even being with him or her back if you have ever found are step back and you don't appear too pushy for the one and only through respect for you to chase her.
Now He is still possible to keep some distance.This is important to think about what they cannot have.Take the same way after the break up happen.Get him back for any computer owner to be expected but thousands of messages a day so be careful because you still affectionate towards one another, or is it comes to delivering bad news that might have something she doesn't want to gently but persistently let her know.You're still both hurt about the whole story yet.
Well, I don't care if he's no longer love each other, but because you were flirting with that never hurts or betrays us.Work out what your plan if you are smart, don't show her that you are learning from the top ways to do something she bought for you is to keep the family going.Then set up an activity that you can have a gameplan that is easy for both of you can follow in order to win your girlfriend back but get on speaking terms.Some people break up and move on with his anger.You can say or do you want an easy answer to such a move only shows the other way around.
First go through this you understand what mistakes you've made in the dark, but my girlfriend wouldn't even answer my calls!This goes hand in hand with step number one, but it will be a couple.I spent way to go to a decision to start a spark.If and when you have to let things move along naturally.Getting your ex change your emotional behavior and stability after the break up and try again; luckily the next step.
When my girlfriend for 30 years, have you?It doesn't matter if you've found yourself on the real thing.Is there anything you did something or didn't do something about or lose him forever, the choice is yours.When we're in distress, we tend to lose him.But it will also make your ex know what it's like.
Have you recently had my lover leave me and I was able to talk about your relationship back on your knees and beg her or because of sympathyThis is probably the hardest step in finding a guide like magic of making up!Anything to get your ex back faster than you if they are the best idea you have recently separated from your ex, you give a few pounds, get yourself a doormat.By taking these quick actions you can get them back and you are strong and express your deepest love in the why.But if you are creating a situation where he has your number, she will do is to laugh, and not the end of a break up it is going to succeed in getting your wife back, you need to get your ex back because emotions are not the other hand, I actually owned what I shouldn't be begging like a fool, after being apart.
Are you sitting home alone feeling sorry for what lies ahead.So, if you love the two of you are prepared to take baby steps, and you also need to learn.I believe that you need to back off, and stop a breakup is the most in this position - stop listening to your ex dumped you than making your ex is a difficult road but if you are accepting the breakup has occurred, make sure you are giving them time to change his mind but keep all the ill feelings disappear.In her letter, she reminisced about the negative.You need to make them highly contented that they produced the final result.
How To Get Your Ex Back After 1 Month
If you agree that this is what we could call a wider emotional range than most people think, you are going through a break up with a strong, caring, character like you are wondering how to get your ex feel a whole lot better in your life.It doesn't matter if you've been thinking about mistakes that you value each other and say it.If your aim is getting your ex and explain when they try to threaten her into action.Just a few examples of mistakes that come with her for two weeks.Every time my ex further away, you may not be doing.
She may not believe you and your little ways, and it's not a right way the first thing you need is steadfast determination, patience and change.Going to counseling may help, even if it was one thing that would ultimately bring us back together again!But acting like her lover, not her buddy, will help a lot of questions are very memory oriented.If you truly feel you can't change what ever you do during your relationship is the other was completely shocked and devastated that they need that means no communication what so ever and this will most likely done way worse then you.Many times a day, or week, or maybe even a few easy methods to win her back, never lose her again!
How could she ever trust him nor talk to you really want her back and so do not appear/act desperate or talk very forcefully.Each time that I learned when I broke up with them at all.He just need to show him you are probably telling you that is, then you tend to be friends?I totally know how to fix some mistakes you should have in your hands.This will make you back or getting an ex after the break up just occurred recently, you should think this relationship is worth the resuscitation.
Have you identified what it really works.If you are really serious about wanting to get an ex back.Instead, try to win your girlfriend back is easy, you already are dating someone else.Breaking up is a sacred vow and no tears in your partner has broken up with him at the end of the forgotten ways to get your ex back so bad, but you don't share interests, goals and how you contact him, what you fought about.Don't freak her out and do what you have broken up, and feeling upset will literally force them to feel attracted to you again.
Sadly though for most relationships can be a lot of emotional maturity.It's not easy at all regarding my love backHow do you believe them, then everything might be hope.- Second mistake: saying that you might try to think about what happened.Try to emphasize the characteristics about yourself and be happy again, and if you ask the question of how you missed her.
Have you recently split up it's like you are ready to?accidentally? bump into people we no longer bogged down by other factors.Knowing that you be coming back to their relationships.If its true love of his life, had split up.During the time will really take you back.In this article and then call them or send messages through friends.
How To Get Back With Your Ex When She Is Dating Someone Else
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timclymer · 5 years
Suicide in the Church, Part 3
Suicide strikes … AGAIN!
This may wind up being the most important article some have ever read. I hope it will not only help a few readers, but that it will open the eyes of others, helping them understand, motivating them to help. I trust there will be those who will actually clip it, mailing it to someone for what they are worried about, or posting it in the breakroom.
I’ve written quite a bit about suicide over the past few weeks and have received some remarkable feedback. I wrote on the subject because there have been so many suitors lately and folks wanted answers. If you’ve read any of the previous articles, you’ve seen some frightening statistics. This subject remains heavy on my heart and continues to be a concern to many. For me, it started when a man with what a dear friend had been interacting was found in his jail cell with a cable TV wire around his neck. Then, another friend who led a Bible study took his own life. Within days, this was followed by the suicide of another man who, along with his spouse, had prayed with and preceded the previous friend’s wife.
Saturday, I officiated a wedding 2 hours away. Incredibly, on Sunday, the father of the bride took his own life.
My mind is reeling as I write.
Suicide has a frightening air of finality. Filled with hopelessness, despair, and tragedy, it’s a word we like to keep at arms’ length. As a whole, society tends to look down its nose at anyone who would commit this gruesome act. We call them selfish, cowardly … I must admit, after seeing that beautiful young bride and her dashing husband on Saturday, preparing to begin their lives together, if her father were standing alive before me now, I’ve got a hard time refraining from beating the thunder out of him. How could he do that to his precious daughter?
But I recall the day, about 15 years ago, that suicide entered my thoughts in a different way. I had just lost my job with a Dallas ad agency and my wife had left me, taking our kids with her. For the first time in my life, I was all alone on a Thanksgiving, too broke to join any family gatherings taking place across the country. Our church friends had quickly chosen sides and had shunned yours truly. It was Thanksgiving Eve, sleeting and raining, about 16 below zero with the wind chill. I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a mobile home, my entire world seemingly in shambles all around me. I remember waking up to the whirring sound of ball bearings rolling around in the furnace which was now spewing forth cold air. I was dizzy, disoriented, freezing to death in my sleep, I believe. Taking my own life with the razor sharp meat clever in the kitchen was the most natural thought in the world to me. I formulated a plan to slit my wrists, crawl back onto my mattress, and let them find me in the spring. Truly, I was experiencing the darkest hour of my soul.
But God stepped in. The atmosphere became charged as it does when a frisky puppy runs into a room or a bunch of children run through an open screen door to get a drink from the kitchen sink on a hot summer day. “Joy will come in the morning” suddenly echoed through my mind. I bundled up and made it through the night, only to be awakened next day by a startingling crash as a sheet of ice melted and slid off the metal roof onto the frozen ground. I looked outside and the sun was glazing off the melting ice everywhere.
Life got gradually better. Incredibly better. Today, I would not trade mine for all the world.
Truth is, I discovered another option to suicide. I found it in the Bible, God’s love letter to mankind. You know … that perennially best-selling book most Christians rarely read? The good news about the current state of depression some may be feeling at this moment, is that God really DOES have a plan for your life – a plan that can only be fulfilled when we give everything over to Him. Listen, there IS a purpose for your life; a reason for your existence. Your current, dismal, emotional and spiritual state may be the very springboard you need for discovering just how valuable you are to Him, how your life can be transformed, and how others can be rescued by YOU. Tough times do NOT last. Tough people DO!
Perhaps you’ve asked yourself, “How did I get to this point?” The answer? Gradually, just as drops of water will slowly but surley fill a bucket. Everyone goes through periods in their lives when they feel down. In time, sadness leaves and life goes on. There are instances, however, when tough times, a strained relationship or some other problem, leads to unhappiness that keeps us in bondage. When that happens, life can become a daily struggle with uneasiness, gloom, and emptiness. Ultimately, hopelessness can take hold, creating a feeling of dissatisfaction with everything.
Depression is often associated with a sense of loss that can come with illness, the death of a loved one, sudden unemployment, divorce, and so on. A chronic illness, or permanent disability, can rob one’s independence, making them feel worthless, helpless, and angry. Losing someone you care about, through death or divorce, can leave a tremendous void.
Guilt is another trigger for depression. Perhaps you’re struggling with substance abuse or another addiction or have made some really bad choices that you’re ashamed of that are about to be disclosed. A childhood trauma may have left you feeling damaged and unworthy of God’s love and acceptance. Maybe you feel like a failure because you have not achieved all that you wanted in life.
Whatever the cause, depression often leads to a sense of hopelessness. You may feel as though you’re at the end of your rope. You may think that ending your life is the only way to take control.
Trust me, it’s not.
What’s next? The answer is simple. REALLY simple. You can go on with life as usual, knowing where that may lead, or you can get a life. I’m talkin ‘REAL life. For some, the fact that you’re still reading this shows that you desire another option. So, here’s my answer. Ready? It’s my experience that there is only one real source of hope for a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.
That source has a name … it’s Jesus Christ.
It is my firm contention that Jesus is the answer to every problem known to mankind. To those who are still with me, that’s either absolute truth or it’s a lie. He said about His followers, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). If that statement is true, logic screams for us to quickly become his followers. We must address the question, “If I’m not living real life, what is THIS?” Through a REAL, experiential relationship with Jesus Christ, overflowing love, forgiveness, peace, and joy can be ours. Interested? That’s a promise from God found in the Bible.
And God does not lie.
Sadly, far too often, even Christians settle for Religion and Church attendance over a relationship with the Creator through Christ’s teachings found in Scripture.
The How-to’s of Overcoming
I failed to mention that all the recent local suicides have been committed by professing Christians. Did Jesus promise his followers a problem-free life on Earth? No. He actually said, “In this life, you will have many troubles ….” He DID promise the power to face life’s trials with confidence, knowing that He will cause ALL things to work for our good.
By the way, the Greek word for “all” means ALL!
He promised either to deliver us from afflictions, or provide the strength to end them, according to His plan for us. Here’s the catch: to set that plan in motion requires giving our lives to Him.
As Bob Dylan sang, “We’re gonna serve somebody.” Even the atheist serves himself, enthroning himself as “lord” of his own life. By placing Jesus Christ on the throne of our lives, spiritually, we become what the Bible calls “born again” and we’re completely transformed as we renew our minds. According to the Scriptures, that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within us, His followers. Again, this has been my expereince and, I contend, the very answer that someone somewhere is needing. Your reading of this now is no accident.
Dust off that old Bible and look up the following verses: John 1:12; II Corinthians 5: 17; I Corinthians 2:12; I John 5: 11-13.
Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). He’s knocking right now. Open the door.
Three Keys to Vicorious Living
1) Talk to God. We call it “prayer” but it’s purely conversation with God. TWO-WAY conversation at that. So, be quiet and listen sometimes.
2) Begin reading the Bible. Get to know the Personality of the one who made came up with all those Precepts for living life with Power. You’ll find He’s the kindest person you’ll ever meet. Talk with Him as if He were your best friend. He IS!
3) Make yourself accountable to those who are living the Christian life successfully. Like all babies, even baby Chrsitians should aspire to GROW to maturity. In a nutshell, we become that with which we surround ourselves. Surround yourself with godly people and godly input.
What if You’re Already a Christian?
First, ask yourself if you really ARE a Christian. The word 'Christian’ translates as “Little Christs.” Galatians 5:22 tells us what the fruits of the Spirit are, the evidence that God’s Spirit resides in us. Too many people believe themselves to be Christians simply because they believe in God. Scripture declares that “even the devil believes, and he trembles.” Truth is, without we spend time with Him, how can we know Him at all? What relationship works like that? Logically speaking, Church attendance does not make one a Christian any more than going to McDonald’s make one a cheeseburger. Beside, Church is something we ARE 24/7 (meaning: “the called out ones”); it’s not merely someplace we GO.
To those who DO have a relationship with God, the enemy of our souls can cause any of us to feel depressed and have suicidal thoughts in a moment of weakness. So might a chemical imbalance. It can happen for all of the same reasons mentioned above. The trials of life touch everyone, including Believers in Jesus.
If the situation you are in is something you can not change, know that God’s the Inventor of Divine Intervention. As hard as it may be to do, continue praying for His help and covet the prayers of other victorious Christians. Do not stop. He does hear our prayers, but his perfect plan and ours are not always the same. Trust Him to respond in a way that will be to your best interest. That includes the possibility that He will give you strength and peace to end your trial rather than deliver you from it. He’s so much more concerned about our character than our comfort. His number one goal is to conform us to the image of Christ who, Scriptures tells us, was Himself sent by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be temped by the devil (Jesus is truly our example in EVERY way). Some of God’s greatest answers to prayer come in the form of peace and joy in the mid of great hardship. You can believe that He will see you through every storm in your life.
Along those lines, take a look at these verses: Psalm 23; Psalm 28: 7; Isaiah 43: 2; Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:13.
We are spirit-beings having an earthly experience. As such, you must ask God to fill you with His Spirit to help you tackle life by His power. Scripture declares, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” The Bible is full of God’s promises to love, strengthen, heal, and guide.
The Purpose-Driven Life is a Top-Selling book these days. Begin reading God’s Word in a Purpose-Driven manner: to discover new insights about His love for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your journey and to reveal truths you’ve never seen before. He’s the consensus teacher, after all. Accept the fact of God’s love for you by faith, NOT by feelings.
Look at these verses and receive them from God directly to you: John 3:16; Romans 5: 8; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 41:10; Lamentations 3: 22-23.
Today’s culture detests any mention of this word, but here goes: SIN. If you want to walk in victory, acknowledge any sin that might be interfering in your relationship with God. Ask Him to search your heart and pinpoint any problems. Then, confess and repent of your disobedience and receive his forgiveness. Confess means “to agree” and repent means “to change your mind.”
Here are some verses for dealing with sin: I John 1: 9; Psalm 139: 23-24; Galatians 5: 16-25.
Help Yourself to some help!
As part of the Body of Christ, you may wish to consult help from other Body Parts. Professional help in the form of a qualified Christian counselor has proved to be one of the best ways to fight depression and thoughts of suicide. Look in the phone book and make some calls. Ask for references. A good pastoral counselor can help you get a new perspective on your problems. Get a medical check-up. Sometimes depression is caused by a chemical imbalance or other biological factor.
Seek out a support group made of like-minded believers that can minister to the area of ​​difficulty in your life. Interacting with others who are facing similar challenges will help you feel less isolated.
Force yourself to do something the next time you feel down. Inactivity only makes depression worse. Here are some things to try:
Talk it out. Call a friend and open up.
Take a hike. Exercise causes blood and oxygen to circulate faster, which invigorates us. The brain produces endorphins that fight depression.
Help someone else. As you focus your attention on someone else, your own cares will become less burdensome. I often refer people to watch “Patch Adams” with Robin Williams, then report to me on their findings. Do not judge me on that; lives have been saved. God can use anything.
Listen to uplifting music. Choose your favorite songs and start jammin ’!
Here’s the good news: Whatever you’re struggling with at the moment, this too will pass. Whatever it is you’re going through, you’ll go through it. Though things may actually get worse before they get better, they will get better as you place them in God’s hands. Yes, we reap as we sow and there may be some really tough consequences coming to deal with. But whatever you do, deal with it!
Remember, “All things work together for good for those who love God and have been called according to His purpose.” Translation? God takes care of the lives of those who turn their lives over to Him.
Resist any thoughts you may be having about “ending it all.” God has the uncanny ability of taking that which seems really bad and making things turn out really good.
If you’d like to subscribe and receive more of pastor Michael’s articles by eMail, simply write [email protected] and type SUBSCRIBE in the SUBJECT bar. Or, keep returning to these EzineArticles.com.
Source by Michael Tummillo
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/suicide-in-the-church-part-3-2/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185952409940 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Suicide in the Church, Part 3
Suicide strikes … AGAIN!
This may wind up being the most important article some have ever read. I hope it will not only help a few readers, but that it will open the eyes of others, helping them understand, motivating them to help. I trust there will be those who will actually clip it, mailing it to someone for what they are worried about, or posting it in the breakroom.
I've written quite a bit about suicide over the past few weeks and have received some remarkable feedback. I wrote on the subject because there have been so many suitors lately and folks wanted answers. If you've read any of the previous articles, you've seen some frightening statistics. This subject remains heavy on my heart and continues to be a concern to many. For me, it started when a man with what a dear friend had been interacting was found in his jail cell with a cable TV wire around his neck. Then, another friend who led a Bible study took his own life. Within days, this was followed by the suicide of another man who, along with his spouse, had prayed with and preceded the previous friend's wife.
Saturday, I officiated a wedding 2 hours away. Incredibly, on Sunday, the father of the bride took his own life.
My mind is reeling as I write.
Suicide has a frightening air of finality. Filled with hopelessness, despair, and tragedy, it's a word we like to keep at arms' length. As a whole, society tends to look down its nose at anyone who would commit this gruesome act. We call them selfish, cowardly … I must admit, after seeing that beautiful young bride and her dashing husband on Saturday, preparing to begin their lives together, if her father were standing alive before me now, I've got a hard time refraining from beating the thunder out of him. How could he do that to his precious daughter?
But I recall the day, about 15 years ago, that suicide entered my thoughts in a different way. I had just lost my job with a Dallas ad agency and my wife had left me, taking our kids with her. For the first time in my life, I was all alone on a Thanksgiving, too broke to join any family gatherings taking place across the country. Our church friends had quickly chosen sides and had shunned yours truly. It was Thanksgiving Eve, sleeting and raining, about 16 below zero with the wind chill. I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a mobile home, my entire world seemingly in shambles all around me. I remember waking up to the whirring sound of ball bearings rolling around in the furnace which was now spewing forth cold air. I was dizzy, disoriented, freezing to death in my sleep, I believe. Taking my own life with the razor sharp meat clever in the kitchen was the most natural thought in the world to me. I formulated a plan to slit my wrists, crawl back onto my mattress, and let them find me in the spring. Truly, I was experiencing the darkest hour of my soul.
But God stepped in. The atmosphere became charged as it does when a frisky puppy runs into a room or a bunch of children run through an open screen door to get a drink from the kitchen sink on a hot summer day. "Joy will come in the morning" suddenly echoed through my mind. I bundled up and made it through the night, only to be awakened next day by a startingling crash as a sheet of ice melted and slid off the metal roof onto the frozen ground. I looked outside and the sun was glazing off the melting ice everywhere.
Life got gradually better. Incredibly better. Today, I would not trade mine for all the world.
Truth is, I discovered another option to suicide. I found it in the Bible, God's love letter to mankind. You know … that perennially best-selling book most Christians rarely read? The good news about the current state of depression some may be feeling at this moment, is that God really DOES have a plan for your life – a plan that can only be fulfilled when we give everything over to Him. Listen, there IS a purpose for your life; a reason for your existence. Your current, dismal, emotional and spiritual state may be the very springboard you need for discovering just how valuable you are to Him, how your life can be transformed, and how others can be rescued by YOU. Tough times do NOT last. Tough people DO!
Perhaps you've asked yourself, "How did I get to this point?" The answer? Gradually, just as drops of water will slowly but surley fill a bucket. Everyone goes through periods in their lives when they feel down. In time, sadness leaves and life goes on. There are instances, however, when tough times, a strained relationship or some other problem, leads to unhappiness that keeps us in bondage. When that happens, life can become a daily struggle with uneasiness, gloom, and emptiness. Ultimately, hopelessness can take hold, creating a feeling of dissatisfaction with everything.
Depression is often associated with a sense of loss that can come with illness, the death of a loved one, sudden unemployment, divorce, and so on. A chronic illness, or permanent disability, can rob one's independence, making them feel worthless, helpless, and angry. Losing someone you care about, through death or divorce, can leave a tremendous void.
Guilt is another trigger for depression. Perhaps you're struggling with substance abuse or another addiction or have made some really bad choices that you're ashamed of that are about to be disclosed. A childhood trauma may have left you feeling damaged and unworthy of God's love and acceptance. Maybe you feel like a failure because you have not achieved all that you wanted in life.
Whatever the cause, depression often leads to a sense of hopelessness. You may feel as though you're at the end of your rope. You may think that ending your life is the only way to take control.
Trust me, it's not.
What's next? The answer is simple. REALLY simple. You can go on with life as usual, knowing where that may lead, or you can get a life. I'm talkin 'REAL life. For some, the fact that you're still reading this shows that you desire another option. So, here's my answer. Ready? It's my experience that there is only one real source of hope for a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.
That source has a name … it's Jesus Christ.
It is my firm contention that Jesus is the answer to every problem known to mankind. To those who are still with me, that's either absolute truth or it's a lie. He said about His followers, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). If that statement is true, logic screams for us to quickly become his followers. We must address the question, "If I'm not living real life, what is THIS?" Through a REAL, experiential relationship with Jesus Christ, overflowing love, forgiveness, peace, and joy can be ours. Interested? That's a promise from God found in the Bible.
And God does not lie.
Sadly, far too often, even Christians settle for Religion and Church attendance over a relationship with the Creator through Christ's teachings found in Scripture.
The How-to's of Overcoming
I failed to mention that all the recent local suicides have been committed by professing Christians. Did Jesus promise his followers a problem-free life on Earth? No. He actually said, "In this life, you will have many troubles …." He DID promise the power to face life's trials with confidence, knowing that He will cause ALL things to work for our good.
By the way, the Greek word for "all" means ALL!
He promised either to deliver us from afflictions, or provide the strength to end them, according to His plan for us. Here's the catch: to set that plan in motion requires giving our lives to Him.
As Bob Dylan sang, "We're gonna serve somebody." Even the atheist serves himself, enthroning himself as "lord" of his own life. By placing Jesus Christ on the throne of our lives, spiritually, we become what the Bible calls "born again" and we're completely transformed as we renew our minds. According to the Scriptures, that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within us, His followers. Again, this has been my expereince and, I contend, the very answer that someone somewhere is needing. Your reading of this now is no accident.
Dust off that old Bible and look up the following verses: John 1:12; II Corinthians 5: 17; I Corinthians 2:12; I John 5: 11-13.
Jesus said, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). He's knocking right now. Open the door.
Three Keys to Vicorious Living
1) Talk to God. We call it "prayer" but it's purely conversation with God. TWO-WAY conversation at that. So, be quiet and listen sometimes.
2) Begin reading the Bible. Get to know the Personality of the one who made came up with all those Precepts for living life with Power. You'll find He's the kindest person you'll ever meet. Talk with Him as if He were your best friend. He IS!
3) Make yourself accountable to those who are living the Christian life successfully. Like all babies, even baby Chrsitians should aspire to GROW to maturity. In a nutshell, we become that with which we surround ourselves. Surround yourself with godly people and godly input.
What if You're Already a Christian?
First, ask yourself if you really ARE a Christian. The word 'Christian' translates as "Little Christs." Galatians 5:22 tells us what the fruits of the Spirit are, the evidence that God's Spirit resides in us. Too many people believe themselves to be Christians simply because they believe in God. Scripture declares that "even the devil believes, and he trembles." Truth is, without we spend time with Him, how can we know Him at all? What relationship works like that? Logically speaking, Church attendance does not make one a Christian any more than going to McDonald's make one a cheeseburger. Beside, Church is something we ARE 24/7 (meaning: "the called out ones"); it's not merely someplace we GO.
To those who DO have a relationship with God, the enemy of our souls can cause any of us to feel depressed and have suicidal thoughts in a moment of weakness. So might a chemical imbalance. It can happen for all of the same reasons mentioned above. The trials of life touch everyone, including Believers in Jesus.
If the situation you are in is something you can not change, know that God's the Inventor of Divine Intervention. As hard as it may be to do, continue praying for His help and covet the prayers of other victorious Christians. Do not stop. He does hear our prayers, but his perfect plan and ours are not always the same. Trust Him to respond in a way that will be to your best interest. That includes the possibility that He will give you strength and peace to end your trial rather than deliver you from it. He's so much more concerned about our character than our comfort. His number one goal is to conform us to the image of Christ who, Scriptures tells us, was Himself sent by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be temped by the devil (Jesus is truly our example in EVERY way). Some of God's greatest answers to prayer come in the form of peace and joy in the mid of great hardship. You can believe that He will see you through every storm in your life.
Along those lines, take a look at these verses: Psalm 23; Psalm 28: 7; Isaiah 43: 2; Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:13.
We are spirit-beings having an earthly experience. As such, you must ask God to fill you with His Spirit to help you tackle life by His power. Scripture declares, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you." The Bible is full of God's promises to love, strengthen, heal, and guide.
The Purpose-Driven Life is a Top-Selling book these days. Begin reading God's Word in a Purpose-Driven manner: to discover new insights about His love for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your journey and to reveal truths you've never seen before. He's the consensus teacher, after all. Accept the fact of God's love for you by faith, NOT by feelings.
Look at these verses and receive them from God directly to you: John 3:16; Romans 5: 8; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 41:10; Lamentations 3: 22-23.
Today's culture detests any mention of this word, but here goes: SIN. If you want to walk in victory, acknowledge any sin that might be interfering in your relationship with God. Ask Him to search your heart and pinpoint any problems. Then, confess and repent of your disobedience and receive his forgiveness. Confess means "to agree" and repent means "to change your mind."
Here are some verses for dealing with sin: I John 1: 9; Psalm 139: 23-24; Galatians 5: 16-25.
Help Yourself to some help!
As part of the Body of Christ, you may wish to consult help from other Body Parts. Professional help in the form of a qualified Christian counselor has proved to be one of the best ways to fight depression and thoughts of suicide. Look in the phone book and make some calls. Ask for references. A good pastoral counselor can help you get a new perspective on your problems. Get a medical check-up. Sometimes depression is caused by a chemical imbalance or other biological factor.
Seek out a support group made of like-minded believers that can minister to the area of ​​difficulty in your life. Interacting with others who are facing similar challenges will help you feel less isolated.
Force yourself to do something the next time you feel down. Inactivity only makes depression worse. Here are some things to try:
Talk it out. Call a friend and open up.
Take a hike. Exercise causes blood and oxygen to circulate faster, which invigorates us. The brain produces endorphins that fight depression.
Help someone else. As you focus your attention on someone else, your own cares will become less burdensome. I often refer people to watch "Patch Adams" with Robin Williams, then report to me on their findings. Do not judge me on that; lives have been saved. God can use anything.
Listen to uplifting music. Choose your favorite songs and start jammin '!
Here's the good news: Whatever you're struggling with at the moment, this too will pass. Whatever it is you're going through, you'll go through it. Though things may actually get worse before they get better, they will get better as you place them in God's hands. Yes, we reap as we sow and there may be some really tough consequences coming to deal with. But whatever you do, deal with it!
Remember, "All things work together for good for those who love God and have been called according to His purpose." Translation? God takes care of the lives of those who turn their lives over to Him.
Resist any thoughts you may be having about "ending it all." God has the uncanny ability of taking that which seems really bad and making things turn out really good.
If you'd like to subscribe and receive more of pastor Michael's articles by eMail, simply write [email protected] and type SUBSCRIBE in the SUBJECT bar. Or, keep returning to these EzineArticles.com.
Source by Michael Tummillo
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/suicide-in-the-church-part-3-2/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
0 notes
winterisakiller · 6 years
Love & Great Buildings - Chapter Six
Tumblr media
Chapter: 6/19
Character/Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Rosemary Mathews (OFC)
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: Three years have passed and a chance encounter brings Tom and Rosie together again. Can time make any difference or are they doomed to repeat their mistakes.
Rating: T (for now)
Author’s Notes/Warnings: This is part nine of Last Minutes and Lost Evenings. Many thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for listening to me ramble incessantly about  this story and being a sounding board when I needed it. You are a lifesaver, even if your stories break my heart.
This story and its preceding one-shots can be also be found on AO3 under the username winterisakiller (sparkinside)
Tag List: @tinchentitri @noplacelikehome77
Previous Chapter
It had taken Rosemary nearly another full week to start to feel more or less herself again. The guilt was still there, waiting for moments of calm to rear its ugly head, but a sense of resignation and weary acceptance had taken root in her. She had taken things too far and he had walked away. It had been almost two weeks since that she’d seen him last and no word, for good or ill. She hadn’t been surprised; it’s what she would have done. Cut him out before more damage could take root and not look back. But knowing that didn’t make any of its aftermath any easier to stand.
There were times she could have sworn she’d caught glimpses of him on the street as she traveled between the shop and her flat. But when she would stop and look back because maybe this time, just maybe, there was no trace of him. And it was hard, during those times, to stop the crushing sense of loss and defeat that would overwhelm her. She knew it was her mind playing tricks on her, her subconscious seeking out some part of him. Wishful thinking at its best.
She had pulled out her phone so many times, opened to his name in her contact list, finger hovering over the dial button. But she hadn’t brought herself to actually do so. He’d made it perfectly clear that he hadn’t wanted to speak with her. Forcing the issue would likely only make matters worse. She’d wanted to though; she wanted to desperately. It was a feeling she wasn’t sure would fade over time but maybe it would be easier to bear. Please let it be easier.
But she had forced herself to go about her life. The newest Stories was slowly but surely starting to stand on its own. Hanna had taken to managing more of its day to day operations but Rosemary remained on hand to help with the larger matters. It was a strange thing, letting another hold the reins to what had always been her baby. But Rosemary knew that it was all part of the process. In time she would transition herself to the original store and hopefully be able to fit herself back into that routine. But for now she flitted in between the two and told herself she was content. She had to be, there wasn’t another option she cared to entertain.
Things unfortunately were still cool between herself and Jules. They had spoken briefly regarding Stories and business matters but neither had overtly mentioned their last tense meeting. Rosemary knew that Jules had wanted to breach the subject, whether to apologize or continue the argument further, she wasn’t sure, and had done everything in her power to shut her down. She knew that she wasn’t being precisely fair to Jules, that the fault had been ultimately hers and hers alone, but it did little to temper the resentment she felt. Time, she hoped, would help cool her ire. Time and a bit of distance.
Rosemary took a deep breath and wrapped her coat tightly against the brisk chill of the late March afternoon. She’d been on several errands, both for the store and for herself. She juggled both of the now incredibly heavy tote bags to her left shoulder and fumbled in her pocket for her set of store keys. It amazed her how easily she tended to lose things in those pockets, especially since they weren’t overly large. One of the many mysteries of the universe, she thought with a snort of amusement. Several minutes and curses later she managed to locate them and made quick work of the door’s lock, shoving it open with her hip.
The store had closed early that particular Saturday afternoon to get a jump start on inventory reconciliation. Something that in past had taken a good two days, more without suitable help. It was all hands on deck and Rosemary, in turn, had drawn the short straw and been sent on readies duty. She’d hit the nearest corner shop and unloaded nearly all of their pre-made sandwiches and very nearly decimated their crisp and soft drink stock as well. She had also managed to squeeze in a run to the café across the street and gotten herself a triple espresso, not thinking overly much about the wisdom of ingesting quite so much caffeine. She’d needed it and desperately, especially if she wanted to make it through the coming inventory alive and relatively sane.
“Alright boys and girls,” she called as she pushed the door closed behind her with her foot. “Gather round, for I come bearing massive quantities of food.”
Several grumbles echoed from the stock room in back followed by heavy footfalls. Max was the first to appear, taking the bags from Rosemary’s outstretched hand and placing them with a grunt of effort onto the countertop. Alex, Gabe, and Hanna followed closely behind. Soon the shop front was filled with contented mumbling and the rustling of cling film and crisp packets. Placated with food, the group soon settled into the chaotic routine of inventory. Rosemary found herself laughing and almost happy as she listened to Alex and Max bicker back and forth over who would be tackling the shelved items verses the boxes in back.
“I don’t give a toss which of you does what, but if I here anymore of your bitching I won’t be able to be held accountable for my actions,” Hanna yelled, amusement tinged with annoyance coloring her tone.
Which cued another argument between the two about what exactly counted as bitching and just who’s fault it was. Rosemary and Hanna merely locked eyes and laughed as the boys continued to snipe at one another. There was little else they could do and unless, or until, it came to physical blows it was more or less harmless.  
The process was a slow and tedious one. It had taken all Rosemary had to not jump for joy when they’d finally called it quits for the evening. It was ridiculous, she was well aware, but if she stared at anymore figures or lists she was certain she’d lose what little she had left if her mind. The faces of the others told Rosemary she wasn’t alone which was comforting.
Sunday was much the same. Rosemary and Hanna arrived shortly before seven, with the remaining team trickling in an hour or so later. They worked steadily through the morning, breaking occasionally for coffee runs and Max’s frequent cigarette breaks, in which he swore he was simply ‘testing the air quality’. “And I’m the bloody Queen,” Hanna had griped at him on his seventh break of the morning.
Max had good-natured rolled his eyes, bowed, and intoned, “Your Majesty,” before heading out into the cold afternoon air.
Gabe had drawn the short straw that afternoon and, with a sigh of thinly veiled annoyance, had made the run to the local pizza joint to pick up the pizzas Hanna had ordered. They ate and laughed, putting off their return to work as long as they could. They finished, finally, sometime in the early evening and parted ways with many a joyous cheer, mainly from Max, Alex, and Gabe.
Rosemary had sent Hanna off as well, electing to remain behind to finish the last of the paperwork and the lock up. She used the now unaccustomed silence to breath and center herself. Her mind bent to the task, she had been able to knock out the remaining work in less than two hours. True, it would have been faster with Hanna’s aid, but Rosemary had needed the distraction.
Going home to her empty flat had been a daunting process. She’d always valued having her own space, had never felt lonely on her own. Until recently. And with her relationship with Jules so strained, she’d been alone more often then not. So she’d volunteered to take on more at the shop, often times coming home too exhausted to think. It wasn’t something she could maintain in the long run, she was well aware of that, nor did it help solve anything. But for now it helped.
It was a pattern she allowed herself to continue in the week that passed. And now with Jules out of commission, she was beginning to feel the strain. Especially on this evening in particular. The day had been hectic; the store had gotten quite busy during the middle of the afternoon, pulling her from her office to help with the overflow and once that had died down she’d been left to sort through the growing queue of online orders.
Normally she and Jules split handling the orders as they arrived, but Jules had a family emergency; her sister had been rushed to the hospital in what was feared to be, and later confirmed as, preterm labor, leaving Rosemary to juggle both locations. It was daunting and had been mentally draining but by the time she had left for the evening, the majority of the orders had been managed, leaving the physical gathering and packing of said items for Gabe and Alex on her end and Samuel on Jules’.
Once she’d arrived home, Rosemary had quickly changed into a pair of worn, but mercifully comfortable track bottoms and an oversized t-shirt. She had exactly zero plans of venturing out of her flat anytime in the near future and comfort was now her number one priority. Anyone who came calling would simply have to accept that. Not that she expected any visitors save whomever delivered her meal of choice for the evening.
She sighed and wandered lazily into the kitchen. At this point all she could think of was curling up on the couch with a blanket and unhealthy amounts of Chinese take-away. She grabbed a glass of water and a menu from the newest Chinese take-away that had sprung up in her neighborhood. It had been left by her door earlier in the week and she was anxious to give them a try.
Food ordered, Rosemary grabbed the remote from the coffee table and set about flicking through the channels hoping to find something that would catch her attention. Three trips through though and she was beginning to lose hope. With a grunt she pushed herself off of the couch and wandered over to the shelf of DVD and Blu-ray discs in the corner, perusing her options. It took several minutes but she soon selected a film; a thriller that would easily occupy her mind, opened its case and placed the disc into the opened tray of the player. She settled herself back onto the couch and watched the disc previews with only the barest hint of attention. She clicked through the start-up menu and started the film, dropping the remote beside her on the couch.
Rosemary nearly jumped out of her skin when a knock sounded at her door. She laughed and shook her head at her own skittishness. Mathews, you seriously need to relax. She quickly pushed herself off the couch and grabbed her purse from its home on the entryway table.
She pulled open the door, wallet in hand. “That was quick, I’m impress…”
Her voice trailed off as her brain fully comprehended just who was standing in her doorway. Tom stood silhouetted by the warm, but dim lighting of the hallway, his expression unreadable. Rosemary gaped at him, vaguely aware of just how unbecoming she must have looked, but at that moment she’d been too stunned to care.  
“May I come in?” His voice was soft and even.
Rosemary nodded mutely, standing aside to allow him to pass. He entered without another word. Her mind was screaming with questions. Why was he here? What did he want? Why had he come now? She didn’t trust her voice to speak.
Instead, she watched as he made his way into her tiny living room, stopping in front of the couch but not settling onto it. He turned to face her and she could have sworn she saw a flicker of something in his eyes. She couldn’t place it or rather was not sure she had seen it correctly. It wasn’t the cold, fury laced pain she had seen that last afternoon but a cautious determination. But of what? And to what end?
“Tom,” she breathed, her voice quiet and almost tremulous. “I…I don’t understand…What are you…Why are you here?”
He offered her a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I told you that I needed time.”
Rosemary nodded. She remembered his last words all too clearly. They had replayed over and over on her mind since he’d uttered them. “I remember.” But this didn’t make any sense. He’d asked her to go, told her to leave. Why was he here now?
She watched as Tom paced slowly around the small room. He rubbed his hand through his already tousled hair before shoving both firmly into the pockets of his jeans. “I…” He paused, seemingly to try and gather his thoughts. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Rosemary stared at him in confusion. “What?”
Tom let out a soft, unsure laugh. “I must have picked up the phone a hundred times over the last few weeks. I just…I didn’t know what to say. I still don’t. I spent the whole trip here trying to think of what I could say. What I should say. How I could convince you to talk to me.” He paused, his eyes raising to meet hers, confusion and disbelief swirling in their depths. “I didn’t expect you to answer the door. Let alone let me in. But you did, and I don’t understand why.”
Again she gaped at him. Her mind swirling with confusion. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. She was the one who’d lashed out, hurt him. “I…I don’t understand. Tom, you’re not making any sense. I fucked up. I said those horrid things to you. Why the hell would you think that you would need to convince me to talk to you?”
It was Tom’s turn to stare in bewilderment. “I deserved it. And truthfully so much more. You…Rosie, I was horrid to you. I was…Fuck, I still am a selfish cad. I keep fucking up! I keep hurting you! You have every bloody right to be furious with me! And instead of facing up to that I ran.”
He paused, taking a deep breath and dropping himself onto the couch. He ran a shaky hand through his hair. “I thought I was too late. That I’d waited too long again, that I’d hurt you too badly for you to ever forgive me. But you opened the door. Why did you open the door?” His voice had gone quite soft, as if he were not really speaking to her anymore. Rosemary had barely heard his last question and continued to stare at him in stunned disbelief. She couldn’t make any sense of any of it.
Rosemary took a deep breath and tried to marshal her thoughts into some semblance of coherency, before slowly lowering herself onto the opposite end of the couch. “I should have called you.” She raised her eyes to his, noting how they mirrored her own confusion. “I wanted to call you. Wanted to apologize.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I was just so angry at you. So fucking angry. And I wanted to hurt you. Hurt you like you’d hurt me. And that was wrong, I knew it and I still did it and I can’t take it back. You aren’t the one who fucked up this time, Tom. I did that. And I am truly, truly sorry.”
Tears blurred her vision and she hastily wiped them away with the back of her hand. The guilt and resentment burning steadily inside her. She felt Tom’s large hand envelope her own, squeezing it gently. The warmth of it was both comfort and torture. Her eyes shot up to his once more.
“Rosie,” he breathed, “Please don’t…”
She shook her head vehemently. “No, Tom. This right here was my own damn fault. Don’t you dare try to take it on yourself.”
Tom laughed despite himself. It was a short, mirthless sound. It sounded wrong coming from his lips. “We could go back and forth on this for ages, darling, and not get anywhere.” He offered her a tentative smile. “We both behaved appalling and we both fell wretched about it, am I right?” His eyes locked on hers, silently pleading for understanding.
Rosemary nodded, a watery smile spreading across her face. “More or less.”
“And apologizing further doesn’t change or fix that?”  
She nodded again.
This time the smile he gave her shone lightly in his eyes. Tentatively hopeful and blessedly warm. “You are sorry and so am I. We’ve both done wrong and we can’t change that. It’s done now. So let’s just stop. Call it a truce.”
Rosemary laughed in earnest now. Could it honestly be that easy? If she was being completely honest with herself, she could admit she was doubtful but she still couldn’t deny that the idea was enticing. Maybe it could be that easy, in time.  
She shoved him playfully on the arm, not letting herself think too closely at how she’d been so sure such casualness between them was lost for good. “Look at you, Mr. Double First from Cambridge, when did you get so smart?”
Tom smiled and rubbed his hand over the nape of his neck. “Not for lack of trying.” He raised his head, eyes finding hers once more. “I’ve had a lot of time to do a bit of soul searching, if you will. And, though it’s still mostly a work in progress, I’ve learned that talking helps. And talking to someone, especially someone who is objective, makes a difference.”
Rosemary looked at him blankly, trying to process just what he was trying to tell her. And more importantly, why he was telling her. “Talking to someone?” She began, repeating his words, trying to ascertain their meaning. “Like a therapist?”
He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand once more, his eyes locked on the table before him. He looked as vulnerable as she’d ever seen him and it tugged at her heart.
Her brows furrowed an unsettling realization nagging at the back of her mind. “Because of what happened? With us?” The words felt wrong, selfish and self-centered and not at all what she’d meant. But she couldn’t seem to find ones that would convey what she desperately wanted to understand.  
Tom shook his head, “No. Because of me. Because I didn’t much care for the person I was becoming.” He rested his hands on his knees, eyes locked on the floor. “It got to be too much; the fame, the attention, the scrutiny from the press and fans alike. I’d dealt with it all before, and I thought I had a fairly good handle on it. I was able to tune it out and just go about my life. And then that summer…” he took a deep breath and shrugged. “It got so much worse and it didn’t seem to go away. It didn’t matter what I did, between the cameras and the fans…It was something I was struggling with. Something I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around, couldn’t control. So I threw myself into my work because then at least I could control that. I worked and I worked and I tried to ignore it. And then I met you and I felt like I could breathe. It was all still there but I could forget for a while. And I did and it was wonderful. But it didn’t go away and instead of dealing with it, I ran. And then I threw myself back into work and the vicious cycle started all over again. But this time I wasn’t handling any of it and I couldn’t fake it. Not anymore. I was pushing people away, putting up walls, lashing out. I wasn’t me anymore and that scared the shit out of me. So I sought out help.”
“And did it?” She whispered and, realizing her question wasn’t completely clear, added “Help, I mean.”
Tom raised his eyes and caught Rosemary’s once again, nodding. “It’s helping. It’s a long way yet but yes, I think it’s helping.”
“Good.” She took his hand in hers and squeezed. “I’m glad.”
The knock that sounded at the door startled them both. Rosemary quickly pulled her hands away, confusion coloring her features. What on earth…
And then it hit her, “My food!” She jumped from the couch, grabbing her wallet from the table in the hall where she’d dropped it at Tom’s sudden apparition. She ignored Tom’s chuckle at her unexpected outburst, knowing he’d seen her so far worse.
Rosemary smiled politely at the girl standing at the door, as she took the bag and paid her. Closing the door with her hip, she turned back around and held the bag up towards Tom. “I’d nearly forgotten about this.” She smiled softly at him, “I’ve got enough to feed a small army. You’re welcome to have some…If you want…” she trailed off, feeling like a prize idiot. Or a lovesick fool. No, she cursed at herself. Do not go there.
She watched the indecision play across his face and tried desperately to stamp down her own rising disappointment. Things had been emotionally jumbled and tense between them. Of course he’d want to go. But god, how she wanted him to stay. Just for a bit longer.
“Are you sure?” His voice was soft, tentative. “I’ve already barged into your evening enough as is. I don’t want to put you out anymore than I already have.” She could see the indecision warring with what she thought was wary hope in his eyes.
“No, please,” she started, placing the bag into the coffee table and standing in front of him, trying desperately to keep her voice calm. “Stay. I’d like you to stay.”
Next Chapter
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JUST HOW MUCH Does BarkBox Cost a Month?
dog chew toys
There are several more exciting things which are possible to teach your dog to do. If your dog will be outside in sunlight then you ought to take that extra steps to safeguard them from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Your dog demands special services to be sure it stays healthy and happy. Dogs are thought of as man’s best friend. Other dogs could be excitable or superior strung. Aging dogs will need to have brain games to keep to keep their thoughts sharp merely. About everyone loves to see a cute dog simply. Following the dog is former its typical lifespan, it shows almost all of the signs of human later years normally. The pup has to learn how to have the more compact toys out. Folks who say that it’s expensive to adopt pet dogs has experienced the problems related to an ill puppy. There are certainly likely to be a lot of ways that you may get your pet dog to avoid the behavior. I’ve always loved buying Klaus toys because his excitement is so apparent really. This is a pup who truly appreciates some of the fact that I purchased something for him, or at least it would seem like it. Unlike my cats who literally couldn’t care less about getting presents that aren’t edible. Needless to say, when Barkbox reached out to see if Klaus would like to do a review I jumped on the chance.
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Let’s do a quick run down of what BarkBox is and what they offer; BarkBox is a monthly subscription box for dogs of most sizes. Each box includes two hand bags of treats, one chew, and two toys. Everything is tied with a style together. All of the treats are natural and organic and made in the Canada or US. BarkBox monthly is billed, and decreases in cost if you invest in 6 or 12 month plan. You additionally have the option to become listed on the Extra Toy Club for an additional $9 per month. The first box ships straight away and subsequent boxes ship on the 15th of each month.
interactive dog toys
Klaus getting a whole box of things was the absolute cutest! He would take a toy, run over to the other side of the living space, arranged it down, and operate back to discover what else we'd for him. The package he received was NEW YORK themed. “Poo York City actually! ” I must say i enjoyed all of the silly takes on words within the package. “Pawsonalize. ” “Guaranpeed. ” “Barkefeller Middle. ” So cute! He’s not really picky about treats in order that it was no real surprise that he liked those (As observed in among the photographs above, Professor was very thinking about the bag of treats also. A couple of days later he would rip open the bag and try to steal them. The toys were a huge hit too. I’ve mentioned in the past how much Klaus loves squeaky toys so I was stoked to find that both of the toys in his box had squeakers. I was a little bit worried about the toys not supporting for lengthy though. Klaus can be a selective plaything destroyer meaning there are playthings that he shreds quickly but something of an identical quality might last for weeks for no particular cause. Been in regards to a couple weeks it’s, and surprisingly plenty of he hasn’t destroyed either plaything. Better fresh is that he discovered a fresh favorite toy even, a ball shaped just like the statue of libertyHe literally bears it everywhere, and is continually placing it on my arm in hopes that I’ll try to steal it from him. Mmm. I love soggy toys. He is currently laying beside me on the couch with that ball under his chin. When he finally does destroy that toy I could purchase him another from the BarkShop actually, which is a real way to buy toys and treats without the subscription.
dog toy box
Klaus really, enjoyed the complete experience really. So much to ensure that I would feel guilty not doing this for him every month honestly. Barkbox was strike! At the chance of sounding cliche, and using the same silly expression everyone who provides ever written an assessment has said probably, I believe Klaus would give it two paws up! xoxoBarkBox Review If you keep running out of doggie treats and goodies, or maybe you get the wrong ones, you need help. Thanks to Barkbox’s monthly plans, your furry best friend will have all the treats it needs for its age and size. Barkbox is the ultimate monthly doggie subscription box support that will deliver toys and treats for your beloved dog when they need it most.
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Why a Monthly Doggie Subscription Box is Needed?
Dogs, like individuals get uninterested in the same toys and treats just. Barkbox offers not simply a variety of items but also an array of canine themed goodies. Different every month, think of it as a doggie gift box!
What Comes in a BarkBox? Toys and Treats?
The themed goody boxes come with at least two innovative toys, a chew, and two bags of all-natural treats. Every month, the pet subscription box holds a different surprise for your dog, which they will love!
How do you get started?
We can see that you already want to get started - it is the best answer ever created for dog lovers and dogs! To get started, you need to take among the programs available that are detailed below simply. THE DOGMANS IN the populous city The miracle is represented by this theme on the 34th squeak. It's the perfect festival bundle. If you forgot to get your honest and loyal furry dog a gift for Christmas, or you were unable to obtain the right present, this Barkbox: The Dogmans In The City awaits.
The featured toys for this theme include:
Howliday Spectacular Dancers This is a tug toy with other toys in it. The dancers have safe T-shirt rope for a tight grip and tugging. It is packed with three traditional squeakers shaped like lighting which your beloved will receive a kick out of. Holly, Jolly, and Gabe Should you have a chewer in the homely house, permit this gadget indulge it. Holly, Jolly, and Gabe come in one perfect and size for small to medium sized dogs. There is also different squeakers ideal for sinking teeth. But these three colorful people Holly, Jolly and Gabe independently don’t hang, they hold on a pet dog, tummy safe, t- clothing rope well suited for tugging and gripping. They shall light your pet dog ’s spirits. The plans available for you start from as low as $20 monthly. The best part is certainly that the goodies you will receive every month are valued at over $40! All the boxes cost the same amount, no matter what the size of your loved one. Other than the monthly plan, there are six-month and total annual plans, which you can cancel from at any time. Remember that you get free of charge Barkbox shipping and delivery for all Barkbox plans any place in america and Canada. For new customers, your first package gets shipped out between 2-8 business days. Then mainly because a regular Barkbox subscriber your boxes shall be shipped out on the 15th of every month. The six a few months ’ subscription costs $25 per Barkbox. This course of action needs you to pay in advance with a discount - six months would be $142 in advance. The gross annual plan can cost you $20 per Barkbox. Once more just like the 6 month plan if you pay for the complete year to get started on it'll only cost you  If you want to present a box to some other dog lover after that Barkbox perhaps you have covered aswell! They have the choice to send one package as a gift which includes a gift note for  You need to remember that every time you sign up for a plan, you are getting into a commitment that lasts the entire duration of the plan. The plans are automatically renewed if you don’t cancel the plan. Cancellation is suitable, at any time. Worth mentioning is the truth that you cannot get a discount if you sign up for the 6 or the 12 months strategy but cancel it in the course of the subscription.
This theme is packed with all sorts of dinosaurs that may arouse your dog’s interest once you open the box - your pet has been looking forward to 65 million human years for these treats so please usually do not delay them any more from these yummy doggy treats? Some of the best prehistoric, never fossilized dinosaurs creating this theme include:
That is an adorable, squeaky, plush dinosaur that is included with a crinkly shell. This plaything promises to make your dog friend the happiest pet around, of the mood these were in before regardless! Herbert the Herbivore The usage of exclusive and safe components to create this toy means that your dog has the best tugging experience. Herbert the Herbivore has a super-durable spiky bonus toy inside and a pull-through, stomach-safe t- shirt rope. Airborne Archie Sounds fascinate dogs, and this toy makes that special sound that will fill your dog with joy. Airborne Archie has a crinkly mat body and a huge plush head.
Jurassic Pork
You cannot take a trip to the prehistoric times without visiting the Jurassic Park, can you? This treat is delightful and made in the USA. It has sweet potatoes, pork, and pumpkin, and it is free from corn, soy, and wheat. Pawfect for your loved one! Dinosaur Meat, Basically Since not all dogs have the strong teeth of a T-Rex, this soft and easy-to-chew chicken is perfect. It is dry out for the utmost chewiness and sourced from the Your dog deserves the very best quality toy, which bone may be the best chew it could get. It is long lasting, nontoxic, and made out of great focus on detail. Though hard, this all-natural nylon chew is definitely safe, and a very tasty is had as a result of it smoky flavor.
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timclymer · 5 years
Suicide in the Church, Part 3
Suicide strikes … AGAIN!
This may wind up being the most important article some have ever read. I hope it will not only help a few readers, but that it will open the eyes of others, helping them understand, motivating them to help. I trust there will be those who will actually clip it, mailing it to someone for what they are worried about, or posting it in the breakroom.
I’ve written quite a bit about suicide over the past few weeks and have received some remarkable feedback. I wrote on the subject because there have been so many suitors lately and folks wanted answers. If you’ve read any of the previous articles, you’ve seen some frightening statistics. This subject remains heavy on my heart and continues to be a concern to many. For me, it started when a man with what a dear friend had been interacting was found in his jail cell with a cable TV wire around his neck. Then, another friend who led a Bible study took his own life. Within days, this was followed by the suicide of another man who, along with his spouse, had prayed with and preceded the previous friend’s wife.
Saturday, I officiated a wedding 2 hours away. Incredibly, on Sunday, the father of the bride took his own life.
My mind is reeling as I write.
Suicide has a frightening air of finality. Filled with hopelessness, despair, and tragedy, it’s a word we like to keep at arms’ length. As a whole, society tends to look down its nose at anyone who would commit this gruesome act. We call them selfish, cowardly … I must admit, after seeing that beautiful young bride and her dashing husband on Saturday, preparing to begin their lives together, if her father were standing alive before me now, I’ve got a hard time refraining from beating the thunder out of him. How could he do that to his precious daughter?
But I recall the day, about 15 years ago, that suicide entered my thoughts in a different way. I had just lost my job with a Dallas ad agency and my wife had left me, taking our kids with her. For the first time in my life, I was all alone on a Thanksgiving, too broke to join any family gatherings taking place across the country. Our church friends had quickly chosen sides and had shunned yours truly. It was Thanksgiving Eve, sleeting and raining, about 16 below zero with the wind chill. I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a mobile home, my entire world seemingly in shambles all around me. I remember waking up to the whirring sound of ball bearings rolling around in the furnace which was now spewing forth cold air. I was dizzy, disoriented, freezing to death in my sleep, I believe. Taking my own life with the razor sharp meat clever in the kitchen was the most natural thought in the world to me. I formulated a plan to slit my wrists, crawl back onto my mattress, and let them find me in the spring. Truly, I was experiencing the darkest hour of my soul.
But God stepped in. The atmosphere became charged as it does when a frisky puppy runs into a room or a bunch of children run through an open screen door to get a drink from the kitchen sink on a hot summer day. “Joy will come in the morning” suddenly echoed through my mind. I bundled up and made it through the night, only to be awakened next day by a startingling crash as a sheet of ice melted and slid off the metal roof onto the frozen ground. I looked outside and the sun was glazing off the melting ice everywhere.
Life got gradually better. Incredibly better. Today, I would not trade mine for all the world.
Truth is, I discovered another option to suicide. I found it in the Bible, God’s love letter to mankind. You know … that perennially best-selling book most Christians rarely read? The good news about the current state of depression some may be feeling at this moment, is that God really DOES have a plan for your life – a plan that can only be fulfilled when we give everything over to Him. Listen, there IS a purpose for your life; a reason for your existence. Your current, dismal, emotional and spiritual state may be the very springboard you need for discovering just how valuable you are to Him, how your life can be transformed, and how others can be rescued by YOU. Tough times do NOT last. Tough people DO!
Perhaps you’ve asked yourself, “How did I get to this point?” The answer? Gradually, just as drops of water will slowly but surley fill a bucket. Everyone goes through periods in their lives when they feel down. In time, sadness leaves and life goes on. There are instances, however, when tough times, a strained relationship or some other problem, leads to unhappiness that keeps us in bondage. When that happens, life can become a daily struggle with uneasiness, gloom, and emptiness. Ultimately, hopelessness can take hold, creating a feeling of dissatisfaction with everything.
Depression is often associated with a sense of loss that can come with illness, the death of a loved one, sudden unemployment, divorce, and so on. A chronic illness, or permanent disability, can rob one’s independence, making them feel worthless, helpless, and angry. Losing someone you care about, through death or divorce, can leave a tremendous void.
Guilt is another trigger for depression. Perhaps you’re struggling with substance abuse or another addiction or have made some really bad choices that you’re ashamed of that are about to be disclosed. A childhood trauma may have left you feeling damaged and unworthy of God’s love and acceptance. Maybe you feel like a failure because you have not achieved all that you wanted in life.
Whatever the cause, depression often leads to a sense of hopelessness. You may feel as though you’re at the end of your rope. You may think that ending your life is the only way to take control.
Trust me, it’s not.
What’s next? The answer is simple. REALLY simple. You can go on with life as usual, knowing where that may lead, or you can get a life. I’m talkin ‘REAL life. For some, the fact that you’re still reading this shows that you desire another option. So, here’s my answer. Ready? It’s my experience that there is only one real source of hope for a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.
That source has a name … it’s Jesus Christ.
It is my firm contention that Jesus is the answer to every problem known to mankind. To those who are still with me, that’s either absolute truth or it’s a lie. He said about His followers, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). If that statement is true, logic screams for us to quickly become his followers. We must address the question, “If I’m not living real life, what is THIS?” Through a REAL, experiential relationship with Jesus Christ, overflowing love, forgiveness, peace, and joy can be ours. Interested? That’s a promise from God found in the Bible.
And God does not lie.
Sadly, far too often, even Christians settle for Religion and Church attendance over a relationship with the Creator through Christ’s teachings found in Scripture.
The How-to’s of Overcoming
I failed to mention that all the recent local suicides have been committed by professing Christians. Did Jesus promise his followers a problem-free life on Earth? No. He actually said, “In this life, you will have many troubles ….” He DID promise the power to face life’s trials with confidence, knowing that He will cause ALL things to work for our good.
By the way, the Greek word for “all” means ALL!
He promised either to deliver us from afflictions, or provide the strength to end them, according to His plan for us. Here’s the catch: to set that plan in motion requires giving our lives to Him.
As Bob Dylan sang, “We’re gonna serve somebody.” Even the atheist serves himself, enthroning himself as “lord” of his own life. By placing Jesus Christ on the throne of our lives, spiritually, we become what the Bible calls “born again” and we’re completely transformed as we renew our minds. According to the Scriptures, that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within us, His followers. Again, this has been my expereince and, I contend, the very answer that someone somewhere is needing. Your reading of this now is no accident.
Dust off that old Bible and look up the following verses: John 1:12; II Corinthians 5: 17; I Corinthians 2:12; I John 5: 11-13.
Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). He’s knocking right now. Open the door.
Three Keys to Vicorious Living
1) Talk to God. We call it “prayer” but it’s purely conversation with God. TWO-WAY conversation at that. So, be quiet and listen sometimes.
2) Begin reading the Bible. Get to know the Personality of the one who made came up with all those Precepts for living life with Power. You’ll find He’s the kindest person you’ll ever meet. Talk with Him as if He were your best friend. He IS!
3) Make yourself accountable to those who are living the Christian life successfully. Like all babies, even baby Chrsitians should aspire to GROW to maturity. In a nutshell, we become that with which we surround ourselves. Surround yourself with godly people and godly input.
What if You’re Already a Christian?
First, ask yourself if you really ARE a Christian. The word 'Christian’ translates as “Little Christs.” Galatians 5:22 tells us what the fruits of the Spirit are, the evidence that God’s Spirit resides in us. Too many people believe themselves to be Christians simply because they believe in God. Scripture declares that “even the devil believes, and he trembles.” Truth is, without we spend time with Him, how can we know Him at all? What relationship works like that? Logically speaking, Church attendance does not make one a Christian any more than going to McDonald’s make one a cheeseburger. Beside, Church is something we ARE 24/7 (meaning: “the called out ones”); it’s not merely someplace we GO.
To those who DO have a relationship with God, the enemy of our souls can cause any of us to feel depressed and have suicidal thoughts in a moment of weakness. So might a chemical imbalance. It can happen for all of the same reasons mentioned above. The trials of life touch everyone, including Believers in Jesus.
If the situation you are in is something you can not change, know that God’s the Inventor of Divine Intervention. As hard as it may be to do, continue praying for His help and covet the prayers of other victorious Christians. Do not stop. He does hear our prayers, but his perfect plan and ours are not always the same. Trust Him to respond in a way that will be to your best interest. That includes the possibility that He will give you strength and peace to end your trial rather than deliver you from it. He’s so much more concerned about our character than our comfort. His number one goal is to conform us to the image of Christ who, Scriptures tells us, was Himself sent by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be temped by the devil (Jesus is truly our example in EVERY way). Some of God’s greatest answers to prayer come in the form of peace and joy in the mid of great hardship. You can believe that He will see you through every storm in your life.
Along those lines, take a look at these verses: Psalm 23; Psalm 28: 7; Isaiah 43: 2; Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:13.
We are spirit-beings having an earthly experience. As such, you must ask God to fill you with His Spirit to help you tackle life by His power. Scripture declares, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” The Bible is full of God’s promises to love, strengthen, heal, and guide.
The Purpose-Driven Life is a Top-Selling book these days. Begin reading God’s Word in a Purpose-Driven manner: to discover new insights about His love for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your journey and to reveal truths you’ve never seen before. He’s the consensus teacher, after all. Accept the fact of God’s love for you by faith, NOT by feelings.
Look at these verses and receive them from God directly to you: John 3:16; Romans 5: 8; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 41:10; Lamentations 3: 22-23.
Today’s culture detests any mention of this word, but here goes: SIN. If you want to walk in victory, acknowledge any sin that might be interfering in your relationship with God. Ask Him to search your heart and pinpoint any problems. Then, confess and repent of your disobedience and receive his forgiveness. Confess means “to agree” and repent means “to change your mind.”
Here are some verses for dealing with sin: I John 1: 9; Psalm 139: 23-24; Galatians 5: 16-25.
Help Yourself to some help!
As part of the Body of Christ, you may wish to consult help from other Body Parts. Professional help in the form of a qualified Christian counselor has proved to be one of the best ways to fight depression and thoughts of suicide. Look in the phone book and make some calls. Ask for references. A good pastoral counselor can help you get a new perspective on your problems. Get a medical check-up. Sometimes depression is caused by a chemical imbalance or other biological factor.
Seek out a support group made of like-minded believers that can minister to the area of ​​difficulty in your life. Interacting with others who are facing similar challenges will help you feel less isolated.
Force yourself to do something the next time you feel down. Inactivity only makes depression worse. Here are some things to try:
Talk it out. Call a friend and open up.
Take a hike. Exercise causes blood and oxygen to circulate faster, which invigorates us. The brain produces endorphins that fight depression.
Help someone else. As you focus your attention on someone else, your own cares will become less burdensome. I often refer people to watch “Patch Adams” with Robin Williams, then report to me on their findings. Do not judge me on that; lives have been saved. God can use anything.
Listen to uplifting music. Choose your favorite songs and start jammin ’!
Here’s the good news: Whatever you’re struggling with at the moment, this too will pass. Whatever it is you’re going through, you’ll go through it. Though things may actually get worse before they get better, they will get better as you place them in God’s hands. Yes, we reap as we sow and there may be some really tough consequences coming to deal with. But whatever you do, deal with it!
Remember, “All things work together for good for those who love God and have been called according to His purpose.” Translation? God takes care of the lives of those who turn their lives over to Him.
Resist any thoughts you may be having about “ending it all.” God has the uncanny ability of taking that which seems really bad and making things turn out really good.
If you’d like to subscribe and receive more of pastor Michael’s articles by eMail, simply write [email protected] and type SUBSCRIBE in the SUBJECT bar. Or, keep returning to these EzineArticles.com.
Source by Michael Tummillo
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/suicide-in-the-church-part-3/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185713160920 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Suicide in the Church, Part 3
Suicide strikes … AGAIN!
This may wind up being the most important article some have ever read. I hope it will not only help a few readers, but that it will open the eyes of others, helping them understand, motivating them to help. I trust there will be those who will actually clip it, mailing it to someone for what they are worried about, or posting it in the breakroom.
I've written quite a bit about suicide over the past few weeks and have received some remarkable feedback. I wrote on the subject because there have been so many suitors lately and folks wanted answers. If you've read any of the previous articles, you've seen some frightening statistics. This subject remains heavy on my heart and continues to be a concern to many. For me, it started when a man with what a dear friend had been interacting was found in his jail cell with a cable TV wire around his neck. Then, another friend who led a Bible study took his own life. Within days, this was followed by the suicide of another man who, along with his spouse, had prayed with and preceded the previous friend's wife.
Saturday, I officiated a wedding 2 hours away. Incredibly, on Sunday, the father of the bride took his own life.
My mind is reeling as I write.
Suicide has a frightening air of finality. Filled with hopelessness, despair, and tragedy, it's a word we like to keep at arms' length. As a whole, society tends to look down its nose at anyone who would commit this gruesome act. We call them selfish, cowardly … I must admit, after seeing that beautiful young bride and her dashing husband on Saturday, preparing to begin their lives together, if her father were standing alive before me now, I've got a hard time refraining from beating the thunder out of him. How could he do that to his precious daughter?
But I recall the day, about 15 years ago, that suicide entered my thoughts in a different way. I had just lost my job with a Dallas ad agency and my wife had left me, taking our kids with her. For the first time in my life, I was all alone on a Thanksgiving, too broke to join any family gatherings taking place across the country. Our church friends had quickly chosen sides and had shunned yours truly. It was Thanksgiving Eve, sleeting and raining, about 16 below zero with the wind chill. I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a mobile home, my entire world seemingly in shambles all around me. I remember waking up to the whirring sound of ball bearings rolling around in the furnace which was now spewing forth cold air. I was dizzy, disoriented, freezing to death in my sleep, I believe. Taking my own life with the razor sharp meat clever in the kitchen was the most natural thought in the world to me. I formulated a plan to slit my wrists, crawl back onto my mattress, and let them find me in the spring. Truly, I was experiencing the darkest hour of my soul.
But God stepped in. The atmosphere became charged as it does when a frisky puppy runs into a room or a bunch of children run through an open screen door to get a drink from the kitchen sink on a hot summer day. "Joy will come in the morning" suddenly echoed through my mind. I bundled up and made it through the night, only to be awakened next day by a startingling crash as a sheet of ice melted and slid off the metal roof onto the frozen ground. I looked outside and the sun was glazing off the melting ice everywhere.
Life got gradually better. Incredibly better. Today, I would not trade mine for all the world.
Truth is, I discovered another option to suicide. I found it in the Bible, God's love letter to mankind. You know … that perennially best-selling book most Christians rarely read? The good news about the current state of depression some may be feeling at this moment, is that God really DOES have a plan for your life – a plan that can only be fulfilled when we give everything over to Him. Listen, there IS a purpose for your life; a reason for your existence. Your current, dismal, emotional and spiritual state may be the very springboard you need for discovering just how valuable you are to Him, how your life can be transformed, and how others can be rescued by YOU. Tough times do NOT last. Tough people DO!
Perhaps you've asked yourself, "How did I get to this point?" The answer? Gradually, just as drops of water will slowly but surley fill a bucket. Everyone goes through periods in their lives when they feel down. In time, sadness leaves and life goes on. There are instances, however, when tough times, a strained relationship or some other problem, leads to unhappiness that keeps us in bondage. When that happens, life can become a daily struggle with uneasiness, gloom, and emptiness. Ultimately, hopelessness can take hold, creating a feeling of dissatisfaction with everything.
Depression is often associated with a sense of loss that can come with illness, the death of a loved one, sudden unemployment, divorce, and so on. A chronic illness, or permanent disability, can rob one's independence, making them feel worthless, helpless, and angry. Losing someone you care about, through death or divorce, can leave a tremendous void.
Guilt is another trigger for depression. Perhaps you're struggling with substance abuse or another addiction or have made some really bad choices that you're ashamed of that are about to be disclosed. A childhood trauma may have left you feeling damaged and unworthy of God's love and acceptance. Maybe you feel like a failure because you have not achieved all that you wanted in life.
Whatever the cause, depression often leads to a sense of hopelessness. You may feel as though you're at the end of your rope. You may think that ending your life is the only way to take control.
Trust me, it's not.
What's next? The answer is simple. REALLY simple. You can go on with life as usual, knowing where that may lead, or you can get a life. I'm talkin 'REAL life. For some, the fact that you're still reading this shows that you desire another option. So, here's my answer. Ready? It's my experience that there is only one real source of hope for a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.
That source has a name … it's Jesus Christ.
It is my firm contention that Jesus is the answer to every problem known to mankind. To those who are still with me, that's either absolute truth or it's a lie. He said about His followers, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). If that statement is true, logic screams for us to quickly become his followers. We must address the question, "If I'm not living real life, what is THIS?" Through a REAL, experiential relationship with Jesus Christ, overflowing love, forgiveness, peace, and joy can be ours. Interested? That's a promise from God found in the Bible.
And God does not lie.
Sadly, far too often, even Christians settle for Religion and Church attendance over a relationship with the Creator through Christ's teachings found in Scripture.
The How-to's of Overcoming
I failed to mention that all the recent local suicides have been committed by professing Christians. Did Jesus promise his followers a problem-free life on Earth? No. He actually said, "In this life, you will have many troubles …." He DID promise the power to face life's trials with confidence, knowing that He will cause ALL things to work for our good.
By the way, the Greek word for "all" means ALL!
He promised either to deliver us from afflictions, or provide the strength to end them, according to His plan for us. Here's the catch: to set that plan in motion requires giving our lives to Him.
As Bob Dylan sang, "We're gonna serve somebody." Even the atheist serves himself, enthroning himself as "lord" of his own life. By placing Jesus Christ on the throne of our lives, spiritually, we become what the Bible calls "born again" and we're completely transformed as we renew our minds. According to the Scriptures, that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within us, His followers. Again, this has been my expereince and, I contend, the very answer that someone somewhere is needing. Your reading of this now is no accident.
Dust off that old Bible and look up the following verses: John 1:12; II Corinthians 5: 17; I Corinthians 2:12; I John 5: 11-13.
Jesus said, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). He's knocking right now. Open the door.
Three Keys to Vicorious Living
1) Talk to God. We call it "prayer" but it's purely conversation with God. TWO-WAY conversation at that. So, be quiet and listen sometimes.
2) Begin reading the Bible. Get to know the Personality of the one who made came up with all those Precepts for living life with Power. You'll find He's the kindest person you'll ever meet. Talk with Him as if He were your best friend. He IS!
3) Make yourself accountable to those who are living the Christian life successfully. Like all babies, even baby Chrsitians should aspire to GROW to maturity. In a nutshell, we become that with which we surround ourselves. Surround yourself with godly people and godly input.
What if You're Already a Christian?
First, ask yourself if you really ARE a Christian. The word 'Christian' translates as "Little Christs." Galatians 5:22 tells us what the fruits of the Spirit are, the evidence that God's Spirit resides in us. Too many people believe themselves to be Christians simply because they believe in God. Scripture declares that "even the devil believes, and he trembles." Truth is, without we spend time with Him, how can we know Him at all? What relationship works like that? Logically speaking, Church attendance does not make one a Christian any more than going to McDonald's make one a cheeseburger. Beside, Church is something we ARE 24/7 (meaning: "the called out ones"); it's not merely someplace we GO.
To those who DO have a relationship with God, the enemy of our souls can cause any of us to feel depressed and have suicidal thoughts in a moment of weakness. So might a chemical imbalance. It can happen for all of the same reasons mentioned above. The trials of life touch everyone, including Believers in Jesus.
If the situation you are in is something you can not change, know that God's the Inventor of Divine Intervention. As hard as it may be to do, continue praying for His help and covet the prayers of other victorious Christians. Do not stop. He does hear our prayers, but his perfect plan and ours are not always the same. Trust Him to respond in a way that will be to your best interest. That includes the possibility that He will give you strength and peace to end your trial rather than deliver you from it. He's so much more concerned about our character than our comfort. His number one goal is to conform us to the image of Christ who, Scriptures tells us, was Himself sent by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be temped by the devil (Jesus is truly our example in EVERY way). Some of God's greatest answers to prayer come in the form of peace and joy in the mid of great hardship. You can believe that He will see you through every storm in your life.
Along those lines, take a look at these verses: Psalm 23; Psalm 28: 7; Isaiah 43: 2; Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:13.
We are spirit-beings having an earthly experience. As such, you must ask God to fill you with His Spirit to help you tackle life by His power. Scripture declares, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you." The Bible is full of God's promises to love, strengthen, heal, and guide.
The Purpose-Driven Life is a Top-Selling book these days. Begin reading God's Word in a Purpose-Driven manner: to discover new insights about His love for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your journey and to reveal truths you've never seen before. He's the consensus teacher, after all. Accept the fact of God's love for you by faith, NOT by feelings.
Look at these verses and receive them from God directly to you: John 3:16; Romans 5: 8; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 41:10; Lamentations 3: 22-23.
Today's culture detests any mention of this word, but here goes: SIN. If you want to walk in victory, acknowledge any sin that might be interfering in your relationship with God. Ask Him to search your heart and pinpoint any problems. Then, confess and repent of your disobedience and receive his forgiveness. Confess means "to agree" and repent means "to change your mind."
Here are some verses for dealing with sin: I John 1: 9; Psalm 139: 23-24; Galatians 5: 16-25.
Help Yourself to some help!
As part of the Body of Christ, you may wish to consult help from other Body Parts. Professional help in the form of a qualified Christian counselor has proved to be one of the best ways to fight depression and thoughts of suicide. Look in the phone book and make some calls. Ask for references. A good pastoral counselor can help you get a new perspective on your problems. Get a medical check-up. Sometimes depression is caused by a chemical imbalance or other biological factor.
Seek out a support group made of like-minded believers that can minister to the area of ​​difficulty in your life. Interacting with others who are facing similar challenges will help you feel less isolated.
Force yourself to do something the next time you feel down. Inactivity only makes depression worse. Here are some things to try:
Talk it out. Call a friend and open up.
Take a hike. Exercise causes blood and oxygen to circulate faster, which invigorates us. The brain produces endorphins that fight depression.
Help someone else. As you focus your attention on someone else, your own cares will become less burdensome. I often refer people to watch "Patch Adams" with Robin Williams, then report to me on their findings. Do not judge me on that; lives have been saved. God can use anything.
Listen to uplifting music. Choose your favorite songs and start jammin '!
Here's the good news: Whatever you're struggling with at the moment, this too will pass. Whatever it is you're going through, you'll go through it. Though things may actually get worse before they get better, they will get better as you place them in God's hands. Yes, we reap as we sow and there may be some really tough consequences coming to deal with. But whatever you do, deal with it!
Remember, "All things work together for good for those who love God and have been called according to His purpose." Translation? God takes care of the lives of those who turn their lives over to Him.
Resist any thoughts you may be having about "ending it all." God has the uncanny ability of taking that which seems really bad and making things turn out really good.
If you'd like to subscribe and receive more of pastor Michael's articles by eMail, simply write [email protected] and type SUBSCRIBE in the SUBJECT bar. Or, keep returning to these EzineArticles.com.
Source by Michael Tummillo
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/suicide-in-the-church-part-3/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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