Older & Strange Would Includes and Ships...
63 posts
[slow posts - this is only a side page] Just here to quench some thirst and show some much-reglected appreciation for our older gentlemen and ladies, and those weird characters that are horribly forsaken. Suggestions for new characters are always welcome, but my current examples are: Uncle Iroh, Ceasar, Aslan Magneto, Charles Xavier, Bumi (both), Master Splinter, and Rumplestiltzkin. [many to be added]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
show-some-silver-loving · 4 years ago
Would Includes, Ships, and The Gif Thing...
[slow posts - this is only a side page] Just here to quench some thirst and show some much-reglected appreciation for our older gentlemen and ladies, and also those weird characters that are horribly forsaken. Suggestions for new characters are always welcome, but my current examples are: Uncle Iroh, Ceasar, Aslan, Magneto, Charles Xavier, Bumi (both), Master Splinter, and Rumplestiltskin. All you have to do is request a different (old or weird) character and I will simply tell you if they don’t fit this page.
I don’t do Canon x Canon, though; I do all kinds of other requests, like...
Would includes, where you send me a scenario and I write some key points about what the scenario would involve. (Example) Here are some scenarios I’ve done before:
“Dating ______ would include…”
“Cuddling with  ______ would include…”
“Jealous!______ would include…”
“______ dominating you would include…”
Self-ships are a bit simpler. You just tell me a little about yourself (including your sexuality), what universe you want it to be in, and I decide who I ship you with, along with a small scenario. (Example) It’ll likely be centered on the stranger characters in those universes. One day, I might create a list of exactly who is shipable in each 'verse.
And finally, my Drabbles are a bit more complicated, but all it is, is you submit a gif to me, also telling me who your favorite character is (if you feel something else is relevant, you can tell me that, too, but don’t tell me any story ideas), and then I will write a quick drabble about the first scene between you two that came to mind when I saw the gif. (example)
As always, I reserve the right to deny any request; this happens very rarely. 
Do know, however, that all “readers” will be written as gender-neutral unless otherwise specified.
Universes: (I have diff blogs for HP, DBZ, and Bleach)
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Avatar (OMFG, I found this gif by accident and I am dying)
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Avatar Korra
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show-some-silver-loving · 6 years ago
Falling in love with Magneto as a student would include...
...your eyes always following him when he'd visit the school, once or twice getting you in trouble with the professors for being distracted during class. thinking nothing of your fascination at first, so not bothering to hide it - you never even realized how often you'd stare - and it quickly made him pick up on it.
...hin calling you out on it with his casual, strong voice, and the realization hitting you at that precise moment thanks to him, nearly disorienting you.
...lying and saying it's fascination from all the stories the Xmen had told you and the rest of your peers, tales he was a part of, but quickly clarifying that you never thought of him as a villain in them when you see a significant look cross his face - that wasn't a lie, because you could always understand his reasoning. honestly making your heart flutter when you see his old face give a grateful smile, also stinging you with a disgusted guilt towards yourself.
...that same shame constantly eating away at you as the memory of his face kept haunting you, keeping you awake at night sometimes.
...always leaving yourself sobbing when you'd pleasure yourself with him in mind and not being able to look him in the eyes whenever you'd see him again.
...never daring to tell your friends, too afraid that they'll be as disgusted with you as you were, for falling for someone so old.
...having a soaring heart for weeks after he'd willfully approach you as soon as he'd arrive at the institute and open conversation.
...worrying that you seem too enthusiastic about talking to him, no idea that he finds you to be the cutest thing when you'd grin up at him so happily.
...eventually admitting your worry to him but your heart just cracking when he'd assure you by saying it's like having a sweet niece.
...going out with and getting intimate with any guy as soon as they'd show interest in you, trying to distract yourself from your feelings from him.
...Charles not needing to use his abilities to notice your feelings towards the metal bender, though it certainly helped, since his own attention always followed the man, too, to make sure he was taking care of himself.
...Charles noticing your unhealthy behavior and crumbling psyche and eventually, albeit gently, asking you about it. finally breaking and admitting to Charles what was going on, desperate to just talk to someone about it, while he hugged you consolingly as you cried.
...always defending Erik when someone would assume he was behind something bad that happened. Even when it was him, you'd beg everyone involved not to hurt him - he was your friend, so they thought nothing about it.
...slowly growing stronger with Charles' support and accepting your feelings for Magneto, agreeing with yourself that nothing can come from it, but you will do your best to be there for him.
...Charles trying to convince you otherwise, but you assuring him you'll be okay as you leave to join the brotherhood. Him also trying to get you to simply tell Erik about you feelings, saying he sees a change from the man, too, but you stay convinced that you'll be fine like this.
...Erik's look of shock when you'd show up at the Brotherhood, but eventually accepting it when you'd insist you're in your right mind, though you weren't even quite sure that was true.
...always being honest about disagreeing with some of their methods and ideas, but never leaving and always sticking to Erik's side, from where he'd happily protect you every chance he got.
...his level of protectiveness sometimes leaving you with hope that it wasn't just in the platonic way he said he cared for you.
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(Not my gifs.
@xiaolinweretiger Here ya go! Hope you like it!)
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show-some-silver-loving · 6 years ago
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Wolverine + My Favorite Looks
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show-some-silver-loving · 6 years ago
Hello! Out of curiosity, are you open to doing a self ship for Caesar (POTA) and if so, what info is required? Thank you so much!
Sure, I'd love to, but I can't say for certain if you'd end up getting Caesar. I will need anything that makes you, you. It's not about appearance and more about what you enjoy doing and why you enjoy doing it. What your personality is like and why it's like that. Stuff like that.
P.s. i was going to send you a cute heart gif, but this was fascinating and I wanted to share it with everyone.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hello, may I request a male self ship for Xmen, TMNT and Marvel (if asking for a third one is alright, if not, it's ok) , please & thank you. I hope the length is alright, if not send me a message in the chat box and let me know. I’m putting it in a link to the tumblr blog with my personality description, I hope it works . LINK - The first part is shortintrovertships(.) tumblr(.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take as much time as you need to, I don’t mind being patient & waiting.
Dayum. Lmao. You know, when I said long... I didn’t mean an entire essay. For some reason, I was laughing for more than 10 minutes because of this. Hahaha. Overachiever? Well, I hope these ship were worth it.
I ship you with Colossus
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Colossus is a sweet and very persistent soul that wants to help anyone around him, and despite how hard he fits into society because of his size and appearance, he’s social and always accidentally assumes something is wrong when someone avoids a crowd and is introverted. Because of this, from the moment he noticed you showing this behavior, you had his focus and he tried to push you to be more social. Sometimes he’s literally shove you towards a gathering with a smile, not really noticing you stumble from his strength. Of course, after being persistent with you for way too long, you explained to him how being introverted works, but by then, he’s grown pretty attached to having you as a friend. For you, it was almost frightening how easily you’ve considered him a friend, too. He treated you like family almost immediately, and because of that, you trusted him easier than others. Unlike his usual behavior, he didn’t have to be persistent at all for your mood to lift as soon as you’re around him, and because he was observant enough to see you cheer up with him around, he follows you everywhere. He announced this fact to you, but you don’t mind. His mere demeanor is calming and unsuspecting - you don’t feel like you have to act around him. And he’s strange enough that you never found yourself adapting your personality around him. Unfortunately, you’re both so comfortable that it took a lot of years before your relationship went any further, and the exchange was predictably awkward. It took you at least 30 minutes to explain to him that you’re not asking him to be a better friend and was asking him on a date.
I ship you with Raphael.
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Raphael first couldn’t stand you. From the moment you found out about the turtles, he gave you a nasty look as soon as you were in the room. He’d scoff when you’d say something and roll his eyes when you’d joke around with the others. You ignored it at first, but you steadily got more and more frustrated. Eventually, when you were alone and he was glaring at you with the same face, you broke and demanded to know what his deal was. You were excited to find out what his problem was, but when he called you out for being fake and wearing those masks, you immediately regretted it. You tried denying this fact, but as soon as you opened your mouth again, he scoffed like usual. Yet, despite being called out, you couldn’t help but be amazed and... appreciative. You were refreshed to have someone see through you - it was exhausting to act so much. Ever since then, Raphael also gave you a knowing look when you were doing it unconsciously around the others and you felt yourself stop on your own. The others asked you if you were okay, thinking you were acting differently, but you’d just apologize before Raphael would explain with some one-liner that put the matter to rest. Since then, you’re around him almost 24-7. You two grew closer and closer as friends through childish banters and witty shots. You’d treasure the fact that he practically only considered you a friend, keeping you from the torture of jealousy. Because you accepted him, he accepted you for everything - he would try to cheer you up as much as he can in any means when you’re alone, not wanting the others to see his soft side. Unfortunately, however, you never noticed how his playful banter became flirting until he got annoyed and grumbled the truth, startling you almost.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hihi, is it alright to request more then 1 fandom for shipping? What is the limit (just to make sure I don't go over it or anything)?
Right now, I am doing two verses at once.
However, they will likely be shorter than one verse at a time.
Thank you for asking!!
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hi, I wanted to inquire a few things about self ships, if that’s alright. Are you still taking them? If so, do you mind if the information given to you is long/detailed or did you have any rules about length? Also, for the description you give us on why you chose them (if you do that),does the length of our description define how much detail we get or will it be the same regardless of the length we write?
Dear Anon...
I LOVE MORE INFORMATION!! ^^ The more the merrier. Lol.
And yes, they are still open. As for the correlation between request lengths and the length of my description... there really isn’t one. Sometimes, I can feel really inspired by a single sentence, and other times I can feel no inspiration by an entire paragraph. It really depends on the connection I make between the character and the requester. But I can say this: the more information I get, the more accurate the ship will be and the more LIKELY it will be for me to build a story on it. ;)
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Thank you for asking.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
what exactly are self-ships??
Sorry for taking so long to respond!
Self-ships are basically you sending me a verse and you tell me a bit about what you are like, what your interests are, and why they interest you, and then I ship you with a character in that verse, who I think you fit the best with. 
That’s about the gist.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Ship, please, Marvel? I'm a Cancer girl, INFP, 5'5, brown messy wavy hair, I got a scar on my right knee. I'm moody, caring, very nervous. I love reading history books. I will always try to fix any issues even if it's impossible. I'm the mom friend. I hate judgmental people. I have a soft spot for children. I do pastry.
I ship you with Thor
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Not only is Thor very handsome, but he is a sweet, childish, and caring guy, so you two fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. When you met, he was oblivious to how nervous he made you and only kept talking on and on about his world, which eventually conditioned you into relaxing - the same thing when you’re in a bad mood. There are times when it can get frustrating, but he can be serious when he needs to be, so it’s still refreshing. Or maybe it was because he’s so childish that you kind of imprinted on him? Either way, now you have Thor to tell you first-hand about history, and you have someone to use your mom-like nature on when he has no idea how to interact with humans or their customs.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hi, can I have a marvel ship please? I'm 5,6, Bisexual female,with long balayage brunette hair and green eyes.I'm sarcastic,open-minded,laid back,resourceful,observant,loyal,protective and competitive. I love animals,reading,movie/TV marathons,writing,road trips, traveling and making my love ones laugh,smile,blush or any positive reaction. I can flirt with ease until I realise I have feelings for someone then I turn into a fumbling mess. I give others more second chances then most deserve. Thnx.
I ship you with Bruce Banner.
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In short, it was because of Tony Stark. He knew how different you and Bruce were; you were sarcastic and more energetic, whereas Burce was quiet and just a big nerd. So he assigned you to help Bruce with his research whenever he was going out with Pepper or someone else. It wasn’t because you knew anything about the work: he did it because he wanted some amusement. He didn’t expect you two to get along as well as you did. While Bruce worked, you would just be sitting close by and handing him what he needs, talking casually about animals, books, movies, shows, and your writing, and of course, making him laugh the entire time in whatever way you could. You were his breath of fresh air, as compared to working with Tony. Sometimes you’d talk 24/7, but he didn’t mind that either, because he knew you were fine with him concentrating and not paying attention the entire time. You might have an ease with flirting, but you never did - it never even crossed your mind. Until one day, you did it accidentally without realizing. He was shocked for a while before he told you to stop, explaining he can’t, not with his condition, but you stopped him instead, insisting that you didn’t care. You realized you really liked him. Luckily, you convinced him to at least have coffee, and that’s not where it stopped. Best thing about dating Bruce: you have a boyfriend and a pet in one.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hi! May I request a marvel ship?. I am a straight female. I have shoulder length dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. I’m a small 4’9” which I get teased for a lot. I have to use glasses for both reading, and when I’m looking at electronics. I get called Alice for people think I’m way too curious for my own good. I am a shy introverted Ravenclaw who is just generally kind. I like wearing large sweaters :3 I love reading, writing, & drawing, and learning about Norse and Greek mythology!
(This. Got. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. But hay, I was inspired. ^^)
I ship you with T’Challa
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Like you said, you always enjoyed Norse and Geek mythology, so you forced yourself out of your introvert box one good day and asked your friend at Shield to take you to work to meet Thor, and he or she was more than happy to, and Thor was also more than happy to tell you about his world when you were introduced. It wasn’t your intention at all to meet the Black Panther at all, but as you were rushing home, ready to get away from the busy building, you didn’t watch where you were going and practically ran into him. You apologized profusely and started to get up to help him up, but only to have Okoye pin you by spear. T’Challa stopped her, of course, and asked you if you were okay, but when you realized he was the King of Wakanda, you freaked out even more. He just chuckled and told the others to move ahead before talking to you for a while. Eventually, you had to leave, but after that, theBlack Panther wouldn’t leave your mind, not could Wakanda. You wanted to see it - you were... curious.  
For more than ever, you felt as if the nickname Alice fit you as you fell down the rabbit hole towards Wakanda. You knew outsiders can’t go there, but you didn’t care. You researched the country and went back to Shield numerous times to ask about it, but you didn’t actually have the confidence to talk to T’Challa again. Until, after about ten visits, he finally spotted you leaving and approached you. He was flattered by your curiosity, being used to others losing interest when they find out it is a “3rd world country,” so he was happy to answer your questions. But when you asked to see it, he said yes before he could think about stopping himself. He knew he was going to have backlash for bringing an outsider there, but he felt he could trust you. Maybe it was because you reminded him so much of his sister - he was right, because you and her hit it off immediately. The best part about staying there more and more was because of how quiet and calm it was, giving you the perfect environment to write,read, and draw. Sometimes you’d stay there for weeks, and your friends were confused by why you’d possibly go there until T’Challa finally revealed what Wakanda truly was.
It’s safe to say, when you two started dating, despite the looks from his people, you stayed in Wakanda permanently, helping Shuri with her work.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
See, I already did it lol. I forgot to ask if you do would includes for DBZ?
Unfortunately, I don’t do DBZ on here anymore, but I do them on here.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hi! If you’re still active, could I get some headcanons on what dating Raditz from DBZ would include? Thanks!
Actually, I don’t do DBZ on this blog anymore. However, I do them on here:
And I have done "Living with a domesticated Raditz would include,”  so I would be happy to take this request there?
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
I was wondering if I could maybe have a dating would include for Morgana (from Merlin) and maybe a self ship for the Merlin fandom too, if it's not too much trouble. I'm a girl and I prefer girls if given the choice. I don't really have a type. I have short wavy blonde hair, 5'5" and I don't mind if they're taller or shorter than me. I'm pretty sassy. I'm a writer, I love cats, and I'm pretty easy to get to know. Thanks in advance.
(I’ll try to get to the Would include when I can, but it might take a while. I have a lot of requests on my other blogs waiting.)
I ship you with Gwen
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Even though you didn’t know Gwen that well, she knew you better than most. As a renowned writer, you spent a lot of your time in Uther’s castle and, being a worker there, she was prone to overhear many of your conversations. As a result, she soon came to really enjoy cleaning your quarters, hearing the way your speak out against certain things, hear your “sassy” comments, and the way you’d joke around so confidently. It made sense that you had such a gift with words and it was like her daily comedy. Of course, there was the fact that she also got to play with your cats when you weren’t there, but it was mostly the other thing. However, one day you said something that finally made her chortle a laugh, making her grab your attention for the first time. The other party snapped at her to mind her business, but your just quickly shit him or her up, suggested to Gwen to clean somewhere else, and watched her leave sullenly before continuing your conversation. After that, when you saw her again, you just shocked her by randomly striking up a conversation, and then, every time after that, too.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hi there 😃 how are you ? Can I have a X-Men and avengers ship please ? I'm 4'9 with sark blond hair and green eyes. I'm sweet, shy and smart. I'm loving and confident. I love to be alone but also have fun with my family. People says i'm funny, polite and lovely. I really love reading books, drawing and watching films. I love listening music and singing, but I'm too shy to sing in front of people. I love helping people and helping them when I can. I really hope it's okay 💕 thanks ! 💟
(You didn’t specify which timeline in Xmen, so I hope this is okay. And I’m doing quite alright, thank you!)
I ship you with Alex
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Alex grabbed your attention immediately - I mean, he’s a handsome man, so who’s hasn’t he? But what grabbed your attention was casually the fact that he never really hang around anyone and kept entirely to himself. Eventually, you found yourself watching him throughout the day and it wasn’t hard at all to tell he was smart, kind, and talented. But he’d never admit to it. In fact, if anyone brings it up, he’d deny it. In other words, he was the complete opposite of you. You knew what you were good at and that your were intelligent, and you weren’t going to hide it. Thus, his lack of confidence frustrated you. Eventually, you just began to drag him everywhere with you without consent. You brought him to gatherings, to parties, and you introduced him before he could, knowing he’d never compliment himself. When you found out he wants to stay away because of his powers, you just gawked at the flaming target and said it was awesome. You honestly was just what he needed in his life at that point.
I ship you with Bucky Barnes:
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You actually met Bucky by accident. You were in the city when the Winter Soldier and Captain America were destroying it left and right. Just like everyone else, you were terrified and kept yourself away from the exploding surroundings as much as possible. Only, you were left behind by the other running civilians. As a result, in a glance, you saw the masked man’s face before he fled. After that, your life went back to normal. It had the same routine for about one more year before you decided to go on vacation, and voila, you saw his hooded face in the crowd. You had no idea what compelled you, but you approached him and called him out - right there... in broad daylight. All so casually. Terrified, he grabbed you and ran for a more private spot. Surprising even yourself, though, you just jabbed him with curious questions after. Somehow, Bucky begun to relax while you spoke, and things began from there. Maybe it was because you were “funny, polite, and lovely” that one meeting turned into numerous others. You treated him normally.
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show-some-silver-loving · 7 years ago
Hello, can I have a ship with DC and Avengers please? I'm 5'5", brown hair with a blonde streak, tannish and I have freckles. I'm an introvert and like to stay at home unless I'm with my best friends. I get angry, annoyed, and jealous easily, and it's not something I'm proud of. I like to cook/bake, swim, write, and read. If you can do a ship for me, thank you!
(I haven’t seen a lot of DC, but I will try!)
I ship you with Diana
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The famous Wonder Woman - you, of course, heard of her before you met from television and your one or two friends. Strangely enough, however, when you met, she was the one who first took a liking to you first. You greeted her like any other fan (maybe a bit quicker, because you weren’t really in your element in public) while she just stared for an uncomfortable amount of time. Only after you two started dating did you find out it was because she’s always found freckles to be adorable. Fun fact: Amazons don’t have them. You’re not really sure how you two ended up, though. You met her again afterwards, she laughed, and things just went normally from there: a coffee, a few meetups, and a few dinners. When it turned into dates, you have no idea. Because of how she is, she helps you whenever you get mad, jealous, or annoyed, sometimes with just a simple touch or a single word with her gentle accent. But, the biggest thing was how much she adored watching you do or learning about your hobbies.
I ship you with Steve Rodgers:
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How your relationship began was almost identical to that with Diana: he saved you, you re-met, and everything just took off naturally from there. However, it was your demeanor that grabbed it interest. You had a gentle and kind atmosphere to you that he didn’t see often in modern society, which made him all the more startled when he finally saw you lose your temper after you started dating. But, being who he is, he wasn’t put off and rather thought he’d help. He kindly told you about some of the methods Bruce uses to keep his cool, and because of the casual way he brought them up, you listened intentively. To Steve, you’re like a taste of the past. Watching you spend your time baking, reading, or writing instead of TV or parties calms him. He’s able to sit in silence for hours while you work, just reminiscing about the past. Swimming, however, was something else. As a small kid from Brooklyn, he didn’t get much of it when he was young. Yet, after going with you a few times and after he lost some dignity from asking you to show him how, it became a regular addition to his training.
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show-some-silver-loving · 8 years ago
Avengers ship? Straight 5'8 girl with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Introvert. Kinda tsundere. Dirty sense of humor. Sarcastic. Childish. Kind hearted. Gryffindor. Loves animals, especially dogs. Hobbies are piano and archery. Would probably be an awful fighter but would be determined to improve. Easily jealous. Likes affection but not in public. Thanks!
I ship you with Steve Rogers, Captain America.
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Because you were always crass towards those you didn’t know, everyone in The Avengers distanced themselves from you -- that is, everyone except Steve, because he didn’t care; despite your lack in fighting experience, you were a good agent, and he respected that. Still, because you were quiet and unsocial, he had an entirely different impression of you. When you two begun working together, seeing as he was the only one who would work with you, and when you two began to become friends, he was in awe of how different you were to those you were close to. You’d make him embarrassed but oddly amused by your sense of humor, and rather than gawk over him while he’d train, you’d suddenly ask him millions of questions on how to implement his technique yourself. It took only a few times of this happening for him to train you on a daily basis, and not long after that, you begun to teach him how to play the piano, too, but no one has any idea how that actually happened. And for you, you were always relieved when he, surprisingly, understood your sarcasm, unlike everyone else, and you were always bewildered when he’d openly fawn over animals alongside you, instead of just standing there awkwardly like the rest. Unfortunately, however, you were completely clueless about your feelings for him, whereas he was completely smitten for you. It was only when you saw a crowd of girls honing on him like a flock of wolves in heat when your jealousy suddenly got the best of you and you exploded. Steve was shocked to say the least, but he was also overjoyed, because when you calmed down, you finally realized your own feelings, too.
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