#maybe mommy wants to get fucked up and molest you ok
sloppysequinz · 10 months
Is there any appreciation out there for fat intoxicated sexually aggressive mommy tops. Is that anything.
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coff-in · 4 months
hii this is the anon who requested for that pregnancy fic w the graves siblings >< thank you so much for answering my follow-up questions!! 🥺🤍 I had a bit of thoughts as well as your fic and response made me have a hugggeee brainrot!!
so after everything you had said, I had a strange dream weirdly enough of the scenario and hcs you came up with (I like to read fics and hcs before I sleep, including urs <3) and basically, I was thinking that yes:
• ashley, despite not liking [reader] and kind of terrorising her when andrew became obsessed with her, still pretty much assists in kidnapping and bringing her everywhere despite her protests and horror when she witnesses the grave siblings murder and sacrifice people.
• along the way however, ashley has a bit of .. how shall I put it, tsundere feelings for [reader] <3 falling for her and convincing andrew to have a threesome rape with her eventually
• when [reader] got pregnant (before ashley fell for her) ashley ofc wasn’t too happy about it but also, didn’t allow reader to escape from them with andrew’s baby or to scream for help, in fact, she threatens her that if she tries calling for help or running away, she’ll mutilate her arms and legs and cut her tongue out </3 anything to defend her brother
• ok this is probs a bit dark so feel free to skip this one (my own lactation kink!) but can u imagine while [reader] is pregnant, andrew and ashley notice that [readers] breasts are larger than normal .. and that she is leaking through her shirt … and well they *are* a bit thirsty and could use something sweet … so … they caught [reader] unaware and pretty much forces her shirt up before latching their mouths onto her nipples </3 (ahh the symbolism! kind of like healing their inner child by trying out mommy’s milk) despite reader begging and crying for them to stop, they can’t
• omg also maybe a few months in while reader is still heavily pregnant, andrew and ashley can’t stop getting horny seeing reader waddle around with her pregnant belly and decide to rape her bcs she looks too cute not to molest </3
• ooo omg maybe this same scenario but with male ashley (asher) … hating reader at first but slowly falling for her and now, seeing his big brother having a baby with her, he wants one too! </3
thank you for listening to me ramble 🤧 soo many yummy scenarios 🤍 take care!!!
notes from coff-in: 'NONNIE YOU COOKED!!! YOU COOKED A WHOLE MEAL!!! A DINNER FOR FOUR!!! when i woke up to this at first i was like "wow... that's crazy /positive" but i've came back to my inbox to reread this like 10 times and now i'm like "teehee 🤭 that's so silly i wonder what happens next" like... you're so creative, 'nonnie, honestly feeling so blessed to see this in my inbox! YOU CAN ALWAYS RAMBLE TO ME!! remember this guys, you can always come to me to ramble if u need to. i listen to everything
[fem] reader-insert, [afab] reader-insert, mentions/brief talk of male ashley graves, NSFW, rape, incest, pregnancy, lactation kink
you gotta tell me how [reader] and the siblings met. i keep it vague intentionally but i wanna hear from YOU how they meet. what would get andrew so obsessive over them? especially to the point where he has to fight with ashley to keep her around and ashley FUCKING DOES IT?? ashley is impulsive, not stupid, i know this-- she doesn't just outright kill people she doesn't like. but back at the apartment it's a fucking free for all, she would be so so justified if she did kill [reader], she's just another loose end after all. like the lady in room 302. actually this parallels(?) what happened in room 302 a lot; unknown neighbor lady, andrew watching her and keeping her hostage, ashley believing that he just wants to get his dick wet with her (except this time he actually does want that??). instead of killing her they just take [reader] with them... do they ever explain to her why? how would they do that??? they'd probably pressure her into committing a crime (murder/cannibalism) so they'd have that leverage over her... god they're so fucking crazy ♡
i can see andrew just cradling [reader] in his lap while they watch TV, holding her in his arms while he rests his cheek on top of her head. so calm and peaceful while [reader] is shaking like a leaf because ashley is glaring fucking daggers at her and andrew isn't doing anything about it (it all reminds me of julia, except andrew actually likes/cares for [reader] more than he did julia). omg ashley threatens to fucking cut off [reader]'s limbs and tongue and andrew comforts her, petting her hair as he whispers "it's okay, ashley's just trying to scare you. she's just a little jealous. if you keep being good we won't have to resort to that, will we?"
i love sucking on tiddies (i have never done so) so seeing andrew and ashley latch on to [reader]'s leaking nipples is such a mood. it'd be so funny if they sort of fought or pushed each other out of the way so they can drink more and [reader]'s underneath them gently trying to break it up, "hey, hey... one at a time! there's enough for both of you..." i honestly feel bad for [reader] though, i hope they do nice things for her since they rape her so much. (was not expecting to type that out) like they better be giving her the best dick/strap or head ever!!!
these were so yummy, you guys take such good care of me ♡
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eternalnight8806-3 · 4 years
WARNING! This is an anti SessRin post! So if this is content you don't wish to see then kindly be an adult and keep scrolling!

Any messages, asks, comments or reblogs that are hateful about this post will be ignored/deleted.
Ok, so this is not meant to start anything with anyone or create any drama whatsoever. But I ran across this post and I feel like I need to say something about it. I'm not doing this via reblog to hopefully avoid any drama by me stating my opinion on this post.
I will not be sharing where I found this post or who posted it, again to avoid drama.
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****end of bitchy post****
Ok, here we go. *cracks knuckles*
You’re not talking to the “quiet people”, you’re talking to those of “us” who are
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Hmm. See, right from the very first paragraph of this you’re already contradicting yourself. You’re telling those of us that don’t like the SessRin ship that we’re prejudiced and mean. You say you don’t judge our opinions, yet you’re already cussing at us like we told you that you’re personally molesting eight-year-old Rin.
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Cancel culture?? Seriously? That’s where you want to take this? Honey. Baby. Sweetheart. Sit down. You’re about to get schooled. I’m assuming by “cancel culture” you’re implying that those of us who are anti SessRin are somehow cancelling those of you who enjoy this ship. Nope. Hasn’t happened. SessRin is still very much alive and going strong, despite those of us who may dislike the ship for reasons I will definitely get into in a minute. Those of us who feel strongly that SessRin is simply wrong don’t sound stupid for saying the ship is problematic for a multitude of incredibly good reasons. Tbh, you sound like a 12-year-old screaming at her mommy because she won’t let you go to mall. It’s childish and honestly, pointless.
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Honestly, this line just makes me fucking laugh. We’re the ones who are getting butthurt? US? SERIOUSLY?!?! You’re the one plastering your nasty comments about anti SessRin shippers and making vast assumptions that are grossly untrue. Absolutely nothing has been confirmed about the identity of Sesshomaru’s hanyou children’s mother. Obviously, she must be human but beyond that, she could literally be anyone.  Personally, I don’t give a fuck if Sesshomaru ends up with anyone, let alone a human. For all we know he raped a human and she happened to get pregnant from it. Do I believe that’s what happened? No. But I am in no way “pitching a piss fit because I’m not getting my way.” 😒
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Ok, this next line I have serious issues with for a whole bunch of reasons. 
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1. I hate to break it to you but grooming a literal child to later be your bride/mother of your hanyou children is vastly harmful. The idea that this is ok, even in the realm of fantasy, is just toxic and super gross. 2. Perpetuating child grooming, pedophilia, child trafficking, etc., is more than gross, it’s just plain wrong. 3. The fact that you SessRin shippers have to defend yourselves this much should tell you something about what you’re shipping. Maybe it wouldn’t be ok in the real world, for damn good reasons. 4. Creating this fantasy about an eight year old girl idolizing the demon/man who saved her from actual death twice to the point of loving him romantically says way more about you and your obvious *Daddy issues* than it does about those of us who understand that this ship is wrong. 5. Romantic SessRin is not fucking canon. Atleast, not yet. It might be, we don’t know yet. But having the assumption that you’re right just because the kids are hanyou is just being stupid on your part. Making posts like this shows how much of an asshole you are.
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Pfft. Now ain’t this some damn irony? Who’s the one screaming at the fandom for supposedly being exclusionary and getting *butthurt* that we find issue with your precious ship? Hmm. Well, lookie here! It’s not the anti SessRin shippers!  I have never, ever, attacked anyone who ships SessRin. I seriously don’t agree with it, for the reasons I’ve already stated. But I do tend to leave people’s ships alone. I might state my opinion about it if I’m comfortable with you, but otherwise I just ignore romantic SessRin content because it makes me want to gouge my eyes out and scream at the world that you’re all fucking gross for thinking this is a good thing to ship.
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McScuse me?? What?? 
Please, someone show me where in Takahashi’s writing that child grooming is a “basic trope.” I would genuinely love to see this because I’ve never seen it. And if it’s truly a Japanese trope, then that says so much about how repressed sexually the Japanese are to the point of sexualizing children (i.e. Lolita culture, schoolgirl/ sailor girl trope, etc.), and that’s just not fucking ok. And anyone with half a brain should agree with that.
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Well, see, I would have, but you had to go and be a complete and total gross as fuck dumbass who needed to be schooled that sexualizing children (yes, that’s what it is, even if it’s adult Rin. I don’t fucking care how much you try to defend it, that’s a fucking fact,) is fucking WRONG.
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I usually do. But you attacked us with no provocation or reason. So, how about you take your own advice and stay on your side of the InuYasha fandom with all your gross, pedophilic friends and you can fight for them all you want over there. I’ll be over here with the sane adults who don’t find children sexy. I’ll leave you with this, a final quote from your ignorant ass post.
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sardonicnihilism · 3 years
A Biography of the Woman Who Never Was
Part 5 The Older Woman
Chapter 3
Even with the best of intentions, when dealing with feelings of hurt and betrayal, people can become quite ugly. Sam and Shannon found themselves arguing over the least little thing. Sometimes their yelling at each other would cause Jerry and Tabatha to start crying. It was a miserable time.
Another compounding factor was Sam had confided to some work friends about Shannon coming out as a lesbian to him. One of the people he told, quickly spread the word around the office. Sam started getting lewd questions like if he was planning a threesome, or comments like, that's what happens when you don't lay the pipe right. The breaking point was when he was called into his bosses office and officers from Domestic Relations were there and asked if he thought his wife was sexualy molesting their kids.
He told his boss he'd had enough and would file a discrimination suit against the company if the harassment continued. A few employees got fired and the harassment stopped, but it still left him angry and bitter, which he blamed on Shannon.
Shannon, on the other hand, was dealing with her emotions of guilt. Sam was her best friend of all time and she really did love him; it just wasn't in the way he wanted or she had promised. She felt like she had put her entire family in a room with a time bomb and locked the door behind them. She felt like she was a complete failure.
Unfortunately, instead of talking to each other about their emotions and the stress that they were experiencing; they buried it all and took to make snide comments to each other and engaging in petty, passive aggressive behaviors. About once a week, they would have a massive argument over nothing, the kids would start crying and hide, and one of them would threaten divorce.
The final argument came when Tabatha accidentally spilled a pitcher of ice tea. Shannon, who was emotionally frayed, started screaming at her and in turn Sam started yelling at Shannon.
"Look at you fucking done! It was a bloody accident. You're fucking acting like it's the end of the fucking world! Just clean it up and move the fuck on!"
"Yeah, just like I fucking clean up everything else around this house! I do everything around here! I cook, I clean; hell, I do most of the repairs! What the fuck do you do? Except sit on your ass, watching TV?" Shannon yelled back.
"Oh here we go again! I've tried to help to help you before but all you did was complain I wasn't doing it right because I wasn't doing it your way! You like doing everything on your own so you can hold it over our heads! 'Oh, look at poor, suffering me! No one suffers like I do. Everyone hates me and takes advantage of me," he said in a mocking, falsetto voice.
"You ever stop and think of all the fucking shit you put us through with your constant yelling and bitching?" Sam asked in full rage.
"Oh, so I can't fucking complain? I can't express how sick and tired I am of being everyone's slave around here? You all seem to be able to fucking bitch about me all the fucking time!"
"Well maybe it's because you fucking deserve it!"
"Oh, this fucking shit again! Ok, I get it! I'm a fucking bitch, a liar, a fraud, a cunt! Alright? So either find something new to complain about or shut the fuck up because I'm damn tired of hearing this one!"
As the two glared at each other, the heard the kids crying and sobbing. They looked down at the couch and saw them holding each other, faces red, in utter fear and despair. It was then they turned back to each other, their faces going from shock to sadness.
"Bloody hell Shannon, I'm sorry. I shouldn't . . ." before he could finish, Shannon cut him off.
"No, I get it. I'm sorry." She then knelt down and put a hand on each one of their legs.
"Kids, sweeties, Mommy's really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Daddy and I have been going through a rough patch here lately. We're trying to work it out, but it's kind of hard- really hard."
"Why? What's so hard you have to yell at each other like that?" Jerry asked in tears.
Shannon turned to Sam, her face asking if it was ok. Sam shrugged and nodded at the same time. Shannon nodded back and turned back to face the kids.
"Well, you see," Shannon paused to take a few deep breaths, "Mommy, I, am gay."
The kids suddenly stopped crying and looked at Shannon in confusion.
"It means that, I like other girls. I like girls the way I'm supposed to like Daddy. I tried liking Daddy in that way because girls who like girls aren't liked very much by other people, but I can't pretend to be something I'm not anymore."
The kids just looked at her even more confused.
"Ok," Jerry said hesitantly, "but you still like Daddy right?"
"I do. I love Daddy. He's my best friend. But, that's the only way I love him. I love him as a best friend, not as a husband. Does that make any sense?"
The kids shook their head no.
"The main thing kiddos," Sam said with strained positivity, kneeling down beside Shannon, "your mother and I love you both very much and we'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and healthy. Sometimes we adults just get caught up in our stuff and we don't see the harm we're doing, but we see it now, and we're going to change. Alright then?"
"Promise," added Shannon.
The kids nodded, pretending to understand, but the confusion on their faces gave them away.
Over the next few months, things did improve. Sam and Shannon really started acting like a couple again, pulling together for their kids sake, Shannon became more open with her children about who she was, and everything seemed to be going well until the kids went back to school.
Jerry's grades dropped. He started acting out in class. He was constantly getting in trouble; getting into fights with the other students, even threatening to kill all the teachers and burn the school down. It was then Shannon and Sam were called in and told if they didn't get Jerry therapy soon, they were going to expell him. So, they found a pediatric therapist and made an appointment.
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