#maybe its thr side effects of the booster shots i had to get to go to school or something???? i dont kno w
zelink-and-loz · 3 years
Ok headcannon story writing thing i made
basically link falls in a well and almost drowns because its raining and the well is filling up but then he is saved and he’s ok but he is permanently traumatized. 
Copypasted from my discord server because thats where i wrote it down first. Haven’t made it a full fanfic yet but i will eventually. (maybe. probably. possibly. idk man)
prepare for shitty halfassed spelling and grammar, and some things that only make sense to me because im too lazy to explain them
i really just wrote this for myself so
it’s probably unrealistic but idc
Ok so Link is messing around near an old dry (ish) well in the Hyrule Castle grounds. Im 90% sure theres no well in-game but fuck you. Maybe it collapsed and was buried in dirt. You dont know. Do you? 
He ends up falling in. He’s uninjured because i wasn’t too too far of a fall. ‘No biggie’ he thinks. ‘Ill just climb out.’ But then it starts raining. The walls get slick and slippery. ‘Alright. I’ll just wait it out.’ But hes starting to get a little nervous. After maybe 20 minutes it’s raining really hard. The well’s at about a foot of water now— there were only a couple of inches of old water when he first fell in. He’s getting nervous, and tries to climb out again. Of course, it doesn’t work.
‘It’s ok. Zelda will find me eventually. I’ve been gone for a while & she said she wanted to go on a walk later.’ He waits. 20-30 minutes later and the water’s at his knees. he‘s standing now. He calls for Zelda, not very loudly though. He begins to panic but tries to stay calm. 
He’s lost track of time but it’s been about 30 more minutes. Nearly an hour and a half since he fell in. The water’s almost at his waist. He’s taking deep breaths and telling himself Zelda’s gonna find him soon. He’s definitely panicking now, breathing quickly and shallowly, with his heart beating fast. He calls for Zelda, much more loudly this time. It just echoes in the well and he hears no response. 
At this point Zelda’s getting a bit worried. It’s raining hard and she doesn’t want to go outside and look for Link but she knew he probably wouldn’t have waited this long on purpose. She tells herself he’s probably forgotten. Or he’s fighting Yiga. Or Lynels. Or something like that. 40 more minutes pass. The water’s up to his chest. He starts yelling for anyone who could help— Zelda, Mipha, Urbosa, Daruk, even Revali, even though they champions aren’t at the castle and he hates asking Revali for help bc birdman is so rude and makes fun of him
10 more minutes. Zelda’s studying, trying to take her mind off where Link could be. Suddenly, she hears him faintly call her name— Zelda listens for a second longer but decides she must be hearing things bc of the rain & the stress & her worries. Then after a few minutes, she hears him yell again: ‘Hello? Zelda? ..Anyone?’ She opens the door to listen. She hears him call for Revali, Mipha, then her again. She’s a bit shocked & scared to hear him yelling & panicked (she’s never heard him panic before & she’s only heard him yell in anger, while fighting) but she quickly recovers & calls, ‘Link! Im coming! Where are you?’ He calls her name again, & she follows the sound of his voice over the rain. After about 5 minutes she finds him & looks down into the well & sees (to her horror) that the water’s up to his armpits. He’s not yelling anymore but his eyes are wide & scared & (even through the rain) she can see that he’s crying a little. He’s completely soaked & his hair is flat on his forehead. 
She tells him she’s gonna get help, & she hears him say her name again, quietly & in a scared voice, as she runs off to the castle. Which breaks bOth our hearts, writing this makes me feel so bad for him help- 
She gets the first soldiers she finds and tells them that Link is stuck and might be hurt, and to find rope. They’d normally laugh a bit and be in no particular hurry to help because Link gets stuck in random places a lot, and he’s usually not in danger and it’s even pretty funny sometimes, but Zelda looks and sounds so truly panicked they instantly get moving.
After a minute or two they’ve got rope and she takes them out to the well. Link is in up to his shoulders now and he’s still panicked but he’s more just shocked now, standing still with his hands against the wall and breathing quickly and shallowly. They make a knot in the rope and lower it down. Link grabs on & they pull him out. He’s just sort of in shock (maybe literally, idk about doctors and medicine bla bla bla science biology things fuck u) 
Zelda tells the soldiers that she’ll help him herself now, thanks them, and asks them to not tell anyone. They’re like ‘a’ight’ & go chill and dry off
Zelda takes Link to her room and gets 2 blankets (from where? I dont fucking know shut up) and dries him off with one and wraps him up with the other. He’s shook so he’s just sort of sits still and moves when she asks. His clothes dry off pretty quickly once hes indoors because idk. I want them to. Im writing this i can make it unrealistic if i want to 
But anyways she sits him down next to her bed & she sits on her bed & watches him. After maybe 30 minutes in which neither of them move she asks him if he’s ok. He nods a little & looks at her & they just stare at eachother for a while. Eventually Link looks away and flops his head over on the edge of Zelda’s bed. After a minute Zelda puts her hand on top of his head and lays down to sleep. Link shuts his eyes & they both go to sleep. 
And from then on he had aquaphobia and slight claustrophobia! Hooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay hahahahahahahahahahaha. haha. hah. haaaah
poor little boye
Also i hit the discord character limit twice, there’s about... 5000 characters in this thing lmao
The outline for the fic is a whole fic of its own :o /j
but yeah like... give my boy something he can fight and he’s fearless. Take away his control over the outcome and he’s terrified
i really like this for some reason. it’s shit writing and im not even sure the story is that good but like... probably one of my favorite fic ideas. idk im going to bed today has been weirdly tiring
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