#maybe it's also what IS does with characters that don't vibe anymore idk
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randomnameless · 1 day ago
can i ask why you dropped fe heroes?
You can anon!
I'd say it's a mix between being bored with powercreep and the wall of text explanations + gimmy mechanics (unit initiates, you die), my lack of interest in the plot, even if the healing hands plot was apparently eons away from sniddies I couldn't really get into, and lack of interest in the new banners.
Sure I was happy when Fomortiis or Athos got their turn, but there's no "I love this I must roll!" feeling anymore : bar "catch them all" ing your faves, there is no incentive to roll.
Legendary and Mythic banners being either Emblems or OCs played a part in this burn out, but then, I also think it's also the burn out of knowing L!Sakura is a thing before L!Tibarn, if FEH was supposed to celebrate the franchise and be a tribute to its most iconic or important characters, I feel like if the game was released today, FE16!Hilda would been have picked over Marth as an unit you can start your game with.
Whatever I'm using FEH for now - looking at lines and new content for characters I like - can be done through the wikis/PK so... if logging in became a chore, I felt like it'd be best just to drop it.
But if some people still feel like they derive some enjoyment from FEH, then good for them!
It's, just, not the case for me anymore.
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year ago
hi let's talk about her
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Honestly I have so much to say about her. so much. so here's some of it
-Asajj was last seen in canon in the Dark Disciple novel. Where she died. I would never recommend that book to anyone so if you haven't read it yet please don't. In short, after becoming a Bounty Hunter in The Clone Wars she grew out her hair, got a cool yellow Lightsaber and for some reason teamed up with Quinlan Vos to try and kill Dooku. They didn't manage to do it. And Asajj died (was fridged) trying to protect Quinlan. The Bad Batch will not contradict that, as was said by the creators. So this is just a summary for anyone who hasn't read it because I wholeheartedly believe that book is bad
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-I have not watched a single Bad Batch episode in my life. As a disclaimer. I started the first one, watched their TCW arc and saw memes screenshots clips and spoilers but I do not know this show. I will watch it now that Asajj's there tho
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-She does not have the same outfit anymore! It's a change, and we haven't gotten a clear look at her new design so idk how to judge it yet. Might be to look less recognizable, but it has a very different vibe than any of her prior outfits. There's a leftover shoulder pad and probably some other stuff from her last design but I feel like they kinda clash with the new one and tbb's design language in general. The Bounty Hunter look has a very TCWish feel to it and this one is a sharp turn in another, much more casual direction. I'm not inherently against it but I guess we'll see how it looks in action soon
-In my opinion the hair looks like shit. I don't think she should have hair ever. I don't understand why she can't be bald. Why is she bald when she's evil and has hair when she's a padawan (good) and when she is "redeemed"? guess we'll never know. It's a leftover from the cancelled Dark Disciple TCW arc design (and the Dark Disciple cover and promotional material ofc) and it's bad if you ask me but to each their own and if you like it good for you
-Her Lightsaber!!!!! Same case as the hair in terms of irl development but I like it so much better. The yellow just fits her character and it's pretty. Would love for her to find another one and get back to dual-wielding (I know that won't happen)
-The bag and pouches make me so happy as a design element do you think she carries a (tooka) cat in there
-Now, visually she looks great and the animation style is smoother and nicer than TCW (as is the quality), but what about the direction the character's going in? I didn't like her being dead before, but I felt like it was somewhat better than her being shoved into being a cameo character in new content. If you can't touch her after a certain point, you also can't mess her up. But I do wonder where they're going with her. A few questions:
-Asajj in canon is a directionless character. Also, a partially nonsensical and inconsistent character in her choices and storylines. I've talked about it a lot but in short she just feels messy. What's her purpose in life? Her motive? Her origin story doesn't really make sense, even. She's a Bounty Hunter, sure, but why? If all she wants is revenge on Dooku and maybe money (which was pretty much the case in Dark Disciple), what's she doing after the Empire? And more importantly, why?
-Obviously, the question I haven't asked yet because I don't like it: How the fuck is she alive? Nightsisters have a weird relationship with death but seriously, how?
-She's a Force User after the Rise of the Empire now, so what does he do about that? Is she founding The Path? Fucking around and finding out? Making a not-Jedi-not-Sith order with other force users she finds? Is the Empire after her? Do they know she's live?
-What about her girlfriend? Is Latts Razzi safe? Is she alright?
-Why is she in The Bad Batch show? Are we making her into a cameo character or is there a purpose? Why'd they bring her back? For fun? What is she doing after the show? Floating in dead space? Cameo-ing? Will we have a book?
-OK enough for tonight but if we see Quinlan Vos in the show I'll become violent (/neg). We probably will (he might just get mentioned idk).
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stuffedsand · 1 year ago
T3 cover thoughts,,, and psuedo guesses
Haruka : considering both of his songs were from the android girl album I feel like he's gonna get a third. Of which the only other song I know the lyrics to is relationship scramble.
I think it could work ("right now I want instant love", could be the whole any attention is good, negative inclusive, so long as it's attention) (bro idk)
Yuno : honestly not a clue haha, tho I think Rabbit Hole would work (+it's a popular prediction for her, I haven't listened to it but it could be a good choice?)
Fuuta : .....he got Salamander this trial I don't know what they're gonna give him anymore....I don't even know what the deal is with mosaik role,,,,,
Maybe Chimera? I've only listened to it once but it has the Vibes tm. I think it fits? I'm not very good at lyrical analysis but it'd be fun idk
(or volt tackle haha)
Muu : Theory of Negativity because idk it vibes. Similar to otome dissection kinda idk
Alternatively, Cinderella just cuz it....vibes like her I don't have a better explanation sorry
Shidou : I reeeally want to say cosmic rendezvous,,,, but it doesnt fit with his other covers. I hope dearly for cosmic rendezvous but let be realistic haha
My prediction. Ghost Rule or 118. Ghost Rule would be fun !!!! 118 would be, to me, if someone died in t3, cuz the lyrics can be twisted abit. It'd be so fun. Also "no law to pardon my crime" and "ethics are a delusion, but I'm still guilty when the morning comes" vibe the same. Also his va can do it I believe in him
The cover would also SLAP cuz from what I can tell shidous covers have a more...frantic? Energy to them and that works for a lot of the GHOST album songs. Anyways Ghost Rule milgram cover?? Please??
Mahiru : I had more but I forgot so here's the ones I remembered
U (unlikely, it's a English song... But hey it'd be fun) / Poison Apple (I'd say poison apple works for kazui but... There are funnier picks for him so)
I think her voice fits for these songs idk they just...vibe. really well. I believe in her va
Most fitting from what Ive seen is Zombies or Psuedo-Hope Syndrome which would work vocally and thematically I think! Idk tho haha mahirus is really vibe based
Kazui : ok wishful thinking : Ghost Rule. Fits with the liar theme. But I already gave it to shidou and it doesn't fit his other two covers (sad melancholy) so he gets the song I initially chose for shidou! Cosmic Rendezvous. A win for old man yaoi truthers (JOKE)
No seriously. The lyrics could be read as non romantic, and it continues his cover theme of Regret. It'd be fun, thematically relevant, fir the other covers, AND it'd hurt me. Perfect. If he does get cosmic rendezvous I will cry
Alternatively; we the hostages (?) Idk this pick was also solely vibes. I really want cosmic rendezvous though but that's cuz I want someone to say fuck
Amane : Angel Hair. I don't have a particular reason? Also this would be more in line with Positive Parade which was the trial one song.... And she got animal which I never would've expected so? Who knows. This is a fun list for vibes. Oh I think then all her songs would be Mannequin songs too
Mikoto : uhhhh (Not) a Devil. Cuz I'm not creative and it'd be funny. Uhh otherwise I'm not too sure.
Honourable mention that I think both Mikoto and Kotoko could get Addiction? By vibes alone lol cuz I can't read the captions...
Kotoko : imma be real I forgot. To kin assign her a song. But after having a short look at Anti - Beat I think she could get Dilemma? I think it works for kotoko. Idk
Tell me what songs you guys predict for any given character next trial I like seeing people's readings on what fits the character or the covers!!! Particularly kotoko, yuno and mikoto as much as I like their characters I don't have much of a read on them...
Also tell me what your favourite covers are!!!! I personally like both of shidous, kazui's, mahirus and fuuta's, and I really liked the monopoisoner one! (Haven't listened to reversible campaign enough to form opinion), as well as Harukas two breaths walking cover (haven't listened enough to the android girl one whoops)
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goldensmilingbird · 9 months ago
Am I tripping or new Ladybug and Carapace suits are very similar? In the way they're colored, I mean.
There's the shape of the front, the darker parts of the sides and arms, the distinctive "waistband" on the sides, the darker toes (and maybe heels)
I don't think it's bad, it works! I especially like Nino's suit. Just gave me a whiplash 😅
What are your thoughts?
Huh, I can kinda see it, now that you pointed it out
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Tbh I didn't even notice the differences in the suits at first, just their faces and change in style
I have to put the old suits side by side for comparison
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Okay, I can see he has more darker sections in his suit now, and it seems bulkier
And LB now has this detail that I liked in Shadybug design
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I like the waistband thingies they have too
Overall they look nice (though I'm not sure I like Nino's new face, he seems younger now)
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I have to compare Adrien and Alya too, of course, because I love these two
I think the thing that bothers me is - why are their faces so...slimmed down
Chat immediately gives off Felix vibes to me: just the sharper chin and the hair swoop, do you see it??
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Like what the heck
It again makes me wonder what Felix would look like
It's not at all what I expected tbh - since they're kinda mixing the show's style with movie style, I thought he would still have that babyface. But since I heard we'd see the characters older in the new season, I guess it makes sense they'd try to make him look more mature (even though Nino looks younger?)
Idk how to feel about it yet
(My friend whose favourite character is Adrien and who's the one that let me know about the designs is kinda freaking out now. I can see why, it's a drastic change)
About his suit - I feel like I don't have much to say, it seems less shiny and I think he doesn't have the big cuffs on his legs anymore? But I'd need to see it in better quality (the lines and zippers on his suit are almost invisible to me here)
Alya is pretty, but why does she look slimmed down :( It was already a point of discourse before, how her figure changes between Alya and Rena, but here I put new and old versions side by side and I can definitely see it
Also her ears are much bigger for some reason, the white shape on her suit is different and so is the design of her flute, but these don't bother me as much
I hope in her civilian model they don't straighten her hair like it was in the movie
Overall, I like Marinette's and Ladybug's renders the best so far, I feel like they probably put most effort into her since she's the MC, I'm more mixed on other redesigns, especially Adrien and Alya
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panlight · 1 year ago
If every vampire were to have a special gift, which would be unique for them, which would Rosalie, Emmett, Esme and Carlisle have?
I've answered a version of this before but it's fun to revisit!
I think I usually say that Rosalie would have something similar to Heidi of the Volturi's gift, that her enhanced beauty would get some psychic element and spill over to superpower. And I still think that is the most logical thing, but it's not super exciting. It's predictable. Rosalie is also big into family, and into justice (sometimes revenge), and she's very determined. Any of that stuff could have been enhanced, too. Maybe she has an always correct gut instinct about people in dangerous domestic situations. She doesn't 'hear' things like Edward or 'see' them like Alice, she just knows. And can intervene.
Likewise the obvious answer for Emmett is that his super strength somehow spills over into a superpower. Maybe even MORE strength or he himself is so strong he's basically invulnerable to attack (can't bite through his skin, can't rip him apart). The other option is that the strength is not the focus, like how Edward for some reason is also super fast even though he already has mind-reading. Emmett can be super strong and have something else entirely. Maybe a cheerful aura like Didyme had, or maybe being near Emmett puts you in a party mood, or a work-out mood, or just makes you feel chill and supported. Literally gives off Bro Vibes, but in a good way.
Honestly have always kind of felt like the shield thing would have worked for Esme almost better than Bella. Bella loves fiercely, sure, and she has her protected mind, but Esme loves EVERYONE with the intensity that Bella loves Edward (not romantic in all cases obviously, just talking about the strength of Esme's love) and with that love would come with a desire to protect. A shield could do that. But maybe it's more like Renata's shield, it doesn't protect against psychic attacks, but physical ones. Or maybe Esme's love just radiates out of her so strongly that she could stand in front of those she loves and enemies just . . . can't bring themselves to hurt her to get to the others. Makes everyone instantly remember their mother or a beloved parental/familial figure and the line of Volturi guards just turn into blubbering messes as Esme comforts them.
Again the obvious one with Carlisle, I think, is some kind of healing ability. I know I've said this myself before. But he wasn't a doctor in his human life, that's a choice he made after becoming a vampire. The literally meaning of compassion is "to suffer with," so maybe his gift would be more of a thing where he can take the suffering from someone else by feeling it himself. Whether he actually takes the illness and cures them, or just takes the pain so they aren't suffering anymore, idk. I mean he's a vampire so he can't die, and I don't think any illness could survive the stone-and-venom environment of SM's vampire physiology anyway. And there's a theory floating around fandom that he does have a power in the sense that he unconsciously draws people to him; thus building a family and building allies and being able to blend in with the human world when humans usually subconsciously find vampires off-putting.
But at the end of the day I like that they don't have any supernatural powers. I feel like sometimes the superpower just overwhelms the character and they get reduced to that rather than a more nuanced personality. I think Carlisle's more interesting and impressive because he has accomplished what he has accomplished without one. I think Esme keeping a family united by love rather than a 'real' power is lovely. That Emmett bringing the fun because that's just WHO he is and not what he can do is cool. That Rosalie is just determined and focused and smart and THAT's why she is what she is and does what she does rather than some power is awesome.
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thepandalion · 7 months ago
anyways so last week we finished season 4 of house md
I can admit to crying in those final episodes
Also this kinda ruined my werewolf au. Because now my babies are fighting and I can't quite reconcile that with what I have of my au.
So. Multiple ideas:
Amber is a vampire. She survives, but when Wilson decides that her miraculous recovery means he should tell her that he's a werewolf, she reveals that actually vampires and werewolves don't go well together for dating (which uhh. Is a bit of a problem bc I'm pretty sure there's a bit where they think cuddy wants to date wilson and wwwau cuddy is also a vampire). So she breaks up with him and is still alive and they're just broken up
Amber still dies. Wilson forgives house faster than canon bc while he was about to let Amber in on werewolf stuff he didn't yet, so she's not pack while house IS pack, so I'm just ignoring all those parts of s5 for the sake of my boys and nothing else
Amber dies but now she's been pack?? House is also upset because they've now both been Wilson's people and while he might not have liked Amber he respected the fact thay wilson did and sorta respected Amber as a person too. They're not mad at each other but still get time apart. Wilson has a character arc where he goes to meet some wolves in the forest and tells them about how one of his humans got another one killed and effectively does werewolf therapy with this older werewolf (who will later come in and find human wilson because in this version good things can't happen and older werewolf has cancer and is dying). House would come up to wilson in that period when Wilson left in canon and go "I get it if u don't wanna be pack anymore and go be with other wolves in the forest like uve been doing for months now - yeah I know abt that btw" and wilson would just. Break. Bc wtf do you mean "don't wanna be pack" of course he still wants to be pack. He just needs time alone for a sec.
A universe where season 4 happened but Amber and Wilson aren't dating. Still got the new fellows but wilson is still woefully single and Amber goes to work at like. Mercy or something. Idc. Just means she doesn't die. But house might :3 because the bus very much did still crash in this version
Just. Ignore season 4 entirely. Didn't happen cannot touch me. Foreman did quit and idk maybe cameron too. Chase didn't really get fired so much so as he got promoted. He's got a small office near wilsons and he runs the magical medicine department where they treat magic people, which includes werewolves and vampires but also like. Just people practicing magic. Because chase is one of those in this au. He eats rocks and I do have a case in mind where a seer running a magical ingredients shop gets saved by him and she gives him some really cool stuff to do magic with and after that it becomes custom for patients to hand in small magical artifacts to their doctors if they're treated by the magic ppl. One of those patients accidentally fuels chases addiction to eating shiny rocks. There's a silly intervention. Anyways there's gonna be new fellows to replace those three and they might be the same fellows but also maybe not. Because I'm not sure if foreman can keep his job at mercy this time around. So I can have taub replace him in the sceptic position (but this time with the mild spicy interest of "well ok, say that vampires exist. Why do we believe our patient is one just because they say so? Everyone lies after all" and stuff). Thirteen is gonna be. Some type of creature probably. So's kutner but his vibes are just murky enough that I'm stuck in the like ??? Phase of "is he magic or just neurodiverse"
Help. Legit cannot decide between these
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freckledjoes · 7 months ago
how do u think st5 will end? i think eleven will sacrifice herself for will, before he dies, probably mike dies?? her powers would be strong enough to sacrifice and save hawkins. nancy stays single and travels away for a job/collage or something, steve gets himself a girlfriend, finally. please. he wants to be the stay at home mom with his kids. nancy clearly didn’t look like she wants that life cause she doesn’t, i really don’t understand why he’s still stuck on her even after so many years after their breakup, it’s silly. max wakes up. jopper will get married!! pls i need that to come true.. dustin survives vecna’s curse, idk will nancy get possessed too? and who’s the new lady that’s been introduced as a new character?? steve’s mom maybe?? or the mayoress of hawkins?? i want all the town to help the main group but still i don’t want it to be the second avengers endgame pls… omg could vecna possibly use his victims against our main characters? alsoo, i don’t want the ending scene where nancy and steve are in the car saying we’ve seen stranger things, it’s too corny for my liking pls no… and i like the time travel thing idea.. (going back in time so vecna would turned on his dark side.. this would be really easy way out, tho i hope it won’t happen lol?).. i’d really want eddie returning as a vampire, not really like coming from the dead, that would ruin everything probably (even tho i’d wanted it in heartbeat) buuut yk what i mean right? something like billy came back in max’s visions so eddie would come like this to dustin’s visions. the worst possible ending, is blood bath, there’s been a lot demand for a body count. i feel like modern audiences are more into stuff like game of thrones, walking dead.. stuff like that… killing characters casually. i’m not saying i don’t want a character or three dying tho! i’d be happy if they’d killed off two or three of the main characters finally, they always kill a new character that the audience like and then the audience is always mad. why is that?? we’ve already lost bob and eddie. should it be that way?? i’m really scared steve is going to die bc he was supposed to die in s1, if he does die i’m gonna riot against their stupid writing (that brings me getting stancy back together again). pls get him a girlfriend, a happy life he dreams about and don’t let him hang up on nancy anymore, he deserves better.. he’s changed.. also it needs to stay to the 80s show vibes and has the happy ending as well.. what do you think?? what are your thoughts? :D
I had to write down all your thoughts as bullet points so I could acknowledge them in my reply lmao. Loving this elaborate thought blurb! Alright, so I do think there will be some sacrificing going on, I'd see either Will or El doing it for Mike. Part of me thinks one of those two might die, but on the other hand I don't see them doing it. Why? 'Cause it would fuck up Jopper. And they spent a lot of time on Jopper. Hopper can't lose another kid and we've seen how Joyce handled Will's missing. Not saying this is logical, but it's what I think anyway. Maybe an almost death. Like one of them going in knowing they will probably die and saying goodbye- maybe, and then surviving. I feel like Max might get a more important role than we anticipate. Something about her showing up for El at the moment she needs her the most. Like in the mind thing. I'm worried for Lucas, that poor boy is suffering. :( Assuming Jopper survives - which I do think they will - I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Jopper wedding as a way of a corny happy ending. I don't expect anything mindblowing if I'm very honest, the fan theories have been so good that I fear disappointment for most of us lol. And well, considering many things - I also don't really care if it flops. I'll just enjoy seeing some of my sweet characters one last time before their actors go off into bigger and better projects. <3 Anyway, back to it. If they bring back Eddie, it's definitely gonna give us more pain than gain. He'll hurt Dustin, bet. As wonderful as the Kas ideas are, I don't see it happening considering what I mentioned in the previous paragraph. It's too good. I either see him show up in a Vecna vision or some kind of undead army thing. Both will suck. Imagine Dustin, who is literally embodying Eddie right now, is face to face with his dead friend. Yikers. Idk about the new lady, I'm honestly bored out of my ass that they added a new character for the last season. "Here's a new character to care about - or not - but they're gonna die once you get attached!" - so yeah, not many thoughts there. It'll be too brief. I don't see the town doing anything other than vandalize Eddie's grave and somehow find a way to blame the goddamn earthquake on him honestly. Steve and Nancy... fingers crossed it doesn't happen. For me anyway! For those that ship them, good luck getting it your way~ But yeah, I don't see the appeal, but I do feel how they're pushing it onto us hard. It wouldn't surprise me if Steve dies trying to protect Nancy and that we'll get a stupid nugget speech similar to Eddie's sheep speech. I really need that all to not happen. But don't wanna get too deep into ships, I just don't think that outcome would be sensible for either character. That said, Steve getting a partner (an unknown character) would be nice, but if I'm really honest I'd much rather they all leave it open to our interpretation. If we're getting a cliche ending of some future thing, just throw me the Jopper wedding or Steve and Robin (platonically) moving out of Hawkins together, away from that hellhole. This has become a mix of what I think might happen vs what I want to happen I guess, but these are my thoughts! And anyway, no matter what happens, we will always have a 1000+ fixit fics :)
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22degreehalo · 1 year ago
One of the interesting things about Andy in terms of like shitty parent situation flavour and all is that, he really seems to crave the approval of his mum and dad, and definitely recognises that they love his brother more than him, but they like... actually don't even seem to have any expectations for him at all anymore from what we see
Like his whole family deal was of course sorta infamously all over the place based on what the writers thought was funny in any given moment (like if not for secretaries he wouldn't have a step mom, but then likes this other place because it's where his parents decided not to get divorced), but the most consistent vibe I get is just that they like. Already gave up on him and treat him as at best a family embarrassment they'd rather not acknowledge. And he MOSTLY seems to understand that and tries to prove them wrong and win them back over in his endlessly optimistic sort of way but Garden Party proves that they just. don't even seem to care anymore? At all? And all of Andy's like valorisation of his family history and desires to prove himself to them only really matter in his head.
It's just interesting from the perspective of like, him being queer. Because on the one hand yeah, it would conflict with his own sorta Self Image that he has both painstakingly and not entirely consciously concocted? The one he ruthlessly maintains at all times despite not seeming to have any particularly great intellectual self-awareness of? Which is a thing in itself: Andy isn't exactly the greatest character for like... self-reflection. To put it mildly. So it's hard to imagine how he'd navigate that kind of personal discovery and integrating it into his general behaviour, self-identity etc. And ultimately yes, his mum and dad wouldn't be too fond of having an openly bi son. Especially in the late 00s slash early 10s.
But also, in Gossip, he actually... does seem to question whether or not he's queer!! And try to pursue and evaluate it earnestly!! (Of course in fitting with the above, it's not because of any PERSONAL feelings or discoveries, just...... other people have said it. So maybe it HAS to be true??) Like, he doesn't seem THAT far down into the 'haha that couldn't POSSIBLY be true!' self-denial or whatever. And he doesn't seem THAT freaked out or upset by the possibility, either: just really, really confused!
Maybe that's it: he just feels this intense, constant desire to act however other people expect him to act. (Which....... relatable as dude lmaooo.) If other people keep thinking he's gay, then well: guess he's gotta have to act like a gay dude. But he has to get Oscar's guidance, of course, and then ultimately demands Michael just tell him. Maybe it's just a chameleon thing, and if his parents came by in this episode for some reason he'd be immediately like pshhht no way would the Nard-dog ever be up for that! He's a Cornell grad, equals a CATCH, and he is totally prepared for marrying a sufficiently classy lady to match! (Cue Oscar giving him the stink-eye in the background.)
So. Would there be a fear of like, parental disapproval...? Because while they wouldn't approve... I can't see them disapproving much more than they already do. It seems more likely that it would just bolster the view of him that they already have. But I don't think Andy is THAT pessimistic about it. And maybe that's it: it's almost comforting to think that they wouldn't want him to be queer, because that'd mean they actually care on some level about him. It's harder to admit that he could tell them anything and they'd just sigh and roll their eyes and keep going as they are.
IDK man. I'm working on another fic (my annual Christmas fic~~) and when it came to fill out the obligatory internalised homophobia subthemes I realised it was actually kinda a lot more complicated than I first assumed, lol.
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storynerd121 · 11 months ago
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it's not saturday anymore (at least for me) but i don't care and i hope you don't either...
(yes, i'm gonna ask you one for nearly each point, cause... that's like my personality...)
i'm not very original here, but i'm excited for your answers!!!
☆ fuck, marry, kill:
(really not original, but i wanna knowwwww)
james, sirius, remus?
regulus, evan, barty?
mary, dorcas, marlene? (and lily too?? ahhhh how can i add her???)
☆ top 3 of...
hmmm... i'm gonna do that differently: if you could only eat (don't worry about drinking) 3 things for the rest of your life, what would it be?
☆ are you a dog or a cat person?
☆ ahhhhhhhhhh i can't think of something for the next two... (okay, that's like half true i'm just too shy... sorry...)
☆ headcanons... that's a long answer probably? and this is so long already... but... tell me something if you want to? about anything? anddd one question: what do you think about ravenclaw barty?
☆ hmmmm... i don't really knowww... okay, this is weird maybe, but i think, you'd be awesome in a cartoon? that isn't even question-related... yeppp... i mean that in the nicest way possible btw!!! i think you're that mix of being sweet and cool that i associate with cartoon characters? okay... that's kinda dumb... my social anxiety/awkwardness is screaming at me... (what i mean is that i think you'd be awesome in a cartoon what leads to that maybe i'd ship you with a cartoon character? but i don't know enough about cartoon to give a character... i just kinda got that vibe...)
☆ my day was kinda boring... nothing special, but also very chilled...
how are you doing? how was your day? :)
hiiiii!! Thx for all the questions (im bored so this is perfect for rn. i honestly don't care if its not sat. anymore lol.) Anyways here's my answers.
☆ fuck, marry, kill:
kill james (im sorry my love 😭 i still adore u), fuck sirius (i may be ace but u get the point), and marry remus (bc we would be book lovers together).
kill barty (😭😭😭), fuck evan (bc why not), and marry regulus (he's just a bby thats in need of love). (bro it was so hard to choe between barty and evan omg. im still not sure lmao)
i'm gonna do fuck, slap, mary, kill for the girls bc i wanna add lily in. marry lily (ily queen), fuck dorcas, slap marlene, and kill mary (im gonna be honest here i dont rly know/read a lot abt them but i wanna read more good fics so recommendations r welcome)
☆ top 3:
Ok so if i could only eat 3 things for the rest of my life it'd probably be.... chocolate (bc i need it), chicken (bc i need protein and why not), and peas (my fav veggie). thats a hard question lol. i kinda just picked what i need for a balanced (ish) diet....
☆ dog or a cat person?
i love dogs, but im a cat person. (i also have 2 dogs and 1 cat. i love them all <3)
☆ headcanons… that's a long answer probably? and this is so long already… but… tell me something if you want to? about anything? anddd one question: what do you think about ravenclaw barty?
ooooo, ok. so ravenclaw barty (bc im starting with the question). I honestly like it. I feel like he's both sytherin and ravenclaw (like me) and i honestly like him in both houses. ig sytherin is a little better for him but honestly i still like him in both. idk why it just feels kinda right?? (and he still gets cute moments with evan in both houses so i cool with both lol)
hmmmm... a headcanon of mine..... i'm gonna stick to the marauders fandom bc why not. one of my fav headcanons is just soft reggie. like just for james. he's srsly so adorable and he loves to cuddle with his bf (even tho he's to embarrassed to ask at first so james just kinda pulls him into a hug/kiss every time he senses reg doesn't wanna ask and reg gets all flustered. he does get comfortable with it eventually tho). another one of my fav headcanons is abt wolfstar. I feel like siri is the one who stays with rem after every full and they just snuggle and enjoy each other. even before they get together (rem is so scared of ruining everything by confessing so he just holds it in bc he just loves siri so fucking much that it physically hurts him to even think of losing him.) anyways one day after the full they're chilling on rem's bed and siri just whispers i love you bc he needs to say it and they both just freeze. siri apologizes over and over and rem is just kinda stuck on the fact that siri actually said i love you?? to him?? and then he registers that sirius is crying so he just kisses him before he can think abt it. it ends well ofc. (i feel like these aren't rly headcanons and they're just little random stories but we're going with it for now lol)
☆ okay, this is weird maybe, but i think, you'd be awesome in a cartoon? that isn't even question-related… yeppp… i mean that in the nicest way possible btw!!! i think you're that mix of being sweet and cool that i associate with cartoon characters? okay… that's kinda dumb… my social anxiety/awkwardness is screaming at me… (what i mean is that i think you'd be awesome in a cartoon what leads to that maybe i'd ship you with a cartoon character? but i don't know enough about cartoon to give a character… i just kinda got that vibe…)
thank u!!! idk why but this is honestly rly sweet! cartoon characters r awesome so i absolutley love this thank u! u may have just made my day lol. (also the social akwardness is so relatable lmao) also a ship with a cartoon character? that sounds kinda interesting....lmk if u think of someone bc now im kinda curious lol. (i've never been in a relationship but im curious to see what cartoon vibes i give off and who u'd ship me with)
☆ my day was kinda boring… nothing special, but also very chilled…how are you doing? how was your day? :)
my day was pretty good actually! i hung out a friend's house (i haven't seen the friend in a while so it was cool to see them again) for a while so that was nice. although the misgendering was kinda annoying.... im doing meh. im rly anxious abt my upcoming presentation and also everything i've gotta do but i'm ok rn. how r u? ur day honestly sounds nice (i love lazy days so i may be biased lmao). I hope it was nice to have a relaxing-ish day tho.
thx so much for the ask btw!! ur sirius-ly awesome (ignore my marauders humor but i had to). <3
byeeeee!! <3
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daisychains111 · 1 year ago
live "tweet" books with me (via the goodreads progress bar) pt.2: Lore by Alexandra Bracken
idk who the narrator of the first part was, but I'm very confused...if he's not a god anymore is her love interest...or maybe her dad?
who is gil...how did he die?
her grandfather? wasn't gonna guess that
potential love interest spotted..hey masked dude
oooooo does she know him? intrigue
potential love interest #2...van hello
I cannot stress enough how happy I am that her name isn't actually lore
wait nvm it is actually her name...that's stupid
Annabeth come get you mom, this is embarrassing
Percy come get your namesake ancestor...this is embarrassing
they are saying a lot of words that mean absolutely nothing to me?
happy to report that her name isn't actually lore...thank God...gods? whatever
"the Olympics but with murder" Nothing better happen to Miles bc I love him already
HAH poseidon and perseus reference
(I'm gonna spend this whole book talking about pjo just fyi)"
I get this feeling that apollo let Castor kill him
nooooo not the doggg
castor out here with the Olympians shittiest moments highlight reel to remind athena that he's cooler than her
oooo are miles and van gonna be a thing..that would be cute
athena deciding to keep miles around like he's a puppy is peak comedy
just because you're pointing out that the names are getting stupider doesn't mean you don't lose a point for continuing to name your characters stupid things
van and miles going on a secret special side quest together? mmmmhhmmm checks out
don't get me wrong I love a good enemy's to lovers but istg destiny if she gets with the guy who killed her family I will never forgive you
I am directly halfway done with this book, and there has yet to be one single ounce of romantic subplot...This is extremely disappointing"
I asked for romantic subplot but idk if this is what I wanted...however I'm a suckered for childhood best friends to lovers so we'll see"
"do that again when you mean it golden" period you tell her castor (I 1000% agree)
also him calling her golden is cute...even if I'm not sure why he does it"
hehe miles and van bonding time.. thats a romantic subplot I can get behind"
"oh so you're in love with him" YOU TELL HIM MILES
throwing away the necklace as if it's not extremely likely it's the thing you need...aces move lore, stop pouting and think
istg if you kill castor rn I'll never forgive you
ATHENA YOU MOTHERFUCKER...I should've know better than to fucking trust you
it doesn't make sense that she's had aegis the whole time and wasn't even thinking about it enough to hide it from readers...im sorry thats just lame"
this book lacks interesting romantic subplot but " I was born knowing how to do three things: how to breathe how to dream and how to love you" is the smoothest shit ever"
him calling her golden? cute...her calling him big guy? really fucking weird
istg don't pin with a couple separated by mortality, I can't handle that rn
HEHE lore calling van out for staring longingly at miles
lore and miles bestie vibes only
I get the sickening feeling castor will not be making it out of this book alive
holy shit she killed athena"
holy shot did athena just redeem herself
apollo let castor kill him CALLED IT
This book wasn't bad but after the literally masterpiece that is the darkest minds series I expected more from miss bracken...the only reason I was able to read this as fast as I did was bc I had to finish it to read iron flame LOL
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katatonicimpression · 1 year ago
Two entirely unrelated lukewarm takes:
I don't personally vibe with kid fics, headcanons about a ship's offspring or any of that barefoot and pregnant twee fantasy stuff. Not my cup of tea. And that's my business, no one else's. But I do kind of resent how every m/f ship gets so much of this stuff. Even when it feels at odds with the characters. Like, shocking I know, but marriage and pregnancy aren't inherently the happy ending for a female character. Idk broaden your minds that's all.
Slightly warmer take: whether or not you think Steve was ooc in endgame for leaving the way he did (personally I'm middling about it), the thing I genuinely could never see him doing is hanging around in the modern day, in his young super powered body, and still passing on the mantle to Sam. For a start, I don't think it would occur to him to give it to Sam in that scenario, even if he quit independently. And secondly, Steve ain't that nice. His motivation for giving the shield to Sam was partly the fact that he didn't want it anymore and he felt that Sam should be pleased and grateful for it. He loves Sam, and thinks that he's more than capable of doing it, but this gesture isn't entirely respectful either. Anyway, I just fully do not see it. Any of these scenarios people write where Steve is around and young and chilling and Sam is still cap just read as unconvincing. Also, guys, say it with me. Its OK if people are old. A character no longer seeming fuckable to you is fine. That's not a thing you need to fix.
In the comics, Steve's motivation to give Sam the shield is that his body rapidly aged and he literally couldn't do it anymore. Again, it wasn't just spontaneously quitting and giving it to Sam because Steve wouldn't do that - it's not what he's like. It's out of character.
When Steve gets young again he's briefly technically a different guy but OK when they get rid of hydra!Steve, he does go back to being Cap eventually at a time where Sam has already quit over the whole "my ex partner is a secret nazi wtf is happening" thing. Now sam is cap again, but they both are. They're officially sharing the mantle. Steve doesn't acknowledge Sam when he's not there. They barely work together. As far as most people in universe and most marvel comics writers are concerned, Steve is cap, and Sam is also there. This is kind of a terrible scenario for a few reasons, but I do think it's in character for Steve.
He's possessive over the title, it's absolutely the main thing in his life, even if that's lame of him. I don't think he would ever hand over the reins and elevate Sam over him as the captain America unless he was quitting super stuff entirely, and he wouldn't quit super stuff unless he was too old to do it.
And maybe it sucks that there's this in built antagonism, or competitiveness with the two caps. That they're not truly on even footing in the audiences eyes, or the characters themselves. That what they're doing with Steve is taking away from Sam. That's a shit scenario. But I will say, this isn't spiderverse. This isn't a "we're all the same superhero with our own unique twist and we coexist". That silly mini series about all the gimmicky cap characters aside, no most of the time it's this dynamic between these two men who aren't as good friends as they used to be.
And that's a downer but yeah that's my thought.
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xplrvibes · 1 year ago
tbh, i don't even know what to believe anymore when im on Twitter. there's people who are completely okay with snc with k and m, and then there's people who are saying they don't trust the girls, or the girls give off bad vibes. some of it is mainly towards k since people say she was the who got m with colby, when ms singer liked him. i've also seen people say 'slutty behavior' towards the girls or they're using snc, and people say m is a 'homie hopper'...personally, i don't know what to think about them 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
The "girls giving bad vibes" thing happens anytime Colby (and I guess now Sam) has a new girl in his life, lol. According to some people, all he does is pick girls with the aura of spoiled milk 🤣.
The "slutty behavior" thing is not ok. People shouldn't be slut shaming the girls or Colby for their outfits or their appearance or their perceived sexual lives. That's just childish, antiquated bullshit, wrapped up in a bit of jealousy.
These girls got the guys. These fans who are upset, either feel a) they lost their chance, b) the ship they were shipping (solby/brolby/sholby/satrina/stolby?/etc) is sinking and they are really pissed that snc the characters in their favorite soap operas didn't go with who they wanted them to be with, or c) they are afraid that serious relationships=the end of the snc conglomerate as we know it.
Or maybe all 3, idk. I highly doubt the same people slut shaming these girls for their outfits or sexual proclivities are that worried about them being "girls' girls" or supporting other women, since these fans can't even seem to do that themselves, so I doubt anyone truly cares about the Ms Singer thing or the supposed "homie hopping." After all, some of them were doing this with Ms Singer when she was in the picture, so...🤷‍♀️
Anyway, these fans can dislike them all they want, I suppose - but they could at least come up with a better reason than "well she has fake boobs and only bad people do that 🥴."
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buffintruder · 1 year ago
man I feel like we don't consume the same media as much anymore tbh so. that character ask game you reblogged + the first character that comes to mind from Kamen rider + #1, 11, 12, 13, 27?
Thank you for sending an ask! You can definitely always send things about stuff we used to be in but are not as much anymore. I'm definitely not going to back down from an excuse to talk about Kamen Rider though haha
I'm going to do Hajime from Kamen Rider Blade just because I was working on a fic about him earlier, and I love him
My first impression of them
This is a bit weird because I did see the last episode of the show before anything else, and he's a lot more emotionally connected to people (specifically Kenzaki), and mostly I remember him looking like he's about to cry when asking Kenzaki not to leave. From watching the show in order though, he's just a gruff guy who loves two (2) people in the world (the single mom and daughter that he lives with and are basically his family now)
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
I think I mostly just feel kind of sad? To this day I think my first thought is the really sad and desperate expression he makes in the last episode. Honestly I think my entire thought process is "Hajime!!! Hajime :((" when I think about him. His whole existence is a bit tragic (guy created to destroy the world but unfortunately happens to really like some of the people and things in it)
12. Sexuality hc!
Uhhh aroace-spec gay. He doesn't use those labels, but that roughly corresponds to what he is. I think he's in love with Kenzaki and that's about it (is there a sexual attraction element? idk, up to you). He doesn't know what he is doing or what is going on regarding his feelings for the most part. Maybe he could be attracted to other people, but honestly I don't think he cares enough about other people for it to go anywhere even if he was (yes he will fight monsters to save their lives, no he does not have any interest in talking to them). Plus I think there's an element of like, after everything Kenzaki did for him, is it even worth being into someone if they didn't swear to fight fate for him and then give up their life for him? (Honestly, I don't understand how romance or sexuality works, and I project this onto every single nonhuman character I encounter)
13. Your favorite friendship they have
I feel like the obvious choice here is Hajime and Amane. He may have killed her dad? Now he lives with this 9-10 year old and she draws pictures of them that he hangs up on his wall, and he would die for her and she would tear the world apart to find him if he left. He's not quite a father figure to her, but he's also not not one. She helped inspire a love of humanity and of being alive in him. But shout out to Haruka (widower who let this random guy live with her, and he clearly has Something up with him, but she won't press him about it. Absolutely 0 romantic tension between them despite him sort of parenting her daughter, what a dynamic) because I think there's a lot of potential there that people don't tap into much.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I decided to challenge myself by not picking another Kamen Rider character. I honestly think maybe the Doctor from Doctor Who? It's been a while since I've seen that show, but they both have kind of a vibe of "immortal lonely men, the last of their kind but invested in humanity." They'd probably have a somewhat philosophical conversation and the Doctor might give him a bit of hope and encouragement, but they'd both be able to commiserate
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fairyyybread · 1 year ago
Mmm the obsession is real (This is just gonna be me obsessing over the framing of everything- It's gonna be a lot to read. Sorry not sorry).
Even if they don't fully realize it I am obsessed with the composition of the scenes. In the first scene we are panned into Grian's room from a distance, but since we're starting in the room with warm lighting looking at him asleep, it gives a sense of a peaceful morning. It's such a simple thing but it conveys the story in the way it needs to be shown. We aren't viewing from the outside where Jimmy would be standing, we aren't looking in through his window, we aren't peering through a doorway of any sorts. We are simply seeing Mr. Princess man resting early in the morning. It's the perfect amount of distance and lighting to convey the right mood, before it's quickly disrupted by Jimmy knocking at the door. Moving on, the scene where we DO get to see Grian from outside the window. When he sits down in the chair and we see the black substance crawl up outside. The placement of this scene is so AAA! The framing is perfect for the buildup of suspense. We had a lighthearted moment of everyone having their costumes showed off with Grian finally sitting to rest. If this frame was shown any sooner or later it would've given a different vibe. Idk how to describe it. It's just perfectly placed. It helps switch into the more serious issue later on in the chapter. It's eerie, it's concerning. It makes you go, "What's gonna happen to Grian? Why is there a black substance crawling up to him?" And that's EXACTLY the goal I think this frame is trying to have. It's the build-up to quickly switch to the main plot of this arc.
Scar in the light hallway as he hears a noise, asking someone to come with him to check. We don't know what's in there, we're following Scar with as much confusion and worry as he does. Peering into the room to see Elle on the floor. The only light is from the outside of that hallway, giving the perfect amount of shock as the characters panic and try to make Elle wake up. Like a kid scared of the dark, peering into their bedroom and asking their parent to check under the bed for a monster. Despite Scar being positioned in his wheelchair, we're still looking down at them in the dark at the end of page 11, the shadows giving a sense of serious dramatics. Everything is serious now. There is no light anymore. The hues of the last few pages are all dark. People are passing out, there's confusion and panic and fear. Scar pulls the fire alarm in a tilted panel. It's such a simple thing to do but SO effective. Everything quickly delved into chaos. People NEEDED to get out of the school. Students running away in panic. By this point, the only light we see in the comic for the rest of the part is Tango's hair. Everything is dark, eerie, worrying. Despite how much Tango is anxious about his appearance, he's also the only true light that can help guide them out of the building while holding Ren and Bdubs. Ren's distressed yet soft expression as he's passed out on Scar is also just really well drawn. The final page where we see Scar call Cub, where the lighting of Tango's hair adds that dramatic flare to the scene that elevates the anxiousness they are clearly feeling and we are feeling alongside them. How the final text bubble is simply "Cub, we have a problem." It's a good cliffhanger and a good way to make suspense. Maybe I'm just reading far too into things but god I LOVEEE analyzing the scenes in this comic so much and getting to deep dive into the way the characters are characterized through writing too. This is a lot but it's not even all of what I have in my mind.
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Part I
I know it's almost new year but I don't care, it's Halloween again people (this part was supposed to be posed in October but things happen)
Once again thank you @xmaruu11 not only for being the co-writer of the comic but also for doing the flat colors
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spectershaped · 1 month ago
Psychonauts 2 spoilers
Okay I was wrong about Otto being the mole BUT
a) the actual reveal is so good. This game is re-litigating Romanov Child Murder Discourse on the side of "IDK maybe the aristocracy's kids DID hava bad vibes". Also in hindsight it's kind of brilliant how the name "Nick Johnsmith" is VERY obviously an alias someone from the other side of the planet might come up wih for a guy from the US but it never stands out because this is a game with people called "Dogen Boole"
b) I do actually think the game is doing something with Otto in its own way? Like, he's the only one of the Psychic Sixven who came out of the whole ordeal in Grulovia relatively unscathed (unless you count Helmut being mostly fine despite the decades of cold sleep) and he's the guy most consistently present in his colleagues' mindscapes, minus Ford's (ironically, since they seem to be long time buddies even more so than the others). They...don't seem to have a flattering view of Otto: Cassie thinks he's full of hot air, Compton sees him as a judgmental figure, Helmut seems to think he's a bit of a lech and from what I've read Bob's inner Otto says something about Bob being useful but annoying and a "package deal" with Helmut? And, you know, they're also projecting their own hangups, but there's something to be said about Otto being this figure that Got Away Alright from their perspective (and from his perspective?) and how this means there isn't really a lot of commiseration or connection there anymore, if there ever even was to begin with. Otto always comes across to me as someone who's a bone fide genius and also often pretty affable and laid-back, but who has a rather callous side to him when it comes to the more tender, heart-to-heart stuff; even when he projects his mind, he does it using that pendant thingy, which feels like it represents a degree of separation in contrast with everyone else. And I think that makes Otto a very interesting character - you don't go into his mind partly because the way he's kinda shitty is just very normal and unremarkable. Nothing stuck to him and so the way his colleagues behave is this weirdness he doesn't fully Get or know how to deal with, and sometimes you kinda just avoid the things that make you feel unequipped, especially if you've got this whole thing about being a super smart science man
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lemonlightt · 5 months ago
as someone who used to be hyperfixated on everything disney (when i was 5 it was my EVERYTHING. i know everything about the parks atp) what are they DOING?
the tiana bayou. i love tiana and everything but they...based it on ....being after the movie? they removed all of the excitint elements of the movie for finding....an animal band? they scrapped dr facilier for the drop and iconic spash mountain drop is like 20 seconds of nothing?????? could u imagine if the drop was friends on the other side and as u hit the lift you hear "are you readyyy" and u KNOW whats coming? a "chase" scene too? theu removed dr facilier bc of the voodoo stuff liie....but that's just another black character disney has thrown away and for what? all mama odie does now is turn u into a frog...? but mama odie shows the good and dr facilier shows the bad? prince naveen isnt? even part of it? except one thing at the end?
then they open it in scorching florida heat and people r dropping like flies bc its so hot but they wanna get on the ride? the virtual queues r useless? people going for the previews (imagineers, youtubers etc) didnt even get on the ride and most left emptyhanded? but they cant say anything bc they dont wanna lose disneys "respect" or whatever (as if disney has respect for ANYONE anymore)
but all of the animatronics are broken bc ofc theyre not hydraulics! they're electrics that are triggered by the boats instead of running on a constant loop. what the fuck. they're also electrics on a water boat ride? they put in screens that ruin the vibe completely too
people need to stop teaching disney that they can halfass everything and get money from it . stop giving disney ur money. go to a local theme park. this place was supposed to be accessible to the whole family and now it's 223$ just to have a waffle.
btw tbf this is my own opinion! leave me alone! i just dislike it. it's nice that tiana has a more permanent place in the park and it's probably enjoyable for kids but idk. i dislike it! disney is being taught they can get away with making shitty things and genuinely just go to a local theme park! idkkkkk. maybe im being dramatic. i feel like throwing away a well.loved black character too was a bad choice. the issue lies in the fact that this is not based during the movie but after so you don't experience moments youd like too
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