#maybe it’s the sleep deprivation talking cause usually I have fun with this aspect
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With most of my side characters in my crossover, I try to nail them to at least one clothing design. However. I’ve just drafted a character who is GOING to have multiple outfits, which means finding the ‘generic’ outfit is HARD
#not really relevant. just complaining#she’s gonna be so much fun to reveal and design but OH WILL SHE BE HARD TOO#because I have to design ALL HER OUTFITS#maybe it’s the sleep deprivation talking cause usually I have fun with this aspect#especially since I made a whole Pinterest board of inspiration for her which I never do#for ANY of my characters#anyways#httyd/the deep crossover#httyd oc
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hi posting third chapter of my death note fic on this account whatever. not a lot happens yet but L appears in this one. (ao3)
(first chapter)
(previous chapter)
It was as if only a second had passed when he opened his eyes to the ringing of his alarm. Usually, he could wake up at whatever time he wanted with no need for an alarm, but he had set it as a precaution so he would not be late to school in case he accidentally fell asleep during one of the last few sleepless nights. He sat up in bed and stretched. It would probably take several more nights of good sleep for him to be completely well rested, but he no longer felt so sleep deprived, and his hand hurt less. For the sake of his health, he was definitely going to have to ease up on the judgements.
“Thought you’d never get up.” Right. There was a demon in his room.
“Good morning, Ryuk. I hope you didn’t cause any trouble at night.”
“Hyuk, hyuk. The human world is fun. I flew around and ate some apples.”
Light decided not to press about where exactly he had acquired those apples, but made a mental note that the shinigami’s affinity for apples may come to be a useful piece of information. “Alright. Have fun, but don’t let other humans know you’re here, or they might catch me and your fun will be over.”
A group of his classmates was gathered by the entrance to the school. Everyone appeared to be animatedly discussing something. Could it be? He greeted them. “What’s going on?”
A quiet girl from his class whom he had never really talked to previously (though he did recall watching her draw in class, creating near photographic representations of their classmates and teachers) turned towards him. “Have you read the news?”
“I haven’t really been online the past few days. Busy studying. What happened?”
“So busy with your studies that you barely remember us simple mortals, of course, Yagami. Last night, in the span of less than an hour, ten of the world’s richest people donated all their wealth to charity and dropped dead. Then, people on social media started noticing that the past few days, people have been dying under similar circumstances. Some members of criminal organizations around the world have turned themselves and their accomplices in before dying immediately after. Serial killers, rapists, child abusers. It would seem obvious that this is the doing of some government, maybe the CIA or something, but the thing is, corrupt government officials have been dying too, and the events of last night probably eliminate this possibility. Some people have even been saying it’s divine judgment, that those who harm others are being eliminated. It’s just speculation of course. I’m sure everyone here would be curious to know what you think.”
It was all going according to plan. Light suppressed his smile and pretended to be deep in thought, as if taking in this information for the first time. “Very interesting. I can’t say I have heard of something like this happening before, though that much is obvious. Normally, I would say these are just accidents that happened to coincide, but the probability of such a series of coincidences happening is so unlikely that if this was a scientific study we would be forced to conclude something else is going on here. My guess as to what exactly is as good as yours though.” He told everyone he would see them in class and politely excused himself.
For once, Light was grateful he did not have to pay attention in class because it gave him time to reassess his situation and plan ahead (while ignoring Ryuk’s antics in the background). His initial actions were hasty and based on limited information. He had done the best he could with the large number of unknown variables, but now that he knew for certain that he was in for the long run, it was essential to assess every aspect at play and pursue the optimal course of action.
So far, he was pleased with the results, but it was too early to tell how everything would play out, and if any unpleasant surprises would surface. What he did the day before was a necessary gamble. It was a bold move to go for some of what would seem like the most important targets so early, and he had hesitated. He was not an idiot and it was obvious to him that it was unlikely that all billionaires would suddenly start giving away all their money and restructuring their enterprises according to the principles of worker democracy. The far more likely outcome would be that they would store their assets in offshore accounts, with the bonus of tax evasion, and it would be anywhere between extremely time-consuming and impossible for him alone to figure out who owns what. Perhaps at that point he could rely on his supporters (at this point in time, he did not know of any supporters, but he was sure there would be many people who would see his righteousness eventually).
Given this, it would seem to any reasonable observer that this was an impulsive move expected of a teenager given too much power. But to Light, this was a lower-risk move compared to starting by eliminating “bad” political leaders to make a point, because it was more attention-catching yet did not pose as much of an issue with finding replacements. And just as one cannot win a game of chess using only pawns, he could not achieve his goals by going only after small targets.
Bathed in the blue glow of monitors in his dark office, L stacked a dozen sugar cubes into his tea and pressed on them with a spoon, watching the hot tea seep into the sugar, softening and dissolving it. He stirred it slightly, took a sip of the slightly crunchy sugary slush, then brought his eyes back to the screen.
An unlikely series of deaths around the world had caught his attention in the past week. Such things were not extraordinary in his work, but what was extraordinary about this case was the worldwide spread of victims, lack of any kind of physical evidence, and almost deliberate conspicuousness, as if the killer (if there was one, and this was precisely the point that led L to suspect there was) wanted to be noticed. It was so conspicuous, in fact, that he predicted it would be a matter of a few days before law enforcement agencies noticed and contacted him.
Something caught his eye. Impossible! He took this thumb out of his mouth and stared. There was no doubt now.
His phone rang.
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Bliss 7 and 12 please ;-;
Thank you anon, I absolutely adored writing this prompt, but being me I ended up with more angst than I planned to write for such a sweet prompt, but the ending is soft I swear. I hope you like it
Prompt Bliss 7. “Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.”
Ryan doesn’t know what they are even doing at this point.
This is the tenth time this month that he had lingered at the office after work, throwing himself into doing and redoing his editing as people trickled out and the buzz faded away. His neck is straining and his eyes ache, but he catches himself before he rubs them, not wanting to jostle the contacts. The office is not the pinnacle of comfort and luxury, but he would give up his bed and all his jerseys if it meant he could be spared from his mind.
There is no use thinking about it really, what’s done is done, but he can’t help his reluctance. It’s just an apartment, his rationality says. But why does every empty space hurt to look at, his heart whispers.
There are so many of them now.
So he had hung back, and Shane had stayed with him, the two of them editing their various projects side by side, a giant bucket of Chicago Popcorn™ Shane’s parents had sent between them.
The problem, as it usually was, is that Shane’s company and some good old fashioned sleep deprivation don’t mix well, and productivity took the fallout, their work ethic gradually sliding off the table until they’re positively undoing efforts that they’ve already put out.
Yes, maybe Ryan had something to do with Shane’s elbow and back crashing onto his laptop keyboard and deleting nearly two hours of editing, but it’s Shane’s fault he doesn’t save the videos every two minutes like Ryan does, non-compulsively of course.
So their nights aren’t the most productive, but it’s off-hours so no one can really tell them off. The office is empty, unflipped light switches plunging patches of desks into shadow between the bright spots in mesmerizing patterns. The warehouse desk layout leaves much space for the mind to fill, but Ryan’s worked here for so long that he knows every twist and turn. He’d bet good money that he’d win in a ghost race through this organized mess.
Ryan’s pretty sure the only person doing actual work tonight has chosen to evacuate from their desk to one of the corners farthest away from the pair of them. He feels a little bad to bother him with the un-moderated volume of their conversations and the not-so-infrequent giggling fits, but right now he’s too relaxed and happy to care. It’s the only time he gets to feel like this anyway.
The Unsolved title card flashes, pulling his attention back to the screen, a white bar inching through the multicolored blocks of carefully compiled video and audio files at the bottom of the monitor. Ryan’s quite proud of this one, the crew were able to get some stellar shots on-location and there was probably one of the clearest spirit box replies they’ve gotten, no matter how hard the other man tries to discount it.
“Aww you cut that part out again?’ Shane pouts beside him, headphones perched precariously on his big head.
"You can’t just go and tell ghosts they’re gonna be on Youtube every time.” Ryan swivels his chair to face Shane, a lofty air in his voice as he does his best to look down his nose at the other man, even going so far as pumping his seat up a few inches. Shane’s lip trembles like he’s holding back a laugh. It’s an argument they’ve had before, and Ryan knows how it’s going to go almost down to the line, but it’s always fun, so he plays the game.
“And why not?"
"They’re not from this time, they don’t even know what electricity is!”
“So you are admitting the spirit box is wack.” Shane rubs his hands together evilly, smiling so wide he could have been in that truth or dare movie, no special effects needed. “Oh, this is very good.”
“I did not say that,” Ryan protests, nudging Shane’s leg with a foot and feeling intensely satisfied when the boot leaves a dirt mark on the other man’s dark jeans. Jeez, they are literal children sometimes, but Ryan never has this much fun.
“It’s just, they’re ghosts, and they’re making the effort to reach out to talk to these two idiots, cut them some slack.”
“You’re the only idiot here. I, Shane Madej, am a man of science.” Shane doesn’t even have to level up his seat and he’s still taller than Ryan. It is so, so not fair.
“This is science!”
“Uh-huh,” Shane says, deadpan. There is movement just out of Ryan’s periphery, and he cranes his head to see the guy leave, wincing internally. He should probably apologize for being loud, but that can totally wait a day. Maybe two.
“There has been plenty of evidence on ghosts and you know it.”
“From what I’ve seen? You really want to go into that?” There’s a challenge in Shane’s posture, and Ryan feels a rush in his chest that overruns the empty ache there, sees the trap but he jumps anyway.
“Hell yeah I do, we’ve caught some pretty good stuff along the way, Waverly, ‘brown and white’? The freaking Sallie House?"
"We both know the whole flashlight test is horseshit, Ryan.” Shane smirks, leaning back in his chair languidly with his hands behind his head, “As to the rest of those, the demons and ghosties gotta work harder than that, cause right now they don’t seem very interesting.”
“How dare you! They’re more than interesting. They were all people once.”
“Let’s list what they’ve done, hmm? Jostling toothpaste, nudging bouncy balls, whispers so gentle you can’t even–”
“Nope I’m not letting you trivialize the evidence, it was fucking creepy to hear those on location.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re a wimp.”
“Fuck you.” Ryan shoots back, but there’s no real feeling behind it. He pulls a serious face to match Shane’s, squaring his shoulders and oh watch how fast he folds now.
The other man’s joy is infectious, and soon Ryan is joining him, their laughs swallowed up by the high ceilings and far walls. Ryan’s eyes catch on the lights shining down on Shane, tracing golden lines along the edges of his lanky figure against the shadowed monotony of conference rooms. Breathless and curling into themselves, their gazes meet and linger across five feet of space.
They’re just two guys working into the small hours of the night, just another aspect of their life that their ghost hunting career has bled into, it’s all normal.
Except it isn’t.
Neither of them needs to be here to work, least of all Shane, and really, Ryan thinks with a twist in his chest, it has just been the two of them spending time in each other’s company. And Ryan does genuinely enjoy it. He loves the ease of their interactions, how they can hound each other mercilessly and bicker, how Shane can poke that special unhinged laugh out of him and make him forget about everything else.
And how he, in turn, can make the big guy’s eyes all curvy and bright like no one does.
But there’s no use thinking about things like that.
There could be, a small voice says, a light shining weak in the churning abyss. Ryan passes a hand over his face and keeps it there, not trusting himself to not let his heart spill right out.
He had thought he found the one with Helen, the person in the world he’d like to spend his life with, but then things had started falling apart, and she had left. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, Ryan knows, but he had gotten used to having someone to come home to, someone who knows him for who he is.
You can have that again, the voice goes on small and determined, and Ryan wishes he could block it out. Isn’t he always good at that on their investigations? It was basically in the fucking job description.
You just have to let yourself see.
Shane is safe, someone to trust, someone to rely on. No one else would have born with him all the times he lost his mind in those haunted places. No one else would have hummed Mama Mia to him constantly in those first days when Ryan hid the pain so well on camera, knowing the familiar tune would take the tears away, if only for a minute. Just one Shane Madej hailing from the Land of Lincoln, his co-host, his best friend, and the most important constant grounding him while the rest of his world is turned up-side-down.
“You okay buddy?” There is a sharp tone in Shane’s voice, and Ryan belatedly realizes his eyes are wet. Shane’s face is flushed from laughing, but now he leans forward and there is suddenly so much care in the slight tension of his shoulders that Ryan wants to cry.
He can’t risk losing this, he doesn’t know what he would do if he manages to fuck up this last good thing in his life.
“Yeah,” He gives the other man a small smile, turning back to his screen to start up the video again, and he feels Shane relaxing back into his chair reluctantly.
Soon he’s leaning forward again, attention rapt on every little detail Ryan had painstakingly compiled.
“Hmm, didn’t you make a face at that point?” Shane taps a finger against his chin, eyes narrowed in concentration as Ryan reaches out to pause the replay, the lines of blue and yellow stark against the black background.
“Oh, that? I didn’t think it would anyone would be interested to see it.” Ryan’s fingers tap at the keys for a few seconds, pulling up the clip from the front camera and overlaying it on the video.
"I didn’t know it was gonna scare ya.” Screen-Shane says, tipping his head to the side and schooling his face into an impressive mask of innocence as he batted his eyes at screen-Ryan.
In-real-life Ryan feels warmth coil in his chest at the memory, and he smiles as he watches himself sputter for a bit, finally settling on a determined, You know what you did. He actually huffs out a laugh at his piss poor attempt to look intimidating, when the camera angle in the VO booth put Shane so much clearly taller.
On the screen, Shane’s looking down at Ryan with a grin, though he at least has the self-awareness to look a little sheepish. Their eyes lock, and with an appropriate pause for dramatic effect, “I do.”
The clip takes another few seconds to end, their raucous laughter sound from his speakers. Then Ryan’s left with the still of both of them looking at the camera, frozen grins bright on their faces, captured in time.
And Ryan’s caught in fucking limbo again, his free hand flexing in on empty air at the edge of his desk.
“Good stuff huh?” Shane’s voice is quiet.
“Yeah.” Breathe, just breathe, how is that so hard? It shouldn’t be this hard.
“You considering switching the text out for this?” There’s a smile in Shane’s voice, and Ryan clears his throat and drags in a shuddering breath.
“No it's—I’ll uh, I’ll put it in.” He hears Shane wheeling close on his chair, but he doesn’t turn to look, locking his eyes on the monitor and busying himself with the familiar shifts and adjustments. He just needs a bit of time to clear his head, then he’ll recover the ability to be a half-decent friend again, he’s sure of it.
Ryan’s got his cursor hovering over the clip, leaning forward to keep an eye on the time markings when Shane loses a soft breath, his voice an awed murmur.
“God, you’re so cute when you’re focused."
And Ryan’s world freezes over.
Around the edges of his vision, he sees realization, surprise, and something like fear flit across the other man’s face. But Ryan doesn’t do much, just holds as still as he can, like he can stamp down the giddy hope in his chest before it even has a chance to rise, so he can convince himself that it’s all just a freakishly detailed fever dream, because Shane can’t have just said that.
Shane saw him as a friend, nothing more. Ryan does want that to be true, he really should.
Breathing is becoming such a fucking bother again, he thinks absently. Maybe if he didn’t do it, life would be much easier.
"Oh-oh god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to spring it on you like that, what kind of shitty friend am I—just,” Shane breaks off, dragging both hands through his hair and tugging in frustration. When he finally speaks he sounds broken, voice thick as if he’s holding back tears, “I’m so sorry.”
It’s all too much, there’s a loud rushing in Ryan’s head. He bolts out of his chair, needing the freedom in space to think, to process. His chest tightens when Shane flinches at the sudden movement, eyes wide, fingers white where they’ve wrapped around the arm of his chair in a death grip.
He needs air, Ryan thinks, and his feet start carrying him away, faster and faster. But Shane follows him, and it has always been like this, he supposes. Ryan takes the lead and Shane hops on for the ride, for better or for worse, always a steady presence at his side when he needs him the most. Sometimes even when he doesn’t want to.
Shane’s steps close in and he catches at Ryan’s arm, “Ryan wait, please.”
Ryan blinks hard, but he doesn’t get to wake up this time. Shane’s fingers are burning points of pressure on his mind.
He opens his mouth to speak but there’s a strange taste, two cool lines trace down his face and his vision is swimming, and oh wouldn’t it just be perfect if he blacked out, poor little Ryan, can’t even take a fucking joke without fainting—
“Oh god, don’t cry Ry, please, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“Was it a fucking joke.” Ryan bites out, voice barely louder than a whisper but it still comes out harsher than he means. He can’t look at Shane, so Ryan keeps his eyes down, stares at the mud on Shane’s boots from their last shoot. He needs to know.
“No,” Hurt, that’s what it is, and there’s far too much of it in Shane’s voice for it to be right. “No it wasn’t.” Shane lets go of Ryan’s hand to curls an arm around himself, and Ryan aches for the burning contact like it’s a physical wound.
“Oh.” It’s more a punched out puff of air than a word. Oh.
“I-” Shane swallows, eyes shifting then settling back on Ryan, “I was looking at you, and it-it slipped out, I’m sorry.”
The silence isn’t complete, of course it isn’t. The sound of traffic exists at all hours of the day here. But it still envelops Ryan, wrapping around his throat and trying to suffocate the words he’s struggling to form.
“Don’t be."
"What?” Shane breathes, hesitant, almost disbelieving, his eyes dart to search Ryan’s face, “you’re not saying—do you—”
“I think I can.” Ryan says, and he tastes truth on his tongue.
Not now, not even tomorrow, but maybe next week, or the week after that.
“You do?"
"I do.” He affirms, and Ryan’s throat closes up with something warm when a lopsided grin starts to form on Shane’s face, small and hopeful, a gentle flush creeping onto his cheeks. They’re just standing in the office looking at each other, and Shane’s hand lifts up a little as if to reach out, but he catches himself before it makes it into Ryan’s personal space.
“You wanna head back home? I’ll pack the popcorn.” Ryan can’t really breathe, so he just nods and offers Shane a watery smile.
Their fingers brush when Ryan hands Shane a blanket for the couch, the corners of Shane’s eyes are crinkling and Ryan is breathless. He’s been feeling like that a lot tonight, and it seems that life is determined to keep him that way with all the curveballs it’s been chucking at him.
But this time it’s not a bad feeling. Not at all.
He fiddles with his sleeve and watches Shane settle down, making his way around his apartment with a familiarity accumulated over years’ worth of movie nights and beers and popcorn.
It’s still too soon, and he doesn’t think he can do anything about this whole thing he’s got himself into. But he’s got Shane with him, and for once Ryan’s not afraid he’s going to leave.
And maybe, Ryan thinks. Maybe one day he won’t need to hide from his apartment and its empty spaces.
#this took way too long to write#sorry for the wait anon#i was 1.5k in and then my brain was just like fluff??? have some angst instead#but it's hurt/comfort I guess#things are okay at the end#shyan#bliss prompt#how did I twist it into something that i cried to write#i love dying and being dead#alex writes#also I am very proud to have used that 'oh' trope after ryan has that realization#i do love that one very much
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Interview with Una’to Bajhiri
Name ➔ “Una’to Bajhiri.”
Are you single?➔ “Not presently. We’ll see how my partners take to me falling to my curse completely though.”
Are you angry?➔ “Not much anymore.”
Are your parents still married?➔ “My brother says he killed our father, so I would have to say no. I don’t care either way.”
Birth Place ➔ “The South Shroud.”
Hair Color ➔ “It’s naturally white, but it’s only just poking through under the ink like stains it’s taken on”
Eye color ➔ “Seafoam green, for now.”
Birthday ➔ “All Saints Wake.”
Mood ➔ “Resigned and meloncholy. There is some turmoil and peace to it.”
Gender ➔ “Male, however I will wear what ever I desire.”
Summer or Winter ➔ “Winter. Summer in Ul’dah is terrible.”
Morning or Afternoon ➔ “Afternoon. Mornings are for quiet contemplation. ”
Are you in love? ➔ “Regrettably.”
Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔ “Certainly not. It’s lust, plain and simple to understand. Give it three moons and then maybe once the lust has passed I’ll believe in it for some.”
Who ended your last relationship? ➔ “Oh that would be my dearest long time friends with benefits Neffie. Though I suppose I might be ending that and others soon with the path I’m taking”.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ Una’to falls silent for a time, “Certainly if I haven’t before I will be soon in many ways, to many people.”
Are you afraid of commitments? ➔ “More than I would like to be. Especially right now. It’s scary to commit to the things that feel like cages, but it’s better than some other aspects.”
Have you hugged someone within the past week? ➔ “No, I don’t think so. It’s for the best.”
Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ “I’m certain I have, but the secret remains that I can’t say for certain.”
Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Oh, so many times over. I’ve had these questions before mind you. So I don’t think some aspects have changed too terribly.”
Love or Lust ➔ “Lust is easier than love. Trust me on this. Love is nice, but it hurts you in so many ways.”
Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Tea of all sorts. I’m not too keen on citrus based beverages or foods.”
Cats or Dogs? ➔ “Cats. Though I don’t own one. I have a pet fox who I’ll be leaving with Nezh’a... I hope they both stay safe.”
A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔ “I like a few best friends. The rest are fun to tease and torment for entertainment however. I wonder if this answer has changed since too many friends would mean too many people I might accidentally feed off of.”
Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Wild night out with most people. Certain ones earn a romantic night in, but there has to be some feeling and amount of play to it for it to really be fun.”
Day or Night ➔ “ All the interesting things happen closer to twilight and night. After the sun starts to sink the curtain rises on all sorts of entertainment. And mischief that leads into the trauma at times.”
Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Certainly not.”
Fallen down/upstairs ➔ “I’m fallible, and often sleep deprived. You can put two and two together..”
Wanting something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Oh, so deeply.”
Wanted to disappear ➔ “I’m about to in a way.”
Smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes tell all lies.”
Shorter or taller ➔ “Either or. Though I find I’m shorter than many a person, so it’s nice to have those taller ones to pester and see over crowds that I can’t see over.”
Intelligence or attraction ➔ “Intelligence usually. The more we can play games as we talk the better, and that takes some amount of wit.”
Hook-up or relationship ➔ “Hook-up's are easier for me. Less emotions involved that end up causing pain.”
Do you and your family get along? ➔ “Only with the others who are lost to our clan.”
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? ➔ “Some of them are good friends. Only some.”
Would you say you have a “messed up life”? ➔ “Who doesn’t? Though I must say mine is likely more messed up than usual.”
Who is your best friend? ➔ “I don’t think I really can say I have one. I’m rather insufferable to many people... I think Lina might have been my best friend and I’m just late realizing it now.”
Who knows everything about you ➔ “No one does, or ever will. Not even me. It’s for the best after all. Though I think a few people come close to knowing as much as I do.”
Tagged by @sola-ffxiv twice I think??? Thank you for the tags, have one very melancholy Una’to!
Tag you’re it @thorcatte, @skyysinger, and @uuliinoted.
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not sure about these, but Jaye seems like a Rogue of Breath, Dane could be a Bard of Void, and Drew a Knight of Rage?
I think I can see Rogue of Breath for Jaye, but I do have some hesitations, too.
The fact that he does a lot of what he does to make other people happy, regardless of his own happiness, definitely aligns with the Rogue dealio. They struggle with their aspect at first because they think they need its inverse for any number of reasons, and for Jaye, he thinks he needs to do what people find funny rather than do what he wants to do to ensure that a few random assholes online are happy - completely neglecting his own happiness in the process as well as his own creativity. He doesn’t really see any other option; sure, his actions are a bit mean, but people love them! People laugh over them! He’s obviously doing something right! Of course, his whole growth arc is realising he doesn’t actually need to do any of that. He can do whatever he wants, and people will actually enjoy that more. He can be free with himself and his own desires and people will actually probably like him more because of it. I think in that sense, Rogue of Breath works because what Jaye’s been doing the whole time is stealing the joy of some people to give to others - and a big part of Breath does seem to be the concept of Fun.
But at the same time, Breath seems too… distant for Jaye? He needs to learn to do what he wants and not to rely on the words of others, not to become totally free from the people around him. He needs to believe in himself and in what he thinks is fun and what he thinks is too far, and he needs to stick with it in order to find his own happiness - and the happiness of others! He needs to realise that, yes, maybe some people laughed at his pranks, but a lot more people were upset by them, and if he just does what he wants pretty much everyone will be happy. He’s got to learn that he can’t fall under the words of other people just because he wants to make them happy. It’s more moderation that’s his focus, not the all-encompassing distance that Breath seems to usually represent.
But that could also be the point? To be Realised he’d have to figure out the difference between doing what he wants and completely disconnecting from his friends and the people around him. His main goal in life is to make people happy - he wants to do all his magic, comedy, and acting just to make people smile - but I don’t know how much this translates to his friends? I’d almost say, in a way, he cares more about what people he doesn’t know think of him than what his friends think of him. He still tries to do what’ll make them happy, but not quite to the same degree.
This is one of the most annoying parts of Jaye!! I really struggle to think about what he’d actually do for his friends, because he almost treats them by a different set of rules. He’s as soft and sweet online as he is IRL, but he’s severely misguided in what he thinks he has to do. He thinks he needs to rely on the opinions of anonymous people online to actually be funny, because those are his biggest critics - but his friends get the Jaye who’s always kind and compassionate and attentive, if a bit naive. So I can definitely see Rogue as his classpect, but maybe not Breath.
The irony of Dane’s Classpect is that I originally had him as a Knight of Light, so classpecting him as a Bard of Void - almost the complete opposite - is stupidly funny to me. The irony, though, is that I can completely see this working. Dane is a fucking hoarder of secrets - he just seems to know everything, and he doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he knows them. He’s not sure why he knows because he doesn’t remember his dreams, and so he can’t say “yeah the horrorterrors are wordy assholes, they like to tell me shit”. But his whole thing ™ is that he is pretty upfront about the things he knows to such a degree that it seems completely improbable. He is convinced Mothman is real and will fight that to the grave, but Bigfoot? Nah man he’s fake. Never seen anything to suggest that one’s real.
His deal as a blogger also fits pretty well with it all; he’s always talking to people who hold importance online, in various communities, and he’s always finding new information and new leads that he maybe shouldn’t - especially in places you definitely wouldn’t expect it. Dane just honest breaks through every barrier Void could bring up without even trying, which perfectly aligns with the Bard of Void sort of accidentally figuring everything out in some way.
On the point of importance, too, the horrorterrors talking to him personally in his sleep? Pretty important. Colossally important. He’s got that aspect of it down pat.
The bit I’m stumbling over is the Bard’s whimsical nature and the eventual Bard split. Dane’ll have to reach a point where he stops ghosting Light and starts to show through as an actual Void player, and really I can exactly see that happening when he realises that he has no idea about the game at all. That sudden moment when he sees that everything he’s been told and understood comes from just one source, that there are secrets he never found out because of the nature of their session, that everything he knows essentially amounts to nothing and that he, essentially, achieved nothing… that his whole point of importance was pretty much a sham and he’s been living on the edge of popularity without really figuring anything out… oooh fuck I really like that. Especially since the point of a Bard’s progression is to control the whimsical nature being a Bard entails. Dane having to realise that yeah, a lot of the things he knew no longer matter, and some of the things he knew just mean nothing because of how their session works, and yeah maybe he’s not as important as he used to be, but he can still find the important things and the secrets that they need and he can still be important to his session and his friends. He might have to scale back a little bit, and in their version of the Scratch he definitely loses some of his initial importance, but in the end he really is one of the most important and valued players going (especially since, he later realises, his death is one of the things that leads to a Doomed session).
So yup that’s settled! Dane’s a Bard of Void! Makes his specibi and modii a little ironic, and I like that.
And holy crap why didn’t I think of Drew being a Knight of Rage before. It makes so much sense. He is constantly thriving off of fear, adrenaline, paranoia, and the negative emotions he stews himself in as a little exploit to cheat himself out of death (can’t die if you can’t sleep). He utilises everything he knows will keep those negative emotions going as a way to protect himself from the negative emotions of others, too, but also ends up - in a paradoxical way - using those very same negative emotions to protect his friends from himself (blocking them immediately when he’s frightened, for instance, so they don’t get the brunt of his Rage).
Even his later actions in trying to take control of the sessions works under this. He very secretly doesn’t think he’s ready for the session, and projects this onto his friends by thinking they’re not ready for it, either; it’s his own doubt in himself that makes him try to take all the responsibility, depriving the others of their growth. Which is a very negative thing and causes a lot of issues, yes, but that’s the part he has to grow from; to accept that he’s got to face his own negativity and figure out just where it is that his actual faults lie.
He’s also amazing at exploiting Rage. It’s something I always intended to be a thing, but for some reason associated with a more Heart-aligned class. This gives me a lot more room for character growth within him, as well as more of a reasoning behind who he is and what he does (and why, for instance, his abusive dad is the reason he changes). It also gives me a nice little tie-in to Homestuck with the fact that he was going to be one of the only characters to get a moirail - I’m pretty sure we’ve never seen a Rage player who hasn’t had a moirail at some point who ends up being the reason for their growth.
So, heck yes to the Knight of Rage for Drew!!
Holy crap, that’s three of these Classpects down already. That’s genuinely exciting. I am very excited by the fact that we’ve got Drew and Dane done, too, because these two are my babies and honestly my favourite of the bunch!!
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Hello ~ I would like to request (for all my fellow sleep deprived students) rfa + v and saerans reaction to mc who cant sleep well because of stress caused by school. Like sleeping a couple of hours at night and them napping and sometimes sleeping in the weekend like 15+ hours. Thank you :)) ~~~ sorry for my english and have a good day/night ~~~
Honey, I relate so hard. First term I got no sleep because I was so stressed with all the work given to me.
RFA + V and Saeran reacting to an MC unable to sleep due to stress from school
★ Yoosung ★
Honestly, he isn’t one to talk about not sleeping much considering the amount of video games he played during college. However, the difference between what he was doing and what you’re doing is that you are not sleeping because you are so stressed from school.
From the moment you get home to the moment you leave, you are frantically doing school work. Yoosung gets into bed pretty late in hopes that you will come and rest with him, but around midnight you are still usually working.
He tries to alleviate some of your stress by doing household chores you would normally do. For example, cleaning the dishes. However, he did a really bad job the first time so you had to redo it, but after that he got the hang of it and would do it for you.
He’ll also sometimes do the laundry. He had to do the laundry when living with his mom, so this isn’t something he messes up. What a sweetheart
To help you with sleep, Yoosung suggests cutting back on caffeine, so no more coffee. And he even decides to do it with you so you don’t feel alone.
“Yoosung, please, I need one more cup.”
“No, cutie, what you need is some sleep. If you are unable to continue without a cup of coffee, listen to your body and go to bed. Come on, we’ll go together and cuddle!”
Yoosung also suggests that you set yourself a regular bedtime, and once in bed, read. He buys you a whole stack of books in your favorite genre, and he’ll even read to you some nights.
♪ Zen ♪
You need to sleep.
He refuses to let this charade of you not sleeping go on for long. It is not healthy for you to only sleep three hours a night.
“But, Zen, I take naps during the day-”
“Jagi, that isn’t enough to keep you functioning. This isn’t healthy for you,” he says, pulling you in for a hug so he can rub your back and play with your hair.
Zen completely understands your stress with school. Before he dropped out of school, he admits to getting stressed with some of the work he was expected to do. He definitely thinks, however, that you are being too hard on yourself, and that it’s essential for you to take some breaks.
But the anxious look and expression on your face whenever you are pulled away from your work just shows him how much school means and effects you. He thinks your stress and anxiety with school is much more serious than it seems. “Jagi, please try to relax. It’s one paper, and from reading it over once I can tell you now it’s really good!”
Zen suggests going on twenty minute walks or runs with him to take your mind off of things. He tells you the fresh air will help you and put you at some peace.
He even says if you want that he’ll give you a piggyback ride around the neighborhoods!
To help you sleep, Zen will cuddle you under the sheets, the blanket wrapped snug around you guys, and he’ll just sing to you. Sometimes it will be songs from his latest musical, songs he knows you like, or he’ll just hum to you.
“Just listen to my voice. Let my voice be what drifts you into a deep slumber.”
Zen also likes to do stretches with you before bed not only to help you destress but to tire you out a little bit.
He positions you on your back with your legs against the wall. Sometimes he’ll massage your shoulders while you’re doing it, or he’ll join you.
❀ Jaehee ❀
Jaehee knows where you’re coming from. Her stress comes from work, but she understands completely not being able to sleep due to stress.
She is more than happy to help you and share some of her tips in dealing with stress and sleep. For one, she has lavender scented candles all around the apartment. Lavender is known for reducing anxiety with its lovely aroma. She makes sure every candle in the house is lit when you sit down at the desk to start your work.
Jaehee suggests limiting your caffeine; no coffee or tea past 8 o’clock. She even does it with you to encourage you, and so you don’t feel alone.
Instead of coffee, she suggests having a glass of hot milk before bed since she read online that milk helps you to sleep.
“Mm, thank you, Jaehee, but do you think maybe I could just have one cup of coffee instead?”
Jaehee frowns, putting the glass of milk on the bedside table. “If you have a coffee now, there is no way in hell that you are getting to sleep.”
“But I still have tons of work to do. I have a project that’s-”
“That’s not due for another week. You can afford to take a break from it, ok?” She won’t have any of your excuses.
Jaehee also suggests that you take a melatonin before bed. At first, you’re really hesitant about it, but after awhile you agree to taking it, and it does help to knock you out. However, that doesn’t solve the fact you are still incredibly stressed in bed, thinking about school even as you drift off to sleep.
After a while, realizing that the stress really is just consuming you, she suggests that you start seeing a professional to talk about your stress and to find proper ways to cope with it. That or see the counselor at your school.
☂ Jumin ☂
Like Zen, he refuses to let this go on for long; it is not healthy for you to only get three hours of sleep each night and then to sleep for more than 15 hours a day on the weekend. He has his doctors on speed dial and everything, and he’s already setting up appointments with therapists to help you with your stress once you tell him that’s the reason you can’t sleep.
The first time he saw your habit of no sleeping and swamping yourself in work, he was willing to let it go because he’s no better in all honesty.
But after a week and you finally confessing to having this issue all year, oh, he’s not having it and he’s doing whatever he can to help you. With stress and your sleeping.
Jumin arranges tea times for you and him. He believes not only will this help you to alleviate stress and to relax, but himself too. Everyday at 5, you will put your school work down and he’ll put his work down, and the two of you will go to the kitchen to have some tea.
Jumin makes your favorite tea and brings some cookies too for you guys to nibble on. If you are still visibly stressed, he’ll ask you to explain to him what it is exactly in your school work that is stressing you out, and if there is anything he can assist you with.
“I don’t want to take you away from your work, darling. I can figure it out I’m sure,” you say, though there is uncertainty in your voice.
Jumin frowns, reaching across the table to take a hold of your hand. “Sweetheart, I am more than willing to help you. I can take an hour of my time to assist you, especially if it means that you can at least get some sleep tonight.”
Jumin also regularly during the week will take you to a sauna; a nice big one reserved for just the two of you too.
Jumin is a little clueless at first when it comes to helping you sleep. As much as he thinks stress is a huge aspect of your inability to sleep, he also thinks you may have some insomnia. He first off decides to get a new and more comfortable mattress that is more supportive to your back. It’s soft, warm, cushiony.
Jumin will also read to you at night. He’ll have you rest with your head on his lap, and he’ll let you chose the book too. And hell, he’s reading till you fall asleep. It doesn’t matter if it means he’s reading for about three hours, he’s not stopping until he knows you are asleep.
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
Seven can not be talking here. He is no better than you are, and if anything, he is worse. But still, that doesn’t stop the fact he is incredibly concerned with your sleeping habits.
It’s totally ok for him to sleep at iradical times, but you, no. Immediately he’s doing research on insomnia and proper ways to help someone with stress. He’s hacking into your school to see the agendas.
Seven offers going on walks when he sees you at your desk, visibly anxious and getting yourself worked up. “Honey? The fresh air is calling for us. Maybe we can even get a ride on my phoenix.”
“That sounds wonderful, honey, but I have– SAEYOUNG!”
No buts, no nuts, no coconuts, he is pulling you out of your chair and dragging you outside. If he has to, he’s handcuffing you to him and he’s dragging you around the neighborhood. That may only just stress you out more, so he’ll start to tell you funny stories and jokes till you’re distracted from the work left at home and more relaxed.
To help with sleep, he has the house automatically dim the lights around 8 o’clock each night. This can be a bit of problem sometimes since Saeran and Vanderwood really attest to it.
“Can’t you atleast wait till 9?”
“Idiot brother, I can’t read my book now!”
Seven also likes to do exercises before bed. The exercises does it’s job, tiring you out, but also a lot of fun, making you both laugh. “Now the happy baby pose! No crying babies. Honey, I think you just made the sound of Yoosung’s emoticon!”
❆ V ❆
His sweet girl is stressed, and it’s causing inability for her to sleep, and he hates it. He hates that whenever you come home from school, after kissing him and offering to make tea, the first thing you do is sit right at your desk and work.
And you work for about 6 hours straight, with only a few bathroom breaks and one break for dinner. V think’s it’s great that you are hardworking and focused on school, but he feels you are too hard on yourself, and if you don’t learn to take a break, or just sleep, you’ll grow sick.
It’s incredibly concerning when he’s getting into bed around 11 and he still sees you at the desk with the lights on, a cup of coffee besides you and your hand wringing through your hair. He’s pretty sure the most sleep you get in a week is about 8 hours, and that is what you should be getting every day!
And on the weekends, you’ll be in bed for 16 hours. Once time you nearly slept through a Saturday. V knows he can’t let this go on for much longer. It isn’t good for your physical or mental state.
He sits you down and asks you to tell him specifically what it is that is making you stressed in school; projects, papers, big tests, what is it?
“Well, I have a really big test in my Chemistry class coming up. And if I fail this test, it could bring my whole GPA down, and if that happens, then-”
“Sweetheart, calm down. You need to slow your heart rate.” He takes a hold of your hand and massages your palm lightly. “Here, why don’t you show me what it is you need to study for your Chemistry class, and maybe I can help you.”
V will put all his work aside to help you – even if it means he’ll have more work later on. What matters to him is that you are calm and relaxed, and he feels if he leaves you alone for any longer than an hour to work, you’ll drive yourself mad.
V limits screens, for the both of you, each night. Of course, he won’t force you, but he really enforces that you come off of any computers, any phones at around 9 and start to settle down. He suggests that you guys build a puzzle together if you’re still will awake.
Normally, the peacefulness and quietness of the puzzle building helps you to become sleepy. One night, and he was quite happy about this, you fell asleep on top of the puzzle, and he carried you to bed.
He gets a better mattress. One that is more comfortable and suitable for your back and supporting you in general. As a little stress reliever, he even suggest that you guys jump on the bed together, and then do another activity to wear each other at~
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
At first, Saeran didn’t really notice that you were so stressed from school and hardly sleeping since he was so concentrated on getting his own health back on track.
But when he finally does see just how little sleep you get and just how stressed out you really are with all the work from school, he feels terrible for not noticing before and not doing anything to help you.
Now watching you, he can’t figure out how he didn’t realize or notice you were only getting about three hours of sleep a night, and if not with him always at your desk doing work, and using the weekend to sleep for about 18 hours!
He brings it up casually over a bowl of ice cream at the dining table. You’re sitting next to him, the two of you have your pinkies hooked and your shoulders touching; a simple gesture of affection.
“MC? How is school?”
“School? Oh, well… it’s stressful, but you don’t have to worry about it.”
Saeran frowns. “I’m worried about your sleeping.”
“Oh… I am too, but you don’t need to concern yourself with that. I’ll figure something out. I… promise.” Oh, Saeran is going to worry, no matter what you tell him. And he’s going to help you whether his actions are subtle or obvious.
Saeran first has to look up what to do to help someone sleep and deal with stress. He tries to think back to some things you did with him when he was having particularly bad nights sleeping, or when he was stressed over life in general.
Saeran starts with making work around the house a little easier for you. Still living in the bunker, Seven hardly does anything, and when Vanderwood isn’t working, it’s normally you tidying up, doing the laundry or making dinner.
Saeran decides to start by doing the laundry so you don’t have to do it or worry about it while you’re doing your work. He also downloads some cooking recipes on his computer so he can cook dinners once and awhile.
Saeran decides to establish a regular bedtime with you. He thinks for one, not only will it be beneficial for you, but it will help him out too. “9 o’clock every night? But… I don’t know if I will be done, honey?”
“I don’t care. Having an established bedtime will help you with sleep. If you still have work to do, you can get up early in the morning.”
Before bed, Saeran always brings you a glass of warm milk because he read online that milk, especially when warm, facilitates sleeping.
Saeran will give you massages, even if you don’t ask from them – sometimes you will, and sometimes you just let him grab you and tend to you. He has you lay on your stomach so he can massage your shoulder and back. And with lying down in the bed, his hope is for you to drift off to sleep.
In general, to help with both the stress and lack of sleep, Saeran is very comforting. When he sees you’re stressed, he compliments you and encourages you, reminding you it’s ok to take breaks. “I’d really like some ice cream. You should get some with me.”
“You look so beautiful when you’re concentrating… but I think you should take a break. You’d look even more beautiful relaxed.”
When he sees you struggling to sleep, he’ll kiss your cheek or neck and pull you to him. He’ll soothingly rub your back and stroke down your hair.
“Try listening to my heart. That might help you.”
Requests are closed right now, but to find rules of requests you can check out my masterlist page!
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I would like to thank @leaalda for making these amazing banners.
This is an effort to spread the word about all fan fiction writers in our little fandom. If you would like to be featured or nominate a writer, please contact me. Please reblog this post if you can and check out some of @believe-that-you-can-my-friend work!
1. First things first, if someone wanted to read your stories where can they find them.
My tumblr account is believe-that-you-can-my-friend and anyone can find my masterlist by clicking on the menu button (the three parallel lines at the top of my sidebar) and then choosing “My Bughead Stories”. You can also find me on AO3.
2. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m Vera, I’m from Greece and I’m currently on the 23rd decade of my life. I’m a Classical Studies graduate and I’m considering doing a Master’s too. I’m a major foodie, a fashion and style enthusiast, an avid dancer and an old school rock lover. A quite sarcastic human being trying to make it in this world with the attitude of your average clown-friend.
3. What do you never leave home without?
Probably my phone, as true to our 21st century standards. Plus, my headphones and my sunglasses.
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I’m a night owl for sure. I hate early mornings and I love sleep but I also can never go to bed before 2 or 3 am.
5. If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?
I would want to live in the Pokémon world or the Harry Potter universe but during the Marauders era. Witty and utterly smitten James Potter, rebel with a cause Sirius Black, the First Wizarding War, this is a true fantasy right there that I’ll never ever outgrow.
6. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
There are a lot of Greek people that you guys, obviously, won’t know. Not many international celebrities in my resume, I’m afraid. But I briefly chatted and took a picture with Jim Chapman from YouTube while I was visiting London two years ago.
7. What are some of your favorite movies/TV?
I enjoy a lot of different movie genres but I guess an old Hollywood one, some good old Hitchcock or anything drama are my typical choices most times. Out of the top of my head, definitely Gone with The Wind, Casablanca, Pulp Fiction, The Breakfast Club and such. As for TV shows, Lost is always first in my heart. Current favorites would be Sense8, Stranger Things, Westworld, Riverdale.
8. What are some of your favorite bands/musicians?
That’s a question that would take me pages to answer. Long story short, I’m a cultural chaos regarding music. I listen to almost everything, my Spotify has a tone of personal playlists and my vinyl collection is reaching a terrifying extend. My favorite genre is definitely classic rock but I also really love alternative rock, indie rock, and rock ‘n’ roll. On an average day, I’m usually blasting something along the lines of The 1975, then Pink Floyd, then Frank Sinatra, then Tchaikovsky, then Kanye West, then The Killers and so on and it’s a miracle that I still manage to stay a somewhat sane person.
9. Favorite Books?
Anything Jane Austen, Bronte Sisters or Dostoyevsky can get me going. But for the level of angst and devotion and truly wicked love my favorite one is Wuthering Heights.
10. Favorite Food?
Chicken curry with rice. I also really love shrimps.
11. Biggest pet peeve?
Probably people that chew very loudly. Or ignorant and uneducated people, not in the academic sense of the word, but ill-mannered and rude.
12. What did you want to be when you were little? What do you want to be now?
For many years I wanted to be an architect. This plan though sunk because my sketching skills are equivalent of a two year old. So, I ended up studying the Classics (basically the study of the Greco-Roman world, particularly of its languages and literature, but also including philosophy, history, and archaeology.) This field and area of studies is something I very much enjoy and value but I don’t really see it as my lifetime job. What fascinates me and makes me passionate about is Journalism so I’m thinking about extending my studies in the journalistic field as well. And then of course there is writing; the ultimate dream.
13. What are your biggest fears? Do you have any strange fears?
I’m scared of wasps, only because I’m allergic to a lot of things and, seriously, I don’t wanna push my luck. Another one would be my odd phobia of getting nauseous and being sick. For some weird reason I associate vomiting with death. Other strange fears, no, nothing comes to mind. As for more fundamental ones, it’s the fear of ending up alone; loneliness is something that scares me deeply. Also, disappointing my inner perfectionist by being average or not good enough at any aspect of my life.
14. When you are on your deathbed what would be the one you’d regret not doing?
Live more. I have a very composed and rational mentality, I always think first and then act and generally I’m more of an observer than a doer. I regret, for example, not being a crazier teenager or a more reckless college student or generally a little bit more “loose”. Hopefully, my introverted self will stop watching stoically life passing her by and take more chances by the time I reach that final moment, haha.
Okay… let’s talk about your writing!
15. Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for the Bughead fandom?
Where The Wild Roses Grow – Angst is the air I breathe, enough said.
16. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot?
Up until now I used to write only Bughead prompts and one-shots so, plot wise, I can’t think of any of them causing me too much headache. I could say Fruit Punch Lips & Leather Jacket Dreams, only because of the length of the chapters and the hurricane of ideas I had in my mind. Right now I’m trying my hand at my first multi-chaptered fic for the Bughead fandom and I can definitely say that it is proving to be quite the task in terms of planning and prioritizing.
17. How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? Do you people watch? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?
For me, it’s mostly TV and movies. I always make parallels between plotlines and couples so a lot of ideas do come from stuff that I have seen on the big screen or during a marathon of an old show. But they also come from everyday life, I mean I could be discussing something with my best friend or doing groceries or driving and something along the way would strike me and demand from me to write it on paper.
18. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
I really really wanted (and still want, to be honest) to write a Dancing With The Stars Bughead fic. I know it’s crazy and totally random but the idea had stuck in my head while I was watching some dancing videos on YouTube and instantly I had everything planned; the roles, the plot, the dancing sessions, the choreographies, the drama, everything. I gave up on the idea merely because it’s quite difficult to portray such show on paper and I was afraid that the scenes in my head would turn out totally different if I attempted to write them, so I’ll treasure this story in my heart and think fondly about it whenever I listen to a song I had picked for a Bughead dance-off. But you never know; maybe my muse will be more confident about helping me give life to this idea in the future.
19. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
I wouldn’t say it’s my least favorite but I don’t feel very confident about Heliophilia, the second chapter of Fruit Punch Lips & Leather Jacket Dreams. There are a lot of things that I like in the chapter obviously, but I find the beginning a tad cheesy and then at the part with Betty’s and Jughead’s date I believe that I just ramble on and on with no purpose whatsoever. I was very inspiration-deprived while working on that chapter so, to me at least, it feels like not my best work.
20. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
Jughead raised as a Serpent in my latest fic. I like the dynamic the gang element gives to his character and I really wanted to explore it in my own little universe. It just adds another layer to his personality and diverse characters are always the most fun to work with. Also, #GirlNextDoor was very fun to write. Being in Jughead’s shoes as an accomplished writer and envisioning future Bughead in their own adult apartment had me overwhelmed with lovely feelings.
21. Favorite character to write?
Jughead, for sure. Maybe because I relate more to his quite nature or maybe it’s the fact that I appreciate the writer in him and his old soul, which are again qualities that I have too as a person. He has so much potential as a character, so many layers to peel off. Yeah, Jughead Jones is a delight for me to write.
22. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written?
I don’t think I have something specific in mind. If I go back and read any of my stories, I always find something that I feel pretty confident about, either that’s a sentence or a whole paragraph. I guess that’s why it takes me so long to update; I always check and double-check and reread and erase and add until I feel positive that what I’m putting out is something I’m quite satisfied to present to all of you. That and the fact that me, a Victor Hugo wannabe, doesn’t know the usage and the importance of a full stop!
23. Best comment/review you’ve ever received?
Every single one. Literally. The fact that somebody takes the time to write even a single “great work” means the world. Yes, the long, commentary-like reviews are always an extra delight; every author would agree on that, because, we love receiving feedback that shows the emotion and the reaction our words brought to each reader. It’s very direct and on-point. But even just a thumb’s up or an incoherent array of vowels can literally make my day!
24. How do you handle bad reviews or comments?
I’m one of the fortunate ones that never got any bad reviews or hate comments. I hope it stays that way because, on a good day, my confidence as a writer (and as a person in general) is beneath zero! But constructive criticism is always welcomed and wanted.
25. If you could change anything in any of your stories, what would it be?
The occasional typos! They drive me nuts, I hate them and I hate myself for them. Also, I’d like to remind myself to put a damn full stop every once in a while, not only a plethora of commas in insanely long sentences!
26. What is your favorite story you’ve ever written? Any fandom?
I was very into Spaleb (Spencer and Caleb from Pretty Little Liars) for as much as it lasted and, amongst a few other stories, I’ve written an one-shot titled The First Cup of Coffee about the four times Spencer gets the first cup of coffee in the morning and a fifth that she realizes she wants Caleb to have that privilege. Basically, it’s five snapshots of their life together and the growth of their relationship through the years and I really enjoyed writing it and generally envisioning a future about that couple. I also had a great time writing about Klaus and Caroline from The Vampire Diaries. But none of my previous fanfiction experiences amounts to the utter excitement and joy writing for Bughead fills me with.
27. What are you reading right now? Both fan fiction and general fiction?
Fanfiction wise, I need a lot of catching up to do. I have so many fics that I either want to continue or start reading and so little time but I’m getting there. It’s personal at this point! As for general fiction, I’m reading Uncle Vanya by Chekhov and some various poetry.
28. Do you have an advice for writers that want to get into this fandom but might be scared?
Just write. Open a plain document and write. Write whatever you have in that brilliant head of yours, write what you would read if you were about to search between genres and plotlines. Don’t think about note numbers or people’s reaction; just write what your heart desires and your muse urges you too. If you enjoy what you write then, trust me, everyone is going to enjoy it too. Don’t doubt yourself and don’t try to change your style or adjust to any norms you might consider as successful. Writing is personal, a kind of identity, and it’s unique and mesmerizing so proudly present your own identity to the world. Also, be sure to support your fellow writers. We are all a team here, a group of people that enjoy the same passion, and love and recognition is always a must. So applaud your fellow Buggies and applaud yourself for everything that you put out in this fandom, either that is a 40k fic or just a fifty-word paragraph. What you write matters and it might change somebody’s day. So share it and never second-guess yourself.
#bughead author spotlight#fan fiction#fan fiction writers#ao3#Bughead#bughead fanfiction#betty cooper#jughead jones#betty x jughead#jughead x betty#riverdale#believe that you can my friend#where the wild roses grow#fruit punch lips and leather jacket dreams
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There exists a particularmemory legal requirements. It appears just like that:
1. The knowledge and that is offered initially and afterwards repairs in kinds mind significantly better.
2. Better you realize the higher quality you keep in mind.
3. In addition someone recalls incomplete projects, deeds, and ideas.
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Methods To Enhance Reminiscence
1. Tend not to avoidphysical schooling. Perhaps it will audio crazy yet it is the case. Game tends to make coursework writing your minds solid and able to prevent.It supplies solution to air which minds require. Also, it fortifies human body and lowers likelihood of some disorders which ruin remembrance.Exercise routines boost the volume of important harsh chemicals which promote recollection. You can find experiments which verify it. Stress and anxiety is not going to affect us after we are getting set for athletics.
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2. Have agood sleeping. Relaxation deprivation impacts the capability of this minds to plan keeping in mind.Steady sleep at night is just about the aspects that have an affect on reminiscence. Tablets and antidepressants change in a negative way recollection. So, pick out one other way to raise memories-task. If you happen to have buy coursework to have articles about appeal and cause harm to of tablets, we are prepared to cause it to be. Just jot down us this, Do my task to me straight away.
See your mattress simultaneously each night to get up each morning at regular hr.Remain faithful to 1 program on a regular basis. Keep away from smart gentle at night and never spend time at home pc keep an eye on. Also, it is preferable avoiding watching television or maybe favourite film. You should not beverage caffeine just before bed furniture. It is preferable to pick out a mild natural and organic green tea.
3.Study help with coursework guides and strengthen storage.Whenever people check out, they key on aesthetic and generator reminiscence. The minds start to perform relating to abstract and courseworks associative imagining. The greater the you see the much better will be the remembrance. Moreover, it can make products breadth of intellect greater.
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7.Reside definitely not tense occasions. We now have mentioned previously that worry could be the adversary within your storage. Men and women that knowledge strain often have substantial difficulty with mind in different your age.
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Green leaf tea, fresh fruits, and vegetables and fruits are rich in ingredients which take care of minds. Reddish vino promotes memories when consume it sparingly. Seafood consists of omega-3. It facilitates thought process wellness.
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